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THiii ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. September 27 OUT OF TOWN NEWS PHILADELPHIA. The Fall season is now on In tall tilt, snd the piniut weather list week resulted In flue busl- i«n. Notwithstanding tiie constantly Increasing number of vaudeville houses In all sections of the city tie business that they are doing la beyond all understanding, and about the only explanation why H vc t|mes the number of houses that existed a few years are all making money Is explained by the fsct that they are scattered all oyer the resi- dential area of the city, and their accessibility c.tplalna their popularity. Ann-FHI (Lawrence Blomberg. mgr.) — "The Smouldering Flame," last week, prorcd to be en- tirely too atrong for the local critic?, and tli»y liacdled It without gloves. The production Itself and the performers were praised, but the theme of the play waa declared to bo simply outrageous, 'il'e play waa originally booked for two weeks, but will be withdrawn at the end of the current week. Ltbio (Lawrence Blumberg, mgr.) — "The Honeymoon Express" has Its ant local view 22, for a two weeks' atay. "Die Purple Road," with YaM Villi, bad fatr returns the two weeks, end- ing IS. Lrrn-a Thbatrb (Beulab B Jay, mgr.)—The Fall season begins 22, with the first local view or "The Yellow Jacket." Gaebjox (Okas. 0. Wansmaker, mgr.)—"The Master Mind" scored big last week, the audiences greatly liking the unique situations and thrilling surprises Id the play. Edmund Dreese does some very clever scttng, snd receives the fines: kind of support from Frank Allaworth, William Riley Hatch and Dorothy Rossmore. The second week starts 22. Walnut (W. D. Wegefartu, mrr.)—"Officer 000" 22 and week. "Madame X" has hist none ot lis popularity, and big bouses enjoyed the Imper- sonation ot Eugenie Blair, In the leading role, list week. Foirrst (Nixon A Zimmerman, mrrs.)—Zleg- feld'a Follies bad another succession of crowded houses last week. All tbe vaudeville stars are hard workers and they never let the Interest lag for a single minute. The third ind last eek stsrts 22. "The Merry Martyr" next. Chibtnut (Wm. A. Psge, mgr.)—Toe Orplienm Stock puts on "Mrs. Warren's Profession" 22 27. "Lorna Doone" was seen here for the Brat time last week, and scored a big success. Ethel Valen- tine bad the title character, and displayed fine irornatle ability. Mitchell Harris, Edward E. Ilortoa and Marlon Swoyne also did clever work. American (James Wall, mgr.)—Tbe stock ap- pears la "The Brute" 22-27. "The Christian" flns given s line presentation last week, to big tuslness. Grace Huff, sa Olory Quayle, and John Lorens as John Storm, carried on the honors. Hajt's (John W. Hart, mgr.)—"The Boss of Arrow Ranch," 22 and week. "The Masked Mar- riage" was a real thriller last week, to flue re- turns. Bmhri (W. 0. Cameron, mgr.)—The Columbia rturlestjoers will bo on Ihe Job 22 snd week. The Golden Crooks are big local favorites, and the turn out list week wis the largest of the season. Frsnk Burt and Frank Dodson were the atnrs, and they furnished copious quantities ot fun. Jack Stronae, Maud Rockwell and Flo Vernon viere also on the firing line. Watson Sisters next. Casino (Ellis ft Koontg. nigra.)—Tbe Rowland Girls are due 22-27. The Bower; Buresqucrs fared a dosen One houses last week. Fitsgerall mi! Qatnn are some comedians, and kept up the Interest without difficulty. Mabel Morgan was easily tbe leader of the female contingent. Fol- lies of tbe Day 20. Trocadero (Rout. Morrow, mgr.)