The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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September 27 THE NttW YORK OLIPPEE. 17 NE.W VAUDEVILLE ACTS Ptrxr Minstrel Girls. Pioctob'S < w»W Street, Sept. 15. NEXT ™*K S bills. LATEST NEWS Clipper Post Office. 8R3PT. 29-OOT. 4. ATJiAMTA. 13*. ., r.„ ■■ _ i Bnsx5fir 8 ^ nwur *-• B»« 0«w—wurt Bros.—Chat. Mack * oo.i-JaUa LssssTf B. U •***> bJ&FAJ^US", 1 ,' ^"•fc! ™m^."-^»lags A OTsfamg. BROOKL*w^^„l^*^ 1 B «°<«--S«n * Kitty Morton. Joggling De f l»le Msrls Fesu A strong female minstrel act, composed of _" NrckVskam^'a"i^S,' ^j!* 1 ^„?"»« >"S Oa^/The tshTfthnt Wmm\ WaBem ft Ttsapest ft < moo Trio— . After the opening number under pale Only Skin Sim- TEEZJSB^Jt jH RM .»k Bim a Gas—lack »u« i™- mm; « Sot before* freXlooklne minstrel act. the „. .Maboa,, DiarSng ftoSSLZfeflg* J**r*P»*^l*S &mmi ft Mam-ls££=Mt> Intexlocator (Louise Arnold) "be seated" "^T^OKB-MBryUna, a^* p.;??J^r2 3, i?., b,,te, "-~ i. r •yemlemen" and then Bones (Emm. ™?E?2i&. airIle - * T »*-* eB *> * Ctegg-Osd arec-J*, Oelger— Krausc) and Tambo (Josle Fljnn) went to * "%!£."***-* *«&•* Cleo Qaswigr^lioow. Man* *, r>_n, gagging" between themselves and the Inter- iMMrn£^^A^^^^^Sp9^m\^^ wear f»WSS£S *>^S?frjSS..* Um Borte -^^ *«-> For the opening four of the girls wear white, blue trimmed krdekerbocker costume?, with tho tnterlocntor In evening gown, and tie ends to Wack satin knlckerbocrer suits. For the first specialty Miss Arnold an- nounced the Misses Bradley and Tappet, In • sister act, singing and dancing, "At Untie Torn'* Cabin Door." Then Marguerite Kraose —narrr Do One—Telia ft Barry Ray Oonlln—Horace OoMen ft Bear—Boot. T. Balnea ft Oo—kaaslct! COLUMMJH « irTiSS 1 *. w 'l«>o. Soine. Uh^I'I 1 ^!* Berman-Sk.tta, . B1WR01T^c£biI. A«5^fT' 0 ^ -J ^* Whitehead.^ ler ^stoglng and cosiness for Cor" number. Thla girl possess... aarr Tolce sad art of putting over such a Josle "Flyna. Miss Claire looked die fa a Jellow gown. Moro gags and then Josie lynn, who gave the beet little black face Impersonation seen hereabouts In a long time did wonders with "That International Bag," repeated again and again. Louise Arnold then sang "The Kiss Walts" very well, to precede a laughable Mt Of bur- lesque opera indulged in by the Misses Claire, Krause, Arnold and Flynn, the latter, BY GABLE. From Our Own CornspoitfMt, Htmy 6wrgi W ttwl LONDON, SKPT. 22. The withdrawal of "Right Fence a Mile," at the Atttmbra, la inaouiiccd, Margaret Utrx-y aad lreao Olsra are to be fe«* tared la too seat revot*. ravtown conies to tbe Leaden Opera Hoaas for Bee farewell ii'.gacnneqt. ere aallltg tor the Ma let. Tbla ta her Smt «>ti appearance away fioru the Talace. Sao caaaot retain hen for tlit ream. Wltllo Mar opened at tho lnmiodnnne. with great aacrom, to-ulxtit Ab Imimr ttc anfllmca witnessed the F»rl*t. Robertson IlamV-t tllm at the New Klocma The- atre. Tba actor Marcoaied i*s approval rrom m'.d- Deatftf in tDe Profe$$lott fCat na st d frsa pays ft.) Jtea Lawi-jdici, Sept, IS. Jons Jack. Scot, li, K. 1. MoCauotraii, Best. 8. laajrai Bats, Bnt. 11. Piuuxa Tits, Sept. Ifl. VKKtai AaatarsoaM. Sept. IS. Wotlcea wUI asneer neat weak. Ktrrell. ~~~ ~" """" —"«»—wwmrer « Caffrey—IMNi Staters—Bar to ft ■ ■ Oamnh i™eu!'~ P^i>CtOP '" , KrM,w * — ■* * ■ Stanley 8-Mme. Bane's Bo«a-Tve«e_ R»OU1>B/ LIST. ft ^ >*2£5E5?P&£. A jSS5t- 0o *»_* Sajlre-Tbe St.«iey^-W«. Wmtos In oraler to nrold talstnkes and to in a iiro the prosapt atellverjr of tbe •stem Advertised la this Hat, an envelope plntnly addrcaacd most be sent for each letter, and a 'written order for the letter, alaned with the fail name anil ailtlrrmi and tbo line ot bualneaH followed by tuo lender, sanat also be enclosed. Please mention the date (or nana- her) of the ci.ll'I'UB In which tbe letters seat for Trere advertised. L1DIES' LIST. >tlekey Dorethv Nearea Kathleen brakTo rapids^ mcH^uf i *-Z*?