The New York Clipper (October 1913)

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0CTTOBBB4 THE iraw YORK Ot,IP0E>KB. 11 THE BIG SONG HIT THAT IS CREATING A LOT OF NOISE FROM COAST TO COAST GOOD FOR A3VY AOT. OI^OHESTJE^ATIOIV XIV AIVY KEY MIKE-L. MORRIS, Manager, Visit Our Handsome New Quarters When In New York. JOE MORRIS MUSIC CO , 145 VV. 45th ST., h, Y*. SPECIAL.-Mr. Joe Mortis, Phil Bush and Staff-are now in Chicago Looking Out For Your Interest?! with; a Bunch of New Song H.ts Look. Out For Future Announcement. _ OUT OF TOWN HEWS " WASHINGTON. Cbol w*tth*r. evceUent attraction* it all the tome*, u>l latlatsetoTy business bat wee*. \CAOSict (W. W. Woolfolk, nogr.)—"A Tool T&ere Was," tbc attraction lor last wsek, waa n-ell given by a competent coia ib v Tie, ••? deserving of special notice were: Warner CHand, Flc<r*ace Auer, Gertrude Perry act) Ethel Wlck- csia. Ai a Whole the perfjnao« wis enjoyed (r lascx- audiences. Good business ruled. Eu- genie Blair, la "Madam* X," week of Sept. 29; "OHcrr 056" foUowa. Belam:o (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.) — "At Bar" opened the huoo at this bouse, nod wis veil received. Last halt of the week: The HofT- auDB-PoItlTe-RIdwrdaoii Trio, in classic art. held Ilit boardi, and gave an entertainment ot dances, the equal of which has not been seen here. The mountings surpassed any settings ever placed cm. any local stage. Capacity business ruled. "What Htppcued to Mary" week of 29, Primrose A Dock- atirter's Minstrels follows. CbLtncaiA (Fred O. berger, togr.)—Marcellne and hl» circus was pleasing to all. The acts were One and tally enjoyed, bat the treat came who Marcellne made his appearance. Every- thing went on well until Wednesday, when ilar- cellae found some tangle In hla contract with his managers, and be "backed." The male kicked and Marcellne jumped the train and went back to New York. Holiness waa good. The house was dark night of 24. bat with the usual actlrlty of the Columbia Management, they Immediately secured a return of George Kleine's wonderful pictures of "Quo VadltT" and filled oat the rest f the week, closing Sunday night, 23. "Her Little Highness," with Mlxzl Hajoe. week ot 20. "The Master Mind" follows. National (W. H. Bapley mgr.)—"Pine retthers." with an all star company, including: Hohert Edesoo, Wilton Lackaye, Max Flgmau, Rose Cogblan. Lollta Eobertson. Lydla Dickson, md sapportlng cast, was given a delightful per- formance. Good baslness ruled. Otis Skinner, In "Kismet," week of 29; H. B. Warner, In "The Ghost Breaker," follows. Pou'8 (James Thatcher, mgr.)—The Popnlar Players scored a success in "The Girl la the Taxi" week of 22. Paul McAllister, Mark Kent Ward De Wolf were all good. Izetta Jewell was '"The Girl," and a mighty charming one she was. Loolse Kent, Gertrude Bondhlll, Helen Tracy and Petty Ford were all good, and the rest of the cast added their abilities to the success of the play, which waa fully enjoyed by the large audi- ence*. "Mother" week ot 29, "The Traveling talesman" next. Ktnit'i (Miss H. Wlnnifred De Wirt, mgr.)— Owen McGlvney, fn. H. Macart and Etblynne Bradford, Frank Fogarty, Ethel Green, Paul Bel- dam's "Poem* la Marble," Lew Brlce and Lillian Gonne, Roser'a aerial dogs, Pepplao, and Klncma- color. "The Scarlet Letter." and grand pipe or- gan recitals. Sunday concerts, new to this house, do capacity. Casino (A. Julian Brvlawskl, mgr.)—BUI week of 29: The Fire Violin Beauties. Carl Blertxer and company, Berg and Wilson, Rolard Trarea and company, Margaret King, and Dew pictures'. Sunday concerts do> well. Cosmos (A. Julian Brylawskl, mgr.)—BUI week of 29: Wood'* Animal Actors, Infills and Redding, Beach and Haven, Marlon Harrison, Chan, and Ida Latham, Fedrlel, with new pic- tures. Bandar concerts, with music by That Or- chestra, under the direction of Prof. Arthur Man- vell. draw capacity. Oatbtt (George Peck, mgr.)