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JULY 26 THE JSTEW YORK CMFPER. y thb sna>^w york piopy theatres QDT OF TOWHHEWS COIOIKUED ATTRACTIONS. PROCTOR'S TWENTY-THIRD ST. DRAMATIC AKD MUSICAL. (WILLIAM A. MATTUEWB, MOB.) Mile. Louise's Monkey Cabaret headlined UNION SQUARE. Portland. Me.—Jefferson (Julius Cahn. m*r. > Uio Jefferson Slock Co. present* "Inr»el" weekof (B. I. ROGERS, MQB.) July XI. By popular rcqiicst of natrons. The Tho bill here this week, op en In* with the £"» ?f » SB'S* ' * astor.— ''Quo Vadls?" In motion pictures, the bill at this house July 14-17. and these matinee Monday. 21, Is composed. In the P T^„.» mm MmhermsT.)—The Keith Btook fourteenth week. cleverly trained species of baboons and apea main, of new acts which aro produced here Ok oreienM ''it | Were King," 31 sod week, PASINO "The Purple Road," slith week kept their audience In continuous merriment, lor the first time, and, In many cases, as- }Jr tho'first tlmo In stock, a Norman llnmiuon.1 risT**** at this house. Upon a miniature stage, with a monkey or- same the character of wtiat Is known la vifwii the company 31. Frances NonlHtrom, the ratal season. (JiKEi.T'a (James W. Orccly. mar.)—Vaudeville SCENERY THEATRES AND M00UCT10NS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED If ew and Secoad Hand Scenery In Stock HURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO MURRAY HIMi THKATItK, N. Y. WAI/TMB, HAXBY.Mgr. Tel. WMMnr. am Clipper Post Office. NEW i raw FIEK/D8* FORTY-FOURTH STREET brought forth the appreciation of the crowd- formers make up tho company. Hart ttOOF GARJMM.— "All Aboard," ed house, and when Mile. Louise took bcr Hugh Is responsible for its production. .„J _ ^ir«r«T.i,7^« ho-.s*r«eek of 21 nrten tow she was roundly applauded. Then there Is a new playlet which, received an "} KriS» P mih?Ma^i^ wVls and Flihsr. Pliny Rutledge, Jeanne Pickering and com- itg Initial presentation 21. by William Morris JS {Kg- " ule Mw 0,wu ' **" " a ' ' pany presented their rural comedy sketch and company, and bears the ruthcr odd title carco (kt O. Blamenberg. mgr.)—Tho usual "The Tatted Calf," to fine results. The 0 t "Tho Interrupted Curry." o»tkm pUtnra program* with the "rathe's realistic little story of how an old farmer did The Chung Wan Chinese Four appeared 1 in Wecklj" featured, contlaue to sood retunw. more good for his college bred nephew with a & singing act which scored heavily. Bra Niosbi. <wm. K. E«»«, marl—This house . . right book than all the educated manners .Bradley Martin and Edyth Fabrlnl np- with Its notion picture offerings, packs tlicm In tnll name and addrean nud the line and clothes the boy had learned to wear, was neared In their crpert dancing act, and were drily. _ ,, ... .__ of business followed by the sender, amusingly told by thorn, with a bit of moral applauded most liberally. _ CApa T*"™*- 0k " Cnrr-aon.—Motion pic- m9Mt .,,-, fce eMloaed. hanging over Itas well.as a^aprinkllng of -The Act .Beautiful," .consisting; of .a "»»l, Vmmk „ m „„„ ,„., m ,y_ „. uuboe. Please mention the date (or nnin- elghth week. LYRIC.—Captain Scott's South Pole notion P AM8TKRDAM. — Zlegfeld'e FoUles, sixth week. 1 in order to avoid mlatakea aad 10 Insure tlie prompt delivery vf the lettera advertised to this Hat, u» envelope plainly addre««ed anast be ■eat for each letter, and a written order tor the lottar, alarned with the GREELEY SQUARE 5* ?