The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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JULY 26 THE NEW, YORK CLIPPER. 23 SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO., Inc. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ______ CHICAGO, IL.L.. - - ■ - - IVlaJootlo Theatre Bld C . DDANPUCC P'TTSBUROH, ~ J\. ----- 630 Wabash BlcJe- DrlMi1Lhh5 NE:w vort|< ^ Y _ -_*«•-! Bids. CLEVELAND, O. ..... Opp. F»rlsollle. Theatre Affiliated with -the Wostorn Vaudeville Managero' Asoociatlon We Start to Book SEASON 1913-14 FIRST THREE WEEKS IN AUGUST. ALL HOUSES OPEN FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER MANAGERS For the information of all acts who desire to play the Sun Circuit, we suggest making application for time at once. State all In first letter, giving time you have played, lowest possible salary, short de- scription of act, number of people, etc. In fact, any and all information that will assist our agents in placing your act to the best advantage. GIVE YOUR PERMANENT ADDRESS. 400 Acts to open SEPT. I. Nothing too big or too small. Girls who oan lAf A fL% TP (J 1 ^\ Sing and Dance for Productions and Tabloids. Minstrel People of all kind*. If §\ IH * Ei la? Chara(tr People and Chorus Girls. We always have an opening for the right kind of people or acts. If you are contemplating a change of agents, give us a trial. Split weeks arranged. Reliable Service and Recognized Acts properly arranged to give the beat results. Write lmmedlat<ly for full information as ta our service. ID PRODUCING DEPARTMENT With the opening of the season we will he prepared to submit a complete line of musical comedy tabloids, produced in the same lavish costuming and scenic equipment of the original production. The salaries are reasonable when the shows are bought outright, or. may be secured on percentage basis, and each and every production is unconditionally guaranteed. In addition to our own personal productions we handle the best companies of Chicago and New York producers. We can take on a few more first class independent tabloids. WITH FIRST CLASS THEATRES IN INDIANAPOLIS, COLUMBUS, CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, DETROIT, PITTSBURGH, BUFFALO, LOUIS- VILLE, CINCINNATI AND OTHER LARGE CITIES, IT WOULD BE WELL THAT ALL ACTS COMMUNICATE WITH THIS OFFICE BEFORE ACCEPTING ENGAGEMENTS IN OTHER THEATRES THAN OURS, IF YOU INTEND TO PLAY THE SUN TIME. In conclusion, we wish to announce that we axe prepared to book anything and everything in the amusement line, so remembor this fact when planning your next smoker, outdoor entertainment, fair or Chautauqua assembly. Our field representatives will be pleased to call on you. NOTICE TO Deaths in tfte Profession. 1 I IN KIND AND LOVING MEMORY OF MY DEAR HUSBAND PHIL. McFARLANDl Who Dl«d July St>, 1908. ■ ■ THERESA McFARLa HD. 1 Aubrey Doaclcault. Aubrey Bouclcault, the actor, and a eon of the late Dion Bouclcault, died July 10 In the New York Hospital. During the recent hot weather he was stricken wnlle dining with frletds in a Broadway restaurant, from which he never recovered. Mr. Bouclcault was born In London on June 13, 18(11), when bis father, Dion, was at the height of his popularty as a playwright. He was sent to. the City of London School and to Eton, and came to this country In 1887. His proces- sional career began here that year, wnen he appeared as Plcord, In "The two Orphans, with Kate Claxton. He returned to London, and during the following season made bis London debut with John Toole, playing the part of the Hon. Bobby Jay, In "me Don. Cbarles Wyndham later engaged him for the Criterion Theatre, and he played In a num- ber of productions In the leading London the- atres. He returned later to this country and acted In melodrama and In support of Richard Mansfield, but It was first In Rose Coghlan's production of Oscar Wildes A Woman of No Importance" that he attracted general attention. _ Mr. Bouclcault never confined himself io one field of work, and it was only a year later that he appeared at the BUou Theatre with Camilla d*ArvUle, In "Madeleine," a comic opera. Later he appeared In "Leon- ardo" when that operetta, by Thomas rear- Mil Thome, was performed at the Games: Theatre. Then he revived the most famous of the plays which his father bad written and acted In. In 1806 he went to London end acted In a version of Du Soucbet's com- edy, "My Friend from India." He returned to this country to appear In "The Bagged Regiment" and "The Hotel Topsy Turvoy. at the Herald Square Theatre, and was a participant In the great success of "Mistress Nell" when Henrietta Crosman acted the drama at the Bijou Theatre. Hla versa; E. F. Sefton, In private life Earnest Frederick Colllnges, son of John Henry Col- linses, lite Royal Navy, London, Eng., died suddenly at Jackson, Mich., Jane 30. of heart failure. Mr. Sefton was born in Aber- deen, Scotland, Msy 20, 1868, and came to this country about twenty-fonr years ago and was employed on The Chicago Herala. Ills first theatrical engagement was