The New York Clipper (June 1914)

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! ; ; ! \ I JLi 16 THE NEW YORK: CXLIPPEB. June 13 "THE WORLD AT HOME" OPENS ITS INAUGURAL SEASON. for nun A. raTBICK.J NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES Perry, Maxwell »ad Compwr Ubion Squabs, Jck» 4. This I* a very clever trl^coiulitlnj of two Q meu and • womiu. They J""' • »^ *£ Bilker Myrtle Kill the »tot/ of ■ ailesmu fallingIn lore wua "-■ a, d j_ t* dangbter'of » East Bide menatoetarer. who «JT^ bM become financially embarrassed and to gotog ■ to the will when tie aalewian steps In with money enough to put the Arm on * Bound bull. end, of course, Mr. Salesman goes In is an equal pirlner of the firm ud marries the daughter. Mr. Perry, ss the aalesman, Is excellent Be takes the part of a wise Jewish young man, sod gLtda^wcod never one* gets away from the character. Miss w,og,rw <£,Hotta| Maxwell, u the daughter, to dandy. 8he Blags Ba%la fJ^P"' 0. W.Parker, the amusement klnf. vtoltod the •*»»«« songs one slone. the other wlta Mr. ggg ^ Alan Shows Tuesday and Wednesday, and ex- P*JJ»- 8 *»JJ" » " De . h " >1 ^ rtM> -hii,, „,. aiT . Brjrant, Violet . pressed himself sb" very weU please*'with the Harry ^ettoa. m _** t *2TtV^ todo well. Bertram KltttB lie tot In Cedar Rapids, admirably adapted to are miloua to help make good toe ctolm that P""*" fil ,B, I ,™**- „.«„ *_, __. .«-.«,_, ^Tbere are many bright, witty lines In the 2°T£**; B ,7?i?*l e^rticioexTtoof a traVeline exposition ,,wsa the World at Home to 'the twentieth ceatury ™ 1 *^ !&& t ttJ^r££*T*SSi eke^ and it a"uld hare So trouble getting good CjJhoj". S* 0 * tj.-l _> «i>p «rwi ik.i sm««l nuemhts on ahour with advanced Ileal.' 0De eeauea nriiruisi wiirma. oeiug ia»m - -- ixoose. Corns Banna, Ii., lone 4, Tbe formal opening of "The World at Borne/; Amerlca'e newest amusement enterprise, occurred in tbto city Monday. 1. it wa» •" >uw ti!? 1 i- Broiling akies and balmy weather twhered la the weeps (eatlTltlea. In pursuance to hundreds of Invitations which had been seat not by the ouiMgemest there wis a large gstherlna; of pro- fessional people here to partlehwte to the in- augural of this monster aggregation. J. 0. Slmp- M. Barnes James T. VKt'J*"^— h HtoeV «•»•« <* <*• *'»«»• <* Pleasure. Walter V. Driver, of Chicago; George H. HJbes, u musical treat of South Bead. lad.: James Paltewo-i. proprietor "l&^S^E-i. 5 the l Macks Harris ind Chss. Kenney: Irfiuls Mtou- caese wKh the nalser of aweeta, where the dandy Ungo candy kisses are roaile; Dick Garden s knife rack and shooting fallen (both are some real euros), Tex Cfcambera with three oonceaalpna, and Mrs. Tex can be beard saying "knock them all off," at one cat rack; H. a Bole hie tbe confetti, with Jack Rentier. Ed. Jones and W. A. Armsberg a* hto agents; Fair Am u se m eat Oa a bean, with Eddie Kline and Ilarry Merely* st the wheel, and tot's not forget there to Little Cass. Jonee with the gum wheel, which played to enormous holiness, and numerous Jo* Crasser, Hose Woods *?«{«• S"** 1 * JS other attraction*. "till the feature* la the clrcua aide show, wbiia « coursetoere are quite a number of eonces- Manager F™"» n«^» d ^ "f".!" SSfj't slons, but It must be recorded tbat«te»e utmost gw.asto eeeito the « C H»- J^ Johnson and Jack ulncrlmlniUoo his been eierctoed ta'taielr aelec- gowtor handle themany "ckeu for *« «•"«« tlon. There Is nothing with the World at Home Dog and Pony *m, J^^FLJSa'.mI* m5ST to oflerul eren the most faitldloua. Ererytblng hair nlalng stnries In front of .7W 0 ■ blf motor- rnorea along with clock-like regularUr. and e»err drome. The week of Jone 8 will find the Liberty Indlrldual with tbla big organisation maintains ■»«»» at na nkin. Pa. proper deportment. Ua«*t» Vto Kstlok baa a great band, which kItcs afternoon and erenlng concerts Id the band The uptown con- Clipper Post Office, la order to avoid and to lnsnre the prompt dellwerw of the letters advertised In this) Hat, an envelope plainly addressed mast he sent for each letter, and a written order (or the letter, signed with the fcul name and address and the line of baalness fallowed by the sender, moat also be enclosed. Pleavse mention the date (or num- ber) of the CLIPPER In which the letters seat for were advertised, LADIES' LIST. asaaVanssn, TOM W. ALLEN SHOWS. of the Oreat "Patterson Shows; Mrs. Patterson and J. I. BeJaso, and Colonel Charles Parker, "Amerlca'l Amnjement King," were among those present. "The World tt HooW* to soperbly equipped, to every drptrtmeot. It to a mlntotore world's Fair. The rolling etocfc of the World at Borne Is the beat that money can bay. All of the cars are painted In Pnlbaan green. 