The New York Clipper (May 1914)

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16 THE ISTEW YQKK GLIPPEE. Mat 2 FILM FANCIES. lit HEX. HERBERT BLAGUE FORMS A HALF MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. Under the name at the U 8. Amusement Corporation. 'Herbert Dlacbc, president of too Exclusive Supply Corporation and Blacho Features, Inc., has formed a $500,000 com- pany for tee production of large feature pbotodramat. Besides 'Mr. Bhtche, the directors of the company are: Madame Alice Btache, presi- dent of the fiolax Company; Joseph U. Shear, Charles D. Llflignw, Joseph Borrles, Henri Monessler and Jules B. Brulatour. The Blaohe picture producing plant In Fort Lee, N. J., lias recently been enlarged by the addition of a new factor?, which la eald to be one of the most perfectly equipped for tbe developing and printing of nits of nay in the United States. The old factory Is rapidly being remodeled to fornlah addi- tional spue for dressing rooms, offices, etc., aud tbe new features will be produced In tbe Fort Lee plant under the direct supervision of President Blache. Thfi Maurice Costello Theatre, located at S3 Fort Washington Avenue, Manhattan. New York City, and named for tbe celebrated Vltagrapb -motion picture star, will be opened rilxiut May 2. It Is a new building, faced with white terra cotta, seating about eight hundred, and is planned to be the prettiest moving picture theatre In the city. The management Is making every endeavor to oticn the house ■with "Mir. Barnes of New \orlc," which Is now being shown at the Vltagrapb Theatre, and Id which Mr. Cos- tclio Is adding new laurels to his world-wide reputation as a screen actor. John E. Ince, leading man and director at the Lubln studio, after witnessing bis latest effort, "The Greater Treasure," by lithel Glenn Hall, claimed that It Is tbe best nnotodruma In which be has ever appeared. The story teaches a moral lesson—Money Is not everything. Tbe several situations were handled ably by Director Ince, and bis gifts as an actor are no loss than bis art as a pro- ducer. Few people know tbat the John ince of the photoplay is bhe John Ince who comes from a family celebrated in tbe uunala of the American stage, and that he is the brother of Thomas II. and Ralph Ince, of the New York Motion Picture and Vltagrapb, Companies. John Ince made his first ap- pearance In front of the camera a year and a half ago, and soon proved hlmaclf a photo- flayer of power and promise. Some of bis best known photoplay successes are* "The Price of Victory." "The Taking of Rattle- snake Bill," "In the Northland," ^'The Crown- ing Glory." "Officer Jim," "The House of rear," "The .Mansion of iSobs" and "Will Wood Tell?" The American Klnoto Corporation has done extraordinary business of late. Bach of ihe features that have been produced up to date have been sold out, and 'States (liuaor for more than can be supplied. There Is every prospect that tbe 'feature film, en- titled "Czeniow.ika ; or, a Woman's Treach- ery," will have a lino sale. Posters on thl9 subject are very strong and very uncommon. The film Is a line portrayal of Russian life, embracing all the tragedy for -which Russian dramas aro notorious. Tub Sedeg Feature Film Co. continues to do a big business with its Funtomns scries and other features. Assistant Manager Roy L. Frank Is helping out at the Buffalo office, owing to the extended -bookings up State. Tub American Klneto Corporation report that It has sold tbe New York State rights, exclusive of Greater New York, to the Sedeg Feature Film Co., of the live-reel production, '■The