The New York Clipper (December 1913)

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THES:^BW ' r i, •• -. NOW BEING FEATURED WITH GREAT SUCCESS BY CHARLES DOOIN.: INGLIS AND READING AND A HOST,OF OTHER BIG TIMERS published by SH1SLEF?, CASK.LL & BENKHART, Inc., Colonial Theatre Buildlne;,"' (5th and Chestnut"'Sts.","■" Philadelphia, Pa. W MELODY LANE DX JACK SDWaXOS. FAR OFF AS EVER. The proposed big music combine, which started things among the publishers last week, seems to have died a horrible death. Hanj of the leading New York music pub- lishers were Interviewed by a Wall Street promoter with the idea of consolidation, and while a few looked favorably on the idea, the bulk seemed to take the matter as a joke. Several of the publishers who are laid to hate signed a paper giving an option on their business, deny this statement. Al- though there isn't a music publisher in the business that wouldn't sell If be got his r>rlce. I don't believe there Is money enough Id Wall Street at the present time to buy oat even two of tbe largest firms. There are so manv reasons why an Idea of this nature never will be that it U useless to waste much space. Such a thing as doing without boosters and advertising is too ridiculous. Songs have to be popularised tod a demand created, and there Is no other way of bringing the public's attention to a ■cw song. While the scheme, In some sense, Is a good one, the time Is not yet ripe. When the troper time does.come no outside help win I necessary. There Is a remedy needed In tbe most* business under the prevailing methods, nnd that remedy will only he found w&en the music publishers get together among them- selves ■ A NEW GILBERT AND BOLLS NVMBER. "You're the Fairest Little Daisy" Is the litest composition turned out by those well known writers, L. Wolf Gilbert and Kerry Hills. Tbe song Is only a week old and is already In the repertoire of vaudeville's big- gest acts. The story Is well written and the melody, by Kerry Mills, is Hie Unit that he las turned out in some time. L. Wolf Gilbert, wjo wrote the words, is turning out hit after hit. This Is his first endeavor in this style of song, and the progress of It will be watched with much interest , DAVE OK VACATION. Dave Oppenheim, Sbaplro-Bernsteln Mnslc Co.'s professional manager, started on a week's vacation last week. He left no ad- dress. SOW A BOOKING AGENT. Bob Ransack, of Shapiro's, has become a looking agent He Is filling In Hammer- stein's bill with a slide singer, and the Idea teems to nave caught on at the corner. I A. UnoOKLY.V GEM. Essie Burke, of the Paley Music Co., who Is known to her many friends as "tbe little Brooklyn girl with the big voice," is one of the most popular young ladles in tbe music business. Although ehe has not sung la public until recently, her success was instan- taneous, and she Is acknowledged to have scored one of the biggest personal hits of tbe season. Possessed of a charming per- sonality. Mass Burke endears herself to all nth whom she comes In contact She lately uade her debut In cabaret circles, and enter- tains on Saturday and Sunday evenings of each week at tbe Belvldsre Cafe, in Brook- lyn, where her spirited Interpretation of a well chosen repertoire, including "And Then," alghtly rings her well deserved success, MUCH Mf SIC LOST. Complaints hare recently been received by many music publishers that roles of music addressed to performers at theatres have gone astray. It seems that the music Is cong- ested on the way, as the publisher always kas his Imprint on tbe wrapper To Insure safe delivery a pHIn wrapper wouldn't 'be a bed Idea, and to make It more safe, the music could be sent care of gen- eral delivery. 