The New York Clipper (February 1914)

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Febeuaby 21 CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE. (Special Win-to The Cuites.) MAJESTIC. '**' lfl " Hh Blank Family, programmed for second place, d«oed the snow. It U a joggling uot. In which ■ hard-working woman Is prominent. Reuter Brother* presented hand -hslinclng In one, anil ■cored. Una Clayton and company. In "A Child Shall Lead Them," offcnl a pretty sketch with every character well played Earn ami Kittle Mor- ton came next registering coa of the Mia at the •hew. They hare a rremttry of new raatertnl which la very lirlgbt. Asncs Scott and Keanc opened the eteood part of ibe show with "Drift- ing," always good. Bcsde Winn followed, tut waa lacklnR In numbers, "Daneiatr Arotnid" brtng the only song tho Lia wortli while. Harry Fox and Yancsl Dolly vera next to closing, and were the hit of the show. Odlva cloned »« show splen- didly. Next veek'j Mils: Mile. Daaie. Clark and Hamilton, JuJIns Tonncn. Stelllng and Revelle, Bronron nnd Baldwin, Hora-lette Heronris, Hay- e'en, Lurton and Harden, nnd nolim-n and Bucht- HAXSTED EMPRESS, Ryan Brothers, serlallsts, open the show very well. Williams and Segal please with suglir and talking. Eckert and Berg score their usual ■access. Joe Maxwell's "Spiegel's Daughter's Bean" prove* a good sketch, but the Onlsa la weak. Al. Herman Is the hit of the vhow with his black face fun. Beatrice Morell's Six Parlalin Harmony Belles close the show. It Is one of tie prettiest acts eeeo at this boose la a long time. IHDUJTA. Kan Halperln pot over one of tbe blgsat single woman acta at the '■*-« to* early part of this week that Chicago has seen la a long 11a*. She Is a Hirer hit with, her "slasda" than ss the star of "A Broadway Honeymoon." Gor- dsn and Langley tried out their new singing aad dace In «■ act as a curtain raiser. The Bulging is weak, ant Mia* Langley dnees nicely. LenTNval'a atatlag and dancing; act anas well. Titian Mur- ray sad Grace fit; Clair base a sketch railed "Broadway Lor*." Miss Murray scores nearly; In this. Closing the show Is Zeb Zarrow's Coav tdy Clrros, "The Isle at Joy." McYICKBR'S, The Wands, artists; snen the show. The art Is not new cr novel. Blanche Gordon goes Dig- Tlth. coon shontlat,. getting iss ue ! anraras>. Hicham the Great- fa rcrnaraatey clever. Hasrj Da Ross's monk jwrformes feats of sycle rldlsff, roller Fkatlng and" manipulating a, big ball wins atop of It Archer and, InsrrsaD, singers and' dancers, go well. Miss Ingersoll la a. clever, graceful daoaer. Era Weslcou 1? the TOt-Od die hill In her dramatic sketch. The act doses strong; and. Miss Wentcott took gereraT curtains^ Ftve Comedy Greens get laughs. The Four Baldwins, tnatrumrntallats, are fatrty good. Deans mani- kins, In "Uncle Tom's Canto." aaa good. Dos Carney doses the show with, plane playing nnd singing His act Is very clever. PALACE MUSIC H.UX. A capacity amUence greeted tt* performer* pro- viding entertalnernt on the bill openltrg Monday, Edgar Btxger, flexible ermJUhriit. opened the show, snd received two hows. Mao West, the eccentric comedienne, ten mlrmtes en the order of Ess Tanguny, was heartily rcrc rod. Spot three, Cbh- !to, Pteele ond Carrr In Fotiles of Varstevllle, Kstberyn Kidder, In her creation. "Tbc Wether, woman Dnchess," assisted by John Marchani, Robert Mlddlemass and Charles CauSeld; scored. Delro and his piano accordion, was the hit of the show. Morle McFarland and'"M«itame" were very good. Marshall Montgomery, ventrllontrlst. a very clever performer, was appreciated. tins Edwards presented Will J Ward and his Matinee Girls, In a musical comedy production which, was a bit Kext week's bill: Gertrude Hoffmann Bevue, Joe Welch, "The Lawn Party," Hill and WMtake., Acstln Webb and company, Scriner, and Richards, Two Alfreds. