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TELE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 27 CHICAGO NEWS be shown In tJe theatres In the central ills- the peculiar Carua type trlct next week. Sunday Pake "Romance BTCQ itructcd Aboard," a musical comedy In which be will bave the assistance of: Lawrence D'Orsoy, Flora Parker, Carter de Haven for her exclusive use, and will Illumine the Rose flttkl.ta "Maggie *■%*£" «Uj-trm ftg Wj jl O M g g »«»»» ™ 'tea. Buslness f|, e most c rolaJ receitfon,.and the engagement staged oO"^ ^^ chlca<0 „,, Monday, Sept 22. fTthroe attractions new to the public will piece with a number of songs which arc of Theatrical Lawyer EDWARD J. ADER Bailness and Doraeitic Tronblet. ADVICK FREE, 1628 Otis Bldg., Chicago ™—\ «t»,« t.i-» circuit recently at EJdmonton, Canada, and mgr.)— The Lady «" , , making a hit out that way. at a premium, and "5[ "^Jf "ho is now playing the /ones, -*¥« Coiifue'Trlo^ned^n 3.™Pantoge. tor7ed TnToJ.r.ck'face" tojTSfeS fSftt ■ —•= —■« ductlon. When he opened at the LaSalla Theatre In Chicago recently, It was as prin- cipal comedian in "A. Trip to Washington." Ltolclfand' ac'baefer"time*"wllTopen" oY the He began with that show asi a black face ' comedian. After the first week of the show, song was written for him and he became black face singing comedian. A little later dance was arranged for blm Just before ' i, which he mastered, al- ii not danced previously, be- C ary ind f Sept li to see tb! first produc coming a black face singing and dancing tlon of Bovlei Wool folk's "Petticoat Mln- comedian. Last week he was given a trom- ■ ~ show U being considered for a bone and told to take a place In the band Pbincesb (\Vm. Singer, mgr.)—Moving J'"",.?, 1 £%!\u, pictures, "Captain Scott's Expedition to the J'™*!- the Pantaaes circuit. on the stage two days later. He acquired South Pole." _. scuindlhb'8 Thbatbe opened Sept. 13, control of the Instrument and now plays Studebakeb fSam Lederer, mgr.)—Begin- ??5*J ?"{S first show Saturday and Sun- "A Hot Time in the Old Town" wltb the ine Monday. 22. "The Winning of Barbara £*""' 5 ,,„,„„ . ,, nir i>, huslneas. proper slide and swing which makes him black face, singing, dancing and musical Salle Opera House musical comedy, the business, , change from a prima donna to a subrette Gaoaon M. Coiian's Gband OnuBOM pen, Zoo Btirnctt, Bossy Grander was accomplished when (narry Ridings, mgr.) Stop Thler con- Kate Ellnore, Stephen Malcy, N'at Hclds. and Adcle Rowland took the place of Ada tlnuea to large audiences at every perform- many more. Also, a week from to-morrow Mcadc. Miss Rowland's following In Chicago once, nlg'.it, a cartoon 'musical comedy, called Is large. In the La Salle she was highly Illinois (W. J. Davis, "Mutt and Jed In ranuma," will be shown successful in 1000-10 In "The Flirting Prln- of the Slipper" scats are at the Olympic. A week from Monday night cess." Henry BloBsom and Ben. M. Jerome that is going some. Richard Bennett and "his co-workers" will have provided Miss Rowland with two new n. Saixb Opera Housb (Harry Askln, K"'" £",.„. .„ the near future. He does coi act Eugene Brieux' sociological drama, "Dam- songs, "I Want Someone to Love and "Just fngr.)—"A Trip to Washington." Adcle How- i," ,,„ B niiivln» and stands out owing to an a aged Goods," at the Blacltstone. a Kiss, and Then Good-bye." ] nn d Is making a hit with her song, "I Want Ii„ntrlc manner and of a combination of a I On Oct. 8 "A Broadway Honeymoon," a William A Brady, whose personality is Someone to Love." _ , 23Sl and raa time selections. a dance was arra muBical comedy, will be produced at Howard's woven through the texture of theatrical af- Olympic (George C. Warren, mgr.)