The New York Clipper (January 1914)

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8 ».'•• v TTTTS^lSJbJW YORK CLIPPEB. JAmj&RY 10 REVIEWED NEXT WEEK. "YOUNG WISDOM"— OHteHou. "TUB LEGEND OF LEONORA"— Bmptrt. "THE YELLOW TICKET"—BlMftfle. "BLIZA COMBS TO 8TAY"—Gsrrto*. "A LITTLE WATER ON TUB BIDE" (William Collier)— JIudaon. "ONE THOUSAND YEARS AGO"— Shu- Vert "THE WHIRL OCT THE WORLD"—Wfn- fer Garden, "KITTY MACKPY"— Comedy. CONTINU ED ATTR ACTIONS. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. A STOR — "Seven Keys to Baldpate," six- teenth week. BFLA8CO—Frances Star, In "The Secret," third week. BOOTH—f'Prunello," eleventh week; fifth week at this house. OORT — La uret to Taylor, In "Peg o' My Heart," . Of ty-flfth week. CENTURY—Century Opera Co., seventeenth week. COHAN — "Potash & Perlmutter," twenty- drat week. HTH/TON — "The Misleading Lady," seventh week. FORTY-EIGHTH STREET—"To-day," four- teenth week. - FORTY-FOURTH aTHHBT — "The Girl on the Film," second week. ©AJETY—Elsie Ferguson, In "The Strange Woman," eighth week; third week at this house. GLOBE—Ann Swinburne In "Hie Madcap Duchess," ninth and last week. HARRIS—"Adeie,'' twentieth week; second week at this honse. UIPPODROME—"America," nineteenth week. KNICKERBOCKER—"The New aenrletta," third week. LIBERTY — "General John Regan," ninth week; first and last week at this house. LITTLE—"The Philanderer," second week. LONGACRB—"lole•' second week. LYCEUM — Billlc Burke. In "Tho Land of Promise," third week. LYRIC—"High Jinks," fifth and last week at this house. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE—Forbe»Rol>- ertson's farewell engagement, fifteenth week; first week at this hocse. MAXINB ELLIOTT'S—"We Are Seven," third week. • NEW AMSTERDAM —"The Little Cafe," ninth week. PHILIPP'8 —"Two Lots in the Bronx," seventh week. PLAYHOU8B—"The Things That Count," ..„.„, J&Sk w £* ; ,h,rd we « ** this house. PR1NCKS8—Five one act plays. THIRTY-NINTH STREET—"At Day," four- teenth week. WALLACK'S—Cyril Maude and London Hay- house Co.. tenth week. VAUDEVILLE] AND MOTION PICTURES. Lodw's Avanex B, Loew's Grand Stbeet, loxw's Deiascbx Street, Plisa, Focb- txsnth Stueet, Losw's Lincoln Squam, JxrriBSON, Kbbkey'b Tninn Avenue, City, Cbotoka, HcKlNMY Bqiuur, Nbw Yobk, Lorw's Seventh Avenue, Audition, Biortt- SIXTH SriiKBT, LOBW'R NATIONAL, NEMO, Rbobnt, Riveisioe, Loaw's Grerlbx Squash, LORW'S OBPHEUM AMD WabHIXOTON. MOTION PICTURES ONLY. Cntcia, Unique, Savot, Hsjuld Squasi, Bboadway, Wrnr.E's, Stab, Mockt Monuis, North Stab, Yohk villb ahd Faauxt. THE HARRY LAUDER SHOW. Casino (W. IV Rowland. nifiT.)—-Harry Lauder began, Monday afternoon, Jan. 5, his sixth annual American tour of ten weeks, under William Morris' management. His en- gagement Is for this week only, and daily matlnrcB will be given. His American tour will terminate In Fan Francisco, from which point be will sail for Australia. The company Includes: Alfred Latell and Elsie Vokes Is a well known act here, and they aro funmakers. Mr. Latell, as a bull- dog, furnished several hearty laughs. Sebastian and Allen, the tango dancers, are exponents of the present dancing erase. Jack Ark. In a unlquo dlabolo exhibition, got over nicely. lie manages to make a vaudeville act out of a game played by the children of France. He also does several stunts with the spools. Mr. Ark is a Spaniard, very tall, and he works rapidly. About ten minutes, full stage. Ethel Bownle, a contralto, came from Lon- don, but proved to be a dlnnppolntment. Another English importation was Mona Ctarrlck. She gave a series of dramatic Im- personations that fell very ni scenes from melodramas sbce been forgotten by elderly playgoers, Irene Berescny, billed as a Hungarian Gypsy Clmballist, proved to be 1 an excellent cr.istclaD. B. Yoska played the violin In a costume that was a combination of Romeo and a Hungarian officer. Roth lack per- sonality. 