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 10 <»»» CHICAGO'S LATEST. Ft* 17. The Showmen's League of America ball at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, Wednesday evening; March. ♦, promises to be a great success. Novel stunts are being prepared for the entertainment of the hundreds who will attend. Through the cour- tesy of Harry- M. Stronse, a member of the league, the Girls of the Follies company wLU appear on the ballroom floor and give a perform- ance, a la tabloid. In costume. John B. Warren, chairman ot the general entertainment committee. Is sending tickets for the ball to the members of the league and Its friends throughout the count-y, urging co-operation towards installing permanent clabrosos and general headquarters for the leagnti hi Chicago. Vice President Andres* reports splen- did progress in securing advertisements for the. Uncial program. State fair and exposition managers are in ses- sion at the Auditorium Hotel; this week. W. D. Gobs, general agent for Herbert A. Kline Shows, was a.Curmcaller, and announced Ibe Kline 8how opening at Ban Antonio, Tex., April BO, thence to Austin, Deimasnu, Hannibal, Mo.; and Kankaker. Dl. Col. W, F. Cody stopped at Chicago on bis way to Washington. Wasisn A-. Parmcrc. Otucioo, HI., Feb. 16. t- The Bannture Opera House at Harvard. III., war almost completely de- stroyed by ore at five o'clock, Friday morning, Feb. 13, loss about J2r!,0oO, folly covered by in- sarance. A moving picture house on. the first floor was also put oct of bnamess. The ccifrm or the fixe. Is not definitely known, sat it Is supposed to have eaugh.- from a cigarette stnbb thrown in the i •enery In Ibe rear of the stage, a dance beinc held there the previous even, lag. Plant for rebuilding have nut been ninde known. Harvard la a mailing little city, and the toes of two plaeea of amusement will be noticed. ■ 4 * • Fume J. RrsronD, last season with the cav- alry troupe on the "Two Ellis' " Show, and fee several seasons with the 101 Ranch, was united In marriage to Bertha Anderson, Fe*. 6, in Den> ver. 1I|na II mini son Is a. non-professlansl. Thb City CouaeU of Palestine, Tex., has passed an ordinance that keeps alt tent shows; mcludV tar illnwa. est of tbsf place. The law> reeds, that no tent can; be erected-within sixty feet of any bonding. Tun *wo Gentry Shows; which ate Wintering; In San Antonio, Tex., will go out tats season. Mgger- and better than ever. The opening of the No. 2 show will lake place, In or near Saa Antonio early In April. This show will be enlarged from. two earn to-five, and will, In all probability,, play West to. the Coast RrjTHixrosu's GxdUTxa Snows, with Irv. Polak to command, will take- to the road the latter part, ot April. Moat, of last year'a shows have already signed. BAux Dtrsna has at laat started, to get tssy for the 1814 season, and now things wlU auxely SHES DANCING HER HEART AWAY The ballad with "the punch," The ballad with "the kick." (She's only one of many, that's dancing her heart away; \ Each amlLe la a hidden i-eardrop, she's acting like in a play./ That's what they want to hear, that "hidden teardrop" stuff, and the timely subj ect, too— She's dancing her heart