The New York Clipper (January 1914)

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ti'i IP 8 ~~it \ *« *WBHE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Jam^RY fr .. .. ..i n i THE NEWTQEK CLIPPH& Vljti,' rounded In 1853. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (UmttMl) FBOPBiarpjUS. ALBERT J BOBTJB Enrroaiiz. AMD Busmbbb Milfiaxs. : ' NEW YOBK, JAHUABY 3, 1914. ' Entered 'Jane 24.. 1870, at tbe Poat Office at New York, N. V., at second class mutter, under the 'act of Murcli 8. 1879.- '»- • ' Advertisements—12.80 OCT Inch', single column. - ' Advertlaeniests tet with border, 10 per ct. eitri. ' SUBSCRIPTION. One rear, 11 mltonce, $4; all months, 12; tbrea Kontbs, ft. ' Canada and (orelifu iwstnsc extra. Single copies will be sent, postnald. on receipt'or 10 ccnti. ..' _ • • ' • • ■ • ■.-'■ ;« Onr Tevnis are Cunli. THE CUPPER 1» Issued evety WEDNESDAY. Tbe I'orms Cloalnu Promptly on 1 ueaduy, ait 10 A. II. rlease remit ty express money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash eneloaed -^gg GSStSmS mSSmh ago' "THE LAUD OF PROMISE/' Lyceum (Charles Krobman, mgr.)— The Land of Promise, a play In .four acts by W. Somerset' Maugham. Produced' by Charles 'Frobman on Thursday evening, Dec. 25, with Knickerbocker (Harry G. Somuiers, — ?^ S*-'. ... nulla Ttnrfra fDgr.)-T» s XwUcnrictta.l comedy In four ^™ b rd M fi a 3 r h 8h \V.V.V.V.V.V::i J nn^ 0 en B H.r e .Lillian KlngBhury Shelley Hull ...Norman. Tbaxp .Thomas Reynolds ......Barnett Parker .*.;.. .•.Marlon Abbott ......Henry Warwick .Gladys Morris ,,' Mildred Orme ....... Leopold Lane Selma Hall HEW YORK CUT; : ■' (Continued from pagtO) ««THE NEW HENRIETTA/' ■acts"by Wlnchell Smith and Victor Mapes. G£2£&J$ISL. (Founded on Bronson Howard's comedy, ^SI^fL^r'"'" 'The Henrietta.) Produced by Jos. Brooks EH£ffEEab»*'•***•' o„ Monday evening. Deo. 22, wlt^tbis cast: jg^%S&;;;;;, Nlcholna Van Alstyne, "Old Nick," • gi^y sharp.:.;.;;.. WmtamH. Crane Km ma Shhrff.;... . .Douglas Fairbanks J%wiM Wlck ^ am .. • ',',T t(l f Cbatnjeia D 0roth y wickham, ..Halbert W. Brow Agutt p rlng i e Edward Polnii Element Wvni Bertie, his son........ Mark Turner.,....... Iter. Murray Hilton.';. Watson Flint...'.;.;.. Dr. George Wainwright Musgrave ...' ,. UutcblnH Edward .............. Mrs. Cornelia. Opdyke. Rose Turner.-.'.....;.. Agnes Gates Battle' A large audience assembled at the Knlcker bo eke r ou Monday evening, Dec. - 22, to wel- come Wm. 11. Crane In one of his most fa- n>ous roles. that of Nicholas Van Alstyne, in The Henrietta," in which ho was a co-star Clement Wynne'./. «llb letter la at rlak of render. Address ..Arthur 8. Hull jjate '. ..Malcolm Bradley • vviniam Somerset Maugham Is best known "■ttti mnnflifflSS. to American'playgoers as.a writer of diaw- ■••?i d ii? < wK^h?«? »08 room comedies,"but his latest work, 'The ' '•^TSySnSSS Lan« 5 rromisc," is a. serious play, with en **i>i::£ii <?.ni^?i intensely human and appealing story .with •• Pat £fl?. ™hS?S Sitacters that live an* Vreathe. It is ad- ZelBe Tilbtuy j^n^y constructed, and it holds your atten- tion until the final curtain. '••' It has, however, several lines that sparkle with wit. At times certain incidents In tie piece suggests "The Great Divide," "The Thunderbolt'' and "The Misleading Lady, but "The Land of Promise" can stand on Its THEATRES and OPERA We insert sdvertUeroeats m this eolmsa at a ■Dedal rate of 81.7B per agate •»• tof ■' a* 00 ™ (or 18 times). Tbla wlU «osMe local cantsers to keep their bosses prominently and eeatlnualiy before. th» managers of companies. BwW » tunc the ad. is running we will send each adver- tiser ■ copy of Tna Otwo free. BIOHTICELLO, N. Y., pop. 4.000. Draws from 7,000 winter, 15,000 Summer. Modern theatre. Full Btago equipment Can stage any production. Seats 1,000. Lyceum Theatre. L. F. Gulmond, Mgr. UNION HALL, CHAZY, N. Y. JUST OPES, 800 8eaU. 