The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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(5 THE NEW YOKE OLIPPEB. SEFrEMBBR <j B. & B. NEWS* (Special to Tub Ouffxb.) RoosroED, 111., Auj. 27.—This U in Ileal circus day. The weather la Jut warm enough to make the witnessing of a big circus performance la an enormous tent a pleasure and a delight. The roar trains csrrjlng the big Barnuin & Bailer Circus arrived very carl; tbla morning—the ran bell* (ml/ twentv-three miles from Freeport, not being one of tbe one hundred and nTty mile runs which tbe circus bia frequently made tbla sea- •on. Tbe bug? Tillage of tenta waa aoon pitched on tne^ North end lot. It acorns like tbc -whole surrounding country and all of Hockford's popula- tion were on Ibc afreets to-dny. as tbls la the ■rat circus of the season here. Tbc curbs along tbe line of parade march were lined with thou- aands of people. Ttie beautiful pageant surety struck tbe bulls-cyo of popular approval, foe everybody seemed enthusiastic In Its praise. A great audience waa out for tbe afternoon show, almost every available sent being taken In tbo big tent, and the program proved a succession of thrills and surprises The gentler sex seems to be In tbo front with tbe Barnuin ft Boiler Show, for It practically dominated every varied Bomber below and aloft tbls aftemoo- However, tba sensations! barebsck Tiding of Mae Wlrth, which was witnessed st the tladlson Square (lur- dm earlier In the season was missing this after* noon, as she and her folks bave left tbe show. Tbe Immense spectacle, "Cleopatra," wblcb opened tbe abow, was greatly enjoyed. Several hundred people look part In this Immense producton. Tbe costumes and properties were of a gorgeous nature and tbe entire affair was a revelation to tbe Bock- lord people Who saw It. Tbe baseball elephants, (be atlkado'a champion wrestlcra and llu Jltau ex- vMoents, the Icelandic Athletes, tbe Artist Model Horses, I.upctn Pcrea, the Bird Mlllman Troupe, tbe Weiss Troupe, Dradna and Derrick, tbe Nank Too Trio of Chinese Tumblers, nod many other acts, new. and unusual to Rockfonl, were well and favorably received by tbe Itockfordltca. The attache* of tbe circus had several vlaltors here, and old friendships were renewed. Tbo dr- ees Shows Hterllng to-morrow. Oalesburg Friday, and Peoria Saturday. According to reports here tbe employees of lb* circus who were Injured In tbe Nebraska railroad accident ire all getting alooft nicely, snd bo falslltles are expected. This day will go down In tile annals of Hook- ford ss one of tbo best and roost glorious circus stays In Its history. Perfect order was maintained by tbe city police, and no thefts of any kind were teported. Business sll along the lino Is very good with the •how plnylng to capacity at almost every place It strikes, Al. J. MiHsxr snd bis concert band of fblrty- flve soloists have been re-engaged for sesson of 1M«, with Hsgenbeck-Wnllace Shows. Jim tl. HuTiieitponn writes ns that he Is In receipt of a letter from tbe llagcubeckWallnce Shows clowns, wherein they state tbst they have discontinued tho use of his "Brldo Rlecl" entree, and bave substituted one of their own In Its place. Msny thanks' HAOE»IIE('K-W*U,ACK PIC A I'll UK ft ARDELL BROS. ORIGINAI. DANCING ATHLJKTKS. OPKlf HOV. HO . FREEHAND BROS. IHOH-I'Kltt II AUTISTB. BIO BUOOEBo -Opeti Not, 20 for Kngigomenta. SIX CORNALLA'S CATAPULT ACltOBATn. EMMA CORNALLA, Mgr. ERNEST ANDERSON SpME-OLOWN HI teason yrjtK^^flliLrauDi^ iaai j v. Bhow JOSEPH LEWIS tiHAKAOTtCIl OOMBDIAN One of the, fesxtjares -with 101 Bancs! W.. EL t B ot AJRD ElMgLlflJC^BBOy. 0 jl 1913 TENTS Tucker Duck and Rubber Co., Ft Smith, Ark. Make good tenia. Save tod. money. Wrlto tor oar now catalog. CHIEF TEPHON DARING RUSSIAN 1IUUUH ItlDKK iiuri WHIRLWIND DAMKU All aauton With 101 llaaurla show aa a, feature. 