The New York Clipper (July 1914)

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18 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. July 4 ROUTE LIST VAUDEVILLE k»TVATTrF—W*" 1 "o date Is r«tf llC-Ki—given. tbe week of Jane £0-Jul>- 4 Is reiiresented. ; Adelaide & Hughes, Paloco. N. Y. C. Adair & Meaning, Colonial, l'lilla. ■ Adgle's Linos. Majestic, Chicago, July 6-11. i Adler, Flo, Colonial, Chicago. I Ahlbcrga, The, Dclancey St., N. Y. C, 29- July 1; Lincoln So.., N. Y. C. 2-4. Abcnrn, Cbas.. Co., Morrisons, Uockaway Beach, N. Y. ALOHA TWINS THE HAWAIIANS Featuring their Wonderful Barefoot Hula-Hula Dancers Alexander, Bob, Olympla Circuit. Alpine Troupe, Buffalo Illll-Sclls-Floto Shorn. Alpha Troupe, Pontages', Victoria, Can. Aldr-ans, Tbe, <Wcnona Beach Casino, Bay City, Mlcli. ALLEN & FRANCIS Original grotesque Character Dancer*. Ainedlo. Pantages', Seattle, Wash. American Newsboys' Quartette, Pantagea', Vancouver, Can. American Harmonists (4), Gt. Northern Hipp., Chicago. Antrim ft Vale. Pantagea', Winnipeg, Can. ANTHONY & ROSS" RESTING NOW Open on United Time In September Appleby, George, Colonial, Phlla. Arnaut Bros., Hanrmcrstetn's, N. Y. C. Ardotb, Fred J., & Co., Majestic, Chicago. Armstrong ft Manly, Empress, Spokane, Wash. Arabs (10), Bbbetts* Field, Bkln.. July 2-4. Aristocrats, Les, St. James, Boston, July 2-4. Archer & Ingersoll, Gordon's Olympla, Bos- ton. Aruo Troupe, Crystal, Milwaukee. Briscoe. Olive. PanUges', Spokane, Wash. Brockman, James, Pantages' Winnipeg Can. Burke John ft May, Orpheum, Portland. Ore. Burton Lerncr, Babcock, Mont. Buch Bros., Empress, St. Paul, Minn. Bush. Frank, Savoy, San Diego, Cal. Bush ft Engel, National. N. Y. C, 29-July 1. Burke 4 Burke, Boulevard, N. Y. C, 20-July 1; Fulton, Bkln.. 2-4. "Buster Brown," Medford Boulevard. Boston. Buckley ft Moore, Chester Park. Cincinnati. Bud), Fritz ft Lucy. Shea's, Buffalo. Byron ft Lnngdon. Empress, Vancouver, Can. Byrons, Musical 15). Colonial, Chicago. Carrera, Llsne. Co., Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Castrillans, The, Hammersteln's, N. Y. C. Cameron & O'Connor, Lyric, Birmingham, Ala. Cnntwcll ft Walker Majestic. Chicago Carlisle, Gertie. ft Sweethearts, Empress, Butte. Mont. Cavana Duo, Empress. Vancouver, Can. Carter Cbas.. Lyric, Calgary, Can. Cassados, Lea, American, N. Y. C„ 29July 1; National, N. Y. C, 2-4. Callope, David. Dclancey St.. N. Y. C, 29- July 1; American, N. Y. C.. 2-4. Cabaret Trio, St. James, Boston, July 2-4. Cappelens. The, Crystal. Milwaukee. Castcllane ft Scanlon. Ot. Northern Hipp., Chicago. Chunns (4), Touring Europe. Chrlstensen, Unique, Minneapolis. Cbeerbert's Troupe, Ramona Park. Grand Kaplds. Mich. Clorao, Great, ft Johnson, Barkoot'g Show. Cliff. Lnddle, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal. Clark * Verdi. Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Clayton, Zella, Proctor's 58tb St., N. Y. C, July 2-4. Clayton & Lennle. Pantagea', Oakland, Cal. Clevelanda, The, National, N. Y. C., 29- July 1: Lincoln So.. N. Y. C, 2-4. Clinton, Novolty, Keith's, Atlantic City. Colborn, Jennie. Billy "Swede" Hall ft Co. Corelll, Jack, ft Co., Hagenbeck-Wnllace Circus. Consul ft Betty, Hammersteln's, N. Y. C. 6 NEW PARODIES FOR $1.00- 6 OH THE FOLLOWING SONG HITS 'GET OUT AHD GKT UHDER." -INTERNATIONAL *\"£^™ l l™ i °££ C ,±7, SHINE AND ROSES" "MOTHER'S BIQ DLUK K YM.-'J'WB HAVE «UCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR," "t»nHBODP8 COMING TO MY HOUSE." To get tbe above material send P. 0. or Express Order for $1 to and song poem, entitled THE PASSING SOK08 OF IBW-18," dovetailing 78 song bit titles into a rhythmic story. If yon desire the j Parodies and Song Poem, send $1 to the above aflureas. Dooling, Bijou, Boston. Donlta, Florence. 4 Co., Olympic, Buffalo. Drew. Frankle. McVlcker's, Chicago, CECILE DUNHAM BACK IN VAUDEVILLE DIRECTION - • WALTER STEINBB Dunbar's Salon Singers, Majestic. Chicago. Dunbar ft Turner, Shubert, Bkln., July 2-4. Dunodin Queenle. Shea's. Buffalo. Duffy-Nichols Co., Colonial, Chicago. Originators J. BERNARD DYLLYN ^^aTcS**- 0 *- Fifth week, Zlegfeld's Follies, New Amsterdam Har^ma BrosTPollsjAs Pat* N.' J. Theatre, New York. Still letting Brr oHlap me. Hb^. Bert Orpheum. N. Y L C., Jury 2-4. PHILADELPHIA m New Jersey Central EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR Prom Liberty St., 7 A. II. to 10 P. ji and at Midnight with. Sleepers' 10 MINUTES OF THE HOUR From W. 83d St. TOUR WATCH IS TOUR TIMS TADLK Consult P. W. HXROY, E. P. A*t 144Q BROADWAY. NEW Y ORK ' Reiser. Convoy ft Co., NUon, Phlla. Keltons (3), Poll's Palace, Springfield, Mas, Kendall ft Castelucqi, Prlscilla, Cleveland - —— -. jtv — . «sx Kingston. Chester, Temple, Detroit a^rs^B^Silf^Stowa.. ^"can 31816 " < 6 >' **»* Park. Men- Klnkald Players, Empress, Tacoma, Wash. HaJUgan ft Sykee. Temple, Detroit Herveys, Plying. OrpHcuni OaHan*. CM. Havlland ft Thornton, Forest Part Highlands, St. Louis, Mo. __ Hall, Bob, Empress, Kansas City. No. Harry ft Partner, Unique, Minneapolis. HaWen ft Fuller. Empress, San Fran., tai. Harbya (3), Empress, ITacoma. Wash. HaHen ft Burt, Lyric, Calgary. Can. HARVEY JTRIO Poll Time rpDeuit. . InoXlnlte. Hatrls,'8am, Shubert, Bkln., July 2-4 BMna7ttltneT6le»D"N7 Y. indefinite. Hall. Oeo.F., Boulevard^N^V. C,_Jnry 2-4. Edwards. Tom, London, Ens KELLY#GALV1K Direction BDOAR AL.LEK Edmonds Win., ft Co.. Lincoln Sq, N. Y. C, Halsey ft Boyia Palace, Hartford. Conn. 29-July 1; Orpheum. N. Y. C, 2-4. _ City, 0-8; Trinidad. 