The New York Clipper (February 1914)

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ufl\*>"; FEBStfABi28 #S#Et YOEK CLIPPER. "MT 9-t 9- m OJVIa" Hm 191 >1 '•■ BY HERBERT E. MOHR AND LEO BENNETT. FEATURED BY MORE BIG AND SMALL-TIME ACTS THAN ANY SONG ISSUED SINCE JAN. 1st. AN ABSOLUTELY NOVEL D>EA IN SYNCOPATED MELODY CALL, MR. BENNETT ALWAYS ON THE JOB 1416 BROADWAY NEW YORK. OBSERVATIONS BY JOE HEPP book (bo borne. The itse of tbe shows will be Lucres«ed. TOM W. ALLEN IN CHICAGO. Tbe General Amusement Company, according to Uv. Tent Show News. Circus, carnival, Wild Wert Gossip and »&» gUSgySagTaS £ Comment Pertinent Paragraphs by our S&7& nK MT^,^ Special COireSpOndOnt ?. ar!D ?. his call st the_Western Bureau of Tin STOCK NEWS I IK to receipt of ■_poat*I cart from Gene Na- New Yobs Ci.trr.nj in Chicago, Saturday, 21, bat It was apparent from tbe few remark, be made STOCK COMPANY IN W0ONSOCK.ET. dreeu, titw^y~>iog~tbe - irw'in 2^ -Ti ^T^_Kngrland bnt an surethe met- t?»LK <• tbe iDientlon of tie Big Four to do After sTersl years wltiuut. Woooeocket. B. 1.. Bros? CbeyenneTSajs'wildiw«iShow wrmiS S"S, U *." d cltu * n » would warmly welcome one something In an extraordinary way In tho build- , n i„ uaa a aiocit company, known as the Edward TauJerllle this win' ter with tbe Wellington Trio. H< bos been re- engaged by the Irwin Bros, for 1014 ! Edcib Mabtin, tbe mysterious one, baa been keeping very quiet lately. Last Saturday after- soon, Feb. 7, 1 was standing In front of tbe North Western depot, wishing I were going to Uke tbe ™!S£ M ' ._ - Learenworth, Ban. Vice 1'realdent Allen baa aire, opening thek oi«agcuicnt Feb. 11. In "Alias « ., Do *S? kn ? w lf RtaKlU* Bros.. Barnom A had « good schooling In tbe carnival game. JlmxnleM'alontlue," to tfuod business, despite poor Bailey, Hagcnbeck-WaUace, Sells-FIoto or 101 n ° ba» seen aM tbe angles of It, back and weather conditions Ranch will be In this territory, and would you front, and what he does not know about It The company's' offerings will Include: "Tho advise the Commercial Club to correspond with la to be done la order to get money and White Sister," "Tho Man From Home," "Tbe.Ulrl any of them? give satisfaction with tented aggregations, l a not In tho Tail" "Get-Rich Qui-k WalllusforiV'and WRITE FOR A COPY TODAY ORCHESTRATION "A Texas Srxta" la Mob me-I at the Ska- heft, MlnnespoHa. .Ylnn.. week ending Feb. M. with Tim Murpuy playing the lead. Florence Boberti baa Just finished a »ery successful rngage- anent with this company. "Barriota" was too offering at tho Grand The- atre, Sacramento, Chi., week ending Feb. 21, by the Fal. Redmond Stock Co. Paul Havey aass Iteth Taylor played 'ho leads. "Nlobo" will close tho stork season at thla house, and tbo compear will open at tho Dlepeubrock Theatre, lu the same City. March 2. Koiis of tho latest releases for Hock are sa follows: "Tbo Oust of Living," ''One Woaaa'a Life," "Tbe Ob-wt 11 reiser V* "Tho Rcmlttaaea Man." "Tho Man Hlniicc Up." "llo Fell In Lore With Ula Wife." "Tho Younger Ueueratloo." CConflnuci Otl pagO 21./ J2m%&^ mZFSiLZ^l .?*"# tor * mt * 9howo m wur most readable columns. JmlJPiL?rl?M.TS discovering that It was "Wishing you a happy season. 1 am, cordially i£w£mEF ^"* y0nt, • Fullt a F "^"' 8t - Johnsbnr>. VU^ 7 prehenstve and reliable Information concerning Chase, Howard Benton and Prank Dtior Utile does A PUEA FOB A CIRCUS. "Mr Deab Joe: I'm again taking tbe liberty of writing you. this time to ask If there U any way In which tbe Commercial Club (Board of Trale) of 6t Johnsbury can operate, or cooperate, to secure a rlslt from one of the larger circuses the coming go oot and get the bacon. "Wt _— -_ /™^.i. _■<■. .v_ «r ■ rl Oeoiob Diokon left Chicago, Thursday, 19, .^.rS-Sh?. ?-5aL,*^ {*• ^'al £? W J «"»*««..