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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. MISS WINIFRED ST. CLAIRE June 27 Have |ust closed a season ol 48 weeks, and would like to hear from PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. I*at* photos and references essential. We open aga :i a t Danville, Illinois, week of Aug. 10. "There's a reason." we added eight house records to our many this season. Dainty as Spring Blossoms, bewitching as moon; ght, Winifred flirts into the hearts of the people. _._ Theatre Kokomo, Indian .. Deaths. Thomas A. Nniltli. 'Tom" Smith, for many years Idiutlfled with tbeiu-icnl ■nun iu Hamilton, o.. uuu s pist uxilleu ruler of Hamilton l-oogv, No. bj, B. l\ u. iu, died of a couituicatiou of. uisea*es at hi* bum© iu that oily. May W. Mr. Soma nuil an interest- ing carets, lie was uie only auu of uie Jaic Tnotuss U. bniltb, who ditni ih.v* weeks j.re- vluus u> nla ion'a ileatli. bora In UauilHou, Aug. U, ISO?. He waa educated Iu lue uarocuui schools vt at. Bleyiivu's psrisli nun public schools lucre. Atialuiug nil majority, Mr. SmlUi engaged In business, ana unJer the lutulnliuiiloa ot Jobu Dirk, aa mayor of Hamilton, lie «u tne mayor a clerk, i'or several years lie was a I'lUluau con- due lor on tne Cincinnati Southern. During uie Worm's lilt In Cl'lcagu no wai one of tne chiefs of detectives on the granule, anil made quite a reputation ,n hli work. Returning to Hamilton. Mr. Smith became isso- cUled with the late lorn Connor ai manager of in* old Uiobe Opera Mouse, and retalueu Uila position ut partnership and personally for a num- ber ol yean, and It waa much to liia credit that lbs present Jetxersou Theatre win erected in Hamilton, ill. smith, when the liouite nut! Iwu completed, conclndeU the deal whereby the Jef- reraon pined Into hla bauda, anil It wn managed by hlm until hla retirement from active buiineaa laat rebruary, when the bouae wai aold to Mrooiu- ball a scnwkim. ■During Smith's management of the theatre It waa lor a number of yean wider leaae to various outline luteresU, and for aeveral years was known aa smith's Theatre, allbough the original name waa again given It when tne present management look cuurae. Aside from the two theatres which were under Mr. rkulibi management lie tor several yean conducted Undcnwaul 1'ark. lie waa lecogiiued «a one of tne most astute managers In the one- n.glii aund tbestre* of the couuiry. There wn iiever an attraction sent to hla house which waa l*nulled to give anything leas than Its best to tue people ot bamltion. tie knew the theatrical business from end to end, and he was ai much at uotue on tbe stage with its varied duties as in In. olllce. , . _ air. anillb was united la marriage with Emma Dim, May 29, lttou. Of tbji union two children i emu ted, Clyde D, Smith and Thomai A. smith •a, The sous, together with tbe widow, the aged mother and one sister, Mrs. Genevieve Smith uurand, now In Europe, survive him. Religiously Mr. smith wai reared sa a member vt til. hiepiwn'i Catholic Church. The funeral services were held at the family residence on Main street, Tuesday morning, May 20, with Mrvlcea In tit. Stephen'! Uburcu, and Interment made In Ureen- wood Cemetery. aSlroy II. Smith, owuot ot the Otpbeum and Oresceut moving picture houses, In Tcire liaute, lud., was tcunu dead Inside, the vestibule ot lue Us> pueum Theatre, ul Klguld street and WaUu.il Avenue, night ot June 10, (.tier Mia. Jiyrtie uiu- buns, of UUJ South NlnUi street, taut