The New York Clipper (November 1913)

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«« .?;- j ■ ■ r ■ ■ 1 1 ... i'i i I 11 m u « ) ■ill il is 16 THES HEW^ORiK OI*IPPfiB. November 22 MOTION PICTURE DEPARTMENT (Continued:) ' Hnjestle. Nov. M.—"A Wsrm Welcome' (Own.) Nor. 2*.—"A Women's Wit" (Dr.) Nor. SO.—"Heudrick's Dlroioe" (Dr.) Market Street!. Philadelphia, by the Moving Th»nhon»er. nSn company of aWcs/ which con- Mot. 2*.-"The Blight of Wealth"jpr.I ryels). trota twelve moving picture and Taodcvllle Nov.^-I'^rt*;K.llNot m«T^nij*t''(r>r.> houses i In that city. 'The building, which IS kot. SO.-"rbe Henpecked nod-Csrrier 1 (Com.) owned by the Fiunnce Company of Pennsyl- Broncho. viinla, will represent an outlay of {1,250,000. Mar. StV—"The Beforauaoa" (Dr.) blcb_f 1,000,000 represent* the coat or FILM FANCIES. Qaudeoille notes. c.l Domino. is. Him Lbwub. formerly of Teslle sod Dn, hu ■ ii • retired from the auge, and Is row connected w!ih A wiohb to the lull of ferae should be isaerte* ttl . Ontario Diamond Co.. Toronto. Caua<i f„r i«m restive Scored by Travels Tue re- WoD id be pleased to beu from aU bl» frk-n>. ifntlTBereral scenes taken on the glaat liner, r 0 ». M. Wkoeb will present a condensed Ter- E^r^durtoThc? ETdejssrtare'rrsm Nej «^ n „f "The Climax." by Edward E. Locke, in Torkfortbe e3«r side cf the big pond, proved T „ n devllle. with three of the orlglonl out. lndul to be unusually Interesting. Theaewn, nOffJed lng I^eotm WMeocu Albert Bruntog and^fflnsuiuu the lot The location Is considered the aost .,.-«, -. rorktowa" IDr. I reel*) central In Philadelphia, being opposite On Stor. ST— ■•"•e* """J™ ,ur ' ■ """' « eighteen hundred sentlng capacity, 'The Mas with a Baser" (Com.) ICsxy-^Btt). vlth the passengers, who unconsciously furnished pinto. Alf. T. Wlltom to arranging tie time. uvoM Tat eiceotioaal laughter and tear value, Cilbibtucb Mblsun, late with "Hanky PankT," 7^7^. *?-.-_ V-TiV-i .r ». n «Alk rentnrv ocean "TSw. t^rn Onre." "The Mikado." "Pln.fni-. •• RE LSAS E8. LICENSED FILMS. Sella;. Nov. 94.—"The Ooatlty of Mercy" (Df. Parti 1 and 2). Nor. 80.—"Mounted OHleer Plynn" (DM , Mr. 86.—"Onpld In the Cow Oamp" (Com.) Nsr.ST.—"A Message from noma'' (Dr.) KPT. 28.—"The Supreme Moment" (Dr.) Vltaffrapn.. Nor. 84.—"The Leading Lady" (Dr.) Npv. 26.—"Little Kalntuck" (Dr.) Nsv. 20.—"reltow Voyagers" (CtoaJ ^^ •Tcmplea and Btotos* of Borne" (Topi- cal.) Nor. ST. "The Cure" (Dr.) A meeting of exM.— Kb* 2S—"Betty la the Lion's Den" (OottJ S. to the Parkway Building. Broad jnd Chenr Nor. 20!—'T*e Oolden Pathway" (Dr. Parte Sheets, PUUdelphla. Pa. 11 A. Jefrreys called Oxi of tas eust soaraal Incidents that ever •eearred to a motion picture theatre took place at the Hamilton. Broadway and One Hondrea and Fortr-eUth Street, irwotly. when tb* Fa- nwua Playera" production. "Caprice," with Marr Plekford, was exhibited for the first time In any S2SS .^S.2L^m^ «?ta P rhTandkoc* who BeS buU v£, cootlaoea to win prUe»- "haDdi CLitros Ouiwowwas and CoxeAur, inclu,!- S^i^uK 1 pTrKwS^tn ihJThox^SSinS dW- at tbTSoB BhowaT Paul hnslbeen entering tl;e EdLth Ljle. will be seen to the near fuiure S;?'.^ n nd^.U ,C .t f 7e«cb n ed l one to of- tK^lc.. 1 !. SeTto ^J?SLtS\mm ■Ss lSg ELSLr V£" Wlltofj'^ktn^.lJer"^ Of the theatre. A allde waa at once prepared to fair to become a* well knowa as berMtor-owMr. "^tonalrea Wife Wilton la looklu? after Mr. ^Tp^SclX^reKel^e^ereV. tAVA^SiSSS^ ^E&St&M**^** for.. apScb. ^__vTu,^_WmJ2*- Wtoaln,^---5«.«C2ri fiMVtt ^ ^eato?%r^ 2^.t^"MajeaUc! 8 Fl •—"tas Slgs of the Bnate" (Dr.) EXHIBITORS' LEAGUE NEWS* Hen in Hevr York. M. A, Keff, the president ot the Motion PlcturO j.= inncf ij r# z u ^ r ; But Mr. "fcutor trsscbef tolplar - Rxblbltora' League of America, was to New York ^j. ateDva d tgl(1 e go that the flashlight eoald Faxo Mict and his ApoUo ComH|t<es an laat week, making preparations for the coming J^Troperij irniMd on the popular atar. Mlas Kew York for Los Angeles. They had national convention at Dnjtau. Ohio. Mr. NeK I'lckford bowed to lie enthnalsstlc aodlenee sev- o[«rattog East pending the comple: lidde bla headquartera, >a unual, at the Hotel Im- wgl Umtt B „ t ihtf were a)t aoateBt ODt u .h 8 ull ^i 0 u tbo Brooklm Hel^bts eeel lord, quite onprepared Tor the .lemorwtntion. tag at the etodlo end ^'^"'^•"jS! S^Sh < K? n ' shrank back tori the box and aooght the shatter- .how over the 'phone wire., tormd it laiposslbks Worth Tex. tog arm of Mr. Zukor. But Mr. Znkor traacher- to pla/ a "grouch" and TSSsLtsf mV l _ ,- *Ji7 0 A<S5£J «naw •f««Mi «otde an that the flaaWlaht eoald xVao Mama and his Apollo Cbmltinaa bars left tons dlreottoa per:al. He anticipates the largest and moat ltn nortant conrentloo ever bead in the history of toe leaioe. An exposition will tw a feature la era- JSBCttoa with tbo deUbentta* of the conrea- tknlcea. PhlladelphUa Exhibitors' Meeting. A meeting of exhibitors was held Sunday, Nor. been compfctlon ot a is secitoo of the rose in tha box snd made" a ente" little speech la resarlfal OsUfsmU city. TUty sre duo there, by which she thanked them erery much fee their the time this appears Is prist. la the party sto. appreciation of her efforU. and wished that she ajargaerlte LoTcrldge, "Bad" Dancin. Darry IM- ooald always be as good In her parts ss they to wards and George W. rc*™-,™' 1 *"'.