—Eva Mull snd her Beauty Hhow are the tenants 22 and week. The Rector Girls gave a good account of them- selves list week, to splendid business. Leo Ste- vens. Okas. M. Baker, Joe West and Lydla Josny curried off the honors. Metropolitan Opera Hodsk (Eugene Myers, mgr.)—Pauline, the hypnotist, Is featured all week 22-27. For the fore part ot tbe week tbe other tums are by: Joa. K. Watson, Scott and Wilson, Jenkins end Covert, Viola Daval, and Ambler Bros. For tbe Istter part of the week the bill la: Rdlth OlIfTord, the Three Falcons, Graphe. and Thomas Riley snd company. B. F. Kami's (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Eddie Foy and his children Is the big card week of 22. Others are: "Three Beautiful Typei." Josephine Dunfee. limed. Cameron and O'Connor, Cbsrles snd Fannie Van, tbe Birtos, Dakota Jack Trio, Butt Wood, and moving pictures. Aliechxkt (C. F. Rggleaton, mgr.)—Week of 32-27: "Tbe Boys and Girls of Avenue B," O'Nell and Wamsley. ike Lathams, tbe Turning, Ercell Carmen, Selblnl and Royer, and moving pictures, Grind (T. M. Dougherty, mgr.)—Week ot 22- 27: Cblng I.lng Foo and company, Walsh, Lynch snd company, the Mccarts, tbe Watsons, Otto Bros., Dc Witt snd Stewart, Hoban and Levlne, and moving pictures. Ketsitone (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 22- 27: McDevItt Kelly ami Lucy, Ftnnk Merrill, Hayes rnd Allpolnt. Les Kellers, I<eona Stevens, Seyroonr'a nappy Family, and moving; pictures. I-smertt (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 22-27: Baby Helen, the Eight Berlin Madcaps, E. 0. Llndsey and company, Gordon and Marx, Madge Midland, Mori Bros., and moving pictures. Faibuovnt (Sam Dawson, nigr.)—Week of 22- 27: Telm Trio, Fred Sanford, "A Dog'a Opinion," La Vere Trio, the Hedilers, and moving pictures. Wit. Pinn (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.T—Week of 22-27: "The House Thst Jack Built." "Miss HIS," the Three Alex.. Swan, Date and Hile, Fred HnMI.igs, Mortimer, McRae and Cleg!, ind moving pictures. Nixon (Fredk. Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 22-27: "Up on tbe Fsrm.* r Ferrl and Martel, Evona. Wlwlotn snd company, Visions D'Art, Sherman snd Frnnrls, and moving pictures. Diuont's (Frank Dutnont, ngr.)—The public Is finding lis wsy to Ibis house with great regu- larity. For tbe current week there will be two new skits, "The Tsngo Dancers" ind "Escaped From the Bug House." Kddlc Caasady and Bennle Franklin will also have new turns, while there will be the customary change In tbe first part. Iii.'ar. QiniBD, Forxpacoii, People's, Aluam- i.p.a, Victoria. Palace and I'laia, give vaudeville and aiovlng pictures, MOTES. Tub Chestnut Street Theatre has bad several hundred plays submitted In a competition for a prise of |300 and the pretentatloa of tbe sue- cessfsl play by tbs Orphcum Stock Co Tbe an- oonacement of tbe successful play will shortly be announced. "Tins Golden Flbbcs," by J. O. G. Doffy. dramatic editor of The PMlaielpMa Preu, will be prodnced at tbe Chestnut Street Theatre early In October. D. E. Davbxtoht has been engaged ss press agent for tbe Lyric and Adelpbl Theatres. Joseph Kaufman has resigned from tbe Or- pbeum Stock to Join tbe Little Theatre Stock. The Board of Directors of tbe Forrest Home have decided to erect