—The Honeymoon Girls, with PhU Ott, care capital entertainment, which waa enjoyed by large audiences. Big busi- ness ruled. Bowery Burlesqwrs week of 29. Co- lumbia Barlesaaer* follow. - NOTES. Manages Fits O. Bcbosb ha* arrived home after • delightful trip over to the old country and back. Be has nothing but praise to sing for the Old Bbliable. He stopped over in New York and closed contracts with Messrs. Werba A Luescher for the rights to produce their plays for next season's stock, this will be gratifying Dews to the Columbia patrons. Ox» of the very pleasant features of the week s performance at Poll's of "The Girl in the Taxi was the singing of a song entitled "Mother, written and composed by Manager James Thatcher. Agnes Wheian rendered it charmingly, and she waa compelled to respond to encores. Washington is at last going to have a chance to tee "What Happened to Mary J" She was due to appear here last season, but for some reason ■Wnablarion was side-tracked, and she failed to eon*. Eut the week of Sept. 29, at the Belosco, one can find out "What Happened to Marv " HomiAN-l'OLAiBE'llicHABOBON are a rich and breeay trio. Their art la finished art, and their suck-m is assured, and their tour should be one immense success. Tains Aobnt Conn, of the Columbia, has been so disconsolate for some weeks past. Hla friend* hare been worried about him. The mystery has been solved. Manager Berger bos returned, and. Conn la hlruself again. and everybody Is happy. Pbssioe.nt ffawK evidently approves of vaude- ville, as he bns slipped Into ''Keith's." and occu- pied a seat with the crowd la preference to a oor. He seemed to enjoy It the more so because M one knew he was there to attract him from tbo purpose of hla visit, ind that was for enjoyment. Aicoko tbe attaches of Keith's there is n-me more popular and courteous than Whitman Osgood. Press agent. He Is the right man in tbe right PHe*. and It Is a pleasure to know that be re- tnjh» with Mr. Keith. Mr. Osgood is s great rrtraa and admirer of Tjtn Otiprra. Tub proposition of Rose Oochlin that the the- ■'neal profession c rect a chapel as an adjunct to "'Lincoln Memorial, as an offering from the profession to show their appreciation of the man, J* a grand Idea, and would reflect much credit on tie profession, but it Is ont of place, as this Is a nation's memorial to this grand mm, and as *»ch let It go up and stand forever. But there ■> one thing Mis* Orghlan cat do If she wishes 5 1t *' Profession erect a memorial. Does ■be. and. Is fact, does the profession know that he wbe originated the Me* of the National Ceme- teries was an acto. - ? If tbe profession want* to m something It sa-raM erect a monument to him. •nd see that his remains are hurled In Arlington —the- place be worked so hard for. He should ]* fnlly neomlxed. Hla service* were well mown to President Lincoln, and strange to say. President Lincoln told an actor who nsed to visit Jn* 'White House to reolte his favorite pieces, mat he intended to recognize that roan for his terriers. But before the opportunity occurred *i* end had come. There was no greater friend •f the theatrical profession than President Un- join. When tbe actors called on him at the "bite Bonne to recite hi* favorite piece* for his enjoyment, no one Interfered daring that time. Nation's affair* snd officials waited until the actor was through. Pltt»t>arBrli. ra.—Nixon (Thos. F. Kirk Jr., tner.l for week of Sept. 29. Edmund Breese, In "The Master Hind." Otis Skinner, In "Kla- mer." nert. Business Is very good. Af.Tm (John B. Reynolds, max. I—For 29 and week. Walker Whltcsldes. In "The Typhoon." Bobt. B. Mantell opens hla second season here next wee*. In Sbakespenrean plays. "King John" he* keen added to- Us repertoire. Duqdesni (D. A. Harris, mgr.)—For week of 29 Harry Darts Stock Oo. presents "Our "Ives. 1L E. Humphrey has Joined the com- pany as character mas. For the disk time on any atage this company will present Henry B. Blossom's new play. "Brought Home," next week. Mr. Blossom Is assisting in rehearssls. Ltcsuk (a R. Wllaoo, mgr.)