Mystery of the Fatal Pearl.'' This fea- ture is pronounced to be one of. the best mystery pictures Europe has ever sent to this country. Tub Indianapolis office of tbe Sedeg Fea- ture Film Co. is now booking in Indiana and Kentucky all of the "Pantomas" pictures released by the Gaumont Co. Tbe character of "Fantoinas is apparently as well known In Indiana as it Is In Now York, whore it | layed for four weeks on Broadway. This Is evident by the exceptional good bookings through tills iState. The exhibitors of New York have shown their appreciation of Sedeg Features to such nu extent that it has become necessary for them- to inaugurate a day and night force in order to cotter handle the many ship- ments. MARCUS UOEW FHIST TO SHOW FJJATl'RISS. ■Marcus Loew, who Just bought the Sulll- van>Considlnc circuit, It Is said, was the first n-.jfn to sbow big feature pictures. Over four years ago Mr. I/oew secured the right to a big feature picture of Sarah Bernhardt, in '•(Joeen lgllaibeth." He advertised It exten- sively and- showed tt In all his New York theatres. It iirovcd a i uccess from a 'box- office standpoint, and he has continued show- ing Wg feature pictures In bis New York theatres, until now he Is recognised as tho world's largest exhibitor of plural reelers. * (Uumont films fiave been making uncom- mon 'headway of late. Unuiuouts are now certainly fully alive to the requirements of the American film market, and seem to b« receiving tho reword" of their discretion. Their next release, "The Staircase of Death," Is a three-reel drama, brimful of Incident, and sped ally made to cater to the needs of the exchangeman and the exhibitor. KLE1VE OPENS AT PITT THEATRn. George Klelue will open at tbe Pitt Thea- tre. Pittsburgh, Pa„ for au Indefinite run, with his 'big feature, "Antony anil Cleo- patra." The opening date is May 4. Kl.BINC TO RELEASE SPECTACULAR FOUR-REEL SUBJECT. "Judge Not!" a mngii'lleeiit four-reel sub- resigned to accept tbe position of secretary to ft. H. Burnslde. the big theatrical pro- ducer. Her place has been taken by Miss Meagher, formerly with the Klnemacoror Company. CANADIAN STUDIO OPENING. Tbe Pan-American Film Co. has shipped to Arthur J. Ayleawortb, (Edmonton, Can., two Prestvrfch cameras, one Williamson printer, and an entire equipment for studio and dark room, together with fifty thousand feet of raw 111m stock. This Is the beginning of activities in connection with tbe Rocky Mountain studio, to be established at Edmon- ton, Can., for tbe purpose of making mul- tiple reel feature* In that unused territory. SUCCESS FOR PHILIPPINE PICTURE. "Native -Life in the Philippines," exploited by the Pan-American Film Company, la play- ing the first class theatres on a percentage basis. This week -large audiences are enjoy- ing theae pictures at the Majestic Theatre, Lot Angeles; the Broadway Theatre, Den- ver, and the Broadway Theatre. Detroit. All threo tllms are booked up solid until Jane. Six more films will be sent en tour within the next two or three weeks. This picture will lie released to exhibitors upon a rental basis after May IB. ATLANTIC COAST FILM COMPANY ORGANIZES. A number of prominent moving picture men have organized a company to produce four and five-reel features, under the name of the Atlantic Coast Film Manufacturing Co., and as tbe name Indicates, their studio is the coast line of the North Atlantic, from Florida to Maine. Tbe Coast Guard of Uncle Sam, thrilling rescues by life saving crews, stories of Bcasldc resorts, smugglers adven- tures and other episodes of the Eastern Coast line of the United States from a historical