The New York Clipper (October 1913)

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OCTOBER ll* TTHE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 10 THE "SURE FIRE" HIT FOR ANY ACT Grttf WW vtRsms gumnm arrangement - orchestratioks in ail key* I'M GOING BACK TO CAROLINA no H Ma LEO FfllEOWAN S Hm -Harmonr Ballad Seid For It HAROLD Jill IiIi"f!P««™ $1. ■mm*. ■«£«»■ PHOT. Mfq. VAUDEVILLE IN CfflCAGO. Oct. 4. PMiACB MUSIC HALL. A better or truer vaudeville bill could not be asked for than the one which Manager Ringer supplied at this house lor the first week In October. A collection of cbaractres, -well tried and proved entertainers, followed each other in rapid succession. Including: rich persons as Samuel Metiort, late star of the "legit," hailing from "Louisiana Lou;" lllson City Kour, Frank Koenan, Lillian Lor- raine, Clayton Kennedy, and a host of others. nan Ion and Uanlon (Mike and Frank) opened the show with six minutes of full speed ahead acrobats. Tlic boys are two beautiful specimens of well developed physique, and present advantageously an interesting exhibition of athletics. Short but snappy seems to be their motto, and a good one It Is. They do ft little stalling, tint very little, and the six minutes which they occupy the stage are devoted to clever hard work. If more of these acts would follow this example and sot bore us with a long drawn out affair, they would go over much better. Joe and Lew Cooper, two popular com- posers, sang and played for us in an entirely satisfactory manner. The longer the boys were with us the better we liked them, and they made a grand finish with their char- acter work. Their repertoire includes all popular material, with enough originality to make it different and distinguish their work. The boys were well applauded. Addison Burkhardt has supplied Sam Llc- bert with a scintillating little musical play- let, entitled "After the Wedding." It gives Mr. Llebert, who until recently was Btar In tbe great La Salle success, "Louisiana Lou," plenty of opportunity to display his Hebrew character work in monologue and also sing a number of songs, Including part of those from "Louisiana Lou." Be is assisted all through very ably at the piano by James flanley, and with bis "Rose of the Ghetto" song by Rosemond Martin. Mr. Llebert does not play to a riotous reception, although his welcome la always most cordial. The Bison Oty Four, composed of Mllo, Hughes, Glrard and Hoscoe, although a very •Id act have changed their material enougu to always make It new and refreshing. And besides, the boys know huw to sing, which Is, of course, the big point with any quar- tette. However, novelty of presentation makes a favorable impression and adds great- ly to the Individuality of quartette actB, for as we all know, Ibey exist by the score. Tbo foursome Eiarre acquired a distinct way ot putting over their songs, not lacking In fun and humor. A good reliable and tried act. Clayton Kennedy and Mattle Rooney al- ways come In for their shore of applause and approval, and their share Is by no means a small one. They call their act "The Happy Medium," a clever title, In so much as it deals a trifle with spiritualism, yet there Is scarcely anything portrayed In vaudeville that this pair do not try a hand at Singing, dancing, piano playing, comedy, live patter, all receive careful attention from both. It Is all good original stuff the mnporlty of which you will not find duplicated. And so, too, has Lillian Lorraine decided to take a smart slap nt vaudeville, and add thereby abundantly to her wallet. But vaudeville Is not new to Miss Lorraine, for anybody, who lias been featured in one of Ziegfeld's FolHeH has been among one grand array of vaudeville talent, combined Into a continuous performance of several half hours, backed with a background of real live, yet painted scenery, or in other words, our dear little friends, the chorus girls. But what- ever Miss Lorraine has been makes