The New York Clipper (March 1914)

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March 7 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. FRANK WARNER 8AM WHITE THE DANCINC BEAU BRUMMELS SPECIAL FEATURE ATTRACTION WITH THE HUGO BROTHERS, LE ROY, TALMA & BOSCO'S WORLD'S TOURING SHOWS sailing from Vancouver, B. C, March I8tb, opening at Perth, Australia, May 1. Personal direction BEEHLER BROS. J Last American appearance Majestic Theatre, Cedar Rapids, this week. NEW YORK CITY. LOEWS SEVENTH AVENUE. ("JAKE" LUBIN, HOB.) Tie first bait of the week of Feb. 23-25 found tills theatre doing a turn away buul new, and Manager "Jake," with bis bright assistant manager, telling the patrons they would have to 'wait" before they could hope to see the show, and Ihey waited, which only goes to show what real good shows are being shown In Marcus Lcew's Seventh Avenue house. Hlbbert and Kennedy, a two man black "TOO HaiVy COOKS/' Thirty-ninth Street (Sam 8. & Lee Shu- bert Inc., mgrs.)—Too irony Cooks, a com- edy,' In three acts, by Frank Craven, pre- sented Wednesday evening, Feb. 25, by Win. A. Brady, Ltd., with this cast: Alice Cook Ines Plnmmer Mrs. Cook, ber mother Mattle Keene Mr. Cook, her father Martin Hann Louise Cook, her aunt... .Jennie Weathersby Kmma Cook, her aunt Bessie Osmond Bertha Cook, her sister Virginia Irwin Mary Cook, her sister Bessie Fischer Walter Cook, her uncle Charles Fischer Joe Cook, ber brother Phillip Bern Louis Cook, her brother Phillip llillman Ella Mayer, her friend Eva Condon a face turn, offered singing, dancing and talk- , lng for their part ox the program, and got Albert Bennett, her fiance Frank Craven by nicely. Frank Andrews, bis friend. ..John Cromwell Seltzer Waters, In song and stories, pleased. George Bennett, bis uncle.. Edward McWade Seltzer's effervescent speech at the finish Simpson Jonathan KlefT ''wanting you" Is good "Uncle" Bea Wilson George Williams dogs. The act opens In two with a bugle call off stage, and two ladles make their entrance from opposite sides of the stage. One makes announcements of what Is to happen, and the other, dressed as a "page," pulls aside a curtain from In front of a large frame show- ing a man In different poses with tbe dogs, and the young woman who does the an- nouncing describes each picture. It Is In story form, and about a huntsman and bu dogs. The act closes full stage with both dogs working a treadmill. It ran about tea minutes. i ** Moore and Elliott, man and woman, In their laughable skit, "Baby Grand," earned their way to a very nice reception, Llbby and Barton, two men, In a bicycle urn, do some novel stunts, and the comedian fell' In for many laughs. Pels* turn about leaving them stuff. I'Lsano and Bingham were the real "clean- up" of tbe bill. The audience Just couldn't «et enough of them. They open In one, Miss llngham singing "Isle D'Amour" off stage, In fine voice, and making her entrance In the character of an Irish servant glrL Her second number. "Be Sure He's Irish," Is also well put en. Mr. Plsano as an Italian dramas and the other musical comedies al- ternating. While one la pitying one nlgat stande, the other will play the regulsr week. The I.uciia Moroy Stock Company will fur- nish the dramatic plays. Hobokcn, N, J.