'Stage, 20x2i. F.lcctrlc llprbt. Popula- tion. S^OOO.' Z. A. BISSONSETTE, Prop. ' CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX j, l ii lrt r'„nM.!Li, n .i„n. a. The J>«*e n t P'ay 1? ca"|d "The New Hen- own mcritB ag a play worthy of patronage. van IBW ioilli CLIPPER S ct,a ' a ,? d fig , a modern ^ catn V { , nt „ < l, f Canada is tie 'land of promise in this i . .v IUH& llii i ».», Bronson Howard's, famous comedy. Messr*. olay ij Ut y] e fire t ict has Its scene laid in *V S n«_ _ ___J * _li.A»x.A A « In Xl a villi UTTAIL, at onr agents, Daw's Steamship Agency, IT Oreen Street, Charing Cross Road, Lon- don, W. O., Ekwland; Brentano's newa depot, 87 Avenue de i'Ouera, Paris, ■ France; Diamond Sena Co., 128 Prado, Havana; Manila Book and Sta- tionery Co., 12S tiscoitn, Manila, P. I.; Ooriton and charming senUmentallty * Oatcb, 123 1'ltt tllreet, Siduey, N. 8. W., Anitralla. . Messrs. , 4T West 28tb Street, New York. BnllUl nnd M apcs have not really re-wrltten ttjJT Tbl T central character Is Norah Tel. 2274-Madlion. "The Henrietta," but they haTe fixed it up M ■ h „ young high Bplrlted Brgllsh girl, -■ RetMerei CabU Aiirui, ''fcOTHoam." to suit modern etage requirements. The plot _j. 0 ],'„ girvecf for thirteen years as a com- TEB WE8TEBN BUBEATJ in the main la still the same as Mr. Howard J^nion toan old lady, who paid her £80 a of THaCtiirsa Is located at Room 005. Ashland conceived It, thouigb in the »«»»««»«'* year. The old lad/ Iiad proanlsed to leave Block, Chicago, Warreu A. Patrick, manager and several lines and characters Jn the old pisy J, er emne money w fi e n she died. The read- correipondent. have been eliminated and others have been , of the w , u disclosed the fact that Norah TBI Ctrppis caw bi oaruitio wnoLESALB akd jh«ted about and several minor changes in b 6 d ^ forgotten, and being without means the story of the piece have been made. The decldefl to ~? to her brother, who is a farmer Slcce as it now is is well worth seeing, «Vlni near Manitoba. Can. esnite the fact that it Is a little ofd UT ^| whe^wlte a ftrmer waltrew, and faihloned. for it 1» a most enjoyable comedy, „*6g j™„ e f s „2r„„ tnVether Ink the life, with humorous situations antf funnv lines ^^SJ^J^Cml Ces mtalraUe S charming senUmenullty. ft SS^^'^U?TtZ?tSmZfZ A brief ouUlno of. the story of 'The New a Q cc f d 0 e r 9 ^o marry the hired man, Frank Tay- Henrletta" would not be out of place here. ■ J ^^ j^orant fellow, who wants a Nicholas Van AlBtyne, a banker, known to .1. mcrp i, to act as his servant „ ,. , Wall Street as "Olri Nfek," Is engaged in get- wl At ™ 0 S y a a Taylor gets bis wife home ho ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. }}« , th f S toc * of a ^S 1 ? 9 S w r. , . 8 .nn a .tart. to^rSSr l" arofind in his rough mm- m " " 1-w »vvw_7^ v*va»**i*we nenrdejrta, , i '_onJhe market ^He hM i^a P er, and she resents this treatment a^atwf DRAMATIC. F. H. McA., Jamaica.—1. Address Dare; W'olfOrd, 1402 Bioadway, New York Civj. - --.^ -.v- -_j,i__ «c» « u»» ironcir ««, »»^=. .2. We do not know his whereabouts. Address S? nnden " a L le P! e »t n i a * 1 l e ?! ***£*?!&*: In the last act (after a ,. him in care of this office and we will adver- J urn 1 ?.r lB ,1 r «^ ^JJ D a desire to make a Place fflon th 0 ) she has learned to respect him, and Use letter in Cupfbii letter list J°rJ"tnself In tho financial world and, to tbu f ee i lng Slowly develops into love. He M. G. B., Denver.