away. Everybody's dancing. They're dancing mad. The music is not that slew, dsrsgagwd out kind the ballad generally has-Just to the contrary- it has & sweet LltUa waits melody that your audience can't help singing along with you. (Her heart it has yearned for a love that waa spurned,\ She'e dancing her heart away. / That's the "punch," the "kick,'' with that word -spurned" for the top note-hold it—because It has a knock-out chord, musicians call it a dirriiniflhed chord. You and I call it a "barber." A school boy could publish this song out in North Dakota and It would be a hit just the same—if s such a cinch. If s THE ballad, no mistake about it. Get it now while it's a chicken. Prof, copies and orchestrations in all keys. It's out as a medley waltz for Band and Orch., too. F. A. MILLS, 122 W. 36th St., N. Y. flXtr AaTI Randolph Bldg., tiill/AUU Randolph and Clark Sts. Clipper Post Office; In order to nwold mlatskea and' to Insure tlic iiroaniit delivery ot (he letters (advertised In this II.t, sn cnvclone plnluly addreaaed tnnat bo aent tor eaoh Irttrr, and n svrltten ■■rilcr for the letter, slltnt'd nllli the tu.I nnme nnd adilrna nud the line ot baslneaa followed by tits sender, moat also be enclosed. Flense) mention the tatt (Of tmm- beri of the OLIPl'KIl In which the letters aent for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. Appell, Marl* Ali>y. SiMlle .vjits, VrktJs Alexander MMas Alclen, He«4i> Arllnrton Carrl* Adams, Rrini Allen. Iloso Armacrona, lleen M. Asfeson; Uosrlt, Bfiisle IIOTdell, Lm-lll« llliml, Rubut nu«k, Ktts Tliinn, Alios rUul, llunnr Itrnnett Hlrtenft ntace, l«ura Bairlagtoa. Pttrlela Krek, Aauile lUiiillmi. Hinnia Bnleo Mis* R.H ItoMt. Ixmlse- lltlta, Miss l>lllriir"hT Mabel (Vstta. MrU«» Uasttlat, Carter, PaaoMi dark 'Jill* ttiurlm'i'. Jesals EM Rdsa Ofrfraa. Mttb Onruien. Ilea OBna* Ijiiiro IH>,vle, Veroa Urate*, Uurotbr IK-liimlne, Kuih ih'vmoiul. Doll ) Vctlak. Use n«ty, Tlnnnle Rlllntt, lot* Rrelin, Ivy I'onrst, Uorolhi HTUiklln, Ijula ITnuicis, Ohriallue Ftasi*. Mrs, Rtebanl tlalrln, Ella araatwood, Orac* Ollbert, Ray (Irar, Mr*. Till. (Iiuiranl Victoria 'Ircenwoad, ilrare Mill. Ullla Hilling*. IKmis iinrii, Mattle & lloppsr, Mrs D» Wolt Ilatdeld, Kaafci ""—^ salH MrT*iin M'aTI.H lohnsSD, srlotte Jeracng* aHOsi llolso. AMkMo Orwswell, Kellt* JsfvvAl . Hvertn Wlulxeb Msg Mavniret Kesnasn, Mny Kiiewllen; I'earl Hlltlss, Alios Knlsjar, list* I .lord, M!m Si. Calvert vitplal* ba.ttsev Kvs I rale, Mrrtls-il. LaasTtsn. lula * la>w, Max)ro Muriel Uraen I/owe, Oar'le Natll* Hews i **, JDirloir DuvIji. Pom l.coo, Ttngr Defarrts, Uwrnl., Jewdo Rernlos Mcthw, Irrv Mtllnn, Ilinl* Melville. Mrs. Jnle. Mamriten|Marlajs MTKlrank Martin, Itifrein DeVi'iw Carrollrje Majhow Marrlel Mtxlge, Bra Miller. Cherry Mnrettl, Mnrr 0 Miller. Mabel Marco. Juliette Malhews, FUnivAlny Mason, Daisy Mayo, VItinn NelwHi, Itiaifa a. Nt'YlllS, JllSlO Ortmf, Lrnora Arust . aaenilm, Bow l-ojnter. llealiilk fssssjar, llarlu IWBIbsrton, Aiitfln eotee MrsO.W. Ryan, Na-.i KNri, Delia Memlngton. Neal Rrs.*slT, I'aaliue VlulctlO 'flm> Marytflrls' Roy, Aliwrta, Ran seer, Mhrnon rinvlllo, Allee HluTerd. l***w Alroyrii Melhrrt, Willi' msstry. Dot Kaanders. Rul'y Tvasy. Btelrli Ivevllle, Tlnola niton, tiii'llte Viidahn, Roilly VartHinrtritrntil. draco Wins lug. Brntrht Wingers, lis III Wlllwanl. Mirirsi-rllH WHIlaoiH. fflnrii Wr.ton. KSli'l Wolf. Msrgucrllii Yonng MnDavtil Zosarra Mrs. I'.l OUT (ffTOWl? HEWS Plttaborsrh, Pau—Nixon (Thot. P. Kirk jr., pigr.) Ktbel BaxrjDore, In "Tante," Feb. 10-31. David Waroeld, la "The Auctioneer," 23-48. ALrin (Jean B. Reyaokla. mgr.)