The New York Clipper (May 1914)

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24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. May 16 TO OUR FRIENDS: Kindly have a little patience. Owing to the flood of letters and telegrams received for copies and orchestrations of BREAK THE NEWS TO MOTHER By CHAS. K. HARIRIS And being unprepared for the deluge we would kindly ask you not to worry as we have more copies in press which will be sent to you by tne time you read this notice. After you have seen all the war songs now flooding the market you will eventually use this wonderful number-WHY WAIT CHAS, K, HARRIS, Columbia Theatre Bldg., Broadway and 47th St., N. Y. City meter cohen, Manager SAJV FK,\XCI8CO. (Special iltpttck to 'IBM New Vosk cuppii.) Columbia. —iiondnj- (afternoon), Mar 11, for two mta, Hon. l>con C. Worcester's dim. ol "Native Life In the Pbllpiiloea." OtiaT.—Sunday 10. begiiilng of two week.' en- gagement of "'llie Passing Stow of 1913," with suatlnees Wednesday, Friday and Saturday afte.- the motion pictures of "A with lecture by Frank L. "Tne Girl Behind the Savoi.— Sunday. 10, Sot anl lb* Law." Bote.' Uaistt. —Honda/, 11, Counter." hi.— Monday, 11. Wlllard Mack and Msr- smbeeu, auvported by tbe mock comuHuy cf She. In "I'll Be Usuged If I D-i." Obpjiei'k. — Bill opening Sunday (matinee), 40: Odlra, Maater Gabriel and eomiiany, HU'rey Jarvls; snUted by Virginia Dare, Male lit) Aaama and company, Nick Virger. McDevltt. Kelly tad Lucay, Rothanara and Daylight morion pic- tares Empress. —Bill evening Hnnday (nvillnoe), 10: Louis Orarat, "Tlie l'unoli." Boh Hill, "The Jsemaid and too Man," Kour Hubanlk Co., and •re feature photoplays. Pahtaoss. — Bill opening Sunday (matinee), 10: Wsod and Lawion, Krumy. Robinson and Boeacfa, Bralab, Lewla Barrows, Lancaster company. Bur- acid's dog*. Ton Kelly, Jerome and Oaraoo, and Sunlight plclurea. ■Ml Tin following photoplay* were exhibited tt Oe houses named for week beginning 3: At the Tirol! Opera Houee, "The Gamblers ' and third jerlea of "Lucille Lore:" at the Portola Theilre, •Between Savage and Tiger" aud the latest series Of "Our Mutual Girl;" at the Imperial, "Tbe Brute" and "The Mountain Rot." Till Flontaley Quartette eoncerllsed afternoon «f 10, In Scottish Bite Aodltorlum, and will be aeard again evening of 14 and afternoon of 17. Tna Gaiety Theatre Co. aeema to bare no end •f lawaulta. Tbe latest against them la by the Ceiumbta Scenic Studio, alleging non-payment for aeenery specially painted for one of their produc- tions. OUT OF TOWH HEWS PHILADELPHIA. The end of the season la already In tight, a* the Little Theatre, the Adolpbl and Metropolitan ()|K»ra Mouse bare already closed, while at tbe turrlck and Forrest, atartlng 18, moving plcturo •howi will itart supplenion'al seasons. l.raio (Lawrence Blutnucrg, mgr.)—-Mclntyre • nd Heath, In tbelr new version of "Tbe Hum Tree," were greeted by big •houses last week. The familiar comedy of the stars was aa funny aa ever, while Uie dancing chorus was also a distinct auccess. The second week starta II, Bboad (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)—Annie Ruaaell, In "The Lady In the Oase," concluded the regular season at this bouse on 0. Begin- rir.E 11 the Savoy Company, an amateur organi- sation, will be seen In a revival of "The Plruies •f l'enxaoce.'' Walnut (W. D. Wegefarth, mgr.)—"The Bllnrf- aesa of Virtue" waa particularly well received last week, both liy the press aud the public. The acting waa superb, Individual nils being made by Hamilton Deaue, Mario Lrouharri. A. Hamilton Glbbs and Florence Le Clerq. The second week seems 11. Forrest (Nixon A Zimmerman, mgrs.)—Wm. Collier, In "Forward. March!" departed D, after a highly successful three weeks' stay. Motion pic- tures of "How Wild Animals Live" start 11. OaaaiCK (Cliaa. C. Wanamaker, mgr.)—Ohar- Jotte Walker. In "Tbe Lady in tbe Oase," continues to be a strong drawing card. 'Die third and final week beglna 11. This will he tbe concluding attraction of tbe regular season, and will be fol- lowed by Howe's travel pictures for an lndednlte ran. Chestnut Stbeet OrxsA noes* (Ralph Iten- aud. uigr.)