—^We do not know Ms further his purpose, betrays the old man and glj ,, De g lng t0 i ove ner . s ne has a chance to whereabouts. Address blui In care of this tries to put through a coup In the Henr , le » a leave him and return to England, for she office and we Will adVertise letter la Cuppub h f°fV, wn '» lriU rum Vaa A,,1 7 Ile * nd ** bad received a letter from home enclosing letter list, rl T, ""BS . *.l, , £500 (from the eld lady's nephew, who had fitf***** 0A hds, - yg ^"*>— fc ftf 9* >J P*>f « WlJ«e f,ii en heir to. the money )_and the offer of a A. B., Kansas City.—1. The . in this order of precedence: Firs! ond, low: third, Jack, and fourth, jm tm, fi av 0 een starteu on nts pet stock. He nu^ the neater nortlon as we presume, you were playing eleven , polo high, period of several we presume, you were J> a Y 1 5LfS58 rl ? H*% to town nnd A 0 ?'* 8 J" 10 S. fray ' few respected^hat she was capable of such lots to a game, A wins. 2. A wins With omy to learn that a call has been made for Scellent" emotional acting as she exhibited. POM'S PALACE, IN SPRINGFIELD, OPENS. securities to. back up his holdinga, The die- especially In act three. The excellence of covery that Turner has robbed hit strong nc r acting of the long and difficult rote of box predicts ruin for him, Norah, proved, conclusively, that Mr. Froh- Qulte by chance Bertie has wandered upon man made no mistake wien ho assigned Miss the stock exchange and gets tangled up In Burke to tbe part -She may, indeed, he tbe excitement. In a vague sort of way he proud of her work In this role, which, is dlf 8. Z. Toll's new Palace Theatre, in Springfield, tSSt:,,ST.SSi wMch iVatas h"« Sod Is made to realize that It "all concerns'the fereit from" anything she has 'ever done be- SSSmtaM to tbeblSldSg fc«d 0 f the family, and he puts a million fore. The rol?7lto compells ner to do a fund cf the Young Men's Christian Association dollars In cash, previously given him by bis lot of manual work, such as washing dishes. by Mr Poll father as an ante-nuptial gift. Into the mar- darning socks, lighting ftres, sweeping and Tbe* main surprise to the audience was, the ke T at fu be ner ' ^ove^hTTurM?"is a scoun- *™} n * , . ... «««.* b. alse and mngulncenee of the new theatre. Pais- j.i°i, ^"li.S.YLf h» ri^tJ „ fl^^ A t*»t personal success was ecorcd by ing through* the datallimly lighted lobby, one «« " develops that he deserted a former Julian Kingsbury, as the uncouth, bullying finds hlmaeU at the back of * vast expanse of wife, w^ <Hed in P 0 ^"'?. a ° d left th elr sUter-in-law of Norah. Miss Kingsbury Is aeata. On each side of tbe proscenium arch are Child dependent upon the neighbors. cn | y oa \ a the second act, but her perform- eUht boxes of a bondaoaie foreign dealgn, four Mr. Crane, as the crusty, blunt, but kind- or( i , g one t(> jg remembered, being on a level with the orchestra floor and four hearted old financier, scored, of course, a Shelley Hull, as Taylor, was capital. He directly above them, ranged from the base of tbe great hit It Is an Ideal Crane role, anil in i,. 0 « er i Jr,,, ac 't e d the eirotlstlcal brute to balcony toward- tho atoge. Kaeh pair of boxes It Mr. Crane does brilliant work. His play- iw^^n-trjMH&an ! sf SMtieneaalnUielast 1. wparated by fluted pllaaters. to white ta r of his comedy scenes was delicious.^ "J tamed hm Mr ESoEm ssMtlrapid and gold.. whleh_ are .