The New York Clipper (July 1913)

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JULY 26 THE TSTETW YORK CLIPPER. 25 HHIffiMY JOE SOME BOY THE GREAT 'FRISCO HIT. ALL THE RACE IN CHICAGO, JUST STARTING IN NEW YORK! IN THE TOWN WHERE I WAS BORN THE SMASHER OF ALL RECORD8! SUNG BY 100,000 ARTI8T8-PLAYED BY 200,000 BAND8 AND ORCHESTRAS! DADDY HAS A S u.i..t J j.u u'r^mwttmff rre 3 ■JilJUbMl THAT WONDERFUL TURKEY TROT, 4 WHICH HAUNTS YOU WHEREVER YOU CO. GREAT SONG, WITH SNAPPY COMIC LYRIC THE SONG THAT TOUCHES ALL HEARTS AND BRINGS A TEAR TO THE EYE IfgHffl I J wyi til:4^tl ME THINK.N W rT°soVp° ALL ™E TIME!" "NIGHT YOU TOLD WE NOP' "YOU'VE COT "RaJS 2f !' iANP°"w HC N f rn i Tu k ? y cu,°r T«r° l l?„ E 1 RI ? C ' (Ballad) "HONEY HOW I U>NC FOR YOU I" "MY CAL SAL!" Lowiri £oAn^' Ina B W ,f5 J°« LD ou E »u SW ^I^ T „?' RL THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD!" "IN A LONELY CABIN ON A LONELY ROADI" (New Ballad with New Rhythm) "THAT OLD QUARTETTE!" (Ballad). PROFESSIONAL PIANISTS I Send for th ese big Instrumental Hits. 10c, each. "LE GIGOT," Turkey Trot v-MARlETTA^-! Turkey Trot •■SOME SMOKE.;'.;Turkey.Trot. .. ••LE.P0EME," Valso Boston "VALSE SEPTEMBRE" -DRUID'S PRAYER.'' Waltz- ••LAUGHJNG LOVE." Turkey Trot Prof. Copies Free to Recognized Artists. Vocal Orchestrations 10c, each JOS. W. STE RN A CO. CHICAGO OFFICE: 145 NO. CLARK STREET. 102-104 W. 38th St. N. Y. CITY NAT. 0. MANN, MQR, BAND & ORCHESTRA LEADERS ! Mew Hits at. Special Prices. 15c- each for B. and 0. .'•DADOV HAS SWEETHEART." Wall* ''SOME BOY," Turkey Trot 'LE GIGOT." Turkoy Trot •'JUNKMAN HAG," Turkoy Trot "VALSE SEPTEMBRE" "GLOBE TROTTERS." Turkey Trot "WANT TO BE SOMEBODY'S BAI1Y GIIIL," Turkey Trot "LEG OF MUTTON" Turkey Trot ••LAUGHING LOVE." Turkey Trol ^HUBERTS' NEW FRENCH FARCE. The Shuberts have decided to open tlie Maxine Elliott Theatre on Friday. Aug. 1. with "The Gentleman Prom No. 10," which was adapted from the French by Murk E. Swan. The original authors wcro Kcroul and Barre, -who wrote "line Ntilt de Noccb," which, under the title, "On, I Say," has been successful In London, and has been acquired by Wn. A. Brady for use In this country. Sydney Blow and Douglas Hoorc made the Urltlsh version of the farce. In the company presenting the play will be Walter Jones, MUllcent Evans, Nanette Comstock, Richie Ling, Robert Olbbs, Florlne Arnold, Henry Bergman and Raymond Smith. SHORT VAMP SHOES (Reg. U. S. Pat. office) STAGE SHOES FOR WOMEN Are made to ill Your style and your foot Wo (It out Individuals and Complete Companion. The SOU- hrette.Sprlnjr. Heels, One Strap, lllnrk Kid, Style No. :iii>it. Two Dollars. 54 West 31st St. I nd 1501 Broadway, New York City STAGE SHOES WOOD SOLE CLOGS Plain KM, • - $3.60 Patent Leather - $4.60 All Colors, ■ • $5.00 Bxtra neat, will not rip. STAGE LAST In Oxfords, Slippers ana Shoes. Send for Catalog- _ Bent C. O. D. If $1.00 per pair Is advanced. FIFJH UAPLB DANCING MATS, made to order at 60 cts. per square foot NEEUY BROS. _ 728 W. Madison Street Opp. Haymarket Theatre chicago LEW NICHOLS' COUNTRY ESTATE AT MINNEHAHA SPRINGS, EAGLE, WIS. This Illustration conveys n splendid idea of this beautiful country estate. After a lifetime of activity in the circus field nnd having been Identified la nn executivo capacity with nearly all of the loading tented aggregations In America, I>cw Nichols has retired to prlvato life and Is the lord of one of the mo«t beautiful domains lu Wisconsin, lie Is a charier member of Tho BUowmcn's League of America. B.B.&B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK ft*YEAR GUARANTEE Hound wlili oar New Cold-Hollsd Nt««l ill ml 11 iu. riirco-nly ll. II. & li. trunk, wood, liunil 11 vririi tlpplrnt iray. SKNI) KOH KHBB CA.TAl.OaUK, B. j B, THUHK CO., Pltlsporgh, Pa , MONSTER BABOONS MONSTER PYTHONS LARGE OURANQ OUTANQ WM, UAH 1 'KM CO., 44 Corlliimlt Ht„ N. Y.'* MIST CALL rou in:... Out busy. Hi-mi iih your orili-ln. Hlllll-t MlllipiTS. Ilbll'k Kill (1.60. I'mi-il.o HllpporH, HprliiK HeelH I'i.oil, Almvo In Halln mill Kill. fi'ir. miw. MR.5.J.WEHHHALJH. formerly with MAIII.RIl IIROS. Is now located at lliu "HhoeCruft" Hhon. Catalog" A" of sUft shou ftt e -THK- — ISHOeCRAfT SHOP 3T<I Ntl» Ave., N. Y. <'. 2IllockHHnulh of l'n. Htnllon. Tol, Chelsea WW mmmmmmmm ——. ENIMEN'S b ^ t „ e m d TOILET POWDER KEEPS YOUR SKIN IN HEALTHY CONDITION TRY MENNEN'8 VIOLET TALCUM TOILET POWDER Crtts Murk. SAMPLE BOX FOR 4c IN 8TAMPS-OERHARD MENNEN CO. Newark, N. J.