The New York Clipper (December 1913)

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DECEMBER 27 THE JXETW YOBK OLIPPEE. 11 MIT 01? TOWN-HEWS NEXT WEEK'S BILLS. INT MELODY LAKB< -plltsborfflit Fiu—In splto of tbe approach- ing MtiM lecni theatres presented such high 'i^Tgttractlom that capacity booses prevailed u«* of I* 0 '- ie - Visions managers exutesscd iiSr anrcclntlca ot Iocld patrons by Hating that Swa Sows can draw Plttebnrgliers rcganltess of ErEa or Bason, Largo doiugs aro expected for honest thiee -weeks, and oil houses aro gayly dC ALViM (John tX Heynolds, mgr.)—For Tree* nt 22 Al. Jolson and Winter Uonlen Co.. In '•Tbo 'Honeymoon Express." "The Whip" next "niioh (ItiOB. P. Kirk Jr., rngr.)—"Newly MnrrlcU." with Brnco McBae and original cast, iTtboChristmas week attraction. "Ohl Obi Del- r,i,mc!" wim-original cast, next neck. ^Vtam (« & Wilson, mrr.)--.'One Day" veek of 22. "Little lost Sister" next week. A jaraef list of recent successes ore to be announced nlxSit the Brat of too year. DuotrasNS (D. .A. Harris, mgr.)—For 22 and week the Horry DaTls Players present "The Country House." "A Stubborn Cinderella" next. On Christmas eve*the Davis Flayers are to hare i large Xmas tree, and Thurston Hall and Iress (iHliler will act as "Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clans." Immediately after, a possum supper will be held ""p'itt (w\"v. McVlcker. mgT.J-The Pitt Play- ers present '"The Concert" week U 22. "Haw- thorne of the 17. 8. A." next Noon day concerto) on the Hope-Jone»»organ draw many music lorers. CUrsTX (Henry Knrtsmaa. mgr)—The Boselaid Olrla headed by Lillian Fltxgerald. Solly Ward ond Ben Hubert, week of 22. Follies of the Day ""viotobu (Geo. Schafer, mgr.)—Harry Welsh mi J the Monte Carlo Girls week of 22. Tbo ricblaonl Troape and Big Four Quartette are special attractions. Blanche Balrd's Beauty Show ""grand (J.*. Harris, mgr.)—BIU week of 32: Cant. A. O. 'Anson, Ma-Belle and Ballet, Lydla Barry Mlltolt Pollock and company. Chief Can- oollcan, Bronson and Baldwin, Duffy and Loreax, Alexander Biol., and McUonnell and Simpson. SutfnUN So. (F. H. Toolier, mgr.)—BUI week of 22: "Holiday Song Festival," Tom Kyle and company, Stirling and Chapman, Allen and Arnold, Lorctta Trio, Kevolvlng Collins, and Bertboldl's Birds, Oabiis (0. B. Beckoelt. mgr,)—During Christ- mas week the management arranged to celebrate toe second annlvenary and bare a high class bill. It Includes: "In Old New York." Kennedy's Ko- tnedUui. Three Hart Bros., Oboodo, Three Uu- alcrl Xylos, Maun and Long, Olio Trio, Earl Orees, and Shipley and Green. Notx. —Fred Maderbach. stage manager of tho Victoria, wishes to announce to bis many friends that the recent rumor about him was erroneoua, and that be is not In the benedict class. He con- fesses to being a confirmed bachelor, as be sayi he lias seen too much of the troubles among the several married men In bis crew. He advises there Is nothing to It, as be believes In being free, and absolutely refuses to apeak of war In time of peace. Reading;, Pa.—Contrary to expectations the- atre managers litre had no canoe to complain about business week of Dec. 16 "The Bong Witters' Bevne." at the Hippodrome, was the big drawing card, and played to full bouses "The Wolf?' by the Oalsmlth Stock Co., at the Grand, played to capacity bouses oil week B. Anderson, and wife (Uarjorle Burt) left toe Oalsmlth Stock Co., and will onen at the Hippo- drome 22. In their playlet, "Home. Sweet Home." »e<v 20-Jno. 8. V. B. O. TIMB. ATLANTA, OA—FOR8XTHE: "Neptune's Oar- den'— Archie ft Gertie Falls — aildlng p/Meorax—McKay ft Arolao — WllUru A Bond. BOSTON—KEITn'S: Diamond ft BrennaB-JBiaj Cessnas—Lewis ft Dody—Harry B. Lester— Sprague ft UcNecce. BALTIMORE—MARYLAND: Creasy Dayoe—Jack Wilson Trio—Howard's Ponies—Htncs ft Fat Valentino Vox—Adele Ritchie—Do Witt. Barns ft Torrence—Elms ft Burt—Henry Lewis. ■T JACK BDWA1M. N. T. OTTY—FIFTH AVENUE)) Thtee HUtey Bros. — Belle Storey — Hoyt's Minstrels— Wood ft Wyde—Lancton, Lccler ft On.— "The Mermaid A the Man"—Boss, Kenton as Co.