and romantic standpoint, 'will be filmed. These pictures will be manufactured with the lavish expenditure of money, care as to detail and expert manipulation, so as to make then of value to all the markets of the world. Tbe Atlantic Coast Film Manufactur- ing Company has executed contracts with the Pan American Distributing Company for the marketing of tbelr entire output. WALTER STANHOPE, LIEUTENANT. A -helpful factor "In the production of He- llnncc and Majestic Mutual Movies Is Walter Stanhope assistant to David W. Griffith, the head producer of these 'two brands of motion pictures. Though called an assistant. Mr. Stanhope In Mr. Griffith's alter ego during working hours, and working hours sometimes occupy nearly 'all of the twenty-four. Mr. Stanhope Is In every way an able lieu- tenant. He weeds out the persons who wish to sec Mr. Griffith, interviews callers helps with scenarios, assists In directing ana some- times plays parts himself. Mr, Stanhope has conlderable experience in motion pictures and on the stage, where his lost conspicuous part was with Wilton Lackaye, in "The Battle." He has been con- nected with the Lubln Film Manufacturing company and the Blograph Company. When Mr. Griffin quit producing the Btogrnph successes such ns "Judith, "The Battle of Elderbrush Gulch" and 'The Messengers" In order to make Reliance and Majestic Mu- tual movies, he secured Mr. Stanhope as bis assistant. Mr. Stanhope prefers motion pictures to the stage as a form of entertainment. He thinks the greatest motion picture ever pro- duced Is "The Escape," a Griffith Mutual movie, which will soon be put before the public. Mr. Stanhope's greatest ambition Is to become another David W. Griffith, and he rays, with a Hue touch of humor, tbat his favorite amusement la "watching a player from the speaking stage trying to act for motion pictures," Chikf Sr.nABTiAN, «f the Los Angeles, Cal., Police Department, has placed the en- tire force at the disposal of the Reliance and Majestic Mubuul movie producing forces, W. Christy Cnbanne will utilize tbe courtesy In a coming feature police drama, which will show the force in all Us branches at work. Russell E. Smith Is the author of the sce- nario. "Tub Horse Whanoler," another of the famous Western stories of George Fatullo, Is now being produced In motion picture form by Jack Adolifl. as a Reliance Mutual movie. - Mr. Pntulin, who is an authority on Western matters, has expressed himself as highly pleased with the way his stories have been visualized by the producing forces of the Mutual Film Corporation. Trie latest motion picture actor to Join the ranks of the directors Is Donald Crisp, of tbe Reliance Mutual Movie forces, form- erly with Blograph. He ihas lust completed "The Newer Woman," a comedy on the new woman question, the scenario of which was written by Russell 13. Smith. Dorothy Glsh, Hobert Harron and Mr. Crisp, himself, play the leading roles. ARTHUR ROBINSON AND CHARLES DAVENPORT BADLY BURNED WfllLE TBSTINO FIREPROOF (t) SUITS—THAT WERE NOT. Charles Davenport and Arthur RoMnion, the inventor of a supposedly fireproof as- bestos suit, both of whom are motion picture actors, were badly Domed about the face and hands April 21 while rehearsing a fire scene Id Hackensac. N. J. The plot of tbe photoplay, It seems, railed' for the burning of a hotel, from which structure the two actons were to escape. For this purpose Robinson had provided himself and com- panion with the asbestos clothes invention, which be believed he had perfected. Evi- dently the fireproof suits were not so much so. Inasmuch as they signally