The New York Clipper (March 1914)

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4~r 22 THENEW YORK CLIPPER. March 21 cable primi donna at night. He wag one photos of Beala Watson are presented to the of tbe moat thoroughly artistic pcrsonators lady patron* the current week. "Vine of burlesque female extors ever seen, (To be eontisHied.) OUT OF TOWN NEWS Feathers" appears for three performances 20, 21. Karen's (I. M. Moaner. tngr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Bill week of 16: 8am Bernard Jr. and company. Ball and West, Barto and Clark, Alfyn King. Bawli and Von Kaufman, Mice and Luce, and Two Bremen*. Naw Portland (M. C. Blumenberg. nigra.) —Vaudeville and motion pictures. Bill week of 10: "Noodles" Pagan. Win. McKcy and WASHINGTON. ^S* 1 £ .decided ^P'owo'ent In the , w ?£. t0 * r Ji B * ln £ M . Pi"* 6 ? "P lMt weck « not " company, Bold Slaters. Martin and Perkins, withstanding it Isi Lent. . _ . Lottus and Leslie, and "Pathe's Weekly." OBiiLT'a (James W. Oreely, mgr.)—vaude- ville and motion picture*. BUI week of 16: Burns, Lawrence and Burns, Curt and Mai- vene, HI, 81 and Mary, Kenny and llollls, Frank Da Groot. and the Neapolitan Duo, Casjco. —The feature motion picture offer- ings week of 10 Include: "Captain Jenny, 8. A.," "The Diamond Master," "Universal Ike Gets a Goat" and "The Animated Week- ly." Bio Nickei, (Wm. B. Reeves, mgr.)—Mo- tion pictures week of 16 include: "In MIz- zoura," "A Modern Free Lance," "Tboso Who Live In Class Houses" and "The Mutual Weekly." Empire (D. D. Reader, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures week of 16 Include: "Through Fire to Fortune," "Chasing the Bmugglers," "In the Shadow" and "The Royal Slave.". Pavilion (Barron ft O'Brien, mgrs.)—The Arlington Novelty Orchestra, with song num- bers end dancing. Notes. — Olive Cllne, prima donna so- prano, will appear In concert at New City bdlasco (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)— "The Pleasure Seekers" drear big business week of March 9. Forbea'Robertaon week of March 10. "The Lure" next. Baumgardt, In his Interesting talk on Florence, Sunday evening, 15. Sunday, 22, Capt ■Scott's Dis- covery of the Month Pole will be given. Columbia (Fred Q, Berger. mgr.)—"Near- ly Married," with Bruce Mcitac and an ex- cellent company, had good business week of ii. Tom Terries and his all English company 10, "The New Henrietta." with W. H. Crane. Douglas Fairbanks, Amelia Bloghatn and Patricia Colllnge, week of 26. Ceo. Klelne's latest In motion pictures, "Between Savage and Tiger,' Sunday, matinee and evening, 10. Sunday, 22, matinee and evening, sir- reel scenic feature of "Life in the Holy Land." National (Wm. H. Raplcy, mgr.)—"Maids of Athens" week of 9, presented by Henry W, Savage and a lino company, -was a success. The cast was an unusually good one. Big business ruled. "The Dummy' week of 10 i »«"HVM , UJ1..J. AMU VUUIIUj DHB VL *" I WIQUU, Will U^JUVaL 111 lUlllCEb UL „C« \*llj 'Change"*next. Elmeudorf Thursday nuttl- Hall 10 A large party of their friends nee. Java, the Mctzer, Bappold, Harrison, Sheffield concert, Sunday evening, IS, was one of the best combinations seen here. Pom's (James Thatcher, mgr.)—The Popu- lar Players gave a line performance of "Kin tiling' week of 0. Richard Butler was good, as usual. Dudley Hawlcy, Wm. D. Corbett. Frank Shannon, Stanley James and Cccl from Rlddeford, Me., arranged to greet the team of Martin and Perkins upon their ap- pearance at the New Portland Theatre this week. Toronto, Can.—Princess (D, Mulholland, mgr.) "Stop Thief" Julia Sanderson, in March 16 and week, "The Sunshine Girl," Howson wcro all' good. Frances Nellson gavo week of 23. Ethel Barrymore to follow, an excelcnt performance, and added one more » Aug andbr (L, Solomon, mgr.) — Dlaa big hit to her list Bhe works hard for sue- Ryan, In "Peg o' My Heart," 16 and week, cess, and sbe la deserving of all credit given £° B WS ' Sftn " f i'i„J a ' When Dreams Como her. Hazel May and Louise Kent were good. 7*$*" meli «* ^ Birds of Paradise" to Special notice Is due Helen Tracy tor her ex- "'low. ,_ _ cellent work. "Stop Thief" week of 16, "The _ Q**»i> (J- W Cowan, mgr.)