The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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£ W teMBkb 20 THE NEVYQBK OLIPPEB. M BI 1^— DY F0UND - tfiBnikH IN MELODY LANE. SAD ENDING OF PUBLIC CHARACTER. """ '"""S - » EEZ5- ' sSP^iSBPB to'j«'."oS P ,' 0 i° w ^^ " AT COMBS nAOK - ■ TK,l " ( * co ' s NOTRS - The career of one of New York's best No man had a stroneer mm i„ .v. , .'Cromwell Gets Injunction • Y<ra have tWiTiS- Nat **»«»$, ""-"I recently the Western v «!f H , k . 0 : wlln O'Hrlcn and Hard, toplin- known and popular characters came ton affection of the Dconle i« ° ««! ? RSKft! 1°'^ '■>«>I* matter. Ctom.rtll dM a^y far onager for the Ilronitwny Music Corp will ing all bills on the I.Ik time, Is using i, l.r'nnd- 3 end when, after he was missing for two Greater New YnVktiV™ i?i SJ locality In an laJiimMfen against Holly Wart and liliich cAwr. "crcatler be located In tho New xork oulco. new sour, "t'oruo Home, Honey, ami You'll ..... k.j. -» rr« m „»i,. n «,.ni...._ .. Tim >nd .h.» ror certain m.uri.i -—I k_ «--_. .. ...- „»T nnnv with ci<iaK K,n '' M e Waiting," to great success. Mlai rw..T , Wlr " |, »" , » T ; Valrska tins a wardrobe that surnames any- . Cowan t«i now connected with tho thing scon In years, mid, with n voice of her has -" ——■ or WtA" — - —— . . 'BSfJS V? V° N*"»»i *» demon, calibre, makes her a groat asset to anv nit. InerTfronTtbe[ Kordham morgue, where it '"»Bte"TI^?•"sulH™J CB i , • ... I I Emeu ......rf a.« ... ^rato this firm's latest songs. At Schneider Uros/oafc, In Brooklyn, one |"l,HiS«SS'1S ™&i^«^SS &'SsL« S'SSraw ^SmS«: llalpli J. l,erpy, who runs tho show. Hnrry GOSSIP. Lcslau Is at tho piano. $*t22& on STftSbT-TK SS5 ESSTtS 2 h ' 8 ^"TsarwvBB WsMtSi^s ^a*a-wr« P ,e^%^.e™c^w?tT" , 8 a ho?rDre' ! S l r, na^ g£&£»B ^"S^-SlS marki in r-nn.£ «, bek/h.Bbowk formerlr musics i awm, .» *' Next Sunday at Nine" and Mooting Down 22LK? i ,ho . STO! '" , 7.°" "" ,h ? mmt A policeman's suspicion as to the Identity ri.iS.Jnf^r&iS'Sfe nex t door to the ol « the Alh.mhra nSjTSSSLaL ftfi"» the Hirer." irtftg** JE_lte..«te _ &MI jMl hear areusod interest In the "unldcntlfled" «>dy, SfnS?iffiS? , 5 wn * re t he v eIder Sulllrans tetb burlesque .wheel, ope™ Aug**' ir\he . Elizabeth Murray bas a captiratlog num. .i",?,*™".? n JC,' ' J& « for «? m, :: ,n «-" Jnd the body was quickly recognlied by Sul- ? h ,» n.ilhh^ u . n( a?, ruk . er sn °P. anl1 ln »» Trent?" Tb«i:re. In (WES (Kelt*idrrcoitl bcr in "Kloatlng lSown the ltW." lESSF jgf • "f g !»**■ "Homo Day" and firan™ brother. Patrick B.; by Larry kulll- tha P ' n J^f h b°E?<«><l Tlm b « a,De . ■ lead <*- for ™* '*" oa "»*H as vWulst. elrrcu " ) ' The Bossdoll Sin-era, Kedtle Theatre. ""TShV ^SH 'IXTJ ',? ! w : n i lon ", 1 » ein bis half-brother, and Mre. Hkfccy, his ,„E™ m £. newsboy °e graduated to the clrcu- J*ks Ltaasajuic write. »■ 'That done la .» "e*" «* 7 - ?le«»ea immenaely with "Floating ,. '■^ l BWiJ'»F ,»• *• "ggj /.« , »'V»." ai'f'-sliter. Jg* d r e P? rt ? ent of j 1 Manhattan news- other psper .boat thVLtia" oiglflPiiLg Down the Hirer." "You Wire All I llad" !?.