9-11. ^ Edwards, Gus Co.. Morrison's. Roctaway, Hagane (4), GrecJys, Portland, Me. Beach N. Y. Egaa. Joe M., ft Dogs, Concord, N. H., July 2-4; Qulncy Mass., 4-8. Els ft French, Hammersteln's. N. Y. C "Bldrldge, Lieut.," Forsythe. Atlanta 0a. "Eloping.' Forsythe, Atlanta Qa. i«>HALLEN>ndBURTv« Direction JOSEPH R. BM Hakey 4 Boys, Pataee. Hartford, Conn. Hao-rfs Bros., Colonial, Chicago. Kilduff, May, Pantagea'. Great Falls, Mont ".Kissing Girls," Delancey St, N. Y. C. July 1; Shubert. Bkln.. 2-4. •.ID- Hail ft Norwood, Princess. Paul. Mina. I AIITnll illllllAnil t-ooper ft illcardo, Pnntages', Vancouver ASHTONandMUNSON &sr ^^rtHss^'k The Billy Sunday of Vaudeville Pnlted Time . DlrecUon JOE BARB1S Cor Ray, Temple, Detroit. Corldlnls Animals, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Conlln, Bay. Orpheum. Seattle, Wash, t'oakland, MoBrlde ft Mllo, Empress, Los Angeles, Cal. Copeland. Les, Empress, St. Paul, Minn. Cook & Rothert, McVlcker's, Chicago. Cook, Joe, Empress, Vancouver, Can. Cooper & Hlcardo, Pantagea', Vancouver, Can. in. Kansis Hldrfdge, Fred.. Hammersteln's, N. Y. C Ellls-Nowlan ft Co., Orpheum, Ogden, C. Bltryon. Myrtle, Bijou, Boston Bmmett, " 2! . EhiKllsh Bnrlght ft Stone. Hartford, Hartford, Conn. Hcrshey, Sells-Floto Shows. English Operetta Co., Gt Northern Hipp., Herman, At, Empress, Denver. Chicago. Hemdrlci's 'Belle late* Co., Pantagea', Van- Klndler, Dave, Proctor's 125th St, N. Y. C, July 2-4. Kingston ft Ebner, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y. Kirk ft Fogarty, Keith's, Atlantic Otv. Kimball ft Burton Co., Prlscilla, Cleveland. KJelst, Paul, ft Co., Gt Northern Hipp., Chi- cago. WILLCONLEY ^^riiot 6,"r" c ' ^h&£^%^t» KNIGHT and BENSON «,-■....«——w^._—... English Wty.Trjo. Majestic. Chicago. _ ..definite.. .. _. , ___ smi-HHMl ««« "WWH IB VAIDF.VILLE DIBKCTION ED. KEALEY Ernie ft Ernie, Keith's, Philadelphia. oouver. Can. Espe, A], ft Paul, Empress, Babcock, Mont. t ESPE * PAUL Hsrfayg. JD0OLER OF ARTILLERY AND COMEDIAN This Week, Empress, Winnipeg. Korman, Fred Palace. N. Y. C Kramers The. Temple. Detroit Heta Khte. Colonial, Logawport, tad,. July K^^-fc^lrniw'fitaaaTioUa. YES, A SISTER ACT, BUT DIFFERENT. Archer & Belford, Poll's Palace, Springfield, Mass. Ash. Sam, Empress, Vancouver, Can. of Light, Morrison's. Rockaway "Aurora Beach, N. Y. Australian Woodchoppers, Orpheum Fran., Cal, CROSBY. SCOTT Evans, Billy ft Clara, U. S. Music Hall, Chi- cago. Farber Girls, Ramona Park, Grand Rapids, Mich. Falceas (3), Empress, San Fran., Cat ADELAIDE HERRJIil IN VAUDEVILLE ., Chicago. oy, N. Y.. Hermln^ Lewis, & Co., Keith's, Cincinnati. HelaisTHaTry, Dodgevllle. Wis., July 6-11. Faachon Sisters. White City Hipp., Chicago. Hill ft Acierman. Moss Tour. England. "HICK" "COP" San Avolos, Musical (4), Yongc's. Toronto, Can. Azard Bros., New Brighton, Brighton Bcacb. I N. Y. Azard, Paul, Trio, Empress, Salt Lake, U. and PUGLIA i "BAYES ff Baker Belle, Music Hall. Brighton Beach, Bailey,' Vlnle, Fontaine Ferry Park, Louis- ville. Barton, 6am, Bast End Park, Memphis, Tenn. Barrows ft Mllo, Forest Park Highlands, Bt. Louis. _^____^__ CLARA