The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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1-iil THE NEW YORK OX.IPPEB. SEPTEBiBEB 6 MOTION PICTURE DEPARTMENT HARRY EN.VI8, REPRESENTATIVE. FROM LEADING FILM MAKERS. REMARKABLE WILD A NIMAL SERIES. BRONCHO BI LLY'S FE W THEATRE TOLSTOI'S MASTERPIECE. THE MOVING PICTURE FAN AND THE USHER. BI QUIZZ. SELIG NEWS. Remarkable Wild Animal Serin. "Well fer the love-o-Mlke, look ■who's here t murmured the Usher as be acknowledged the Informal "Hello Mac, bow's the show?" salutation of the Moving Picture Fan.. "Where yer bin keepin' yer self boss, I •ln't saw yer fer a week?" The latter sentence was spoken in a rather reproacU/u! . . tone, as if tbe recalcitrant patron of the notion tbat tbe lite Of those Who nuke ana Arcade Palace would bare a difficult task In play In the pictnres Is all beer and skittles, accounting for his non-appearance, at bis as It were, should pause and reconstruct favorite amusement stamping ground. LATEST IN THE FILM WORLD. JOHN BUNNY KING OF MARDI GRAS—BEECROFT PUBLICITY PROMOTER FOR GEN ERAL FILM, GUNNING ASSISTANT MANAGER OF WARNER'S FEATURES- FAMOUS PLAYERS PRODU CTION OF "TESS." LETTER FROM FRANK flCHENOR RE NEW LEAGUE. their Ideas along this line. Those in the cast .of this piece are: G. M. Anderson, Oflclals of tbe Sell/ roljscope Co., In Chicago, Lloyd Ingraham Ircic Boardman, Carl Stock- Ac*-. 28, outlined the plan, of an undertaking flai» Harry Todd, Predk. Church, Pat ' Rooney, V. A. Potel and Marguerite Clay- which tiiis company baa been busily engaged upon for tbe last alx months, and which promises to be one of the most remarkable and far-reaching propositions ever undertaken by a motion picture manufacturer. . Arrangements bate been entered Into by tbe Sellg Oo. and a powerful chain of metropolitan newspapers across tbe country, beaded by The Chicago Tribune, for tbe production and exploita- tion of an elaborate and costly scries of sensa- tional wild animal feature*. Tbe Sellg Oo. will produce, at their Animal Zoo, In Los Angeles and la India, a series of thirteen two-reel wild animal productions, under tbe general title of "The Adrenrures of Katblyn." Katblyn Williams._ the famous Sellg leading ton. •'BRONCHO BILLY" OPENS NEW THEATRE, OCT. 18. O. M. Anderson, (Broncho Billy), will open bis new play house, the Gaiety in Bin Francisco, October 18. "The Gaiety Jubilee," a musical comedy will be iho initial attraction. E8SANAY ENGAGES NOTABLE FLAY- ERS. Robert Bolden, a well known English comedian end Jules Ferrar, an American ability. "Why, I've been experimenting," replied the M. P. Fan, with a slightly hesitant manner. "Experimentln' with wot?" pointedly ?uerled the Usher, as he flicked the ashes rom tbe "Mecca," suspended In perilous fashion from bis lower lip. "Experimentln' . In makln' pboney coins or experimentln' la been made for a large theatre, exchange hiring solvent girls?" quarters, directors' room, executive offices, The M. P. Fan, laughingly denied any In- publicity department, bookkeepers' depart* BT HA.F.BT. WARNER'S FEATURES NOTES. Work Is being rushed on the new quarters for Warner's Features, Inc. Provision has centiy produced by the Famous Players Film Company, -is one of the greatest subjects ever introduced In motion pictures. The powerful combination of one of tbe foremost actresses of the day and tbe most noted work of a famous novelist should serve to place the Famous Players on a more Important tentlon of making, counterfeit money,"and meat and poster department. The specifics- plane than it.has eveni before;occupied. This likewise refuted the absence of any In- tloas call for psrtfttons of mahogony and production Is ^ e v „ fl "f .S, J„1«, tSPZiSZ ternal trouble in the domestic routine plate glass, and furnishings of quiet elegance ■ to throughout* These quarters will be ready of bis household. "I've been tdous Features a Year" scheduled for release on the Famous Players' extended program. r diffidently, early ft September. _ „ _^ ,¥,!