1HA A BUSY DOT. Ira Schuster, one of the boosters with Leo Feist, covered many theatres last week, placing many of the songs of his firm with several leading vaudeville acta, LEWIS F. MITB TO RETURN SOON. Lewis F. Moir and Pete Wcadling, who have been in England for a month, sail for home on Dec. 7. ^^ TTi¥ r -. Malr miie the hit of his career at the Hippodrome, being assisted by Mr. Wendllng. SAMUELS WITH BROADWAY. wrr?.' 8 " '' Samuels, formerly connected with William Morris, is now on the staff of the Broanway Music Co., end would be pleased to meet his friends. A BEAU BRUMMEL. Leon Flatow, the assistant professional manager at P. A. Mills, has acquired tho full dress habit. Louis Guttcnbi:rg has been kept busy looking for a vintage of tbe Charles First days for him. In this regall.l ■-■eon Is bard to keep away from a piano. TWBNTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. .-"The Mottoes That Are Framed Upon tho Wall was published by the Willis Wood- ward Co. "The Whistling Coon," published J* Wm. A. Pond A Co., was a very popular number, sung by Sam Devere. TALELETS TOLD BY STERN PLCGGERS. "You've got to hand It to this house for ft"™"* professionals real 'live wires.'" said nalph Levey, the professional manager, for Instance," he continued, "take Harry 'iroux and Georgina Campbell, who arc clean- ing up this week on the bill at Proctor's Jewark Theatre. The act Is a riot—they're SS lD / N'Kbts of Gladness,' 'My Heart Shall *ind Your Heart* and 'Come, Dear, and owing with Me.' Miss Campbell, who hap- pens to be a niece of May Irwin, told me that they were the greatest trio of song hltd she has ever used." Here's the way Adcle Leavltt gave It to me: "Edna Whistler stopped the show with Tallin - the Jack' In Hartford, Conn. Hiss Whistler isn't the only one that Is doing wonders with 'Ballin' the Jack.' Lillian Lorraine and scores of others are making reputations with It." Jack Both, in charge of the orchestra de- partment, was busy, as usual. But Jack's a good fellow, and although he kept right on working, he sold "Golden Buttercups Idyll," by Eugene Platzmann, Is a cinch, ana is elng plbayed In almost every moving picture theatre In the country. By the way, "Over the Great Divide" has Jose been issued for dance orchestra, and it's a ploln. May McCarthy said that Pmky William*, the cabaret singer and dancer, at the Bunyan Restaurant, New York Cto, Is entertaining big crowds with "AH the Little Lovln' That I Had for You Is Gone! Gone! Gonel" and "Ballin' the Jack." Quoting Mies William** own words, she says "may certainly are 'some' songs." Here's a bit of news that almost landed Harry Tymeson and Tony Olshane before a police magistrate, on a charge of Mocking traffic. You see, Harry and Tony went down to Pulton Street, New York City, one day last week, to demonstrate the Stern suc- cesses at the Pulton Music Store, on Cliurd Street No sooner old the captivating strains of "All the Little Lovia' that I Had for You Is Gone! Gonel Gone!" usher forth through the open door into the street, than a big crowd gathered In front of the store, blocking tbe sidewalk so that It was Impossible to pass. Tbe policeman on post dldn t know what it was all about so he made Us wax to the scene where music filled tbe air. After a good deal of persuasion