£? m '-* tti - ^'i*- HAMILTOS V\S t. ' -, B, iooi Btrt Whwkr ft Cb —t»ia * ORAL_ liAMILTOS, . Whi t e Oertr sai Bareea. bra.—Gto. B. Beoo—Hal ft max "There's & Girl to tho Heart of Mary- aaakaA-aa^^ ^-f-»Jaam ^aa|l Kreeman ft Donbam—BIDr ft Mlth Adaata—Reld EX" In good Tolas, to three encores, to a njUUWvSSr COlii^jSS?7 " I-oreni-3 T^i»-^cOorJekift WaUaee-Oaa^Una. change to a pretty gray and yellow v gown, "^ gZ£\%R2^V£l,S?V«L * ^^'«-0««roft to£ZSu2^Tig?l and after farther gags were sprung by the tm>l^Arovn^itwm, c ^^il^ amm " i a r r' ai ^-£^ titwitk Ttlo a Oa. ends, Bottte Claiw aeorol a triumph with Morton ft raitou-Sam? k^ » lo ^ no , rn "S ^T^-Jr 100 • i-a»a>a-«< - the "Some JACK80rtVlfa!ltT^i^!i» B J^: * *^S?^™L ■Waavarj DoS Adasnt—Reld Brsa.— * a Trio—H. Lansdoo-^OocU lean ft Co.— JACKSONVliijR vt a^inT ^ * yj ™» Trio—Taieaaen'a Don , art or putting over such a , „ «»»t—Am Ula><-t»—Ho W «7aTLrwK.r^ 0 *" —L '" hn A » B "»—BeltKart ft Greviat—aljitxr ft »2L^i^-t^S. iS^PS? 8858 8g ™ ^ - « ■■ * -™ a^^arke. Olark-A j. parrrtl *■*"*' Bl "" t "««-a<»ra*r * Ca» NBWAniC S.ppla uTcomlc costume, fleshings, etCand working H . ^SnTfii.-?* M»JTjS3pPfc iir gifting nnt business that had tie audience dolne- "• VLgVaSSSSSSSa T«'PUtloa"-a Ke.tD«hl«iiiiiw: Belle Ttteoab—IfrlvUle ft Ulotas—Jlairthiettl ft out business that had the audience doing the continuous laugh until the entire com- pany closed with "Back to Carolina," tbe ends "trotting" and "iuggtag" with caoa of the other Ave girls. Good stogtog and fine costuming and stag- ing makes this one of the nearest big time acts we've seen here in many weeks. The girls work and sing well, even though Josie J'lynn'a ability to be. funny Is enough to Z* X&t3&J* > V S » .^ tstwe-ft hn. ■—"Girl fmen Mllawskre." Boaeo—Walter Via Broot—Mae W«at—Hontrr'a N. Y b_ OTTA over, with So -Mstance ii mJ^^^ f ^m ^tS^S^JS^m^^ ^^^ * * "Woman Proposes. 9 Union SqrAKi:, Maxixes, Sept. 22. "Woman Proposes'' is a finely constructed comedy, of the type that John Drew has been playing in for many seasons. The author, Paul Armstrong, has written an exceedingly clever satire on the well known manner in which a man Is lead to propose, unwittingly, to the lady of his choice. " The scene, which by the way was not at all well produced at toe Square, is tbat of a conservatory. A middle aged chap makes C r , ^t. 0 ^ S an V *Q; LX ' ,C, ATO " •"* ^ jm > *1 o7B \ TC l " aid! ^an-Hen- rletta 'Wjlsoa ft Oo. SCR S ^lTr°^brT«rft O n! l e",'rn J 5 0, ' n * ^^ HennlaE»-wui ft Kemp-Arthor Sell.vo ft Oo._K« mB^mSJafS?** ' to ' tott - I * l '"l ft Jeanette-Btaet, ft Soott_«i^pie Ud,"- TOLEUO, O.—Keith'a Empire Ooroedr 4 —El _. TORONTO, CAM^-ohea'a K t nr^^« 1 R «^-*' U Biehar^-Dehaore ft Uee- '*%"nl^Ha^ , 1t a "p.te 5 ^ioa , . * ohl '*>"- wn, « U- WakefleW-O. H. f.-Donnell Kojljrama—HontaEne'a _ ratter cynical references to the love affairs " JTI CA. N. Y.—Shnbertt Gown Land—I Rnate—DanleU ft Onml—aaaaaa ■—- nt iu a of several ™ung couples who are guests at Bmm mKm^ - a „_, . _^^ m,tU * ^""^HearT U«S Bf, Wmtrad some sort of * social function. A rather lengthy and tedious amount of dialogue Is indulged in, at the opening, between the middle aged bachelor and a maiden aunt of three young ladies, who are in love with three young gentlemen. The lovers enter tho conservatory and in turn, become engaged, quite to the fashion described by tbe cynic Of course the said cynical bacuelor and aforementioned spinster alM come to a speedy agreement on the '■tot better or for worse" proposition. It's all high comedy, and Is cleverly played all the way through. Bath Allen as tbe maiden aunt