1[R, COMPETENT CAlSiN WANTED Per putting on TENTS, looklna-after TBNTBand handling HEN at IM.inoib math and other FA1KH. TUB II, H.AHaiBUUHTKRJtlFU. CO., Iprlnsrfleld, 111. rWrXEtfcjbWttrlfflSEi CANTY U8 ALC On* machine earned One machine earned One machine earned One machine earned One machine earned One machine earned One machine earned One machine earned "Above figures will t C W. PARKBR, • 15,850 In 28 was., 1004 17.1143 In 20 Wka., 1005 10,002 In 20 was.. 1000 116,017 ln27wka.,lBOT : 12,802 In 27 wka, 1008 10,842 In 20 wka.. 1000 I 18,521 In 28 wkl., 1010 20,188 In 02 wki., 1B11 * ratified to enstomera." Leavenworth, Kai, GOLLMAR BROS.' NOTES. (8/selal to Tub Curu.) Mabmoo, III., Aug. 20. The Gollmar BrothCTs' Clrcua bsd a very fine day for Its visit to this smalt Illinois city to- day. Tbe weather was beautiful. Al Is usually tao case the circus train was greatly delayed In making the O. A N. W. Railroad transfer through, Chicago from Bvaturton, 111. (distance 73 miles), where they played yesterdsy, tbe trslu not reach- ing here until 7.30 A. U. Tho parade was not nuido until utter twelve o'clock. On account of the opposition of the automobile road racea at I'.lgln and the County Fair at Woodstock, the crowd of townspeople and farmersgtbat viewed the pnrado fas ftotncwhat smaller than on other vlslta of tbe show to Marvcgo but the display of horses, dens and tableau cars was fine, and It met with (ho expectation of those along tbe line of march. Tbla was tbo flrst visit of your correspondent to tbe Oollmsr Show, and It u«tonl»l)i'd me ex- ceedingly to sec what a good show they were putting out and offering to the circus-lovuig peo- ple in many of tbo smaller cities of the United States each season—It surpassed my most san- guine expectations. Willie here It pfeiHed me to receive a very cordial welcome from Messrs, arreil Walter and Charles Oollmnr, and many at- taches of tbc show In minor capacities. It bsa been a good while since I saw a show where the entire force of employees was so clean-cut and cfliclent, even down to the bnnblest stake-driver and canvas man. While the policy of tbeOollaur'a la, and baa been, to play towns not usually sla- tted by the larger shows, It Is too good s show to make such small towns as It does, and the people In these towns hardly appreciate tbe good (blags In the circus line. It seems to me. that ire brought to their doors from year to year. Wbllc It may' cost tbeiu ■ little more for license and other ex- penses In the burger towns and cities. It seems to a.o If they would try tho experiment of cutting out some ot tho smaller towns and playing In bigger cities tholr receipts it the end of the sea- son would show much better. One thing that Im- pressed me very favorably waa the manner In wblcb the entire clrcoi paraphernalia showed op si well aa tbe railroad equipment on which, the outfit wis transported. Tbe menagerie, while small, was well selected, and Its condition showed ap well—It looked as It It had )ust taken the road Instead of being out some four months. George Holland, who his been loss boatler for sixteen years, certslnly understands hi* business, for ho ha a all the horses In Hue condition, snd their sleek ippeinnce was noted ill along the parade march. In fact, the Oollmsr live stock is hard to beat even by tbe larger shows. The entire equipment had tbe appearance of being well kept In every way. Tbe big top was well Ailed this afternoon, hut few vacant seats being seen. Tbcy have a good circus band. Herr Drelabock's .trained anrnials were tbo csuse of much bearty spplaose and took well. No other circus In tbe country that I have seen this season has such perfectly trained animals. Herr Drelabock's trained elephants, ltd. Cortland, trainer, and Qollmor Brothers' edu- cated olephonts. liruery Stiles, trainer, showed almost human Intelligence In their efforts to amuse the Marengo folks with tricks this afternoon. Mile. Burnett's slide, which waa the subject of u spe- cial announcement, was a thriller. Mile. Mar- guerite's (trainer) exhibition of tbe Herr Drcls- bock's group of performing lions, showing won- derful skill, made one of tho big hits. During her daring work with these beasta of tbe Jungle She was watched with Intense interest, as sha 6ut these animals through many dangerous tricks. Ille. Corrlea snd alias Amelia Corrleu gave a grace- ful and marvelous exhibition of bareback riding In the two rings. Dan Leon and Al. B, Ward hive their ponies well trained. Tbe new law acts, humnu baiterty and aerial statoea by the Barnette Troupe, and the Irving Troupe alao nude one of the substan- tial hits. Tbe twenty clowns also famished much amusement, especially for tbe little folks, during tbo entire performsnee. At tbe conclu- sion of tho chariot races the good-alsed audience Bled slowly