BALLERINI TUB I DON'T CAUK OF TUB AIR UN1TKD TIME. Bachman, Cbas., ft Co., Empress, Portland, Ore. ■Ilanawa's, Count, Circus, White City Hipp., Chicago. Basy Uusslan Troupe, Pantages', Tacouia, Wash. Barnes ft Barron, Pontages'. Victoria, Can. ilalohelor. Horry, Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., July 2-4. NATO. HARRY BAKER and O'NEAL ; "THE CENSUS TAKER" Bntdon, Frank. Isls. Wallace, Idaho July 1-4. ; l'tkcr Nellie, PrlBcllln, Cleveland. Bcnos, Aerial, Republic, Los Angeles, Cal. Berg IJros., Palace, Ualcghcad, Ting.; Boro, Wnllsend-on-Tyue. July 0-18; VnrlctlCB. Olillium, July 20-25; Pavilion, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2T-Aug. 15. , "lleaulles, The," New Brighton, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Bedlnl ft Arthur, Hnmmerstcln's, N. Y. C. Hcii'i'iiH The, Majestic, Chicago. Bernsteiu, Eugene, Forest I'ark Ulghlands, St. Louis Mo- EDGAR BEBGDB PHENOMENAL HAND BALANCER Booked by Western VamdavUle Assn. . ■! Bcrlus, Clem, & Co., Empress, Los Angeles, Cnl. Belle ft Jones, Pantnges'. Spokane, Wash. Bernard, Anna, Boulevard, N. Y. C, 20-July 1. "Between Trains," 7th Ave., N. Y. C, July 2-4. Bennett, Plerco & Atwcll, Lyric, Hoboken, N. J., July 2-4. Berlins, Cycling, Gordon's Olympla, Boston. Belmont, Grace, Gordon's Olympla. Bostou. j.eruurd ft Bernard, East Knu Park, Mem- phis, Tcnu. Bernard, Flnncrty & Mitchell, Keith's, Cin- clunatt. Bells, Musical, Chester Park, Cincinnati. Bison City Pour, Empire, Glasgow, Scotland; Empire, Liverpool, Eng., July 0-11. Illmis ft Bert, Keith's. Bostou. Bingliaiu ft Gable, White City Rathskeller, Chicago. Bolses (4). Empire, Johannesburg, So. Africa, tiutll July 18 ; Empire, Durban, So. Africa. July 20-Ang. 1. Bowers, Walters ft Crooker. Her Majesty's, Sydney, Australia, tiidcHnlto. Bouncer Billy, HnmnicrBtelu'B, N. Y. C. •Bobby ft Dale, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y. Bowoiau Bros., Orpheum, Jacksonville, Flo., July 2-4. 'Boothby ft Evcrdeen, Poll's, Palace, Spring- Held, Mass. Bowers, Fred V., & Co,, Keith's, Atlantic City. Bragg ft Bragg. Spangler's Show, Mllroy, Pa.: Potter's Mills, July 0-11. Bma Harry, Now Brighton, Brighton Beach, FRED &MINITA BRAD Mgt. Q. A. POUCHOT, Palace Biag.,N.V. ■Bryan, Summer & Co., Temple, Detroit. Brooks & Bowen, Morrison's, Rocknway Bench, N. Y. Bronsou ft Baldwin, Orpheum, Onklnnd, Cal. llrower, Waller. Empress, Butte, Mont. Brownies (3>, Empress, Winnipeg, Can. llnmettes. Cycling I'autnges', Oakland, Cal. Brown ft Jackson, Savoy, San Diego, Cal, "WOP" Material By WILLIAM SI8TO, the Italian Statesman Cross & Josephine, Empire, London, Bng., Indefinite. Croighton, Bertha, Co., Music Hall, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Crouch ft Welch, Ramona Park, Grand ltaplds. Mich. "Criminal, The," Babcock, Mont Crapo, J. E., & Co., Savoy, Ban Diego, Cal. Crollus, Dick, It Co., 7th Ave, N. Y. C, 29- July 1; Columbia, Bkln., 2-4. Cromwells, Aerial, Orpheum, Boston, July 2-4. Crowley, May, BIJou, Boston. Cullen, James, Orpheum, Loa A ngeles, Cal. Evelyn mmm IN VAUJUKVILL^ Cutty, BUxabcth, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. C.