The New York Clipper (November 1913)

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22 TECE ItSTEW YORK CLIPPER. November 8 ■ 5! I ; /. ■ 1 ! jr r !: i; DRAMATIC & MUSICAL Routea Intended inr Tlils Column Mait Itenili This twice Not Later Than ' Hnl u rilriy llr rorr Qay of j Publication to Inioro Insertion. • (■, Abarbanell, Llna—St. Loul* 015. • * Adams, Maaile—Roanoke, Ta., S, Lynchburg 6, Richmond 7, 8, Philadelphia 10-15. Arllsa, George—rrorldence, R. I., 6-8. ■ "At Bay"—Thirty-nlntn Street, New York, in- definite. . _ _v „~ "An Angel Without Wingi"—Buffalo 3-8. "Adele"—Longacrc, N. Y., Indeflnlte. "All Aboard"—Uir Field*'—Chicago, Indeflnlte. "Alter Fire"—Fulton, New York, Indefinite. , "An Innocent Sinner"—Pittsburgh 3-8. Brian, Donald—Knickerbocker, N. Y 0„ Indefi- nite. Rarrymore. Kthel—Empire, New York, Indeflnlte. Barke. Blllle—Baltimore 3-8. Boston 10-1B. "Ben-Hnr"—Cumberland, Mil., 7. 8, "Bellere Me, Xantlppe"—MM 10-15. "Broadway Honeymoon, A"—Chicago, Indeflnlte. •'Bought and Paid Cor"—Honton, Indeflnlte. "Baby Mine"—Gouverneur, N. Y., S, Curtilage 0, Boonvllle 7, Gloveravllle 8. "Bought and Paid For"—Munkogeo, Okla., 0. "Blindness of Virtue. Tho"—Manhattan 0. H., New York, 8-15. "Bachelor's Bay"—Altoona, Pa., 5. "Broadway Jones"—Hartford, Conn., 7, 8. "Butterfly on the Wheel" (Geo. F. Hopper, mgr.) —LotlliTllle 3-8. Cincinnati 0-1(1. "Bntterfly on the Wheel" (IT. A. Hnyword, mgr.) —Chimberabnrg. Pa., B, Beading 0, PcttatowD 7, Columbia 8. Orcaxnian, Henrietta—Columbus, O., 3-6. Carle-Wllllama—Olone, New York, 3-8. Collier. Wm.—Broadway, Bkln., 8-8: Bronx O. II.. New York, 10-18. Century Orand Opera (Milton A Sargent Aboro, mgra.)—Century Opera Home, N. Y. 0., Indefi- nite. "Coat of Llrlng, The"—Rowland A OMord's— Cleveland, 0.. 2-8, Detroit, Midi., 0-1B. "Candy Shop, The" (J. J, Rosenthal, mgr.)—clan Fran., Cat., Indeflnlte. "Oonaplracy, The"—Atlanta, da., an, Montgom- ery, Ala., 0, Blrmlnghami 7, 8. "Oonaplracy, The"—Bridgeport, Conn., 8, Pitta- field, Unas., 0, Springfield 7, 8. Bkln. 10-15. "Oomraon Law, The"—Dayton, O., 8-8, Indiana- polls, Ind.. 10-10. "Oat and the Fiddle"—Wooater, O., 5. "Ooofmlon. The" (Frank B. Illioadce, mgr.)— Indianapolis 3-8, Cincinnati 10-15. "County BUerlrT, Tho" (Southern)—Lehigh, Okla., 6, Ardmore 0, Dorant 7, Dennlaon 8. "County Sheriff, The" (Northern)—Wlllmar, Mink., B, MUbonk 0, Montevideo 7, Orlonvllle 8, Wheaton o. "Count of Luxembourg, The"—Oakland. Oal.. 3-5. "Chime* of Normandy, The"—Penn Yan, N. TT„ 6, Corning 0, Waverly 7. Niagara Falls 8. "Chocolate Soldier, The"—F. 0. Whitney'*— Grants Pots, Ore., 5, Medford 0, Chlco, Oal., 7, Sacramento 8, San Fran. 0-14. Drew, John—Parkeraburg. W. Va., 5, Wheeling 0, Johnetown, Pa., 7, Altoona 8, Lancaster 10, Reading 11. Harrlsburg 12, Trenton, M. J., 13. Atlantic City 14, 10. De Koven Opera (Daniel T. Arthur, mgr.)— Hamilton, Can., 0, 7, Muskogee, Okla., 12. Pnle-Chase 0o.—Kendallvllle, Ind., 6-8. "Divorce Question, The" (Fred Dougtai. mgr.) —Plnla., 8-8, Elliabeua, N. J., 10-12, Trenton lb-16. "Damaged Goods"—Cincinnati S-8. "Deep Purple, Tho" (Arthur K. McDonald, mgr.) —Monroe, La., 5, Alexandria d, Beaumont, Trx., 7, Galveston 8, 8, Houston oil. "Doing* of Dorothy, The"—Orbits A Tucker nigra.)—Vaaiar, Mich., 6, Brawn City 6, Mar- lettc 7, Pt Huron 8, Saginaw 8. Kwlng. Gertrude, Co. (W. N. Smith, mgr.)— Bowie, Tex., 8-5. Weatherford 6-8. ''Excuse Me"—Syracuse. N. Y., 8-5, Rochester 6-8. "Every woman" —Henry W. flavsge's— Terr* Haute, Ind., 5, Vlnoenne* 0, Danville. Ill,, 1, 8, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 10-12, So. Bend IB-IB. ■"Escape, The" (Rowland A Clifford, mgr*.)—flo. Chicago, III., 23. Ferguson, Elsie— Boston, Indeflnlte. Forbes-Robertson—Hhubert, N. Y. O.. Indefinite. Faveraham, Wm. (L. J.. Callahan, mgr.)—Los Angeles. Oal,, 8-8, San Diego 10, 11, Santa Bar- bara 13, San Bernardino 18, Pu?nlx. Aril., 14, Tucson 15, "Figman, Oscar—(Muskogee, Okla., 15, "Freckles"—Akron, O., 8-8. "Firefly, The"—Oolumbla. 8. 0L 11. ■Follies of 1B18"—JUegteld's Tras u ont. Boaton, 8-8. "Fight, The"—Hndaon, N. T. Olty. S-8. "Family Cupboard. The"—Playhouse, N. X City, Indefinite. "Fanny's First Play"—Pittsburgh 8-8. "Fine Feathers," Mo. 1 — H. H. Fraaee'a— Loutsvtlte, Ky , 8-5. Inrtlanapoltt, Ind., (1-8. Mlddlctown, O., B, Lexington, Ky,, 10, Ohat- tanooga, Tenn., 11, Nashville 12, 18, Memphis 14. 