very little difference to us, In so much as what •he In constitutes the winning number. Wo do not mind paying mon'jy to see Miss Lor- raine, for It Is value received; In fact, some- times we think wo owe Iho management more. Well, anyhow, Miss Lorraine sang new songs to us In her twn charming and Hting manner until she was Just too tired to answer encores any longer. And say, how luftlly, yet softly colored and patterned were her numerous gowns Each song brought to our view an exquisite creation, and each creation respective hand-clapping. It was very enjoyable. To devote much space to the ability of Frank Kcenan would simply' be repetition and redundant, for bis praises have already been go loudly sung far and near. His sketch, which Wlllard Mack wrote for him, entitled "Vindication," Is an excellent little episode and, despite tho fact that we re- cently witnessed It at 4he Majestic, It was most interesting. Mr. Keenan handles it in moBterful style. The remainder of tho cast, especially Mac M. Barnes. In Ihe part ot the OCTOBER OFFER Actresses, wrap up a quarter and send It for liberal sample ot SOLD SEAL HAIR REMOVER Special to profession. Smaller samplo 10 cents. we handle other toilet preparations thatyou need. Pure and harmlesas. „_ J. * M. ■UPPbV CO.. BTAGB DBPT., Boa 3 00. CHICAGO. SEND $1 FOR SURE FIRE PARODY "Somebody's Coming to My House." "Curse of an Aching Heart," ^'Whcro Did Yon (let That dirt," "Bow Row Row" and othors. Performers Playing N. T. and Phlla. during World Series should send Immediately for "Row Row Row." 0. J. C08TKLLO, B Bose St., N. Y. City, e. o. On . ■VIIITCn All roiimlFcrfonncrHthatclianjre Willi I EU for week, Magician that changes and straights nets, Piano Player hat reads and Jokes. Drunks, No, that's the cause of this ad. Ail must Join on wlro. Gibson's yamd«TllHsnn, Lorraine, Jefferson Co., N. Y. IT IIDEDTV f or tho coming season, One HI LlDElfll Novelty Acta, Comedy, Jug- frllng, Hoops, Wlro and Claba". de Trombone for Vaud. or first class Med. Co. AJ. MondlieUo, Lennctt, N. Y LOOK LOO It LOOK FOR BALK—Two Oreat Somersault Dogs and Ono Bcautimi Trained Block Rear, alaocntlre trpnpe of Complete Act. Prof. P. WIS»MA», - en St., HroorUyn, AT. V. JOSE COLLINS. •3 Jose Collins, whose picture appears on the front page of this Issue, began her artistic career In the music halls at London. After achieving noteworthy success with George Edwardes. at Daly's Theatre, In the English metropolk* she came to this side last year to create tho title rolo of "Tho Merry Countess," at the Casino. Flo zicgfeld secured her this season «B his prima donna for his annual production of "The JVIIIes," and she Is now ikr/.ioIdlng the vocal and beauty honors of that orgsni- "*Mlss ColHns has been responsible for a number of song hits, and "Pea- o' Myjleart" and "Isle IPAmour." two ot her principal songs In "The Follies o* Mia," hare al- ready bocoot Istaruttoial melodies. Governor, should be highly commended for excellent assistance. Next to closing, Bert Fitggttbon, calling himself tbe original daffy dllly, played with us quite some little time before we could get enough. Nut characters are mnu'tna'"blg nowadays In vaudeville, and we compliment Mr. Fltzgibbon In locating In such an appro- priate place It Is the only place he can get away with It and not be locked op. But we do not even begrudge Bert the fact that he Is getting money for It, because be showed us n good time and made us merry. The last affair was that of the Six Rus- sian Dancers, who sang and danced their native lore very successfully. Mighty good act tor closing number. MAJESTIC. With the exception of Florence Ho'brook's name, this past week's program at the Ma- iestlc .contained no stars it exceptional note, lowcvcr, the bill was entertaining In vaude- ville style and worthy of favorable comment. True to tbe rule of a supposedly well bal- anced show, comedy gymnasts by the name of Uanlon, Dean and lianlon opened In first