—Mljarcs—Jack Uoyco—Lascll ft How* load. ». T. CTPr—BRONX: Rials Jonts Trio—"Foe Girl from Milwaukee"—Tbe McBans—Ade- laide ft nnjrties—Edgar Bcrgcr—Cbas. Mock A 00.—ITield Bros. N. I. OTTT — HAMaiKB9TRIN'8: Mrs. dene Hughes ft Co.—Mary Kllsabctb—Bert Enol— N, ......Manager Callahan denies tbe rumor that Lalob Halleck. leading woman. Is to leave the Oalsmlth Stock Co. He has merely granted her a two weeks' vacation, commencing 22. <]eo. Irving, formerly wttb Maude Adams, will replace Mr. Anderson as lead- ing man. with tbe Calsmlth Stock Co., and Marguerite Starr will replace Merlorle Burt. Miss Btait was formerly a member of thy Poll Stock Co,'. WIKrcd Lyteu and Jessie Mueller have teen specially engaged by Mr. Callahan for four weeks, opening with "Tbe House Next Door.".... Addison Tltt, formerly with the Frohman forces, comes to the Orpheom as stage director, re- placing Jos. Walsh Frederick Karr will be the new Orpheara heavy man, taking the place of Mr. Zucco, durloff wee* of Jan. B Wllmer ft Vincent celebrate their thirteenth anniversary week of 22, and special preparations were mode by Manager Rush. . AoiDcicT (Phil Levy, mgr.)—Blanche Balrd's Show 38. Rose Btohl, In "Maggie Pepper," 26. Oamanuf (J. W. Buah, mgr.)—Orphenm Play- era will present "A Stranger In a Strange Land" week of 22.- This Is Wllmer ft Vincent's own plo» and la presented here for the first tune. 'Brewster's Millions" will be played New Year's Oband (F. L. Oalshan, nurr.)—Oalsmlth Stock Co., In "Tow House Next Door,'' week of 22. "Mam'ielle' follovs. HiiroiiBouB (0. G. Keeiey. mgr.)— B1U 22-24! Anderson and Burt, Four Onettl Slaters, Gordon and Man, Dorothy Mockoye, and Ed. Raymond arid dogs. For 28-27, Nina Barbour will be tbe added attraction, with Anderson and Bart held over. " Alt (Minn, Pn.—Mistier (I. 0. Mlshlcrv mgr J motion pictures Dec. 22-24, "A Modern Eve" 25, "Bxcaise Me" 27. "The Winning of Barbara Worth" 81, Jan. 1. •'' Obi-uium (A. B. Denman, mgr.)—Bill 22-21: Thomas and Hall, Six Little Song Birds, Three Arthurs, and W. B. Browning. For 26-27: "Oheyenne Doya." Joe Kettler and company, Webb and Burns, and Frances and Palmer. Slirlncfleld, Man.-Oonrt Sauare (D. O. Glhnore, mgr.) "Cnclo Tom's OnbCn" Dec. 22. "Llttlo Miss Brown" 25-27, Maude Adams 20, Yiddish Players 81. ... PALice (Gordon Wrlghter. mgr.)—This new house opened,It* doors 22, with the following bill: VaVnka Suratt and company, Sam and Kitty Morton, Ed.. Vinton and Buster, Raymond and Bain, Alpine Troupe, Bamsdcll Trio and Frank Mallarie, Poifi (Stewart Llthgow, mgr.) — The stock company, la "What Happened to Mary!" week of 92 toioADwir . (D. D. Bcullon, mgr.)—"Sag Har- bor," by the etock company, week of 22. QnuoBB (Wm. M. Bynn, mgr.)—Liberty Girls 32-24, Beauty, Youth and Folly 25-27. N»!.rom (J. Loewer, mgr.) — Vandevlllo and tutrvlng; plclUrei. PtiZA (J. M. Oomoy, mgr.)—Vaudeville and - moving pictures. Buou (K. L. Knight, mgr.)—Famous players films 22-24. 'EdlHOuia films 25-27. Emuonu. tOinrr, Gloss, GaiNn, HnnaoN. Lraio, MnutcB, Noveltt, Pilaob, Pbimosbs and fcimwx-r,— Moving pictures. _ NoTBt ''Checkers" was the Iramons Players Film shown at the BL)ou 15-17 Three men were arrested In thto city for stealing automoollo tires. When arrested they were pain ting a eat which. It was later proved, was the property of ( on actor named "Diamond,'' and was stolen from hi front of one of tbe New York theatres the night of 0 Katherlno McDowell nice, of I Jvorthlngton. was awarded the price offered br I {be Academy of Music In Northampton for root best one act play written by a resident of Hamp- shire Count/. The play. "William of the Woods." "«» played by the house stock company, and took well Qeorge Wendell, a member of a stock company recently disbanded la PltlaOeld, was found unconscious In SurSeld, Conn., 18, suffering from exposure and want of rood. After a night's ■eat ana fool he started out again, and at Wind- sor Locks woo obliged to seek medical attention, after which be started again on bis Journey. He t* endeavoring to reach bis borne In aj ton, 0. BnfftUo, nt. Y.-«tar (P. a Ctornell. mar.) David Wnrfleld, In "The Auctioneer." week of Dec. 22. Oeorgo ArUss, In "Disraeli," next. _Tsck (Messrs. Shnbert. nigra.)