—The Onibeum Slock appears lu "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch" 11 and week. There waa plenty of warlike spirit to the revival •f "Soldier, of Fortune" last week, which drew the bouses. Thurston Mall was splendid as Hubert Clay. Blanche Yurka waa also very clever as Hone Languam. Henry Andrews, Florence Huberts and George Parker had alao prominent parta In the production. American (James Wall, mgr.)—The stock ap- pears In "The Decoy" 11-10. "Out of the Fold" was well acted last week to Quo houses, John Lorent did effective work lu tbe leading role. Oapitkuu (C. K. Lord, mgr.)—The stock. In "The Purple Lady." 11-10. •The Chorus Lady." waa well acted to houses of good site 4-0. Emily Fmlley was fully up to the requirements la the leading role. B. F. limit's (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Lou!* Maun and company, in "Elevating a Huabaud," U the big feature week of 11. Others are: Monroe and Pusey. Ergottl and Lilliputians, Ethel Green, lirnan aud Mclntyre, Morris and Allen. De VolJ Trio, Conlln, Steele and Oarr, and moving pic- tures. Colonial (Harry Brown, mgr.)—Week of Il- ls: Great Howard, Kennedy and Hart. Glrard and West. L'Algblon, Palfrey, Ilowen and Brown, "Arcadia," and moving pictures. Wai. Pbnn (Win. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of Il- ls: Cartmell and Harris, Darrell and Conway, Miller and LyJea. Three Ragged Troubailoon, lsrued. "Robbery of the Overland Mall," and mov. tag pictures. Grand (T. M. Dougherty, mar.)—Week of Il- ls: "Consul," "The New Leader," Wadner and Stone, Mary Dorr. King Bros., John Zluimer, aud moving pictures Nixon (Fred'k Leopold, mgr.)—Week of 11-10: "Mrs.- O'Mallev'i Reception." Four Athlelss, Flake and McDonough. Boh Warren, Thaten Duo, Cosmo's Posing Setters, and moving pictures. Ksvstonb (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 11- 10: ''A Night In a Police Station." Livingston. Crollnt and company, Veda and Hawley Reed and Tuttls, Joe Lanlgan, Three Madcaps, and moving pleturea. Fairmodnt (J. D. Kendrlck. mgr.)—Week of 11-10: Fields and Hanson. Georgia Fltsgeral.l. Stanton and company, Reildlngion itul Oram, and moving pleturea. Hroadwat (Jcs. Cohen, mgr.)—Week of 11-16: Koler, Morton and Evans, Nevln and Erwood, Gertrude McGIll and company, Lewis' anlmala, and moving itleturvs. Kuril! (W. O. Cameron, mgr.I—Tbe Bowerr Rurloequors, 4-0. was the concluding attraction of the season, lo good houses. Biialneaa on the whole was good during the season, anil much better (hsn the preceding seaaou. Casino (Ellon A Kocrdg, mgrs.)—The Belles of Beauty Row 11-10. The Ginger Girls had the crowds with Ibem last week. Kd. Lee Wrothe was the pervading feature, and he got a big band. Princess Dover gsve a lively dancing turn, which also scored big. Pimple's (Ohas. F. Edwards, mar.)—The Flirt- ing Widows sre due 11 and wee*. The Monte Carlo Olrls distorted themselves to good louses 0-fl. Taooaono (R. G. Morrow mgr.)—The Harem Beauties will be tenants II awl week. Tbe Flirting Wldowa ontoyed line patronage 4-0. Ed- die Dale displayed plenty of ability In tbe comedy lines, and be got big applause. Oatett (J. P. Kckhsrdt mgr.)—Tbe stock Princess FID was an added attraction, while Doro- thy Watson sud Morris and Morris were the trlght lights In the olio. Dumcmt'h (Frank Dnmont, ingr.)—Tbe hill last week included a very funny aklt In tbe "B-tr- num A Bailey Circus." which scored big. Fox aud Ward, the old timers, occupied a conspicu- ous poHltlon on the Mil. Lemuels and Boydva were seen In a new skit, while new offerings were tendered by Joe Hortlt and Eddie Oasssdy. Woooiioa Park (Wm. 0. Martin, mgr.)