position. As the program states, they have somewhat a style of their own, and while we give them credit for being hard workers and clever, yet they could have been better rep- resented. It was well worth getting there In time to see, however, snd the trio closed with a good hand. The comedy was mediocre. Fred Watson and Rena Santos have the right Idea of vaudeville In their portrayal of songs and dances. Mr. Watson s value lies more In his ability to dance, while bis part- ner, Miss Santos, possesses a very fine so- prano voice. Her musical numbers were well appreciated and encored accordingly. They work well together and have very good stage manners. These facts, together with Miss Santos' costuming, make it rank with tbe best of song and dance teams. Ventriloquists have lost a lot of their erst- while prestige as entertainers, and yet every- one always welcomes (Ed. Reynard, with his production, entitled "A Morntn' In Hlcks- vllle," Introducing his rural character come- dians. Mr. Reynard, besides being a re- markable ventriloquist, presents his act In a most original style. It cannot he duplicated with success. A large amount of scenery is used which adds greatly to the effectiveness. It is a good laugh from start to finish and contains many bright quips. As to monologlsta, Fred Duprez, obviously proved as popular as any that have appeared at tbe Majestic for some time. 'His Informal atntablo disposition makes you feel comfort- able right in the start, while his bright and breezy monologue wins for him a legion of admirers. Fred was mighty funny In his first few songs and Uttle philosophical logic, although his one diameter "mollerdrummer," which he used for an encore, dragged a bit too long. That may scarcely bo classed as a material fault, however, and as a summary, Mr. Duprez did very, very well. Will Oakland and bis company are being presented In a mighty novel way by John Peebles this season. It might, as the pro- gram styles It, bo called a melodious singing novelty, entitled "At tie Club," and bo very correct Mr. Oakland has undoubtedly a decidedly pleasing voice, with which ho has perfect control, and his featured songs were the beBt ports of tho number. However, his company are to be equally an compli- mented for their share in making It the suc- cess that It la. Tie songs which were ar- ranged by Jean Have* and George Hotsford, were both appropriate and delightful. An old established snd yet always a CP. rc : elated pair Is James Diamond and Sibyl Brcnnan, who have often before cutertnlned ns at the Monroe Street playhouse. Mr. Dia- mond Is an eccentric comedian, and dancer par excellence. Miss Brennaiv—well, you do not like her so well for what she docs, but ■what she Is. She Is, Indeed, fair to gaze upon, and most refined in her patter and dances. They always go ble. If you care for portrayals of Inebriates on tho stage you should by all means see Charley Orapewln, in his own skit entitled "Tho Awakening of Mr. Plpp." The scene Is laid lu the sleeping apartment of Mr. Plpp at 0 A. it., and said gentleman Is lust being uwakencd from an awful "bun" of tho night before, by his wife. Of course, for Borne, It is lota of fun to see Mr. Orapewln stugger about and hold his head, and take his sus- penders for a snake and the usual run of ••souse" tricks. He actually presents tho character true to life, not that we know from experience, but from sights wo have seen. Anna Chance assists blm nicely in tho role of his heartbroken wife. The skit Is lively throughout, with Just a touch of pa- thos. A good lesson for all. It seemed mighty good to see Miss Hoi- brook again, although we did not like her in vaudeville nearly as well as some of her J>ast legitimate successes, accomplished be- 'oro she stopped being the better half of Cecil Lean. Anyhow, Miss Holbrook looked awfully sweet and charming in her various gowns, even though some of tho songs wcro more or less uninteresting, Miss Holbrook is assisted at the