-?'?« -Ly*"*. j?_ ■» JgH ' Vg > ]?*■» "?*-..■- ■• «--•" ttaoer. Then h» fm-nfai (» hi. «—. Lhu_i th« mnn.iM.. S.1T5S>"£!"'_M"S. ??*." n t <>!»,»» rir... n.n» .«.i •■«„». u...^.. I* Girl' to many encores anil bows. Bottr Is clerer little lady, ami la certainly J good. iley and Wnnds, at Henderson's this "Imn'gim^t.for'the iuneral were soon "ft^V&SSP^nf* wltb hl »'«>" 1 n. the life (C ontinued on page ts.) "y-. You Wonderful &SL m ' " ' ' g"J M **»W d -«P '" «-"»»«■ epot. oa midc. The body lay ln state on Sunday, 14, "t«e Tim Snlllran. " a . y Connolly Bitters, now en the Pantagei' S hltr m. h»H »f ?w? ? rtJ at the roomVof tie Timothy D.; Sulllran , Ri< bard Croker, when he assumed the rm /vnrrU™. „„-~= L W,B *l *•*• ■» entlre w * 11 Bosilter repertoire. SSL; VL 2S, 2f tli la SbS? a ;■*.» Association. 207 Bowery, "where thousands of leadership of Tammany Hall, recognized the THE COLUMBIA CONCFRT cooitstlng of: 'ahort Drc«s Ball." -Float- ! t Jm a de er io » A. clerer huTfrlends and consUtutenU rlewcd It The executive ahUlty of the young Bowery states- ^T, i wi.umflia WflLCRl, ln» Down tho Rlrer," "Oh, How 8ho Dances" * lt " na ' clerer ,on «" funeral eervlces, with solemn reqnlem mass, ™ an - He also appreciated the power and ln- . , Be r "",Hne-np of agents attended the aD<1 T*»ch Me That Beautiful Lore." 9T1CIIN A CO. TO PUBLISH "TllK were held at old St. Patrick's Cathedral, on gpence which he wielded on the lower East 2f. st .concert of the season at the Columbia, Nellie Nichols, Orphenm circuit, la reeelr- uYPKY chief" Monday, and the body was interred on that £'<te and "Big Tim" rapidly became one of ° u ^2 aj '... 14 " ,. . , , bif plaudlU galore with her pleasing rcndl- Th . ^ -*"'.. ,\ "*; '. . dV, in the famUy plot at Calrary Cemetery, Croker's most Jnfluentlar advUers. His ab- ^ e J»"T" Included: Cbrls Brown, Nick tlon of "Floatiiw Down tho Hirer." vt T nn« «5 n«fin i».1 T.i ?' 1 UCCCSS -J» Brooklyn. etemious habits perhaps »ttn.ct«i i mk» r '. Norton, Harrey \ atklni. J«ck R»Hh»„ Weston and Loon am ualna- "Ilrin* Ma ) ln * «. d . .W ln _Jnst season was Fifty altar boys In white surplices met the at ' ea , tlon ' as , n !. ucl1 as nl3 I casket at the church door and led the pro- ,»'« .Jim s political cession down the aisle to the high altar, sing- rapid. After he serred hlL _, r „_., ; ,. , ... . , 0 , teea solemn chant Behind them came the the Assembly he was nominated for the S5 Brown, Harry Erans, Lee Muckenfuss, _ ansa vamsir uiaiuiana. rigni» ™J «» «ZT". . Skd on the shoulderi of members of toe ^nate. The nomination was eqoiralent to L r , v ' D «„ Co 2' ,er ' Maurice Hoae. Dan Hennessy, , Henry Watorson returned from Chicago. "Jg" reh^»i«le.. The nv«»lc of Hill operetta, SrnothT D SnlllTan Association Then ChssT an election. He succeeded ,1 Harry" C. Sa S. u 2"l» and Len Spencer. hunday after a few days' sessions with Harry J™™. ™ .F?V><X<> with spirited marches, F^Murphy". the lidlrrt^^mniny Hal!: Miner as leader of the Sixth Assembly DhV „£**«. h a « to ahow^was Dalbeane and Newman whom he recently appointed hi. «£!./ -•«« refrelns and beautiful duett, indEdVard E? McCall, Tammany's candt «*■ r&BSL 2 gHWT . . I W l M l m of a general Weatern znanagcr. wm be published by Btern 4 Co. date for mayor, walked side by side. They The Sulllran "chowders" were the big an- .haw »nrf J»h.MTi- .5? on .. ,n a . B,ck- "JUST A SMILE." ATTHHTION, MORITZ. ZttSS?Ug2?Gk s Etf£ "%'*&?