80 Is the ticket wagon. There as an atmoapbere of contentment and prosperity which pervades every department of the World at Home. A great big family of ladles and gentlemen, who are alive to the fact that ths eyes of the show world are upon them, and Bronski, Marcel Bond, Bonny Bennett Sisters 8 BnrnbSB Eunice Two more eara were added to ic cotarand a t s too new attractloss that have )otned the Allen forces tbto week. Wilson peace poltcydeallnf with the bookings. Msrgoerlte D tW'pTssa" oT"rieaanw TthiHaiTlwarT." In" the The day of tawdry shows asd slip afeod methods on the wuson pea™ p D ,.c 7 ue«.ns wijo . , "j^JJ" UtzwtVL >Bd coopiny carry their own ™3«™; " rS.* . S»Tootoaa*. formal a heintifsl j^dmasy to^gsTa. mmgfmmg* Mex^s^tmtton^ The ^Iher^ly^ depict, the dtKpreStlng the ontoVof a; ftost 8«do CMrkDorojh* L picture. for smosement—In fact It Is ss essential to tavern bslldteg. M tsTstotoeTSy wear « nhTSTthsy,^ J»Vni k e.rTaTbT«» ,, Slen Sow £?■?& i --^ nie coior acoe,i*e ui aii \uv mwi >n wm^c Duu . . i,-.« r^vn »Im»^ /.r tH» hnn^mm now onnx carried or one AJten ftnow traio, ana ■'«"" gold. 'In. fronts are inasalT*. and each atlrac- J"*. SffmS^J^^ J^blSon. Tb^Snt taken all lat^LHnSJTone of the beat camlvato mlnutee tlon has a dUUnct , IndlvldnolltJ. Altogether. ~J 1, 5 w . lnd 1 ","£«S*,™ ^"'SiiVtalnV soTel* ei leir. VtoterTwerTbusy «U week redeeo- tbe diversified enterUlnment which has been as- "gJLJH g l .^ wJrid at b5£' x rating the varlona wagos froots. aerobled, under tne prraonal. and jcareful mper- aSAaasaanW sssgsp wassa..-gsst wsnsn a».ssaasr : h AlcntnBa ~jg£ mt ta q^ TOjorJrome. They went big here hut Thursday "-ventee" BU. aemuiea, unaer ids persuaai an ora» f u P^' in^wail, aailiAn thU demand and then is tverv vision of deneral Manager B. O. T.lbott, to U»- 1 W*£»& '^^n^ tHrSlcfttst^ seaa« feU fiom his macatoe Taeeday. tostalalng minor serrlng ol the highest commendation. ™ »J» 4 I0 ^,j""^ l J''^ I JP Q0 ^ rwu | oneforthto >?lortro shout IjMface J"^_»f=«» : J'o« WeaasMs At night the World St Home presents a fas- iter i lnI orgsntaatlon. clnallnc scene, wllb a myriad of electric lights Al) idmuioa f n vrsa cbarg?d at the gate for inumlnatlDk' the vast enclosure. "rbs World at Borne," and for a time to. pa- Toe opening of the first season will hogs trons were treated to a series of "free" sttrae- success, and there waa not a single jarring In- uooa arranged by Fred M. Barnes, which care machine cams down the saucer track It was a total wreck. "September Morn." vnder the wing of Joe Oon- ley Is doing big business. Adolph Beemaa, manager of the Crystal Mas*. Bare*. Union 80.0-1*1, Jem 4. We hare seee many female Intpersomtors around New York lately, but this yonng man to one of the best that has appeared on the tfaree- hH$r*£5. lie ^hl^j?^ .ftsm.** J■ Campbell Emma Carleton, Eleanor V CtublDg, Mansret Crooin. Rva Calvert Virginia OUytsa. Sella Certl, Etta Clifton. Coralle Etterbrooka, Jetsl. Ktnlly, Edith do Fultoo, Lillian Faber, Marie Frank. Elsie Farnwortb, Gray, Alma Oordoo, Clarice flreene, Miry Lorey Olidke Mrs.J.F. Holmes, Rota Beaster, Helen Barrtoon, Benclla Hall. Aleta Bardlng. Baby Blrtlne Martini. Oora llamptoo Marine Rorera, Gladys 'optos'wllSTVa"-* C^m-5 S{J~ *~ SUtersft ,.*E. d .»W IttstSS CoTMr. 81 ^ L. Clair. Oe M r5e* uooa arrangea ny rrea as. narnea, wnicn gave j»m»i»» onaM, r^^aji B.T»jjr>j" * -»-*» , h ,, h ,,. rfn «, w . u cldent to mar the occasloo. great satisfaction. These Included Herr Oranads retornedftoo^ two days' vtalt to Chteaaj.jrbeje r 0 ^!!/?! 1Z1 ^Hto'toit' and"bea"t'to an "Syptiia Cook, _ The engagement of the World at Home to tbto , n d Fedora, with tbelr novel performances on the he encased performers for the lllneton In the In- *BW M *** a^anoLriaaaaaaaaTaB Wm Cheney Mrs. L.B cur was billed as the ','Blg Spring Festival.' Mffl wlre: rtollo, lo^lnj; the gap on roller skates, natlor o? the mase. f"t"'b« *u pscefuUy weat^brc^gh iv dsncTsi Delmrr. Flo Mc Hugo, who to heavily Interested In local and OallforaU Fnnk's diving horses affairs, was the nujoc domo of tbe doings, and j t T0OK one ba CI: jj, f anc7 t0 i^e old days St to lilm Is doe a world of credit foe the masterly the World's Fslr In Chicago, when the Plata of manner In which ill of tbe detills were arranged pieaanre wis "lit up" in toe evening. Monster and carried out. Bum to s seasoned showman searchlknta searched every nook and cranny of COL. FBRARI TO SHOW FOB CONVENTION. any'of oor Best Egyptian danoeri. De Water Edith Bayes bae the figure of a girl, more so than Difto. Marie moat female Impersonators we recall, and his sp- l>e vere, *«"" and Inowi wtKit to db and when to do It, It the Midway with their effulgent slews, end It „^ ,|iL t TS- nUcV here durlns the was "pie" for Mm to have the cltlsens of Cedar anpeired as though there were at least a million 5™ V." jT a0. p !S 7iii.i«t5^ «mmlttees are %?