piano by a certain Harry I. Marshall, better known as the composer of "Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee" and "Pick Me tt Bose." the latter written es- pecially for Miss Holbrook. They succeeded In getting away to a noticeable extent from the general run of such duos, and presented soveral novel songs In a more novel manner. The applause, though hearty, wae not bois- terous. Another of the many European novelties, this one the Le Grohs. closed tbe show with the ordinary exhibition of gymnastics. It- was well worth staying to see and consti- tuted a good finish. SUCH IS LIFE m CHICAGO. BT Oit>/ ' ' The AutoblOBjraphy of a Song. I am a song.°ri was born In ft Bat My parents' names were Bo and Kid. When I first began to tako.noto ot my existence I discovered-1 was stuck oh the rack of a tlnpan piano, and-.was being admiringly (axed upon by the authors ot my being. . . Bo was beating the keyboard of the piano, whllo tbo'Kid was yelling at tho top of hii voice. Ihe din suddenly' ceased. "Some song," sighed Bo, leaning hack and lighting a crgarctto.'. ..... «•• '- '"Dotii'mBao 'em any better,"' declared the Kid. . . \^ ». ■ . . i ' 'A gUdsomr-thrlll pulsed through me. - •'Bill don't get this one for no two-fifty advance."-- ,» ,. n >*>.. -"No slrree," piped the other.'. "Cmirse we'll give him the first crack at It, and If ho doesn't want It—bingo 1 right over to Von Blisler's. He's been down on his knees to ate for a song; and—" "Toko the chorus again," broke in Bo. "Gee, you can't get away from it" For several moments the awful din, during which the part of me they called "chorus" .wast hammered and screeched. Finally tbey paused and trailed Into each other's faces. "Great melo-dce, ain't It, KldT' "You bctcbal Them lyrics maybe don't stick out, too, eh 7" "This Is gflln" to make some of them near- songwriters sneak up an alley when they see us comln'. There's a couple I been waltln' to show up'for a long time. You know who I mean 1" "Well, you got 'em now. Take tbe chorus again, Kid." I was commencing to wonder If there was any part of me but "chorus," when they suddenly broke off. "Hadn't wo better fix up the verso a lilt?" "What for? Nobody pays no attention to tho verse as long ss you gottn good chorus." "That's right, too,' r echoed tbe Kid. "Look at 'You Made Me Love You.' Chorus Is all yon ever heard sang." "This here's got It all over that song. Kid?' ■Has It I Say, there ain't no comparison— not knockln' 'You Made Me Love You,' 'cause that's a great number." "Sure, hut ours Is better." "Well, let's get down and peddle It." Horrors I I was to be sold I Tbey, the authors of my existence, had been gloating over me and now—now I was to bo sold. What a strange world I had entered. I was wrapped carefully in a soiled news- paper and, midst complete solitude and dark- ness, was borne—I knew not whither. Strange, muffled noises came to me through the wrapping about me. Someone crushed ruthlessly against me. a terrlfflc Jolting be- gan—and 1 wondered. My curiosity wsa appeased when the muffled voices ot my mas- ters reached me. They were arguing as to which would pay tbe fares. Then I knew we were being transported on a car. Some time later I was aroused from my apathy by the sound ot voices. "Tell him we got a sure hit—best thing we ever done," came pleadingly from Bo. "He's busy. Can't get to him now," answered a strange voice, coldly. "You listen to it then—Just the chorus." begged the Kid. My wrapping was torn from me and. as I was straightened out, I made quick shift to take note of my new surroundings. I was In a large room. Men and women were seated at desks, some writing and others operating atrange little machines. The stranger took me in his hands and peered curiously at me through his glasses. "Some song that," purred Bo, commencing to hum my chorus. "Bill's always been on the square with us, and we hot-footed here to give blm tho first look," supplemented the Kid. "Don't care