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July 26 of boring us. The singing was very har- monious and was the enjoyable part. Eight young ladles, calling themselves the <tMght Vassar Olrls, presented a novelty mu- sical act of talent. The young ladles have three changes of costumes, offer an excellent cornet solo, as well as vocal, and nave a general melange of music played on saxo- phones, flute, clarinet and French horns. They receiv ed a very big hand . SUCH IS LIFE IN CHICAGO. BI OAD. THE NTSSW YORK CLIPPER. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP FAMOUS OHICAGOAXS. No. 2, Roser Lewis. And It came to pass that In the year 1 ss.i, A. D. Tatter dinner), a baby was born on the West Bide of the village of Chi. Where- upon there was much rejoicing among the natives, and they came from miles around, asking: "What is It?" And noi;c thought to Inquire "Who Is It?" until one, wiser and older than all the rest, gazed at the baby and ■aid: "It Is Roger Lewis." Whereupon the rest all gathered about and listened further unto his speech. "He Is very wise." quoth the old native, "and full of craft. I pin my faith to the supreme miracle of his living without wort, therefore, he shall be n song writer, and he shall go forth and he the author of 'Ocean Roll,' 'You Can't Expect Kisses from lie' aud ".Floating Down the River.'" And It was even go. And Roger grew up and did no manner of work whatever, save to walk the streets of Chi., clad In fine raiment, and speaking to each native words of self advert'semejt and boast pertaining to bis great craft and skill in producing from blank pieces of paper, songs which were bartered and sold In the largest shops, and which became whistled and sung throughout .the land. Some called It magic, his turning of blank paper Into songs while others but shrugged their shoulders and did but smile, which is the manner of those who know not whereof or why. And Roger smiled too. But his was a different smile for It got him many shekels. And it further came to pass that his fame grew and spread even to far South Haven, a place of much water and more sand. And Roger was made welcome there when the days became heated, and he was permitted to bathe In Lake Mlchl- gan's cooling waters. And now, each year when the days become of much heat, Roger Journeys to South Haven and docs bathe once, which he takes counsel unto himself is sufficient thereof until the days of heat return. And the old native, wlio is older and even wiser now, smiles and makes speech, saying: "It Is not so much tcliat you do In this world, but ftoto you get away with it, that brings home the well known bacon." Jack Johnson complains that he could not get justice in these United States. He could, but he didn't stick around loug enough. DBM a ball game at the Sox Park the ether day a board was blown from the roof of the grandstand and struck an umpire on tbe head. The board was badly shattered. Thb well known mosquito Is a grand little advocate for the slit skirt idea. 'Harbi Spin-gold is a cautious driver. He was recently driving his car through a small village in Wisconsin and stopped to Inquire direction from a native astride n, fence. "Where ye from?" inquired the latter. "Chi- cago," proudly answered Harry. "When did ye leave there?" "Fourth of July." promptly from Harry again. "What year?" grinned the native. CLASSIFIED AD. DEPARTMENT. Situation Wanted.—Young man. thirty years old, will accept position lu vaudeville, will leave city if desired, also wife, who la perfectly Willing I should. Address Dan Blanco. Personal.