city, bad bun- ted lue police that sue hail shot the theatre owner. The bullet had pierced smith's heart. Tbe body was taken, ru Uij arrival of Acting Coroner liar- rlgus, to the Uickiuuu Morgue, ou Kant Wabash Avenue, where an autopsy was held. Mr. suiiui recently wis made defeiuluiii In a suit for flu,uuu instituted by Mrs. Gibbous' husband, who charged alienation ut his wife's affection. Gibbons later obialued a dlvorc, aud Mrs. smith obtained a divorce Hum smith, who wai required to pay »au,bu0 idnnoiiy. Suiltli Has a wealthy laud owner ot Vigo County, and u year ago purcboae-l tbe Crescent Theatre in Terru Haute. Itecenuy bo put-chased tho urphcuui, a.ud it la aiud liu niai proaiiered lu his motion, picture enterprises. Mrs. lilla smith and the live chllilreu, who live ut Kusworui, went to Tare Haute aa suuu as Mou- lted, lialph Hi. Suiltii .11;.I Nola May amltu went ltmucdluieiy to police beatlquariers to confer with Uie ouicea's. Tuo other ciiildieu who mnaiucl with Un. Smith are Uussell Wrey, Nellie Uer- irudi and liutli Hum. Hurry Anlitoii died ot t complication ot diseases at Ainltyvllle, L. 1., ageil seveuty-Uitee yean. Ue was formerly well kuuwa u uu actor, and prouilueut many yean ago because of his 1m- persuuallou ot tthakoapearcau churacten. The de- ceased was at one Uuu the Auicricun representa- tive ot J. O. Williamson, the Ausraiisu man- agar, and bad arranged Auslrullau lour, lor bourn's Hand. Uobert ti. Muiuell, and couipauiea of Obnrles P'roliuniu .aud IVu, A. llrauy. The luitctut »ervlces wuro held Monday, 16, from Campbell's Mortuary Chapel ou West inenty- third Utreet, Uie lluv. ur. Wesson oillcialtug. IU attendance were boh Uuiuou, Mr, and Mn. L,. luxielshelmcr, P'ruuk M. b'orieat, Waller Vernon, John lAiveJy, Audy Leavlll Jr., John Donuvaii, Wai, Uurross, U'ttord and Mlrnuii. Will J. Kuiitn, i. W. Oliver, Jus. J. Aruistruug, Major burs, Mrs. Evans, Mn. Jobu Osborne, uud Mrs. Same Kerie. Mr, Ashtou was a Civil War veteran. The funeral was under the ausulces of Uie Actors' Fund, luienuent was made lu Lutheran Ceme- tery, Brooklyn, N. X. William 8. Hall, Denver pioneer, died of llrlgui's disease at hla apartments, UJU Twenty- bnt Street, Ltuvor, Colo., June U, aged torty- Uve years At Uio ugi of eighteen Mr. Hall es- tablished himself in the advertising business lu Denver, and two years later became auvcriiinuj ageut for the Tabor Uraud Tbeatre there, which position bo held until uie time ot hla death, al- most twenty-five yean. For many yeara he bad been associated with Hilly Mine aud Billy Ireland of tbe Broadway Tbeatre, that city. UU suc- cess us a theatrical advertiser made him famous, and there is scarcely a theatrical man lu tbe country who has. it least, not heard ot Billy Hall. Ue Is survived by bis widow. Tbe Elks, of which Mr. Hall was sa active member, took charge ot the funeral. lrauk Tram, aged seventy-live yean, a watchman employed at Uio Muxluc Hllloit Thea- tre, lu this city, dropped dead Monday ulgbt, June IS, In a drug store, where he bad gone when taken HI on bis way home from the theatre. Ue was a member ol tbe G. A. it. 1'ost at Little Falli, N. Y., where hut wife and several growu children live. CHrlottu Addison, an actress, who hail played scores of roles during Ike lust Ufty yean, died In Loudon. ling., June lu. She was bora In Liverpool In 1818. and made her ilrst appearance on tbo stage aa a child in Tom Tylor's "Nino Points ot Tie Law." Walter Ferris, who was employed by W. K. Davison's Ferris wheel