—Thos. V. Regeneration" next Emory, In "Broadway Jone»,' r 16 and week. Amkkican (R. M. Pcttlt, mgr.)—Bill week T *J°»- _ B - Shea, In repertoire, week of 28. Of 16: Teddy Osborne's pets, BilUe Dale, 'fc^gPjWK i0 ,oll ? w -»ni ,„»v «_ Baby Zclda, O'Brieo and Lean, and now ..SmA's (J, Shea, mgr.)—Bill 18-21: Owen motion pictures. Three shows are given "cOlveney, Edmond Hayes and company, dally, 2.15, 7.15 and 9 P. it. Sunday con- V, ole *"* _P en(l i'yi Diamond and Brennan, Henry Lewis, Cadets de Gaacoigne. Metro- politan Minstrels, and Leo Zarroll and com- pany. Gaibty (T. R, Henry, mgr.)—.Watson's Pig Show 10 and week. Cracker Jacks next Stab (F. W. Stair, mgr.)—Girls from the Follies If next. Majbbtic (P. F. Griffin, vllle and moving pictures; Strand (E. Wild, mgr.)—Photoplays and Illustrated songs. Loaw's (Ike Solomon, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and vaudeville. Bill 16-21: Klsselly's Manikins, Holmes and Riley, Dorothy Rogers and company, Wanda, Joe Conk. Ann Wal- certa will be given. Casino (A. Julian Brylawskl, mgr.)—Bill week of 16: Murray Livingstone and com- pany, Bonton, Tllson and Parker, Carley Carlos, Washburn and Collins, Dave George, and new photoplays. Sunday concerts, well featured, do well. Cosmos (A. Julian Brylawakl, mgr.)—Bill week of 10: Irene West and the Hoyal Ha- waiian Sextette. A. J. Farrell, tbe Franconl Opera company, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Median end company, Alt. Bonner and Anha Meek, Hilly Barron, and new pictures. Sunday concerts, with music by r 'That Orchestra, do capacity. Gavetv (George Peck, mgr.)—The Gay 16 and week. Girls from Joyland mgr.)—Vaude- New Yorkers drew good busli>»~« week of P. J crB and company Brady and Maboney, Han- Mlner's Big Frolic week of The Greut ,on ., and Hanlon, Karl, and three other acts. Jlohman Show next. Sunda> concerts, well ,„> N0T .? 8 -— Co , nan * Harris have notified the featured, do well. Broadway Jones" company their season KuiTii's (Roland 8. Robhlns. mgr.)-<Blll ESftiSStiPifiR JESS&LX.' !?■«?• s . talr week of 16: "Arcadia," B. F. Rolfe's latest £? 8 «™« c ™'?f e . d lo;aI capitalists to the extent musical spectacle: Joseph H. Howard and j*„♦ 200,000 in connection with tbe new bur- Mabel McCnne, Ed. Wynn and company. Mi|-. ' c8 ^ a Jl 0, l' 0 ( *' *5P r *i' rca is_- - - -.--A, vigorous ton Pollock and company, Klutlng/s Bnter- lfSF*S 8 ' %™K ™' dc „ for the "fe °' u fu .rl? er tnln^ra T.nnn> Ktonhono "r>i„i^i, n tini.n,, woes: in the Loew Company, the building; tainers, Lcona Stephens, "Chuck Kelsnor and Henrietta Gores, Ssnsone and Dellln, I'atho Weekly Review, and pipe organ re- citals. Sunday concerts, well featured, do capacity. NOTES jocw Company, the building Investment having exceeded the original n> ures by *200,000. London, Can—Grand (John R. Mlnhln- nlck. mgr.) "Undo Tom's Cabin" March 21, Alice Lloyd 24, Bchumnrni-Holnk 28, "Old "Tna Man Wno Would Livb," by William Homestead" 30, "Stop Thief April 0 lltirlbut, will bo seen in the near future nt Majhstic (Thos. Logan, mgr.)—Excellent the Columbia. business afternoon and evening, Washington's moving picture houses aroi Pbincbss (W. L. Stewart mgr.)—Oood all doing well, ! crowds to witness tabloid plays, Manauer Fred G. IlEnaKR sits back In his Stab, Unique and Eupibb, moving plc- chalr and cays be has nothing to worry I turea only. about, let the other fellow do the worrying, \ Nora.—(But for the prompt action of the as his plays and players for the coming sea- ; Btago employees at the Grani March 10, at son of the Columbia I'laycrs arc all under ! the performance of "Nobody's Daughter " a contract and the contracts In the safe, I email Ore In the wings, caused by a short Tom TBitBtss. tho English actor, will de- I circuit, a disastrous panic might have started, liver hit lecturo on Charles Dickons at sev- ) _. _ , ... ., 7~ cral of the young ladies seminaries during* „ 8 *- ™«"i Minn.