—Will the young lady who left an umbrella In Will Rosaltcr's professional office, please return and leave another, as it looks like rain? Wanted.—reople to piny piano: no ex- perience necessary or expected. Address any gltney theatre. Wanted.—Actor who can double as chauf- feur; one thoroughly acquainted with coun- try roads preferred. Address Harry Spin- gold. SINGLE OR DOUBLE VERSION 'TAB TALK.' H. T. MacConbll, recently seen at tho Great Northern, will retain his original char- acter In "Miss Idlewild," a tabloid by Bart St John, Kirk B. Alexander and Mr. Mac- Connell, which will play Association time the coming season. The book of tbe new show la spoken of very highly by those who hove read It. Wm. B. Fbiedlandeb, head of the Inter- State Producing Co., plans the following tab- loids for the coming season: "The Passing Parade," "The Princess," "The Inter-State Revue," "Hollo. Pegs," ''The Funny Moon," "The Triflers" and "1 Should Worry." Thb Four Marx Bros, will take their tab- loid over the Pantnges tour, providing three oi the acts of a Ave act show. The school act, Ueras Bros., In dancing, and "Mr. Greene's Reception" will be the name of the nets. L. F. Allardt's endorsement greatly aided her, having great weight with Alex- ander Pantages. C. U. Philldt has taken over the Pan- tages Theatre at St. Joseph. Mo., and will give half of each week to "tabs" and half to vaudeville, booking with tbe Inter-State. Dave Lewis will come here from New York the middle of next month to produce three "tabs" for Association time. MtN'Lo ilj. Moore is being urged to enter the tabloid field by managers, who declare that there la a "classiness" to his produc- tions to be desired as contrast to tbe "fconkiiro" of the many. "Tub Pinafore Kiddies." on U. B. 0. time, South, has been accepted by the Western, Vaudeville Managers' Association, and gets a route the coming season. "Ou, Look Who's Herb!" Is the title finally sclcctrd by Holton Powell for the Hal Johnson tabloids. "Henpecked Henry," with Jack Tralnor in the role originated bv Halton Powell, will rehearse In Michigan City, Ind, Geoiioe Lee, formerly of the Arlington Four, Is believed to have a Hfc contract with, the Four Marx Bros. Alice Cain's dancing appears to be one of the features of "The Girl from Dublin," now playing U. B. 0. time South. "l.v Wrong" begins rehearsals July 24. •!» £. .Me'jediiu, identified with tabloid as a press agent, is taking his Summer vacation. BUMJES QUEN C HICAGO. Ed. Lee Wrothe Performance at Co- lumbia. Prelude to Attractions for Regular Season—Engagement Will Continue Indefinitely. (Special to The New York Clipper.) Saturdav, Chicago, July 10. Although the Columbia burlesque houso does not have its formal opening for the sea- son until the 10th of August, a most laudable production has been Installed for an indefi- nite period, with the Idea of defying weather of nny sort. Ed. Lee Wrothe and the Ginger Girls are S'vlug the entertainment, and an excellent one it Is, with n superabundance of good, clean comedy, profuse with finery and liberal with girls. • The chorus, which numbers forty, are all Chicago girls, a fact which we hope ac- counts for the industrious, lively and accu- rate deportment of the young ladies, And CHORUS yfft'U go out on tbe ocean. Bobbin' up aud down. Bobbin' up and down. Ob, what a motion.— Bobbin' up and down, Bobbin' up and down,. It'* a funny ship, Atad you'll take a dip la the briny honey, If yon* t\tt the aid ■Up. AH the chairs and the dlsb.es Are bobbin* np and down. Bobbin' up and down. Even the fishes Are bobbin' ap and down. Bee the Captalp and tbo Crewi .