was excellent Walter Hitchcock as the cynical bachelor wore a dress salt as if to the man- ner born and proved to be a finished actor, with jost the proper amount of repose. WSL S3A^J fdSS^ m S»J'm mt\_ mm B a sis a Felt,. VAUDEVILLE WAR IN PHILADELPHIA Since the story of Niaon-Nlrdllngcr against Marcus Loew, and Sullivan ft Conadinc cir- cuits went to press in the early forms of this issue, we have received the following dispatch from Philadelphia: The war to Philadelphia last week between the Fred O. Nlzon-Nlrdlinger and the Mar- cos Loew forces became acute and resulted Loew, asd SnlUvan & Considlnc, whom he alleges have virtually formed a vaudeville trust In restraint of trade. He demands its dissolution under the Sherman Trust Law As all of the men, with tbe exception'of Mr. Meyers, are residents of New Tort, Mr. NlKon announces that extradltloa papers 1 be taken out ta order to bring them by Teresa Mlchelena. Edward Hoencse Marlon Good, Joseph Semler, Albert Com maker and Miriam Collins. It's regular $2.(K Cast. 00 Twenty-five minutes on fhe~full stage. Harry. The other characters were cabably handled »*_aW»»sl Ptoses! encounters as well as tbe here for a hearing. -Mr. Meyers has accepted -:._- ww.. ip aaa mm nmM< k. th. mi.«. service of the warrant and !ias agreed to ap- pear whenever wanted. r Mr. Nixon and his assistant, Fred Leo- pold, were also arrested but -week on * war- rant sworn oat by one of tho Busch Bros., acrobats, who were booked to appear at the Grand Opera House. Mr. Buscj claims that after he notified Nixon that bis brother was 111 and would be unable to appear, his baggage disappeared. Both Nuron and Leo- pold are being held In fSOO ball for a tor- tier bearing. Another feature «f the war was a physical encounter, last week, between Fred Leopold and a Loew representative, la front of tbo Grand. The scrap was a lively one Whilo it "Paln.ce of Parisian Arts.'' FSOCTOB'B TWXim-TRIBD SlBSR, SEPT. 18. In the first place the idea of the man, in artist costume, pacing back and forth be- tween the three curtained alcoves in the set at "3" to the easel at the side of tbe stage to change the announcing enrds after each pose by the other whitened posing swearing oat of warrants by the Nixon agents against several of Marcus Loew's em- ployees. The men for whom tbe warrants were sworn out were Marcus Loew, Chris. Brown, Joseph Scbcnk. William Atwell. Jack Coklberg, Isaac Kapler, and Louis Wesley all of New York, and Bugcne Meyers, tbe resident manager of the Metropolitan Opera Bouse. In bis affidavit Nixon alleges that agents of the go called "vaudeville trust" intercepted his players at tbe Grand and Nixon Theatres and threatened to boycott them if they In- sisted upon the working at those houses. Nix- on also charges the Loew sgents with "tres- pass, coubplrae and restraint of trade" Nixen announces tbat be has notified m Th^mpan^numtari a se 5 ven! , tocludingthe m N J"'\ "nc-unces that be has notifi lasted, and both" contestants emcYred with .rtls^T^.scrh^toree'o^n.ngsVnd ^lOSJLTLVlJXj^SSn^SL to .™ «"?' *«**» *>«» »»< 1 * ** "artist" while one of tho groups changes the other is being displayed. The choice of dngle, double and group statues chosen arc well posed, but there to no extraordinary display of feminine divinity. Among some of the poses were: "The Call to Arms," "Thirst," "Pardon, and Veagenee, "Wine, Vice and Mfedltatton," "La Gall Dance/' "September Morn," "LUy, Qceen and Thorns," "Bock of Ages," and others. It was presented by Maurice Le Blanc and did not cause much enthusiasm. About eighteen minutes. Tod. s ' - i. K. Bnaaaet, Viola Crane A Co. DMTOH Bocaini, MaTirrcx, Sept. 23. 