— j B Vmatthews and Abnold Hibsch, of the final'curtain, Theatre, -with Joseph B. Howard, Knox Wll- fairs everywhere—not the least so in Chi- "Within the Law" Is playing to capacity. » h „ »,:„?.«« ofBce in Chicago, autoed to though he had m son, Emma Carus, Prances Kennedy, Mabel cage— has under way a project to parallel Powebs' (Harry Powers, mgr.)— 'Ine ■ McCane and others In the cast. On Oct. 6 here, his New York Princess Theatre plan. Governor's Lady." the Fine Arts Theatre will open Its season He has taken the Zlcgfeld Theatre, on Mlchl- with a revival of "The Yellow Jacket," with gan Avenue, and <wlll soon Install there a Walter Hampden, Schuyler Ladd and others brilliant company to produce and reveal ex- in the cast On Oct 19 Cbauncoy Olcott elusive one act plays. will bring to the Olympic "Sliamecn Dhu," Brady will tike possession of this play- nln g Monday, 22, "The Winning or warnara jr-" n 3 do i n , a capacity business, a new Irish comedy, by ltlda Johnson Young, house this week, and beginning Sept. 29, Worth." _^ . Mat and June reached Chicago last week a On Oct 20 Otis Skinner will moke his re- will show there .lis Captain Scott pictures. Columbia (E. H. Woods, mgr.)—The bur- ,i£* " r and B nalt in the East. comedian, appearance here In "Kismet," playing at the As soon thereafter as is In keeping with bis i c8 q Ue season in Chicago gives every promise m wivona Winteb opens at McVlckera Preparations for "In Allah's Garden" are Blackstoae. On Oct 26 "The Passing Biow plans, he will announce his Chicago company ^ be [ ng an eminently successful one. The ir h ,y."re* SeDt 20 for a tour of the Jones, going along swimmingly and Its production of 1012" will begin a three wcekB' engage- and his first plays. In New York ,'Holbrook Columbia has done much to educate Chi- ,,,",. ' d g c haefer houses playing week Sept. 29-Oct 1, Is looked forward to with ment at the Auditorium. It Is expected that BUnn and Willcttc Kershaw are his prlncl- cagoaafl to appreciate iteh class burlesque ig?*S at every house. ereat expectations. Gaby Deslys will make licr first Chicago ap- pal players. It Is quite unlikely that they entertainment The theatre, situated as It "the Cromwells now on the Frank Thlelen Tki Bartola Manufacturing Co., sprung pmennco nt the Auditorium on Nov. 18. She will be tranBferrcd here. But the plays In jg lQ tne Tery centre of the Chicago rialto, „-.,,.. are DroT hiE a great feature and are Into-exlstence recently, an organization which will stay six days. . , which they scored during the entire year at e( , u ipped with every modern device for the ^Sufe.- everywhere on that time. They has taken ovei,- the plants of the Oshkosh The current week brings the central dla- the little Princess, will be In the Chicago ^ mro Vt and entertainment of Its patrons, Suv the Avenue Theatre in Chicago, Sept, Metal Products Co. and the Bartola Sales trlct one new play, "The Winning of Bar- repertoire. Among these are: "Any Night claying the best class of attractions, natural- si A a Co. The former has been manufacturing bare Worth," with which the Studehaker "Fancy Free," a smart ono-acter, by Stanley JL ^,,P come ln tot a ge nerouB share of this "J' babtola orchestra was Installed at the Bartola Orchestras, recently placed on the opens its season. A short Viennese operetta Houghton, and "Fear,' a terrific little