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2, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEB 29 YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY professional people In tre-velllna; companies can £■25 increase weir Income by calling »u retail mblinerj Mid depwtxtni stores during i-pare U„ie Von recelVf »*.00 on cnch H.ta) order. Small samples Write at once aud get oue of Uie first and uart assignments. _ THIb MIL.LIMKBY THADB REVIEW, ^^1184 Broadway, Netv York* City, "Dancing Vlollnlit." Temple. IMmltj Temple, Roebeiter. N. *.. Dec. 1-0. „_^ Davis. Edwards. * On.. OnAxkaax, Omaha; M«- wlc, Milwaukee. De«. 10. Daniels 4 Conrad, Kellh's, Phils. Dnirwell Sisters Bronx, N. Y. 0. Dailey Robt. L., A Co., Poll's. Hartford, Cnnn. Daman'n, Oarl, Troupe, Orpheum. Jacksonville, Fla. "Dancing Olrla." Empress, Ft. Wuvne, tod. "Day at the Circus," Bmpreai. Milwaukee. Darle Mile., A- Co., Orpbeum. Sin Frnn., Cal. '•Dance Reveries." Orpheum. Los Augclca, Oal. Daly. Vlole. Majestic. Milwaukee. Dale * Boyle. Keyitone, Pblla. Dale, Mae Globe. Boston. Dawson, Ell, Globe, Bunion, De Omote * Lanstry. Casino. Charlotte, H. 0. De Frsnkle, Sylvia, Hymn A Mclntyn Oo. Deeley, Ben, * Co., Eixnx, N. Y. C. DtH'Oro. lulgt Empress, fit Paul; Empress, Winnipeg. Can., Dee. l-«. Delmors * Lee. Shea's. Buffalo. De Schell. Dorothy. A Co., Temple, Detroit. De Leg» Tiunpe. Poll's, Hartford. Oonn. De Mar. Grace. Kel'h'a, Toledo. Dennla Bros.. Broadway. Detroit. Derkln's Clrcna, Empress, Los Angeles, Cal. Delia, Rosa, A Micella, orphenm, Salt Labs City, D. Delmore A Light, Orphean. Dea Moines. De Sylvls, Mw„ Orphenm. Memphis, Tenn. Delepbouc A Mar, Fairmont, Phlla. Denver Trio. Howard, Boston. Demareat A Doll. Bart lord, Hartford, Conn. De Lille, Keith's. Portland, Mir. De Orsay, Elisabeth. Crown. Chicago, 37-30. Diamond A Brenaan, Ooloolil, N. Y. C; Or- pheum, Bkln.. Dee. l-«, Dlxona, Three, Orpbeam. Jacksonville, Fit. Dlnohart A Heritage. Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Diero, Shea's. Toronto. Can. Dingle A Corcoran, Empress, Denver. Dickinson, "Robe, Orpheum, Duluth. Diss's Monkeys. Orpbeum, Memphis, Tens. Dlxey, Henry E., Keith's, Portland, Me. Donley A Sayles, Poraytbe, Atlanta. Qi. Dorman, Edna, Empress, Cincinnati. Dorr, Mary, Empress. Seattle, Wash. Downs A Gomes. Miles, Detroit. Dolly A Mack. Cosmos, Washington. Dora (Jrnr.d Opera Co., Cosmo*. Washington. Dow, Darld, A Oo„ Olobe, Boston. Dressier, Mario, Orpheuia, St. Louis. Dunn A Nelson, Savoy, Atlantic Caty, N. J. Danrnn. Dan H., Majestic. Tulsa, Okla. Dunedlu Troupe, Empress, San Fran.. Oal. Dubois, W. J-, Erupt ess, Sacramento, Oal. Durybelle, Loa. Orpbeatu, Etoektvo, Oal,, 27-30. Da For Trio, Orpbeum, Omaha. Duffr A Lotens, Orpbeum, St. Louts. Durand Musical (5). Bullock's, Providence; Lyric, Athol. Mass., Dec. 1-3. Dyer, Hubert, A Co., Onind. Phils. IiUiH.Tr A Oboke. Wm, Totld Shows, Edwrmls, Tom. Touring Fnglanit. Ellas, Harry, Stetson's "V. T. 01," Rastera Co. El Rey .Sisters. Temple. Hamilton, Oan. Elisabeth, Mary, Alhambrn. N. Y. G. Ellisons (3). Orpheam. Stockton, Oal., 27-30, "Eloping." Kewsatone, Phils. l-.lilriii, Cecil A Cirr. Orpbeom, Boston, 27-20. Kldora A Co., Orpbeam, Boaton, 27-20. Empire Comedy Poor. Keith's. Phlla. Emmersons, Tbree, Empreas. Taeoma, Waah. Emnett A Emmett, Globs, Boatoo. Entertainers, Four, Majestic, Chicago. Enlgraarelle. Hipp., Kansas City, Mo.. Dec. 1-8, English. Harry, A CO., Lyric, Hoboken, N. J., £7-20. Kmetts, Three, Touring, England. Krfords, Whirling, Casino, Washington. Erdman A Rubens. Poll's, New Hsren, Conn. Eugene, Carl, Troop*, Keith's, Cincinnati. Erans, BHIy A Clara, Mew Bta Boat Show. Evans, Chas. E., A Co.. Orpheum, Memphis. T-wn. Fagon A Byron, Uolon 8u„ N, Y. 0. Farrell, Al„ Harlfon), Hartford, Oonn. Felix A Harry Olrla. Sbea'a. Iluiralo. Fela Ttlo, Orpbrnm. Des Molnea. Ferguson. Ollfan, A Oo.. Union, Providence; Sceule Temple, Malrlen, klau., Dec. 1-0. Flelila A La Adella. Pttnceaa. St. Paul. Fisher A Greene, Orpheum, Bkln. Fltsgersld, Mabel, Sbabrrt, TJIIca, N. v. "Fighter and the Boss," Unique. Minneapolis. "Filing the Furnace,'' Orpheum. San Fran,, Cal. Fltaglbbon, Bert, Orpheum. Wlnnlj.eg. Can. Fiddler A Sbelton, Majestic Milwaukee, TEDDY FIELDS "A BTTJIVy IM COHK." Fllllcr, Leo, Crystal, Milwaukee. Field Brae., Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J. Florentine