—This resort has undergone Its usual Spring overhauling, and starts Ha season 9. Perkins' International Hand is the first of tbe musical attractions which CtrvOlUVJVATl. The old Queen City of the West wore her best bib aud tucker the week of the May musical featl- Tal. Great throngs crowded Music Hall—well gowned women and swallow-tailed men. The pres- ence of ex-Presldeot William 'Howard Taft added to the social aignlflcance of the Spring festival of music. Many of the artists shared la the functions, which made the week one of continu- ous Joy. Tbe soloists during the festival were: Alma Oluck and Florence Hlnkle, sopranos; Mae. Schsmann-Helnk and'Margaret Keyes, contraltos; Eras Williams and Daniel Beddoe, tenor*, and will remain for three weeks. "•«Tu»anaw~;ay»4U>, Douglas Powell'and Henri Scott, Bijou, Allmiirnt, FRA.vxroRD, Foixpacoh's, bastes. Dr. Ernst Kunwsld was moslcal director; GtnAitD, LiBxarr. Plaza, Victobia, Alhambra, Adolph IT, Stademtsn, organist, and the May I'ir.A.'B and Stalxt grre rauderllle and moving festival chorus. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra pictures. MOTS*. Rancti lni Is here for week of May 11, tt nineteenth Street and Hunting Park Avenue. Bum St. Drnih had a One bouse at tbe For- rest on tbe afternoon of 7. Tits Plays and Plsyers Club produced "Master Pierre Pstetln" st the Little Theatre B. Thr stockholders of tbe Metropolltsn Opers Co. elected tbe following officers hurt week: Forward T. 8toiesbury, president: T. De Witt Cuyler, vice president; Charles F. Scrlbener, secretary and treasurer. Simon Srltzkr purchaser, last week, the mov- ing picture houses st tbe Northwest comer of Seventh Street and Snyder Avenue, lot T7ill2 feet, and at Nos. Jackson Street, 57x107 feet, for nominal considerations subject to mort- gages aggregating »59,0O0. S. S. Finevan has awarded a contract for a $15,000 moving picture house at Nos. 037-30-41 South Street. It will occupy an area of 40x108 feet aud will have a Ave hundred seating capacity. •erantnn, Pn.—Lyceum (E. J. Lynch, tnarr.) week of May 11, feature photoplays and musical program on tbe $10,000 organ. I'oli (James Roerlck, mgr.)—Week of 11. grand opening of the Summer stock season. Tbe Pol! Stock Co., supporting Walter Richardson and Marlon Barney, In "Hawthorne of the D. S. A." AcADijtr (A. F. Winston, mgr.)—Week of 11. Rlx new photoplays, subjects changed daily, anil special feature nights. Including amateur and sur- prise night. Bijou Drums, Manhattan, Wonpxbs, Hipro- ttouB, Colonial, orpiieum. Wonderland and Victoria, all doing well with pictures. The 101 Banou will show In this city 19. Rltigllng Brothers' Olrcus follows 20. Mm. Schbman-Hrjnk will give a concert In Town Hall, Frldsy evening, IS, Jofanxtovrn, Pn.—rark (Scherer ft Kelly, mgrs.) pictures. ' Nbmo (M. McOann. msr.)—Pictures. (Ieam) (O. Ponogatocus, mgr.)—Pictures. Palace (N. Note-polos, mgr.)—Pictures. Globh and Bijou Dhkau (J. Q. Foley, mgr.)— Pictures and vaudeville. Victoria and Ltric. —Pictures. SMajbstic (M. P. Boyle, mgr.)—BUI 11-13. ueenle Dunedln. Village Oholr. Henry Frey, and owman Bros, snd their Six Blackbirds. For 14- in: Irene anil Bobble Smith, Emll Stoch snd com- psny. Andy Bice, and Boganny Troupe. Anorroarox (Z. Waunlo, mgr.)—High class pictures. Charoherabnrsr. Pa—Orrheam and Rose- dale arc dark, .Nora—The Reltherhorrer Shows United were here May 5-0. to big business. Atlanta. Ga.—Lyric (H. L. Cardosa, mgr.) bill Slay 11-10. Lucille La Verne Co. aud choruses of children and hoys all shared In the trlumohs of this twenty-first triennial event Of world-wide Import. 81 r. Keth'b (John F. Bora!, mgr-)—Tha last week of the regular season began May 10. when James B. Carton will lead Lasky'a "Bed Heads" back to another series of orations. Others Charley Abems snd company. In "Motor Pace Race;" Arthur Reason, Duffy and Lorenxe, Leight- ner and Jordan, the Six Samarlans, and Cincin- nati In motion pictures. Tbe regular season ends 10. and then comes a Summer whirl of vaudeville at tbe ten, twenty scale. Grand Opxba Hocsb (John H. Harlln, mgr) —The "Lee Mlserables" film was so popular that It will- Tesshi-10, -tor another sjaashj Ciimteb Park (I. M. Martin son of "curtain raisers" and over, snd tbe real start was made 10, when Helen Dickson, tbe Rambler Sisters. Blllle Oliver, Jerome and Berry, Amedlo, tbe "wlxard of the accordion," and the Latours were seen la vaude- ville. Zoo (W. P. Whitlock, mgr.)