The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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gEPTEMBEK 6 THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. THIS 3STISW YORK CITY THEATRES REVIEWED WEXT WEEK. "HKB OWN MONEY"—Comedy. "THE FIGHT"—Hudson. •tMBBBrR AUGTJ8TIN"—Casino. "\VHI0KB IGNORANCE 18 BLISS"—Ly- """THS THStPBRAMENTAI, JOOMrM" ~?NBARLY MARRIED"—Gaiety. ■ i I CORTOTU ED ATTR AOIOHS. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL, AfiTOR—"Quo Vadla?" In motion pictures, twentieth week. OOHAN—•''Potash and Perlmutter," third CORT— Laurette Taylor, in "Peg o* My Heart," thirty-seventh week. UI/TINOIi—''Within tho Law," fllty-thtrd FORTY-FOURTH—"AH Aboard," fourteenth FOttTY-BIGIHTH.—"Kiss Mo Quick," second PULTON.—-Richard Dennett. In "Damaged Goods," fourth week this season. GLOBE—Hattle Williams and Richard Carle in "The Doll Girl," second week. LONOACEB,—"Adelc," second week. LyillC—Joseph Santley, In "When Dreama Cotno True/" third week. MAX1NB ELLIOTT'S.—''The Lure," fourth week. NEW AMSTERDAM.—Zelgfcld's "Follies," twelfth and last week. PLAYHOUSE.—"Tn» Family Cupboard," third week. TBIRTMnNTH STRBET.— "Relieve Me, Xantippe," third week. WINTER GARDEN.— "Passing Show of 1918," seventh week. ■ a VAUDEVILLE AND MOTION PICTURES. Cournr, Lobw's AvaNVE B, Lobw's GlAND fiTBBBT, LOBW'B DELANCI1Y STHKET, Phil, Fouhtbbntii Stbnet, Lobw's Lin- coln SQUAB!), JBTFBBSON. KxBNKT'H Till Jill AVBNUB, ClTT, CSOTONA, MfK.INI.KY BgUASB, Lobw's Sbvbnth Avbnuh, Audubon, Eighty- SIXTH Htiibbt. Lobw's National, Nemo, BbOSNT, HIVKIIHIDE, STAB, WASHINOTON BUll T0SKV1LL8. MOTION PIOTUItES ONLY. Cmctr, Unique, Savoy, Hbbald Squabs, Broadwat. Wisher's, Stab, Rbornt, Mount" Morris, Lowb's Fifth Avenue, Kobtk Stab, Washington Bad Family. i i ''THE MIDNIGHT GIRL/' Adolf I'hlllpp Theatre (Adolf Phlltpp, Btr.)— Dai Mittcrnachti ifaedchen ("The Midnight Olrl") by Paul Hervc and Jean Bl- quet, adapted by Adolf I'hlllpp, was pre- sented Sept. 1, with this cast; General Chnmbert Emll Rerla Lucille Else Dorset Lieutenant Francois.., Flora Arndt Pierre .Ernst Nnuiunnn Gimblette Marie Herlnl Clarisse I.lizl Eckert Guatav Crlquet I Adolf Phlltpp Bustav Crlquet II August Meyer-Elgen uatav Crlquet III Ernst Werner Helolte Ltesclien Schuman Heleno Pomponet Crete von Mnyhof GnUeppe Cleofantlnl..Hans Dobers-Klwillng Madame Beuolt ....Dora Bregowska Professor Benolt Otto Meyer Maurice Beaucbamp Karl Stolndier vonnalne , Marie Werner Alfons Jacob Brunt Charles Fn A. Wlenee Josef Albert Klein The opening of the now season at tho Adolf Phlllrm Theatre took place Monday night, Sept. l, and la splto of thehoat, Herr Pbtllpi> ami Ills company wore accorded a very hearty welcome by an audience which filled the little house, which Jinn been completely renovated. "Ran Mltternacbts Mnodcheii" is so flint tin- heat was Boon forgotten, and every- OdJy enjoyed the enow. Most of the souks had to he repeated several times, especially '•That Is the Midnight Girl," which promises to Mecomo one of too Broadway hits shortly. Herr I'hillpp had to mako a speech after the second act, In which Jle took the oppor- tunity to call attention to tho presence of Oscar Hiirmneratclft In one of the boxes, which brought another prolonucd round of ippliusc. ..Herr I'hillpp was as good as ever, while tie flew leading lady, Crete Vou Mnyhof, is not only a clever ana pretty actress, but has also an unusually elegant wardrobe, which was la keeping with the beautiful scenery. Herr Rerla plays another 1 one of those totter- ing old gentlemen who are constantly abused for their age, and made tho best of It. Elso Dorset wnb very lovely as bis young and innocent girl-wife. The rest of the cast earned, also, well deserved praise, and it is jafo to say that Herr Phlllpp will not have TO worry for tho rest of the season. lierolina. ' i » aotoiu. (BEN LEO, MOB.) .This theatre was filled to capacity night ♦".Aug. US. and a very good bill was shown. rathe, in accordionist, played very jilcely. JMr. ahd7 Mrs. Ellsworth, ottered a sketch TOerdri tSe "drunken" bit, done by tho man. J* worthy of special mention. Tho act Pleased greatly. • innes and Ryan. In a singing nnd talking jet, went big. Miss Ryan certainly knows »ow to wear ibeautlful costumes, and In the we changes she makes, each succeeding one •» iandef/mei than tbo one preceding It. -Sol. Fields' act requires fifteen people. « s /.