*. BI fS^ II01L ^ . • hanging over It as well as a sprinkling ot "•■•The Act Beautiful," consisting; of a «'"»■ - „.._. ,..._„ , ..W. Please mention tho date (o The bill for July 17-19 was ot pleasing tre comic throughout. Mr Pickering gives huntsman and huntress, also four Beautiful J&LgP&j, 'SPwSST&Jm >b«?ro l*Vi of «Ue CLIPPHR to whi variety. _, a smooth lifelike portrayal of the farm char- white setter dogs and a white horse, which SSiitwa pT.vera^C note ff'nu"me? .TockT tat this letters sent tor wer. advertised John Biggins, the well known leaper, acter, and was capably supported by Miss w itJb. the white costumes of the man and '^^^ & iesturlng motion pictures to good UADIKV LIST. hurdled at wfll over chairs and Ubles. touch- Pickering, as the niece, and Barley Giunore, WO man, make the act a very showy one. pLtnuuiw. - _ ... .... r ^ lug belUf, candles and water en route with as "the student" Those Four Girls sang a variety of songs, r KnsaTOM Task (D. B. Smith, mgr.)—J. W. Albright. LihWs his toes, and finished with a geries of leaps Wallace J. Mackey Is a. unique lmper- using two pianos, and scored a bit. Gorman presents the musical comedy, "The Happy fSIS'JSr'&J Unoler*. 1 ' week of 31. „ ,nK ! 0 i.\Ju over chairs placed In a circle. sonator of musical instruments. His realistic Foster and Lovctt scored a laughing suc- companlment was an excellent finish to his •; position, and won out easily The last five acts mentioned were new ICrnest Duplile, a comedian and singer of voicing of the flute, mandolin, 'cello and via- ce9S \ a comedy dialogue and songs. the English sort, sang "Nobody's Satisfied, •■Stand Cp," "The Singer Sang a Song," and he also talked about marriage and the ladles. Moaner and Powers, a natty couple, told jokes and sang songs, the comedian's catch words being "Nothing, charming weather, zood-day." The lady illustrated different dances with a pleasing change of dress, dis- closing a perfect love of a petticoat. A novel exit let them away. lien Lewln, a clever character actor, did "A. fallen Star," "Toby" and "I'agin's Death," after making up for each character on the stage. He was well liked. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Thomas presented their never tiring "The Dog Thief comedy sketch, aud scored one of the laughing hits of the bill. Sadie Ott, was how a familiar single was Pavii.iok. Pout's Island.— Motion pkrurea Bryant stock Marguerite r ery clever entertainment, and he was heartily applauded. Sir. Mackej uses tbc instrument lie Is Impersonating for each of IiIm offerings. The El Bey Sisters, two pretty girls, skated thcmelvea into immediate favor and scored a pleasing bit. Werner and Young, black face artists, went ratber flat. Enlgbt and Itenson offered a rare singing treat, and Al terVo. Monday, and receive further jmention {ta ^&^&™$£T& IA\TZ SSUj _,„„„ under New Acts, this issue. O H Timer. ST^tSSJST^ l*«. Bfe !»• "' ™» oanaehi MnrS. 1 accompanied by bis wife and mother. SSES I»* Proctor'a Fifty-elarhth Street (John r .._.»i_ 1 ,a o^The n-w Miles Theatre Is Olnlrc, lln.wnlo Bock, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pic- _^Jf/„„| w rcompletion. Several theatres will Cl.irke, Purothy turei BUI for July 21-23: Adolph Adams, SS a nr i,g ttaTiHt nionth. O«.i.or, Cnrcto Williams and M'rlght, Cartwrlght and AI- K ^ n ,T{V. Roy «*«si«-k. m s r.)-For week <5&tjm*l» Cherub;' r Faust and of j„i y gi the stock eooipany presents • rho fflttnw, awa. , ulossoms. and Ithoade's woman." w th.May llnckley In the i.rt«cl|mt role. Uioitnu. I«wj> 1-27: George Wlcbmau, ZSm» HollhUy, Wlathrop aww-jk Ojtaja ^'";, R ^ Cohlll and company, in Davemwrt, MKs<gi Jeffrey. Lewis, Ellcea Krwl Urtev i. iw» ■ * ,„,, tialte Barks will be prominent In the cast. lh> «airu. »i«w SP.