■Everybody, even yon. Keep bobbin',bobbin', bobbin' bpand down. ttiEZJPLX^ ivx>ve::l.ty ADUItF.SH ALI, M.nr, TO THEODORE MORSE MUSIC CO. .143-145 WEST 40th STREET Through to 1437 BROADWAY, NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA I CHICAGO TO LEADERS Sand lor Our Band and I i Orchestra Catalog THE STANDARD BAULAD OF ALL TIME DEAR OLD CIRL Bj-.THEO. MORSE DAD'S HOTEL, MILTON STEVENS CHICAGO OFFICE 146 NORTH CLARK ST. ROCER CRAHAM, Prof. Mgr. tbey are costumed as efficiently as they are trained. s ' r ' Wrothe, who has been extolled many times before in these columns, is still the peerless comedian, at no time displaying any effrontery, and yet working with continual effulgence throughout, Mr. Wrothe might well be a burlesque matinee Idol, as far as any of the ladles present taking offense at his material. The show has been the target for a bene- ficent patronage, and will probably remain in this city for at least another fortnight. On Friday night of last week the White Sox nnd Athletic ball clubs were entertained by the management, much to the delight of both performers and guests. The others upholding the various ludicrous representations are: Jane La Beau, Owen Martin, Henry P. Nelson, Gus Roeber, Luclla Temple, Fay St. Clair. Al. Weston, Lew El- ber, Al. Dwinell. Ponies: Una Cbadwlck, Alice Gordon, Vivian Bingham, May Wagner, Madnlinc Worth, Marnuetta Harris, Suzlanna Bradford and Ye Gibson. Mediums: Cutie Vincent, Mildred Mantel], Evelyn Cole, Kittle Garsh, Rae Wilder, Grace Finbcrg. Bessie I'.arl, Marie Chalmers, May Johnstone, Vesta Hart, Pink Frederick and Mabel Lvnest, Show Girls: Charlotte Marmont, Ethel Mar- mont, Inez St. Clair, Grace Vincent. Lillian Collett, Lola Lee, Frankie Porter, Delia Smoker, Mnizie Merrill lluby Connors, Edith Bernard, Meda Perry, viva and Flo Perry. A number of new popular musical publica- tions are Interpolated, among them being "Naughty Melody," "Sou Made Me Love You, tbe former by George Meyers, and the latter by tbe Broadway Music Corporation; "Peg o' My Heart," a Feist number; "Pull- man Porters on Parade," a snippy new one, by the Abrams-WobJman concern, and "Apple Blossom Time Jn Normandy," handled by Remlck. WITH CHICAGO PARKS. (Special Id Tub New York Clipper.) Chicago, Monday, July 21. Two of the biggest outings of the picnic season took place at Rlvervlew, beginning Saturday and lasting until Monday evening. Seventy-flve thousand, it Is reported, attended the outing arranged by the I'ythlans, In aid of hospital work. The Plattdeutsche Grot Glide continued its outing over Sunday-and ended this evening. Four gold medals were swarded yesterday afternoon, and will be lereafter on every Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening, by tbe management of the Palace ballroom, In an endeavor to re- instate the waltz into popular favor, the medals being presented to those wbo best interpret that dance so much neglected since tbe arrival of tbe tango. Another new ride, called the gyroplane, Is now in evidence at Blverview. At White City the grand ballet has danced itself merrily Into popularity. Chevalier Emanuel extracts tbe last ounce of melody from his musicians, while the Great Ray- mond still continues to mystify, changing bis performance twice weekly, ou Mondays and Thursdays. The Casino Is doing a splen- did business in the evenings. Crcatore's Band continues to be tbe lead- ing feature of the Sans Soucl Gardens, crowds gathering to hear this entertainment alone. The Venetian Garden, dance ball, free vaudeville, where the acts are changed regularly, afford Immense amusement. Tbe •bills are changed weekly, this week tbe en- tertainers being: The College