'Brno Rupee, a pianist, gave evi- dence of talent, bat the act cannot bo classed ss an act suitable for vaudeville. It Ih really a waste of words to say that Harry Lauder was a success, *nd the ap- plause bestowed upon aim at the conclusion of his act (which lasted more than an boar) was generous and sincere. His songs this season are In many respects toe best he has had In several seasons. One of them In par- ticular la a "hummer." It Is called 'It's Nice to Get Up In the Morning. But Nicer to Ue In Bed," and to hear the great comedian stag It was a positive delight Another eoog cure to achieve popularity with the public Is "A Wee Deoch and Doris." Between the verses of each song Louder delivers lines that sparkle with real humor. Ho wns compelled. of course, to repent many of his former song successes. Not Is Lander a great artist, he Is also a wonder at make-up. Only his voice betrays him. Ho carries a drop for every song. Lauder like Christmas, cornea but once a year, and la Jim as welcome. He stands alone as a comedian. Do not ecIbs him. for is the Bard of Avon said of Marc Antony: "We may never look upon his .'ike again." Next week, "High Jinks" moves here from the Lyric. Jtstoey. s THE m&SXr YORK CITY THEATRES PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE. PROCTOR'S 125th STREET. (oua liecoHB, nan.) As good a show as can be found in town Is being shown here tils week. There is a variety of everything from circa* to grand opera and back to the tango. Several new acts aro giving their Initial performance, and combined with tlio regular acta a, very even program was shown. Llane Carrera. Anna Ueld's daughter, as- sisted by Bobby Watson, was one of the features, end maintained her position, in a meritorious manner. Miss Carrera Is a pocket edition of her mother. Mr. Watson Is a clever dancer, and offered several steps that brought him several encores. Foster 'Ball and Ford West, in their capa- ble offering, "The Days of fll," duplicated the success that has attended tliclr effort at each house In which they have appeared. The "Queen of Songs," Belle Baker, was llttlo BJort of a riot. She simply couldn't , Set away from her audience, and only after Mcllravy, the special officer of the house, a ic had mado her customary speech would good New Year, sort of off-band Uke, we they let the following act on. She rendered COLONIAL, (WM. A. MATTHSWB, MOB.) i Blew into this new home of Billy Matthews' New Year's Eve because—well, last because we happened to bo In the ne*gh- borbood of Lexington Avcnne and One Hun- dred and Twenty-fifth Street, after saying hello to Frank Corbett and the "nut," Harry Delson, up at the College Inn. Was greeted at the door anon banding over the stubs, by R. W. Chambers—(othei- wlee R. W. might not have "greeted" unless we held snld stabs, purchased at tbo window of Jean Engel)—and passing along in the escort of Mr. F. F.'a genial superintendent, Joseph Walsh, wo found Harlem's little manager Happy New Yearing every soul that locked bis way, while Eme Day, bis head other, smiled over it aU from her throne behind the exchange desk. "PJ*g • iii.:/iMU TAbBJB, MOB.) Thd si Wot'falling off of Ira sines here, prior to The holiday season just past was offset by" the crowds that visited the theatre during the una! week of 1913, and capacity audiences was the rule. „ • - At the mattneo of Monday, Dec. 29, second balcony seats-only were being sold as early as two o'clock, and nearly the same condi- tions prevailed at the Monday matinee, Jan. 5. A foreign importation In the person of Nell Kenyon, In a series of Scotch chn meter studies, accompanied by a fine vocal nblilty, has been selected to head this week's bill. TMi was Mr. Kenyon's first appearance In America, and the cordiality which a foreign artist is sure to receive from an American audience was manifested when Mr. Keu.von made bis first bow. (See New Acts, this .-.-* Cultured P«arl-rorti,ja r »_ii,2'*" ***»«. VeraSjCsm Co, fMilten l^gjjjft. ron; After inhaling some of the atmosphere of itsue.) tho "Mgr*s" office, and bidding James Joseph Howcro. the popular composer and Proctor's Twenty-third Street—™ G. Allen, who,was mannglng this house t V. F. Proctor died Monday evening J«„ V fi,.