-urmonnted, by ornate _. WlM Fairbanks who is starred, with ad Vn C ?8 to nte progression. " ' I.umsdea Hare, as the brother, and Nor- a.on Thorp, as a teidertoot woodsman, t,-ave excellent performances. Tho other roles are mere "bits." The second week began 2ft. Relay. Slden capitals. The entire front of the botise, j( r . Crane, appeared In Stuart Hobson's old eluding the great sounding *«*■>. '• °„ w y''° role, that of Bertie, the lamb, and surprised f!'i "" „V. a . n ' 1 ; ZwZ, lb .™.«; n «~ The dSi«". «™ hl8 moat Intimate frlenrjs with the ex- tlon, makes a brilliant appearance. Tbe.decora- c.ii,,,-,, „f j,i. T,« r f n rmnTieB. It -mimr Tii.r hn tluns are marked by fine and solid taste—upmnnl ?.''"£? ,h«V h^ i?rS »n trnlt«?lnn of thS In a tbeatre deroted to voudeTllle. or, indeed, in J"," u fiJJ,„t, ba n„ be „ J? if 8 . an a i ™ «2? „# e.P» 8 any theatre. There l» no flgure painting any- "te Stuart Robson (for, as a matter of fact, where. The hangings of tho boxes are of a rich Mr. Fairbanks hnB never seen the, late, cp. ■ one color to harmonise perfectly with the "tar of Mr. Crane's). Mr. Fairbanks treats . "BULLI8 OPERA HOUSE'.' Banooll, M.Y.BeataaM. JOHr? W. BULLI9, JR.,Mgr. ' WANTED-Cood attractions; drawingcapac- lty,8,600; new'Opera House; electric llghts^hot and cold water, dressing rooms, large stage and ■rood scenery; bestshow town in Western Pa. C. ALT. Mgr., Knox, Pa. (5 KELLER'S THE1TBE, time for goodehows. Brldgevtlle, Del. SeaUsg 800. Open clrcn ASS'N, Good Reps, and One Nlghters for i "our Ind., 111-. Wis. and Mich. _ DEPENDENT OPERA HOUSE MORS. 816-1J Ashland Block, Chicago, WANTED TO BOOK, 600D HIGH CLASS SHOWS AND GOOD STOCK COMPANIES. Pop., 5,000, Large stage and good scenery. MlnerBHall, Nanty Qlo.Pa. John Scalf, William White, Mgrs. red, the l... | white and gold. Not only Is the eye pleased, bat the specta- tor's comfort is considered as well. The seats are excellently upholstered, roomy and ample space Is allowed: between the tows. Tbe theatre is well provided with smoking and retiring rooms, and everywhere tbe appointments are of a sub- stantial order. The house baa but one balcony, the character of Bertie on original Hues, His succcst was 'most pronounced. . Amelia Blngbam has not very much to do as the widow, Mrs. Opdyke, but what she did was done with skill. She was especially fine In her comedy scenes with Mr. Crane. She woro some stunning gowns. Patricia Colllnge was a swtet and charm. every sectioo of which command, an unobstructed ft ££&** the M,e w,th tenderness view ct:the stage. The balcony entrance begins ■ ?_„»„ Slik.„ „_ t,„_„„ «,„ „„„._j„, with a stairway lesdlng from tbe lobby, and bal- _£ Ci„ J" "i?v£\?. SSS&iaJE? T. „J cony pa Irons do not pass Inside tho auditorium. JE^*!^!? Jft SlS'^Si r £' c J"Jl a Architecturally the house seoms. fiom a layman's "S'JSL* n ?<V mcr ' Bn 4 otEer ?. ood work ™» point of view, it must be admitted, to be a meri- torious achievement. ■ Tbe opening hill consisted of Valeska Surratt and company, Ed. Vinton and Buster.. Sam and Kitty Morton, Raymond nnd Bain, Frank Mul- lone, RamsdeU Trio, and the Alpine Troupe. .. ■ ' ««» WARNING. contributed by the others in the cast Mr. Brooks have given the comedy a fine production. The second week began Dec. 20. Kclcetl. tt MAJESTIC RE-OPENS. The MaJeatlc Theatre. Sernnton, Pa., formerly tho Columbia, ami which has been closed for the past eight mouths, was re-opeited Dec. 22, with Frank W. Weed ns lessee apd' mauncer, after having been thoroughly renovated. The house will be on the Amalgamated circuit. devot»l to vaude- vlllo and moving pictures, with Ave acts changed twice a week. The opening hill Included: Wash- burn's leopards, with Pauline Ooatock's original lad/, trainer; Warren and Brockwny, Grlndell and Henry, Bonnie Fruuklln and company, and Perry and Elliott The'reception accorded tho company on the open- ing night was a gala eveut, each act being received with favor by au overflowing house. A feature of'interest was tbe presentation to Mana "IB AND LITTLE CHRISTINA; Princess (F. Ray Comstock, mgr.)