tor the title," came coldly from the stranger. "It'll grow on you. Walt'll you hear the chorus." This from the Kid. "Whadda you want for ltr* "Two-fifty advance." "How much?" I felt the hands about me The Kid and Bo retreated from the wrath- ful glare behind the young man's glasses. They whispered together for a few moments, and It was the Kid who spoke. "Bill's always been on the level with us. Course, he never took notbln' from us yet, but we're goln' to give him a chance now. Slip us a ten-spot and it's yours." To say that I was wounded In my pride Is putting It mild. Shades ot Mozart f What a Again the wrapping was placed about me, but not until I had heard the Kid whisper to the young man with glasses something about "two bits" and "lunch money." And now I havo Iain, cramped and crushed, for a long, long time. And tbe dust Is thick on the wrapping about me. At times I rebel at my fate and wonder why I was born, who 'Bill" was, why I was novor taken to "Von Blister," and what becamo of my '"perhaps some day I shall know tbsse ^'"'counted much on "Bill." but he turned me down. In the abyss of black despair I must end my days. Farewell I Send for New Catalogue Stating Kind Desired THEATHICal CAHlOCUt ol Show Pnnl- MAGIC PRINTING. Hypsotltm. Iliuiicrn, * intj. rUocrtoiro. Slock, Circui. Wild Mlrtd Hsadiriq, itc. Tint Shows, Etc. MINStHtL PIUNtlNf. While or Colorrd. Mlrl I'KiNHNn Fain. Ra'tJss. Aviation. With or Without Tillr Elc ; Auto: Horvc.Sloc* Showv Etc. MOVING PICTURE PIUNTINP Etc. WESIl'IIN PLAYS. Etc: f OLOLHS ol Tion>Ro)uily ' Play a with I'rmlmg. Show and'ThMliicai' Printers Lithographers, Engravers JVationai 1 tW rOKR ^L^tlk CHlCAOO Stock Hangers and Paste's on Hand (or every Kind of . Amusement Enterprise WRITE ST. LOUIS OFFICE - 7TH AND ELM STS. eer and Williams, and Russell's Minstrel Oome- dtans. For 0-11: Frank long. Violet McMillan, J. K. Ksomet-Vlolet Crane and company, Beau Brornrael Trio, Bdmard Zoollcr Troupe, and pic- tuns. Buslneta la treat. OarnsuK (R. 11. Ilarrli, mgr.) —The Barrett Players continue to big business. Tho eighth week llirronaoua (Helen alorlson-I«irla, mar.)— Matured pictures. Ben 11. Lindsay, la "Ha?cd by tbe Jormlle Ooutt," a, T. Qiiunr'K (W. O. Qulrabjr, mar.)—Frederick Ward, in pictures, presenting "Richard III" anil "Nero BrUanntcus." are the features at tala the- atre for week ot 6. Ossnd (James Collins, mar.)—"The Banker's Daustter," "The Brlte of the Sea" and four olhrr features conatltate the bill at this house for o and week. A m»hcan. —Motion pictures. Notes.— airs. R. B, Rotter and son, Stuart, arrival la this city from New York a. 'and I Joined Mr. Rutter, who la mminr of the wellcr. Tbey will make their hone In this city A bluer war Is on Id this city between the nan- aavrs of all the theatres, and from all appear- ances It will be a lengthy one, and will also re- volutionise the theatrical business, especially In the motion picture houses, Akron, O Ctolonlsl (9. A. McDearmlc, mtr.) Bill for Oct. 0, T : Ballet «Un»liiue, Cnrson ana Wlllanl. Herbert and Olsrllwl Ktrjwn, the BrAnoa, Aria and Cboon, and BImo air Four. Miudo Adam*, la "Fotcr Fan," 8, OsiND (O. I.. Kllsler, tnir.)—fiousa ami his Band 0. "The Trice Bbe l'alil" 7. 8; Lillian Itua- tcll 8, 'From the Manser to the CrosV (nlctarei) 1215, "Damaged Goods" 10, "Hilly the KM" IT, 18; Mary ricoford, In "Tho Bishop's (ferriage" Mosio HU.U—Oome's Rtoek Co. presents "Our Wives" for week of 0. _ NmoNii,, PasTim, Bans, Vlssa, CIsotto, DtEaMLAKD. Watooar, Amuhium, F.airaass, I. una mil Whites, taotkn pictures. Sandoaky, O.—flandmmv (V. O. Woodward, in. dbt.) Kirle Stock Oo. closed Its tflfaamnent here Oct. 8, to apod bulla***. Blanche Ulni, In "When Claude Smiles," follows 4. Vawlevllls week of 0, "Within the Law" 14. Lillian Bos- hrras, TnuTotivM, One and Hotai, pictures. Lima, O.—*Faarot (r. If. Cunningham, mar.) "UToadwiy Jones" Oct. », Maude Adams 11, Lil- lian BasseU 10, OaruiuH (O. O Deardoorff, nurr.)