™**^ fi£ ttelr nentlments. Then she beat s haaty retreat Mace. A "One Bound O'BTiea" story will bs trw new acts to be seen under Mr. wi|. a will be Adelaide Wilson (daughter of Francis Wilson) and company, to a one art comedy, and B. B. Oraliam and company, the well known lcaiUmate comedian, In a new comedy en- titled "Tbe Boomerang." Ixs Boss writes as from Germany that be will aall Dec S from London for Australia. Loct WasjToar sella for Paris this week. A FEniuifEST Injunction against Geo. Fisher from tbe theatre, followed by everybody to the Brst picture tackled by the rctarptor AnoUeltes. and Harry Green, ustog the billing "the Potash house but toe wondering uahers. operators snd >notber nrixeHfighter will hase to be nM for tbe and Perlmntter of Vauderllle." was issued by . t , __. j a.i__Tk.s_ _j- ai.. _.^._a. —..4. ■ - - »- - tr. af__. a« kla ,| nAnrr«rr|ar1i' flaPntPr. TaaaaaVfnaa " - - * Tnlrinr'tlnna aivslner nlkita _.._ Parte 1 1 and S.) aOaigOat. Nov, 24.—"From Durban to Znlnland" (Scenic). •■Enoch and Exra's First Smoke" (Com.) Nov. 25.—"The Vsnlshtog Crscksman'' (Dr.) Nov. 20.—"A astass of Humor" (Oora.) Nov. 88.—"Ths Oonmaker ot Moscow" (Dr. S parts 1 and 3). Nov. 29 >'A Boyal Romance" (Dr.) Ess an a 7. Nor.SS.—"The Little Substitute" (Dr.) Nor. 20.—"Dollars—gonads fl ense" (Coos.) Nor. 27.—"The Naming of tbe Bawhlds (West. Com.) Nor.SS.— ,! Tbe Brand of Evil" (Dr. and 2). „ , Nov.»9.—"Sophie's Hero" (Weatern Com.) Die-graph. Nov. 24.—"All for Science" (Dr.) Nev. 20,—"A ClrcumHtantlnl Hero" (Com.) Nor. 20.—"The Sotnnambullstf" (Com.) Nov. 20.—"Tbe Bloe or the Gray" (Dr.) Knlcm. Nov. St.—"An Indian Maid's Strategy" (Dr.) Not. 20.—"The Plot of Indln'a HlllmSB" (Dr. Parts I and 9). _ _ „ . Nov. 28.—"The Good Old SnumieT Time" (Com.) "Englend's Klne at Liverpool" (Top.) Nor. 89.—"In Peril ot HU Life" (Dr.) Lnbla. Nov. t4.—"Joat Olssy'a Wttle Way" (Dr.) Nov. 80.—"Her Sick Father" (Com.) "The Lost Switch" (Ooia.) Nov. ST.—"A Waif of tl.e Desert" (Dr. Parti 1 and 2). _ . Nov. Sfi.—"The ScspesTsee" (Dr.) Nov. 80.—"Turning tho Tables" (Dr.) Patbe. Nov. 84.—"Pathe'a Weekly," No. TO (News). Nov. 26.—"Tue Shadow of Shame" (Dr.) Nov. 80.—"The Kluslve Turkey" (Ooni.) Nov. 27.—"The Faithless Friend" IDr. Parts 1 Nov. 87.—"Old Nuremburg, Germany" (Travel). Nov. 27.—"Pathe'a Weekly," No. 71 (Newa). Nov. 28.—"Making Eight Ton Bopes" (Industry). Nov. 28.—"Tbe Capital of the Malay Btates" (Travel). Nov. 2S.—"Fashion's Law In (Ool. Customs), ir— ■onager* who gased blankly at the wacant seats, pli-lure by Mr. Mace, as hla ■'eonrratped tighter. not understanding how It happened that a show ^^"..Young^was J^Jfd^i 0 , a California bout rne'ssaetablage to order". Baseibcs" were msilo Was orer so early. Is Messrs. rSmmsnnel, SUeM and Bens on tbe Oso. K. Bolimds la going to produce a awnsa- awtjeet ot tbe proper nmnbsr Of reels that should tioosl picture shortly, written around ths story \» exhibited for the minimum price of five cents admission. Mr. Stlefel advocated co-o;KTattou of exhibitors and exchange men, and declnred that ai.mmarj action was necessary leat tbe Aim busi- ness bs ruined by s set ot mm who serened bent UM/ti giving tbe public too msrh fcr their money. Charles Slegel spoke on the subject ot to- creasing the membership. At his suggestion a committee was appointed to trend up all "f the exhibitors ot Philadelphia and ■ vicinity In order that tkey might attend tbe next meeting, to be heb) the first Sunday to December, to the Park- way Building, Philadelphia. The suggestion waa then pat In the form ot a motion, and carried unanimously. The chairman appointed Messrs. (Ik-gel, rmtnanuel, Oreenbaum, JBenn and Fisher SS a committee to notify the exhibitors who have not already Joined tbe League of the forthcoming meeting. A publicity campatim will shortly be In- augurated. National Executive Committee Meeting:, M. P. E. L. of A. At the Blnton Hotel, Olnclnnntl, O., Jan. 28, 1014, the National Executive Committee of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of America Will assemble la executive tension. All griev- ances snd complaints win be takes op at