—Oayety (Thos. L. Shee- ley, mgr.) '"the Lleutcuant and tbe Cowboy," with Theodore Lorch leading, and supported Mrao. Nail mow laborer, tells some very good "gags," and his number, "Stay In Italy," gets over big Together they put "You Made Me Love You taly," gets over big. * Love You" They were 'Too Many Cooks" Is a highly diverting American comedy, containing plenty of heart and bumau Interest. The laughs are frequent and spontaneous, arising from the most natural au'l convincing iltuatlons Imaginable, and tbe dialogue sparkles with witty Lines and bright repartee. The story treats of a young cbap who, de- riding that tbe wedded state Is the life for him asks no advice from anyone, but Is finiply deluged with It from everyone. Hav- ing been ui'cepted by the "only girl." and feeling that he would rather build bis own little nest In advance, the play opens with a rceoe disclosing the foundations of a cotttgo In tbe suburbs whlcJ, when built up and fin- ished, will become tbe domicile of Albert Dennett and his bride. The girl, Alice Cook, possesses good looks, charm and all the rest of tie requirements, but she also possesses a large and meddle- some family. The young man possesses a good position and salary, and a fair bankroll, which ho Invests In the building of bis future home. In addition to these advantages Bennett has great prospects, Id the suape of a bachelor uncle who Is enormously wealthy, and who would make the nephew his heir as he has a hlgj regard for his traits of thrift and Industry. While Inspecting tbe progress of the work on the cottage trouble drops In on Bennett In the Shape of his friend Frank Andrews, who pessimistically talks of married life h n tbo dual roles of Jckyll and Hyde, In his own version of the play, In which be starred for many seasons. iOMi-iiiu iWin. F. Fltsgerald, mgr.)—Ben Welch's own aggregation and the Imperial Zouaves at a special feature, 2-7. Queens of Paris next. Lyric («. 8. Rlggs, mgr.)—Bill 2-4: Mackey and Lovey, Elsie La Berg-re and dogs, nolnnd West's company, comprising /IPCCI BV VlITAPF Karl Burnslde. Tom Davles and Nell Wright; UtUXLCI dyUAKE, Pete Baker, and th.Schaller Bros For 6-7. A good bill showed Feb. 20-28. llossle's cockatoos, Betty Lorraine and Olga There were Montrose and Sydell, a couple I lirltton, ltoland West's T, Auto Bandit." Sain* who could sug, dance, ride tbe bicycle and stemblor and Brother, and the Edwards do good acrobatic work In general, the lady Brothers, and blgb class photoplays. N. J—Bute. Street (Herman German" stories, and concluded with the topical song "If Columbus Only Had Not Sailed." Doltman and Neville, a clever pianist and Linger, and a charming lady vocalist, bad a nice act, opening with a soprano solo, with piano accompaniment foUowed by an artistic piano solo. The "High Jinks" song was a gem, and their closing number was 'I've Got Everything I Want But You," to good ap- plause. The Dancing Smiths presented their dan- cing act In three divisions, including a nice, dreamy waits movement, then the lively tango, with many novel steps, and then the Texas Tommy, full of wheels and twirls, to several bows and recalls. DeltorcIU and GUssando, In their muBlcal "Within tie Law" did well. March a. Noras.—Mme. Tetraialnl prayed to capa- city house et her performance given In Con- vention Hall Feb, 20 Feb, 20 marked the opening of the Empress Theatre, formerly Wigam No. 2. and has since played to good houses John Harry mo re. in "An Ameri- can Cltlsen," played to good houses during the two days stay at tbe Wigwam Theatre. Lorch appeared, matineei and .,.,,.Capacity bouses rule at tho nroadway Theatre, where Mutual feature series, "Out Mutual Girl,'' Is being greatly appreciated. by the Gnyety stock. On Feb. request, Mr, " 28, by special across ha their own bright way a deservedly young riot. Billy "Swede" Hall and company, In his little playlet "Made Good." was well re- ceived. Mr. Hall Is assisted In It by Jennie Colborn and Horace Weston. Miller. Moore and Gardner, a three man cabaret turn, sang "Macon, Ga.," "Boogie Man Bag," a burlesque opera bit and a rail- road finale. The boys have good voices and make a "dandy" appearance. They went big. Bush and Lngle, two men ramedy bar act, T be young man possesses a good position Bct wlti Mis, horns, bottles snd sleigh bells, one straight and the other comedy, do