on tbe part of the officer, he finally Induced tbe crowd to move on, and as (her did, one heard tbe people singing, humming or whistling, "All the Little Lovln' That I Had for You Is Gone! Gone! Gonel" "Here are actual facts." said Teddy Wens- Ilk. "Look at this batch of letters," and I did. The one from J. N. Russell, of Monte- Carlo Co., now playing In North Dakota, eald that "Harmony Joe," "I Want to Be Somebody's Baby Girl" and "Take Me to That Tango Tea," wero three big encore getters; Esma Clifford, of the Clifford Musi- cal Comedy Co., now playing in Seattle, wrote that "Over the Great Divide" was scoring an emphatic hit; the University Quar- tette, or St. Louis, wrote that "All tie Little Lovln' That I Had for You is Gone! Gone 1 Gone 1" and "Junkman Bag" were the two biggest numbers they had ever featured ; from Bader Bros, and company, novelty Western singing act, now playing In St Louis, came the word that "Bnlttn* the Jack'* was a tremendous success with them. It was Edna Williams who Informed me that she had just received word from Carrie Reynolds to the effect that Miss Reynn'ds was doing wonders with "Over tho Great Divide." "'Pon my word," said Miss Will- lams, "you ought to see tbe acts that come In here daily to hear 'Over tbe Great Divide." WILL ROS8ITBR GOSSIP. Dean and Gibson, sow in the Northwest, are delighting their audiences with their ren- ditions of "You Were All I Had." The Two Canadian Pennies sre featuring "Bring Mo Bark My Lovin' Honey Boy," and as a result of their success with this song they have In rehearsal two other Will Bossi- ter numbers. Ltghtner and Jordan, one of tbe cleverest of so-called sister acts In vaudeville, have a wonderfully arranged repertoire, consisting of "You Were All I Had." "I'm Savin* All My Lovln' for You," "Bring Me Back My Lovln' Honoy Boy" and "I'd Give tbe Wor'd If I Had You." Mason and Sullivan, two strenuous song, promoters, are a hit with "My Old Log Cabin Home," "Bring Me Back My Lovln' Honey Boy" and "Yon Were All I Had." Helen Jessie Moore, with the Rector Qir's, Is reaping recalls with "Bring Me Back My Lovln' Honey Boy." Emma O'Netl, with the Ben Welch Bur- lesnuers, Is using "I Wonder Where My Easy Kider's Gone" and "Bring Me Back 3iy Lovin' Honey Boy" with decided success. Fletcher Norton and Maude Earl bavc Just returned from a very successful tour over the 8. A C. time, and have in rehearsal "I'm Savin' All My Lovln' for You." The Rossdell Singers, week of Nov. 24, Hippodrome, Chicago, were a substantial hit with a Will Rosslter repertoire, featuring "You Were All I Had." KALMAR & PUCK'S NOTES. Hapny Harry Schwartz, playing tie North- western time, writes In that he is a terrific hit with "Where Did You Get That Girl" and "My Hidden Treasure." Diamond and Brennan, at the Colonial this week, are singing Kalmar & Puck's latest sensation. "I Want a Ragtime Bungalow, taking several encores. ...... Contwell and Walker, at the BOshwlck this week, are Blnglng "Kiss Me, I've Never Been Kissed Before," which is going very big for Bert Kalmar's latest success, "I Want a Ragtime Bungalow," is packing Kalmar A Puck's office to suffocation. _.„. Canfleld and Ashley, at the Fifth Avenue this i.eek. using "My Hidden Treasure" and "Where Did You Get That Glrir* Both ^Maymo^Howland. of the Pour Masons, singing "Kiss Mo. I've Never Been Kissed Before." Bhe says the song is one of the UM "I Wsnt a Bagtlme Bun- gnlow" is the best ragtime song that he ever sang. ini company. Kathcrino York*, Henry Frye, Welling Covering, an4 Knowtes and White. OiTurr.