The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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1 ■ f \\ i I .'" In 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 12 m HI I i 1 If. E? I . J! f r ii : ! .; I 1 i! HI ROUTE LIST . DRAMATIC & MUSICAL Iloutri Intended for Thla Colnmn - Hut neaeh Tlil« Office Not Later Than Saturday Before Day of Publication to Insure Insertion. Adinu, Maude—Msrshalltowii, It., 0, Waterloo 10, Dubuque 11, Clinton 12. . _ "All Aboard"—bow Field*' Forty-fourth 8treet Roof Oarden, New York, ladellnlte. Bate*, Blanch*—Oakland, Oal., 8-10, Stockton 11, Fresno 12, Lou Aniele* 14-10. "Bought and l'ald Kor"—Wm. Brndj's, Ltd.— Touring England. .OarIeton Sisters (Vamer * MonUoawy, nigra.) —clarion. lad., Indefinite. Oaltaban Drsmatle—Matou, III.. T-0. "Oormtrr Ctrl, The"—Montgomery, Ala., 7-13, , Hot Springs, Ark., 14-10. • l Ki«ywoman' l -4I. W. Sarage'f—Oaklan.l, Cal.. For l'opular I'larer* (Roy B. Fox. rap.) —Sara- toga, Tex., T-12. _ . "Olrl Outlaw, The" (Clyde Anderson, nvrr.)— -Ban Antonio, Tex., 0. Houstoa 10-12, OaWes- ton 13-10, Uk* Oharlea, La., 17, Lafayette Hatfield,'lolly Fannie—Oswego, M. T., Indefinite. Hltcbcock, Raymond—Winnipeg, Man.. 7-10, Grand Forks. N. Dak., 17, Orookston, Minn., 18. Duluth 10. „ . , . . ... "Ilanky I'anky"—Log Angeles. Oal., ""Je"""'- McOlntey. Bob * K»a—Oole Harbor, N. Dak., 7-1), Wnaliburn 11. 12. Utrki Broa.' Co. (R. W. Marka, mgr.)—Bimll- ton, Can., Indefinite. ■ Morton Opern—Albany, N. T„ Indefinite. Marti. Al!—North Oonwaj. N. II., i, '^MaM Betlileliem 12. Jefrerawf M, Concord 15, Hard- wick 10. Morrlsrllle 17. . . Haaon. John—Seattle, W**b., 0-12, Portland, Ore., 13-19 "Mission Pity"—Mission Playbouae, Lpa Angeles, Oal., Indefinite. . _. .. _ , "Missouri Olrl, The"—Norton a Rlth'a—Chicago, "Oh*! Obf'Delpatne"—lywlon, Kng., Indefinite. "Purple Rosd, The"—Casino, hew »ork, Indett- •rawing Show of 1012"'—Obrt, San Fran., CM., raragon'olrla, The. No. t (Oeo. Oehow, mgr->— Paragon Park, Nantaakct Beach, Mnss., Indefl- farogon Olrls, The (Deo Oebow, mgr)—Berlin, Ont.. Can.. 7-12. Trlncess Oblck"—San Fran., Cal., 0-12. tusk niibe* Co. (J. W. Busk, mgr. (—Auburn, N. ¥., Indefinite. •chert, Frlttl—Otilcnco, Indefinite. "Sweetest 01tI In Dixie"—Qulnu Bros.' western —OhlcoEO 7-19. _ . , , „ ,. Isylor Laurette—Oort, New York, Indefinite. Tlk-Tok Man of Oa"—Chicago, indeflnlle. •Typhoon, Tlio"—lotidon, Bng., indetliilte. •Trip to Paris"—Blrmlngbatn, Ala., 7-13, Nas.i- vlAe. Tenn., 20-27. "Urxlo Tom's Cabin"—Dickey 4 Terry's—Monti- cello, 111., 0. Mncon 10, Pana 11, Assumption 12, Mr.ros 14, Farmer City IB, Clinton 111, Ma- son Clly 17, Easton 18. Havana 10. t'nmer, H. II. (Maurlco Campbell, mgr.)—Oort, ClilcoBo, inileflnlte. m _ MM "Wlltln the Law"—F4llrge, New York. Indefinite. "H'licn. Dreams Como True"—Garrlck, Culraao, Indefinite. "Yel'ow Jacket, The"—0/ondon, Ens.. Indefinite. tlegfcld'a Folll«« of 1013 (Florenz Zletrfeld. uigr.) —Nen* Anioterdiun, New York, Indefinite. STOCK AND MUSICAL COMEDIES. Permanent and Triivclinc;. Academy of Music Stock—Wm. Fos's—Academy, New York, Indefinite. Achdemy Stock (P. B. Henderson, mjr.)—Jersey City. N. J., indefinite. Acailmny Stock—Washington. D. 0., Inileflnlte. Arrlne Players—Lancaster, Pa., Indefinite. Alcaisr Stock—San Fran., Cal., Indefinite. Aubrey Stock, No. t (D. Otto Ulttner, mgr.)— Huntliigton, "Vf. Vs., Indefinite. Albee Stock^I'roTldence, B. 1„ inileflnlte. BImIioii rimers (II. W. Blsbop, mgr.)