*&&« ffsme 'The' town MlMe".' w^'mnfbfea^lnd^n^tmf toZ? sll*S .&• t^AStauTta cTnectlcfwiS ite^^/'eS ""^JiJL,. ?.e*2!l roSnna of JiV. ™ C *™ W 4 • 0ID<;Ulln « do, °S tU ,he the event, which. It Is claimed, will be tke big- clrc-s. miGgjgtt 'ZXSE riZ ,ln ^th .be otccessfn! pronto, of Ih> World at JS&^JSS iff vto.'tiig 12rt22?J8'£S iih»r«l durtni the enasreiDent. Per- Tinm. j„-»,,h n,„,n.rm wt. a n .nnut <h. «ntar. nana neiegates ana visiuag oemoers wiu sisenc Toum, 0., Jone 8.—fSsectoJ to Tns Ourrss). pearance la so deorntlve that lie entirety foota hu De Milt Mtoi 0. —Tbe National Convention of the Modern Wood : audience untU be polls his wig. Nine minutes. De Forest. _, week of in one. Bit. Oor tone llowsrd, Anna May Hamilton, Midge Uirrlngton. Jo Hills, Anna Klmbal, Maude Rohlsr. Mn. Kralre Mrs Wm Kreaky, Marlon Leocttne, Ooantess l.screns, Mercelle stuff well Harry Cooper, Paucs. Monmt Mn., Jtrm 8. from hto euceeas at tbe Winter Gardes, New York's biggest favor- j Oatneron, presented a new E^iTSHi 1 ™i t ^. M .Sd^rtTenl«lv M to" , tS"Dro.' i^^J^FSSEt^SZSLlS* IfV 1 "n.^ilSS SSE* OilTTfineiriyraH'aisw" UnUed'haTe «t'for"the"ncs't time here, and went over with jsqftnB W. ssjrtsjMs. Sa d genIIMsaBf in the pro- aajtdi_n»it_ hmnhle..emplojeeL Mr. Banjaann t^,, cntr^te,! to furnish tbe amusements, ssd a a bang. Cooper's comedy was pat over ss only giant Midway will be constructed on tbe down- bs can. lamere, Marie La Vere, Louise lewis. Madge Leavltt. Bay Mason. Miss Mays. Dodle "Maid of Mag. Falla Bap."Oo. Merry, Anna F GENTLEHEN'o LIST. Wlonle Myers, Ptxric May. Helen K. Morris, Anna Mandevllle, Marjorle Nlcho's, I u!u Paull, Madge Price, Lillian F Front, Bva Poole, Maud Pierce, Edna Dose. Blanche Romboogb. Marroerlle Rockwell Maude Hum. Mae Rorella. Hay Bae. Ida Weston Raymond Erelyn Boberts, Bdoa 8terllng, Ulllan Sherlle, Irene Short, Fr a nces Trsvers, Belle TUamb, Mn. Oen. Tom Trevor. Dolores Thurston. Helen Vender, Mas Vincent Oweoote Vontello Madgte Vernon, Hope Wallace, Hope WDlard. Barlet Wsltr, Mrs Jack Went worth. Mae Weston Slaters, 2 Wiley, Edith Weston, Btiel stun; weu in aaranoe 01 id* opeiniitf. »™ »™ wnn tne successrui projection or me won.i at r d j.1-,,1*. .~i vlniUnir meTibera will attend Freeh from bla eu« extremely liberal during the engagement. Per- Home. Jo«ph Baninann, who financed tbe enter- ?£« eenvenroB «d the cftv^treeS will he ~. BarrrOooner one of SSIfee a^neee 3 aa.rv U to ,, the r s^«s ,h 0 SSri,!?"! '3 2ffm^^l!n7!Slfl 1$Z& pSuST^nM &&&* hSSr* 8, uST^SSSSt^B^ polentisl factor so necessary_to the,_succeai1 ot America. A mnltl-ainilonalre (and still as modest i™.' ool. Francis Ferarl Shows United have «rt for the first time teotlon of amusement attractions. poseessee grest execntlre ability and. what to Adssne. sTrsnsle Ausluogs. O Alton, Tnos Arlington, Wm. Alrin, Frank Alman, Dan - Vwj- >i^^kTh^,~nia ■ nniRhsr of nnlaue \£ZT~l^SiS' ' '■*' ' -* ^"—. '^,7* i7. ansni aaiowsy win ne ousetruciea an <ne aowa- be can. In the character of a rostanan he opens *"™Ji,"iS. mS^L^r^sns^A'^s^ff% rc.."^?..^™^^^ EUttfwJBz^^i&ss s^stt^ishs ?(3F- ,tro ■ ^^^ t -»^ mp 11 i„,i n,<,u> u»r.»d 10 kr+n a re the Interest w~^,*-\ »,.it t„ 1^1, .tt^, «>,• .. r m„. ,u^.-,. nouse. a. stan oc timers aoa press areola, repre- among the audience blowing a whistle Hugo, and ttieso serred to keep alive the Interest general stiff to look after tbe various depe.rt- areata, otlof the various factions of the Woods— sYDNBY w*tRD PnBSS AGENTS' CONVENTION. crer, that eren without these street pageants the „i 0 proof of value snd Baumann to entitled to ttronah tl^medtam ofThe £cal lewaila shows were bound to do big business for t Is „« them. If things break anywhere near rlsht. l^rdTsnd bSnaS? newspapers, bill the concensus of opinion, among the 'toning |j e ),,, gp^e. a lot of money on eitulpment and uo " nu ' 1BO """"■ bhowsnen and (be State fair secretaries, that brouzbt tortcthor a body of regular showmen. tbe World at Home has ushered In a new era for x. A. Powers to making a splendid showing out-of-doot entertainment. with his promotions of queen contests and the On tbe Plata of Pleasure (I like that moniker) (.rogrum. ,6ydney Wire, well-known as a publicity pro- are to be found a combination of Individual shows- £. q Tarbo'.t bad bis hands fall In making the meter sod advance agent, la at Toledo, O., where of the strongest calibre. It would be difficult I i,i„ rtalng reedy for the for.nal openlajr In Oe-lar bo to handllnj the general publicity work for might aaj unfair to particularise, in reviewing rtaplda. As the general manjjar of "The World the combined committees of tbe Woodmen ant their resnectlYC merits. Thru ore all great, at Home," Talbott