a fireproof art gallery to house the vauablo collection of paintings bequeathed to tbe borne by Edwin Forrest, the famous trage- dian. The paintings consist ot several large can. vises ot Forrest In some ot the roles for wblcb be was famous. * Thi Philadelphia County Fair drew an attend- arc* of nearly 100.000, at Byberry, 1B-20. Thi Gayety Theatre, the former Columbia wiieet house, la to be re-opened after tbe Improve- ments now under way are completed. It. will be controlled by tbe United Amusement Co., and a slock burlesque company will be Installed there uuler the management of John P. Eckhardt. Carhondale, Pa.—Grind (Harold P. Tot- hill, mgr.) Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Sept. 18, gave two strong entertainments, to big busi- ness. Edison's talking pictures 10, 20, "Fine Fenlhers" 22, "Sweethearts and Wives" 23 21, the Wlnlfred-St. Olalre Stock Co., In repertoire, at popular prices, week of 20. Ideal (L. A. Farrell, mgr.)—Lynott's Orchestra nr.d a dally change ot high grade pictures. Spe- cial added attraction each Wednesday evening. ami (Alfonso Slrrlinnl, mgr.)—Mechanical or- cbestn and change ot films each afternoon. . Savot (M. J. Buane, mgr.)—Vaudeville, mu rlc and pictures. Tbe sets are changed Mondays aad Thursdays. Films are cbaaged dally. Viotoiu (Louis llatnle, mgr.) — Music and dally change of pictures. I.akb Lodobs (P. J. McN'ally, mgr.) continues te draw good crowds. Altoonn, Pa.—Mlshler (I. O. Mlshler, mgr.) "Freckles" Sept. 22, "Tbe Master Mind" 24, the Dandy Girls 25, Stetson's "Uncle Tom'i Cabin" te, 27. Business Is very good. Obphsdu (A. B Denm.in, mgr.) — The Six Diving Nymphs all week beginning 22. Others 22-24: Valentin Vox, Bessie Remple end com- pany, and Raymond and Francis. For 23-27: Fern and Madeira, Daniels and Conrad, and Petite Slaters. Greensbnrsr, Fa.—Keaggy (B. R. Light- cai>, mgr.) Merry Msldeos Sept. 25, "Tbe Master blind" 26. St. OtAiB (A. G. Wlble, mgr.)—"The Girl of My Dreams" Oct 1, "Little Women" 8. Grand, Pbincxsb. Casino, Ltbio and Star- ijoiit, motion pictures. San Diego, Cnl.—Bpreckels' (Dodge ft Hay- ward, mgrs.) "The Mission Play" Sept. 24-Oct. 1, "Beady Money" 5, 0, Mrs. A. W. Scott Players 7, 8. Ltceum. —Dowell Stock, In "The Heart Special- ist." Sept. 22 aad week. Savot (B. A. Palmer, mgr.)—BUI week ot 22: little Mayer and Vivian Marshall, Clayton and I-eunle, Mile. ToJettl and Wallace Bennett, film- berg, Marlon and Day, and Alfredo Marshall. Eurntss (S. ft 0.) (John M. Cooke, mgr.)— Illll week of 22: Mons. G. Molnstso and company. Lou Palmore, Charles W. Bowser and company. Bernard ami Scartb, and Henry Frey. Princess (Fred Rubnow, mgr.)—Vaudeville aid pictures. Majestic —Vaudeville and pictures. lsis (Lloyd Brown, mgr.)—"Les MIsershles," In nine reels, wss presented here week ot 10. Notes. —Rlngllnga' Circus bad two capacltr bouses 11 Tbe Annex Film Co. have located at National City, a suburb of this city, and have slarled on eomo Western pictures. Harold A Livingston and Enid Marker are In the leads, while Henry Stanley will direct. The first reel will be "The Barrier ot Blood." Oakland, Cat.—Maedonough (F. A. Gelsa, mgr.) the advance sale cf seats for "Read; Money," Sept. 14-17, was heavy. Moving pic- tures of "Animal Life In the Antarctic" week ot 18. Yx Lidbutt (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Bishop's Players present ''Barbara Freitchle'' week of 22. OM'Miom (Geo. Bbey, .ngr.)