Singers, Keith's. Cleveland. Florvna Troupe, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Flanagan & Edwards, Orpheum, Oniahu. Flood A Erne. Olympla, Boston. Fonda, Mabclle. Trouiw, Thlelen Circuit, 1'eorla, III., 27-20; DanvIHe, IH., 80-Dee. 2. Foy, Eddie, A Family, Hnmmerateln's, N. Y. O. Foyer, Eddie, 6th Ave., N. Tt. 0. Fox A Dolly, Orpheum, 8au Fran., Cal. Force, Fred A Mildred, Orpheum, Phlla, Ford, Edwin, It Co., Orpbeum, Altoontf, Pa., 27- 29. Francis, Mae, Coamos. Washington. Franks (2). Allegheny, Pblla. Friendly, Don, "Belle Hop" Co. Friend A Lesser, Keith's. Providence. Ftowley A Hunt. Lyrlr?, Richmond, Vu. Fred A Albert. Or^beuai. Stockluo, Cal., 27-30. Froslul, Orpheum. Sioux City, la. Franklin A Qieea, Majestic. Mllwankee. Freeman A Dunham, Majestic, Chicago. Oalvln, Jobu A Ella, "Little Miss MlxUp" Co. Oklrin, Wallace, Maryland, Baltimore. Oalowoy, Louise, A Co., Orplieutu. Montreal, Can. Gardner Trio, Orpbeum. Montreal. Can. Oanlner. Jack, Keith's, Washington. Oarduer A Lowrle, rCmpreiai. iiacrumento, Cal. Gallagher A Oarlln, Onibenm, Seattle. Wash. Gslety Trio, Lyric, Newark, N. J., 27-20. Gardner, Vincent. A Co.. Olympla. ronton. Oallando. Savoy. Atluillr City, N. J. Oelter, .lohn, National, Boston. George, Rdwm, Poll's, Hew Haven, Cona. Geary Arthur. Empress, Keoftle. Wash. Genaro A Bailer. Orpheum, San Frnn., Cal. Germain. Herbert, Trio, Howard, Boston. Gllleu, Eddie, Panama Canal Show, White City, Chicago, Gillette's Animals, Orpheum, Hnrrlsbnrg, Pa. "Girl, The." Temple. Rochester, N. Y. Olrdcller, Earl, A Dogs, Empresn. Chicago. Ollmore, Barney, Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. Girl In the Moon," Keith'*. Lowell, Mass. Gibson, Artie, Olvmnla, Boaton, Golden. Claude, Poll's, Worcester, Mass.; Poll's, Hartford, Oonn., Dec. 1-0. Gordon Highlanders, Orpheum. HarrlNburg, Pa. Goldsmith A Hoppe. Proctor's. Newark. N. J. Goldberg, R. L.. Shea's. Toronto. Can. Gordon, John R., A Co.. Empress, Milwaukee. Coleman's Animals, Orpbeum, Kansas City. Mo. Gordnne. Rohble, Orpheum. Lincoln, Neb. Cordon A Rica. Majestic, Chicago. Gormley A OalTrey, Wm. Penn, Phdla. Golden A Hughes, Ullea. Detroit. Golden A Wert. Orpbeum, Jersey City. N. i. Golden A De Wti.tem. Keith's. Portland. Mr. Granville. Bernard. Uammersteln's. N. Y. a "Green Beetle. The." Alhambra. N. Y. O. Green. Kthel. Shea's, Toronto. Can. Gmet A Gniet. Empress, Ban Diego. Oal. Granville. Taylor. Oapuenm. Portland, Ore. Gray A Petera. Crystal. Mllwankee. GraWa AnJasals, Allegheny, Phlla. Ornpho, The Great. Bowdoln Bq., Boaton. NOTICE TO ALL FASTEST TIME TO PHIUDELPHM vg New Jersey Central Onollour Fifty Minntss From Libert y 8U, BA.M.toUP. ■. Ton JHlraatea %t trio Hour ■fom Md 8t M 0.80 A. H. to B.BO P. If, OTHER TRAIHS TJO, M.30, «,50, 11.50 p. B. Cmult P. W. HEROY, £ p. Agt. HWIIHOADWAV. HKW VOHK. Ouerro A Oanxcn, Colonial, Erie, Pa. Hurt, Annie, "UcFaslden'a KlutB" Oo. llasmii Hen All Arabs, Keith's. Pblla. Hayes, Ed , A 0o„ lUm.nersh<ln's, N. Y. 0. lurveys. The. Bronx, N. Y. C. Hatwniau'a, Tlie, Maryland. Tlnlllmore Harvuy, Do Von Trio, Keith's, Clovolaud. EFFIE ah BILLY HALL WITH TALE STOCK CO. Hanlon, Dean A Uanloo, Orpheum, Mouotnl, Can. Hall, Geo. F., Eanpress, Denver. Unrrla, Sum, Eunirevs, Tacoms, Waab, 'Happiness " Orpheum, Vnucouvcr, Can. Iliiitluu A Hnnlou, Orpheum, Siwknis.', Wash. Hurt. I»uls, Oniheum, Omaha. Iliinders .* Mllllss, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Huyea, Brent. Urpheimi. St. Louis. Hawthorne. Hlldo, Majeotlv, Chiougo, HawllioriMs's Mlnstrvl Maldsi, Grand, Grand Vwit. N D., 2M0; Vactorta, Wluuipeg, Can., oS. BOB HARRIS JUST JOINED RICTON'H WOMDBK SHOW. Thla ive*U QKKMArsTOW j. OHIO . Hall, Billy, Broadway, Phlla. Hart. Marie A Billy, Wm. i'enn, Phlla. Haas Bros., Miles, beirvit. H.tle, Walter 4 Lou, Miles. Detroit. Hammnnil, Harry, l^rlc, ilobokou, N. J., 27-20. llaey A Noi.le, Kedlb'H, Cluclnnall. HatM, Baby, Savpj-, Atlantic City, N. J. Henot'i Horace, Keith's, Louisville. Dossier, Helen. Kalib's, Doston. Her.