■• .^ e l!«I'JX.^S™ofth.^new "and furthermore, I have only gotten as Lester Park, formerly of the Columbine of the f^f^can stage Tes, of the •DUrber- far as the 'trying' stage, Inasmuch as I. Film Co., now district manager for Warner's rille.("will thrill as long as human emotions hate Just had tny first attempt returned Feature* Inc., has been carefully InvesUgat- control us Together they signify another i a neat ttle enclosun explalnlm ing conditions around. Dallas and^ Kansas fl «^ T ^g§{S*' l |? ne 1 g* ?$f t & s9 , the ten- ^gSBBSSMS sm^^r^^ffSSi^ ^fSSS |2«n»js *?***s*~*im*^ the entire series of pictures, Beveral other Sellg forthcoming EsBanay releases. -?* ». «■ —P « T«l was own „ said tne forthcoming.features to be ™*>*<± The make a thrilling appeal to the heart of stus will aonesr In each production In the same vf.. vurtv Rrnvn la likewise a recent Usher, assuming a somewhat relieve man- Sept IB, through Warners Program, me mase a uuuuug »i»irem i« u» u™. k characTerBach, story wllfbe complete In it«ilt. afl StlIn to/ha Essanav Eastern 8tocat »«• "Do you Tmow, boss, I thawt mebbe Kansas City offlci has taken enlarged quarters humanity. „„.,„„„„„„,,.„ but «ebTon?will besowritten that it will form S" 1 "™ '° »™ ™S™» MOll 7™* WM srtvta' ns " tte 'l??ss-up' for the on the fourth floor of the Gloyd BIdg., and FOX ADMITTED THE BAR. but a chapter of tbe entire story. Each picture aH»iAi.i.s hbw i-WMSsy/aivn swum fam? aronn a the cawner?" it has been fitted up with everything needed William Fox reversed the usual process will be extremely sensational in character, and AT MLES, CAL. "How that guy kin call the bunch o>' Junk to make It a big exchange. an d "Admitted the Bar" of Waterbury, Conn, tbe entire series will form one of the most thru- Tne new projecting room at Nlles Is a witch he shoves on the public. 'Featcher Exhibitors and moving picture fans will t o the opening of the fine new Fox Theatre, i 1 "*, "2 JSP^*!? -f5 m E i.M ( V.'n JJ;^™ veritable miniature moving picture house. Pitchers Extryordlnairy' is wot gets my be glad to know that one of the early re- wnere fihemacolor is a permannt feature locals of the aeries will_be laid Ba am Ij ssfjtgr Everything is fixed up In Just the shape nolve." But the M. P. Fan knowing the pro- je,,^ on the Warner Program will be ,r Back m a mlxe d program of vaudeville and phot* ithVstM that a modern picture theatre possesses, fesslonal hatred existing between, the Arcade to Life." a drama of society, the equal la pi,.,. The Bar Association admitted that Palace and the Bijou Dream staff, adroitly eV ery wsy of "Her Supreme Sacrifice," whose Mr. p 0 x j g a master "mixologist" as well as turned the conversation into a more placid emotionalism and superior photography theatre builder and manager. channel by assuring the Usher that be was demonstrated the fact that the Pyramid FRO m CINCINNATI TO LOT.ISVILLE. still a loyal patron of tbe Arcade Palace, FUm Co. is peculiarly fitted to produce three- snd saw no Immediate reason for a change ree i features with a "punch." vision of W. N. "Sellg and Thomas Persons, super- lowinV'tbelr "work "on tie screen 'as It is In his amusement seeking affiliations. Another early release will be "A Floren- lntendent of the Sellg Zoo. Tbe entire scenic thrown direct from the negative? There is "Lemme see tbe seenalrlo, I might he able tine Tragedy," after the play by Oscnr principality In India. of the series will be released to licensed theatres. ---- - rr-T—.