^Iohn O. Weber's Prise Bard will be heard 17, In two special con- certs, and the regular season opens 24. Music - Hall. —Tbe all-star gambol occurs 21. ami Cincinnati Is looking forward with interest to the parade of the famous which Is pictured as one of the greatest episodes of the day's sojouru In each city visited. Ludlow Laooon (Arthur Wilbur, mgr.)—Col. John J. Wesver Is botne from Fiorina, and will turn the business management of this Kentucky resort over to bis right bower of 1013—Arthur Wilbur. He Is "on tbe Job," and announces 24 as tbe day for the opening. Walnut Strxxt (W. F. Jackson, mgr.)—"In Search of (be Castaways" was the falm oltcrlns 10. following a fortnight's offering of "The Drug Terror." Gaiety (Ohas. B. Arnold mgr.)—"The Daugh- ters of Men" wss the Dim feature that followed "A Million Bid." Ltric, Hbucs'b Opbba House, PbokCh, FotiLT. OnpnEuu, Objntubt and Ltcbbic ore otjeT theatres offering pictures. Only Olympic, Standard and Empress are dark. MAT MEMS, Under the auspices of Katherine Lewis. Angela Dehner and J. M. Davis, an allegorical pageant, 'On the Ohio," was presented st the Highlands School. "Far of Totlawd," with one hundred and twenty-Bve In the cost, is to be presented at North side and College Hill late in May, under tbe direction of J. B. Rogers, who successfully Spring season of musical stock opened fairly well Isst week, and the current offering. "dJooermoon Trail," promises well. "The Girl from Nowhere'' 18-23. Minrr'b Euriai (Tom Miner, mgr.)—Tbe Tail Girls, 11-10, is tbe last show of tne regular bur- lesque season. Princess Luba Mtroff Is tbe new festure, assisted by Marty Word. John Boblman, Frank Harcourt. Frank Illo. Lyane Cant;.-, Charles Jansen, Edna Green and Nellie LockwooL A Summer season of continuous vaudeville from 1 to 11 p. m,, will be Inaugurated 18. This Is a' new departure for this bouse. . Krsnei's (John McNally, mgr.)—Crowds are still the rule here. BUI 11-13: tTleior's Moslcal Melange, Josephine Ssxtoa sod her Pickaninnies, ind others. *-" '•• Ltho (B. O. Stuart, agr.)—Bill 11-18: John- son and Crane, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thome, PeH>t and Schooeld and Ameta. For 14-10: Billy De Croteau, Nat Brown, Benny and Baker, and Loro and Payne, .*--... . Notes. —The W-fltson Comic Opera Co.. which opened in "The Makado," 4, at tbe Odeon, closed 6 Manager McNally and all the employees of Kersey's Theatre, will receive a benefit 17. A MB vaudeville bill Is in preparation. . Jersey City, rT. J.—Majestic (F. E. Hen- dersoa mgr.) "Damaged Goods" is the offering week of May 11.- "The Troll of the Lonesome Pine" did well week of 4. Orfheuk (Anthony Michel. Rigr.)—For week . of II: Jack. McLe)Ian and Msy Carson. Wllllun mgr.) Tbe sea- Friend -una. Amy Lesser, Oaade and Marlon early looks" Is Cleveland, Paul, Le Van, and Dobbs, Van Callo, and photoplays. Monttcilxo (Robinson A Burns, mgrs.)—All the latest la photoplays, with. Introductions to some of the "morle'' celebrities In the flesh, who enliven the evening by a line of confidential talk concerning the "movie'' rehearsal and other gos- sipy stuff that keeps the people calling for more. Capacity business. Bon Ton (Ed. C. Oadcgan, mgr.)—The usual variety offering. Special photoplays: "Fonto- mas,'' "In the Shadow of the Guillotine" and scenic songs, St. Pool, Minn.—Metropolitan Opera Home (L. N. Scott, mgr.) Henrlette Crosman had big business, sud eoored a big bit In "The Tunnies of Men," May 3-0. "Damaged Goods" comes 7-0, "Samson," photoplay, 10-13, "September Morn" 14-10, "TraiDc In Souls ind the Crusaders," pic- tures, 17-20; May Bobson, in "A Clever Woman," 21-23; "The Drug Terror," pictures, 24, for the week. OaPHDca (E. O. Burroughs, mgr.)—Business wss very big week of 3, with tbe Orpheum Boad Snow, and made a great bit. For week of 10 pictures. "Indian Wars Be-fousht by the United Stales Soldiers." Express (Gns S. Greening, mgr.)