&£& Indorse racing and t^S^^^T^^T JST AVUMitft ^ tSS Co?.^. »^s ^he^&"l« ,o M toe ch» Efe effi 2M KsSelfi EK W"? c" ^¥XS^" 6 ' ^^ S ^^^ TB «»»««' laid on a black catafalque, and the lmpres- Including a chain of "Empress" theatres cor- iia".. 0 ?! «„? fmm ih u 5° i^ ii airwa3r . to * wow n VAUDBTlIiLB. Irrln« A Crarls, who wrote "Melancbolr sire serrice of the solemn high requiem mass ering the Western territories He startedI wa rTtoe stSn. The ChInaria n ^h fi n 0 ^JS!ES »"r«nalyn Wallace, until recently connected MetodyJ published br Joe flank Is winning ru Intoned. theatrical manager with the Dewey, New York, -her'' hair Lnmaman then loosened with the Kalmer * Puck Husle Comiany, U distinction «s a tennis playor. With C Vaa A special meeting of the Tammany Hall In partnership with Geo. Krauss. They then Lockett Anil w.i*«» »—« • .. now doing; a single black faco turn In rand*- Horn, in a doubles match, lio won tho chanv organlutlon ln the Tenth Assembly Cutrlct built the Gotham, on One Hundred and with'Therms a £ SilL ST^h^m?' °?l ni!d TUlt. and meeting with much^success. plonshlp of Eastern ronnsylvanln, at Phil*. m called by Dr. Solomon Goldenkran*, the Twenty-flfth Street. He also owns an inter- ^j,. Heart * wiff Tifm? < H.3 a7 J >0 T? mmb Rirn'pTsen aelphla' recently. Some of tho critic* conv dktrlct leader, and resoluUons were passed est ln the Olty Theatre, and has extenslre '" 8 if d "', a IV ^.nh.H. 1 ^il« d « ance '^ s L n8l J' . HUSTLER. parod „,„ powortm wn.rtinj st ri)ke with la regard to the congressman's death, real estate holdings In rarious parts of j^l"^* In* Hi. «tw £S?^F•-■* 2"!r - Jaeob J " J - Schilling, Watcrson, BerUn a) Maurice P. McLaughlta's. Ho Is yot a corn- Speeches of regret at the "Big Fellow's" Greater New York. Various rumors as to ntHns whltTT hrSSJS m.J? . e ,» n i n a U * it- Snyder's Sontbcrn agent, has been awarded paratlro youngster. death were made br Sheriff Julius Harburg- the purchase of Sulllran'a stock by the Keith t^uf sTSes of^nt. ™o,»m»ih f0 avL& ro " tn * « oa tract to fumteh the music at the vnnv Miiarn nn, «..„„,,„, er. Hugh Conrmlsky and Leader Golden- Interests bare been afloat of late, and the {^."VishS t n VZ? .™^f me i ta - T 0 * 6 ™' Arcade. YORK MUSIC 00. BANKRUPT. kriax. .; deal now seems sure of consummaUon. V e £A Dl w2- *„$*, L„"i2 , i a . u *t" a ,. \fw iiomp A petlton ln lmnkrujptcy has been filed •fciM." IL i <"><1 company had a crook NRW HOME. nroinit th» York Music Co, Jack Von THser Burlcsaue Bcw$ PlllE WIllUMS' CO. 135SaS8£*irS2 5-=SW-«. «.„ .