^? Polyclinic .Hospital Fiftieth a trie* :1S. ■r four songs ss only she can, featuring "Why Do You Hang Around" and "Get Out ana Get Under." Marie and Billy Hart. In their novel vaude- ville skit, entitled "The Circus Girl," showed their versatility in performing many capable feats. Mr. Hnrt Is generally referred to as the originator of circus spielers on the vaudeville stage. He gets over a swell line of talk and g)v?» a perfect Imita- tion of e aide show barber. Marie again showed what an excellent singer she Is by putting over that delightful sons;, "Isle D'Amour," to several encores. Her per- formance on the wire was also a capable bit of work, and brought her In several en- cores. The second sight reading; was also a hnmorous bit of work, and was successful through tho witty lines by Mr. Hart. Alto- gether the act wns one of the features of the excellent program, and took six encores at its conclusion. Clifford snd Douglas, with a staging and dancing specialty, cleaned up In number Sour- position. Clifford will be remembered as one of the team of Clifford and Bnrke, and as soon as be made his appearance wns given a found a couple of vacant mnboganyB Jast In rlmo to catch Edith Ward, a blonde sinking comedienne, doing very hilariously with uer material. Edith Is boosting "If You Can't Make a Htt at a Ball Game You Can't Make a Hit With Me." (I hit .3(0 last season, Edith.) fihe sang It twice. The Montecavalo Duo of singers and mu- sicians followed into strong favor, and La Veme and Alien came next with a sidewalk conversation act (See New Acts for both.) Then the Yedder-Morgaa company of a man and a woman presented a dramatic sketch in a fair way. He, as a rich factory bead, cosies home from an auto spin on this stormy sight, under the Impression that he bunked someone and got away unnoticed. But a alio of a tough girl makes an entrance into his home while bis conscience Is bofwr- iag Mb. and tells him he can't cortr the vocalist, finely n'ded In a repertoire of catchy eonge by his charming partner, Mabel Mc- Allen had been In charge of this house aS Cnne, deserve to be mentioned as one of the > -ks, bavli ram's very brightest and entertaining program's very brightest and entertaining managerial capacity at Proctor's One Mn , feeiures. As a singing duo they are very drcd and Twenty-fifth Street Theatre h..»h fj&^Nll for the flrst half of this »£* ,. •The Seven Mischief "Makerl"". t n AioTrt E i l3 BEU. --Jpfes 8-S3 € « glance at the window curtain. If be would give in to tbe wage strike of the factory hands sbe would keep mum, she Informed him. He refused at arst, of course, but finally melted, gave hei ■ i * ■*| n * d ««reement to call the strike off. good hand. He gave his eccentric dance and %*\ *£?■ .f°. nnd . ne Dad Deen framed, and several songs that was capably wen done, i"**.*"! '7 lcUm * a * &* 1 h ad thrown in Miss Douglas lent him goof assistance. front of his machine and dragged to his The Great Rlngllng, introducing feat.i of HH* w " * o 0 -"""*. »nd she was gone and strength, made food in the opening poet- rtUi clutching his signed paper. The Idea tlon. 'He does some really wonderful work. ot , the sketch Is not new, but a few lines nearly In a class by themselves. Jesse L. Lasky gave the patrons here their first opportunity to witness his latest con- tribution to the •vaudeville stage with a »u- «.•»"«. urain aiaca. Beiaa l slcal fantasy hi black and whiv and en- ""nnany. In a dramatic sketch • the ^i titled "Clownlard." It Is In one act, with g"H e . s - Br,ce ***& Brazec, Bert Lcnnon_ »'v, Ceballoe snd Ditmond. and Victor Stone Boudms, and the photoplays. ^^ "* featured, and an array of singers, dancers "octor's Fifty-eighth Street /j n »i« and comedians in Its exposition. (See New !»<*. mgr.)—Vaudeville and motionloicinrS? Acts this issue.) Snidlng John Buck has a good bilT on tS. Another act on this week's bin making its th « *"* .naif of this week, Including • Hine? initial appeal to the Colonial patrons, Is tbe au « Remington. James R. Corrigan and eTn Elsie Jants Trio. In an act entitled 'Three pany. Edgardo and Eart, Harold Yates. hE In One." The act is now programmed as Val nr '°. Brothers, the Three Newmans, and «£ Harrla, Rita Boland and Lou Holts. They *■""" black and white photoplaysT" Imrmonlxe very agreeably in songs, some of , Pd w ? e "°* am e (fid. E. Pidwon . which are in dialect. Miss Roland made mgT.)