Four, Brock- man and Howard, the trio, Curtis, Cameron and Decker; Ada Fleming, singing comedi- enne; Acme Four, society entertainers, and Genevieve Shrader, an established cabaret character. A "tango" contest, which will bring out any of the best dancers In the city will be staged In the ballroom of Forest Park, or Friday evening, Aug. 1. The test dancers will be given gold medals. The regular tango nights are Tuesdays and Fridays. Fri- day night is also amateur night In the vaudeville theatres. The free cabaret, how- ever, lias proved the most popular attrac- tion, with amateur try-outs every Wednesday. Cash prizes are distributed. The display of fireworks every Wednesday and Friday nights has also proved a good drawing card. Armln Hand's Band arrived Sunday, 20, to add to the features. OUT OF TOWN NEWS TV. W. SPARKS, locals Artist, Little Theatre, Phlla,, Pa. Extensive Improvements are now uodervsy at tho Grand Opera House, Arch Street Theatre. Truca- dero, Duraont'B, tnil the llroad. and within a few weeks contracts will bv awarded for the 170.000 improvement at tbe Chestnut Street Oiiera Houic. These clianiiVA will have the effect of delnvliut some of the opening* until later In tbe Vail than usual, but when they are completed Ibere will bcarcelr be a single bouse In the central section that will not contain a complete fireproof equip- ment back of tin- curtain. Oabeick (Nixon * Zimmerman, mtn.l—The film production of "Quo VadJs" teenu to have staying powers greater than nny dramatic produc- tion, nx tbe ten works' run shows very little diminution In the attendance. GiinsTWVT (Will A. Page, mgr.)—The Orpheum Stock apiiears In "Tho Gay Lord Quex," 21 and week. The revival last week of "My Friend From India" seemed to Introduce Thur«ton Hall, the new leading man, who acquitted himself most creditably. Gertrude Dallas was charming as Marlon, while clever work was also done by Florence Roberts, Joseph Kaufman, Edward 10. Uorton and Shop. Camp. B. F. Keith's (II, T. Jordan, mgr.) — "The Pinafore Kiddles" In the feature act uwk of 21, In addition to Dorothy lllclimoiid nnd o'tiiimiiy. T. Hoy Haines mid Bes«ki Crawford. 11m innn Trio, Dorothy Kenton, Helen GolT. XwNiok and com].nny, the Three Dohemlnns, Cunningham anil Marlon, and moving pictures. •Metropolitan Oteuia IIousb (Eugene Myers, mgr.)—-For tho first portion of the week the hill will be: Powers' Klenbanta, Harry U-lgliton ami company, Kelso and IxMgbton, Mclutyre nml Groves, Emerson Trio, Melville Hammond. For the latter part of Hie week the numbers aro by Wilfred Clarke and company, itichniund and Mnmi, Kelt McKliitcy, Douwn and Gordon. Bunion mid Banloo, Dancing Lawsons. Xixom (Frcilk. Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 21: Walter Lawrence's Players, DerkhVa Animals, Du Bis. Three Musketeers, Verona Verdi and com- pany. Smith, Volk ami Crania, aud moving pic- tures. Willow Obovb Pask (J. T. Davles. mgr.)— Victor Herbert gave his dual concerts Inst wivk. to immense throngs, and was succeeded on 20 by Innls' Band. Out-of-town excursions uniiiKlit thousands to tho park last week, nnd tbe business done was tbe best so fur this season. Wooosidb Park (Wm. C. Martin, mgr.)—Miss Poller and her Male Symphony Komi gave nor final concert on 18, nnd was succeeded by Alex- ander Iiuin.l. which has been enjoyed for three weeks. Patronage continues big. Point IinBuza Pabk (Fredk. Mcdellon, mgr.) —With balloon ascensions, open-air boxing nnd free vaudovlle shows, there la wnnethinx doing every day and night at this resort. I'oIciiu'b Italian Band continues ns the musical attraction. Wabuinoton Pabk-on-tiie-Delawabb (II. F. Stetser, mgr.)