out to re-Inspect the menagerie, espe- cially the big hippopotamus, which la • monster, ss well as tho big collection of lions, seeming to bo very well satiated they hid speut,an Instruc- tive afternoon and" that,they had seen a high class circus, performance, even lis a small town, xoat/aa apod as the people In the luge cities of thft-oountrs hud beur fuvorea with. TM~pspee used" by the Oollmsr Brothers Is hsndneanely gotten np and iiiuaet a very attractive showing on the billboards In tho towns and cities they favor with a visit Business at. Evanston, yesterday, and at Ke- nosha, tho day before 1 , won only fair st the mntl- nee. but very good it night, which Is generally the case lu those Chicago suburban towns. Among the vlaltors. from Klfrin were: W. A. Atklus, Tub Olu'PBB representative; B. J. Ifhodes, former clrcua man, who had many friends with tho abow, and 81 A, Benhnm, Elgin's dreus lover, who bin not missed i clrcua In this section for fifty-elglit years, and beats tbo Elgin record. It lookn like nearly all the circus fan* In Chi- cago are frlenila of the Qollmars, for so many visited tho show at Evnnston yesterday that FTed. Gollmar was only ablo to give me the names of tbo following: LI. S. Rowe and wife, Fred Wag- ner, U. J. (Sport) Herrmann, manager Oort The- atre, Chicago; John Riley and Thomas Burke, of tbc Wellington Hotel: Walter Bilddle, wife and lady; chief clerk at tbo Wellington; Or. Gollmur and wtfe and Dr. Lens, Mr. Bohrens, of Peck A liehrens, show tailors, of Chicago; Charles An- dreas and wife, known to ill the old timers; O. H. Primrose and wife, the vnudevlle magnate, with hli mother and family; Frank Alberts, Scott Browne, circus traffic manager of tbc C. A N. W. Ky.; Joseph Arnold, of the O. H. & Bt. P.; Nat Holm, the carnival msn, with hli wife and nephew; Jacob Fcnn and wife, of the Nat Reins Ctrnlval Oo.; Mr. Oarrett. of tho Bice Brothers' Shows, and Oeorgc Degnon, of the 101 Ranch. Mrs. HollnngcT, wife ot the bandmaster, Is vis- iting with the show for a tew days. Gollmar Brotbera say they hare no kick coming; over business this icason. They aro using wisdom "BUFFALO BILL' •TOUR TBARS HI KtrilOI'K" (Complete description of tour) llf 0. K. G1UPPIM. 96 pp., Prolmely Illustrated, Cloth Bound. PRICK, ONE DOLI.AU. MILLER PLAY& THEATRE CO., Inc. IS W. 3411i St., New York. WHEEL BIRDS WI1.I.IAM BARTRIaS CO., 4M-44 Cortlskndt St., H. T. GOT MB TKT The Fellow i la Ureases Still wltti that different wire, aet TUB) WKXTIH OARROIa TRIO fluiet Jack Oliver Moore THE1 WORLD'S GRMAI'KST TENS 1 MaKBKS UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNING CO. W.ED P. NEUMANN, Jr„ Pron. WAI.TKHP. DRIVER,VlOO-Pros. A Trcsw. KDW. R. UT7.IN0KR, Beo'j WfeM-aO and SS North Deaplalaee Street, CHICAGO, ILh,, O. 8. A. Olltr OUafalaV A M la I Prloee BlKkt TfeCbalienffo the World. Best Wort OIUE. N nUV ANIaf noMlCqulpiddStadlotatheUiltadStaiM CARNIVAL BANNERS I mm i£l&EE2S2^Sff mm BEND POR OUR CATALOG AND SECOND HAND LISTS MlmL JnSL JL^M JBL JBOL& JSL9 Side Show Boas Canvnaman, Tlckot Bollora and Candy Batoliers, Photo on Button prlvilego and Frankfnrtor privileges for aalo. Apply ob por route. FRANK A. ROBBI *'V»- In rooting their ibow as aa to feerp ont of the drj KCttoa la Mlsaeurl, Kansai and Ollaboou. Do not sak me why iome of the dots were In- quiring distance snd time to tbe little town of Union near here. (Marengo Is a drr town). Or wlir two of the young men laid off at Waukrgao and alssed tbe show tralu In Chlcsgo. sod had to come out on the Intcrurban line via Elgin. 1 noticed the show Is handicapped verv much on account of shortage ot razorback help—SOBS of the Mgeer emplovcvs of the show were aeeu driving stakes In order to expedite matters. No tiuaMo of anr kind Is reported here, snd every- thing went off expeditiously and smootby—no friction waa evident anywhere. Tbe Gollmar Brolhera have built up a wonderful reputation In the smaller cities, and the latch string Is always out and they are urged to return, always being atiured of a cordial welcome. They play Bochelle to-morrow, and Canton Monday. FreO. Gollmar vlsted the show at Marengo, and returned to Baraboo to-night, via Chicago, to siicnd Sunday with bis folks. Only a portion of his time Is spent with the snow. Inasmuch aa clrcua trains are alwaya delayeil In transferring through Chicago