—Oakland, Oal.. Indefinite. Burns' Stock ll'nul Burns, mgr.)—National Phila- delphia, Indefinite. Bubler, Rlcbtiril, Stock (A. G. Dclomatcr. mgr.)— Columbus, 0., Indefinite. Beascy, Jack, Stock—Alrdome, Dubuque, In., In- definite. Bryant, Billy, Stock—Frankfort, Ky.. 712. Barrett Players (J. B. Barrett, mgr.)—Haielton, Pa., lnlcunlte. Bryant. Margaret, Stock—McKeesiiort, Pa„ In- definite. Broadway Stock—Bayonne. N. J., Indefinite. Baldwin-Melville Stock—Buffalo, Indefinite. Boyer, Nancy, Stock—Jersey City, N. J., Indefi- nite. Buil ft Henry Musical Comedy—McAlester, Okla-, T-12, OkinclRii. 14-10. Broadway Stock—Springfield, Mass., Indefinite. Bunting, Emma, and Players — Memphis, Tenn., Indefinite. Baylles-lllcks' Stock—Fall Hirer, Mass., Indefi- nite. Crercent Players—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., Indefinite. Oolonlnl Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mgr.)—Shel- burne, N, 3., 0, 10, 'Lockport 11-12. Liverpool 14, 15, Lunenburg 10, 17, Brldgewatcr 18, 10. Colonial Stock (Holden & Edwards, mgrs.)—In- dianapolis, Ind., Indednlte. Oolcnlal Stock—Olerelanl, 0., Indefinite. Columbia Players—Washington, Indefinite. Cslsmlth Stock—Reading, Pa., Indefinite.- Colonial Stock—Salt Lake City, U., Indefinite. Cook 4 Haas' Comedy—Sayrc, Pa., Indefinite. CornelLPrico Players—Sault Ste, Marie, Mich., 7- 10. College Olrln ainnlonl rbmedy—SUverton Ool., 7- 12, Peeosa Springs 14, IB, Ohasma, N. Mex., 17, Antonlto, Col., in. Darls Stock (Harry Davis, mgr.) — Pittsburgh, Pa., indefinite. Dudley, Frank, a Associate Players — Galveston, Tex., Indetliilte. Dettnar A- King's Musical Comedyi—Denver, Ool., indefinite. Be Vere, Vere, Stock—Lawrenco, Kan., 7-12. Drama Players (K. WcbIoii, mgr.)—Lowell, Mass., indefinite. Dillon A King's Musical Comedy—Oakland, Cal., Indefinite. Dominion Stock—Ottawa, Can., Indefinite. De (Iroote Stock (Rd. De Qrooto, mgr.)—Char- lotto, N. O. Indefinite. Dramatic Stock—SI. Louis. Indefinite. Douitherty Stock—Scdalla Mo., 7-12, Nevada 14- 111. Delntar Stock—St. Louis, Indefinite. Itnplre Slock (Bergman ft Todd, mgrs.)—Lu- sting, Mich., Indefinite. Ferguson Urea.' Stock (A. B. ft A. 0. Ferguson, mgrs.)—Oklahoma City, Okla., Indefinite. Frank, John K,, Stock (0. Ausklns, mgr.)—Su- perior, Wis., till Jul; 20. Flnii! A Otlpln Stock—Merrill, Wis., 7-10. Fealy-nnrkln Co.—Denver, Ool., Indefinite. Callnp Stock (Bert R. aallup. mgr.)—Webb City, Mo., 7-12. Ollnton 14-10. Oreenpfllnt l'lnyers—B. V. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y„ Inileflnlte, Cinnlvan k Good Dramatic—Burr Oak.. Mich,, 712. Cay Slaters' Musical Oouiedy—Martlnslmrg. W. Va.. 7-12. Closer Stock (W. B. Oaryn, mgr.)—Olcvelaud, O., Indefinite. Cothnin Sloek—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N, Y., Indefinite. Carman, J. V Haverhill. Mass., 7-12. Caret y Theatre Stock (Oliss. Franklyn, mgr.)— Hobokrn, N. J., Inileflnlte. Corman, J. W., Oo,—Portland, itfe., Indefinite. Crnnd Opera House Stock (Louis Barr, mgr.)— Brooklyn, N. XV, Indefinite. Cordon, Bleanor, Stock—Pl>TOouth. Boston. Indefi- nite. Corman. J. IV.—Boston, Indefinite. flnywsrd, Qrayce (Oeo. M. Holts, mgr.)—War- rington, Chicago, Indefinite. Huntington, Wright—St. Paul, Minn., indefinite. niglev-naTrlngton Stock—Mobile, Ala., .ndeflnlte. Harrington Stock—Shawnee, Okla., Indefinite. Hall Player*—Altoona, Pa., Indefinite. Hudson Stock—Hoboken, N. J., indefinite. Home Stock—Akron. O., indefinite. Hunter-Ilrsrtford Plnyer*—Hartford, Otmn., 7-12. Hayes. Lucy M., ft Players—Omaha, Neb., In- definite. _ . ... Howard Stock—Vancouver, B. 0., Can., Indefinite. Homan Stock—Providence, B. I., Indefinite. Hampton Stock—Charleston, B. 0., Indefinite. lllllman's Ideal Btock (Harry Sohns. mgr.)