—Bill week of 21: IClea Ruegger, Jack Kennedy and company. Hoe; aad Lee, Buckley's animals. Ethel McDorougli Hinders and Mllltss, and Tithe's Weekly. Broadway (Guy 0. Smith, mgr.)— Vaudeville and photoplays. Paktaobs' (Wm. H. Wright, mjr.)—Bill 21 and week: Nick Ve-ri and Dorothy, Five Musical Lassies, Becker and Adams. Bandos Trio. Joe Aseveda, Trelfond, Alt. Goldlng and company. In "In Mexico," and Keystone comedy photo- plays. Columbia (Dillon ft King, mgrs.)—Tbe Amer- ican Musical Co. presented "The Gay Widow" week ot 14. Oakland, Geii, Ltsjc, Bnoww's, Caiisua. Rb oint and Mablowb. pbotoplays, Iioa Angeles, Cal. — Hamburger's Majestic (Oliver Morosco, mgr.) "Ready Money" Sept. 22, Indefinite. Mogosco's (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—"Help Wanted" Indefinite. MoRoaco'a Bdrbanb: (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— "The Girl in the Tsxl" Indefinite. Licxou.—"The Traffic" was tbe attraction here v>eek ot 15. Oriiibtm (ClaMice Drown, mgr.)—Bill week 15 Included: W. L. Abingdon and company, Will- iams, Thompson and Copeland, Alma loiilln, ' Uube" Dickinson, the Rnmeses, the Pels Trio, end Edwarda Davla and compan;. EuriiEas.—Bill IS and week: Mons. G. Me- lasso, Mile, Ana Kramsa and company, Chas. W. Ik.ivser and company, Henry Frey, Bernard and Scartb, and Luclauo Lucca. I'antaoib' (Carl Walker, ragr.)—Bill week of 15: I/ottle Mayer and Vivian Marshall, Clayton and Lenule, Mile. ToJettl and Wallace Bennett. 1'iniberg, Mirlon and Day, Alfredo Marshall. Repcbuo (Bob Cunningham, mgr.)—Bill IB and week: Husscy and De Long, the Wltiells, Harry 1'Isber and company, Berg Bros., sod Pa the Weekly. Cld.ve's Broadwat, motion pictures. — Nora.—Gersdlne Fanar, tbe prima donna so- prsno, will open tbe Brat series of concerts at tbe Auditorium on Oct, t. Clinton, la.—Clinton (O. E. Dixon, agr.) United Attraction Co. bill week of Sept. 22: £d- gardo, Kraft snd Myrtle, Paul Wagner, Miss Earl, FA. Qulgley, DolnetU Slaters, and Cotter, tbe clown. Faaiilt (H. A. Sodlna, mar.)—BUI 18-21 In- cluded: Adair and Adair, Society Sextette. Benl- ger and lister, Virginia Johnson company, and Murray K. HID. For i.2-24: Nellie Andrews Opera Company, Princeton and Vale, Martina and Trousl, and John and Mane Hughes. Amdse-U (J. B. Purcell, mgr.)—Film features and band concert Royal. Ltbio and Colonial, pictures. Nora.—Manager Sodlna, of tbe Family, prom- IscO. a big show to his patrons with the bill open- Ins 15 snd It uu.de good with Lew Cantor's Cboo Cboo Girls as the feature. Some act. Lucille Savoy, "Tbe Singing Venus," waa the classy bit of the MIL Others were Geo. Crotty and Tony Cornetta Trio. Cedar Rapids, lax,—Greene's (Wm. Collier, mgr.) "Tbe Virginian" Sept. 21, "The Count of Luxembourg" 26, Blley and Wood's Company 27, W. B. Patton 28, Mrs. Flake Oct 8, "Tbe Spend- thrift" 5. Maestio (Vaudeville) (Vic. Hugo, mgr.)—Bill week of 21: Little Hip and Napoleon, Bice and Cady, Edgar Foreman and company, Six Musical Splllers, Tambo Duo, Grsnto snd Maude, Lew Hawkins, Oarpos Bros., Lloyd and Wbltebonse, Clinton sod Morris Sisters, snd the Cycling Brunettes. Muscatine, la.—Orpbeum opened to a ca- pacity house Sunday evening, Sept. 14, with the U?rvey Stock Co., In "A Country Boy," Owing to sickness, Hasel Wylde, tbe leading star, did not appear. Harry Oolgroie, In the role of Bud Fisher, furnished the fun for the evening. Wm. Springer Is also worthy of tbe performance be gave. This company presented "Mildred" IS. Davenport, la.