„ July Cunningham, Evelyn. Fulton, Bkln., July 2-4. Cushman ft Le Rot, llljou, Boston, Curtis, Julia, Henderson's, Coney Island. N. V. "Cupid Doctor, The," Hartford, Hartford, Conn. Dare Bros., 8ohmer Park, Montreal, Can. D'Arvltle. Jeanettc, Montreal Can, Indefi- nite. Davis, Ethel, ft Co., Pantages'. Lob Angeles, Cal. Daniels & Conrad, Greeley Sq., N. Y. C, 20- July 1; Orpheum. N. Y. C, 2-4. DavlB ft MnttbowB. Dclancey St., N. Y. C, 20-July 1; American, N. Y. C, 2-4. Damann, Carl, Troupe, Lincoln Sn., N, Y. C, 20-July 1 : Amerleon, N. Y. C. 2-4. "Dance of Temptation," Hammersteln's, N. Y. C. De Groote ft Langtry. Casino, Charlotte, N. C, indefinite. DELPHIKO and DEHOR! in a SCENIC COMEDY MUSICAL NOVELTY. Perm, address, CLIPPER Rcleney, Eddie, Salem Park, Salem, N. J. Dcrkln's Dogs, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, N. Y. De Mar. Grace, Hammersteln's, N. Y, C. De Leon ft Davis, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cai. Do Young, Rose, Proctor's 125th St, N. Y. C„ Jnly 2-4. Demarest ft Doll. Orpheum, Ogden, U. Debars, The, McVlcker's. Chicago. Rose De Young THE MILLION DOLLAR DOLL. IN VAUDEVILLE. Dt-foggi, Louise, Pantages', Great Falls, Mont De Armo, Pantages'. Los Angeles. CaL De Vltt ft De Vltt, Pantages'. Ban Fran., Cal. Docrfoot, Bombay, Pantages', Spokane, Wash. Pelmore ft Lee, Pantages'. Spokane, Wash. be Long. Maldle, Pantages'. Seattle, Wash. De Haven Sisters ft Nice, American, N, Y. C. 20-July 1: BIJou. Bkln., 2-4. Dcane. Dora, ft Co.. 7th Ave.. N. Y. C, 29- July 1: Delancey St.. N. Y. C. 2-4. Do Lisle, Juggling. 7th Ave.. N. Y. C, July De" Winters. Grace, BIJou. Bkln.. July 2-4. "Devil's Mate,'' Gordon's Olympla, Boston. De Rcnso ft La Due, Sobmcr Park, Montreal, Can. ANITA DIAZ MONKEYS IN VAUDEVIUI De Lorls, Dick, Unique, Minneapolis. July 0- Dickinson, "Rube," Music Hall, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Dixon ft Dixon, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. C. 29- July 1; IHJou, Bkln., 2-4. Dixon, Frank, Proctor's 125th St, N. Y. C, July 2-4. Dixon Sisters (3), Orpheum, Boston, July J-4. "Dolly's Dolls," Pantogcs', Edmonton, Can. Dotsnn ft Gordon. Pontages', Los Angeles, l nl. Dooley 4 Evelyn, Youget, Toronto, Can, Palcoal Opera Co., Proctor's, July 2-4. Ferrer, Carmellta, Hammersteln's. N. Y. C. Feelcy, Maud, ft Co., Lyric. Newark. N. J--. July 2-4. Felix, George, Music Hall, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Flnloy, Bob, ft Girls. Pantages'. Oakland. "Fighter ft the Boss, The," National. N. Y. a. July 2-4. Mtzglibon, Rert, Keith's. Boston. Fldello, Keith's. Cincinnati. Flynn. Kitty, Empress. Spokane, Wash, Flynn. Josle, ft