The New York Clipper (January 1914)

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January 17 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES John C. Rice and Sally Cohen, In "Pdiiry and John." Hammehstbin's, IUtinei, Jan. 5. la tills earned; sketch of domestic life, by Herbert Ball YVloslow and Mary Norman, this talented couple have added another suc- cess to their record. In "Mary and John," that much discussed subject «J who takes iigh'tB in lho~hotel'several tones. ThUto Ruther- tje longest to dress for an outing, Is por- ford seems a bad omen, an 1 be la snon in a very George Mask and Company. Union Sou^ns, Matinee, Jan, 12, A remarkably mimic dramatic iketeh, and one that hits right straight from the Hhotildor. la "The Beckoning," offered by George Nnh and com- pany. "The Reckoning" It Is, and after seeing It yoa feel as though you had been In the steam room «t a Turkish bath, with tbo heads of perspera- ■tlcra en your brow when the curtain Is rung down. It tells the story of a man about town, John Rutherford, who has discarded a girl he baa wronged, and Intends to marry a wealthy girl. Bis lawyer has bargained with the wronged girl to leave the ot-untr.i and take her child, for which she Is to receive J60.000. The curtain rlaes on a scene showing a private room In a hotel, with a table set for six. Ruther- ford Is to give a bachelor dinner the night before his wedding. A waller la busying himself when Rutherford arrives. He talks of bla approaching wedding, and of the gay tiroes he has had In that room, when a heavy storm breaks and puts ont the CABLE NEWS next week's bills. ""■*■■■'' " ■*" II- 11. O. TIME. lievreS—VUPnEaSi Adeline Ion,. I From Our Own Correspondent, Henry George Hi Dbert. LONDON. JAN. IS. "The Poor Little Rich Olrl" was a fallore at the New Theatre, ond was withdrawn. Stanley declares that ho will not abandon the Opera House or share control. He Is con- ndent of success when be can find the right show, and will contentedly wait. George Bastow, tbo vaudeville favorite, ■link of enosmnptlon, . Hearst's paper. The Lotion Btiiett, largely theatrical, erased publication. Mark Melford, dramatist, sketch writer and actor. Is dead. Barrle's play, "The Will," Is featured on lbs Palace program. trayed In a comedy vein, and la acted as these two clever people can act The hus- band resorts to trickery to win out, but, of coarse, loses. The action of the sketch Is laid In a bedroom, full stage. It runs nervous state. The waiter leaves, and the lawyer arrives to notify Rutherford that be has arranged everything with "the girl," who has settled for foe " Edna Luby and Company;. Craclal Moment." la "The - Brtmia be declines, remarking that ha is particular who twenty minutes, and la good every Minute h8 M-g "jy; JjJ the lawyer leave, a crush of of the time. Doe. thunder Is beard and the lights go out ■ ■ Rutherford In the meantime has hecn flirting Wanda. w,th «bs wine and when the lights go op a „ —V-TiST v.» K Tufc » Is disclosed Which claims to be Rutherford's HAMMBBBTMN'a. JAN. 5. «,ul. The "soul" denonnces the teal Rutherford, A wonderfully trained seal, who Is a telling him what a scoundrel be Is to rain a toe amount mentioned for the child's site only. ._ _„ , „„ .r__—~ mm Rutherford asks him to stay for thenirty. Irak PacoiOFl'i Oits^nwDiaa^AOT TwatrtTrrrra "The OraeUl Moment'' Is one of those dramatlo •ketches that gets Its audience all excited with v. n. O. TIME. Jan. 11MM. ATLANTA. GA.—FORSYTHK: Four Rardi— Waller Vau llron:—lievlno A Williams—Owen Mcillvney — Wlllanl'a Temple of Music— Georgette. BOSTON, MASS —KR1T1TS I TTomer Miles A Co. —Hay Osaaa llaKfli lifer A (V.—llnrnham A Irwin -Von k Selieuck—Hunting A Fran- cis—"The Darling of Pans." BALTIMORE—MARYLAND; nsrrls, Rolind ft Holts—Chief Cspanllcan—Nanee O'Nell * 0».—Dare Bros.—lorralne A Dadkt.v—.Morlos A tllass—Florence Tempeit A Oo.—Tolant—• 8am A Kitty Morion—"Woman Proposes." BROOKLYN — ORPHKBM: Firber fllrle— "Trolned Nnrses"—Atcrrlll A Otto—"Myrtlo Clayton"—Llbonatl—Ernie A Brnlc—Royuo's Dogs—Will Refers. BROOKLYN — BIKIHWIOX ! Edwin 9te-ihens * Co.—The McBans—Htnry Lewis—Jack Wil- son Trio—Kva Davenport A 0i>.—Bird Mill- man Trio. BUFFALO—enHIA'B! FTinklyn A Oreen—Jed A Ethel Doolev—Doolo A McCbot—Tbe Vivians —Seymour s llsjipy Family—Bert Knot—B. Khelnoid A Co.