15. "Fine Feathers" (Southern)—New Philadelphia, O,, 6, Coshocton 0, Cambridge 7, Marietta 8, Nelsonvllle 10, Athens 11, Pomeroy 13, Wells- ton 13, Jackson 14, Ironton 16. "Fine Feathers" (Baetera)—Jonesvtlle. Mich., 5, Jackson 0, Lansing 7, Battlo Creek 8, Big Rapids 10, Loillngion 11, Manlatee 12, Oadlllao 18, Traverse 14, H. Jordan 15. "Floe Feathers" (Western)—Newton la,, 5, . Perry 0, Webster 7, Boone 8, Marsnalltown 0, . Iowa Falls 10, Ft. Dodge 11, Algous 12, Bra- .Jfttteburg 18, Spencer 14, Canton, S. Dak., 16. Oeorg*. Grace—Lyceum. N. Y. O.. Indeflnlte. "Grest Adventure, Tho"—Booth, New York, In- ' deflnlte. "Olrl of the Underworld, The" — Balntrldge, N. Y, 6, Downavllle 6, Hawley. Pn„ 7, Hon- Philadelphia T| Carthage, 13. Boonvllle 14 Baldwlnsvllle 17, Newark 18. "Girl and the Stampede, The"—Norton * tarn- Jert's—Uadlsonvllle. Ky.. 6, Bowling Green 10, .Glasgow 11, Bardstown 12, Shelby Tills 18, Cyntblana 14, Parla 16. " %f* &"■% rn J e ,".-r p,lm,M » *,,M«OUIan's— CoInrabut, O., 10-18, Akron 18, 14, Green- ville 17, "Girl of the Mountains, A"—Greenville, Tat., 0, Kaufman 6, Knnla 7. Ooralcana 8. "Garden of Allah"—Detroit, Mloh., 8-8. "Olrl from Broadway. The" (Tho*. Alton, mrr.) sTsefrnV" 1*0 * 5 ' D """ 1 9 ' ■"■■■ * "Good Lltllo'Devil, A"—Bslsaco's—Chicago 3-30. 1 Irt . J"?. tto P"™**. The"—Lyrle, New York, Indeflnlte. "Governor's Lady, The"—Relaics's—Peorta, III.. 0, Oaleshurg 0. Davenport, la.. 7, Dubuque 8. asJe Wb s U. nn - ou - Minneapolis 18-15. Dodge. Wm.—Chicago. Indeflnlte. ' Hopper, Do Wolfe—Chicago, Nov. 2. indefinite. Hitchcock, Raymond—Chicago, lndefiulte. S?SI n i.* n H c " llyr<> — c ' ,lc it 0 Hwleflnlte. Hllllard, Robt.—Washington S-8. .If* 0 *'*'™ 0011 K*!'^"—Boston, Indeflnlte. SS^k' P'iS&Js Bov/man 0, Letnmon T, Me- HJgJLIa.e^y'sr* W..ljBq H. Ipwlch 12. .i^,SKi ,lc J I8 ' w . al, . ,,, ' , ,4 - Btimmlt 187 Higher Law, The" (Oscar Graham, msjr.)— '"^Old^Kentucky" (Dan Ooruedlne, mgr.)—Chi- "In Wrong"!—Clinton, la., 0-8. "Inner Shrine. The"—Atlantic City, N. J.. 8-5. «€Sff ph ■»* H'« Brethren"—Montreal, Can 8.8. "Kidnapped for a Million" (B. n. retVy. rngV.)~ New Salem. N. Dsk.. 3-8. aieudlverMont" H)! "w^r New ' v *- s - ■■■*«. '"Mo' a"* (H "" T 8 ' *""•• m » T ->—K»»w»Oitr. 'I.lttio Miss Brown"—Detroit, 8-8. ^S rat* fc Aa » i «««*- "Ijure, The 1 '—Msxtne Blltotfs—N. ». o., lndefl- " ^ '.'. ,,l,! ^. u " , ! on *• , ♦• Th*"—8annders»llle, 0*.. 8 lawklnsvllle 0, Dublin 7. Macon 8. Amerlcus 10. Albany 11, ThomasTllle 13, Fltawrald 13. Savannah 14, Jacksonville. Fla„ lit" "Lion andtbe Mouse, The" (Geo. n. But*, mtr.) -fltocspoit, u,, 6, DlrouoghaM 0, New Lou' don 7, Brighton 8, Oakaloosa 0. Vorth English 10, Mlllersburg 11. Pamcll 12, Ladora 13, Vic- tor 14. ........ "Little Boy Blue"—Savage's—Houston, Tex., 5, San Antonio 0, 7, Austin 8, Waco 10, Dallas 11, 12, Sherman 18, Ft. Worth 14, 15. "Little Women"—St. Louis, Mo., 8-8, Lincoln, Neb.; 10-12, Omsha 13-15. "Little Women"—Indianapolis, Ind., 8-8. "Lavender and Old Lac* — Washington 3-8. "Little Lost Sister" (John Beroero, mgr.)— Ilocheater. N. Y., 3-B. Providence. R; I., 1015. "Leopard'*< Spots. The" (Thos. Dixon, mgr.)— Greenville, S. 0.. 5, Atlanta, Oa., 0-8, Abbey- vllle, 8. OV, 10, Union 11, Laurens 12, Newbarg 18, Columbia 14, Ohester 15. Macdonald, ohiiatlo—New Amsterdam, N, Y. O., 8-8, Liberty. N. Y. 0., 10, Indeflnlte. Mrlnlyre A Heath—Louisville 4-0, Cincinnati 10- 15. Melropolllan Opera—aPtilia., Indeflnlte. Moson, John—Criterion, New York. 3-8, Fulton, New York, 10. Indeflnlte. Maude, Cyril—Wnllack's, New York. Indeflnlte. Miller, Henry—Ssn Fran., Oal.. 3-15. "Maid and the Minister, The" —• Lamberton, Minn., 5, Oomfrey 8, Sherburn 9. "Midnight Olrl, The"—Fifty-seventh St., N. Y. 0., Indefinite. "Madcap Duchess, The"—Boston 8-8, Globe, New York, 11, Indefinite. "Mutt and Jeff In Panama" (Archie Makenile, mgr.)—Bucyrna, O., 6, Flndlay 6, Wanakoneta 7, Lima 8, Ft. Wayne, Ind,, 0, Huntington 10, Peru 11. Logsnsport 13, Kokomo 13, La- fayette 14, Danville 16. "Mott and Jeff In Panama," Co. 0. (B. M. Gar- field, mgr.)—Huntsvllle, Ala., S, Columbia, Tenn., 0, Nashville 7, Olarkarllle 8, Jackson 10, Memphis 11, Helena, Ark., 12, Pine Bluff 18, Texarksna 14, Little Rock 16. "Mutt and Jeff In Panama" (Ohas. A. William., mgr.)—Ardmore, Okla., 5, Gainesville, Tex., 8, Dallas 7, 8, Ft. Worth 10. 