on account of congestion In the railroad yards, It looks Ukc tbey would take warning from repeated failures to make towns at a reasonable hour and route ac- cordingly. No railroad can guarantee time In pissing through tbe Chicago yards early In the morning. W. A. Atbunb. HAGENBECK-WALLACE NOTES. ■r jack aoon. f911II Thai QuUl Fellow.) Saturday, Washington, lad., three new ele- Iihanta Joined the show from tbe Two Bills' Show, and tho poor things sure looked as though they had been atranded, is you could count every rib in their bodice, It was quite imuiln* to see our alephanta greet the new ones. They cer- tainly made some fusa over each other, and I gueBS the new ones were telling our herd what a hard time tbey bad out West. And when they asw that load ot hay coming they msde one dive for it and didn't want to leave It to go In the Bntree that afternoon. So, I guess, tbey will like, their new home. Well, Leo Artago got word Saturday that he Is a father of a doc, healthy baby girl, and Leo could hardly wait until the*nlght ibow wua over to take the train for Fern to sec bis flrst born. Ln> Is In the Sutton's acrobatic act, and a their top-mouDtcT. hut now since the baby hie arrived. I think he will have to take the nnaertlaoder'a place aa be feels so big and Important. Bonday la another cno of those towns that Is fust smiled to the Mulligan crowd. The happy Bert Cole bunch was out again, and had their aiual Jolly time. Tbe young folks also had a Mulligan. , Mr. and Mrs. La Joe acted as cbsperon to the party and said aha enjoyed herself al much aa the young folks. The Mulligan crowd was four young couplo —Harry Llntger, Barry Cornalla, Herbert Lari- mer, Mae. McCrec, Muyme Sullivan, Bettie Thomp- son, Era Fiaber and Marlon La Joe. They had a fine time, snd nothing stronger to drink than lemonade. They drove back about live in tbe evening, and after cleaning np a little ill went ■p to the Tiudevlile show, and so concluded a very pleasant day. Mac. McCree says he la never Blng to Mnll-1-gsn, that Isn't a very good one ac. but I'll put it down. Pete Cornalla leaves us to-day for a much needed rest, aa Fete has been working pretty hard Ihli season, teaching his boys some new stunts, and believe me, Pete Is some teacher, if It Is In them he will certainly bring It out, but now Pete (ays he hss got to bare a rest, so Abe Arousou la taking bis place, and Abe Is sure there, and the girls sit up slid take notice when Abe brlnga up the rear of the acrobatic line, as he la sure there on tbe looks. Dick Blcknoy, the smallest man with the show, says he has made hie last trip to Chicago. I wonder wbyt Get Rich Wslllngford made another trip to Chi. to see that wonderful btby again, be Just can't keep away from It. Bert. Bennett, who mm the Raymond Hotel, In Vtncenuea, Ind.. gave a big dance for the show folks after the show at night, and certainly showed them a awell time. Mr. Bennett used to be twenty-toon hour man 'with this abow, and said It gave him the fever seeing all tbe people and* having such a good time with them. Matloon, III., Wednesday, and tbe boyhood homo of Cooney BUcc, and now everyone waa wondering who In the world Couney Klce win snd whst he did with the show. • Aunts and uncles and the forty-seven cousins were all around looking for him. but no one knew who Cooney Klce was until they were about convinced that no such person was with the show, when In walked Kid Bernard, and they all made a dive tor him. Then, oh I and behold we discovered who Cooney Klce waa. No use, • boya, being under cover, wo will get you sooner or later. But give you credit. Kid, I have been out with you many a nlgbt and yon never told your right name. Hill am) Kile, old time performers, made «i a visit; they are now retired and Mr. Hilt hit a nice little bsrber shop In Mattoon, and they both said that although the ibow looked good to them that tbe little barber chop and the little home to go to, after tho day'a work was done, wos the real life. Charley Thomas and wife were also visitors In Mattoon, as that Is their home town; they aro Just home from the Sanger Show, and will stsy home for awhile before going South to go with the State fairs. They ire Jolly folks and had i good time yesterday, a* they are both well known with tbla abow. Well, to-day we are In Springfield, 111., and this