to taking advantage or lata Order ot Lions, in connection with tbe National Baba Delgarlan mid Bey Mike Zluney fnve a m , n j years of practical experience to tbe carnival Convention of the Modern Woodmen, which is to * attrncl'cn In "The Garden of Allah; field, and may he depended upon to mnke a won- take place dorlng the week of June 20. Wire. among the audience blowing a whistle and hand- ' * log many a letter. Be got much laughter with tbto clever novelty. Bis parodkt were very en- joyable bot the audience would not be contest until ho had rendered "My Arverne Rose." Mr. Cameron, while not bsvlng much to do, lent bin good std with clever back fire talk. The act runs about sixteen minutes. In one. Jack. wonderful attract 1 — Omar Boa has two premier exhlbltlona. The derfol showing ss the sesson progresses. 0. 8. Batch to as busy ss a bee In looking Human JJutlerfly'* and "Tho Marvels of the Unl veree;" Charles Wlllard haa "The Wonders of Mclodla:" California Frank presents bis "Wild West snd Indlsn Congress," the "Pinsma Canal," In model; 'The Jubilee Minstrels and Planta- tion Buov." and Armstrong's "Ont.greas of Hu- man Oddlllta," nud "Mosepna," the horso with a human brain, are amoug the leading features after details on the lot Baba Delgarlan to on the Job all the time. To sum op (snd It would require columns of space la Ths New York Cliffes to corer the shows In detail) the World at Home to a great big affair. It to conducted along; high class busi- ness lines. Its Inception will mean much to the who is connected with tbe Ferarl Shows, to super- intending tbe work of a corps of billposters and lithographers, and to incidentally promotlog a series of lirpnlorlty contmts which are creating a big sensatiou to Toledo and vicinity. 1 s RICE <fc DORE COPPING DOUGH. LswiSTOWIt, Utret., June 3. Dub Jobs Business to Immense. We thought Then there Is the autodxome, with a coterie of out-of-door amusement business, for Its advance , tlare-derll tlders, who cause one's blood to thige will beget rivalry, ind competition to the lite of *'£_,»"»*" "J* ^IX" i^t^veek tanned It as they whirl around the saucer trsck. which to trsde. SSS^a't JSn fti tiiV i~!5zJ!Ffi'JFttLtii said to be the largest portsble device of lu char- My hat to off to Joe Bsnmsnn and his associates. gS.I 1 '"' 0 ' ^5, ^v Lew ,i , ' 0 r ^ wh^Lb^ 8 acter en tour; the Parker Oarry-Ua-AU, a beautl- and" may tbe inaugural season prove a most lu! machine costing several thousands ot dollnrr, ansplrlorns one from every viewpoint. METROPOLITAN GREATER SHOW. IT curran coaiseponoaTfT. auMs Falls, N. Y., Tone 5. Tbe Metropolitan Greater Shows and Carnival exhibited here tbla week. They are under ths Bsnagement of Herbert Tlce. Tbe Msrjiret Bill Ippodrome of ponies and doga Is under the rnanagerotat of Will Hill, and Is an ercellent shew. JoeZarra has "The Night In the Orient," aud also manages the merry-go-round. Tbe ath- letic show has for Its prluclpsLsets s.wrestling boat between Jim Prukss and_l less than ten minutes had sent tbs crowd of plearare seekers scurrying for homes or shelter. Tbe wind was ot sufficient velocity to overturn the big wagon front used by tbe Russian Theatre. This It did In a most artistic meaner. At tbto writing (Saturday a, at.) It looks as though It wondd be necessary to entirely eliminate the even. behind any. Good lock. Powca Whhblkb. s NEW SHOW OPENS. The Hockey & Osborn Greater Shows, a newly organised company, opened tbelr season at Rock- ford. 111., tor week of June 8. 1 ■ Ralph Rlggs and Katherlne Wltehle. Palicb. Monoay, Matinu, Jtms 8. Making tbelr first appearance to vaudeville it this house this clever pair, recently seen la mu- sical comedy, presented a new act, featuring sours snd dances, that earned for them a good alzed hit. They work single and double, and pat over their songs In a capable manner. Their dancing was tbe backbone of tbelr act, both demanatraUtig ranch ability In this Mae. Tbelr third number. bbowlng acrobatic dancing, was the best thing they did, and brought nhem several encores. The act consumes about fifteen mantes, on fnll stage. Jack. a Jessie Blntr Stirling and Her Queen's Own Scottish Htarn landers. Vmiobt Squabs, Joira i. Miss Stirling Is ssstoted by fonr as derer'young Scotchmen as has ever been seen around here. They play bagpipes, sing, dance, and one fellow la a clever fancy drunroer. Mlaa Stirling sings, and leads Let little bend In excellent style. Tne way the r-nts the Harry Lander number over is eorarnendable. She has her company costumed ss only a Scot*woman would know how. Tbe colors are pretty, and the ward- AUman Broa. lirownelle. Jack Bacher. Bart Brevalt, J A Bsrlow, Arthur Braes A Brown, Paul M, Bosch. Herbert Harlow, Fred Bentou, Howard Bennett A