The New York Clipper (May 1914)

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26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. May 9 ATTRACTION! AT TUB IfBW YORK THEATRES. /M /\nr THEATRE, H'way A 4011. St. \jt ImXJ Q C Twice Dally. 2.30 A 8.30 P. M. EVERT SEAT RKSKIlVKD. 89 Al BOc Universal Moving Pictures nrencnt. A Modem Venus ANNETTE KELLERMANN The Perfect Woman with n Form Divine "NEPTDRE'D DACOHTIR" 8,000 Feet of Film, 7-35,000 Production MMTHjglM: 48th St., JMt K. Of B'way. Telephono Bi v»nt M. r John Oort B Evea.i/». Mata. Wed. and Sat 9M JDLIVER M0RO80O PRESENTS LAURETTETAYLOR B. F. KEITH'S COLONIAL fSSWA in Dia Monster May Festival—12 Stars— lu DIU Arnold Poly & Co., Adclo Ritchie, Mae III (TID Murray A Clifton Webb, Hannlc lirlco, ILL olrm ncn Rynn A Harriet, "Rune" Dicic- IrYfO Inson, Lyons A Yoscn, Buckley's Ani- MlH mala, MiicKnc A licgg, Chester Kingston. v* awuwni it n. hu omu ».!*• Potash & Perlmotter GEO. M. COHAN'S n W&l£&»- K.LAW A ERLANOER Managers Ere.., S.16._Matinees, Wed. and Bat 2.M, A.B.WOODS OFFERS More laugh* in one act than in all tbe combined comedlea In H. Y. RIPP/.I.RAMP <"hAve.,43d-44tb8t:EVB.at8.]6. OH rVUIWfnn Dally Mata. at 2.15. Best Seats $1. A Tnily Wonderfal Revival of GILBERT A SULLIVAN'S PINAFORE With Ml All-St»r Alternating Cast VIMTBD lllRnDK Broadway and wth St. nHlllUa UiUWfill 'Phone, Moo Columbia. D A f A CV BROADWAY A 4Jth ST. Mansge- rALA tin ment of Mr. Frank Thompaon. The World'! Moat Beantlful Playhonae. Smoking Permitted In Balcony. ♦tub hew prices. Dally Matinees: 24c, 600. and Beet Seata Toe. Evenings: Mo., 60o., 76o. and entire lower floor fl. ■ Finest In the World. 10—ALL STAR ACTS—10 44th ST. K. of Bway. Evei. 8.30, Mats. Wed. A Bat. 2.80 HENRY B. HARRIS, Manager A Sew Detective Comedy HUP.S0J Evenlnga at 8.16 Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 2,16 MAXIM ELLIOTT'S KM W W4y Evgs. 8:20. Mata. Wednesday A Saturday 2:20 A NEW COMEDY THE CHARM OF ISIBEL Hy BYDNEY K08ENFEM). THEATRE 16TH ST. W. of B'way. Evga. 8.16. Phone 8100 Bryant, nces Thursday A Saturday 2.16. BOOJI Vr HARVEY O'HiaOINS and HARRIET FOf Who wrote "The Argyle Ca«e." Something decidedly out of the ordinary CORAM Si HARRIS B'way A 43rd St. Tel. _ * __ ,_. __ 2s7 Bryant. Evea., B.I6. AS ■ O R Mata.. Wed. A Hat., 2.18. ■ ■ COHAN A HARRIS PRESENT RAYMOND HITCHCOCK ,„».,..»-... T |||j BB j|i| T v shop Comedy, H.FRAZEE'SI" THEATRE I Phone 28 *L L #» a a* dE «tk St., Just Bryai •ONCACRai weatorB'waj|Kvea.at8.80 Drama In 4 Acta. By MONOETOM HOFFB. With OLOA PETROVA, GEORGE NASH (specially en- gaged), MILTON SILLS and other excellent artlBte, Staged by J. 0. HOFFMAN. rflMrTFlV 41st8t., East of B'way. Phone IvUUlEiUI tlM Bryant. Evening) 8.20. Matlneei Tuesday and Saturday 2.20. KITTY MAGKAY The Comedy success or the Season By CATHERINE 0H1BH0LM CU8HINO. OIJVCIIVJVA.TI. On the ere of the close of the tbesplan season a cool ware from tbe North prepared a chilly entree for the Queen of May. Of all the theatres B. F. Keith's Is tbe only one which bis not ended their regular schedule of bookings. The Lyric. Grand Opera Howe and Gayety entered the Hals for a abate of the patronage glren motion picture bouaee, and joined the Walnut Street. Olympic, Henck's Opera House, Orpheum, People's, Lyceum, Century and Family In offering Him features. The week wa* made notable In an amusement war by the two day stay of tbe Hagen- beck-Wallace Shows, which pitched their canvas city In Cummsnavllle and Norwood and carried swsy a rich harvest of shekels. II. F, Keith's (John F. Royal, mgr.) —"Ke- queet Week" Is what they called the bill opening May 8. when Frank Sheridan anil company pre- sented Richard Harding Davis' ono act play, "lilmkniali." Others: The Travllla Brothers, the Oatallne Island divers; Joe Hart's production, "A Telephone Tangle," with Dorothy Rugal as the star; Kate Elinor and Sam William*, in "The Hunter and tbe Huntress;" the Trans-Atlantic Trio, Miller and Vincent, Raymond and Bain, In "Locked Out," and Prcvrst anil Brown. Cincin- nati In motion pictures. Grand Opiba House (John H. Hsvlln, mgr.)