*«t ^ hi. home In^ewark., ">, them. OGDBN HOUSE FOR S. A C. Oodijt, U., Feb. 23 Solllian k Oonsldlne have wi ibc Id receipt of- s letter from Tom Ryan, taken orer tbe Orpbeura Theatre, and will com- who writes from Stn Francisco that he has just oence booking same Immediately. The house was returned from a tour of Southern California, formerly booked by the Alex Pantagvs Circuit. Ornhetm Plareni Tom esys be has been enjoj-log tbe sunshine ef It Is said poor bookings brought on the change. withhii.iiiV.ibfi the Golden State all Winter, and is now ready to Bruno, and AtUiut Uoldert are tbo scenic arllsta, •Ed Mr. O'Connor, personal repretenUtlTCv I VIRGINIA KAXN SIED. Virginia Mann, former leading woman of the Players, In Heading, Pa., la charged lag alienated a husbsnd's affcctlona. CHARLES W. NELSON RESIGNS. Airs. Robert HymsD, who is known on the alage Cmcioo. 111., Feb. 23.—Charles W. Nelson bss ■ , .. U4n ! B, S? r ' «b«>ngh I*e Friday, entered resigned from tho local offlces of Snlllran A Con- jolt anlnst Miss Mann.J; Beading, last week, town, ones. "The hut big one was the Forepaugh-Sells, In 1007. "We hare the flneet stores to Northern New England, and tbe merchants appreciate the big crowds which the circus brings to town. "The town license la not lureasonabk (the Howe Show last Summer paid only $15). "The rental of tbe fslr ground (the largest tot), which the Main Show used to get for $50, haa cago this week. Ralph will manage the pit show with the Oollmar Brothers' Circus. Habst Ocbtis Is In Peru. Hovia Jones, of tbe General Amusement Co., left Chicago for Leavenworth, Kan., Thursday, IK. OfUH and Kiko, musical artists, will be with to nut It Into tabs next season, "ily Cinderella Girl" waa seen st the Whitney Opera House here BROOKLYN STOCK. Tbe attraction this week Is "East Lynne," at the Greeniiolnt. wttit Alfred Swenson. Nora Hucelir, Chcrlcn Wilson, Francis Jbyocr, France* Will- Girl two sessons ago. BERLIN AND GOETZ HERB, Chicago, 111., Feb. 23.—Irving Berlin and Ray iams'Beai'le Warreni"«ni" PMrTorev' in "the cair Tompkins' Wild West next season; the Utter wtU Goets arrived in Chicago from the East the early At thToothan, J.s Kyrte Mac»u"ly ami hia SJS'Sli e .s?I wf n . ow- al1 * 7 ireoatwlUl *»" R* rt «< « ,, », w »'- c .u T,i ' Jr c«m 'or ",e opening of eoonany. Including Jack ltolllns, Morrey IMake, ^'^ ^ l9 c ^ lnIer V ,a .v .. m. th0 Weber-Frelds Snow at the Auditorium. Arthur alack, Brian Darley, Frank t»e Cbss* 53 Vesnon O. SBAVE3 hns sold the Alcatar Thea- JONES AND LINICK EAST. t^J0m^rm*Wmm»mJBirknB»'m has n^v^lB^fflcc to fte?e^!h 1 llior tC of Ue . JM r »- i P> .P». f» 23.-Aaron Jouea and ones. . Gibbons Bide Ghieaco Aaolpb Llnlck, hesds of the Jon*r, Llnlck A "Tbla Is, of coarse, exorbitant, bnt 1 believe. Tom W. Allbx was some busy bor at the An- gi ,e t'T. A^^ lc, • ,"f • t t prw ^? x ln . ,ho .^? J, • with the Influence of the local Commercial Club, dltorlum Hotel, OblMgo, selUng Ucke-.s for tbe P*',!!" Chicago laat week as the guests ofllit; thus mlaht be reduced to a reasonable figure. Showmen's League ofAmerica hall and be sold SB Loew ' „2£° ?H ln CMn *° handling the af. "I onderstand many of the smaller shows are a lot of themVtoo. Maa. of "The Pleaaure Seekers." The sbow I ^ closed be»". lsst week after a successful run at the Gtiiick Theatre. Jaroea Morey, are producing "WViat Happened to Mary." "Ibe let Trail" la the offering at the Crct- eest, with all tbo favorites snltsbly cast. ■ a A NEW STOCK HOI SE. Harry Davis and John P. narrls hsve planned to house their excellent Pittsburgh Stock Coin* SPECIAL WIRES TO THE HEW YORK aiPPER. JOE CONLEY IN LEAVENWORTH. Joe Coder, according; to advices rccel vci from lSt^ 0 7or4 aa -.rr 1 vln E ll ta the Konsliloe.r^ :D »« lllc - °> n T - K""* 1 ^ "»• "•" W. Ate. ten- Mb? 1%. f SaTr>a a ncl*°f ord , I 5 3 w K b°" 9 u 9 nde?'bb; "«"" .^ed^fe'r fSTS^VISSb. «^ charges force of men butl.llng Shoot tho. Chutes, J a *& t Jl~ k ,* d ?.'IfL lD S.. 1 ?il ^ !? u, .°I J2f^ Wo fi? •a. r~». .i»..-.e,». n».» v~_. »~,n„~,-. i^» ^VJ^Ci* i 1 "^'^,_«. ._„._ _. PB»r In a new theatre, to be erected on Oilier OMMBVWlUt!u.^o£vel^^. > h to UEBBR * FfELDS' ADVANCE SALE. Avenue, IMt.sburgh, opposite ,bo Nlx;«. by Investigate paddock equipment for the Dm Moines race track. Nat Relss represented the Johnny J. Jones Shows at the Auditorium Hotel meeting. Harry Dore, with W. H. Rice. looked after the Rico & Dore Shows. O. A. W^tham was here from Hept. 1. Chicago, III., Feb. 23.