Melville Brown, RenJ. B Bams. Will Barry. Blch. T. Rrown. Fred O. Itertrem. Frank Brown, D. Stan. Barton, Joe Bailey. Geo. Bliciford. O. T. Barrett Edmund Barrtogton, J. v. Bessie, Nell Booue, HaroldE Browning. Tod Brown A.lberldn Boyce, Geo. W, Kostwick, Brast Burko, Bniy Barrett, John Brant, Edwin Bernard, A. Ercckenridge. Oh Bonnet A Melville Beeson A Harris Benrvlt, Leo Brlggs, F. R. FLASHES AM) DASHES. pL^pn^rJ^S^TJ^^ XaS^^^5LwaSM ^SS* SVmrS ^ X ' ,aSS lidwr^vS" cluv, esrnlvato. The act It one of class, and will no doubt be Rennet, Dan W. H. Rice (W. O. P.l breesed into the Chi- teen on the two a day later on. Sid. Bertelsen, A. cage office ot Tub Curra* and covGrmed the re 1 port that the Bite ft Doro Shows are ploying to great busuiess all along their route Punch Wheeler Is doing some splendid press work for the Bice ft Dore Shows. It to only s in the sir. Daring tbe Lincoln enjngoment tbe students of the Nebraska University held tbelr annual "shirt- tall" parade. In this connection it might be mentioned that they steered clear of the Alimann Bros. Shows. Can It be that tbe University editors hare an eichoage list) Bfecial. —Basel Nuts' sister to now with us. BUttle ftuinn. Aureioar, Bbookxtbt, Jtrsra 2. Opening wlrh "They Don't Hesitate Any More," Mlaa Qulun starts right. "Every Night" <a next. lSrweS™tl^Blrl U wre«lera""F^ «"nd ^ g g W some tline. We .trust that ^gre»aUoirtw1U"emplo7"reintaV direct t ^S Ki fe » K°od soft shoe dance. Her next «J^5v,£L.? wre " ,er8 > * '«« aoe BUIB s «n« , h , wll , overtook the fact that we didn't notice i^ttyT It pays. Printers' ink properly applied offering, "Steve. I Foond It on Your Sleeve," Is Fred^nTLouto Truax have the largest motor. f;r,^^.. T ^ , » C ii,e C U ,1 !iilSS^iL'^ I ,„ ,<I ^I ■ *. rlgnt P tlme. toTttTrlsrht tkuZii 1 a^rer- a dandy cb,r«ter number, and she end. np'wltb I iruax_navp_.xa« t".™^*: that abe was here, but we didn't know wbo she tai leverage towards Increased receipts for any s clever wooden shoe dance. B Ohaces Alton; anJ nhS'i^ri^V'L rS*IJSftf J* 3S W ,1'.? t 2h ""tter of time when oil of the regular carnival Sren£ Burn.' and g^^^f^Ar m^^,*^^^*^*^ ^jxz&srvtt&B&zZ' &^™i^?y?*&n!tt?z tA^b^z^s^M\r^ .^^=s?»cr-v ^^^X&nSrTS^ W, £Vn, fl „ .to f. ■ ■■ M Mfir. o«w mm -Wd ■TS&s-Stft!*. w- bnpre-edwith 5»SttATL«ft.*P Uurke. the show.* The laundry arrived from St. [.onto The Taoffo Theatre to under the management of on Thursday, vto Parcel Post. Sue feela much Will V. Heff. The dancing of all the new dances better now. could not be Improved upon. Tbe prluclnal dancers ire Louis Abennnte, who recently won forty-alt silver civps In contests; Terase Peters, A. H. Htyoe-v snd Bessie Beard. Will Neff also shows "Uno, or 20,000 Lesgues Under bho Sea." Dr. Romecys monster living reptiles sod James Ranges' exhibition of Babe Bop, tbe Chinese frog child, an Interesting. DI011's annual show consists of Alice, tbe row, tbit gives milk ou too of her back; Bluebell, tho horse with the elephant aldn; Jesile, tbe cow with the human skin; Tom Thumb, smallest the magnitude of tbe World at Home, but wis so and makes three changes. Her act went big here. Daisy B. Temple to working on Clarence Ver- mello's pillow wheel. Wo use the word "working" advisedly. Work Is Daisy's first cousin, and she dearly loves her relatives. Thing, taken around tho shows: Bill Allmann's picture. Forty feet of stadium aldewall, "Doc" Bumisoa's coat. I.. O. Br.mllton, In a crap game. Measurements for new band uniforms. A. Towne Boob. . ,v« *,. uu .„, , u ....... After looking over one ot Bllile Sfeetpr's ex- bono In tbe world; Pnudy, smallest mule on Mgos) accounts we are connralneil to say thtt Bll- earth, and n ■nonkey and baboon family. lie can Include the greutcst number ot the moat The free act, which is very good, to given by personal Items on 1 sheet of any nun we know of. Do Phil nnd De Phil, on a tight wire, fifty feat We forgot to mention that "bath" as being one busy taking orders for carry-us-alto that to horry back to Leavenworch. James I'atteraoo, proprietor of the Great Fatter- eon 8huws, Mrs. Pstterson and J. J. Bejsoo at- tended tbe opentos; of the World at Home, In Cedar Banlda. Fred M. Barnes to some booking agent, bat be had Fifteen minutes, In one. Sid. Horlarlty Sister*. BBsraan, Bklk., Jcmb 5. Opening with "Good Ship Msry Ann," dressed In ''kid costume." This I. followed by one ot the Oba?les™llur».' who has made several tours 8o 2? M1 * J •* Home Like You'' well wdered. • . . ^. - . , ■■ • sssk a _ *.a. _„■_.. >. "retA as-lsslal as sua, WAt,)Ke\*l .