—Bnrtls (Ohamberlln, Kindt ft Co., mgrs.) Sbeehan ft Beck's "Salome" Sept. 21, "The Count ot Luxembourg" 25, "Thelma" 28. American.— Bill week ot 14 Included: Law- rence Crane snd company. Boll Players' Qoartette, Link and Robinson, Morris snd Clark, and Warner and White. Faxlxt. —The photoplay of Mrs. Flake, in "Teas of the D'UrberTllles." with s special fen- lure, 18, 19. Blanchibd (J. Harry Blanchard, mgr.)—This new theatre Is expected to open about Dec. 1. Burlington, la.—Snnerlor moving pictures every afternoon and evening. Neil O'Brlen'a Min- strels drew well Sept 18. Gabbick (J. Henri Fisher, mgr.)—Bill week ot 15 was: Hermana Japs, .Seven Parisian Vio- lets, and Novelty Musical Co. Palace, Elite. Comet, Nemo and Ltbio, root- ing pictures. ' ■ Keoltnlc, In.—Grand (Ohas. H. Dodge, mgr.-) Nell O'Brien's Minstrels did big business Sept. It). HippoDBOMB (Mark Angell, mgr.)—Business Is remarkably good. Bill week ot 21: Oorregai and Vivian, Clinton and Rodgen, Jere Ssnford, Five Juggling Normsns, Dave Vanfelld, Leonard and Ilney, Rouble 81ms, and the Telephone Girls. Gband, Colonial and Obpheom, motion pic- tures, Newark, N*. J.—Newark (Geo. W. Bobbins, mgr.) opened for the regular season Sept 22, with "Stop Thief." For week of 29, Robert Billiard, la "The Argyle Case." Bhdbebt (Lee Ottolengul, mgr.)—The last week, beginning 2, of the Brownell-Stork Stock Co., In "The Woman In the Case." Week of 29 will mark the opening ot the regular season, with the big production, "Tbe Whip." Proctor's (R, O. Staart, mgr.)—Vaudeville is drawing good business here. Bill week of 22: James J. Corbet:, Walter Van Brunt Hunter's losing dogs, Silent Mora, Minnie Palmer and company, "The Queen Beetle," Work and Play, the Woodbine Duo, Murphy and Francis, and Mae West. Orthxtjm (M. S. Schlealnger. mgr.)—"The Common Law" week of 2. "Tbe Bound-lip" next. .MiNaa's Emttbb (Tom Miner, mgr.)—The Wat- win Sisters Show week of 22. In "Morocco Bound," wlih Frsnk M. OhrlBty, Fred O. Collins, Joe Stan- lev, Frsnk Damsel, Francis Farr, Lonls Rice snd F.d. Smalley. Watson's Girls from Happyland weet cf 29. WASEINOTOH (0. K. Neu. mgr.)—Bill 22-24: Smith snd Burns, Olivette Troubadours, MofTct- Cialr Trio. Mayne and Bell, Grombley and Glass. Ltbio (R. 0. Stuart, mgr.)—Bill 22-24: Seyon and Julienne, O'Brien and Oale. Josephine Clair- meat, Chester B. Johnstone, John West snd Wolf end Macy Models. For 25-27: Kramer and Rosa. Flske and McDonald, Annie Morris, Baker-Lvnn nr.d company, Wilson aad Oonroy, and "The Fly- ing Horse." Jersey City, N. J.—Majestic (F. E. Hen- ilenon. mgr.) "The Littlest Rebel," with Mary Ml'es Mantel, as Little Virile. Sept. 22 and week. "A Romance of the Underworld" to follow. Academt (F. E. Henderson, mgr.)—"The Card King of tbe Coast." by Ihe Academy Stock, 22 snd wevk. "King and Queen ot Gamblers" next. OBrBEtTM (Anthony Michel, mgr.)—BUI week ot 22: Dorothy De Scbelle and company, "Irish Ju- bilee." with Robert Baimett, tbe Irish tenor and hla company; Fred W. Tallmsn, billiard eipert: the Osaka Quintette, May Ilixon and company. In- cluding Florrle Sloane, Wm. Burt and Kate Ma- lone, and up-to-date pictures, changed dally. Boh Ton (Ed. D. Oadugan, mgr.)—Variety, moving pictures snd songs. Monticxllo (W. D. Eppstetn, mgr.)—Three shows dsiy Is the policy here, and the variety offerings disw good patronage. Noras.