The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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22 THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. September 27 England s H3S bCnt US many good thln K . bat bait of all P»n, the soap of quality- and parity — there's 19ft wean of reputation behind — Pears' SOAP lSo. a Oakt for the Untcentet > - Producing Censor for tie Progress ire Circuit, Add, care Progressive Circuit, Times Bldg., H. . ■ CD, F-OR THE FRITZ * LAWLER STOCK Leading Man, Heavy Man, Comedian and Soubrettes with Specialties Other metal people write. Week Stand*. Salary mmt be low, si It li absolutely sure. State salary In flrat letter. Address JACK FRITZ, . r PORT UtWWmg. Urn T. "Nick Carter"—Traverso City, Mich., 24, 25, Mancelona 20, B. Jordan 27, Peloskey 20, Lud. liinion 80, Mt. Pleasant Oct 1, BeUling 2, Ed- more X. Ionia 4, Flint 6. O'Harn, Floko—Toronto. Can., 22-27, Petcrboro 29, Bellcrllle 30, Kingston Oct. 1, Brockvllle 2. Ottawa 3, 4. Olcolt. Ohaunccy—Omaha. Noli.. 25-27. Oslern. 1* Hoy ft Ctilckllts—Wellington, O., 22- 27. Ravenna 20-Oct. 4. ••Old Homemead, The"—Buffalo 22-27. "Our Village roatmaater" (Wnille Stephens, mgr.) —Wnubnu. Minn.. 24, Red Lake Falls 20, Park Fulls, N. Dak., 27, Thompson 20. Hey- nolda 30, Gllby Oct. 1, Conway 2, Kgclnnd 3, Btsbee 4. "Officer 008" — Loginsport, lnd., 24, Michigan Clly Oct. 8. "One Woman's Life" (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.) —Chicago 21-27, Orand Rapids, Mich., 28- Oct. 4. "Oh I 1 Say"—Albany, N. T., 27. "Oh I Oh I Delphlne" — Montana. Bkln., 22-27, liroailway, Bkln., 211-Oct. 4. "Officer 00O" (Frank Holland, mgr.)—Phlla., 22- 27. Baltimore 29-Oct. 4. Fatton. W. B. (Frank II. Hmlth. mgr.)—Mt. Pleaaant, III., 24, Washington 2B. Moscatlnc, la., 27, Cedar Rapids 28, Anamosa 20. Maquo- keta 30, Dyersrllle Oct. 1, Manchester 2, Inde- pendence 8, Waterloo 4. Plcierts, Four, Oo. (Willis Plckert, mgr.)— Perry, N. Y.. 22-27, Seneca Falls 29-Oct, 4. padilen, Barah—United I'lay Co.'a—Youngstown, O, 24, Akron 15, 20, Warren 27, Buffalo, N. Y.. 29-Oct. 4. Farrisb, Lucille (Will Golclfarb, mgr.) — New Iberia, La., 24, Lake Ckurlca 25, Beaomont, Tex., 28, Galveston 27, Houston 28, 29, Bay City 80, Victoria Oct. 1, San Antonio 2, 3, San Marcos 4. "Poor Little Rich Olrl"—O. O. H.. New York, 29-Oct. 4. "Price She Paid, The"—Dublnsky Broa.'—Mul- berry, Kan., 28, Eureka Oct. 2, Mndlsou 3, Humboldt 4. "Parple Road"—Hoiton, Indefinite. "Prince of To-Nlght,' The"—Manchester, la., 24, Oelweln 25, Hampton 20. Mason City 27. Car- roll 29, Ida OroTO 80. Barley Oct. 1, Alia 2, Storm Lake 8, Webster Olty 4. "Printer of Udell's, That" (Haskell ft MacVltty, Inc., nigra.)—New OrleanB, La., 21-27, At- lanta, On., 28-Oct. 4. "Pink Lady, The"—Jlamtlton, Can., 24, Wood- stock 20. "reg o' My Heart," Co. A (Oliver Morosco, mgT.) —Montreal, Onn., 22-27, Ottawa 29-Oct. 1, Kingston 2. Belleville 3, Peterboro 4. "Fog o- My Heart," Co. B (Oliver Morosco, mgr.) —OH Olty, Pa„ 24, Franklin 25, Erie 20, 27, Dunkirk 20. Niagara Falls 30, Geneva Oct. 1, Oswego 2. Oortlnnd 3, Blnghamton 4. Toman * Perlmutter"—Al. H. Woods'—Cohan's, N. Y. O., Indefinite. "Passing Show of 1012"—Indianapolis 25-27. Ring, Blanche—Pittsburg, 22-27. Rotison, May—Montreal, Onn.. 22-27. "Ready Money"—Charlotte, N. 0„ 24, Columbia, B. 0., 25* "Round-tip. The"—Newark, N. J.. 20-0ct. 4. "Robin Hood" Opera—Charlotte, N. 0., 20, Ob- lumhla, 8. 0., 27 "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"—heftier ft Brat- toil's^-Worcester, Maaa., 22-24, Manchester. N. H.. 25-27, Bkln., N. Y„ 20-Oct. 4. "Ready Money"—Los Angeles. Cat, '22-27.' "Romance of (he Underwoild. A'' (Rowland ft Clifford, nigra.)—Providence, R. I., 22-27, Jer- sey Olty, N. J„ 20-Oct. 4. "Rosary, The" (Rowland ft Clifford, • mgrs.)— Rochester. N. Y., 22-27, Syracuse Oct. 2-4. "Romance"—Detroit 22-27. "Red Rose, The"—Albany. N. Y . 24. "Romance of Billy Goatlitil" — Louisville 22-24, Cincinnati 20-Oct. 4. Sothcrn ft Marlowe—Manhattan Opera House. N. Y. 0., 22-Nor. 11. Bklnner, Otto—Washington 20-Oct. 4. Stab.!, fioso—Chicago 22-27. Milwaukee 20-Oct. 4. Sidney, Geo.