—Evelyn N*»shlt Thaw. In "Marlette," 22-24. "Within the Law" 25-27. Walker Whiteside, In "Tbe Typhoon," 20- 811 Pavlovnt Jan. 1-8. Lvnto (BT. M. HiKtH, mgr.)—Frank HUTVvrrt and company, in "Tbe Hunter'a Gome," with Laatle> Wilson and Hullng*s seals, arc features wrek of 22, with Knowles and White, Hugh Mor- ton, and Ia toot anil Easa completing the Mil. Snxu's (M. Shea, mgr.)—For week of 22: Wm. A, Brady's "Beauty la But Skin Deep," the Seven Blacks, Hoshor, Hayes and Mosber. Bm- " re Obnedy Four, Louise Dickinson Ray and -llllasd, Dave Schooler, Onrl and Dolly, and six American Dancers. . Majswno (J. Latarhlln, mgr.)—"The T.lttle Lost flaotex" week of 23. "Ftwkles" 20 week. LAS>«Tanm (O. If, Borg, mgr.)—Queens of '•aria wtek of 22, succeeded 29 and week by Broadway Olrla. BUFFALO—UnAII Barley ft Bru-ley—Chris Blcuards—Wetoe Troupe —. Vlollnsky—43ess Slaters—Clayton White ft Co—Rex Comedy Circus—Scenes from Grand Opera. BBOOKLYN—«DSHW1DK: FMier ft Green— Btbel Orecn—Arthur 8alllvau ft Co.—Mario Lo's Posing Act—Milt Collins—Liana Career* —Ben Beyer ft Brc—Martin ft Fabrlnl— Ray Ek-Lore Bill. BBOORXYN—OttPHETJalt Bradna ft Derrick— Doris Wilson Trio—Howard A McOane—Tate's "Motoring"—Rlee ft Cohen—Arthur De-agon —Hanlou ft Clifton. CINCINNATI—KEITH'S: The McGreevys—Ice- landic Troupe—Nine White Hussars—Bronson A Baldwin — Georgette — Yankee ft Dixie— Cantwell 4 Walker—Berton Churchill ft 00> —Milton Pollock ft O. — Paulhaui Team. CLEVELAND—KEITH'S ■ Relsner ft Gores—Eddie Kay ft Family—Llbonlti—dlareena ft Delton Bros—Hale ft Pateison. COLUMBUS—KEITH'S: Ed. Hayes ft Co.— O. H. O'Donnell ft Co.—Three Bsrtos—Blesett ft Scotb-rMerrlll ft Otto—Winona Winter. DETROIT—TEMPLE: Two Tom Boys—Lasky's "Bedheads"—Joe Cook— Asks P. Jackson ft Co.—iNewbold ft Griboln. ERIE. PA.—COLONIAL: Wanda ft Stone—Clark ft Verdi—Tbe dockers—Silvers. HAMILTON, CAN.—TEMPLE: Edwin George— Kltamura Jape—Julius Tannen—Craco Wilson —The tangvrorths—Dolley ft Kramer—Ray* no'o Dogs. HABRISBITRG, PA.—OBPHEUM: Watson ft San- tos—Tbo Rosolres— Bob Dolley ft Co.—Two Joaleys—Walter Tsmrs CLHnnln Allen—llavl- lnnd ft Thornton. HABTroRD, CONN.—POLI'S: John ft Moe Burke—^Beed Bros.—"The Purple Lady"— Ellda Morris—Beaumont ft Arnold—Frank Markley—OamUle'e Poodles. INDIANAPOtIS—KEITH'8: Williams A Wolfue —Orford'a Elephants—Kathleen Clifford — Herbert Gcrmalne Trio—Ball ft Francis. JACKSONVILLE, FLA.—ORPHEUM: Kaufman Bros.—Caesar Blvoll—Skaters BIJourc—Nell McKlnley. LOUlSVHJ,E—KEITH'S :Gordon ft Blca—Kramer ft Morton—Howard ft RatUff—Five Idsnlas— Ethel Mae Barker—Olga Petrovo—Bernard Rbelnold ft Co. MONTREAL, CAN.—OBPHEUM: Somonff ft So- nlo—olniiiU- Golden—Linton A Lawrence— Bobt Fulgora—Dorothy De Schell ft Co.— Cole ft Denahy—Lynch A Zeller—"The Porch Party." NEW HAVEN, CONN.—POLI'S: Cbas. ft Fannls Von—Bessie La Count—Will Oakland ft Cn "Tbe Act Bcsvatlfal" — Herbert ft Ciarlbel FaTjeou—Gordon ft Murphy—Ryan ft Lee. NORFOLK VA.—COLONIAL: Welter Von Brunt —Melville ft Hlgglae—Joseph Jefferson ft Co.—1'rerost ft Brown—flJonkoff ft Glrtle. NEWARK, N. J.—PROCTOR'S: Herbert ft Gold- smith—Belle Baker—King Oocuan, ft Co.— Malty ft Woods—Carmen's Minstrels—Cain ft Newcomb — Genevieve Warner ft Co.—Nor- maa—dtnapp ft Oorella. INTBRSTATB CIltCl/IT. Deo. Sr-JstB. 3. DALLAS, TEX.—MAJESTIC: Yamamoto Brothers —Sidney ft Townley—Edward Esmond ft Co. —Keller ft Golvin—Richard F. SUIey ft Co. —Frank Bush—Robbie Oordose. FOHVT WORTH, TEX.—MAJESTIC: Oaroo ft Far- sum—Manning. Moore ft Armstrong—Murray ft St Clair —"Broadway Love"— Byoi ft Early—Pletro—Edwarda' Kid Kobaret. HOUSTON, TEX.—MAJESTIC: Lockhort & Leddy —Melcotte Twins—"When Women Bole"— Parisian Tito—Lloyd ft Whltehouse—Boaney ft bent HOT SPRINGS, ARK.—PRINCESS: First half: Lnplta Perea — Richmond ft Mann—Foster Oocrway ft Lelond—Sherman, Van ft layman "1 AOOk —Ditto—Ova Si if ley—O'Brien, Havell Barry ft Wolford—Ham ft Kitty Morton— "The Matlaee Girls,'' H. T, CITY—COLON!AX: Jack Oardner—t* Roy, Talma ft Rosea—Gardiner Trio—The Grtsers —B arn M ann ft Co.—Lyda Barry. H. T. CITY—ALHASIBRA: Boll ft West—Del- more ft Lee—Daffy ft Lorens—Three Mori Bros.