this meeting and acted upon. The national secretary requests sll m embers ef the League who sre In good standing to nle any oomnlslnts In writing at tbe earliest possible moment with the resnee- t!re secretaries ot their State or local branches. The secretaries will In turn nle all ot thto matter with the national secretary. If a member la able to attend the meeting be may pr-vtenc Tils ■rrlevanoe in person. G II. Wiley, 1815 Its** Eighth Street, Kansas City, Mo. Is the national secretary ot the Motion Picture E. L. of A. Ft, Worth to Hold Ooxntnar Texas Convention. Down In Wild and woolly Texas they are maV- Itig great preparations for the coming State on while the Apoitoltea were East Ann Daiw, of New Majestic fame. Is speodtog a two-weeka' vacation In New York. bOss Dies? , Is the "lightning marriage" Bin of the MsJesUe. With the despotic Busalan Gorerncnent, snd re- She got engaged and married over night. Now aoUnda should handle this sab- she la ontot the films, and to u ^^g^™» ef Mendel Bettla, who was Involved to a difficulty eently sccjaltted. Bolan Ject well, as be was bora to Russia and —dec •tends condLtloaa to that country perfectly. Edith Truss, a former star to- Vltagrsph pro- ductions, more recently connected with Producer W. Y. Ranood, is seen to tbe most wonderful and Instructive production of adrentnre, "Treas- are Island," by Robert Louis Stevenson, which will shortly he released by Warner's Features, Inc. So well does she take the part of Jim Hawkins, tbe cabin boy, that the keenest ob- trver will mistake her sex. If Mlsa Tyler cared her parents. Ths Majestic Eastern offices stare Justice Beebury. Injunctions against other acts who are using the names will also he applied for by A. H. Woods. Paso Law, late of Penn and Law, also lately with Geo. S. Sidney's "Bust Ixsy" Co., has been 111 for the past year, suffering wltb diabetes and dropsy, and hi at present confined to the German Hospital. Philadelphia, Pa. Joaucsm BauxLi writes: "Owing to tbe con- Loa" Angeles atodloe; a "no avurlage" clause will be Inserted to tbe contract. . _ Phil. Guacajcasr, Of tbe World Special Film Corporation, has Just returned from a trip down South. He reports that the feature business Is receiving a tremendous impetus by tbe exhibitor, and that the business Is to a more flourishing condition than ever before known. From now on he will spend considerable time at the home office, , allowing E. Mandelbanm to make a trip to the ^k^o»%S\t1ereU^n m toS 0 ke, ,b ^pe!y «f-t «- the purpose of opening additional that next time they send a pretty girl to their arrival of one ot tbe acts. I played both the " » ■ Colonial and Academy, Norfolk, this week, mak- ing tbe trip back and forth to a taxi. This Is my tenth week for tbe U. B. O. to tbe South, and have four more weeks to follow." Frank Castes akd Isabel D'Abkosd sailed 15 for England. Hot La Pxakl assisted Adele Ritchie st Ham- tr.ersteln's, New York, but week, with bis singing from one of the boxes, and msde a big hit with his powerful voice. He opened IT on tbe Fox ._ yon .. ankles were well padded to add to ths masculine touch to her appearance. EnwiK BAsaona, ths veteran dramatist, now of tbe Lubln Scenario staff, sailed Not. 1. for a short vacation to Bermuda. Mr, Barbour Is recovering from an illness, snd expects to write some more feature stories during hla absence from the studio. Bobxst B. Obahak Jb., altnough raily a youth cf twenty years, a Juvenile man with tbe Lubln . ■rock Co., Is an excellent actor. Having appeared States, through which they are placing then- tog ar at rlke st the Floosler Capital completely de- offices. AxBAnomtxHTS have been made wltb the Eclair (V., whereby the World Spc-lal Films OarnoTa- tlnn will handle "What the Goda Decree,"' produced by their Paris factory. From tho advance re- ports received tola film will create -luite ss great a furore as "Prole*" has. It to one of the best produced and most wonderful pictures Been tor a long time. WoaLo Special Film OoaroaATios have estab- Diied a booking department covering the Called tlmc'at the Audubon. New York. I.t Cijus aim Sautsox returned from Europe Nov. 11. Tom Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ed- wards, and liavlland and Thornton arrived on the eame steamer. This la A'nnlrersary Week at the New York Theatre, New York. Gxo. W. EKGLEntxTB has resigned ss manager ot the Gaiety Theatre. Indianapolis, with S. ft C. vaudeville, to put out Bryant's Minstrels over the V<*tem vaudeville time. He will feature hU sc'.o band snd orchestra. The street rallwiy vnitlon of the M. P. E. L. of A. It will bo Tkeatre, Cincinnati, O. to such successful productions as "Excuse Me," "Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary," "Tillle's Nlfbt- eiare," "Havana," and many plays under the Shubert, Savage snd Lew Fields' management. He Is tbe son of the weU-knorm eemedlsn, Rob- ert E. Graham. Hating been to pictures for ahrat a year, Bobble bos bees very roocessfnl la his new (uparture. Easl MSTCALra, leading man with the Lubln Stock Co., t'hlla., was given a reception on tbe Stage ot the Temple Theatre, New Port. Ky„ oa Oct. 11. Metcalfe delltered a twelve-minute speech oa the progress of motion plctuies. and the ovation he rece i ved lasted over a minute. Mrs. Metcalfe, has ailed similar engagemenU at Tort Theatre. Fort Thomas, Ky., snd tbe Star Swiss Canton*" Nor. 80.