„,c M a WW"* " ,0 " - —"-— LIMI IV^^U^. |ZVWC>» JUVIiliaJJ lltliUliliUU We an(1 , he pursued burglar climbs through wS "^ C5Ui*, the wondorful xylophone ploy- TWENTY-FIVH YEARS AGO. . . : (Columbia.) dow and proceeds to rob the premises. Dis- cr . pl«yed the North American Itestaurant Wm. Itolhflnc had a hit with "Only to See TITL7 DA T5TCT AHI COLUMBIA, NEW YORK, 15. corers the picture of his twin brother on the laB * w «*. jniong the numbers ho played were «feee Smile," 'Mlnby's TViys" and "o'llradj'a Hill lAlvljlAlN "Tbe «aeen et Dohewla." man lepiece, also the baly, and Infers that our now Winter hit, "Hello, Wintertime.'' Check," both wore mibllshed by Louis II. ***»- a iuuwuui The cast; Jh?„"J 0 !"" , has ha EP ll 51 rnarrled. Commo- ?f"tucky Days" and Tennessee Moon," Ross a: (to. C. D. felako also, was n con- T%T* ITTItPJ* ■■ ™? Har „ shennei tlon down stairs. He decides to tmperson which he said were his best numbers. tributor that year, with "Who 1 * Dnt Calllns RFAT TFS si^kenon aeoTO P iSyS a i e hla b «"h". and succeeeds In deislrlng Gerard and Williams, the two clerer bar- ^ Bwcct'' MrfilU llLtJ. a Gade EiSir' «/."..«!»/«•? f he wlte JP 8UC ? an e i teot that she tells raony boys, at tho Langley Theatro, last V^rT saomsnata ».,... ...-o™, <Pro B re.;i T «> Bssex? N 0 tt.\V:.V..............ffll«^WoX5 £1**™$}** P nVce ™im*t be Is her bus- week, featuring our Winter hit, "Hello.' Win- JOD SIEBTINQ WITH SUCCESS. n<wii7ii m ',« Hsiel Nutt Helle Dixon >*** She ac-maes hlffl of staring away torttme." Tho boys say that til* number is joc Sontlcy. who bas made such an Ira- „,,.TltT' - 10# L'ra Nutt Madge Darrell ylth other women, but he finally assures their biggest number. presslon on our Chicago friends will locate with aim Williams offering orer. th« Progres- Daisy Puikerton Mae Meek her, after hitting upon her right pet name. Al. Butlor has arrlrcd from his Tacatlon In that city for name llmo to como. He Is n»«..Srf5l.'.k?S S ^'"i I s . at the Nanette Mollle wilUsns Finally Bhe wants to retire, and he awkward- and says that he had ono lino time, and la representing tho Broadway Music Corp. tnZI Ct RiivJtalK™ ^"IS!: Mollle WilUams opened |5, wltU last year's }J assists heron with the slipper. Daring row ready to work hard on our now nunsbor, CADARBTS KOTIOM SintS ho^ it Zih^S^J^tf J?J *^ e boo*, brightened with a great line of dialogue. Jcr absenco he decides to get away, but "Hello, Wlntertlmo," which lie says la irolng „ „ JC* ,,,,,„ „ S y hc^were la ^tenTanw ^n^tw aoi eTerjlody ln the cast working at top-notch she returns and dlscorers wffo he Is. The to be one big hit, and wo are all with AL .?•";' R?"* 1 "' ?' L D «, Moy iL r °°l 5 ,TM ffi stowsim wiiiil^i iS «»;ini, .i^it? h% "J** 0 - hnsband returns, is Informed of his broth- nar-u- nnwn noHw to ■¥ *" cjbo'rt friends, and Faose ration i amt ™ SSlJ nSr«i*,J T ti,1 Imi™ uis » Willams. brlsht and flracloos, and there er's presence, and assists him to get "way B CK H0MH - who aro going to be his friends that ho Is KSioa bcTrs SK shuno o"" & e^ndUuw wlth ^ ","" " m< * 1"t "f •f U 1 CC9 ; 1 J e r 1 iJ when the police return to search thf house! ^ John Heinjman, Is making the Jerome A In afternoon* from 8 to 0, and will look ana rte eqoipSeit"and UunWHrt^.tonto £g!^ u e n i^d"to£n 0,l 'to u^ TarSf d!smct Ia l2 T , he fl^V,* '&".