The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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irr 16 THBNEW YOJBK OElPPEB. September 20 MOTION PICTURE DEPARTMENT (Continued.) FIL M FLICKE RS. BI DIXON. Albert Blinkbosn returned from Europe Sept. 10 on the Olvmpio. He brought back with Mm several high class features and tbe American agency for tbe Florence Tamer •tans, wbleb tbe famous Vitngraph star baa been producing In England, under tbe direc- tion of Lawrence Trimble. David Hobselt returned from a European trip extending over several months, last week. It Is toe announced intention of Mr. Homely, who Is one of the real pioneers of tbe producing came, to enter tbe exhibition end of tbe picture business. He will estab- lish a circuit of motion picture theatres. The Nestor brand was formerly a Horaaly Brodnct. fRniANAPOLIS LOCAL FLOCKS BY ITSELF. The Indiana Motion Picture Exhibitors' Association held a meeting last week at the Denlson Hotel, Indianapolis, and adopted, among other resolutions, one to tbe effect tbat owing to the alleged vague and unsatis- factory conditions existing in national league affairs, tbey would withdraw from the national organisation. No national affilia- tion of any bind will be effected at present, CALIFORNIA INDORSES NEFF. <N. A. Neff, National President of the M. P. 10. L. of America, received the following telegram from tbe State organisation of Cali- fornia exhibitors, which met In convention, Sept. 11, at San Diego, Col. "Hark E. Cory was unanimously elected to the national executive -board. This is not the State secretary. The following resolu- tion was unanimously adopted to-day: " 'Wberas, at tbe third annual convention of tbe Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of America there occurred wist is commonly called a split or bolt upon the part of cer- tain dissatisfied exhibitors; and whereas, we believe such action to be entirely unwar- ranted upon tbe pert of the exhibitors par- ticipating therein. Therefore be it resolved, that California State Branch, No. 12, of tbe Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of Amer- ica, deplores tbe occurence and condemns the members responsible therefor; and be it far- tier resolved, that we hereby place confidence in the honesty and Integrity and ability of Mr. Neff. Be it further resolved, that all ex- hlbttora In America be urged to become mem- bers of fiie Motion Picture Ehmlblbors' League of America, and that we pledge ourseves to exert every effort to secure new members.' "W. a. Cory, Secretary." LOS ANGELES STUDIO GOSSIP. J. Warren Kerrigan, "Jack of Hearts." as he has tltly been dubbed, has received bis award, handsomely framed, from The Motion Ptoture Btory Uaaaiine, signifying he was third in their popularity contest. As Kerri- gan took first place in The Photoplay nana- sine contest, he is feeling very pleased at tbe warm recognition of his work. What E leased him most of all -was the receipt of a andsomely decorated book in wblch bis ad- mirers in New Orleans subscribed their names and addresses, eight hundred and three In all, and each name a vote. Warren Kerrigan is a whole-souled fellow, not a bit spoiled by his undoubted popularity, and he surely de- serves it all. A prominent actress has announced that she wants to do something to please the "little folks" with fairies, witches, kings and Srlnces, etc. Director Harry C. Matthews, of ic "Venus" Features, is wondering what lie has been doing for such a long time now.