eomo ana .alary, and a fair bankroll, which ho stm 8tl(:lt to [ be old. tunes like "Allco Wlicio clever and daring stunts on the single bar. i„ ves t» in the building of his future home. Art Tnou ," "My Jersey Lily," "My Gal Sal," Tbe comedian Is a corking good dancer. All i n addition to these advantages Bennett on ^a one string violin, and "The Carnival in aU a very clean-cut act baa great prospects, In the s-iape of a 0 f Vcnlco" and the old tunes were well liked. Daniel Frohnmn's picture presentation of bachelor uncle who Is enormously wealthy, j'"g Lv „ it Jr and company presented a "The Pride of Jennlco," In four reels, and tt nd who would make the nephew Ms heir , , lttle .. Buster .. blondle, who was full Marcus Loaw's "News of tbe Week" were th* aB be has a blgi regard for his traits of 0 f acUon and very serious la his various feature movies. Pit*. ^tllt and Industry. • q Ulp , ana made „ big hit with his trite ro- For 20-28: While Inspecting the progress of the work ^fa xhe n tt i 0 gi ^ i somewhat older, was Considerable variety was evldonced in the on the cottage trouble drops In on Bennett aUo BWCCt an( i farming. The little plot of change of show on ''balmy" Thursday, Feb. in the shape of his friend Frank Andrews, tbe wandering father, reformed, returning 26, and a snugly filled houBe on hand—"and w ho pessimistically talks of married life lu nomo on Christmas Eve, with presents for they were still coming in." general, and who, In true kill-Joy fashion, tbo children, to the delight of tfio sorrowful The Great Harrah and his chick looking reminds Bennett that lie has not Informed ^ f worked in nicely. When the reunited girl partner replaced Burt and Golncs in the his uncle of bis Intended matrimonial ven- runnliiK, and started the show off strong In ture. Then the bride-elect arrives with chum, another gloom-creating person. Trenton, Wahn, mgr.) for March 2-4: Th* photoplay, "Tho Lion and the Mouse" the Artist's Models, Manning, Moore and Armstrong, and the Musical Crockery. For 5-7: "Fedora," in photoplay; Nine Krasy Kids, I.awlcr end Putler company, and Dalbeanle and company. Hkoao Stbuet (Francis Chase, mgr.)—Kor week of 2, the Honey Girls, with Hughey Bernard and Snltsy Moors. Springfield, Hnii,—Court Square (D. 0. Gllmore, mgr.) "The Doll Girl" March 8. Pom's Palacb (Gordon Wrlghter, mgr.)— Lasky's "Bed Heads," Bowman Bros., Jimmy Lucas, Beaumont and Arnold, Princess Mlu- nenslcomls, the Glockcrn, I/oiigbllu's dogs, lilbonettl, and Pollscope. Bqoadway (D. D. Hcullen, mgr > — "The Girl from Hector's," by the stock company, 2-7. Pabk <F. P. Furlong, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. Fox (J. Loowcr, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures 1'laza (Uoluilcln Bros., mgr*.)—Vaude- ville and motion pictures. Ituou (M. L. Knight, mgr.)—Foature films. l'liiNCEss, Hudson, Geisha, Palacb, Gai- BTY, MIBB0B, BDISONIA, ItSBL, HUUWAy, Lion, Globs, Novelty and Lyuic. —Moving pictures only. Notes. —farl Rrlckett, leading man of tho their clover exhibition, alone and together, ol fencing skating and dancing on the rollers. Harrab has done away with the former third irember of the act, and It all looks Lm- Eroved, be working In cutaway rig and sUk at, and the girl continues looking as well In the short cue piece pink costume and flesh- ings. After making an Introductory speech about George Yeoman, George Yeoman made his second entrance from the opposite side of the stage and, following some patter, sang "You Can't Judge the Women by Their Clothes," then shot through a catalogue of lyrics on tho scarcity of modern femalo ap- parel, and more on the Automat restaurant and subway difficulties, worked a wee bit over tbe limit in kidding Manager Jake's mu- sicians and patrons, and flnlshed quite strong up brown." Tbe with a