The New York Clipper (July 1914)

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July 4 I How to make your skin fine in texture If the delicate pores of your skin have become enlarged and coarsened, it ii because of cleansing methods un- suited to your (kin. As a result, the pores have lost their power to contract and expand as they should* You can restore them to their nor- mal healthy condition and rebuild a smooth-textured skin by persistent use of the Woodbury treatment below. Begin this treatment tonight Juit before retiring, dtp yoir w.ih cloth In Terr warm water and hold It to four lice. Now take the cake of Woodbury's Ficlil Soap, dip it In (be bowl of waier and rub the cake itself over roar akin. Leave tha alight coating of toap on for a few ruinate* until the ikin feels diawn and dry. Then dampen the skin and rub the aoap }o gcntlr with an upward and outward motion. RioHthe race thoroughly, first in tepid water, then la (old. Whenever posaible, rub the face with a piece of ice. AI win drv carelullv. Uie thli treitment periiarently for ten dart and your akin will ihow.a marked improvement—- i promise of that greater smoothnets and finer teiture that the steady use of Woodbury's always brings. Woodbury's Facial Soap costs 25c a cake. No one hesitates at the price after their ftrst cake. Tear oat the illustration of the cike be- low and pst it in vour purse aa a reminder to get Woodbury's and try this treatment tonight. Woodbury's Facial Soap For sale by dialers everywhere throughout the United States and Canada Write today for samples for 4e at Kill .iui i JtadaMumW tend aiamplt cake, f. 1BH W SF SSTrwJ For 10c, tamvlta of /.\.T^_nnBSBns£L^. . TFood6ui7'« racial Siap, Facial dream and Powder, Ad. dreit Ths Anarsas , Jsr(sns Co., Deft. I Hi-U Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, O, III CANADA, address the Andrew Jertens Co., Ltd.Dcpt.KSG Perth.Ontario MKB&MtlCflDRS, BJBJSV BJBJ MX 1 »f* Om machine earned 817,048 in 29 wkf.. 1»W On* machine Mined 116,892 in 2i wkf-, 1W» Om machine earned $10,017 In 27 wka., 1901 Om machine earned 112,162 In 27 «rka, lew One machine earned *l 0,8*2 in 21 wka., 190) Om machine earned 118,521 in 2« wkx, 101( Om machine earned $20,188 In 62 wka, l»r 'Above agnraa will be verified to cnetomera' 0. W. PAHKBR UsTtawortk. Kat SNAKE SHOWS I am the Largest Dealer of Snakes In the World U Yon Want Value Received Order from He Mixed Fixed Dene, $10 and up CHINESE DRAGONS ON HAND. A Trial Order Is the Best Convincer W. A. SNAKE KING Brownsville, Texas Weird and Strange Creatures Alive CHINESE DRAGONS, WAPQN60S, $7.50 to $6.00 each GILA MONSTERS, $4.00 to $8.00 each MIXED FIXED SNAKES, $10.00 Dens and up W. A. (Snake) K INO, Brownsville,Tex WHEELlHRDir WILLIAM BARTEL8 CO., J2-U CorUand 9L, N. Y Hake $10,00 to $35.00 Dally-Machine, Ink and Directions, 60c. TATTOOW G-Art of Tattooing, 80c. Tattoo Remover. Now Caln- logue Free. THE REBEC MKfi. CO., Cedar Kapid*, Iowa. SIM AKES tio.oo for 6 Pine or Turtle Head Snakes, assorted, 4 to 8 foot long; also have Pjthona, Hulls, Rattlers and other snakes, Monkeys, Birds, Small animals. J. HOPE. SS N. Ninth St., Philadelphia. ENLARGED AND BEAUTIFIED MOUQUIN'S 6ii An., let. 271k ai. 28th Sis., New Yon HOST POPULAR FHK!»cn RJB8TATJHAHT PARIBUS OAWB x :: MUSIC 8 JO TO 1 A. M. "THEOLD RELIABLE" PLANT.ErTS B LACK C * C CAPSULES iFonCATARRH ^DISCHARGES] THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 21 HAGENBECK-WALLACE CIRCUS* (Special to Tna Cuter raj _ «Lom, III., Jnne 23. ,„™ two special trains carrying the llarenbeck- Wallace Shows arrived bere 8im3ay jnorninf Just «t church time, and were greeted by sn Immense throng at the Milwaukee A 8t. PtuI fnl«rbt ysrds. It la needless to say that many church pews were empty, and there was only a very small attendance at the Sunday school!. The customary Saturday Bight's dance was omitted, at La Porte, Ind„ on account of that cliy being so near Chicago many of the employees of the allow took the 11.80 p. k. train for Chi- cago and other nearby towns, to spend Sunday with relatives and friends, consequently only a •mall number of the bis circus folks spent Sun- day here. About 4.80 T. x., Sunday, a severe electrical storm struck Elgin, and among the damage done won tho Mowing down of ont, cook tent and one horse tent full of bones '194), hot not a i«erson nor a single hone, fortunately, was hurt, but, of course, caused a great deal of excitement for a few minutes. The elephants, camels and sebras wers hurried oat Into the opening to prevent a stampede. They were taken to tho can and housed for tie night Some of the stoves toppled over la the cook tent Today the meals were cooked at a great Inconvenience. Tbe beasts In the menagtrle were least dhdurbed, but they were all In an uproar. Tho "big top" was not erected until this morning so was not damaged. Tula Is the ant time In yean that Elglu ha* had two oj.ys of circus excitement at one time. With bauds playing, bones prancing, clowiio shouting and the calliope "tooting" the street parade moved through our down town streets at 10 o'clock. The streets were Crowded with men, women and children, and the parade was greatly enjoyed. Almost capacity business greeted tt.