—Welcr A FleMs. who Two Theatres will be In the building, the lower one for tbe Usriy Davis Stock, and Ibe Roof Oarden Theatre for other tnirposes. Both will have a combined seating capacity of live thousand. ■ i etc. Cnmey enjoins a nation-wide reputatio- i •• AL. RINGL1NG LL1. A report which Is being freely circulated along the Chicago Blaito that Al. Ringllng, one or the Cinglkig Bios., is serously lil at Sarisots. t'la., Ida waiter home, has occasioned considerable com- ment snd widespread concern. The report of Mr ElDgllng's illness has l'Ot been officially eon- ■rnied. OOL. D. H. HARRIS IN CHICAGO. Colonel D. H. Harris, from Mendon, Mich., waa a weSome caller at the Western Bureau of Tim Nsw Yop.k Clitpee Friday, 20, He bad been In conference with tbe State fair representatives at the Auditorium Hotel, and was very much en- thused over the outlook for the coming season. Under the Colonel's direction Msdame Msras- oiieued laat week at the Auditorium Theatre, claim to have the largest advniice sale of tickets on record. Ending last Friday nigbt, Feb. 20, the sale had reached 13,872. It Is predicted thst they will do capacity buslnejs during their engage- ment here. WILSON AVENUE TO W, V. M. A. Chicago, III., Feb. 23.—The Wilson Avenue, Great Patterson Shows, his general agent, Harry now being booked by the Jones, Llnlck A Scfcncfcr B. Noyes, being detained at Vancouver, B. O., aa Agency, switches Its bookings to the Association a result of an automobile accident which will April 1. The W. V. M. A. Is placing a few and others before they are avsllable for stock keep bun Indoors for tbe next few days. 0. A. sets ln at present through- Bert Oortelyou, who baa sounded the doom of stock companies. Sherman, Thomas F. Hanks and Earl McCoy were will handle the bookings for that house when a i active on tbe floor in disseminating Informatloa taken over. The first two acta placed were Oarl „„_ „_,. „. T .„ ~__ w— nr.m^t ^_. ln favor of the National Show Print. Fred Barnes McCtalloagh and Child's Hawallans. Mich, llrsssi' - " "**- ■ LoT "- w «». " at Home." James Patterson represented tbe DIRECTOR THVMAN'S VIEW. Manager 7. Herman Thnman, who drought tbe Orpbeum Players' season to an early cud at Cincinnati's hilltop theatre, believes that the motion picture reproductions of successes like "Tbe Lion snd tho Mouse," "The Third Degree" was a busy as a bee, ably assisted by Ben Rosen- ovuvor of tbe Wilson Theatre, has opened sn office to be one of the stock hits of the season. It thai. Mike Barnes end others of his executive In the Msrquetto Building, where he will give his T™» ,?» e<1 , m0 « t successfully week ending Feb. 21. staff. Fred Clark, of the Riverside Show Print, personal attention to acls that will play bis house. » - < " t » 4 flff l C "ar*^AaffL£222£ -5 jjAIlsu tt. . : -. iri-nta. EUwy Tolcr managoment of "Tub Little Ministm," J. M. Barrio's play was on the lob throughout the three days' session. R. L. Lohmar, special agent for tbe General Amusement Co., was on band. MARSH, ASSOCIATION REPRE- SENTATIVE. —Tii «ii» ».i. .sa iVmiijM ir,..„_ „. . uwumo. ail., «eo..».— ^bbssbeb uarso nas or nenuty aim siiutniciiy. was tr.o attraction a ^ZSL ,£. rlinL f^flh^V..^toly^f^?^ J** 0 »PP0"»e«l *e"»ral traTellng representative the Denham Tb»stro, Deneer, CM., week endln FhT^.? e „s^,?n. , ^, Ure .T^rU 1 c% iT.™thJ«* ty. *& t,,r t*?"""." 1 * °* «b8>eatern Vanrte. I'd,. 21. _Tbls wcei they are using "Tho Count, tb % ^L P f r0 2?f r h 0 £,l e . T » r „^ r . 1 *?^ <1 »KL tl * ^1, Ti »« K«»««ers' Association. Charles la a brother Chairman." and those furnlihhig attracUons for them. 0 f Edward Marsh, the manager of the fair de- "Tbb Bkctb' ROB ROV IN CHICAGO. partment of tbe W. V. M. A % Count/ la the attraction at tbe Pros* Tbey were both rect, New York, woek ending Feb. 28, A heavy tette's society bones will be featured at some of ............. the big fairs and celebrations thus coming sessoa. p. b p- r ehiimnn of amusements for the fymerly connected with tbe Theatre Booktag advance nlo is mrwrted. OoloneJ Harris la of the manor born, and his ex- T „„™» 's'r.u. it Nashville and manacer Corporation. 