good parody on "Heart of Maryland. confusion telgns. Morris Brlerre ond Grace King, one of the i„ the last act. Mayer by name. As If tbe remarks of this pair were not enough ro discourage tbe youthful count*, Allco Cook's horde at relations, Including Pa and Ma, slaters, brothers, cousins, aunts, etc., descend on toe scene and manage to further complicate matters by all sorts of interference. Uncle George happens along also at an inopportune moment The various friends, relatives, etc., simply can't mix harmoniously, as each bas his or ber own opinion ss to how the house should be buUt, likewise air- ing tbelr positive opinions on every possible phase of tbe coming nuptials. Of course, they succeed in "doing things The engagement Is broken and white, follow- dalnty duo* of vaudovlllo. Improved with every moment's passing with their snappy conversatlonlng and songs. And after a change. Brlerre from the tennis togs Into dress suit and Miss King from suit and bat to a fresh pink gown. "The Hat-rack in the Hall" serves as a good duo number for their song and stepping finish. Both possess 18 karat personality, and are as graceful 1 after a series of ludicrous mishaps and troublesome adventures with Carpenters' strikes, warring relations, etc., Albert and Alice wisely agree to cut out the foreign interference and paddle their own canoe. The play takes Its name from tho fact Gat the majority of the well mooning, but mer- cenary relatives seem to be on father's fide The Three Donald Athclcts, In started with a series of statue poses, lng wlti an Interesting series of gymnastic exercises which tested their splendid muscu- lar development to the utmost A most fin- ished act . . _, .. Five Interesting pictures split tbe acts. Afill. OUT OF TOWN NEWS Newark, N. J.—Newark (Geo. W. Bob- bins, mgr., Elsie Ferguson, In "Tbe Strange Woman?' March 2-7. "A Pair of Sites" 9-14. BHt/nKitT "(Lee Ottoiengui, mgr.) — May Itobson, In "The Clever Woman," 187. PnocTon'B (It C. Stuart, mgr.)—Bill 2-7: McConnell and Simpson, Charles and Fanny Van, Vlollnsky, Ward and Curran. Gladys Alexander ana company, Jean l'ucalre, and Meredith Sisters, Obphbum (M. 8. Schleslnger, mgr.)—Tbo Brownell-Stork Stock Co. again enter the realm of musical comedy 2-7, with "Tho erul w of Uu> rami It conaeauently their names are realm of musical comcqy i ivery TeglUmate'move as they are odd In £ ^"ancf m ttS title Indicates there are Time, the Place and the GlrL" "What Hap- their eccentric dance for "When We Get On ,' ae e a too many, and they all but "spoil the pened to Mary" neit. > — . „iii/.'» -5^.*^ Minbb B Empire (Tom Miner, mgr,)—Tbo the Bill la Vaudeville." They should have no worry about remaining on good ones "Behind the Footlights," Roland West's playlet of stage life, wherein a would-bo actress maker good with the manager of a the- atre by disguising herself and claiming that said manager Is her "honeBt to goodness husband, and finally disclosing her real self Frank Craven, the audor, plays the rolo of Albert Bennett, the central male charac- ter with a fine sense of comedy values. You lauVb with, not at him, at the same time sympathising with him in bis predicament. Ines Plummer, as Alice Cook, la pretty and vivacious and acts well. Eva Condon, as the meddlesome friend or afterwards marries the the groom, Is excellent Very mildly .. "originality . ceptlon of the "props" part, received. . _ . Bush and Shapiro, straight and Hebrew comedians, and the great qilver-Ornando Troupe of tumblers are more fully reviewed under our New Acts and Beappearances. The variety of the bill did not stop with the life part of the show, for Manager Jake Lubln bad an Interesting list of pictures, with Lubln's two-reeler, "The Two noses," as a feature; "Tested by Fire," Sellg Western drams, featuring a forest fire; "The