—'The Blight" (Dr.) Bclipate. (O. Kleins.) Nor. 85.—"The Subterranean Oily: or, Trailing the Jewel Thieves" (Dr. Parts 1 snd 2). Melles. Nov. tT.—"The Japanese Tads" (Travel). GENERAL FILM CO. (Exclusive Service Progrmm.) Week of Nor. 21. SnvaurTH Wrxat—Pnoaa&M No, 1, Sslio.— "The Sheriff and the Rustler" (West. Dr.), Part Ii "The Sheriff and the Buatler',' (West. Dr.), Part II. Paths? lav,— "A Thousand Dollars Short" Lubih.— "A Disastrous Bet" (Com.) "Love and Trouble" (Com.) SaviNTH Week —PaooBAM No, 2. LtralN.—"The Cry of tbe Blood" (Dr.), Part I; "Tbe Cry of the Blood" (Dr.), Part II; "The Cry of the Blood" (Dr.), Part 111. Kaleu.— "New fork Zoological Park" (An. Pathetlat.— "A Bash Bevengo" (Com.) SETBNTU WSaS—PgOOBAK No. 8. KLitNT'CrNts. — "The Telltale Handkerchief" (Dr.), Part I; "Tbe Telltale Handkerchief" (Dr.). Part II. Lobim.— 'The Little Hero" (Dr.) VitaobsM.— "A Study In Botany" (0om.-Er.) "According to Sen iority" (Com ,) UNIVERSAL FILHS. VlllvcrMll. Nov, «.—"Animated Weekly" (News). Eoliilr. Nov. 28.—"A Bon's Devotion" (Dr. 8) reels). Nov. SO.—"Roaring lull and One on Tooty" (Oca.) 101 Blaon. Nov. 25.—"The White Vacqoero" (D*. B reels). Nov. 20,—"The War of the Cattle Range" (Dr. 8 reels). Crystal. held Montlsy and Tuesday, Nor. 21 and 25, at th* Wcsthrook Hotel, Fort Worth, Owing to the fact tl.ft the Livestock snd Horse Show will be held In Fort Worth the same week special rallrjad re tin- ran be secured npon application to the tcuroe secretary. An Important program will be taken Hi' There will be sn election of otneera. and 'lie liclcjrates to the New York national convention will also mako their report. The ownership of theatre" by erehartee will nlso bo a subject for d mission. The open market, te«'restriction of Smgrsms, tbe question of the lurid poster, and Im service will likewise be debated pro and con. . 0 "How Wild Akihals Lrra." Intimate natural views of animal lite In motion pictures commented on by Frederic Dean, M. A., LL.B.. were shown at Carnegie Lyceum, Nor. IB. These pictures have been brought here direct from their six months' exhibition In England sod Continental Ksrope, where they sre Still arousing phenomenal Interest. Ths pictures will play an Indennlts engagement at the Lyceum. features to the regular theatres which would, otherwise, be dark for want of attractions. Ths r.lan has met with Instantaneous) success. Aa a rreclt, Stanley Twist is a busy boy, having full cl'srge cf the department. Tun first of tbe so-called "Thanbnoscr 'Big* Productions," which sre Issued to exhibitors for taelnslve first-run service under regular contract. Is Maude Fealy, In "Tbe Legend of Provence." There sre four parts, which take to. many hun- dred scenes. Hundreds ot people sre employed In the "big scenes." James Cruse, Llla Chester and Carey Bastings, of tbe regular Thanhouser stock, support Mlsa Fealy. The "Buy" produc- tions will be Issued st tbe rate of one a month, released the first day ot the month. "Legend ot Provence" goes out Dec L The following "Big" release will be on Jan. 1, and so on. O. I. Hits hit on the first of the month release scheme as the easiest for exhibitors to remember. The "Provence" billing mentions Miss Fealy In a reel theatrical way. It calls her the "late star of Thanhouser'B 'Moths'," Just ss though the latter was a show I MiDOAB FnATDRBS aniKinsce that the rights for Greater New York on "How Wild Animals Live," Tuaaa factories are now bur making prints «lth an option en scene additional territory, have ef PasqusH's "Lsst_ Days of Pomperl.' r In an been purebssed by a syndicate. Mr. Mlddkron, ef effort to keep abreast with tbe enormous demand from the road companies aad house management. Stanley H. Twist, wbe to In chsrge, has been working every night for the past two weeks, snd. In fact, the whole office force have been working overtime, and most of them, are beginning to show signs of wear and tear. Tou Mooaa plays ths title role in the new Kalem drama ot tbe mountains, "Primitive Man ' i United kingdom num'.iered The admirers of this popular performer will find and are firmly convinced that they will he a tog attractions are booked: "Mutt and and represented an aggregate It hard to recognise nlm In "Dan," the tongh bnge success wherever shown. They have backed Fanaoa." "Shepherd ot the Hills," .