-—Monday evening. Jan. 5, was arpil "murder,'* and she flashed his limousine's changes for her character songs, and tbe two f" la night with the debut of Lydla Locou lumber from beneath her shawl and gave him boys, by their neat appearance and good sing- fowa, the famous dancer, and premierehci. a jrUnra ot tho "victim's" body behind the lng voices, helped to bring success to a nice *F? ,ut a»*°l«1a of the Imperial Russian Si .1 3h— E- -_ .L. Ittln. -n» Thai. £-■*— ——a ■■ lilln ' Ktm * CC '^ft h. IS- ^SM SB ■ llT little act. Their dances were strictiy np-to- let Assisted by Edmund Maknllf and « date. symphony orcJiestra of selected soloists. HE Fisher and Green, in James Horan's stlt, Lapoukowa is presenting for the first times "The Partners," kept tie audience In con- in America, a repertolr of solo Dances it tinuons laughter In their astmmjitloa of the <SaIon, that transcend la beauty and era-e diameters of two Hebrew merchants. They of execution, anything this remarkable yotmsr woman ever has shown to the public Slio tvhs preparing to return to her native land have tbe enterprise to stage the piece proper- ly, and this alone would bring success to a less deserving act. Claude Golden, billed as the Australian card expert, succeeded In mystifying every- anil the audience rewarded him with Blentv * ]| otted (ne young woman of the act got one with a aeries of card tricks, cleverly in Of aDDlaUSO fOP hiS mlMVAHt. Atpp In Annl.nA i-TYvnnAaj. anff Mn4l-wf« Ant nt *h& n^l n ,.r Conway and Lclarnl, tho one-legged men, did some excellent work In the acrobatic line. One of the men also did good work on the bicycle. Ih the eloslns; position they hold the audience seated until the conclusion of their worthy performance. B. A. Bolfe's latest -musical fantasy, "The Porch Party;" Lee Barth. In a monologue: Mme. Marys "Greatest Show on Earth,' 1 and Mr. and Oktrs. Pasquate Mario, In a high class singing specialty - performances. (See Ni • over to applause. Georgia Mack, the nattily dressed wee comedian, came next with some real smart monologue shots and a few songs sang in his good tenor voice, and finishing it all with a minute ot dancing a la Georgle Cohan. "And Then" (still boosting It, and no check In sight), well who d'ye suppose 7 No other than those old favorites, Hinea and Remington. No need of going hrto detail as to what they're slipping over. It's all fanny. Ity, all presented new Md they mopped op all t^e applaoseia alght. »".ln New Acts.) Jaok. . Tbe «tsge Door Johnnies,' four of "em, entire bill. Canine Intelligence has frecrnent — ' •"•*•»■ la Inn own nil. MM thunrin. ««• krfn.. lv ' trodueed and entirely oat of the ordinary with acts ot this kind. The Three Mori Bros, did their tight wire stunts as a starter, finishing with the barrel kicking, which was well nigh perfect They introduced a little comedy with the barrel which got the laughs in plenty. I'd. Vinton, placed In a very late position on tbe bill. Introduced Mb talented dog. "Buster," to the matinee audience, ft. and those who waited to se» this intelligent ca- rina wltnescd enc of tte best things of Hie HAMMERSIEIR'5. (WM. HaVMEBSTUB, MOX.) The bill at this house on ~ titer- la fall dress suits sang themselves "on" before • "stage door" drop. In two, and were poon followed by the one girlie in the act for a few songs and some talk before going to a full stage roof garden set, wlwa black fare comedian made fan la a waiter role, and he —jgs a ence stayed for moat of the sEow on Monday afternoon. The bill Is aiade op of several acts new to Broadway. Ralpfi BayhL Mellen and company, John, C Bice and Sally Cohen, in "Mary and John-," Qui no and Qulnn, and Wanda, a seal (Bee Nsw Acts next week.) Tbe rest ot tba Mil is composed -of Harry Breea, who made good with his old time staff of making up a song about people in tbe audience J, Butler Havlland and Alice Thornton did nicely in their travesty about a yemng fellow end Ms girl at a show. George W. Cooper and William Rohlmwi. colored comedians, with their neat singing and dancing torn, "The Melody Mao," sot a pood hand. Madden and Fitspatrkk, in "The "Wan- derer," were well received. Herman Timbers danced and played his violin into popular favor. Temp ly been spoken of In these columns, but the work of this dog Is the nearest approach to human Intelligence the stage has ever seen In this country. The Four Harreys, In their graceful act upon the tight wire, closed the show In fine