— Springfield. Mo., 0-12. Carthage 141». lllllman's Ideal Stock—Omaha, Neb., Indefinite. "We of Joy. The," Musical Ootnedy—Hot Spring?, Jacobs" Stock (Geo. W. Jacobs, mgr.)—Newark, N. J., Indefinite. _ Jefrersou Theatre Stock (Julius Cahn, mxr.)— Portland, Me., Indefinite. •• i Kelly. Wm. J., Btock (Bd. Kelly, mgr.)—Salt Lake City, I'.. Indefinite. Keith Stock—Toledo, O.. Indefinite. Keltli Stock—Portland, Me., Indefinite. Kllmt A Oazsolo Stock—Baltimore, Md., lndefi- Kovacs' Stock (Bdw. A. Kovacs, mgr.)—Perth Amboy, N, J., Indefinite. Keyes Sisters Stock (O. A. Keren, mgr.)—Clarks- burg. W. Va., Indefinite. _ « Kellard Slock (Ralph Ketisrd, mgr.)—Syrscnse, N. Y., Indefinite. King Dramatic (Obas. P. King, mgr.)— Living- ston, Tex., indefinite. . .. Knkkerbocker Stock, No. 1—^Eugene J. Murphy s —Terre Haute, Ind., 7-12, Elwood 14-20. Knlckexljocker Stock. No. 2—Eogeno J. Murphy's -^Mt, Vernon, III., 7-10. La Roy Stock AHarry La Roy, mgr.)—Oppertnan, O., 7-12, OusBberland 14-10. Lorch Stock (Theodore Lorcb, mgr.)—Passaic, N. J., Indefinite. _ _ .-i la Porte. May, Stock—Jamestown, N. I. ladefl- nlte. Lllley Stock—Chllllcothe, 0„ Indefinite. Lyceum Stock (Fox ft King, mgrs.)—Olden, U.. lndeflnlt*. Lonergnn Stock—Lowell, Mass., lndeflnlt*, Lytell-Vaughan Stock—Albany, N. Y., Indefinite. Latlmore ft Leigh Oo.—Lynchburg, Va., Indefinite. Lang Stock—Denver, Indefinite. Long Beach Stock—Long Beach, N. Y., Indefinite. Manchester Players—Fine Arts, Chicago, indefi- nite. Matthew-RIIIott Co.—Llnyi, 0., Indefinite. Morrison Stock (Lindsay Morrison, mgr.)— Lyra, Mass., Indefinite. Mallcy-Denlson Stock—Fall River, Mass., 7-12. Murat Stock—Indianapolis, indefinite. Mountain Theatre Stock—Hamilton, Can., indefi- nite. Morosco Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Oal.. Indefinite. Majestic Stock—Topeka, Kan., Indefinite. Manhattan Stock—Manhattan Opera House, New- York City. Indefinite. Manhattan players—Trenton, N. J.. Indefinite. Modern Drama Players (O. O. Munthe, mgr.)— Charleston, 8. 0., Indefinite. Manhattan Opera Co.—BImIra, N. Y., Indefinite. Mayer Stock— Haverhill. Mass., Indefinite. Metropolitan Btock—Cleveland, 0., indefinite. Maher, Phil., Stock—Clayton, N. T_ 7-12. National Stock—Philadelphia. Indefinite. National Stock—Washington, D. 0., Indefinite. Newton Musical Comedy—Albany, N. Y., indefl- NoTtlumpton Players—Star, Buffalo, Indefinite. nlte. Newton Stock—McAlester, Okla., 14-10. Obrecht Stock (Christy Obrecht, mgr.) —La Crosse, Wis.. Indefinite. Orpheutu Players (Frank Williams, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, Indefinite. Opera House Stock (Reed ft Zabrlakle, mgrs.)— Peterson. N. J., Indefinite. Oliver Drams Players (Otis Oliver, mgr.)—La Fayette, Ind., Indefinite. Oliver Drama Players (Ed. Williams, mgr.)— Oshkosh. Wis., Indefinite. Orpbeuin Players—Montreal, Can., Indefinite. Olympic Park Opera—Newark, N. J., ladeflnlte. Poll Stock (Oordou Wrlghter, mgr.)—Springfield, Mass., Indefinite. Prlngle, Delia, and Stock (0. K. Van Auken, mgr.)—Moose Jaw, Sask., Can., Indefinite. Prltchnrd's Select Players—Orpheum, Hancock, Mich., Indefinite. Poll Players (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton, D. 0., Indefinite. Payton,.Joe, Slock—Newark, N. J., Indefinite. I'nnatna Stock—Fall River, Mass., 30-Aug. 23. Princess Players (0. L. Richards, mgr.)