Is Mra. Nettle Carroll's home, so there will be a Urge spread op to her home after the ehow, and among the Invited guests will be: Mr. and Mrs. McCree, Nettle Oreer, Olga Reed, Art Thomp- aon, Mr. Irons, Kid Bernard. Eddie De Voe, Mr. and Mrs. Bedlnl, Mr. and Mra. Oole. Delia Nel- son, Pat Burke, Bettie Thompson, Florence Wle- land, Abe Aroason, Mr. and Mra. Joe Lltehell, Oeo. Connors, Emma Cornalla. Berbert Laltner, and, of course, the troupe will be there, in for breakfast, dinner and supper. We all expect to hare a great time as Mrs. Carroll baa a beauti- ful home to entertain in. Tbe only trouble Is that I am afraid 1 will eat too much and can't get on my shinei for the night show. Mere/a Me, llorella will be there also. Madaroo Bedlnl will vlalt the Barnum Bhow In I'corla Friday. Well, fellows, the shesv la doing One business, and everyone hopea that It will amp up so they will bare a long season South, an wo are headed that way new, _. ___. Mr. and Mrs. Adair also live In Springfield. They aro tight wire artists. Also their team numa was Ailiilr-Uslin. Tbcy bavo retired now. and Mr. Adair Is In the saloon business. Hsi a swell place across from tbe Ohatterton Theatre. All friends are always welcome. Bill aald I should worry, get a shape like a ham so people would call me Bwlft. So long, everybody I I'm going to grab my dloer, glum the car. beat It to 1*20 noises Avenue, where 1 will indulge la a regu- uar borne ocoked meal and a cold bottle. Whit did I aayt Silently jours, "Burnt Jack." SELLS-FLOTO ROTES. n a tt. jaokson. The SellB-Floto Shorn entered Canada July 11. and leavo It Aug. 30, at Windsor, Ont., entering tho Sbatoa at Detroit, Bept. 1, where we open a two days' stand. Since Aug. 1 we hive been in new terrttury (or Selli-noto. However, bosloesi has been the very beat with bet one or two excep- tions. Closed the ticket wagon twice dnrlag the Montreal engagement, and al Ottawa had to cut ont the races owing to the crowded condition of tho □lpnodrome track. Packed them hi at To- ronto fcrat day, and second night bad every seat filled, oven though It poured down rain at 7 p. it. Everybody will bo glad to be back on U. B. A. terra firms. Tho boys ere already making bets on the closing atand, and whether It Is la October or November. Shorty Maynsrd missed parade for the first Una In hli lite. Ah. Johnson waa on the sick Hit two days last week, as was Leo Hamilton. Latter had the mumps. Nothing doing for Leo In the pickle Una Bush Longwell, of the cowboy section, fell from his horse during tbe racea at Quebec, and dislo- cated his shoulder. Mrs. Harry Qllbertaon and daughter Mildred left for a few daya' vlilt it Oeneri, 0. Nearly ■11 the show tolas »re TtewlPf Xlagara Falta to-day, snd those who remained "st home" are sorry they didn't go, tor Hamilton la anything but an open town on Bonday. The law pounced down upon Blllv Cortli tbla A. v. (Sunday) and tried to stop bim from erect- ing the menagerie top, and a newspaper couldn't even be purchased on a bet. Oeo. Dynan, ot tbe Irwin Bros.' Wild West and formerly with the Sells-Floto Shows, wis a Sen- day and Monday visitor here. YOUHG BUFFALO WHJ> WEST, COL* CUMMINS' FAR EAST AHD V. C SHAV ER'S HI PFODROME. (BT AL. TBiaxSAB.) Doru, Del., Aug. 81. Another week ot good business behind us, a week of plenty of work, big audiences and one near mishap. In Westchester, Pa., Friday, we experienced the worst, and practically tbe only heavy storm of the season. It started with a drlulc on parade, then Intermittent abowera all afternoon, which developed Into a steady, driving downpour Just before tbe evening doors opened, 'which continued until after the train moved. Just as Muck announced "Grand Finale" the rain began pelting down even harder than earlier, and wltb a heavy wind In addition threatened to blow the canopy down. White/ Lunt was sgsln on the Job with his corps of canvasmen, and with their shouts to the people to get out Into tbe arena for greater safety, and cautions to be careful coming down from tbe seats, the crowd remained calm, and the worst anyone got waa a thorough drenching. All ot the performers were soaked by the time tbey got to the cars, and tbe boys bad quite a time getting the big top down end to the cars; but Saturday, at Oxford, brought us a One warm, day, and we are all dried out once more. We