'The QnnsT IluEAKan" la being nse br the kdbktion. have.beeou* a standard feature ln tie T t en t ^ S fti r S a ? t Al3and?bi, Tenn.. was a weleomS FOX AND DOIXT SPLIT. "— *^=— •- -» — X caller at the Western Bureau of Tns New Tfoac CmcAOo, III., Feb. 23.—Harry For and Yanacl Cltppeb, In Chicago, Friday, 20, following a con- Dolly, who headlined tbe Majestic Theatre here ferenee with E. F. Carruthers, of tbe United last week, stated that they would retire from Fairs Booking Association. Mr. Roy sounded • vaudeville In three weeks. They close their tour real of out-of-door entertainment. WORTHAH PROMISES SURPRISES. Clarence A. Wortham, proprietor of the Worth am Shows, was a Clipper caller in Chicago last week, and .made it known " tlon to spare no pains or Vjm aggregation, which Is to open Mniicr A Dennlsoa stock company at the Savoy, fall River, Mass., week ending Feb. 28. "Tn» Man Faou Mexico" will be oaed at the Greenpolnt Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y , week ending March 7, under the managsmesit of Al. Trabero. 'Tbb KosAur"_ was most snceesafollr used vn that It was his Intcn- Dote of optimism in dwelling upon the outlook st the Palace Theatre, New York, and will then w-v mdlnc l^r. 21 .t ths \v~i^SmT*km!tS rexpeuse in making realy for amusements In the South next Fall, and took rehearse for the musical comedies they will bo Zt Ver£o5 N v' Vie Xu?^Jl tSf VSl ... Is to^n the sea^oTln occasion to compliment Tas New Yobk Ct4PrE« festured with. Mr. Foe goes with Cohan A iwn/^Tne' Lottery Man •• *" ,fl DanvdBe, IU., next April Wortham Is a live- upon the great strlcks it Is anaking In the outdoor Harris' "City Life," which opens at the George * wire, and armed with an ample bank account, be amusement field. As he said: "I have been read- M. Cohan Theatre, New York, ln May, and Miss may be depended noon to make eood his promises. Ing The Olippbb for many years, but It ls^really Dolly goes with one of the Bbubcrtt' new pro- ?Z 1^^ —w«* .,««• u r .w— » m ..-l,»Hl& .Ka n^. TltV fill, Qnillll la Mmln. iln.tlnn. SHOWHEN'S LEAGUE BALL. ln Chicago, Wednesday evening. March 4. It Is satlclpstted that Colonel W. F. Codr (Buffalo BIU). the president of the League, will lead the grand march. John B. Warren, associate pro- prietor of tbe Bageobeck-Wallace Shows and chair- man of the general committee having the Leasrue .hiJh C^saTaE^ **"* "The. Lottery Man.' which opens at the George • ..UarrLEa*' was the atrnrtlon at tbe) aaiilc. N. J., Theatre, with Howard Cfease, ln toe thle aam "David HibUm" Is belDC used at tbe Dona Stock Co.. at the Mualo BaU, Akron, 0.. week eliding Feb. 28. "HawrnoBica or mi V. S. A." did a bbr remarkable the way The Old Reliable Is coming ductions. , along to the eetlmatlon of tent show folks ln CHRISTIE HACDONALD RETURNS. Ita^rat^^^Jal'Sii if ikfaSi ShirJf n Stami.- CntcAoo. HI., Feb. 23.-Chrl.tle Maedonald. st annual benefit ball at the Hotel Sherman, C0R T rexsedy OPTIMISTIC. who baa the part of the Soprano Princess. In Con T. Kennedy, general manager of tbe Gen- '!. 8w ?f,', h€ ? rl lv n . ow bavlng a successful run st week's business at nathaway'a, Now Rclford, eral Amusement Company, with Chicago offlces at #e Illinois Theatre, resumed her part last week. Mass.. wce-c ending Feb. 21. under tbe manage. tbe Hotel La Salle, and home offlces at Leaven- u J? 1 ,„ M JL <!d<, 5 ,, ,1 b £lJ"i J"Ei "S'. 0 ' i.^. 0 ".! 1 "fl ". Jf tt ? Lonef"- This week they are worth, Kan., honored the Vetera Boreaa of Taa D ' Uloees. NeUa McCoy had been her understudy, playing "The Barrier.' 7 New York Clipper with a call ln Chicago, MARRIAGE ANNULLED. " Ul ", jANt ' B '**" wu most successfully oseo) ball In handr reports "a wonderful rale of Ueke>«. Tharsdsy, 10. According to Manager Kennedy, OntOAOO, III-- Feb. 23.