-on A Uaylord, Union 4in., N. Y. c Ilenuiiiiia, John A Wlonle. Keith's, Phlln. Herlwrt A Ooldsmlth, Poll's, Hnrtford, Oonn. HmHnbT, Jotle, IToctor's, Newurh, N. J. Hess Sisters, Proctor's, Newark. K, J. Henry A Francis, Lyric. Richmond, Vs. Herman A Shirley. rSuiavsn, Uutte, Mont. Hearns' Hnpjty Wheelmen. Emureas, Denver. HesH. Chick. Lyric, Newark, N. J., 27-21) HerlK>rt, Joe, Oututos, Washington. HeuuHn Trio, Orpltram. Omaba, Dee. 10. lHriHJu, Mexican, Bowdoln Sq., Boston. Hill A Ackermon, Moss Tour, England. lllnes A Fox. Shea's, Toronto. Can. Hill, J. A., A Co., Orpheum, Jersey City, N. J. Howard Bros., Touring England. Hon aril's Ponies. Nh-a's Buffalo. "House Warmers." Orpheum. Hsrrlsburg, Pa. Howard A RatclItT. Keith's, Toledo. Hopkins, Axtcll A Oo., Temple, IMin'lton, Can. itoiiKhton, Morris A Uoughtou, Empress, Port- land, Ore. Holman, Harry. A Co.. Orpheum, Wkeellnf. Va.; Weller, ZaiiesvUle. 28-30; Sheridan Square, Pltlaburgh, Dec. 1-0, Hoey A Lee, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Holmes, Tsylor, Majestic, Milwaukee. Hurt's Minstrels. Orpheum, St. Paul. ilollla, Holly, Lyric, Buffalo. Holman Bros, Savoy, Atlantic OHy, N. J, Hunter A Ross. Garden, Dallas, Tex.; Cosy, Hous- ton, Tex., Dec. la. MM A Chain, Orpheum, Montreal, Oan.; Keith's, Portland. Me., Dec. 1-0. Ilnmey A Lee, Orpheum, Harlsburg, Pa. Hunting A Francis, Majestic, Milwaukee. Hurley, Frank J., Star, St. Thomas, Can., 27- Icenndlc Troupe. Lyric, Richmond, Va. lintiorr, Oonn A Coreene, Union Sq., N. Y. C. Inge, Clara, Keith's, Louisville. "In mill)." Empress, Loa Angeles, Cal. Innea A Ryan. Broadway ,Phlla. "In the Barracks," Nixon, Phlla. Inleen Kilters, Orpbeum, St. Paul. Irvine, Alex., Broadway, Phlla. lamed, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Jsrdys, The. Temple. Hamilton, Can. James, Walter. Orpheum, Jacksonville, Fin. Jopnreec Dolls, Six, Wm. Penn, Phils. Jay Circus. Nickel, Lawrence, Masa., 27-20. James A Prior, Empress, Clnclauatl. Jefferson, Joseph A Co.. Poll's, Scrunlon, Pa. Jennings, P. O'Mslley. Empress, Cincinnati. Jessica Troupe. Empress, Cincinnati. Jenny, Joe, Keith's, Phlla. Johnstons Musical, Empire, Birmingham, Eng.; Shepherd's Rush, London, Dec. 1-0; Coliseum, London, 8-13. Jcnleys, Two, Bronx, N. Y. 0. Johnson', Martin, Orpbeum, Winnipeg, Can. Jenulngs A Wilson, Keystone, I'hlla. Jungniau Family, Orpheam, Lincoln, Neb. Kaufman, Reba A Inei, Paris, France, indefinite. Kajlysma, Keith's, Providence. Kaufman Troupe, Poll's. Worcester, Masa, Karno's London Club. Empreas. Kansas City. Mo. Kaufman Bros., Grand, Pulln. Kennedy A Kramer, Orpheum, Ilarrlaborg, Pa. I'ulacc, Baltimore, Dec. 1-0. Kenlons (.1), Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Kenne, Robt. E., Proctor's. Newark, N. i. Kelly A Pollock, Keith's, Washington. KeNey, Karl F. Sampson, Penn Yan, N. Y.; Teninle. Geneva, N. Y., Dee. 1-4. Kennedy A Roouey, Orpheum. Portland. Ore. Kent. 8. Miller, A Co., Orpheam, Oakland, Cal. Keenan, Frank, A Co., Orpbeum. New Orleans. Kennnette A Fronaeaka, Orpbeum, Kanaal City, Mo. Kenny, Nobody A Piatt, Orpheum, St. Paul. Kelly A MarT, Virginia, Cblcaro, lndetnlM. Kelly A Harrison, Wm. Penu, I'htli Krene, Rhea, A Co., Casino, Washington. Kennedy A Bart, Globe. Boston. Klrmsn, Walters A Kleruau, Ktuprras, Ft. Wayne, Iuil. Kltaro (4). Orpbeam, Oakland, Cal. Kidder. Kathryn, A Co.. Orpheum, Stockton, Oal., 27 SO. "Kid Kaharrt," Orpheum. St. rout Kirk A Fogarty, Orpheum, 8L Paul. Klnkoid A Kilties, Wm. Penn. Phlla. "Kilties Band," Wilson, Cfllcngo. Klare, Kntherlne, Unique. Minneapolis. Klein Bros.. Orpheum. Altooun. Pa 27-20. Kramer A Morton, Orpbeum, Memtihls, Tenn. Krasy Klda tin. Orpheum. Boston, 27-20. Knmii Japs, Cosmos, Washington. I.nmont, Harry, A Co., Jamestown, N. Y. La Toy Bros., Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Lambert, Frank, A Co., Cblcngo; St. Louis, Dec. 1-0: Kansas City. Mo,, 8-Ul. La Booth. Louise, Majeatlc. Chattanooga, Tenn. Lusky'a "Red Heada," Keith's, Boston. Laube. Max, Keith's. Boston. Lai Mon Kim, Foraythe. Atlanta, Ga. Lnnrtmi, Laeler Co., Poll's. Scrnnton, Pa. Luwlor, Obas. B., A DaBgbtera. Em"ress. Chicago. 1j.iI.I1s Cosilqura (4), Empress, Milwaukee. Lawrence. Walter II.. A Co., Kiuifrne, Sacra- mento, Cal. ... _,. „ La'mhrrt A Ball, Ornbeam, Salt Lake City, U. Lnugdona, The, Orpheum, Heave". "Lawn Party. The," Orpbeam, Denver. La Vler, Orpheom, Denver. Lane A O'faonnell, Orpheuta. Llneolo. Da Crols. Paul. Orpheum. St. Paul. La OraeJosa. Broadway, Pblla. La Roca, Boxy, Allegheny, Phlla. DO YOU COMPOSE Songs op Instrumental Music » If ao, be 8TJRB to bavusamearraiixeili-yan KXPKIU't AnanlMlo arrunKoiuent meisniSUt.X'ESd I I have done HUN- DRKltiot. 