—Cincinnati 28-Oct. 4. "Stop Thief"—Cohan's—Chicago, IndeOnlte. "Sunshine Olrl, The"—Ilollls St., Boston, 22, IndeBnlte. "Suobonnet Sue" (Ray Bnnlcson, mgr.)—Harris- burg. III., 24, Ilenton 20, Coullervllle 27, St. Genevieve 28, Flat River 20, St. Marys 30, Cape Girardeau Oct. 1, 2, Poplar llluff 3, Illmo 4. "Shepherd of the Hills, The'.'—Gnsklll & Mnc- Vltty's, Inc.—Dayton, O., 22-27, Toledo 20- Oct. 4. "Shepherd of the mils. The"—Prairie dn Chlen, Wis.. 24, Charles City, la., 25, New Hampton 20, Osnge 27, Albert Lea, Minn., 28, Mason Olty, In., 30, Greene 80. •'Snow White"—,Rochester 20-Oct. 4. "Shepherd of the Hills, The"—Pontlac, Midi., 24. Flint 25, Ft. Huron 20, Saginaw 27, 28, Cadillac 20, Charlevoix SO. "Shepherd of the Hills, The"—Bollofontalne, 0„ 24, Greenville 25, Xenlu 20, Chllllcolhe 27, 28, Nelsonvllle 20, Jackson 30. "Shepherd of the Kills, The"—Anacortea. Wash.. 24. Nanlmo, II. C, 25, Westtnlnsler 20, Itoll- Inghain, Wash., 27, Everett 28, Montcsano 20, Aberdeen 30. •'Smouldering Flame, The"—F. Ray Oomstock's— Forty-eighth Street. N. Y. O., IndeBnlte. "Sis Perkins." Southern (O. J. Smith, mgr.) — Searcy, Ark.. 24, Helier Springs 25, Leslie 20, Harrison 27, Eureka Springs 20, Cnssvllle, Mo., 80. "Spendthrift, The"—Primrose ft McOltlan's— Waterloo, In., 27, Marsballtowu 28, Cedar Rapids Oct. 0. "Seven Keys to Baldpate"—Cohan & Uurrls'— Astor, N. Y. 0„ 22, IndeBnlte. BASE BALL Polo Grounds AMERICAN LEAGUE Willi WASHINGTON, Sept. SJ5, 80, »7. With BOSTON, Sept. 80, 30, Oct. I. NATIONAL LEAGUE With BROOKLYN, Sept. 84. WAXTKD-Goocl Medicine Performers. Sketch toam who oau do nluglo und doubles,ono to play plnuo. Al coraoillati who can put on nols and miiko thorn go. Oilier usoful performers. Wrllo W. J. MANSFIELD Clifton, 111. <'TRICKS"-"TRICKS •» We manufacture them for atago and homo entertain- ments. Large, nowllluBtralcd catalogue, contAlnlng tricks, putrlcs. novelties, eanntlonal escapes and Il- lusions, lust off tbo press- free. OAKS MAGICAL CO., DepU 7, Oahkoah, Wis. FOR THE MANHAHAN DRAMATIC CO. LEASING KAN, LEADING WOMAM CHARACTER MAN TO DIRECT State lowest B»Ury. Join on wire. Othor moral people write. MANL.BY & TYLER, 818 Union St., Room 018, Providence, A. I. "Silver King, The"—Bridgeport, Conn., 24, Tren- ton, N. J., 25-27, Paterson 29-Oct. 4. "Bunny South, The" (J. C. Rockwell, mgr.)— Bradford. Vt.. 24. Lisbon, N. H.. 25. Littleton 20, Whlteneld 27, Lancaster 20, Berlin 30, Oroveton Oct. 1, Island Fond, Vt., 2, Colebrook, N. H., 3, Went Stewortstown 4. - "Spring Maid"—Springfield, Mass., 30, New Ha- ven, Conn;, Oct. 1, 2. "S|>cndihrlft, The" (Wee ft Lambert, nigra.)— Penn Yan. N. Y., 24, Corning 25, Dansvllle 20, Waverly 27. "Spendthrift, The"—Kllmt ft Oaziolo's—Grand Rapids, Mich.. 21-27, Detroit, Mich.. 28-Oct. 4. "Seven Hours In New York" (Wee ft Lambert, mgrs.)—Bnrre, Vt., 20, Burlington 27, Platts- burg, N. Y., 29. "Sins of the Father. The"—Cincinnati 22-27. "Stop Thief"—Glens Falls, N. Y„ 24. "Shadowed"—Jas. Forbes'—Fulton, N. Y. C-, 24, IndeBnlte. "Sweethearts and Wives"—Carbondale, Pa., 24. Thuraton, nowanl (Jack Jam*., mgr.)—Prospect, N. Y. C., 22-27. Provlilence 29-Oct. 4. Taylor, Lnurettc—Cort, N. Y. C, Indefinite. Thaw. Evelyn Nesblt, ft Co.—West End, N. Y. C, 29-Oct. 4. Thayer, Edith (Jack Shoemaker, mgr.)—Great Harrington, Mass., 24, PIttsfleld 25, Middle- town, Conn., 20, Wllllmantlc 27, Fall River, Mass., 29, Newport. II. I., 80, New Bedford, MaBs, Oct. 1, Lowell 8, Lawrence 4. Trentlnl, Emma—Albany, N. Y., 26, 26, Troy 27, Montreal, Can., 29-Oct. 4. "Thelma" (Henry W. Link, mgr.)—Morrlaon, III., 24, Sterling 25. Mollne 27. Davenport, la., 28, Bavanna, 111., 20, Belvldere Oct. 3, Dubuque, la., 6. "Thief, The"—Primrose ft McOlllsn'a—Merrill, Wis., 24, Iroawnu 1 28, Ashland, Wis., 28, Still- water, Minn., 29, Wadena Oct. 4. "Thief, The"—Primrose & McGlllan's—Atlantic, la.. 27, Nec-li 28. Lake Olty Oct. 8. "Trip to Washington" (Harry Askln, mgr.)