- j -ji— i.""ivV"M«C»»"»J,'«»n probably on tbe Brat Monday In December. An- and all that la lacking Is the ticket booth other two-reel release will be made every two and the music. Neither of which omls- weeks following, until the entire series has been slons are provocative of any regrets in. released. . this instance. Did you ever watch a crowds The work is going on under tbe direct saner- e d audience of motion picture players fol- The Middle States distributing office ot Klnemacolor has been moved from Cincin- nati 0., to Louisville, Ky., where It is now located In the Majestic Theatre Building, departments of both tbe Chicago and Los Angeles acM concentr ated interest and eloquent si- to slip yer an eyedear or two." The neatly wide. The settings for this emotional bxated in the Majestic Tt stadlos haye been combined, and are centering j ence j n BUCQ nD audience than In any other typed manuscript was forthwith turned over drama were secured, in California, and the with L. J. Ulttmur in. Charge. tbe major portions oft° elr energies in tbe scenic ' eMtil excep t maybe at an execution. to the Usher who started to read the same, octing of the principals,' Constance Crawley . A KINEMA- COLLIER ta 8^™antn^wftb Kl th C e 'release of each picture. NEW BRONCHO BILLY FEATURE The Csloojo Bunlay rrtoune, and a leadng news- ^ new two-reel Broncho Billy feature has paper in practically every large city in tbe coup, ^g^ Deen finished by Mr. Anderson this week, try wilt run In the moat prominent position in mttniea : Tb ^ Toree Gamblers." It is a story their Sunday msgaalne supplement, an Installment of a serial story of the same tlf- tBTCS. In short, tbe pictures are f, in Installment ^™™ thr f'^^mauv taterestlne even for this could pull this stuff-boss, why I'm goto' ter tematlonal favorites, Gene Gsuntier and gorgeous costume m title as the pic- Bg* l *B TS^J^ rSESJ ZitZSEZ tell yer, on the level, wots the matter, you J. Clark. This photoplay, wrtten by fbe moving picture «. adaptations of wrles, and there' " »?.S?™ 1 " "'iK^SS Bln * «T°t no 'punch.' to it Its to mild, no M lss Gauntler, Is absolutely unique In, the ward he is robbed o Eellg Oo. for this purpose, Sells Goes to Europe. W. N. Sellg. president of the Sellg Polyscope Company, sailed on Saturday, Aug. 00, for Europe, where he expects to epend the next two months In the Interests of tbe Sellg Oo's foreign Branches. In Lonon, Mr. BelUr will pat tbe final O. K. on tbe deoratlve details ot tbe BellgOmce Bulldmg, which Is now being erected In Wsldraw Street, London. While In Europe, Mr. Sellg Intends to purchase another elaborate assortment of animals, Including camels, elephants, ulrauei, tigers, lions. GEORGE KLEKE NEWS. Real Ball Finht Picture. "For tbe Love of a Toreador," tbe title of a Klelne-Clnes picture to be released io October, possesses several unique scenes, one of which Is a real bull fight Spanish actors recently brought from Borne by the Clnes Company took part In this picture. end the bull fight, was, therefore, staged lc«, w«v ai.u.n.M w »vmu ***%? yumt, i*fiuvf|#a«a, vwiibw.'* *..»m.v# —.*^».-. i - — — — ■■ -■ ■ ■ VVJaXafil/X. the meanwhile making audible comments on g^d Arthur Maude, la of the very highest Bichard Harding Davis' lateset comedy, en- certain situations and Incidents contained type. . titled "Who's Who V in which Wm. Collier therein. -• . • Still another early release will be "In the opens at the Criterion Theatre, deals with "Where did yer get the 'bug' that yer power of a Hypnotist" Introducing the in- the adventures of an amateur cowboy, whose could pull this stuff hoss, why I'm goto' ter tematlonal favorites, Gene Gauntler and gorgeous costume makes him the target of ---) camera. Shortly after- ._ of .bis raiment by a real _ Olcott " Da( i man," who proceeds to hold up a stage traveling with his silver-plated pistols — whereby (he the role amateur acquires such a desperate reputation ays an that he has to hide under an alias to keep feature. p coils about tne neca and arms sounding drum issuing from the front of of MIsd Gauntler In a way that la truly hair- the house warned them that the "full or. raising. chestra" were performing the "overture," In order to carry out their Idea of market out of prison. A lawyer comes to tell him that he lias fallen heir to a large fortune, but fearing that this is a detective ruse, the hero hides until be Is identified by means of the moving picture. Elnemacotor furnishes and that the first reel would shortly appear lng a feature program the middle of Sep- the films, and Mr. Collier tbe comedy—so It on the screen. "I secured the literature of several film companies which Informed me," said tbe M. P. Fan In reply to the source ot his knowledge of photoplay writing, "that r.en- satlonal situations, hold-ups, etc., were not desirable and I considered tbat inasmuch etc., to add to bus already fflrge collection at the exactly as tbe real affairs occur In Spain, as I had avoided all the Don ts, etc., r.ii_ i_« ... w _» a .•»!.■ "* _ _•._ . - __ _ .Vint I hnH riiwriful /iiif a fnlt"lw Anravraisi- Eellg Zoo la Los Angeles. Twist Goes to Const. Stanley H. Twist, director of publicity and business lieutenant of the Sellg Polyscope Oo., left Chicago on Aug. 30, for an extended trip to tbe PacWc Coast. He expects to be gone three or four weeks. "In the MtdHt of tho Jungle." "In the Midst Of the Jungle," the remarkable three-reel Sellg wild animal feature, which was recently shown at tbe Exposition and Convention of Motion Picture Art. In New 'York, will shortly be released through the new "exclusive service" department ot General Film Co. This production Is acknowledged to be the top-notcber of its line, and was enthusiastically received by the exhibitors In New York. The picture in question, serves as a vehicle for the re-entry of Katblyn Williams Into the animal features, In which she created such a remarkable prestige some two years ago. Releases Week ot Sept. 15, •Tbe Fifth String" Is the title of Sellg's two- reel regular feature for release on Monday, Sept. IB. The story la an adaptation from John Philip «oa«a'» mimical fantasy of the same title, and Darius Bit of Work. that I had turned out a fairly entertain- ing piece of screen drama." In order to "land' a. crucial situation RsjfST x teU yer wot you do , boss, lemme ln_. tne_ Klelne-Clnes release of Oct. It, j^p a,jg f ur an nour 0 r ao. and when I „?^!! 1 ^L J fi ce ;:'n',^ to , , ?' 1 f?,S get'through.with seatin' the Wb for the the Universal tember Warner's Features, Inc., have se- cured the very best men to be obtained for the various positions of responsibility throughout their organization. Samuel Grant, formerly in charge of the Gordon Theatres throughout the New Eng- land States, and for the past six months gen- eral manager of tbe Warner's Exchange, In Boston, has been made district manager for the territory East of Chicago. He is suc- ceeded in Boston by H. F. Campbell, who recently resigned from the Boston office of bridge was built by the Clncs Company | rBt Bnow i' U come b ac ij ana - ta i K i t 0Ter over a ravine about seventy-five feet wide W |tb you" and was destroyed In one of the most dar- /r De Moving Picture Fan, aqulesclng, pro- lng scenes ever made by that company. cee ded to fix himself comfortably in his ac- In the picture a car Is run over tbe bridge cu ,tomed chair and when the vehicle reaches the center of the bridge, the structure collapses, drop' ping several persons and the car to the bottom of the ravine, creating