—Business was big reek of 3. For week of 10, 11: Klnkald Kilties, Three Harbys, Bonatr and Ward, Savoy and Brexnnn, and the Nards, Glens Falls, N. Y.—Empire (Joe Miller mgr) F. E. Klelnschmldt's Carnegle-Alsaka-su berla hunt pictures Msy 11, 12, Mrs. Flake n Bill 14-18: Gladys Oorrelll. Halien and Ban. and Gumming* and company. Pass.— "World -In Mojjon" motion pictures. Blrmi'dRliain, Ala. — Lyric (If. L, Semon agt.) bill week of 41 includes: Clark and Uen.-' man, in "The Trained- Njrtses;" Bert.Uvy, Toner and NormRu. Tedeski and Tftjeska, Fred Lind- say, and two otjrer sets. This house la nlavlnr to splendid business each week. • , VMJ,ns Oupiirv* <y. .L. Semon, mgrj— Recently in- Bugurated split weeks. First hslTof week of 4 featured Hal Johnson. Amusr-C. —Musical comedy. : Bbst.— Isabelle Van, in 'The Bell Dot." Tbe Van Musical Comedy Co Is at this bxmse (or on indefinite "engagement . i • -' Majestic— Vaudeville discontinued for present Pla ying feature films to fair business. ^^ Jxtterson and Buou are closed for season Trianon (H.. M. Newsome, mgr,)—Festure dims to cspaclty. Odeon.— Week of 4. first half. "Brewster's Mil- lions;" latter half, Mary Plckford, in "A Good 0. W. Rjx. traveling representative of Jake Wells, has been In the city for • week looting after Mr. • Wells' Interests here. Mr. Bex has made many friends during his short-stay here and his affable and pleasant manner-has won him a permanent place in the hearts of Orpheum patrons. San Diego, Cal.—Spreckels' (Dodge 4 Her- wurd, mgrs.) ^Damaged Goods" -May 1st 15. • Empress (B, Beers Loos, Stock Co., presenting high cl - most excellent business mgr-) —Southern royalty plays. (J. O. Blacklnglon, mgr.)—Musical to Gaistt stock. Savot (Scott A. Palmer, mgr.)—Bill for week of 11: Milton and Dolly Nobles, Adgle and Ilous, Howard BroB., Richards and Montrose, Phil La Toska, Arthur Btgby, and Keystone comedy pic- tures. * Majestic. —Vaudeville and pictures. Princess and lots dark. Memphis, Tenn.—Lyric (BenJ. M. Stain- back, mgr.) Emma Bunting and company pre- sented "St. Elmo" May 3-0 to crowded houses At Cosey Corners" Is tbe offering for week of 10. Tuesday afternoon, 5. Miss Bunting guva her four hundredth performance lo Memphis. East End Pajk (A. B. Morrison, mgr.)—Sei- son opened 10. Vaudeville begins 24. Majestics (2), Princess, Expires (2). Alamo, Coloniil. Quern. Plaza. Palacs, Oar- noLi/roN, American, Echo, Suburban. Enur r%T ST £ L ' s Ljr aoPuLITAI '. Daibts (2), Pastimbb (2), Gem, Botal, Savot. Peiin. Famous. Jot. Columuu, Ubrstt, Oxfoeo, motion pictures. Bonhnm, Tex. — The Renfrew Stock Ob. (under enrras) May 4 and week Thl« i« nnerf Gbanp (Theodore L. Hays, mgr.)—The Rosoy the oldest and best stock companies that makes Posey Girls drew very good business weei»of £ this territory and always gets tbe biislaess For week of 10. the Liberty Girls. The- Newton Stock Co. opened theAU-dome 4 Shcbkst (Frank 0. Priest, mgr.)—"Over ;nd week, featuring Dorrit Aebton,^ In an u£tc- Nlght" urew tbe customary good bustnees week of d«te repertoire of plays. ■ aeau,D ' ln ,Q "P" 10 - n^J^ .^^ °d 10 ' S a Hmitlngton PUyers wlU The Troubadours, a musical organisation, played 32UMS& (Bert Goldman, mgr.) la&S" ^^^ '« ,to "> Me > 4 ' to SS ^aULSSSA. . ..._ ■■»«»»- , • , ,, Tna opening date for the Queen Theatre has ^^Qaiett (Otto N. Baths, mgr.)—Business big been chantredfrom May 8 lo 15. -JiVf. n *Z e J l > Conn-—Hyperion (S. Z. Poll, mgr.) Mrs. Fiske, May 11, David Waroeid 22 23 .PoLfs (OllTer O. Edwards, mgr.)