—Howard A MeOane—Ward A EB ^uin^'aCTorpr^^uh'^. CB^rarfA^-CTrrSoM AtenWter Bros.-Ed. '" Is^Lub^rsketeh itarts off with a few bun. lUrtos-inaeiit * Bradford. comedian, musician mostly the latter. does a number oa .»»..», "LiM- dSHJ £TJ%«Z' Wf^TSSS fear'aSTdrTcTa" anTIi'liis ft»iiy"he shoots tain- andTafteV being deserted'oy blm the wife takes "HS*"/**! ™..e.SJin^ hf;.Jn«^2r«V« •*« J"* •» "• Mends cotTi*~E to the dinner her babe and secures a posltkiB ss governeu with catch with an attendant, blows boms, wains -* , Kliait ,—j ^^^t ,i K i^t with the cars tight rope and does various sther stunts, •"j, M «,,,» of the most powerful drsmatle sets of a child. . _. seen on the leesl stage In many a day, and Is well Here lbs curtain floats up and you and the acted. Identical setting la rtsllsm that yon saw fade George Nash, who Is well known for bis sterling away with the Dim, with Mrs. Lane, the wronged aUBIB, work on the dramatic stage, plays the role of John wife, In the borne of Harold Richards, the million. Rutherford, In a most convincing and forceful aire bachelor, who has fallen In love with his manner. The tnnsltion from the nonch.Uant man •ketch to the ig lit Eleven minutes, fall stage. Doc. Ralph, Bayhl, Mellen and Company. HAatMXBSTXIK'S, MATINS!, JAN. 6. This act Is composed of three men and a woman, and 1b prettily staged In three, show- about town at the opening of the ° use, which Is used as the feature ? b ^ti,J n »^^S ck J n „ c0 J*f d „, ,, ^ > t * 4 "' nta » i^« .1* .Anita oho or- ltftork own life at the talari of it is capl lng a tea bonse, _ ef tbo act, to bonse six adults who are lifted and balanced on the feet of one of the men. The rest of tbe act Is mediocre. Ten min- utes. fl°°. Qoinn and Qnlnn. Hamubrstbin's, Matinee, Jan. 5. A singing and dancing duo, composed of A was capably taken'care of'by Henry Leigh ton k aJaZ -I t .. .. 1.1 .,.« k.l., .* ,1 a f>I ail a snarl a ma fi FTn-j^ — rt g. aHt^hnt *-. »rr It I t-r ■!>.! afuutrfslaiaul #ahs Anntalf capitally done, the actor showing by gradual stages tbe workings of Rutherford's conscience which nbally overmasters blm. and forees htm to take bis own lite. It Is as One a piece of acting as vaudeville hat ceeu, and should commend "The Reckoning" to all vaodevllle-gocrs. Walter Turner, as the lawyer, and Eugene Will- iams as the waiter, did very well. The "soul'' child's guardian, and be tells her so .In sn artis- tic manner, At midnight Tom Lane makes an enbraaos Into the bouse, and when discovered by bla wife, threa ten s to drag ber name Into the mire by circulating false stories of ber relations with mchards, unless vhe allows blm to make the haul safely. She doesn't have to, however. for be Is scared of by the return to the room ot the millionaire, who shoots Just hm Lane Is about to make a getaway. Tbe latter drops hick- dead! No, but Just far enough away from a swift- Cook—draco Be Mar. DsTTROiT — TEmTLbI OrforcTs BJepbants— Branson A Ptldwln—Jjaneton, Lssler A Os — Harry B. Letter—Three Do t»r Boys—Lynch A teller—Lea Jundta, PA.—COLONIAL; Tie Lease Troupe—Lla- _j A Lawrence — Mva Shirley — BelSotu's Venus—The Chamberlains. BARRISBTTRO, PA.—OBPirKITM: John A Fsiima Rav—Claws) Golden—Julius Tannen—Cart- aieil A llarrli—Hamilton A Barnes—I-revest A Brown. HARTFORD, CONN.—POLt'R! Three Aleg— lliwdncr Trki—Wtliel Ureen-^Arinstrong A Msnley—Moore A Young—Joseph Jeffemon A Oo. HAUn/TON, OAK TICMPLB: Uense A Clagg— Vnllnskr—John A Wlnnio Ilennlngs— Hevea Bracks—Orant A Hoag. petite good-looking blonde girl and a man. The act went very big, and received four curtain Such success as tbe act received was due to calls. It i the girl's dancing and contortion stunts, the nun doing little but a clog dance. Seven minutes, to one. AW. » Florence Hnscotte. Pioctob's Onb Htjndiuto and Twentt-tiftti Stbebt, Jan. 7. Flerenee Uascotte Is a nltimp Itttlo charscter singing comedienne, with an entire proper Idea of how to deliver ber material. She opens In a pretty, soft-colored blue laee- covcicd, ankle-length dress, and sings "noon-bye. Sweetheart" In a clear, remarkably high soprano voice, ond follows with a "left In the lurch" comic bride number for "The Olrl Who Stole My Lovln' Men Away," with good weeping business. For ber third and final, Miss M«3Cotto ai>pcnrs SB s "dolled up" tough guile, In s fur-trimmed Staid