The New York Clipper (September 1913)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 27 HERE AND THERE IN BURLESQUE THE PRODUCER WHO CAN STA8E ANYTHING FRON A TABLOID TO A GRAND OPERA Burlesque news. (Continued from another page.) DAN » • » V PRODUCER AND STAGE DIRECTOR Row looted at Boom 40B, Columbia Theatre Bldg., 47th 8t. and Broadway, N. Y. FRED F. DE SUVA FIRST SEASON IN BURLESQUE IN THE EAST WITH SIM WILLIAMS' "PARISIAN BEAUTIES" I have had 10 years experience In Burlesque. Musical Comedy and Tabloid In Ban Francliro, Cal. Have on hand Foil Haasaseripts, Book*, etc., tor entire shows, and guarantee satisfaction. Now doing huilnrn ADDRESS PEH ROITE. fjr next uraion. "BACK Off THB JOB" WHIG l-l PBIffCIPAL COMEDIAN "DAffOY GIHLS." EN ROUTE BURLESQUE'S H08T BEAUTIFUL ISOESIE MARGIE DEMOREST SECOND SEASON WITH THE "BANDY GIRLS." ALETA HALL PRIMA DONNA, WITH THE "DANDY OinLS." BILLY MORTON HARRY GARLAND JACK WITZMAN Bearing the Frulti of BacceH with THE DANDY GIR.L9. MARJORIE MACK WINNIE D. CRAWFORD Prima Donna Character Comedian WITH THE BIG JUBILEE. Featuring Joe Daly's latest ballad, "Stick to Your Mother, Mary', JESXC0L7 JONES CHARACTER COMEDIAN WITH THE BIO JUBILEE Vot's the Madder You Craz-ee ARTHUR MAYER WITH STABS OP BVRLB8HUB. JUNE MILLS THE CYCLONIC COMEDIENNE With the Columbia Burlesquers Author, Actor and Composer FIFTH SEASON WITH GOLDEN CROOKS Direction JACOBS * JBBMON. GET MET JOE P. MACK COMEDIAN With MONTE CARLO OIRLS THB GERMAN BAILOR SAILING JACK IVaSi-L-EK PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN WITH T1IK PARISIAN 1IKAUTIK8. GLOOM DESTROYERS Bob-THE BARKERS-Zalda rrlnclnal IrlBli Comedian »ml Olio Feature. WITH THK PARISIAN BKAUriKB. HOTEL MONCEY (Formerly Stein's) Modern, Strictly Fireproof AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN Bj IM j or Week. Single Room and Bath or En Suite. Special Rates for Profession. 107-109 'WEST l»«tb STREET. One door Kast of Seventh Ave.. NEW YORK. Pbooee—oooo, oooi, Momlngnlde. Eddie Swarta THE JEW MELBA OF BURLESQUE EN ROUTE RJ08ELANI) OIRLS. LOVE MAKERS. "THE KISSING MAID." The out: Iky Unnkr Bam Bow* Miglnls Fml Nolan Dick Swlte Harry Preacott Romeo Sjiacbettl Count De Vassy Baron BloUstelo Fro) Rttn Turkish Spy Bntltr Macdevllle CQitom Bouse Inspector Ed. Smith Tic Khedive Earl Woods Grand Vliler. N<d Sllven Shah of Persia Oorge Blbbard Mile. Boolevard Florence Bennett Senorlt* Carmen Sten Anderson Flrty Getnch Selma Vincent Jennie Friendly Vera Desmond The chorus: Violet I'felffer, Marjorle Adams, Edyth Parker. Anna Taylor, Ida Earl, Jackie Mower, Lucille Arnolde, Helen Oray. Florence Leslie. G.-noe White, Olalrc Brunay, Hie Carlln, Gladys Williams. Marie Leslie, Marjorle Dolly, Cleo La Vlere, Mildred Doyle, Lillian Both, Alice Daniels, Edna Boss, Llni Giles. Kay Stanton, Hilda Giles. Mabel Huebes. Staff: Sam Howe, proprietor; Ira A. Miller. manager; Frank E. Freeman, business manager; Barry Anoer, musical director; George Hibbard, •tags manager; Joseph Fisher, carpenter; Will- iam Senilis, electrician; Otto Kremm, properties; Mile. De Veronica, wardrobe mistress. ■ NOTES FROM CRUSOE OIRLS CO. Chas. Robinson bas been sufferlnj for some time with throat trouble, so thai he baa barely been able to cootlnoo with h» role in the Crusoe Girls. Specialise hare succeeded In restoring bla voire. but Charlie, who Is neter known to be Incapaci- tated through Illness, says it was a close call. May New Ward (Mrs. Oaas. Robinson) cannot resist the lore of footlights, and will join the Crusoe Girls Co., at New York, before the show lecrca for its Western trip. May sayi Rockawaj- may be all right In Summer, but not In Winter. May Bernhardt and Mabel Lee are now dolus a sister act In the olio. Botb possess good voices and attractlie peraotullllcs, and know bow to pot sll of their songs over to several encores. The let it Ida Emerson and Harry Hills, enti- tled "The Suffragette Letter Carrier and the Parcel Post Mib," la a decided novelty, and well Uked by burlesque aodlenoes. These clever performers never fall to lend class and refinement to any bill. This is their third season "lth the Crusoe Girls. Lew Spooler la now in his fourth season as mu- sical director with Cntsoe Girls. Lew takes great Interest in his work, and has followed burlesque for man; seasons. The Four Dancing Harmonists are new to bur- lesque. They are exceptionally good dancers as well are harmonists, and their olio act with the Crusoe Girls meets with much success. Earn Robinson, mnoater of the Orusoe Girls, bas a record worthy of mention, having been a burlesque manager tor more than twenty-five years. There are few la the business who do not enjoy Barn's acquaintance. Dolly Edwards has disposed of ber theatrical botel at Providence, and Is again to be seen with the Crusoe Girls. Eunice Podl, for many seasons an attractive show girl with the Crusoe Girls, la not trooping this season, bat Is conducting a rooming bouse for the profession on Forty-sixth Street, near Eroadway. e NOTES PROM MISCHIEF MAKERS. Jean Bedlnl's MIscblef Makers opened to two packed houses, at the Oadlllac, Detroit, and the good business kept op all last week, notwithstand- ing the fact that the State Fair hurt business at some of the theatres. Mr. Bedlnl bas put together a show which is certainly a credit to Use new Progressive wheel. No better working or better looking chorus la to be found on either wheel, and to say the cos- rumkE Is beautiful would he putting It mildly. The show Is replete nth clean comedy, handled effectively by Jean Bedlnl. Senator Francis Mur- phy, Tommy Carter and Jlmmle Cooper. Tits feature act with the MIscblef Makers, "My Lady's Fan," la being frequently commented upon as the most expensive and classiest act In bur- esqoe, and the andleocea are receiving the act with great favor. Lottie Lee. Marie Everett, Edith Warwick. Oorlnne Bennett do lbs posing, nnd they do it to perfection. The roller skating number at the Bnsle of tho Mischief Makers Is admirably led by Helen Lor- raine. Miss Lorraine Is a finished srtlst on the rollers, and her fancy dancing holds the attention of the audience all the time she Is on. Charlie Dobson is piloting the show, and la one of the old-timers. A valuable man Is Charlie, with always the interests of the show In mind. A hard working sjhI clever aoabrette Is Saille Fields, with the Mischief Makers With her own Inimitable rendition of "Melody Man" and "Toil Made Me Love Yen," she frequently stops the show. Senator Francis VTurphy gets many laughs out of Ms monologue, "Political Topics of the Day," an set somewhat similar to the one formerly done by Ibe late Cliff Gordon ■ FOLLIES OF PLEASUR E CLEANS PP. The Follies of Pleasure continues to clean up over the Progressive circuit. The show opened Anf. 25, at the Cadillac, Detroit and played to camelry bi'dnees the following week, at the Star, Toronto, Can. Fair