^^li?. °XSL wi.il7t W» The Hummer Ue Ariaoutl , drich. In "The Little Cherub ;' r Faust and 0 f j„i y 21 the stock company presents fho Bailey and the Terre Sisters (coloreil) did KBUa[ Eleven GcorglaBlossoms. and Ithoade's woman." w well In a singing, talking and musical offer- marionettes. For 24"" lug. (See Now Acts for the last four acts.) cft^u";* William Josa Meleno and company. In "The Indian The Wartcnburg Bros, have as neat ar- character 8Wrieg,tn regular racontew ^nged and classy a foot ju R? llng act as their ^^iS^f^ar and^ellssa a'en Eyek; l^dlsT'wl Ube Tto'att ctloil? fashion. Cots of bows. .„„«,.. » n e of w° rk can Produce. They open the act ^ lna Morris and company, OtllettB's animals, V l™ a p.« k — Big crowas have been the rule "The Girls from the Follies" is another paying on guitar and mandolin, and then o„arles 1" ' one of those condensed burlettaa, starting mount the pillars that form the entrance to 0 .i etra with six girls, then a Frenchman, followed tnc B<> ttlng, and here get to work Juggling jJJ_"Ei n conies the prima donna ], re balls and b~- Lllllan Dixon, Dorothy lk>Mllt, Oerlle IMUlcy, Mrs Wm Denton, Trlnto Duncan Obnrlott K»mnB«, ICIora KUIott, Louiso by a soubrette. Then barrels trat are transformed F. Semon, Armstrong and Ford, May „, the pn»t few weeks. For week ot 21. Dare- g*gtj*«" and Fred. Taylor, and Don, the talk- Srvti1 flclireyer. In hU high dittos jet, i« tea- ». «* tared with, tlie motonlrotae races. Baml concerts 1 aw celt, un. u Ison Snnare Hoof Garden.—The balloon ascensions, darKmj. bathlnit. skating and mm J. » lsluwlh the whole troupe on the stage. The r Pranc8 a „ d MeNnbo , the Wa(;k f ac0 teno ?! E< Crawford and Justin D. Laury, ^^J^gS nT% Downs, mgr.)-m- OalUtla Alberta] ■**JN*»JW S T S!'. ch A**g?i,, lo .. ,„„ v ~i „,. Joy-makers, and their Jail drop, one working ballad singer. ^ „ „ m .Jz „h?tonlays. Including the "Shenanikish." are < oulil. Irene ^5_ B ^L%J^54\ e .£L d f le .'rrl?n^M , i 3 ; behind tje bars during half tft act, kept the Brighton Beach, Music Hall (C.S. B "ot,n. with sbeclsl orchestra music and vocal 0 1; «us. 1With *&^jtt™^.™>£££S fun stuff bomnrat a treat rate, even though Breed? mgr?)^fhT bill toeludeTT" Gus Ei- 'SSSS^r^^tn \ lollnUt.''and when he went to worK provea rol)Cn of tneIr " c i, att e r ^ pretty well worn, wards' 8oug Review. Jack Sidney and Billy Noras.—Atciamler that he was that well known naaier, wno Tae are cIe7er artists and would be a bigger Townley, Russell's Minstrels. Golden and De Luna I'atk Is annoum Llberatl's engagement at llolltorsworlU, Itcratn, Ansa Honors. Bertha Hall. lssbclU linns, Marietta Hall. CJeorpln llarrts, QlsUja HuUlnr, Kathrla II Hoiie, Jessie M. Hilton, _ „ Lottie W S Irwlu, Mantle Irving, IsnU-lla lurbeau, Verona Jewell, Mrs. Jordan. Ireuo King. Knthoryn Kenton, Doro'iiy La Von, Lillian Ivlgli, Mabel Lnce. Vera Lnpplu. Eva 1,0tun, Cecil I.nwrence, Aliln Mows, Elli.itK'th Mel .can Mm. UK McC'oc, MrsW.U Mason, Dsliy Mldgley. Mrs. May, Eileen Mackey. Mrs. Frank VTarstou. Roue Marshall, Sellna Mnreband MlssD Mack, Ksthrjii Manross, Minnie Miller, Cliorry Meail, Evelyn D May, Ethel Moltcae, Ella 3. Martin, Blanche Mason, Alice Nelsoit, Esther Newn-ao, OsRlO Nlckersou; Lillian Raymond, Ruby Rreil, Dot Ross, Dells Reoilng, I'.dnn lUmnert llerttia Uegiin. Kitty Rolwrts. Iloliliy KIiuiMo, Manila ltosells, May Kyilrr. Mrs^V.O Itomlngtou, Leous Sixtoi), Josle Stanley, Itorothy Sllivniet AniH'tla SawtelH Vietem Slinne, Mmllyii tuat ne was inai wen uniwu uuuicr, nuu , ri clever artlsti 1 originated tho combination of Playing the r , ot J . n wme thing modern. fid while doing real dancing, ancfllte whom "'v^UeMllowcC a dainty blonde whistler fid while doing real dancing, an nobody has been noticed to work. He played la various styles, nslng objects other than the