—Metropolitan (L. N. this week. Arrangements are now being; °, cott L mgr.) May Irwin had big business made for these lectures. March 8-11. "Traffic in Souls, pictures, Thh elaborated sketch of Poll's Theatre, "jew well 12-14. Montgomery and Stone, In of the present and future, with photograph, "The Lady of the Slipper," 15-18; D. H. of Manager James Thatcher, was well writ- Southern 19-21 (house dark 22), Rose Stahl. ten. and gave a delightful line on the Poll M "Maggie Pepper," 28-25 i "Little Women" policy for Washington, Although tbe authors 26-28. name Is not given, but be deserves much credit for the manner in which he handled tile subject. _ HA7.»l May retired from tho Poll Players March 14. Arrangements have been completed <whlcb SnoBDRT (Frank C. Priest, mgr.)—The Huntington Players bad usual big business week of 8, when they presented "Alias Jimmy Valentine." The offering for week of 15 is "Brewster's Millions." Orfubum (B. C. Burroughs, mgr.)'—Busl- will give Wusulngtou a permanent stock com- ness very good. Bill 15-21: Cecil Lean and pany. (Sylvester Z. Poll, head of tho big Poll Clco Mayfleld Henrietta De Scrris and com- pany, Muller and Stanley, Etta Bryan and Roy Sumner and company, Nonotte, James MeCorranek and Eleanor Irving, and Bombay Dcerfoot. Grand (Theodore L. Slays, mgr.)—Tho Happy Widows, with Cohan and Watson. drew Mg business week of 8. For week of 15, The Golden Crooks. BMrnuss (Gus 8. Greening, mgr.)—This circuit ot theatres, in a consultation here last week with his general manager, Edward Rcnton, and Uls Washington manager, James Thatcher, outlined a plan that includes a complete remodeling of tho present Poll The- atre, next Summer, and a continuing clause in his contract for tho house that will en- able him to make plans for the next ten years. The Poll permanent stock Idea has been given a thorough test in Washington houso Is enjoying extraordinary business. The and the other big cities of tho Poll circuit bill week of 15 Is announced as "A Nameless this season, and it bus proved successful. Show," none of the names of the performers At the present time there aro twenty-eight being given In advance, first class theatres In the circuit that are Gaibtt (Otto N. Raths mgr.)—Bill week Operating permanent stock companies, of 8 Included: Josephine Barda, the Arrens, _ ~T.. _ . -. _ ,„ ,, Ethel Alton and company, Al. and Jcsslo Providence, H. I.—Opera Houso (Felix Dunstan, and Mcrlo Tyson. Wcndelscbafcr, mgr.) "Within the Law" Pbincbss, Stabland and Majbsuc, big March 16-21, houses, with pictures. Colonial (A. H. Spink, mgr.)—"A But- _ * \ . _ »___._ terfly on tho Wheel" 10-21. Snrevcport, La.—Grand (Ehrllcb Bros. Kami's (Charles Lovenberg, mgr,)—Bill & Coleman, mgrs.) "Miss Hob White" (local) 1G-21: Three Types, Kelly und Harrison, pleased two good audiences March 10. "Peg Heath and Mlllcrahlp, Four Hards, Julia Cur- o" My Heart" follows 14, 15. tls. Chief Caupollcan. Six Klrkemlth Sisters. Majestic (Bbrllch Bros. & Coleman. Jed and Ethel Dooley, and Gormley and nigra.)—BUI week ot 8 Included: Noveldo Coffery. Duo, Kentucky Trio, Stephens and Stephens, Etti'iiiB (Sol Braunlg, mgr.) — "In the find Miss Neville. Special matinees only of Bishop's Carriage" 10-21. the picture, "Antony and Cleopatra," 12, 18, Bullock's (I'arker Burke, mgr.)—Vaude- Good business is still In ovldence. vllle and pictures. SAiNatm (B. V. Richards Jr., mgr.)—Ka- Scawic (Martin Toohoy. mgr.) — Martin tnoua Players and Association pictures to (Poobey and Templo Players, and Eddie good business. llcaley and Mario Horton and comp.iny con- Hirronnouu (D. L, Cornelius, mgr.) — tlnuo sb good attractions. Mutual program and other features. Wbstmiksteb (Geo. Collier, mgr.)—Gin- Qurbjn (B. V. Richards Jr., mgr.)—Asso- ger Girls 16-21. elation and Independent pictures to good Union (Cbas. Allen, mgr.)—Vaudeville business. and pictures. Palacb (B. V. Richards Jr., mgr.)—Inde- Cabino, Bijod and Nickbl. — Pictures pendent and Association pictures, only. 'Musis, Rnx, Cbtstal and Dreamland, ... . . _ . - _«. .- _ . pictures only. Woonsoolcei, R. I.—Park (Q. W. Rmlth, Norsa. —Tbe Hlks' Circus, "bigger and mgr.) for week of March 10, tbe Bd. Lynch better," dated for 20 "The Crystal Thea- Stock Co. present "The Sign Qt the Four." tre" opened 7 with real features, and should "I Should Worry" was presented here by Tujoy good business. Tho theatre Is owned local amateurs for tho benollt of the St. Paul by J. M. Doll, owner of the Rex, in tbl* city. It Is equipped with all the latest improve- ments and Innovations in plcturedom. Stock "Co. will close Tb'elr - engagement nercT ssjnagp. If. tV—Star (C. L. namer, rogr^ After a short rest they will open up In tho vaudovtllo and pictures. Change of bill Wed- Mlddlo West On Saturday, 14. Q. W. nesday. .,...