— "Lee 'Miserable." la the first of tbe post- season feature films to be shown, opening 3. Last week the revival of "Tbe New Henrietta" proved a dramatic delight. Wm. H. Crane's Nicholas Van Alstyoe was tbe same old lovable character. Douglas Fairbanks scored heavily ns "Bertie," and firmly established himself as a comedian cf superlstive talents. Amelia Bingham was a stunning widow, and Patricia Oollinge, sweet, charming and beantlful, was sn Ideal Agnes. Lister Chambers bad tbe disagreeable role of Mark Turner, and be did It well. Good slsed audiences were very liberal wltb their approving demonstrations. Ltsio (Oarl Hubert Heuck, mgr.)—The supple- mental picture snow season will be Jointly di- rected by Paul Hlllmsn and Jasper Orr. Con- tinuous performances are promised, and 8 saw an output of world's events and Mexican films. The season closed 2, when May Rohson was seen In the final performance of "The Clever Woman " WANTED FOR J. A. GOBURH'S GREATER MJWSTRELS SEASON 1914-15 OPENING AUGUST 10 (IN OHIO) COMEDIANS, SINGERS, DANCERS. FEATURE NOVELTY and COMEDY ACT* PRINCIPAL. COMEDIAN. BAND AND ORCHESTRA LEADERS, MCSICIANB alf lines, FIRST CLASS STRAIGHT and other Musician, for Bid FEATURE Ml!. SICAL ACT; GOOD CONCERTINA PLAYER, doable bra., an,I laaoDh™ - CHORUS SINGERS and DANCERS, double band; FEATURE DANCER to dure big dancing number: STAGE CARPENTER, ELECTRICIAN. Pllops or all doable brass: PRODUCER with STRONG CLOSING ACT moil be goods). LONO SEASON. I PAY ALL EXPENSES. Address pro- _, one (mast be the J. A. COBURN, DAYTON A, FLA., May 8 to June 20.2 SOLE OWNER AND MANAGER Broiruell-Stork Co. has also arrange! a benefit for the members of the company. Everybody will take part Sunday, May IT. Jersey City, N. J.—Majestic (F. R. Hen- derson, mgr.) "Tbe Trail of the Lonesome Pine," with leabelle Lowe as June, week of 4. "Dam- aged Goods" follows. "The Mltternncht Model" gave good satisfaction to fine business week end- ing 2. OaritKCU (Anthony Michel, mgr.)—For week of 4: Victor's Musical Melange, Zelaya, Frank Gabay, Elsie La Bergere and dogs, other acts and photoplays. Mo.NTicr.Lio (Robinson A Burns, mgrs.)—Week of 4: The photoplays "A Million Bid," "Tbe Fulfillment." "Goodness Gracious." Mary Pick- ford "A Good Little Devil," and others. Capa- city business still prevails. Bon Ton (Ed. U. Csdugan, mgr-)—The epeclnl „»,i,tr-i,,,i "'rii„ In ,ha Plniul. " BOOnlC Mats, at 2.30 Wed. A Sat. The Laughing Hit of the Century A PAIR OF SIXES Edward Peplo's Uproariously Funny Farce. ACADEMY OF MUSIC STOCK i^ptact H. B. WARNER THE GHOST BREAKER TWICE DAILY-PRICES. 1U-M0-30 m rgVIhTfll? W. 42d STREET. Evgs. 8.16. ELTINub Mats. Wed. and Hat. 2.16. A. H. WOODS PRESENTS THE YELLOW TICKET Remarkablo all star cast wltb John Mason, John Barrymore, Florence Reed, Emmett Corrlgan, JnUMi L'Batrange, Maoey fiarlam, Elaine fnea- cort and others. V TDI7DTV W. 42d St Evea. 8.16. Matlneei LlDKnll Wed. and Sat., 2.16. MARGARET ANGLIN in "Lady Windemere's Fan" By OSCAR WILDE. HEW AMSTERDAM S^Kl^Ma: Tbe Hungarian Operetta BenaaUon S» A ** I COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY. *»*•» »TRRBT, N. Y. Thla Weefc, Dllly Watson's Burlesquers. 89th STREET "TOy«S» Evenings 8.20. Matlneei Wed. A Bat. 2.20 THE NEW AMERICAN COMEDY TOO MANY COOKS By (and With) FRANK CRAVEN pliotodrama "The Bnttlo In tbe Clouds, The comedy proved most enjoyable, and In Its songs snd variety acts. presentation Paul Decker and Katberloe Clarendon Notes Ever rlnce the advent of Adolf Phil £******** * * *****»***»•*»•» * dress,Tuxedos, Prince AlberU, and English * * Watting Suits, Silk and Opera Hate. J * 843 N. Clark St., Chleaao. S D and Vaudeville Sketches. Larue cat- alogue FREE. Make-np book 16c. New 2 Male Sketch, 26c; Coon Wigs, 50c. A. E. REIM, Pab'r 403 Grand Ave., Milwaukee. Wis. P A QTMn Broadway A 89tb Stroot. Phone \J AQlll U oreeley 88M. Evenlnga 8.18. Matinees Wednesday A Saturday, 2.16. OTH MONTH HIGH JINKS WITH STELLA MAYUEW AND TOM LEWIS 44th Street Theatre ■ ■■■ LEW FIELDS, Proprietor. 