—Lew Brlee. formerly gBafaSHH &JLJSn n n SSS'SlA "'" Colonel Charles Ancrees announces that the sale .the General Aniusement Company Intends ro do of Brlee and Oonne. who eloped with Tlllie Zlck .2LJ^S t ' l JZ!?!SS^ii.„' °" * nflw *• aux ' of space m the ofllclal program has exceeded all big things. Enrolled under the General Amuse- u , t „«.-, at g 8n Antonio, Tex., arrived In OU1- ■' 5* Jtm ^ expectations. Benson's Orchestra has been en- ment Company banner are th* Coo T. Kennedy ca<0 on h | a way Ba8t . |j r . Brlee sUted that gaged to provide the music for the ball. Tbe grand Shows, S. W. Brundoge Shows, Tom W. Allen gj marriage has been annulled by Mrs. T. King, arch will occur at 0.30 p. st. Harry L. Newton has arranged with tbe leading music publishers of America to provide entertainers. Ed. Marsh, manager of tbe Fair Department for the Western Vaudeville Managers' Association; E. F. Car- rnthera, president of tbe United Fairs Booking Association, and others, have arranged to provide talent for tbe cabaret portion of the entertain- Shows, anil the B, R. Parker Stows. Mr. Kennedy was enthusa»tlc over tho wonder- ful progress which Tub Nbw Yobc Oupfes is making in covering the outdoor amusement field, and while be plays no favorites, always fair and )oat, be made it apparent that he appreciated tbe efforts being pat forth by Tbb Old Rexiabls ln at Houston, Tex. Mrs. King Is Miss Zlck's guar- dian. Mr. Brlee also stated that be snd Miss Zlck will be married over again on July 27 next, at that time Miss Zlck will be of age. NEW "SEPTEMBER HORN" FOR H. A C. Tub Ghost nacAKBa" was used at the Wish- Ington Theatre, Detroit, Mich., week ending Feh. 21. Capacity waa the rule at every performance. "Tbb GnosT Dbbaicbb'' will shortly be pro- duced at tbe following places: Grand Opera House, Brooklyn; Jefferson, Portland, lie. | Keith's, Providence, B. I.; Academy of Usslc, Halifax N. S. I Poll's, Washington D. 0. i Aa- dltorlum, Baltimore; Baker, Portland, Ore.; Go- Z Tne "proceed, "of Stall .'re to be U deVo7ed to,«£ benefit.!, identified with the pro- and general headquarters for Tbe Showmen League of America, ln Chicago. STATE FAIR MANAGERS MEET IN CHICAGO. BeprcantaUres «f a number of State fairs met st tbe Auditorium Hotel, in Chicago, last week. Tbe Iowa State Fair woa represented by C. E. Cameron, president; A. R. Corey, secretary: B. O. Oirtln snd Jack Summers. Minnesota State Fair —John a Simpson, secretary; A CI Crnlg. Thos. Canfleld snd Robert Orleknaore. South Dakota Bute Fair—O. N. Mcllvalne, secretsTy; Wiscon- sin State Fa*. J. MeKenxle, secretary: Tom »xe. Texas State Fair—William H. Strntton. secretary; George King. Trl-State Fokr, Mem- phis, Tens., Frank a Fuller, sreretsry. Okla- homa Stato Fair. J. 8. Mahsn, secretsry. Ne- brarka State Fair, W. B. Mellor, oee-cetarr. ln- ter-Stnte Fair. St Joseph, Mo.. H. L Cook, sre- iwUry, Indiana Slate Fair, Charles Downlnir. secretary; Charles Anthony, Oscar Hsdley. In- ter-Mats Live Sleek Exposition. Sioux City, Is., Joe Morton, secretary; Ak-rlar-Ben, Omaha, J. D. Weaver, snansger. The sessions held at the Auditorium w>re filled wlto Interest. . a K. Cameron presided as obalr- anaa. B tpu i asi ting auto racers were: Alex Sloan and X. A. Homes; flieworks, Mr. Gordon, Chsrlee DoftVid, Gerge Martts and George O. c-wronN; bands, Ttaria, Pst Omwny, Natlelfb. Clilearo Band. Tbe F. U. Barnes Agency, Inc.. contracted With tbe Iowa sad Nebraska State Fain for Pat Conway'. Band, asd with the Minnesota State Fan- for A Labersti'e organisation, and also con- tracted tor free attractions for Oklahoma State Fair, Muskogee; Hutchinson. Kan.; Memphis, Teas., and As-kar-ben. Omaha. Tbe General 'sistmut Company. It s reported, secured con- tracts to provkie aoasements for the Indiana State Fair. Oklahoma Bute Fair, Mllwaokee, Wis.; Ltncola, Neb.; Huron. S. D.; Hutchinson. Kan., and Maakoaree Okla. According to report the world at Boae wis furnish tbe attractions for the Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs. Walter F. Keefe, l ep r ea ni tiog the Tbertre Book<ng Oor- poratloo. and Mward Marsh, manager of the fair poratlon hooked the Steeple Chaae Rhces for the Iinra. Minnesota ad Wisconsin SUto fstrs. K. F. Oarrolhen. for Ibe United Fairs Booking Associa- tion, and Edward Manb. manager of the Fslr Ifciwlinent of the Western Vaudeville Manaarrs' exerting a spirit of co-operstlon which cannot fall OmcadO, HI., Fe*. 