— lb and Little Christina, a play In one act and three scenes, by Captain Basil Hood. Produced by the Princess Flayers on Christ* mas Day with this cast: Ib'i* Father .Barry Mestayer Little lb.... Master Lanahnn Old Iicnrlck Vaughan Trevor Uttle Christina JoycnFntr A Wanderer Rmello Pollnt lb Horbrook Bllnn Christina Charlotte Ives John William J. O'Nell On Christmas afternoon, and fit tbe uiatl- xtce on Friday. Dec. 26, there was given special performances of "lb and LItt'c Chris- tina." The play Is founded upon one of PERFORMERS ARE WARNED AOAIN8T "FAKE" SOLICITORS WHO ARE GOING ABOUT SECURING OR- DERS FOR ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE SPECIAL EDITIONS OF MAGA- ZINES, ETC., AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES, AND COLLECTING FROM THE VICTIMS WHENEVER IT IS POSSIBLE TO DO 80. IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT WE WILL SHORTLY ISSUE OUR ANNIVERSARY NUMBER, WB GIVE THIS TIMELY W MINING. ALL OF OVR REPRESENTATIVES HAVE CRE- DENTIALS AUTHORIZING THEM TO ACT FOR US, AND UNLESS YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH THE IDENTITY OF THE SOLICITOR, PAY NO MONEY TO HIM—SEND IT DIRECT TO THIS OFFICE. NEW YORK CLIPPER. THE COLUMBIA CONCERT. Sunday, Dec 28, two good bouses attended. Marguerite Hsger opened the bill with a good Kr Wied by Major W. 8. Millar, of thla city, ou Hans 'Christian Anderson's fairy tales and h « n<1 . h *«d and foot balancing act, aho being half of the staff of the house, of a beautiful had been Been In New York about fifteen S* 8 "-' handled by her sturdy understander. Mlas basket of flowers. Tbe complete Btnff Is: Frank jears ago. ni J5*r. »?J" 1 -' 1 *' w* 8 a nimble topmounter. W. AYeed, lessee and manager; Loula W. AIT, Tho Play which scored hoavllv hsa Wn ' ol1 -' Jo11 ? L «--l n9 and Pearl had a good sing- •rtlst. Manager W.-eri gHTe a ChrlBtmao dinner *?* ¥ ! f. l ., alI rri b , 0 ., bet , t , er , ta X 8 «Id8 't. ,"Ib Mr. Terry working along the aame sty e a. Will to Ue entire company and atari at tho Hotel a "d Little Christina" Is tbe life and lovo Rogers Miss Terry was right there In all the Jenuyn, tbe party numbering over twenty, which *. lor y of a man and woman In miniature, different styles of dancing, whirling the lasso, was an event long to be remembered by those At the first curtain rise a boy and his tiny and she finished with the seventy foot rope In V resent. -♦>■» sweetheart sec youth's rosy forecast in the good form. fire. In tho next sceno the father of little lb MoWe Mine, Just back t^^Ewland^looked ANNIE HART AND MAYDELLE MAULUM'S CHRISTMAS PARTY. An Xnus dinner and party were given by Anna Hart aud Maybello Mahlum, of "McKadden's FlntB," to Helen Armstrong, at Columbus. O., lias passed away, little lb has become a man, charming, but the three songs. "I Don't Thlnklt and luxury nnd all that clings about it havo "»«*» 5MJEE ^SSST^*JS^L^H called Christina of the glowing 'teens from Would'* and "Oleyer. Nice Man " ■aaaa ttcal d a TnS. fUl •»"»■«• WT. more prac *?S>5S& Sl*S^ * , w s*«iv>a uiuoiiuii^. ui vuiuuivup. v't Xmos eve, tl.e other guests being: Jack Olloes, manager of the "Flats" Mr and Mrs. Joe Mason, Peggie Bruce and John Lampe. Talk about some feast, well you know Anna Hart alio went the four ladles and one man appeared In the series of laughable deal,arms. In Go concluding episode Christina her- tucldtnta.