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THE OTJW YORK OLIPEER. AUGEST30 HARRY ENNIS, REPRESENTATIVE. u LETTER FROM B^E.LPRESroENT. mDIMAPOLIS BUED ING WAR Y B. P. THEATRES, "THE SPOILERS" A BIG SaiG FEATURE. FILM FLICKERS* BI DIXON. SURPRISES IN VARIOUS M;f: AUTHORS' NAMES ON SCREENS. 3S£t^&£&& £&%(£ KLHHE TO BUILD THEATRE IN NEW YORK-BRANDT GOES TO ; EURORE* _ . _ 883 MRS. CARTER SIGNS WtH B.HNE---BIG CIRCUITS WANT 'SAPHO" PICTURES. ' - Gate and Pacific Feature Film .Exchange. •nd tbc Miles Bros.' interests, have secured control of the Far West rights from the Ex- clusive 'Supply Corporation of their feature program. Including Oaumont, Itala, •nd Great Northern feature releases. FsiNcis Powers has been engaged as di- rector for Reliance. Mr. Powers was for- merly with rathe. .His first picture will be CHANGES IN RELIANCE STAFF-LEDERER WITH MUTUAL i GEO. KLEINS TO BUILD N. Y. THEATHE, Spero Is very well known to exhibitors the country over, having established offices for the Mutual Film Corporation In Sprlngeld. STATEMENT OF E. A. NEFF. &&&&%^&A&ffa K^H^VWaNI st,'tem^ro% , fa«%fand Ut 4.\°en e iu a eta P nVly ^^fnc&'ta^.lSfft^^cV S^Sfffl. »«V 2SStt&£8& Jo so 1 want It thoroughly understood that LrAiusement to. Bot! on' Norttillllnols 22gUfiE£J£r%2l2& oftltll^mU. I will not be drawn Into any newspaper argu- street f^ ™t£i?I£ U l a ,. m S£ h t 0d £ tL ce £!JS,^aifn" ments or personal controversies. My policy i tlve gentlemen engaged in the feature film mm-i ..« «.»»»» .u oi>».u«uu In the future will be the same an In thermst S ame - Imitation may be tl* slncerest form Sam H. Harris, of the theatrical firm of MaBfJ ail(] ij u rr a io, Zf. Y. and re-crganliel -to organlxo tie bono %e motion picture GREAT SIERRA BACKDROP. ft flattery, but if s hard to look at It in that Cohan A Harris; Sol Bloom, talking machine gl'^toal XeTin Cleveland, T?lX^n« exhibitors Into a concrete league, to solidify Producer H. J. Le Saint, of the 8ellg WW .When a firm spends *100,000 on a pie- man and former music PubllBher on a large De trolt While connected with the Unlver- and harmonise all interests pertaining to Polyscope Co.'s California Mission Studios, ture and then sees the market flooded with, Male, and last, but decidedly not least, eel, Mr. Swro opened offices for that organl- our business. *" " and his group of popular Sellg Players re- cheap imitations. ■ George Klelne. the WMWV of the now u ta Sprlngeld, Mass. "At tie inception of the league It was turned a few days ago from a three week Chas. J. Bbabin, of the Edison Co.. is at justly famous "Quo Vadur feature, are * three mo btahs apparent to me that It would require pa- sojourn at Cascade, In the high Sierras, present la Great Britain making a series of associated In the plan for the building of a SIGN THREE BIG STARS. tiencc, time and money to organize the .ex- where the Pacific Light and Power Corpora- Scotch liigllsb. and Irish photoplays, with theatre on the South side of Forty-second A coterie of recognized screen stars hat hlbltors, and after due deliberation I decided tlon Is spending millions of dollars on one Miriam Nesblt and Marc MacDermott as the Street, near Broadway. New York. When been induced to sign contracts with Warner's to undertake the gigantic task, fully renlls- of the world's most remarkable engineering leading characters. Marc must have gotten finished the house will be used as an