The New York Clipper (May 1914)

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May 30 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES Maicronl, Delmar and Company, in "Debt." Pboctor's 125tk St., Mat 10. To Stuart Beebc goes the credit cf this well written dramatic sketch that tells an intereitlng story of what a wife "would do" to secure S1O.O0O and recover a beautiful necklace she had "put la" to satisfy her greed for cash. Her husband, a great pianist. Is supposed to be "away from home?' She Is escorted to her ihome by x young millionaire, who makes love to he' and tempts her with his gold. She tells of her Indebtedness and ■Dett" In the form of a fiendish looking black garbed fel'.ow. with the wlfe'a necklace bpnglng about flls neck, 1b brought from be- hind a curtain. The millionaire ploys his cards atcng In his attempt to make her satisfy tla desires, and prodded along by "Debt," the wife gradually melta before the wealthy chap's love making ability, when the t-naband rushes in loams all quickly, and in order to keep his wife, "severs" two of bla talented fingers (off stage) to secure enccgh accident insurance to clear the debt against his wife. It la a dramatic offering, away from the usual, and has a power to hold an audience's Interest from beginning to end, as It did her e In "clot-lug" position. The part of "Debt" la lectured by the fine portrayal by Mario Majtronl, while Madeline Delmar does com- paratively as well as the wife. Hark Sinltb, as the millionaire, and George Marjeronl, aa the husband, were equal to the opportunities offered toward making "Debt" a very en- tertaining (access here. Fifteen minutes, In- terior. Tod. ■ i ii La Hake, Parker and Company, In "The Minister's Wife." Pboctoe's 12Sth Street, Mat 10. A farce that pictures the characters of a young minister, married to a very much mu- tated "wild" young woman, who' prefers romping in the air, tennis and all athletics to "picking music for next Sunday" and studying religion. There la a third character, that of a dea- con, who comes in as toe comedy "shocked one at the young minister's wife s doings. The Idea Is "thin," it's all too talky, and there Isn't action for the Jessie Parker to illustrate the part of the wild spouse as In- tended. Fred A. Le Duke looked the part of the Rev. Tempietoo, and James Flnlayson aroused a few laughs as Deacon BlubwelL Sixteen minutes. Interior, Tod. i Kelly and Galvin. Fci/ton-, Beooklvn, Mat 20. .Two men, one working as a "wop," the other, straight. The act opens up with the Italian singing alone a good comedy "wop" song. At the finish the straight enters and they engage in some bright patter, followed by both singing "He's a Devil In His Own Home Town," and they put it over, in fact, better tbsn any act that has appeared here so far. The Italian' then gave a very fnnny travesty of a Spanish dance. Tbelr next number, "They Bad to Swim Back to tbo Shore," went over well. Closing with "Fool- ing Around" gave them a big band. A good act. Nineteen minutes, in one. Bid. ■ii i s Cyril and Scott. Pboctob's 125th Struct, Max 19. Cyril may be English, Scott may be Eng- lish, and Cyril Scott may be English. At any rate these two men, one made-up as a monocled .silk hat ''English Johnnie," and tbe other -working straight, offer a cross-fire line of patter that centres on the usual stupedness of the "Johnnie" to "get" slang sayings and gags pulled by the other. The "chappie also sings an English ver- sion on "Get Out and Get Under," the straight has a sentimental verse, and both finish up with *»He's a Devil in His Home Town." Entertaining '^pop" turn. rod. ■ i s •Marie