failed to pro- tect at the crucial moment, with the result that both players were removed to the Hod- eon Count/ Hospital. Later advices Inform ns tbat both are doing well at the present ■Ilini.r Bye, the famous Indian motion pic- ture actor appearing in Reliance and Ma- jestic Mutual Movies, is upholding his repu- livt made by Ones, is soon to bo ready for bonking by George Klelne. Tbe story has a distinctly out-ant he-ordinary plot, and Is conspicuous for Its Interesting situations and swift action. A prosecuting attorney, sub- ject to spelts of temporary meutal aberration, and a dear friend of a judge, murders tbe judge one ovenlug while strolling down tho street. Another man is accused, aud the prosecuting attorney, with no memory of ws deed, turows himself vigorously Into the prosecution. How a scientist untangles tho ekeln of destiny is not only unusually in- teresting, but highly scientific. * TniL Olhiciiman has Just returned from Canada, having nindo arrangements to open two offices in Toronto and Montreal for tho World Film Corporation. "Jonn of Arc" is to be the first release through these olllces, to be followed by "The Triumph of an lini- pernr." Arrangements arc being made to Market one film weekly, "In Search op tub Castaways. " the first of the series of Jules Verne's novels, which have been filmed by the Paris lOclalr Com- pany, and which will be marketed through Hie offices of the World Film Corporation. Viiih produced with tho active co-operattnu mul collaboration of M. Michael Verne, tho gifted son of the jrreat Jules Verne. • iicconniKO to a report received from Eng- land. "In Search of the Castaways" bids fair to act up a new record for the Eclnlr i firm. tatlon as a "fall expert." Recently he did a seventy-five foot drop for a picture, and then got up and did It again when It was neces- sary to repeat the scene. CAMEHAG RAPHICS, The First Baptist Church of Poughkeepsle, N. Y., has purchased a "0 A",machine from the rowers Co. Tbe United States Battleship New York, the largest dreadnought In tbe service, teft for Vera Crus, Mexico, Sunday night, April '.'0, with a full complement of sailors and marines, It is an Interesting fact that this ship has purchased a Powers Cameragrapb, No. 0 A motion picture projecting machine. and will uso iilms depicting army and naval life, and also demonstrate military and naval war tactics. Tho Twos has also Installed a Power's "0 A" machine. An article by Arthur J. Lang, of the Nicholas Power Co., on Safe Motion Picture Machines, which appeared in the April 11 Issue of Bolentiflo American, has caused con- siderable comment of favorable nature in motion ploture circles. NEWARK'S NEW STRAND THEATRE OPENS MAY 2 — JACK LONDON'S "SEA WOLF" INITIAL ATTRACTION. The new Strand Theatre will open its doors to the public Saturday, May 2. The formal opening (by Invitation only) will be the night before. The house will have n «?allng capacity of about 1,200 (orchestra nnd balcony), and will bo devoted to feature photoplays. A $10,000 i>lpo organ nnd n concert or- chestra of selected musicians will be two fen- lures out of the ordinary. Tho policy of the house will he the same as the big tilniud In Now York, running continuous dully, from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m., with prices V to meet all classes. The B. & It, Corpora- tion, consisting of Max nnd Edward Spiegel, of New York City: Mitchel Mark, of Buf- > Ikm.i.v Ei.msiirho. who has been private BMietary to M. B. Hoffman, advertising man- ager of tho v/orld Film Corporation, has attraction. fnlo. and M. Roblnsou, of Albany, are the proprietor*. Kuril H. Qerstlc, formerly In charge of Keith's Portland house, will lie the local mnnnger, assisted in this capacity by his brother, Jules 'Irrstlo. The Newark Strand Is n modern fireproof building of up-to-date construction and tho location, Market aud Hnlscy .Streets, in tho Msv 0.