Woman Scorned," a clever Essanoy comedy; "On the Lasy Line," a corker of an Edison for com- edy situations, and Pathe's welcome Weekly. "On the Lasy Line" led In favor. Toot. i s ■ Irving- Place Theatre (Budolf Chris- . tbe well-intentioned friend, vlaya with Intelligence and repression. The rest of the large coat are entirely C °The settings of the three acts show that a 8rest deal of care has been expended on etall "To'o> Many Cooks" ahould meet with a genuine welcome, as It la fine comedy nna, above all, humorously true to life. Tho second week began Ma»ch 2. Bee. FOURTEENTH STREET THEATRE. (BBBT BOSENQUBflT, MOB.) This home bad lbs capacity rug out Feb, Bebmsn Show Is here 2-7, with Lew Kelly, Lon Haskell, Vic Casmore, Geo, Douglas, Stella Morrlsaey, Ameta Pynes, Freda Flor- ence. Laura Hayden. Gertrude Lynch and Tom Martelle. Country Store every Tues- day night The Girls from Starland 0-14. KlBNBT'a (John McNally, mgr.)—Crowded houses. BUIed 2-4 : Ten Westerners, "The Loop Hole" and six other sets. For 5-7, Harry Thompson will be the feature act WA8HIH0TON (0. B. N«u, mgr.)—Vaudj- vllle and pictures. Bill 2-4: Taylor and Brown, Laypo atd Benjamin. Allen-Miller and company, Jones snd Harris, "A Itaw Becrult" and Harry Basel. For (5 7 : John BLakley and company, In "Jlmtown, Junc- tion," will feature the bill. Lyric (It C. Stuart, mgr.)—Bill 2-4: Mar- tini and Qenett, Mile, Carrie, Wanda and Stone, and Wation-Hutchius and QdwardM. For 5-7: Bohemian Four, Cole and Warner, Francis Nordstrom and company, and Kldo. a ana company. Note.— The Majestic Theatre Is tho latest addition to the moving picture field bare. Jersey City, If. J—Majestic (F. E. Hen- ., duplicated ^uaWFiS^oin^^g^S ft^SSSl* was the vehicle chosen for the Mtree of this A Oollr This bouve bad the capacity rug out Feb. derson. mgr.) "At Bay," with Crystal Hearii, '•r. niri ». verv trood btllwas shown. Guy Standing, and a fine cast, March 2-7. Xwling w?L^ thOM two"fellows who "In Old Kc/tucky" to follow. "Tho Con- usnasly make good, duplicated here. Their tplracy" was wen received last week, talk b bdgnt and op-m-the-nVtoute. Watch • Acadbmx IV. & Henderson, mgr.)—The lAi* <™ u "» uk , " , f_ .._ j_av n «!•.«»« QewMsr r*A isa ■ wall haltatiAA/f /vr»<ini. FIlxtatlon,"_plByed by Dean and Day, lucks laughs. There Is. little to *.it~_ f- »hn ■< ap 1'ha lege follow "in the tct. The for such short skirts, season's guests, Hand "Arnstaedt of the Royal Theatre, in Berlin, and Gnstav Wal- noraace la BlUs," was a newcomer to New ™«» »«■ would helD some. and proved York's German theatregoers, highly successful. Moluar's splendid sense of humor was st all times fully appreciated by a house which bore the slgnj'S. B. p. long before the opening boar. The two im- portant parts of the play, that of the actress and her actor-husband, who, during the sec- ond act, masquerades ss a member of tbe body guard In order to teat her truthfulness, were plsyed splendidly by tbe two guests, Frl. Arnstaedt scoring the larger part of the applause, her partner being hampered 0/ a severe cold, a souvenir from the stormy ana lengthy trip across the big pond. Hear?" MaTtbaes made a decided failure of the splen- , did part of tbs critic, while smaller parti were taken care of by Augusts Bunnester, Bel ma Weber, Eugen Keller and Una Uaen- seler. OcroUna. .ting lady Is tall e act consists of and Just ,e one the man uses would help some. Olrard and Gardner, In their comedy play- let, "Kiss Huh," went over to a tree full of *°Tlie '"general" favorite of the theatre, "Jack" Drlscoll, sang"Bebecca of Bunnybrook Farm," and his reception showed that they are still for "Jack/' tpiracy" was weii received last week. Academy (if. B. Henderson, mgr.)