a scene tbat will cause many a thrill when it Is pro- jected. Film From Famous Poem. "The Flower of Destiny," is tbe title ot a Klelne-Clnes release for Tuesday. Oct. .7, The hour soon passed pleasantly, and with the expiration of the allotted time, the Usher quietly slipped Into the next seat, and without further ado commenced his revised edition of the ML P. Fan' effort "You see, boss, when this guy, who Is tho hero, finds this feller has stole his gal, I fixed It up so he grabs him by the treat and D. J. Chatkln, who until recently was In charge of the Universal office at Toledo, O., becomes manager of Warner's Buffalo office. Joseph Klein,' brother of Arthur Klein, the theatrical agent, baa gone to Atlanta to as- sume the duties of manager of tbat office. Jack J. Gllroy has been succeeded in tbe may be called a "Klnema-Colller." MOVING PICTURE DE LUXE. The Regent, reputed to be tbe most pala- tial motion picture theatre in the metropolis, and hence, presumably, In the United States, opens the season with the Klnemacolor pic- tures as a regular feature, and with Famous Players' films. Mrs. Fiske, In "TeBB of tbe D'Urbervllles," with the Klnemacolor fea- tures. "The Scarlet Letter" and "Tested by Fire," form an opening bill of moving pic- tures de tun. EXCLUSIVE SUPPLY PROGRAM IN DEMAND. Negotiations are now in progress between Joseph R. Miles, representing the Exclusive Supply Corporation, and a California syndi- cate, who purpose manufacturing, one or two, three-reel western features monthly, to be ext seat New York Rental Office by Jacques Spiegel, ^Ffi™ .h. p,„i,,.i„ iEL£™ i to read whose experience in the film business dates ad l! d nn t ° HSJ." « 8 ™^? r fh» •s maiden back to the days ot the old Hudson Film Ex- ■^■P?™"™?* i iJS^L.S t JSt change. jdays i At one time during bis business ca- rtels. The action of the photo-drama Is staged in the middle ages and the costum- ing is elaborate In tbe extreme. A. rose left In a window sill as a token of love was produced through special arrangement with becomes the harbinger of death when the the author snd his j>nblisliere, the ^bba^Merrtll courtier makes the mistake of thinking It Anthony Novelll U UHIUCVIUIO l«S«a<JV .VI aUCDUUJ. VVti »• ■—«».«« -v ~^ k>v b#v n&MW »■■■■■■ »»J This is considered one of the most beautiful they has a struggle, knocking over the total subjects that Ones has ever made In two .chore and chairs an everything. There's yer Oo. I til The story la symbolical and extremely grip' _ in its telling. It desla with the mysterious violin ot tbe devfl, which has live strings Instead *'•»* the usual four. When played upon, each of these strings will bring some much-sought-for sift to the player, but he Is warned nerer to touch tbe "fifth string" while playing, for tbat one holds death In Its power: The musician can- sot resist the temptation to play upon the mysteri- ous "fifth string,*' snd tbe warning ot the devil "^The Tolls of Deception" is the title ot the Sellg release for Sept. 16. This Is a drams In which a dissatisfied and ambitious young woman covets a beautiful necklace. She buys It on trust, . bnt ends herself very much embarrassed when she lose* the necklace before paying for It had been left for him. big scene, kid. Tbe way you had It, It wus to mild." But said the M. P. Fan,. "It ex- grossly stated In the printed Instructions lat scenes of violence' would not be accept- able." "Hey, boss, listen here, you'll never get anywhere if yer beleeve aU you hear," grinned the Usher. "I got an eyedear. as I and Leah Oulnchl, who played tbe respec- said before, and we'll slip this.piece V wolk live male and female leads In "Quo Vadld?" * plav the leads In "The Flower of Destiny.' This two-reel was made from the famous Italian poem. s COUNT TOLSTOI'S MASTERPIECE FOR SCREEN. Warner's Features, Inc., have secured some notable productions for their feature pro- grant to be Inaugurated the middle of Septem- ber. Chief of Interest among these la a four* reel version of Count Tolstoi's great tragedy "The Living Corpse," produced in Europe). back to Gaaoscape.Co. under another name an then see wot happens." ■-. ..