stdt, with the silt skirt effect, snd after ellverlng s line of slang stuff in good style, eases Into "That's How I Lost Hliu" to clone. A bright little entertainer, wbo shall undoubt- ; runs seventeen minutes, full stage. aid, s ly descending sandbag from the flle. above to miss Tm SV^k7^sai^e^i Vslesks A having bis "six snd seven-eighths" crashed to a " ro 'i NA ™' I8 r^ ,T ' rS! f v, v i™,* A w y7 ,,,.,,„ Snip. Then there Is. a ruinpua in tbe rear of tbe ^r-Sl'Lf^'^t^PW'.lL,* n^'nT Xelds Marshall antS Company, In "Packer TJp." PnooTOS'a Ons numtsro ano rwxNTr-nrin 6U«OT, JAN. 8. The rifle shooting of .Tick and Zelda Marshall excellent performing way In which Miss Luby and pulp. Then there la. a ruinpua orchestra, and the director of the motion plcturo company rushes down the aisle abusing the per- formers, most naturally, for the "bull" they made of the scene, An Intermission la called, a "can a suds" and eats brought on, and all are busily putting the Indigestible* away and the camera man onanglng his machine, at curtain. Tine, the Idea Is not new, but the style and Is lead up to by a little comedy plot wherein two extra men were necessary to satisfy the wants of Jsck and Zelda for comedy purpose. Tbe scene Is strictly Western: mountain drop, log cabin, well, charcoal Ore outdoors, etc. A very neat netting. The fun la aroused by two would-be Eastern cowboys who believe the rest lnhabltat ot that type to be a "robber" when he makes his appearance and allows Zelda to make an exit Into tbe cabin and change to "cow- girl" rig and return. Ibis is a "cue" for the "boob" and tbe ten- derfoot to make a getaway, and leave Jack and Zelda to shoot glass bills from between each other's nagerfl and from a cap-like arrangement. bor little company present It, mokes It rich en- tertainment, and palatably satisfying. Miss Luby snd Courtney White do the lion's share of It, and their wee' love scene Is artfully charming. John Harrington plays thei port of the burglnr- husband. T. it. Kvnns and John A. Boone fill la ss accomplice "night workers." About twenty minutes, interior and one. Tot. Jeanette Chllds. Pboctob's Onb nutmsgn Attn TWKNTT-rrrrn SlBIBT, JAN. B. One of the hardest working "singles" we have caugbt in mauy days Is Jeanette Chllds, a edly win ber way Into tbo higher class bouses plated on one'a bead and tbe balls shot aw.iy by pretty, dark-haired girl, who possesses good per before she is much older. She bas everything * In ber favor. Fifteen minutes, In one. Tod. the other. title la brought to light when Jack ■hoots an-ny _ Eclda's lower rigging, leaving ber In rtiort knlck- _ .. erbockerlah pants, and demands "Pucker Up" with Mr. ana Mrs. Frederic Voelker. t little gunplay. Pboctob's Fifth Avenue, UATtXfE, Jan. 12. Tbe Idea la a shot st something different, and n~*. r* »u> etimfoat acta that hm ever been *• Mela's and Jack are no "little conal-lcmUuiiu" .Jn%.1ar5evllo^vae oriented by- th "tatatS ,n ,«>« IS B *" n <' la > , • wn ' » ■"K^' 18 auUo t1 "- ' n JSIvn.rir2r DreMnIwl "V U " B MW ° W, ™ eriy. Frank Oigalln and David Sharao play the bcob and tenderfoot roles, respectively, and man- age to rake up some fun with their efforts. Ber pair Monday matinee. They called their unique little comedietta, "The Wanderer," Which was written by Una (Jlayton. It has an interesting Itttlo story, and sandwiched In with excellent alnglng and violin ploying, proved one of tbe biggest featured. Mr. Voelker kt sn accomplished violin player, and rendered a solo that brought htm much ap- plause. Mrs. Voelker, st the piano, was an apt assistant. Magda Dahl, with a rich su,>runo voice, rendered two songs. Tbo other members aeiiattted themselves with credit. The net consumes about eighteen min- utes, on full stare. Jack. s "A Telephone Tannic." Colonial, Matineb, Jan. 12. Jorepfa Hart presented, for the nrst time, at tbo mutlnee of Jan. 13, bis new iklt with tbe above title. Tho Idea han been worked ont Before, and with decidedly mora advantageous reenlta. With the operator seated at the telephone sta- tion, there are alx victims of tho aystera endeavor- ing to communicate with, each other, and the comedy of tbe act la supposed to emlnate by the cioetlng of wires during the attempted conversa- tion of these people. The suillencc ot Monday did not take very kindly to Mr. Hart's latest