Bast J, atrona g a tils season. The Social Maids _ -Theatre ln Aurora, 111., last week. An- market There are fifty five people now em- is shown at the Palace Music Hall; "Plna- Indian horror. ^ iiL . .._ _ told the boards this week, and capacity bvisl- i t „er was Placed at the Orpheum Theatre, at ployed ln the factory, and thiB number is ex- fore," condensed for vaudeville, Is sung by It Is probable that the name of the Zleg- _ eBg ^ in undoubtedly rule Uroughout the Car . t0El o for Gus Sun and O. S. Murray, pected to Increase to one hundred ln a short youngsters at the Majestic, and new attrac- feld will be changed—perhaps to the Play- enMrgment bhu another was placed at the Orpheuta time. Walter F. Keefe and Claude Htim- tions are seen ln the burlesque, low-price house. It Is understood that Brady has re- » » Oarteb (Dick Rider, Mgr.).— Theatre, at La Fayette, Ind.. which Is maa- phrey, Chicago vaudeville men. have a half In. vaudeville and outlying theatres. llngulshcd control of the ^n" 8 , 8 . ?? a ett 0 tre j ^n, a million people live on the West side igrf by Dave Maurice. Within the next {erest ln the Bartola.Manufacturing Co. C. The Studehaker will open Its season to- on South Clark Street, to th^eShubcrts. and *?%.*"" An S t£ e fact that the majority f fw days others will be placed at the Alamo H. Hartley, president of the Wisconsin and night, 22, with the first big-clty perform. t.io rccuUr bookings of .that drcuit will be <£ ^J e ™ g ^ ork j^ j^ing, eiger to enjoy Theatre. In New Orleans; the Beacon Thea- Northern Railroad, isi president of the new ance of ''The Winning of Barbara Vorth," sent there, beglnnfnjt with Dprls Keane. ln « "emL*" 1 * i°J ^j^f'pricJ, thoroughly tVe. in Boston Mass. and the Foto Show company. Walter F. Keefe U vice president ' "■• the policy of the Star and end Elle Theatres, ln Norfolk, Va. R. B. Hartley, who has been general manager good shows, at a cost with- chablbs R Haoedorn brought a new act 0 f the Oahkoah, Metal Products Co., Is secre- the most humble laborer, to Chicago last week, after giving it a try tary, and C. 8. Humphrey is treasurer. The ' place, e t his own house, the National, In Detroit. lias been mounted on a very large scale, at the Auditorium. Those who thought that with several spectacular scenes. Edith Lyle "The Garden of Allah" was attractlii_ ■will act the title part Cl&tide M Ollllng- amazing^ totals may be Interested to learn ^j^fk"Vdequate'to'meet all requirements, wfison, where it made so :i that this amusement place, at his own house, the National, ln Detroit. ne w concern is already negotiating with two ffSLir,?™ beautifully equipped back of the stage and The act Is known as Walter Terry and hLs different men for the position of general I? ffiSS throoehout the auditorium, with a seating fijl Girls, and it opened in Chicago, at the sales manager. Messrs. Keefe and Humparey ,.: J *hf J? capacity adequate to meet all requirements, Wilson, where it made so good that Frank have been holding this position, but are too water will bo the grim banker, and Frazer tjat "The Whip" takings well exceed the re- Sr^arlablv does a big business. Burlesque o. Doyle gave it further dates, and J. C. busy with vaudeville work to devote the Coulter, Edwin Brandt. Roberto Deshon and turns of last season's Auditorium teuant. entertainment Is a magnet, it appeals to folks Matthews booked it for the Pantages circuit, proper time to it Richard Gordon will be among; the many During the second week of the engage- ™ h ™ r "'" t afford tax f ca bs and