Co.. Nixon. Phlla. Ford ft Hewitt. Keith's, Phlla. B. KELLY FORREST PRESIDENT OF THE HOBO'S UNIONS *%"• ^ffTi*' * Partner ' V 01 *** 1 ' «» HQl ft Wldtaker Orpheum. Oakland, Cal. Hlgglns John, Colonial, Ch'cago, Ju'y 2A. Hip. Little, 4 Napoleon PanUges'. Victoria, Can. Hippodrome Four, American. N. Y. C, 29- July 1; Bijou. Bkln., 2-4. Hilton ft Wyre 7th Ave., N. Y. C. 29-July 1: Boulevard, N. Y. C, 2-4. Hogan, Oub, Bmle Marks Co. Mae Hold en THE ELECTRIC SPARK This Week, Ehhett's Field Houston, Henry, Touring Australia, Indefi- nite. Howard, Cbas.. ft Co., Henderson's, Coney Island. N. Y. Kreator, Colonial. Logansport Ind., July 24. Knmry, Bush ft Robinson, Pantages', Sin Fran. Cal. La Itaub ft Scottle, Coburn's Mliutrels. La Fleur, Joe. Rlngllng Bros.' Shows. Lancton Lucler ft Co., Orpheum, Oakland, CaL Lai Mbn Kim, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. La Croix, Paul, Orpheum. Seattle, Wash Lampe. Wxo., ft Co., Empress, Seattle, Wash. La Deodtma Empress. Seattle. Wash, Marie La Varre HUT COMEDIENNE Haven't you met me t If not—why not! "Last Laugh, The," Greeley Sq.. N. Y. C, Jnly 2-4. Landry Bros., Shubert, Bkln., July 2-4. I.a Velr, John, Liberty. Bkln.. July 2-4. La Mont .Bert, ft Co., Victoria Palace, Lon- don, Eng. Lamb's Manikins Keith's. Cincinnati. Lazarus. Harry. Music Ball, Brighton Beaeb, N. Y. Lareen-Cross Co.. Olympic Buffalo. Larkln ft Burns, Gt. Northern Hipp., CM- DIRECTION BILLY ATWELL La fell Bros., Orpheum, Yonkera, N. Y.; Proctor's 128th St, N. Y. C, July 9-8. BESSIE L[ COIIIT ■——— — . Foster.' Jock. White City Rathskeller, Chi- Hooper' ft'"cobk*"poirr PaTac'e/Vr'tagfieM, ^'^f ^alter^^o ^fth's Boston** G *' Foy, Eddie, ft Family, Orpheum, Los Angeles, "Four of a Kind" Empress, Salt Lake City, U. Hoyt'a, Ad., Minstrels. Empress, Winnipeg, Can. Howard, Eddie ft Co. Lyric Calgary. Can. "Honey Girls" Palace. N. Y. C. Holden. Great. Palisades I'ark, N. J. cago Forber ft Thclon, Colonial, Losansport, Ind., July 2-4. 1 MOT'S MINSTRELS Le Brun Duo, Majestic, Chicago. Lester, Harry B., Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cat. " , American, N. Y. C, 29- Leonard ft Alrin July L Foo, Arllng, Lyric. Newark, N. J.. July 2-4. Foslell ft Eaunett Pittsburgh. i i iiu i u iimiiu it_i_u t tti — • m v « j ». »- r. m F °Clty Mtch 8 ' " a BDaCh Ca8ta0 '. B » y Pl»Tlng Marcus Uew-Sulllv.n-CoMldlnc OhTult U J^H! Uncoto°Sq N Y^ IV ' — - Hoch. Emll 4 Co.. Shea's, Baffalo. !