^rl bhaIva as a— n 1 ^.. Tbe girls are yocthfnl and make a good appear- ance to all their costume., one miking two changes, the other three. git. ubore ths ground. The smaller c(ncossslons sre beaded by Theod>re TiBler, who Ins the teddy bests, dolls, candy. pillow tops and pearsalls. Others are: Jspineso roll down, palace of knives, Mr. and Mrs. Louts Truax, nimngers; spot the Bjiot, Japsncse roll down, S. Levy, manager; fish iiond, Bam. Kali, manager; spindle, band striker, pick out, Kit Foster, manager; cigarette shooting gallery, Leroy Clark, manager; Jewelry wheel, John Morse, man- ager ; Sambo, the Carolina Dodger, and the National Flower »tore, carry a thousand cut roses ami carnations, Irwin Btraasbiirger, manager. Shooting gallery, B. Oorbett. manager; dart of the things taken on the show. Hastings, Neb., next week, and then on to Grind Island. liberty' SHOWS. Wabubn. 0., June 4. Monday night, June 1, the Solosnon-Dormia Liberty Shows opened at Warren, O., for a week'n eiigareoRnt, under the auaplces of the Order of Moose, and It waa truly 1 grand open- lag. A red tire parade waa started in front of srojri'l tho world for the Hugo Bros.' attractions, looked after a multitude of detail, for "The World at Hoane" In Cedar Bsputo. He to a regular "mender" In all that tne word implies. Oaa Saml to a polished entertainer. iBls long residence In India before coming to America has armed him with a world ot Onentit lore which proves most Interesting to bll audiences. Babe Delgarlan and Mike Zlnnry haw _ ...» *»-5aais- winner In 'The Garden of Allah." Tbey are the two-a-day. it minutes, fall stage. lmpreaarll of Arabian dlvertlsemeoto to America, ^*^"""'* M *^^^^^^^^^^ M ^"— their advent In this country dating from the World's Fair, In Chicago. Ben Austin, of the Gentry Bros. Shows, was James T. Clyde and George H. Hlnet helped to In St Loci. Isst week. A busy bay to Ben, and Bankson, Ray Brocsrhaha, Geo. Burke, J no. B. Carpenter. W. Carrier, Louis Oolllus, Sewell Carter, E. F. Craven, SldneyD Carroll, Tbos Otxleton, Al. Cook, Frank Clirk. Harry Olsylon, B. Corey, B. D. Cirey VsadShow Crawford, B.D. Calloway H. B. Oannetd, Kid Calvin, Wallace Carton. Chss. Cleve. E. Orescent Com Co Crow, Benry Cook. Oscar Cooper. B. L. Caplaln A Weill Clark, Cbas. B. Clayton, Frank Owley, Wal. M Carvel, Clarence Oonover, Larry OornoTto, Pete Ollbcrt. W. B. Goodwin, J F. Qrasli, Bobert Gtoarr, Vaugh Graham. Fred Georgtson, B. Gray Tiuddcui G lucks lone, li.O Onnillck, Otsi Giew, Wm. rilsssow, Jtnrmle Qrlfln, Edward Grossman, Al. Grlgg. Billy Golden, M. Hunt, Bocer Halated, Wlllrd Bodre, Oscsr F llaroldson, Mr. Bscserty. D. F Hotoe, Bert Howsrd. Hujhle Harrison A Moffstt Uaxna, Albert Hayes, Harry iialdeoby, Geo. Harvey, Lee lloyte. Bony Haley, W. 8. Howard Bros. Hotteosteln- Barton Co, Howard, Q. F. Howe, Chaa. Harris & Meyer Harrington, Bob II A K BtockCo Hunt's Enow Balling, Ray Hanken, Chaa. Haynes, B. B Howetsoa. Brvce Benry. F. O. Henry ft Deers Hsrrto, Walter Harv«y, Bert Hottoo, Baymsd Iogram. Hamlrb Jones Sbermonl, Jobnsoci. O. 0 JessoQ & Jeseon Jackson. Bert Jones, A* O. Koeble. Chaa. Kilbride. Percy Kuhnast. B. Karmont, KeltLers, The King Eros.' Nankevllle 3. J. Nugent, W. F. Nelson, Jack Nalon, Johnny O'Nell ft Walrasley Oliver. OUi 8. O'Brien, Deoett ft O'Brien Owens. Hury Price, SUnley Phlpps. Ohis.R. Pearce, J. Piedmont Nov.Oo Proctor, Bert Pitt. Gee. H. Petrle, w. P. Puppets. The Plant, Jos. D. Perch, wm. KanaLs, Jtck KaDdall, Ceo. Ryan, Samuel 1 Roy. Walter Rector ft Hector feAwitge. Orbea Ro»fcam, Ch«H Raymond, Fred Keadlck. F. M Rowland, E. H.' g«K*rs, Geo. Reed, w. D. Dram. Co Reeres, cutrord Rjso. Jia. a Rsec. Greet RJIey. J. E. Richardson A.B. Roblnsoa. Bob ' Rolley. ban T. Roeenberr. H. RnsselL H. J. RossUn, O. H. 81mpsoa, r. Strock. J. M. Sunderland. W.O 81terman, Jim Sbeesley. J. .1 Schsefser D. 3. Sharpstern Con. Stanwood, David Sherman, Robert Stanton. L. A. 8tnsU, W. B. 8ayles, F. H. Spongier. J F. 8hetman Lowell Sheridan, Howrd Simons, Jack Shirley, Arthur Simon, Philip Wild West Bt , cjj, Hirry The Ynsares. UattON Sqoabb. Jutfa 4. Babe Ddgarton and Mike Zlnney have a big J"? »ct. The.act to Al and a good opener for a R?™ 0 "' , B n A Va S^T tZySrVlrh.^L £ aiiST** 'tES. .". «2 two-a-day. Eight minutes, full stage. Bid. Dareraport D. B Dlssle, Tom Darling, S, F. Drew, Clay Donasetta, Lew Drtnkwsbsr Stores Co. Dill. Eocene Dlxoa. Joe make the opening of the World at Home a treat always on the Job. success. Tbey are willing workers. A number of prominent Ohlcaromi will visit Charlei Wlllard bas extended himself In maltng the Con T. Kennedy Shows in Sooth Bend, Ind., obi. vi "Tbe Wonders of Melodto," with -he World « tbto week, the Moose Club, with about four hundred members Borne, a premier attraction, and California Frank . From official sources I learn with pleasure tint KSt_? MnTir to line, led by Prof. Fredrlok Oarsjonl's Royal iirovldea many « thrill with bis Wild West snd frt"ur Davis bas a great cook house with the R*Eiv ni* (alien, Wm. Irleder, manager; .booting gallery, i t ,u tn Band, nnd, after riming through the Indian Congress. 