**< Of 8606.850 In contrast to moantslneer of Jealous dlBposltloo. The plsy tbto«optolon wltb money, and hare bought these the Underworld/' and "Bererly of Grsoi ■ . T .. * ..» tm sau _ n /v s.ll. n.9 St. a iiiiiihiiI ■ laalassiMiit ■sasarfaBarl sraiiP f¥T trus nlrHnrvH Tu-kr tMnasiimsa rmrafsr easaareai aaafaianrnHm— s>l /1«a ir^... __!.„.. ht„_i._ 9 a ■»! -^. i BRITISH CT>TEMATOGRAPn RKQISTHATIO>S. For the month of August of the current year regliuattona of cinomntogruph com' panics In the U "' twenty-seven, and capitalisation of . thirty-three registrations, with S4C0.TOO capl- - tat In the corresponding month of 1012; ■■> "■!?' ■ ». •»_ ** f< sVj*ss al few sy jsjs^ asm Bittern companies and ffl85,4O0 capital | n pecta ^>?™ «?Uf J™» »«■« l !SS2S2 1 1911. and nine wmpanlesl snri «43T,98B capl- Jl.^^.^r^i r«msx ^ Primitive tal in W l»To. In the first elfkt •"■p".™^ Mo"A* 1 DA.x 4 raAT«n ) the danghter months ot 1013 there were 349 such regls- trnllotia. with a total capital of $0,030,703. Iteferrlng to tbe August regis trull una The ii.mfnn Times says: "The list Includes promotions la cities like Liv- erpool and Bradford, already well supplied with Malgar Features, states that this syndicate will probably operate under tbe name of the Mldgar Exhibiting Co. Ths syndicate contemplates sending owned by tbe Idesl Amusement Co., and Is under four companies on the road, of "Hnw Wild Anl- msls Lire," although no definite action has been tiken on this matter, pending several contacts) for exclusive f-tste right* In certain territories. Mi. Burton, ot the Exhibiting Oorunany, states thst they are enthusiastic nbnut these pictures. of an Indian chief, to tbe latest addition to tbe Kalem forces. This talented actress will be seen shortly in "An Indian Maid's Strategy," a drama ef the Southwest. «_•-_« , ._ Cahltle Blaokwbu, plays the leading WJetn the new Kalem two-part drama of India, "The entertainments ot the kind, and also several vcu- plot of India's HtUmen." Mr. Blackwell, as tures to miaH'towns of from 3,000 to 4,000 popu- Lieutenant Maxatn, Invents a powerful explosive, lutlon that can hardly bold out any promise of the formula ot which to stolen by a Russian spy. Before the prectoua document Is recovered, sev- eral battles occur lietween the British sorairrs and the hlllmen, followed by an explosion which wipes out the natives, .... HiLBN Holubs. the popular Kslem leading latiy. does a splendid bit of nctlnir to tbe new Knlcm dranuO'In Peril of His.Lib*" As the iweetheart of a cowboy who to falwre' accused ihe secures erldenco demsndlng the boy's i- lire, ea'nera them to reverse tbelr ettltode snd cf Manhattan: motion pictures; foO.OOO. F. i' u hi-, -, . bcro. C Chsmbcrlaln Paul A. Zlselmnti, Webster ■ Vlan Bouoioao-lt'b "Tb» Octoroon" hss Jnst J. Oliver, 152T l'utillc Street. New York. bee,, „,„„> tho suhject of a three part mottou ple- lltOQUOIH THIATRr.R CoMi'ANI, INCOETOBA- tepe production by Kalem. The photoplay adap- cren tnaporsry success on such a scale st to bs profitable." ■ a NEW CORPORATIONS. Scenic ' Kbatihs 'Film Cobpobation, of Manhattan; motion pictures; $50,000; John Rnyder. Leo Morris. Walter Bonn, 160 'Bast aweetheartof a cowboy who is Flfty-slxth Street, New York. of an sttvmpt to murder she ErriciBNcr Film Sbuvich. iNCORPOBATEn, *M *» l"L' »MJ»Jsssjsjsj_>jsm _» »i....... — ■»■— _i....J mnnoA m* life, eanscs them to reverse tn tells of the unusual panmbment meted out by the pictures, not because they were educational, though they are, but because of their sbsorbtog Interest. Everyone who views these tlctures mast go out snd "boost them" to their friends, because they are dramatically instructive. Haubt Von Mbtbx, ot the American, the other day gave hla mother a scare. She was sitting Quietly by herself in the house, when, without knocking. In walked a rough, bearded forty-ntoer. who walked over to the dresser and began pull- ing out the drawers. For a while Harry thought be would bsve to null off his beard tn convince her that he had only ran In to get a bandana handkerchief, and thst, under all those whiskers It waa Harry. Tnsr call Oarlyle Blackwell's studio the "happy family" studio, things run along so smoothly snd easily there. Carlyle Blackwell Is producing a two-reel drama, which embodies some new ideas. It la called "The Convict's Ysrn." A society man Is accused of stealing a necklace, and extra- ordinary clrcumatances point to his having done so, and he Is sent up for ten years. One day a convict