—Tba Graham Stock Co. is a well balanced organi- sation, and gave tine satisfaction last week. "The Golden Giant Mine" 2-7. CXiarlnttc Temple next Obpbboh (Anthony Michel, mgr.)—For 2- 7 : The Mermaids, Beatrice Morgan and com- pany, Hayl and company. Tom Maboncy, Dixon Trio, others and photoplays. BOH Ton (BdL U. Cadugan, mgr.)—A fine array of variety acts and photoplays. Ex- cellent business rules. Monticelxo (Robinson & Buns, mgrs.)— Feature photoplays. Note. —Manager Edwards, of (he Broad- way, Bayonne, contemplates working up a B Still YOr JBC«. !»»/, ikijuiuio, ivuKuirnm nu,ai., B —r — "Tbe Act Royal," a posing set, using two circuit, using two companies, one presenting Haverhill, Haas.—Academy (Jos. Mack, mgr.) Prince IClwood Co. presented "Behind tho Scenes" Fob. 20-28. For March 2-4 tie IClwood Co. presents "Mr William's Sec- retary." Mr, Blwood aL»o directed tbo High School boys' play. Colonial (Wm, B. Furber, mgr.)—Bill week of 2: Lamont and Mllham, Yeager and Dclore, Kobertl'a animals, Geno Baldwin, and Holman's review. OnwiBUH (Geo. K. Robinson, mgr.)—For week of 2 toe attraction la "The Woman In tbe Case," which marks tbo closing week of stock. Scbnic Tcuplb, Majestic and Csowx, motion pictures only. Lawrence, Mass.—Colonial Theatre (Ju- lius Cabn, mgr.) Mai ley & Donolson Stock Co. present "Shore Acres" March 2-7. "The Lbost Breaker" next Oi'kra lfui'sa (W. B. Rotbera, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. Nickm. (John it Oldfleld, mgr.)—Bill 2 and week: Evelyn Cunningham, iOthol Over- man Trio, Work and Play. Lew Welch and company, Lieut. Jas, Grady and company, Iiarues and Asher, Ambler Trio, and pictures. Bboadwat. Victobia and rBEHiia, motion pictures only. Taunton, Mass,—Park (Mallcy a Deul- son, mgra) for week of Keb. 28. the stock company preset.ted "The Wolf." closing tho season, beginning March 2, bitch class mov- in" pictures are given, with "i*s Mlserablcs" as a feature. Casino. Btab, Columbia and Nickbl.— Moving pictures only. San Diego, Cnl. — Bprcckels (Dodge 4 Huyward, mgrs.) "Tho Wolf" March 24. Gaiety (J. C. Blacklagton, mgr.) Is dark. Savoy (Scott k Palmer, mgrs.)—Bill for week of 2: Ethel Davis snd company. Bob Albright, Julia Redmond and company, Dia- mond: snd Beatrice, Dunbar and Turner, Itecd's bull terriers, and Keystone comedy pictures. Empress opened 2, with 8outlicrr. Stock Co., In 'The Price," with ICdna Marshall and Geo. V. Dill In the leads. Tbo characters aro taken by Clnreaco Bennett and Katherloo Kvans. Paul Singer has cbargo of the pro- ductions, and Henry Miller of the adver- tising. A. B. Faedor !s retained as orchestra leader. PniNCEBS (Fred Kuhtvow, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Majestic (Lloyd Brown, mgr.)—Fraturo Alms. "Third Degree'' week of 2, Muskogee, Okla.—Broadway (D. Myers, mgr.) for March 1-4. Boyle Woolfolk presents "The Tenderfoot," featuring Groco Thurston and Harry Shannon. Wiqwak (P. F. Liber, mgr.)—Vaudeville. Kathlyn and Mary Plckford, In •Hearts Adrift," featured. QAIBTT (II. I. Goddard, mgr.)—Wolff Dra- matic Stock Co., In "The Senator's Daughter" and "Wildfire" 1-7. Good business rules. Yale (O. L. Ilrlttan, mgr.)—iMotlon pic- tures. , Bupbens (II. A. Marcus, mgr.)—Universal Service. Hinton (W. M. Hlnton, mgr.)—Feb. 28, Oklahoma City, Okla. — Overholior (Fred 0. Wels, mgr.) Mite. I'avlowa March 2, "Within the Law" SB. Folly (F. M. Tull. mgr.)—BUI for week of 1: Ballo Brothers, Charles Stela and company. Tbeo, Tcnney, Belmont and Uari, Fay and Tenntson, Pearl Bros, and Burns, Three Kmemons, and Folly scope. Metropolitan (Bert Russell, mgr.) — North Bros.' Stock Co. presents "Across the Great Dlvldo" 1-7. Lyric (I'cte Slnoulopo, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures, Hmxbbsi (Jack Iioland, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Dbbaiiland, Majestic, Columbia snd Olympic, motion pictures only, Wllkra-Ilnrre, Vn —Grsnd 0. II. (David M. Cauffman, mgr.) "Change" March 3, 4. Pom's (John J, Onlvln, mgr.)