with the Morgan, Sherman Co. Later he Joined the Courtcnay Morgan Co., where he met Ella Taylor, sister of Mlsa Morgan, and they were married Oct 15, 1807, at Northvllle. Mich. Two children were born, Lyle and Marquise, Who, with Mrs. Sefton, Mrs. Helen Colllnges, his mother, and a brother and slater, sur- vive him. air. Sefton had held important en- gagements as principal comedian, and later as business manager with numerous com- panies. About three years ago ho opened Set ton's Vaudeville Bxchange, In • Detroit, Mich., and at the time of Ms death was booking fifty-two theatres in and around that city. Funeral services were held from Ms late home, 645 Van Dyke Avenue, Detroit, and were conducted, by Rev. H. Hobart .Bar- ber, at the home, and by the Owosso Lodge of Elks, No. 763, at the grave, interment being made in Woodmere Cemetery, Mat city. The funeral was largely attended by house managers and vaudeville performers, and many beautiful floral pieces were received. Mrs. Louisa Olive Till, aged sixty years, of the original TlU's Marionettes, died at her home In Maiden, Mass., Sunday, July 13. after an Illness of one week. Mre. Till had been a marionette manipulator since she was ten years old, having worked as a member or her grandfather's troupe in England. She was Born in London, Eng.. In 1853, and came to this country early In the '70s, and married John rill (who died In 1910), while en route with Hopkins' Trans-Oceanic* in the South- west in 1878. Mrs. Till closed a seasoii In Canada not long ago. touring with her son, and opened a Summer season at Revere Beach, Boston, June 29. She was taken Ul a week later and wbb removed In an uncon- scious condition to her home In Maiden. She la survived by four daughters and one son. H. A. Wleltham.— An unsigned com- munication reports that B. A. Wlckbain, a nEtttal manager, was kilted In an aatomo- bile accident near Akron. N. Y., July 7. Mr.. WUkham started In the show _»£*»■• advance agent for Arthur R. Witter in1888, and wbb associated with Mr. Wllbcr in the managMcntol Julia Arthur, Milt. 0. Barlow and other enterprises for a number of years. Since 1885 Mr. Wlckham acted "manager Charles L. Grove, formerly well known In the theatrical world as a hypnotist and illusionist, died July 4, at his home, 857 East Washington Street, Chambcrsburg, Pa., aged forty-four years. Mr. Grove relin- quished the vocation of paper hanging when a young man to go upon the stage, where he met with much success. He is survived by one son, John R. Orove; a brother and a sister, George D. Grove and Mrs. Alice U. Eyster. Funeral was held at his late resi- dence July 7. THE CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU. Performers In all branches of the profession are rapidly taking advantage of tno oppor- tunity presented by this Institution to secure a peumanbnt and haluulu iiHconit. which can readily be called upon lo give publicity to any lust claim for priority In presenting any particular line of work, without any lengthy Investigation or any expense whatever. It Is your own fault If you do not place on record any new Idea which you are presenting, and it will be your own fuult if you will not be In position, at any future time, to call on this Bureau to substantiate your claim as to when and at what place you registered the material In dispute. a Kin ktsasssL ■*rv> .'" USBBI . BHSV ■'"'■■1 .-- ■:k»;-;^SBB1 BBBBBB .: AT ANY 1IME, ONE WEEK OR TEN YEARS THEREAFTER, SHOULD IT BECOME NECESSARY FOR YOU TO PROVE THAT YOU HAD USED THE ACT, THE CUPPER WILL, ON YOUR REQUEST, ACCOMPANIED BY THE CERTIFICATE, FURNISH YOU WITH A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE ENTIRE PLOT, DESCRIPTION, SONG, PARODY, DESCRIPTION OF TRICK, AND DATES WHEN REGISTERED, OR IF DESIRED WILL PUBLISH SAME IN OUR COLUMNS UNDER THIS DEPARTMENT, GIVING YOU THE DE- SIRED PUBLICITY AT THE PROPER TIME, WITHOUT TROUBLE ON YOUR PART. They will NOT BE PUBLISHED unless YOU YOURSELF WANT THEM to appear. . WRITB OUT YOUR MATERIAL IN FULL, GIVING AIX ESSENTIAL DETAILS. HILTON AND HUGHES, Featuring "You Made Me Love You," pub- lished by the Broadway Music Corp. tlUty was shown by his appearances with r - 5, lnneQn a Bvley. Fisher and Byley, Nat Goodwin and Viola Allen, Otis Bklnnerj 1? jrlsber an d Henry W. Savage. Last and Weber and Fields. He had married J_ _ managed "Little Boy Blue." three times, hla last wife being Ruth Holt, to whom he was married In 1906, and who survives him. The funeral was held at noon,. July 12, at the Church of St Mary the Virgin, on Forty-sixth Street rear Sixth ATenuc. The Rev. H. E. Van Eldejl, senior curate, read the funeral service. Chief among the mourners were the wife anu daughter of the actor. Rath Holt and Reneo Bouclcault. Fellow members of the Green Room Club, who acted as pallbearers, were: Thomas Sinclair, LouIb WWchcr, Chester De- vant, Harry Frunklin, Bernard Randall, Her- bert Heywood, Louis Morrell. Among those present were: Hudson LIston. who played m Dublin with Dion Bouclcault the actors father, forty years ago; George Ponccfort, W. 8. Harklns, Edw. E. Rice, manager; George Majeronl and Helen Onnsby. Inter- ment wsb made at ML Hope Cemetery, West- chester County. Billy Arlington.