describes how he nearly perpetrated a certain theft, and how he thought be was being moralised bnslnes for a thne, ami labor troubles are still to a state of chaos. Jack Davis ajtd Coba "«""*■ write: "The team of Jack Davis and Cora Merrill are receiv- ing congratulations on their recent marriage. They will spend their honeymoon in Minneapolis, and then begin a Pantages' tour, opening st Min- neapolis. They sre booked by J. O. Mathews. Jack Wilson's Illness caused the cancelation ot his date, this week, at Hammcrsteln's, New York. Be was taken sick at Newark, last week. Fssnora Kaedeb, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. known among performers for his pugilistic attainments, was to Ithaca, N. Y.. week of Nov. 9. with Burt Byron's Honeymoon Express Girls. Mr. Keener, who hi an old Lebtgs student, was given a big reception by a party cf Cornell students. morid of Players, Ths Aktok TBtUTSa opened to Mcnongabela, Pa., last week with O. B. Bono's "Along the aTenxKbcc" Go,, to a b:g business, followed I'V the Irene Harper Players, to repertoire of popu- lar plays. The bouse has a seating capacity of TOO, and Is up to date to every respect. It It owned by the Idesl Amusement Co., and U the sssnagement of J. Harry I.outtit. The renter cf the house is ss follows: 3. Harry Louttit. aaanager; Tern B. Cowan, general manager; O. V. Clark, stage manager; Estelle Ensche, orchestra leader; Charles Fulton, bead usher; Ira Keenan, cashier; Jule Lachene, electrician. The follow- " Jeff to Girl of Orenatark." Girt Millxb writes: "Louise La Booth, sou- treite ot "The Blue Widow" Co.. hsd a serious fall on the stage of the Majestic Theatre,, Me:!- den. Conn., last night durtog one ot her dancing numbers. Haabt Da Vese writes: "I am sending you s little notice of the Margaret La Vera Tabloid Musical Comedy Co., owned and controlled by the Western Amusement Co.. which I wish you would Insert In your next Issue. We bsve three shows out through Michigan, Ohio snd Pennsylvania. Shows giving beat- of satisfaction and managers ssklng for return, dates. Each company number- ing twelve people. The roster for the above com- pany: Harry De Vere, manager; Charlie Dante, principal comedian; Robert Bryant, Montana and Betle Williams, Boy Goot, Ella La Bern. Chorus consists of: Blanch Boush, Catherine Woods, Daisy Johnson. Susie Darls, Oeorgls Davis. Will open on the Sun circuit Christmas week. Tub Oltppxs to. at sll times, a welcome visitor to sll members." O. P. Fabbimotoh writes: "Esmee Kent, play- wright. Is here from the West to produce her big nural drama. '*Ihe Pirate." This production la followed and how he escaped. The young society ■"»'."—■« ^— ™». ™P *^TZZL 5 be wss convicted, and all comes well. Mr. Blsck well has a fine acting part to this. R. O. Badley iji^i-. ...- . ■ 1 ■ Is the criminal, and Louies Glaum Is Blackwell's Tgt>, of nufnalo; motion pictures; el?.ts>"; tailon la said to be even atronger than the orlg- sweetheart, Paul Sht-ebun, Arthur 1. Adler, Wm. Ii. Gor- lual. The thrilling ateambont fire -. Wahnotre's , ■ . man, 145 St. James Place. Ilufrnlo. relentless pursuit of the vlllsliioiis McOosfccy ■ trrough forest snd swamp: the death of &». the _..__ „„....„„,„ ».,.„.„„„ (Htoroon, who dies rather than bcy-on* McClos; DAVE DENNETT ENGAGED. Dave Bennett has been engaged to stage cumbers In Gaby Deslys* new 'a,,in n.J.lMin. " Tin AiistwHin Amusement Co.. Inc., of JfSSVB imV^ihS sa^VasTatsaSBaf , t D " e Be ? inhattsn, has been forou-d 1»y Andrew Bo- 1r ^*«^VoiSsiS2^r BoStcsf m!5! tonow *t» "H^* 1 .„Im. CIn^ n . ai,„nolll ..H,« X» CHAB. J. OOBSIAR, OC BOStCB. *!«..» I»W haw i™-- Nov 85—"Hobby's New Coal" and "Baldy Bel- Manhattan, has been formed 1»y Andrew Bo- ^Vl oi^tiuTof BostcV Mm! toHnoV *?• m l 1 JS£' , ,?S? 1) S, r, J H 1 °" f>0T -"' rnont Lau'd. rsJelety Jot" (Oxsf) logtilno Giuseppe Shunelll and Lswrenee B. „$?%, \2mTEZ&rS\iTfmSm S?' shl>w ' ^ e Little Parlsleiine Nor. 30.—"The Convict's Dsughter" (Dr.) Bolognlnr. of180 Broadway _ veeT fmrure nroductioii, "Tbe Mysteries of w»» Nestor, Nov. 2fl.—"lIHda of the Mo^ntatnl , * (Dr.) Nov. 28.—"When He Lost to Win" (Com.) Victor. Nov. 84.—"Back to Life'' (Dr. S «*). Nor. SB.—"Date the Third Generation" (Dr. 1 reels). Imp- Nov. 14— "Jane's Brother the Paranottc" CtW Nov. ST.—"Night Shadows ot New Xerk" (Dr. wivaLiiuiv. vl auv iu-^«" nnj • TfJ 1 L . _ Tilt Campbell Amusctacnt Co., ot Brook- p.rto," from exWbitors^to Maine, New Hsnuv William A. Bbaot has eneaged Julian L'Es- lyu, has been Incornornted by Walter B. ,mre, Tenaont Massacbnsetto, Bbodo island, snd trruge for a leading role in "Jenny O'Jooes," in WeUs, James M. Cuff and Benjamin SsnllOW. OmnectlcuL This Texnarkabte photo-drama, pro- rhicb Grace George will be? even shortly. TittoDORH WnAhTOH. of «c Essnnsy Com- Anted tp7..1» aWtetlejrSasi Oa, SsssJsasj pro- albebt _Sac.kbtt will return to thejtage In pany, which took pictures la Ithaca, N. Y., tbe past Summer, will Incorporate a film company- 'which ■will he located thero per* manentiy. Actual work will begin about JtB.1. ■tarts, DivTI. RCwIn Aurstfa leading womaa. Nov. Nor. S reels). Powers. 