— May 4.— May 0—' May 5— Releases* LICENSED FILMS. Blograph. -"Tbe String Presence" (Dr.) -"Maniac* Three" (Com.) "Ollllagaa't Accident Policy" (Coo.) -"Under the Skin" (Dr.) lialem. -"The Master Rogue" (Dr. Part* 1 •ad 2). -"Tbe Detective's Slater" (Dr. Part* 1 and 2). -"MoBrlde's Bride" (Com.) -"Tbe New Medicine Man" (Dr.) Labia. -"A Blind Easiness" (Com.) "Casey** Blrtbdaj" (Com.) -"Behind tbe Footlights" (Dr. Fart* 1 and 2). -"When Conscience Galls" (Dr. Parts la and 2). ^ -"Vengeance Is Mine" (Dr.) -"Building a Fire" (Com.) "With the Burglar's Help" (Com.) PntUeplny. -"The Man Higher Up" (Cartoon). "Manila, Capital of the Philippine*" (Travel). -"Max. tbe Lady Kilter" (Com.) "A Winter Excursion to the Falls of Taunforaen, Sweden" (Travel). -"Pathe'a Weekly No. 88, 1014" (New«). -"A Meddler with Fate'* (Dr. Parts 1 and 2). "The Marriage of Cupid" (Dr. Col. Parts 1 and 2). Sclljr. 'Adventures of Kathlyn" (No. 10). "The Warrior Maid" (Dr. Parts 1 and 2). "Hearst-ScUg News Pictorial No. 10." Marrying Qretchen" (Com.) "Doc Yak, Bowling" (Com.) -"The Evil She Did" (Dr.) -"1'enrst-Sellg News Pictorial No. 20," -"The Mother of Seven" (Ooni.-Dr.) -"Two Girls" (Dr.) Vita graph. -"'Cupid Versus Money" (Com.) -"The Old Fire Horse and the New Fire Chief" (Oom.-Dr. Parts 1 and 2). -"Sandy and Shorty Start Something" (Com.) -"Hlg Last 0*11" <Dr.) -"Mr. Bunny In Disguise" (Com.) -"The Antique Engagement Ring" (Dr. Parts 1 and 2). Edtvon. -"A Week End at Happybursl" (Com.) -"The Double Cross" (Dr. Third story of the Man Who Disappeared). -"The Lucky Vest" (Com.) -"The Song of Solomon" (Com. Dr. Parts 1 and 2). -"The End of the Umbrella" (Dr. Sev- fnth page In tbe active life of "Dolly of the Dallies"). Eiianay, -"The Greater Love" (Dr.) -"Making Him Over — for Minnie" (Com.) -"A Snakevllle Epidemic" (West. Com.) -"The Mystery of Boom 643" (Dr. Parts 1 and 2). -"Broncho Billy's Sermon" (West. Dr.) Hellea. A Cottage by Ihe River" (Com.) "Winky Willy's First Cigar" (Com.) -"Barty BUI and the Suicide Club" (Com.) Cine*. (0. Klelne.) The Broken Chain" (Dr. Part* 1 and 2). UNIVERSAL. Power*. "The Hungry Soldiers" (Com.) Gold Seal. "Lucille Love the Girl of Mystery" (Dr. 2 reels). Crystal. -"A Telephone Engagement" and "Out en Business." -"A Fair at Birds" (Com.) Universal Ike. ."Universal Ike Almost a Hero" (Com.) Nestor. •"The Quack" (Dr.) -"His Strenuous Honeymoon" (Com.) Joker. •"How Green Lost His Wife" (Com.) ■"fichulu, the Barber" (Com.) Eclair. ■"Whom God Hath Joined" (Dr. 3 reels). -"Suzanne" (Dr.) Universal. 'Animated Weekly No 118" (New*). Imp. ■"The Dawn of Romance" (Dr.) Rex. ■"Aurora of tho North" (Dr. 2 reels). •"The Career of Waterloo Peterson" and "The Tango Dance." Frontier. ■"Whistling Hiram" (Com.) -"The Outlaw's Daughter" (Dr.) Vlotor. ■"Tbe Pawn*"of Destiny" (Dr. 3 reels). 101 Blaon. -"The Nation'* Peril" (Dr. 2 reels). OUT OF TOWN NEWS heart of Newark, Is an weal spot. Jack London's "Sea Wolf" will be the Initial Plttnbnra-Ii, Pa.—Alvln (J. B. Reynolds, mgr.) K. ii. Sothern, in Shakespearean repertoire, April 27 and week. DuuuKSNar (D. A. Harris, mgr.)—For 2T and week tbe Davis Plsyors present "Tbe Stranger." Ukand (Jobn P. Harris, mgr.)