„,. ^ . „ ' Smith resigned as manager of the Park The- Lxcioh (iM. M, Gutstadt, mgr.)—Vaude- ntre. Mr. Bmlth hns been manager of this ^'J 0 a nd P'* 411 ' 08 ^™ _ _^_ . „ ^ llAPri Hotia (W. K. Tree. tngB.)— nigh Orphanage 17. iSuiTifa and Nickrl, moving pictures only. Notds. —On Saturday. 21, the Ed. Lynch ,«*>■ n^. mill ,.1^„„ .I.aI_ —™_. _.. . i. theatre since It was taken over by the P. F. Shea Tbcatro Co. He will Join the llnrnnm «las» photoplays & Bailey Show, and his many frlondi wish Noths.— The Mm' success in his new field. He will be suc- ceeded at tlio Park by F, D. Shea, of Man- chester, N. B. N'utkh. —'I'lu- mhilnturo musical comedy offered by Manager Hamcr at the Star dur- ing the past few weeks havo been very welt received Charles House, tho popular superintendent of the Star Theatre, is ''noted" for his courtesy to patrons..... ROUTE LIST VAUDEVILLE W__1^TsrnB 1 _i_,W_en ao> date U « V1 iV'JJjssss-i-ea, the week oC March 16-81 la represented. Abbott Tilly, * Parmer. Orphean, Winnipeg, Otn. Addison a Livlngaton, New Eknpnss, Cbatu- nooaa. Tenn. Adams, Buy * Enlth, Poll's. EpriafJeld, Mas*, Adams, tfabti, a Co., Orpbeam. lllaneapoUs. Adelatds ft HoglNS, Palace. Orieasft. Ahearn, Obarlie, * <».. Bashwlek, Bkln.: Pal- ace, tt. T. a. 38-28. __ ^ AhMrn Bras., VletorU, Winnipeg, On.; 8her. man, Bukatooo, Out., 23-28. Alrle. Ella. Bmpire, Fremo, Oal., 18 21; Pitta's, BtkenOeld, ObK. 22-24. Allmon Orant, "What Can a Girl Do" Co. Alexander, Bob, Olympla Olrcult AlTla. Peter H., Poll's, New Haven, Alpine Troupe Majestic, Milwaukee. Alfreds (3). Kelth'a, Indianapolis. AlexandOT Bros., Oraad. 8/cacuie, N, I. ALLiEN <& FBAXCIS Original Grotesque Character Danceio. We have imitator, who call themselves "Lang j May." Albert. Bob. Orpbeum, Seattle, Was*, j Orpbeam, Portland, Ore., 23-28. AIIdmo a Kevins, Keith's, Lvw&ll, Has*. Albanoa, Eljou, Boston. Allen, Francis, Lyric, Buffalo, Allen, Roth. « Ox. Shea's, Bnffilo. Aldath, Fred., ft Ob., Keith's, IndlanapoUf. American IHncew (6). Wo. Vmn, Phlla. Ann, Baby, Shubert, Utlcs. N. Y. Anderson ft Burt, Sercatb. Ave., N. Y. O., 19*1. Anderson ft Oolncs, Orand St, N. 1. O.. 19-11. Auger, Barnard ft 0>.. Orpbeum. attnneapoUsu Apdile's Orcnei Poll'8, Sprtngnsld, Uua. Armstmng & Ourrlc, Forsythe, Athmta, Ga, "Arcadlal 5 ' Kelth'a. WiiiOngton. Arthurs (3), Temple. Hamilton, flan. Armstrong. W. II.. ft Co., l/xw'B. Newbalf, IT. Y., 19-21. Armoroe ft afalvey, Shubert, Bkln., 19-91. Armstrong ft Ford, Orpheum, Ban Fran., Oel. Arakli (S), FranktoTd, Phlla. Aatalre. Adele ft Fred, Keith's. Lowell, Uses. Australian Whip Oracken, Proctor'*. Newark. N. J. "Auto Bandit. The," Shubert, Bkln., 19-31. Austin ft Webb. Colombia, fit. Lotus. At«7, Tan ft Carrie, Oshkosh, Wis., 19-21, MadL son, Wis., 23-25. Aran Comedy (4). Poll's. SprbigOeld, Mass. Asard, Paul, Troupe, Unique, Minneapolis. Asard Bros.. Keith's, Cincinnati. Barton ft Lorera, Empress, Salt Ltkc City. U. Barnard, Flnnerty ft Mitchell, Paatagea', Van- couver, Can.; Panrages', TAComa, Waab., 23-28. Ball. Ray Ellnore, Altaambrn, N. X, a Bartboldl's Birds, Maryland. BslUmore. Bards (4). Kedth's, Providence, Barker, Kdjrt Mae. 5th Ave., N. Y. 0. Barry, Mr. ft Mrs, Jimmy, brand 0. H., Pitt*. JTATO. IIARBf BAKER and O'NEAL "THH CHITBU8 TAKKB" burgh. Bsrtb, Lee. Keith's, Cleveland. liimkoff ft Girlie, Grand, Hyrscoae, N. Z. Baker, Belle, Keith's, Toledo. Ball ft West, Keith's, Lowell. Mais. Baker, Clay. Delancy St., M. Y. a. 10-11. Bailey, BUI, Shubert, Bkln., 19-21. Barton, Bam, Orpbeum, Ban Fran., Oal. Burbonr, Nina, Orpheum, Sacramento, Oal., 20-21. Barnes, Gertrude, Orpheum, Los Alleles. Oal. Bales, Blanche, ft Co., Majestic, Milwaukee. Barrows ft Milo, Orpbeam, New Orleans. Carlos (3), Howard, Boston, Banna, Jlnca, Orpheom, Alroona, Fa., 10-21. Barron, Billy, Oaemoe, Washington. Barry, Lydta, Keith's, IndUntpolnr. Bevlns. Olem, ft