9. K. Emmet has a sweet -voice and can use this useful asset to perfection. In the aketeh employed, called "The Strongest Tie," Mr. Emmet bos hampered himself with * tbe Department of Justice against Marcus minor braise* Lynn Orerntaa and Company. Pboctor's Finn Am, Matikes, Sett. 22. Edgar Allen Woolf's latest Uttle playlet, entitled "What are You Doing to My Room r was seen hero for the first tune, with Lynn Overman as the star. The author states that it is a daring title, not so, Mr. Wootf. On the contrary, it is responsible for a good share of the success that the entertaining playlet received Tae story is interesting from the rise of the curtain, and tells of the trials of * youni; woman -who aspires to become • great actress. She falls into tbe net of * badger king, who has airvcrtlBed for young women, presumably for the stage, bat whom bo In- tends to nse ta bis lino of trade. Ho has rather stagy affair, of poor construction. a victim called Bonehead BBly. a wealthy It Is talky and overdrawn melodrama all the JO onr man, whom he wlabes to badger. TJn- way through and Mr. Emmet, who can act known to her he uses tbe young woman as as wen as sing, should have a real vehicle the' decoy, everything finally ends as we written to suit bis undoubted talents. Viola -would have it, and the girl and wealthy Crane, as tbo wife, did as well as could be young man Uvc happily ever afterwards, expected with tbe foolish lines- One tbtog Mr. Woolf has given vaudeville some of •be might avoid, is that when speaking to its boat sketches, but to this he seems to Mr. Etaunet she might address bcr conversa- haveHevotcd considerable more time taming tlon to him and not to the audience as she out a little playlet that vaudeville will dalm did Monday afternoon. Busabcth Conrad f or !aac time. Mr. Overman's portrayal of as the sister was likewise as good as could be expected with the Hues allotted her. Flor- «nee Conrad, a Child actress, mado a favor- able impression. About twentj-two minutes on the full stage. Harry- s ' The Alexander Bros. CoiANiftL, Matinee, Sept. 22. There la opportunity for a deal of new ma- terial.on the vaudeville stage when two mea, «—» »=—w^—^ —■—— _ _ am navavtor, "The^ bois appear in neat sack by their very deft inanfpulation-«eraapa PaooxoR'a FrrrH Atm, Matwee. Sept. 22. ,„,„ ^fc- ^^ entire performance, only Juggling would be the proper word—of a r JC initial stowing of Gus Edwards near daaasjavi their headgear for the different tho wealthy young man was clean, following out the author's lines exactly as they were written. Edna Payne, as the young aspirant, and Blchard Morgan, as tbe badger king, bom gave meritorious performances. Tho act mas about twenty minutes, on full stage. Jack. Gss Edwards' Blaft-walle Cabaret. Baaang Yaea and Co. Union Sovaia, Matinee, Bbpt 22. The program announcement reads: Howard Thurston presents Uonaag Yuen, assisted by Soy Toy and company. There are three men 1u the troupe and one woman. Two of the men and the woman are eostmned and made op hi fair semblance of the Chinese, which tbey Impersonate while performing various feats of magic. The other man, an assist- ant, seems to be a genuine Oriental. Several feats of prestldlglutlon are shown by the man, who wear* flowing Oriental robes, a la Chtag Ling Poo. and which ate obviously utillaed to perform several well done tricks In the art of legerdemain. Tbe production of a flock of geese and other barnyard inhabitants, from nowhere In particular, was well liked. For a finish, a "cabinet" appearance and disappearance la shown, with the woman making the flnal appearance. They Uked this act at the "Square." On the whole it Is fully up to the svernge act of its kind, and should appeal at least, through the showmanship and novelty dinplayed. About twenty-two minutes, on the full Stage. Special set - 1'arry, BlaTelovr, Campbell aad Harden. PaocroarB fimi Ave.. Mathikb, Sept. 22. Another cabaret trio has sprung forth, and on their initial prrfongianco here, Mon- day mntlace, were accorded a hit Tho act la composed of three young men, being well voiced to the art of knowing how to put over a song and get every bit x^salblo out of ntal List—Beeelved Taw lata tor Claaaiaeallan. ftaadlW Csacdbus—BtawsUa, Kan.. 92-27. Asurk-a Pennaat Wtaaaers—atalelgh, .H. a BX2T, New Bern xAOct. 