-:- "All right, you're the doctor," sail the M. P. Fan. , , - •>•• "Yer know I ain't, got .this;hunch tor nothln'," said the Usher, "because i wanter ask you aumpln*. 'did 'you notice that foist pltcherf": f'l did replied the M. P. Fan, what has tbat to" do. with' this oneV ' "Well, I'U tell yer Bumpia' funny. Yer know I'm oqualnted with the guy who wrote that pitcher and that . wuz .sent- to seven companies, an' they all tolned It down, ao what does tho guy do but stick a stage reer, Mr. 'Spiegel was associated with the Keesell and Bauman exchsnges, and recently has been with tbe Mecca branch of the Uni- versal. FROM THE HEW LEAGUE. Frank A. Tlchenor sends ns the following copy of' letter received from Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of tbe State of Massachu- setts: . . "Linn, Maes, Aug. 28. "Mr. H. W. Rosenthal, "Secy. International M. P. Assn., . "No. 186 Third Ave., New York City. "Dbas Me. Rosenthal: At a meeting of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of America, Massachusetts State Branch, No. £..*"■*• ""™5 V "»" C "» tl""? *i;*v*"*l *"S " ou > Bnl1 JaBsiern aussoun terwory u>™ 21, It was voted to Immediately disband and been in direct touch with Mr. Miles. Among signing of ' contracts for the Exclusive Program respec- tively, In Northern Illinois and In Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. Owing to the arrangements made tbe names of these exchange companies will not be an* nounced until a week or ten days later. It is reported that tbe company taking over the Chicago rights are also prepared to extend their activities Into Indiana and Ken- tucky and possibly Ohio. On the latter State the Exclusive Is not yet committed as to Its policy, as It has an oral' agreement with Its Western Pennsylvania agents, the Welland Film Exchange, to give the latter first chance on the neighboring State. : Several buyers Interested In the Western Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and Northern Oklahoma territory, and the Seuthem Illi- nois and Eastern Missouri territory have . under' the title. "Tobias Wants Out." Tobias, bardl, an actor of great power and versatll- who marches Into trouble more regularly than ity. Maria Jacobin! plays tbe part of Lisa, he takes to bis ordinary duties, In this picture his wife, while Uvla MertlnB is responsible pretests to be deaf and dumb in order to avoid service. Bnt tbe rase falls, and be Is finally forced to speak bis tnlnd. On Sept 18, the Hells Oo. will release a pic- turesque drama of the railroad service,, entitled "The Redemption of Railroad Jack." "Railroad Jack" Is a ne'er-do-well, who rescues a plucky girl station agent from the wreck of her railway velocipede, and thus accomplishes his own re- demption. On Sept. 10, the Selly Oo. will release a West- ern drama, entitled "The Rejected Lover's Luck." tor the role of Mascha, the gipsy. rather weakly." .