^rarttS^th'^he^BlghUeeing'Bn^^to self has made the dork and final exit, but tbe many shirt fronts, the odd vest, the horse, lb, pensive, gray, tender philosopher, still the musical bells, the rone walking, the drawlnc. . lingers. Ho looks again Into tho flro whenco the Imitations, tbe Scotch brigade of fifteen, and limit, turkey and all tbst goes with tt, not tor- came his first vision—and beside blm is an- the gold coat parade, and made a bbr bit Lloyd getting the wine. At 12 o'clock the exchange of other Llttlo Christina, body and soul, liko **■ Tn 7 mtl * Jags'"* but m »* ea I 1 '*"** * fun presents began, tt would take up too much space £ er mother Christina who hna died Re. tint Caatalano and Denny had a fine offering- with to name all the presenta to Mlase*. Armstrong, md Trfmes tto hISnnSr <■"> at the piano vnd the other openlr-g with a nart, Mahlum, Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Mason, Mr. rnho nlav runs n llttlo moro than half an "O"*' bew«' 1& « we Increaso In popularity of rag- Lanipo ami Mr. Gllnes. No one wbb overlooked. vJrnWniE^ i n t(^f™S°u. k',? time over opera, well sung. "All By Myself To- Toasts were drsnk to all friends, and, of course, ? our > <ma although In three parts has but gught," In dnet form, was another new one, es Fred Miller was toaBtcd by Mies Hart. All of BU ;, one n B ? ... » *■■ a planologue (singly), a nebrew song, be- thoso who were lucky enough to bo there will 'Mr. llilnu, ns ID (grown upi. gave a walling the love of his daughter for in actor, waa ever remember the 1013 Xmaa dinner and party magnificent performance, and Braille Pollnl, a good one. and the flnnle, "I Want Someone to given by Annlo Hart and Mnybelle Mdylum. as the mother, played with quiet dignity. Rag With Me'' had a swinging air. The property- As Littlo lb and Llttlo Christina, Master «nnn answered the request Tbe entire act w«» a Monnhan and Joyce Fair were excellent °« nlt > Charlotte Ives, as Christina (the maiden). narry Holman'a act. 'The Merchant Trlnce." lent charm nnd beauty to Go role, and read went over well, as usual, and Mr. Holmsn was her lines well. The balance of tho company well supported by two capable MslstsntB as »he worn exrellent ' merehant'a daughter nnd her successful sailor. gjur ia_£rY!i__ ^.h....^. iiD.. M i.» .»a Bill Rogers gave Imitations of s cornet, nra- «\io liLri? »?S.kC l£2 ei,w? n Tw i»f "if? B '"' glanes, locomotive, concertina, mnnlng ■25 iii? c H "^ k i^rr 0 ..** 1 "!." Sft \"& % horses, engines running on various cylinders, and a Deshabille.' Tho Bride" and "Han-Karri" miM baoia mml( . reoroducllon to several reotll*. were offered The program now includes: Russls," "The Black 'Mask" and "On Dcs- HEMES, Stoneboro, Pa. Better than ever. Town Is growing, everything working full time. Open time for good shows. Would like open house. Ad. BlSE8,Boxl«. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any Instrument or number of Instruments. BongsTwordsand Music. gendstamp. CHAS. h. LEWIS, 429 Richmond St., Cincinnati, 0. Advertisements not exceeding one Use la lrma will be published, properly clasalfled In this lsdei at the rate of $10 for one year (53 Uxnea) a copy of Tun Nsw Tosx Currn will b> sent fra to each advertiser while the kdiertlsement la rtra- alag. ^ ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND P1CTCBB ■ BOOTHS. " O. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 70 Pearl St. Boa ton. Mass. • ^ CHIMES, BELLS St SPECIALTIES B. H.'Maylaad A Son, 54 WOlonrhby St., Brook- lyn, N. ■ X. - - V V . .CONFECTIONS. Boeckhelm Bros. * Eckstein, 245 Bo. Peoria 8t_ . Chicago. ►.!