ex- Features, Inc., to appear in three-reel fetr lng the obstacles to overcome. To undertake undekrtaklngs. This company has main- *•• "land legs" after that 'orrlblo trip across hlbition place for feature films. It will cost tures, as a part of the exclusive feature pro- the organization of several thousand disor- talned for over a year a camp of seme three the pond, gnnlzed business men, I appreciate that I thousand men In the heart of the wildest (876,000, and will be equipped with a large g ra m to be Instituted about the middle of September. Among those secured up to tbh? A B. 'Lawmncb Co., the well known cos- stage and up-to-the-minute facilities. ,..,.,■...,,„ would have to sacrifice not'only moncy'and Part of these mountains, and has constructed tune house, has transferred its entire stock UNIVERSAL SENDS JOE BRANDT TO time are: Gene Gauntier, Marlon Leonard; time, but several years of my life. I as- fifty-six miles of as difficult and beautiful a of make-up, wardrobe, etc., to lie Famous Constance Crawley, Elsie Albert, Edith Bost- sumed the responsibility, and whether the railroad as can bo found on earth. The Prayers studio,-where Mr. E. V. Maling, the i&hui.a«ij. wickvJack J. Clark, Arthur Maude and Matty Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of Amer- Sellg people were the guests of Supt. F. M. manager of the Lawrence concern, has estab- Joe Brandt, of the Universal forces, sailed allQ - Early, the clever Juveniles. Negotiations lea Is a success or not I leave to those who Thebo. the engineer who has charge 1 of this Uehed his headquarters. for England Tuesday, Aug. 26. Joe is the are on foot with several other well know* understand what has been accomplished to herculean task. HnKU«sr Blachk, former vice president <« general publicity inogul and likewise assist- interpretators of the silent drama whose Judge. With a childish enthusiasm the sturdy the Gaumont Co. and at present one of the ant treasurer of the Universal Co. He will names will be announced at a later date, 'lit no time since the league was or- electrical engineers under Thebo welcomed active heads, in conjunction with Mme. endeavor to establish the universal films on Warner's exclusive feature program promises ganlsed has there been placed at my disposal the advent of tho Sells people and aided Lo Blacbe, In the management of the Bolax Co., a substantial basis in Europe. Joe Brandt, to be a huge drawing card, and meritorious) a fund of |1 to be drawn upon. I have financed 'Halnt In obtaining many of the most startling announces a new brand of American made who ls conceded to be one of the best pub- in every way. and have advanced money to the leaguo effects over produced in photo-dramas. Ter- feature films. Several Broadway stars, It la llclty men in the film game, will undoubtedly M — 1JM t . 1 M , mmaum whites, tamers. from the tlmo of Its Inception, and have rifle dynamite explosions, men balancing said, will be engaged to strengthen the stock make our European cousins sit up and take ntonu&ni riMunmniitua vAoibn* waited until the league could refund the across dizzy ravine on wire cables, runaway company devoted to the end of this business, notice, as Joe is surely there with original COMEDY. money. I have never had at any time as lumber cars shooting down steep Inclines, Jack Johnston (Eclair) has returned press stuff and selling ideas. He will make Herbert Prior (Edison), whose versatile