—The p or i John Montaouh came In advance of the "All Star Gambol." John Harlbt, of -the Llebler & Co. forces, was In town telling of tbe coming of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Oostle. Dubjno tbelr Cincinnati sojourn, Douglas Fair- r£.i..iZ. ! ,n r, rx.... , . Palace. New Tork, after "The NewTlenrtMh." Tork. after "The New 'Henrietta' goes into Summer quarters. Tns /stand Queen steams to Louisville 14 aud Ivor O. 10. wton Then TTflhn'a \T(lt,»— H».,^ furnished the music. "Mabel's Predicament" tures. "A Million Bid" and were the first film fei- Manaoxb Gdoxoi F. Ftsq will not come back to the Empress, and sticks to the Sullivan & Oonsidlne Btrvlce. He will be mannger of the lat- tet's bouse at Denver CoL A farewell parry engineered by the employees of the house, nut a pleasant period (? th0 cinclnuaU service of .Mr. ebbUMsK * U Ad " m Fow P ,B «*» ,iri?d' ! '. S v P S ,CH ',' to *• ln chl,T S° •* tne esss» urorae at Ludlow Lagoon he University Auditorium and ulked to than ,i„„"f„f T iL' fh "The Drama." To OIncinnaU the staTot ,lo 5.m tur fi. •The Slevcr Woman" ascribed a fondness fc-7 the clean and wholesome In plays. ■ "Cathlken Na nooLiHAN," "Pot of Broth" JJP. ^>e Hour Glass." three of W. A. Yeate'a "5° Ci* rB i, ar *. t0 ** presented at the Odeon. under the direction of Joseph O'Mears, 22. Colcusia (Gene 0. Davis, mgr.)—Burlesque, Forbtthe.— Bill 11-10: Ball and West? Mc- Connell and Slmiwon, Nst Wills, Cole snd Denahy, and Alexauler and Scott. Bonita (Geo. Campbell, mgr.)—Bill 11-10: Tabloid and motion pictures. Tassel and Touug, .Southern Beauties. Auexican (J. H. Daniel, mgr.)—Tabloid snd motion pictures. "Knickerbocker Girls" and Dins- more Slaters. Orano (H. L. De Qlve. mgr. (—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Mill (A. K. Jones, mgr.)—For 11-10, Vincent and Kennedy. MoNToourar, Vaodettb. pictures to large crowds. Ansmstn, Ga.—Grand (R. B. Tant, mgr.) Is closed. Buou (E. J. Sparks, .mgr.)—"Three Twins" May 4-0, house dark 7-9, "The Seminary Girl" Boniti, Modjespu and Dreamland.— Pictures only. Manager Richaip B. Tant, of the Grind, leaves 11, for New York. Dnblln. Ga—iBertha (Harrr P. Dlggs, mgr.) "Paid ln Full," in moving pictures. May 15. Cbtbtal Palace (Harry P. Diggs, mgr.)— Moving pictures. Boy Rogers, singer. The Crtrtal Palace his been drawing cspa- clty bouses for the last three weeks. Woodstock, Can—Griffin's (M. Orlffln, mgr.) moving pictures and vaudeville. Tbe Griffin Amusement Co. has closed a Ore- year lease (with option to purchase) of tbe new Arena here. During the Summer months It will be used for moving pictures and vaudeville attrac- tions. It la admirably situated, and has an Immense seating capacity, being tbe second largest building of its kind ln Canada, Toronto's Arena being the largest. Although a one story building It Is equal in height to four stories, which will make It tbe coolest spot In the city during tbe hot weather. Hockey and skating will be tbe at- tractions, as usual, during tbe Winter season. W, H. Wilcox, formerly lessee and manager of what la now Griffin's, was a visitor during the nsst week. Burner has It that a new theatre Is likely to be built, ln which Mr. Wilcox wis be interested. Ottawa, Can. — Russell (Peter Gorman, mgr.) a Kermess was Iveid here May 5, O, for the Vlrttnan Order of Nurses. Arena.— Clara Butt and Kennerly Hnmford, In concert. May 0. .--.., Dominion (J. F. Clancy, mgr.)—Dominion h,'. a r *i' h mb r i 8 > T5?",K* for , ft •"" «*w years SKS °°- ESti ,h « w "° n g SS W , lTCT '" Jnv^'^t^iKT^ri^reF^.herefret, Business splendid. Ooraiwny excellent. Every- body Is hard at work on 'The Tblnl Decree," which Is the bill for week or 11. Familt (Ken K. Flnl.iy, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and singing. Franoaib (Ken K. Finlay, ragr.)—Motion pic- tures snd Tandevllle. St. GxoRfin's (J. D. Murray, mrr.)—"Die Mu- tual Girl" series Is still bringing good business lien-. Ilnnitltnn. fan— At the Grand (A. R. Loo- don, mgr.) Billy Allen Musical Comedy Co. May 11 -10. Nancy Dower and company, In repertoire, 18-27. Trum-lb (J, O. Anpleton. mgr.)—Week of tt. opening of Clark Brown Stock Co.. In "Our Wives." The leading roan Is Henry Hall. Lteio (H. Morgan, mgr.)—Pictures and vaude- ville. Satot (W. Rpenee. mgr.)—Moving pictures. PWNC198 (W. Swanwlck. mgr.)—Gloving pic- tures. Ram Mill (D. E. Stewart, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures. AupiTORitrAt (M. F. Morton, mgr.)—Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle and tbelr company of dan. cers. 8. LpK-ansport, Ind.