week was a record, and a "sell-out" was recorded at every performance. Week of Sept. 13, at the Garden, Buffalo, tho Bernstein show hung up the 8. R. O. sign nighty. Tbe report on the stow is that It Is one of the hett burlesques ever pat over tbe boards. a i BLVOH COOPER TO RETIRE. Blnch Cooper, the well known comedian, who tins made theatregoers laugh for over twenty-six years, will retire from the stage at the dose of tbe coming season. Bluch's holdings In the Co- lumbia Amusement Oompany compel htm to remain in New York and look after his Interests. At the present time. Beauty, Youth and Fully and the Rosetand Girls are making a tremendous hit, awl next season he will add another show to his string, namely, the Globe Trotters. THB WORLD'S ORBATX8T TENT MAKERS UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNIN6 CO W.ED P. NEUMANN, Jr., Pre*. WALTER F. DRIVER, Vlce-Prei. A Treas. EDW. R. LrTZINOFR «•■• »»-»4-»0 and JM North Desplalnes Street, CHICAGO, ILL., V. S. A ' y SIDE SHOW AND I ^f'^^^dXdriX&»'' CARNIVAL BANNERS I mm ^S^SaSSff SS^ send Fon.oua; catalogs and; second handlists WANTE FOR TOUR OF" SOUTH AMERICA, FOR all aronnd WILD WEST PEOPLE—BCCKIXG HORSE RIDERS, ROPERS RTFi/i- ERS, MEXICANS, COWBOY BAND, BILLPOSTERS. Those that can understand Srmni'' eference. First sailing Nov. 1, Lamport Holt Line. 8. S. VA8ARIA: second sail Good all THROWERS, ?tven preference, ng Nov. 15, 8. 8. VOLTAIRE. Especially want to hear from: Bee Hoy Gray, Ada, Summerville, Clemente, Otto Kline Samn.v Garrett, Lulu Parr, Eagle Eye, Ncolla, Heckle, Rose Wentworth's Buffalo, Ray Thompson also'l'ndla Fares paid both ways. Splendid accommodations. Contracts made for three nionn'"' six months, or a year. ADDRESS EDWARD ARLINGTON, National Prilling Company, Tribune Building, Chicago, III. ENTIRE SHOWS, HORSES "BOUGHT WE WILL PAY SPOT CA8H FOR THE HOR8E8 OF ANY 8HOW FBOM \ CARLOAD TO ALL OF THEM, OR WILL BUT A SHOW IN ITS BNTIBETY FISS, DOERR & CARROLL HORSE COMPANY Largest Dealers In Horses In the World 155 EAST 34th. STREET NEW YORK CITY CHIEF TEPHON DARING RUSSIAN ROUGH RIDER and WHIRLWIND DANCER AU season with 101 Ranch show as a featare. WHEEL BIRDS WILLIAM BARTEL8 CO., 43-44 Cortlandt St., N. T. GOT ME VET , The Fellow 1 in Dresses Still with that different wire act THE NETTIE CARROL TRIO Quiet Jack Oliver Moore Mr^jm^HOR&CABTVUaALE aaicaaatnMviwaaj PiPliiPliV[>M,^fi|i|[|B One machine earned f 16,880 la 28 wka.. 1904 One machine earned 17,943 In 29 wis., 1905 One machine earned 116,082 In 25 wka., 1908 One machine earned i 16,017 In 27 wka., 1907 One machine tamed 112,862 In 27 wka., 1909 On machine earned 16,842 In 25 wka., 1909 One machine earned : 18,521 In 28 was., 1910 One machine earned $20,188 In 62 wka., 1911 'Above flanrca will be verified to easterners." O. W. PARKER, Leavenworth, Kaa. HAGENBECK-WALLACE FEATURES ARDELL BROS. ORIGINAL DANCING ATHLETES. OPEN NOV. 80 . FREEHAND BROS. HIGH-PERCH ARTISTS. BIO BUCCEaS -Open Nov. a for Engagements. SIX CORNALLA'S CATAPULT ACROBATS. ■ EMMA CORNALLA, Mgr. EENEST ANDERSON SOME CLOWN 3d Season with the Baraana Show JOSEPH LEWIS CHARACTER COMEDIAN One of the features with 101 Ranch W_ E. BAIRD JUST-AVOLOWN RISGLLifl BROS*. CIRCUS, 1913 TENTS Tucker Duck and Rubber Co., Ft, Smith, Ark. Hake good tents. Save yon money. Write for our new catalog. (Continued from another page.) ^ARLINGTON ARRANGES WITH CHANDLER. WILL FURNISH WILD WEST SHOW. i: ' -lesa-t