44th St W.of B'way. Phone T202 Bryant Evenlnga, 8,00 MaUneea, Wed. A Sat, 2.00 THE BIDNIGHT GIRL With GEORGE MAOFARLANE. CUITPWPTTHEATRE, 44th St., W. of B'way Oil U OAal 1 Phone 843ti Bryant. Evga. 8.16. 3Mats> Wed., Frl. I Wed. and Frl. * I r« IlldiS and Hat | Mats., Best Seata J> | ,0U LAST WEEK SAM GABY BBBNABB-DESLiYS In the Musical Comedy THE BELLE OF BOND STREET C. A IB TV 46th Stand B'way. Phone 210 Bryant UHIE, 1 I Bvea. 8.20. Mats. Wed. and Sat. 2.20. COHAN A HARRIS PRESENT GEO. M. COHAN'S MYSTERY FAROE Seven Keys to Baldpate Founded on Earl-Derr Blgger'a famooj novel. HURRAY HILL THEATRE Leiiagtoai Ave. and «Hd St.. H, v. Thla Weefc, HONEYMOON GIRLS. ...m f\T* Ti^TirW 1U171XrC MnlsiMlo, said to lie Japan's undefeated wrestling \JU 1 V/A l UWil IvAaWlJ "'rA^noT's'^u'roimoMT^F^niik L. Taltot. mgr.) —mil week of 4: Eight Florence Troupe, Mr. snd _— --- HTTjtrr Mrs. Cnppelen. the La Tonrralne Four" be Three S 1 ? f ter n i" k ', l ? 1 ^ 5ff , T^S ,T &.222S.*^I*£ Llvlngslooes, ICIwo«l and Snow, and Taylor and B*«. D •' u, "'"■ * na lTme Rltlenhousc sre on . ICnnana City, Mo.—8liubort (Earl Slewanl. mgr.) "Pen o' My Heart," rolurn eiigrm-nh-iit, Altrll 211-Miy 2. playing to sooil liouves. WM of il, Wm. llodBC. In "Tun Ilond to 1 ffWjfJf"* . . fiiirnauu (Martin Ixninon. mirr.I—Rill week tl 3- Bessie Clnyto'i nml company. Armslrmrj aim Kocd, Chick Sale, Marie lllstKrp. Pnnlscr• Dim. Mart ncttl nnd Sylvestor. mid Oliuvlo and laniilo llslicr Tlio house will cl.iw lla vairleviHo acaaSN II. The Knusns City Grsml 0|iecn Co. will o.'cm>y irift" 20-2. ''When Wo Wi helped iimnennurublr. Business fair. Gaibtx (Charles B. Arnold, mgr.)—"A Million. Bid" was the first of the feature films to be offered 3, when tbe supplemental season began. The end of the burlesque chapter was reached 2, when Jack Singer's Behmsn Show put on a splen- did show. Lew Kelly and Lonny Hascall were tbe chief fun makers, but the/ hsd able slds In Jim Tenbrooke, George Douglas, Ameta Pynes, Laura Hayden, Martelle and Stella Morrlssey. The chorus was fine. "The Most Contented Msn on Esrth" was the burlesque offered. Ehpoess (George F. Fish, mgr.)—The cnrinln fell 2, on the last performance under the Sullivan- Oonatdlne regime. The season has been a reco'd breaker, and the Six Diving Models presented a feature that will be remembered. They enjoyed the week with Its opportunities for sn early swim out In the lake at Chester Park, where tbey were "snap-shotted" In the new mnde-to-order wives. , oi.Turio (McMnbon & Jackson, nigra.)—For the second week of Paul Ralney's African Hunt the prices went down to ten ond twenty icnts. Last yenr the pictures van here over two months. Wai.not STBaer (W. P. Jockson mgr.)—"The Drug Terror" was a picture that drew big crowils last week, CiiEtrrsa Plate (I. M. Mnrtln, mgr.*—Tho pie- llmlimry season has proved the most successful In the history of the avenue rasort. The war-waking tnni'Iilne Is quite n curd. Smithy's Military Band gives concerts 2, 3. Zoo (W. P. Whtllock, mgr.)—The regular con- cert season will open 24, when the Cincinnati Sum- mer Orchestra will Inaugurate a popular series of liniMCRles. MAT BhDSSOHS. Wii.i.iau H. Oranh and his co-stars, Amelia I'.liigliam, Douglas Fnlrbsnks and Patricia Col- llngc, were heaetlly greeted at a reception in their honor given by the Drama League at tbe Woman's Club. Bvd WoooTiionr-E, who was stage manager for W. II. Crane, was recalled by the old fighting Suard, who remember when he was one of Jamea , Cornell's assistants during the championship career of Gentleman Jim. Tim German Players have said au revolr to to the Grand, and when next season arrives they will be seen at Heuck's Opera House. Rir Phillips ano Virginia Niouolron tangoed their way Into popular favor at the Empress. Louis Mann, the Oerman comedian, received a Teutonic welcome from tbe Keith constituency, and they liked bis "boiled down" version of "Ele- vating s Husband." Ciiarlit WsiDNsn will be In the box office