—Bill O-St Dainty June Roberts and company, Dyro and Duffy, Wall and Kld<l, anil Iho Isolator. Ltbio, Kotal. Stab, Dbbahlamd, Rums and Lima, aotloa pictures. Albanj-. H.' V. — narmsnos Bleecker Hall ( U. Hart, ra«r.) "The Blue Bird" week of <>ct. 0. Hyams and Mclntyre. In "Wben Lots Is Youm," 10-18, , _ OaANO (Oha«. U Robinson, nurr.)—ITouao com- nletcly sold out at each performance. Tbe bill for week of 0 la headed by Ton Linton and hla Jun- n oirii. . _.. . __ Kuriaa (Jas. II. Rhodes, nurr,)—Wahlron's Tro- CBilcro* 0-8, Vanity Fair 9-11, Roble'a Beauty Hi.iw 13-15, Hippy Widows 10-18. Ooloxul (Htacr A I'errln, mum.)—Tlio bill for A YE, "the play's the thin °"— ** but what would it be with- out the costumes/> ORANGE Millinery Theatrical Dressmaking West Thirty-ninth Street Adjoining Casino Theatre New York Ready for Service Freiicli Knee Length Dresses $20 $25 $30 EACH WORTH $10 TO $15 MORE performances, here, Sept. 110 Rlnxllna nros.' Ailvrrllslns; Car, No. 2, was hers SO, bllllnf the nhow for Oct, 31. Attleboro, Maas.—Bates' (John Patten, n*r. > pictures and vaudeville, Oi.uMBiA (A. II. Allen, nurr.) —Motion pic- turn and Columbia Mualcaf Folly Players, In ane> dallies. IVr the week of Kept. 40, the Colum- bia Kolllea CO. produced "Tho Honr D,»k lloy." Kor Oct. ML tbe company clayed "Don't Hit Ob lly Mat." burins; tbe week, rarlry and Ohllde scored heavily In spotlight nuoscra, "Dal" Luther was out of town a few days, lint rejoined .4 Notes. —Boiiaa'. Band Is booked for 31. matinee only, at the Opera House James l'«rle» has been one of the stesdlest encore filter, with tlwt Columbia irolly Oo. Last week be took all en- cores at one nerfomance, with "Last Ntiht Was the Kml of th« World." Kddlo Ohllila did a 1 and also took several OUT OF TOWK HEWS Cleveland, O.—Opera B>.p*e (A. F. nans, mur.) Raymond Hitchcock, In "The Beauty Hlwj.i." Set; of o5t 0. Ilobt. riilf»n and Wilton Lsck- ayo and all star ca.t, In ''Vino Keathers.'' neat. Cou-imi. (K. Ray Cotnitock, "-*•>—For week of 0, BUnthe Ring, In 'When Claudia Doilies." Eva Tongray vaudeyllle compsuy ncit. Komi's MirroDSOMB (II. A. Daniels, rogr,)— r.lll week of 0: B»m Mann and company. Julia Nash and company, Chrli. Richards, L«wla aiMl Dody, Moore and Vonng, the Harvey Family, Will Oakland and company, and Ilertert a c.nines. I'kosfbot (J. W. Lyons, mar.) —• Week ef3 "The Old Homestead." "Where tbe Trail Dl- MamorouTAH (Fred Brant, ngr.)—For week of 0, the Vaughn Qlaser Block Co., presents "A Woman's Way," with "Merely Mary Ann" to foUow. . _ . . Doonaaa (W. B. flaryn. mgr.)—For week of 0, the I'ercy Bsawcll Block Co., In "Tbe Road to Yesterday." "Tbe_B«as" neat. CLSvaxaiin (H. D. Hrter. mfjr.l—For week of 0, the Ilolden Players, la "Balosay Jane." "Brown's In Town" »«t. Pbiscilla (P. K. Seas, mgr)—Bill week ef Ot Tbe Nine White Huaaara, Prank Lynch and oom- Sany, Den Tardy Trio, Oarroll-Olllette Trio, barley Hasty, Mack and H.milton, tbe Otavg, and pictures. OoaooM Hodabs.— For 0-8: Tony Job moo's Kanloe Komedlana and others. Curtis' Comedy bears and doss for last fcair featare. Scab (Drew ft Oamnliell, mgrs.l—For 6 and week, the Honeymoon Hlrl* and Phil Oil- KMriaa (Geo. Ohenet, mgr.)—For week Of 0, tbe Rector Girls. Kiokbbbookss (E. N. Downs, mgr.)—The soe> ceaa of tbe great aim "L*s Mlserables." last week, was so decided that another week arraossd for, began 0. agitator's Orchestra continues In ALnAMsaa (Fred Brant, oar.)—For week of 0: Bsnton's •T'hendors," In three parts, li shown, and Ceo. O. Sarvla la baritone soloist. Zonr.vlllr, O.—Behalts (W. fi. Canning. uiat.) Merry Borlesquem Oct 9. Lillian Bss- eeU Specialty Oo. 11. Oeo. Brans' "lioary Boy" Minstrels 10. Motion pictures on open dates. "Within tbe Low" nude such a decided hit here, 8, that a return engagmtent Is requested. Wausa (B. B. Bolter, mgr.)