—8am Howe's Love Makers i and week, Don Ton Girls next Pall River, Mass.—Savoy (J. Fred Miller. cigr. i the Malley-Deolaon Stock Co. presents "Tbe Bosary" week of Dee. 1. Buoo (Ohas. B. OMk, tngr.)—The Baylies- Bleks Stock Co. Bieiiuilsj T 'DarfsBst Russia" week of 1. iausu (L, M. Boss, ssgrj—«1» Ml *« rletss Onte sad essapaay. Coy Os Trtsnty. Ham Cutler sad OscUT»dildg« and Oarr. For 4d BUba Russell, Blot, Hater sad Tom, and Tlbsen. Vuao*. Panass, Sua, Otosa, Soawto ami NioxauiDBoa, motion pictures. Enid. Okla—American (W. 8. BUllor.. mar.) "The Bttndaass or Vrrtue" Dee. 1 "The Virginian" 5, "Fine Feathers" 10. Muss-no, Boiu, OariuoM aad Wonsaahairv. otovfjif pictures. Noras.— A. B. Benson was here Nov. W, ahead of '"The Blindness ot Virtue" Oo The Wortham A Alien Shew train passed Qirougb here 36. IthsMSas, N. Y—Star (0. P. Hester, asjr.i Mil Dee. 1-3: Kelcey Slaters. CapC Treat's trained sals and photoplays. For 4-d: Qtmsay Duo. Let- nit Trio, and photoplays. Lrcwm (if. M. Gutstsdt. tnrr.l— Vaudeville and pictures 1-3. "The Oboeolats SsMtet" 8. HiiTT Boca (W. K. Tree, mrr.)—*>«tur» are the attraction here. UNITED BOOKING OFFICES OF A1ERIGA POT OF TO m NEWS Toronto, Can.—Princess (O. B. Whitney, ■>«■> Herbert Kelcey and Effle Shannon, in •.**■•■ °f Discretion," Dec. 1 and week. John Drew in "The Tyranny of Tears" and "The to fonow'** °* * Grow Arliss, In "Disraeli," pi£i"J^'' D,u V- Solomon, mgr.) — "Fanny's :z5 t „ pla)r " 1 «"d week. "Tbe Hooeynioon Ex- press" weeek of B. u 2?, A ,! m P» W. Cowan, mgr.)—"The Littlest « LL l ""d week. "The confession" week of o "J« ,nner Shrine" to follow. Bh«a's (J. ghee, mar.)—Bill w«ek of ll Mor- gan. BMley and Morgan. George Felix. La Cran- rfi 1 ', MeHabon, Diamond and Olemence, Delmore «*> lee. Howard's Novelty, Harry Tlglie and wm- P»ny, ana Leona Stepbena. (UTTrrr (T. B. Henry, m.rr.)— Belles of Beanty «ow i ,„ii weck Bm VtlcVa Burlesqcera 1 and week. »"a (F. w. Stair, mar.)—Dandy Girls 1 and we«- Hector Girls 8 and week. Manama (H. Reeves, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving picture*. Stband (E. Well!, mgr.)—Photoplays and 11- lontrated songs - MBM Ham. (N. Wlthrow. mgr.)—Jostf Hoff- mann 4, Saondert' Concert Company 9. St. Cntharlnee, C«n«—<}rand Opera Honae 10. B. Odium, mar.) "Salome" Dee. «, "Fine Feathera" 8. OayBros.* Minstrels IT. Tom Ter- rlss tnd English Players Jan. 13. Moving pic- tures and vaudeville on intermediate dates. Montreal, Can.— His MsjestV* <n Q. Brooks, mgr.) National Opera Company of Ota- ada eonttnaes for week of Dec. 1. PaixciMB (AbWe Wright, mgr.)—"The Heney- awon Exprewi" 1 aaid week. Guy Bates Post. In "Omar. tHe Tentmaker," next. . — OBriiEUK (Geo. Drlscoll, mgr.)—Vemievllle. Bill for week of 1: Tbe'Avon ttnjttly Four. Lasky's "The OM." Mai and HWm, tbe Tom Mahooey. Conway and Lelaml. Crouch and Wclnrt. and the Btanwaya., ^. . _ Fb*nc*is (J. O. nooley. mgr.)—Vaudeville end moving pictures. Bill for weekof «: Pong and Lee, Sacna, B*nj» Bdwaids, Frank Stafford AGENCY a7. V. PAOCTOn. Vtce-Preatdeat A. Hn KEITH, BwslauM Manager B. r. KEITH. President B. P. AUBKK, Ocaeral Manager A. PAUL, KBIT «!• J. MTJIUXHCK, Execu11ve Manager High OHM Acts of Every Description Suitable for Vaude- vtJle Can Obtain Desirable Engagements In tnla Office. You Can Book Direct by Addressing S. X. Hodgdon. Booking Manager, or Through Your Agent. OlTIOZSt PUTNAM BUILDING 1493 BROADWAY —— NEW YORK CITY • COMING CLUB EVERTS Beetttariot of fsesfrical ots&s aed seelrttM Im .Vno York ant oltevScre art rwosMfea to send «s a Ust <,[ Mew /bed s w a rf s for (Ms oo'wma. Dec. 0.