tal- inucb as $100 that belonged to the league la water cascading from monster dams, gigantic from Ireland. Wurral wurra 1 his headquarters In London, where John v. pntg BBve i 0D g 8 ] nce made him ono of ths my possession. Moneys from all sources are forest trees sent crashing into the streams Clara Hobton, the Eclair kid. held a Tlppetts is In charge of the universal office. i cn dlog players on the screen, has wrlttea paid to the secretary, which he turns over below—nothing was too Dig for the genial birthday party In honor of the ninth year CHARGES ITS' RELIANCE CO. STAFF, another comedy, la which he plays tho lead- ."mount™ 8 ' 1 ™ ««" « * ™« ° f the g 55 t0 UDdW,ake *» ** d * r,D « *** xV.t Wto doctor. ^nsu'tEd' sucS *&. »&*&&»& '582' Haft B^SS a^tfJ. 5SE- KS^eSSS from eWRal SWlO^^i^^ and a few other fatal diseases, visits Dr. "When visiting the various States, the MABEL TRTJNNELLB PLAYS FAVORITE PART. If Mabel Trunnelie were asked to choose Stella Bazetto, the vivacious little Seltf buge quantities of watermelon and Ice cream SSniS^ < ^«T2S2S rrSm fhi *tJ3i • S » dues of • few of Ihe States or tho money for woman, thrilled the hearts of the engineers that she was forced to talw a brief vacation. J?» dl 5f 1 .™ m > 2£ n 'e" 1 *" Itom lM BW ■ cure himself of pneumonia, bubonic plai a charter were paid to mo, and this Is all of with her many daring "stunts," as she will Oh I ■, Whatermclon I t» i. »f,™„Jii «,.* m,it» . r„ mn r» *nd » few other fatal diseases, visits the moncr that 1 bavo ever collected, with fill the hearts of her audience In picture Alkck' Fbancis had a peculiar awlgnmeiit « M .™ffi|Bi_S!rv'HK *i»ZZtJ£fl? Klllum's sanitarium. Mr. Prior Is nerfee* the exception of small amounts for traveling houses later on. Miss Bazetto Is a very at- one day last week. The dlgnled Britisher changes are scheduled to take place snortiy. ag ^gj ^ag.,,^,.,.!,^ Bogg8 expenses, and all the money received for tractive woman, and even In a locality where net out to secure six kittens needed for a MRS. LESLIE CARTER SIGNS "WITH traveling expenses was credited to the league, women are unusually plentiful she would forthcoming release. Suffice to say he GEO. KLEIRE. end the other sent to tho secretary. Tho Prove a drawing card. So it Is not to be couldnt get six In Jersey, so Aleck had to _ .. _ . ... ..„7S ... t m ~ J ^». m ik books of the secretary and treasurer will wondered at that she created a decided come over to New; York for them, where, Mrs,■**•"?i.SS *I. K. f^i.*.?^ 1 ^?! " «"»«=' *»«.,«.„. „„ dhow every dollar collected and disbursed, furor in that faraway mountain camp. Bev- after a series of highly exciting adventures, contract, tmwa g m an *Wearance oerore tne k[aa ot p^ sne wantcd to viKJ D( and I refer any one to C. M. Christlanson, «ral eminent engineers from Dusseldorf, Ger- he obtained the feline army and chaperoned the camera, as previously aunounced in taw choice would fall upon Just such a char- former secretary. Geo. 