after theatre The act ha B three principals and six chorus * Wm, O'Clabe and Madeline McDonald others. t „ , , „ ... pent the receipts exceeded by 12.700 the JJSS^^" XStttU » lo J al clientele, girls. , have made wonderful improvements in their The Columbia offers the Social Maids' largest week's business which "The Garden of "*»»"»"». ■»« 1( f tl wondcr that the SUr ° J. C. Matthews win not come out and offering since last seen fn Chicago. A new Burlesque Company, with George Stone and Allah" enjoyed during Its highly prosperous a „| Q ar ter nnder its efficient msnager pro- state that he has the bookings of the TsV Betting of three drops makes the act elabor- Etta Plllard. Musical farce and specialties run. The receipts of the New \ork Hippo- *f d , n a"uriesque shows of high order, plays bott Hippodromes, in St. Louts and Kansaa ftte lD " a gcenlc way, presenting a beautiful make up the show. drome show, which during the previous sea- {""l-cRy most of the time. ■ City, bufthat is bellered to be the case. Stage picture. Mr. O'Clare has irritten The Folly has an extensive company In son gave twelve Mrtormances a week, were L " F ",% Yr. C. Schoenedae, mgr.)—Trucked The Krug Theatre, ln Omaha, and the Lyrla gome new songs which went over hi* at the ' i State Street. Just outside the in Kansas City, booked by Matthews, closed Thalia, Sept. 16-17. The closing number, "The Girls from Starland," an adaptation of surpassed by over $6,000 In spite of the three the Starland e musical comedy. "Hiss Nobody from KB»{V^!% l^H S? SrWS "Se B Dutfrfly on the Wheel" M acted vance saje currencyin Og Auditorium safe «&ff%*RaJBt % Girls of Starland. at one time since ,r The Whip" opened William Elliott, who has been here in Chi- ■ u;JS-'ii— IV p _, A \_mA world cago to see that "The Governor's Lady," in n ,*£™S5?% n l'i JLlh the oS'&vmarket wfflch he is Interested with David BeTasco, f' ■»*■ to ^.* b n X t te S c niavhc-us? hM got started right at Powers', has gone back {iL n % a £°- - ^ JV Wunmns S tb\ PMt! WaiarMi-rsn.ll has succeeded to William fjjj g£ Mr. BDlo^^unces^that ^^f^^tft'K : i.^^^.f J»!?.^-ff B J-SfJJ^ IsWfe! Km^t^ D loaii r %h C e n P J?.?".^™-. «* °» ***&» « lri " %*^&£\?!?% D %2X&n °!t %' ffij* ffi^OT here by Marie Doro, In being clayed at the Victoria this week by Eleanor Montcll. 'Leila Shaw and Albert Phillips, ln William Josscy's new play, "One Woman's Way," are at the Natonal. rchantlle centre suddenly Sept. IS, and the deal Is reported "Down Beside tie Garden Wall," used as a to Mg business, to have Included the taking over of the d uet shows off both voices to advantage, this week The boklngs by Talbott who Is thus rid of one an d well deserves the encores received. The opposition theatre ln Kansas City. Laurie 8Ct ij clean, bright and snappy. Ordway reached Chicago last week, after playing both of these cities. She says the bouses had fine shows, but that the business was not what it should be. A new craze has struck Chicago, and now they are going to treat the "movie theatres ust "" M H. Babne8 deserves a word of pralso for bringing such a meritorious act as Powers' elephants to the Middle West Mr. Barnes has been connected with the office of F. M Barnes 4 Co., less than two years, and In that time has acquired a splendid P. C. Schboideb has resigned his position of Hoy't'T "A Tei¥s _ "8"teer," wlHrun lndefl- l? an iY Br Vr^rs^ Dls^^o'be'nT'ln nfctura Ju»««e coaminy In a condensed version of tern and Uie required number or squsre feet a , mana , er ^ th e Nicholas Theatre. In Coun- *^*«aLSJK!!Aw«ir?W« Da-. ^^_!