—At the Nelson (Edw. F. GalUgon, mgr.) tbe Paullst Choristers drew two big bouses May Plsyers la "The Base of the Rancho" 11 and u£2l. S .?.!f ! IL ( ]? en i **?*»™- mgr.)—Henry B. es Msy 9. Ooornd Bolton's Milwaukee yn™ 1 ; assisted by the Academy of' Music Stock T^tre^o. 12 "Peso' My Heart" 10 See' k ^ j^f*" Tork ' «••'*"» Ghost Breaker," German "Nathan ..Colonial (Harold Byerly mgr.)—BUI for Il- ls: Enoch, "The Man Flsb;" Downs and Gotuex. Zeb Zarrow Troupe, in "Isle of Joy." For li- lt): Dan Harrington, Deinlng and Rogers, tna Three Rosmary Girls. Business Is excellent, Bboadwat (Mangus A Jeffries, mgrs.)—Vaude- ville, cUnged trl-weekly and pictures changed dolly are drawing well. ^ Abk. Gband and Tomro offer photoplays raly. Nr.TEs.—Tne Young Buffalo Wild u.est appears here 13......The Wm. Gooso Carnival Co. will appear at Spencer Park week of IS, under the !££E? °i "i e Otliens' Bsd4 Selblni and Glovlnl offered a versatile act at the Colonial, 7-9, which attracted much attention. Bern Nkstob, tbe'walnut Hills girl, who Doses n ETnn »vllle, Ind^-New Grand (Wm. Mc- for the picture, "Miss Chester." is a iffiST Qow "' m8T '> f ? r M «y n ' ls - """Ice FrocnTMi Mrs. Joceph W. Steinberg, of Memphis Tenn " d i c ?°$' n /' . SS"* Ordwsy, Loola Blalsdell, Sto and her husband are to be |l™ a wedding V^JF'Vl&lJSi -'Jorwood and Hall. For fern st Chester Park. 10. by Co*. I. M. MartlS 14 ;iT'._"°A' Lo ? k W^L' Here?" vll.e 0I ,nd &reB (E0Sea8 W11S00 ' «»•»-▼"*■ grag Ww»un?T *"* '■ jga,& W ■n8r.)-V.udeville and SiiSU ( \^}"S!:f. T - m«r)—Pictures only. Notes.— Fred Oolle. manager of Oolle's Opera House, ln Turners Falls, died recentlv, of pneu- f 0 ? 1 * Lll Kerslake. the world famous pig trainer, recently of Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows. Is airectlng a society circus to be given under loesl lodge of Masons of Turners FalU Lnval 9$"*?! Moose, Lodge No 007. is to hold a fair and baxaar ln Greenfield. i.J?« fo J d ' *.??•■.— Thi °P*™ Hon»e opened ¥?.<n¥°? d *L. w ^, P'S'nres only, presenting "The Traffic in Souls." Selectmen and committee of Jr ^lEEE saiT tfiJ i of«ncrn'n»"ti"s U tu: SctoUt"Tk>lInS i "ill Sweet ° n ' mgr ' ) - Lnaw| S ci *I*L»* W^«x*oiT7'?hidrRrsaw W the'pU-.sres aSAtt ^ te f& MS ^^rNoRTW-VauuevUIe and mo- &^OSJ!SSJbS£S Savot, JJoLoNUL^RrvEBstDB, Noteltt. Pew- ikSXt U> -^ taeat s>let ' an "«1 the house was VDJontLi, Coluk- : Ltcetk, Idbal and. Stab (late Tripoli) Mo- rass, Altjambra, Governor, teS^&i&ttJEEE* Charlotte, N. C—Academy of Music l, urovo, "* (John Will Paoe w.s the earliest mSS ■'off"ifr. and tag ta ^The^elle^lchroiV^ ta ' ,0< *' < *«" sent "The Butterfly Carnival ' "^ P 5S?i. nSf^ 7 ' ?*Z Rsndall and company at'thTl! ?\?** < " n8tog " th * plClore ,h< "" ***? ' * ' ***'■ ■"" PBtNCEsi (Tate Powell, mgr.) Mnltlnle r«*l pictures, BJli week of. 11: Mo^dayTj'Thei cfj.-. "Tnn Battle of tiis Flowees" was a jost-he- fore-openlng event st Chester Park. Every lady attending the, cabaret was given a tSnch of posies for pelting purposes. Zanesvllle, O—Orpheum (E. R. Harris mgr.) the Barrett Players continue to draw weli and give satisfactory productions. Hippodrome (W. S. Canning, mgr.)—Festure s.Msfaction '*'* ldI0l,, * 1<,0 ,re artvlng entire QciMBr's (W. C. Qulmby. mgr.)-The big tripe mn Hint muvI »i<(i,». .a K .7.j l _Tl ^ F'P^ tal Ball Desday. j^Tuesday. "pome Back'td Brln;" Wed- **»• . I ' an «? War." AH Warner features. mSP9SSSf> >"■»—Cacum's (Signer Oacum. rf.;,,~ i? Dse<1 ..S otlon Pictures and vaudeville. fi.V i™ fl . S"i. Krom ,he Monger to the Cross" ii '... h 0°e*»s8 .Oracloos"'14. Cecelia Lortus, jn^ A Lady of Quality," 21. Business continues tJ^MJ"! 0 ' M "iesttc Amnsemeot 43o., mgrs.).— i?I 8 i beatre 'Pened 5. «nd offers motion pictures sua Bongs. «L,S][ and t n *- ,,, ' lB ' MIeh.—Powers' (Harry 0. o "SS? s> 0o «. Sff"') Wt) *T and Fields May P. "The Blue Blrd^ll-is. Majestic (Orln Sulr, mgr.) Is dosed for Emsoxu, Akuseu, Ottowat and Thbato _ w '^ 00 ' Pictures onir ^towat and tbbato.- Caynaui.-mi for tbe last week of season. 11- Notes,— /pie ibow at the Piedmont last half iS.^r°r r _P" lT w ,lna CO""!