bad quite a time with the Indians at Han- over, Pa., and Col, Cummins showed ns again that he la absolute master of tbe situation when the red msn brings bis trouble! to ■ crisis. One or two of the bucks got Into some misunderstand- ing with the management, and on tbe spur of the moment they all struck. In cases of tbls kind the Indian Is moat obdurate anil exceedingly hard to handle. It la doubtful If they Bare ever lost a great distrust ot the wlbte man through tbelr years of experience with him, snd It needed a msn thoroughly acquainted with tbelr natures to hsndle them. Col. Cumralns In this man. Thera Is probably no roan In the country ss well beloved and ns thoroughly trusted by the lmllan as Chief Ls-Ko-Ta. Col. Cummins is a blood, brother of one of their tribes, and they were very willing to listen to him In their council snd abide by his advice, with the result that a abort while found them all back In tbelr tepees, ready for the lint call. Col. Cummins, by the way. Is the only mm in tbc country beside Buffalo Bill, who can se- cure Indians from the government without a heavy indemnity bond for their Bate keeping and return to tho reservation. Col. Oummlus heard yesterday from Billy snd Marlon Walte, the Australian bull-whip manipu- lators, whose sensational performances were tho tslk ot tbe big time vaudeville bouses last Win- ter They ire wltb tbe Sells-Floto this Sum- mer, and tho Colonel advises me he has contracts for them covering three more years In vaudeville. Friday morning we had a real, tnrillng melo- drama In car eighteen, entitled "Which Hook: or. Where Shall I Hang My Oont " The plot Is this: There are four hooks and nve raincoats. In dry weather the solution Is absurdly simple, hut In the rilny season comes tho rub. Anybody knows that when you hang one wet raincoat over another, equally wet, tbo outer, rather the latest hanged— pardon me, hung—coat dries, while tbe under- neath coot—on tbo hook— does not dry, for tbo reason that nil the air circulating about that pirtlcular hooic concentrates Its energy upon the outer or upper coat, which to tbe morning will probably be found dry, walls the Inner or under coat, being ceprlved of air, Is consequently damp and unfit for wearing purposes. This la- mentable condition being brought about, as pre- viously statod, because of four books and flvo coati. So much for the plot, and now for tbe thrill. The owner of the toner or under coat appears and finds the cuter or upper coat dry, flsdi the Inner or under coat at wet as It waa tho night before, with the excep- tion of what dripped off on the floor— In which puddle be probably pat one of his bare feet—business of being annoyed—where- upon he raves and rails at the owner of the outer or upper coat for hanging his -cost on tbo hook over his—the other fellow's coat Heavy dia- logue ensues regarding the Illumination of the car it the time tba owner of the last coat, or tbe last owner of tbo last coat, or the last coat-owner entered the ear; the darkness, being aulliclcutly dark to tender It Imposalblo to distinguish, as he said "bis hand before hU face." however, ha managed to And the hook, and was afraid to let loose of it for fesr be could not find the other hook. Still the owner of the Inner or under coat was not satisfied, that was his hook and bis coat upon It, ill his, didn't make any difference If It was ilnrk. he had A prior right to toe hook account getting bis coat on it first. Ho did not, the other fellow hsd a prior right account having hung his cost on It i year longer than the other fellow hnd bnng on It, I mean hla coat- Anyway, be would rather be hsd hung bis coat on tbe hook and kept hla—the owner of the Inner or under coat—coat, than to have let It drip In bis esr all night by hinging it near his berth, even If be could find bis berth to the darkness, misslhlu dnngc,- of making a mistake in ears. But hero enters tbe official oxer of everything around the show, Lucullus Imogeue Montague, and sex he, "ivhut's th' matter? If you boys can't play with your books sod rilnconts without quarreling, I'll take the hook to tbe whole business. Eureka (Hli,) I hive It I I will get. another'book, to there will be five hooks and five coats." (Ap- plause). "And if sou quarrel then, I will throw ill of your coati on tho floor and bang my coot on all