—Lily's Concert Hand sml the Schu- mann Quartette continue to give two concerts dally. Fraternal organisations held outings here last week, and tbe attendance was unusually big. lilJOU, GlBABD, FoilKI'Al'UH'H. Haiit'h, Pro- i-le'b, Allegheny. Vktoiiia, Colonial, Plaza, Pauce and Aluaudka, give vaudeville and mov- ing pictures, NOTES, Miss Solleb, the lender of the symphony band at Woodslde Park, was seriously III last week, but was sufficiently improved later lu the week to resume ner duties. Wassii.i Lu*h and his orchestra begin an en- gagement at Willow Grove Park ou Aug. 3. Jam eh Kenny will hold down the Jab of treni- nrer of the TTocadero when It opens Its scasun ou Aug. 23. Manaoek Harry T. Joiwan, of B. F. Keith's, la enjoying week ends at hl« Ocean City cottage. Jebbt Rtan, the popular doorman of that house, leaves next week for his annual visit to Atlantic Otty. A NUMnsn of local theatrical men Journeyed to. Atlantic City, July 14, to attend tho opening of tbe new Nixon Theatre, Tin: Little Theatre, which Is undergoing some ntlnor nltcratlons, will re-open early In October. Inneh' Bano celebrates next week at Willow Grove Park Its twenty-flfth anniversary as a mu- ical organization. Frank Miooke, manager of the Alhamhra, will also take over the management of the new Broadway, now In the course of construction at Broad Street and Poaayunk Avenue. It will lie tbe llncst theatre in the town outldo the central section, and will open Its doors early in Septem- ber. Cnr!>onilnle, Pn.—Grand (Prank It. Tralles, mgr.) tbe Kdlnnn talking moving pictures July 15, 10, drew good business. I heal (L. A. Fnrrell, mgr.)—I.ynott's Orches- tra and dally change of moving pictures. Special added attractions each Wednesday evening. Geu (Alfonso SJrrlannl, mgr.)—Mechanical orchestra and blgh grade [pictures, dimmed dally Tbe Animated Weekly service is featured. Savoy (Tbe Screen Amusement Co., ingrs.)— Orchestra music and dally change of pictures. Victoria (Louis Matule, mgr.)—Orchestra mu- sic and dally change of pictures. Lake Louonx.—This well equipped amusement resort well patronised. Notes.— Young Murrain Wild West-Col. Cum- mins' Far East Show Is billed to appear In this city July 20 Wyoming Bill's Wild West filled a date here 14, antl gave two good sh'/ws, to large audience* Slsson A Tuttle are to succeed M. Hies as lessees of tbo Grand Opera House, and will assume their duties Sept. 1. The arrangements thus far made regarding the oiierat- lng force will Include: Lyuott's Orchestra, Ivor Thomas, stage manager; Thomas W. Kennedy, flyman, and Edward Huine, property roan. The last three named have been Identified with the Grand for nine years. The season will open Aug. 20, with "A Butterfly on the Wheel," with "Within the Law" and "Mutt nnd Jeff" lo follow. Then Kirk Brown will appear wltb bis splendid oumj'sny lor a week, In repertoire, at inpuar prices. Itrndlno;, Pa.—Hippodrome, toe second week of "Les Miserable*," by request, was given week ending 10. Manager Wm. Kerry had Geo. P. Carson, of tbe Carson Film Co., as his guest one evening last week. Mr. Carson is anxious to locate a plant In Beading. He has secured sev- reral options on grounds, and If an agreement can be reached a studio will be erected near this city. Orescent, Ehpibe, Family, Gem, Htpronanus, Lyric, Mecca, Palace, Picthbeland, Hex, Htab, Han Tot, Royal, Batot, Kohutlkiu, Avenub and Victor, motion pictures. Brnniwlck, Me.—Cumberland. Bertha Dud- ley and photoplays week of July 91, Pastime.