bow. and the fact tbat be used his legs did not detract from the excellence of his musical offerings. The pictures Included: "The Wiles of Cu- pid," "The Daughter of the Sheriff," "The Master Painter," The Mother's Oath," 'Where Ignorance Is Bliss" and "Something Rotten in Havana." Mil!. bigger Townley, BugsoH's Minstrels. Golden and De Luna Mark hi announced for two weeks, beglnnlnfi JToey, Kit y Wlntres. Lyons and Yosco, the Sully Family, 27. In addition to hU famous band, sl«; solo- Hart, M«u» : the Two Alfreds, and Nellie V. Nichols. lata will appear during his slay at the P»«-v- "'»»• Mwl » Mauds Opel, Mrs. H. De Pstelle Sisters, singers and dancers; the , Circle.—Vaudeville and pictures. Adamsoo, Oarl Alton, Tlios, The Star Tbeatro will re-open Aug. 0, with the E^ven"GcorgTa^Bloi»omV,'a"colored~^ ' ProctorV One IlandreS'and Twenty- Bosle PobIo Girls. * Hon, In "Scenes on the Levee," and a.bw- fifth Street (C. _G. Allen, mg_r.)—-Buslneai » Plttsbarah. P». — Grand .(J. P. .niTls, rence Gordon "fimlly affslr, all reviewed under . "My Lade's Boudoir." .a dressing subject jiyrtlc wd Daisy. Sully and„Lawson,.Tambo "bSroD*noM«"Tlfarr , |s''ft Davis, mtr«.)-BlH igSig iignTI O'Brien, Nellie "ulmer, Madge front, Bva Shirk. Mui Smith, Mlflr.-l fc'tiow, Marlon Snlvatore Ktmna Motila, l/witit Schmlilt, llerlha Raotey. Mue M stiiiiii'v, Mailiro Slpi*rly, Fauiir Tracy, Stella Troy, Jessie TeiuiK'Kt, Ollvo Thayer. Rulh Thornton, Anna Vivian, Miss l/coti Voegle. Alma Van Court, Dorothy Vnnhton, Jnne White, Nellie Wells Wlncott. Ro-is Wllon, Lottie Wallace, Helen Walker, Kdlth Wertii Mrs Clyde Webb. Dolly Waltsco, Vera Wlshnrt, MrB. Worthlngton, Ulsnelm Wllllsms Margot Wright, Lillian GEIfTLEMEH'S LIST. 1 and company. In a comedy Is excellent for this season of tho year. For mgr.) Barry Davis flayers, In "The. Olrl of the Adams, Will r," entitled "Who's Boss." are this week, Orst half: Fritz Hersktadi O'Neill OolUen West." week of July 21. toss) Oagagft Arehy, J. H. under New Acta In this Issue. and Fay7 John C. Hanson and company, the leedlng Isdy. will make her first appearance As iuy. Dr.Bt, Q, <m Rnudnlr." a dresslnr aublect Mvrtla and Dalav Sullv and Lawson. Tamho 28, In "A Woman » Way. , _,„ Allrnaa, Jltn of Klnemacoior. reaturea tne picture pro- uuo, "lae L.irue L,amDR,- I'rea ana aaeie „""*y -zr r mi-'i,.. il.tiiur airis n»« Jamllng »ssaanaa, Verne grams. Other ur.ual good dramatic and com- Astralre, "Reno and Return," Lewis and B*** 2I s i r N „?, " V! ?"n^, 1 ? jtowiedi' aiid*Mel. aatarSnttr* edy black and white photoplays were also Lewis, blck McAllister Trio Last half: ",?»&£, x s"cin?y Tom* IfiXi BuaS. Aikln, Ed , . Adolph Adams, Mack and Orih, Ro&g Players, wiSrveliriT monkeys' riunrce and Duiirce, "- ■ —- ■"•* for July 21-23: Dol-i-Phone, "The Dcl-l-Phonc, Payne and L«e, Arthur, Finn j^g,,. Troupe. Arthur II. niacsoiore, and prise." George Wichman, Clara May. and Brown. Norlne Minstrels, Knight and Burtlnos. a. A- u. races, Oontl's Orewotks, 1.411 *m^ nAmnanv In 'lOAttlii* Rnin ■'' Ronunn "WBHRCiijri' Htrla anil RnvB." ftpn. E«l u l. A .' a n Dn ,l 6een Bill Big Surp Wm. Cohlll and comnany, In "Getting Even ; BEDFORD THEATRE. (BZtt CASK, MOB.) Milton WpM> and Pickaninnies opened a t'ayne ana l^e, ana tne jienaau xno. ror nan1 xrio. anii njing noBeni. ,»rV.^H hiiiJaVr17 ^tSli B^ltlvS the- 24-2T: The Juggling La Belles, Myrtle and Kelth'a Harlem Opera Hoase Harry VS. g ?^ w^J/ork. realnaid^nd wears Daisy John C. Hanson and company, In Swift, mgr.)