Laurent. Bedford, Bbookxtn, Mat 19. Hiss Laurent opens Tier act singing an operatic selection, which she rendered fairly well, wearing a yellow satin gown, wltb pearl trimmings. Her two following numbers were also of -the classical type, which is a mis- take, as both offerings were too similar. Miss •Laurent's enunciation Is rather poor, sho also Is stiff in her acting, and seemed more salted to concert work than vaudeville. Ten minutes, In one. Bid. OUT OF TOWN HEWS DEAR CLIPPER; I cant begin to tell you the amount of mall or answers your Ad. brought me, and am still getting them by letters, telegrams and telephone. Must say no other Ad. ever brought me so many answers in return. With best wishes, I beg to remain, yours truly, J. H. JOHNSON) Manager "Nomia" Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.—Alvln (John B. Rey- nolds, mgr.) for Hay 25-30. Aboro Opera Co. Sresents "Lucia." June 1-6 "Madame Butter- j." Business very good. Nixon (Thw. F. Kirk Jr., mgr.)—For Hay 25-30. Lyman Howe's plotures. Monday, lambs' Gambol. 25, with one hundred stars, scat sale was very large. Grand (John P. Harris, mgr.)—Bill 25- 80, Memorial week: Kilties Bond, Bello Blanche. Guerro and Carmen, Frank Wilson, Lambert and Ball. Conlln, Steel and Carr, Dcwitt, Burns and Torrctice, George Felix and Barry Girls. Fred Undsay, and moving pictures. Capacity business rules. Habsis (a B. Buchhelt. mgr.)—BUI 25- 30: "Eloping," Hills and Moulton. Barney O'Nell, Great Henri, Davis and Walker. Varro Bros.. Welsh Sisters, and Kolb and Harland, Capacity business. " ' Bhubidak 8qdabi (F. H. Tooker. mar.)— 25-30: "Night Hawks," Van and Carrie Avery. Two Lovoltcm Rouble 81ms, Mardo and Hunter, >Mott and Maxftcld. and moving pictures. Capacity business, DuqcnNX.—Moving 'pictures, "Les Mlair- •bles," to very good Tmslncss. , Victoria, (Geo. Scbafer, mgr.)—"Dope, in pbotoplayB. Pitt (Wm. Moore Patch, mgr.)—"Antony and Cleopatra" pictures, to capacity business. MB Mabt Fox, popnlar electrician of the Vic- toria, continues on the job with his ever Pleasant smite and word of welcome. Alum aim Dai/ton, comedy musicians. Were a bit on the Sheridan Square bill last week. This clever duo render their selections flawlessly. Tbe act Is clean and high class In every respect. Freddie Madebsactj and Cecil Boron were quite busy all last week, entertaining NEXT WEEK'S BILLS. THIS WEEK'S CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE V. D. O. TIME. Jnne 1-0. ATLANTA, QA.—FOItSYTHK: Kinney A Clark—• Claire Rocheiter—Kenny, Nobody A Piatt. BRIGHTON BEACH, N. T.—NEW BR10HTON: "Trained Norses''—Oorrelll * Glllrttt— Fred- rlka Slemons A Co.—Marie A Billy Bart— Ilhby 4 Barton—Salon Singers—Ford A Hewitt BROOKLYN. N. Y.—ORPHECM: Smith A Boyle, Gilding O'Mearas—Ben Welch— nickel a WataoD—VcW ittcr.i ft Tyson. BALTIMORE—MARYLAND: Diamond ft Dela- ware—Harry Owner ft Co.—1'trrlUo ft Fra- blto—Sawyer ft Colebrook. BOSTON— KETCH'S: Krtwln George—Conlln. Steele ft Carr—Merrill ft Otto—Mary Naah ft Co.—Hattraan ft Yarady—Areo Bros.—Buy- der ft Hallo. BUFFALO—SITKA'S: Hysnui A Mclnryre—Lock- «tt ft WaMroa - Annul Bros six Brown Bros—"Lawn. I'srty." BIRMINGHAM, ALA.—LYRIC: Nina Horrta A Co.—John Oetger—The Dr-leys—Mr. A Mrs. Knrin OoiDolly — "lied Heads"—Webb A Bams—Leona Stephens. CONEY ISLAND. N. Y. — HENDERSON'S: Be- laad and Bolts—-Mcrvhy ft Nichols—amber's Animals—Milt Collins— Parber Girls—Phil- llpa A White—Noielty Clinton— Bosaany Troupe. DETROIT—TEMPLE: Jos. Santley A Co.—Lew Hawkins—Kartell!—.Miller A Vincent—Sar- noS—LydeU, Sogers ft LjCell—Jack Ken- nedy 4 00.—Pas! La Van ft Dobba. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.