endeavor for vaude- ville entertainment. Old TItict. s ' Both dUpJay_thelr i shinty and Jho gorsllty and more dancing ability than she dls- plsys during her present act. Opeuiag In a white laeey dress and bat, Jcanetto offered "While They Were Dancing Around" for her No, 1 song. Follows this, under spot, with out hat, with "I'm Crying For Yoa" still better, snd then for No. 8 "conies into her own" with ber rendition of "Whsddye Mean Yoa Didn't Wont To Do Itt" changed to a fresh looking while accordion plaited "x-ray" gown, and re- peats with Imitations of bow Eddie Foy snd Bert Toil. Williams woold sing It, the latter being finely given. For a finish ihe whirls those nimble limbs •boat a hit to precede a Suffragette number. In which three stage bands ntatat ''on parade," In comic feamle altlre. Mtsa Chllds doesn't rued the latter, aod would "do a wonderful thing" to slip a dance into Its place. Twelve minutes. In one. Tod. i enteen miustcs. full stage • Jimmy Green. Pioctob's One rrtiNDnro Aim TwiNTT-mrrR Btuioi, Jan. 8. Jimmy Green proved inch a clever comedian that the Ilarlemftes must have thought he had got Into the wrong theatre. He might have dono just as well over at the Albambra, a good btone's throw from tbls Proctor resort. At any rate his line of entertainment wis fir •way from any "single" that has stternptej any- thing near what he does that—be was a good-sized riot, without bring afraid of the word. Ilath Cnrtls. Fdlton, Bsooxltm, Jam. 5. Making ber entrance with a brecsy little VV 7T ,C ' K , ma 0I '"° 7 or T .. . *'»ck song," Ruth Curtis acorcd a hit here list •.■I? "J? 1 !*" 1 **™ i? " ««en a frock snltamt Tw>r aloglng ibree popular numbers, "Basy high aky-plece ashls name admits, and helped Biaer» "Wonderful fllrT- and "I'm Crying Just by a funny whitened facial make-up and re-1 noee, for You." " be whuffed and snorted after each abort versa he sang In his first number, and got the fall bene* fit of tbo laughs. His farmyard Impersonations and tbe realistic "busl'ievi" bo sccomnnnind each with brought louder laughter from the cowded boa so. Then Jimmy Green made a hasty chango to a few pieces that go with a Scotch klltlo costume (he'll probably adopt tbe kilts later, elsewhere), and with a fairly good dialect he raonologuod through a bunch of funny chatter. For a close ho ueea a whistling serenade num- ber, In coster make-up, and the difference from what be bad done before and a clear tuneful whistle made blm that good sized riot. He took This graceful little singer certainly knows now to put IHc songs "over." Possessing personality, charm snd a good voire, which counts for so much toward the snoecas of thlB stylo of sn set, and iM-untlful costume*, show- ing rare taste In eclectlon, Miss Curtis has all attributes toward making the clever little artist •ho certainly Is. aid. • I* Valcra and Mclvln gtokes. Colonial, Matihis, Jan. 13. . La Valcra haa appeared here In a alnglo act, in which her Spanish dsuccs were the feature of ber act. With Kelvin Stokes as her partner aha Leon Miller and Grace Tempest. PBOOrOB'B FTJTH AVgNUB, laTINaO, JAN. 12. Offering a singing, dancing, acrobatic and high » T «^ m "' ,*=*„ g" JSM&J* JM!i% .««l entitled -"A Dasff of nr«Mlan".» kicking act, this cfever team put over a solid "jmrt toenJoy lLaW^»*m&mimt •„ , he ope „ n(r ^Ttton of the bill here. », hit at the Monday matinee. . "W ma ««>orUug. Fourteen mlautoi, in one. tter „,„,,„ . Ttry f , lr hnp^gnma. Mr Btokci AuU... I is now i presentiiic n_ singing and dancing number, bit .. The young woman does very little of tho work, but acts as a good feeder for the man. The acrobatic work of Miller Is excellent, and brought him In much applause. The act consumes about twelve minutes, on full stage. Jock. a i Klein, Abe and Nicholson. BlDrOBD, BSOOKLYN, JAN. 7. A musical set of doss snd plenty of comedy; one that would do credit to any hill Is Klein, Abe and Nicholson, three men, one dressed aa a aleatchman, one as s "bell hop," and the other Edgnrdo and Earl. PnooTOR's TwtNtT-Tnmn Siusit, Jan. I, Man and woman musical and slnglDg combina- tion, he In white nsniirl suit and the girl <a blonde) In whits evening diets. Open together for classic and "pop" selections. be oo the 'cello, ahe on piano. Then • fairly good rendition of "What Do You Mean You Lost Your Dog?