—Bill 2T and week: Gns Edwards' Kid K&baret, Frank Fogartr, ik-rkln's animals, Transatlantic Trio. Albert Perry and company, Kate Ellnore and Sam Will- lams. Minnie Allen, Burns and Klascu, Leo Zar- rell Trio, aud motion pictures. lUiaia (0. R. Buehbelt, mgr.)—Bill 2T and week: Joate Klynn's Merry Minstrel Maids. TlnquMne Comedy Four. William McKcy company, the Abluents, Kate Fowler, Morse and Hill, Sec-ley and Clucas, and Tojette and Bennett. SmiRiiiiN (F. H. Tooker. mgr.)—Bill 2T and week: The Song Revue, Four Koocr* Bros., La- verne and Allen, E. T. Alexander, Eggleiton and Marshall the stelllnm, nnd comedy pictures. Nixon (Titos. F. Kirk Jr., mgr.)—"Twin Beds" week of 2T. I.yobuu 10. R. Wilson, mgr.)—"Uncle Tom's Cabin" week of 2T. I'm (W. B. McVlckcr, mgr.)—20-J5. Pitt Players present "The 'Mlnd-Oc-1'alnt' Olrl" week of 27. (Urirr (Henry Kurliroan. w.)—For 27 .iud week, Girls from tho tlreat White Way. VicroniA (Geo. Schafer, mgr.)—Pnr 27 and week the Mischief Makers. Ai.'Ain.Mv <J. B Clifford, mgr.)—For 97 and week, Peacock Girls, WAR WAR \ AMERICAN SOLDIER <£ MAN OF THE HOUR IN ACTION Three wonderfully vital and telling reels of ARMY LIFE taken by 81LIC operatives under the direction of United States Army officials and approved by them for authen- ticity of detail, constitute the M08T VIVID VIEWS OP MODERN MILITARY 8ERVICE everZshown. A NEW REVELATION OF WAR These remarkable pictures show every arm of the service | drilling, riding, entraining, scouting, or In HEROIC ACTION UNDER FIRE. A striking visualization of all the experiences of a soldier in the making, to the seasoned warrior In the field of battle. .has the Endorsement of U. S. These three Reels will be a Special Feature Released May 6 by tha GENERAL FILM COMPANY A THE SEUG POLYSCOPE COMPANY a WAR CM ' OAO ° "-"- WAR "ANIMATED SONGS" Perfect Synchronism of the Human Voice All the Old Time and Popular Songs In Motion Pictures After perfecting "imperial SINGING pictures," the Originator of tbe Idea, Mr. J. Hshan, gave a private demonstration on the American Roof, New York city, to tbe recognized loaders in tbe amusement world, namely, representatives ot tbe United Booking Company, Marcus Loow's En- terprise*, Jones, Llnlok A Sonaefer Co., and others. These gentlemen represent and control tbe major- ity of large and small theatres In the United States and Canada, and were blgb in tbelr praise of "Imperial Singing Pictures. 1 ' Jones, LlnlcS & Schacfer, of Chicago, were the first to boot "IMPE- RIAL SINGING pictures." Mr. Exhibitor, close your eyes and Imagine yon were sitting In a theatre and a beautiful voice started singing; when there appeared on screen these words, "HOME, SWEET HOME." Following came a motion picture portrayal of Jobn Howard Payne's immortal aong, "HOME.SWEET HOME," in twelve scenes, with human pathos In every scene. Would you sit up and applaud, or would yon fall asleep again, as your patrons aro doing dally, owing to tbe same- ness of TourprognunT "GET SOMETHING NEW,"tbey are always crying. ''IMPERIAL S 1NGIN G PICTURES" are brand-new, and your opportunity to please yonr ever-ohanglng patrons is witbln your grasp, "If yon are alive one." We have different forma or conttaotatooBeryou,vte.: weekly rental, consecutive service, State Rights and exclusive locality service, "IMPERIAL SIN GIN G PICT URK8" are photographically perfect. Our Orst release May nth, la a Motion Pic- ture Portrayal, In ten scones, of the present New York City big success. •'IN THE HEART OF THE CITY THAT HAS NO HEART." Gas Sun has booked Spring, Held, O., exclusively. YOUR OWN SINGER CAN SING THESE SONGS BY OUR METHOD Tbos, Base, booked for Minneapolis 4 Milwaukee. 'ANIMATED SONGS 'IMPERIL StSGING PICTURES' HUMAN : voice W*UH THE MWRr.Of THC;C<TV| !