—"Over Night," now playing the Qiyety, Hoboken, will give a special matinee at the Qr- pLetrm, here, 20. Hoboken, N. J.—Gayety (Tbos. L. Sbeeley. mgr.) "Over Nlgbt," by the Gayety Stock, week of Sept. 22. "The Woman" to follow. "Romeo and Juliet" Is In active rehearsal for week of Oct 6, with special stage equipment and cos- tumes. Emttbb (Wm. F. Flttgerald. mgr.)—Follies of the Day 22 and week. Tbe College Girls to fol- low. Business very good. Ltbic (G. S. Biggs, mgr-)—Variety, moving pictures snd songs. Hudson, Union Hill. —This house Is offering a strong variety, weekly. Note. —Tbe Gayety's lady orchestra Is to be replaced by men. Rockford, 111.—Grind, Albert Phillips and Tells Shaw were seen here week of Sept 16, In "One Woman's Life," and drew good patronage. Majasno.—Oliver Players present "The Deep Purple" week of 22. Osjtietjm. — Vaudeville, 15-17. Included: Tbe Musical Splllers, Lloyd nr.d Wbltebonse, Frank Burg, Charles and Madeline Dunbar, Joe Fonde- ltt-r, and Klnemacolor pictures. Majtjstip and Obphsum, moving pictures every Sunday afternoon snd evening, Notts —Irwin Brothers' Wild West Show was here 16, featuring Pniirle Rose, who was adver- tised as the champion bronco blister of tse world. Rain Interfered Botnewhst with business Tbe Harlem Amnserscat Park closed its season 14. Peoria, 111, — Majestic (Henry SindmeyeT Jr., mgr.) "Blindness of Virtue" week of Sept. 21. excepting 24, when "Tbe Count of Luxem- Isjurg" will appear. Orphbt/m (Feilx Greenberg, mgr.)—Bill for 21- J4: Little Lord Roberts, Halm, Burton and Cant- well, Davis and Walker, and Mareena and Delton Bros. For 25-27: The Cromwells, Browning, Lewis and company. Mile. Nadje, Davett and Dnvall, Hary La Salle and pictures. Dempsbt's (Martin Dempsey, mgr.) — Stock burlesque, vaudeville snd pictures. Columbia, Da Ltrxa, Empbess, Illinois, fjf- ratal* Libebtt, Ltcepm, Rotal, Sanoamo and i-TAS. motion pictures. Nora.—Wortham ft Allen Shows 22-27. Elarla, III.—Grand, Mix Bloom, In "The Sunny Side of Broadway." tabloid, Sept 11-13. Good chorus an! company and busloess, musical numbers.above tbe average, as well aa costumes. Vaudeville 14-17 Included: Harvelle, Byan and Maybclle, Bruce Rlchnnlson ind company, OmoKn, lf°P. «nd Adeline Sisters, new pictures. "The wolf," tabloid, 18-20, Orpuecm, Templb and Stab, moving pictures. .,tl£ , S, ln f , ' , ■>J I .. , r- B,Jo • <"*• "• McOonneU, mgr.) bill Sept 22-24: Pennince, Ed. Schooley sad company. •Three Bums st School," and Mile. La Pergeree. For 25-27: Oorrlgan and Vivian, Clinton aad Rogera, Jerre Sanford and FlTe Jug- gling Normans. ^ ».- E , M ""-,HirP0Dtt0MB (W. L. Busby, mgr.)— Nell O'Brien's MUutrcls 20. 'Salome" 22. o P- !?^ n »—SboabTs (L. A, 0. Shosff, mgr.) Paul Gl more did good business Sept. 15 Deal- ing's Minstrels 24. Majestic (A. Menke, mgr.)—Three acts of vaudeville and pictures. Chas. Gallagher baa teen engaged as mstlcal director at this bouse. m J?? t E >1 *' M'ca.—Detroit (B. 0. Whitney, SFai! .of," I,a,lnl i> T ». In "Bella Donna," week of Sept. 22. Gabbick (B. H. Lawrence, mgr.)—Dorla Keane. In "Romance." week of 22. Ltceum (ED. stair, mgr.)—"The Confes- sion" week of 21. Washinoton (J. Slocuo, mgr.)—Helen Wire and the William Morris Players, la "The Deserter " week of 22. ' Gatbtt (Wm. Roache, mgr.)—^The Bebman Show week of 21. mSVi (J ' H ' MooK ' naW.)