23.—Rowland k Clifford lonUljLawrence, and tbe Empress, Vsacouver, B. dto- have announced that they will equip a second com. C. "Tbe Ghost Breaker" nas Just been released for stock. "WusW KwonTnooD Wa« w ITT/)WB" wa. played by tbe Billy Long Players at 'be Orpbeum 'Kennedy tousles! comedy on tour, following tbe arrange- Theatre. Nashville. Tenn., week endng Feb. 21, OPT OF TOWN HEWS DnATalo, N. Y.—Star (Dr. P. 0. Cornell, mgr.) "Trail of Uie Lonesome. I'ltie" Feb. 23 2s, Blegfeld follies 2S-3M Donald Brian March 3-7. TsoK (Messrs. Shubert, ingn.)— "The Whip" 23-28, "Prunella" Match 2-7. "Joan of Arc" Is tbe current film. Majestic (J. laughlln. mgr.)—"Tho Warning" week of 23. "Where tho Trail Divides" week of 2. Ki.uwooo Musia Hall.— Minneapolis Orchestra snd Teresa Carreno 24. Hiisa'a (M. Shea, liigr.)—BUI for week of 23: Kelly and Harrison, Two Jcnleys. Wallace Gal- Tin, Valeska Huralt, In "Black Crape ami Dia- monds;" Charier Urapowlii, Anna Chance aaa conaianr, In "The Awakening of Air. I'hpp;? Dankla and Conrad, Itelhi Ours. Kramer and Morton, ami KMno pictures, wllli "Detweea Bavage and Tiger." Fbontieb (Charles Bowe, mgr.)—.Specials foe week of 2.1: "Making a Living." "Tbo Faith of Uer Father," "Tbo House of Fcnr" and five oilier reel.. Oararr (I. M. Ward, iujt.)— Wstson S'.itera Tf«ek of 23. Girls fn.u llnppyland follow. Oabdkn (W. !•'. (Iraliain. mgr.)—For week ef CI: Eallah and Oureim of tbe Cabaret. Jack llv<d and INwsjrttwIvo Girls week of 3. Ktbakii (Mark A llrurk, mere.)—Photo-drama, "11w I.Ion ami tho Mou-*c." i.yiiic til- M, Mareue, iugr.)—For week of 23: Alice Hanson and company, ln "Tho Laugh illrl;** Dora C'i«i*r mil eumpany. lu "Tho OunfeWkaB;" Ward, Bell mid Ward, Zclsya. Kuril's.—Pictorial dra'na, "Uer Guilty Se- cret," I* current. Cxntbai. I'aiik TiiaATna — The main reel to "Antony ind Cleopatra." Troy, N. Y^-iProelor'a (Dan Corr, mgr.) bill for Feb. 23-211: Kin awl Niinnan. Urn Her- nanl, Walson, Ilutchhis anil Edwards, Wander and Stone, and Curneln, Hherinsn nml Lewis. For 2U-2H: Ml Itey Hlale.', Hlevo Jennings, llreee Eilwards anil company, Oiltou ami Miles, and Moflenn Four. Hand's (N. 0. Mlrlck. mgrj—The Lytell- Vauiflian Ntoek Co. present "Tuo Girl In lbs) Taxi" week of 23. Panama's. I.Tcauit, Novbltt. Kbitu's, Tbo jaw, Majxsiic and Kktrua, pbotofilaji uotj. Genera, N. Y.—Hmllh (B. D. Oul.tadt, mgr.) Arlbur Ch.ttcrton Stock Co. Feb. 23-28, "Little Women" March 2, 'The Trail of the I/jdo- some Pine" 11. Chicago Stock On. 10-21, Alice Lloyd 24. Taurus (Frank 0. Pierce, mgr.)—Picture, and vaudeville to good business. H -ruts Wosmi (Clias. K. Ouok, mgr.)—Pic- tures, kiatlnev and evening, to satisfactory houses. Ciena Falls, N. Y.—Park Theatre (Masr cert A Bird, uutrs ) Week if Feb. 211: Paul La Van and Kelly, Moure and linriis, Chester, W. if. Van Dura and company. Jack and Mabel Pries anil Ren Edwards, Would in Motion and Uuou giro motloa pic- tures. Cohoes, N. Y^-Proctor's (W. W. natch, gagr.) feature pliotoplays. irnaiiT Hrox, Majestio and EMrwi, pbote- plays only, Seranfon, Pa.—Lyceum (B. 3. Lynch, mgr.) entire weea of Feb. 23. the Morton Opera Co , la "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway." "Girls Will lie Ulrla" last week hail good houses. Poli (Jobn U. Docking, mgr.)—Bill week ef 28: "Ideal," the perfect woman | Loralae and Dudley, Burley and Curler, John and Mae Ilarke, Leoua Stevens, Vandlnoir and Loulo, "The House that Jack Bulll." Bualnns eontlnues Al. Majestio (Frank W. Weed, mgr.)—Week ef 23, "Oiiu Day." 'Happy Hooligan'' Co. last week, had good business. AOADBtfr (A. F, Wdnstrom, mgr.)—Week of 23. six new photoplays, subjects changed dally, and special features. Bijou Diisahs, Manhattan. Wondbis, Ilirre* DIIIHS, VllTJ.IA, WOMDESLANU Slid OBTIItUM.— 1'lctures only. Clarksdale, Ml.s.