11, Oorstcanna 12, Mexla 13. Blllsboro 14. Waco 18. 'Mutt and Jeff In Panama" (Chaa. Yale, mgr.)— Yonngatown, O., 8-8, Butler, Pa, 10. Beaver Falls 11, Brownsville 12, Monessen 18, Union- town 14, Connellavlile IB, 'Mutt end Jeff In Panama" (Joe Pettlnglll. mgr.) —Detroit, Mich., 2-8. Grand Baplda 0 15. "Milestones 1 '—Pittsburgh 10-16. "Missouri Olrl" (Eastern)— Merle H. Norton's— Bonham, Tex., 6, Olarksvllle 7, Paris 8, Winn*. boro 10, Pittsburg 11, Hsrabsll 12, Longvlew 18, Jacksonville 14, Palestine IS. "Mrs, Wlcgs of the Cabbage Patch"—Haatlngi, Neb., 6. "Missouri Olrl" (Western)—Norton A Rlth's— Indlsn Head, Saak., S, Wolieley 6, Mooaemla 8, Vlrden, Man., 10, Blkhorn 11, Yorkton, Bask., 13, Melville 14, Watrous IB. "Master Mind, The"—Buffalo S-8, Cincinnati 10-18. "McFadden's Flats" (Jack Ollnea. mgr.)—St. . Joseph, Mo., 8-5, Kansas Olty 0-15. "Modern Eve, A"—Goshen, Ind., .1, Elkhart 8, Ooldwater, Mich., 7, Kalamasoo S, Grand Rap- Ids 0, Battle Creek 10, Ann Arbnr 11, Jackson „ 12, Flint 13. liny Olty 14, Saginaw IB. "Man Inalde, The"—(Belaaco'a) — Rochester, N. Y.. .1-3, Syracuse 0-8, Criterion, New York 11, Indefinite. "Miss Phnnlr," Shubert'e—Harri*, New York, 8, Indefinite. "Marriage Game, The," John Oort's—Comedy, New York, Indeflnlte, Nailmova, Mm*.—Honuvuk, Bkln,, 8-8, Newark, 10-10. "Nearly Married"—flohm A Harris'—Gaiety, N. Y. C, Indefinite. "Newlyweds"—Toronto, Can., 8-8, Buffalo 10-15. Olcott, Ohauncey—Chicago 8-15, 0 '3* r *W. F1 " ke -^ Now,rl '' N - *M 8-8, Plslnfield 10, AtUnUc Olty 1113, Trenton 14, Reading, "Ohl"Obi Delphlne"—Chicago Indeflnlte. "One Woman's Life" (Frank Hunt, mgr. )- nntl 2-8. St. Loul* 0-15. Hanfonl 10, Vlaalla II, Freano 12. Modesto 13, bacramento 14, Auburn 15. f'Spendlhrlft. The"—Kllmt A Caixolo'*—Provi- dence, 11. I.. 3-8, Bkln., 10-15. "Sins of the Father, The," No. 2. Oo. (Tho*. Dison, mgr.)—Rochester, Pa., 5, Greenville 0, Warren. 0., 7, Alliance 8, Akron 10, Klyrta 11, Mansfield-12, Bucyrus 13, Bellevue 14, Nor- walk 15. "Sis Perkins." Southern (C. Jay Smith, mgr.)— Mangura. Okla., 5, Granite fl, Hobart 7, Cordell 8. Clinton 10, Sayre 11; Brick 12, AmarlHo, Tex., lS^Oanron it; Olovls. N: Hex., 15.. "Spendthrift, The"—Primrose A MrGlllau's—Ot- tumws. Is.. 10, Klrkavllle. Mo., 11, Macon 12, Urookfietd 13, Decatur. HI., 10. "Kins of the Father," No. 1 Oo. (Thos. Dixon, mgr.)—Newhurg, N. Y., B, CatsklU 6, Sanger- tlea 7. New Mllford, Oonn., 8. ■ - ' "fonbonnet Sue"—Park Play Oo.'ai—Hdns, Tex., 5, Goliad 0, Beevllle 7, Floresvllle 8, Yorktown 9, Oucro 10, Yoakum 11, Hallettesvllte 12, Smltbvllle 13, Lockhart 14, Sequin 15. "Snow White"—Jersey City. N. J„ 8-8. "Spendthrift, The"—Wee A Lambert's—Grafton, W. Va., 5, Clarksburg 8. "Spider and the Fly, The"—Rockford, HI., 8-8. Taylor, Laurelte—Cort, N. Y. C, Indeflnlte. Turner, Clara (W F. Barry, mgr.)—Port Chester, N. v., lndeQnlte. Taliaferro, Mabel A Edith—KuorvlIIe. Tenn., 6. Thurston, Howard (Jack Jones, mgr.)—Buffalo, N. Y., 8-8, Pittsburgh, Pa., 10-18. Thayer, Edith (Jack Shoemaker, mgr.)—Rich- mond, Va.. 6, Norfolk 6, Danville 7, Winston- Salem, N. C. 8, Charlotte 10, Oolumbla, S. 0., 11, Charleston 12, Savannah, Oa., 13, Au- gusta 14, Macon 15. "Trip to — Washington, A" (Harry Askln, mgr.)— Chicago, Indeflnlte. "Temperamental Journey, The"—Republic, N Y. C, Indeflnlte. "To-Day"—Manuscript Prod. Co.—48th Street, New York, 6, Indeflnlte. "Thief, The," Eastern—Primrose A McGUUn's —-Bdgemont, So. Dak., 10, Alliance, Neb., 12, No. Platte 16. "Thief, The," Western—Primrose A McGlllan's —-Lansing, la., 10. Waukon 11, Swea Olty 15. "Tbelma" (Henry W. Links, mgr.)—Fullerton, Neb., 7, Schuyler.8, Ashland 10, Seward 12, Osceolo 14, York 15. - "Town Fool, The" (Harry Green, mgr.J-r-Man- nlng, Is., 6, Charter Oak 7, Horrlck 8, Pender. Neb.. 10. Tekamab 11, Cedar Bluff 12, Val- paraiso 18, Ulysses 14, flhlckley 15. "Third Degree, The <L. A. Edwards, mgr 1 .)— Blockton, la., 8, Lorlmore 7, Osceola 8, New Vlglnla 10, Lucas 11, Charlton 12, New Sharon 14, Alula 15. "Tlk-Tok Man of Ox"—Clinton. la., 14. ' "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—She- boygan, Wli., 6, Appleton «, Madison 7, Bock- ford, III., 8. B, Peoria 10-12. "Virginians, The"—Akron, 0., 8-5. Ward. Fannie—Garrick. N. Y. C. Indefinite. Warfield, David—Belasco. N. Y. 0., Indefinite. Western Metropolitan Opera—San Fran., Cat., till Nov. 22. Williams, Eitha (Arthur Alston, mgr.)