—RAMONA PARK: Two Carltooa—Krt. Vintat ft Boater— Frank Wilson—Byal A Early—Nine White Hassan. JACKSONVILLE. FLA.— OkTHKuM : Lsst half: Geo. Brown A Co.—iMay Kbeloon A Kemp Sis- ters—Steveos ft Bordeaux. KNOXVILLB, TENK. — BIJOU. First half: Andy Rice—Dufly A Loreaae—lias Snogger. LEXINGTON. KY—Lot Half: Murray's Pets— Eiss Ruefser—Duffi ft Lorcner. LOWEL, HAS3.—BEITH'8: Joe Wblthesd. MONTREAL OAN.—tVjBBfjsa PARK: Ben Beyer A Bro.—Prtdkowsky Troupe—Dae Welling- ton—Parrell Slaters A Co.—Aarrett A Bell. N. Y. OTTY—BAWMKRSTBIN'S: Oonroy A Models—CsOtas ft Hart—Prince Flore—Beo Welch—Dellts Del Oro's Cows—Beet Flls- CfbbOD—Ray Monde— Al. Leonhardt—Ttirst Su Ball Bros. N. Y. CITY—PALACE: Clark ft Hamilton—Ed- wards' "Matin** Girls"—Stuart Barnes—No- nette—Chung Qwa Four. PHILADELPHIA—KEITH'S: Swot A Hack— Bert Levy—Three Renarda—Hoey A Le^— Gould ft Asblyn—Ower ft i>rer—Dorothy Brenner—Al. White ft Partner—Douglas Fairbanks A Co. PORTLAND, ME.—KEITH'S: Imboff, Conn A Co- reenc. RICHMOND, VA LYRIC: Toney A Norman SPRINGFIELD. MASS.—POLI'S PALACE: Grace DeMar—Three Lorettna—Uanlon ft Clifton— Sampsell A Rellly—Dooley ft Rugel. SAVANNAH. QA.—First Half: Seven Bracks— Martin Van—Aljy Sheldon ft Kemp Sitters— Morris Oronln ft Co.—Geo. Brown ft Co.— Btevena ft Bordeso. TORONTO, OAN—SnEA'S: Llghlnor A Jordan. WASHINGTON—KEITH'S: Cadets De Oascolme —Lntnlert A Rail—Ueuty K. Diiey—Lyons A Yoafo—Tbe Lctands—Twlato. ORPHBDM CIRCUIT. Jane 1-0. CHICAGO—PALACE: Nat Wills—Wills nolt Wakefield—Herman Timbers—Florence Temp- est ft Co.—Eight Forget-me-nots—The Ballots —Eugenie Bialr & Co.—Boothby ft Everdceo. CHICAGO—MAJESTIC: David Blspham— F.lphye Snowrieo—Bnrke ft McDonald—Belle Blanche —Ruth Roye—KlutlDg'a Animals—Power Bros.—Catalano A DenDy—Harlland ft Thorn- ton. EDMONTON, (JAN.—EMPIRE. For 4-6: Llsnne Carerra A Co.—John A Mae Burke—ScheiKg Brca Lai Mo.i Kim—Hritt Wood—Claude Ranf—Corradiul's Animals. LOS ANGELES, CAL.—OUI'HEITM • Master Ga- briel A Co Kimberly ft Mohr — Blanche Bates ft Co.—Mabel Adams ft Co.— All ecu Stanley—BoeUanin (svtoud week)—Monlta, Five (second week)—McDevltt, Kelly ft Lucy (second week). LOUISVILLE—FONTAINE FERRY PARK: Fntl- ma — Ctias. Olcott — Zed* ft Hoot—Mulge Maltland—Sensational CssteHaoe. MEMPHIS. TENN.—EAST END PARK: Dr. Her- man—Bali A West—Florette—Dolce Slaters— Cunnnlugs * Oladyiuga. MILWAUKEE — MAJESTIC: Montgomery ft Moore—French ft Ela—Grace Kdmoml—Sam Barton—Eddie Ross—Knapp ft Cornelia— Remnel Sisters ft Co. OAKLAND, CAL.—ORPHEUM: Henrietta Pe Serria—Lulls Shaw—Kelll Doo —Wright ft Dietrich—Aerial Lloyds—Beileclalre Bros.— Tbe Betrens (second week). PORTLAND. ORE.—ORPHRUM: Annie Rest— Hill ft WWttaker—Bronson ft Baldwin—KaJI- yarns—Barrows A Milo— Romeo tbe Great. BT. LOUIS—FORREST PARK: Marvelous Millers —Wtston ft Claire—Ward A Cuilen— Flavllla —The Tnrners. SEATTI.B, WASH.—ORPHRUM: Dainty Marie— Laitilie Cliff — Australian Woodcbopic;» — McMahon, Dlnrnonil ft Cletnence—Lnnctoo, Luclc- ft Co.—Reuter Bron.—Rlcci Trio. SAN FRaNOISOO. CAL.—ORPHEUM: Eildle Foy A Foy«—Harry B. I^-ater — The Kruraera— Paull ft Boyno — "Sergeant Baghy" — Mat- thews, Sbayne ft Co.—Ik-sale Wynn (aecoud week) —La Pelle Oterla (second week)— Robt. T. Halocii ft Co. nwcoiid week)). VANOOUVF.R, CAN. — Oltl'nRTJM: "Wronged From the Start"— JnlliM Tannen—Dorla Wil- son Trio—Ganllner Trra—Paul Gordeii—Byrd Frost Croweli—Fiyluj Henrys. WINNIPEG. OAN.—ORPH'tUM: Tilxle Frloros —Palbnberg's Pears—Clark ft Verdi—Melody Maids ft a Man—Ray Conlln—^Tho Seehacks— Paul La Croix. SULLIVAN at COlfSIDINB CIRCUIT. Jane 1-6. BILLINOS, MONT.—EMPRESS: Csvana Duo- Sam Ash—Byron ft Laasdoo—Joe Cook—Mln- strel Kiddles. BUTTE MONT.