«•• al,hou 8 |1 lt wn8 we " * cbw,irta offlce n,s temporary headquarters, for them. J-, to. mas^eemedy. standard of excel- fgggS.5 %£&*£& & -«jM«PtVftJ« Silgn! ^Sg ====== = ===== ! ==^^ eJ b °.„ b00k U *?* .?™ (, S c L of A -."M- Zlnn. hU Ueorgel^.' Hayes, the delineator of the rural f?V™r?!? n ^Trt. gl »h;» h, «^.i.!lJ el Z. BCt ' fnl i G ,r *' AOAHI. MABHNI.MC Dhlutu bad a Tory successful Bret appearance in the East as a producer, and sbcrlff type, also demonstrated his rights to the or repartee, which they directed to a great .. „ WmH . „„.., ,„, - „• , .. «.,.» «t Hlrerrlew Park Auditorium. Iietrolt, Uil. offering In burlesque book fori is really a title of an "expert." and his walk and talk and extent at the professional jury in front. "A m A k„ U hiZ%3? t?. ' . „ f S!»5 Ur ? p ,i B . opt i J? Mich and wai held oyer forThe following »orthr one. ."The Moorish Maids, or a Night In action belted along the fun. Great Big Brnjch of Sweetness" was the *?. " le hl ?"X^° f .°f a « n,ont , b . B 'tfP' to ., loo . k Hunilav . t0 "°w |u « Jllnrem'' is the title xlven the book, and (rora Harry sheppel. another factor In the fan dlrl. l.ndy's openiaWBcng. Then he enters, "Will a " er "J" European Interests. His wife is ou , n ,™{" , _, .._ . . " h|q .,„.. „ f .... ££"%« '"i,™ 1 the, dialogue, blta and music,'Mr. Natt. played the henpecked though You Marry Mel" bo said. Just like that, and ">J»""lng o ver there. Pr^o? clrcSft at Perth An^y N J Sent Si d , lh t t an i", e , nce - aU •ttentlon, and from the careless husband, ready for a good time, ln enter- then a Una of talk, which, at times/was *'* i«ind will nil Hmt SB oa thiV'jn ™ £k£, the PL* "> e „ c ? rultt ! n "* t enl^^'e ^°^g ■g55 . ■ k. . "ther brisque. They joked about different EL RBY SISTBBS. i inlek 4 HehonU?^tlino iioekod bv «•,«„ o l*rfonnance Is gWcn. Not one suggwtlve piece of E. A. Turner, an impresalre straight man. Is countries and cities Were bttoJnSlZi n * m . »• ,. V _m . J.. 1 ' * BcDao ' ,)r time, HooKod l»y Frank t}. »«k is noticeable. *T there with the voice and the presence, especially Sx2rel 0 "T Wonderful ThinS" »r£2l rhlm . !9 and t K A alre B J li 2 r - °1 0 0* V»«jderllle'* Doyle. The cast Is made no of canohi. nWformern who la evening clothes. ,££.™,~ lB . \,,]U .J*!*!™ t£L 25X2L SSS c' aa »le»t skating acts, hare been booked orer Buoaa Wiihton anii Niciioi.h are pro- *m\ been careMU d?affei u, ntaltexaasssaSS Cliff Worman was awkward enoush as the young *»«■» «jpt\_«tf jg».q»f !?£2S^L ?"5 the U. B. O. time by Ocno Hughes. duclng their now one net comedy, by lC.fgnr Hrte. """"V a '«"« to play the necessary blossoms out as a mvell sight seen In Bfi^safJKrLl*flL ??"%. 8h . <nrtn K io w Weston Huff. They carry tholr own drop The chores at .11 tim«. ^™.»W .«™ii™ t„ r ">* burlesque. , , PjJ* y a ,^ e ' d an<1 Gco - * Co 0 *"* «°g "' ' of the Atlantic City Boardwalk, with a pos- ik.i. cdotos at all times demand attention, for j,.,, ni» OI1 was an admirable Infienne, and Lore You," O. K. __ — ~mm f« Inn- urt Jack MiSr r 0 ,',* *? d »>«> ■"« l »* »°l«s. contributed a niclslnglnc e .eclitty. The Melody Monarchs and Maid is n five f I Aff if AHIIIA l%A#Aa> K psrS as • pSki, ?» a Av"™."" ?