— Through a typo- Sipblcal error m a recent issue of Tni rrrra, the name of Billy Arlington, re- cently deceased minstrel, was given as Valen- tine BurneU. It should be Valentine Brook" Bunnell. Mr. Arlington was born in Butter- nut Creek, N. Y.. instead of Canada. foV Dunne and R^lerrjhfind Ryley.Jo^ C. Fisher and Henry W. Savage. Last sea- son he managed "Little Boy Blue." The £»£ wa. w he.d ■t£«_^ J _5£ a s^*S__-5 sftrmES advance and contracting agent In the show business for the past eighteen years, died June 27, at the home of his aunt. Mrs. Lula Woelfle 450 Douglas Street. Indianapolis, Ind, after an Illness of one year, from a com- Dlicatlon of diseases. Mr. Hopping was con- nected with Fred. 8. Raymond^ attractions for several seasons. His last engagement was with the Sun Bros.' Circus as con- tracting agent. The funeral was held June 29 under the anspices of the Elks, of which he was a member. He had many friends In and out of the profession. . . . _ . Joseph Masso, known In Pawtucket Val- ley IL L. as "Kl Ko. the Wild Man," died In the Rhode Island Hospital. In Providence, July 12. Masso was a familiar character at shore resorts, where he gave exhibitions of eating large qunntitles of fish and raw meat. Chivies iVeopard Seaaren, an actor, died June 17, from tuberculosis, at Los An- Brtea. Cat. Mr. Sesgren was a native of San Francisco, and his last sppeirance on the stage was with companies of John Griffith and Frederick Wsrde. JOHN CORT'S PLANS. John Cort will make one of the first new productions of the season of 1918-14 when Zellah Covington and Jules Blmonson'a com- edy. "The Elixir of Youth," will receive its premiere at- the Cort Theatre, Chicago, on Aug. 8, with Frank Bacon In the principal character, of the chemist Others In the cast will be: Amelia Summers, Marie Taylor, Bessie Bacon, Wuifrcd Bryson, Eugene O'Rourke, Joseph Brennan, Barry Mestayer and George Bantam. Mr. Cort will revive, on an elaborate scale. George V. Hobart and Jean Schwartz' mu- sical comedy. "The Ham Tree." with Mc- Intyre and Heath starring In their familiar characters, Alexander . Hambletonlan and Henry Hones. Mclntyre and- Heath have been comedy partners for forty years, and their return to what is probably their great- est success Is of moro than usual interest. Mr. Cort will surround bis stars with a care- fully selected company of. principals, while the twenty-four dancing girls nave been chosen from over one thousand applicants. The tour will begin at the Shubert Theatre. Boston, Sept. IS. Ned Wayburn will stage the production. . '■' "The Menace," a new comedy, by Anne Crawford Flcxner, author of the stage ver- sion of "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch," is another production which Mr. Cort will make early in the season. In addition to the above productions Mr. Cort will send, an tour at least two vaude- ville rqad coBrpanles. Contracts for a lore period tofutfika have been made with such hendllnersTlFAnnk Held, Lillian Russell, William Farnum. George Beban and Chlng Ling Fco. These companies will tour both East snd West, beginning their season In September.. y <■» Leo .F. Harbison's attractions will open In Mcflenfy. 111., Aug. 17. CUT OUT THE ATTACHED COUPON and send it to us with your descrip- tion, one coupon for each act, gag, trick, or for a series of them. THIS COUPON will be numbered and attached to your contribution, and a certificate will be returned to you as an acknowledgment, and for future reference. The contribution should be signed plainly by the person or firm sending in same, and should be endorsed by the stage manager of the show or of the house where the act is being used. Further ■ acknowledgment will be made by the names and numbers being published each week as received. ' - 1 Address your contributions to THE REGISTRY BUREAU NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 W. agth St., New York DmMs.ui..., NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU : Enclosed please find copy of my entitled »;..... for Registration. NAME Address When you register a play or scenario that yon lntond to submit for reading to any pro- ducer, we will furnish a label to be attached to the original, showing that the same has been entered In Tils CLiprxs Registry Bureau. iUoward W. DuaiND,-of the Durand Musi- cal Five, writes: "We have Just arrived at our borne, Durand Cottage, Cheshire, Conn., after a' moat pleasant and profitable season on the U. B. 0. time, and I am superintend- ing the building of two new cottages for renting purposes. We will take up our route sgaln about Sept J." Rob Haumb writes: "This is my second Rcuson wltluthe C. C. Mcaior vaudeville tab- loid lent shows. I am making good, present- ing my black face comedy act and my eccen- tric talking and singing specialty. Toe show Is playing to turnaway business nightly. Tub oi,u litxiARLB is our mascot every Thursday." •».