during the Grand's picture season. His assistant will be George Miller, of the Empress staff. The /llano" Quern, of Ibe Ou.iey Island fleet steamed up the river tor a week'a excursion, which was marred by an accident at Huntington, W. Vs. Tub Cincinnati Woman's Olub celebrated tbe three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare by offering "The Land of Phan- tasy," written by Alice Williams Brotherton, and given under the direction of Louise Armstrong, of Hie Drama Circle. Eomvnd Rostand's play. "The Romancers," has been chosen for the commencement of tbe Cin- cinnati School of Expression. Tna Gayety's second feature film will be "The Daughters of Men." fliiAM.KH ilAtmtH Is directing Hie cabaret at tins' "MltternacUi Madel," at the M:i]estl.\ wrek of April 27, tho entire bouse start is convening In German. Treasurer John Dunn has) a sign out. 'German Spoken Htre." Barnuui A Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth will be with us 20 The Hudson, at Union Hill, closed the variety season May 2, sind will re-open with stock week of 4 Leo A. Kennedy Is Lnella Moray's new lending msn at the Broadway. Bayonnc. Hoboken, N. J.—Gayety (Theodore Lorch, gen. mgr.) "The Invader," by the Gayety Stock, week of May 4. Eurmc—The Bowery Burlesquers were due here week of April 27, but canceled. The house Is closed for the Summer. Lvmo (O. S. Biggs, mgr.)—For 4-0: Lew Fltiglbbons, Plsano and Bingham, Arthur O. May and Tommv KlldorT, Brady and Mahonoy, Woods' animals. For 7-0: McOlure and Dolly, Holmes MUSIC ABBAiVGED „ , JF 1 *?? ORCHESTRA Melodies written to song poems. Ref.—WItmark A Son. W. H. NELBONV128 W. 80th St., N. Y. Alhaubba. —Universal pictures only. ScuNic.—Mutual pictures only. Academy, pastime and Pbimier are closed. Haverhill, Mass Academy (Joe Mack. mgr.) for week of Miy 4-0. vaudeville and mo- tion pictures. Colonial (Win. Furber, mgr.)— Ilomsn's Mu- sical Revue, vaudeville and motion pictures. orpheum (Capstan A Wasserman, mgrs.)—Mo- tion pictures ami Illustrated songs Majxstic, Scexio and OnowN.—Motion pictures ^AafcaajT, N. Y. — Haramnus Bleecker Hall fBdwarJ M. Hart, mgr.) "Sweethearts" and "The Klder Son" were the notable successful engnw- ments that drew well last week. Montgomery and Yi 0 i n iT;i. ln i>i" TI " La ?/u °£ '? e gllPIjer," May 4: and Riley, Jack Dakots company, At K. Hall, the igB H W%. l«l David Kessler, 8j s 'Th 0 musical comedy, "The Girls from Morocco," and ?J ,r ,vJ£L "JL'S, 1 ,, 8 ^. 9 : Oomstock Players Stock, photoplays. n . *"* ™Bfi ^* ln ,? Summer season May U. 8. Toe*™ (Frank E. Ball, mgr.)—A "i,' 0 ""* 1 "*,"" ™ l "«"/• , _ , KMpinn (Jas. H. Rhodes, mgr.)—Vanity Fair 4-fl, and Social Maids 7-0. Pnooron's Grand (Jos. P. Coyne, mgr.)—High class vaudeville, with moving pictures, doing well. Colonial (BenJ. S. Moss, mgr.)—Continuous rauuevlllc, with moving pictures. pRocron'e Lilano (Gny Graves, gen. mgr.) Continuous vaudeville, with moving pictures, to vauderrllle, with moving pictures. Majestic (Emll Delches, mgr.) — Vaudeville, with moving pictures, to satisfactory renrnls. Clinton SqoAnR, Broadwat, Palace, Whith wat, Cknteal, Star, Pnocron's Annex and Obphbum, motion pictures only. Ball, mgr.)—A varied selection of photoplays week of 4. Busi- ness Is good. Notes. —Severln De Deyn, formerly leading man at the Gayety, will he tendered a benefit by the management of that theatre night of 10. Mr. De Deyn Is suffering from paralysis and Is per- fectly helpless The Lyric has a special photo offering, 10, 20, "The Redemption of David Cor- son," with William Farnum. Illiicflelil, W. Vs.-Elks' Opera House (S. H. Jolllffe, mgr.) ploturcs and vaudeville first hslf week of May 4. "Within tho Law" 7, Paul Gllmore 8, matinee nnd night Amusu (Rodgers H. Neat, mgr.)—Pictures. Rax (Russell S. Wehrle, mgr.) plays Mutual "taT'tJ. R. Jones, mgr.J-Plctiires and vaude- !, lm £ &^ gj O% *TiS 'wtAHTivi, JnnicatoTvn, N. Y.—Samnels Opera House (_Ed. T. Connelly, rngr.) Courneen Plovers con- vllle. Aboadian Rink (Norman Rene, mgr.)