—New Olsrksdale Theatre (CVuwley Pro... nvrrs.) "The Leopard's rlpors" showed to good business Feb. 17. "Hans Hanson" 10. "Peg o' My Heart" March 4. Cacl'ii ii (Hlguor Cocuni, mgr.)—Llcenaed mo- tion pictures and vaudeville. "Tbe Advealsres ef Kathlyn No. 8" and "Tbor. Lord of the Junglee," feature films, ebowod to capacity 19, l!<i:ry i: Irlxey, In ''OUtliiea 77(50," Feb. ML and "Battle of Bfallob" March 0. Sa a.'aSai^SS2^£= festlon of entertalncoent. pany of "September Morn" on tour. This de- aS"2neral SSLka. VFS?£5ZR ^WL*•!???-A *?»"??? J" ^^V^ SslS. wjjj r^ched^ter.the firm begone to the Mr. Kennedy .t.ted In no uncertain terms that li trouble of cancelling slj tbedates held for the was bus intention to make the Con T Portsmouth, 0.—-Grand (Fred. N. mgr.) Feb. 23, 24 Talent Minstrels. l-.caJ lodge of Rika' Home 'fronts Shows, which have long been recognized among ment whereby Its limited engageineiit In theTi tu^er the management of Jake Wella. tbe foremost of America's enterprises, even better Salle Opera House was renewed for sn "taded- "Tbb Botal Moontbo" did a big week's busl than they have been before. nits" period. 2S?„" , wi be -V**"'' B,a '""Cisco, Osl., weel J. C. McCAFFERY IN CHICAGO. 7. 0. HcCslfery, who, for a number of years, has been Identified wllh several of America's leading outdoor amusement attractions in an execu HYMAN.MANN SUIT WITHDRAWN. Tbe marital troubles of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman. tire capacity, honored the Western Bureau of TnB of the Orpbeum Players, In Reading, Pa., wblda New Yoke Cuppeb, In Chicago, with a call. Sat- culminated ,'- nrday, 21, following the meeting of the State glnla Mann Fair Managers, at tbe Auditorium Hotel. pbeum.. for f Fefc 21. —' we * k "Two Lrtlb Vaobants" is being revived week ending Feb. 28, at tbe Empire. Providence, B I., under tbe management of Spits k Nalhan- son. TtoBOTOT Vbbnon or Haodon Hall" wss ta ,o 1 r^l 1 v bJ le^^ H J„^ifXor: i* L»T5i the Bljou",oond, f Ijnstand'a serecUons. were ended at .< FolTt . m , minotbb noM Bmaowat.- with A. Wortham Shows, and regarding them said: noon Feb. 20. Norman Hackett as Kid Bum.. Is the attraction "I look for a big season with tbe^Llttle Giant.' Mrs..J 1 .™^ T i^riXn rf iS? W™ a^aS »' ,be L » rlc ' Atlanta. Ga.. week ending Feb. 28. He has shown his spurs, and I am ln a position costs, and signed a retraction of tbe tuarges, also Tn|g com „ tnr oa , , ttit fl a | ase< ] a very successful to know that he intends to make a tattle this made a statement vindicating; all concerned year, and that he Is oaaemblng an organisation of high calibre. It will be my pleasant duty to make all of tbe folks with the 0. A Wortham Bhows during tbe season of 1914 as comfortable aa possible, and, ln ay humble way, I will nee to tt that tbey are looked after ln a proper man- ner." LEW NICHOLS IN CHICAGO. Lew Nichols, who for many year* played aa Important part In the clrcua business ss side show manager and promoter of special features, waa a caller at the western Bureau of Tbb New Toes: OxjrpER, in Chicago. Saturday, 21. We have predicted that.ibe genial Lew would return to the circus business, but from abut be divulged during bis call at Tbb Ciifpeb office. It Is apparent that It would take a good deal ment to get him to ferns ke bla Interests baha Springs. Eagle, Wis., snd tbe Chicago com' merctal enterprises with which be to actively identifisd. Lew says be Is going to be at the Bhnwmen'a League ball to be held at tbe Sherman House. In Chicago, Wenesday evening, March 4, and la to bring hlo friend, W. H. Tonhy, and other guests to participate ln the gala event, which Is attract- ing national attention, and bids fair to go down ln history as a record breaker GARY THEATRE SOLD. CniCAOo. IU., Feb. 23.—Osrrtttbera. flaxttb at Colby have lease of tbe Gary Theatre, company has Juat Unlabed a very successful week wllh "Our New Minister." BaawoTss's Millions' was used at the Audi- Tbe Bymans entered Info an agreement whereby ^ TS£t22*£ S±£S dl «SS nv™„ W Lw'e <•"•»' Baltimore; Md.; weekendini FabT28. for A h^ta*n^n , ClncTn , n.t , L- O^here^be *g *^tf»E&tf SSSXJ? 