—For week of 29. "The Divorce Question." "Where the Trail Divides" neiL Pin (W. M. Patch, mgr.)—The Pitt Players will present "Nobody's Widow." with Mary Hall In the title role. "Mother" next week. Liaaarrr (J. H. McCarron, mgr.)—mil week of 29: Boy* In Blue, "Tbe Seminary Girl*." Ed. Loefflrr and company. Scott and Wallace. Marion and Thompson, and Great Maurice company. Baslness la good. Haaais (c. K. Bnchhett, mgr.)—An unusually strong bill of vaudeville 1* on top week of 29. In- cluding: Arthur Lerloe and company. In "Coney iBlaud to tbe North Pole;" CapL Powers and company, Ed. ZoIIer Trio, the Three Lublos, Frank Long, Lorlng and James, Myrtle and Duffy, McAllister's Players. Capacity business. Jerry Collin* la back again, and on tbe Job. looking better than ever after his trip to the seashore. Virroau (Geo. SchaefJer. mgr.)—Bill week of 29: "Aladdin'* Lamp." Llnder'a Monkey Carni- val, Seven Musical Casteluccl, Crarkerjack Com- edy Four, Lamore aad Juliet, Jack Lewis, Vic- toria Trio, and Master Johnny Bn<h. Business is good. American (Frank Walters, mgr.)—American l'lajers. In "The Cowboy and tbe Thief." week of 29. "St. Elmo" next. Gatbtt (Henry Kurttman, mgr.)—Honeymoon Girls, with Phil Ott and Alice Lotar. week of 29. Bowery Burlesqoer* next. Buslnes»i». capacity. Kxro.—Creatore'* Bend. New attractions are being added each week. Crowds continue large. Notes. —Tbe many friends of Jos. Welhrsucli, popular stage manager of the Victoria Theatre, will b* pleased to hear of hla good fortune lu be- ing appointed master mechanic st tbe new Pitt Theatre, ne hns hod wide experience In slock work, and Is well known In local circles. Fred. Maderhack, the genial carpenter, will succeed blra as stage manager at tbe Victoria Leslie. How- ard and LHIIan went big la a neat alnglng and dancing act at the Victoria last week Mott and Maxueid. as the "Manicurist and Sa.esman. gave a very comic sketch, and were big favor- ites oa the same bill Sadie McDonald nnd company were well received last week at tbe Har- ris The Haley Sisters made their nsual hit with local audiences. On account of sickness at home the girls have canceled all Eastern time. Sid. HcCaulev Is still around getting tbe nsual laughs Cecil Boyle and Rcddy Greene deserve congratulations for the masterly way In which they handled the stage during tbe absence of Jerry Collins. The boys made a hit with the !«rformers. , Reading-, Pa.—Orpbeum (H. M. Addison, rrirr.) Orpheum Havers present "Get-Rleh-Qulek Wnllingford" week of Sept. 29. "The Talker" Ceand (F. L. Callahan, mgr.)—Calamith Stock Co.. In "1119 Great Divide," week of 29. "What Hni peoeil to Jonea" follows. „,»_». Acadkut (Phil Levy, mgr.)—Fbr 29-0ct. 1: Itocior Girls. Edison's Talking pictures 30-0ct 3. "The Conspiracy" 4. 'Hipfodxomb (0. O. Keener rsgr.)—Hill for Sept 29-Oct. 1: Mllanl Opera company, Hoyt, Lesslg nnd company, Tango Dao, Walton and Vi- vian, Burdell and Edwards, and Marie Donla. For 2-4: Milan! Opera company. Robert Hall, De- wltt and Stewart, Whitehall and Whitehall. Wat- son and Little, nnd one other act. Note. —Beadinglte* had a wide selection of entertainment to choose from last week, at the Academy of Music. Burlesque, musical comedy, opera and a drama were presented, besides Ger- trude Hoffmin, an. Polalre and Lady Blchard- son. Crowded houses were the rule all week. "The Bed C*n*ry" h«d Its fremUre performance on any stag* at this horee, last week, and wa« well received. HarrlabaiK, Pa.—What promises to be the biggest week lu theatrical features and business, in HarrlBburg in many weeks, began Sept 29. Majsbtio (O. Floyd Hopkins, res. mgr.)— Twelve performances will be given at this bouse. Tbe Gertrude Hoffman. Mme. Polalre and Lady Constance Stewart Richardson Co. 29. The United States Marine Band, 30, for two concerts; the Rector Gtrla Oct. 1. and the Aborn Opera a>. will present "Cavallerta Rnstlcana* »nd "Han* and Orelel." 2. Lillian Russell and Oo. S. and "The Olrl of My Dreecst" 4. OttPHBOJf.