10 HITS I Write or call sfieruootuill-o. EUGENE PLATZMANN Care Shapiro. 141ft Itrimil\vsi>, N. V. O. '" wfLLMH BAL, Inc., 145 W. 45th St., N. Y. City. I ,i, v.: ' *>»» .a. nri. Cal La Oraudall, Shea's, Balfato. Lailne, Clmeroii Trio. Hartford, Hartford. Oosn. Lealle, Hen. A Co.. Kmiiress, Cincinnati; Ism- press, Chlcngu. Dec. 10. Lea Frlmlul A Co.. Seattle, Wasb. U-ou A Davis, Union So., N. Y. 0 Le Roy A Harvey, Keith's, Keith's, Columbus. Lewis A Doily, Temple, Hnmlltim. Can. Lo Roy, Wilson A Tom, oth Ave., N. Y. C. Le Roy, Talma A Rosco, Temple, Rochester, N. t. l-clpslg. Pull's, Scr.tnto.i, Pa. Lester. Harry II.. Slitihert. Utlea. N. Y. Lee Bros., Empress. Kansas City. Mo. Leonard A Louie, Empress, St. Paul. Lester Trio, Empress. Ssn Fran.. Cal. Lester A Norton, Empress. San Fran., Cal. Le Roy A Oahlll. Bijou, Rangor. Me. Levey, Bert, Oniheum, Seattle, Wash. l<>iris A McCarthy, Orpheum, Ban Fran., Col. I.COII, D.ixle. Orpheum, Wlnnl|ie'K, Can. Leonnril A llitswll, Orpheum. St. Paul. 1*8 Yost, Majestic. Milwaukee. Lee A Cranston. Keith's, !/>well. Mass, I*nii. Cecil. A Co.. Havoy, Atlantic City, N. J. Linton A l*awrenee. Alhambra, N. Y. 0- LIBBEY and TRAYER 'The act la s real oovclty, sinning and talklna specially, whicfi Is very appronrlato for any bin." "Olio" 111 CUPPER. Ort. id, 191V, Lluonltl. Temple, Roeheater. N. Y. Livingston Trio, Empress, Victoria, Can. Little Parlslenne, Grpbcura. Kansss City, Mo. Llndssy, Frei*, Orpbeam, Dainth.. Little Hip, Crystal, Milwaukee. Livingston. Murry. A Co., Olympla, Boston. tloyil. Marie, Orpheum, Bkln. lord, Hugh, Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Lloyd A Whltebcuse, Oniheum. Seattle, Wasb. Lurch Family, Aprilo, Dusseldorf, Germany; I'ol'i-s Bergrre, Anvers. Bt'lgittm, Dec. 1-11. Lo. Mario, A Co., Orphciuii, Bkln. Lfllo. Pull's, llurtforl, Cnnn. l/irralne A Dudley. Keith's, Indianapolis. Love A Wilbur, Alhsmhra. N. Y. c. Lockett A Wulilron, Alhambra, N. Y. 0, lanve, Adelyne, A Oo.. Empress, Portland. Ore. "Luulu" Christmas," Kmpresa. Port I mil. Ore. I.orna A Tools Pminils, Oniheum. Sjmknne. Waah. Lorraine A Rurlrs, orpheum. Kansas City, Mo. I.ora. Orpheum. Memphis, Tenn. Louise, Mile., Orpheum, Jersey City, N. J. Ixirkn'oori A Van, Keith's. Portland. Me. Lucas, Jimmy, Keith's. In.llnuapills. Lucky A Yost, Allegheny, Phlla. Luce, Bruce A May. Lyric, Newark. N. J., 27-29. Lyons A Vosco, Orpheum. I'ortlan I. Ore. Lvrlen. Ilartfunl. ll.trtfnrd, Oinu. MacMIHan, Violet, Orphettm. Jncttonvllle, Fla. Maxwell. Harvey, A Wheeler Bisters. Held'* "Childhood Days." Macart A BraiHoid, Keith's, Pmvldence. Marco Tnlns, Union, Straaslutrg. Gernony: Cir- cus Albert, Schumann, Frankfurt, Uermsny, Dec. I'M. M.iTree A Kelly, Mlcliela, Grand Island, Nev., 27- 21); KmpresB, Oniilm, ,101h<c. 1. Marie, Daluly, Kellh'i, Doslon, Mason A Dutlel, Keith's, Indianamlla. Minn, 8am, A Co., Grand, Syracuse. N. Y. MscDo'iald, James. Empress, Itiiile. Mout, Mars, Dancing, Rniprcts. Port land. Ore. Maglln, Eddie A Roy, Empress, Bap Fran., Cal, Mayo. Louise, Empr**ra, Tucoma, Wash. Martini A Maxlmllllan, Empress. Tucmna, Wash. Mayo A Allman, Emiiress, Victoria, Can. Murqunrd A Saeley, Palace, Chicago. Mack A Ortb, Oniheum. Los Angeles, Oal. Mario Duo, Orpheuai, Winnipeg, Oan. Mack A Williams, Orpheum, New Orleans, Manlin, Mile.. Orphnnn. Sioux Oily, la. Manning, Mooro A Annatrong, Oridsrom, Dei Molnea. Maybcw A Taylor, Orphean. Minneapolis. Maxln Bros. A Bobby, Orpheam. St. Paul. Madia A Frabinl, Orpheum, St. Paail. Mays A Addis, Met. 0. II.. Phlla., 27-29. Wayne. Frank, A Oo>, Grand, Phils. Madden A Fltxpairli-k, Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Marrcllot Lyric, llntralo. Munley A Wnltb. Ololie, Boston. Marre) A Detight, l-ulfs. Hartford. Conn. Marks, Abe, A Co.. Hartford, Hartford. Conn, MeRae A Clesrg, Onanil, Syracuse, N. Y,; Poll's, Woreestei, Mass.. Bee. id. McAvay. Dan P., Hngenlieck A Wallace Ol'cus. McCntcbeun A Maxwell. Hammersela's, N. Y. 0. McGlrm, Francis, A Oo., Brusix, N. Y. O. McDevItt, Kelly A Lucie, Bronx, N. Y. 0. McHnns. The, Bushwlck, Bkln. McMsbon, Diamond A Clcmnice, Shea's, Purfal), McKay A Amine. Keith's, liidinnu|si||s. McOrtevey. Mr. A Mrs. Jack, Temple, Rochoaler, N. V. MeConnell A rllintron Shea's, Toronto, Con. Mcl.ullen A Carson, Orpbeum. Sioux Oily, la, lleCullougb, Carl, Orphium, De» Moluva. McDonouirn, loilusl, Orpheum, Duluth. McOleeney, Owen, Majestic, Chicago. McKinley, Nell, Keystone. Phlla. McOlure, Will, A Girls, lllnp.. 