- For years past Mr. Matthews has been turn- ing out pictures wltb Baby Early and Muster Matty 'Tor tbe little folks," and during tbe past few months has produced a series of wonderful fnlry stories Including "The Three Bears," "Beauty and tbe Beast," "Sleeping Beauty," "Aladdin," "Prince Ahmed," "Han- sel and Qrctel" and—well, many others. Tliey are wonderful productions, too. In two and three reels, and there are more to come. Dorothy Davenport is back again in the "Universal" fold after being wlt5 Sollg and Kaleui. She will play opposite to Wallace Held, who starts producing on his own ac- count next week. He will write most of his own photoplays too. He has a delight- ful little leading woman, for Dorothy Is a great favorite with a discerning public, her work is always conscientious una carefully thought out. Welcome "home," Dorothy. J. Fai-rell MacDonald and ils wife, Edith liostwlck, of the Venus Features, have been taking a few days' well earned holiday, and have been receiving old acquaintances in San Francisco. Kd. J. Brady, who will Join Wallace Rcld'a company, is well known on the vaudeville circuits both tor his Jewish Impersonations and. his "rag*' singing. He has written quite a number of successful songs. He has a long experience In the pictures, having acted wlta tho Powers, the Vltagraph, tho Republic and Kay Boo companies. tin left tho last to ioln the Universal, and is doing very oxcel- cnt work, CHICAGO EXHIBITORS AGREE ON THREE REELS. •Chicago exhibitors and exchange men. at e meeting held In the Windy City, decided that three reels of pictures for Ave cents and live reels for ten cents would bo the rule in practice hereafter. -Tho meeting was held under tho auspices of tbe International Motion Picture Associa- tion of Chicago, and exchange managers, in- cluding representatives from tho principal exchanges. ... _ - Tho proposed three-for-a-nlekcl and nve- for-n-diuio scheme has many opponents among the fcaturo film men. Win. J. Swconey is one of tho chief sup- porters of the idea, which will have to be put Into operation In order to estimate tbe good and bad points of the same. CARLYLE iBLACKWELL ENGAGED BY AMERICAN COMPANY. Cnrlylo Biackwcll, formerly lending man of tho Kalem Co., lias been engaged as lead to replace J, Warren Kerrigan, who resigned recently, to becomo leading man for the Uni- versal. Harry Von Wetcr is also a newcomer to tho ranks of tho "Flying A" Stock Com- pany. The Lublnltcs, those Inhabitants of Lubln- villc ovor in pcacoful I'hllly, who are en- gaged in the manufacture and production af motion picture plays, tendered a little uarty to Ira Lowery, Weducsday, Sept 10, in ionor of his twenty-fifth birthday. Tho usual routine of suci felicitous affairs was run through, without mishap and with much joy attendant Yes, they oto and drank and made very very merry. Arthur Johnson and U. A. Darcy were the persons entrusted with tho merry-making end of the proceed- ings, and it la Bald ticy acquitted tuemselvea with credit as John and Hugh aro "somo uierrvmakers" when they get going. . Tub petition in bankruptcy filed against Albert E. Lowe, a theatre owner and opera- tor of motion picture houses In New York, won dismissed by Judgo Holt in tbe United States District Court last week. Hriim-UT Blaciib, president of tbe h\ elusive Supply Film Corp., end manager of the Botox Co., is enjoying a vacation In the Pocono Mountains. Paaai. Whits, leading woman of Crystal films, returned from Europe last week, while abroad she visited all the principal studios in France, Italy and England. Tub '.Thaw pictures, sponsored by Hal Reld, who once wrote a clay In wblch the much-wrltten-up Harry Thaw was charac- terized as a young man more sinned against than sinning, are being shown at the Keith New York theatres this week. It is said Harry Thaw gave Hal Reld tbe privilege of making these motion pictures, wblcb show him in tbe Canadian prison, owing to the fact of Reld having written the aforemen- tioned play. In which Mr. Thaw was set forth in such a favorable light Tub Sapho Feature Film Company has been formed with offices in New York City. The company will market the six-reel Ma- jestic "Sapho" production, with, Florence Roberts In the leading role. Tub Exhibitors' Feature