—Bill week of 29: Laskr's Three Types, Duffy and LoTcnse. Snath. Austin and com- pany Freeman and Dunham. McOormlck and Wal- lace. Billy and Edith Adams, and Go* Williams. Colonial. —BUI 29-Oct. I: Michael Brabim. with Mlaa Bright Eyes; Sterling and Chapman, and Walter Milton. For 2-4: George N«gel and Girls, Morris snd P*rk*r, snd Paul Flom*. Noras.—The Boyal Italian Bond, a local orenn- isatlon, will be an added feature at tbe Colonial. 1 Charles King, identified with the Lymsn H. Howe enterprises, was given « warm welcome by his many friends here, Sept. 2T, on hi* tot vtolt here In many year*. *c ran ton. Pau —Lyceum (E. J. Lynch, mgr.) 'Tbe Conspiracy" Sept. JO. "When Ion li Young" Oct. 1, "The Bed Bo*e" 4, "Bea-Hur" 6-8 matlcee 8. POLI (John H. Docking, mgr.)—BUI week of Sept. 25: Valeska Suntt, John and Vtinnle Hen- nlngs, Eva 8blrley. Will and Kemp, flhrluer and Bichard*. 8IIeot Mora, and Arthur Sullivan and comiany. Business continue* Al.^ Ktas (Geo. Nelson Teets, mgr.)—Ev* Mnll's Big Beauty Show 29 and week. - - . ACAnaHT (A. F. Wlnatrom, mgr.)—Photoplays. clerured daily, and special feature nights. Cuou Dawns, Woicox**, Manhattak. Hrr- ronEostB. WoxnnxOANn. Victoria, Colonial and Osi'iiei'M, movlnj pictures. Portland. Me.—Jefferson (Julius Cans, mgr.) the Jefferson Stock Co. present "The At- tack" week of Sept. 29. The entire company hate been granted a two weeks' vacation «-lt. re- onenlor week of 20, with the full cait supiswtlrg Adelaide Kehn. leading lady. In s prodsctloa of "Udy Wln.Iermere's Fan." Tbe Gertrude no«r- man-PoIsIre-Lady Comtantloe Rlclisnlson Co. will appear here 11 "The Quaker Olrl" 13. 'The Fl KtiTH's <K M. Mother, nnrr.)—VsudevUle snd pictures. Bill week of Sept. 29: 'JThe^TonrlsbiJ Tyrolean Troubadours, Howard and WhUev Peatl and Both. Val Trainer and company, McGrra and Bums, and motion pictures. Saw Postund (Jos. A. McCoovllle. mgr.)— Motion pictures sre »ttra«ting «g*j«ssa w_asasa aa. A testate the current week Is Henry E. Dlxey. la "*GEi£T'. 7 (J.'me. W. Greely. mt.i * ~* H* and motion pictures. Bill week «f 29: Three Dancing Mltehella. Joe Pino, PIIbamLyton. Cooper ami May. thetTaylor Trio, «nd "Toe Olrl with the Golden Voice." _,. Casco (M. O. Blamenberg. mgr.)—Motion pic- tures ere tbe feature, to c»pacity attendance. Bio Nickel (Wia. K. Reeves, mgr.)—Motion pictures to large return*- „ , __ . __ ., Nsw Pavix-ios (J. W. flreety. mgr.)—The Ar- lington Novelty Orchestra and dancing. AtDrroaiuM —The Maine lloslc Festival, umter the direction of Wm, R. Ohaptnas. with Mm*. Srtnmaun-Helnk. Lillian Blauvelt. Beatty, piftart. Pilxnlger. Harris. Fannlog, Flsoeipa. Hswea, U!U and. other Aaunoa ctdits. aad * chorus of BOO voices, will appear at the uuiuil etnecrts 641. Nav Crar Hall. —The Steinert series of con- certo are booked bete fortnightly, hejlnalag 27. Introducing noted vocal and instrumental artlsta of the concert stage. Noras—A lodge of the Theatrical Issekanical Association was organised here Sept. X, aad tbe following offlcer* wen installed by Ssaaor Past President Louis Albion and Past Prealaeat Joseph] Lawrence: President, Edward M. Kaak: vice- president. Herbert W. Hutchinson: Wcertlnjr-onr- respondlog secretary. Howard A. MrOallnra; treasurer. Harold W. Black; financial secratarr, Howard T. Googlna; Trustees: Lotus Albion. Ber- nard L, Oceeley and Allan Murname. The asso- ciation Is international la scope, and la Its rank* are to be found manager*, actors, musicians, treasurers, stage mechanics and all hr au e b es of the profession. A sick and funeral benefit Is paid to members The new theatre erected at Bath, Me.. Is to be known as the Bath Optra House, and will have its opening Oct. 11. Tbl* theatre was erected by Hiraxu Ahranas, of this city, and numbers thirty-one oa his circuit ot houses Owing to an accident while riding lu a carriage at South Wlnihaxo Me., recentlr. Marie Pavey, at one time. leading lady ot the Keith Stock Co., here, met with a painful Injury con- sisting ot a sprained wrlat and a general ahaklEg up. Cleveland, O.