/»— ™" •' FORTUNE (INVISIBLE) WRITERS 8. Bower, 117 Barman Bt, Brooklyn, N. I. . MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES. Rdwln B. Street, 28 Brook Bt, Hartfcrl, Cons. MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. O Deagon, 8800 N. Clark Bt,"Chicago, IU. MUSICAL GLASSES. A Braunebu, 1012 Grant Ave., Blcfcmoni BIB, 1 OPEBA CHAIRS AND AUDITORIUM ' • SEATING. ■•»„ H. J, Harwood's Sons, 80 Pearl.8t, Boston, Uaaa . POPCORN MANUFACTURERS. Boeckhelm Bros, ft Eckstein, 245 Eo. Peoria 8t- Chlcago. • .-.•■. BOENERT AND SCENIC -PAINTERS. O. L. Story Scenic Co., Botnervllle 8UU«o, Bos- ton, Uasa. ' ii t. .. . : . Bcsman ft Landla Co., 417 S. OUabn Bt., Chicago. Shell's Scenic Studios, 681 So. Biib, Bt, Ooloa bus. Ohio. — ••.• jj -. — New York Btndlo, 1001 Times Bldg., N. 7. C. Howard Tattle. 1202 Center St.-Milwaukee, Wla STEAMSHIP ANT) RAILROAD TICKETS. Paul Taasbj A Son, 104 B. 14th BUN. T. a THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Befalls Co., 867 Wash. St, Boston, Maaa THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. B. Walker. 300 W. 89th St., New York. PLAYS, Operas, Sketches, Monologues and parodies written to order. Terms for stamp. E. L. GAMBLE, Author, East Liverpool, 0. WANTED, FOR THE FLORENCE EARLE CO., One night stand, St Elmo, Good Wildcat Agent thatoan and will use the brush (Lee Sycle, wire): Good People In all lines except Leads. Salary must be low and you must Join on wire. Wsnt people good enough for the big ones and not too good for the tanks. Ability, good wardrobe and sobriety essential. Faulkton,South Dakota, Jan. 2; Ipswich 8, Mowbridge 6, Bowdle a, Roscoe 7, Eu- reka 8, Berried 9, Linton, North Dokota, 10, care of St. Elmo. JOY APPLEOATE, Manager. I WANT TO BUY a low pitch Alto or Bass Clarinet (Barret make preferred). Also Alto Saxophone wanted. Address ED, 8TOGDILL 4643 Greenwood Awe., Chicago, HI. Wishing yourself and Tint CMrrsR all thnt Is good, I am, very truly yours, Jack Gunks, Mgr." THESE ARE GREAT SONGS Send for Professional Copies, We mall them Free of Charge to Professional Singers, enclosing late program. Girl of My Dreams-aiy Eastern Rose —Then I Wouldn't Have to Worry Any- more—I Love You little Girlie and I've Loved You All the Time-Woof-- Yes, Yes-Strike Up Another Bag- Three Rosea—Bed Rock-Lf You Would Only Come Book to Me—Mother. JOHN T. HALL MUSIC PUB. GO. 3 COLUMBUS CIRCLE, X. Y. A SHORT CUT Ito vaudeville fame tbroagb that I famous orchard of gilt-edge fan. MADISON'S HI BUDGET No. 15 Contents Include 113 dandy mono- logues, 8 wonderful acts for two males nnd 7 acts for male and fe- male, 10 brand-new parodies on la- test songs, 3 {treat minstrel first earts, aalde-spilttlng one-act farce eildes bundreds of original saga, Jokes, sidewalk bits, etc. Price, ONE DOLLAR per copy. Back Issues out of print ex- cept No. 14; price, $1.00, or Budgets 14 and 16 JAMES MADISON 1404 THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK Characters and Bough Heavies ^*:_W;Jtti8hti s ft - s. oo; height I In.; weight,! Engenues, Juven- iles audi Heavies Age. 26; height t ft 2 In.; weight, 135. Experienced, reliable. Join at once. Write or wire TUPS. FOGQ. 819 Carondclct St,New Orleans, La, COfltTETS, BARITONE. TUBA That doublo Btago parts, not bits; also G ENERAL BUSINESS PEOPLE, tor my Rep. and One Nlgbter, that do specialties, Piano or Horn. Must Join quick. Managers in Ohio wanting Hand, Rep. or ono Nlghtcr with Band, all address to bo for warded. HARRY LA ROY, Fostoria, Ohio. AT LIBERTY MISS JOE BUND Heavies, Characters and Grand Sames. Prefer Per, Stock, or first class