fashion. Their program position was a diffi- cult one in which to -make good, bnt the skill and showmess of their act brought them a bit. and most of the big audience waited for Old Timer. PALACE. Three Newmans, cyclists (New Acts.) Geldman, a shadowgraph entertainer. finish. l'aul Seldom's "Poems In Marble" were ex- flat. She gavo ccllently posed by two men and a woman, that havo long Mae Melville and Robert Htgglns got ly plavgocrs. foe hand for their singing and talking tsetc Florence «on at the piano dance, was one « Charley Case, the fellow who talks about his father, cut hla well known monologue a bit, but did well with tho part rendered. ~»- ^ - — ttt . - i-t. j Trovato played his vlollo to a succestfOl S?,?? 1 tt * '*"* ta good ' tyU (eoe NMr ilsh Acts). Hamilton and Walters, a man and woman singing and talking combination, were No. 2. Neither appeared r 'at home" up there, with lit deliveries, a sentimental talking song num- ber, and closing with a very amateurish dan- cing bit of tango type. The Three Boyds are early handicapped by a poor opening number, bnt the dark girl Btarted things right with a wooden shoe specialty, accompanied by the other girl on tbe piano. Tbe latter could cut the follow- ing German dialect recitation. The succeed- ing song by tbe man. "This Little Bunch of Shamrocks I Am Holding Id My Hand," was wen sang In good tenor voice, joined far trio by girls, offstage. The bagpipe and burlesque opera specialties make the act grow gradually quartette dance very neatly during It nil, too. and she sang "I'm a Bright Star on Old the One flnWh Broadway," and was swung In a chair by two of tbe "choristers' delljht,'' previous to an five finishing with a neat dance bit Then a solo by the strl for "Good-Bye Rose,' Joined by the auartette for harmonizing the chorus, and allowing her time to hit high C in good form. "Lady Champaign" was the final number, men singing and tbo girl sup- posedly coming from the top of an illu- minated wine glass. The songs are good and sung weO, but more action would Improve Its entirety. May Sheldon and the two Kemp Sisters «r» fully reviewed under New Acta, tole and Warner, German comedians with ancient material, and the Morello Brothers _.,,.. completed the list for the first half of the V!-'~ ?-. ^ week. *«y evening counts for anything the variety The best on the Incoming bill on New SJJF* 11 ! TSiSft.'S" ,or •p."* *»»• ?ft voting_a Husband," In a condensed form. In made a (vmUTK THOWSOW, MOB.) 8. R. 0. has been the rule here for tie Pact few weeks At the Monday night per- formance, this week, every available seat was occupied long before the rise of the curtain. The much heralded Initial performance in this country of Boshauara. an Bnglfoa woman, attracted considerable attention. The young woman Is clever and offers four well arranged dances, (tiee New Acts nest week.) when Impresario William Morris" t her to remain, through a flattering con- tract. -Mile. Lopoukowa acceptca, condition- ally, agreeing to appear for a limited period only, at the Jardln de Danse, wiere she will continue to dance three times nightly Lo ^ 1 T^f 8 f T . e ^ <b - ATen,le (Jakeinbin, mgr.)—The bill for Jan. 6-7 Includes: Ed Marshall, Archer and Belford, Nana and company, Holmes and Holllster, Crelrhton Bros, and Belmont, Oxford Trio. Criterion (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— Mabel and Edith Taliaferro made their first metropolitan appearance in Young WUixm, Monday evening, Jon. 6. A full review of tho performance will be given next week. Comedy (Sam 8.-4 Lee Shubert, Inc- mgxs.)—"The Olarrlage Game" closed its en- gagement here Saturday night, Jan. 3. Wm. Elliott's production of "Kitty MacKay" will have Its first New York presentation at this theatre Wednesday evening, 7. In the east are. Mnrgnret Nybloe, Eugene O'Brien, Henrv Stephenson, Ernest Stallard, Carrie Lee Stoyle, Carl. Lyle, Stapleton Kent, Kite Wirigfleld, Eleanor Scott L*Estelle, Clar- ence Laurence, Roland Rushton and John Thompson. Lyrio (Sam 8. & Lee Shubert, Inc, mga.) —"High JinkV wlU more from this house into the Ooslno, Monday. Jan. 12. Gay Bates Poet will open en engagement at this house. In "Omar, the Tentmaker," on Tses- dsy evening, 13. M a nh attan Opera Howe (Freak 0. Miller, mgr.)