—Vic- toria, Tex,, 5, Beevllle 6, Ouero 7, Yoakum 8. Waldmsnn, Eduard (Ben Falk, mgr,)—Pontlac, Mich., 6, Owosso 0, Charlotte 7. Warner, H B.—Toronto, Can., 8-8. "Within the Law"—Eltinge. N. Y. 0., Indefinite. "Within the Law"—Rochester, N. Y., 3-8. "When Dreams Come True"—Cincinnati 8-8. . "Whip, Tho"—Buffalo 10-16. "Within the Law"—Milwaukee 10-15. "Whip, The"—Boaton, Indeflnlte. "When It Strlkei Home"—Providence, B. 1., 8-6. Harlem O. H. Stock—S. F. Keith's, New York, Indefinite. . ■ . Borne Stock—Akron, O., Indefinite. Huntley Stock—Savannah, Oa., Indefinite. Uaawell, Percy. Stock—Cleveland, indefinite. Holden Stock—Cleveland, Indefinite. Heuck's Players—Cincinnati, ^definite. . Harrington, Beatrice, Stock—Denlson, Tex., In- definite. >'' , ■ Hawk, Earl. Stock—Macomb. III., 3-8. Jefferson Theatre Stock (Julius Calm, tngT-H* > Portland, Me;. Indefinite. ■ ■ Jewett's Players—Boston. Indefinite. Keyes Sisters Stock (Chester Keren, mgr.)— Wichita, Kan., indefinite. i Keystone Dramstld Co.—Wllbertoc. Okla., 8-8. Kllmt' A' Oaxiolo Stock—Baltimore, Md., lndefl- nltew — Klng-dlOTer Dramatic (Chas. P. King, mgr.)— Msson, Tex., 3-B. Klark-Urban Stock—Houlton, Me., 8-8, MlUlnOCk- et 10-12, Oldtown 13-15. Knickerbocker Stock (L. A. Stanton, mgr.)— . Laona. Wis., 8-8. • Long. Frank B., Stock—Belmont, Wis., 3-8. Little Theatre Stock—Phlla., Indefinite. Lang, Eva, Stock—Omaha, Neb., Indeflnlte. La Roy Stock—Beckley, W. Va.. 3-8. Lyceum Stock—New Britain, Conn., Indeflnlte. Long, Miss Billy, Stock (J. P. Goring, Inc., mgra.)—Chattanooga. Tenn;. Indeflnlte. La Porte, Mae, Oo. (Joe McEnroe, mgr.)—Fred- ericksburg, Va.. 8-8. Lynn, Jack, Stock—Dansvllle, N. Y„ 3-8, Perm Yann 1015. ..... Little Theatre Stock—Phlla.. Indefinite. Lamb A Melrose Stock—Lewis too. Mo., 3-5, La Belle 8-8, Ewlng 10-12. Murat Stock—Indianapolis, Indefinite. Malley A Dennlaon Stock—Lawrence, Mass., In- Mallory Slater*' Stock—BranarlUe, Ind., Indefi- nite. , . Morosco Stock (Oliver Morooco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal.. Indeflnlte. _ . • Murphy's. Comedians (Horace Murphy, mgr.)— Sbrerepbrt, La., Indeflnlte, England Has Sent Us...,^ brat best of all Pears, the soap „, quality SBd parity -there", MB) . runs! wpratatloa behind- ears soap ■ I5o. a Cake tOr the UnscenieU ~»_ i mgr.)—Oincln- DON'T FOROBT TUB 6lst ANNIVERSARY N4JMBER OF THE NEW YORK CLIPPER TO BB IB8TJED FEB. 14, 1014. "Ofileer 886"—Worcester, Mass., 8-8, Rochester. N. Y., 10*15. "Our Village Postmn«tcr" (Wallle Stephen*, mgr.)—Benton, Mon., 7, Great Falls 8,,0, Liv- ingston 17. ™i "Old" Homestead"—Grand Rapids, Mich,, 8-8. Obi I Say I"—Caalno, New York, Indeflnlte. Fairish, Lucille (Will Oolrarb, mgr.)—Pine Blaff. _ Ark., 8-8, Atlanta, Ga., 10167 Pat ton, W. B. (Frank B. Smith, mgr.)— Erometts- ...."•"si **•■ 6 i Algona 6. dsfl 1 * PW-Mttor"—Cohan's, N. Y. 0.. In- "Stt FV^SrrZT*- *^ JSns,nKr 1 ."i3' , 'Br.d•ford , T4."• """V * bub 8T"pSiinfl«Td b T j°: i K o°?oT.r 7 ir 0 ii..: "'s^. O^SsSHLSSi^iBaM *°J>« "*»■. W. Maoch Chunk 13, Freelsnd 14, rotnrriiie 16. "When Dunty Pulls the Strings" (Wm. Crsnston, mgr.)—Billings, Mont., 15. "What Happened to Mary" (Carl Zoelner, mgr.) —-Sunbury, Pa., 5, Wllllamsport 7, Lock'Ha- ven 8, Renova 10 St. Marys 11, Btdgv/ay 13, ........ .., ,,.j <,D.,,,i>,.^ ti.i; i iu/jt-[ni<iin, I'a., 5, West Ohester fl. Ooatesvllle 7, Pottstown 8, Kutstown 10, PotUvllle 11, Ashland 12, *mTliT WTi i in »c™ i. ■ «. » . . Snamokln 13, Bloomsburg 14, Sunbury 15. ton D°0 tut -&SSSH-& a,, ,T" W f!? , " , «- .y^'' Xmr Friend?"—Clinton. la.. 8-15. i™'bi v&l£5'-/ oh Js* , JS- ?.*• W. Altoona "Where the Trail Divides"—Primrose A McOU- lan's—iMankato, Minn., 0, New Ulia 10, Adrian) 14, Bock Rapids, la.. 15. ' 'Way Down Kast"—St. Paul. Minn., fl-8, 'Years of Discretion"—G. O. H.,- New York. 3-B, Broadway, Bkln., 10-15. II. B. LiTCgpool,' O., 127wheelrng. W." Va.713- ''SSUSS V&JA&hl&zS&Sto «no»fln|t*. 'Printer of Udell's,; That" (Oasklll A McVltty Inc., mgr*.)—Olarlnda, la., fl, Chllllcothe, Mo„ fl, Macon 7, Moberly 8, Warrensburg 10, Man- hattan, Kan., 11, Abilene 12, Sallna 18, Ells- , worth 14, Sterling 16. ■•>■•• »•»■ «■»•» E urBl ?. Bo * a ' The T '—Toronto, Can., 8-8. 'Prunella"—Little, New York, Indeflnlte. Price She Paid, The"—Dublnsky Bros.', North- .•« rn —*»!>ton. Neb.. 5, Hooper 6, Danbury 8. foor Little Rich Olrl"—Baltimore 3-8. '»*, ''■. 