—EMPRESS. Ronalr ft Ward- Todd Norda—Savoy ft Brcuusu — Klnksld PlayeTS—Three Uarbya. DENVER—EMPRESS: Eddie Matrhall—M«y.> A Addis—Canfleld A Carlton—Prank Mullane— Biz Impetlal Pekinese Troupe. KANSAS CITY. MO. — EMPRESS: Model-Clara Trto—Hong Font—Ollrottl Troubadours— "Top o' tbe World Dancers," LOS ANGELES. CAL.—EMPRESS: Ryan Bros.— WUIlama A Segal—"MHn Llebshen"—A». Heraua—ParUIan Hannoay Girls. MINNEAPOLIS—UNIQUE: Paul Stephens— Ma> Darmott ft Wallace—Walter Brower—Meaette A SVoello—Gertie Carlialc A Sweethearts. OODEN. U— EMPRESS: loall Orasab—"Ths Psnch"—Bob Hall—"Tbe Mermsld A the Mas"—Pope A Uno. P08TLAND, ORE—EMPRESS: Three Newmans —Kaaaamr A How land—Clem Bevlns A Ob. —Ccakland. UBrM* A Mllo—Uoblnsoa's Ele- phants. BAORAjrENTO. CAL.—WVaaML, Berry A _Berry— WhltUer's '-liarcfoot Eoy"—David Waiters A Co.->Morrusey A Hackttt—Plcchl- aal Troop*. BAN FRANOISOO. OAL. — RMTRESS: The Ska- Mis—Greene, McHenry ft IXanc—"Four of a Kifd"—JuJim Boss—Paul Asard Trio. Special totre to Tub CLirrss, Man &) ■T. PAUL—BMPHES8: Malertle Mualesl Four- Araotronsj ft Maaly—Kitty Fly no- " Pitnost—Boss ft Vtaton Plarers. :ltty Flyun—Aiialro ft eaUTTLE, WASH—EMPRESS: Sheek. D'Ar- vllls ft Dultun—Marie Stoddard— John T. Do7l« ft Co—Frank Morreil—Tonlll's Orcns. 6ALT LAKE OTTY. If—EMPRESS: Derseh A Xasstll—Harry Rose—"In Old New Twk"- Uatjwlrto—Ceelle, Bldred A Carr—Cook ft aaajBBBj tPOKANE. WASH.—EMPRESS. Newport A 6Urk—Five Violin Betuttcs—Obaa. Bachmao, A Oa—Grant Gardner—Oaford Trie, TAOOMA, WASH. —*Ean>RRSS: Two Ceonm— Mary Gray—Too Nswn A Co.—Ratbskellcr Trto—Onalp. VANCODVKB. CAN.—EMPRESS: Three Falcons —Mcecrop Slaters— HalUn A Fuller — Dick lyach—"More Sinned Against Than Uaaal." WINNIPEG OAN. — EMPRESS 1 La Deodlma— Torn Waters — Malvern Gotnluuea — Sans A A Sana—Wm. Laxnpe ft Co. PANTAGBS* CIRCl IT. June 1-6. CAMARY OAN.— LYRIC: nendrlck's "Belle use'' Oo.—Jewell's Mnnihlus—Araet-lcua S? r 'J*5?'^S a »" e "« — Cooper ft Ricardo— ettmUrd Bros. EDMONTON, CAN.—TANTAOES': "Scenes from Orand Opera "—Godfrey ft Henderson—Maidlo De Loos—Jack ft Jcasie Gibson—Amedio. LOS ANGELES, OAL. — PANTAGEtl': Lottie Mayer A Diving OlrU — Lssrtnra Hoboes— Rackett, Hoover A Martey—Oornalla ft Wll- Nr—Mosette. OAKLAND, OAL.—PANTAGES' r Fields ft L-w!a —Tor-cat's Roosten—.Htven American Whirl, winds—Tracer, Goet ft Trat-ey—Tbe Ualk- Inga. PORTLAND. ORE—PANTAaES': Ethel Davlj ft Co.—Manoa Russell ft Co. — Hallltan ft Sykes—Dotaon ft Ooriton—Juggling D'Armi). SAiN FRANCISCO. OAL. — PANTAGES': "Ttm Bool Kiss"—.I«s. Remington A Co.—Sklpner. hennedy ft Hceves— Scott ft Wallace—^V»r• tenberg Bros. 8POKANE. WASH.—VANTAGES': Harry Gerard *. < *ii.—B^'y lluaalnn Troupe—Obpheoa Com- edy Four—Harry Jolaon—Woodward'a Dogi. SAN DIEGO. OAL.—SAVOY: Rarnold's Doss— Barrow-a. Lancatter ft Co.—Wood ft Lawson— Tom Kelly—Jerome ft Carson. SEATTLE, WASH—PANTAGES': Pollard Opera ¥>■ — A"a Zondoff A Co.—Clias. Kenna— Loona Ooeney—Kauaowsll Bros. TACOMA WASH—PAiNTAGES': "The Troth"— Flra Gargonis—Oaytcn ft Iximle—Bob Flu- ley A Girls—Cycling BraoBeltes. Vancouver; aw. — pantages' : "Tbe Mns- qDeraders"—Mae Erwoal ft Co.—Daisy Uar- court—Davis—Salt Bnah Bill ft Co. VICTORIA, a*N.— 4?AXTAQT.<? : "Slums of Paris"—Kumry, Boxli ft Robinson — Romauo ft Carol—Geo. Wilson—be Vltt A De Vltt. WINNIPEG. CAN—PA-NTAOKS': Chas. Rellly ft 9>.—Delmore A I^ee—Belle A Joaes^—Ollre Briscoe—.Fred Woodward A Co. JONES, LINICK dc 8CHAKFEH CIHCVIT. Jane 1-0. CHIOAOO—McVIOKER'S: Knra ft Co.—Kckert A Francis—Lonls Kelso—Connoly ft Nanlly— Edwin Keojh ft Co.—.11. Harrluglon ft Oj.