84.—"Jhnmy's Deception" (Coin.) 88.—"A seaside Hsmtrltaa' 1 (Dr.) Res. a Soman costume story hy Mr. August, on Oct. 88, The nit Into which she wss thrown ts la the new stage at.tho Hollywood RtudiM, aad at thirteen fret deep. Previous to tho accident a , person of Man Davis' weight wss thrown Into Nov.«.—"Mike and Jnke On Fishing" (Cosa.) tb» pit snd canght tt the bottom In a carpet and "The Bally Uualoo an Ireland" md M > iireoet. The enierlment waa reiieated Nov. ST.—"The Tale of a Lonely Osaat" (Dr.) Nov. SO.—"The Boob's Dream Olds" (Oom.) Joker. Nov. 8».—'*luay Louie" (Oom.) Frontier. NVv. ST.—"Slim Propwes. Btj'— » (Oom.) hor. St —*Ta« Se cret of Bala nced Bock* (Dr.) MUTUAL FILMS. Mntnal. Ner 20.—"Mutual Weeklr." No. 48 (Hews). American. Nev. 24.—"The Occult" (Dr) NOV. 27.—"A Spartan Girl of ths West" (Dr.) Nor. 88.—"At Midnight" (Dr ) ICeystonr. Nsr. 84 — "Fstty Joins the Fw*e" (Com.) K»r. ST.—"Osbsn Saves the Flag." HelltuiC*. Ner.«.—"The Oaier Woman" «!>.> Nov. 2«.—"Bread on the Wstess" (Dr.) Nev. 20.—"The Reporter's Scoop" (Dr.) Princess. Nov. 88—"Her Merit to napptness" (Dr.) Apollo. issv, SO.—"Rer Husband and Hy Wit" (Obav) Uimiced the most thrilling end srnsatJooil film ths new Goddsrd-Dlrkey meloilrama, "The Mis- ever imported Into thto country. It Is s dramstt- lending Lady," which Wllllum, Harris Jr. will BMkm of Buoene Biie's famom novel. Three hare t,iesent in tbo Fulton Theatre. 24- Mr. Sackett Isen provldeil for Hits production, one. three, and is the father of Julia Sanderson, three different slx-xbeet posters, whtcb can be HoLSLur Dat has sdsptel for Henrv W. Bsvsge c»avertsd Into twenty-four «heet stands tt re- "La Demoiselle de Magneto," a comedy, by Mes- _ , . _ r> ired. There are also available for this film, era Fonsoo and Wlcbeler, wnl.-h has rvea running - ■• painfully Injured si the result cf an aecMeat carefully gottcn-up heralds, and attractive lobby- for aiaaost a year st tbe Theatre da Gysinase. When she wss thrown Into a Uoaw den. 6he has iVotes. Exhibitors In the New England States Porta. A New tsagfaud locale has been given tbe ossn breed to bed for three weeks, with a com. will he glad to know that, this film will now be c ts xd y for use here. e" »ted mternsl Injury thst threatened for a ttaas avsnable tor them. Annasw Mack will play a repertory of his Ute it kappemd daring tbe prodscltoa of Tiis State rights for Ohio for the remsrksble gieres st Saa Francises next week. fhree-rstl teatnre. "Tho Doom ot the Ocean." Jot " Tommt BubKS. tbe well-known Jncbty, who was plnced on ths market by the EClectte Mrs Co.. killed by tbe Fulton Street Elevated Ralrrrad. hM-e been secured by A. Podtkrr. of Cleveland. O. in Brooklyn, Nov. 14, wa burled from Ft. Mark's Tbe sauM purchaser has also secured the State Oorcb, BrooUya, to Calvary Cemetery, Nov. 10. righto fnr "Vendetta," nnother hit prodneed It is announced that the Academy of Dramatic b.» tbe store comnaay. Arts, to London. Eog„ founded to HKi«, will be- Ar tub Pbotoplayers Club, • wealth of wllty gin the bnlldmg cf a theatre la Dece m ber . and Interesting material can to gathered oflnter- Owtwo to Oacsr Hsmmerstels>'s post'«sw meat est to *h» imbllo. The other evening to "swap- of the opening of his New \ork Opera Home, ping" experleneea. Herbert Rswltoson, of the Bes> wortb. Inc.. Company, who, fisting how, at toe sirs cf a a sMpB akj be ran away olfh a canvas ctrraa show, touTtng tbe smaller towns. He had three limes until It became evident that the fall eouM be made without danger. M. de la Parelle, playing the heavy, took Mlsa Davis In Ms .Brass, the camera was starred, aad the girl was hurled tats the pit. 6bo struck the canpet, but those who held tt could not stand the Impact and It wan held it conra not stana sne impact, ami » •■-"m ?"