—White Bats' Minstrels, New Totk. 13.—Ladles' Olown Nlfbt of the Vaude- ville Comedy Club. 14 Friars' Dinner to Dave WarOeM. New Year's Day.— Open bouse at most of the clubs. March 19. 19H.—Vaudeville Comedy CJnb taM at Terrace Oarden. «a» STJHDAT AT MISER.*?, BHOHX. Tbe vaodevllie fans in the Bronx sre begin. nlng to realise the calibre of Bnaday tUIa offend by Geo. Miner, at Mlner'a Bronx, nfteen all star acts, aad good Douses are reeofded each. week, wttn the attendance gradually Increasing cicb ?anday. Tbe hill for Nov. 80 opened with Haolpaugti and OsTdner. HongFoog, a Chinese Finger and dancer, made a itecldea bit with a routine ot American ^ongs which he paU over In true Oriental style. Kenora Boris sod BVelyn Heletii received moca applause for their efforts In different styles of ballroom dances, tango, etc. Oookley, McBrlde and Mllo offered a minstrel first part, with Jokes, songs, dances, etc., which was one of the big bits of the bill. Bob Mllo cleaned up Blnglng "The Curse of an Aching Heart." Holmes and Bolllstoo have a clever rural sketch with a dramatic finish that pleased. The Four Haley Olrla, a quartette of young ladles, had a selection of popular ditties. Byan Bros offered a clever ring, traneae and rope act, which wss of exorptlooal merit. J. Albert Ball and company, a burlesque scene on "Hamlet" waa full of fanny lines. Their work was of tbe topnotch order, and a big laugh getter. Harris and Mack, a clever piano and singing duo, got over nicely, by clever work. I&lward lose and company. In a dramatic play* let. held the interest of tbe audience from start to finish. Crawford nnd Brown have a c]«ver black and white face singing and talking act that was op to the minute. The Ltttlejobns Lave an excellent club Juggling act of merit. Armstrong and 0<lell. talking and singing spe- cialty, was another big factor on the bill. Tbe Naahvllle Students, s trio of colored singers and dancers, entertained cleverly. Tbe Four Armstrongs, bicyclists, cleaned op la a closing position, with a fine retinae of cycle feats. Otto* ♦ «» " ■■' ATLANTIC CITY ROTES. At the Savoy the bill Includes: Josephine Dun- fee, Lowell end Esther Drew, Wallace Garvin, nnsklne, O'Brien and Oarmack, the Three ."bet- ^ey Boys, Beatrice Ingram, the Aerial Weavers, end Silvers. Moving pictures takes the place of vaodevllie at the Now Nlxoo. At the Apollo. George Arliss, in "Disraeli" Dec. 1-8; "We Are Seven" Doc. 4-8; -'lose." a new Fraxee musical comedy, Dec 8-10; "Tin Mjurter Mind" Dec. 11-13. "Last Days of Fonapell." the Kletne feature, waa shown at the CoOoolal, 30. At the City Square, the Pasqaall "Last Days of Pompeii" was the bill 30. The Italney African Hunt pictures are at the Pork. Moving pictures are also shown at the Mllltoa Dollar Pier. <■ » HIFPODROUB CENSIS. Taking part In the big spectacle, "America," are forty-four principals, thlrty-slx specialty art- ists, five hundred thorns girls, four hundred chorus men and fifty Indians. Employed on the mechanical end are titty-one electricians, one hundred and thirty "grips" and dure.