—Chi- cago, Indefinite. "Town Fool, The" (Harrv Green, mgr)—Wy- eomla. Mo., 24, Lancaster 25, Novlnccr 28, Milan 27, Jamesnort 20. Altnmount 30, Brecken- rldge Oct. 1, Darlington 4. "Tlk-Tok Man of Oa, The" (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—St Louis 21-27, Kansas City, Mo., 28- Oct. 4. "Trail of tbo Lonesome Pine"—Denver, Col., 22-27. "Temperamental Journey, A"—Belasco. N. Y. 0., 22-27, Republic, N. Y. C, 20, indefinite. "Truxton King"—United Play Co.'s—Atlantic. Is.. 24, Onawa 20. Sioux Olty 27, 28. Ver- mllllan, S. Oak., 29, Canton Oct 1, Mitchell 2-4. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Dickey ft Terry, mgrs.)— SmUhland, la., 24, Onawa 23, Whiting 20, Merrill 27, Ireton 29, Orange City 30, Pauliina Oct. 1, Sutherland 2, Peterson 3, Laurens 4. "Uncle Tom's Oabla"—Kibble ft Martin's—Al- toona, Pa., 22-24, Du Bols 25, Johnstown 20, Greensbnrg 27, Scottdale 20, tlnlontown 30, Moneesen Oct. I. Fairmont, W. Va., 2, Clarks- burg 8, Parkersbnrg 4. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Eller's—Ruthven, la.. 27, Ayahlre 20, Mallard 30, Callender Oct. 1, Grand Junction 8. "Virginian, The" —■ Frankfort, lnd., Oct. 2, Lo- gansport 0. Williams, Eetha (Arthur O. Alston, mgr.)—Birm- ingham, Ala., 22-27, Nashville, Tenn., 20- Oct. 4. Warner, H. B„ Bronx O. H., N. Y. O., 20- Oct. 4. Wilson, Al. H.—LoullTllle 25-27. Ward, Fannie—Oarrlck, N. Y. 0., IndeBnlte. Whiteside, Walker (Walter Floyd, mgr.)—Pltts- bnrgh 29-Oct. 4. "Within the Law"—Bltloge, N. Y.O., Indefinite. Werfleld, David—Belasco, N. Y. 0., 30, Indefinite. "Within the Law" (Margaret Ullngtonj—Olympic, Chicago, IndeBnlte. . "When Dreams Come True"—Jiartholomae's— Forty-fourth Street, N. Y. O., Indefinite. "Whip, The"—Chicago, . Indefinite. "What Happened to Mary"—G. O. H., New York, 22-27, Washington 20-Oct. 4. "Where the Trail Dlyldes" (Primrose ft McGIUan, mgrs.)—Hannibal, Mo., 27. Springfield, 111., 28, Macon, Mo., 30, Moberly Oct. o\ Brook- field 4. "Wolf, The"—Don7er. Col., 22-27. "Wizard of Wlseland" (S. A. Mitchell, mgr.)— Mt. Clemens Mich., 24, Pt. Huron 25. Saginaw 20, Bny Olty 27, Ohcsnnlng 20. Merrill 80, St. I/nils Oct. 1, Mt. Pleasant 2. Ovid 3, Fowler 4. "Winning of Barbara Worth"—Chicago, Indefi- nite. " 'Way Down East"—Cincinnati 22-27. "Whip, Too"—West End. N. Y. 0., 22-27. "White Slave, The" — Indlanapolla 22-27, Dei Moines, Is., Oct. 5. 0. "Within the Law"—Buffalo 22-27. "Wolf, The"—Aurora, III.. 24, Joiict 25-27, Rock Island 28-Oct. I. "Yellow Jacket, The"—Phlla., Indefinite. STOCK AND MUSICAL COMEDIES. Permanent and Traveling. Academy of Music Stock—Wm. Fox's—Academy, New York, Indefinite. Aubrey Stock, Permanent (D. Otto HIttncr, mgr.) —Huntington, W. Va., Indefinite. ArurcU's Comedians—Wnutoma, Wis.. 22-27. Auditorium Stock—Lynn, Mass., indefinite. Alcniar Stock—San Fran., Cal., Indefinite. Albco Stock—Providence. R. 1.. Indefinite. Academy 8tock—Jersey City, N. J., indefinite. Aubrey Stock. No. 1 (D. Otto HIttner, mgr.)— Oenfralla, III., 22-27, Hartford Olty, lnd.. 29- Oct. 4. American Stock—Phils., indefinite. Bishop Players (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland, Cal., IndeBnlte. Burns' Stock (Paul Barns, mgr.)—National, Phlla- dolphin, indefinite. Buliler, Richard, Stock (A. G. Delamater, mgr.) — Columbus, 0.. Indefinite. Beasey, Jack, Stock—Talorville, 111., 22-27. Itrownell-Stork Stock—Newark, N. J.. 22-27. Barrett Players—Zanesvllle, 0., IndeBnlte. Baldwin-Melville Stock—Buffalo, IndeBnlte. Bryant, Marguerite, Stock (Chas. Kramer, mgr.) —McKeesport, Pa., Indefinite. Balnbrldgc Musical Stock—Minneapolis, Minn., Indefinite. Baylies-Hicks Stock—Fall River, Mass., Indefi- nite. Bryant, Billy, Stock (Baia Bryant, mgr.)— Maiden, W. Vn„ 22-27. Bonstelle, Jessie, Co.—Detroit, indefinite. Iloyd Stock—Omaha, Neb., Indefinite Broadway Players—Bartlesvllle, Okla., 22-27. Orescent Players—B. F. Keith's—Broklyu, N. Y., indefinite. Colonial flock (Holden & Edwards, mgrs.)—In- dlanaitolls. lnd.. Indefinite. Ohniincey-Kellfcr Oo.