until tho time he waa taken 111 iu Shawnee, Okie., died In the Olty Hospital In that city, June 1. Hla brother waa with bbut to the end, and accompanied, the re- mains to Marshall, HI., where Interment oc- curred. Horace llemlcy, a member ot tbe Herbert A. Kline Carnival, died from typhoid fever, in the Olty Hospital, In Deulaon, Tex., June 7, aged twenty-two yean. Hla koine waa with hli parents, In Overton, Tex., and burial took place at the Overton Cemetery. Win. Lawrence, ot Thompson and Law- rence, tne post weeoti with tbe Marlon Shows, illoil Jane 14, at his home In Bridgeport. Conn. Alice Adams, wife of Jaa. Wesley Mack, died lait week at her home In Brooklyn. NOTICE HALF TOIfB PICTIREJ la the read- las pages of TJUB OUPFER will ha Inserted at these pricesi Froat rags Cat fOCOO Doable Celaaan f 10.00 llajjTla Oelaaus Herman Lindner. Herman Lindner, widely knows In theatrical circles, and for tbe last ten yein auditor for bam b. & Lee Sbubert, Inc., died June lb, at his home, 30G West One Hundred and Klghteentii bireet, after an Illness of three weeks, caused by diabetes. Mr. Lindner wai Ofty-elght yesn old. UU death was s shock to bU many friends In tbe theatrical profession. Before entering tbe em- ploy of tbe Messrs. bhubert, be was well known sa a broker. Edward West, iged ilxty-tbree years, known as "Ned" West, an old time minstrel per- former, died June Id at bis Hummer borne at Kelly's Point, Weatbrook, Conn., of diabetes snd hliruenlug of tbe arteries. Ue was employed at the Majestic Tbeatre, Streator, III., at tne time be was taken III, snd was accompanied home by his wife (Clara West). Ue Improved for s while, but a sudden cbange for the worse took bun away. Ned West was a native ot Gonads, and In tbe seventies trsveled with minstrel companies ai a comedian and dancer. Of late yean be had appeared In vaudeville. As an artist be was among tbe leaden in hli branch of the profes- sion, as a man, honest and square. Funeral ser- vices were beld 10, and burial made In Ola Say- brook Cemetery, bnybrook. Conn. Gcorgfc - J. Collins, aged thirty eight, a basso singer, who bad appeand with John W. Vogel and Donnelly a UiUleld minstrel com- panies, died recently it his borne, 1110 Ft. Sand- en Avenue, Knoxvllle, Teno. Ur. Collins bad been playing In vaudeville since joining hands with John B. Morris In October, 1012. In a black lace singing nid talking set, as Morris and Col- lins. He waa taken HI at Dayton, O.. Uarcb 29 laat, while tbe act was playing sn <egagexnent at the Colonial Tbeatre there, and was removed to bis home 'n KnoxvUle. He Is survived by bU wife snd one Kn, hut mother, three stolen and two brothen. Interment occurred June 9, la New Gray Cemetery, Knoxvllle. Pierre LnFayettc. Mystery surrounds tbe death of l'lerre LaVayette, a twenty-two year old actor, wbo was found unconscious lu Ills room at Wbalom l'urk, Pltcbburg, Mass., June 17. DeitL'i U believed to have been duo to a mixture ot heroin and wood alcohol. Ue recently started Ids second season with the Wbalom Opera Co. Ue ap- peared at the Winter Garden. In New York Inst season. Ue died in Bus-bank Hospital, in Fitcb- burg without regaining consciousness, lie is sur- vived by his wife, Ray Shirley, who la with tbe present Winter Garden show. Helen Mesoiv, a blind linger, was found deed in her apartment in Oakland, Col., Jane 17, from tbe effects of an overdose of headache medi- cine taken the previous night. Mlsi Hesuw wss educated in tne California institute for tbe Deaf