—Mana- ger Reese has made the Arcadian a very popular place, the latest and roost novel feature being a ''rube paTty." April 80, with a parads of comical characters headed by a band, repairing to tbe rink, where the party took place. Tiir Greater sheealey Show filled a prosperous engagement here week of 27. J, M. Shvesley, owner and manager, bos assembled n reflued and efficient bunch of shows and performers, free from uiHleslrablo acts and fakirs. Oapt. Dllly Uetll.h, of Long Beach, Oil., aviator, with the SbccAley Shews, Is in St. Luke's Hospital sttfferlng with a broken leg and other Injuries, as a result of a fall Wednesday, April 20. Gapt. Hetllch had made a successful get-awny, and after ho bad circled the valley several time*, rose several hundred feet above the mountains. Suddenly his blt.lane was rnnght In a crow* current of air, and lilt etforts to right the machine failed, and Copt. Hetllch and his machine came crashing down upon the rallronil yards among the many cars that were slonillug there. Oapt. Hetllch milntalned his uervo nilaw. c... ..«>. /n.i.. n- and on Ibe way to tho hospital said that he would ..,V u Vt"»Yrt 'jS*i!i'T?„«mJ ■ ( K'n r ?S\T n '« msT) »..., i^. n „t »n.i .m. ,„ ^„,. n „« ki. in„i,,. - , ' utt »"" Jeff in_Panamn" April .10-Mny 2. T.yrio (H. A. Deardonrff, mgr.) continues to do well wllh vaudeville and pictures. All the picture houses are doing hlg business. Charlotte, N. O^—Academy of Music (John L. Crovo, mgr.) is dark. Piedmont (Ed. G. Oldley, mgr.)—Bills week of May 4 Include: Murray's pels, Kinney nnd Clarke, Kelly snd Kelly. Bounding Pattersons, i.onitenetto, Alexander Kids, Preston nnd Bear.], Montague's birds, and Piedmont Orchestra, under direction of David Lajols. Princess (Tale Powell, mgr.)—Multiple reel pictures only. Bill week of 4: Mondny, "In Hie lUndj of n Wonwn;" Tuesday, "The Confession;" Wednesday. "The Lost Ghost Dance," all Warn- ers. Edibonia, AuuBBu, Ott-jwai. Thhato.— Pic- tures only. The Redpntb Chautauqua opened here Tbiirs- !J!£; 3 i to „«ooil «rowds. This organltallon has been silvertlsnl here very ranch, and the ndvnnee sale of tickets has been good. thrift" 20-2 ere Twenty-one" 11-0, rue Omit Breaker" 10-10, "The Littlest Rebel jf-25, "Brewster's Millions" 24-a0. HiPPounOMB IV. J. Tn hot. mgr,-For 20 2: Win. 8. Gill and coumhny, In pholot, 1.111 Jei ks Clnsik," iJilouralno Opera Four, lyler nml llui- tnn Cap. Tabor's Irnlnel senls, Llwood mil Snow, Clark nml Hale, the Sours. llMi'HKSS (Dan McCoy, mgr.)—20-2: Reims nil Merrill and 1.1b "" the Tune nonmllng Contois, Brown and Ulyler, Hnse TlnTimy and couip.u.y, Jennings nnd Doriniiii, Alfred ..oletl, .Hid I'lorenco RolertB. GliAKP (A. Jmlnli. injr.l—D:u'l! Crat part of week of 2«, "Mile. Juliette," i.K-seiite.l by local talent 1-0-2. May 11-0, "Tho Oiiflln,? of Dun Alnt- "gavcty (llert Mcl'linll, mgr,)—T.-ocnderoa a-O. NOTKS. Tna Old Mexican Slninpedo mil Now Mexican Round-up were billed ns a circus for May 2. II. MM wlfo |li:es I.ymnii) play wl_llt Hie Globe week ending 2. in n MM net aUt, Ttio Power of Uie Boss." Mr. nnd Mrs. Kills were formerly members of Hie old Woodward Slock Co. Electric Park will open May 17. Many new nnd attractive additions have l*on made. "Tim Ilouan or Honhaou, " In seven reels. Mius shown at the Willis Wood, was slopped M.m.lav itfternoo.i. 27, by an l.isisvtor of tl.e Recreation Deportment, who claimed tho picture DM not passed tl.e Nnllonnl lloanl of Oei.sorstil|>. A restraining Injunction wns oskeil for by Mr. Crawford, manager of Hie house, and granted by the courla Tuewlay, 28. The iieivsimnera ran H.ine good Blorles on the nffnlr with Hw result „.,„ ,„«„.„, m ^.;) ••fl.o Traffic" la the atlniellot Hint crowds were walling In Inc to seeuro ad- • Ml(V ;,.„ .. llw nine W[lV - 7. rt y Uy Rotnon 10 ,!,,. .nnrl, un ,1 "fl, ntieilil." ... ... . ., ._..~ ^. . . .a Hi. Hon. Columbia (Henry D. Buckley, mgr.)—Bill week of 4 : William Faversnam and company, Irma Iilchlngcr. Collins and Hart, Ed. Vinton and "lluster," Leo Oarlllo, and Rawhs and Von Kauf- man. VioToniA.