—The Welsh Players, in "Change," 16-81. "2be Pleasure eeekets" 23^& DaatTBStns (D. A. Harris, ssjr.)—"The Lion sod the Mosse," with Edmund. Breeae la his orlgiaal role, lfKn. Thos. W. Boss, who was fcrmerly a very popular jareolle In locsl stock circles, will open a ihrse> weeks" engagement 'i'i. Bis first appearance will he In "Choosers." Busi- ness, cspadti. . 4 __ __ „ . LrcrrM (0. B. Wilson, mgr.^—'The Trtll of the Lonesome Pine," with Isabella Lowe and a u awn Mm. Osokw LanuK, rf Boiton, Has*., are In LeavenworaV again. They spent several months here list. Vflalar. and Mr. Lay- man stated that he had never stayed ia ona place for such a length of time in twenty years. They like Leavenworth so well that they hare decide* to boy some property here and make this Weir pennsneot borne. Mr. Lsyman ts noted as the merry-go-round king of Boatoa. ills father koBght the third merrr-go-ronnd that waa ever built tn tho United States, and It Is reported that his uncle bought the first one. Mr. Layman has ben hi the business ever since ha was old enough to take ticket* on the merry-go-round. W. B*. DOiirrora of Vlncennes, IhiL, has also been spending a few dsrs tn Leavenworth, at the- Parker teetory, watching the comgdetlon of hl* swell three abreast, electric lighted, brss* trlnaned Parker ■ lamping horse carry-aa-aU, which t hut w was shtpped oet ._ B. B. Ttuss ml H. TH11TIT.V sod a turns- ter of the earalval bunch are tneUas, Laaven- worth their headessrten. T. a Wort sad' wire, t Bochestersini*, Pa., an glsy vtattthtvat, the- P a rase - fsavarr. FSSD Ba*w, Oraadtlew, la., la vhlttog la San. Jrorf edit. Tsv-Sew Wells (Otto W«fls, bjst. ) the StratforU-iavAvoB Plaisaa In. n hassssis re ss •epertolre- tare foor magnWcent perfoestsnsea at this hoose Feb. B.1L Evelyn- NesWt Thaw Idajed-to cmirfMd hoosss. naxUiee aad nlgjat.lla, asd "The Choeotate Soidtsr" dtdjrjodTMsess IS. Tahuida aMto », "The. Had. W&iar" 31. ~ " Cntowui. (ft tt asjss. ■«.)—«n> wash, <C id: sW Bayss-nd raarrsmriBelra. BaOes. flaat- bjar-flhla, Bradam and n*rrlck..KIr* aad Fagaxty,, BsissisH. sad' Bain, asd sTtmbb ssd OprajDa.. Ao«D*wr- (Ottt WVltt. agr)—Tansavtlia tzS •MtloB ptetrsres: large supporting company, 10-21. "What nap- Kened to Mary" 28-2S. Odpaclty boelnese rules. Pitt (W. a McVlcker. mgr.)—T«e Pitt Play- erst In •'Itesi."- 10-21. The sceaccr need in Wnv Favcrsaam's production baa beeu teenred for tie weak. "Is Matrtawuy a Failnrel" 23-29. Business capacity. "The Blindness of Vlrtno" closed,- a poi u'jr foot-weeka' eogagemrut. Mary Ball, the <ery popular leading lady, received a llg receptkis upon her reiu.a last weak, after a rhoxt vucoilon. VioTcuia tOeo, SchaOer. mgr.>*-Th« Dandy Olria ',0-ill. The Bettor Girl* 23, Oa Filday night, 13, the local lodge of Moose, N*. 46, han- cred Billy bsencer; of. the Stars of. Burlesque, by pieaentlntl him with a handsome case and U'ntrelln. , .. „ „ Oai«Tt iH.nrj- Karhtnisn. mgr.)—Matt Kea> DSdr asd the Ubsrtv Girls 10-21. Iteanly, Touttt end Folly 2&-2S. Managpr Kortasas ts again Is good health, and at hit. desk. otaau (J, P. Borrls, mar.)— -»J} 10-23: "Iho Porch Party," Saharet, Riajidetto Bxos., Lotaine end Du'tley, Hyan.and Lee, Two Tomboysj Girl' from llilwaakw, Henry and FvancU.. Kramer and Morton. Motion plctora. Capactlit Iwsraess. Moore and Young made nanr friends last week. Btaau (O. iL Bucklielt, mgr.)