SlnflrlrtsnT, . /kKII*l With the OIRLS FROM HAPPYUND ZELLA RUSSELL "Queen off the Ivories' 9 EATUBED WITH AL. RBEVES. PEA 1 There's Only One •■Grogan" BILLY SPENCER Working for "STARS OF BIRLESQL'fi" I HI NOVELTY BURLESQUE TALENT LADY POSERS, DANCERS and ARTISTS) For our four Miniature Burlesque limine* In Chicago. NO TRAVELING Can offer 6 to 16 weeks' steady era ploymenl to competent people. EXPERIENCED CHORUS OIRLS Klfly-two weeks' work a year, FICHTEN Sixth Consecutive Year, Don't write for railroad fares, but aond photos and full particulars to FICHTHNBBBG-BBLIG CO., American Theatre Bids;., Never Closed. OH* Sa. State St., CHICAGO. STAFF OF OAYBTY, KANSAS CITY. Burt McPhnll. resident aanaier; Wm. Miller, press agent and treasurer: David Chambers, as- ftbtant treasurer; F. w. Watson, musical direc- tor ; Park Sherlock, advertising manager ;* Red- round I/Pnry atap? manager; Joe Metealf. electri- cian; I.lndlcy I. Apple, program advertising. Tin Rector Girls Co. has been Incorporated under tho laws of the State of New York, fee tvenlv-nvc hundred dollars. The directors and incorporators an: Morris WalnBiock. president; Lydla Joapy, treasurer, and-St. BtrassmaD, secre- tary. The office of the corporation Is at RS3 Broadway, New York City. Frank E, Fttsoattif, holiness manager of Sam norrc's Love Makers, Is on tbe hustle, and reports business at the lop notch. Everyone In company kanpy. Julius Mionrx. billing- Bosey Posey materia', for next week Columbia Theatre stand, and some billing. Rosa Martin does a little tough bit with Sim Williams' Show that Is a classic. Dan OoueifAN continues to be a big drawing Attraction with the Follies of Pleasure (Pmgm- stve), and the show is packing them In nltrtittv. Ai.thiir ItANKix. well known In burlesque cir- cles, has entered the taxi-cab business, and his twe cars can bo found at the door of the Olympic, New York, when Idle. Brirn. Rat joins tbe Mollle Williams' Show at ttio Star, Brooklyn, Sept. 20. Dan Dort opened offices Id tbe Columbia The- atre Building, aid will produce anything from Errand opera dowa to a tad. Ro. Dalit, late manoger for Miser's Big Frolic. la in town for a few days, prior to starting a trip over the wheel as manager of another show, i Pis BuaNBTT says the Clipper Hotel In Buffalo la like Tnn Oxt> Rbi.iabls— regular. Pat Wnrrn's ballad, entitled 'I Wish That I Were Back With Yen Again," which Is being song with big success by Uarjorle Muck, with Iho nic Jubilee, is a real ballad. , Union Ooopni snmit n week In Now York, it- tending to sonic Important buslncni. Joe Mnd- Ocn took Blurb's place with the Beauty, Youth nnd Polly Show for tho week. Mr. Cooper re- joined In Montreal, Sept. 22, Emm. Rat >c!ns the Holly Williams' Show at the Star, Brooklyn,- Sept 31. An agreement has been siirned by Soy Chandler, tbe South American Manager, with Edward Arlington, for the sending to South America of "a complete Wild West Show" with all equipments, bine seats, reserved Keats, grand stand chairs and boxes, to seat 8,500; a canopy to cover all seats, sldewall, scenery, flags, fancy front marque, dressing tent, properties, wagons, draft horses for wagons, band wagon, steam calliope and lithographs. Mr. Arlington also Is to furnish ten In- dians, eight cowboys, six cowgirls, twenty horses ond four bucking horses, a ten piece cowboy band, two Mexicans two Cossacks, all props, gunpowder used In the perform- - nnce, horse feed, steers used In show, and I a arms. . The program Is to Include Mecr lassniug. horse lassoing, broncho busting, stage conch attack, wagon train, fancy ropo spinning, sharpsbooting, auto polo and other »Uu West acts. Transportation will be furnished by Mr. Chandler. The engagement Is for s!x mantbs, con> menelng at Japanese Park, Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. Dee. 1. 