4. "Katiy lilne"—Caatem—do, Manebeatrr, Conn., 3f, wuluaastfe 25, Norwich 20. Mlircrd, alma., 37, Atfiol 20. Tamer Falls SO, Mldttetowa, Oono., Oct. 2, Dtalelaon S, Ware, Maaa., 4. te nn aa. Tbo (Clarence llemida, mgr,)—Rutluuil, N. Dak., 22-27, Oayuga Oct. it-11. "Daiaased Goods''—Oilcaso, Sept. 29. Deosbertf Stock (Jin Dougherty, mirr.)—(Cor- rection)— Ouroon, OUa., S2-2T, Tucuucnrl, N. Mea.. 20-uct. 4. BrroMt's Mlnrtreta— Bangor, Pa., 15, Newton 2D. UirkPttotowa 27. Qcntry Bros.' Circus—Mdverne, Ark., St, Hope 28, ao. "Girl sad tho Baron, The"—foaearllle, Mick., "3, Tecumseh 2(1. Adrian 27. HI Benry's Minstrels—Washington. N. J.. 2«, Bangor, Pa., 23, Newlon, N. J., 26, Ilacketta- town 2T. "Ileartbreakers, The" (Tabloid)—I.lneola, Neb.. 22 2t. nornrr OeaMdy Co.—Lanerton, Mian.. 22-2T. "I^opard'n Spota"—Lynchburg, Va., 25. "Uttle loat Slater"—Uaaanlo ft ltlckaen's (John Bernero. mxr.)— at. Loola 2M-Oet. 4. "Maid and the Mlnliter. The" (N. H. Semille, nwr.)—Manilas, III., 27, Xalea City 28, V-:*r City SO, Wiynearlllo Oct 1, Ussier 2, Villa Grove U. Atwood 4. "Matt and Jed In Panama"—D Ca—Chicago 29- Oct. 4. "Matt and letr In Panama"—D Oo.—Rochester, N. Y., 2»Oet. 4. "Matt aad leff In Panama"—O Oo.—r.yiwlihiirg. Ta., Oct. 1, Boanohs a, Daavllln S, Darbam, N. a, 4. "Matt aad Jeff n Panama"—A Co.—flthni. Ala, . 2». OemopolU SO, Meridian. Maaa., Oct. 1, HatUesbant 8, nIleal i. Mobile, Ala., 4. Matloaal Stock Co. (W. S. Iltatt. nwr.)—tthernaa atlas, Me.. 23, Fslatn 28, Bmyraa Mills 2T, Maaaidla 28. Paaama Snow—8t Johaa, Wash., BO. Pelbanu, The—CuuMaat O., 22-2T, Albion, I'a., xs-Oct. 4. Beats Bros.' drees—Dendrlcks. W. Vs.. 24, Hor- ton 28, Tin sail to. Durbla IT. Oaaa 19, Beclicrt SO, Beaten Oct. 1. ltaseevert 2. "Boyel Slave, ft" (Wetart ft Roaeaer, aavs.)— Weat Cheater. Pa.. Oct 2, Hp*raU S, ManheUa 4, Bast Dowsbagtan 0. Tamer. Ours, Oa. fW- *• Barry, tarr.)—1'ort Chrster. M. T., InaeBalta. "Wotr, The"—J. i. Bnllanr* fSS. a ntklns, mar.)—TrlnfcSid, <M., JR. Bocay Vocd 29, Boolder SO, ft. OMIIaa Oct. 1, Cliereone. Wya., 2, Laramie 3. Baana 4, Bock Bpriags S, ••PAIR I'MY." At tbe Apollo, "Kalrri«.v."tlie Christy Malocw- aon and Mrs. Kldcr Johauin Vouiis play, otxned rkpt. 22, for tao week, wdrr <Urecilon of fMwyn ft Co. The east Include!: William Courteiny, CVorge Pawcett, 8. D, UUkenwre, Waliaoo Owen, Irno afrXlrane, Marten Balton, Ktuel Htanuard, R.liih Stnart, Prink Craven. Calvin Thomas, K. I, Pemandet, Uila Fiaaer, Wmico Deanon Jnd Mildred Jaaaea. ■»»» •'BRINGING VI* 1 ATHIJIU" "Matt and Jert in Panama," the new shovr. Is ilotng a land office bualacn all over, Qua IIIII ho* jost returned from a tour ot InniNctlrm of I'm alx eompanlea, and every show be vbltcd. ho had to stand on u> look at. Mr. Bill will launch George McMano' laient cartoon anefraa, "Rrloglag Up Kalher," soon. It Is now beuts orgaaisrd. wap •TUB AVOTIOMBBB.'