*, which, are technical names for scenery handlers; nine- teen machinists and carpenters, seven engineers an:] bvdranllc experts, twenty-one properly men, thirty-three stablemen, thirty stage musicians and fifty In the orchestra pit. one veterinary sur- geon sod eight painters and mlscellaneoan work- men, a total of 1,805 people actively engaged | n each performance, without the executive and working staff of tbe theatre proper. Tbe anhnal actors are a score of horses, two cows, fourteen dogs, two pigs and One bandied and fifty chickens. « i » CABARET AT BAUD'S. At Rash's, Brooklyn, the cabaret •tneltujee: Ellrabrth Ardell, soprano; Patricia Wood, Bnailah comedienne; Evelyn Bosmore, contralto, late of "Balkan Princess;" Boas Waters, aoags and fancy dances; Slgnor Vtaocot Partonova. baritone; Can Francis, In "Borer, Where Art Tbon." Tbe orchestra lacindes; Pint vtollo, Anne Jack* son; second violin, Oharlotta Base; piano, Helen Flynn; 'cello, Oertrade Wolf; cbuTmt, a«ir''M Plottl; violin, Bmmy Wagner; bassoon, Millie Heine; oboe, Fiorette Banco; bass, Once La- selle; flate, Augusta Bluecuer; drums, Bessie Carlton. -»» DIVOBCKD FROM A. J. WEDEB. Mrs. Margaret Klrby Weber received a divorce, la Reno. Nev., Nov. 20, from Albert i. Weber. a wealthy consulting engineer of this city. Mrs. Weber's charge was cruelty. She was the statuesque Margaret Dalryrople, In "The Merry Widow.'' Mr. Weber declsred thst his wife bad embarked upon a life of extravagance. He Is a member of tbe Manhattan Club, of New York City, and served many times as foreman of the New York Comity Orand Jury. e s» ARRIVED PROM ENGLAND. Francis Crlemon and II. B. Bureher, stage Dsosger of the London Gaiety Theatre, who are tit, stage "The Olrl In the Film" here, arrived oa the Canard Line Nov. 29. I I > POLAIRE-RICIIARDSOII FINISH. The Polalre-Rlcharirson Company, nnder (he management of Comatock A Ucst, closed in Toronto, Can., Nov. ZO. Manager Solomon was obliged to advance fl.ftOO to enable tbe show to reach Toronto, and had to render further financial assistance to get the mem- bers to the company out of town and back to New York. T WEEK'S BILLS. Dec. 8-13. V. B. O. TIME. ATLANTA. OA. — POESxTHB: Australian Boy EBB-The Besalres—Ooblsalth A Ihippp— Bldridge A Bartow —Henry A FrancN — Hlekey Bros. (8). BOSTON—KEITTTS: Avon Comedy Four— Four Harveys — Trovate — Marie Lo * Co. — Two Tom Boys— "Wonuin Fropoaei." BALTIMOBaV-lfABTLAND; Tslerte Bergste A Co.—Doris Wllaea Tnto—elljaxes—Vslveno A La Moore—Myaoff A Vanity—Joe A Lew Cooper — Dosser * Bales — Ohja Petrava — Kelly A Harrison. B07FALO — SHEA'S: Lasky *s ''Bedbeada'' — Swarn-Ostmaa Trio — Four Uatkle Blatant— McDevitt. Kelly k Lucey—Lynch ft roller— Brlce A Ooene—Khnberly ft Moke. BROOKLYN— Bl'SHWICK: Watson A Santos— Bobt. T. nslnes Oo.—Will lllngbsm A Co.— Linton ft Lawrence—Valeaka Suratt ft Co.— Mr. A-Mrs. Jimmy Uarrr—Winch ft Poorc— Jack Devereao—Xvette. BROOBXTN—ORPITRVM: Le Roy. Tahna ft Bosco—The Oaatltllnns—Itobt. Emmett Keane —Clark ft Hamilton—Bert KrroB—Maeart ft Bradford. OOLDMBnS —KEITH'S: Orford's Etcphants— O'Ntel ft Walmsley—Vlolinsky—Ceorge B. Beno A Co. CLEVKr,AND—KEITH'S: McOnrmick A Wallace —ApdaJo's Olrcua—Mme. Heason A Oo.—Big City Four—Raymond A Carerly—Blssett ft Scott—Baaste ClayUas ft Co. CINOrNNATI—KEITH'S: William Blato—Edwin Stevene ft Co.—The Cessera*—lsmod—Tus- cano Bros.—*Hne White Husaars—Ryan ft Clark ft Verdi—Karonsrd ft Barley—Macy A Ulgglos—Ospt. Anson—Van ft Schneck. N, DETBOrr—TBMTLB: Three Alex—Freeman ft Dunham—Orant ft Hoag—MM Stspbsais-> "Beamdr Is Only Skin Deep"—Paul LaCroti. —Ward Baker. ERIK, PA COLONl'L: Kltiannra Japs—Mil- ler ft Lyle—Okas. Weber—Hopkins. Agtett A Oo. HAMILTON. CAN.—TEMTLB: Hereedes—Crouch ft Welch—Hanlon, Dean ft llanloo—-Conway ft Leland—Casneron A O'Connor. HARTFORD, CONN.