*' by tbe girl, accompanying self at piano. This Is followed by another duet, 'cello and pjano, for "Tho Mocking Bird" and "The bas a tenor vole* of good quality, and La Valcra dances with an abandon that Is at all times moat Captivating. Old rimer. OPT OF TOWN HEWS XV^V«III^C.TOAT. AcADFIaT (W. W. Woolfolb, mar.) — "One Woman's Life," with a competent company, proved Is SrUng straight, may play nearly every brass Rosary," both competently rendered under spot, tu b" °" e "* *be most Interesting plays seen at trument ever muwfactured, as well as a baaa and a bit of "up-to-date' rung In to eloao tho ( be Academy this season. Good business ruled, clarinet. Tbcy play lu perfect harmony. Cood set with "Why Do You Haag Around," both Thonisa B. Shea, In 'The Whirlpool." "Dr. Jekyll _ . m m A - . * ^» . . r ^. _^_Sk. .■_...._...■ _*. — maaLIdm *■ ■ Al. t _J—^. —A. S liC ^ »■_ _ BAA, A a*aj1 If a llta^A ft ll/fH.> 1> -.11— II W _ „ IA SSW_ . kl .1 _ Is Injected by the member dressed is a "bell bop." Tbe set runs sixteen minutes, In • parlor set, and took four bows. £fd. —■—^—^-— i W::..ou and Aubrey. Union Scjoam, Matinxe, Jan. 13. Wilson ami Anbrey do a comedy gymnastic and wrestling set. In comedy make-up they do a number ot clever tricks, and end up with a burlesque w-estllng stunt, which is funny, going big. They closed tho show and held tbe audience to tbs finish, which la enough said. Nino ulrutce, full Mage. Hid. working from the rhino stool with crowding "basl- sad Mr. Hyde." "The Bells," Jan. 13. "In Old Bees." Kentucky'' follows. The girl atlcka to the piano too constantly. Bclabco (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)—Julia The "Rover" number by her, accompanied by tho "Can, Id "Her Own Money," with her fine com- orcheatra, would relieve the audlence'a continued l'any, was well received and enji-ycd. Miss Dean was accorded a warm reception, and the flowers offered, showed tbst alio has not been forgotten by her Washington friends. flood business ruled. Dorothy Donnelly, la "Maria Rosa," week of 12. "The Family Cupboard" next. Columbia (Fred (I. Berger, mgr.)—"The Qneen of tbe Movies" bad good bualnevs week of ft. "Old Reliable," wltb Willis T. Sweatuam, week at 12 Chauocey Oloott next. National (Wm. H. Rapier, mgr.)—iTirlstlo Macdonald, leading an excellent company, bad big bualneas week of 0. "The Lady of the 8IFpper," with Elsie Janla, Montgomery snd Stone, week of 12, "Joseph and His Brethren" 'stare" at the piano. They do well, and look neat, About leu minutes ,ln cue. Tot. ———»——»— m Mile. liRhaya. PBOoroi'a ONI HUNDBjm and Twawrr-nrra Stubbt, Jan. 8. Mile. I.aliaya Drat appears In barem costume, and after dancing awhile with tbe assistance of a veil, displays some graceful eoulllbrlstie stunts ■pen a mat, wiggles ber arm muscles a bit. and finishes Iter Door work by squirming through two metal hoops with a glass of water balanced upon her forehead. Petrle and Build. Union Sccaub; matinee, Jan. 12. Two men working straight. They Blng several - . , •ml nut them over well. They have • Btl0 PP* ascends to the Dying rings, and while "*"• , line (James Thatcher, mgr.)—"Forty-live - is verv at k* '^taese ooera" brown BesUngs slid tiger "iklnb^ee attire, snd JJluoJes frw Drosdway" was well done by tbo r nil, ,11,11 u "W4." F" ,m , "w™«, "" ym'. "*- tag pan and horn Is a funny bit ot business, and Went big. Tbo act runs ten minutes. In one. 8U. i CralK and Williams. Bmroao, Bbooklin, Jan, 7. Hilled as "Two Real Comedians." Craig and Williams certainly lived up to their title, for they are really funny. Two uwn, one doing comedy and the other straight, kept the audience la aa npRurr sll tbo time they were on. They sing some goal parodies, burlesquing the latest songs, In- trnilugled with bright comedy lines. Tbe act rtsis fourteen minutes, In one. BIS. Mile. Labsya la a pretty faced, finely fanned wwk of 5. A feature of the week was the up- young woman. 8be should credit ber offering by pearsnee of Frances Nellsoo, is leading IsJy, h _ j _ a nit ■ ■ ■ a ,i . i. . .. .. Dink i~«.n a aa ma aa sIau I — hlia n^. ■>■_! • Vi_l i •ding ber equillbrlslics snd the work with tho rings farther op-stage, however. Blibt mluutcs. full stage, • S m To*. She was accorded a big ovation. Richard Bnh'or, Cecil Bowser, Dudley Hawley, Russell Fllinore, Stanley Jsmes were all good. Miss Nellson was as usual, good, her songs. "So Long Mary" mid "MoTy Is a Orand Old Name." were sung with a vim. Helen Tracy. Louise Kent and Haiel liny were all good, and the rest of Ihe cast with the chorus, gave able support. Big business ruled. "Tbe Dawn of s To-morrow" week of 12. "Tho Ninety and Nine" aext. Oabiho (A. Julian Iirylawakl, mgr.)