—Annapolis, Md., 22-27, Pliainlxville. Pa., 20-Oct. 4. Oolonlnl Stock—Cleveland, O., Indefinite. Craig Stock—Boston, indefinite. Cornell-Price Players—Huntington, lnd.. 22-27. Allegan, Mich., 29-Oct. 4. Oolton. Jcsalo; Oo.—Walnut, 111., 22-27, Orion 20- Oct. 1. Omncss Players—Wilmington, Del., indefinite. Clifford Stock—Newark. N. J., 22-27. Oalsmlth Stock—Reading. Pa., indefinite. Davis Stock (Harry Davis, mgr.) — Pittsburgh, Pa., Indefinite. Drntns Playera (K. Weston, mgr.)—Lowell, Mass.. Indefinite. Dixie Belles—Marlon, S. 0., 22-27, HarUrllle 20- Oct. 4. De Groote Stock (Ed. Do Groote, mgr.)—Char- lotte, N. 0.. indefinite. Deliuar Stock—St. I-ools. Indefinite. Dougherty Stock—Dalhart, Tex.. 22-27. Dowell Stock—San Diego, Cal., Indefinite. Earle Stock II.. A. Rarle. Dtar.)—Chicago Junc- tion, O., 22-27, Sandusky 29-Oct. 4. Dnitou. C. M.. Oo.—Cambridge, Minn., 27, Glen- coe 20. Rvanslon Stock (Harry L. MUtura, mgr.)—Hvana- ton, III., Indefinite. . Flalg Stock (Ang. H. Flatg, mgr.) — Escanaba, Mich., Indefinite. GreeDpolnt Players—B.F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y„ Indefinite. Gallup Stock (Al. J. ■ Sansome, bus. mgr.)— Slater, Mo., 22-27. Gotham Stock—B. F. Keith's—Brooklyn, N. Y., indefinite. Glliney. Sarah, Stock—Berlin, Can., Indefinite. Gnyety Theatre Stock (Cbas. Franklyo, mgr.)— Hobokeo, N. J., Indefinite- Grand Opera House Stock (Louis Barr, mgr.)— Bkln., N. Y.. Indefinite. Gorman, J. W., C>.—Portland, Me.. Indefinite. Gorman, J. W., Co.—Haverhill; Maaa., Indefinite. Gorman, J. W., Co.—Worcester, Mass., indefinite. Gorman, J. W.. Oo.—Medford, Mass., Indefinite. Gorman, J. W.. Oo,—Auburndalc. Mass., Indefi- nite. Gorman, 1. w., Co.—Salem, Mass., Indefinite. Gorman, J. w., Co.—Brockton, Mass., Indefinite. Gorman, J. W., Co.—Dover, N. H., Indefinite. Gorman, J. W., Co.—Lynn, Maaa.. Indefinite. Gorman, J. W., Oo.—Lewlston, Me., Indefinite. Grnyce, Helen, Co. (S. Appell, mgr.)—Newburg, N. Y„ 22-27, Mlddletoivn 20-Oct. 4. Glover, Kitty, Dig Stock—Belleville, Tex., 22-27. Fredericksburg 29-Oct. 1. Huntington, Wright, Players—SL Paul, lndefll- nlte. nigley-Harrlngton Stock—Mobile. Ala., Indefinite. Hayes, Lucy M., ft Players—Audubon, la., 22-27, Guthrie Center 29-Oct. 4. Blllman's Ideal Stock (Harry Sohus, mgr.)— Ord, Neb., 22-27, Woboo 29-Oct. 4. Horse Stock—Akron, O.. 22-27. Homan Stock—Taunton, Mass., Indefinite. Harlem O. H.. Stock—B. F. Keith's, Hsrlem, N. Y. 0., Indefinite. Hurney Stock—Mnscatlce, la., Indefinite. Uimmeleln's Associate Players—Jackson, Mich., 22-27, Springfield, O.. 29-Oct. 4. Hale, Jess, Stock—De Pore, WU., 22-24, Chilton 25-27, Baraboo 28-Oct. 2. Hawk, Earl, Stock—Columbus, Miss. 22-27. Jefferson Theatre Stock (Julias Cain. mgr.T—■ Portland, Me., Indefinite. Keyes Sisters Stock (0. A. Keyes, mgr.)—Clarks- burg. W. Va., indefinite. Keith Stock—Portlsnd. Me., Indefinite. Kllmt ft. Gaxxolo Stock—Baltimore, Md., Indefi- nite. Koracs' Stock (Edw. A. Rovaes, mgr.) — Pertb Amboy, N. J„ Indefinite. King Dramatic (Chas. P. King, mgr.) — Living- ston, Tex., Indefinite. Keith Stock—Toledo, O., Indefinite. Ifngacre Stock (Wee ft Lambert, mgrs.)—Brad- ford. Pa., 22-27. Du Bols 29-Oct. 4. La Porte. May—Attica, O.. 22-27. Lllley Stock—OhlHleothe, O., indeflttlte. Long, Frank K.. Stock—Richland Center, Wis., 21-27. Crteco. la.. 29-Oct. 4. Lynn, Jack, Stock—Carthage N. Y., 22-27, Dolge- vllle 29-Oct. 4. Laroy Stock—Fostorla, O., 22-27, Spencer, W. Va„ 29-Oct 4. Lawrence, Alda, Oo.—Drumwrlght, Okla., 22-27, Prr«ne 28-Oct. 4. ■ Lang, Eva, Stock-^-Omaha, Neb., indefinite. Lewis-Oliver Players—lAIblon, Mich., 22-27. Mnltbew-Elllott Co.—Llms, O., Indefinite. Murat Stock—Indianapolis. Indefinite. Mountain Theatre Stock—Hamilton, Can., IndeO- nlte. Modern Drama Playera (0. G. Martha, mgr.)— Savannah, Ga., Indefinite. Morosco Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal., indefinite. Majestic Stock—Topeka, Kan., Indefinite. Metropolitan Stock—Cleveland, O., Indefinite. Morrison, IJndsey. Stock—Lynn, Mass., Indefinite. Mattlee Stock—Kingston, N. Y.. indefinite. Magrane Stock—Wichita. Kan., Indefinite. Mott, Addison, Stock (Leslie E. Smith, mgr.)