—Opera House (A. F. Harts, mgr.) for week of Oct. 29, Mate. Nastmova, In "Bella Donna." Raymond Hitchcock, In "Tbe Beauty Shop." next. Colonial (F. Ray Comstoct. aver.)—.'The Passing Show of 1912" week ot 29. Blanche Blcg. i.t "When Claudia Smiles," next. LanTH'a HiFFooioui (H. A. Daniels, rugr.)— P.ill week of 29: Horace Goldln and eompiny, Eoward Pobles and Brandon Hurst and company. In "Tbo Girl:" Arthur Dunn and Katherlne Nel- son. Ball and West, Ray Coolln, John and Mae Bnrke, and Landry Bros. The engagement of Scusa's Band at this theatre, for two concerts, (>ct. S, Is nnnounced, with Virginia Boot ss so- prano soloist. raosrxcT (O. M. Todd, mgr.)—"In Old Ken- tucky" week of Sept. 29. "The Old Homestesd" next. V.mxpOLtTAN (Fred nrant, mgr.)—For week of 29, Vaughn Olaser Stock Co.. In "Tbe While SWer." "A Woman's Way" follow*. DucHrss (W. B. Garyn, mgr.)—For week of 29. Percy Haswell Stock Co., In "The Deserters." "Th* Road to Yesterday" next, PxracTLU (P. B. Seas, mgr.)—BUI week of 29: "A Bachelor's Dream." Four Tango Dancers. Booth and Howard. Swain's rats and cats. Hall and Wright, Joe Brennan, "The Machine" and picture*. Cleveland (H. B. Zlrker, mgr.)—For week of 29, the Holden Players, In "The Lost Para- dise." Stax (Drew ft Campbell, mgrs.)—Bote By- dell'a London BeUes week of 29. I'MPiaa (George Cbenet, mgr.)—The Dandy Girls week ot 29. OoanoN 8o.tiA*»—Bill 29-Oct. 1, the luteal Jules Levy Family and other*. For last half, the liomany Grand Opera Troupe. KNioKsnDocKis (B. N. Downs, mgr.)—For week of 29 th* Drat series of educational films sre shown, with "Lea Miserable*." produced by well known French adtors from the Sarah Bern- hardt Theatre. In Paris. Owing to lu being two hours long, but one evening performance will be given. Alhaioa (Fred Brant, mgr-)—For week ot 29 Margaret Leach, contralto, la the soloist, sad "Lucretia Borgia" Is the principal feature film shown. OLTttru (Fred Brant, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures will be tbe attraction here week of 29. with La Ballet Classlque. with Mile. Marino and Marcel Bronskl and tea dancers aa the headline act. Akron, O.—Colonial, vaudeville bill for week of Sept. 29: Hermlne Shone. W. B. Whittle, Mor- ran, Bailey and Mnrgab, Keller aad Frra, Lil- lian Webb and her Picks, Oavana Duo, and Klnc- macolor pictures. Guano (O. L. Rllsler. mgr.)—"Where the Trail Divides" 29, 30; Blanche Ring, la "When Clau- dia Smiles," Oct 2; Sousa and his Band 6. "The Price 8he Paid" 7. 8; LUtlaa Russell 9, "From the Manger to the Cross" 13-15, "Dsniaged Goods" ML Mosio Hall. —For week of Sent. 29. Home's Stock Oo., In "Tbe Man From Home." National, Pastime, Bank. Oeotto/ Dseak- land, WALDoar, Bxraass, Worraa, Loxa and Auiaicbxa, motion pictures. Znnesvllle, O.—Schults (W. S. Canning, mgr.) "Within the Law" Oct, 3, "Broadway Jones" 4, Lillian Russell Specialty Co. 11. Mo- tion pictures oo open nights, with speclsl featares during week of Sept. 29, Including: "Tbe White Glove Band" and "The Cabaret Dancer." Wsxuta (E. K Ratter, mgr)—Bill Sept. 29- Oct. 1: Anita, Broncho Singing Four. O'Rourke and Atkinson, Three Hlckey Bros.. Bawl* aad Von Kaufman, and the Klnemarolor pictures. For 2-4: Julia Cnrtla, Klpp and Klppy, BrtU and Cbldlow, Upside-down Zeraldaa, "Mother Goose," and the pictures. OPsHBtric (K. B. Harris, mgr. i—The Barrett Players began their seventh successful week Sept. 29, presenting the following bill*: "The Price She Paid." "A Will of Iron," "Girls" and "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde" A revised roster of the company Is: J. Raymond Barrett, Forrest Smith, Burton Fahr, Edmood Carroll, B. L. Walksp, Anna May, Beatrice Walton, Thuraun, Bray, and Baby Louise Walkop. HrrroDBoara (Helm Morrison-Lewi*, *nrr.)— Motion pictures. "The Wheels of Fite." "The Road to the Dawn" aad "While Lb* Starlight Travels" are featares to be shown here la near future. Quasar's (W. C. Qulmby, mgr.)—For Sept. 29- Oct. 1, Mrs. Plskr, la motion pictures of "Teas of the D'Urbervllles." 