—BtU 16-21: earn. Cnrtl* and company, Gay Bartletl and com- pany. Lavas Trio, Musical Cbattcs. O'Nell and Dlion, Keogb and Francis, Church Slaters, snd notion picture*. Business, capacity. Shebidan Sqcaxs (Frank H. Tooker, ragr.)— Bill 16-21.' Terelll'a Circus, Oxford Qnarlette, St rood Trio, Bert Wilcox and company, Etrlks and Ires*, McAIeavy Marvels, Bogsn sod Scarlet, motion pictures. Bnsineet, capacity. ProvlOence, It. I. —Opera Bbase <FeUc WendeUrlinfer, mgr.) Forties Bobertton Feb. 16- 18. "Tears i>f * Dlsoretlon" 18-21.. CruojtiiL (A. B. Spink, gftfr.)—"Busy Izzy>* 10-21. EHPma ifial BrttinlfL mgr.)—"The Light That Failed" 10-21. Ktrrn's (Clas. Lorenbenr ragr.)—BUI 16-21: Burns asd Burt. "Wroai Prom Ibe tiart," ms- tion idetores of. Mr. and Mrs, Veraen Castle, Louise, Gallowsy, Florease Teasprst, Bism City Four, Bescia La Coaut, Van aud Bebrsek, and Lawton. liLtuxnc's (Parker Burke, mgr.)—Vaudeville ajul pktores. WKSTUitrsiB (Geo. Onlllcr. mgr.» — Girls ot the Gay White -Way. Soaana. tllartta. Tjoohey; ragr.) U stllw Toohey and', the. Tnsple Plsyetv. Eji* LUuir and Har** Borton andoMnpaay eoallaue. Usuus (Gbaa, Allen, mar,)—VaodsvUls. and pl*> tnxea. Caaarn, But.o and NiokssV, nletores cxdy. Watesbnx-y. Cnam —Poll's (Bsssae Wlataoj mgr.) bUI Ksh. 16-SZ: Merer'* "Tussle," »\« Conrrsdes. Cbrcortn and Lleyd, Baby Aaat,. Bory Ijinrea, gchosn's gits Mtnlsts, asdiths.Pollov Wl (Lasts. IX Oarvay. ssrr.)—Vsaiwllle and pictures to good business. A tilsj ssssiilsl i n cert will hw-rises, today iK.l.g. ZL Jionm (Bssry Parsons-, taar.)—'The Itkt of atlea" Is tie stttwMsas laMB Hot Sprlntrs, Ark^—Audttorlani (Frank Bead, mgr.) the Natt Mann Stock Co., which was booked for « season's engagement, opened Men. day evening, Feb. 9, presenting:, as aa opening attrsctlonT^The Deep. Purple." Shortly after the opening soma dlssaUsfscUon arose and two of the company resigned, and on Thursday night, 12, the engagement was canceled. "Within the Law" (retum engagement) 24, "Pea; o' My. Heart" March 12. . - PsiHcssa (Doc Owens, mgr.)—Bills week of 9 Included: Menlo Moore's Players, Clara Dtl- larlnl, Dolly and Mack, Blehsrdsao's dags, Kevin* and Gordon, Alice Teddy, OamptMU and Tales, Preston, Johnny Sullivan snd-Frank Mason, Frank Pitch, and the Prlncesscone pictures. Rom., Lxceuu, Lxato and Nsvr OMtTUL, mov- ing pictures only. Ancrusta. On.—Grand (R. B. Tact, mgr.)— "A Modern Bvo" Feb 10, Smart Set 17, Strat- foTd-on-Avon. Players 18. Bijod (B. J. Sparks, mgT,)—Peerless Amass. Bient Co. 10-21. Ronita, Modxbssa and Dbiaiimhd, motion idcliires only. Notes. —George "Boney- Boy" Evans wt* en. tevtalaed by his many Mens* and airmhrets here, with a banquet and reception, gives at' the F.Ik's Club, after the performance, 12. Mr. Evans popw. larlty has long been estaMnaed In Augusta, and bis annual appearance It eagerly looked for by Ms- local admirers. Prominent among those rsortv. tag with "Boney Boy," at the dub, last evening. was Ty Cobb, the ball player Henrietta 01 san and The Bed vrftSw'' were the other at- tractions at the Grand last week, and both did food business for two pertormsnots each. JlnrTalo, N. Y. star (Dr. P. a OornelL mgr.) "The Plant" Feb. 10-1H, "The-Trail of the haiXHOb Pint" 23-2S. Zlegfeld's "Folilei" 26-28. _ . Tscs (Messrs. Bbubert,. ragrs)—Gtby Dculv* and Alice Lloyd divide- weak of 16, respsttlvcly. "The Whip" retnrns week of 28. MussTic (1. Laugh I In. mgr.)—"The Bhcpherd- of the Bills'' week of' 16, "The Waxatag" week EtitvrcoD Music Il»;j.—.Minneapolis Orchestra 21. TvaatTutrn Os.vrcir ilsii.—WllkeUn Barhaos' 17. Bust's (M. Shea, mgr.)