—Ta- conis, Wash., Indefinite. Princess Stock (Elbert ft Oetchell. mgrs.)—De* Moines, la., Indefinite. Pennsjent Playera—Edmonton, Can., Indefinite. Pearl Stock (A. A. Webster, mgr.) — Vallamont Park, Wllllamsport, Pn.. all Sept. 0. Peruchl-Gypzeno Stock (A. Peruchl, mgr.)—New Orleans La., Indefinite. Poll Stock—Waterbury, Conn., indefinite. Poll Stock—WIlkes-Barre, Pa., Indefinite. Poll Stock—Hertford, Conn., Indefinite. Poll Stock—Scrsnton, Pa.. Indefinite. Poll Stock—New Haven, Conn., Indefinite. Rusk-Blsbee Stock—Jofftftson. Auburn, N. T., In- definite. Read, Roma—Ottawa, Can., Indefinite. Reynolds ft Rosa Players (Billy Ross, mgr.)— Salt Lake City, i;., Melinite. Rentfrow Stock—Texas City, Tex., Indefinite. Robblns, Olint ft Bessie—Nevada, Mo., 6-12, Ft. Scott, Kan,, 13-10. Spooner, Cecil, and Stock (Louis J. Fosse, mgr.) —Spooner, Harlem, N. Y. 0., Indefinite. Stanley Stock—London, Ont,, indefinite. Stalnach Players—Binghamton. N. Y., indefinite. Bt. Clatr Stock (Harry St. Clair, mgr.)—Bran- don, Man., Can., Indefinite. Saylee. Francis, Player* (F. H. Sayles, mgr.)— Richmond, Ind., indefinite. Stanton's Musical Comedy (Jos. Stanton, mgr.)— Denver, Ool., Indefinite. Spooner, F. B., Stock—San Angelo, Tex., Indefi- nite. ■ Stanford Players—Wlldwood, N. J.. Indefinite. Shubcrt Stock—St. Paul, Minn., Indefinite. Suburban Park Btock—St. Louis, Indefinite. Spooner Dramatic—McAlester, Okla., 7-12, Sherman Stock—Burlington, la.. Indefinite. Stewart's Stock—ejprlngfaank Park, London, Can., Indefinite. Stanley Stock—London, Can., Indefinite. Temple Theatre Stock (F. Falkner, mgr.)—Can- den, N. J., Indefinite. Temple Stock—namllton. Can., Indefinite, Tlvoll Stock—San Fran.. Oal., Indefinite. Underwood ft Bishop'* Players—Oakland, Oal., In- definite. Van Dyke ft Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)—De* Moines, la., till Oct. 1. Vaughan Olaser Stock—Detroit, Mich.. Indefinite. Wadsworth Players (Edw. Ornsteln, mgr.)—Wash- ington Heights, New York, indefinite. Wlnnlnger Player* (John D. Wlnnlnger, mgr,)— Minneapolis, Minn., Indefinite. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Dallas, Tex., Indefinite. Wletlng Stock—Syracuse. N. Y., Indefinite, Williams. Joe, Drnmntlc—Hot Springs, Ark., 7-13. Young-Adams Stock (II. Wllmot Young, mgr.)— Halifax, N. S., Can., Indefinite. Youogstown Players—Youngatown, 0„ Indefinite. COMPANIES IN TABLOID PLAYS. American Players (Vln Richmond, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich., till Aug. .1. Baker Stock—Denver. Ool.. Indefinite. Ftllx ft Lawlor Co.—Do Kalb Junction. N. Y., 7-12. Perry ft Edwards' Musical Comedy—Toronto, Ont., Can., 7-12. Wbyte Tabloid Co.—St. John, N. B.. Can.. In- definite. VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. Georgia Troubadours—Wm, McOabe's—Dunlnn, Knn., 0. White City 10, Alma 11, Pnylco 12, Mapo Hill 14. DDRLESQtJB SHOWS. Avenue Theatre. Btock (Jos. WeeJon, mgr.)—De- troit. Mien.. Indefinite. Folly Slock (Max (Ji.rmnn, mgr.)—Folly, De- troit, Mich., Indefinite. Pasting Review (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Garety, De- troit. Mich., Indefinite. Stars of Stagelnnd (Wm. Dunn, mgr.) Toronto, Can., 7-12. "The Kissing Maid"—Columbia, New York, In- definite. MINSTRELS. Down In Dixie Minstrels—Tower. Minn., 0, Ely Bran*' Oeo.—Apollo, Atlantic City, N. J„ 7-12. I Todd, Wm.