'Harry Thaw la Canada" 2-4. Geand and Axebsican, motion picture*. Low Anurlra, CaUL^-Hajaharrer'a Majestic (Oilier Morosco, mgr.) "Beady Money" Sept. 28 and week. Moaosco (Oliver Morosco, sagr.)—"The Sur- vivors" 28 and week Moaoaco's Blesawk (Oliver Morosco, Bgr.>— 'The Oltl In the Tstl" lndeOnltr. I.t.-st'm (Oliver Morosco. max.)—"n*» Tranae" waa tbe attrsctlon here week of 31. ArorrnaifK (L. E. Behysier. mrr.) — For 24) and week. Mr*. Scott's company. In "Miry Mag- ctlme" aad "Sodermann'* Magds." Oarnriki (Oareuce Drown, mgr.)—BUI 28 sad week: Khsa Buerger. Blseche Wslsh tad company, Cbarlotte Ravenscroft, Wlnsiow and Daffy. Rad- ford and Winchester Flanngaa and Edwsjda, aad etella Maybew and BUile Taylor. Farrasss.—Bill 21 and week trKtaosd: "Tas Olrls snd tbe Jockey." Ms* Francis. Bra Byaa and Henrietta Lee, the Lelasdj, Brass sad VI- doei], and Walker and III. Paetaoem' (Carl Wilker, mgr.)—Bin 21 aad week Included: Marshall and Treble. Menlo Mosrs/a company Thomas H. Daltos, Belle Otua- erea, and Jack CHtloo, ilipcblio (Bob Ouniogbam. mgr.)—Bill 21 and week included: Tbe McNatta. tbo Bellefoals, Lyons sad Butler. Reynolds aad Lewis, sad Ha- san and nagan. HirroDaoMa—Bill 31 and week Included: Mel- bourne McDowell, Alaaca and Lorrataa, O ssa n o a snd Kaiton. De Lea aad Orms, Abrrm aad John*. snd photoplay*. TaLa.t'b rod Olvnb j « BaouTWiT, motlom pie- tores. Bhreveport, Law—OriDd (Ebrllch Drc< * Ooleman, mgrs.) Nell OHrlen's Minstrels Sept 29 30. Majbstio (Ktn-llch Bros. * Coleman, mgrs.) — EIU week of 21: rbntAlne ind Bergen, the Threa Higgle ahtia, the Dudley*, York snd Van. Mr. Bary, aujascil sad Woo*, and the "Three Cavaliers. and Associativa pictures. Prof. F. F. Collier's Orchestra la still l * B *) sil ag the overture*. Saxgraaa (B. V. Uichsrds Jr., mgr.)—Mrs. risk*. In picture*. "Teas cf the D-llrbcrvllles." 32. S3, to good hxtsteen. Association picture* snd tbe Famoa* Players ptuitssa shown exrla- •Ivvly at thla ho u se. QcrsN (E. V. Rlchirds Jr., mgr.)—Extra pro- gnat 32. 23, aerataat featar* day with all large moving picture Ibeatres. Baalaess fair. . I'ALAca (K. V. Richard* Jr.. mgr.)—"Tbe Pit and the Pendulum." 23, to good business. Mutant (0. A. Demerls, mgr.)—Pair baslness moving pictures. DuiiiuHs (C A. Demert*. mgr.)—"Wanted By the Pollee" drew heavily 20. Hirmnaoiia (G A. Dcmetla, mgr.)—"The Bat- tic of Gettysburg" wis the attraction 22, 33, to good buBlnosa. TBNT-Aiaooatn (nonce Murphy, trurr.) —Ca- pacity business nightly- This tent orgaaliatloo Is In Its third week here. Notss. —Competition here among tbe motion picture exhibitor* I* atlll very heated and excit- ing, and the local movie tans are getting the best pictures as tbe result James O. Tomlln, em- ployed In the capacity of manager of th* nippo- droroe. has severed his connection with thl* thea- tre and will move over to tbe Sanger Amuse- ment Company, of thla city, which corporation also controls tbe Queen and Palace here, two theatres In Monro* and one In Alexandria. La. Tbe change will be made Oct. 1. No aucceasor to Mr. Tomlla has been announced a* yet I.unUt Hie, Ky.—Macauley'* (John T. Ma- caulcy. mgr.j 'Tbo Sins ot tbo Father" week of Masonio (John T. Macauley, mgr.)— Oapt. Bcotfa pictures week of 29. Gateti (0. T. Taylor, mgr.)—'The Cost of Living" week ot 20 Bdcikinoham (Horace MeCtockllu, mgr.)— Brocuw*/ Olrl* week ot 28. Kuril a (J. L. Weed, tugr.)—Bill week of 2S: Dlcby Bell and company, in "It Happened In Tu- peka;" Adair and Hlckey. Francis McGinn ind company. In "The Cop:" Rosaow Midgets, Henry and Francis, Lillian Ashley. Howard aad Law- lence, and Helblnl and Grovlnl. Iiirrouitoiia (Mat t.. Mlroon, ragr)— '"p» Heart of a Jewess" 1* the feature flint week ot 26 Obpusxibc (I. Slaaoa, mgr.)—"Nemeal*" I» fea- ture Aim week of 38. . ._ . _ . Novsxtt (8. Leveneoa. mgr.)—"Ivanboo It featured week of 38. Walnot «J. Burton, mgr.)—This theatre In- augurated vaudeville, commencing 28. The bill will he changed twice a week. _ Noras.