—Bill week of 16: Mr, and Mrs. Jimmy Barry, ltaymosd aad Caverly, Robert T Bslses and cotnpanyi Warren and Con- ley, Morris Crania, Cecelia Wright, "On tbs tkhoat Playgrounds" and Aaard Brother*. Lxnio iil M. Marcos, mgr.)—Bill for weak of 16: "Stage Stmek Kids." Harris sad Bart Four Flying CTonells, Bashlma, rieott and Wilson, Bvlvt*. snd Walter Brewer. Faoimas (Oxarlss Bow*, mgr.)—."PBgrlm's Progress" Is a current feature at ttds. rapidly growing axnnssmcat plue. Oststt (J. M. Ward, mgr.)—For week of 10. Oolmnlila, Players. Watson Sbtteis follow. GiSDns (W. F. Orabam, mgr.) —Mischief Makers week of 16, f«U«w«d by Zallah snd her Olrls from the Oabtret, Golden, Merodlth Hitters, Bird Mlllman and enm- pany, and Joe Cook. Itbses, N. Y.—Lyreran, for week of Feb. 10: Cbattertoa tnd company, In lapartolre. frraa (O. F. Horner, raw.)—BUI 10-181 Ade- laide Bete, Gu* Edwards School Boys and Girls, •r,d photoplay. For 10-21: De Wolf and Qordner, the Dollar Troupe and {dotoplaya. H*itv Doua (W. X, Tree, mcr.)—d'eature photoplayr. Fall niver, Mnsa.— ditrrj (J, Fred Miller, tr. Malley-Dnaton Stock (to, presents "Tto* ttlest llebrl" week of Feb, 10. mgnJ-JThe Baylies. tn of Uystery" weak uiti Buoo. (Chae. B, Oook. mgr,)—Tho silck* Ot). presents "The Mi ot 10. AciDBtrz (L, V. Baas, mgr.)—Bill 16-18: An- dsraoTi and Goines, Elste 1st Bergete and dog). Fmtik Whitman and Mae Marts. Passrjss IGbss. U Benton, mgr.)—Bin 16-191 Flint, Fairfax and eotspsny. Fox and Hhcst Btaly Staters, and Lombard! Dvjo. Piuoa, l.rsro, Rfta, Clujna Bctxio and Wios> xloobon, motion pictures only. "Wichita, Kan.—Crawford (H. L, Mtrtltag. gSg assy.) "Peg o> Mr Heart" pletsed Feb. 6, T. PaiNcsst (L. M. Miller, mar.)—"The Qltl front Haretnbcxg:' was the bul 12-14. Bill 1018: hallo Bros, Kcmkutton, "A* Mts Vbrglve," Bel. sunt end narle, Adeiyuc Lows and gompany. and tnovlsg rrklore* . iFostrx (B, L. Mirtllnif, ngr.) —"Bsn-Bur"' 11-14, to - fair hntlness. Ovtr twelve tlnuaand seals were sold before the One- petforiaance. Buraxst (M. Bbanburo;, toajr.)—"Utah, the Land of'MoTrnonlsm," Is prcscmwl week ot 10, by the Kejes Stock Co. m Oklshems Cltr. iTklst^^hevhsfssr (Fred G. Wei*, atgt.) Billy GUKerd Feb. 16, 10. "Tiaav Pink Last" 18, 10. Mine. Nsalmova, In "Bella Donns," J7. an. Mo». Pavtaws Mirth 8. MBTBormjTiM (Bert L. ItstseU, mgr.)—Metro. poll tan Stock On, nreseatax '-me Post Blclr" 814. Ltsjo (Pets aUuiopo, mgr.)—VaodsvlllS' and: plccnna* Buracat (Jaftk Boland, m»r.)— Vaodevltle and plaCtlafsM. Foixg Ot K. M,nn,)-Oloted for repairs; Bsopsns 29. with liitsiNrSas* vaudeville. I>aatui.iMD, Obpiibum, OLrtirio. Ou'ittl, Jia- ysauu and Owlussu, tssl s s q plctnres only. Hartford, Conn.—Parsons* (!7. O. I'artoni, •ar.) "A Pair of Sixes" Fob. 10-18, "Alouaj Csrne Bnlb" 18-21. ^ PoLPs (W. D. Aseongti, mgr.)—Bill weak of 16: Llono Csrrera and company. Belle Baker. Zeds and Boot, fxiekctt and Waldrou, Cotter nnd Boulden, Rinll Hock and company, and Mar tine ttl and 8yl vesta; HiaTroso (Fred. r. Dean, mar.)—Bill 10-181 "Mother Oooae," Jolinny Woods, Walter Jones, Paul and Irene Sans, tad Three Browtrles, Puncsss, Hue, tjaowg, extras and lUrrg How, pictures. Abeam, den 0„ .tnierlcan Aiuaue Agency Alkro, tier. Altieo, Knictt Arken, (!