—Canton, N. C„ 7-12. BAUDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Balltnan'* Band—Forest Park, Chicago, Indefinite. Chevalier, N. B., Emanuel Bond—Blvertlew Park, Chicago, Indefinite. ■ - - Oavallo'e Band—Forest Park, Bt. Louis, lndefl- Oreatore'* Bond—San* Soacl. Chicago, indefinite. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra—Cincinnati, in- definite. _ _ . _.... Datlto's Italian Band—Ft Breexe Park, Pb.Ua., F.ppel's Orchestr*—Lake OkobaJI. Lynn, Mas*.. Indefinite- _. - '■-. •_ Ferrnllo'* Band—Delmar Garden, St. Lonl*. m- Oesren's 'orcbe»tr«—*'ore«t Park, Chicago, rndefl- ' Herbert Victor, Band—Wlllotf CrOTa Park, Phlla- Kryl. Bohunilr," and Band—Oonnomlll. Ind.. 0. NcrVcastle 10, Mnncle 11. Marlon 12, Blaffton 13. De«4ur 14. Huntington IB, Per* 18, Indian- spoils 17. Danville 18. Braxll 10. Lily'* Concert Band — Washington Park, Pblla., Lynott's Orchestra—Ideal, Oarbooijale. l*t.. Indefi- nite, f. Ludlno'a Orenesrtr*—Johnstown. Pa.. Indefinite. Ionbtrdl'* Band—Milwaukee, Indefinite Marine Band—Providence, R. I.. Indefinite. Natlello's Band—Fontaine. Lonlsrllle. Indefinite. Ohlmeyer't Band—Idora Park, Oakland, Cal.. In- definite. . , , -_»j_ Pike's Orchestra—I/^ansport. Ind.. Indefinite. PhUllpplnl'B Band—Omaha, Neb., lndeflnlte. Vessels's Band—Steel Pier, Atlantic 01 ty, N. J., Indefinite. . ... , ._. Ztto's Brass Band—Palisades Park. N. J., Indefi- nite. , CIRCVSES. Baraam ft Bailey—Blmlra, N. T., 9, Hornell 10, Olean 11. Niagara Fall* 12, Battle Creek, Mich., 14, South Bend. Ind., 15, Burin, HI., IS, Ra- cine, Whs., 17, Milwaukee 18, Madison 40. Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill—CouncU Bluffs, la.. 14. Omaha, Neb., 15, Lincoln 10, York 17, Basting* 18, Kearney 10. Buckskin Ben—Winnipeg, Man., 9-1B. Barnes, Al. O.—Belle Pialne, I*., 0, Cedar Rapid* 10, Tipton 11, Clinton 12, Dixon, 111.. 14, De Kalb IB, Belvidere 10. L«ke Geneva, Wis., 17, Beloit 18, Mt Carroll, III., 10. Christy Big Tent Show—Boyden, Is., Lennox, S. Dak., 10-12, Vllborg 13-15. • , Gentry Bros.—Minneapolis, Minn., 7-12, St. Pool 14-19 Honest Bill's Show—MorrlsvUle, Mo.. 14, BoIlTsr 15, Huron 16, Flemlngton 17, Elkton 18, Wheat- hand 19. „ _ - : ,_ Hagenbeck-Wallace—Lockport, N. Y., 9, Buffalo 10, 11, Brie. Ps.. 12. „ _ m 101 Ranch Wild West—Syracuse. N. Y., 0 An- bum 10. Rochester 11, Buffalo 12, Detroit, Mich., 14. 15, Ponttac 18, Flint 17, Saginaw 18. Lansing 19. . . Oklahoma Ranch Wild West—Arlington ft Beck- man's—Red Deer, Alta., Can., 9, Calgary 10, Glilcben II. Medicine Hat 12, Bas*ar*o 14, Brnll 15. ItlngHng Bros.—Canton, 0., 9, Mansfield 10. Lima 11, Ft. Wayne. Ind.. 12, Kankakee, III., 14, Bloomlngton 15, La Salle 16, Mollne 17, Mus- catine, la., 18, Oentervllle 10. RobMns, Frank A.—Ilackensack, N. J., 9, Rntber- fort 10, Parsalc 11, Montclalr 12, Port Wash- liiBton. L. I., N. Y., 14, Hempstead 15, Glen Cove 10 Sells-Floto—Conrad, Men., 0, Ksllspell 10, Fornle, B. 0., Can.. 11. Lethbrldge 12. Medicine Hat, AIU„ 14, Calgary 15, 10. Sun Bros.' Shows—Sault Ste. Marie, Mien., 8, Silver Family Show—Alma, Mich., 9, St. Louis Srarks. John H.—-Merrill, Wis., 9, Tomahawk 10, Park Falls 11, Mellon 12, Oolernlne 14. Woodward's Big Tent Show—Ashton, Mich., 7-9, Bristol 10-12, Luther 14-10. Honeyvllle 17-19. Young Buffalo Wild West—Danvcre. Mass.. 0, Maiden 10, So. Framlngham 11, Spencer 12, Ware 14. FILM SHOWS. Atop of the World In Moving Pictures—Beverly B. Dobbs' (Joseph Oonoly, mgr.)