7&JS. tends starting bnmeulate divorce proceedings. fifiS" •__!„ o! ars*h^i. \ ^St Z^iS Mr. Hyman has resigned as a member of the .!!__? 0p "' °°- * M taTlD « * m0 * t ■"Wsful Orpheum Players. sj.S SELLS AND BUYS A THEATRE. I Flnegelntan. tnaniger of Ibe Be Kalb Ttieatre icoublnatfon house), Brooklyn hsi sold bis Mc- [lnley Square Theatre, ln the Bronx. The new owners took possesion on flundsy (Feb. 22), and tbe policy will be strslght pictures. Mr. Flueeeiinsna, on Sunday, took over the i. i.M! Lafayette Theatre, od Lenox Avenue, In Harlem, inauee- .ki.k •,.. .i>.h ***** iu^>« Mim.1,^ k» .w,i. sessoa. "Tbb Ninbtt and Ninb" was tbe attraction at the Metropolitan Theatre. Cleveland, ().. week ending Feb. 21, under the management of Vaugban Glaaer. "A Pool Tsbbb Was" Is the attraction at tbe Seattle (Waob.) Theatre, week ending Feb. 28. Tbe bouse is under the osnagement of George Hood. "Tbb SrEnrrrnairr" was most successfully used week ending Feb. 21, at tbe Lyoruu. New Of W. W. i ..;j»- Larsyette Ttteatre. on Lenox Avenue, tn Harlem, Brluln. Conn,, under tbe maasxeraent of W W at Miunt SSjSl^Zl^^XTSt"*.^; »'•"" VlCkVs>BB«TlSfi wee?i kleaEo com- ^J^t'.." 1 ?. *. *^ T S2!l.P 0 1!?±. ot ^f?? t *"'^ sttrsctlon. Assodstion, placed a number of contracts at Gary. lad., Frank Q, Doyle will continue to He will devote It to Tamlerllle. broking white and colored performers. Ue will book bis own shows. «>» ■ NO LIQUOR TO BE SOLD. After March 1 no Honor will be sold on the trains of the New York. New Haven and Hartford Baairoad. ♦ »» KADB ASSISTANT MANAGER. N. Wood has been mid* aawlrtant man- ager of tbo Forty-fourtb Street Theatre and tbe Fobsa Maxigny. "Tn. TniBT" scored heavily week ending Feb. 21. st tbe Baker Theatre, Portland, Ore. Ray- mond Wall played the lead, aapported by . most excellent company. The stage is under tbe di- rection of James A. Bliss. "Tbb Obbat DrrinB" wss offered by the Evaostoo Stock Co., at tbe Erenston (III.) The- atre, week ending Feb. 21. The play did a big week's business. ^'BArruis" was used by the Mabel Browne!! A OttfoTd StorA Block Co. week ending Feb. 21. under tbe nutatastnrnt of M. S. Schleslnger. "Tbb OoN*ruiox'> has iuat been released for suck. Keith vaudeville 26-28. SON IFutahugh Ue. mgr.)—Week of 23, De Korer A Daniels' "In Wrung maslcal comedy. I.xaia, ChlvUBIA, Kxninir, Bbadt, Tempije, AbuaNCM. —Moving pictures, to good bnatneaa. Sandusky, O,—Star. Tbestotiom, Gera, Royal, pictures. Handdskt Tbiateb (V. O. Woodward, mgr.) —Howe's pictures Feb. 25. Al. 0. Field's mo- st re la March 2, vaudeville 8. Charlotte, N. C,—Academy of Music (Jabs L. Crovo, ingr.)—"Choculste Soldier" plsyed here Feb. 20. Piedmont (Ed. 0. Gldley, mgr.)—Keith vaude- ville and pictures. F.DIS0NIA, AMOSB-O, Ottowat, PkntCBss and Thbato. —l'lcturea only. Melons), Ala. — Academy of Mualo (Robt Wllby, mgr.) "Within the Law" drew a full house Feti. 13. George Evans' "Honey Boy 1 * Minstrels 20, "Brerywomsu" 27. Richmond, Ky,—Grand (W. P. Bailer, mgr.) vaudeville and motion pictures. Vogel'B Minstrels Feb. 24. ALflAatBBA (S. U. Sparks, res. mgr.)—Motion pictures only. "MADAME POM POM." Isidore Wltm.rk conducted the orchestra for the new production put on by the Bockawsy Club. at Far Rocks way. L. I., Feb. 21, under tbe stage direction of James W. Ca.tle, with the following' cast: Btrdle Strongmlnil, Marloa Rtrouse; Teosle Llnqal.t. Mabel Weller: (Clarice Nebs, BuuMhB llueh.Udter; Flora M.rbury, Lucille Baroa; Felix, Edwin A. Welller: Nicholas Trevan, l<rule II. H( rouse; Porter, Maurice Klein I BesekUa lilrmlogton, Nat Ilrnwnold; liana Blocker, Teddy Yanksuer: Porter, Gcorro Htraehnom' Msntean. Harriet I*. Yankaoeri Hue. Pom P"*! May A. Felner; Kllse, Blanche lllrscbbors: Prince named of Albanera, Harry Rascovar; Mu.fy, Haxo B. Barrnn. '"llie Wesry Houls"—Osrollne RaiomoB, KIm loschelm. Anns Zalkln, Blanche Hlrschhora. C'llifge' hofs—Harold Haber, Irslsg Itnehslader, George IMrarhhorn. Jerome B. Lsncaelm, Harry Zalklu, Arthur Bchal.