Co., Empress, Chicago. Bennett, Murray, Empress, Portland, Ore, Berry ft Berry, Empress, St. Paul. EDGAR BEBGEIt PIlEJfOarESAL BAUD BALASCER Booked by Western Vaidaville Aasat. Bernard, Dick, ft CO., Bmpress. Spokane, Wash.; Empress, Seattle, Wash., 28-2S. Bell ft Jooes, Hipp., Chicago; Kedsle, Chicago, 23- 28. Beuway ft Dayton, Atlanta. Ga., lsde&nlte. Berg Bros., Apollo, rTurmberg, Oermany, 19-31; l'albsdlum, London, April 6-20. Berra, Mabel, Hammeroteln's, N. Y. a Beauty Is Only 8km, Deeti," Tenrthe. Atlanta, Ga. Bell. Dlgby. Keith's, Cleveland. Belleclalra Bros., Orpbeom, Montreal, Can. "Behind the FootlUrhts," Loew'a, Sew Bochelle, N. Y„ 19-21. Bernard ft Harrington, Orpbeam. '. «ouvor. Can, Berrena, The, Orpheum, Ouluili. Beits ft Obediow. Osrrlck, Wllmlngtcs. Del. Derrick. Hart ftlOo.. Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Beilefonts, The, "The" Theatre. Vltalla. Oal., 18- 20; Aahbya. Hantord, Oal.. 22-24. "Big Jim," Btniwen, Denver. Big Oity Four, Dominion, Ottawa, Out.; Ov- pheom, Bkln., 23-28. Bison dry Four, Bronx, N. Y. 0.; Poll's, Spring- Held, Mass.. 23-28. Diiins, niDDs ft Burns, Orpheom, Sacramento, Oal., 20, 81. Blspham, David, Orpbeam, Vsnronver, Om. Blessings, The, Orpbeum, Portland, Ore. Bolses (4), Olympla, Bhorcdltcb. London; Isling- ton, London, 23-26; Empire. Proaton, Bcglsnd, April 0-11; Bmplre, Pending, 13-18. Boike. Herr, Pantasjee', Spokane. Wash., 23-28. Bowers, Fred'k V„ ft Oo^, Keith's, C level and. BoucmJsns (3), Temple. Detroit. Itoganny Troupe, Shubert, L'tlca N. Y. Borden ft ehannon, Orpheum, N. Y. a. 19-21. Bogart ft Nelson, Orpheom, Boston, 19-21. "Book Agent. Tbe," Lyric, Holokes, N. J., 19- 21. "Bovrer of Melody, The," Orpheom, Peora. HI., 10-21. Bonner ft Meek, Cosmos, Washington. Boutoo, Tilson ft Parker, CmIdo. Washington. Brown ft Blyler, Kmprees. Sacrunralo, Oal. Brownuur, Bessie, Empress, Victoria, Oan. Brown, HarrlB ft Brown, Wilson, Oblcago. Brooks ft Bowen, Obok'a O, H., Rocbester, N. Y. Brooks. Franklin A,, Princess, Bocbester, N. Y., Indefinite. Bragg 1 Bragg Toronto, Pan, FRED & MINITA BRAD oitPHSiin Toca Mgt. O. A. POUOHOT, Palace Bldg., W. T. Portland, Me,—JcfferBoo (Julius Cnbn, mgr.) tho Jefferson Stock Co. present "Life's Manager Tree's features are great drawing Shop Window" Marcb HMO. Satin souvenir cards at the Happy Hour. Brighton Quartette. Pontages'. Los Pantacea, San Diego. Oat., 23-28. Brown Bros. (0), Primrose ft DvckatadefS Min- strels, Price. Fuonle, Grand O. II., Pittsburgh. Brads, The, Tetnolo. Detroit. Brown, Dehnore ft Brown, Drlancy St., N. T. O, 10-21. Brandt Bros. Tth Ave, N. Y. C. 10-21. Urtrrre ft Klmr, Fulton, Bkln., 19-21. Brady ft Mahouey, Yonges', Toronto, Can. llryau, Sumner Oo., Orpheum. St. Paul. llruch. Krlti ft Lucy, OolUDbta. St. Looia Brown, Walter, ft Co., Orxajal. Mtlwaukea Bryson ft Carlson, Bijou. Boston, Brlato's Bdicated Horses, Bowrteln 8q., Bosom Bradley. Fred ft One, Bijou. Phils. Burke ft McDonald, BmnresB. Loi Angeles, Oal Burke, John P., Folly, Detroit. Bunklrk. Musical, ft Co., Bijou Dream, Boetont PTovtdmce, R. I., 28-28. Burke, John ft Mae, 6th Am, H. Y. a Buckley's Animals, Foraytbe, Atlanta, Ga, Burns ft Kisses, Bbea's, BafiTalo. nurley ft Borleo', Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Burns ft Fulton, Poll's, UarUord, Oonn. Bush ft Shipiro. Lincoln Sq.. N, Y. O.. 19-21. Burton ft Ixroer, Shubert, Bkbu, 19-21. Burns, Kilmer ft Grady, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Byal A Bari, Otitheum, Jacksoovlllev Fla Oanflekl ft Osrlton, Kmpresa BeattK, Wash. Carter. Soaann, ft Oo., O. H., Panrboaka, 0*1*.