«kwi from tho first act of "The Hen- fecks." HatHo Catmohtclle, who plnyed the character woman in the act, was responsible for its getting over as well m It did. Thero «* three changes of scenery. liawley awl Allen, in a stoglng and talking •ct, got over. ' , Devlin and Ellwood, In their sketch, "The Bl From Tonkcrs;" pleased everyone, Miss '"wood, as the "lady" burglar, and Mr. 7H5, ad the "Gobd Thlngy p got the most out of both their characters. /-eno and Mandel, la singing, dancing and •niLJS"/' 0 *' Pleased. (See New^Acts. Lon "ADELE," "AMERICA." •nCcBl'^dyVurciTtB^^P.^ k 9m.'*/*]**——* (Met***. Shu- Heme, music by lean Brlauet sSSi&L %SS b f r £'. «W*)—*>»trtco, an entertainment In slon prepared by Adolf I'fillnn Lf ™.' 0 i,' ?«A te * B w «5K!r* «»■«»•»«« »"d Invented by A. Paulton, produced Thursdnv P *^nin^Tw Ar , th K 7**^. Mu " ,c an ' 1 '» rlcs b I M »"- 28. by the'K En iHinl r»'' iSft S? 1 KJcln - <"■«•» uy William J. Wilson. this cast: lrodncln S Co., with Drama by John 1'. Wilson. Produced by tXttt dc *«* «M Fordo ST ^ bm ° D S " U,rday CVC " in6 ' Henri Parmac'ewi:."; Svm"^^ - VT nippodrome show la nlwnys nn Alfred Frlebur n.i l .'. I ^?fS r, 5 ?7 mt ot « rcat tlientrlcal Imimrtnnce nnd Jacques.. liil^'n %2£E£ il wn8 P ot S'"pnslng that nioro than flvo Louis Paprlcot... Gaston Nenllly Armond Cartuclic., Francois, Pierre Adele.... .. Harry C. Bradley ... Michael Ring --K. II. Barlab .. .Henry Ward >. .Charles Fry* . .Edward Wooster Mme Myrlann, de Neuvi|ie\\\Geirgi. Catae ^f^. Bdlth ."Bradford Vlolette.. Germalne. Gabrlclle., Paustlne., Thereso.., Paullre... Henrlette. Georgette Hke . ...Jane Hall ...Betty Brewster Grace Walton , .Jane Warrington .i:stelle Richmond Helen Mar • lCJna Doddsworth ..Alice York Though called a musical comedy, It la moro «»»'ter of the paint brush. thousand persons were present when the curtain went down. (The curtain at tha 'Hip" decends instead ot going up) on America" at the opening performance on Saturday evening, Aug, 30. This year's •how la different from any attraction that has been seen on the great stage of this, greatest of playhouses. As its title indi- cates, the picturesque portions of our own great country are shown. From a aeenle standpoint It Is by far the best, the genius, Voegtlln baa dona Nothing so lmpressiva as the reproduction ot Grand Canon ot the Colorado River has ever graced the stage of a New York city theatre. There are other magnlnrcnt scenic effects that pay silent but eloquent tribute to this Mr. Kleln-a rate an operetta, having twenty-two vocsl »uslc Is also of a high order. At times It numbers and none of the usual apeclaltlos if srsnd opera. Last week's Cmit-bb pub seen in a musical comedy show. Young Baron Charles dc Chantltv 13 a 99n9\J5x wnTOffPlates suicide. Ho loves 28? '2 i 0 ??" 1 ^ M""- Myrlonno de Neu- *HJe. but they hare to defer their marriage 5"£?. s f°, ,h ? conditions ot the will of that tady'B late husband .tS? nrl Pa p a «<Ki »»d Alfred Frlebur are «Si gtffMfcrt WJWJI of canned goods, and their cblMren, Adole and Robert, are In love Wtn each other, but can not marry becauao Svef «£ ' exlrtlB « between their respec- JnlSBSf »"««««*« that Adele bo married to Charles. She can then divorce him at once and as a dl/vorced woman be free to mnrry Robert. .Charles will he 1,000,000 francs richer because-of the marriage settle- ment and tho marriage of Myrlaune and Charles will then be possible Ushed at great length the plot of "America.' This week we are pleased to record Its success. Nearly every one In the great cast is making his and her first appearance at the "Hip" this season. In place of the old fashioned European ballets, which has long been a feature at this house, a Carnival of American Sports has been substituted and It met with a hearty reception, not only at the opening night, but at the final dress rehearsal on Priday night, Aug. 29. which waa attended br the dramatic critics, and 1,600 friends of the management. The full caat of the play has been given and the plot, merely Involves a cross- country chasa by aiitomobllo of a V. 8. officer after the) tbloves who stole the plans of fortifications, winding up with the dash of the auto Into the River of the Grand (.'anon. UVS^UTiSSS tore RrTr " ^^L*±*J9 *"** M*S? ~ love for her. Pai-manceau, who, of course, Is ignorant of \a SflllAMA hll4 I .