*"*. Kramer and Reus. SfoH^ k ^H,? ai1 1he A '«»na«r Kids, dancing and w?„ L w** w M .°. n ? aLd Sn ^ dw ' Meredith and singing comediennes, as one of the features rhev w 06 ?"' /"",? Milton and De Locg Bisters, .-ind were -verv much nireH k» t*~ ,_ £r" Au "v Ward and Onllen 7*™ 7ff7 ni«h liked by the people here a drew big crowds...... The opening of the Acad- \TEn2: .VJJ* Ac * d ? n ' r °* Music. Mond". " ™? SDpearance of an old favorite. Ver organ and good pictures to'pocked'houses. Grand (James Collins, mgr.)—Universal service - <m h W .l Ulw I" aylD » lMd9 - ^o =u><le .big hit etcluslvely.J^o flne_returnsT • 7iIi... ,h S..!!t 0 ?J e ben '«* Summer with Bert Bleeeker Hall Ward and Onllen. Petcraburtr, Vsu—Academy (W. H. White- head Digr.) was dark week of May 4. "Within the Law 7 ' 14. rlctures (Q *°" Blcolrd8on ' mgr.)—Vaudeville and 7„£? C 5 1M ' Y^""*"", Paiaob, Amebican and Idle Honx.— Pictures oob. ! ! » «■» ■ ■ * s 0. Dodds, who has been associated Ui ^'* Stock °> CHaton, la.—Orphean (H. A. Sodina, mgr.) Monday May 11. the Harvey Stock Oo. opena for the Summer season. AitosB-u. Rotal, Oolonial and Best, pictures. Manager H. A. Sodina bought Mr. Botrerfleld's atuusement enterprise. mgr.)—Hurlesque sea- SUSSaSB* ??««».9-..'.A fmSSmpm"ln The^ew"orp"heu^! of pbotoplars begins 11. with '"Sealed Orders' the first week's production. Pboctor's Grand (Job. P. Ooyne. msr 1 Hi* d* m "^.'f""* !,nd P'etnres. Bill il if: ijicnoto Bros^ Billy Dvn„, \i abeI rttbfr Trio. Fie cher Ubb ^ « Dd Mebsbe, Wlllard sad Bsrd williiSs provided two rerx Mreir bathei "The S|»rt and the Girl' 7 snd'l. -t(ijo*s last week. lawk Out Betow.*' Rotau— Moving pictures, Oaiext (F. J,.Rogers, mgr.)—Moving plctsrss. Wnique (J. B. Stewart, tsgr.)—Morlsg pic Sandaakr, O—Sandusky (V. O. Woodwsrd Co' 28^10 plct " rM Mv ■** Chstterton Stock AI.11AHDBA. TlIEATORIDJf, OrQJ, HoTiL And LT- cxnu. pictures only. Notes.— About one hundred Moose and tbelr .'iyW! Mc «>be. Wlllard and Bard! Wilflais wivesi turned out to see Vogel's Minstrels here.... ?■* Sterling Oxford, Quirtette. and Fields aid The New Star Theatre, under the management of S£XL^. SL".i 16: Thr t°. , w »'wrs, Hilton and John Kesseler. opened Sunday, 10. It is one of „ ^"V, T 5? , n * rmon J' Qlrls. Musical Farmyard tbe prettiest picture theatres In this State, Ore- 5!l?h. n T - ^f «# company. Wallace Galvla nroot In every war "-" " L - -*~ -"■' rr ' -..—..* of four hundred.. .. Stock Co., has arrived RSSSV rTesrark, N. J—^The Barnum A Bailey Olr cos will make a two days' stop here this year Instead of the usual one. May 18 and 10 are the dates. NswARat (Geo, W. Robblns. rogr.)—This bouse will play another week of pictures Il-IO. s. unsiiia tii lilies Oiatt?, IlrV* flllA.4* T »Zb «T»» -——!•—••/. "aiiou- uajTia, '. and with a seating capacity E1 J5, • w V. u . ckl fT. ,Dd ^""Ifr ,nd Tnre * B »rla Girls! ....Lew Earle. of the Kirli »,^^^ ( ?^- S U.?' oe8 ' "n* 1 )-^«ad«vll!e In Sandusky for the Sum- W 'I? "fj"!* P ct "r«a doing a flue business. "* Pbootor'b Lsland (Guy Graves, gen. mgr )— Continuous TBudevlIle wMh moving pictures Majestic (EmB Delcbes, mgr. —Vsodevllte with moving pictures. vaooevnie Clinton Sqcare. Bboadwat, Star Proctos's ANNKX. PALACE, WHITL WAT. (StSAL ,nToi- rnruii. moving pletBres only. ■ > (■■•/ uiuuirr wvea ot pictures ii-io. The 101 Ranch Wild West will »hiht. i»_ Obhuom (M. 8. Schlealnger. mir,)-Ta«. May 23, tfvli^two^ormSiesT" l eih,blt »«• niclixnond. Ky. — Grand .(W. P. Baxter, mgr.) week of MRy 11 motion pictures. Alhambba (S. H. Sparks, res. mgr.)—Motion pictures. Pol. Saqe'e Shows fThllillaa hsss assst nr I BTOPttr LOOKIII LI8TE NI1I IIITWO BIC 80NC HITS!!! OF SWEETHEARTS I'VE HAD PLENTY BTjnee,nlune V. Johnson and Andrew Kern. ITS GREAT TO BE AN AUCTIONEER _ By Jtssepliine V. Johnson and Andrew Kern. Orchestration and professional copy sent upon receipt of late programme. Sang (words snd music). BsA-odieo, Sketches. Plays. Monoioguea Etc -< w ti«*a tn or<] eT. Send srAmn for tenriB. JOSKPHIrTE V. JOHNSON. 9*40 Carroll Awe., Chicago, 111.