—BUI tor 0 8: Paula, Three LoUas, Bob Tip and company, Bpcn- ._ 0 Includes: Wince Itunton oud company, the Parisian Models, the 'lIorrlMea, Whitman snd, Nick and Lrda Rumell, Ford aud Rice, Jennie anil Kay and HofTiuan. PsooToa'a (llbward Graham, mgr.) — The bill for week 0-8 Includes: Tom Navru and company, Cbss. Leonard Fletcher, Frank McOorinack l'lny- ers, Armlnta and UiTke, tbo Three Ollphaiitt. J Ira Ten Brook Trlii, O'llrli-u aud C'ulo. and Ford and McNeil. Majestic (Hrall Ddcheo, mgr.)— Vaudeville and movliiB' plctnres, Clinton Koiiasb, IIkoidwai. OarnaMiil sad Palaob, tDOVlng plciurm. Iteadlnar, Pa.—Academy (Phil. Levy, mir.) 1'nrlnlan Benullrs Oct. 1, BcMle Abbott, In "Rob Roy," »: "8l«" of Iho father" 10, "Tho Muster Mind" 11, Madtrue Ahla. Of Ihe Melni|»lltan Opera Co., appeared 8, In tho Drat hoir of a surlua of four concerto to bo giro tbe comlne Winter, under Ibo direction of Oeo. D. Unite, at this ttn- atre. Mme. Aids will be atsleted hy Otitis Cu- ■ lu). 'celllat, and Frank La Forge, pianist. OaruBUM III. M. Addison, mgr.) —Orpheum Plovers pierxnt "Tbe Tslker" week of 0. Ubano (P. L. Cnllaliin, mgr.)—Oal.mlth Htoek Co., la "What Happened to Jones," week of 0. "Klevatlng a Husband" neat. 19. Anderson, will be la Ueadlnc to take a leading nnrt In tbo production of "Klevatlng a Husband" by the Uilnmltli Block Co., week ot 13. UirronaoMS (O. 0. Kceuoy, mgr.)—Tbo Four Lutein. Harry fleldel, Clark and Verdi, Bunny Cray, Four Lewises, and Ed. Do Oorln and bis Visions D'Art complete the bill for 0-8. Kntlro new ahow 0-11. u Freese, former trcusurer of this koose, Is now atsgo manager of Eiuinett Welrb snd company. No-rss. — Paul M. Althnuac, star American tenor of tbo Metropolltin Oiiera Co., has left hero for New York, to prepare for his rolv a" under- study for tho great Carom Ibis season. Mr. Alt- house was spending u ficv weeks here with bio Krcnlo, snd also took nn relive part In nrrang- ; r„r the recital which will be given by blm and ihe Pi nn Wheelmen Clnb. at the Academy of Mimic, hi tho uenr future Vlrulnlu Mann Is tbe new leadlug lady of the Orplieimi Playera, replncluic Kmma Ixrwry. vli.. rrturged to New York, where she will take up her work In the one s?t plrrlet, "Don't Do 'that." Mrs Mann was formerly with Ihe AsMiclate Players and Dntldnon Flock Co., and played In "Tin- I.lulu Lost Child" lbs beginning of »hls season, In Chi- CBgo. The last few week* Miss Mann was with the Moral Feature Film Co. Hcrnnfon, P«—I.yeeum (P.. J. Lynch, mar.) "llenllnr" Oct. on. "Within tbo law" 0-11. Pot.i (John U. Decking, mrr.)—Bill week of 0: "Tbe Water Core," Howard and RalcllhT. Harry K. Thaw norlng pictures, Kngllah and Johmon, Two Roman* and Doll, Henry and 1'r.n- il*. Diulela and Conrad, and Miss Itala and com- pany, Htab (Oeo. Nelaon Teets, mpr.)—For week 6, tbe Parisian Beaotles. Aoaobait (A. F. Wlnatroa, mgr)—Photoplsys, changed dally, and special feature nights. Biiou Dsbams, Wosiisas, MAHUATTArr, llir- rODBO.VB, VlOTOBIA, C'HXJHIil., OSI'IIBUU lull WllKOEBLASIl, BWtktU plciurm Jnhnitntin, I'a. — Cambria (Bcberer * Kelly, tcavs.) Lillian Russell ami All BUT Oo. Oct. 0. Biniuol B. HcClure 8, Rva Mull's BeaBty Show 10, "Uncle Tern's Cabin" 11, Majbbtic (M. P. Hoyle, mgr.)—Bill week ot 0: Rolfe'e • > AreadU," Prince aud Dexrie, Mc Oiruey and Unwell, and Lonss and Blerlm*. Noao (M. MeOaaa, mgr.)—Landlno's Orchealra oral pbotojilays. I'ASK (Bcberer * Kelly, mgr*.)—Pictures and songs. flBiND and rlTAnu'if, picture* only. Glubk. Ituou Dsbam and WiMlrMI, plcturw and vsnlcTllle. William.nor*, I'a.—rycoealrg (W. 0. Larnwde, aurr.) Billy Allan's Mualcal Comedy Co. week of Oct. 0. PAkUXT (K. 0. Jotanoo, mgr.(—Bill 0-8: "The Rose of the Harem." "At tbe Ball aroanda," Kara Fuller, McBom and Hlller. and Durand and Roaotll. For 0-11: "Pun In a ffsnllarlum." Four Lewises, Electric Smith, and De Witt snd Htewart. Kold, OUla^-Anvrlosn (W. fl. Billings. mgr.) "His IfopklM" Oct. 13. Lyceum Cuorse 10, '•Little Mlaa MU-It" 2*. ttoTAb, WoDBELAKO, Majbstio and OSI'IIOVM, moving pictures. Noras.