live hooks, Now what do you think ot that." And, speaking ot these Delaware whipping-posts —bnt why pin more medals on him? i i 101 RANCH NOTES. Joseph O. Miller has relumed from a long itay He hai been to Denver, attending the sals of the Two Bills' outfit, bringing lack with him seventy- eight head of horses end the entire lighting plant which the 101 8bow Is now using. Sack T. Miller was o visitor, and being en fosr, left for New York to embark for Germany. He anils on the big steumcr Jmperofer. Brad Coleman, formerly treasurer of the 101 Ranch Show, was a visitor at Kcekok, with his wife. He now controls the beautiful Boating the- atre, tho Sunny South, Ho leporto wonderful business sll along tbe line. Milton Hlnkle, a real cowboy, with a real ahow, scratched the notorious outlaw, Hlghtower, which was nuch a hard beater on the Two Bills'. MUton Is an til 'round go get him, who pleases In all his work, receiving a gold medal for bolldogglng last Fall. Harry Smith Is with us from tbe Two Bills'. Clown Loretta.Joined at Burlington, la., formerly from California Frank Wild West. He Is scoring a big hit in hla funny sayings, tho Dutch Cop. He never falls to get a laugh. Announcer Healer, the man with the big voice, la still the IdoL lie tells them what comes next. Chester Byers, tbc world's greatest fancy and trick ropor, leaves Sept. S, to enter Into tbo Bound-Up at Pendleton, Oregon. Dan Dli. tho cowboy clown, wants to thaak the boya for tho coupons, just come on with them. Ho is still saving them. Satisfactory returns of the Stampede have been received from the N. T. 0. Tbe official season's route book la going to be the largest album ercr put out by any abow, Aak Ray 0111 nil about It. l'rof. La, Banca had welcome visitors it Keo- kuk—wife and boy. They remained until show departed. Well, boys, It's talk on all the big tops. Who knows when, where, how long don tbe tig trick stay oat If business keeps pouring In to ca- Saelty It will mean a long season. De we cat hrlstmns dinner under canvaet Some say Nov. SO. Gam again I Tony Vbsnci. treasurer of tbe 101 Ranch Shnw, enys New York looks good to blm. What's the matter with Hot Springs, Tonyl A mistake in print ot list week's Issue. Beatrice Bros*een Is now doing daring trick riding with the Russian Cossacks. You placed Beatrice IIrinsesu nn,l Texas Coogsn leaving to Join "Round-Up." It might hive been by mlstnke In writing, but kindly correct it for tho next lisuc, Jack Liwm. BIX IN-ONE N0TE8. Joe Hsyer, tbe Scotch drum major, la maktn? a hit through Illinois. ™* UIS Oene R. Milton, minsger of the stx-ln-one never falls to turn them when A. Watcnnaii (Zonu) falls. Wonder why! "togsla Omnia." May Joe, tho three-legged wonder, has a new tdilltkm to tbe menagerie. Pips Major Shearer, with his ten piece Cale- donian Band, never falls to please the bystanders Cant. Claude, the Midget Sampson and Wml shearer, have signed contracts with one of the large shows, playing the south, for the Winter. Mr. Blasser, ot tbe slx-ln-one pit, gays he hss been a subscriber of Tua Niw Yobk oLirrra for twenty years, bo says it's his Bible. s THE MULLIGAN GUARDS. SerroB Naw Yobs Currza: On behalf snd In Justice, to the "Mulligan Guards," with thrnim Ranch Wild West Show, I wish to contradict paragraph "Mulligan Guards have been dis- banded." In last week's Glifpu, as such la not the case. Far be It from such, as there were twenty- eight who answered to tbe cnef't call last Sunday with an additional fourteen for this coining Sun- day. Incidentally, ssld paragraph la liable to cause much comment amongst our many friends throughout clrcusdom subscribing for Tub New Yobk CuriEB, and this hi one ot the chief rea- sons for Insertion of tbls brief statement daring our "Dlaloglcal" editor's absence, (Signed) Tut iNXBJt Cutcxn or "THS 101 MULUOAN QoAkDI " I Dcstbdction of the largest tents of the Hagea- beck-Wsllace Circus wis narrowly averted Aug 28, at Dtcatur. 111., when a grass lire started on tbe open Oeld at the race track la a few minutes the wind had swept the blue along to an alarming extent and It was beginning to close In on the big canvas coverings. It required some vigorous wort to stsmp ont the blue. The fire raised i big ■moke and made It appear more dagerous than It really was. "It wis a narrow escape though," raid General Manager Torre. roxj t:e) i ^is^t. ■ ■■jplexneatal List—Receives! Too l.nt* for Claaelflcatloaa. "Awakening of Helena Ritchie"—Laura Franten- neld (Leon Ollson, mgr.)