—The farewell performance of the sea- son of this theatre took place .Sunday, 3 when Pudermnn'e drima, "Dcr Gute Ruf" ("Goo<l Repu- tation") was the bill. Lore Dulno, leading lady of the Gcrnun Theatre, Chicago, was rjpeclally engaged for this single performance. Miss Dulno went to Chicago under special contract from tbe Court Theatre, Stuttgart, (lor., and Is an Inter- national sctrais of much distinction. Odbon.— Tho famous dancers, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle were seen at this theatre, afternoon nnd evening, fi, lu their own design of latest ballroom dances. PniNCEan.—"Charlie's Aunt" week of 3, wllh the cooiierallon of tl.e Castle Square Musical Comedy Co. Billy Kent and Mildred Howell are lu the lends. New Grand Central. —Jack London's plcture- plny, "The Sea Wolf." 3. Foubbt Park Hiohlands. —High class vaude- ville will be the inula attraction this season at Ibis popular |Mrk. Beginning Sunday afternoon, 3, tl.e bill Is: Loru. Illuslnnlat: Doc O'Nell, the laugh prescrlptlonlst: nml Kvenlcen, sing- ers and piano duo; llermnny s cnta and dogs, snd Revolving Collins, roller skater. P. A. Oavallo nu.l his band ore scheduled for three dally concert appenrnnrctt. PiiiESTKu'B Park. —Willi tl.e addition of al fresco vaudeville, consisting of four or more well chosen acts, this park should Increase Hie imwcr of Its claim on South Side pnlrnnnge Ibis week. Grand. —Mllsut.cll. Murray heads the bill here week of May 3. Others are: Rex's Comedy Circus, Royal I a- Walsh nml Bendy, Don Taylor, Exeetla, and Welscr nnd Resser. Khpbkhb, Kino's and Shenandoah, vaudeville and pictures. Mllwnukec, Wla.- At lie iiavMs.i-1 'Slier- Ion mission when Hie courls said "jo nhend. The Gayety will go dsrk May 0. Hilly Miller, tho smiling psoalat press agent for Hie Gayetv. Is talking about a big cnmplng- llHl.lna trip down on the While River. In Arkan- sas, rnimcdlatcly after the issues closes. On his ivlurii trip Billy will be the (.lllelal gulrto ami fun maker for tbe Kansas City It P. ft Elks, No. 2)1, bunch on the pilgrimage lo the annual festiv- ities In Denver, July 1-7. Willi his capacity for entertaining, we say this trip will lie n memor- able one for tho snllercd boys who go. St. I.on Is. Mo. — Shnbcrt (Melville Slols. mgr.) Nat O. Goodwin cloaca hla season and that of l lie house Mny 4 0. (H.vui'iu (Waller Rnnfonl.—Wm. II. Crane, IVuulis Fairbanks, Amelia Bingham and Patricia Calling.', n most notable nrrny of come- illnns. nre at this lliaalnt week of May 4. In "Tho New Ileurlelln." . Amkrioan (II. R. Wallace, mgr.)—For week of 4 the photoitramntlc essay. "Samson." Standard (I* llelelienlnen, mgr.)—For week of 3, Roble'B Beauty Show. Besides a timely travesty on physical culture on tho bill, Matty 13. mid Henrietta OrMRarM 14-1(1. Ma.ikkiio (J. A. Hlgk'r, mgr.)—nil! week of 4 includes: Virginia Hunted, Edna Shimsller, How- aid mm*. Rat HIT. Bert Melrose, llert Knlnvtr and Jessie Brown, Clms. and Fanny Vuu, Kramer rud iMorlon, nml Maxwell llollen. his staff, Director Otto Krnbt Schmidt took tbe Ger man Playero to Pittsburgh for a week's engage ment. An unexpected rush drove Col. I. M. Martin "back to the box office," snd ho recalled old days as be sold tickets to 01.ester. Freda Florence, Laura Hayden and Gertrude Lynch were three of the pippins In the Uehraars Show. Under Edna Mnnnhelmor's direction the Glen dale Lyceum Dramatic Olub Btaged "His Excel lency the Governor," at the Glendale Lyceum, 2 Estellh Timm went to Hamilton for a recital. VinaiNiA FiaoK, n very beautiful Klrl, Is Nor- wood's member of the 1014 graduating clasa of the School of Expression, Jake Ward ano Hillie were newcomers to ii. F. Keith's, ar>tl Uielr net, "A Polite Piano- ki. going" was thoroughly enjoyable. Varden, who was cast for "Mary Law- ranee." In "A Clever Womnn," was taken ipilte 111—n victim of ptomaine poisoning. May Rooson was one of those who lomalncd at the bedside of her nssoclate until all danger was over. At tbe last of the doten subscription concerts nt the Odeon, tho performers were Walter Gilo- tisj nnd Emily Hrermauu. Woonter, O.