—Lee Goldberg, press agent 'or Fonn- tali Ferrr Park Thettre, for taany years, hat Leen tppolnted rasnsger of the now National The- atre, which will open tbe first of November. Mr. Ooldberg tt a Louisville boy, and will he hie youngest nucagrr In tbe city Barnes' Hippo- drome Show will feature the Perry Oentcanlsi, to be held hero week of 29. Baltimore, Hd.—Ford's (O. E. Ford, mgr-) Llna Abarbsnefl. In 'The Bed Otciry." Sept. 29 and week. May Irwin, In "Widow by Proxy.' 1 next week. ,_ , _, „ Aoadeht (Tunis Deaa. mgr. I—"Fair Pity" week of 29. ''Her Little Highness" asxt. Colonial. —"Officer Cud" week of 29. "The Divorce Question" next. OArarr (Wm. Ballsuf, mgr.)—Columbia Dur- leaqner* 29 and week American Be»utle* nest. Palais (Ohas. Ssdler, mgr.)—Bill week of 29: Hugh Herbert *nd compsny, Vlda and Hswley, Madame Seky, Vincent and Ctrr, Margaret King, and lllllrnan and Roberts. Mastlano (Fred Khinberger, iwrr.)—mil week of 20: Nora Bayes and company. Ilaukoff and Olrll*. Carl Crest. Chat, and Fanny Vsn and com- pany MaeSae and Olegg. Joe Cook, and John. ^OToaj*. (Cbas. R. I^wU, mgr.)—Bill week or 29 Include: Edmonds, Little and ocminanr. Wilson Franklin and eompiny. J*ck Hymonds. Clifford Fnmlsn Qolntette, Jeanette Dopree. Milt Arnsmtn. Prat. Karl, and th* Musical Klelaae*. New (Oeo. SehnWer. mgr.)—Bill week of 39: Hinlon's Flying Ballet. Lillian Bums ind Mty. Jack Atkins, Setbert Bisters, Lawrence and Bonn, and the Georgeoui. St. Paal, Mlan^-«*tropolltsB (L. M. Scott, mgr.) for week of Sept. 28 Margaret Illliurtoo, in "Within tbo Law." "Little Mis* Brown" aeal. BHimasT (Frank O. Priest, mgr.)—The popular Wright BsnUngton Players present "Tbe Great Dlvlds" week of 28. Osraanu (B. C. Bnrrooxek*. aurr.)—Orowiti'd bout** rule. Bill week ot 28: Marie MoFtrUnil, John P. Oonroy. Lata McMllltn and comptny, Ida O'Dsy, Brent Bayar, Uyuuo Meyer ind Edgar OBAN* (Theodore I,. Hays. mrr. I—Olrll of the Great White Way week cf 2S. Htm Hoxr's L»»» Makers next week. Ron Ton Olrl* to follow. Hursts* (Gus 8. Greening, mrr.)—Biwlness Is blr. Bill for weak of 2d: "DtnkelapeU's Clirlst- tnai," Louise Kayo, Martini and Mtxlmlllltn, Ball Bratasrs. sad Threa Emersont, ILUBSTio (B. H. Courtney, mgr.)—Business Is very good with splendid programs of motion pic- tare*. PsiNcasa (Dert Goldman, mgr.) — Vaudeville tnd moving pictures week of 28. Staslanii (O. F. Rote, mgr.)—Motion pictures. to very good business. Atrorroutrkt (M. F. Morten, mgr.)—Fashion Bl-ow occurred hero 29. Waterbttry, Conn.—Pott's (Ray 8. Aver- ill mgr.) vaudeville tnd pictures, to good boil- res*. Jaooob* (Harry Parsons, Bigr.) — Poll Stock Co. pre s ent* "Our Wives" work ot Sept. 29. "Onaaurk" week of Oct. 0. Fux'a (Harry C. FlttgeraU, mgr.)— Vauir- rllle tad klneawuolur feiture*. Ben/ttnln Mick, of Ikla city. It now astlattst manager here. Ernest Cohn baa accepted a potltloa as Militant vtiuiarr st Fox'i New Brttsia bouse. PaiNcast. Bias, JimiADW^r, Colonial, At> DAausaa, Ltain, flenrra tad Qabobn, plclar* only. Notsei.— Saturday events*. Oct. 4, 8am Rosen wUI open hla Globe moving picture snd vaude- ville house, net*. Hosts will sest 000 people, snd Is rentrslly locsled on West Msln Hircet. This mikes four theatre* Mr. Ilosen bis control of. H. 11. Linn's dog snd pony show passed thrrogh this city, on rente for Houtnington, Hept. 27 Joseph xotrsg of Weber A Ynong, Is this to be about again with the aid of ei ulck ei. They will twsatne their vitvitfllle let In a few week*. Hartford. Cons.—Parsons' (H. 0. Par- aona, aurr.) "Banly Pulls the Strings" Rent. 20. SO. Mclntyra snd Heath. In "Tas Hsa Tree." Oct. »: ttmr Irwin, it "Widow by Proay," 3, 4: "Peg </ My Ilesrl" Ml Pou's (W. D. Atcougb. mgr.)—II111 week of Sept. 39: Dslaty Mrrlr. Ktufman Troupe, llowsrd ind Bitllde, Cbsdwlek Trio aad esatpany, Oastro snd Cirnvu, Vrrsatlls Trio, gsaskaaasl Trio, aad PoUtTapb. lUarrroao (rted P. IVaa. mgr.)