and Blind, and at tbe University of Cali- fornia. Afterward she continued ber vocal studies In Parle. She was about thirty yean old, and was a friend ot Helen Keller. Alice Adams (Mn. J. Wesley Mack), for- merly a member of tbe Fred Irwin and Rote bydell burleique companies, died it her home lu Brooklyn, N. X., June 11, after a long illness. Funeral texvlcei were beld and attended by a large gathering of performers 14. Her husband waa formerly of the Two American Macks. Bos- ton papers please copy. Ella W. Littlefleld. As unsigned eom- munlcaiUm noUuea us of the death of Ella W. LlttleDeld. ot tbe LlttletleJd Sisters, vaudeville team, ot acute Brlgbts* dlsesse, on June 18. She was a daughter of Eva D. l.itUefjeld. Mas. Ann* Lyndon, beloved wife of Dr. Chop. Lyndon, died Sunday oreolng, Juno 7, it their home In Uomoworth, O. ' _ liiBsixr Lvdlcii Lai (widow ot William B. Lee) died In thU city after a long Illness. Mn. Lee wis a deswendent of one Morris family of Revolutionary times, and was tbe nothe» ot Dick and Harry Lee, the twin acton, now In moving; pictures and Jane L Lee. sssUtant editor of I'M Pie.loriat llevlno. Another son, Themis I., wbo died lo 1003, was for a time sporting editor of The Hew York Evening World. Through ber children Mrs. Lee became the friend of many ccmben ot the theatrical profession, and wis greatly beloved by all who came ha contact with ber. Elosidoi T. Adiiib wis appointed, last week, as referee In the suit for divorce brought by Mrs. Uelolse Wills (La Tltcomb) against Nat M. Wills. "Doton," a alar by Temple Thunton, wis given Its premiere Wednesday night, June 17, at the Haymirket Theatre, London, Eng. It was well received by the press snd public. BiANonst BiNo, accompanied by ber Vitcr. Frances Ring, sailed on the Olympic. Saturday, June 20. tor s brief vocation abroad. Miss Blng'a tour In vaudeville begins lu September. Victor Uniai and Jirnes K. Hacrett called from London, Kng., June 18. on the Imprrator. Eusxls LooMis, formerly well-known as in actress, and latterly a writer for magaxuies, and Uelett Batgess, the noveliit, were msrrled June 18, at the Church ot the Messiah. New York, the Rev. John Hsynes Holmes otflclaUng. Sblwtn ft Co.'a most recent engagcmenU of players Inclu-Ie: Elsie Glynn, Josephine Park. Grace Dunbar Nile. Frank Klngilun, William Gibson, John Morris. Ralph Morehouse and Neil Moras. TtiOi. A. Wish lias been engaged by Divld Beliico for a leading role la "Tbe Vanlihlnc Bride." which will open tbe Beliico Theitre. New York, next seison. Keith vaudeville will bo presented It the Na- tional, LyuUvllle Ky.. ucit season. "Craty' GAS STIBIPSON. and working at It with the Hagcnbcck-Wallace Show. OUT OF TOWN NEWS JOAN SAWiTEIt. Last week was s splendid one for the Barnum & Bailey Circus, tbe usual rainy weather not putting in in ippeirsnce. Ai ill but three of our legltlmite theatres are closed there U little doing thU week except in the vaudeville and picture line. Coloniil (Charles Frohman ft \? a , Harris, rogrs.)—Thli week U tbe eighth of "The Mis- leading Lady." Plymouth (Fred E. Wright, mgT.)—"Under Cover" is now entered upon lu twenty-seventh week. Tbe end of Its stay U In light, but it bids fair, before It closes, to bive ichieved tbe longest run In the theitrlcil history of Boston. Tbxmont (Jno. B. SchoerTel, mgr.)—The fourth week ot "Neptune's Daughter," the spectacular photoplay In which Annette Kellermonn Is fea- tured. Is now under way. Krtk'i (Harry Gentls. mgr.)