«>, '.Mttrltii Kvetelt Atkins, lllrlinril Arslrews, Frr*l Avn-iiitin, Milt Hi■ninnl, unite lUiimer Finn' Itiirnte, Field Itojle. Ted llsrrere, Olios. Brown, J«s. T. Palley, Lo NH Morrows, Wt narryirmrst 1. Iiucu. Ular. M. Itrtinton, V'm. Bell. Battle Irrooka, llnrrcy Flnrsy, Burton Bosa, Bert Barry, inch. T. Bit mi an s Usrr Ilegiw. Lee Ileriiean I'uroliy Barker, Geo. A. Harry. Bieh. T. Ilceochiniii, II. Bnrroll Stock Co Hiitelier. Bert Hurt, Otstln D. Hrntle, Nell A. Iltuman, Frank llovl a Dirley Itwth, Bd. Bradnev. )Iowdl HillliiBiley Billy llreanlt, J. A. llm-lier, Bert Kmetr. .Too tmiMliie, D. D, Cursnton, C. L. i:inpb*ui, A, 3. Ctrl Ion, Mr. Conrell, V. V. Colllnt, Milt. D, Ooiltii, Antono OUstk. Frank L, Csstellnt. Wo. Oarleton, Al, Ueassun odwrs* OMres, Blll*- Clsy, Jat. P. Oath, Builoiah Cott, Oesar II. Gavhert, Rlthd, Ou;1o, Geo. (TUffetd, Cliff Carroll, Kdwln Gobtxrn ■ renrson Cole A lltttlnn Drnsfith Tat X. llnwiaas, Franclt n*sw>, Gtsy Pnvle, I'enVr TleMon.1, OttO Diets, E4. nee, Geo. earn lenrrd e, Jos. Daley, J. Darrow', fl. _ 1 Dertlng. ». F. |H Iiovls, Ban o. DeVonde, ORc*4 GCSTLKMUX'i U8T. Center. aiest.T (kKidwin. Ilea Ollletple, A. Omslliue, Otro L ilolden Trimin. (Inrnells, llvht. (InUter, Geo. Ilttlliigs Jules 1 (Irovi'H, list ilrslinm Herbert (Irleves, J, llrvvn, J nn. Grlltln, Ariiiitr lllltmire, I'.ml (II;mi, Nick 0 locker a « A. do doul'rtmr Trio Hatch, A. 1.. ilehert, Artliur Helton, Perry liyltnus, Mu* lltte. Itoger ll, Huntley, i. 11. Hsyis, T. Illl'key. A. L. Herrlck. W. J. Hunt, llllll* Howard A Orocn Hrrtch, Onut. Heneli, Wm. H Hughe*, Jo". Haiford, Kilwln llturtliigs, Ben llanuuett, W. B. 1 Inline, Win. H, llu)i*. Brent lliiulriud, O. V ■mi « Hut Hints, Ban .<j«im uu, I'lill T. Jackson, B. A. Jones, tt. II. Joyner, Uarry Kolh, Tuut V, Kelkhsr M. \V Kvlsey, U, P. Knlll, M, J. Kane, W. H. KuinuMrraw. ICO. Kennedy Jlmmie King, Flunk. LuVean. B. W. I^-llfh, llitt I,neon, Clari'iien I^>inbard Brx. I.e.llo ltoy « Co. U J. I.nsley, Art l*ivl«, (lee. K, Isvone, Willie Luucelot, Jos Lewis, A. P. Lewis * Oliver r«ltl, Wm. Lewis, Ueue Ijogrenla, Qias Luco A Oraat Lee, Wm. DeVoldo d Kelds MeGlnnls. Joe Bale, Johnle \tvrr, Frtnk L. BrtWats, Frank Defrey, flrrton Bejlir. Klllott Be Lo. John PtnoM, B. A. yahnty, llnrney Douglsis. B*l A Elm Irs, N. Y,-J.ycexus (Lee Norton, msr.) the Bernsr Plarars colored esaaclty bssmes* Feb; c-U, preaantlni; "The Talarr," fJtahl h*4 a Pepper." The Darnsr- Pltyars taw s s a t "Seven; BsyB*' 10-31, eacapt 30, wtva* ReOO'Brisare Mis- ssWsTasso Mi.a Olbsos, snsr.)—slB. weak et 16: La. Gracloaa, _B*ri* tat Bssmi 16 Crawrford _ BOvs sad Olrls wfll bead tie ksd. IsHB. B Jisu tss t . J.\ Y. afka sas. (f*rsVrlck (Htm f.) "Thv riant- Fetr. VM, "gosw Tts«~1» *T«r Marriage Masfjat, ,r w4U» |s] Brias, X.I— dat« sJhasBf 1 *" Ite vr Haven, Conn .—Hyperion (E. D. HI. drk!ge\ agr.) "Tho- Last Uetort" Feb. 10-1B, Forbes-Koljertson ;i0-«. Pou's (Olive O. IWwtrds, mgr.)—Bill week of. pt 11. when "U.'*■»»'» •'««« »V«*.'' M«lvUle «nd, •a* "sTatrri* WrBird snd Bond, LongbltD's dogs, Bay Uullo, Qssrro and Carmen, and'Lets and Ptyna, Huory.—Vtudevllle and ptetnres. Fox"*- Osirro (Berr). Jackson, m|T.)—Vtule- vlUo and vdctntta. KfkUt, Briiuilon Kvare. U. A. Frwood, B. J. Kdwtrds, Olar. nuiott F. B. Edwards, L. A. Klcklex, Gu* French, II. C. Frank. Hubert Fey, Frank 11. Vredtrlckt, Geo For, Gee. W. Friendly, Ben Frejipoll, A. Vovrte*. Jack Forrar, O. B. Franklyn, Mark, I'lske. B, I>. i Gracloaa. B^lt aad OeKana. Btrt and Draear, end WllUssssv and Wright. Mils. Ohitlta and atrai and Prloe* lamas* and. eots- psny wlU be festsra UB lava*. ifoTurr, (0..B, Veslltssssk, star)-eltwk DaBar. Troos*, Ustfr Id TTIrtwrttn, tnf d and MtMtrote. Oaa Bdwaads' flshool Bsvttln Creek, atteh«-Fort (B. tU fkfillk. ' ' > "Wssst ta* Trail Divide**' Feb. 