3 ^L 1 " . (B1,, -f O'Connor, mgr.)—St. Michaels, Md.. 5, Ballsbury 8. Osmbrldge 7. Berlin 8. Salisbury 10, Pocomoke Olty lirPrln- ceas Anne 12, Orlsfleld 18, Brldgevllie 14, Lewes IB, "•Pf'nce of To-night"—Otynrpli. 'Wtah., 8, F.Ims 0, Oenlralln 7, Kelso 8, Astoria. Ore., 0, Salem CorvX'u, MW Pl " "' BW1 ""' 13 ' "Price She Paid, The"—Dublnaky Bros.', South- ern—Lubbock. Tex., 5, Snyder 8, Sweetwater t, uoiorado n. "Price Shy Paid"—Dublnaky Bros.'. Central— Walnut Ridge, Ark., 5, Poplar Bluff. Mo., 7, Cape Girardeau 8. "Pleasure Beakers. The"—Winter Garden, New York, 8, Indeflnlte. • '**! of the Circus" (Wei* A Moxon, mgra.)—. Ptrls, Teg., 5, Olarksvllle 6. Texarkana 7. Shrew-port. La., 8, 0, Marshall. Tex., 10, Long- view 11, tufkln 12, Paleattns 18, Teague 14, Ooralcana 15, "Quaker Olrl, The"—St. Catherines, Can., 18. -Bobbins. Mlaa Bobby (F. K. Clayton, mgr)— _ Oreensburg. Ind., Indeflnlte. Bng, Blanche—Cedar Baplda, ta„ 8, Blchards, Geo., Co.—Dalit*, Tex., 3-8, Houstoo 0-15. Romola, Bob, Show—Olney. HI,, 10-16. It sue us k Nelson Co. (Rowland 4 Ollfford, mgr*.) _ —Chicago 2-8. Louisville 0-1B, nobaon, May—Washington 8-8. "Romance"—-Oklcago, Indeflnlte. Ready Money"—Muskogee, Okla., 10, "Rosary. The" —Rowland A Olltford'a— Balti- more 8-8, Ilsirlsbnrg, Pa.. 10, Shamokin 11, Sunbury i3, Huotlnguon 18, Altoona 14, Johns- town IB, "Round-Dp, Ttif"—Plttsbnrgh 8-8. "Red Rose, The"—ZanesvUre. 0„ 8. Skinner 6tls—Milwaukee S-8, Rockford, HI., Sotbern-Marlowe— Phlla. 8-8. Sidney, George—Muncle, 'Ind., 8, Hontlngton fl, Wabash 7, Elkhart 8, Battle Creek 9, Adrian o?i TS cum •!. l, ' M .'^ n v "i Pontlac 12, Bay , ,01ty 13, Saginaw 14, I.anslng 15, "fainahlne Olrl, The"—Boaton, Indeflnlte. "Seven Keys to Baldpate"—Aator, N, Y. 0.. In- definite. "Sunny South" (J. 0. Rockwell, mgr.)—Bristol. Vt. 5. Brandon fl, Mlddlebary 7, Rutland 8, Oreenwlch, N Y.. 10. Scbttylervltte 11. Co- rinth 12. Whitehall 18, Tlconderoga 14, Port ''Spring Maid, The"—Rending. Pa„ IB. "Seren Hoar* in New York"—Wee A Lambert's— lock Haven, Pa., 6, Sunbury 7, Shamokin 8. Stop Thief I"—St. Paul, Mini., if™" "Stop Thief"—Phlla.. Indeflnlte. ■■Shepherd of the Hllla The" (Oasklll A Mac- ylfty, Inc.. mgrs.l—Danville. Va., 6. Peters- H** 8 S« N *2P or 5 P 9 !? T « Suffolk 8. Soldier's Home 10. Elisabeth City, N. O., 11, Plymouth if Washington 18, Wllllamslon ll, Tarboro 15. "Shepherd of the Hills, The"-«sW, N. Y. 5. Plsttsburg 0. St. Albans, Vt.. 7, Barre 8. tjneaater. N. jL 10. Woodatook. Vt.. 11. Newl d rt, a?- J 1 " l8 V,°U n,m 2 ot ls - JWlowa nils, . Vt.. 14. Keene. N. H.. 18. 8 JtJ ,b 2l"f 92. ■» The"-New Orleans, La., ..„?"• Birmingham, Ala., 10-16. "Shephenl of the mils, The"—Milan. Mo.. 5. Brunswick 7, Hardin 8. Ohllllcothe 10. Bethany II. Lamont 13, Osceola 18. Afton 14. Corning 'Shepherd pftto Hills. The"—s, n Diego, Oal. STOCKS AND MUSICAL COHBDIBS. . I'ermnuout and TrnTCllnir. Alcsiar Stock—San Fran., Cal.. Indeflnlte. Auditorium Stock—Lynu, Maaa, Indeflnlte. Academy of Mualc Stock—Wm. Fox's—Academy. New York, Indeflnlte. American Stock—Phlla., Indeflnlte. Academy Stock—Jersey Olty, N. J., Indeflnlte. Aubroy Stock, Permanent (D. Otto Hlttner, mgr.) —Anderson, Ind., 37-Nov, 8. Auditorium Stock—Kansaa Olty, Ma, Indeflnlte. Angell Stock (Joe Angel I, mgr.)—Portage, Pa:. 8-5, Patton 0-8, Clymer 10, 11, Hellwood 13- 16, Angell's Oomedltu (A. H. Orayblll, mgr.)— Tulla, Tex., 8-8. Applegate. Hugo. Oo.—Springfield, So. Dak., 8-6, Waynor 6-8, Lake Andes 10-12, Platte 13-16. Brown, Kirk (J, T. Macauley, mgr.)—Burling- ton, Vt., 8-8. Blahop Players (H. W. Bishop, op.)—Oakland, Cal., indefinite. Burns' Stock (Jtul Burns, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Indeflnlte . . Bryant, Billy, Stock—Ripley, W. Va„ 8-5, Pome- BuhfrV Richard, Stock (A. 0. DeHmater, car.) —Oolumbua, O., Indefinite. • B,rr S tt J? ,,]r . er ? < J - B - Barrett, mgr.)—Zanes- _ vlllo. O.. Indeflnlte. ' »-~~~- BaldwInjMelTllte 8tock—Buttalo, Indefinite. Baylies Hick* Block—Fall River, - Mass., lndefl- s WjW gll Mmletl Stock—Mlnneapoii,, Minn., Boyd, Grace K., Stock—ManUtlqos, Mich., 8-6. Broadway Stock—Springfield, Mass., Indefinite. Brooks Stock—Bochiotef. Mlnn-.T-rf. u,0 ^ u "™: BfiSBS fiiMf*» Colonial Stock—Reading. Pa., Indefinite. Cornell-Prlce Players-Mt. Vernon, 0„ 8-8. Monessen. Pa., 10-16. ' Craig Stock—Itoston. Indefinite. JJonneia Players—Wilmington, Del., Indefinite. Cummngs Stock (Forrest H.Oummlnxa,Trngr )— New Oaatle, Pa., indeflnlte. ■"*'■»— ^t wgfinn?" 