Booking Agency has been organized, with Earl Bryant Barnes, a member of the New York Bar of several years standing, as tbe president and general manager. Offices have been established In a building in the heart of the dim district IRVING CTJMMINQ8 WITH PATHE. Irving Cummlngs, formerly leading man of Reliance films, has been engaged In the same capacity with Paths Freres. Mr. Cummings starts with tbe Pa the people Oct L Tin new brand of naval and Pnritan pro- ductions will be known as Domino Films. These pictures were flrat advertised as Em- pire, and then later changed to Peerless, but owing to copyright laws they wlU be called Domino. Richabd Willis hat been commissioned to write a series of photoplaya for J. Farrell Macdonald, now producing for Warner's Fea- tures. Inc., at Hollywood, CaL Macdonald Is firm in bis determination to produce pic- tures which will "teach something." In his own words: "I am through with putting on pictures which merely tell a story or Intro- duce a so-called 'punch/ The screen it tbe biggest factor in the world for tbe improve- ment or tbe spoiling of character, and I want my productions to make people think, not by too subtle suggestion, but by the actual presentation of evils or blessings wblch can be understood by all who see them. It seems wrong to wilfully lay aside the power which we undoubtedly possess to do some good in this world." Here's more power to bis elbow, for he is able to do Just what he wants to and has tbe courage of his convictions. Bart Eably, of the crganliationproducinr for Warner's Features, Inc. at Hollywood. Cal., Is greatly distressed. She has lost her puppy and in inconsolable. Baby Early Is a freat hand at finding new pets, and ber aunt, lisle Albert bat considerable difficulty in persuading her small niece tbat 'their bun- galow is not a home for all the strays in Hollywood. Habby C. Mattiiiws, of Warner's Holly- wood organization, has at last finished bis sumptuous production of "Aladdin," and a very remarkable picture It U, from an acting and photographic standpoint, as well as from Its direction. "Aladdin" stands oat as quite the finest fairy story ever filmed. The costuming of tbe play is an eye opener, and all those concerned In its production are proud of their achievement James J. Corbett, familiarly known to everyone as "Gentleman Jim," Is schednk-d to make his Initial appearance In moving pictures In a Warner Feature, entitled 'Tbe Man from the Golden West." It is a thrill- ing story of love and adventure, In four parts, and Is bound to go Dig wherever shown. Ai.Tiiouon this Is Corbett'a first appear- ance before the moving picture camera, lie la no stranger to the stage, having toured the States and tho English theatres In a number of successful plays. Cobbbtt's role In this big production calls for quite a bit of daring and bravery. In one scene he saves tbe gold mine from de- struction by seizing a sputtering bomb and hurling It with all bis might Into a deep ravine, where it explodes with terrific force. In another scene he uses a high powerr-d an- tomobllo to capture the stage coach bandits. THE JACK LONDON SITUATION. A telegram was received by Ernest Shlp- tnan from Hobart Itosworth, relating to the Jack London stories, reading as follows: "Los, Aug. 31. "Ernest Shipman, New Yobk City —If any buyer or agent doubts validity of my contract let Elm wire Jack Lon- don, Glen Ellen, Cal., for confirmation over Jock Loudon's own signature. 