<ewls ft Burnsmore, Keith's. Boston. Hoshi Troupe Colonial Chicago. Lester ft Moure, Proctor's, Troy, N. Y, Jnly Hurley. Frank J., Portland. Portland, He- - 2-4 - July 2-4: Music Hall. Lewlston, 6-8. Hutchinson Wlllard. ft Co. rantrigps' Wlnnl- HENRY FREY THE OBRMAN SOUSE BIO HIT EVERYWHERE Francis, Emma, ft Arabs, Keith's, Boston. Frlgnnsa, Trlxie, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Francis, Kitty, ft "Co., American, M. Y. C, 29-July 1; Fulton. Bkln., 2-4. Francis; Mae, Columbia, Bkln.. July 2-4. MAE FRANCIS THE FASHION PLATE GIRL. .In Vaudeville. peg. Can. Hunter 4 Davenport. Proctor's 68th St. N. Y. C, July 2-4. Lo Roy ft Harvey, Proctor's. Troy, N. Y., July 2-4. Le Fcvre, Marie, Lyric, Newark, N. J.. July 2-4. Le Roy ft Cahlll, Shea's, Buffalo. Hughes, Mrs. Gene, ft Co., Keith's, Atlantic Le Clair John. Htp., Atlantic City, City. Lrroy, Joate, Oly; Hyatt ft Le Nore, Clarksburg, W. Va., In- L,eb - Herman, & . definite. 29-July 1: Lincoln Sq., N. Y. *0, 2-4. Leroy, josle, 6lympic, Buffalo. ft Co.. BoulevardV N.. Y. C Hyde, Andrew, ft Co., Proctor'9 55th St N. Mttlejohn, NUon, Phlla. Y. C;. July 2-4. Ideal. Poll's Palace, Springfield, Miss. Imhoff, Conn & Coreene, Ljrlc, Birmingham, Ala. PRINCESS INDITA Golvln, Wallace, Majestic, Chicago. Gardiner Trio. Orpheum, San Fran., Cal, Gardner, Grant, Empress, Portland, Ore. Gargonls (5). Pantages'. Oakland, Cal. G&llcrlni Four, Pantages, Victoria, Can. Gnlland, Gertrude, Colonial, Chicago, Jnly Preseatlnar by permission of U. S. Gov- 2-4. ernment her Sematlonal, Darinar Gerard ft West, New Brighton, Brighton SNAKE DANCE, a ttance sacred vrltfi Bench. N. Y. her people, tbe "M oguls" of Arizona. Georges (2), Empress. Sacramento, CaL SAM GILDER The Original Lone Star Minstrel. U. B. O. TIME. Direction HARRY RAPF, Glbaon. Jack ft Jessie, Pantages', Seattle, Jarvls I Harrison, Forsythe. Atlanta, Ga. Wash. Jackson Family, Babcock, Mont Glrard, Harry, ft Co., Pantages', Tacoma. Jewell's Manikin Wash. Lloyds, Aerial Majestic, Chicago. Lloyd ft Redding, New Portland, Portland. Me., July 2-4. Loekett ft Waldron Hammersteln's, N. Y. C. London, Louis, Boulevard, N, Y. O, 29-July 1: Fulton, Bkln.. 2-4. Lazier. Don, Lyric. Newark, N. J., Jury 2-4. Lorraine ft Dudley, Henderson's, Coney Isl- and, N. Y. Lunette Slstersc, Ebbett's Field. Bkln. Lydell. Rogers ft Lydell. Keith's, PhUa. Lynch, Dirk, Empress, San Fran., Cal. Lynch ft Zeller, Proctor's, Elisabeth, N. J.. July 2-4. MacFarlane, George, New Brighton Brighton Beach N. Y. . , Ionian, Billy, ft Co., Unique. MlnneapoUs. Marrlnertl ft Sylvester Hammorsteln's N. Y. C. Iremenaa (2), Lyric, Hoboken, N. J„ July Manchurlans Marvelous, ltamona Park, Grand 2-4. mm Rapids, Mich. Irine, Family, Indianapolis, Ind., July 2^. =_ — ■■■■■ , 'rnd s e fl n^ agon : 3 ^ De Virt &t °* c °" ELISABETH HATNE Jackson, Joe, 'Hnmmcrstetn's, N._ Y. C. Personal Direction FRANK BOHJI s, Pantagea', Vancouver, Marconi Bros. (8). Ramona Park, Grand Glbbe v & Rafferty, Henderson's, Coney Island, Jeanette's Elephants, Gt. Northern Hipp., Martyne*'Eddie,' Orpheum, Jacksonville, Fla., N ' Y ' ; _ c " ca « <) ' ^_ m _ 20-July 1; Bijou. Savannah. Ga.. 2-4. " Johnson, Great, Orpheum. Ogden. O. MocRae ft Clogs Sohmer Pork, slontraal, Jordan, Anna, ft Co., Proctor's, Elltaheth, N. Can. J., July 