101 Bsoch Stow -tbla season. I im loolng for- K? D i55' £ '. J. aloe, ..onager; bl-Io and six ball moll, tiuilness section ot tbe city, marched on to the If Wallle Cochrane hid been present the open- ward, with no slight degree ot anticipatory de- "® "*■ M A' n II. L. Keith, manager; country store, Mrs. H. L. (||ow groulldJi but tw 0 bloc ^, av>7i , nd thronril Ing of tbe World at Home woald have been com- light, to partaking at the eats wlbb ih« WIU West R c !?! eIly ' a 0 V, 0, KeHb, manager: high striker and hoop-la, Jake w)[n people. Before the Bight wai over It was plete. Wallle wired bis regrets. Be has been ere many moons hive pissed. Dirung, a. r. Klnnle Clraia Knorr, B. C. Koebler. Ohis. Kultner. Solly Klmtill, W. M. Kaufatsn, L Kershaw, Cbas. Kennedy, 6. A Klork-Urban Co Kane, Leonard Kolb. J. W. Kauftman. I. J. Lee. Jas. P. Lane, Terry Lemngnelll G W La Pearl, Boy l.uthncre ft Leigh Co La OorteUI Geo. I sreelere. Doog. Lester, Bert Lewis. A. S. Louts, B. J. Lcftns, Frank Inland, Chas. LaffOL'ge, Ra Lewis ft Oliver Lewis, Jack I.aMcnt, E Louis I.iltcore. E. Lowery, P. G. McAlvln. AL McLean. B. W. Matthews, Ben. Mice. J. J. ilBhllnger, manager. ALLMANN BROTHERS' BIG AME RICAN SH OWS. Br J no. p. alABTUr. easy to see that we bad a good start for the very busy la closing op a tot of coo tracts for . Tns route of too Rica ft Dors Wster Carnival RL E l t £- blrgest weak ot the season. All the shows were steel construction work and could not break away baa been changed. Miles City. Moot., and Bis- £*', T? T for the big doings. Be did flud time to attend mark, N. D.. being csacciet. P* h"'l\ J-' the masque Pageant la St. Low's, which be writes AsrntTB 0. Tonn. mansanrr of tbe Cooperative Dean's, Al. N. me was one of tbe greatest events ever arranged Vaudeville Association of Minneapolis, Minn., an- H*! 7 ! J f „ in this country. Be to making but beadouBtters noances his nsrrlsge to Monte Blair, on May 18. 'Elliott, w. H. at the Hotel Jefferson, In St Loon, for a few My candid opinion Is that It would not take Kbaimit, Neb.—In the heart ot tbe big wind belt, and during our stsy In this very pretty little city Uw aforesaid wind certainly did un- belt Itself. And that's not all. It restrained, with considerable force, tbe local amusement tee* era from unbeitlug and dislttbutlng, as we I* 1 lgge.1 well patronised, es were the concessions, This makes tbe second engagement for the Liberty Shows la Warron under the auspices ot the Moose, and the local newspapers were loud In their prslse. So far tola season we bars played four repeaters of last year, and have not yet played a ''blootner," notwithstanding tbe fact thtt the month o( May wis cold and rainy. improvements are constantly being made and Managers Solomon A Dormin now have a mighty Midway that they can well be proud of, with day. prior to a tea days' outing on the Northern touch persuasion to Induce Jim Clrde to become likes. Pretty soft for WslUe, out he bos never a regular lent showman. allowed prosperity to swell bis coco- He sow to like U>e life, snd there never was a better fellow living. Sears, W. 0. Strrllog, Frank Speedy. K. P. Plunders, Alex. Scballer Bros. Stanton, Walter Saunderaon, E.J Redley, Harry Temcleton. L. Turnage, Rot ■ Thayer. Joe Tillman, Ed. (Heinle) Teller, Jack Twlsto. Mr. Trovltt Qoartett Townley. Harold Yalle. F. Vais, Victor Vernon, B. B. Vnrplllat. Wm Van. W. B. Williams. U. 0- Whitney. J. W. Williams. Jack Wlssoo, WilHsni Wheeler, 0«arL WslUag, RlchM Williams. Ed. Woods. Harrj- Walte. Billy, Waldroa. Billy Wythe. Chss. I'. Wclden. W. 0. Wsrd, Bippy McNeills, Frsnk Welns. O. O. Egtner, Fred Knoeh Broa. Edward., Ryin ftTlerney It to rumored that Vic Hugo may take a certain Of course it would require extraordinary effort to H 'sni, D. J. Ug dog snd pony show to AnatraMi next Winter, get Oeorge nines to leave Soalh Bead. lad., Ellis, Boot. It may be interesting to bla friends, who sre where he is cleaning op about five centuries a twelve paid attractions, a band of twelve pieces legion, to know that Vic to taking down sbout week with kpccIsI moving pictures at tbe Auditor and twenty-eight concessions. With three men ahoad nothing Is overlooked llevc tbey bod Intended to do. and as we know by General Agent Sam Solomon.B, L. Hamilton they will do. It glien bait s chance, tbe coin of and J. Ilarry Loutrlt, Special paper Is being the realm In goodly chunks to any attraction uwrf. and the shows are billed like a circus, tbat pleases tbelr fancy. It must not be con- There are other companies following us, bat strued from tbs foregoing that Kearney proved