'Sea Wolf nearly done, and reauv by Oct 1. Expect to auction for State rights, 'HOUART B08WORTH." Acting In concert with the above wire Warner's Features telegraphed Jack London for confirmation, receiving the following reply: "Olbn Ellen, Cal., Sept. 3. "Wajineb's Features, Inc., New Yobk City. —Rosworth, Inc., has all moving picture rights on my writings. When you receive Horkhelmer's copy of con- tract, please note date appears first four films must be completed on stipulated date. Not even the first film was com- pleted. Ilorkhelmer has legally thrown, Bed and branded himself. Jack Lon- don." * ITALA FEATURES IN DEMAND. Sales of State rights on "The War Con respondents," the four reel Itala suoject, . have been brisk. Exchange men who have taken tho subject are: The Wetland Feature Film Co., of Pittsburgh; Attractive Feature Film Co., of Philadelphia; Golden Gate Film Exchange, of San Francisco; Northwestern Fccture Film Co., of Portland; Exhibitors Feature -Film Co., of Toledo; the Famous Players Film Co.. of Boston; General Fea- ture Film Co., of Chicago, and Big Four Feature Film Co.. of Dallas, Tex. LOEW SHOWS NEW COLOR PICTURES. Natural color motion pictures, differing from both Klncmacolor and hand colored pic- tures, were shown for the first time in America at Loow's Seventh Avenue Tbcatro thlB week. The film, called "The Captivat- ing Countess," was taken In Paria. and Is said to bo tho first successful reel ever mado after several failures. The new pictures, which appear on the screen exactly as they do to tbo eve of the photographer, aro the invention of a Milanese scientist, end Mr. Loew believes they will have an Important bearing on motion pictures of the future. The new reel, tho only one available now, will bo sent over tbe entire Loew circuit Another big feature reel engaged by Loew is "The Wanderings of Ulysses," in three parts. As far as possible the scenes were taken where the ancient Homorlc hero is supposed to have bad his adventures. Further big features will bo announced by the Loew circuit NoRTnmtN Vbntdreb, Ltd., producers of motion pictures of tho Far North type, will hereafter bo known as the Mid-gar Features. EXCLUSIVE SUPPLY CORP. NOTES. A three reel Western feature, one every two weeks, will be probably the next addition to tho program of the Uxcluslxe Supply Cor- poration. Negotiations are now under way uotween Joseph It Miles, general manager of the Exclusive, and tho owner of a wllcly known brand of established reputation. Such a brand would much strengthen tho already strong program, Including, as It now does, the cream of the European and Amer- ican makes. Tie sparring for choice territory between* the Exclusive and hovers still goes ea mer- rily. During tho course of tbe week numer- ous exchange men and prospective exchange- men, have gone Into tbe details of the propo- sition tbat Is now in prosperous sway In various parts of tbe country. Have gone over exhaustively in the Chandler Building offices. Among tnosc in New York for that pur- pose during the week were: Charles Keflex, of tbe Edwards-Ketler Feature Film Co-, of Dayton O.; B. T. Peter, of Dallas, Tex., who purposes taking the program for Southern territory and who will probably open offices in Atlanta and New Orleans. A. A. Wclland, of the Wetland Film Co., of Pittsburgh, reports that Ms success -with tbe Exclusive Program in his territory en- courages him to take Ohio, the adjacent State. _____ PHILADELPHIA'S WEEKLY BUDGET. Tot old Rising Son Tavern, an old time roadboose, at Noa 817 to 929 N. Second Street has been bought by Wm. Cohen for SSv.UUO, and will be demolished and the site rsed for a 150,000 vaudeville and moving picture house. Contracts were awarded tost week for a f 100,000 vaudeville theatre at the Northeast corner of Market and Juniper -Streets; direct- ly opposite the City HalL Tbe tbeatre will contain a gallery, and will have a seating capacity of one thousand seven hundred. The dimensions will be 58 by 140 feet Interests connected wltb the Moving Picture Company of America are back of the project Mask Haixeb has bought a stable property, Noa 1803 to 1811 South Seventh Street where he will build a moving picture thea- tre, 80 by 06 feet, to cost $25,000. Margolin A Block have bought the store building. No. 