'H. Wiley, secretary, many, became picture players for the nonce, them safely over the ferry to the studio at COIun " 1 > wicn oeo. jpn «e mpoieon or acter ag p o]I _ Ec C | es m "caste." ' The light- World Theatre, eighth and Highland Avenue and will be seen In many of the productions Fort Les. Quite unconventional, old chap! aim ] Impresarios. Mrs. carter will appear h earte d ■winsome girl whose sordid sm> Konsas City, Mo., or J. J. Blcder, treasurer na^e in this picturesque locality. Clauds B. Buchanan has been appointed In all of her more Important succenses, the roundlngs seem only to increase her gaiety. Jackson, Mich. ' CIIAI , THR elbet Vnit MMUMJl manager of the General Film CoV Com- first ^ J^WchwlU ^ "Du Barry.' appeals to the clever actress, and her Inter: •Tho cnUre account I have received for C"* RTB " FLBET FOR "SPOILERS." mcrclal Branch, at Atlanta, Ga. GEO. W. LBDBRER WITH pretatlon of the part is one that will stand salary, offlco expenses, traveling expenses, in- . Recently tho Sellg Polyscope Co.'a Call- Tampa Films, exploiting a series of Jack MT/TPAL CO. out in Its refreshing beauty, as one of tha cldcntals, supplies for the league, etc., from wrnla branch, who for tho past thrco months gp no 'ita Pictures, has been Incorporated In oeo W iLederer who nrodueed "Tho Relln 5 c8t 0iat th,s talented photoplay star baa the first day.ofAugu.^1012, > tie first d. B^LlSFJSSU'mt gff Ui ' OSj S^^SmJ" T^.i" ?»SB ofNeV Yo? ^ielrs Sgo. and "Uadalile ^ n B - CKIVBB poB excLUSITE FILM SERVICE COBP. A receiver has been asked for by Elizabeth A. tJl'man and ltachcl Ablowlch, stockhold- ers In the Exclusive Film Service Corpora- are* re- tlon. The concern deals largely In feature , motion alms, and It la alleged by the plaintiffs that member to verify every statement mado Beach's famous Btorv of Alaska, "Tho York, Minnesota and North and South Da- picture, which New Majestic produced, and the affairs of the company have been mls- Thero Is not now, and novor was a dollar Spoilers." Tho boats In question ranged In ko '& •* ">e sensational 'ISatan" feature, re- in which Florence BobertB appeared. Some managed, and as a result they have brought ?laced In any bank or fund by the lenmio ™ z * ' r < 11111 ■> *lg ocean-going liner to tho R° r t a consistent demand for their produc- of the theatres represented are houses that 8 u 't with the incidental request for a re- but I might draw upon for tho running ex- smaller fishing smacks and tugs. Mirny of tlon. This picture Is 7,000 feet in length have never "played 1 ' a film before. Miss Bob- «lver. nouses of the league, and I never received tlm 8ca *cencs In Beach's novel call for elabo- and divided Into four acts. "Satan la cer- erts played her "Sapho" version In most of HOW'S YOTJ LIKE TO BE CARLf a dollar from tho leaguo except by check. rat c, and in some instances, lavish marine tnI ° lT °. rcd h °t proposition. the houses In the flesh, and a repetition of How'd you like to have nothlns- h*r/i«r i. secretary bock Srounds. Tho majority of the bonta ™" I>»bin Co. Is building a »n« ™ 11 ixrui. ,w.r,»i m-ICI? iy_ u _ "X* ' of June. 1018, ten roohti i," amounted to ot what promises to be tho most cOBtly, animal trainer who was such a prime fa- gL. I i?!r J2jj;i'_ s *"f JJf? t ° nd SftSHSt *2,70s.ll I traveled thousands of mlle^ elaborate and thrilling motion picture ever yorlte at Bostoek'a Coney Island Mena^rlo SgHf-ggSLig Jg LSJl SSSSSA kept ono stenographer all the time, and pari produced in this country,- secured, under tor years, and when the Dhotoplay maljnee "lTh th?^ual:F1 m Co to a^ toMrtant of tho time two, paid printers' bills for tho charter, an ontiro fleet of twenty-five com- girlies catch a glimpse of Captain Jack In *"ff„gf »"»"»' *»m t,o>„ in an importanc making of chartors, and a number of other Mcrclal vessels, and used them exclusively his nw uniform, King Boggott will have to ^"Jf- „.