„ r n D< ? p 'i,^"? ed J Mae Meek was klddlsh «ouU a. a young coua- act, three cnncertlalng at the three pianos, ft|fi||GCIllll(? Iltjf a '\ ' Ee" comer in b^; a „„% G „^ a ^A^?J" hI h ™^„S try maluen. and Ma-lge Darrell. the heavy Mrs. and one man and a girl ln different kind VwHl?>VIIIV |iVIVw»* "Rwin Km to nAmrATB" (leorco M gj*S*SHS55*Uea^enV m h to K » P Lff 5'c^S U SacS throughout both Then^'.be "C.ternHlL'r Ta'n" Tr^h^SU'' ^-= ~ " Coha^dra'Saizn^on^f 'w&DjSFg&Jtri work Is hrlmful of originality, and his .odd work . c £ Ie a , n y d ,beTw numS/rs are w^l pTm, with TnS ,nnn% mnn «?ni "When I fl,l W-ffl D - S - * FBirWil* left the hospital la uton of the same namo. was originally ttct- »« that of a real artfit, and a big bit J c 't. 8 ™ 0 ,^LaXmeTlrblnduJing e"ght ponies. H^r ™ fnrt »h» ftiin-SS iifh ^i 1 '?^ 8t - Loula - a " cr * B »<' caM °» sunstroke, ed Monday, Sept. IB. at Parsons' Theatre, Bobby Barker, who plays Irtiu, opposite Jack JhT IZ lrj^fsonate * male chorS at tln?es. in ?on K 7 A medlsw hw th7^ni«?. LmJ He wou l a te P |e, " ,c<, to bear from friends, HnrtfordTbonn.. with Mr. Cobun in S3 Miller was a prime favorite, and be handled hla full dress rias JyS, Mad? Ms 7 Sr» Yn^ '&«JS*S?.^ «•» of Billings' Hotel. St. Lonls. Ho is the leading rolo, which Is to bo assumed by Wal- Jtoesi in a manner that caused continuous laughter, Tiie nu-nUrs include: "Chic. Oblc. Chic Chick- J"J !_"??•,/*• H JfJf„ .?,Va,„„ «P aSJif '«ther of Frank and Hilly Colton. Ince Kddlnger na soon as ho fully recovers m brogue was that of a-true Hibernian and be «n." "Oblldhood Days," with characteristicpreaen- k?™""* 52, ™ y ln T??,.™...i W « «„ a >\* £S2 ArriB Monday nlitht's performance, Aug. from tho lnjurle* rocclrcd ln tho automobile! SS S, HS '""•"*• Hta oU » "Peclalty with tatlons of old-time sones: "Come and Ktes Yoor •Bloss^em TUne In Normandy *j*j» Mjiutmy 2 |J. at the Tabor Grand Theatre, Donrer, accident In wlitcti he, Mr. Cohan, Mr. Cohan's SfiiJnP"^; .T" ?\ m billing implied "Gloom Little Baby:" Mollle WUllama^ In "Mollle fron Jtany s JuWleee. A tchphiine song, entitled Co ) Maage M | lton of the teanl of cum* daughter, Georgotto. and Mr. Hope were" all Destroyer" of the eighteen karat variety. Paris;" 'There's Something Strange About My King n-Llng. was well snug, with light tai Milton, hnd a acroro attack of nlourlSY. Injured Lanier Dc Wolf, ln the soubrette role, was Kyes," ami "Mammy Jinny's Jobllee;" a spa- effects, and the Arc Joined In singing and a „3 W ,JTroahcdI to 8t L-uke'* HMoital whA% 'Tmi Mabbuob Markht" with Donald •SSaiLESg— uer W ° rk WM *** ° f " £"U r C'So'^'trrlw"" d n nd° r "rhe ; tatrra? C"fl tie" OlrT'ls'You"" 6 Mtt '° ° ,r "' ' nd ' . A <^ a " on hau " Ib? pe^oTmed! nriln"w thfrtap. A T^'igr Tfi rsu^^gare a most excellent perfomv &U^» b/SS Sua? , !.^ ^W^an^o'ofdo? 0 !. the drummer and &e M F.^TurriS, rtC wh/b e a".' Cn TPZ' %ffi'dM2x£%* W ' * ,b8 ACad0,Dy "' IWreS "* peTaW Se uo*. -read «* ^roadw.yr ^yo™ jh.' *te»mpta^had1 a bri«bt line of talk, ven M?r ft." .tdWutoV^ "ffi?