<. ...11. . Jilt *? . Macklln I ■ Albert F rooms ii%ru?iiwni,i ueu p t p 7r. n l i S,Ba" ;;; w U ur« BS I Baron for a son-in-law, barkens to the plead" 'Cantata,W»« W *•*'' MffiS^P f " J *"" .Maybelie itcDonald Charles has conscientious scruples against h \ „,,, marrying without love, but Adele llnally win" tktiF&Nlm, ." iKllle Don his consent and they are married. Then, C^sHSKEl nflKlJR to tho consternation of Robert and Myrlanne, Charles and Adele fall In love with each other. In the meantime Parmacoau and Frlebur have become reconciled and decide that Robert and Adele shall marry, but of course now that tho young couple love each o'her that Is Impossible and they bow to the in- evitable. While the hook has evidently lost much of Its charm In its translation, It Is still bright and breezy, the English adapters giving It a pleasing enapplness and zest. In making over tho lyrics tbey have not been quite so successful, for some of them show an Inclination on the part of the adapters to crowd too many words Into the accompany- ing music, .There are several pleasing numbers, but tho eone which Is featured lu "Adele," a waltz song. 'Natalie Alt was never seen to better ad- vantage. Sin.' mode a real charming Adele, singing and acting the role most capably, Georgia Cane was excellent as lime, de Ncuvllle. It was a toss-un between Will Danforth, nnd Dallas Welford bh to which was entitled to Arst comedy honors. The race was so close between them that a "dead heat" is the fairest decision. "~ and both earned them, •nd evenly through tho cat. This Is a most Impressive and realistic sight. The National Park Is shown In Its glory, with a U. 8. soldiers encampment. At the arrival «t the woodsmen, the stage Is aet for an exhibition by tbe wonderful woodchoppers, who started In by aawlng through a two-toot log In a Jiffy. A big log Is then set on end and the two chop- pers threw their nxci at It with unerring accuracy. A thin twig held against tho log was cut by ono throw from quite a distance. A log chopping contest then en- sued and made tha big chips fly, with one man winning by Just one atroke. The Phyllis Eqntatrlana in military garb and their prancing, cake walking, twisting, high stepping and turkey trotting horsea fava a line exhibition, especially on* great uck Jumper. Taps is Bounded at tbe clot* Ot this scene. Tha Ponea Da Leon Is a beautiful aet of this famous Florida hotel with a bright array ot the guests. Tha flower girls ore Ted by Mabelle MacDonald. 8te Hassan Ben Alls' Ten Arabs, lust back from Aus- tralia, did their wonderful tumbling and leaping. The Carnival of Sports la a won- derful conception, showing tha characterla* tics of tha leading outdoor pastimes In a •ray never equalled. First cam* Qolf with twenty-six girls and boys properly attired in white and blue for the long distance amusement Ttnntt had thlrtr-Two with raquetn and nets, the girls in pink end tho boys In white, In a tennis dance led by a soloist. Conodiifj Is exemplified by six canoes, each holding a girl, carried on by four men each; the water represented by blue cloth waved by other girls and the canoes skim the water in tho roymlc movements, during tha dance led by a quartet. Sfelmmfari brings on thirty-two girls In cloaks, which tiioy discard and with whleh by aid ot parasols they make Into bathing bouses, to strip to regulation, then to union bathing tults, for a nice swim- ming dance. For i'aohUnn thero are brought on tho riggings of eight good sized sloops, with the silk