1'eorlo. Ill , 27-20 Ms-reetVs. Kelt's, Clevelniul; Grand, Syracuse N Y., Dee. 1*0.' Member, Dorothy, Orpheum. Altoona. Pa.. 27-29: O. II., York, Pa., Dec. l-». Melville A lllgglna, Poll's, Hartford, Coon. Merrill A Otto, Orpheiim, Uarrlshurg. Pa. Merkle Sisters (4), Dominion, Ottawa. Can. Meredith A Bnouwr, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. •Jelvlii., |3), Grand, Syracuse. N. Y. Melroimlltan Dancers. Poll's, Worcester, Mass. Merrill, Sebastian, Empress, Cincinnati. Ileilllu, Felber A Townee, Empress, Kansas City, Mo. Merlan's Dogs, Empress, Spokane, Wash. Melody Hoys (5), Bedford, Uklu.; Colonial, Nor- folk, Vs., Dee. 1-0. Merrill A Donnelly. Orpheum. Jersey City, N. J. Miller, Larry ()., Majestic, Little Rock, Ark., 27- 29. Miller A Mark, Keith's, Providence. 11IIion, Joe, Columbia!, St. Louis; Keith's, In- dianapolis, Dee. 1-0. Miller A Lrle, Uammersteln's, N. Y. 0. Milkman, Bird, A Co., Gib Ave., N. Y. O. Hiss U'ltael A Jeanelte, Poll's, New 11 men, Cona. Mfjares, Shubert, Utlca. N. Y. Hilton A De Loug Ulsters. Orpheum, Denver. Miles. Homer, A Co., Orpheum. New rirleaaa. Millers, Joggllag. Orpbeam, Tfea Molm-s. Millard Broa.. Keith's, Phlbx.. Dec. 10. Miller. Theresa, Casino, Washlnston. Mlskel A Miller, Academy, BatTalO. Mors. "Silent,*' Richmond, No. Adams. Mass., 27-29; Lyceum. New London, Coon., Dec 1-3. Mori Bros (3). Bushwlck. Bkln. Montambo A Wells. Bronx, N. Y. 0. Moore A Young, Orphcuin, Bkln. Morcnn, Bailey A Morgan. Sliea'a. Raffslo. "Mure Suined Agalnit Tbuu Usaal," Temple, De. troll. Mowstts (B), Oslonlal, N. Y. 0. Morris, Eilda, Colonial, Norfolk, Vs. Munlta (0), Hhobrrl, Ullra. N. Y. Morton, Sam A Kitty, Poll's. Worcester, Mass, Mnranrilnls, The, Empress, Seattle, Wash. Montgomery. Marshall, Ornbenm, Portland, Ore. Morton, Clara, Orpaenm, Los Angeles, Cal. Morion, James J., flrpheom. Stockton, Cal., 27-.10, Morris, Nina. A Co.. Orpheum, Wlnnlteg, Oan. "Mother Gnose In Vaudeville," Keystone, Phils. Moffstt'Clare Trio, Academy. Buffalo. Morris, Wm., A Co.. Academy. Buffalo. Moore, Oolille. Academy, llnfTslo. Morton A Glass, Keith's, lloston. Morris, Annie, Howard, Hosion. Morgan, Bmee. A Co.. St. James, Bosvtoa, 27-29. Morrell. Frank, St. James, Boaton, 27-20. Murray. John T„ Cotnnlal. Erie. Pa. Munsey. F/lna, Orpheum. I'nrlland. Or*. Muriel A Frances. Ornbenm, Sealle. Wash. Mnrry A llugheH, Orpbeum. Jersey City. N. i. Murphy A Tsylor. Orpheum, Jersey Olty, H. J. Murphy A Nichols. Kellb's. Wsslilngtun. Mirrahy A Krjnels. Howard, lloston. Nn.h. Julia. A fVi., National, Boaton. Nngyfya, Tile, Empress, Heaver. Nniiolcon, (Vv-liil. Milwaukee. ''Neptune's tianlen," Keith's, Oolummis. Kevins A Erwnofl, Proclnr'a, Newark, N. t. Nester A Dellherg. Eiooreaa. Milwaukee. Neville, Augaitua, A Co., Hipp., Peoria, III,, 27- 21). Nencomh A WIIMims, hlh Ave., Bkln., 27-29; Wsrwlck. Bkln.. Dec. Ml. NVIren, Ft, James. Hostnn, 27-20. SP-Vs Skating Girls Fnrsvtbe Allsnta, Ga. >'l»I«Mi. tlirlstlne. Slh Ave.. N. Y. O, Nip A Tuck, Poll's, New Haven, Com, "Night In a Police Station," Empress, Spokane, "Night at the Baths," Baayress Rsattle, Wasb. Nichols, Nellie. Orpheum, Salt Labs City, U, Nlrhola Bisters. Ornheora, New Orleans. Norrla' Baboons, Majegtlc. Ft. Worth, Tax. I Ma- jesilc, Dui.is. Tea,, Dec. 1-8. Fosara. Musical, ICva 'Panguay Co. • Nurwortfc, Jack. Colonist. N. Y. 0. Nonet le, Orpheam, Seattle, Wash. Nugent, J. C, A On., Orpheum, Sioux Olty. la. Oakland, Will, A 0>.. Ori>heuni. Montreal, Oan. O'Hrlen A Duckley. Ivnipress, Chicago. O'Brien A l«ir, Empress. San DI«go, Oal. O'Urlen. HurUus A Cormnck, Orpheum, I'hlla. O Dounell, C. II,, A Oo., Keith's, Providence. O'Farrell, The. Ringllng Bros.' C'trua. Olympic Trio, Globe, Boaton, OlliotO Trwthailonrs, Academy, Buffalo. Oliver, Belle, lllpn., Peorls, III., 27-29. Olcott, Chas., Poll's, llsrtfonl. Conn. Oliver. Clarence, Empress, San Diego, Oal. Olympla Girls, Orpheum, St. Paul. Oliver A Armando, Columbia. Detroit, Dec. 1-0. O'Mearaa, Gliding. Keith's, Cincinnati. O'Nell, Dee., Orpbeam, New Orleans. Oxford Trio, Met. 0. 