7 D,Tl *' ■«-■•*** K n.eS',i?5~i; n r" 16 * 0 .' 8** 'hoXlnlte. defln'to - ' ° t<,clI --«»'ke, Fla„ In- p?,?i I *Bf 8 iy , '77 P V M v? ,c f' * r i ^definite. Kmnire^Stock Jlon OarroM. i»ir.)-Mt. Hope, *■»• Art' Repertoire Co.—Chicago Indeflnlte "in 0., S 3°8 k (,toW,ra U <^^»tS)!?*rank, Osffe'relly, Marie, Co.—Starke, Fla., Indeflnlte g^f^Vaughn, Stock-Cleveland, indetolte °T P todefl n ; , ,V" , - B - " K « l «' , i-B a rr,{yn. N. O0 l , naeflnlte 0Ck ~ B - F * K « ltt '—»"•«•»". N. Y.. Orand Opera nause Stock—Brooklyn, Indeflnlte, German Stock—Milwaukee, Indefinite " IIm "* German Stock—Cincinnati, Indefinite. Oagnon-Pollock Stock (Bert 0. Gagnon, mgr.)— ..New Orleans, Indeflnlte. ^' nuntlrujton, Wright, Players—8t Paul, Indefl- nlte. Hart's Stock—Phlla. Indeflnlte. Henderson Stock (W. J. Henderson, mgr.)— Car- Hayes, j.uoy H A Players— Newcastle. Neb;. t-5, Bancroft 0-8, Pooca 10-13, Pender 18-18, Morrison, Llndsey, Stock—Lynn, Ma»a., Indeflnlte, Menlmac Square Plsyers— LowtU, " n'te. _ .-.. Myrkle-Bardrr Stock—Oreensburg, Ps., 10-16. Metropolis Players—Metropolis, New York, In- deflnlte. . - .. Magrane Stock—Wichita, Kan., Indeflnlte. Usber, Phil, Stock—Waynesburg, Pa„ 3-8, Lan- caster, 0„ 10-15. Modern, Drama Players—Savannah, Ga., lndeflnlto, Mayer Stock—Haverhill. Ma**., Indeflnlte. Manhattan Dramatic (Manley 4 Tyler's—Syilen- velle, Vt., 8-5, Littleton, N. H.. 6-8. . ■ Moot, Addison, A Associate Player* (Leslie E. Smith, mgr.)—Watertown, N. Y.,.indefinite. National Stock—Philadelphia. Indeflnlte. Nlool-Troy Stock (B. B. Nlcol, mgr.)—Laredo, Tex., 30, Alice 1015. , _^ Orpheum Players (Frank Williams, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, Indefinite. , Opera Bouse Stock (Reed ft Zabrlskle, mgri.)— Pateraon. N. J., Indeflnlte. Orpheum Plsyers—Reading, Pa., Indeflnlte. Orpheum Players—Cincinnati Indeflnlte. Pitt Players—Pittsburgh Indeflnlte. Price, Jos. I?., Stock—Mason City, Minn., 34.' Pitt Stock (Geo. H. Pitt, mgr.)—Columbus, Ind., 8-8. Poll Stock (Gordon Wrlghter, mgr.)—Springfield, Msss., Indefinite. Prlngle, Delia, A Stock (0. K. Van Aoksn, mgr.)—Empire, Butte, Mont, indefinite. Price ft Bntler Stock—Boswell, Pa., 3-8, Uernes- boro m-lfi. Poll Players (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton, D. 0., Indeflnlte. Princess Stock—Chicago Indeflnlte. Poll Stock—WIIkes-Barre, Pa., Indefinite. Permanent Players—Edmonton, Can., Indeflnlte. Penn Players—Phlla., indeflnlte. Poll Stock—Baltimore, indeflnlte. Pearl Stock (Alfred A. Webster, mgr.)—Hunting- ton, W. Vs., Indefinite. Plckert Stock—Illon, N. Y., S-8, Little Falls 10- 15. " Poole Musical Slock—Muskogee, Okla., Indefinite. Princess Stock—Rockford, 111.. Indeflnlte. Bnik-Blsbee Stock—Erie, Ps„ Indeflnlte. Roller Clayton Stock—New Orleans, La., Indefl- nlte, • Robhlns, Ollnt A Bessie (Clint, A. Bobbin*, mgr.) —Hampton, la.. 8-8, Cherokee 1-15. Rae, John 0., Oo. —• Iroquois, So. Dak., 3-8, Frankfort 10-15. ' Bobbins, Mis* Bobby (F. E. Clayton, mgr.)— Oreenalmrg. Ind., indefinite. Shubert Stock—Milwaukee, Indefinite. Spooner, Cecil, Stock—Bronx, New York, Indefi- nite. Spooner Dramatic—Graham, Tex., 3-8, Bridge- port 0-16. Shermsn Stock—Milwaukee. Indeflnlte. Spedden ft Paige Oo.—Aberdeen, S. Dsk., Indefl- nlte. Shannon, Harry, Stock—Chllllcothe, 0., 8-8, Ash- land, Ky., 10-15. Bhermsn-Woods Stock—St. John, N, B., Can., Indeflnlte. Stratford Players—Chicago 8-23, Kteel, Oacar B., Stock—Toronto, Can., Indeflnlte. Bhorey, Ethel Mar. Stock—Franklin, N. II., 8-0, Peterboro 0-8, Brattleboro, Vt., 10-15. Tlvoll Stock—Sao Francisco, Cat., Indeflnlte. Tempest Dramatic (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)Bel!e- fonte, Pa., 3-B, Phllllpshnrg 10-16. Torbett A White Stock— Brownwood, Tex., Indefl- nlte. ' Thompson A Woods Stock—St John, N. B., Can., Indeflnlte. Trlns Stock—Milwaukee 8-8. Washington Stock—Detroit, Indeflnlte. Wadsworth Players—Washington Heights, New York, Indeflnlte, Whitney Stock—Luildlngton, Mich., 8-8. • Wlnnlnger Players—Marsbflcld, Wis., 8-8, Mani- towoc 10-15. Westchester Stock—Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Indeflnlte. Yiddish Players (B. A. Ilelkln, mgr.)—Olobe, Chicago, 27-Jan. 1, 1*14. COMPANIES IN TABLOID PLATS. Amlek't.. Pennant Winters—Tarboro, N. 0.. S-8, Rocky Mount 10-22. VACDEVILLE SHOWS. Held, Anna, Co.