—Forbes-Robertson moved lato this theatre Monday, Jan. 5. and began the isst three weeks of his farewell engagement en that date. The bDl this week: "H-'m'ej" Monday evening. "The Light That Fallal" Tuesday evening; "Hamlet" Wednesday cum- ins: "The_Merchant of Venice" Thursday Louis Mann is takine a filer lato vaudo- ISJ^S- " Ha mlet" Friday, aetors' mntlnee; ^•?MtbonecS,fnac^ed a hV% d n: '.^T»SSf «J Jfr^ $2ff.*£.«* arty-five .. moment In ad that time. (See New Acts next week.) „Duffy and Lorenx, with a skit called "Springtime," In which they offer several clever songs and witty patter, were a big fea- ture. Their specialty is high class In every sense of the word, and went over bit The Sacrament of Judas" Friday evening; "1*0 Merchant of Venice" Sarordiy matinee, and "The Light That Failed" Saturday nlcjht Grand Opera House (Geo. A Kings- bury, mgr.)—Rose Stahl Is here in Chanes Klein's ^"Maggie Pepper," for farewell ap- pearances the current week. Miss Stahl Is supported by an excellent company. Prim- rose A Dockstader'9 Minstrels wfK be the at- traction at this popular priced bouse next week Academy of Mamie (Samuel F. King- tetch. . going hrrd uutP he recited a poem, entitled That G>>y From Texas." Bertie Beaasaont and Jack Arnold were Toandly applanded for their dancing and singing, presenting "A Bit of Musical Com- Wllry Zimmerman Introduced his imper- sonations of well known men, and made his biggest bit with an Impersonation of Oscar Hammerateln, Tie Cabaret Trio, cabaret entertainers, '°Hovins*p& l Kre« of Hut famous painting, ;!r o 55*!i„'i23jSf .^"S^kS^^LS?" 4 "*? (analOsa." did not Interest the ewwd^ f" •" J2?5Sf p 2 r l '"i"" 1 J ^g*. ft'Ml * v * bit of re-arrangement and that wooden shoe nse or rne worn, ana went over big. . —,»~«.™, w» ™-"^ vw",™ *\"'?*: Le Roy, Talma and Bosco, the inimitable ? ton 6JP*T;, ) -5 ne Academy Stock Co., heeded magicians, mystified as they recently did at b - v *™ c Uh». Knowles and Theodore Frlebas, a downtown boose, "Mona Uxa," did sot Interest the crowd. Revolving Collins did his roller skating stunt* to a small audience. "Tbe Lore of Paris," pictures, closed tbe show. Doe. mm squib. (Asxmni xtMioi, mqx.) Business continues light, at this honse. The following acts are to bo seen thera this week: dance helped In appearance by a shorter skirt, and tbe Three Boyds make as entertain- ing a musical offering as one would caro to watch and hear. Mardo and Hunter's burlesque sketch. "The Crary Recruit," is a laugh from slott to finish. Mardo. as a hair-lipped private, etd hla war maneuvers. Is as funny as Dan Sber- was In that "burlesque battle" of the past, whfle MIbs Hunter looks charming enough to break up any war, or start one. Florette, the physical culture girl, opened %??>?' ™J£f" "? STi^.Vf, .^ .i J?„ e * o show. She^ a contortionist ofraro *lth her appearance, personality and slng»n& Winter Garden (Winter Garden Co., mars.)—The new Winter Garden show, "Tho Whirl of tho World," 'a two acts and twelve scenes, will open here Saturday night. Jan. 10. under the direct management of the Winter Garden Company. A speclnt feature wilt be the Bret American appearance of Lydla Kynsht. tho famous Russtan rttvncer, who comes direct from the Bmplic Thrntro, in London. The rest of the companv will In- clude: Lillian Lorraine, Ralph Hers, Bernard Granville, Rosilka Dolly, Willie and Eu- gene Howard. Walter C. Kelly. May Boley, Lawrence and Robert Ward, Audrey Maple, Juliette Maple, Laurence Grant, Tnxle Ray- mond, Lewis J. Cony, Harry Dclf End Tal- bot. Ned Hnnlon, Maurice Klngsbnry, TjCBtcr Shearn and Felix Fatte. The piece baa been staged by William J. Wilson. Metropolitan Opera Honse.—Bills week ending Jan. :i : Rosrstdroller, Monday, Dec. 2I>; Ara»«* 31. La Traviata Jan. 1, J.Mworc •lei Trt He, by Italo Montemeail. 2 (first time in America), the work |s In three acts, aud the hook Is by Hem Benelll. I.a Oiaconda 8 (matinee), lladama flnfrrrrv 8 (night). Olympic (Dave Kraus, mgr.)— Tango Girl* tills week Stars of Burlesque next. Columbia (J. Herbert Mack mgr.)