—POU'S: nerbert ft Carl T. OITT—BRONX: draos Wilson—La Croa- dall—ChrU. Richards—Volant—Cecil Lean ft Co.—Ed, Morton—Simon, Osterman ft Os.— Torke ft Adams) aiatd Bros.—Meredith ft ■Ml N. T. CITY — OOsVOtnAL: Stone ft Ksllis— "Qreen Beetle" — Dslmore ft Les — llells Stoty—A. Seymour Brown ft Co.—Ball A West—Balph Herts—Oreat Blcfasrds. N. T. 07TY—HAMMRRltTHIN'S: "Motoring"— Murphy A Nichols—Wood A Wydo— llanloa ft Clifton—Oraee Wilson—Harry Oltfoll—Frod'k V. Bowers A Co.—Meredith Ulsters— Lady Oounlauce Rlchanlaon. If. T. CITY—UNION 8QUABB: W. H. St. James ft Oo.—Raymond ft Bain—Ernie ft Brule— Kitty Flynn—Fields ft Hawthorne—Ladell, Boieta ft Udell. NORFOLK. VA—COLONIAL: Iluisey A I<ee— Skating Bear—Three Arthurs—Merrill ft Otto—The'Randalls NEW HAVEN, OONN.—POU'S I Lillian Ashley— Arthor Snlllvan ft Oo—Harry Tlgbe ft Co.— Heaa Sisters—Demareet ft Doll—Rafaystte's Dogs. NEWARK. N. J.—PROOTOR'S: Rmplie Cotne<ly Four—Tbe Zernldaa—Mary Ellaubeth—Valen- tine Vox—Leo Berth. OTTAWA. CAN.—DOMINION: Jas. Citllen—The Janlra—McOonnell A Klmjiaoii—Melvllles ft nigging—Silent Mora—Hyrllo ft Dalay. PROVIDKNOR—KEITH'S: Tom Stuart—Ilronsoa ft Baldwin—Francis McGinn ft 0>.—Use Bllnoro Ball—Maris A Billy Hart—Hubert Dyer ft Co.—Joseph Jeffersou A Co.—i'lsber ft Green. PHILADELPHIA— KEITH'S: Creanv ft Bavno— Jack Gardner— Mayme Remington ft Picks— Seldem's Venus—Kaufman Truiiiw—Uuutuuiho A Wells—Sherman, Van ft llyman—Morton ft GUis. PITTSBURGH—OP-AND O. H.: Mr. ft Mrs. Jack MeUreevey— Icelandic Troupe—Milt Oolllim— Gordon ft Blca —.Ethel Green — Conaul ft Betty. bsl Fsrgeoo—MacRse ft Clegg—Thnrlwr A BIOHMOND. 7A.—LYRIC: Ohas. A Fannie Van— Madison—"Spring. Olrl"—Ed7 Vinton * Montgomery ft Hcaly Bleters—Lai Moo Kin —-Qua Edwards' "Bong Borne." ROCHESTER, N. V.—TEMPLE: Brltt Wood—Ida Brooks Hunt ft Co.—PrellaVs Dogs—Archie Onrl ft Dolly—Three Barto*—Owen McOlv- ncy—Van Hoven—Halley ft Noble. •OBANTON, PA POLI'Sl Sam A Kitty Morton —The Him Bos—IlymMi Adlev ft Oo.—ltobt. L. Dalley A Co.—Gardiner Trio— Nevlns * Im TOLEDO—KEITH'S: Williams A Wolfus—Laddie Cliff—Herbert Gcrmslno Trio—Eva Sblrlsy. TOBONTO, CAN.—HHBA'St Belsner ft (lores— Eddie Foy A Co.—Anita Battling—Bessie La Count—Beaumont Bros.—Bums A Burt— Thcs. Jsckson A Oo, I'TIOA, N. Y—SHOBEBT! Howard's Ponies— Gene Harry—Three Koatona—Bordon ft Hlnnnon—Julius Tsnnen—Fells ft Barry Olrla. WABHINOTON—KKlTn'H: De Lesso Tronpe— Jack Wilson A Co.—"Purple Udy"—Moore A Young—Louise Galloway ft On.—Vsnilerhlll ft Uoore—Josepblno Dunfee—Lo-ve ft Wilbur. WOBOEelTHB, MASS.—POU'S: John ft MM Burke—Jed A Ethel Dooley—Dorothy De Schell A Co.—Dainty Marie—Will Oakland ft Oo. Boater—Keno ft Green, HARRISBIHW, PA.—ORPHKDM: Six American Danosra—Walter Van Brunt—Bett Wbeelee ft Co.—Oormler ft Oaffrey. INDIANAPOLIS—KF.ITH3: Chief Captnllcan— Otsude Ranf—"How Hofmelsler Did It"— Bella Baker—Wanda A Stone. JACKSONVILLE, FLA.—ORPHEUM: Hubert De Veanx—Ward ft Weber— De Dlo'a Circus— The Dorians—Majestic Trio—Nichols Ulsters —Johnson, Hortoo A Johnson. LOUISVILLE—KIETH'S: Carl Eugene Troupe— Oaron ft Brown—Amana Norma Gray— "Arcadia"—Lorraine A Dudley—Harry B. Lester. MONTREAL, CAN.—ORPnEUM: Lewis A Dody —Rsy A Hllllard—Bolandow Bros.—Allen Shaw—Francis Stevens A Co.—Ma Belle ft Matt. H. T. CITY—ALHAMBBA: Diamond ft Brennsa —Bam Mann ft Oo.—Alpine Troupe—Belle Btanobo — Jack Nonrorth — OanDeld ft Ash- ley—Clsyten White ft Co.—Chadwlck Trio ft Co. N. T. CITY—FIFTH AvT>!Ntn5—Carl Orees— Blkta Morris—Four Banls— Kara— Lillian Urrslne— BoWas—Doola ft MeOool. 