—Bills 2-7: Morey's "Titanic," Leo-Zarrell Trio, Grace Belmont, and Dean and Fay, Faust and Williams, Ben Lewin. Three Lorottas, and Roosevelt In South Africa. Nbbbitt (Low W. Haff. mgr.)—"Iliuiy Isiy" 2-4. "A Fool 'Phore Was" tt-11, "Tlis Girl of the Underworld" 12-14. Savoy, Stab, Sun, Aliiauuba Bijou Dream, Dueamland, family and UNO, mov- ing pictures only. Notes. —"Tho Marrlsgo Market" did ca- pacity business here Feb. 20 The Ncsbttt Theatre tas changed from vaudovlllo to legitimate and Is doing good business Mr. Gslvln, tho now manager of roll's, had packed houses during tho first week of Lent Chatuberaburg:, Pa.—ltoscdale (F. A. iShlnsbrook, mgr.) Peerless Minstrel Misses were hero Keb. 23-28. Manhattan Stock Co, March 10-21. New (Wm. P. Brltsch, mgr.)—Bill 23 snd week Included: Local Thespian dramatlo yresentatiou, concert, Chsmbersburg City Band, and "Savage and Beast" (Klela). 28. Guy Brothers. Noras.—The l'oerless Minstrel Misses de- serve their title, making great record here for very clever performances Guy Bros.' ptrformanco was the qulntesicuto of all th Lugs mlnstrel-llke. Meridian, Miss.—Orand (W. II. Jones, mgr.) "Tbe RoseMald" Fob. 28, excellent show to cspaclty aouse. "lSvorywoman" fol- lowed 26. MAjssric (Green A Mortimer, mgrs.)— Kyle Foi's company, In "Isles of Nowhere," March 2-7. Gsm (H. Frank Isaacs, nagr,)—Feature Alms. Specials for week of 28 were: Cyrd Scott, la "Day of Days;" "Tbe Battlo of Gettysburg," "Tho Groat r^>ap," "Journey's Kndlng" and "Buy Bias." Princess (Sol 11. SugormaD, mgr.)—Gen- eral Film Company service. Klitb (Goo. A Grlffln, mgr.)— MoUou pic- tures. Troy. If. Y—Proctor's (Dan Corr, mgr.) bill for March 2 4: Two Jlggerups. Halt Bush BUI, Clifford Hippie and company, Florence May-field, and Bandell. For 0-7: The Albsrgs. Callaway and Roberts, Sslma Walters and company. Lucille Tilton, and "Fun In % Candy Bhr.p." Hand's (N. C. Mlrlck, mgr.)—The Lytel!- Vaughaa Stock Co. present ''The Woman" week of 2. Capacity business prevails. Proctor's, Lycbum, Novelty, Trojan, Keith's, Plaza, Majestic and Bmi'irb, photoplays only. , Oohoes, N. Y^-Proctor'i (W, W. Hatch, ' "ioDlays. Majestio and Bmpiib, mgr.) foature photoplays, liuicmr Spot, ' pliotoplsys only. Charlotte, N. 0. — Academy (John I* Crovo, mgr.) "Smart Sot" March 0. PiBOMONT (led. U. GIdley. mgr.)—Billed for 2-7: Dolly Marshall, McGrath and Yeo- man, Wonder Kottle, Castle Pictures, Fran- ess Dugaa, Moliio Grey Trio, Tlebor's Trained Seals and otbei's. ISdibonia, ami;he-u, Otto war, Pbihcbbb and Tiibato.— Pictures only. Nora.—John D. Stratford bas succeeded W. L. Covington as treasurer of tbs Pled, mont Theatre. AVIIoilnston, Del. — Avenue (John S. \ al *V ff« r > "Within the Law" week of March 2. Oabbicb; (W. L. Dockstadcr, mgr.)—Bill 2-7: Brown and Mllo, Duke Darling. Cole- man snd Brown, Past La Croix. "The Lie That Jack Built," Itempel sisters Guerro and Carmen, tbe Langdons, Kuapp and Cor- nelia, Samoroff and Seona, and pictures. I'm •■coin, FU_Penaacola (Sidney P. I«vr,.mgr.) for March 2, 8, tho foature mov- ing picture "Traffic la Souls," matinee and night hmi'bbss (J. A. Jones, mgr.)—Tho Pari- sian Beauties, third week here to good busi- ness. Peoria, IIL—Majestic (Henry Sandmoyer Jr., tngr.) "The Common Law" 1-4. "Dam- aged Goods" 5, '"Tho Garden of Allah" V-14, Obpiibum (Nathan A Greenbarg, mgrs.)— Pobtlcoat Minstrels 1-4. Hippodbomi (Seaver Amuse. Co., mgrs.)— Vaudeville. Moillbb (WllUam Moellcr, mgr.)—This lionise will open 14, with stock burlesque. Columbia, Crystal, Cost, Db Liixb, Duciiebs, Eltbium, Bmpbssb, Gabdbn, Illi- nois, ihpeoial, Libbbty, Lycbum, Palacb, Pbincbss, Sanoamo and Stab, pictures only. • MAKE-UP Ij^^^G^xABSOLVTELY GUARANTEED