— Delhi, N. Y.. 22-27. MaUey ft Dennlson Stock—FaU River, Mass., In- definite. Mallory Sisters' Stock—Evansvllle, lnd., indefi- nite. ftfer'k. Sq. Players—Lowell, Mass., Indefinite. Manhattan Comedians—Gettysburg, Pa., 22-27, - Martlnaburg, W. Va.. 29-Oct, 4. Manhattan Players—Gettysburg, Pa., 22-27, Mar- tlnsburg, W. Va., 29-Oct. 4. Murphy's Comedians^—Sbreveport, La., lndeflnlte. Maher, Phil. Stock—Hornet!, N. Y., 22-27. Marks Bros.' Co. (R. W. Marks, mgr.)—Ogdeni- burg, N. Y., 22-27. Martin, Theresa L., Co.—Oskalooaa, In., 21-27, Waterloo 29-Oct. 4. ilayer Stock—Haverhill, Mass., Indefinite. Xational Stock—Philadelphia, Indefinite. North Bros.' Stock—Topeka, Kan., Indefinite. Obrecht Stock (Christy Obrecbt, mgr.) — La Crosse, Wis., Indefinite. Orpheum Players (Frank Williams, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, lndeflnlte. Opera House Stock (Reed ft Zabrlskle, mgrs.)— Paterson,, N. J., Indefinite. Orpheum Payers—Cincinnati, lndeflnlte. Olympic Park Opera—Newark, N. J., Indefinite. Oasnian, Billy, Mua. Com. Co.—Fairmont, W. Vs.. 22-27. Orphetan Players—Reading. Pa., 22-27. Oliver Players—Rockford. 111., 22-27. Poll Stock (Gordon Wrlghter, mgr.)—Springfield, Mass., Indefinite. Prlngle, Delia, ft Stock (C. K. Van Aaken, mgr.)—Empire, Butte, Mont.. Indefinite. Perry, Augusta, Stock—Danlelson, Conn., 22-27, Rockvilla 20-Oct. 4. Poll Players (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton, D. a, Indefinite. Poll Stock—Waterbury, Conn., indefinite. Poll Stock—New Haven, Conn., Indefinite. Penn Players—Hart's. Phlla., indefinite. Permanent Playera—Edmonton, Can., Indefinite. Plnsky, Louis, Stock—Viola, Wis., 29-Oct 4. Praabaw Stock—Albemarle, N. C 22-27. Read, Roma—Ottawa, Can., Indefinite. Bnak-Bisbce Stock—Jefferson, Auburn, N. Y., In- deOnlte. Rae, J. 0., Co.—Ord. Neb., 23-28. 8talnach Players—Blnghnniton. N. Y.. Indefinite. Suburban Park Stock—St. Louis, Indefinite. Stewart Stock—London, Can.. Indefinite. 8hubert Dramatic Stock—.Milwaukee Indefinite. Spooner, Cecil, Stock—Bronx, New York, lndefl- nlte. StorkBrownell Stock—Newark, N. J., Indefinite. Shannon Stock—Eaton, O., 22-27, Georgetown 29- Oct 4. Shorey. Ethal May, Co.—Plymouth, Mass., 22-27. Spooner Stock—El Reno. Okla., Indefinite. St. Clair, Winifred, Stock—oleadrlUe, Pa., 22-27, Cnrboinlnlo 29-Oct. 4. Scott Players—San Diego, Cal., 7, 8. Tempest Dramatic (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Will- lamatown. Pa., 22-27, Lykens 29-Oct. 4. Tlvoll Stock—San Francisco, Oal., Indefinite. Torhett ft White Stock—llrownwood. Tex., lndefl- nlte. Thompson ft Woods Stock—St. John, N. B., Can., indefinite. Van Dyke ft Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)—Des Moines, In.. 22-27 ' Winning*.- Players (John D. Wlnnlnger, mgT.)— Waukesha, Wis.. 22-28. Kenosha 20-Oct 4. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., Indefinite. Wood-Ray Slock—Cblckasha, Okla., 22-27. Washington Stock—Detroit, Indefinite. WndBworth Players—Washington Heights, New York, Indefinite. Whitney Stock—Owosso, Mich., 22-27, Charlotte 20-Oct 4. Young-Adams Stock (H. Wllmot Young, mgr.)— Hnllfax. N. 8.. Can., lndeflnlte. Youngstown Plnyers—Youngstown, O., Indefinite. COMPANIES IN TABLOID PLAYS. ncffman-l^lalre-Rlchardson—.Reading, Pa., 24, Washington, D. 0., 25-27. Amlck's Pennant Winners—Raleigh, N. 0., 22-27. Hyatt A Lcnorc's Show—Richmond, Va., 31-27. VAl DEVILI.E SHOWS. Hoffmann-Polatre-RlchardsoQ—Waahlngton, D. 0., THE "SURE FIRE" HIT FOR ANY ACT GREAT DOUBLE VERSiOX QUARTETTE ARR4NGEMENT ORCHESTRATIONi'lN ALL KEYS I'M GOING BACK TO CAROLINA 'fit, Hate LEO FRiEOMAN'S .Hew Hjrm'oai Bal^-Srfil : :- ! MUSIC COMPANV HAROLD ROSSITER W$m cbTcaoo TOM MAYQ GEAr>Y MEW YORK propv mgr. Marcellne ft Co.—Waablngaoo. D. 0.. 22-27. ES Lillian. & Co.—Albany, N. Y., 29. Todd. Wro.—NashvUle, N. O., 22-27. Tangnay, Eva—Minneapolis 22-27, Logansport, lad., Oct. 3. BCRLESQITE SHOWS. ProBresslve Wlieel. Blanche Ealrd'i Big Show (Dron 4 IjBliW —Lyceum. St Joseph, 21-27, Engicwood, Chi- cago, 20-Oct 4. . Crusoe Girls (Sam. Robinson, mgr.)—Howard, Boston. 