„,,!,.-,- wawp mionnn bills, and tho total amount for salary and all f °r several days for the enactment of certain >ook to his laurels. LARGE CIRCUITS WANT «SAPHO." of these expenses amount to $2 704 17 scenes In tho production above referred to, „ rHB Supreme Feature Film Co., of New Large Western theatrical circuits i 'Tho books of the league are open to any which is the eight-reel adaptation of Bex x<> r J t . owners of the State rights for New ported in negotiation for the "Sapho" which had to bo authorized by the secretary and endorsed by tho treasurer. lu tho fleet, lay at anchor off Los Angeles , Tux Lobin Co. is building an Immense her performance on the screen Is considered Ao than turn the er.fnk nf .iVa r„m„r».„I , laboratory at Valley Forge, l'a. a novelty by iTutte showmen. Another thing go on Sice trips! ? Wouw2't you iust be thf At the Now York Convention, en audit Harbor, while tho larger craft moved bock .„ A t ? NBB 11 ? aAN $ 0BB JH£*VSH* acUvlty . that «PPe»lcf„ was the certain absence o? envy^of tilSamara til&li TOM ItDlEalL ing eommittco was appointed, anif on Friday on<» '«fth through the scenes, thus giving the ln „ t . ll0 „ 8cl '»* end of Union Features. temperament" on the part of the new wha t7 Well, that'B the entire cameraTman% morning, they nskod for more time, and Mr. realistic effect of an Alaskan harbor af the ^. F. Haddock has left toe Eclair Co., "Sapho" actors. Miss Bobcrts' film players UuSth SinSl, SttllSLnSSm afaaflS Wiley, chairman of the committee, announced tlmo of the gold rush. Collin Campbell, gen- where to was a director for five years. are guaranteed not to squabble over dressing nany Is sent away! oi la photographed is to to tho convention that tho books wero open oral director In chief of "Tho Spoilers" pro- . K '* »■ * umo . re * Viat Wcb " *,^U? 8 ttro rooln arrangements. & sent away single-handed say-for "scenlcs " to anyono'a Investigation, or who wished to ductlon, used over seven hundred people In «»»ut t» form an agreement with Klnema- «...«»».«»« »,«.«. ™.-™ ^.. =.. ■ ncs, look them over. Tho convention voted on making the marine scenes. Native Alaskan color, rho musical comedy comedians may Wednesday, July 0, to nominate officers on canoes, manned by former, residents of £2 , befo I c . tne camera and come out with Thursday afternoon, and make it a special Alaska, familiar with their use, formed part ofi^K Kincmacolors.; order or ' morning, had hocn «"■ morning, I ruled the first thing In order, scenes were finally completed, after several »rortune next. nftor tbo calling of the roll (as It was almost °aya work, the auditor of tho Sellg Poly- clevcn o'clock before tho roll was complete), acopo Co. estimated tho cost of these scenes that the convention would proceed to elect alone, to be In tho neighborhood of $10,000. ora »i r v „ v k a i * . m . »v AUTHOBS' NAMES ON SCREEN. "A N«r York, delegate appealed.fron. the Word C0Inc(1 from tne executlve offlceg of DAUGHTER TO C. J. HITE. he's" the" chap" who ls1pTck'ed? y Cai , A daughter was born at New Rochelle, HheB it. He is Thanhouser'B senior camera Monday, Aug. 17, to C. J. Hlte, president of man, and he's been on some mighty trips for A BIG FILM PUZZLE. Cincinnati fining the qualification's vtcu uruivu luuiii-i uuseyuiuo line. m.c |ivau mat uiuue u. J. 