— Marr ft Evans—Trevltt Dogs. CHICAGO—COLONIAL. First half: Bingham A Gable—Bond Morse—Gene Greene— Nick ft Lyda Ruaaell—Italian Troubadours—Gardner ft Le Roy—Three Wise Men— BU AbdallohH. Last La If: Don ft Mny Gordon—-Mnble I«e —Frits Otto— Hen* Greene--Shipley Adum- roa Co.—Three Wise Meu—Konr aaynora. CHICAGO—WHITE CITT HIPPODROME: Pow- er's Elephants—Tlehor'a Seals—Joe Fanlon's Athletes—I. C. Tlnkham ft Co.—La Frauce Bros—Tbe Naesses. OHICAOO—SCHINDLER'S. First hatf: Jlmmto Dodd—Msrgsret Brann ft sister. Last half: Bingham ft Gable—Manjartt Brans ft Sister. LOUISVILLE—NATIONAL: Elska ft Saunders— Flake A l'alloo—Troy Comedy Foot —Seven Colonials. visiting friends, and, from, reports, welcomed the milkman on several occasions. Two popular boys, these, and well liked by alL jerky Collins, the genial stage manager at the Sheridan, continues to receive con- gratulatory remarks from performers who play there, for tbe courteous treatment ac- corded them. Last week he kept all la good humor, and the week proved a riot of fun, even back stage. Wendell Obtii has at last found his bear- tngs, and is fast becoming popular around tbo Hsrrla Eddie McAfks and Doc Bntdeb ere nntte chummy recently. Hatching up new pranks, do doubt "FiLii-iK-AcTOB" Slim Hobke continues to get many laughs. Ill* "Sore Mike" stuff la pulled In splendid mnuaer. Handsome Eddie Donovan, "the tango- ing electrician" of the Sheridan, proved quite popular with visiting Indies. Sn.viA Dakin and Janh Kran, two of tbe pretty girls With "Tbe Fair Co-Eds" act, made many friends here last week. Miss Dakin, popular and prettier than ever, left "The Fair Co-Eds" May 23, arronnt of poor health. Sbe will return to Detroit and rest until next season. Dorothy May, that cVver rag singer, working thus season as a single, la meeting with flue success. Possessed of a rich and* powerful voice, good looks and figure, to say nothing of abundance of personality, she was well received at the Sheridan Square last wee*. The DogrjESMF Council Otera Company, of the Knights of Columbus, ably managed by Q. W. Bfldgemtm. gave a clever and well- set rendition of "The Chimes of Normandy," in the Lyceum Theatre on Tuesday and Wed- nesday nights, May 10. 20. to rapacity widi- encea. The opera was directed bv J. L. Rodrl- sues, who deserves considerable credit for his clever handling of n chorus of ninety, ablv assisted by Musical Director Preach. The loading characters sang In excellent voice, vrtlle the ensembles could not be improved upon. Joseph Cawley la Grand Knight, and deserves -credit for the mumer In which many details were handled. The soloists were: Marie Sybert, Anna. Kusbacb, J, U. Brtdgtman. V. G. Rodgers, E. I'. Blehl, Frank V. Casey. W. A. Rbodes and Elinor Meyers, Grace Wall, Era Fox, Nell Carmody, Mildred Cawley, Pearle Montlrerde, Adda Price, AMce Larkln. Marie Mugee T. 8. Byene, John Boca, Louis Gelmes. ' Reading, Pa.—Memorial Doy wilt mark the opening of Carsonla Park, the onlv pl«as- ure- park within twenty-Bro miles of Reading. BeglnalDg with matinee. Hay 3D, Paul Burns ana his stock company will give dramatic productions at the Carsonla Theatre eatr week, opening with "In Wyoming." The Mammoth lUnk. under the manage- ment of H. W. English of Buffalo. N. V., opened 23. Mr. English brought with blm from Buffalo to serve aa floor msoaijor, John- son, a champion speed skater of the North- west Mr. English will have as his local rep- resentative Wm. II. Rnbrbacb, of Reading. Tub following events have been booked so far, and others will be arranged soon -, Crca tore and bu> band June 20. Tyrrell's Lebanon Military Band July 12, P. O. S. or A. July 25, Stahl's bakery day Aug. 0. Larkln Soap Co.. of Buffalo, N. Y., outing Ang. 29. Con- cert