22-27, G. 0. H., Boston. 20-Oct. 4. Dandy Girls (Chas. F. Cromwell, mgr.)—Penn circuit 22-27, Empire, Cleveland, 20-Oct 4. Dolly Dimple Girls (Sutton 4 Irfvltt, mgrs.)— Cadillac, Detroit 22-27, Star, Toronto, 29- Oct 4 Eva Mull's Big Beauty Show (Lewis Talbot, mgr.) —Trocadero, Phlla., 22-27, Star, Scranton, 29- Fay Foster Co. (Jos. OtipenkeiBier, mgr.)—JOsy- ety, St Louis, 22-27, Willis Wood, Kansas City. 29-Oct. 4. .... Follies of Pleasure (Stair 4 Berneteln. mp.)— Empire, PIttsfleld, 22-24, Empire, Holyoke, 25- 27, Howard, Boston, 29-Oct 4. Girls of the Follies (Harry M. Strouse, mgT.)— Willis Wood, Kansas City, 22-27, lay off 29- Oct *4. Girls from Joyland (Sim Williams, mgr.)—Olym- pic, New York, 23-27. Trocadero, Phlla., 29- Hlgh Llie OUU (Frank CaMer, ngr.)—M»J« u f. IndlanapollB 22-27. Oayety, St. Louis, 29-Oct. 4. Honey Olrls (Hughle Bernard, mgr.)—Goth am, New York, 22-27, Olympic, New York, 29- Oct 4 Jack Beld's Progressive GlrU (L. M. Crawford, mgr.)—Haymarket, Chicago, 22-27, Cadillac Detroit 29-Oct 4. „ „. _ , Monte Carlo Olrla (Tom D. Sullivan, mgr.)— Englewood, Chicago, 22-27, Haymarket, Chicago, 20-Oct 4. _ Mischief Makers (Jean Bedlnl. mgr.)—SUr, To- ronto. 22-27. Garden. Buffalo, 29-Oct 4. Mirth Makers (Hatch 4 Beauty, mgrs.)— Garden. Buffalo, 22-27, Bender, Utica, 29-Oct 1, Van Corler, Schenectady, 2-4. Hay Howard's Girls of All Nations (May Ho**™. mgr.)—Bender, Utlca, 22-24, Van Curler 25- 2?! Empire, Pittsfield, 29-Oct. 1, Empire. Hot- voke 2*4. Rector' Girls (Morris Warastock. mgr.)—Star, Scranton. 22-27, Penn circuit 29-Oct. 4. Stars of Burlesque (W. J. Rentier, mgr.)—Em- pire, Cleveland, 22-27, Olympic, Cincinnati, 28- Oct 4 ' Sunfclne Girls (Wash. Martin, anr) t Boston, 22-27. Gotham, New York. 29-Oct 4. Tanfc. Girls (Chis. E. Taylor, mgr.)—-Olympic, Cincinnati, 22-27, Majestic, Indianapo'.ls, 29- Oct 4. Colombia Wheel. . American Beauties (Dave Gtiran, mgr.)—-Grand. St Paul. 22-27, Gayety. Milwaukee, 29-Oct. 4. Beaaty Parade (Ed. Schaefer. mgr.)—People i, New York. 22-27. lay off 29-Oct 4. Beauty, Youth and Folly (Wm. V. Jennings, rn-gr.) —Oayety, Montreal. 22-27. Albany 29-Oct. 1. Franklin Square. Worcester. 2-4. Bowery Burlesque™ (Geo. Harris, mgr.)—Gay- ety, Baltimore, 22-27, Gayety, Washington, 29- Cct. 4. " " Beh-ann Show (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Gayety, De- troit 22-27. Oayety,' Toronto, 20-Oct, 4. Belles of Beauty Row (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.) — Scar and Garter, Chicago, 22-27, Gayety, St. Louts, 20-Oct. 4 Ben Welch Burlesquers (Jake Llebermann, mgr.) —Columbia, Indianapolis, 22-27, SUr and Gar- ter. Chicago, 29-Oct 4. Big Jubilee (Jas. Weedon, mgr.)—Casino, Bkln., 22-27, Gayety, Baltlno.-e, 29-Oct 4. Billy Watson's Big Show (Dau Guggenheim, mgr.) —Gllmore, Springfield, 22-24, Empire, Albany. 25-27, Bronx, New York, 29-Oct 4. Bon Ton Olrls (Frank McAlcer, mgr.)—Gayety, Omaha, 21-27, Gayety, Minneapolis, 29-Oct. 4. Broadway Olrls (Louis Oberworth. mgr.)—Stand- ard. Cincinnati, 23-27, Buckingham, Lonhvllle, 20-Oct. 4 _ College Glrla (Harry Hedges, mgr.)—Lay off 22- 27, Empire. Hoboken, 29-Oct. 4. Colombia Burlewiuers (I. O. McFarlan, mgr.)— Columbia, Phlla., 22-27, Gayety, Baltimore. 29- Oct 4. Crackerjacks (Chas. B. Arrold, mgr.)—Casino, Boston, 22-27, Gllmore, Springfield, 20-Oct 1, Empire, Albany. 2-4. Dreamlands (Dick Patton, mgr.) — Bronx, New lork, 22-27, Casino, Bkln., 20-Oct 4. Follies of the Day (Jack McNamara. mgr.)— Kmplro Hoboken, 22-27, Empire, Phlla., 29- Oct. 4. Oayety Glrs (Bob Simons, mgr.)—Star, Cleve- land. 22-27, Empire, Toledo. 29-Oct 4. Gay New Yorkexa (Jake Ooldenberg, mrr.)— Lafuyotte, Buffalo, 22-27, Corinthian, Rochester, 20-Oct. 4. Girls of the Gay White Way (Dave Gordon, mgr.) —Gayety, Minneapolis, 22-27, Gayety, St. Paul, 29-Oct. 4. Girls from Happyiand (E. W. Chipman, mgr.)— Orpheum, Paterson, 22-27, Empire, Newark, 29- Oct 4. Olrls from Stageland (Chns. Donohue, mgr.)— Folly, Chicago, 22-27, Gayety, Detroit 29- Oct. 4. Golden Crook (Jas. Fulton, mgr.)