—Bill week walk chatter the lady makes in exit, and while of 12: Oliver's American Minstrels, Lewis' dogs the man sings "Rosemary" sbe changes from and monkeys, Ravie Troy and 'jTlllle" Ann Stone, Forrester and Lloyd, pioctob's Otrs YTwifimso and TwaNTidnrrn StskWi, Jan. 8. Forrester snd Lloyd, a man and woman, offer quite some entertainment tu the fourteen minutes their act consumes. After a few minutes of side The HnnnnniiH—Drlrow A Light—Ben Deo< ley * Oo.—Dial's Monks. JAOKSOXVIT.LK, FT.A OIUMTF.UM! Rlehwla A Kyle—Hopkins, Axtcll Co.—Sid Bsxter— Van Olove, Denton A Poto, LODI8VILLB— KBHTn'S: Apditf/g Olrcuis— Rels- ner A Ootes — Bd. Ilnym A Co. — Nick's Skating Olrls—Sntton. Mclntyre A Snltun— Ilordua A Skannoo—Tmii Mahoney. LOWELL. MARS.—RTilTTT'S: Brltt Wood—Ira- holt, Oonu A Cureeu)—Loons b'.evi'lu. MONTREAL, OAN.—onrirRUM: Martin A Fa- brlnl—Stan Htanley Trio—line West— Lillian ihaw—Barney Ollnwre — Hartv Ikr'i*- Clauue Ulllltigwater A Co.—Ualley A Noblo —La Oraiidall. NORFOLK, VA,—COIyONlAL: McKty A Ardlno —Percy Wsram A Oo.—dllancho Sloan—Oaba- rot Trio—Blnna A Burt, NBW HAVEN, CONN.—POM'S: Bwalri-Ostman Trio— Itue FJIiKin< Hall—Allicet Penv A 0». Ilussey A—"Matinee Girls"—Two Jouleya Fred J. Arduth A Co.—Kelly A Latterly. NBW ARK, N. J.—rROOTOR'H: Burley A Burley —R»ht. T. Ilnlnes A Co lAiekvlt A Waldron —Harry llrwn—Kealons (II)—Mans A Sny- der—Olio Trio—Jloland Travvra A Uo.—Capl- tola. N. Y. OTTY— URONXi Will OakUnd A Co.— John A Mae Burke—Monroe A 1'iissey—Kath- leen OIliTord—Norton A Nlebolsoti—Aerial fthaws — lllhtiert A Kennedy — Hehlavuul TrouiM—Llano Carrcra A Co.—Mercedes. N. Y. CITY-UNION CQHARK: Dairy A I/ireas —The aroters—Douglas A Doaglus—lAiugli- Un's Dojs. N. T. OITY-nAMMHROTEIN'S! On. B. Reno A Co.—Canlweil A Walker—Mr. A Mrs. Vernon Castle—Chili, A Founts Van—Ball A V-st— Barns A Fulton—Wbaltaau A Abraras—dlvpp, Ooodrlch A King—Fred V. Bowers A Co.— Dclnwre A Let—Will Rogers, N. 7. OITV—COT/ON1AL: Three Types—Rysn A l'»—M.i. Uene Huibes A Co.—Bert Will- iams—Ward A Weber—A,ydla Birry. N. T. CITY—TIFTO AVENUHt Smith A Madi- son Oo.—Marie I/i's Posing Act—Morris A Heaaley—F,d. Vinton A Muster—"Olownhjiul" —Nino White Hussars—Fred Dupres—Cooper A Bscbvli—Lewis A Dody—Jmlgo A Uili— Three Arthurs. OTTAWA, OAN.—DOMINION: Diamond A Rren- niu—Ml |.i res—Ed. Morton—Kd. llcynard— Harry Holuian A Oo, PROVlDKNOni —KEITH'S: Giro Oaacolrie — I'rello'B Doge—Wood A Wyilc— Dainty Marls —Frceniin A Dunham— "llentity Is Only Skin Deep"—lAisrd liroe.—Jtoacb A McOurly. PH1LADBLPHIA — KEITTT'fl I Avon Comedy Four^—"Netitune's Oar.'eu" — Dorolhv lie elcliell A Co.—Ilelle Iilnnelio —Molt A Max • field—Edwin tn-ori:*'—lllckey llros —Ucriiixo A La Due—"The Porch Party." PITTSBURGH, PA.—ORAND O. It: Oressy A Iiayne—Walsou A Santos—Jriour Svtphiies— Howard. lUtllff A Co.—Three Bohemians— BslUe Flaher—Wcntworth, Vest* A Teddy. BIOHHOND, VA—LYRIO: Empire Comedy Four —Four H'.rkel sisters—llrailua A Derrick— B. L. Ooldberg—Wllklns A Wllkliis. B0CUE8TKB, N. Y.—TBMPL1B: Bankolf A Olrlls —Chris Richards — Welso Troupe — HuU-1 Fltagerild—Dmilebi A Conrad—Ben Beyer A Uro.—Kd. Abcles A Co.—"Scenes from Grand BOTLANTON, PA.—TOI.I'fl: Reed Tiro..—"Bat tie of Bay Rum"—Tbe Marshes—t'rank Mirkley —Heath A Hlllerabln—Miller A Lyle—The Terrjs—Ida Urcoki Hunt A Uo. SPBINOFlEIiD, MA83.—POLI'H i Simiroff A Sonla — limed — Morris A Allen — Frcdrlka Hlcmoni A Co.—Lowell A Either Drew— "House Warmers." 8YRAOUSE, N. Y.—OIUVD: Williams A Wot. fus—teelaiu'.le Troii(je—nig City Four—Ar- thur Hulllron A Co.—Kuusoiios A HeUlnli— Mr. A Mrs. Jlmmls Di.'ry—deo Zarrvll Trio. TOKONTO, OAN. — BHBA'H: Trovato —Hnm Maun A Oo—Billet OlnHslipie—l/>ulse llul- lowny A Oo.—Ilirvey llevors Trio— Belle f tory—I'.l licy Sitters—lierl Wbocier A Oo. TOLEDO— KEITH'S: Lillian Ashley— Rol.t. L, ll.illey A Co.—Kramer A Morton—Hanlon A Clifton—Sherman, Van A ilynian. WOltOF.HTHR, MASS. — I'OLI'8: Vnnilnoff A I^iilo—Alpine Troniie—Klsher A Oreen—'Ilia LcOruhs—O'Nell A Wslmscy—Stone A Kallsi. WAHlll.NaTON—KEITH'S: Howard's Ponies— Clark A Hamilton—The Rosalias— Paul Mc- Allister A Co.