* David Wartetd was received with eheem at rani's. Baltimore, Monday, 22 for Ms revival of "Th* Auctioneer." Tbe east Includes; Marie Bates, la her original part af Mrs. Karan: Jnnet Dnabar, Marls Beickerdt Chariot to Lr«liiy, Jon- lie Koacowlls, Oeorge La Oorre. Louis IJconiieln, Bomee Jaaea, Harry Bqgers and Tony Berna. Mr. WarfteM will open 20, at me Beiaseo, New York. 4 K THAWLBV RISTVnNB. T. Sanld trawler, general stage director for diver Morosco, returned w$>t. 12, from a fast trip k> Los Angrics, where be baa been taamctlag "Heh> Wanted." tbe new Moroaoo jiiiilnlliai for New York Oily. Dee. I. Kehearaahi will eoavaeaco wltbla a abort time. Mr. Prawlry Is now dsvotlnf his sllratkm to the yrrfeetlrm at mill amtliir "Peg o' My Heart - ' eaaanany. wlileh, headed \<i I'ecxr O'.Hell, will ds. ran f4SSj Hew York, Oct. il. dosen bouncing balls, can Interest and bring; tho applause, while wondering thit the idea baa not been thought oat before by tho Jug- Biers of this generation. However, this does not detract from the merit of too act, as presented by the Alex- ander Bros, They carry an Imposing red plush back drop, which lends ahowlness to their offering. Old Timer. ■a creation, called "The Dingvllle Cabaret" took plnce at this house Monday matinee, and Judgiag from the reception accorded It Mr. Edwards has uulte some work o:i hkt hands in the reconstruction of the entire act It hi tbe usual stoglng and dancing en- srrnblo which Gus Edwards. b well .known to be a matter of, but m this, bis latest of- fering, le seems to hsve fallen short greatly th his reoutation as America's lcadmg Juve- nile topplier. There is only one redeeming feature to tho whole thirty minutes that tho act requires. hnmbera All bavo excellent slngtog voice*, one ot them being well advanced in the uao ef the pit no. "All Night Long," "Interna, tlvual Bag," "BaaeimU Rag," and "Too Male Mo Love Xou" were a few of tbe songs they gave. Tbe act la a good one for vaudcvll.e, and consumes about aixtoca minutes, la one. Jack. Herman Blsvausaa. Paxace Thsatbb, Mokday Nioitr, Sett. 22, Offering t single singing speclnlty. David Blspham mado his Initial New fork vjurio- vllle oppearanre hero Monday snil found a host of frlcadw In front to send Mm oil on a glorious vaudeville tour. Mr. Blaphsra is too well known to reuulro comment upon his qaallBcntlons as a slmrer further than to say he used his beautiful barllono volco to tbe best advantage. He rendered bhieo operstle selections, and ono of his famous old songs, and tbo np- plants that greeted bis efforts lasted for several minutes. As a novelty, before each son; ho ex- J)lalred Its meaning, which proved a good actor As a vaudeville feature, Mr. BlsnTmin Armstrong, Helen II Albrcm, Alary Ardell, l.illlaa A'Uler. I, III Inn Anrs, Marie lirnnj, Nloa Binlwr, Bella Brackard, -Millie Una, Oraca llyde, France* llowanl, Iteleno Black, Dullao Bmnett Victoria Blllltga. Mrs. Itanry BMsood. Jennie Barhy, Lsalae BrnwtU Uarlr Be Tier, I<ranla Blake, Slaiion Ivutlrr, Helen M. Browa, Ann Bakes Gertmrw bsasy. Billy Otmsnell, KeUsi Oosairt, Alice Ogartaey. Alice Oarr. Adeline Clark. Dorothy Cunnvrr, Anna Ctrletim Mlas B Umran. Mlaa J Oonlon, Jean Holt, (Krllo licaa. Mao Alice Harden, Vivian Holt. GertrvMk) Huirfar*, Madiro ItaMrr, Madiro Haitliixa Mlldnl Naumann rrult Narrali Mlas A. O'llearn, OUilr* Oliver, Anale rugaley, llaael i lottell, Kent I Partridge Hilda i Panne. Mr*. Br). 8. Iliurbesy rkweac rahner. Hamilton Madge Howard, Mona I lor Net, I»tilo n. Herklow, Mario Hall, vfola Iloir, Lillian Irving, Marale in.h, May Iraaclmi, Jones Ada Klngiley, Klais KuowKon Pearl l-ovley, Illllin Udell, Mra. Al. I^Roy, Frances l«Roy Slaters wiinr. May Bosnie Sheldon, 1VII i CiMnril Klesnr tee. krlylhc Lew la Kstbcrlns i.t-Hi.y Klltabstb t.Hurr, KUa l.oftoa, Oeoo l/otiftiloo, Ruth IssiilitiL Viola l.