—San Fran., Oal., 8-8. - Russell. Lillian, A Co.—Kansas Olty. Mo., 8-8. Thaw, Evelyn NesMt—Montreal. Can., 8-8. Todd, Wm.—Stlllman. Ga., 8-8. . . Tangnay, Eva. Co.—Columbui, O., S-8. DURLESaUB SHOWS. * Columbia Wheel. American Beauties . (Dave Goran, mgr.)—Corin- thian, Rochester, 8-8, Bsatable, Syracuse, 10- 12, Lumbrrg, Utlca, 18-16, Beauty Parade (Ed. Schteftr. mgr.)—-Westmin- ster, Providence, 8-8, Caalno, Boston, 10-15. Behman Show (lack Btnger, mirr.)— Kmplre, Al- bany, 8-8, Franklin Square, Worcester, 6-8, °"*"/. Boston, 10-15. Ben Welch Burlctquors (Jake Lleberuun, mgr.)— Gayety, Minneapolis, 3-B, Grand, St Paul, 10- 18. Belles of Beauty Row (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.)— Grand, St. Paul, S-8. Gayety, Milwaukee, 1015. Beauty, Youth and Folly (Wm. V. Jennings, mgr.) —People's, New York, 8-8. lay off 10-18. Big Jubilee (Jas. Weedon, mtrr.)—Gayety, Pitts- burgh, 8-8, Star, Cleveland, 10-15. Billy Watson's Big Show (Dsn Gaggenhelm, mgr.) —Gayety, Baltimore, 8-8, Gayety, Washington, 10-16. Bon Ton Gtrla (Frank McAleer, nurr.J—Oayoty, Detroit 3-8, Oayety. Torouh), 10-15. Broadway Girls (Loula Oberworth, mgr.)—Lay _ off 88, Oayety, Omaha, 10-15, ^^ Bowery Butlesuuera (Geo. -Harris, mgr.)—Stand- ard, St. Louis, 8-8, Oayety, Kansas Olty, 10- 15. College Girls (Horry Hodges, mgr.)—Casino, Boa- ton, 8-8, OUrooro, Springfield, 1-13, Umpire, Albany, 13-15. Onluaibla Brtrlesquera (J. O. McFartan, mgr.)— Columbia, Chicago, 8-8, Oayety, Cincinnati, 10- 15. Orackerjacka (Ohas. B. - Arnold, mgr.)—Oaalno, Phlla., 3-8. Oayety, Baltimore, 10-15. Dreamlande (Dick Patten, mgr.)—Gayety, Wash- ington, 3-8. Gayety. Plttsbun-gh, 10-16. Follies of too Dot (Jack McNsmars, mgr.)—Oil- more, Springfield, 3-5. Empire, Albany, fl-8. Bronx. New York. 10-18. ^^ ^ 0l Vt. N ' w Yorkers (Jake Ooldenberg, mgr.)— Colurabls, New York. 3-B, Slar, Bkln.. 10-lfi. Olrls of tbe Gay White Wsy (Dare Gordon, mgr.) •^Jjfayette, Buffalo, 8-8, Corinthian, Rochester, °'r, 1 * fro 52 Happyland (B. W. Ohlpmin, mgr.)— .Star, Cleveland. 8-8, Empire, Toledo, 1016. 0o i < K n < ??? k 'Jemoa Fulton, mgr.)—Casino, Bkln., 3-8. Onihenm, Pateraon, 10-15 Girls from Stageland (Charles Donahue, mgr.)— Oayety. Montreal, 3-8, Empire, Albany, 1012, Franklin Square, Worcester, 18-16. Ginger Girl; (w. Rossnthal, mgr.)—Gsyety. Mil- waukee. 8* BWly, ObJctso, 1W6. Oayety Girls (Bob Slmom, mgr.)—Star and dar- ter, Chicago, 3-8, Standard, St. Loula, luis Happy Widows (Wm. Fennessy, mgr.)—Orpheum' Psterson, 3-8, Empire, Newark, 10-15. Honeymoon Girls (Dave Guran, mgr.)—Ituckins- bam. LouUvllle, 3-8. 8 Bastings' Big Show (Jack levy, mgr.)— '•'ollv Chicago. 3-8. Gayety, Detroit, 10-15, Lioerty Girls (Alex. Gorman, mgr.)—Lay off 3-8, Empire. Hoboken, 1016. Love Makers (Ira Miller, mgr,)—Oayety To- ronto, 3-8, Lafayette, Buffalo, 10-15. Marlon's Own Show (Bob Travers, mgr.)—Park Bridgeport, 6-8, Westminster, Providence, in- 15. Miner's Big Frolic (Ed. Daley, mgr.)—Gaiety Boston, 3-8, Columbia, New York, 10-15. Mollle Williams' Show (Phil. lasses, mgr.)—Mur- ray Hill, New York, 3-8, Bridgeport 13-1.1. Queens of Paris (Joe Howard, mgr.)—Qoycty Omsha, 3-8, Gayety, Minneapolis, 10-15, , lndefl He,,, n > falg_ Beauty Bhow (Al. Beeves, mgr.)- Emplre Hoboken, 8-8, Empire, Phlla., 10-15 Roble's Big Snow .(Joe Boole, mgr.) — star. Bkln., 38, Kmplre, Bkln, 10-15. Boseland Girls (Walter Oreevea, mgr.)—Broni New York, 8-8,. Casino, Bkln., 10-15. Bote Sydell's London Belles (Harry Thompson mgr.)—Oolumbla, Indianapolis, 3-8, Oolumbla Chicago,. 10-15. Rosey Posey Olrls (Loul* Livingston, mgr.)—Em- pire, Phlla.; 8-8, Murray 111, New York, 10-Hi. Star and Garter (Harry Rose, mgr.)—Bastable Syracuse,. 3-5, Lnmberg, Utlca, 6-8, Oayety. Montreal. 10-15. ' Social Malda (Bob Cohen, mgr.)—Oayety Kan- sas City, 3-8, Isy off 10-15. Tail Girls 'Louis Hurtlg, mgr.)—Stsndsrd, St. Loula. 3-8, Gnyetr. Kansaa City, 10-15. Trocadero* (Prank Pierce, mgr.)—Empire. Bkln S-8, People's, New York, 10-15. Vanity Fair (Wm. S. Clark, mgr.)—Empire, New- ark, 8-8. Casino, Pblla., 10-16. Watson Sisters' Show (Geo, Belfrsge, mgr.)— Empire, Toledo, 8-8, Star and Garter, Chicago, 10-15. rronjrcsmlve Wheel. Blanche Balrd's Big Show (Dunn ft Levy, ntgrs.) —Bender, Utlcs, 3-5, Van Curler, Schenectady, 0-8, Empire, Plttaneld, 10-12, Empire, Holyoke, 18-15. Crusoe Girls (Sam Robinson, mgr) — Penn Cir- cuit 8-8, Empire, Cleveland. 