—Chndivlck Trio A CO.—Heine Da vies— Milt Collins—Hluart A Kaeley. 8. £ C. CIRCUIT. Jan. lli-lM. BUTTE, MONT.—EMPRESB: flplsaell Bros. A Muck—(lladya Wilbur—Hose Tiffany A Co.— McMahou A Cbapelle—Hounding Oordons. CINCINNATI—KMPBKSS: Tlic Kersldas— aVassl Orsuat — "The i'nneh" — Bob Hall —' The Mermaid A the Man." CHICAGO—EMPRESS: Eddie Marshall—Mays A Addis—CsnOeld A Carlton— J'rank Mullaae— Imperial Pekinese Troupe, DENVER—EMPRESS: Adelyne Lowe A Co.— Lee lleers—llnuglitoa. Morris A lloiirhton— Edna Aug. — "lAiuia' Cbrlitmis" — Iiniiclng Man. FT. WAYNE, IND. — ansTfUHH I Rynn Bros.— Wlllams A Segal—"Melu Uebm-heu"—A I. Herman—Beatrice Morellt's Hirmcy tllrls. INDIANAPOLIS—LYRIO: Dorsch A nussell— Harry Ruse—"In Old New York"—I'lher Trlo-CecUe. Eldtid A Can. KANSAS CITY. MO.—EMPRESS: Orville A Frank—Kelso A Lelglilon—Krancoiil opera Co.—Ross A Asbton—live Old Boys In Blue —"Behind the Footllghta." LOS ANOF.t.EI, CAL.—BMPRK98: Morandlnl Trio — Artuur Oeary — Prince Floro — Mary Dorr—"Night In a Police Station"—Wilson A Rich. MILWAUKEE—EMTMlEflS: Moffat, Clara Trio— Hong Tong — James F. Sullivan — Olivetti Troubadour*—Top o' tho World Dancers. MINNEAPOLIS—UNIQUE: Fred St. Onge Troni* —Ed. A Jack Smith—flwynn A flossett—lies- lie Browning—"I've Oot It." PORTLAND, ORE. — EMPRESS? William A Warner—Fioitlek, Hums A Thomas—Mnurleo Freeman & Co.—Chai. Drew A Co.—"BlK Jim." 6T. PAUL—BATPRKSS: Slslne's Ooenedy 01rcll«— Mack A Atkinson—"Everybody's Doing II" —Edith ClifforU—Kara. SPOKANE, WASn BM PRESS: Jessica Troose— Brown A Blyhv—Bert I*slle A 00.—Jen- nings A Dorman—Sebastian Merrill A Os. ttMATTLK, WASH.—anWWaWl Earl Olrdeller A Dogs—Rich A lienors'--Obss. B. Law'or A Daughters—Burk A McDonald—Adas Troupe. SAN FRANOISOO—BudTBESS: rfejvoan ft Wilr- iry—Ja». AlacDonalil—Orvlllo Iteeder—Whyle. Teller A Wbyto—Thrss Yotcaryi—Six Diving 'Nymphs. BAORAMENTO. OAI* — EMPRESS I Alitro ft Mitchell— lenient Dupillo—Oanos Olrli—Ber- nard A Lloyd—.Merlin's Dogs, SAN DIEOO, CAL.—BMPRRSS: Wllllscb—««nd A Hllle— H'Arcy A Williams—"A Night ni tbo HatLs"—.l«w Wells—Kstle Sandwloa A Co. BT. LOUIS—PRINCESS: Will Morris—Thornton A Curlew—Dick Bernard A Co.—Four Qunlul Q»—orvlllo btiutm. TAOOMA, WASH.—F.MPRESS: Lulgl Dell'Oro— Burke A Harrlioii—Walsh, Lynch A Co.-- Iicomrj A Louie—Ulx llsujophlendi. VANCOUVER, CAN—ORPHEUM: Four I.adclla Coniliiues—Neater A Delberg—John R. ilor- rtun A Oo.—Aincrlcuii Comedy Four—"A liny at the Olrcu." VIOTORtA. OAN.—BMPRBSS: Bylvestrr—Barton A l-ivori —Kntherlue Klnre—Richard Mtlloy A Ou Joe Wkltebesd. WINNIPEO. 0\N.—EMPRWSS: Dennis Bros.— Wnrd A Clark—"The Stick-Up Man"—Murry Bcauelt—ItosBow Midgets. taivtaoiw rmci'iT. Jllll ltl-xl. 0AJ/1ARV. OAN EMPIRE: A On.—Ttlllnlt A Mullen—I*ou llogee—Frank Smith. EDMONTON, OAN PANTAOKS'l "Prlesleu of Kama" — Kilwln Kisiugh A Co. — Hpanls'i Ooldlnoi—J'}. J. Moore—Western A Lvou, LOS ANOELEH, OAL.—PANTAflKS': Six Mu- llen) Stiltlirs—Westell A Young—(Vie, liiw- sell A Davis—The La llellei. OAKLAND, CAT.—PANTAOES": Tnyior'i Lions —llolsnil Curler A Oo,—Tuny Cornelia Trio —Holly Uttna—Grout ArnescOB. PORTLAND, ORn—PANTAOKU't Pollard fipers Co.—^lertr.ule Dean ForbeM A Co.—-Kreskn A Foi—atvdio A Cruwford—Tho Dc Forests. SAN FRANOIROO—rANTAOES': Klglit ilerlln Madcaps—Alpha Sextetle—Renn Arnold—1.« Franco A McNabb—Aerial Laifayottea. SPOKANE, WASH—PANTAOES': Rliodn Rovnl A Horses—Hal Davis A Co.—Brighton Qinir- lelle—Murray K, Hill — Melnotte. I« Nolo Troupe. SEATTLE, WASR — PANTAORq': "A Nlviit In Cliluutowii"—Ifrrnv Js|»— I.llllsn Wntwiu Mlllcril, Keniitsly A Cbrlille— II.kiiiIiiii Dreyer A Droyer. 8AN DIEQO, CAL—KAVOY: Power's Elenkanls —Benson A Hell — lltto Bros.—Link A llul I . sou—Duraltrcscu Trouiw, TACOMA, WASH — PANTAOES' 1 "A Imhlra Drenm"— Julia Ileiliiiouil A Oo.—Boh Albright —Dunbar A Turner—Reed's Bull Dog*. VANOOUVBIl, CAN.—PANTAOES": Lllll* nip A Nniwlooii—Li Hoy A Lyttou—Three Jabiis— Rice A ITrauklyn—Thu Sylphouos. J0NB9, X.IN1CK A SfilAr.rnil UIUCIITS. Jan 10-84. GIIIOAaO — AfoVIOICER'S: Brengk'i Model'— Mono flrey—Jam. Remington A Co,—Trims klelsel—Chss. J, Cnrler A Oo.—Provol—"Tho Lion's Bride" — Telegraph Four —Ttrrlhlo Terry Troupe—Nottlo Carroll Trio— Mnlllul Slaters, OHIOAOO—COLONIAL: For 10-21: "A Day In tho Al|is"—lielselmli—Five (Irecns — Jerome A Harry—Fkrctieo Ilvrst A Co.