sails held out by girls and the boats gyrate about the stage, making a real picture of a rezattn. Boxing Is dono by llfty-six male athletes. In boxing suits, going through alt the movements of the pinnly art from the bell to the count ot *u. BioifoUng brought on twenty-four girls white tlgbts, black bodices and caps with long feathers, on whools, encircling the stage while The Walthours, the experts on unlcyclcs perform their dlfllcult feats In tbe cooler, in spangled costumes, Tba Srlat go through some intricate maneuver* pairs, fours and sixes. Then on the rkencd stage, tho wheels are Illuminated and tba forty-eight electric wheels are SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED Raw amd 8scond Hand leaner* In 8toel HURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO MURRAY HILL THEATOR, N. V. WALTKll JIAXKV,JI|t. Tel.MUMur UtU Felix Uancy .Hairy La Pearl ......Nslllo Doner Lucy Mortimer KIhIq palrd Samantha Stubbs; Irono Ward John ;8trong. .John Foster iten again encircling" the stage with two Detective Scalds............ .Jack Warren of The Wnlthours dancing on their single J«h" ,•..............H. Percy Parsons wheels In the center. Fenolni/ has thirty Manager of Ponce de Lvon Hotel. John Koster ' Mrs, lleaion-HM Margaret Crawford Train Caller Alex Craig "Cherokee Bill" Pnelps....». Percy Parsons "Tho Colonel" John Foster Professor Strims Harold A Itobo The prologue showed - the Landing of Co- lumbus and reception by the Indiana, who by the way were rather Inappropriately garbed in their modern attire. The flags were brought on, also a cross, whleh waa raised In the glare of tho spotlight. From 1492, the show Jumps to 1013. The first scone Is the waiting room of an up- to-date railway atatlon, with all the traveling public, Including country men, a bridal Party, iSiiSragottes and emigrants. A lot of conefe boys and girls form many pictures and 4 big excursion party form the various groupings, a red, white and blue effect for the finish with the people grouped on benches, nswstandi, etc., form a telling effect. The U. S. A. Limited Is a rousing number, led by W. c Reid. Scene i, A New England firm at break Of .day, abowlpg ' « tbe residence, the ham . They were both very funny. aDi oSthousea, with tho pump in the for* icd tho recognition accorded ground, chickens, horses, barns and all other effects are there true to life. Soma work .?•< „ . .i, ™. ■ 1 effects are (here true to life. Borne work be * <S '.. The.molt rrfriferkablo font Ji Hal Fyrde was acceptable, as Charles anil between the rivals for the milkmaid are mounting of an unsupported (adder. Crawford Kent was thu Impetuous Hebtrtj amusing. "The Olrl la the Gingham," sung ln ff * Bead to head balfthco, which Harry C. Bradley made a fine character bit out of the minor role of Jacques. Tha others lent good aid. Tbe piece was elaborately produced and the work of Ben Teal, under whose direc- tion It was ataged, Is deserving ot especial mention. The second week began Sept. 1. Tvnlt. aung i°5 linn" BCCl two girls In purple and white doing tha Codo ot Honor exercises, Incidental to a dance. Football Ii ahowu by two full teams, with all tho necessary togs, uoieguards, shin- guards, prills, etc., going through tho rough- house sklrmlsliex, Kick-offs punts, kick*, tackles, etc, with tho ball all over tho stage. Who wants more action than that? A ballet of thirty-two butterlllea with ono soloist IB a pretty Interlude: representing /tWo-lton, which Is further .shown by two biplanes gyrating In the clouds about tho darkened etage. RUUny has thirty-two girl Jockoya on horseback In striped Jackets putting the animals through a rather tame series of evolution. Ilanciiall brings on all the teams of the leagues In regulation suits, and tbe onsamhle gathers tho entire sport- ing outfit in one grand display. A Pueblo village shows Indian families at their various Industries and In their ceremonial customs and dances, Including "Tho Ilnrvost Dance." The Kqulla Brothers give a rtmarknblo performance In head anil hand balancing. Mndo up ns Indians they handle each