—Donald Meek and company, Blossom Seeley Stepp, Goodrich and King, Three Borrus Girls, Le Clair and Samp- son. Hess Sisters, Martin Van, the Francois, and "Bolton In Motion.*' Orfhicm (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—BUI 22-24: Klass md Berrlue. Jean Southern. Jordan and Doherty, Barney end Harris. Willie Halo end Brother, end othen. For 25-27: Uda McMillan, AI and Fainlo Stedmio, Nlpp ind Tuck, Weber and Wilson, and ethers. St. Jambs (Uircus Loew, manige--ieTi).--nill 2i-21: Lldu IMcMllIan, AI. nnrt Fannie Stedown. Nlpp and Tuck. Weber and Wilson, and others. For' 25-27: Klass and Serine, Jean Soutae.-n Ji/rdan and Doherty. Barney and Uartls, Willie Hale and Brother, und others Gcsdon's Olihiia (Joint E. Co-nerford, mgr.) —Week of 22: Omega Trio Murray anil Lane, Enrlgbt and Stone, Accordeo, Walter, Fowler and Karrett, McCabe. irletclier rud Lever, md De Vrles Troupe. Buon (James W. Onlg. mgr.)—In the list this week are Elisabeth Lucas, Tense Miller. Olive Marechal, Frank Hurley, Lavlne, Toll, Marie Donne, and GorodeUky. Nobcuska Pabk (Carle Alberte, mgr.)— Hamid'i Arabs, Stewart and Donakne, the Porsh- leys, and Morton, Wells and Norworth ire booked for current week. Murom Bo-TLrrABD (J. W. Gormu, mgr.) "Seven Reasons Why," dealing with tbe reasons why a man should marry and should not marry, Is Mr. Gorman's offering tbla week. Pabaoom Pabk (G. A. Dodge, mgr.)—Tbe caba- ret features are proving to be one of the greatest money makers this Ideal Summer resort has ever hid. Hlldehrand and De Long, end Oar.rice Lewis hive been idded to the open air circus perform- ance. "^ Bowoom 8«u-a-us (Geor-ro H. LothroD, mgr.) Tills week in excellent program of wit, humor snd lollty Is promised here, where Violet Miscotte's r&rty Merrle Molls hold forth. »•"«■« » VAirn-tviujt ako ncTDaia at tbe Seollay Sauire. Wusamgtnn, Old South, South End, Utmtlngton Avenue, New Palace. Star. Unique, Oomlnue. preajMand. Day Sgtrare, Gem, Roxbarr, Dorches- ter. Harvard, Shawmut, Niagara, Apollo, Olympic, Sirperb, and others. Mx-noAN Wab picturei ire being shown to good financial returns at the Tremoot Temple. Sprlrurtleld, Maas^^Poll's Palace (Cordon wrlghter, nurr.) bill week ot Jons 22: "The Big Surprise,•• Bafayette's dogs. Hooper and Ctook, Burton, Hihn and Oantwell. Walsh, Lynch md This week at tie Palace, New York, assist- , -—, -s— — ed by Lewis Sloden and feennle Dlxcn, also SSS*"i; DtU ' 1Da Kramer, Helen Healer, and Dan Klldare's Clef Club Orcheatrt. TBrg (J. J. Loewer, mgr.) -The Stanmer wenfhSo BS^ * ChUW ■* ■• Buon (E. L. Knight, iiiaT.)-Ji'-atare fdms con- tinue to draw big crowds. Plaza, Htroaox. Edibonu, Gurrr, afJaaas, NorsLTT, Lxaio, Liok, Palacts md Stai —Mo- tion pictures oBly. NoTas,^Bmlly Frances Hooper md Ellsworth 0<K . k *' ..i*" 01 *?™ °* tt » "wfco dincesTbave T'n", ,° »<^ access they bare been retained at Poll's for the third week The OaUhaT moving plctrxee boose, bos dosed for the Summer: ...... Ktta Bryant, Roy Somn« and cornoanr wen a hit on toe PoU bill but week. ""P"" 7 Mllford, Haas. — Lake NIpmue (Dan. J. ? pM,[ S£'."C'* ?'" *** °* '">• 22: Kendall's Auto GirirOarroU-Glllet.te Trio, acrobats; Russell md Evans, ilngen and danceri; Harry Kel ey7lrlih cbinedlin: Sidle llodgen, Ed. HcEunsey and Lew a and Evans. Tlel'i Concert Brass Bind on bunilojs. ^^ "" Bo Llc "'«. Idbal and Sraa, motion pictures and ,."?™;—The. Opera nouse opened op SanJiv, M, tpr the Mllford Elks to bod their FlaFDiy exercises. Tts* hAm. «.. m^^i.^, ....