—London, Bug., Indefinite. Atop of the World In Moving Plotnres—Beverly B, Dobbs' (Joseph Conoly, mgr.)—Portland, Ore., Indefinite. ^_ Atop of the World Is Moving Picture*—Beverly B. Dobbs' (Joseph Conoly, mgr.)—Honolulu, H. I., ldefintte. . Atop of the World la Moving Plotures—Beverly B. Dobbs* (Joseph Oonoly, mgr.)—Sydney. N. B. W., Indeflite. "Battle of Gettysburg"—National, Boston, indefi- nite. Cant. Scott Pictures—Lyric. New York, Indefinite. Klnemacolor Pictures)—Forrest, Philadelphia, In definite. Jack London Pictures—Criterion, New York, In- definite. Klnemacolor Pictures—San Fran., Oal., 0, Indefi- nite. "North of 53"—Lyceum. New York, lndeflnlte. "Quo Vadlsl"—Klelne-Olnes Co.—Astor, New York, Indefinite. _ ,. _ . . "Quo Vsdls?"—Klelne-Clnes Co.—McVlcker's, Chicago, lndeflnlte. _ "Quo Vadla?"—Klelne-Olnes Co.—Tremont, Bos- ton, lndeflnlte. VQuo Vadlsl"—Klelne-Clne* Co.—Qsnlck, Phila- delphia, Indefinite. "Quo Vadls?"—Klelne-Otnea Co.—Academy of Music, Baltimore. Indefinite. Ralney, Paul J.—Chicago, Indefinite. CAB.NIVALS. Adams' Greater Exposition—Berkeley Springs, W. Va., 7-12. ., _. Alman Bros.' Big American Show—Valley City, No. Dak.. 7-12. _ . „ Barnow ft Reade Show—North East Harbor, Me., 7-9. Ellsworth 10-12. Bangor 14-16. Barkoot Amuse. Co.—WestAeld, Mass., 7-12. Clifton-Kelly Shows—Albert Lea. Minn., 7-12. Downle ft Wheeler's—Calais, Me., 10. Bastport 11, Macblas 12, Newport 14. Skowbegan IB, Madison 10, Llvermore Falls 17, Farmtngton 18. Ferarl-Patrlck Gieater Shows—Hamilton, Can., 0- 12. Fairyland Carnival—E. A. Bttenger's—Blooofield, ■ N. J., 7-12. Matteawan, N. J., 14-19. Great Southern—Manistee, Mich., 7-12, Traverse City 14-19. Great Empire—Alliance, 0., 7-12. Greater New England Show—Woonsocket, B, I.. 712. Great Griffith—Arnold Park. la., Indefinite. Great Patterson Shows—Thief River Falls, Minn., 7-13, Brandon. Man., Can., 15-25. Hurt's Midway Show (R. M. Hart, mgr.)— Ham- mond, Ind., 7-12. Bart Brae.' National Show*—Logonsport, Ind., 7-12. Howard, N. ti, Amuse. Co.—Cedar Grove, W. Va., 7-12. Hunter Shows (Harry C. Hunter, mgr.)—ducKees Rocks, Pa.. 7-12. Ideal Monarch Shows—Lawrence, Mass., 7-12. Join's. Johnny Jr.—Ohtconee, Mass., 7-12. Homo's Great London—Terrebonne. Qoe., Can., 0, St. Hyaclntbo 10. Sore! 11. Drummondvlllc 12. River da Loup 14, Kdmunston, N. B„ 15, Grand Falls 10, Woodstock 17, Fredcrlctan 18, Chlpruan 10. Ideal Monarch Shows—Lawrence, Mass., 7-12. Moss Bros.' Greater Shows—-Marshall, Mo., 7-12, Bice A Dore's Water Carnival (Harry Dore, mgr.) —Laramie. Wyo.. 712, Rock City 14-10. Reins, Nat—Terre Haute. Ind.. 7-12. Rutherford Greater Shows—Owosso, Mich.. 7-12. Southern Amnse. Co.—Sparta, Tenn., 7-12. Smith, John It., Shows—Indiana, Pa., 7-12. Whitney Shows—Hopklnsvllle, Ky., 7-12. MISCELLANEOUS. New York Amuse. Co.—Wheeling, W. Va., In- definite. Mnicot fhorse)—Pool, Stourbridge, Eng„ 0-15, Pool. Cheltenham. 10-22. Opel Shew—Howesvllle, W. Va., 9. 1'amahaslka'B Pets—Oregon City, Ore., 10, Ash- land 12, Shenandoah, la., 17, Ackley 18, Rureka. 111., 19. Llcton Show—K. RJcton, prop.