other with great east) and go through all sorts of tricks while ono Is v u ! ae| l <"> tha other's head, Tha moat remarkable /eat (» tho "ted ladder, our- .... bco, which was hitch, For n finish by E. T'srci* Parsons and Mabelle McDon- accomplished without a aid, with tba girls and boys grouped on t,l ° uuderitnnder, while lying on supports ica. A load of bay la driven on with for nl " n^k and feet, raised the other girls on ton and eight facea peer- about twelve times (0 arms length, and final- ly supports him on lils hands extended on a line with his bead oud without any sup- tor bis feet The invocation of .the BRONX OPERA HOUSE. (lllCIIABU B. MADDEN, MOB.) Tills newly erected theatre, owned Jointly by Cohan & Harris and A II, Woods, opened Its doors on Saturday evening, Aug. SO, to an immense audience. H. H. Fra zee's pro- duction of "Fine Feathers" waa the bill. The original cast;—Robert Kdeson, Wilton Lacksye, Rosa Cogblan. Max Flgman and Lollta Robertson, scored in their old parts. The only change in the original company concerns the role of the maid, which Is now played by Lydla Dixon, _ .. fn the heart of the Bornx section, the Bronx Opera House occupies a plot ninety- seven feet wide, fronting on One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street, between Bergen and Brook Avenues, and running back ^llfl feet to One Hundred and Porty-oighth Street. A three-story commercial building fronts One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street. This, apart from the twenty-lie foot lobby, which leads to the theatro proper, has been leased for a first class restaurant, cafe and banquet hall on tie first and second floors, while the third win be oc-cuplod as lodge rooms. , The color scheme interior of the house Is in Ivory, green and old gold. The decora- tions are in the Italian Renaissance ttvle. Tho ornamental work on the colling nnd box fionts and columns Is old gold. The orna- mental plaster work has been treated with un Ivory tint, stenciled to harmonize with the wall coverings, which aro of nllk damask. Tho body of the silk damask wall decora- tions Is of a light green pattern, hsrmonljlng In color. Draperies ot the same character In heavy velvot. treated with gold, with ornate centre wreath medallions, constitute the box decorations. Three mural paintings adorn the audi- torium celling. These represent the Temple of Love, Love Accused Tlefore Jqve, and «e- «ose and Laughter. Following the engage- ment of "FlncPcathers," orberoooklngs are: Sept. 8—Reginald De Koven's jnrcsentntlpn Of "Robin Hood": Sept. 16—"Stop Thief," Carlylo Moore's force, and Sept. 22—Georgo M. Cohan and his icompany in Mr. Cohan s Perc/ I . with the fencs. three girls on top lng out among the hay. A group about the pump IS shown In tbe fadeaway. Tho Levee at New Orleans showed the darkey at Work and play. Thirty-two bales of cotton are wheeled in on hand trucks by tho roustabouts, and on boards placed on top of the bales a dancing number Is {»ut on with eight dances, including icddle tusscll, Harry Taylor, John Fleming, Spooks Hansab, Jack Prltchard, John Lovely, Jaraea flnla; Stanley Ferguson also does a funny carl In front, doing the Essence of Vir- ginia, Stanley Ferguson also does a funny fat mammy. The girls then come on all in blackface and tho thirty-two couples on tho bales form various pictures. "Dark 'Eyes" Is an cffoctlng closing number, with the light thrown on a gigantic, cotton blos- som formed by the Wiggling bauds of the densely massed people, around a white blos- som carried on by some one on stun. The Alamo at Bon Antonio showed tha public plaza with a troup of V. S. Cavalry no end off horseback did a lot of pictures with flrls in white, who aro assisted on to he horses and led around the stage. "Mister 'Soldier Mao," was the vocal offering by the ensemble. A New York street on the ISaet Side. . showed all tho typical belongings, pollers' l3 » veritable blaze of glory, and the playing carls, market men, tray pudTors, a Hnlvo- of "America." tlon Army meeting with band, a mudguttar Tho IUppodroma stage staff