&%&£«!~_ taP *??_ SSSS&^S^-^^^-"^^ 1&-!L1KJK2~^ JLVU--&»SS2£ ell B.u^ la...after bring _aasoc.ated_with Palace Mtoic ttAi.t (Mort H Singer. h JI AI ; T " v UeAKI ''' who started on hlS'owa fgfijftgg ii^Sri!*; to tbatettka* "3• «* !?2 k A ,n il ,, V;fS. Cr n fr, U ^ e 1 B .' ™t?r n i 6 t^ i oimbar rf good acts are being presented K'^lr.'^S^S there, * o^ bin «i. «&.M well acted: Is the popular tonaut of the ^ ft"a three 'weekS' engag^nt at the mgrT-^Geo'rge DameTel and a company" of »«« m ine ag|ncy nusmess «t« "avug r n - nmbe of good acts are being presented W ^e°La r dV H oT;the supper, a pa— ±S&S^J^^SSP fe ^e^/a'ta|!^n^e fe ^ ^HSnV S SS P\^^f^Y^^ musical Show, with Montgomery and Stone Thft ch|ca - 0 cnfcagen , ell t win bo under the etta having to do with and Elsie Janls, prosneraiit^the " llno »' joint auspices of the American Society for tary aeronaut on terra J*°fJ2& VLSn <a ^%J a ^JSSi ?«. Hypfcne and the American Vigilance *-**£&** edr, "Magglo Pepper," at the Blackstone this week. Willlnra Hodge, plnylng at his best "The Road to Happiness/' Sicars much ap- plause at the Garrlck, where he will stny indefinitely. During this, her last Margaret Illlngton will nces, on Thursday and engagement ends next r Michel Mowscblne, Byron and Langdon, and the Castllllans Davett and DnvAirl with thVTp art «"r*s remams tnere lnaenniieij, L-uaiigm. .,. »»- ' .Holdo T ur k»K> routoiwaVnao |^. OT ID 7J , U 1 ' ^ Dick'sndXt^a'new next year, and have 8 all the deslrabl/.tJms ^"r^L^^iJ^JS^A^J^. Is looked upon as very good. bTcB*ued F 'r"s box ^ats were sold at *f.50 each; they are plan- aowar on Sat- l« i 'our hundred and ninety-two seats were ippear on sat- ^ a( $1 5Q each> MklnJ t788 . ^ hun- . the Kedzla tdred and sixty-nine seats were sold at si the Hambunf •JffST'sasd Ca?l Fleach, the Walter Terry and his FIJI Glrh are seen, Theatre gome 9p i enal d'attraction^T this sea- each, making $160; n lnct y-three seat* were The pictures of Capt. Scott's annrcllc ex- Hunaarlan vloUn virtuoso. atartlng Monday. For 25-27: "Pork Chop eon ** BO j a at seventy-flve cents eacj, n»kln« J. li.-—'- .» i ??__ mm. -a n -* ^. beacons 169.75, and seventysix seats were sold at Thoy have mado a profound Impression The pictures of Capt. Scott's anarcllc _ pedltlon will bo shown at the Princess the lllUHurtnii Yiuiiu V111.UVDV. ^..-.v-^o —;"-r—s Tho first concert under Mir. Neumann's Evans, minstrel eon. Mabib SCHArBB, aire, VCt. o, art: in iwi »"*«» «v «"* •-■-?-— nnn UUllSy lasmi, loe .\uiiuk -njaamu «.*-" 1 ". "*-„• ** "r?r _ —r,riiu.« ..« rr««, »...*. inw*«i uu»;nu.ii. una n uew auiumu'Jllo vmv*. ow^^"^ _ . .. ««i„„ Afl a Whitney Opera House, which hnB been taken wno ag8 iBted Mmi. Zcmbrich on her tour last Wilson AvsNum — Collins and Hart bur- wW ch he wants to have his friends enjoy. A vaudeville show opened at »e Wncess, over bv Joseph H. Howard with the object " a " ^ otnoP concerts ln October are: iesque atrong men, and Wallace and the Leap But none wl „ rloe wltn Tommy tlll hp ^ a ' B hi Nashville, Tenn., Sept 22, following • of making it a producing home of musical H Icn Stanley, a soprano of tho Chicago Tear Glria appear Thnrsday. B .„ h „„ v 8>ad more experience as a driver. Even series of tabloid. The show consists or. comedy. Emma Carus. the popular song- £"™ company^ assisted by Vera Barstow, WrLLABD.