=V^'W Player, who will to the Onall 'aVfe n".*^ hu* iort'SS.'m^t fiXly Belle Dixon' who'sang '^Where Did You n n ° rd ' ly 1 . b * d 'l 8 , "J-'-lous MtirieawhS die ""k 8 * «P erlen ™, donned her mother', ward- prW "MTlMiiones" on tour o'f tho United «ji« ne md? liT".; «T, Jt .^ Get That Girl," "Same Old _ Girl" and "Every- «™» thnS burtnea? tett« WMh ^ IS 1 " ? n< ( W n l . on a 5 d . " ,n I^ ^ P art " Btate. arrired Bent. 18 In Now York. Tl- •nd makes his n^ois-iTJSnnJirtinV^distJDer! body la I>olng It Now." ln clever style; parodies tatlng »™nny^""'•ne* 8 l Si« r ;_^.'vi.. vi» though she had been doing It for year*. Tho newcomer* are: Stanley Warmlngton, H.r- ^b"7iMSnm^hZ B ^niJt by'Harry sneppet; "You Made Me Love Yon" and Josle 1 they nJade a bit. ,and Klsa Me nun,,,, wa . *, wcU S eaicd ne a || owe <i ma Holland. Cronln Wilson, Myle. Wood. -5CS%S^?fflS?Saa •"»' ^"n^^fa'-^trcirt^l^^ 7es P on 1 d B ed%y ge r e n r ea 0 t , d e a n nc°e rei l ° Wh,Ch ,,,e7 1 '»to^ the week.. fer fc Milton Is .low- Duogta. Jeff*rle- t . Charlo. Combe,' Krederhk SSS©«K»^l-S5a«S mU ^ Arion Quartette, of » wlre-walklag. Juggle, and as a ttaudard act ■ rat of 8 th"rtln ttt U ' «" attet t« down as an act BURLESQUE IN GBEATER NEW The flrat L an . - M ■ ' "i, ', lW^*a3k|£*«W t neir.aHXtor^ , nnish WeddlDg D ^ W " S^'oidb^, boy. who died in Baltimore. ro& In, support of Itfhe. Barrymore, In ^ing^"^th1llg , ». r w..\^^nS 1 ^ W^*2^J%JENw .n? 1 ^ 1 EZ w'ent^hronS StlffSA ^SSTruSiu, the- talented baritone yoc.1- H?I.M NHL tho wrenteen-rear-old io^'. : th . k «»,'l a « nB ot »e harem in different ItaT Brw^n^vrMarloa^ Co? {(MU 5^,,?J e .i , ^'r W fSSdw^ rn?fin/Al «.i ni« 1rt . '" ">eeUng with excellent success, filling daughter of Robert B. Mantel), will play smmw» t n£J'. 1 5!? of the curtain. rKvelyn Traria E5pire7Brooklyn-"nw Beauty l'arade (fjol.) ffT 0 ",?,," C oMr!.mZ and rhi X £§ ?i« tne •"terloculor'* oositlon. also doing th? Juronlle role* In company with her father. 5oslt^r, r ». Fh '? 1 ?' tW0 ,ni P« y ^,0, '' , ' 8 • held their elsW BTOldya — The Girls from Happyland »AJj! n c J blna ? an , and ,_"f.™^*tJ12'JLjStS "»tralght" roles In sketches, with Nell 8he I* the daughter o? Mr. Msntoll'* second aSasss? ***** upon • P« le » n » 1 ' •»» I*™* <C*L» Sfl^t? on and °* aealn ,n an iDterMtlD « O'Brien's Minstrels, now on tour. wife, known professionally •* Charlotte -™" 0 " : :•" Oorham—The Girls from Joyland (Prog.) 019 J! a ^" - .„,. n..,.. »„. n .„ v „- — - Job Montb Mjbo Is with the Howard Behren*. tnrnhf. 0Iwnlug CB0^,,8 was pretty, and the cos- Olympic—Eva Mall's Co. (Prog.) T,T„°„? !? d (h fl „ ,r JiM'JSS 5S&*S'SSfiS Thurston Co. U>IA MnniU, sister of Mr*. Gee. M. r^Lrfn-^iT •"PP'opriate. liarem-gowns, of the i a rtndent of the Bu.