} Yale, Sapnipa, OkJa,, SS48, "California." Bodsoo. Union ETUI, H. J. Oaritoas. The, Busbwlck. Bkln. Oaapoilcaa, Chlet, Koith'a Pravldeaee, Oarrera. Llane, ft Oo., Keith's. Phlla. OartmeU ft Harris, Kelth'a, Loahrrille. m Oantwrll ft Walker, Foraytbe, Atlanta. Ga Catalan* ft Danny. Orpbeum, Brittle, Wash. Cmeron ft O'Oonner, Orpbeam. San Fran., OaL Oarlyle ft Rotnrr. Orpbeom, San Fran.. OaL Okpltalne, EL Orpheum, Sacrntnentn, Oal., 20-21. CarJUo, Leo, Orpbeum, Salt Lake Otty, U. Oarloa, Charles, Okalno, Waahlnrion. OunpbsU ft Yates. Majestic, KUamasoo, Mich., 19-21. Mile. CARRIE Playing the Patted Time. Cabaret Trio. Oolambta. Grand Baplds, Mich. Cecil. Bldrtd ft dorr, Empress, Butto, Mont. "Cellolold Sara," Orpheom. St. Louis. Chnmis (4), Touring Europe. Cbeerbext'e Ouineno Troupe, Orpheum, SeatUa, Wash. "Circus Days." Empress, Milwaukee. Clifford, Edith, Empress, Tacoma, Wash. Olarke ft Owen, Melbourne, Australia, *~ Clark ft Tinner, Boso Sydcll Oo, Oleroo, Great, ft Johnson, Bnrkoot's Show. Clifford, Kathleen, Maryland, Baltimore. Cleudlne ft Scarlet, Busbwlck, Ekln. Cliff. Laddie, Keith's. Phlla. Clark ft Hamilton, Orpbeum, -Montreal, Oka, Clark ft Verdi Keith's, Columbus. C^syton, Bessie, ft Co., Orpheom, SuramwtOv Oal., 20-21. Cleve, El, Nixon, Phlla. Clare, Frances, ft Co.. Grand, Phlla. Olaremont Bros.. Orpbeam, Jersey OUT. H. J, Clayton, Una, Orpheum, Peoria. 111., 19-21. Ooakley, McBrlde ft Mllo, Empress, Ohicsgoi, Cotton, Lolo, Ban Diego. Oal. Oolborn, Jennie, Billy "Swede" Hall ft Oo. Consul ft Betty, Keith's, Cleveland; Lyceum,Can- ton, O., 23 28. Connelly ft Wenrtcb. Bronx, S. Y. O. Oonrtwir, Minerva, ft O., Proctor's. Newark, R. J. Connolly. Mr. ft Mrs.. Orpheum, Montreal, Oka, Cooper, Joe ft Lew, Grand, Syracuse, N. X. ''Colonial Days," Shubert, Utlca. N. Y. Cotilln, Ray, Poll's, Sca-anton, Pa. Cook, Joe, Yonges', Toronto Can., 18-H, Oolllos ft Hart, Orpheom, Oakland, OaL Conchas, Paul, Orpheum, Denver. Collins, Milt. Majestic, Milwaukee: Oonroy, A Models, Orpbeum, Sioux Olty, he Oorelll ft Gillette, Orpheum, Des Moines. Oonly ft Webb, Orpheom, Lincoln, Neb. Oottrell ft Oarew, Sun, Sprlngfleld, O. Copeland ft Psyton, Crystal, Milwaukee. Conway. Nick, Howard, Boston. Cole ft Edwards, Bijou, Boston. Oonroy ft Lanuire Players, Colonial, Phlla Corella. Beatrice, Colonial. Stockton, Oal., 19-tL Cross ft Josephine. Maryland, BaiUmoro; KeUa'f, ProvIdeDcr 28-28. Cressy ft Dayne, Grand, Syracuse, tf. T. Craig ft Williams, Frankfort. Phlla. Curtis, Jalla, Keith's, Providence. Cullen, J«s. H.. Orpbeam, Sioux City, Is. Oummings ft Gladylng. OolumbU. St. Locus', D'Arvllle, Jeannette, Mootresl, Can. "Day at the Circus, A," Einpress, Salt Lake City, D. Davett ft Duval. Pantagee', Vancouver, Oan.; PaEtageo", Tacoma, Wash., 23-28. Daly, Lucy, ft Co., Lyric, Richmond, Va. Dainty Bngllsh Trio, Keith's, Phils. Dimerel, Geo., ft Oo., Orphoum, I.os Angeies, OaL Damond, Eugene, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Oan. Dally, Robt.. ft Oo., Orpbeum, Memphis, Tens. Dagwell Sisters. Orpheum, Memphis, Tern, Davidson, De Cordova, ft Co., Orpheum, Altoona, Pa., 19-21. Dale, Blllle, American, Washington. Davis, Billy, Columbia, Grand Baplds, Mich. Demareat ft Doll, Empress, Milwaukee. DELFB10 and DELHORA lata BOBIflO COMEDY MC8 ICAL BOVELTY. Perm, address, CLIPPER Dennis Bros., Eknpreas, Portland. Ore. De Oroote ft Longtry, Casino, OharloUe, W. O. Des Jarlden. Trixle. Dan Friendly'* M. 0. Oo. De Vole Trio, Kelth'a. Boston. Delmore ft Light, Grand O. H.. PlUaburgh. De Schelle, Dorothy, ft Oo., Bbubert, DUca, H, X, De Qascogne. Oadets, Shea's. Toronto, Oasa, Do Leseo Troupe, Orpheum, X. Y. O., 19-21. De Garrao, Alice, Loew's, Newburgb, N. X., 19* 21. Demareat ft Obabot, Orpheum, Los Angeles, OaL Deeley, Ben, ft Co.. Orpheum. Vancouver, Oan. De Base, Helen. Howard, Boston. De Lorls. Dick. Colonial, Phlla. Delmar ft Delmac, Roanoke, Eoanoka, Va.; Ma- jestic, Chicago, 23-28. Oellcla. ft Policy, "The" Theatre. Vlsalla, Cal.. 18-21; Ashby, Hantord, Oal., 22-24. Diamond ft Brennan. Shea's, Toronto, Oan.; Mary- land, Baltimore, 23-28. BELLE DIXON Direction JACK CURTIS Perm. Address, 133 W. 113 St.. Wsw Yorat DIsk's Monkeys, Keith's, Boston. Dlero, Keith's, Oolumbus. Dlckhuon. Bufoe, Colonial, Norfolk, Va DUon, Belle, Lyric, Hoboken. N. J., 19-21. Dorsch ft Russell, Empress, Butte, Mont. Doyle, John, ft Co., Empress, Cincinnati. Doyle, Patsy, Pantages', Portland, Ore. Dooley, Jed ft Ethel, Kelth'a, Providence. Dollman ft Neville, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. a, 10-M. Donalds (3), Oolnmbla, Bkln., 19-21. Dollar Troupe, St James, Boston, 19-21. "Doable Cross, The," Orpheum, Salt Lake City, D. Dooley, Wm. J., Orpbeum, New Orleans. LVoley Twins, Orpbeum, Jersey City, N. J. Drew, Ohsa. O.. ft Co.. Empress, Denver. Drapers Tbe, Keith's, Lowell, Mass, Dunn ft Harnman, Orpheum, Madison, Wis., 19. 