— ira»ttnga> Big Show tills week. Ginger Girls next tho show. She Is a contortionist of rare ability, and does a complete dislocation of the neck. • Lawrence Bemtm. cartoonist of The Even- ing Sun, drew chalk pictures of well known baBeballjplayers. Geo. w. Day and company, In his comedy sketch, entitled "In Dutch," was the lang.-i- log hit of the bill Enrico Elrlno, a baritone singer, with a powerful voice, got a good hand. His high notes were good, much better than the low ones. Paul Armstrong's one act drama, "To Save One Girl." was the Mg hit of the show. The political framo-up, setting and so forth, reminds one somewhat of "The Woman.** Tom Waters, hi Ms original comedy piano- logae, did nicely, receiving several bows. WIS. Gene Hnghes and company'. In Edgar Allen Wooirs comedy playlet, "South." was interesting. James Humey and AL Leo, In "The New Chauffeur." offer a singing and talking tarn, replete with ancient jokes. The Hamas Trio closed tho show with an acrobatic balancing turn. Don, m h i Globe (Charles DUItngUam, mgr.)—Ann Swinburne, in "The Madcap Dncbess.'* will conclude a nine weeks' run here on Harurdav night, Jan. 10, and on Monday evening. 12, a new musical farce, "Queen of the Movies," Hudson and Betts and under our New A-ts The turns of Pt Belts will be foi column. The Davenport. Renard company of three men and a woman. Including an Irish and a Dutch comedian, aroused tho biggest kind of fun with a comedy travesty entitled "On ths Trail." The scene is Western. The fcaalo slieriff hires the visiting German and Irish- man to hunt Indians, and the succeeding bor- leeqne business warrants good laughs, espe- cially tbe comedy boxing bout between the "opposition nations," recruited Indian hunt- tern. Merely built for fun, and It succeeds. The Two Altus Brothers, dab juggler;, closed tho ahow with their clever and rnpld- lire pausing of the bottle-shaped things. Tbe rest of Manager Matthews' house staff includes: Milton Bcnaos. assistant doorman : Thomas Woods, gallery doorman; assistant oncers, Fred Sherman. Fred Heck, Frank Jesse. Gcorgo Lynch, Joseph Rose, Rockto Dekiutno ana Augnst Gheezlo: ushers: Misses Manning. Cnrberry, Condon, Fitzgerald and Dicta. Michael MoDermott la stage maaa- Iter: Dave Gray, assistant stage manager: Ah Armstrong, property man, and Fred Heock, stage doorman. Tod. s. nation (Henry B. Harris* Estate, mgrs.) —William Collier opened here Tuesdav night, Jan. 6. In a new farce by Grant Stewart, • H' " H11HIM1I mil,, ^IHTll V.i UiC AWTRT, —OH. *,, Ul k mT*f MIW VJ UI.UL U,i:i,Dll will receive Ub local premier presentation at called "A Llttlo Water on the Side." Assist this theatre. Liberty (Klaw 4 Krlaacer, mgrs.) — "General John Regan" moved into this bouse from tbe Hudson Theatre Monday, Jan. 5, tor a single week's engagement On Tuesday evening, .inn. 13. "Snrl," the 'Hungarian operetta, will begin on engagement &«•>. lng Mr. Collier In this new piece ate: Grant Stewart, the Collier family aad Jessie Glen- denning. Empire (Charles Frohmnn. mgr.)—Maude Adams appeared Monday evening. Jan. S, In The Legend o] Leonora. "Hie performance will be reviewed Id our next issue. Jack Norworth, with the assistance of Harry de Costa nt the piano, gave his Inter- esting performance to much success. Joseph Cole and Gertrude Denahy, in a series of dances, coaslstlnr of the tango, Texas Tommy and turkey trot, proved ca- pable artists. Freeman and Dunham, In their clever sing- ing skit, cleaned up In number two position. Both boys have fine singing voices. They feature ^Don't Ton Wish You Were Back Home Again" as a closing number, and took several bows with It. The Three Stewart Sisters and Escorts. In the opening position, sang, danced and posed with much success. Will .Rogers gave his entertaining exhlbt- tionwlth the rope, and makes it do almost werythlng hut talk. The audience took kindly to him and gave him a big hand. Bathe's Weekly dosedT Vac*. s People's (Frank Abbott, mgr,)— OirU ot the day White Way this week. Lore Maker* next Garden (E. A Hamilton, mgr.)—Tie new slock company closed Wednesday night Dec. 81. Garrlek (Chas. Frohman, mgr.) —The London Criterion Theatre company, lately brought to this country by Charles Froh- man, will bo ITen for the first time at this theatre Wednesday night, Jan. 7, witii Eva Mooro and H. V. Esmond In tho chief parts of a farce comedy, written by Mr. Esmond, and entitled "Eliza. Comes to Stay." Among the members besides Eva Moore and Mr. Es- mond, are Fred Grove, Harry AShford, Es- teUe Despa and Marlon Courtnay. Eltlnsre (A H. Woods, mgr.)