-The stock company for this eo£e va>r"twattf Sothes! Sh? alwnas the "That Boy Frltr.;" Frank Howard^Veslyn week* presents "Going Some,*' with "The -Ptoks" ? ^iS5t%2Sal The act was very Trio. Faust and Faust, and Tambo Duo. Batt!c' r to follow. writ wwivftd ' areuea - LDe *" waa y " 3 Manager Matthews Is worthy of the un- Spoouer (LouUe.Fosse, mgr.)—-Motion "%Sf&U« man andwoman, hare u.u.1 business B Vfe***** warm rdcture. "Bast Lynne," holds over for another verV p P r^ n vo.cS: but their stories and weTther. He m not be Sanded an, weak week raredlea would beletter If they were made stuff, of newer stuff. The act got by nicely. Hilton Nobles Jr. and company effered a dramatic playlet, entitled "Heap As Ye Sow. The company consists of three people, ell capable performers. (See New Acts.) Old Town Quartette are four men who have Terr good Tolces and tell very good "gags." Two work straight and t»» in black 'ice. The act was a decided bit. Miller and Tempes^ a map t( anc^ woman, £nc|r Jiy0ug i^u* PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE (OUB UCCOHB, MOB.) Singing acts galore hold forth here this week. Out of ten acts, eight feature songs. No one is headlined, each act given the "■If w De Anutman, Milt. the Barry Jtounle nm, vwo ■ miwiMi sac* ltoliuont, Harry BenBOn, "Messenger Girls and Boys," Ken- Fisher's Band. . _.„ . Bradley, H. 0> dall Trio, and living Roeers. « Uabsib (0. R. Blsnchard. mgr-)—BUI week lielruour. It. r. of 21: Holm Trio, Millard Bros., Moss. Hsgney Hurler, Elmer ami Bernard, Tooohey Trio. Otlne Hlst.rs. La- Boris, Wnt. velle, orlnileil and Uen'y, KlcharU HolfWn, Fraak Porlan, Bleys Merrill, and moving pictures. Bryant, Will H, KrunrwooD (A. 8. McSwlgan, mgr.)—Nlrella'a Browno Nell 0. Band and Arturo 31ov'iulttl are testates. Large ntrtch. Uttrry crowds are eoutlneully In attendance. , Ulssert, Mr. Wsar Visw (O, 0. MeKalllp. mgr.)—Joe He- Berry, Joe rella'a Band and Ben Fl.lds are featores. All Berry, Wm. concessions are doing big business. Bslley, Jos. Nuts. —•'Dlawstlia'' to produced In pletnresque Baker, Nlrk A. uaw Bun, beglnntoii 31, unite.- tha direction of BalUwln. 11. M. Prospect (Frank Gersten, mgr.) _.) house closed and will remain so until August. Tremont.—Pictures only. — This late In Pquaw National (Harry Lowe, mgr.)—Vaude- OHoton B. Lloyd. Fifty ml Iroquois Indlaus are Broe A Maxim vllle and pictures. Loew's Seventh Avenue (C. Bewards, mgr.)—yaudeyllle and pictures. YorkvlUe (C. Beatus, mgr.)—Vaudeville used. Bttsketto, Billy Bailey, Joi, Colorado Sprlnas. Color—Burns (John nuchahan A Dickey, mgr.) this beautiful »cw^f8W>00 theatre """""yo yens same prominence. The laughing hit was cap- and pictures, face. The art was a decided hit. , tured by Carl Henry aud Nellie Francis. In Monnt Morris (I. MlehelB, mgr.)—Pic ' ^hClr l * nMia 4nh11«. "Inut Vnnap-110." * tllpna nntv :et Knrico Halplno, In his ffrst appearance Burdell A an eccentric dancer. They went big. Katser'g terriers gave the usual trained animal performance, but appeared to tear their director. The act pleased. JPetO. —— 1 1 HARLEH OPERA HOUSL (BABBX C. SWIFT, HOB.) b ^I^^^Sf g ^^rw%^ Skeich ] ?hT 8 w,n e TeVgroTo.d° n The%lng': tU L»J Fifth Avenue (Albert Lowe, cing act. *be man does.gone1 good work as ■ ( M , w KraneJg wa / a w? feature. mgr.)—Pictures to good business. Enrico Halplno, In his first appearance Bca-ent (Frank Bowers, mgr.)—Pictures here, gave a singing and violin solo spe- and music, "clnlty tbat U bound to bring bin succesi Family (Leo Boloman, mgr.)—Pictures wherever presented. _ only. Frank ilullane, the Irish-American He- odeon (Charles W. Thompson, mgr.)— brew, made a good sized bit here Monday Vaudeville and pictures. matinee. The audience took kindly to him Lafayette (B. Kelbur, mgr.)