21; Orpheum, Rocktord, 111, 23-26. Du Barry ft Leigh Chicago. Duncan, Dan H, Majestic, Tulsa, Okla. Dupree, Minnie, ft Co.. Keith's, Phlla. Dupree ft Dupree, Keith's, Olereland, Du For Trio, Poll's, Springfield, Mass. Duval, Viola, 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., 18-31. Dyer. Hubert, ft Co., Poll's, .New Haven, Oonn. Eckert ft Berg, Crystal. Milwaukee. Edna, Ruth. Princess, Hot Springs, Ark., 19-21; Majestic. Little Rock, Ark,, 23-25. Edwards, Tom, Touring England, Egan, Joe M., ft Dogs, Veins, New Bedford, Mass.. 19-21; Oomique, Camden, Me., 23-25. Ellas, Harry. Stetson's "U. T. 0.," Eastern Oo. Ellnore ft Williams, Alhambra, N. Y. 0. Bldon ft Ollfton, Bowdotn Sq„ Boston, Empire Comedy (4), Colonial, Erie, Pa.; Shnbert, Utica, N. Y., 23-28. Emmett, Hugh J., ft Oo, Aigylo. Birkenhead, Euglaa; Empire, Mlddloslwro, 23-28; Empire, Edtoborough, 80-Aprll 4. Emerson ft Adams, Howard, Boston. Enlerie, Mile., Allegheny, Phlla. English ft Johnson, Delancy St., N. Y. a, 19-21. Ernie ft Ernie, Benn All, Leslogton, Ky.; Kelth'a Indianapolis, 23-28. Kngottl ft Lllllputlana Maryland, Baltimore. Erroi, Bert, Temple, Detroit. Espe. Al,, ft Paul, Poll's, Bridgeport, Cons,: toil's, Wllkca-Barre, Pa., 23-287^ ^^ Ewardos (3), Greek? Bq, N, Y. U, 19-21. al ESPE * PAUL JTJOOLEB OF ARTILLERY AND COMEDIAN TOORINO POU T1MB ''Everybody's Doing It," Empress. Tacoma, Wash. Evana, Billy ft Clara, New Era Boat Show. Falcone (3), Lyric Indianapolla Fatlma, Alhambra, N. Y. a Ferber Qla-U, UanuDerwteln's, ri. Y. 0. Favershaai, William, ft O., OrpBsom, Bkln. Fayc ft Ulna. Bijou. N. Y. C . 10 21. Farrell," AL, Cosmos, ashlnxlon. Ferguson, Dave, Empress, Kansas Olty, Mo. Visher, Mr. ft Mrs. Perkins, Empress, Olty, Ho. artaber. Bailie. Orpbeum. Bkln, aTlaber ft Greena Keith's. Oblnmbas. Fiddler ft Bbeltun. Fulton, Bkln., 19-9L Flanagan ft Edwards. Amambra, N. X, 0. Floro, Prince, Temple. Bocbester, N. X. aTktrette, Grand, Phlla. Flynn, Joe, Keeoey's, Newark, N. J., 10-SL Fong Hung, Orpheom Vancouver, Oan. Forest, B. Kelly, Columbus, Bkln., 19-91. Foyer. Eddie, Grand St, N. Y. a, 10-91. Fox ft Ward, O. H, Shamokln, Pa, 10-21; Nixon, Atlantic City, N. J., SS-ST Foster ft Lovett, Orpheom. Los Angeles. OaL Foy. Eddie, ft Family, Orpheum, Omaha. roateU ft Emmett Phlla, Voadelier, Bsdle, Lyric, Bairalo. Ford ft Laird, Ajhiy's, Hasford, Cal., 18-21- OolonUL atoektoo. Oat. 83-94. ' THE TWO FRANKS K<aUILlBB.I8T8. O VACDEVILH; Freeman, Maurice, ft Oo,, Empress, Denver. Krostick, Hume ft Thomas, Empress, Denver. FrlmUki, Lea, ft Co., Seattle, Wash., indefinite. Frtgmnsa, TrUlo, Busbwlck, Bkln, Froslni. Foraytbe, Atlanta. Ga. Freeman ft Dunham, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Frey Twins, Grand St, N. Y. a, 18-21, Fredo ft Amertco. Bljoa, Boston, HENRY FREY THE OEBMAB SOD9E BIO BUT KVKaYWHBag. "From Obney Isle to the North Pole," Frsnkfoed, Phlla Franeonl Opera Co.. Ooomos. Washington. Gardner, Grant, Empresa Ft, Wayne, lad. Galloway. Louise, ft Ob.. Alhambra. N. Y. O. Galvla. Wallace, 5th Ava. N. Y. a Gesch Sisters, Delancy St, N. Y. a. 19-21. Galloway ft Roberts, Harris', Pittsburgh; Family, Detroit, 23-28. Gannon, Helen, Orpbeom, Salt Lake City, U. Gallacher ft Oarlln, Orpbeum, Des Moines. Georges (2). Princess, St. Louis. Gebpsr, John, Keith's, Cincinnati. Oeasro ft Belles-, Hammers teln 'a, N. Y. 0. Gennalne. Herbert Trio. Shea's. Buffalo. George, Dave, Casino. Washington. GlrdeUer, Earl, ft Dogs, Empress, Lot Angeles, OsL SAM GILDER Tbe Original Lone Star Minstrel. TJ.B,O.TIMB° Direction HARRY RAFF. Glllen, Eddie, Panama Oasal, White Oity, Chi- cago. Oiningwater, Claude, ft Go^. Maryland, Baltimore. "Girl in tbe Muff, Tbe." Hammersteln'a, N.Y. a Gillette's Animals. Orpheum. San Fran., Cal. Gllmore, Barney, Allegheny, Phlla. CALL SPECIAL and FEATURE SONGS WRITTEN for Acts. Everyone a Hit FRANK J. OILLEN Writer of "Good-Bye Sal," " If Thay'a Only Ms*. Old Ireland 0»§r Hera," Blanche King's Big Success Address 47 West a8th St.. BTKWYOBK Olockers, The, Keith's, Columbus. Gould, Venita, Orphenm, Peoria, lit, 19-21. Ooodall, Archie, Kmpresa, Kansas Olty, Mo. Gould ft Asfclyn, Columbia, St, Louis. Gordon, Bounding, Empress, San Fran, OaL Go.sans, Bobby, So. Sixth St., OolataboJ. Golden, Olande, Keith's, Indianapolla; Aadersoa, Loolsville. 