10-10. Dondy Girls—Chaa. F. Cromwell's—Lay off 3-8, Haymarket, Chicago, 10-16. Dolly Dimple Olrls (Sutton ft Leavltt, mgrs.)— G. 0. II., Boston, 8-8, Gotham, New York, 10- 15. Bra Mull's Big Beauty Show (Lewis Talbot, mgr.) —Gayety, St. Loula, 3-8, Willis Wood, Kansas City 10-15. Fay Foater Oo. (Jos. Openhelmer, mgr.)—Star, Toronto, 3-8, Garden, Buffalo, 10-16. Follies of Pleasure (Stair ft Bernstein, mgrs.)— Star, Scranton, 3-8, Penn Circuit 10-15. Girls of the Follies (Harry M. Strouae, mgr.)— Garden, Buffalo, 3-8. Armory, Blncbamtoo, 10- 12, Van Curler, Schenectady, 13-15. High Life Olrls (Frank Oalder, mgr)—Cadillac, Detroit. 8-8, Star, Toronto, 10-16. Honey Girls (Hughle Bernard, mgr.)—Olympic, Cincinnati, 8-8, Majestic, Indianapolis, 10-15. Jack Bald's Progressive Olrls (L. M. Crawford, mgr.)—Howard, Boston, 3-8, O 0. H., Boston, 10-15. Monte Carlo Girls (Tom D. Sullivan, mgr.)—Mm- plre, Plttsfleld. 3-0, Empire, Holyoke, -8, How- ard, Boston, 10-16. Mischief Mskers (Jean Bedlnl, mgr.)—Gotham, New York, 3-8, Olympic. New York. 10-15. Mirth Maker* (Batch ft Beatty. mgrs.)—Olympic. New York.. 8-8. Trocadero, Phlla.. 10tl5, May Howard's Girls or All Nstlons (May Howard, mgr.)—Trocadero, Phlla., 8-8, Stan Scranton. 10-15. Fonlslan Beauties (Sim WlUIsm*. mgr.)-»MtJes- tic, Indianapolis, 3-8, Oayety, St. Loul*, 10-15. Rector Olrls (Morris Walnatock,' mgr.)—Willis Wood. Ksnsso Olty, 8-8, lsy off 10-15. Stars of Burlesque (W. J. BenUey, mgr.)—New Rnglewood, Chicago, 8-8, Haymarket, Chicago, in-15. ■ Sunshine Olrls (Wash Martin, mgr.) — Bmplrc, Cleveland, 8-8, Olympic, Cincinnati, 10-15. Tnngo Olrls (Chaa. K. Taylor, mgr.)—Haymarket, Cblcugo, 3-8, Cadillac, Detroit, 10-15. MIIVSTRKLS. Evans, Geo. (Dan'l Shea, mgr.)—St. Louis 8-8. Field's, Al. 0.—Galveston. Tex.. 5; Houston 0, 7, Ssn Antonio 8. 0, Austin 10, .Waco 11, Ft. Worth 12, Dallas 13-15. Primrose A Dockatader'a (Earl Burgess, mgr.)— Bavanah, Ga.. 8, Augusta 6, Charleston, 8. C, 7. Cblnmbls 8, Sumter 10, Greenville 11. Ath- ens, Ga., 12, Macon 14, Montgomery, Ala., 15. BANDS AND OHCHBSTBAS. Bouaa's Band—Rlmlra, N. Y u 6, Wllllsuuport, Pa., 0. Scranton 8, N. Y, Olty 9. Page's Versatile Musicians—Payaon, U., Indefi- nite.. U. 3. Marine Band—Atlantic Olty, N. I., 16. Vessela's Band—Steel Pier, Atlantic Olty, N. J„ Indeflnlte CIRCtTSBS. Bookman's Animal Show—Jackson, Mist. Nov. MM Carson, Kit, Wild Ranch-rJlnblln, Gs,. (. _ Downls ft Wheeler—Petersburg, Vs., 6, Farm- vUle 6, Bedford Olty 7. .Buena Vtola fl, Basic City. 10, Luray 11, Front Boyal 13, season closes.' Eschmann's, J. II.—Crlnshaw. Miss., 5, Lam- bert 6. Tutwller 7. Winter Olty 8, Dublin 10. nngehtieek-Wallare— Aberdeen, Mis*., 6, Tupelo 0, Columbus 7. ., FILM SHOWS. Copt, Scott Pictures—flan Fran., Oal,, 3-8. KiHnon Talking Pictures—Clinton, la., 6, 0. Edison Talking PIctures-i-Toole Oty, D„ 5, Pay- son 0. Edison Talking pictures—St Catherines, Can., 0-8. ' "Last Days of Pompeii"—Bijou, New York, Indefi- nite. "Laat Days of Pompeii"—Pittsburgh 8-8. "Quo VadIs?"—CUnlon. Ia„ 10-12. • . Thompson's Moving- Pictures—Big Bock, 111, 6, 8, Set) 7-8. CARNIVALS. Brace A Rogers Shows—Jonesrille, S. O.,' 3-B, Earley 1015. Gorman, Al. P., Shows—Jackson, Teno., 3-8. _ . Greater Cotton Belt Show—De Bidder, La.. 3-8, Opelonass 10-15. Klein, Ben H„ Shows—Marianna, Fla., .1-8. . . Jones, Johnnie Jr.—Troy, Ala., S-8, Bnlata 10-15. Macy's Olympic Shows—Carrollton, AIs., S-8. Metropolitan Shows—Dawson, Oa., 8-8. Smith's Greater Shows—Greenville. N. C, 3 8, . Kloaton 1015. St. Loul, Amusetnent Co.—-Mathews, 8. C, 3-H, Oolumbua, Os.. 10-15. Swain, W. I.. Shows—Houston, Miss., 8-8, New Albany 10-10. gbeesley Shows—^Marianna, Fla., 8-8. Tropical Amuse. Oo.—,Marietta. Ga,, 3-8. Worthant A Allen's—Dennlaon, Tex., 8-6, Houston 8-16. MISCBLLANBOHS. Duncan, Great—Touring India. Georgia Troubadours —! Wm. McOabe's— Burton, Kan., 5, fl, Hutchinson 7, Sylvia 8. Jardtn De Paris Girls—Columbus, O.. 94. Murdoch Bros.' Show—Rensselaer, M. Y., 3-5. Rlcton Show—Camden. O., 3-8. Mllford 10-16. Smith, Mysterious (Albert P. Smith, -mgr.)—Mo- hall. No. Dak., 5, Glenborn 6, Granville 7. Rerthold 8, Noonan 10, Orosby 11, Ambrose 12, . Oolnmbus 13, nowbells 14, Donnybrook 18... . Wahkii. Dana—Ollnton. S. O., C, Cross Hill n - Ninety-Six 7. Bath B. Wagner 10, Balidt H.