every Sunday by Heading bands. City Pabk and Minebal Spbino Pabk arc the mccca for those who want quiet and rest Cool mountain make them pop- ular. The natural scenery around them la unsurpassed. HiPPODBOlta (C. 0. Kecney, mgr.1—Hill 25-27 : Virginia Maine and company. In "The Girl from Jersey" (all week). Boston Four, Fields and Cocoa, Mason Bisters, and Drcano and Goodwin. The Bard Trorrpe of Acrobats left on a three weeks' trip to He, Lonls, where they will entertain with tbelr act. Manager Kekxey has a distinctive feature) which be will Inaugurate week of 25, In a "Reading Weekly," H. P. reel. The first reel will show among other scenes, "the dedica- tion exerdaea ef tac half, million dollar Petn MAJESTIC. (Lyman R. Glover, manager.) Leon Sprague and Nellie McNcccc, entertainers on the rollers; the Three 'varsltv Fellows, Burns, Kilmer and Grady, lo "A Campus Re- hearsal;" the Three Lyres, II. L. Harvey, F. C. Henderson and S. If. Lewis, tinkling tunes to tickle the taste of the tired theatregoers; Ward and Wober. in novelty dancing; Sam Barton, king of bike comedians; Harry Lauder, In singing and talking pictures; Joseph Santley, assisted by the Misses Ruth Randall and Gladys Zcll: Mac Melville and Robert Higglns, In "Putting on Airs," Moralls Brothers, In "A Bachelor's Diver- sion." Next week's bill: Nat Wills. Wills Holt Wakefield. Ruth Rove, the Bight Korget-mc- nots, Elpnye Snowden and company, Hnvl- land and Thornton Cutellane, and Denny and Powers Brothers. COLONIAL (George Harrison, manager). The Two Zyls. musical artists; Benway and Dayden. black face entertainers; the Three Living- atones, comedy hortsontal bar act; Royal and La Relno company, electrical wlaards: Stephens and Bacon, singing and dancing; the Globe o( Death, Cowlea and Dustln, high class singing act: Eddie Jewell and hi* trio, In singing, talking and dancing; William Schilling and company, In a sketch, "Des- tiny." Beginning Thursday, 28: flanla and Rock- wood. Prankle Drew, "When Women Rule." Ike Smltbers, Ten Dark Knights, Fenton'a Athletes. William Schilling and company, Newsboys' Bcxtette. the Globe of Death. McVICKER'S. (J. 0. Bnrch. manager). Willy Zimmer- man, manic; Mrs. Senator 'Frank Farnum Trio, Seven Colonials, musical acrobats sen- sation ; Tthasma, Goddess of Light; Kelly and Catlln, comedians; Gertrude Dean Forties and company, In ''A Wild Roac;" Doille'i -Dolls, Elliott and Mapes. A sudden burst of extremely hot weather, the thcmoineter registering ninety-two above, Monday, bad a tendency to lower vniidcvlllo receipts In the loop district, but the pn: ks benefited and the tent show attraction* In the Middlewest will welcome this change lit weather conditions. PALACE MUSIC HALL (Mnrt II. Singer, manager). Demnrcst and Cbahot, musical variety; Miller and Vincent, Williams, Thompson and Copclanil, In "Tbo Burglars' Union ;" Kd. Vinton, pre- senting Buster, tho dog comedian and mimic ; Lew Pernlkoff and Etnel Rose, In a variety of dances. Including a ballroom dance of ono hundred years ago; Lydell, ltogers mid Lydell, In "A Native of Arkansas; Johnny and Emma Kay, In "On the Hlo Grande," by Junle McCree: tho cast includes I-'red Hosier, Fred Katnlo, Fred Anger and Fred Hasting* - Blossom Sceley, "Tbe Original Todoto (Uri." Si a repertoire, of new songs, assisted by aymonil Walker nt the piano ; Bryant Cheer- bert's Marvelous* Mancburltina. Next week's bill: David lilspliam, Eugenie Hlnlr, Hello Blanche. Merman Tlmbcrg, Florence Tem- pest, IUirk and MacDonnal, Hoothby and Eberdecn, tho Ballots, and vera Cms pic- tures. GREAT NORTHERN HIPPODROME. (F. C. Kbcrts, manager). Lew Hoffman, the hat maniac; Mitchell