Includes : Stage band, a band organ, mounted police, a manager. Jot. L. Hanrahan; assistant ttaga group from the sight-seeing wagons, white- managers, Harry MJlllrns and Rlllle Helton ; wings, policemen, Bremen, and all aorta of mechanical effects, by Geo. H. Williams; trucks, baby carriages, liokoy pokoy wagons, electrical effects, by Jos, Eisner; properties, nnd a chasa of a crook. A great number P/. H - .Louis Bauer | coetumcr, Frances (Spirits concludes this scene, with Margaret Crawford as tho solo vocalist. All sorts of wolrd and gbost-llko movement* are shown on tho stage and spirits In white with the luminous paint effect appear In tho ori'hcitra and balcony aisles. Tho Grand Canon Is a magnificent scenic Snnoroma, showing the auto appearing In tho istanco irradually drawing noar. Tho thrill comes when tho red auto, containing four persons, dashos over rue cliff Into tbe tank, turning over as It falls, and scattering Its occupntitn, shouting for help. Into tho water. Act three presents "Tho Court ot Honor," nn Impoiilng construction of columns, statues, with broad stnlrcaso leading to tfao loke. Co- lumbia, on her throne, Is ftaaked by pages and Indies muldt. Forty-eight girls, fn while and pink, in sit seta of eight, march down the stairs and smilingly disappear under tho water to emerge about ten minute* later on the other side of tha lain? for tha flntau. The various States are represented by Isille* who mount the atept to do homage to Columbia. and the spreading of tit* blue, Mar spangled cloaka forms a mtgnlflcoBt spectacle, ending . Hatnmersteln's (William Hammersteln. fir-ir*" 1 * *eeM « ""I"- * : Evelyn Nes- 5!i.Th»w and Jack Clifford, Dainty Marie, J-natles Ahearn hnd company, Bert Fltzglb- S2S' JH Ac i Beautiful. Kl/lyowa, Phillips «*d White, Kennedy and Kramer, De Armo and PcppinoV ifnjoji rlqnnrc (Elmer V. Rogers, mgr.) r-'«IH for week Sent. 1 : Skaters llllouvc, iy n La rtonlta, Roy nnd Arthur. Robert W*2?"U Rflrl Z. *W5 and company. Ball and JJj*V Bddlc. Foy abd company, Three Mel- R| A fc* r J! e »n (Charles Potsdam, mgr.)— ""I for first half week Bcpl. 1: Oracle Km- w.Li.J n 9. F oM P a nv. Bessie Browning. Tsuga h-W'V' Schrode ntnl Mulvey. Berry nnd Wll- Bfflft D»vld Kftokoa, Knfipp and Cornalln. Bprtog e ' Bob McD0D * lo > Bro ' lm Bn " ulor "Broadway Jones." Ope of the fea- tures In the policy to be pursued at tho theatre Is a season subscription system. Jnrdln de Dnnse (8. 8. Pldgeon, mgr.) Several new features havo been added to the entertainment this week. Among them are Betty Martin, drnxootlc soprano: Dlnus nnd Bnrnbnn, novelty dancers, and the American Trio of singers. Joan Sawyer and Wallace McCutcheon remain as the star dancing attraction. Others are tho Whirlwind Biggins, Bartman and Varaday, end Loona Sherwln. . Henderson'* (Carlton Hoagland, agr.) —The final week of the regular acaaon be- ginning 1. Includes: "The Auto Bandit, Ward Where, Mix American Vmcen,01U lctt's Animals, Daisy De Leon, the Imperial nnd the Pnrshley_H. Is "Bsgtlma in tha Air," to which every- body danced, ''tba policeman with tbo bum," the Italian with to* Irish; even tbe push- carts and baby carriages rocked sideways and tba hone of a mounted police did it. Then a accne in front of a fashionable New York hotel with the society folks turkey trotting In tho court. A Suffra- gette parade 1* put on. a perfect reproduc- tion of on* hold recently In New York with the white and yellow suits, ail satin; a Joan of Arc 00 horseback, led one divis- ion. The girl* carried appropriate ban- pi-rs and wero followed by the division of male sympathusrs. Then the bells of the (Ire apparatus are beard and the next eceno shows a flro engine, a boso cart and pook and ladder, with horse* galloping madly on the treadmill arrangement, through the street on tho way to tho (Ire, Which Is raging In another New York street in a six story building, fully on Are. The Ipparatiis dashes on, the lines of hose are aid, tho streams of water (represented by Steam) turned on and tbo scaling ladders and llf* net* shown in action by the nimble firemen