—Murray H1U, New York, 22-27, Park, Bridgeport, Oct. 2-4. Ginger Girls (E. Rosenthal, mgr.)—Gayety. 8t. I,oula, 22-27, Gayety, Kansas City, 29-Oct. 4. Hnppy Widows (Wm, Fennesay, mgr.) — Park, Urldgoport, 25-27, Westminster, Providence, 29- Oct 4. Hostlng's Big Show (Jack Levy, mgr.)—Gayety, Kansas City, 22-27, lay off.29-Oct. 4. Honeymoon Girls (Harry Leonl, mgr.)—-Oayety, Washington, 22-27, Gayety. Pittsburg, 29-Oct. 4. Liberty Girls (Alex. Gorman, mgr.) — Empire, Albany, 22-24, Worcester 25-27, Casino, Bos- ton, 29-Oct. 4. Lofc-maters (Ira Miller, mgr.)—-Gayety, Omaha, 22-27, Gayety, Minneapolis, 29-Oct. 4. Marlon's Own (Bob. Travers, mcr.)—Empire, Hkln., 22-27, People's, New York, 29-Oct. 4. Miner's Big Frolic (Ed. Daley, mgr.)—Gayety, Toronto. 22-27, Gayety, Buffalo, 29-Oct. 4. ilollle Williams' Stow (Phil Isaacs, mgr.)—-Star, Bkln., 22-27, Empire, Bkln., 29-Oct 4. Queens of Paris (Joe Howard, mgr.)—Bucking- horn, Louisville, 22-27, Oolutubia, Indianapolis, 20-Oct. 4. Reeves' Big Beauty (Al. Reeves, mgr.)—Gaiety. Boston. 22-27, Columbia. New York, 29-Oct. 4. Rohie's Big Show (Joe Roblc, mgr.)—Oorlntblin, Rochester, 22-27, Bastablc, Syracuse, 29-Oct. 1, I.umberg. Utlca, 2-4. Rowland Girls (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Casino, Phlla., 22-27, Murray Hill, New York. 20- Oct. 4. Rose Sydcll's London Belles (Harry Thompson, tugr.)—Gnyety, Pittsburg, 22-27, Star, Cleve- land, 20-Oct. 4. Rose? Posey Girls (Louis Livingstone, mgr.)— Columbia, New York, 22-27, SUr, Bkln., 29- Oct. 4. Star and Garter (Harry Rose, mgr.)—Gayety, Milwaukee, 22-27, Felly, Chicago. 20-Oct. 4. Social MaldS (Bob Cohen, mgr.)—Columbia, Chi- ciigo, 22-27, Standard, Cincinnati. £9-0ct 4. Tail Girls (Louis Hurtlg, mgr.)—Empire, Toledo, 22-27. Ooumbia, Chicago, 29-Oct. 4. Trocadoros (Frank Pierce, mgr.)—Baatable, Syra- cuse. 22-24, Lumbers, Utlca, 25-27, Gayety, Montreal. 29-Oct 4. Vanity Fair (Wm. S. dark, mgr.)—WoatmluBteT, Providence. 22-27, Gaiety, Boston, 29-Oct. 4. Watson Sisters' Show (Geo. Belrrage. mgr.)— Empire, Newark, 22-27, Empire, Phlla., 29- Oct. 4, MINSTRELS. De Rae Bros.'—Weedaport N. Y.. 24, Newark 25 Palmyra 20, 27. Albion 29, Medina ,10, Holly Oct 1, Akron 2, Attica 3, Castile 4. "Down In Dixie"—Plalnvlew, Minn.. 22-27. Demlng's—Parks, III, 24, Aurora 28. Evans,' Geo. (Daniel Shea, mgr.)—Beaver Falls, Pa., 24, Warren, 0., 25, Canton 20, Akroa 27. Cincinnati 28-Oct 4. Field's, Al. G.—Augusta, Ga, 24. AtlanU 25-27, Nashville, Tenn., 29, 30, Memphis Oct I. 2, Birmingham, Ala., 3, 4. O'Brien's—Sbreveport La., 29, 30. Primrose A Dockstader's (Earl Burgess, mcr.) Cleveland 22-27. R«nlr Bros.'—Sherbnrn, Minn.. 22-24, Fairmont 25-27. Vogel's. John W.—Carrollton, 0., 24, Alliance 25, Millcrsbnrg 28, Wooster 27. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Ball-nan's Band—Forest Park, Chicago, Indefinite. Chevalier, N. B., Emanuel Band—Blverview Park Chicago, Indefinite. Cavallo's Band—Forest Park. St Louis, Indefi- nite. Cates' Band—Jobnsonhurg, Pa., 21, Clearfield 25. Creatore's Band—Omaha, Neb., lndeflnlte. Eppel's Orchestra—Lake Okohajl, Lynn, Mass., Indefinite. Ferrullo'a Bind—Delmar Garden, St Louis, in- definite. Gearen's Orchestra—Forest Park, Chicago, Indefi- nite. Lily's Concert Band — Washington Park. Phlla., Indefinite. LombL nil's Band—Milwaukee, Indefinite Marlre Band—Providence. R. I., indefinite. Ohlmeyer's Band—San Diego, Cal., indefinite. Phllllppl'a Band—Omaha. Neb., indefinite. Stannoa'a Band—Woodside Park, Phlla.. Indefi- nite. Soma's Band—Indianapolis, lnd., 24, Huntington and Ft. Wayne 25, Goshen and Elkhart 26, Kalamatoo, Mich., 27. Detroit 28. Pt. Htron and Mt. Clemens 29, Pontlac and Flint 30. Bay .City and Saginaw Oct 1, Owosso and Lansing 2, Adrian and Ann Arbor S, Toledo, O., 4. Vesseia's Band—Steel Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., Indefinite. Zlto's Brass Band—Palisades Park. N. J., lndefl- nlte. Cinct'SES. Barnaul ft Bailey—HunUvIlle, Ala., 24, Chat- tanooga, Tenn., 25, Knoxvllle 26. Ashevllle, N. 0., 27, Winatoo-Salem 29, Danville, Va.. SO, Durham, N. C. Oct 1, Goldsboro 2, Rocky Mount 3, Newburn 4. Barnes', AL G.