'Hlte LUTQ Up DIB REEL COLORED PICTURES, BY REAL) f? B t collar. Now, Cape May, N. J., Is one ot CALonmn i.imiu,v« the , moat , famous ot the Eastern shore resorts, . COMRBD PERSONS. a nd early this week Mr. Hlte dispatched at A company has been formed, colled tha company there for a brace of seashoro ple- A / r «'i'ft m SJlS"i^l lm Company with a capital tures. Cape May at this time of the year Is of $100,000, that will specialise In the pro- a very tempting sort of place, and asslgn- ducilon of films Intended for colored audi- ment to It is like an Invitation lo a vacatloa. enccs. These will contain color-id actors Of coarse, a camera man had to go with tha la havlnu a lot of tronbl* 6*. 2.r y -_5. na wl ", H jUwrted by colored men. company. Who do you think got the assign- 1 .lfl»sSf , 2^^ o cLled1Sotit 2 :h \e o ^~ 3e ^,i? n s ae ^?. ffl r » 8 «^ en 5 ri&te^^e.5L^ s THBATRB CINCimrATI'S MOTION PICTURE OP- ERATOR LAW UNCONSTITUTIONAL. two'to onerand It wis well irn^own^hat the BSSBSL. U 3LBS ? tm VIS!^^ SJLP^ • imj»J&S£ at l 8!^ a ±Bm*£°SZ* •tJIy, Negro' Busiuess Men's Leng-ue of toTe Mr^^r CaSsVlfan Gregory? w»r 8 ine OVeryS,at0 ' r0,nTClal,0nTTere ^^Mif MbuU^.T.^^™!^ E^^MSsT^SSS "afiSPf Washmgton the famous negro * BW M0VING MCTCRB ™ BAT1 n,?i J»'n th. ,n. m ,i i .... a k i.i . accorded this honor. Recognition of tho was arrested for operating a picture show educator^ of fl^«k^» ff«^lS»» frllSinniiiS CONCERN. _ During all the discord. I gave theidling 8Cell a r io writer has been agitated pro and wlthouthavlnga Uwised^erator in charge, fntorested ta tt^J weTfare of »•-«*»* "-.- n_^„ «.__ vm ^f* SBLIG RELEASES FOR WEEK OF positively did not attend a caucus, did not ask a delegate to support mc, and while I knew all that was transpiring, and was fa- miliar with the things that wero said on the trains, In the lobbies and other Dlaces. 1 tried in every way to avoid strife^ and' to GS S*MoXr"TLTsf mnlntstn harmony and peace; when tho con- I e D a rn 8 B ° a n HE™ f 7 l°tSS.r wt MS*. !MJW «U ««"ed a Chicago occuaed a J°TfJgPS*& ,. of the new company. _. T ** Bmpire Moving Picture Co., a new «wfnS th» ? he . President Is ChaB. A. Pryor; vice prcBi- arcult of moving picture houses, leased by ■hJ,^^ S2 Sfil* Hunter S. Haynes, and treasurer, ■ ayndicata of well known business men win dismissed tne clarence H. Fay. They will produce come- SP* 1 * t^eir first house, the Empire Theatre, frim . n ii„,„„ «r„vi,i„. f^r . n^ n .„ *«» HH an ? ■"•"Si <uxa * lar 8 e "umber of edu- Bristol, Conn,. Aug. 81. the new company «i MnS « C ni^?w M*« l ^L a .JiS e SSffSS nationals monthly. have ton theatres already under their mai , "The Wheels of^'e" 8 to the title of a $£ §F£* f%%*%&g?J3F$ *** ^^ Z° E l ASTttAY - XftlMtS»^ singularly strong two-reel melodrama fca- the satisfaction of said board that he Is / JS rou B n • »'5, U P «? the wharves, a large Und States throughout the New Bng- ture which the Sellg Polyscope Co. will re- fully qualified and competent to operate such HKPWSs &fe .^. c . "<l ln £ • "?ftS of S «. Sno«»c« v.Eavrvna «att» a «* TheTtory^co'n' macVnc"""uVn"this1K W rourrrays7nVrt: P^f^of a new Italifeature, wereTccldentlf »• O. BROOKS LEAVES GAUMONT. . who la wrongfully "It will be noticed that undor this ordl- KfflWi if 0 *?? f?"^ Mexico, Instead of .. 'E. O. Brooks, publicity manager, has left inter! 