11.. Pblla., 27-20. Page. Helen. A Go., Grand O. II.. Pittsburgh. Putrirk. Francesco A Warren, Empreas, Ft Wayne, lull. Parry, Charlotte, A Co., Orpheum, Salt Lahe City, V. rasscrl'a Band. Washington, Newark. N. J., 27-20. Panther, O. II., Camden, Me.. 27-29. Paris*. Orplieani, Jersey Olty, N, J. Psrshleys. The, Keith's. Washington. IVpis'r, II. I... Majestic, Tulsa, Okla.. indefinite. Perry, Albert, A On.. Forsyihe, Atlanta, Ga. Pcwl-on A Gistille. orpliiimi, Dvuvor. Peres (I), orpln-uni, Mlnueanulls, "Peaory," Brneilway. Pblla. PeJots The. Nlxtsi. Phlla. Perry'i Mliwlrel Maids. Allesheny. Phlla. I'ctlit Farully. Lyric, Newark, N. J., 27-!f». Pelurlnn, Gonlou'a fXympln. Biwton. Phlua A Picks, Orpbanim, St. Loulo. Plnanl Al., Lyceum, Peterson, N. J,; Majestic, ltiifftilo, TVec. 1-fl. Fla Opera Trkx Orystal, Mllwaulcm. rollanl, Empress. Loa Angeicx. Oal, Pollock. Milton, A Co., Orpnewi, Dulath. I'oturo A Ixo, Arailemy, Buffalo. l'ndle' Dugs, Marylanl, Baltimore, rrevort A llrua'n. Temple, Rocheatrr. N. Y. Prlngle A Allen. Emfiivni, Kansas GUy. Mo. Price, Jaclt A Mabel. Colonial, HIchmoiHl. Va. Pii-sentta, The, Orpbeum, Altoona, Pa., 27-20. "Purple Lady/' Bronx, N. Y. O. Ranf, Olamle. Keith's, oieveland; Keith's, Cln- einiistl. Dec. 1-0. Riifsyelle's Dogs, KeMh'a. Boston, Raymond A Caverly, Colonial, N. Y. 0. Rawls A Von Kiiufimu. Colonial, Norfolk, Va. Rnyuo's Bull Dogs, Keith's, WnslilnKlon. Ray A HIINsrd, Poll's, Worcester, Mass. Randalls. The, Orpheum. Montreal, Cull, Rnnkln, Virginia, Orpbenvn, Oakland, Cal, Rnvenscrofl, Oliarlotte, Orpheum, Omaba. Romcsls, orpheum. St. Louis. Kavnionil A Rain, Nixon, Phlla, Rathskeller Trio, Hipp.. Peoria, III., 27-20. Itiuinliiiii. Jlinmle, Howard, Itnston. Reeves, Geo. II.. Empire, Montgojiery, Ala., 7- 29. Reynard, R. T, Keith's, Phlln. llelsi.er A Gores, Grand O. II., Pittsburgh. Remington, Joseph, A Co., Crystal. SI. Joseph, Mo., 27.20; tlruml. SI. Louis, Dee. 1-U. Rlu Bros., Touring ICnglaiid. Itlchards, Chris. Iiushwlck, Bkln. L'lehherg s Jap Dolls. Wm. Penn, Phlla. Itieb A Ignore, Eiiriress. Clileago. Rlpiel, Jack A Nellye, Ft. Seott, Kan. Rice, Sully A Scott. Orphcuin. Sail Lake City, U. Blrlianu, Mile., Olvinpla. Boston. Rice A Cohen, Keith's. Boston. Ilohiilrea, The, Kelth'r, Louisville; Lyric, Blrm- los'hnm. Ala., Dec. 1-0. Hote. Julian. Otli Ave., N. Y. O. Ibisser'a llogl. Oolnnlal. Norfolk, Vs. Rflssow Midgets, Broadway, Detroit. Ilogcrs, Will/ I'sluce. Ohleagjo. llotierta A Verer.i, Orpbeum, Winnipeg, Can. Rnalnt, Csrl, Orpbeum. Kansss City Hu Koincj A Bent, Orphenm. Kansas City, Mo. llolwrts, Hans, A Co.. Majeatlc, Milwaukee. Bamaw A Delano, Met. O. II., Phlla., 2T-20, Rohertl's Animals, Nickel, Lawrmre. Maes, 27-29. Ruben, Okibe, Boaton. Roaeb A MeCunly, Keith's, Portland. Me. Rogers, Jrssallue. A Co., Wlllard, Chicago, 27-30. Ryao A Lee, Temple, Detroit. Kale. Chirk, Keith's, Rlevelsnd. Sandwlnn, Kate, Orphenui, Vaneonvcr, Can. tsutrll, Great, Touring England. Samiirlus, Six, Oniheum. Sisikoue, Wash. Raharet, tlrplienm. IVater. hnvoy A Rrrnuen, Met. O. II., Phils.. 37-20. Pabina. Vera, A fit.., Lyric, Newark. N. J., 27-20. Haona. Lyric, Ilnnmio. Bcbooler A Dlckluaou, Bib Ave,. N. Y, 0. Scott A Keane, Oniheum, Loa Angeles, Cal, Schroder. Helen, (irpbeum, Memphis, Tenn. Bebeff, Frltsl, Majestic, Chicago. l-vmoii, Charles, A Oo., Nixon, Phlla. Selilom'a, Paul, "Venus," Keith's, I-owell, Mors. Seeley A Belmont, Dixie. Klnslon. N. 0., 27-29; Aunlson. Wilson. N. 0., Dec. Kl, Slinw. I.llllnu Kellb's. Cleveland. Mdrlery, Eva, Keith's. Cincinnati Pluirp A Torek, Orphetuu, Duluth, Skelly, Jamea, Colinrrlila, Delmlt, Smith, Cnnk A BtsiiiIoii, 1th Ave., N. Y, 0, Kmilh, Viadk A Croulii, Kinpnws. Sacramento, Cal. Hnilib's, Aerial, Ttiurtng Kuroiie. Hii.vd.-r A Hallo, Empress. Hall Diego, Oil, Society Girls (4), Kinprrss, Kansss Oily, .Mo. Hpmguc A McNcccc, orpheum, Bkln. Spirit Paintings, Empress, Los Angeles, Col. Stan Stanley Trio, Kellli's, Lowell, Muss. Stephens, Ixsinn Hhen's, Buffalo. Slory, Delle, Poll's, Bcrautnn, Pa. Stevens. Kdwln, A On.. Keith's, Toledo. "Stick-up Man, The, 1 ' Broadway, Detroit. Siurreit. Howard 8. Jr., Zlegfeid "Follies of 1013" Co. Slone A Knllss, Palace. Chicago, Smart A Hall. I.nie. Newark, N. J.. '7-20. Ktone, Dorothy, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., 27-20, Stuart, Tom, Poll's. New Haven, Conn. Stain's Animals, Lyric. Buffalo. HtuiMlfonl. Grace, Colonial, (lileaco. Karatt, Valenka, A Co., .Maryluisl. Bsllhnore. Sullivan, Arthur. Man land. Baltimore. Suttou. Larry, Lyndon's Big Show, Sully A I'lMtps. 