—narry Robinson, cornetlst, lias leased the City Hugh School Park Pavilion, and will conduct high class dancing, and Introduce now features In that line Howe's Great Lon- don Show will be the circus attraction May IS. ... .Rlngllng Bros.' Circus will exhibit at Ashland May IB J. J. Evans, of One Ring Olrcjs fume, recently lost a trained monkey with pneu- monia. The monkey looped the loop In an nolo. Mr. Evans stated he would not have accepted a thousand dollars for the animal. Ho Is now en- .leavorlng to secure another The Orrvllle City Rami prosoRlori a line minstrel show 20, ex- cellent; Lewis and Kraft supplied Ibe comedy. Newark, N. J.—At Ibe Newark Theatre (Geo. W. Bobbins, mgr.) the iilolnres of "The Irfist One Hundred Days of Napoleon" are on view May 4-0. This la probably Hie final week of Hie season at this homo. SnunntT (Lee Ottolengul, mgr.)—This bouse closed for the season April 28. Proctor's (R. a Stuart, mgr.)—'This theatre closed tor tbe season 2. Orpiikhh (M. 8. Schleslnger, mgr.) — The l> I" •2 soon be out and able to continue bla nights, Kohnr.ii H. N'EAL, tho popular manager of lie Amusu. Is confined to his home at Roanoke wltii typhoid fever. W. L. Price la filling Mr. Neal's place at the theatre. Loaranaport, In«l.—At the Nelson (Edw. F. Gslllgan, mgr.) "Rise nnd Fall of Napoleon" Moy 4-0 "Mexico To-dny'» 7, 8, "Paullst Chor- isters" 0, Pabst Theatre Stock 12, "Peg o' My Heart" 10, "Nathan Hale" 22. Colonial (Harold Byerly, mgr.)—Bill for 4-0: Norman, "Ibe frogman;" Sllber and North, Grace Ayers Trio, For 7-0: Patrlcola nnd Myers, Her- bert Mitchell, snd Selblnl and Grovlnl. Broadway (Mniurus A Jeffen, mgrs.) —Bill week of 4 Includes: Garden and Garden, tn "On the Outside:" Lakola and company, Tom Nenl nd dog, and Edna La Belle. Ark, Grand and Tokyo offer pictures only. Notbs.— The Young Buffalo Wild West Shows will appear here May 13 Much comment was made In show circles on tbe big variety of the Al. O, Field Minstrels psper, as well as the b!g way It featured the various artists wltb that attrac- tion Ot...n. Rank, property man wltb "Busy lasy." baa returned here for the Summer, owing to the doting of thst company In Altoons, Pa. Tho season lasted thirty-seven weeki, and Mr. Rtnk says was decidedly prosperous Jnllan Rash, a globe trotter, was an added attraction at the Colonial. 28 The Elks of this city sre contemplating giving a carnival this year, and If plans are perfected they will offer only one of the biggest companies on tbe road The Na- tional Exhibition Co. opened Its new psrk here May B, and will offer all classes of outdoor amuse- ments during the Summer Chlhl, xylophone nrtlst, was a decided bit on a recent Colonial bill, his act particularly Impressing lovers of real music. Indlnnapolls, Ind Murat (W. E. Mick. mgr.) Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra May .1. Hector Fuller, Illustrated lecture on tho Ne.v China. 10. Enolisii'h (Wright Huntington, mgr.)—Wright 5 m l" n 5 , ? n Plajora. B "Tho Msn from Home," Cillfiirala." "Broken Bows." Mnry Pickfonl, li . April 30-May 2. Dominion (J. F. Clancy, mgr.)—Tbe fourth ■■ureal season of Summer stock opened here Ms7 4, with Hie three act comedy, "Our Wlvea," with vaudeville and motion pictures run between the acta. Hurry Bills Is the vaudeville feature of the week of 4. Family (Ken B. Flnlay. mgr.)—Motion pic- lures. .. Fn ANOAia (Ken B. Flnlay, mgr.)—Tho French Palhe feature, "Germinal," adapted from Zola's book, wss exhibited hero April 27-20. St. Gannon's (J. D. Murray, mgr.)—The five cent matinees are drawing good crowds to this house. Knlnmaaoo, Mich. — Fuller (Ce.lrl-1 F. Lawrence, mgr.) Weber A Fields, In "Hokcy- PoRey.' May 8. Academy or Musio (B. A. nuRb. mgr.) Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 12. 13. Majestio (Will Marshall, mgr.)