5n~th« T-r.lTpMi'T.i « cc «*cd of a Brutal murder. Though Inno- nonce providing for a board of examiners of KL?f„^,i 1 'y c , r ** , to Jf 6 JP xc ]V Blre . SKtW Cor- the Gaumont Co. owing to the pressure of be calted he refused to take nls Sit and «*?i- ho ls Bentenccd upon circumstantial four. That these examiners are made tha o^tron's office, ia the Candler Bull.flng, New »ls personal business Interests In MontreaL g^ XKSlJ& JSSErLS iSSLfSJKt SSI evidence. This gives his butterfly, wife a absolute autocrats, with unlimited discretion *<"* c 'ty- where ae.is the active head of the B. Oswall Wm ThSSraaasala^to ho a conewtM action long-»ought-for chance to elopo with a man- as to whom they shall Issue a certificate, and - H ...ft -M>W*V. representing the Judsoa Brooks Booking Agency. Mr. Brooks will S3r ■SESL'gagy g.r.t^BSgSS'iEgSI about-town, who lu reality ls tho guilty mur- who they shall say Is competent True, the &?'#',/PI™™ 1 "* Company, who handle Jave several feature film road shows on tour Slo"S £ e &S%toS ^S^^osrrl&t H»ts»v^ESSm ^^ ^J&Tv tnn *w2UAc m * mjm .*u. «for I^M^TeSg tt "« * Kt atS —cent maa S saved B S^g^TOjmj^^, ^B^^SM SS -WrW^ VSjfc but there ls no standard of quallflcaUon to i^VBtcr the cases to a North hound vessel, ki a enca ' wlu "• ncla *»»• «Vat Tamps. flxod; there Is no provision for an cxamlna- EXCLUSIVE SUPPLY SIGNING 'EM UP. jitVe npnNWifiv .,,,„„ ».».««_ tlon upon any subject or aubject matter. A newly organised corporation whosn S™-^ TESTES. nB8IOWS HANAGB- echcmlng adventurer who seeks to take ad- tJnder this ordinance tho examination might large capital has already caused' several MB »>T OP MUTUAL EXCHANGE. ncss on a firm, substantial basis" wheraby 7„ an i a Jf?.°L Ule K? n . e w A nkne *a of Geo. Groham, extend only to tho color of tho applicant's widely known and experienced feature ex-' „ , Jule ^ BcrDSt ? ,n . manager of tho Mutual each and every exhibitor, lnrgo and smr.lL !? "I^V toobtaln hta property. As a re- nalr, the appearance .of hto eyes, or any change men to acknowledge their readiness F ' 1 ™ Corporation Now York exchanges, has may receive a square deal and that wo may w f, r<! * or hU M«enulty, tho cowboy wins a other physical qualities, which ho might poa- to cast their lot with it, has been in active Jf 8 '*^* . Mr ' Bernstein ls Interested witls eliminate the possibility of unjust dlscrlmf wl J'; . nM „_ ' A „ ,. , fift. 7m° c l5? lln " 8 mlgl,t l ,f ^. hey dca,red : ncKotiatlon with Joseph'B. Miles, manage? Mo ? Strclmer In tho Theatre Film .Co, and nation that has existed heretofore: and to . Aronnd Battle frrce," tho Sellg releasa ««>«« thla ordinance, examine him on conic of tho Exclusive Suppfy Corporation, for the SSlJfe ' atu re devote all of his Ume to tha mtnitUtntlSffSaSam^aS^m ?L% pt a ?'.&. a <,oU » ntfn, ""r/Mry^of tha' ■ecttona or integral or differential calculus, handling of the Exclusive^ feature outoSt "P 10 " « rowln S business of this concern. Justice and commercial freedom is cstab- f?-" n ^ n „?' Si n^er-grow-old," who Uve Ha mjght tot ha knowledge of thehtaomlal E Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern ifew «• & H„ INC., CAPITAL M.iOO.OOO. llshcd, and every motion plcturo exhibitor « a country town where the busy ones coma theorem or inqolro into his knowledge and Jersey. It is expected that these neaotln- ~ enjoys his Inherent right of freedom Be- bflck tlom th * W "'""" "**"" * »••">«■>»«* «i>a rtr«.k !»«..» .nrt i™ n i. v . >■—^*_m ..r.^. _!f»-JP^ I smeetfolly, (8lgncd) M. A. Naw, President wn ^ n ^?» "S? 10 . 