—Forrest, 0„ 7- 12. Alger 14-19. Walden, Dana—Lebanon, Ky., 0, Fulton 12, Beat- rice, Neb., 15, Ashland 17, Peabody 19. fflcINTYRE^HEATH IN ENGLAND SEE WHAT THE CRITICS SAID SP0ST1K0 LITE (tondon, Of June 17, 190). R Pltl, NEGRO CI1ARACTER18ATIO.V. No two greater artlflU nave ever come from America to play before English audiences than Mclntyre and Heath, who mode their British debut at the London Hippodrome on Monday last. They first gave their performance of "The Georgia Min- strel*," quite the meatiest comic sketch that I have ever Been In my life. To see one desperately hungry nigger sitting on a trunk and hear him chiding the other because he has brought him ont of a livery stable to be a Christy Minstrel on the road la one'of the quaintest things imaginable. Every line was a laugh, and the character work brought into the performance by both men was nothing short of remarkable, xheir artistry is doubtless a little strange to English audiences, perhaps because we have not tost intimate ac- quaintance with the real nigger which the Amer- icans have. Whether the characterisation was sufficiently understood or not, the profound artistry of the men is beyond doubt. Great American critics have called the Georgia Minstrels a classic. It certainly Is. "WAITING AT THE CHURCH." The only difflcnlty Mclntyre and Heath were up against was that the piece appeared a little too long for an English audience. It Is all quiet humor, withont resorting to knock-about tactics, and coming In the middle of a rollicking high- speed revue, "Hullo Ragtime," the contrast was over (strong, Mclntyre. and Heath cut down their time to twenty minutes In their second perform, ance, and since that time, suceess has been be- yond doubt. They are attracting big crowds to the Hippodrome, and it is safe to say that pretty nearly every American in London has been to the Hippodrome this week. Mclntyre and Heath have some twenty sketches, each ooe in Itself an ac- knowledged masterpiece of negro character de- lineation. From time to time during their engage- ment they will glvo selections from their repertoire, and one which they intend to use almost imme- diately is called "The Man from Montana." Those who like character acting, and desire to see the negro of the Southern States portrayed as be has never been portrayed before should give themselves an opportunity of seeing those actors in burnt cork. TEX stage {London, of June ts, his). Forty years la a.long while, but that period Fradically coincides with the association of Mc- Dtyre and Heath, the two clever black-faced art- ists, who are making their first appearance in England at the London Hippodrome this week, it was at San Antonio, Texas, that the couple Joined a minstrel show In 1874. only to be stranded about 100 miles from St. Louis. Companions In misfor- tune, they walked to St. Louis and obtained berths as cooks on a river steamer. Here they had plenty of opportunities to study the Southern negro first do, to watch him dance, to hear him sing, and hand to learn bis melodies—the forerunners of ragtime. They drew upon their experiences for a vaudeville sketch, The Qeorgia Minstrel*, which after twenty years of successful touring was elaborated to a musical comedy, entitled 27ie Ham Tree. Many £ reductions followed during the partnership, and Iclutyre and Heath have been great favourites throughout the United States for many years, be- lng among America's most highly priced artists. The years nave treated James Mclntyre very tightly, as a Staob representative discovered when he had a chat with him a few days after his arrival last week, and felt that it he had done over thirty years' service In the vaudeville cause, the busi- ness must be looked upon as a wonderful youth preserver. Mr. Mclntyre said that he had beta frequently offered English engagements during the past ten years, but be had refused them aX, feeling that as his work was purely