• '.'Instructions be hanged," said the Usher, "didn't. the pitcher, go over and another thing didn't yer notice .that two hundred and fifty .'Don'ts',and'.'Rales' return our charter. A new: organisation was at onco formed, calling itself the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of tbe State of Massachusetts, to be for the tune being an entirely Independent organization. "Thinking you would be pleased to bear of this, am writing you to that effect "Wishing you every success, I remain, ■'very truly yours, (Signed) 'IEbnebt M. Hobstkakn, President. "Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of the State of Massachusetts." BUNNY, KING OF MARDI GRAS. Hall to tbe King and Queen of the Coney Sbaupan A Sbamfan completed plans for were broke in the pitchers you .'seen to- the possible signers of the contracts is Sam Werner, of 8t Louis, who has Just gone back borne to discuss the Ktxcluslve's proposition with his associates. MULTIPLE REELS CROWD OUT REGULAR RELEASES. There will be no Reliance release on Wed- nesday, Sept 8, to allow for toe three-reel production of ''The Glow Worm," by Will Levlngton Comfort released on "Sent 6. The release of Wednesday, Sept 10, will also be omitted to allow for the two-reel subject "The Clown's Daughter," which appears on Sept 18. Following this latter date the regular Two brother, are la love with tbe same girl, and " V ~Z,"' the one rejected toes sway la grief, makes a f_^J*" fortius, snd returning, finds her a widow In die- 2* ' * £* one of tbe first moving picture auditoriums to be erected under the new lew signed by Mayor Gaynor, which went into effect aug. 8. It Is to be at Nos. 716 to T20 Nostraori Avenue. Brooklyn, to seat six hundred. The owner Is 8. Miller. . ONES ACTOR KILLED BY DULL. G. Geisha, Rome " Measure and Fun The C ^^^^5 ^g^y ' BUDGET. nightt" Tho M. P. Fan admitted this. . •But whyT" he contended, "If the companies pany are made Justly proud by the selection don t want hold : ups. do they-put out pic- of John Bnnny as the. King of the Coney tures with them and similar scenes lncor- -Island Mardi Gras, and by his choice of ponttA therein ?" Lillian Walker as his Queen, Amid confetti, "Ast me sumpln' easier, boss," said the fun unconflned, surrounded bv a gslaxy ol Estimates an Usher, "you wait until next week and we'll beauty and a retinue of courtiers, with a m ,S Ti £P Picture see if we can't git some action en this following of millions of slgbt-Beers and pleas- 2' B I M m- » M Estimates are being taken for a $60,000 ' :ture theatre, on the site of the Horse Hotel, Nos. 017 to 828 N. bv ftsCla.WaJp.rtottd in s*l of S»I* ™*e> ""* Sr^seaktrs; 1 JohnTunn/'SudTufun'"Walker »^«^^~^^*.^"732 '.': J ft- tress. Be settles her troubles by winning bun- self a wife. ' ■ ESS AT, AY HEWS. from ' _,. Clnes pli hall fight ISV- «.,»£:. ^S? eS2'?n«.. tt rvJ!!.n.*.? VX companies, and after wS a difficult rime «P rwcnUtlT0 of » theatrical Journal pub- 88 by 116 feet at Belgrade and Clearfield any member ot the Clnes Company In 1U acn ^ vcd ^^ W cll-ineritedVcccsa? who vnts «■*<* 'n the West, and a newg>aper man Streets, for a moving picture house. uisiory. tbe lucky writerr' with a line record for all round efficiency, bas ART IS ART. KLEINB POSTERS CREATE -fa Che guy" said the Usher, "who put **** appointed publicity and advertising^nan- „ , .,, * . . . _..,, SENSATION. It over after failln' down so hard, an while »**" °Y the General Film Co., with head- . ?.?*■ ? legitimate actress.lose, caste with ' V ISJTxt,,* "„>;"''*"•• i ,v "i-yS'-JS"* '. ■ ""Y " rww.a wy. iiaas ama 1 _ jaw sy ym j—w—_ssssje , ,nap eourwrae ineatre, in bi jori WlJl reallio Just what It meant to evolve, trical companies Owing to the splendid Which Is offered for lease, will p JSS*K,* S"U?tS * ucJ i^,ff n *'.jH rr L n »' Pk- M * co f n,tl S2^«l!a them « ««h»n*» •» in- taken over by M. Jf, JK|S2, a well J ,ture la, 9 few hours, Polka ithat have a «c»sinr«iclr'oro«8<t«i<nu-/ -- ture house eperttor « Btksll. • ' "■Tees of the D'Urhejc»llWs,'V Thomas Hardy's Inspired story, made fsmons oa the stage by Mrs. Fisko's glorious portrayal, and Just re- ful lemn with the Fesly Jtock Co. in Denver. The undcxtttSBdlhg" was that she would return to Dearer for a a-i