***B_*jy« * afebawabjav, jams MoBBAY writes: "The parents of Cob*n and Mr*. «am II. Harris, anpears nt tte V c t S 0 B n a % B ,2' , «ty. were the fash on. During jumijs MIcnEL LOSES SOME ^±^„,, fn Ld Sow in w.lti^ti™ m? the Armond Bros. (Howard and William), the Palace Theatre, New York, weeiof Kept. entirely of the well known popular song of the Jullna Michel arrived in New York ">««"• —- -■-■■ »—■ »— ~* **•- <-*—» -*-•- «•— * °av- Exclusive music was nleely distributed era! pounds of avoirdupois, wblcb, la y*re and there, and added tone to the tlrst part, bllltles Is due to bis ardent campaign iw-re were about six changes of-costumes In the the Bosey I'osey Girls, the show Is cans ™T.iir£^F&'%S^<££ aUt acSTO^deTOfei^ilSin^ 'g^&gjJJF***** ** ""-* BS Armour-6ne- notlceibT.-'lneidint . i ■*.«*« *pt ,16. ^ br Magistrate Frese.,1 ,..l, ■ ' Again the costuming waa much In a D>enc - " "" couple, who wa* present at their wedding nton* Issued flept. 8. on the complaint of the It i«°?' an * ch » n te« tor every nnmber. seven _»_.._.-,.,-, ,-„„ T nrvTn< * " » fifty yean before." Children'* Bocletty, charging that Toy per- "*"*• • BCHIESHIE 10B ™P™"' . ethel levev HEMAHS. Oilmbt ANn BnaMmctr. In their original mltted one of hi* sons, a minor, to ring m „Jhe chorus; Hose Msrtln. Mae English, nose A. board of commissioners from rren ton . »■ *m tj»„_„- ziswfi.lil hu announced that he musical playlet, "The Professir and HI* the Stage, fWlon, Fanny SinJUliHeleS Weir. Mary saw the Lva Mull Snow at the Go ham 1^ew FloreM /^gMd boa, ",^, n S~ j™ 1 " Pupil," are scoring a big succaas on the "TH« k«CAPB" will be prodneed at the g^ Jtm& mm Kvelya Trsrrl. Carrie York. Sept. II, to pas? "W" <Je f »jjtfbHHyot hu '•eewed »«» Lejey » ■ pV 0 . 1 ^,™ B S. Coi.t Ileport* from Ban Luis Obispo and Lyrle, New York, Hept. 80. with Harrr Ncs- MnLrVMB *MWB«te5g5 S^S&S&Sm gBjrf»vwsre*-*aBr: %s^ftffifl£aTr iSaftK.apa fe-SSHJSSS aftA«ffvw€g*» ^,s»«?;r„s.^ ££HSS»»a director; Jeraea CallunL' ««.» w i sSh for the opening, but the stand Is assured. ——ZZIZ «™.« «~_ a banded after their week at the Harris, Pitt*. Monday, by order of Marcus t/iew. ■ close S«trleiin : T^m I B o^ tt " , *^rV roa?ter : - » ' CHESTNUT OPEHS OCT. & bo „ h . Home ot the meD ,bcrs will double personal friend and business associate of the ■totals* Wolfe, wardrobe mistresspJiuio Murphy,' ,,... r „ T A « nnoADWAY" FOn S. A H. With the completion of the Improvements and take to randerllle. while several of the Into wuator. Notice* to this effect were nnster of trsnsnortitlon! aama < ■ ,ao ° ""i"'. "NIGHT ON • ,RO *H w , A " " vn "' m that are being made to the Cbeefnut Street girl* are left there to await the coming of a l"i»ted on the doors. The olllccs will bo lh ,i" p Psrlslan Beaaties wOl be hard to beat T *™ *"• M _ ._.,„,.. Opera House, Philadelphia, for Marcus Ix>ew, musical ahow. closed for iwreral days oi-h„£"",. m ~ M °»V besntUnl costumes and Harry Emerson. In "A Night .<» ."■^r*'" that playhouse will open on Oct. 4 for "qual- Will II. ITox (Paddywiskl) Is expected to , Wil/ra* BcittiMANN-IlBiMK, son of Mme, wMiiSl *2 at equipment is the msAe-np of Sim has cancelled his Eastern I .me ana wiu pisy over Tau de T llIe" Eugene Myer* will be man- arrive In New York about Dec. 14. from Heliumonn-IIelnk, w*» married, Hept, 18, to SW-SSS* Whttto b """* to V* SSgVS SoV'cio^Tta PorWer^olptTj! ag'.r. Bonth Africa. Dal., M.rcu..