and great excitement of tbo mob, for the finish of the first act. Act II shows Panama on the Hast side of the Isthmus. "Lola" Is sung by a quar- tette. The tango Is danced with novel yellow and purple shawl effects, by twenty- four couples and the scene was one of great animation. A parado in honor ot tbe canals complotlon was shown, In which all the celebrities snd IJ. B. sailors, Infantry, cavalry nnd artillery take part. The car- riage* of the officials are surrounded by groups of pretty dancers. The Culchra showed the canal *t night, Ja E" ISS*SS BeMk'Mssle HaH U closed completed and n gigantic ocean liner, fnlly for the season! Uluwlnated, msklug the pasiage majestically by w Loui* Bauer 1 coatumor, Frances if. Zelbarth , hydraulic effects, by Hubert IIII- llard and Wm. Smith: horsea snd animals used and trained la this production by Mar- tin J. Potter. During the dresa rehear*al on Friday, Aug. 20, a telegram from Col. Geo. W. Goithals, Chief Engineer of tbe Panama Canal, was read, wffollows: "Accept good wishes opening night. I hopo before New Year'e Day first passage portrayed by you will b* realized; "G0ETI!Ar,8," Manager Lea Bhuherl, Who had Invited many personal guests, waa not present. owing to the death of bl* father. A One collation was served In the lobby. 1 a !Yaw Brlatlifon (Ham McKee, mgr.)— This week i* tbe final of tho season. Tha MM Includes La Tltcomb and her Arabian stallion: "The Forbidden Flower,'' Tom Ter- tls, Pantomime Dnnce, with Mil*. Matsea and Jules La Ilarne; Ward aud Currau. Clara Inge, singing comedlenoe) Prcd Hnlien and Molllo Fuller. Clarence rVllbur, Almont and Dumont, tho Big Quartet (Bean- Ion, Mooney, Sebastian nnd Davidson) and Langslow, the rifle export on the Wire. I'roctor'D 1-lfty-HnliU, Street (John ■Duck, mgr.)—Bill first keif of thin week Includes: Rupert Hughes' comedy nlietch on department atoro existence, "Miss BIS." Webb and Huron, musical Comedians; John Ji. Cook and company In tbo comedy dramatic sketch, "Tbe ttwag;" Brevett and Merrill, Illusionist*; Smith and Farmer, comedy «klt; Hanscom and Vernou, etnger* and dancers, and Klnemacolor and black and tvhl to photoplays. Academy »f Mnslo (Robert K. Irwin, mgr.)—"The Orest Diamond Robbery" 1* this week'* stock offering. "KISS ME QUICK." Forty-t'lniitli Street (Tho*. W. Broad buret, mgr.)— KM He 0**cr, a farce, bi Philip Oartholnnme, waa produced for tht first time In New York Tuesday evening, Aug 20, by Mr. Bartholomto. with tbl* caat: Gladlola Huntley Helen Lowol Tha Gardener J, J. stambroot Jlllly Hopkins .....Frederick Santlej iHdward liuutley Richard Tabei Tha Bntler Charles Aablei Merit Huntley , limlly Callawai Bailey. Moving Picture Director..Robt.Kollj Rally Swift Louise Dree Pinkie Laura Lalrf Claypoole Edward Kummerot Clara .Mary Haitian Lottie Briscoe , ...Mlgnon McGibenj George, "Camera Man" .Eugene BoUtti Joo itandnil .Arthur Ayleawortl Ola Primrose Sadie Hnrrii ^"Ktia Mo Quick'' It In a prologue ant three, acta, It opens In a little alrovo In th' Huntley home, GladloU Huntley a den, wliore- la ere written all the wonderful starlos, etc from her pen. In a monologue Gladlola 1*11) the audleneo alio Is the author of "Hlei Mt Quick," which Is an adaptation ot her book "Back to Nature," but that Mr. Bartbolomn would not consent to her nemo being 011 ttii firogram. But tho piece gets its real atari n the Brst net, when the stock company ot the Movagraph Film, Co.. headed by Dlrictoi Bnlley. appear* to act for a motion plcturi la which a pickpocket steals a purse, Willi a man with a chair, and cantos the deatl of a woman by throwing her botore tbl wheel* ot a fan moving automobilo. Of course It I* a dummy woman that tht auto run* over, but tho occupant* of Uu ras^uio,, Dlllr Ilopkln*. lid ward Huntley Sally Swift and Pinkie, the last two, movlni picture actroase*. think It I* a real woman. The "villain" la Joe Randall, and lib woman vtrtlm Is Ola Primrose, who Is hit ward and also hi* lulondcd wife. Ola long* to ho a renl lady for a day. an< Joe determine* to play upon the fear of (tat two young men to bring this