—Vaudeville ment of the New Burns Theatre, In this city. Linsna ^ from the start. His Hebrew stories went and pictures. Mr. Dickey to sn old time show manager, having rv„mn ie it - - - •-•- -• -— — -■• ■ «--• — r-im.*— .._^^ o. ^ ... .» ,. . . • *.__ ..„„ „., h , h . mi ».n«h Willi yramp, >/.»•• Is doing capacity builutss. ror week of July 18. "The Man fco.u Uone," "Wildfire" to "tfijw (Oeo. A. Loveland. mgr.) T *or week of ff^S' ^ r#1 28, "Kelley from the EmeraldTsto," with Bsrnsy Kenyan Chu.n *S£m (Frank Tarnmen, nBr^-SulUvaa fe, 1 ^ ^ ,B " & Oonsldlne vaudeville, and movtaa pictures. &5£i Ilarrr NSW KMrasas (J. B. Tompklni, mgr.)-This XSg'lfitf fj new theatre la drawing capacity business, show- okariln. Fred 0 lng.flve reels dally... „ ... Osav) Blwanl L. flratton, K. M (Ilnckston H.O. (toorgnlas Bros. Oanlos, Geo. t J rant, J no. O. Oruet, Al. Oordou, Hammle mill, 0. M. (larslde. 0. P. Uarford, Jack Uaiina. Albert Harley, F. J. Iloxani. M. B. Ilataaway Frank HIlubraBil ft De Long Hunter. Melville 4> Burdette Hawkins, F. I. Hamilton. Oonl lleuilerson, Dick Harold, Donal Harris, Al. 0. lllbbert, Qus High. Nat. Itollman, O. A Harvett*, Great Hcllman, D, A. Hunter, FJ. 0. Harvey. Best Holcomb, Wlllrd I to well ft Howell Howard HAMay I'd wards Hayes, Al. B. Ilnrforil, Jack I lay ward, O. A Innes, Wo. Incksoo Oarl T, lin.-kson, 8. A. fohnsun, Hal. •ulinsit, Uartb. Nora—John Dicker, manager of the Grand Yymrlt Mm L. Iloaae, of Pueblo, has taken the manage- X ,„,,;."17' .# .1.^ Wa— n„.n. Tho...., In 11.1. r-\tv VJlllUEU « Opera Mnkey, Frank Mntucy, Wall. Mack, Jos. A. Marlon, frank May. Harry Merrill, 0. R, Myers, Hlmer 0 Milliter, (leo. Miner, W. B. Moseley, M, A. Murry ft Mack Melville, Jean Nedrow, J. \V. Xaukevllle. B. 1 Onkley. Frank I'roelor, Bert, t'arkvr, >bl. I'taylor. W. B. 1'lrdmont NovOo Price. U. Id Pitt, Oeo. H. I'rUv, Hnl IT.uee. Kdwln Roae, Lee Roberts, Theo. Itomslu, Manuel Buselli Lew, L. Rleton, R. B. Roberts. Theo. Reed, Claud, Itellly, Jas. A. Uvdillng, Harry Rolwrts, Hamps. Kobtrts, Bert It tools. Bob Rice Bros. it lib, Fred Itoatllck, F. M Itaiwll, Leo Itneo, Orest Holier, Asm J, tchDson, J L, Rnebe, Geo. rnmlson, J. U. Robosen, Jean It'lng. J. B. lilehartlson L. lCer«haw, Horry KebneRor, B. N. __ comti™, vaudeville. Boy Slaters, Sharp onil company, and "In the Doilge. Roy D Rtverailde (Herman Goldman, mgr.)— Claws of the Vulture," a photoplay. Dock ft Russell Vaudeville and pictures. Kmtu'h (Ned ». Huh tings, mgr.)—Bill week Douglas I. M. H11111IU011 (J. c. Jones, mgr.)— Vaudo- °f 21: Three Vsgrsnts, Clara Hievcns and Mon- uiiyuoruna iibs iierer yv-v-ii «•» i" 3ZX~~ 'S ilfssTsiisaiTsn'*" villa and nletures s'enr Howard, Johnstone and Wentworth, Davett wSTA IL'uVC and 1 then "pSged^nl: ffg ttslnring acta are rery rc.rce to, ™&& %g Harry Thoma. mgr^-Vaudc- -•»? D " «' and plcmre. of tool scenes, ^Sg1ne ,, Ls^ei^t?e n m pt t ed £D on B th S e legjfi- ** fi«ff^S , t2S i H?J£LIS ^iLS^^SSZ own with tlie matinee crowd. Her rendition - beautiful One Hundred and Sixteenth Street (R. Johnson, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Buabwlck (Fred'k Whltbeck, mgr.) for week of July 21, It. F, Keith's Popular Players present r '8t. Elmo." "The Fortuuo Hunter" next. Fultoh (A. M. Lighten, mgr.)— Vaude- ville, changed twice weekly, to capacity bouses i> Lima (Olsen ft "Barton, mgrs.)