—Bill week of 22: Will M. Creasy snd BIsncbe Dayne. Laddie Cliff, tbe Five Harveys, MorrU and Allen. Gillette's anlmils, Ellda Morris and company, Herbert and Goldsmith, Dare Brothers, snd the Mooreoecor* Bboadwat (J. M. Ward, mgr.)—Illll week of 22: Joe Maxwell's "Oanoe Girls," Mason snd Gardner, the Yoacarys. Wbyte. Pelxer and Wbvte. aJ?? e ^ Do ? lId A, ,he K«"lmans, Herman and Shirley,-Mile. Le Clare, Ball and Clark, and the Wnrdoscope. i,i Mil "'v. i0 ; »Y- F 01 '"' nigr.)—Busicess good. 1111 week of 22: Jack Tralnor and company, In i H ^P?S k * a Hexarr;" Alpha Sextette, Howard iJiigford, and the Mlleoscope. Jaokaoa, Mich.—^Athenaeum (H. J. porter, mgr.; Himroeleln's Associate Players week of Sept. 21. Norman Rackett 80. Bijou (Frank n. Lampman, mgr.)—Bill 14-17 Included: "High Life In Jail," Itees Proeser sivt crmpsny, Beece and Ooryn, Waldo Whipple, and Preston, the clown. For 17-20: "I Should Worry." Kl!f' cl i tabMa : For 21-24: "Miss Idlewlld," The Bunaways" 26-27. R rant ford, Can. — Colonial (E. Symons. mgr.) vasdevllle and pictures to good business. Gem (Geo. F. Uv, mgr.)— Viudevllle ind pic- tures. r Apollo (Ernie Moyer, mgr.)—Viudevllle ind pictures. Gband (F. Johnson, mgr.)—"Tbe Pink Lsdy" Sent 23. "* Noras.—Owing to differences betweea the car- Kntera of the New Theatre, work has been put ck, and It Is not expected to open until Decem- ber May Robson and a strong supporting csst opened the Opera House season here Sept. 18, to a good audience riske O'Hirs played to a capacity house 15. Mr. O'Hara. tbe brilliant young Irish tenor, captured tbe hearts of tbe audience with his new aongs. St. Catherines. Can.—Grsnd (G. B. Odium, mgr.) Flske O'Hara did fine business Sept. 18. "Tbe Pink Lsdy" 23, Msnde Adams, In "Peter Pan," 20. This boose bss been com- pletely overhauled, the seating capacity being In- creased four hundred. All posts have been re- moved and the stsge opening made wider, sod new seats Installed throughout. Hamilton, .Can.—Grand (A. B. Loudon mgr.) "In Old Dublin" Sept 10, 20, Mrs. Flske 22, "Tbe Pink Lady" 24. "The Rosary" 25. 20, Maude Adams, In "Peter Pas," 27; Edison's talking pictures 29-Oct 2, "The Garden of Allab" 0-8. Temple (J. 0. Aopleton, ogr.)—Bill for week of 22: Josle Feather, Woods and Wyde. Foster anil 1/ovett. Dale Austin company, Kramer and Ken- nedy, Herert Germaine Trio, and Olaude Rant. Ltbic. —Bill for week of 22: "The Maid of "Xlcooar," George and Lilly Garden, Shrnnr Plottl, Vnndell Sisters, Teddy Dupont, Grundy Duo, and Close Brothers. Woodstock, Can.—Griffin's (O. M Mill- man, mgr.) "The Pink Lady" Sept. 28, "Peg »' My Heart" Oct 7, "The Lady of Ostend" 13. "Mutt and Jeff In Panama" 28, "The Quaker Girl" Not. 7. Moving pictures and vaudeville on intervening dates. Whits Stab (F. F. Egeaer, ngr.)—Moving pic- tures. Berlin. Can.—Star (0. G. Philip, mgr.) opened Sept. IB, with the Sarah Gibney Stock Co., to packed bouse. This house was thoroughly renovated the past Summer, new scenery Installed, and the seating capacity and stage enlarged. Mr. Philip has booked some strong attractions for the coming season. "Tbe Girl and the Baron" did S. R. O. business 18. Louisville, Ky,—Mscsuley's (John T. Ma- cauley. mgr.) ''A Romance of Billy Goat Hill" Sept. 22-24, Al. H. Wilson, In "A Boiling Stone," 25-27. Masonic (John T. Macaaley, mgr.)—"From tbe Manger to the Cross," In motion pictures. Gatbtt (0. T. Taylor, mgr.)—Record break- ing business prevails here. "Little Lost Sister" week of 21. Buckingham (Horace McCrocklln, mgr.)