0. II., Nashua, M. II Bnttoo A Caorlee, "Tka> Liberty Olrla" Co. Sutton, Mclntyre A Sutton, Orpheum. Kansas Oily, Mo. Boiiinna, Princess, Olone, Clevelaud, 2740; Al- hambra. Cleveland. Dee. 1-3. Motherland. Jessie, Keystone, I'hlla. Svengsll, Lyric, Richmond, Vs. bwor-'A Mavk. Orplieuisu Ogiten, Ja.; Oriihrum, Salt Lake City. In., Dec. 1-0. Rw^.siey. Beatrice, Oardeu, DoUas, 'iVx,; Coxy, Houston. Tex., Dee. 1-0. Sydney A Towaley. Orplieum, Mlimrspolls. Sylvia, O. II.. Brownsville, Pa., 27-30; Arcade, Gonnellsvllle. Dee. 14, Tonnen, Julius, Bronx, N. Y. 0. "Tomer, The." Empress. Deliver, Tarala) A Tnmho, Touring England. Tmri»st, Ilorenoo. A Oo., Keith's, Washington. ■Those French Girls," Alhambra, N. Y, O. THURBERanoTHURBER HOST UP-TO-DATE COMEDY ACT. European Tour. Thompson A Obpctnod. Orphenm, Mroneeinolls. Thompwiu, W. II., A Co., Keith's, Cincinnati. Tlithe. Harry, A Ob., Shea'*, Bnffslo. THTuny. How. A Co., Palnnnnt, Phlla. Tom Wise <2>, Proetne's, Newark. N J. Toy. Kuan Ling, Lyric, likUanapotla; Ootonlal, Chicago, Dee. 1-4). Tor leys. The, Bowdoln Sq. Doston. Tmvalo, Bnshwlek, Bkln. Turker. Sophie. Kelib's, Providence. Tarplns, The, Otooe, Boston. Trpes (.1), Temple. Detroit. Tyroleans IB), Fairmont, Phlla. Dewsenn. Tlie, Shea's, Toronto, Oan. llrsnna A De Onta, Olohe, Boston. Van, Chas. A Fsnnle, Keith's, Lotihrellle, Van Brant, Walter. Temple. Detroit. Vardamsn. National Amphltlirilre, Sydney, Au- stralia, Van, Billy, A B.'inmont Sisters, On'heoni, Spo- kane. Wash. Vsnlers, Tlie. Orpheom. Winnipeg, Can, VatlecllVs f^opinla. Casino, Cannes, France, Dee. a ID: Coslno. N:ee, France. 10-20. Versatile Trio, Keith's, Providence; Kellh'i, Port- land. He., Dee. 1-0. Vernon A Co.. Crystal. Mllwsukee Vervallon Trio, Bowdoln Hip, Rovtin. Vlollusky, Colonial, Norfolk, Vs. .., li StageSecretWhite The wonderful preparation for whitening tho hRcrjj, arma and neck. "Will Not Rob OB. Stage Secret Wblto gives a soft, natural white to tba skin tbat cannot ba detected. A revelation for Stage and Evening Toilet. To convince you we will lend a trial tube for 10c. Id itampa or coin. Put up Id large tubes, 60c. RAY MFG. CO. S40 W. 4MUt» STj. RBW YORK CITY Vlntou. PL, A Roster, Bronx, N. T. 0.| Pell's, New Haven, Conn., Dec. In. Vivian ,v Alton. Rlckanha Circuit, Aoatralla. Veil Tiller's, Al., "Honey Olrla," Uaromersloln'i, N. I. O. VolHiil. Bushwlck. Bkln. Vogt. l->l., Samtsson, Penn Yan, N. Y. Von Tllacr, Al., Orpheum. Duluth. Watson A Snnlna, Maryland, Baltimore. Wakefield, wills Holl, Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. Wnrtl A Chirk, Broadway, Detroit. Wnrrrn A Blanrhanl, Kutprcss. Ft. Wayne, lad. Wnlsh. Lynch A Co., Empress, St. Paul. Wnite. Kenenth It., Gus Sun Circuit. Washer Bros., Touring England. Want. Marty. Taxi Girls Co. Wallace, Brace, Plaaa. Springfield, Man.; Plnan. Northampton, Mass., Dec. 1-3. Wnlsh, blanche, A Co., Orpheum. Des Moines Walter.. D.tvlil, A Oo., Orphcuin, Jersey Olty. N. J. West. Mn". Himmeriteln's. N. Y. C. Werner, Frml, Vlrtons, I'ltisburgh. Welch, Wesley A Ball. Keith's, Indianapolis. Wells. I*ew, Orplicum, Vnneniiver. Can. Wells, Hilly A Nellie, Hugh's Comedians. Welch, Jne. Orpheum. Oakland. Oil. Vohn A Nlckells, Orphenm, Phlla. West A Bovii. Hipp., Peoria. HI., 27-20, Weal, Roland, riayera. St. James, Bolton, 27 29. Wei I iter Bins., Bowdoln Si],, Boston. Whistler. Edna, Bushwlck. Bkln. While, Clsytun. A Co., Orpheum, BMn. Whvte, fbb st A Whyte, Enunrss. Untie. Mont. "When Woinrn Rule,'' Rmnress. Kansas Oily, Mo. Wlillehead. Joe, I'nlnne, Mlnnraisills. M'lieetrr, Mis, Onudla Osrlstadt, I'ulaee. till- cugo. Wlillefleld A Ireland, Orpheum, Onklnnil, f'.il. Wheeier A Wilson, Orplu'tini, New Orleans. Whipple, Wnlilo. Majestic. SI. Jnmmb, Mo., (1-sW. Wilson, Grace, Kelih's. ijiuell. Mass. Wlllliims A Wolfiis, Foisyllie, Atlnntn, Ga. Wilson, Jack, Trio. Opflicmii, Itkln. Will A KemiL Pnll'a, Hartford, Oonn. WlWn Hurts. A Oo.. Or.iuit O, It,, I'lttnlmrcii. Wllllseli. fhrjiheiim, Vaueoiiver, i^rn Winston- ;< Slrykcr, Orphenm. .