—"The Yel- low Ticket" was produced here Tuesday evening, Jan. C, with a cast Including John Uarrymore, Florence Reed, Emmett Corri- gan. Julian L'Estrange, Arthur Forrest, Elaine lnescort, David Torrcnce, Macy Hor- lan and others. Casino (8am 8. & Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.)—Following Harry Lauder's current week's engagement at this theatre, "High Jinks" will move into tills honse from the Lyric, Jan. IS. Snnbert (Sam 8. ft Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.)—"A Thousand Years Ago" was pro- duced here Tuesday evening. Jan. 6, with a r.-ut Including: Heorv B. Dixey, Frederick Wnrde, Rita JoUvct, Fanlu Marlnoff. Jeromo Pn trick, Frank MoCormack, Edmund Both, Sheldon Lewis Bennett Kllpack, Albert How- son and Joseph C. Smith. Century Opera Honse Alfred Byrne's ringllsh version of Charpcntler's Louise was rendered by the Century Opera Co. Tuesday night, Dec. JO. It was continued for the second week.beglnnlng Tuesday, Jan. 0. Murray iltll (Fred Wuldmann, mgr.)— Behman Bhouy this week, Girls from atxr- 1 and next. are presenting 4, What Happened to Mary* 1 this week." On Monday and Tuesday nights country store is held as feature attractions. FOR SALE-WORDS aad MTSIC-Swcet Bsrllng One. I'm Kot Thinking of You. Pretty Ruth, My Quaker Girl. When a Man's In love. Won't You Be My Girlie? Then I'll be Dressed m Blue. Oould I Forget? In the Twilight. When You Leave Me, Honey. Day Dreams. IWlUIovs You Till tbe Moon Begins to Pale. I Really Cant Help Loving You. Woman's Got ths Tote. Sweet- heart's Walts. Every Lock's a Million Worth. Then 111 Lore You. My Mother Is to Me. Always Love Your Mother When You Can. When Are You ComlngBack toMeJ When You Used to Call Ms Dear. The Old with the Swany Motion. I Want an American Girl. Tho Old Named Mavosreen. Dear "eart, I Love but Thee. Just Wears Diamond. Are Ton Coming Home Today? TwasAUSoCool. Where Is My Mamma? flee, I Wish I Had a Beau. Gee, I Wish I Was Wed. When Lovo Comes. Robin, YouTelL My Only Onlleat Girl. Brown-eyed Bessie. I Want What INeed. My Caattle In tbe Air. My Moving Picture OlrL Up in Au Areoplano. P/lvaa Elf. Therels Nona Like MabeL Woman's Love. The Story the Pine Trees Tell. Yon Great Big Kissing Bug. That Old Beau of Mine. Love at First Sight Don't Last Long, Cupid's Sentence. Flay Me That Hallelujah Bag. Just a Yard of Ragtime. Happy Childhood Days. That MubIo Minster Man. Poor Married Man. You and I. When tho Nightingale Is Calling Sweetheart Nell. Jast » Kiss, LlWo Miss, from Yon, You Can Just CaU Moliabv. Ob, Why Do tho Rosea Have Thorns? Bldea Wee and DlnnaFret. The Garden of Memory. You'll Need My Help Before IG et Back Ilome, Darl- ing. Why Not You and I? Tho Man la tbe Moon. Let Mo Be Your Papa. Cupid's Arithmetic for the Lovellght In Thoso Irish Eyes of Blue. Motley. My Irish Rose. Why Did You Break My Bcnn? I'm Lonely and I'm Coming Back. Soon Another Shall Claim My Hand. I'd Love to Have a little, Girl like You. Banco Me to That Tango Tune. Which Shall It Bo? Down By tho Silvery Way. Justto8co My Dear Old Mother. ThoFaceof My Sweetheart Looma Up Beforo My Eves. The Snake Doctor's March. Back to the Old Rose Tuna. Yoa'ro the Only Girl I Love. Morning Star SaVi Come Wld Mo My Honey. O Your Dsyls Over. Mr. Turkey Trot. Just Across tho Lino fromwar Old Buffalo. I Can't Keep FromSUpptnjt'When I near that Banjo Tiny. When a Man's Mrfnea ThifB Bow I Loto You. The Sassy LltUe Laaey. When the BunlBSettlnitlntbo Golden West, la tbo Adirondack Mountains of New York. KiJfM" Honey. Kiss Tonr Baby Child. Ho Baa Dane Something When Others Cant. My Home So Far Away. Say, Bovb, I'm Divorced. For Thee ana Thee Only. Ho Doesn't, Go to See Her Any More. The Boy Who Went to Roam. Tls Bvenlng I Long for You Mostly. The BeaauTal FlowerOsUefl Love. In Sunny Southern Sunshine. BloeMJ. Tho B'Mjb to Blame. I Got It When »he Honey- moon Shines on You. A Trip to Mars. My "J- sertedSweetheart. WhyBldYonGoAwavl> That. Day In the Long Ago. MAr¥PaCBnPTi««»" CO., 5T West «8th Bt~, New TT artt City. In onsifcrlnp odt. please me»«oi» Currss. it f ,i:\i