—Lai Mon Kim—Clark ft Hamilton— "Myrtlo Clayton"—Dainty Marie—Ralph nets —Ernie ft Ernie— Ida Brooks Hunt ft Oo. Y. OTTY—UNION SQUARE: Farber Girls— Jed ft KHieJ Dooley—Freeman & Dunham— Bobt Emmett Keone—Dunn ft Nelson—Kid GabrleL OTTAWA, CAN.—DOMINION. Britt Wood—Van- dlnoff ft Louie—Ohaa. Prelle's Dog«—traboff. Conn ft Coreene—^Leltxel ft Jeanelte—Kevins ft Etwood—Mae West. PITTSBURGH—GRAND 0. H.t Apdale's Cir- cus—Laddie Cliff—Baby Helen—lamed—The Stanleys—Welch, Mealy ft Bell. PBOVIDEVCE—KEITITfl: Mercedes — McRae A Clegg—Ed Morton—Boach ft McOurdy—Mr. ft Mrs, Jlromle Barry—Albert Perry ft Co.— Emil'o Polar Beat*. PHILADELPHIA — KEITn'S: Skating Bear— Bobt T. Haines ft Co.—R. L. Goldberg- Bay Cox—Chas. Kellogg ft Co.— Doc. O'Neli —OMtmeU ft Harris— Novlns ft Gordon—The Jsrdyo. BOOHESTHB, N. Y.—TEMPLE: Mooter Oobrlol ft Co.—Joe De Koe Troupe—Ed. Reynard— Bordon ft Shannon—Jimmy Lucoo—Klmberly ft Mobr—Murray Sisters—Montambo ft Wells. BIOHHOND, VA.—tVRIO: Doganny Troape— Ward ft Weber—Clnudo Rant—Fvando Mc- Ginn ft Ota—Cameron ft O'Connor—OUodloa ft Scarlet. SYRACUSE, N. T.—GRAND: Arlon Four—The Vivians—"Trained Nursei"—Raymond ft Ov- erly—Stan Stanley Trio—Consul ft Betty. BOBANTON, PA.—POLI'S: Three Alex—Ed. Vin- ton A Bnster—"House Wsrmers" — Duo In ft MeOooJ—*\jur Brass Men—Billy ft Bdlth Adams. SPBJNGnBLD, UASa—POU'S: The Marshes— Ben Deeley A Co.—Sam Barton—Ada Lath- arm ft Ob.—Ballet Olaaslque—Leon ft Co.— Bornhom ft Irwin—Kelly ft Lofferty. TORONTO, OAN.—aITEA'S: Six American Dan- oii E mpire Comedy Four—Seven Bracks— "Beaoty Is Only SUn Deep"—Ray ft Billiard —Schooler ft Dickinson—Mosber, Hayes ft Mosher—Archie. Onrl ft Dolly. TOLEDO—KEITH'S: Alexander Bros—McOon- nell A Simpson—Meredith Bisters—Dooley ft Sales. CTIOA, N Y SHUBEBTl Bay Oonlln—Four Bards—John ft Winnie Hennlngs—ratlma— Bowman Bros.—Inex—Dooley ft Evelyn. WASHINGTON—KEITn'S :"Woman Proposes"— Loughlln's Dogs—Sophie Tucker—Husaey A Leo—Edwin Stephens A Oo.—Wlnscb. ft Poor— Ls Oraodall—4xwkett ft Waldron. WOBOESTBR, MASS.—POLI'S: Kelly ft LafTerty Boras ft Kissen—Olsude Gllllagwater A Co. —Trovoto—Cross ft Mooney. A Lovett-rAngelo Armlntl A Brothers. Last half: Bamayoa —Herrlck A Wella —WIU Borers—John A. West ft CO.—sUveen, Crass LITTLE BOOK, ARK.—MAJESTIC: First h*Jf: Newport ft SUrk—Jean King Trio— Berry A Berry—Fay, Two Ooleya ft Fay—R. H. Oolea, Lost half: Lnplta Pereo—Richmond ft Mann —Footer A Lovett—Angelo Armlntl A Bros. KAN ANTONIO, TEX.—MAJESTIC 1 Reno, Jor- dan ft Zeuo—Porter A Hoilivao—Dorothy Rog- ers ft Company—Ireldnd A Ohtto—Llttlo Lord Boberts—Adair A Uickoy—•JtUlds' Hawaii- PANTAGBS' OIRCVrr. Dee, xii-Jun. :i. CALGARY. CAIN.—EMPIRE: "A Night 1(i China- town"—Uyeno Japs—Lillian Watson—Mil- lard. Kennedy A Christie—Monahtn—Dreyer ft Dreyer. EDOrONTON, CAN.—PANTAGES': Rhode Royal ft Horses—Hoi Davio ft Co.—Brighton Quar- tette—Murray K. Hill — Meluotte, La Note Troupe. LOS ANGELES, CAL.—PANTAGES': Matrimo- nial Contest—Five Joggling Normans—Kath- eryn Mlley—Romero Family—Vincent ft Ray- mond—La 'IVll Bros. OAKLAND, CAL.—PANTAGES': Howe, North- hue A Co.—Plckord's Scald—Blanche Gordon —Leslie ft Sol Burns—White Duo. PORTLAND, ORE.—PANTAGES': Taylor's Lions —Roland Carter ft Co.—Hetty Urma—Tony Oornetta Trio—Great Arncscns. phonts—Otto Bros.—Link ft Boblnsoa-^Ben- eon ft Bell—Duxnlurcscu Troupe. SPOKANE, WASIL — PANTA0B8': "Golden Dreams"—Julia Redmond ft CO.—Bob Al- bright— Dunbar ft Turacr—ReedJMJnll Dogs. SEATTLE, WABH.—PANTAGES' :fP5U>rd Opera Company—-Gertrude Dean Forbes ft Co.— Kresko A Tat —Roche A Crawford—De For- res to. SAN HI EDO, CAL.—SAVOY: "A Night In Mexi- co"—Alexander Kamlnskr—Four Charles— Bam Hood—Hall ft Socbey—Arcber ft Inger- soL TAOOMA, WASH.—PANTAGES': Eight Berlin Madcaps—Alpha Sextette—Reno Arnold—JA France A McNabb—Atrial La Fayette*. VANCONVEB, CAN.—PAnTAGB3': The Biding Csotellos—Walter Terry ft FIJI Girls—News- boys' Sextette—Allegro—-Lyon* A Cull urn. SAN FRANCISCO—PANTAGES': Power's Ele- SULL1VAX ft CONSIDINB CIHCU1T. Deo. ZO-Jan. 3. ST. PAUL.—EMPRESS: Mendle ft Nagte—Splasd BUTTB, MONT.