and Kerr, Mirth- ful Musicians, Archer and Oclford, in "A Janitor's Troubles;" Dlechtl Weber Quar- tette, high class harmony singers ; Sdireek and rcreival. artistic animated ncrohntlc ab- surdities ; Crelghton Brothers and Ileltuont, Mndtown Minstrels, and Flnk'a Comedy Cir- cus, comprising acrobatic dogs, trick ponies and the wise mule; the Stanleys, sllnoutto Fun in Shadowlnnd; Neary and Miller, ec- centric dancers: Jessica Troupe, novelty equilibrists; Kadln-O'llrlen Trio, In a comedy skit, "The Try-out:" "lora." '"Tho Girl in the Parrot;" John NcfT. tho brainstorm come- dian, and tho Lnzann Troupe, European sen- sational wlro artists. REGISTER YOUR ACT THIS COUPON will be numbered and attached to your contribution, nnd a cnrtlAcnto will be returned to you as an acknowledgment, and for future reference. Tho eontrlliutlin should be signed plainly by tbe person or firm sending In same, and should be endorsed by the stage manager of the show or of the house where the act Is being tianl. Further acknowledgment will be made by the names nnd numbers being published each week us received. Address jour contributions to THE REGISTRY BUREAU, NRW YORK CXIPPBR, 47 W. 28th St., New York. Date. NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU Enclosed please ii in I copy of my entitled for Registration. NAME. Address. When you register a play or scenario that ynu Intend to submit for reading to any pro- ducer, we will furnish a label to be attached to the original, showing that the same his ucf'i entered in The Currti. Registry Bureau. (Jet the Idea? Street Viaduct, Important glimpses of tho Reading and Wilmington 11. B. Game (Trl- Btato), and Natural Scenic Views." Vieuimia Mann, who makes a welcome re- turn to Reading, will no doubt crowd tbe Hippodrome. Miss Mann is the moat popu- lar leading lady ever visiting this city, nhe was formerly leading lady of tbe Orpueurn Players here during their season of stock. Miss Mann will be supported Id ber playlet by Richard Carlyle and Mary Lontse.Dycr. Fall River, Mass.—Savoy (J. Fred Mil- ler, mgr.) the Mullcy-Donssan Stock Co. pre- sents "Baby Mine," week of May 25, Bwoti (Chas. K. Cook mgr.)—"Pals" wns presented last week by tno Illjou Players, to excellent business. A beany reception wnc tendered to Hooper Atch!/.'y, the lending mini upon his return to tho company after his absence of Ave months. Week of 2t> '"ibo Woman In the Case." Acapeuv (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—Bill U6-27: Jolly John Larkln, Nichols and Croix His- ten, Mac and Carson, Hutrtixtg' and Wilson. For 28-30: Le Kevre Duo, Ssger Mldgcly and company, Clarence Wilbur, Juggling Do Lisle. Pbeuieb (Chas. K. Benson mgr.)—Dill 25-27: Harry Murpry, Barrett and Dunn, Armstrong and O'Nell, Love and Haiglit, For 28-30 : Pred Morton, Kurle and Bartlciu-. MlWerd Manor. H. V. l>ltxgernld Palace, Lvuic, 8-r.wi. Plaza, Di.oiik, Ecenio and NicxiTLonsoN, motion pictures only. , notes. —The nnrnnm & Bailey Cirrus will exhibit hero June 12 Hooper Atculoy, the popular leading mau at tho Bijou, was the recipient of many floral offerings lust week also a sliver mounted cano from his real "pals." Lawreaee, Mass.—Colonial (Julius Cahn, mgr.) Gorman's Musical Comedy Co. is tho attraction May 25. Nicks.1, (John It. Oldfleld, mgr.)—BUI 25- 27: McAvoy Bisters. La Pairs, Jack Ky- rconds Consul Pedro. Kor 28-Kl); Abyslnln Trio, Stevenson and Valentine, Burnbam and Grant, and Pedro. Prkmibb, iirimiiwat, Victoria, Star and Cos moi'omian.— Pictures only. Battle Creek, Mich. —Post (E. R. AmlUi, mgr.) Is dark. Buou (Harry Lorch, mgr.)