—BUI T»-Oct. 1: "Mother Goose Olrls." Bthel Churchill, Brouahton md Turner, Arthur Wblttiw, aad Lesnrk-r and Mark. For 2-4: Damtscw Tronn*. Louis Cranat. (M)ket tnd Wide, Ciena Bsvlnt, tnd Piltn-'s Weekly. PaiNoaaa, Oeowat, Eatrtaa and Battt Boom, pictures eiclasirel.T. rateraan, R. J.—Majestic (W. II. Welsh. a gr.) bin arpl 30-Oct. 1: Wilson ttrnthtw, tVoraa Doooe. loteen Sitters, tnd r.-croy, lltrvey and New- laa For 3-5: Aaron. Hoffman present* "Muuia Fails for Mo ws." hearted by those ravvrltvw, Harry First ind Florence I lid ley. Others ire: Fre-I HiMebnnd, Mr. tnd Mrs. Ntt dlffo.1, tnd Add- pbli Trae, Oaaattty aoasea rale. PATaaaow Orsau Hotrsa (John Essex, mgr.)— "Otvallerla Raatleaaa" Hepl. 30. "I Piglls.'l" Oct. 1. motion picture* 1 "Musty Pull* las etrrng*" t, 4. capacity bnslnea*. . LvcrBTrat (MT. Wliber, mrr.)—For week of Sept. 39, Wllliaia Osrbett, tn "The Silver King." Oipitamac (T. B. McOready, mgr.)—Pat Whit* aad but lllg Jubilee week of 29. FOR SALE, Cash or Royalty -Words and music SOIVOS Dreamsof Loyo: I Will Always Ujvp Ton• Soldiers on Iho Field; A I.litloS'iflTilffi'ltc: (lood-IIre; lloii- raj for thu Amorican Olrl: I'd Olvo tbn World ui HearMv MotherrilnglpgOncn Attain; Tl« Then I Think or You; I'vo llcen Awful I.tun'sjiiiej; Slbrri Sweetheart You Were Hmio; I'm Going lo BulDilo; Never MlinI, My llonpj; I'm Lonoioisc; Darling Sweet Bessie; Just Marry Only for Love; ttnillo On, llabr Mine; Wlion tho Dear till Susi|ue- hnnnaFlowaAlong: Silver Wedding; When the Hoys Propose; That Old Tnrkay Trot; As Them Yean Oo Rolling lly ; O, Ynu Circus H mil; Mv Old Lady; Just Una Kiss: lloyhitixl Days: It Yuil wore Only Here, Dear; Ges, I Wish I lUd n lleau: Whlsllu; Tho Golden WecMliiif l»nv; When I Had .in, ununiKi, iivj ii,,.m. .....n. .. i.,'« .» v. , Only Here, Dear; Gee, I Wish I Had n lleau ill" Yoiii Tho Returned I.over : Tbo Hailltnore Cnnvsn- Hon; Bond tho Telegram to Mother; Silvery Moon Won't Tell: Kentucky; KhcIi Imy I Uvo tnr You; No Fairer Flower llloomn; Forgot It; Jeitulo; Ttkt Not tho Heart of Me; You Can't Ulilo from Cunltl; Tho Iletutliul Isle of Dreams; Nultlo Hear; T<i« (lave Mo Heart Disease; Girl ot IIV Twilight; That's What It Means to Yon; Tim Moiety Frame; Mr Bwest Marco; Evorjhodv'a Doing ID» " TusKltobenllftg. aUNURUHIPT 8ALK8 CO., ST W. 28th SL.N.Y.O. $3000 FOR $1 5ea. three thoumnil dollar* for OB* ollar—sounils almost rldleulotts, doesn't it—bat lia FACT juat the • anas honest, simon-pure goaptl fast. If all trie **underfill aaate» rial eoatalneil la my latett coaaedF Issue, HADIBOaj'B I1DDOBT Mo. IS* were written to vnar *perlal order It woald cost taOOU.OO yes, over that. Its th*> vauduvllle per- forsneri' best friend, first, laat aad all the time. MADISON'S M BUDGET No. 15 Contents of Madison's Budget Bo. 10 lasladto VA sure-fire mono- logues, ■ swondarfal acts far two Bialr* and 7 aeta for male and feaaale, 14 brand-new parodies on latest tonga, .1 great inlnttrtil llrtt- Rirts, a aide-spiitiing ana-act rrr, besides hundrrdi of original ■ ui, iokea. aldewalk hies. eta. •" ONtt DOLLAR per copy. Back Uaue* out of print, ex- cept No. 14; price, |i,w, or Uudgcta 14»ud AologetasrJlJW. JAMES MADISON UO^hjfdAvenuMjtwM WANTED k\ EXPERIENCED VAUDEVILLE AND ORCHESTRA PIANO PAYER Incompetents save staropn. Alendy empiojinest year •foand to party that can deliver the goods. Address U. 43. WOOOS. *a |r . tj| Sr Theatre, Colaasbla, Mo. GET WISE Aad Trlekt of the Trade Thl act Tea ought «• Know- Book to cents. Details (ret. Dopt. a, 327 Weal «lb St., N. T. LIB! PIANIST (On account ot Tent baaaoa closing) At eight llstdvr snd Trontpoirr. Tea years' experioeco llej>. aad Vend. Can Join oa. wire, would need ticket. Good appearance at all tHnea. GKO. COUROBLLE.BoxiTf, Osceola, It. WANTED, FOR "THE IIDNieHT EXPRESS" KAN, for Leads. Ueavleg. Comedy; WOMAN, for Boubrelte asd HcaticM. will take • pertaer that la right. Address ebwiN oAlty, Niagara Hotel, Toledo, Ohio. GOOD TttAMPOLIHE WORKER, al CKK>D TH1PLK DAH rKBFOHSOs JOKWlXTOIt.careof WhiteBaU,4>*^8C,II.T in avietccriav ail, ptatwe mrnfioa CUaTsU.