^frS J? m i HAYES. United Tlma ANTHONY and ROSS. United Time* electrical act, his the whole town gawatsaa, iff son and l,ee pleased In their specialty Pinl Jftlii!" ont ", ', nd "onoloetst. nils his place S5.k b ?i. bl " 7« r Jf, nloely. Eunice Uowe. "the girl w , tb '^r! 010 ?' f" e 0nc sstlafietlon, and rftn- IlaTerhlll. JUaaa. — Academy (Joe Mack. urea". ) M " 2Tl " Cre * t ^»^l«> SUfaS Colonial (Wm E. Finher, mn.)—Motion nle. turei ind lllustrited songs. "*'->~*«> am P"s- .■^"SJ?' {0 S^X? * Vsssermon, tern.)—Mo- tion plctnrea and Illustrated eerri«s7 "»™- , ^" r onl ""' Baino T**"*, molloo pictures Notb.— The Pines Park, aroreland, oDened its trac lion. W *■ '** m *• ***"■• •*• THEATRES and OPERA HOUSE! Ws Insert ssvartlsemeabi m this cola-- at ■ special rate of I1.7B per agate line for a month, (or IS times). ThU will enable local m:/,r*n to keep their bo oses prominently and coutmaim before the ouxigen of eetananles. Dnriri tw do* the at, U nmnug we wUl seat sack ,dvse User a copy of Tbb CLrrrsa free. OPERA HOUSE, Belleville, Kan. Honte changed hands: reopened. Attractions warded Seating capacity, 600. Population to draw from' 4,000. Electricity. AnnBtropg A Aibnthn ot. vigrt' SIILLERTON, S. Y.-BEST THEATRE Seats 460. Electric lights. Good Summer inwn. On Harlem Branch N. Y. C. R. R., 92 mile- from N. Y. City. J. J. BURNS, Mana ger. WASTED-To Book Good Attractions for next Season. New Modern Opora House, equipped wlta electric lights, etc. Drawing capacity, 3,soo. Best SnowTown in Western Pa. 0.0.ALT,Mgr.,Kn ui,Pi FOR H.EHT—Academy of Music, Polisvllle, Pa. Seats over 1,000 s ; population to draw from over 40,000. C. B. TYSON, Sec., Box 13», Pottovlllc, Pa. A VACDBVILlsB ACT FOB tl. 10 Parodies, 6 Comedy Recitations, 3 Monologs, and Sketch for two males—professional atuff—for $l. HERB HONAUAN, Vaadevlile Author, Brockton, Mass. VAUDEVILLE ACTS Do yon want one for the big time f Do yon want to be a headunerr Let me write you an act at a pHce that deflea competition. Your money back if you say bo. Write me. N. J. BUCKWHEET, UnntlDgton, Mass MUSIC COMPOSKD AND AHAANOED tor any lmtrnment or number ot lnstmmenx Songs, Words and Hndo. Bketchea.eto. Send samp, 0HA8. L. LEWIS, 428 Biotunond St., ClncUmaU 0. ROYALTY AND BOOK PLAYS. For Stock, Repertoire and for amateurs. ALL OF THE STANDARD BOOK PLAYS. Sole Agent (or 160 Royalty Plays and Western Agent for over 600. Send ramp for lists. A. MJL0TlEKKETT, 31W. Randolph St., Chicago, HI. SKETCHES, ACTS, PLAYS, etc., written to order. Terms for a stamp. E. L. GAMBLE. Author, East Liverpool, Ohio. St. John, Can. — Opera House (Walter Woods, mgr.) Madame Evelyn Scottney, assisted my Madame Cora Sapln. M. Alfredo Ranella and M. Howard White, with John Craig Kelley u accompanist, gave two splendid concerts here June 11712. Ekpibss, Stab, Gin md Cniqui. —Moving pic- turei only. Ltbio. —Vincevllle and moving pictures. Impbbiu. —Mellor and De Pauls, In operatic selections, and tbe moving pictures. Noras.—Stanley Lawton, a native of this city, ami for many yean a member of Sousa's Band. U visiting friends and relatives here The Ira- Krisl recenlly installed a gold fibre screen E. Williams, the owner ot the York Theatre, which was recently burned. Is seriously thinking ot re-bnildlng There U also talk ot another theatre being erected, to seat two thousand, tbe capital to be supplied by local ind ontslde partla. An effort Is being made by another party, who has had plans prepared for a theitre to seit ibout two thousand, to Interest capital