('linmun, Mra. Jos. I.aViun ilarvart liow, Kster I «ter, Mnrgtret D. Mortem, K.Ida Mayer, Boa* Mitpak. Madame Monroe Florence Clark. Ethel Baaaler, Slra.AI Detmas, Rtts DeVloe. Jawde Paits, Lottie Doole;, Hey Drew, l/owell D Klctcher, Hose nilBMre, Nellkt Vox. Mm. K.W. Prank, Thelraa Fraakiyn Nellie Fliher. Vloli-t 1'orbfK. Kvelyn rrtnoraeo Anita ravtelle. Delia Fmter, Nellie Mnrtln, ralanloui. Mnratistl, Vera QMmllle MscDounell. Godfrey, ' Ksthlene May BeUsi""»'»guc ticriht IMorrlt. BUllo OBKTLhUlUX'S LIST. Katharine , fhllllra, Ida i Rednl Mr* Chus Bansaud, sanies Rlchardaoa lira, aarrry Bsbtntoo, . KUa Banker Stork. Ullls Murk, May Slmrawin Oorlimo Habiott, Mtrle otstts, Aexle Marion Snyder, Kranres Thatdo, Nelllo Thaw, Betty Thoaptoa, Vlorruce VaaDallo jn-i.M Vaughn, ft re Van Bcrreri. Ontrlien Warren. AliiM West, May Wofctoo, Ioulao Webb, Madallno Wlllanl, Manraerll<< Worth, Violet Walton, Ignore Wsllaew, Vera Wamlngton. Mi»> O. I. Blanche West, Joaephlne - Wayne, Katliryn tr. With, J"rances Youug aenl.i AltfleM, Ooo. Avety. Drew Arnold, Max AMcrson, OhJlk Alhry, Teddk) Allen, Frank ArHngton. flco Aldemin Verne Autlerwin, A, Aiiurn Fred I. Albert, !<'»• Ahnuiwllt, 0. V.r\tlf. Oarl Ilrnwty, A. P. Ili-all, J«« A. rtlnucLard Broa. Hurt ft Kennedy Barrett. Kdnmnd Blahoo. Ouettor Bankotr, Isan lli^iu, l'anl Burt, O. D. llohmiin, Bert itmgilon, Ixircn Itmtuii, Carl imujcr a. ft Co. Hordrtl ft Kd-wards [iovmun Broa. Itliiauy, Beo. Ilrbre, Urrn' (Tyrol ft Nation Barry. Rich. T, llrowrr, ►. M. rhonoe, 0. A. IViy-e, N. Roienian, B, P, lWAro, J. O. ■wrrsvd, Arth. Hirtlwi, Rurt lie-IKII, cinr. Onnnert, II, M. Oonniy, l». J. Olmrlauienu. I'. Cgmmlnga, M. A Onuody, J«». V Kennedy, Ohnt. IIL1IWUJ, .... V O.rvel, RU-Iuird Ccok, Bdw, W. Tolllna, II. D. Chniii<ei, J. Oifcton, Alex. Cinirnm, Obaa, Crnmcr, Blchard fliirltena Modilo. Ctmu, IT. Pi, Cotcora Jolui C'd-unt. J A. Ccok. Plill Coni*T ft Mny fittwa H. II. Carvel, R. 0. fanry, Bi-rt Cret*. Alex. ♦.'inirey. Mr. Pukelao, James Del'elr. T. R. Drew, Clay Doty, Clar, It ilrerley, Tmn • In-.haiu, Billy (lurdon, Leno Ouramil Roilolfo Ollbo, n. K. Il.iwt-ll, Will Iliiaha, Chat. Hfirfnnl, Jack HnliwMl, 1V-II Httrlton, i. Htwtnta, Wm. Ill iklna, Will B Hull, Hilton Helm. I'lil I n Ilmnlltoa, B'.nn. Huntley J. II lU-nly, Jno. I'l liley, N.iruum Htnley, (!ua», Ilulnw. W. II. Ilowtrd, It. 11. IlalMay. H. V. Hart, Hark llnrrrln Al. 0, Hammond, F. Hunllugtun, Mat lnman, Billy Inne* ft Ittan Jupiter, Rudd Jerome, Karl Jackson ft Florence Jackaos, II ft K Janet, wiu. C Jnrtjoe, It. V. Kane, B, Kolb, J. W. Keen, lack Kill, J. Ward Keurie, Kdw. King, J. B. luiiipe, H. Itlouf, W. IviilKhts, P. K Kennedy, J. K UVau, Todd ft Co. l-eulle IlftUottle 1«ki-r, Win. U-I«li, Bert Lumber I, F. U. I^wis, Claud A U-rny, Jolin I enune, Jim. leilmniio lieater Uvmiinl Allsley Ixvm, I'lio l.yimood, ITruee l.llK-rty, W. 11 liwrvnlo 0, U-murd, Tony Muri-Uy, J. t. Moore, V. a McUnrtoey J. 1, .Mf-iTiiww. Mas, il.ek. WllUrd Jtnrk, Fred CuanlDSon II. I. Mlntora, II. L. Booley, W. \l«e<llnnl», Jos, DeOrtnt, (Hirer llukne, Ja*. X. Dales, John Batrsoa, Frank Darling, B. P. Drilolac. Mr. Dotaon, Ctareaos llnrey. n. W. _ Met'urteney, JJ .MeKniMO, lias Utrk, Cka*. D. Macfatlan H. IL Better, Frank II Miwrer, Wis. Ds IkMBu Brat Dresaatr Frits Dettnar, Fml Booeh Bros. Htock Co, Rroertou, IX Ksciter, I', H. Kvana, Joe Kldrlilgi*, Press Kller. Will Krtnclt. Wiriaed rata, Low Friit ft Ourtla Knott, leo. Fuller. 0, Flaraday, IT. I'mHt, (loo, Kiitler, C. flrli-vet, J. H, a»r. wait m. Ornnvllle, R, 0. flni-n, John (lrn«Kl>y Iletrsm Miller, Lna Martin, It R. .Mni-il'inalil, Itot MeN. Ill, .Id.. .Miniy, V. K. Jlllli-r, Uuilley Ml».r.