<*', TH«t:HAS.K0HEART *.'; Jones, Llnlok 4 Schacfer ' booked Chicago exclusively SONGS IN MOTION PICTURES BRING APPLAUSE FROM YOUR PATRONS W. O. Eeefe booked exclusively for Detroit and Cleveland Copyrighted. Wbtlethlaaotlon Is being portrayed, the singer Is singing. The lyrics fit the action perteotty. OPERATOR, SINOER, MUSICIAN or PIANO PLAYER flnlih SIMULTANEOUSLY. You will be able to run a much shorter ahoiv and got twice the money in tbe box onico tt vou book •'IMPERIAL SINGING PICTURES." All films are released through tbe "HOUR OP'PICE.'' Br S*S2i* r .* t j£ d . 8treet i New york ** Second release. May 18th, a Song Portrayal ot "BOMB, 8WEBT HOME," staged at the borne ot John Howard Payne's direct descendant. Mrs. Clara Payne Boyce. King'si Bridge, New York, and at Bast Hampton, Loos Island, showing John Howard Payne's lowly thatched cottage borne. Third release May 2Mb, tbe OLD TIME aON07"8llv«r Threads Among the Gold." Two beautiful one sheets, four colors, mil set photos, two copies ot music, fall set ot or- chestrations, and tall Instructions with each film—FRF.E. Ournretfour-reel feature, 'TUB governor's PARDON," to be released soon. Tbe greatest State Right proposition ever oovrcd. Each State Right sold will sbow tbe rospecUvo Gov- ernor ot tbat State signing the pardon of a doctor who bss been convicted on circumstantial evidence by an unwritten law. The story Is rounded on the Radium cure. For State Rights wire or write now IMPERIAL MOTION PICTURE CO. OF N. Y., Inc. LOHQAOBE BUILDING BROADWAY AT 42D STREET, NEW YORK CITY Scrnnton, Pa.—Lyceum (H. J. Ljncb, miT.) tltii house has changed its pollcrv (or tbe Bummer season, and preeentlng moTtnft pictures. Mr. I>mcb baa Installed a 110,000 Hope Unite organ, which baa proven a treat anccesi. Under thla policy the Lyceum will undobutedly be the popu- lar photoplay house ot this city. I'oli (James Rorelck, mgr.)—BUI week ot April 27: "The Beauties," Joe Boganny'a Luna- tic Bakers, Janice Orady and company. Bobby and Dale, Polly Prim, Kenny and Walsh, and Bldrldge. Boslnea* continue* Al. Aoadimt (A. F". Wlnitrom, mgr.)—Fbotoplavs, changed dally, and special features. Bijod Diauus, Manhattan, Wondws, Hirro- HBOHB, VlCTOBIA, WONUIHUNJ, COLONIAL ODlt Covet Squab* —Moving pictures. "VVIIllamanort, rn.—Lycoming O. H. (L. J. Flak, mgr.) Montgomery and Stone, In "Tbe Lady ot the Slipper." April 28. Family (B. (1. Johnson, mgr.)—Bill 27-29: llnrton'i dogs, Bloody Robinson, Olympic Four. Helen Primrose, Harvey Devora Trio, and the Four Cliarlfs. For 80-Mij 2: Okas. A. Lode/, tire Senetaros, Bmnkett and Emmett, Gertrude Dudley and company, Mark Davis, and Wnecte: and Thompson. FILM and SONG SLIDES A Big Redu cUon In Film, ioo reels at 1 cent a toot, some at $3 a reel; have Western and Indian Reels. 800 Sets of Song Slides, Mc. to »1 a set; Power's No. B Machine, 176; alio other cheap Ma- chlnoa: Model "B" Calcium Machine, »20. I also boy- Film, Slide* and Machines, If (rood. O.F. OALLOT, 10 Kigfath A-re., If. T. Hot Springs, Ark. — Auditorium (Frank Head, mgr.) Madame Schuman-Helnk was heard In concert by a large and refined audience Monday evening, April 20, at advanced prices. Psrwcass (Doe Owens, mgr.)—Bills week of 20 included: Trovato, the Six AMatlahs. Llda. M. Mdllan and company. Will J. Ooleman, Carl Roalne company, tbe Petticoat Minstrel*, and Prlnceaseone Minstrel*. Niw Cinthal, Royal, Ltctxth and Lteio, pic- tures only. GeM (B. Frank leases, mgr.)—Feature Buns. PntNcxsB (Sol. M. Sugermu, mgrr.)—General Film Co. Service. Eut» (Geo. A. Orlffln, mgr.)—Mutual features.