—Mitchell, 8. Dak. 8, Alexandria 11, Sibley, In., 10. Baugbmiui-Gustine Stock—Argos, Ind., 14, "Bird of Paradise, Tbe"—Lincoln, Neb., Ml. "Bachelor's Honeymoon, A" (A. Mayo Brndfield mgr.)—Devils Lake, N. Dak., 11. "Backman'i Animal Show—Toronto, Ont., Can 1-4, Indianapolis, lad., 8-13. Field, Norman R., Players — Orlflto, Gs„ l-n. Athens 8-18. ^ Ornndl, Robert. Stock—Lockhart. Tex., 1-fl "Ham Tree, The"—Toronto, Ont.. Can., 1-0. Lyons, Lillian, Stock—Day City, Mich., 1(1. Lynn, Jsck, Stock—Alexandria Bay, N. Y., 14. Lowery Bros.' Shows — Pine Grove, Pa., 8-10. Wllllamstown 11-18. ' Marshall Players (II. B. Marshall, mgr.)—Scales Mound, III., 1-0, Shullsburg, Wis,, 8-1.1. MuTilock Bros.' Dog k Pony Show (Al. Munlock. mgr.)—So. Hero, Vt„ 14. Opels, The—Scurboro, W. Va., 3, Montgomery 4, nandley 6, Msrinet 8, St. Albans 8, Milton 9, BarboursvUle 10, MIdkiff 11, Pecks Mills 12, Big Creek 18. , FIckerU (4), Co. (Willis PIckcrt, mgr.)—Walton, N. Y.. 14. Herkimer 813. *•"•'" lgn ' Beeves, Dorothy, Stock—Atchison, Kan., 14, Be- dalla. Mo., 8-13. ' ' Tempest, J. L., Dramatic Co.—Kphrata, Pa.. 8- "Third Degree, The"—Geo. A. Bubb's (L, A Edwards, mgr.)—Oreencaatlc, Ind.. 4, Worth- togton 5, Orleani 6, Jasper T, Oyntbanla 0, West Sslem 11. ' Thuraton (Jack Jones, mgr.)—Newark, N. J„ 8- Yogei's, John, Minstrels—Buckbinaon, W. Vs., 3, tihlnnston 4, Morgantown 6, Unlontown 0. Clarksburg 8, Scottsdale, Pa., », OonnellsvUle Whitney Stock (Correctloa)—Marlette, Mich., 1- 0. Imlay City 8-18. WANTED. LIGHT COMEOIAI. For Vaudeville Skotcri. Open immediately. Slate salary and nil. Act hooked solid. Join Oil wire. Address 0. It. NELSON, Booking Manager AMUR- WAN HOOKING OFFICES, INC., Jenkins Arwte ■Bonding, Pltbjborgli, Pa. S SAP* IMtXAvlVOIiSCO. MNMw Ditpatcli to THE N«w Yobk Clifmb.) » C .?JS;?* n \\*—MonrJasr.""llepfc. a, second week of "The Passion Play. s Cobt —Sunday, Aug. 8J. beginning of two weeks Bcaaon or "Ready Ju ncy." ■^Pt? 1 ^*—Mondny.-r Sep . 1, Ralph Hera aselatecL by Maude Am be - and supported by tho stock company ot C uoase In "Madame Sherry." Tirou—•Monday, 1, "The Beggar Stu- dent. - Obpheom— Bill opening. Sunday (mati- nee), Aug. 81: Blanche Watob nnd com- Sany, Ed. Flanagan and Neely Edwards, edford and Winchester. Charlotte Hnvcus- croft. O. S. Wlnslow and Oladyt Duffy, Btella Mayhew and BlUle Taylor, W. L Abingdon and company, Kenney, Nobody and Piatt, and Daylight movlug pictures. Empbbss— dim opening, Sunday (matinee), 81: Lew Palmore, Bernard and Bcarth, Cnae. Bowser and company, Luciano Lucca ■Moiih. <). Molauo and company, Henry Frey and Twilight plctureaJh • Pantaoeb —Bill opening, Sunday (mall- nee), 81: Blmburg, Marlon and Day, Alfredo Marachall, Clayton and Lennle. Lottie Meyer and Diving Nymphs, Billy Mann, Tojcttl and Bennett and Sunlight pictures. NOTES. iMornur, Sept. 1, being a legal holiday, all tbe theatres gave extra matinees. Rimolino Brotksrs Ciicds exhibited for three days commencing Saturday, Aug. 80, on the lot corner Twelfth end Market Streets. A new deal was inaugurated at the Princess, Sunday, Aug. 81, when Arm- strong's Baby Dolls wltb alx vaudeville act! and moving pictures were presented. This three weeks season of "Quo VhIIh?" at tbe Colombia Theatre, waa a financial as well as artistic moving picture success, the house being "sold ont'* every afternoon and evening performance. WANTED ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LAIIV For (Ivmnnstlo and EquilibrtsUe Act (head and hand stand.) Act plays llrsuclaea houses only. inqnlro 148 E ■ 4fith. St., Now York. FOR MARTIN'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. MAN FOR HARRIS Address WM. KIBBLE, Klmlra, N. Y„ Bopt. 8; Oornlng B, niicaO.^ Minstrel Performers MnBtclana; Comedian, with afterpiece; Bass and Tuba; Orch. Leader, double Baritone; Musical Team; Car Porter, donble Drass. ft* J. KRWOOD, Haw Dorp, 8. I., ■• Ya WANTED—AGENT Must bo Hustler; Character Old Man. Stale all and lowest salary. Letter only. UNITED AMUSh- HGNT CO., Room 140, jjjj II'way, N. T. City, AT UBERTY-MAX C. ELLIOTT Hard working, reliable all nround AGENT. Route Book, Wildcat, UBCtbo brash. Wire or write. vTMOBHrlBB, IND. 0 1 I ,;ilt/i I