2212 N. Front Street, and a stable property In the rear, where they will erect a $30,000 moving picture theatre, with an 600 seating capacity. s MONOPOL FILM CO. IN HANDS OF RECEIVER. A. Gordon Mnrray was appointed, Sept 11, receiver of the assets of the Monopof FUm Company, a corporation engaged la tie pro- ducing end of the motion picture business, with executive offices at 145 West Forty- fifth Street, New York. Judge Molt la tbe United States District Court, designated A. G. Murray, following the filing of an Involun- tary petition In bankruptcy. Patrick A. Powers, wbo alleges the aha company owes him $8,480 money loaned; Stanner E. V. Taylor, with a claim amount- ing to $3,365 and Marlon Taylor Leonard, wltb a claim of $1,100. were the three signers of the petition, the flung of which resulted In tie receivership appointment Mr. Powers further alleged, in the application, that the affairs of the corporation were not being properly managed, tbat there had been dis- sensions among the officials, and that the hypothecation of valuable assets had taken place. Inasmuch as the above conditions existed In the company, a thorough investigation by a duly appointed officer of the court, who would be empowered thereby to carry on the business for the benefit of tbe creditors, was also asked for. Tbe attorneys for tbe petitioners, RcIbs & Relss, estimate tbe liabilities of the Monopol Company approximately at $25,000, wltb nominal assets of $5,000. There has been, It 1b alleged, certain rums of money, amount not ascertained, assigned to parties unknown. The corporation was organized June 27, 1912, with a capital of $5,000. ■ ■ TO PRODUCE "DAMAGED GOODS," MAYBE? There Is a plan on foot to produce a pic- ture version or the moraUty play, "Damaged Goods," which bas had such a successful metropolitan run on the legitimate stage this season and last Joe Conoly, Alex Yokel and Mr. Hughes, of the Klnemacolor Interests, and several others are said to be Interested in the proposed production. Richard Bennett producer of the ploy in America, declares emphatically, however, that he Is the sole owner of the American rights of "Damaged Goods." and that he will take legal steps to prevent any Infringement whatsoever. « ' TWO MORS THEATRES. Moving picture theatre builders on Wash- ington Heights, New York, died these plans ■Sept. 12: . Amsterdam Avenue, Northwest corner of One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Street, one story, 41.4 by 100; C. M Rosenthal, owner ; J. Fisher, architect I $25,000. St Nicholas Avenue, Southeast corner One Hundred and Seventv-Blxth Street one story, 65.10 by 10O; Harrlng and iBlumcnthal, owners; B. C. Horn Sons, architects; $30,000. > ■ KINO BAGGOTT RETURNS FROM ENGLAND. Members of the Screen Club, to the ex- tent of a hundred or more, went down tbe Bay In a chartered tug to greet their home- coming president. King Baggott. who re- turned from abroad alter a four montns While in England Mr. Baggott staged "Ivonhoo" and several other notable film productions. ■ THAW PICTURES BARRED. Selectman George A Sweeney, of Attlcboro, Mass., refused to allow the exhibiting of tho Tbnw pictures In that place Sept 13, and declares, he will revoke the license of either house that attempts to show them. ■ Leon Sobel, as president of Manhattan Avenue Tbeatro Co., will build a two story theatre and roof garden for moving pictures, on tic Southwest corner of Manhattan Ave- nue and One Hundred and Ninth Street New York. It will be Brcproof, with seating ca- pacity of 1,008. The roof garden will seat 780. 