8ULI.IV.4Jf at CONSIDI.VE TIME. BLTTB. MONT.—EMPBEB6: Williams ft War- nee—Frost'ck. Hams A Thomas—Maorlce Fra-man ft Co, Ohas Drew ft Oo.—Archie OoodalL CINCINNATI—EMPRBfffl! Dermis Bros.—Ward ft Clark—"Tbe AUek-Up Man"—Mtirry Ben. nett B ossow Midgets—Thaw Dancen (4). CHICAGO—BMPBBflSt Bptssell Bros, ft Mack— Mendie ft Nsgle—Oladys Wllbar—Rose Tiffsny ft Cbv—MoManon ft Caapdle— Boondlng Oor- saasa DENVER—EMPRESS: Baatlngs A WUaon—Gyp- sy Oountess—"The ConeealM Bed"—BaB*' Sheer—"Tbe —Mi Garden." IT. WATNB. IND._KMPBDBS: StsKa's Ceaedr Oreua—Msck ft Atklnsoo—Campbell ft Mc- Donald—"Everybody's Doing It"—Edith CUf- tord—Kara. INDIANAPOLIS—4.TBIO: Patrick, PYnndico ft Warren—Klenian, Walters ft Kleroan—War- Ten ft BlanctuutS—Afaxwell's Dancing tjifts— Berks ft Koral—Lee Tung rpo. CANBA8 OITT, MO.—EM P BEDS: Shreck ft Per- eivsl—The Village Choir—"Who Was Her' —Kelly ft Calvin—Nina Payne—lierard. LOS ANGELES, OAL.—KM PRESS i Eddy ft Boy MagHn—Camiibell ft Campbell—Onllen Bras. —Lester Trio—Lewis ft Norton—Dunodln Troupe. MILWAUKEE — EMPBESa. Jessica Troupe— Drown ft Blyer—Bert Leslie ft Oo—Jennlon ft Dorman—Sebastian Merrill ft Ot». MINNEAPOLIS—UNIQUE: Ball Cilrdtller ft Don —Rich A Lenore—Obss. II. Lawlor ft Daugh- ters—O'Brien ft Buckley—Adas Troupe. PORTLAND, ORE.—EMPRESS: Livingston Trio —Drooka ft narrls—Bruce Doffet ft Co.— Mayo ft Allmsn—"Happiness." SEATTLE— BMPRH8H: Henna n ft Shirley— Jatnvs MacDonald—"Caww Girls"—Whyte, l'clser ft Wbyle—Three Yoscsrys. SPOKANE—KMI'REBS t Price ft Pries—Three Muaketeera—Mr. ft Mrs. Fisher—Dave Fer- guson—Diving Nymphs. IT. PAUL—EMPRESS: Ladrlla Comlqnes—Nea- ter ft Del berg—John R. Gordon * Co.— AnwrJoan Obmedy Four—"Day at tbe Car- ens." BAN FRANOISOO—EMPRESS: Atlelyn* Lews ft 00.—Leo Beers—Houghton, Morris ft Hough- ten—Edna Aug—"Louis' Cbriitmas"—Dan- cing Mars. ■ACRAMHNTO—EMPRESS: Orvllle m Frank— Ktlno 4 l^lghton—Franoord Opera Co.—Ross A Aabton—^Behind the FooGlghts"— Five Old Boys In Blue. IAN DIEGO, OAL— K MI'REBH : W. J. Dobots— Smith, Volk A Oronln—Walter (7. Law* fence Players- -Gardner A Lorrle—Anthony ft Bess—'•Ooort By Girls." TACOMA, WASH.—EMPRESS i WlllaMB—Hood A Salle—D'Arey ft Williams—"Night In the Bitts"—tew Wells—Rata Handwlriir. VICTORIA, CAN.— EMPRESS: Morandlnls— Wilson A Rich—Arthor Geary—Mary Dorr —Prince Flore. VANCODVBB, CAN—ORPRBUMi Aldro ft Mit- chell—Hmest Dupllle—Orvllle Reeder— Mert- an's Dogs—Bernsrd ft Lloyd—"Night at a Police Station." WINNIPEG. OAN.—EMPRESS: Bsrton A Lovers —Kstherine Klare—Richard Mllloy A Co.— Joe Whitehead—Dsniopblends. 11. I ll GOES TO CHATTANOOGA. William Mltscliko has retired a* assistant manager of Loew*s Broedway Theatre, New York, to become assistant uftnogor and treasnrer of the Hilly Long Theatre (formerly Bijou), In Chattanooga. Tcon. The owner and general manager of the Billy Long The- atre Is J. 1'. Oaring. i s» LESTER MURRAY RETURNS. Lester Murray lias resigned as' bfcglncss manager of Frank ('. Payne's "Hose Maid" oompnny. nnd has returned to New fork. AL. WILSON CLOSE! SEASON. Al. II. Wilson closed his season at New Orleans, La., on Bondsy, Nov. SO, doe to an underatondlng, It Is said, with bis manage- ment, lie had been playing to good bail- " itli, ex ness through ttio South, except Texas. a? NEW ISSUE EACH MONTH lfrm.BIonoloir.n Pnroitles, latest songs. 91 M men., 9io fax mi vii in-n I well known writer. MILLER PLAY AND VHKATRE CO„ Inc,, Mitt)»21 LOSOAOItB UU1LD1N0, Ns Y, 0.