—ifcils house headb^ej Kubellk, Bdale shayne refused to take a chance with Johnny Riley, Wilton Slijtcrs^sabelle Miller bird who Is to hend the cast, Is working on "| 0 ,,n lgt( . and Hsrold O. Smith, sccompan- jlotoist. first half of thu week. Collins and i number of new songs, written by Howard f^/'ft a recital Sunday 'afternoon, Oct. 10, 'Hart. AUegro. Mary .Whltbeck and oftere at the Studehaker Thcntre, and Clarence are listed. Jimmy Britt heads the bul stort- ———————— Whltehlll, basso, song recital. Bunday after- lug Thursday. noon Oct. 20. at the Studebakcr Theatre. •—"~~~~ Chicago patrons of the grand opera this smson are evincing unusual Interest ln tho plans of Impresario Campanlnl to present grand opera In English, a fact that waB a WHEN IN CHICAGO FAT CHAT, 'i Eddie Shayne refused to take a chance with Johnny Riley, Wilton sisters.isaoeiie y"" 5 him the other day. Who can blame Eddie? and company, Allman .and Evans, ana me Tm Pullman Porter Maids are threatening Four Soils Bros. _ _ —.__ to go to law because the W. V. M. A. can- The Lyric, at Kansas City, snd the Krug, celled some of their time. at Omaha, Neb., gave up vaudeville JM*" "The Misboum Gibl" was In Northern a fortnight's attempt to establish Patronage. Ontario last week, and Merle H. Norton The Lyric at Kansas City now offers rour leports that It did a very big business. It reels of first run pictures and plans to oner caught territory that was new to the show— melodrama next season. TJe Lyric wn» something not easily discovered for that at- burlesque house last year but It can u<n M Brand opera in ungusn. a ibci iuui woo « __,„ ._ . v . v»»n> au. mraeuung noi easily aiscoverea ior mat at- ouriesque uouse moi jt« i~>' ~ _„.i«ii ■MiflTO inrilTO ■unUIUHiirilO \ subject of much complimentary remarks at Thb Le Grando Theatre oi^ the North Side tract ion. The other show was ln Southern turn to that sphere again or even to musical DHTIaIa Rlrn XANDNHNR rKt\ / the season reservations placed on sale, Frl- is doing a much bigger Business; since In- msaoml and Arkansas, getting a fair date comedy owing to the agreement made when nHIIOlO, nULHIO l,n, 'lfllIlin\lUWI C Sey lt>. Primarily the management has stalling a Bartola orchestra, according to lt cape Glrnrdcuu, Sept. 19. W. B. Patton, the Empire and Columbia burlesque wheels • J ^** - ■ - . ••. ., hbIam n.KI/.li uhnilM lln. AbO JSCODP. 1n "fin Tlin" 4d A*M~n On. n« A wnM,«.»» & AAnulM.taA Thn feature ROTH DOOSCU LOf Are Cordially invited to Hnka Headquarters at the Western Bureau -OF- The New York Clipper Id the Heart or the lit alio 505 AihlAnd Block, Cor. dirk & Randolph miiiWKaf CENTRAL 6M9 If not convenient to call, MAIL ROUTES AND NEWS ITEMS. HATE TOUR MAIL SENT IN OUIl OAltE. , TUB NEW Y0HK CLIPPER Is not con- ventional. It Is original, aggressive, Im partial, reliable, and above all, IT HAS A OKIITAIS ORIGINALITY* AND DISTINC- TIVENESS WII10H PLACES IT IN A OLASS BY ITSELF. • tj 'il.C I .1* ;S nt'l it,.- -(.".J.4 .tiCMlu.! ndoi)ted"'n scale "of"nrlccs which" should de- Abe Jacobs. termine the pbtiularl?y of opera In the ver- •Tit.Liii Zick, who has been a great card nacTlSr, the range being from $2.60 to $20 tor Jones Llnlck and Beht^ft^hM been for the en tiro season of ten. wucks. vuvylng booked on the Walter F. Keefe time. with location. Saturday .>venlngs have here- tofore been reserved for the populnr priced per- formances, and achieved such success ln the esteem of tho public that the opernB In F.ng- llsh will be given for the same prices In even better fashion, because the operasselcctod Invariably demand large ensemble. The mnn In "Lasy Bill," la doing fine everywhere, consolidated. Tho feature acts boofcea The managers praise the show very highly, the Lyric are to go to the H lpjp ou I c '™S "The Girl and the Stampede" 1b now In formerly the Garden Theatre, as the result Indlnnn after four weeks of fair business of an agreement made between Joe vemegan 1 ln Michigan. -• ■... manager of the Lyric, Frank L. Ta'Jyji' ■■ UK; — g-«.