1013. wlti the option for six months lontrer. The company will sail Nov. 1, on the I«atu- port A Holt Liner Yatart „ , Mr. Chandler Is now playing the BajJU ClrcuB, from Europe, on a tour of the Soutn American theatres. He will sail Oct I. TODD 8BOW STORMED. One of the worst sufferers from tbe rain and Iwlnd Btcrm which swept Tarhoro, N. O., Wed- nesday morning, Sept. 10, was tbe William Todd Vaudeville Snow Co.. which was billed for one week under canvas, openlug Sept. 8. When tbe storm broke tbe beat was h'tondlog. and when the wind censed tho tent waa In ribblna and the outfit bad been damaged about $2,000 worth. Monday nnd Tuesday night the ahow played to large and well pleased crowds, and Indications pointed to : oontlcnatlon of good laulnesa for the rest of the week. Mr. Todd was not daunted by tbe disaster, how- ever, and ss soon as It was seen that nothing could bo done with tola sent be immediately set (out to get another one. The closest one to tbe Iclty wis located in La Orange, Os.. and while (other people In tbe city wer>> wondering wbit bad happened, ho had secured .n automobile and was Ion his way to Rocky Mount to catch tbe first .train out for Georgia. After chopping several trees out of tbo wsy that were blocking the rosd be made kls train, and returned with the tent end opened, 15, for a six day run of his show aa waa originally planned Dak Boeinbon, the circus and theatrical man. at Shelbyvllle, Ind., on Sept. I"-,! 1 !''? a fine of S100 In the Circuit Court of Shelby County on his plea of guilty to a charge ot Issuing a bogus check for f25 there May * Boblnson had been under bond, but he wns allowed to go with a flna upon tbe rcmnv mendatlcn of the county prosecuting at- torney. Tbe other case ugainst blm, I' » understood, will be dropped for failure to prosecute. Fred. Eoner bas been re-engaged with lbs Hagenbcck-Wallace Circus for next season. Noras toom thb FoNtiA Oomsjit Co. — »• have juat closed our tentlug season to the ri.-nt side of tbe ledger. Mr. an.l Mrs. Fonda are :">* at their borne, Iroquois, wtarlo. taking a :ci. before going to Nova Scotia for the Winter -ca- son. All members are well and looking f'fa good Winter down through the lower provbh-es. Our old friend still sticks lo us—Tni Otn ■» LIABU." "Tuosit Ozaik Folks," the Gregorys giavo concluded their annual vacation at their home In the Orark Mountains and will open Sept. 22, for Paul Qoudron. Frances Meofc- Oregory featuring her characterization of an Orark Girl, and Frank Gregory Introducing his whistling act. They are headed Bast for the first time In tick long career In the £rofesilon, having spent fifteen years, solid, i the South and West "Sauci foe the Goosa" Is tho nunc of the comedy playlet that Upton and Ingrai: im are offering the vaudeville managers. Ijff have added new scenery, painted by ,ne Calkins Studios, of Chicago, III. „, . Dan Shebman signed with the Nl-y"* NlrdllDger circuit for Sherman and De j 'J' est to open 8ept. 22 at Elmlra, with Alt'- >7 to follow. Dan reports an excellent Summer for hit resort at Davenport Centre