about. H* aiki Billy and Kdward t» Invite Ola and bin to tho hall for n wfek. Tltey demur, but bj mean* of threats If they n>f use and prorata* of keening quiet If they accede, Joo and Oil soon nnd tiieuiselvi'H In tho Huntley home. Here follows ronipllcallon upon compllca tlon until, at length, matter* nre adjusted The frightened quartette lenrn the triirt nimiit tho auto "accident" und all enda It the old fashioned way. - Mr Harthotamao hn<t chosen a capltat sub Jeet, out bo has fulled to uinkc tho most 01 the tnnny excellent opportunities offered him Tho dummy Idea In by no means new, and ll was rather crudely worked, but the Idea h capital, and the* for fun im.k lng complications, following In the waka o stick an incident, under such clrcumstau'eit aro almost without limit. Tho author, however, line written 1I1I1 work with seemingly ono Idea, ami that Wsi to get It finished, If wo did not. know dlf forentlv wo might say it was written hurried ly to order. In no ram- nro tho points wnrkcl out to a finish, end that deftness which thli author has shown In another work I* wiki fully lacking, Neither flelcfl Lowell nor Arthur Aylc* worth, who aro featured with the compear scotjd yojy Jieavlly. though not through an> fault ot theirs, hut bocause of the way tin author fashioned tho cliamctor*. Robert Kelly made a good dual out of tht rolo of Halley. Lotilte Drew save tho character of Hnllj Swift a "twist" that marked this «|evei young actreii aa the poiseisor of ability foi a lino of diirac/er Work ■ little remove* from the conventional. 'Sadie, jltrrla wa* good.a* Ola, and Latin Laird did good work a* Pluklo. ■2a w*%n3ffi*% i. w "MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING" Empire (Thomas Shea, bus. mgr.)—"Much Ado About Nothing," a comedy by William Shaketpcara. Revived by Cbai, FrohuMn, os Monday evening, Soot 1, with tbl* cast: Son Pedro '..Frank Kemble Cooper on John Frank raiiot Claudia Fred Brit Bonedlck ......John »row Loonato.., Henry Stephenson Antonio Sidney Itertierl BB"W • • w'WpL »>rry {.onrnih) Herbert Dvlmort Bornchl0 .............. .. .Kdward Longman Friar Francis ..Bertram Marbargh Dogberry Jluboit Druce vorges ,., Malcolm Bradley A Sfiton winter Hoaerllnu Oatt'liko itexford Kitidtick iweacoie .',,..Murray Rot* ) Boy 4 Annie Frauds lero .Mary Bound icutr|cu Laura Hope Crews largunt Florence Hnrrlwn 'rsula. ■ ...Alice John In the old days back at Daly's, John Drew appeared In Sunkfspc«rar* play*, but never as ixiiedlck In "Much Ado About Nothing." 1'"/ many your* he baa tberUhed an am- bition to play fan rob) and on Monday night Ills opportunity came. As was ex- Sifted a largo sod brilliant audience was n band. Mr, Drew, it may bo aald at the outset, «ave a One performance of Benedick, giving lie role a good deal of spirit. Brilliant was his acting In tho garden scene where bo overbear* of Beatrice* lovo for blm, and In the iccoo with Beatrice, Where (10 vow* to kill Claudia ho was superb. True, bit Bonedlck I* far from being flawless, bnt U I* a performance of graco, distinction and ease. Mr, Drew, who bo* not appeared In Hhakcxpearnu play* since 1602 was given 8 n ovation tflint could bo beard several .locks away, and was compelled to express bl* thanks, Laura Hopo. Crows appeared as Beatrice, end gavo highly satisfactory performance. She delivered well tho line* of tbe sharp tougiiod warden, and in the church scene •die wm especially fine, although her voice waa rather weak. At tho end of this eceno «ho wn* accorded several curtain calls. Her'9 waa a genuine triumph. Mary Roland was a charming Hero, nnd a feast to tho eye*. Frank Kcrrfbio Cooper read well hi* line* of Don Pedro, and tbe Ctaugla of Fred Hrlc waa only fair. Hubert Druce was amusing as Dogberry, and Henry Stephenson prayed satisfactory os Lconnto. Tbe rest or tho company were excellent. The production wan a good one In overy respect, The test employed Is a composition of the text* used by lOdrrln Booth, Sir Georgo Alex- ander and a well known version edited for colleges, by William J. Rolfo, Kttoty. 1 a ———» (Vontlnuti on paatt it.)