Repertoire. Address Port Ceeator, Wow York. ELLA WILSON RECOVERING. Fred Wilson, the veteran mlnatrel. write* us Hint bin daughter, nils, recently underwent a OniiKerotw but most successful operation at the liunds of the celebrated Dr. Max Ttiorek. of the Atttcrlcmi Iltmnltnl. In Chicago. MIm Wilson Is r.ow convalescing, and ex|iects to be out nnd about awiln. Dr. Thorek Is to he eonerntnlstcd. loin* moat stKccwfnl In this terrible case. Fred iabllle," "The Bride" and "Hart-Karri," Wllrnn baa Juit passu! his elghtyslxlh year, v. CoUpo*. The Nichols Rmlhera sk-ited In comedy and straight, and their various lomble* as well aa ■their clever balancing blgn kicking ami Oanelng stunts were well appreciated. HM. •• BUSINESS 80 new propositions. No competition. Make 950 profit on dollar orders. | Complete plans, 10 eta. Bill Ota!envTW»«h Hans frolttm afJaS 001 «*«•• Pianist tbst Slogs. Ono year's work at flRO). Pay own hotel. Three night stands. Tbls Is no medicine show. 0II1I8TIKBHOW, Kindred. N. Dak. Cornet riajerto double singe. 'Salary must be low; liuteurc. I pav Lll. FRED BARBEAC, Manager Barbeau Family Mnalral Comedy Co., Jan. 6,0,7, Opera. House, Whitehall, N.1Y ' ^ WAil Tllll*~uuBt read n ^Ic. WANTED- AT LIBERTY MABEL GULLEN VERSATILE LEADIN6 WOMAN Will consider 2d Bus. with Reputable Stock. REVERE HOUSE, CHICAGO, ILL. LIBERTY A. L. EATON FOR GEN. BUS. Ago 84; Height 6 ft 9; Weight 176. Address Care of PRICE A WJTLEE, BERWICK, PA., Jan. 1,2,3. AT LIBERTY NOW DAVID STANWOOD ANYTHING CAST FOR Age, 28; height, 6ft8ln.; weight, 140lbs. Cai Join on wire. Address until Jan. 8, Chathsa, Ontario; after that, St. Charles Hotel, Detroit, Mich. LEST TOO FORGET £«¥» flCSaB WE SAT Ii' VET VXaUSS LITER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, ea BTAOE MONEY, lie. Book of Herald Cuts, SSe, CROSS jfite&m CHICAGO AU 'ROUND MEDICINE PERFORMERS For my No. 2 Company, S. A D. Comedian, 8. A 0. Sonbrette. Novelty people. State all you do la first letter. Must Join on Tire. Lola OoRlm, write. Address DOC PANOBOBW, Bedford, Ohio. AGENT AT LIBERTY Experienced, sober and reliable. Can write goal press stuff, post, wild-cat, etc. Work for Interest of management at all times. Address FRANK SHORES, ClUTHotel, 1723 Sto ut Street, Uenver, Col. AT LIBERTY A! CHARACTER ACTOR Age, 40; height, 5 ft. 8. Sober and reliable. Yes, Mr. Manager, you can take a ctance with me. Ticket, yes. HOWARD TURNER. 119 So. Prior Street, Atlanta, Go. WAHTEDGIRLS FOR TABLOID IJH1Y MINSTRELS Sister Team or Two Single Olrls for B. F. 8. andD. Comedy for Ends; Four Attractive Girls ffho Slug Well and Dance; some wardrobe furnished; three night and week Btands. Wrlto lowest salary and tell all quick. Must be LADIES I PROF. LEONARD, Glens Falls, N, Y. TABLOID PLAYS Manuscripts and parts. Send for late catalogue. ROYAL MANUSCRIPT CO., 810 Lyric Theatre Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. _ WAMTCTI YOnNOAUrABOONBAOTOB! W All 1 liiJ- 0 ne wltu specialty preferred. Bert Arnold write again. DEAN & HORSE , _. _. Lillian Lyons Co., Sb.ep n.rd. Midi. TABLOID MUSICAL COMEDIES Dramas and Plays. Scripts on hand aJidyrit/ea lo order. Catalogue and listings riee. 'AOa. u. RCTHERF0RD, Author and Producer, souta Bend, Ind. . Al GENERAL MANAGER WANTED For a first cl«-s vaudevlUe and moving Picture. house, with years of experience and best o£ rcier- ence. _^_> «, • A. E3FOSITO, Palace Theatre, Morristowa, V. i JOHN AT tlBBBTa-. Leader. Oen. Bus. (no specialties). WlntJirop,».' • (Would like to hoar from old friends). CAPSULES, CATARRH and D1SCHARBES QtlbndlR 24 Hours Bach Cap-, aalo beam the hllDY inM«tmJM tiM » 4>4