8onvmerfield & Sleekier, as architects, filed plans for an outlay of $20,000. Tun Old Hurtle A Seamon Music Hail, on One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, Now York, wU open Oct. 6, with moving pictures. Tan Marlon Leonard Film Co. has been Incorporated by Harry A. Crosby, Stanner E. V. Taylor and Frank A. Hendricks, of 45 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn. Tits Beach Motion Picture Co, of Manhat- tan ($15,000), bas been tacoroorated by Morris Goldberg, Jacob H. Goldberg and Ar- thur Klein, of 1495 Broadway. • WE WISI TO THANK ALL OUR PROFESSIONAL FRIENDS For thaMiid expressions of sympathy In oar reee nt sad bereavement la the deathot oar beloved son, Walton, and for the many beautfiulSoral offerings received from too following: Ji eu'j ivi nio uiaiii weiuiui Family Theatre Stock Co., H- H. Rogers and family. Blanche Balrd A Co., Majcsao Theatre, Fred T. Travis, Clinton, Ind., VaodeWile Artists at English's Theatre, Manager Burton, of tnoLjrio Theatre, Lou Davis, George Scarcer, Family Theatre Orchestra. R. H. Abel and Plaza Hotel Employees, Majestic Theatre Employees, "Butterfly on the Wheel" Co, Manager HJddlctcn, of Columbia Theatre, Headuer Family, Marie Elmore and » H. T. Klubbam. Sincerely, GUS AND JESSflLEE RAPIER. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES FOR REPERTOIRE, WARDROBE AHD ABILITY ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. WIRE AN8WBR PER ROUTE. LESLIE E, SMITH, Manager, APDISQH-BOTT STOCK CO. MATJELLE PARKER, ATTORNEY. Mabelle Parker (Sch warts), who was lead- ing lady With the Murphy-Nlles Musical Comedy Co. until Aug. 25, and later with the same organisation under the changed title, Martln-NUes Musical Comedy Co., was again called upon to represent members of company when demand was made for back salaries on Sept 2, and when refused, an attachment was placed on the box office re- ceipts and three of the company's trunks. The members- couldn't see why tbey were refused, as business, from their point of view, had been excellent during tbe Summer sen son. Warrants were issued and patties found O before Judge Carl Kuehl's court, in Island, III., and fines and costs were paid, and on Sept. 7 Judgment of $140.50 was awarded Mabelto Parker for back salary by Judge Kuchl. MANAGERS In ILLINOIS, INDIANA, MICHIGAN and WISCONSIN HORSE MANAGERS, let ns handle your bookings, we secure yon results. COMPANY MANAGERS let ns give yon a route. Im™f 1l » t< ' time for good Reps, or one nlghters. Wire the l UH I JByjMJ U JBHT OPERA HOUSE MANAGERS ASSOCIATION, Suite 319, A8HLA5D BLKICK, C7.UCAGO, ILL. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY, FOR OLIVER DRAMA PLAYERS Permanent Stock, Al Leading Mas, Light Comedian and General Business Man; Scenic Artist tbat can play small parts. Otherewrfte._Two_bllUrweekly. Send j>hptos,_ programs, lowestsalary. Address HOWARD WILLIAMS, Lyric Theatre, Belleville, 111. FIRST CLASS PIANIST Who reads at sight, must be sober, capable. Prefer one with music wbo can direct small orchestra. State experience, salary, and all first letter. Jotn immediately. Sept. 20, Mora, Minn.; a, Herman, Minn. Care or nTRTLal VIBTTON CO. H. P. BUIAEH. WANTI WltWANVTJT SuppertlnK IVIISS NANA SULLIVAN ENTIRE COMFABTY OF LADIES AND OKMTLEKBM. Send recent photos and programs. One bill a week. Opening with "DEEP PtrRPLK." First-class Bcenio Artist. Would like to hear from Helen Jackson, Charles Beaken and O. S. Davis. Others write. Towns in Pennsylvania. Address FORREST H. CUMJ»n«rGS, 160 West 46th St., Mew York City. Company opens Oct. 6. Rehearsals Sept: 29. AUBREY STOCK CO. VERSATILE LEADING MAN, GEN. BUSINESS MAN WITH SPECIALTIES Both must be competent, playing strong line of parts. City stock. Two bills per week. Photos, late programsand salary must accompany first letter. Add. D. OTTOHIT.VEU, Bgr., Clinton, Ind. a-IBERTV LEROY H. BAILEY HEAVIES AND JUVENILES AGE SO, HEIGHT 5 ft. 0^ In., WEIGHT 150 lbi. EXPERIENCED, SORER AMD r.E. CUckaaba,Okla., week Sept. 21. WILLIAM AT LIBERTY BWI.IARI.K MANAGERS ONLY E. MAYLONICAROLINE EDWARDS Age2a,height5ft. 10in.,weight 160lbs. Age21,height6ft. 1 In., weight 116 lbs. Juvenile Leads, Hearies. ! Juvenile