—Bill 21-23: Ted Bailer's dogs, Mayo and Ve:-ion, Jack and Dorothy Kaymoinl, and 'ilireo Ameres. For 24- 20: Cliarles De Fur ami Girls, Murray it. Hill, Budolph and Lena, and Comuls Br». '• Haclne, Wli—New Orpheuin, "Fine Feslh- ers," with Wilton Lacksyo and on all-star east, la booked for Aug. 1 > MAJBSTI0, GgAMD, Bl/OU, BiCIVK, LlglO, Auuaa, Obm and Vasiho, moving pictures. Noths. —Gentry Bros., July t>, run Into a down- DavTa, O. A. Do Mar, Paul Davis, Oeo. P. LX-Mout Trio, B I)c Cost Dun Dllillne, J, J. Dlntnilet, n. H. Donovan, G, F. Dale, Billy Davis, Henry Daltoy, Jss. K. DoMott, A. Dsvorey, Harry DeWewe Jolinne Darling, Fr«.l D. IVVfMJBW, u»ni Koype (Jugiler) IJitsettas Boyal Kolb, J. W. Kvlpprr, J. IVelly-OalvIn Kellane. Walt. Kent, lllcharil Km ley, G. A. Laurie, Kd. U'wto, Wlllard Htevcns. Bert dmlth, Tex. -ttiifford. Oamllle llwan, V. 0. ^hiitison. V. swift, Fred Minnies, Alex. willy. Lew Sidney, Arth. ■ unileun's Mlnst ,it Reano Harry Huniner, Boy Academy of Music (Robert EL Irwin, mgr.)-^vbls week mark* the flrgtappearnnco at this house of Wm. J. Kellr, and "CamlHe," with PriscUla Knowles playing tha heroine, and Mr. Kelly as Annand, Is ton Messrs. Misses who arc seen to advantage. Hammersteln's I Will lam Hanmertteln, mgr.)—The Mil lndodes: Florattf, Juggling Bogers cave styles of dancing that .wept big JowW (M. V. Jones, Bgr.)—Vaudeville paur of 'rsln, ani patrons wi-re'sosfcod liar- Kvonl! Chester luiu ft Bailey Circus, IT, did h-uy bosluess, at Dew.y, Karl 8. 1 and pictures. wlibur Brv"Riin"or»"Bn f'O'Mearasi Llaeoln Sqnare (Chas. Ferguson, ngr.) Tpin #i.rVh^W5&i vi!rin7tr Morio. French Loeir's Delanccy Street (Julius Bern- Trio, the Three fyles, Dainty Mario, French and Bis. Dale and Boyle, Tecbow'a eats, Juliette Dlka. Cblng Ling Foo, Hayden, Bor- den and Havden, and Bealnl and Arthur. Fourteenth Street (J. Wesley Rosen- quest, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pic- tures. Wc*er»a.—Motion pictures. . , Loew's A venae 11.(8. N. Kuhn. mfr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. , Cosnodr Albert Kaufman, mgr.)—Motion l'lrcu Avenue (M. H. Saxe, mgr.)—Mo- both performances. Dnucin J. A tlon plcturei and vaudeville. ■ tl .|._., J Kv _ n ,„i lw u B „,„ Eatey, K. II. Leg Montfords, eerobetlc grotesques1 extra. Borai, (Marcus Loew, mgr.)—Photoplays m „\"SSSi "rictlr™ ' BvsrU, Klb. 0. ordinary, opened the show, and proyed what end vaudeville "t'estmaA ycoioula'l Amusement Co., mgrs.)— *•»'»■ ?■ "•„. wonderful ettrats can be done by experts. FoM-r (Wm. For, mgr.)—Pictures and Motion picture,. *»"™ c »* •*•• "*"■' rAvttAt. Philip . drummer gt the £-*,«»''. P, h1 ' st«r Hliualey Shows Sfltolt, F. 0, Danville, week of l"J"'*.U K_Lgl ■CoLUhou (A Slcbel, mgr.)—Six vaude- vllio acts and notion pictures. Lin in: n (A H, Schwartz, mgr.) —The latest photoplays are shown here. HALfllv (M. H. Saxe, mgr.)—Miniature musical comedies, together with vaudeville and the latest photoplays. '. Kelly a* Annand, totiw attracOon. Marlon Barney and company presented, for vaudeville. . noms.—i. w. Mild, trap Lyle, Atchley and rorrey. ono tBe flrst time In New York, a sketch entitled Comedy (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—Pictures and Oraud, has resigned utvi McCaull and Curtis are among those ..j aelr vVcddlng Night." (See New Acts.) vaudeville. played to good busoess to Jack. oly 14. Bekbsxt, 1'bll Fisher, V. (I. Flinders, G, 8. Fisher. Braest Frankl'yn, Clyde DYEI18' ATTRACTIONS. Fred Byers ft Co. will send out three at- Fredwlcks ohs tractions the following year. The first to FrelKaa. Jno, m«. v r,^—,•- OPO "will be the "Girl and tho Tramp." Frlte. Guv B i".V. <9ff2L. l SS**Lj m-l72*4311 which will commence Its sea.HOB at Uladbrook. "ffli' A ' I: pletiirea aad Illustrated songs Plasm (P. P. " stein, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion picture*. Jefferson.—Vaudeville and pictures. Herald Square (a. Rothschild, mgr.)— First run motion pictures are shown here. Snvey (Rosenberg Bros., mgrs.)— i'-' pictures In which leading stars appear attraction at this house. Vo^aVvtiTe'ind iMaures!'