— FI«Wm A Ix«wl»— Lims Bros.—Almn llunild Trunin'. For 22-ill' Driicula—liOos llnx,.—Warren A Francln—Mr. A Mrs. J. It, M-t'nnu A On.— Fields A Luvyla—"Uumtner Uliis." OHIOAOO—WILSON AVENUE, For 1121: llaiy Triiuiio—Al. Orussman—Marx Bros.— Harris llros.—"Mr. Ortvii's lteee|itlos." For 22-21: Lo Olilr A Simpson—IMnrx Bros.—. Harris Bros.—"Mr. Oreea's Reception," OHIOAOO—CROWN, For 10-21! Drncula—flrure Chillier* — Hnyder A Huekley—lintbikelliir Trio—Mirliis Hand For 22-24: Al. Uross- limn— Connera A Kslna—Clias. Hates A Oo.—■ Temple Quartette— ltatbskellar Trio—Five Oreeus. OHIOAOO—STAR HIPP.: Vtt 10-21: The T.e- lamia —Orrin Davenport Troupe. For 22-21: Ilisy Troupo—Orrin Davenport Troupe, OHIOAOO—OAK PARK. For 10-21 i Fitsslmmona A Cameron—Temple Quartette. For 22-21: "A Day lu tho Alps"—ICuierson A Celeste. OHIOAOO—SCUINDMOR'H, For 10-211 Liwsrm A Nsmon—Fiylag Oeyers. For 22-241 Tbs BUISM. INTICRNTATn C UK I IT. Jan. lll-^l. DALLAS, TEX—MAJKHTIO l Olnra Ilallerlnl— Dolly A Muck—"A Bachelor's Dream"— Nov- ins A Uonlmi—Al. Lewis A Co.—1'slnro Quartette—Richardson's Dogs. FORT WORTH, TICK MAJESTIC: Cycling Brunettes—Will II. Fnv—"The Fair Os-Eds' 1 — llalllunii A Hykes—Williams, Thompson A Co llrlcu A Oonuo— Tlllio Zlck, HOUSTON, TEX. — MAJERTIO: Bouthwlrt A Ilsrr—Iteirr Urns. A Murray—Milt A Dolly Nobles— I lone, vim A Arnold— livroli A Lung- don—Htanley A Norton—Krgoltl A Lllllpu- tlons. ■OT SPRlNflS, ARK.—PRINOESSt for 10-21: Musical Htlpps—I'.iliv. Hsinond A Oo.—Sidney A Townksy—Frank Hush—Ynmimoto Brib- ers. For 22-24: Curtis A Hebird—1.0s Chlha—Kelly A Onlvln — Kenny, Nobody A Piatt— UsiTli Twins. LITTLE ROIK, ARK—MAJESTIC. For It-Olt Jos Keunoily—Kelly A Oalvln—Lloyd. Hsblne A Co.—Adslr A lllckey—IlruKgnlo Brotkers. For 22-24: Mnitcsl Htlpps—Sidney A Town- ley—l!dw. Eatnoed A Co,—Frank Ilusli— Ys- mamolo Bralhsts. SAN ANTONIO, TEX.—MAJESTIC: CarSl A Farnum — Manning, Monrc A Animlrong — Murray A St. Olnlr—Ilynl A Early—Pletro— Kdwirdi' Kid Kaburel. tbe tor-tricorDcd robe and hat to s pretty light tins gown and did some graceful stopping, long enosgn for blm to change to coster rig for the character song. They close together with a eotnle "twenty" versed song, each using "the ooolc" It got by Bd. Blmbers; and Ed. Day. pboctob's Finn AvsonrH, matines, Jan. 12. A corking good singing, violin sad piano play* lag apeclslty wa« introduced by these two boys. Both put over s fslrty good line of etsnedy, W i Ih h | s imitating gestures of her. Bat It's all on Mireesu. snd new otetares. and the playing ofboth on theivlolln and piano , he n,^.! "douSv' style, acd with soane new with "Tbst Orchestra." do espselty. was good work. The act runs shoot fourteen mln- material and re-rrnugsaaant, would brtng belter Oarm (Fred Pes-k. rnar.i-rrbe Beantv Pa- •tea, in one. Jacn. results, In ass, rod. rode drew good builness week ef S. Dave Marlon's William Smith, the Ragtime Duo, and new pie- tares. Bandar concerts do well. Oobhos (A. Jullsn Brvlawskl, mgr.) — BUI week of 12: William S. 0111 and company. Harry Truoi and Oeorgiana Campbell. Ned "Oork" Nor- ton. Donahue and Stewart, tbs Four Vlenoes*, Bnadsy eoncrrls. llurles'iue Co. week of 12. Mollle Williams next. Niimlay concerts do well, Kbitu'h (Roland S. lioWilns, mgr.)—Bill week of 12: "Neptuue'e Oarden." Sallle Flsbcr, "Con- sol" snd Lady Betty. Foster Ball and Ford West, Dorothy Ds Slwlle snd comnsny, Chi'l-s Hanlon and George Clifton, De Iieun and Darles, Karl drees, snd rootkm pictures. Sunday c >•■:- certs do well. Aarnuu DrntK bas signed with LesVr sod Mratton for tbe title rote In "Mr. Dingbat," which wlU open In WaablnitoB, D. a, Feb. 2. "THE Itl'1,11 OP TIIHKK" IMIOIIUOKD. The New Ers I'rmliicliig 0r> rirwluced • new farcical comedy, "The Rule of Three," br tiny Bolton, at the Court Hijuire Theatre, la Spring- field, Mans., Jan. 12. It ilcats with a wlio T s skill In handling tkree husbands without each knowing of tbe other"! existence. In the cast irei Kitherlno Orey, Orrin John- son, Frederick TTUeadell, Oeorge HsssHI, Bam Colt Will Archer, Anne Meredith. Maudo Oran- gey. Msrls Alden and Vivian C. Tobln. «»—» HAsar OoasoH Olaskb ans UAkOAMl Oua Owror were last heard from In Jtvs. 'I » .0 ' i- t i ■;• n i 1.1): I