-vJllll 4-fi: R.ibel Sims, O'Neill and Dixon, Hnrooii't Sulli- van nnd compnny, Slone and Hares. Harrison nnd Prescntr. For 7-0: Southwlck and Durr, Whipple. Houston and company. Helm Children, Savor's bulldogs, nud tho Majestlcscopc. Colonial, Elite-, Lyric. New nnd Orpheum. melloii pictures only. Mapamr Tetii\z7.ini and a company of ce.pabto artists packed the new State Armory. Battle Creek. Mich Post (B. R. Smith, mgr.) Weber A Field Big Road Show May 10. Bijou (Harry Lorch, mgr.)—Bill 8-«: Savor's bulldogs, Bud and Nellie Helm, Whipple, Houstoi company. In "Sjjooks;" Oalloway and Boberts, Soiithwlck and Darr. For 7-0: Ruhel 8lmmi, O Nell nml Dixon, Harcourt, Sullivan nnd com- pany, Stone and Hnyes, nnd Harris and Preston. Meridian, Mian. — Grand (W. B. Jones, mgr.) the annual Spring Festival, nnd*r tho ■inspires of Matinee Musical Club, presenting tho Sr. l.onls Symphony Orchestra. May i|-S. Gkji (B. Frsn:t Isaacs, mgr.)—Feature films. Thane for week of April 27 Included: "Love nml V'tiecnncc." "Tho Daughter of the Crook," "Old week ox 4, Lyceuw (Anderson & Zlegler, mgrs.)—George Arvlne Associate Players, In "Tho House of Bondage." week of 4. Keith's (Ned S. Hastings, mgr.)—Bill week of 4 Includes: De Witt, Burns and Torrance, Jack Gardner. De Wilt. Yonng nnd Msler, Ball and West, Tale's "Motoring." Albert Perry and com- pany. Wlllnnl and Bond, and Al. Rayito's dogs. Columbia (Billy Vail, mgr.)—Thi stock will put on Hie Ducklings week 4. Tna Gus Rapier Co. closed a successful season of fortylwo weeks of musical stock at the Famllv. Rinolinq Bros.' Cibcvb cornea O. Lowell, Mass.—Keith's (BenJ. Pickett, mgr.) bill May 40: Margaret Snutelle Duffy and comimny, Claude Ranf, Wills ami Fisher. Thurber the "Good Llltlo Devil;" l.ncllle Love, the "Girl of .Mystery," "The Secret of the Well." Piiincess (Sol M. Sttscrmnn. mgr.) — Genenl On. services ond 28. "Tho Squaw Man." Elite (Geo. A. Orlflln, rmjr.l—A Mutual pro- gram, feature 80 nas "Mutual Girl No. 14.'' Clnrkndnlc, Mies.—Cncum'a Alrdome SIg imr Oncum, mgr.) Licensed motion pictures and '.nndevllle. Feature films for .10, '';" ror May 4, "The Adventures of Kalhlyn;" for 7. "The Count of Monte Crlsto." Rockford, III Nettle Woods, one of the members of the Harvey Players, who has been confined at Ibe St. Anthony Hospltsl for tho past two weeks, has recovered, snd la now seen with Hie company. Manager Nonen, of the Rockford ns hailing lady. Cavkty (J. W. Whitehead, mgr.)—Mnllle Will- lams li attraction (or week of 3. ami will be fol- lowed by llosoy .Nwey Girls. Oiivhtai. (Win. ilray, mgr.)— Bill week of 4 in- cludes: Polakltn nnd company, Adams ami Guhl, Sntsia and compnny. .Murray K, Hill, Walter S. Hone nml hMlth Nortlilaitc. P.miivsr (Wm. ItnyiHir. mgr.1—Rill week nf 3 li.< hides: Frank Hymn nu.l l/tiilse l.sngilnn, Cu- vain Duo, Snin Ash, Joe Cook and Jack Wlnxlor T.'lo oui'iiKiiM (Wm. Gray, mgr.)—"The Dm* Ter- ror," moving pictures, will continue Indefinitely. lan.s. Georgia Campbell, Arthur Conrad, Primrose Semon, Hudson Freeborn, May Emory. Mlnton. Kstelle Manootte, Lee Daly, George Msn- tell, Hasel Cameron, Jack Fisher, Frsnk Dnly; musical director. Alfred Dalhy, "Honeymoon Trail" will be given 11-10. Mixer's Kmphir (Tom Miner, nigr.l—Tlie HellcH of Beauty How 4-9. The Taxi Girls oihim» 11-10. Continuous vaudeville will supplement the M'gnhir senson, l<ginning 18. Notes. —The in of Keeney'B Tbiiirrc bus arranged a IsMient for the entire SUIT and .ill employees, each reeelvlun n nro rata share. An elaborate vaudeville bill will bo .rlven The 'The Divorce Question Opera House (Will Howe, insr.)—iFamoiis Players and Warner Feature pictures, and Ber- nard Horan In songs. Colonial (8. Knopf, mgr.)—Association pic- tures snd Margaret McDonougti In songs. Jewel (Harnoot A Tapljan, mgrs.)—Universal pictures nnd Mela Daggett In sansta. Owl (8. Arbnck, mgr.)—.Mutual program and oilier feature pictures, IIoyal (Geo, Hirsson, mgr.)—Association pro- gram, with other features, and Geo, W. Moon In songs. Vovons IT. F. Hennessey, mgr.)—Association plcturea nnd Bob Fournler In aongs. BASE BALL Polo Grounds NATIONAL LEAGUE With Boston, May T, 8, t>, II. AMERICAN LEAGUE With Detroit, Hay 1A, 13, 14, IB,