* "_"?L*-T" ' ^Shnl^L^lhlL'nV mgr»- Jardln de t»»n.e (Carter De Haven, J*™f™J™ M ™^\*g2 "^fffiS season ot ( Mc</rcgory. la., nluylng the fairs through Wisconsin, Minnesota and lawa. Mr. Byers, general manager for tho com- pany, just returned from Detroit, Mich., whero he purchased n llegal motor car, and 1.11 ley. ltd. 0. U'tigbrake Arth. Lenbarr, Kmery Luce, Grant I/cngstreet, Al. U«l, Lew Ixffetge, Roy l.nlly, Frmik I.tipnrt, Joe I.nsrenla, Chas. l.sitellleon 1.a Barre, Del l/ong, Morey Lauras, Joshua Lewis ft Oliver l.itncnster, F. UlViy, Bert Morton A Kshn Ma Oca pi, Three Mouley, F. Malcolm, Ullly Murpby, Kug. J. Murphy, FgankJ Mullsly, J. Madinon, T. H. Murray, D. B, McArde, Kdw. Murray, AL Murphy A Wlllard MK'olom. J. D. MitlU-n, F. V. Mctitima, Jack Morrlssey, T. P. Mm.tnline, Jack Hnr)yon. U. A. Mlluis. Eilw. Stiurijloy, A. J, ■it Clair, Chas, ^owtelto, Mr. ritur>>er. I', IS. rmly. ir. L. l'liauo, Jack rriplelt, Wm. rrevett Qunrtelt rtiMnpaon, Jas.L I'r.rner, Howard fucker, N. H. V'onahan Will W Vaughn. Cliiis, koacl, Itonrr Velio, Magician I In Ion, lloruco Hcstlirook, Arth Weslou, Fred Walck, K. 0. Want, Will J. Waits. Bllly- Wllllson, llrrbt. Wllllain*. Clara Wllaon, Billy Ween, Wm. Wlnilccker Hand Wright. II. M. WllriMI. Gity P. Wllliun Thaille Wilson, Frank Woyle, Tom Wllion, Jack V. lllllllH, J, W1 lllniim, Heott Worth, Harry Witlson. Herb. Wolle, Billy sbi&Inoticb at head OF LIST. "CIHLDKBX OP THE DAV." The above Is the tltlo of the new play In which Louis Mann Is going to _ star this „ \_jfh B ilrre toillrorm and the commo- vaudovlllo continues to big houses. Tho pro- wfer B °X>-VMdevlUa Son.lffln'g'acfommodat^ns 0 ^^^^™^ be fran £&^*&ijfe % _ mnilM ^I . wuey, mgr.i—tauutom jjiv „,,. _..,". _« f i.i« rpMr * a roo the New Beofobd (Ben Kaon, mgr.)—Continuous ,D Br^^ P y^«oUon pictures. lor.W}?" Th{?i'l[^0 jSf|U ™%™* u gj*. ^ndU^&da^ whVre fie purchased a llega, motor csr, and £,= TT f «ijriliii.-»Tlr. Mann and VntSSTlR TlT WelU,^ngr^-Motlon pic ance. theJslentof f which 'wlirfeg Jw Baw- Kogram is chan^^.^XrJnlly ' the "Girl and the Drummer" Co. will tour Wg wife, MAra iVinan. Mlrj Llpman. by turesT" la " _ " * V ' v " I V ^S^JS£^»S-^t^SAt^St V^^^^SS^k^«mmK»n ^^^^^^^^*^*> ,. Sa way. will dovote P the futt.ro to the wrftlng .New Torlc (Wn. Morrlg, mfr.)—Vande- lers, the «artnans, *« ^jfains. "« aeon. ^^^™*^w^*w^^jn Mr. Mann, president of the company, ha« 0 f plays. «ho has already contract*^ to Tlllc and pictures. ,„_. _ „ W&tJ^£2w2!£-3E£j£3£^LE£ KtE ffrrm mmmtlinniM' llisi *■ WiuSl «o>"Plet*a arrangements wttoreby govcral writW musical comedy and a straight dra- .^erstcVa Third Aveasse. (Ed J. Mc- AtAlng. Kitty Plynn. Dorotby Ctark and Jane nuus^nTO^w-ajnwy ag^ag^a^jnsw plcturo fanfafft. theatres wjll maUc ghow. bo lie taken over and run In conjunction with t . . tho policy already establtsbcu With their Mahoa. ngr.)—Vaude villa and notion pic- Merkie. ed "Galatea" 10,"20.' For Saturday .... lures— —"' 'American (Charles Potsdam, ngr.)— gy. 20. 2T. "Alms Jimmy Va'ontlrje-'Will Heaisrsun'. <C M leton Heagland. mgr.) Vauflerllle and Pictures. tha attraction. r-Jultog steger and company, Herman Tim- _, Grand Streeit (Harry Bceknan, ngr.)— fcerg. VUwns^6?Art7Mae West, and McDerltt, VatideTllle and pictures. id Lacy compose the blU here this City (Samuel elly Kel week'. and pictures. Freed, mgr.)—Vaudeville Dak Mason Is permanently engaged with the Edison Film Co. picture tbestre st Glodhrnok. «'» IIaruy DitiUAit galled for England last ft Ilnrrls to play the tote week. in "Stop Thief. 4 MAYNB LVNTOV EHGAGED. Maync Lynlon has to-cn engaged by Cohan '- of the Bngltshnin