— Photoplays continue to draw good houses. PLATLfO THM BUT DJl VAUDIVHVLB 8ULLIVAN and CONSIDUME CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE t iolllvan and Ooasldlae Bldsj., Third Madison Sis., SEATTLE, WASH. TB.MD. ISKOOJJI , . . Oaa.)Mgr. OEHKRAIi BOOKING OFFICE I 14611 Broadway (Heidelberg Bldg.), !*• ». CHRIS O. BROWH, ■ ■ a BRANCH BOOKING OFFICESi PAUL QO0DRON, S North Clark St., cor, afadlton, Chicago, 111.; MAURICE J. BURNS, 3d and Madison Sis., Seattle. Wash.: W. P. REKSK, vfl* Market St., Haa Francisco, Cal.; B. OBERMAYER, Brosdmead House, 21 Panton St., London, 8. W., England. HILLIS AND CHARTERS WANT FOR THEIR TWO SUCCESSFUL ATTRACTIONS THE MANHATTAN PLAYERS and MANHATTAN COMEDIANS Bepertolre People) iai all lines (sperlaliloa lireferreili. Woulil like to hewr from miiull Ladles Urcheatra and a big Kent tire Art of three or morn people, HILLIS <K CIIAHTKltN, 1,'ifA Mouth Clialftiaite Ave., Aliunde City, -V. J. Always roudy to buy Dye Hcoiiury It cheap. w f"or kd REYNOLDS & ROSS PLAYERS (EASTERN) Al Leading Man with appcaranco and wnrdrnbo, Hmilirclto or Infronao who csn do Specialties. Character Woman. Goiiural IIiimIiichh Sinn to linnillo I'rtiiw. iir Stiiifo. State) all Unit letter, Ite- hearsnls July :a>. Slum- uncus Aitifitst II, near Omaha, week stuuds, soilio throe, iilirhts. Wrlta or wire quick. Want Al Advance). Agent. BILLY ROSS, Mgr., Savoy Hotel, Omaha. Neb. The TOM MARKS CO. JUVENILE LEADING MAN AND WOMAN To loin Ang. 1. Show opens Aug-, a. Turco night stands. HEM) PHOTOS. Others writs. Address TOM AIAUKN, Perth, Out. \A/ A IM For PERMANENT DRAMATIC STOCK CLEVER YOUNG LEADING WOMAN and LEADING MAN, both with exceptional personality! sliagln engagements. Mall photos will) first letter. Can also uho other poopta for general business. Address 3. M. IIUBBB, Mgr. Q, T, CRAWFORD THEATRIOAL ENTERPRISES, Gayety Theatre Building, 14th unil Locust St., Si. Louis, Mo. WANTED, A LOCATION, FOR PERMANENT STOCK FOR THE COMING SEASON, FOR THE BARRETT PLAYERS ThlRlCompanr ployed nine months at iho Lyric Thcatro, Lima, Ohio, and produces tho very best, U people. Address J. K. IIARHK I T, 54 N. Laurel ML, llaxelton. Pa. WANTI IIATCLY FOR THE KNICKERBOCKER STOCK CO. IN ALL l_l Name lowest salary. Preference kU'cii those dolnir spin-lalUus. Bend photos. Three night and week stands, itelicarsals Aug, 1. Thouu who liavo worked for us before, write, Salary positively sure. Season's work. IncPIIILLU'M A IlECHTIN Carlisle, Kentucky. PICKERT STOCK COMPANY OPENS SEASON AUGUST 14 A MAN FOR HEAVIES AND GENERAL BU8INE88 Also man that can direct and heavies and g-enorals. Address FOUll PICKKKTH, uuu Cleveland St., Brooklyn, N. V. HARRY C. SHUNK CAN BE ENGAGED. Well known In MINSTREL LINE Can do Comedy or Straight. Can play booiI line of parts, either white or black face. Good talking and singing voice. Character good. Ileferenoei-Any person (hat kaawa me. Ask about me. Address "ON THE FARM," Cardlngton, Ohio. PERMANENT STOCK. REPERTOIRE. ONE PIECE OR TABLOID STOCK LEADING WOMAN, strong enough to fcattiro. Kxpcrlenco, ability, appearance and wardrobe. DIRECTOR with MCHIPT8. Ilavo all the best. Can play responsible "S0BIPT8" KOHHALK. Anything you want I have. Also one Hundred Tal Play one hoar. P. 8.- Would consider partners!! "BE &wllh reliable purlins. Address . / I-E," OlO Jobell Ave., Defiance, Ohio. Heavy Man, Ingenue and Gen. litis, (lady); Piano Player, dotiblo small parts preferred; Hnslcol Team. Useful People, all lines, fur full Co. Tlmso doing specialties preferred. Open Aug. la. Year's engage, ment. Send programs; state sire, weight, height. Salary sure as a hank: mako it reasonable. Ne Ocgs or pen. WlOilT TIJKATtttt CO., W1LI.AK1) WIUUT, MOIL, WATEKUK), IOWA.