there are none ahead; at least we have not fol- io be a poor stsnd. neither must It be thought lowed any so tar tola season. that we sre attempting to nllbl for poor bual- Among tbe many concessions are: Paul Dlehl ty grands a year with hto various enterprises. lam Theatre. And then" atraln Lvda "docs'""not Tbe Mareppajtbevr^wlth the World^at tHome to went Oeorge to go on the road again. I don't M Tbe Maseopi knockout. Beautifully arranged by Manager blsxae ber in the toast Backenstee, and handled to an up-to-dite manner. The HanlUsl Wagon Company has nude some Tsere Ii no use ralMae, toe Bod Onto* staff great wagons fir the World tt Home. Look, it ttrmgrr than its tiickt with tie oarstssli. like Tegular circus equlpuient. It to beliv road on reerir lot. Bed Onion's motto John B. Warreu hss s lot of concessions In St. Las sswaya been "any color so Its read." Louli parks. Be was to tbe Mound City list TCvons, Billy Fraxer, StaaleyJ Fell. Geo. 8. Freshwater E. 0 Fersaason, Jno. Fox. R. E. R. Fibrrlbbons Bert Friendly, Dsn Fairbanks, Jim. Fault, Jack The State fair secretaries who visited tbe World week and declares tbat tbe Masque sod Pageant Fields ft Price lieu, but, on the contrary, the week proved to be with a real cook bouse, snd Paul Is a very buiy at Home, in Grand Raplda, were enthusiastic to was the most pretentious thing ever pulled off la Qra L Robert a veil stood one tor all concerned. And further- more we wish to go on record In ssylng that Kearney. Neb., ii one dandy little towa. At least Hie Alimann Bros.' Big American Show, found It to be such, despite the tantrums played by the aforementioned iilslnrber. man; Clyde W. Cass with the Dollle Varden candy wheel, with Mlas Virginia Handing out tbe pail- dlea; Miller's doll rtck and long range abootlng fillevy; Mr. and Mrs. De Voc, managers of tbe 'air Airmsernent Go's doll wheel, with Sam Law- rence banding them out; Mat Gay's clock store, tbelr nralsee of theilne-ap. tbto country outside et a tegular World's Fair. Walter F. Driver, vice president snd treasurer There was over « halt a million <.f out-of-town of the United States Tent ft Awning Company, folks to attendance. Charley Mcl.iln bad charge wai busy with a tope line around tbe World at of the construction of seats la the vast sssohl- Home In Cedar Raplda, and contracted for a lit theatre to Forest Park, acting for P. A McHugo of eoulpownt to reach the snows In Dubaqae, who had the contract for same. McHngh U Murphy, F. J. Wltoon. B. C. Milton, L. V. Winkler. Qua Mack, W. Wlllard, Fred McDonnan, O.W, Wright, 0, McNolto, Tbe Wbodslde, J. I. Murphy, Tbeo J. Work. Thos. Miller, Edward Whitfield, J. T. Merlin, Jack Wrtobt, J. B. Mann. Marin E. Williams, Jsck Manning AFalco Williams. Chaa. Marias, W. B. Wilcox, Dwtgbt MDls. Jos. R. Williams. J. M.. Michael. Goo. Show '">o. Michael. D, A. Whitney. A P. Mosley, B W C winter, Banks Moore, Geo. White. Walt C. Moore, Jack Watson. Richard MottAddlson Oo. Williams. J. B. McCamoo. J. H. Wlckes. B M. Mack. Tony Ward, Lew A. Menlove. Eddy Wlntou, Bernd. Myers. Ssm Whitney. B. L Madden. Lew B. "Young Chief Nelson, a B. Wblte Moon" North Bros. Zobedle. F"cd North. Frank 9B.B NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST. After Thursday's storm the big top In which lied O'Connor behind the counter; Solomon aid la., ibis week. Driver to some hustler and ta taking on a lot of big contracts all over the Oaptiln Thomas West puts Sahara and Mailne Dornun's insist gallery, A. II. Baker, manager; as wet conic around the tent shows at a bower in country. Be boa eatabllabed in enviable reou- ' May. tatlon since he erected the raammotj grand itand Oeoeral Manager E. 0. Talbott. of tbe World at Grant Park, Chicago, for the International at Home." hid bis bands fall In Cedar Rapids Aviation meet two years ago. lookliut after all departments, helping to entertain The World at Home rolling stock t-mlpment to visitors, snd seeing to it thtt the ticket wagon first ctaaa. The car "Texas" to one of the finest through their pace, reiemblcd a aerie/ of May II. Kllsore, Nona Haley, cashier; Fair Amusement pole, with the ribbons unfurled. The guy lines., Oo.'s forty-foot pillow top store, with Joe Red centre snd aide polos are still serviceable, tor and Vic Block; with Attewelle fish iiond. Mrs. which Captain Tom gives thinks. II. Attewelle. Ohile Attewelle and Tom Sheets; About ulue thirty Friday evening another storm, Attnwcile's country store, II Attewelle; M. 8. even more severe, struck the show lot, and to Morris' ten pins: Fair Amusetnent'a chlnt wheel. wot properly decorited. wltt tbe outfit. WAKING GOOD FOR EVERYBODY BE US 1LWJTS FOOLING XHODID" By Bmv Jerome and Abner Qreenberg MAURICE RICHMOND MUSIC CO., latv, 145 W. 43th St., S. Y. C.