Leads, ingenues, Sonbrettea. Quick study, appearance and ability. Joint engagement only. Address WILLIAM E. MA V- LOM, 814 Wartrly 8«., Wa-verly, 9. T. LIBERTY Miss Gertrude Livingston Characters, Heavies, Grand Danesaod 6eo. Bus. Prefer repertoire Oo. making week stands. Address 85 Charlotte St., Rochester, N. T. WANTED, FOR STETSON'S U.T.G. CO. Pi ASTO PLATER who can double brass. Ad- dress LEON WASHBURN, Chester, Pa. WANTED. CHORUS GIRLS MEDIUM SIZE, THAT CAN SINQ FOR KT GIRL ACTS FUN ON THB OCEAN AND LITTLE RED BIDINOHOOD. WRITE OR CALL, SEPT. 18,19,20. PROCTOR'S THEATBE, PERTH AH- BOY, N. J., HARRY LAMOST. AT LIBERTY 8EPT. 20 JIM BAUGH Director with 100 Scripts, Characters, Character Ueavlesor Gen. Bus. Twenty years'experience. Rep. or Stock. Prefer permanent Stock. Ticket. JIM D AC Gil, Coalgste, Okl*. Arranged, composed: also operas. Libretto for com.-opera wanted, write for appointment. A. KJIETSMAR, 117 East Kd St., New York. iff ■UTCn Song and DaucoSoohrette, also Iff All I CII Woman Piano Player, must be able to loin on receipt of wire. Address, DOC. PASOBORN, week of Sept. 11 to 21, Monroe, l'a.; wees: of ■ to 28, Parkers Landing, Pa. AT LIBERTY, tbe Great BEVERLY Versatile Magician and Novelty Artist. Change for week. Straight in acta or play parts.. Write or wire, an Desmond St, Sayre, Pa. WATJTETl Saxophonist, doable brass; •T All A Bit Corneust. doublo saxophone. State age, height, weight and salary. 1 pay rail- road. Address MUSICAL, ACT, ™ Ctre of CLIPPER. A Set of Musical Sleigh Bells, _, with stand, bells are In two ^ straps, 440 bells, in n ret -class oonditt on, H. 8CHHBELOOK, OS Crystal Street, SOtk Waurd, Brooklyn, H. V. FOR SALE ovtares, its straps HAMMERSTEIN ANNOUNCES "FATIMA." Mile. "Fatlma" is the fclg announcement in front erf Hamtncrstcln's, as a coming fea- ture. According to the billing "She escaped, two years ago, from the palace of Abdul flamed, in Constantinople, and has since then appeared in all the principal Rnropean titles. She has a Turkish personality and a movement of h*r own." __ ___ Tho poster also says "SDio will antra, ac- companied try her two Bonlcfc serranta." ATT LIBE On account company closing Gordon McDowell -CHARACTER AND COMEDY OLD MEN Long experience, quick study, good specialties. Join at once. Permanent stock preferred. Address HOTEL STRAIN. NEVADA. MO. WANTED, AT ONCE FOB PERMANENT STOCK Leading Man and Leading Woman, Character Man and Character Woman and Comedian, and Director wltb Short Cast Scripts, that can acL Those doing Specialties glren preference. Com- pany opens first week In October. Address MA80B1 AHD STREET STOCK OO., Palace Theatre, Holyolte, Mass. AT LIBERTY J XX GGLER All around man. Will Jotn act. Address 0.0., care of CLIPPER. Brand New Cut Palace Arch Drop 18232. Hinged Battens. Cost $110, tie buys It- A. QBATN, 8I» Spring Garden BC, Philadelphia, Pa. LET HE WRITE YOUR NEW PUT Sketch or Act, at a very reasonable price. Satis- faction guaranteed or money refunded. Write me now. W. E. NELSOX, & Bnoklngaam St, Hartford, Conn. SKETCHES Written to order on very easy terms by the well- known dramatist and pUywrigbt, WILLIAM DAVIS BOSK, Norwich, Conn. W * MTPn T he whenabesU of « •»" AJBU—msS BROOKS, who in 1810 lived at 1074 Rogers Ave. Communicate with GEORGE DIVINE, 803 Carlton Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. AT IIRFRTV HKIUCINB lkctureb. Ill UHtll 11 Real jionoy Getter. Appear- ance, wardrobe, sober, reliable. Terms it per cent, and all. Join at once. PHILIP ASHCRAFT, Qeneral Delivery, OTNOINHATI, OHIO. Kanuscrlpt and parts, tuo. Send for catalogue, ROYAL MANUSCRIPT O O, MO Lrrio Theatre Bldg.. Cincinnati, 0. WASTED, TPeople for Tabloid Stock Cos. ERTY AG EN Best of referesos. Write or Ml Handle anything. wire, J.W. WBPROW, Mmeraborg.Oblo M. 8IHOBTB, Maker of Alt Kinds ?;STAGE SHOES .UN. 8»BROADWAY,Oor. IShStreet,N.T.