—Orand Junction, Col., 24, Mon- trose 25, Green River, U., 20, Price 27, Provo 29, Salt Lake City 30, Ualad City 2, Pocatello, Ida., 8, Twin River Falls A. Downie 4 Wheeler—Lewlston, N. C, 24, Boy- kins, Va„ 25, Jackson, N. 0„ 20, Warren ton 27. Esehmann's, J. H.—Corydo-n, Ky.. 24, TJalontown 25, Clay 26, Blackford 27. Fredouia 29. Oll- bertvllle 30, Brookport, HL, Oct. 1, WIngo, Ky., 2. Arlington 3, Rivers, Tenn., 4. Gentry Bros.'—Stuttgart, Ark., 24, Benton 25. Prescott 27, Hope 29. Gollmar Eros.'—Albion, Neb., 24, Fulletton 25, Norfolk 26. Hardlngton 27, Pender 29. Hagenbeck-Wallace—Beaumont, Tex., 24. Pt. Ar- thur 25, Orange 28, Lake Charles. La.. 27, Crowley 29, Opelousas, La., 30, 'New Iberia Oct. 1, Morgan Olty 2, New OTleana 4. Honest Bill's Shows—Ector, Tex., 24, Randolph 23, Trenton 26, Leonard 27. Irwin Bros' Wild West—-Omaha, Neb., 28-Oct. 4. Lowery Bros.'—BIrdsboro, Pa.. 22-24, Eoyersford 25-27, Boyertown 29-Oct 1. 101 Ranch Wild West—Ft. Scott, Kan., 24, Par- eons 25, Jonlln 28, Independence, Kan., 27. R'.ngllng Bros.*—Waco, Tex., 24, Taylor 25, Aus- tin 26, San Antonio 27, Galveston 29, Houston 80, Beaumont Oct 1, Lake Charles, La., 2, Alexandria 3. Shreveport 4. Sells-Fioto—Huntington, W. Va., 24, Portsmouth, O., 25. ChllUcothe 26, Wsa'jlngton Court House 27, Louisville 29. Starrett's Circus—Carlisle, Pa., 22-27, Winston- Salem, S. 0-. 29-Oct 4 Thompson's Mammouth Tent Shows (Frank N. Thompson, mgr.)—Baker. HI., 21-27, tent sea- son ends. Thompson's Wild West—?few Freedom, Pa., 24, Manchester 25, Westminster 26, Union Bridge 27. Young Buffalo Wild West—Col. Cummins'—Brad- ford, Va., 24, Graham 25. Norton- 26. Stanford, Ky., 27, Lebanon. 29, Elixabethtown SO. FILM SHOWS. Oapt. Scott Pictures—Chicago 22, lndeflnlte. Edison's Talking Pictures—Waverly, N. Y„ 24. 25. Penn Yan 26, 27, Ithaca 28, 29, Cortland 30-Oct 1, Fulton 2, 3. Howe's. Lyman. Travel Festival—Rockford, 111., 20-28. Michigan City, Hid., Oct. 1. "Quo VadlsJ"—Klelne-Clnea Co.—Chicago, Indefi- nite. "Quo Vadls?"—Klelne-Otoea Co.—Qarrkk. Phlla- delphln. Indefinite. "Quo Vadls!"—Klelne-Clnes Co.—Academy of Music, Baltimore. Indefinite. Ralney, Paul J.—Zanesvllle, O., 25-27. Thompson's Moving? Pictures—Serena, HL, Oct- HE CARNIVALS. Adams' Greater Exposition—Wllkesbora,' N. 0„ 22-27. CILftoo-Kelly Shows—Slkeston, Mo.. 22-27. De Kreko Bros.' Shows—Dnrango, Col., 22-27. Great Empire Shows—Conneant O., 22-27. Howard Amuse. 0».—Lawrence. Ga., 22-27, Hef- flln, Ala., 29-O.t. 4 Hopkins Greater Shows—Lexington, Va.. 22-27. Jones. Johnny J. dr.—Memphis, Tenn., 22-27. Jackson 29-Oct 4. Jones Bros.' Shows No. 2 —Cheraw, 8. C, 24. Kline, Herbert A.—£prlngfled. HL, Oct 6-11. Kennedy, Cos T., Shows—Toronto. Can. LIU'S Greater Shows—Lawrence, Kan., 22-27. Metropolitan Shows—Huntsvllle, Ala., 22-27, De- catur 29-Oct 4. Mccy's Olympic Show* — Hartsell, Ala., 24-27. Cullman Oct 1-4. Mode In Quincy Show—Qnlncy, 111., 22-28. Queen 4 Orescent SUowb —Dresden, Tenn., 24-27, Murray. Ky., Oct. 1-4. Rice ft Dare's Wnter Carnival. No. 1 (W. H. Rice, mgr.)—Tekoa. Wash., 22-27. Rice ft Dora's Water Carnival, No. 2 (Harry Dore, mgr.)—Moscow, Ida., 22-27, Lewlston 20-Oct t Smith, John K\, Shows—Durham, N. 0.. 24-27. Smith Greater Shows—Ashland, Ky., 22-27. St. Louis Amuse. Co.—Brownsville, Pa., 22-27. United Exposition Shows—Bluffton, lnd., 22-27. Wortham ft Allen'n Shows—Peoria. III., 22-27. Whitney Shows—Evansvllle, lnd., 22-27, Paducah, Ky., 29-Oct 4. MISCELLANEOUS. Duncan, Great 4 Oo.—Touring India. Ciorgia 'Troubadours—Wro. McCabe's—Scottarille, Kan., 24, Oawker Olty 26, 27, Osborne 29, Al- ton 30-Oct 1, Stockton 2, 8, Portia 4. Murdock Bros.' Dog ft Pony Show—-Altoni, H. Y., 22-27. Cpels. The—Evans, W. Va., 24, Obttagevllle 25, Duncan 26, Rave n s woo d 27. Rleton Show—New Carlisle, O., 22-27. emlth, Mysterious—Fergus Falls. Minn.. 21. De- troit 25. Lake Park 26. Hawley 27, Ada 29. Warren 30. „, Walden. Dana—Clinton, N. 0.. 24, Klnaton *«. Jacksonville 29, Whltevillo Oct, 1, Marin, S. C, 3, Latta 4.