—EMPRUSS: La Delia Comiques —Nestor ft Delberg—John R. Gordon ft Co.— American Comedy Four—"A Day at tbe Cir- cus." BILLINGS, MONT.—BABOOOK: Esrl Olrdeller i A Dogs—Rich ft Lcnore—Chas, B. Lawlor A Daughters—O'Brien ft Buckley—Ada's Tronpe. CHICAGO — EMPRESS: Mock ft Atkinson- Stain's Comelv Clrcur—"Everybody's Doln' It"—Edith Clifford—Kara. CINCINNATI—EMPRESS: Moffat—Claire Trio— Hong Fong—los. F Sullivan—Olivetti Troupe —"Top o the World Danoera." DENVER —EMPRESS: W. J. Dubois — Smith. Voelk ft Oroain—Waller N. Lawrence Play- ers—Gardner ft Lorrle—-Anthony A Ross— "Court by Girls." FT. WAYNE, Ind.—EMPRESS: Will Morris- Thornton A Curlew—Dick Bernard A Co.— Foot Quaint Qa. INDIANAPOLIS—LYRIC: Fred St One* Troape —Ed. A Jack Smith—Gwyn A Gotsett— "Opening Night" KANSAS CITY, MO.—"Spirit Paintings"—Bel- moot ft Harl—Pollard—"la 1909"—Wat Cohlll—Derkln's Dogs ft Monkeys. LOS ANGELES, CAL.—EMPRESS I Martini A Haxmllllan—Ballo Bros.—Three Emersone— Louisa Mayo—Sam Harris—"The Bower of Melody." MILWAUKEE—EMPRESS: Dennis Bros.—Ward A Clark—"The Stick-Up Mau"—Murray Ben- net—Bosaow Midgets. MINNEAPOLIS—UNIQUE: Patrick, Francisco A Warren—Burke ft Koroe—Klcrnan, Walters ft Klcrnan—Warren ft Blancboid—Maxwell's Dancing Girls. PORTLAND. ORE.—EMPRESS: Aldro ft Hit cbell—Umest Dwpllle—"Canoe Qlrto" nard ft Lloyd—Merlon's dogs. Bros. A Mnck—Gladys Wilbur—Rose Tiffany ft Ob.—McMahoo. A Obappeilo— Bounding Gordons. SPOKANE. WASH.—EMPRESS: Bsrfam A Lor- era—Katherlno Klore— Richard MUlcy A Co. —Joe Whitehead—Bonjoph lends. SEATTLE, WASH.—EMPRESS: Ltugt DeU'Oro— Burke ft Harrison—Wslsh-Lyuoh Co.—4>on- srd A Louie— Big Jim. SALT LAKE CITY. U EMPBBSS: OrrlUe A Frank—Kelso A Lclghton—Francont Opera Co.—Boas A Asbton — "Behind the Foot- lights"—Five Did lleys An Blue. SAN FRANCnSOO—EMPRESS: W 111 loch —Mood A Salle—D'Arcy ft Williams —"A Night at the Baths"—Lew Wells—Katie Sondwlaa A Co SACRAMENTO, OAL.— EMPRESS: Llvtogston Trio—Brooks ft Harris—Bruce-Duffet A Ota —Mayo A Allman— "Happiness," SAN DIEGO, OAL.—EMPRESS : Adelyoe Lowe A Co.—Leo Boers—Houghton, Mortis ft Hough- ton—Edna Amy—"Louis' Christmas"—Dan- cing Mars. TAOOMA, WASH.—EMPRESS: Herman A Sblr- W—James MacDonold—Wbyte. Pelser A Whyte—Three Osearyo—Orvllie Beeder—DIs- lag Nymphs. VANCOUVER, CAN.—OBPHEUM: Williams A Waroer—Frostlck, Hume ft Thoaus—Maurice Freeman ft Ob.—Chas. Drew ft Ob.—Archie Ooodsll. VICTORIA, CAN.—EMPRESS: Price A Price- Three Musketeers — Mr. A Mrs, Perkins Fisher—Dove Ferguson. WINNIPEG, CAN.—EMPUBSSt Sebastian. Mer- rill ft Co.—Brown ft Blyler—Bert Leslie ft Co.—Jennings A Dormon-^Jesileo Troupe. i Oaioxw (W. F. Graham, mgr.)—For Christmas week, Eva Mull and her Beauty* Show, followed by Parisian Beauties. S> mouse. If. V.—Empire (Frederick Ooas), mgr.) prrmtrre performances of "Marrying Money" Dec. 20-27: "Messiah" {local) 2»; Geo. M. Cohan, hi ''Broadway Jones," SO, Sit "Neatly Married" Jan. 1, 2. Wisn-mo (Francis P. Martin, rngr.). M ay Bob- son, in "The Clever Woman," 23-27. BoBTloxs (Stephen Bistable, mgr.)—Belles of Beauty Bow 22-24, "Tbe Confession" 90-ST. Gaai-D (Charles II. Plmnmer. mgr.)—Last week's aunUreraary Mil drew capacity booses dally. Bill for week of 22 Includes: Myrtle Clayton, Josephine Danfee. McOonnell and 8hB|<son, Mile. Adgie. Milt Oolllns, Csrtmelt sod Harris, and the De Anos. On matinee of 24 only: Lou Weetcott Beck, the famous Death Valley explorer, will lecture. In addition to the regular bill. ltoekford, III.—Grand Opera Honoe flUrry W. Qrampp, ogr.) Cyril Scott, in "Artsooa," pic- tures. Dec. 21-23: ''Robin Hood." by De Kovon Opera Company, 20; "A Broadway Honeymoon" Jan. 3, "Llttlo Women" 8. MoyaiTta—Otla Oliver's lorallsed comedy, "Thlrty-ave Minutes from Ilockford." was retained •U week of IS, It having made sneh a good Im- pression that 'rihe Man In tbe Case," billed for last half of week of IS, was switched. Tharsday night, IB, was Mr. Oliver's first amateur sight. Otrrnctr.—Bill IS-17 deluded: Al. Lewis sod company. In "The New Leader;" Olanbuwer and Marion, Bogart and Nelson, and Raima and corn- Sony. For lost rslf: Ollle Young snd April, orcoran and Dingle, Alexander Olrla, Hsysmada Japs, and Tbeo Tennr. naxuarttno.