—_-7' — A- . ^-w— s— wa...jerk*d. from their band* /EmEX tSlltog •"SL'^K'SSv Yi fiL? kT^I *&&!? to the bottom, She wss removed to Mr. steln'a private oBce. and a metllcal exsmluatkn showed thst while as hones hsd been broken, she had received Internal Injuries lhat vcnnld lnes- ptcltate her for work for several weeks. The story, in the production ot which tbe seclfient occurred, to to oe a semis! to "In a Rornan Otr- fien." In it MnrtuB strce the Christian maiden from the lion's den. and Is himself converted to Ohrtstlsntty. Paul soabtion will be eera twice tn the taw* pltee st the same time, banding himself argu- ments snd other thlrrs. tn the ne«t Reliance two- reel drama, "For Another's Crime." A splendid- ly balanced cist will be seen In this picture, In- cluding, besides Anna LarurMtn and Paul Srardon: Spin* escaped one night, snd best Ms wsy to OaBada, fearful lest be be caught. Herbert always Btss* to see I ctrcoa erect its eanras bow, and ottea See* then fold them too. It fascinates him. Tna raoTorLAvxas' now holds an Im- rmmptn stag every Saturday evening, and the stent ot tbe dob Is rapidly bring hrnorbt to light. The membership Is increasing all the time, and It Is already one o! the most popular slabs tn California, Tns advent ot Director David W. Griffith at Reliance studio Is marked by a wave of en- thBStosm that effects even the smallest office boT. The actor folk, many of whom have worked under hla to years gsae by. are fatt- en sir." Utter Anna Uoghlln. who Ires*Hunt asd Harry EHw and Ms stoifour. J****? w>» 1mm*Mwm*m »«| c J ft iL?*!-? m. A. tart, tbnserty of the Msvlsg Paptore D'*» <, ■* ,, Jf ,M * r . **■■••* etalma that say- larerasVtto.^rVT^rlTl handle Ihe rnnllelty «• 2£f *«■ ^El2LVS V ^SH u^LmnH ' l.«w Wild Anlmait Uve." Tor ths VdUaar Sot- •••'•" •* sftemosa asp. ireder Mr. Orlfflta a hibltlag Oomjiany, lurectiea. twrnty singm, who were engaged l-y htot have appllsd to the courts in Parts, snd hare obtstoed writs of setrors of .Hsmsaerstein'a property In I'rince. FOBLB* wants writers if one act sk e tc h es, fjlJold BBualcal comedies anl other abort piece*. suitable for a ratted bill, to submit Ihclr pieces to lim. The plays must be •est to the manager or tbe Forty-fourth Street Marie Hal:, New York, cnessstog return postage. There Is to be no "competltloc," and no prises will be gtrro. Joseph P. Bckebtow Jb. hat begun rebnrsals of tbe second "Adele" company, to btsrtn Its tea. tn Ossaba during Ohrlifnaa week. It will go to tbe Pacific Coast. Albebt Hovt. of PblladeUibls, was sentenced to a five years' term for enibe-nlement. He leased casino at a Wheeling, W. Vs.. park, and ab- Mckers. play, by |irisotpsl character of which Is ths reraisn poet, will a* the first offer- Im; of the new theatrical firm of Tally A Btck- Istsd, roe. Guy Bales Past wHI play Ihe role cf the poet. The drama neat sssnlk. startling scene, that of the chase ot a pirate cchooner by a United 8tates cruiser, and there are wonderful effects of sunrise and an electr'c atorm at sen. The company will play all the Urge cities Eatt and West. Charles P. Farrlng- ton, of the SIg. Sautelle Shows, will be manager of the company." Mas. CATRBSrsm Mabbhall. wife of Godfrey Marshall and the mother of Harry B. Marshall, a well known musical comedy author and composer, died at the family home In Indiana, Pa., on Sun- day, Nov. p. aged about seventy years. Asthmatic bronchitis, from which she bad long been s suf- ferer, waa the cause. Mra. Marshall, while not s professional, bad a large circle of theatrical friends through her son. with whom she had spent much time in New York. Tbe funersl took plsce Nov. 12 after a solemn requiem high mssB st St. Bernard's Roman Catholic Obnrch, to Indiana. She is survived by her husband and son. ■ Cecils Soeix, cf the Comedle Francois, It is expected, will soon appear in tho United States. Miarnr Bowbbs, comedian, closed a fourteen weeks' engagement wltb Jas. T. MeJUpto*sHaits Hanson" Co., st Renville. Minn., oa account of sickness, and Is going hone to Chlcsa* to rest up for s tew weeks. He had a very s»ere»*ful trip with the show, and the show gave satlsfsc- tkm everywhere, snd breaking a few house re cords . The beary man. T. I. Fahls, and Okas. Meyer*. Bat on s boxing boat after the regular shew. has. Meyers winning by a foul. Tna Old R« ljablb was always on tune. ^^ . A SLioirt rna was discovered la the sties er the Lyceum Theatre, la Ithaca, N. T.. morning or Nov, 18. Tbe csnse was -unknown, and_th«_osm- sce was small. The usual. maiiest oroce a casino at a rvneeiing, w. in.. \ i have worked nccmM with money posted by his frly "walking "Oataa. tub Tiwtiiaksb,* • t o hss spwted Itklard Walton Tally, the trtsotpsl will be produced early Roll, the Silent Magician. Is at present Sa«>> to* bissiSI Pittsburgh. ,. Tna Moarsmra, magicians, start Nov. 10. e» their lyoentn course, for a numb er of f etes in New York State, for Empire Lyceum »<**•»• of Rochester. N. T. In December ibey will re- turn to PhUsdetphlt, for the holiday work. » January tbey start West ^,« Ths NiTtoHAL CownmB3*s AssootATroit Bam their aanual msghrsl show. Nov. T, at the P. »• R. T. M. O. A. Hall. Jersey City. N. J. The e>nrml«es hsd spared no expense to atakS) ta» strait s isxarittton at prevtou* anaaal shows.