- De Bourg Sisters, I/owls and Norton, Watson and Deanc. Nancy Neville, Ivickhart «nd IiCddy. h"or 28-30; Ryan and Mabellc, liar- ton,' Talbot and Bray, De Verne and Van, Hylvester and Vance, Enoch. "The Human Plan." Notks.— Walter H. Buhl, lately with tho natterdeld bouse at Clinton, la.. Is now as- sistant manager of tbe local BIJou, replacing B. E. Smith, who has gone to Columbus, 0., for tbe Bummer The Idle Hour, motion picture house, opened Saturday, 211. under new management. Rupert k Orlfnth, of Boyno City; la., have taken over tbe theatre. Trenton, X. J.—State Street (Uertnan Wabn mgr.) bill May 2S-27: Malcolm Wilt- lams, in "The Brute, pictures; James Leon- ard and company, Clarcmnnt Brothers, Hearn and Hotter, Helen Primrose. Por 28-80: Arnold Daly. In "The Port of Missing Men" (pictures): Jrsxo .Sterling and her Queen's Own Highlanders. In "The Weo lilt of Scotch :" Bmerson, artistic delineator of feminine types: Reeves and Werner, Phil and Nettle Peters. Glens Palls, \. V.—Kmplra (Joe Mill.-.- mgr.) bill week of May 2S: Jeiu-tte Moznit and Olrls, with Jobny iloey's "Tbe Pun- pstta;" Capt Teat's Seals, Carmen Brchell, Harry Plaher Ward Co., Craig ond o verb old t, Prank Palmer, and as a apeelul feature net the Qlena Part* Masonic Band of thirty pieces. H'obli) in Motion and I'ahk, motion pic- tures. New Haven, Conn.—Hyperion (8. Z. Poll, mgr.) Annie Hussell May 20-27. Pox's U ii a. so (Hen J. Jnckson, mgr.)—Tho New York Academy Players, wltb Edmund Brecse, In "Tbo Master Mind, 1 ' 25-27. Vaudc- vtllo 28-30. Poli'h (Oliver C. Edwards, mgr.)—The Poll Players, la "Tbo l'amlly Cupboard," week of 26. I'oi.i'h Bijou (Bugeno Wilson, tngr.) — Vaudcvlllo sad pictures. Knia, Okla—uVmerlcan (W. S. nilllngf. mgr.) "Sweet Lavender" (local) May 20. Roval. —Pictures, WoNDEHi.Ah-n (L. J. Hackwortu, mgr.l— Pictures and vaudeville. May 21-23. Ilrlcrly and Edwards. Majentm.' (R. W. Wirt, mgr.)— Plcturcf ■nd vaudeville. Tiih l<'ealtiro Aim. "Itetwecn tho Tiger and the Savage," packet) tlm house at every per- at the Majestic 18, ID, Peteralmrir, Va.—Cockcade, Virginian, American, Idle Hour. Starlight 1'urk, motion pictures Tho Palace fa closed, under- going tbo work of enlargement, which upon completion will make It the largest and hand- somest motion picture theatre In tbo city, with a Beating capacity of approximately eight hundred Tho Illjou, an new pic- ture house. Is neurlng completion, and will bo opened to tbe public Juno 1, Meridian, Miss,—(Jem (B. Frank Isaacs, mgr.) feature lllms. Special on May 18, William Karuum, In "Tho Redemption of David Corson." Attendance continues to tax capacity. Piiincebh (Sol M. Sugcrman, mgr.)—Gen- eral i'ilm Co.'b service. "The Lion and tho Mouse" 18. Etirr (C-eo. A. Orinin. tngr.)—Mutual fro- gram. Charleston, S. C.—Victoria (Tbe Pas- time Amusement Co., mgrs.) "Tho Country Olrl" week May 25. "Tho Country Store'* cueli week draws S. It. 0. I'HINCTHH, Majehtic, Lvuic, TJno, Cd« ' j.oniai,. Crescent and Casino, pictures only. iDixtEMwn.—• mil 25-30: Ciibanola Trio, Keye and Walker, Wells and Wells, Tbnron and Burgess, and pictures. Nashville, Tenn.—Princess (Harry Slide. kurn, mar.) week of May 18, "Lovers and Lunatics' and pictures to good business. Loo Cabiw, CnrHTAt, Rmtb, 7ivrtt Avg- nhf, Ai.iiahuba and Rbx doing well with pictures. Dohlln. fin Bertha (Harry T. Dlggi, rngr.) i'urk Slock Co. Mny 25.27. CnvHTAi, (Harry P. Dlggs, mgr.) i —Moving pictures l lnwo Sisters 2B-27. Carhho made his first flight In a flying nmohinc when, on .Mny 24. at llonilon, Kng., he was taken up eight hundred feet in a bi- plane by Claude Hrahamc-White. The famous tenor was "up-ln-the-alr" (or fifteen minutes. 3 I I 1. 1 I'll *t'i .): I .i.'. tJ