—Vaudeville and pictures. Oolosmi. PamoEsn Jsweli., Polk snd Roox- foso Motion plctjtes only. ROBERT Be KELLOGG FOUND GUILTY. •AID TO HAVR DIOPHACDED BE- IsVDHD L'ONG WUITBRS OUT OF «lt>,(KH>. Given a Thirteen Month Sentence, "Robert D. Kellogg, song composer and pub- Usher for amateurs, was found pulitr Satur- day evening, Doc. 20, In the united Btatea District Court, of using the mails to defraud, Ho was sentenced by Judge Wm. II. Griibb to Atlanta Prison. Through Jan. C. Cleary, bis attoroey, Kellogg obtained a writ of error on ball, which will enable him to spend bis Christmas with his family. It took tho Jury about three liours' de- liberation to convict him of defrauding would-be song writers. The Robert B. Kollocg Music Company, of which Robert B. Kellogg wnH tbo president, lias been to business for several yearn, and In that time bas handled thousands of clients. It wan the old game of accepting song poems and putting them to music for a certain ram that got Kellogg Into trouble, Kellogg probably would be at It jet bad he lived up to his agreement. ITe failed In tunny Instances In keeping bin word with cus- tomers, especially that of delivering tho five hundred sheets of music after a contract bad been entered Into by both parties. Why these so-called publishers Insist on fleecing amateur song writers It beyond con- sideration. On a legitimate bails a most profitable business can be worked np, and all within the law. Kcllogg's crisp was only one of levornl pending in tho United States courts. Tho postal authorities hare been on the track of this sort of publishers for several years. About Ore years ago they made a general elenn-up ana put about a doscn out of business. At present tho largeat house, which Is now located In tbo city of Washing- ton, has an Indictment hanging over Its head. The case will come up shortly In that city and will be eagerly watched by those par- ticipating in this sort of buitness. (Editor's Nora.—There aro many pub- lishers and song composers that conduct • business of this nature on a legitimate scale, and mako qunrterly royalty payments to the amateur song writer. There is a good Held for this sort of work and good money la It for both parties.) TO EVERYBODY EVUHYWHURofl. I with everyone one of the Merriest Cbrlst- tnnses and the Happiest New Years. May every song composer have one or more hits to his credit, and also find his •locking filled with royalty checks. For the coming year I nope to serve von better than the one that Is leaving us. and If I have offended your feelings in any way call me up and the drinks will be "upon me." TIIINQS THAT ARE NOT UKBIaT TO HAPPEN, The music combine. llcmfrk selling out Joe GooduHn going to Europe. Irving Berlin leaving Wottorson. Another "Lonesome pine." Chat. K. Harrit going out of business, i Uoie (Jumble quitting Rcrnick. 1V<« Von Ttlier writing a song. The professional copy evil stopped, ntop paying acts. Oeifiso a ten cent rate on sheet muitc. GOOD LUCK, HAUniCE. It Is wttb pleanire that I note that Maurice Abrahams, a hoy who ls known from coast to coast, has one of tbe present day lilts In "Get Out and Get Under." It's in him and only a matter of time before he will be counted among tho loaders, WHAT'S DOING? I saw several publishers In conference last week, but I am not predicting anything, I won't mention names, but if anything bap- pens put me on tho Hit first. No, I won't call the turn. Silence Is A polite negative, GILBERT'S NEW imsil NUHDBR, "You're tbe Fairest Utile Daisy," the latest song by L. Wolfo Gilbert, as predicted In this column some weeks ago, ls now the talk of aongdnra. The lyrics by Mr. Gilbert «bow him at bis best, and tho music composed by Kerry Mills ls up to tho usual standard of this well known composer. For a singer of this styls of song it Is just the thing and cno that Will be hard to duplicate. WHAT NEXT? 