character—the mannerisms of the Southern darkle being faith- fully reproduced—English audiences would be un- familiar with the type- But the negro songs were the first of the ragtime ditties, and as that form of entertainment has be- come more and more popular, so the negro char- acter has become better understood In this country. Mclntyre and Heath have practically ceased to sing and dance as they used to do, and now favour nigger sketches, of which they nave many, but they still hold to the claim of being the first rag- time exponents. They have looked forward with the keeenest interest to their short London season — It can only be for one month—and they dessrlbe London as the most wonderful city of their expe- rience, particularly impressive, being the vastness of it as opposed to the centralisation of the Im- portant parts of the cities of their own country, English artists and thepubllc generally are certain to give Mclntyre and Heath a hearty welcome WANTED, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOB (PERFORMERS WHO SIN6) Give fall particulars in first letter, enclosing late photograph. JIO.VTE THOSIPSOK, Suite 18, 30 Court Street, Boston, Blast. J. L. TEMPEST DRAMATIC CO. WANTS Dramatio people in all lines, those doing specialties given preference. A long and pleasant engage- ment to experienced ladles and gentlemen. Rehearsals July 21. Stock for four weeks, two a veek. Matinee Wednesday and Saturday. Wanted to buy scenery and lamps. State what you have aud what condition it is in. State all In first letter. J. L. TEMPEST, 137 S.;JARDIK ST., SHKNAHDOAH, PA. -JUFter JULY 19 L.Hammond RoseW.Revoire VERSATILE LEADS Just closing 37 weeks'engagement with FRANK KORTH STOCK CO., this city. For Permanent Stock only. Address care of SAVOY THEATRE, FT. WORTH, TEX. BAND and ORCHESTRA LEADER WANTED IMMEDIATELY Tuba, Band and Orche*tra ; Second Violin and Cornet. Wire lowest. Work year round; specialty, Vaudeville and Dramatic People treated with at all times. Those doubling band given preference. State age, height, weight, lowest salary. J. II. RENTFROW, TEXA8 CITY. TEXAS GRANDI^STOCK CO. Orchestra Loader, Doubling- Alto or Cornet; Al Trap Drummer, full line traps. General Business Man, Doubling Cornet. Long sure season. Address ROBERT GRANDI, . . SAN ANGELO, TEXAS 1.1 EDGAR L. DARRELL STOCK LEADING MAN 'Phone, Horta 1M0-T. Address,2M7 MQRTH INQLESIPE PLACE,E. W. H M Cincinnati, Onlo WANTED, AT ONOB f MURPHY'S COMEDIANS NO. 3 Al Character Man; also man for General Business and some Heavies! preference given to those doing Specialties and doubling Band. Cornet to double stage. State age, helirht, weight and salary. Pay your own hotel. Year's wort. Address BERT MELVIXLE. Poplar Bluff, Mo. YOUNG'S GARDEN, Terre Haute, Ind. WEEK JULY SI REPERTOIRE), MUSICAL COMEDY, VAUDEVILLE or JOSSTBBL COMPA.MES. Wire quick. SAM YOUNO 5 (Latest) \**yiT No. 3 2!?i* D o J r J e 5 , Ji e, ," 0n ? l ?«B?> »<>i Sjefchtoram, (Btralghl Mfoom.^asoT&etohfor JK^'(HrtreVa), S.L* 1 " 1 ?• J 1 , 00 '*, ^^ or u - °- Ho "lampsI Bverjthing UPTC-DATBTOBJOniAsj AMD PUNNYI Other materia]. Send for catalogue and enthusiastic testimonials. "«*«««»*• «« *««» MRS. MART B. P. THAYER, 3100 Broad St., Providence, R. I. Im 0M*e«rf«f/ *#«. fleaM mention Curm X. BAZiN'S FAR FAMED DEPILATORY POWDER BB2S HAIR SIMPLE DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. ALL TOILET COUNTESS OR MAILED IN SEALED PACKAOES. 50 CENTS. HALL A RUCKEL NEW YORK "cm NEVER FAILS