8 ! oHhe ^ot lonVicture Exhibitors ' L. of A.» «?„^^^ INDIANAPOLIS PICTURE HOUSES. eter ^jg ^running startnbu't'ovefdoeB'the <^>|#^.^r , ^^^J^iE^# i *^ ^ ^swv% M Indianapolis Is In the midst of a erase for matter when ho Becomes engaged' to 'two said board that he ls fully qualified and com- H. J. Palmer, known in tho exchahire b building picture houses which threatens to glrlB at the same time. Ho fln-' 1 ^ •—•*-»♦«««««»»-•«'■•«-»»■•»« "*- «—■ •-=■ .:.- ~ u *".'." "="»" result in a new house being erected on every to extricate himself from this available spot More than forty new plcturo and thus rcllovcs tho girls. houses arc In course of construction In var> "Her Way" Is the touching lous parts of tho city now, and all represent left qulto alone In tho world .. an Investment of $10,000 or more. Several counsellor but tho family Blblo which was so, and It would appear to the court that That's a lot of money, Isn't it, but that'a -ittallsedat Tho lllngham, Joseph. the business will motion pictures, etc. OIGGS AND CAMINETTI TRIAL PICTURES. Joseph Spero. who has held Important ex- «^"fi?BKL? S Hfi Photo-Playhouse Com- ccutlve positions with both. toe Itotual and ESS.iSrt'ffR, Wfd* tno HK l S' U 01m coropanlea, has afflltatcd Mi- ?"£ b ^K 1 " ?5 Bh " w 1 ttt Hammcrsteln's, Ne^w fine bouses have been erected In the outlying given her by her mother. This situation fur- the omission of some standard of quallilca- ecutlve positions with both too Mutual ant districts of the aristocratic North Side, and nlshca the Incentive of an Interesting and tlon In tho ordinance makes It fatally de- Universal Aim companies, has affiliated him- v 0 rfc Cltv in ri»ik"«V» «.. «.k.u^»... M.t.i'i. v.... ,.b«i #.. .h... ... ...» TC3L .*.- «.■■_ ..„ _.v.i ... fwii.." self with tho new Whmers Features Inr x v tn v ,l '» '" " wc ch or so. aa assistant (lei* manager to HI. M. Warner! SOL LESSER ARRANGES FOR EXCLU. an cxhorbltant rental Is betas; asked for these lntenso drama which tho Bcllg Co. will re- fecllve, with tha result that the owners are still lease on Sept. 12. looking for tenants. Meanwhile several of . tho largest and finest of tho uptown houses are offered for sale. Experienced exhibitors predict that the overflow of houses will havo porated by Alexander Flesh, Arthur J. Case Films. an 111 effect on tne motion plcturo business and EdwardJJ.. Stubenvoll Mr. Spero has left New York City for n tour 8IVE FEATUnn PROGRAM. Sol Lesser, of the Golden Gate Film Ei- Tiw General Film Company has teaucd a fi r ;„^^!?,5?" I ( . h pamphlet telling In comprehensive fashion , i nB POCtlon of tho Wsmer exchnnges, stop- are offered for sale. Experienced exhibitors Tub Pompeii Flba Co. has been Incor- i^jow Motion Picture Theatre* Get Their vi Sf flret . *\ Woahlngtonv D. C, -where ha- change. In San Fraucisco" and "the "North- wlU remain long enough to place that offlco Wostoro.Fcatnre FUm Co., of Portland, Ore, in readiness to handle•>the exclusive feature and.-Benttle, Wash., has completadlarwange- here, and are keeping: hands off the now GsXWOB «s*A«pa Hau. sailed for Euglaud ■ ZZZZZZ «a. "ZZZ ZZZZTtt^: program to bo releSMHlIon Sept. 16, orrd toeri men'ta^wUereoy ho secures tho Exclaslts foa- honsea. It la notablq,' tBatubut two new Aug. 20, for the "lop" Co., as director. /» •ntmrtnff 09$. pttato vmthm Cupmb. proceed through toe South and West. Mr. turetpwiTam. tirjn •A, ~.i ,•:. '*%<