'Leon Flatow received aa a Christmas pres- ent from Lewis V. Mulr, a monocle brought direct from London, and tits Leon's latest full dress regalia. Cafe managers, bownre of Leon, as be holds the record of smashing pianos, BERT KALHAH'S OWV. "The Ragtime Bungalow," both words and music of which were written by llcrt Kalmar, II going stronger than ever. It wai suc- cessfully Introduced In seven New York the- atres last week, ASK nUDY. Take a trip up to Fclat and aik Rnby Cowan to toll you the history of his life. He's been trying to> tell mo for about eight weeks. Or better still, Ruby, you know, is president of "The Knights of Harmony,'' Ask him to tell you about them. STILL AT IT. •Melvlllo (Morris is still tho biggest thing in tho Lillian Lorraine act. To catch Mel isnglng the Ivories la a caution. Hammer- stein's now. SOME PRBDICTEol. Jeff Branon makes a prediction. Says be to me: "Just you wait until after the New Year. Uy latest, 'Just a Llttlo Bit of Urean' and The Bandanna Rag,' aro both going to be whirlwinds." Jeff Gas predicted before, you know. HIKE MORRIS TALKS. Hike Morris, general manager for the Jos Morris Company, says: "Kverybody ls kick- ing about business being dull, but toko n loos: oat there and see tbo crowd waiting to bear •one of our songs. While none of our u.iin- bers have proven world bcatere, they are fair- ly good sellers. We have several now songs to release after tbo New Year that, In our estimation, will turn out to bo "sotno songs." NOW A VAVDBVxLLIAJI. Lew Brown made quite a success with bis act at Henderson's, Coney Island, last week. Lew has a clever young girl partner, and gives a fairly good, entertaining act. F. A. HILLS TO MOVE. 'J The F. A. Hills Pub. Company, as soon as a suitable location ls found, will move cp- town. THE COME-BACK KID. J. Fred Hclf has come bark with one of the bits of the "High Jinks" show. It Is tho Dixie number rendered by Elizabeth Mur- ray, and which takes six and seven encores at each performance. WILL VON TILZBH HIKES OFF. Will Von Tllter, the chief of tbo Broad- way Music Company, loft town last week and will bo gone until about Jan. 0. Will has had a very busy tlmo of it since he went In business for himself, and these few day* will bo the Drat vacation he has had. Ilia new offices on tho second floor of tho Exchange Building will shortly bo llnWI.ed ■ and will be thrown opon to tho singers. They will have all the requirements of an up-to- date music house, every comfort of the pur- < former being carefully looked after by a . competent staff of gentlemen. TOURISTS. Louis Bornsteln. accompanied by Ms wife and Harry Carroll, started on a trip last week that wilt take them aa far as Cali- fornia. It ls the first vacation Indulged Id by Loula for several years. They aro ex- pected back about tho middle of January. Davo Oppenhelmor will be in charge dur- ing Mr. Bernstein's absence. BEHIM WITH BROADWAY. Arthur Beblm Is now connected with the . Broadway Music Company, and would be pleased to have his frlonds pay bin, a visit. CALVIN CHANGES. ' Jack Calvin changed bis residence last week and can now bo found at tho Broadway . Music Co. F SONOS THAT AllB REAL HITS. "Oet Out and Oot Under" (Abrahams). "What Ho Vou Mean Sou Lost Your Dot f (Rrtnlrk), "I Mlaa You Moit of All" (Broadway Music Co.) "Iilo U'Amour" (Feist). "Peg o' My Hoart" (Fitst). "Internntlonol Rag" (Wnttcrton). "Across the Great Divide" (Meyers). "Hello Wintertime" (Weurlcu). LOUIS WOULDN'T SNITCH, Louis Cnbn, the professional nTanagsr for Chas. K. Harris, has a now song to start the New Year that he oars li a corker. It cost me something, like thirty cents for drinks trying to got Lou to tell mo the title, hut ho Is used to It Drop blm a card and he'll send you a copy, WATCH THIS. The only Theodore Morse will shortly take a flyer in vaudevlllo. It won't be Ted's first offense, for, If I remember correctly, ho was one of the original Theodoro Moras Trio that made such a successful tour of the firlndpal bouses several years ago. Good uck, old boy. CAME BACK. Joe Goodwin, who ls on the relit rtaff, rosbed around to bis publisher and pleadingly asked for a short vacation. He got It and left with well dlled pocket! for a trip to England. I guess Joe got side-tracked somewhere, ss te was seen on Broadway the following day- THOSE PROFESSIONAL MANAGERS. In