16, "Dam. O'Donnell, Cliru. outer's Amer. Mlimt. I'erry, Warren l'teusser, Id, J, .'ale, It. II. Mr, A. J. I'lnskl, I,. J. I'llluiw, dm. It l'nrk Ham INiiillne, Joe I'hllli*. I'. W. 1'illrl, llnlilir I'imiI, Hurry A. it, in kin, (ii.ii. II. liny. Jno. llolK-rts. J. II. Itiirbrr, II 1>. Kli'liard* Iliili'ti Itnymoiiif, llapiiy Jiiek Itlieu, Otll*. II. Ilietl, M. .v U'iltt lt»y. Walt ItouliiBiin, Oliai. Illcliards, Wrtl Ilohlntou, It. II. Ttiibertl. ltiJ.i. Itohliisxi, 11. II. illley, B. T. llyati A noi'Klus Begin, Jack lienls, Gram Bed Held. l'meiC IWil. JIT 11 lllpley, BnynMj.nt llM-'.l, II. iskiul. Ileyiwldt, F. A. Hlierltn. Jno. Rile, ictiuwt .^lout Uaiiu/Ileit Nilllnco, J. II. Hlrniton, I', rielillllk, r. J. Mileldt, 0. O. Hltitlmun, W. U, Sttfford, Fred Ttuydor, AM W. Stewart, Billy Staunton, F. A, Kloeffir, I^tilt Bchartf*. ltoy Snow, Geo. W. Ulrunwtis. Dick Hlisrjwttln llinr. St. Jam**, Win,, ftiumtets. Alex. Wieiiee, Jack flimiley. Quill. 8i.Ii ii. Oeo. Toy I or. I.. 'I'lM'IIMITld Frnn. rest, Ilutpell Truuhardt. W II Thomet, Jon Travlsr, BHly ■ TliodiiHion, Don* TlKiuiiiron Dana TtHtd Herbert IAVi 1, III. I iilll lirviM l.athat od Harry Tipton. Gee. II ix-.ut, n. vicI>otiaJd. Stepli Murphy Jno; J. Meter. I/juts 0. lIcNotnnru. F. H IcOlung, I.lttell ilorgan, Chris. 1 Moore, Win. Mllltfsn, »f: 0. Mll'*r tt Drniicr .MeKnlgUt. Andrew McDnnld, Wm. Mlvrtkotvkl, II Miller, (Ttias. 0 Sills, Wm. J; criloc, Dun Marshall, Henry Dale J A Harris Msnballan DrCu Mnlsuo Ulovaul Mattliews Chris. McKee, Harry r It, "Botssnot" 2d. "Bsby Mine" "Wlanms- of Barbara Wortli" 27, "Llttl*- Miiwry, Mori. K. Hank, Joe P. Meerl, llnrrjr Muck, Tony Man of Hour Co McGlnby, Walt Klckel, Joe Natarto, Nat Noel, I.. Frank New Ion, Karl Nye, Tom F. O'Brien. D*n Owens ft Myerrs Otis, II. O'Brien, Alvln Owens, Al. 8KB NOTICE AT HEAD OP LIST. Thompson, llnna Toilit, Uerbtrt Tlplen, Oeo, Varuey, IWtjnr Van DjkvK, Mus Vino * Far Vlekery. Harry Wlndlth, Obni. "Where Is My WsstMM Boy TO-nlght" Co. Wilson, Freil WI ekes, F, U. Wlilfe. Wnlt Wutren, Cbns. White fl. F. Wine, Wm. Wnnk. Henry Wnilell 1" *M«y Wood. ace. Wolfmari. Geo White Kdv. II. Ward, Happy Wallers, _ Williams, Unit Wlltnti, Wi A. WtBlltins. Cecil West, I>I'll* Wheel er, W. IT. Womlley, W. A. William. Griff Wlilt&ry, Harry Wuril, Tors Ward, Johnny Weese, Al. Young, Vyste A. Yarcaox, A J. Yule. Arts-av Yoscary, A. 0* Wnsrnro (FfaUtts P. Deslys 10, "Tho Loie*' 23-26. - rruxs lausstaa. liaarafeu, UtOw tiia. "A Fo. I TBS ts* 16: %ft> Mooss-orcrtarr*^' wrTl n. Buos (Harry- Lexd, mgr.)—Bin 10-18: Bd. t. Eeysard, Dttens* snd L« Doe, BMser and naynev Marts KB« Restt, aad Brows, Harris .iid Bsswsi. For lff-ttt warn WfUe, laV "Johnny staMotd vsrtlea. Norst—0«tveral Maasger Battsrteld, of the Mteaatss. vwasetllle elrcatt, baa made' several Brroivlna- local easploye**. WU Htrshall. ' the ssansaaatsaf, ag-Oerall. >jts to the Pantaase fetceii . Bewanr, O., wtlT come to asttl* Crerlt) to art' a* astswstsj oiaistr ssder. aVasrrLsKav st fhrlosat WJSrc T^^«w ^ftv.viu*; 10..1 tui'nim. tmveUns represents II re. will take 1 at the MststlV, at Ktlatsatoo, tt Wdtssitis. wso Is to so to the I WlliTssi htnta, of rVwsrk, O., aKfiELL'S COIEOIARS WANTS QUICK Ala on wire. Le*1lnjr Man. General nnMnct* Man, wltUBpsolsllle*. Oapablool plavlnfc- strong line parts. I'lano I'lsver, with Npeclalttca. Btate ail and very- lowest salary, ALDKIIT H. GBAVsUUU, MtV. Feb. lgwao-ai fMB* W, Bait* Ave.. Jackson, Tenn. --fclft ■- llttst* mmmm f VI* WaWVaahstVaSf , s tjsl lll WO vlrWjlrWgaVra, I«-W4ft»