24. Marie, Dainty, Orpheum, Soa Fron., Cal. . JOlson, Harry, Pantages', Tacoma, Wash. Matvem Comlques, Empress, Seattle. Wash. Johnson, Mabel, Lincoln Sq, NT Y. C. 20- Majestic Musical Four, Empress, Spokme, July 1: National. N. Y. C. 2-4. Wash. Joyce ft West, JJncote So., NY. C, 29- July "Magpie ft The Jay, The," Greeley So,. N. Y. Golden. Claude, Brighton Beach Music Hall 1: Boulevard, N Y. C.. 2-4. C. 29-July 1; American,.N. Y. C, 2-4. Brighton Beach, N. Y., July Ml, Kaufman^ Reba ft Inei, Touring So, America, Maxinoff Troupe, Grooley Sq. N. Y. C, July Gonnley ft Caffrey, Lyric, Rlrmlngham, Ala. Indefinite. 2-4. KM&fft^w^nd.^«« t Lo.An«l« Mwechab, OBve. Bijou, Boston. Ksasmerer ft Howlano, Emprcas, Los Angeles. Mnglln, E-ddy ft Boy, Colonial, Phlla. - MacDonald, Dr, ft Co.. Nixon, Phlla. Mack ft Caiwm, Lyric, Nawark, N. J-, Joly Marine <5). Proctor's 58th St, N. July 2-4. CHAELIE GILLEN MUSICAL DIRECTOR Fulton Theatre, - - Brooklyn, 11. T Gossans. Bobby, Showboat ClarksvUle, Mo. wnniey a vanrey, i.yric, mrmingDam, Gordon, Paul, Orpheum, Oakland, CaL GORDONrand 60RDQN Groat Falls. NOVELTY, ACROBATIC, CONTORTIONISTS Permanent Address, N. Y. CLIPPER. Godfrey 4 Henderson, Pantagea', Seattle, Wash. Golden, Morris, American, N. Y. C, 29-July 1 ; Delancey St., N. Y. C, 2-4. GorodcUky, BIJou, Boston. Gordon, Harry, Hartford, Hartford, Conn. Gruber's Animals, Bhea's, BuHalo. Granat, Louis, Emprcas, Kansas City, Mo. Rays, Flying (8), Pautages', Mont KallnowsM Bros.. Pantages ', Portland Ore. JAMIE KELLY Always Working Kelly ft Mack Virginia, Chicago. Indefinite. Kenton. Dorothy, Lyric, Birmingham, Ala. Keno, Walsh ft Melrose, Keith's, Phlia Greeno. Mollcnry ft Deane, Empress, Salt Kent, Annie, Orpheum, Lob Angeles. Csl. Lake City, U. g" 11 ". Cbas., Pantages', Portland, Ore. hclsey. Joe, Colonial, Phlla. 8INGLB x> SINGLE OOIIBOIVI MURPHY BATING REGULAR. Signed with Bnrlesqae neat Season. Gray. Mary, Empress, Sacramento, Cal, Urecn ft lenton, Hartford, Hartford, Conn. Grlnumer, Toby, PriscUla, Clcvelnnd. Gnornpy, l.conn, Pnntngos", Portland, Ora U-.KrrliiBton, Wilbur, ft Co. Auditorium, Bon Htminniluo. Onl., July 2-5; Cktllseum, ltce- nix. Ails., July 7-12.' y. a. McAllister ft Thorps. Proctor B8th St, V. Y. C July 2-4. , , Macks, Dancing. Proctor's. Elizabeth, N; J.. July 2-4. Maacagnls, Les, Proctor's 68th St. N. Y. C, July 2-4. Mack ft Williams, Musk Hall, Brighton Beach. N. Y. Martin ft BiSott Oree'rys, Portlanfl, Me. Mnye ft Addis. Gt. No.-llrern Hrpp., Chicago. Marnell, Dancing, Prlscilla, Cleveland. .... m . ^i Sightliness and Wearing Qualities ate what you find in the « B al" XX Proiessional Trunk That accounts for to almost universal use amonp theatrical folk. WILLIAM BAL, Inc. t 146 West 46th Street Agents: j New York City Hack Trunk Co. lOg So. Alain St., Memphis, Tenn. Victor Tr-onk Co. 74 Ellis St., San Francisco