-T-t - i._ i s>^."»et, FB" 8 " 1 Raxmohd claims tiat he-Is doing owner of the Hippodrome, snd J. t. mji- >,, FSS^S F S^ s£-J? M P 0 ISt^ »1K with two companies playing "Little Miss thews, booking manager of the Pantwesdr- dle West time by James B. MeKowen. Susan" PU tt "it's toueh " said Manager Joe Donegan, Johpr E. BmAn a»d Couwht who »«»gj EDWABDS ,„ mana(rtn g .^ 0 Tt lrd ?. u w ( e w Vr| th? pioneers her* We built up jro at the Lafayette Theatre ln New Orleans D „ gj Q H Bul| « * thl d of th f to w and raised the rent" this week jfor the D. B;. O.. .come to the » 0NM AND j,,^, are putm? a tblrd com- all around. The competition, was jao_steeD, \an.v nlavln-' "Tho Vlrolnlnn '* rxHfh fniip h Tub Three Dreamers, placed at the Co- lonial last week by Fred Llnlck, made a hit. agement of the Chicago Grand Opera Com- Kedzte in Chicago Oct. 20,^and wlllpresent playing "The Virginian.'' with four houses playlngpopular prjsjys* pnny will present ten of the most popular a new act by WlUard Mack entitled Who * ^^.^ _, Sbllon opened his repertoire vllle, I'll admit that. Even so, we gav?, H operas available for rcpresentntlon ln Lng- is Bhe? „.... „, «„.» w^^s -p»-r«. .i,« musical comedy company, presenting 'The good n show as any of them, at 10 ana w llali. . R- .?•. Hbult, of Port Worth, Texas, who „ . - t „ Flddle .. „„ ,*& 11. «. HEALY, Ot FOrt tvortn, lexas, wno pry "J, »v,r PlddlV" ind 'The Oow and the Installed a small Bartola ln tho kealy £^ D HS* f |5}™ d e jficJ geot 17 "e St T ^2^. ,D r n r th n at lB C r^ S5_l2 ,M nS °' lB "* f-^-OT-Urfc ti. P at town. 4S. ■ST^&S"* Pictures and &%»%» "j&^X'g^Z*^ entertainers, the latter supplied by Fred gi^^lvidlnV nelt %£* betweln W& MinBLLi ScHBiaaB. opens for Glen Burt de a w n *J?!? < i^ Mm .. "The Three Graces of of three at Belolt Wis., this wee^Ita hU Northern M a*c^edyTopersted to Ned Ilvortf !C a„ M M«s.c Halt, (Ssmuel P. Ger-. %% and Lolu Dixok broke in EBL**l*%*»*? Tbla iV ' con mrr.) Is dark. Low Fields will open* a new act recently at the Amerlcus. lae > ."■• K . Sf*» _. ™ "tb ''All Aboard" for an Indefinite en- Louir ' Allardt Pn William Hodge haB signed an agreement with Gertrude Hits, his leading woman In "Tho Koad to Happiness." according to which slis Is to appear exclusively under his management for the next five years Pert of the contract Is the agreement of Mr. IIoiIrc to make Miss Hits a star at the head of her own company at the end a flue 28. wit gnconient AtiniroRiuM (B. Ulrleh, mgr.) — "The Whip," one of the most stupendous melo- dramatic productions ever presented, con- tinues to great business. Buackstons) (Harry J ,.*i* Powers, mgr.)— ... »...*«- 'lISDO'i" ' '..^.nl < .rijrV . . •a.-, -411 • ^oMtV now have a chance 3g»£ }&£*** «* SS ft>& B Pa1«ffuc^^ v^Thef'V?M' U A h .°bega 3 n U boo5lng ^H^Il.B^wonhis'^eputatlon In vaude- acquiring a large amount of epace ln to downtown VAUDEVILLE IN CHICAGO. Chicago, Sept 20. PALACE MCSIC HALL. Between Saharet's local connection with " ig brokers and pictures or real intimate pictures,.even seeing him thoughtfully gnaw v. u bh at bis evening meal—this week's bill at the Palace has succeeded ta i'j ' fun* av.41 ci ,t*toi-" •• i':r»* r -•a.- ti .nolli: ••l>*0 T -j'.» jn**.' i :,.i srl lb ■-, .. 1 \:\j ,' \