—Ben Welch and Els Big Company, assisted by James Rosen and Florence Bother, played to big busi- ness week of 14. Keith's (J. L. Weed, mgr.)—Bill week of 21: Will Oakland and company, In "A Night at the Club." El Rey Sisters, Dunn and Wilson. Billy Hall ind company, George Felix and Barry Sis- ters, Ooogan and Cox, Stepp, Goodrich and King, and Hanlon, Dean and Banlon, and tbe Keltho- Bcope. Hippodrome! (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Vil- lage Blacksmith" is the feature picture week cf 21. Obpheum (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Lost Million- aire" features week of 21. Oasino (I. Simon, mgr.)—"The Lonely Prin- cess" features week ot 21. Noteltt (S. Levenson, mgr-)—"names In tbe Sbsdow" features week of 21. Colombia (I. Simon, mrr.)—"The Fight Against Evil" features week of 21. Oltmpic (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Judse a Son" features week of 21. Oststal (M. Swltow, mgr.)—"A Modern Ro- mance" features week of 21. Ideal, (L. Dlttmar, mgr.)—Vaudevlle and pic- tures. Majestic (L. Dlttmar, mgr.)—Mrs. Flske. In motion pictures of "Teas." week of 21. Notes. —The Kentucky State Fair bronrht Uionsauds of people to Loulsrlle. snd tbe theatres report extra good business The Perry Cen- tennial will open here 29 Sells-Floto Shows are also due 29. Richmond, Ky. — Grand (W. P. Baxter, mgr.) for week Sept. 15 the attractions were tbe Dixie Serennder Minstrels snd motion pictures. Alitameiu (Colonial Amusement Co., mgrs.)— Motion pictures. Note. —Sparks'.Shows did great business here 6. Oklahoma City, Okla.—Folly ,'E. 0. Mills, mgr.) bill Sept 18-20 Included: The Bar- tlnos, Zenlts, Evs Westcott and company, E. J. Moore, Kerr and Kennlaou, and Follyscope. Lrmo (Geo. Plnramer, mgr.)—Bill 21-24: Hnrrj Royal, Sclioen's. School Kids, Marey, Storm and Dlnklns, and pictures. Empbess (Jsck Boland, mgr.)—Bill 21-24: Famous Players Co. feature Mary Plckford, In "The Bishop's Carriage;" Grimm and Elliott, snd the Great Hurt and company. Dreamland, Cltmic, Majestic, Columbia and Capitol, motion pictures. Hntchinaon, Kan,—Home (W. A. Loo, mgr.) Sept 25. "A Bird of Paradise." Elite (E. W. Martin, mgr.)—'Vaudeville and pictures. Martin, Prabl, Majestic, Palace snd Ibis. motion pictures. Rivrbsidb Pabk (K. O. Beck, mgr.)—For week of 21 Hutchinson Band, of thirty-five pieces, under direction of Prof. Chas. G. Mitchell, closes tbe park season. Nora.—Geo. Heist has sold the Palace Theatre to A. J. Bhafer. who will continue with feature pictures snd orchestra. Charlotte, AT, C—Academy (John L. Grove, mgr.) Otis narlan. In "Little Boy Blue," Sept. 22, "Ready Money" 24, "Robin Hood" 20, "Tbe Lit- tle Millionaire" 27. Piedmont (Bd. G. Gldley, nujr.)—Keith vasde- vllle and Klnemacolor pictures. Edibonia, Amvbbtj, Ottowat, Thiato and Princess, motion pictures. Notes.— The Casino Is dark......A festure of tbe Midway of the Charlotte Fair, to be held In October, will be the Brnndage Shows. Colnmhla, S. C—New Columbia (F. I. Brown, mgr.) "Ready Money" Sent. 25, "Robin Hood" 27, "The Deep Purple" Oct. 8. "Little Boy Blue" 4, Black Pattl 8, Edison talking pic- tures 9-11, "Merchsnt of Venice" 13, Annie Russell 18. Nora.—The Bsrnum A Bailey Circus Is billed to show here Oct 17. FREE Sample Cold Cream THE M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. NEW YORK - MasBtlea tikis P»p«r — IBStUUTEIsY 6UIRINTEED