\llnneniiolls. Williams. Max. Keith's, l/ovell. Mass. Wluslnw. Grace. Bowdoln So.. Boshsi. Wlrlli, M.iy, HSTiiy. Allnntlc Ollv, N. J. Wood A Wyile. Ihilon Siiuuri'., N. Y, C. "Wmnan l're|ioses," Pi.U'i, New tlnven, Oonn, Wissl, Brllt. Keith's. Toteilo. Worslward, V. P., Kmiiress, Duluth, Hlnu.; 30- Dec. 3. Woolly, Mark, Lyric. Buffalo. Wjim, Ed., \ Co.. nrplieimi, Salt l.nke Oily, II. Yaw. Ellen Pencil, rirplieuni, San Fran,, Cal. Yankee Dmsllo Scouts, Oriinil, Phlla. Yoeearya 1.11, Kinoreis, Butte, Mont. Yiiiilln. Alms, Orphemu, Minneapolis, Yvetle, nnmniernrein'a, N. Y 0. Xylns (»), Foravihe, Atlanta. Ga. Eemlilns, Tlie, Bowdoln Sq., Boston. OUT OF TOWH HEWS I.oiilsTlllr, Ky,—Maeanley'a t.li.hn T. Va- csolcy, uigr.) Umv 1'lilds, In "All Abuunl," Not. 21.80. R. If. Sotbeni and Julia Mar. kiwi. 27>2l). Flako O'lliint, In "In Old Dubll i." Dee. i-3. Situnsar'a Masonic (I. Isive nigr. )■—Ger- Inuiu Hoffmann 21 "Last Days of I'eiunell," In motion plctnres, week of 2.1. oaisTY <c. T. Tkylor, aigr.)—"Freeklei" .verk •f 23. i'A Futsl Tbero Was" nest. Kami's |J. L. Weed mar.)—Bill week of 2.11 Diii.bsr's Nine Whlro llnrsnrs, llersog's Hlsrilmis, Knlbleen Ollffnul. Eva TIYPir and company, Clius. mid I'lmiv Van, (he Rosalns. Hurley and Bnrley, aial Olura Inge. Ht'i'KiNoiiau (Horace McCrocklln, mgr,)— Athlullo Nlniit has boon Inaugurated at this Hie- aire and iiruvisl n big success. The Watson Sla- ters' Show week of S3, Girls from llappylaml next. Now National (Leo Goldberg, msr.)—Tills tlienlto niH'iteil lis doors 24. It le Hie largest Ibenitii In the South, liavlug a sealing rapacity of three thousand. Mr, Goldberg, former treasurer of Hi" Fonlglno Ferry Pork Theatre, bat been apiKilnird III manager. Tho following bill fsiens Ibo season: Wlnoaii Winter, Jack Gardner ami company. Hums, Grady anil Klhner, Chester's ciiiiIiii-n, Oluyloii and Lcmsll, and lllaipoilroiiio Threv Ring circus. WabNi-v (F. Hilton, mgr.)—Vaudeville nnd iimi Ion pictures. Hopkins (Harry Dllger, mgr.)— Vaudeville anil motion pictures. MuiNoiiA WiN'trs GannsN (II. K. Ilnffmunlk mgr.)—Thin placo opened 20. Oihsrt vaudi'viflv la featured. Nioui.tv (H. Levenson, mgr,)—"Ftiriruiieu Women" la the feature dim week nf 23. iiiiiiiBuii (Allen Kluney, mgr.)—"The lluu- away l-VMit" fealurea week of 2.1. MiJUiri) (L. DUtiaar, mgr.)—"Proles" f.-n- lurs's week of 23. Oaiimo (A. Kuuiey, mgr.)—"Ills lii-plraytlon" fi-iunivs week of 23. C'RtsTti, (M. Hwllaer, mgr.)—"The Child Rlrul- ers nf Parts" fealurvs wevk of 23, Port Weiysie. Irtd. — Usje*t',c IM, Rice, mgr.) Geome Sidney Nov. 20, "Taw Hacape" 21, 20, Apollo Club cvuceM 26, 'The Newlywnls anil Their Baby'' 27. TiMfLR.—Bill 23-20! Mento Moore'a Pair Co- Fsls, Hurry Brooks sad company. Ouai. and Made- line Dim bar. Bogsrt mil Nelson, Billy Chnse and Deouso Bros., For 27-20: Jane Donnelly and enmpany. Reed llros, LyOell, Connelly and l.y- rtril. the llalklngs, and Stuns and Hayes, i:ais«.a (II. h, Trail, mgr.I—JVlll week of 23: Patrick, Francisco and Warren, Kleimin, Wallers and Klernan. Maxwell's Dancing Ob-la, Ada Cartlnn, Berks and Korea, Penner ami Fux, and l.ee Tung Foo. CutjiNui, (Mr. llelssr, mgr.)—For week of 23, Colunlal Quarlelte, and Drat run pictures. Gin (Harry long, mgr.)—For week of 2.1: "New York"! Society Life" gad "Underworld"' iimi Ion pictures, l.mio (B. BsrncU, mgr.) — Elilo Taylor ami first run pictures, I'MRb, Palacs. Star, Insat,, lln-ronnnuK, Cbiital, JaryaasoH and CAiarry, plclnre-< only, NorgH,—Ttis Tempi* palrnns ire appreciating ih« fart Hint they are getltug high class vaude- ville tor 10, ID mil 20 cents. The house al first did for business, hut Ibo H. R. O. sign Is dis- played rremiently now.., The Eva Tntgiitiy Vaudeville Show played here IS, to rood bnslnesM. The Hnosler Carnival Co. have gone Into Winter naarlcra here, and Manager Harry 1/ing Las taken over the management of the Gem The- atre for the Winter, of which be li owner The Pearl Theatre, nicknamed "Tlie hlwle Gold Mine," la only open three days earh week now. This little house only sests sevenlv-Ove people, •nil wss at one lime the best naylng jiicluro house In the city Rseagne flteen, who re- cently resigned lb* minagement of the Jefferson Theatre, Is now oanoglag a picture house In Gory, I nil. Hot Iprlnnrs, Ark Andltnrtnm (Frnnk Hciil. mgr.) "flic Rllmloess of Vlitue" Nov. 20, OerlriK* Hoffmann 2d. PBiNcms (Doe, Owens, mgr.) —Bill week of 17 Included: Tlie Flvo .\fuslcal Guruutns, Doyle nml Enstne, Steele and Muck. Burns end Lynn Nor- wood arm Hall, Rmnin Francis and her Ar.ilss, MlilHIno fack, Corn Hlinnsou ami omipany, Ore- dlirlm, Cannon ami Tracy, anil latest motion pic- tures, Nxvr, LrxgttM, I.tiiic and Rotai., motion pie- VAN FLEET 4T WKIT 28tfc ITHBBT, NEW YORK.