regard to that professional mnnogir Sieotlon that has been golug tbo rouuds tely. A few have said that I made tbe remark thst Phil Kornholser was probably tho cham- pion among them all. I pload "Not guilty." But, all Joking aside, can anybody show me a manager that has accomplished In so short a time what this young plienom lins done? He has performod in a short of throe years what It has token some to do In tea yean, and, at that, they norer have had the responsibility that ls oo the shoulders of this ambitious young man. In a further lisi.o I will go Into full dctalla about this question. MUIR MEETS WO0I.W0RTH. _ During tbe return trip from London, Lewis F, Mnlr was the guost of Mr. and Mrs. I''. W. Woolworth on board tho ship during tbe entire passage. The mooting camq about after Mr. Mulr heard that Mr. Woolworth was aboard ship. He slnglod htm out and Introduced himself as one who had helped Mr. Woolworth email his great fortune, and also wan had beon Instrumental In making It posslblo for Mr. mako part of his success of the music counters la Ills large chain Of ■tores. Mr. Woolworth took quite a fancy to Mr. Mulr. and invited him, and alio lilx partner, L. Wolfo Gilbert, to his homo some evening. Pete Wendllng, who wai also abroad ship with Mr. Mulr, received the samo favor. CHAS. K. HAIiaiS' LIGHTS. Fred Bowers, making a tremendous hit In Now York on tbo Keith time, itnglng "I'm Coming Back lo You," Krcemon and Dunham, playing tbn Keith time throughout this country, singing "Don't You Wlih Ypu Weie Hock Homo Again r which they havo Introduced with big sue- cess, Truly Bhattuck, hlg hit, singing our new song entitled "I'm Coming Back te You *' Hong Kong, now plnyftg the Sullivan A Conildlne circuit, making a big hit, with "Don't You Wish You Wore Back Home Again 7" Mayo and Allman, playing the Rulllvau A Consldlne circuit, say that ff Don't Yon Wish You Wore Hack Home Again V ls tho blggont bit in tbolr act. Bddle Allen, with Lancton, Luclor and company, who are playing the Btllhwlck ffi'HH. '"J" wc . ok ' nre making n tremendous hit with "I'm Coming Hack to You." Josse Laskey's "Hed-Heads," now playing the Keith lime. Introducing "I Just Cnrae In to Say Hello, Now I Hate to Hay Goodbye," Which Is a tromendoiu hit with them, Hattle Tlmberg, who played tho Now York Theatre Inst week, was a very big success with "I Just Came In to Say Hollo, Now I Hate to Say Good-bye." FnOM LONDON, Irene Orange, the most recent arrival from America, has been engaged for tbo London Empire rovlew. Miss Ornngo is being fea- T.W! . wjt . n _ ner 'Poclfti material. Including "Dixieland Piccolo Band," which hoi iirjven 9 sensation for hor in London. This song Is from the pons of Otto Blotinn and Schuyler Green, who havo supplied Mlsi Ornngo with ber exclusive material. Jop Morris Music Co. are the American publishers, having re- cently purchased same. Nom.—Manager Bnrksrt, at the Jewell Thae- tre, hoo lnstoled a system of musical bells which are strong along tin- walls snd are operated by electricity by tbe operator, Via a keyboard. Dallas, Tex.—Dallas Opera Boose (Oeo. Ansy, mgr.) Osrtrude Hoffmann was here Dee. SO. Uxibstio (0. F. Ooold, mgr.)—am week of 1« ladosed: Adair and lltcbey. Little Lord Roberts. Dorothy Rogers and company. Child's Hswallani, Fred Ireland, assisted by Nanucatto, Paul Porter sad Alice Snlllvsn, and Zrao, Jordan and Zeno. Gasnmt.— mil 14 sad week wasl Oonella, Sherman and Lewis, Florrai Trio. Fannls Peboll Trio, Milton, OolUourtte, and lioroom and Tout. Ow Mit.i, (Pollen flros., mgr».)—The Williams Due Musical Comedy Co. Haii'T lions, OxFliaoif and Fou,r. vaudeville, to good business. WosuirJOTow, PirMOSSS, IlrpponBOMS,, NionoxoDoxm, Dsst, I.vsio. Oohdt, Pavokits, Qcoow, Kuraiss, OirsTAt,, Potuos, Dixis, Ilio- soots and Hoosund, pictures only. fit. Joseph, Mo.—Lyceum (0. V. Phllley, mcr.i "A Fool There Was'' Dec 21-24, "A fflsve Girl of New York" 25, "Mop Thief" 20, 27. Tootu (J. W. Love, mjr.l Is dark. ' Majxstic (Fred Oosman, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Covstal (Fred Oosman, mgr.)—High vaudeville and tabloid mootcal ccosdy.