-, J. J. Miller. W. II. Merrlliew, Mui. \terrltt, F. It. Mi-jer, Wm. MiiHW-y, Ltnyil Mnrtln 1> ft D. Mnremin 8 ft 0. Mann, Harry A Maine, Billy Mmld, A. A. MeAnalltn Joe Murray. Peter H Mtrrell, A. P, "Mareellne" N'ye, Thoa. P. North, Tom Mold, Oart V, Nltoa, w. J. Oliver, laaie O'Hiiru, r. W. O'Brien, Nell Oakley '■flllverV 1'stch, O. II. I'lutner, Lincoln Perry, R, If. Panlton A Duley Pterson, Walt. i'ntntui, Dlvlor.s Ptntssr, cito. Peters, Will A. IVrktnoffft Rove Itxkwell. J. O. I'ejnoiiin. Ilarrr Held, Johnny lloda»n,Oleii Itednar, P. I,. Iloukway, Bali-li ltaytaond, J. It llowland, J. II. Beets*, BkHi. Rayrmldt, Jut. Hoy. Walt Bagera, Wilson Bitter, Joo. II. lllurrlo, I. Ketot, P. ft A. Retell, I'.ol Kutan, Mr. KoMnsaa. M. L Boat, Julian Mauirs. Philip Kofelnsos, 0, R. Rota. Frank rttiendaB. Wen Kntton ft Hut tun Sharkey, Fml \V Sylvi-sler Hclinllk, F. J. Bweesvy, Rdrf. Utrcmel, If. B. Hnlllvst. T. B. Hlllllo Baymnnil Bweet, At Shelly ft Mark Haura. Ulflfnnl Ktndilnrt, Bf-l 4diwarta, Karl Hpurritr, drvul Hln,|Mi.m, Jltt Htone, Jno. Hllll.-ck, Ikiii. HuialU-y. KCw. Ktark, ton Htnndle. J.vfc Hchimnin, Rudl Rageraon, Y. I'. Hraltn, II. V. Bherbtn, Jsa. 0. rJagerton, F. P. Sherman. Jan. Toailws, Andrew TraviK-, Billy Tewkaufry, .'I, Trsey, ulrdi' Tarry ft Kltm-r Vonre, Will .1. VanDrhr, H. W Vtmictt. Andy Veronre, J. r.. VUlarmt, Pier. Vlnemt, A. IS. VWcol, Br. Wehalt-r ft Mill* Wright Hdw. Weir, Jas. II. Wigk, P. B. M'risht, D.K.Jr. Wilton ft Fletcher U'nril, Monte iviniiun, HerM., Billy W<»ley, ICxeell Walter*, Tom Wetton, Fml While, Jntue, Wllllanw Llentl. WHenaay, Horn. Wild. Hilly Want, Iliii>pr Ward, Don W. Wleket, K. M. Welch, llobp Welth, V. Ok, SSeno, W. n. Zollcr, M, Trio "Bes-lone's Harden of Uwlnyg Staines." Cotoxttx* MiriSEB, Bsrr. t*. Imperial Opera Company. Th. Iraperlar^perfcJo.^f nine singer, ffgSSgSgS-S "^ n'iFZ^er^^^ ^•-^gamV&T^'mTr^^ri- * toott Satt as'Snignced «. the SRS^Xff^S SM^4 ta tocon^tent* r v|o , rk b ly P the *£*-*. S»SI«Sffl^«»->-w *VffSS lie. I. evidrntt, Intended to to- Portv dliTctlag the' numbers from entstra pit. the Their offering!! were finely leadtred but Jhe "**«*•* were long and made tbe audience Impatient FreparaHoa was neglected. ■About thirty minutes, full stage, Pete. .•m't '.- - prop, honv, called ' by many miles of There Is a possll ^leTm V »ea > tmg*Thode!»!^augh! trottaee the t e„ ta a ^IbBWa^t vandevlTle yorrng women, who rftvo toto a tank at back ZmmTltiriSLStmm*? C ' 3 "* «?! «rved to m>yw Carlo Ca«tt. and ™& 7 t h run. .CtlDlrty^rMnutcs, four IBMUstora as dancers, and O-m, Sexton. scenes being tbown. Jack. soprano. Old Timer. will no doubt prove a paying proportion. Tbe act runs about fifteen minutes, on full stage. /set. ■ s I Jeaaae d'i:*t■•. Bkoctob'b n»TR A»a, ii.tTt.fas, Bbpt. 22. The program proved tho hardest handicap- per tbbs young womns bad to pulling over nor singing specially here Monday martnee. It states that she has a voire and a person- ality, but she has only a llltlo of tbo first and none of tbe latter. She tried harl at tbe mntlnco h.-ro to en. those, asd at the ronclution of her ni-rforra- ance plainly showed that vsiidevllle 1* no plaee tor her. The act consanes sboat twelve mlnulei. In one. Jark. tan i j. I ,ii d'h i JIki-ks Wakk will bead the FbiUclphle '•Wllhtn tho Xaw" Co. •Jl-.E IfOTICB AT ITRAD Of MfiT. CITROT'S WGKKLY Dl'LLKTIB. Tim following Kiiroii-uii novelly acts have hern ■I*! 4 , ally imparted (root Rurops bf RIebar-l l'ltrot, for tbo I'antatnV circuit: K. Rouaby's eicelrlciil uroducllOD, Hlleil "Urester Lrndimt" wlU open Nor. 24. Iorbeer Trrmpr, human luggllng act, Oct. 20. Four an Hot. Nov. IT. Three Jaktn. parch act, Dee. 8. Foar Charles, acrobatic traoaforsuticn set, Oct. 6. BpkMelt Bros, and Hack, Oct. BO. Keren Brelcrt, Jan. IV. Cbss. Hern aad eosi|ituy, mutlcsl set, Feb. 111. Boiler's Itcyal I.llliiutlnnt, Feb. p. Rto Bsttninn's dog theatre. Jan. M. Otertrer Troupe. Kirropetu acrobati* act, FVh li. fiolem Tmnpe, ten peo]de, Perslsn cotsbltntlcii act, March 18. Five Otnalm. aerial let. March 23, Ualagser Family, March Id. Mens. Torcat. with hi* rooster* Jan. 10. t)»» Mrs. Pbaiu, Anxfria tried to commit snl- ctdn in Cincinnati 0„ Sept. 20. iv • rt'l' t ted