—101 Baich bad pocked teals at both I SIM l.ltlle Hunch Of Hhanuock*,' encores. Lowell, MauMe—Keith's (Rm. Plcketl, mgr.) bill for Oct. 0 and week: A. Beynionr Brown and company, Val Trainer and company, Alf, Holt, nnunet and Kramer, Dllly lla*l*, lloothly and Kferdecn, Richard* Bros., and Klneto- scfaie. Mksk. Houasb (P. J. Carroll, «gr,)—Til* Mer- rlniuck Kquare Tlieatre Players present "Hliam," 0 ami week, "Tho Octoroon" next. AOAPBUT (Will White, mgr.)—Poinoua Players feature pictures and »onga, lli'tciiA IIoiisb (O. II. Hill, mgr.)—Pictures ami Bcrinird Horan, In llluatratnl songs. jKWSt, (Hsnioot A Topljan, niSTS.)—I'lctiires and Nela Daggett, In eons*. AMiAMDBA (11. Wolf, mgr.)—Oaltersal pic- ture*, Fall niver, Hans.—Barer <&. M. Boas, time. I the Mallmr-Dennlaon Stock Oi. presents "tflcrutlug s lliwbaud" week of Oct. 0. IIijov (Clies 10, Cook, mgr.)—Tho llnyllca- Hicks Co. presents "The Wife" week of 0, AiiAhBHV (L, M, Boas, mgr.)—Bill OH: Murk Llndor and company, John Meff and Carrlo Htarr, O'lhiylo iiml MniiK Pong. p\,r Oil: Marguerite, CHIT Bailey, Hmmeraon Hlslera, sad John Prlar. I'ii.AiiB, PBBHin, Htas, l.vain, (Itvons, hoknio and Niokblodbon, motloa pictures. Knlnnmaoo, Mich. —. I'uller (Oniric H. f.iaisvias. mgr.) Nancy Boyer (>>,, In Tiw llnm- biers," 'TVath," "alio Amntmrn,'' "Ovauslsrk," awl "Tbo Hello of Richmond," Oct, 0 and week. AoAonur (II. A, Bush, mgr.)—Both Ml. Denis afAyasTio (Gerald Fltagerald, msT.)—"Tlio ninrtl.rcnkers" «l«. Bill 11-11 i Vera Berliner, I-wi's Manikins, Knot and While, Palfrey. Harlon uikI Brown, and the Maje*tlcsc<>|>*, Kr.iTo, UaruouM, OoLOMUb and Lvato, motion plettirew. Nora—Codrlo 8. I^wmice, who for Ihe l**t Ilirea years hao been treaaurer of the Puller The- atre, of this city, liao Ikdii iiromotwl to Ihv |»*l- Hon of manager, lu succeed W. J. Donnelly. Ann Arlior. Mloh.—New Wlillney (Arthur Ijiiiii, uufr.) Ntirninii lliuteit Oct, 4. "Tlio Light l'.ternni" H "Little Wisricn" II. Majbstio (Arthur Lane, mgr.)—Klnemscolor pictures aro llm feature. Tkmpi.s (H. C. Knapp. n«r.)—Motion plctun-s ami Illustrated aongs. Feature night ervry W'tl- nvwlny, lln.t, Aumitouiuu.— 'Pailerowakl 32. Niitbh.— fJias. A. Link, secretsry of tbo Hcliool vt Music, has scarred oomn of Ihe boat srllsls ■vallahlo for tho Choral Union online Housa'M Baud droir a big crowil. at tho Now Whit- ney 8, Orand llaplrl*), Mloh^-Powers (Harry (1. fliimniers A Co.. mgrs.) Jan Kulwllk Oct. 7. Ly« man II. Howe's travel festival 10-12, "BrosaV war Jones" 18, 10, "Little Women" week of 30. MAjririn (Ortn Btslr, mgr.)—"Tbe Mirpbyrd of the Hills" week of B, "Lafender and Old Lace" week of 12. ■"Kindling" 10-22. Oom/oiwa.— Bill week of fl: Hearle Allan anil company, tho Oromwalls, Oeorgala Bros., Curtis and Illbhard. 'rtuoi. p. Jackson and company, Kelly andJPollock, and Btepp, Oosdilch and King. Bar CltrrfjHIehe—Wso»jln«trinf(B. II. Behnr, mgr.) May Itobson, In "Mrs. Hat Plumer," Oft. Ill; K. of O. Cabaret Kxiraviujania (local) IS, 'Tie Light Eternal" 17, lluou (J. D, Plrmore, mrr.)—Bill for n8: Walter Perclvai and company, Beltorslll and ailassBdo, ISowery Trio. Curtis Hlatrr*. Fred, and Mae Waddell. and tbe Bl)oa*xone. Por Ml, "Ths Vlarrlet Leader." Gsorro (Frank D. Williams, mgr.)—Vaudeyllle and photoplays. Wmokaii and Htas, moving picture*. "aratnnah, BsV—Savannah (W. B. Heea- hind, roarr.) "Little Roy Bias" Oct. T, Al. 0. Fltld's Minstrels 8. "Die Deep Purpls" MM I. Buou (Oorbln Hhleld*. mgr,)—Keith vauikwllle and KhMtnacolor pictures, to crowded bou»es. Lisavrr (Frink W. Handy, mgr.) Is dsrk. Psmoass (A. J. BUbhlns, mar.)—King A (llt*. Musical Comedy Oo. In tabloid mn*lcal comedies, ASOASU. OVSON snd Pni.LT, pbotoplsvs only. Nuts.— Tbo Itinera* la near stowing the Wsrner Fcstores escloilvely. Aajajaata. Osl^-Orand (Blekard B. Tant, mgr.) Rdlson talking pictures Oct. 0-8, IModjmxa (U. T Koch. o>«r.)—Plclurea. ItoBrrA (U. T, Koch, mgr.)—Talking Pictures. DaBAUUND (J. H. Daniel, mgr.)—Moving pic tiirea. _^^_^_^^___ In atuwtrtnt ait. »lo«« wptiMou fAiPP»m,