23-28. GORDON and GORDON NOVELTY, ACROBATIC, CONTORTIONISTS Permanent Adnresa, Pf. f. CLIPPKBU Germans (5), OolcmbLa, Grand Rapids, Mich. Gormley ft Caffery. Keith's, Providence. Gordone, Bobble, Bronx, N. Y. 0. Goldberg. B. L, Hsmmersteto's, N. Y. O. Gordon ft Rica, Poll's, Now Haven, Coon, Gordon ft Klnley. Pott's, New Haven, Oonn. Gould, Rita. National, X. Y. O., 19-21. Golden ft West. Greeley Scj, N. Y. 0., 19-tL Ooldln, Horace, Orpheom, Kansas Olty, Mo. Gordon, Paul, Orpneum, Memphis. Tenn. Golden,, Morris ft Golden, Garrlck, Wilmington. Del. GORDON gMUBPHY BATING REGCLAH. aigaed with Burlesque next Season. GodowsU Trocpe, Colonial, Phlla. Gordon, Belle, Parrai, Bakersfleld, Oal., 18-21; Auditorium. Oal., 23-25. Green, McHenry & Deane, Unique, Minneapolis. Granat, Louis it, Babcock, Billings, Hoar,; Bm- press, Butte, Moot,, 23-28. Gruet ft Groet, Majestic, Dubuque, la. Green, Btbel, Lyric, Richmond, Va Grapewln, Chas., ft Co., Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Grees, Oarl. Dominion, Ottawa, Oan. Grey ft Pelers. Fulton, Bkln., 19-21. Graham ft Bandall, Bijou, Phlla. Grarotte, Lavondre ft Co., Orpheom, Jersey Olty, N. J. Guerro ft Carmen, Orpbeum, Montreal, Can.; 0. H., Pawtucket, R. I.. 23-28. Gwynn ft Gossett, Empress Victoria, Oan. Halleii ft Fuller. Lyric, Indianapolis. B»rt, Mario ft Billy, Poll'si New Haven, Oooa.; Kelth'a, qeveland, 88-28. EFFIE AND BILLY HALL WITH YALE STOCK CO. WAATHAM, BLABS. HgfiHBB! Harrison, West Trto, Victoria, Charlestoo. 8. O.; Lyric, Blimingham, Ala, 23-28. Bart, Annie, "Moi'aJden's Flats" Co. Hayes, Ed., ft Oo, Shea's, Toronto, Can.; Mary- land, Baltimore, 23-28. Hamad, Virginia, ft Oo, Alhambra. N. Y. O. Hsrveys (4), 5th Ave, N. Y. O. Hawkins, Lew, Keith's, Toledo. Hardeen, Poll's, Hartford, Conn. Hammond, Hoopes, Barre, Vt„ 1941. Hartsblma Bros. (3). Bijou Bkln., 19-21. Hsyes ft Aldrtch, Delancy St, N. Y. C, 19-21. Hawtborse, Hilda, Orpbeum, N. Y. 0.. 19-21. Hanlon ft Hanlon, Yonges', Toronto, Can. Hardt. Louis, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Oal. Halperln, Nam, Orpheum, Sioux City, Is. Hasrard, Jack, Palace, Chicago. Hall ft Francis, Orpheum. Harrlabnrg, PSi Harcourt, Daisy, Crystal, Jillwaukee. Harvey. Al, ft Co, Orpbeum, Boston, 19-21. Hart. Billy, Wm, Penn, Phlla. Hamilton ft Barnes. Colonial, Phlla. "Hat Shop, The," Orpheum, Jersey City, JT. J. Harris. Meyer, ft Oo., Lyric, Newark, V. J n 19-21* Hawaiian Sextette, Cosmos, Washington. Herman, Al., Empress, Winnipeg, Oan. Hedge, John, Sydney, Australia. Held. Anna. Keith's, Boston. Heath ft Mlllersblp, Kelth'a, Providence. Hennmgs, John ft Winnie, Bronx, N. Y. OL Henry ft Francis, Orpbeum, Bkln. Helen, Baby, Poll's, New Haven, Oban. Heuman Trio, Majestic, Chicago; Columbia, Oraad Baplds, Mich., 23-28, Herbert ft Dermis, Orpheum. Boston, 19-21. Herleln, Lilian, Orpheom, Raises City, Mo. Hess Sisters, Orphoum. Omaha. Hereon ft Qaylord. Keith's. Boston. Hill ft Arkermsn. Moss Tour, England, Bines ft Fox, Orpheum. Bkln. Hlekey Bros. (S). Orpheum. Montreal. Can, HUdehrand, Frank, Orpheom, Duluth BUI ft Whltaker. Majeatlc, Oblcago. HIGH LIFE "4" WITTROCK, HOWARD, UNO AND FlLLEt Loew Time. Then 8. ft 0. Address CLIPPKB. "nonor Among Thieves," Unique, Minneapolis, Bogsn. Gus, Ernla Marks Oo. Howard Bros. Tooting Baglmd. Houston. Henry, Toarlir Australia. Horman, Harry, ft Oo.TMaJeaac, Lorsane, 0. Hoey ft Lee, Alhambra, N. Y. O. Howard's Ponies, Bronx, N. Y. 0 Howard, Great, Hammersteta's, N. Y. 0. Howard ft McOaoe, Kelth'a, Washlrrtoa. Hoffman, Gertrude, Colonial, N. Y, 0. Hovt'a Mlcstrels. National, N. Y. 4, 19-21.. Holmes ft B!ley, Yonges, Toronto, Oan. Hockney ft Co., Orpbeum. Oakland. Cal. Holmes ft Buchannin, Majestic, Milwaukee. Hopkins Aitell k Co., Orpheum, UirrUturf, Pa. BoU, Alf, Howard. Boston. Dodges ft l.auncbre«re. Howard, Boston, Howard, Ratlin? ft Oo.. Grand, Phlla. Bodge ft Lowell, Broadway, Phlla. Holden, Max, Orpbeum, Birmingham, Ala,