In bU project, bu: as the lite li rather out of the wiy the ven- ture Is not thought idvlisble Walter Woods, minsger of the Opera House; Miss Kelly, bis nalitint, snd Miss Brooks, who presided over the box office during the past season, have left for their hornet In Massachusetts. There Is noth- ing booked In the near future tor the Opera House Tbe Mighty Haag Olrcui Is now tour- ing the province. During the parade In Wood- stock, N. B., 17, one of the elephants ran arouct and, before being captured, did damage to the extent of |100, for which the circus settled. Montreal, Can.—Princess (Abble Wright, mgr.) local opera to good attendance week of June 15. House la now dark. ^_ Oifheok (George Drlscoll, mgr.)—The Or- pbeoaj Players, hi "Tbe Telxera," to .rood it- tendance week of IB. "The Darling of the Gods 22-27, "Mary Jane's Pa" 29-Jnly 4. Nkw Gbanp. —Doma Reode Stock Co., In "Pall In Full," to good bouses week of June 15-20. "Uncle Tom'i Oabln" 22-27. Em-rao—Stanley Stock Co., In "Baffles," •« good bouses week of IS. Soman Pabjc (D. Larose, mgr.)—Vaudeville. BUI week of 22: Blnns and Bert Belles of Seville Ballet, Slgnor Bestlvo, Jusle Omears, ind ApdAle'l animals. Hamilton, Can.—Temple II. Q. Arpleton, mgr.) tbe Temple Players pive One pcrfor'naiica of "The Oonaplracy" week of June 15, with Mor- tU Burr aa Wlnthrop CUvtrlng. For week << 22, "The Mm from Home." "The Woman In the Case" to follow. Mountain (O. H. Summera, mgr.)—This nlsre opened aospclonaly IB. with a clever presoutuwa of "Nobody's Widow/ Carol Ardeo raaklns a hit as Mrs. Clayton. lTvjr week of 22. "Tho lte- Juvenation of Aunt Mary " "to* Girl In Ibe Taxi" to foUorw. Notb.— Leon Waahbnun'i JllBbty Mldwsv Shows win be here week of -29, under the suiplces ot Hamilton Lodge of the Moose. Ottawa, Can, — Russell (Peter Gormu, mgr.) "Sixty Yesn a Queen," feature aim, wis abown here week of June IB. . ,_ DoxamoN (J. F. Clancy, mgr.) — Dominion, Stock Co. present "A Butterfly on the Wheel week of 22 ■ Fajolt (Ken. B. Plnlsy, mgr.)—"Lost In Mid- Ocean" waa the feature here 17, 18. ..„ , Fbanoaii (Ken. B. Flnlsy. mgr.) — Q»» Vidlal" drew groat tmilness 15-17 AnnrroBTDK (J. D. Murrav, aaT.)-*rllssall Stock Co. presented "The Slaves of the Mill week of IB. Notb.— The Boma Reade Co. closed IU enenst- meat 18, at the Arena. Tror, N. Y*-^^octOT•l R. H. Emde. nun-.) bill for June 22-24: Dow md Dow, Eopo Vcruos. Mme. Besson BUyen: Grace Lodell ind tompiM. Livingston snd Fields, Five Strong Sillers, fca- troi MacGregor and Jme misabeth. For 2a-2'- l'our Rlcharda, Mn. Louis James and comiiany, Josephine Carr, Fire Moslcil Marlnea, Danelnf Macks aad the HeOann PliyerB. . . „ BirrD'a (N. a Mlrlck, mgr.)—The lfj»* Vaughan Stock Co. offer * I Booaht and Pild lor" week of 22 as their farewell attraction. Trojaat Mncerely regret the departure of thli eom:viny, •nd Mr. Lytell Is besieged by requests to extend his engagement. PBOCTOn'8 LTCBOit, TSOJAW, Notbltt, KUTH J, Plaba, Majbbtio and Buna* photoplayi only. Notb.— The 101 Ranch Wild Vest showed hers 18, to capacity business. Cohoca, N. Y.—Proctor's. Bright Spot, Mi- Jesrttc and Empire, pbotopliyt only. Norn,—Tbe Bine Ribbon Shows, under »»>'» appeared here week of 13, to tag business. _ Geneva, N. Y.—lakeside Pirk, for 2*2 June 1B„ B. H. PsUlck's Greater Shows did SMS bus biess. Surra (B B. Ontitodc, mgr.)—Pictures. Tn»r*jji (Frank C Pierce, mgr.)—**""•» *° a Tindevllle. Monoii Wobld (a O. Ooe*. tegr.)—Picture*- Thli boose wLU close foe the Bamcosr 10.