-« show at both performances to-day, nnd to say that the entire performance made a great bit In Elgin Is but putting It mildly. It would take too much space to enumerate the features of the lierformance, but the show wss substantially the same as presented at the Oollseum at the opening of the season. There were many visitors here to-day from Chi- cago and other places. The trolley and railroad lines bringing crowds from nearby places. Tho attaches of the show also had many vlsltora who were seen on all aides, and re-unlons were held. Among the visitors were: Ed. Ballard of French Lick, Inn.; W. V. Qulnn. of Chicago'; J. B. Warreu, of Chicago | Walter F. Driver and J. C. Neumaii, of the United States Teut ami Awn- ing Or,.; Pnnl Gourard ami wife, of Chicago; John Miller, of Chicago; Samuel Harris, a movlm; lilcluro man. of Philadelphia; Mrs, Dsvennort. mother of "Stick" and Emma Davenport; Chas. McCterrcn end O. H. Powell, of Chicago; A. J. Leonard, of Philadelphia, mid Building Inspector Olson, of Chicago. Manager Charles Cory was net here Sunday, on account of having been called from South Bend. Ind., to Kansas City, on account of the "death of a relative. However, he was here to-night, and most cordially greeted the representative of Tub Old Rslublk Up to 8 o'clock Walter Cochrane, of Chicago, had not put In an appearance. Aa Mr. Cochrane has the reputation of never missing a circus, ihe management was unable to understand why Ooeli- rnne had not shown up to receive greetings from nls many friends with the show. Business, according to Interviews with the man- agement. Is up to that of last year—in some esses where they played lust yesr It wao even better. Two of the big shows are opposing them —■flirtillns them at South Bend, Ind., and Bock- ford, 111., and they expert other opposition as they move further Into the middle West, but flo dirty work is being done. The show plays Perry. Is., the home town of General Agent Harvey, on July 4. and his town folks will have the pleasure of witnessing a high class circus performance by some of the best talent In the country. The show Is moving Into some excellent terri- tory—will play as far West only ss Lincoln, Neb. Messrs. Cory t Talbot expressed themselves, when bidding tout representative good-bye to-night, with on treatment accorded them on all sides In Elgin, and will always remember their visit here with much pleasure, keeping Elgin on the good list for future bookings. Elgin will always uecord the Hagenbeck-Wallace Show a cordial re- ception whenever It visits this city, ss every- !»oily is pleased with the show. Uncle Btn Wallace vlsitel the show nt Logans- port, Ind., on 18, comlug over from Peru, In!., for the dcy. Of course, he was Terr welcome. Tho Hagenbeck-Wallace Show spend Sunday, 28, at Daunport, la. W. A. Atkins. "MGENBEa-WALlACE'S SCAHDAL1ZER." BX OAS. ("The clown with the tnnny whlallet. Then art all Us own.") Liua, O., June 14. The day of rest at last "Pis Lima. O, and sonic lown. Arrived In town with the rising sun. All our baseball fans are off to Defiance to see our team play the Elks. Here's me, Bar- rvlta, our fanny clown, played a Joke on himself and missed the chartered car. He should worry about a mere trldc like that It will only cost him a few extra greens. He will never miss that out of his 8300 per week. Our dear old Capt. O'Wesley Is surely some good fellow. He Is sup- plying some of the boys with free lemonade 1 wonder what Is the cause of this generosity? Al. West, our Paris green clown, and Rabbi Guttcn- berg had a sham battle to-day in the dressing room. They used water buckets for ammunition. Our boys don't seem to like Lima as a Sunday recreation town. Well, they certainly make a mistake. Liua, O., Juue IS.—Off for our morning's con- stitutional again. My but we got an early start to-day. Big crowd to look us over. This Is some clean town. Plenty of laundries. Well, our ball team did the same thing over again, beaten by a score of 5 to 2. Why should they care. The Pllks treated them like a bunch of royal princes. Kd. Rounds baa failed as a fight promoter, bis bouts tor the Fourth of July have been canceled. The pleasure of our matinee was marred by a little girl coming In contact of a shoe that flew off one of our flat races and cut her In the face. Did you ever bear of a coon being killed by getting hit on the head with a bull. Well, today, tine of those devils in his own home town did the rush net of putting one In toe land of the hapuy hunting grounds. Jvxn 10, Fort Wayne, Ind.—Late again. Will our hired help ever get here? No can, so It's a case of walk. Don't worry for It's nice ami cool, and you can work up a good appetite for breakfast. As I live, there la the brewery and grave yard all on the same grounds. Some wise rube Is' live proprietor, owns both. Gets the money to All them with the boote and also gets the change to fill the cemetery with the boobs. No drinking water to-day. they keep a meter on It In this town, so we get something to drink looks like orange Juice. Some excitement In the pande, a horse look one look st Al. West, our I'nrls green clown, and then dashed down the entire length of the parade. Did a hero nearly slop tho runaway? Oh, yes I Itabhl Guttenlierg smiled the poor beast on Ihe nose with his little whip. JUNK IT, Huntington, Ind.—Early in town at last, with nice warm weather and a back to nature lot Our friend, Zip Hardly. Is Jealous because Edgencr's goose has Ihe honor of bearing the name of Bill, the same as his own. This mom- Inn; the goose bit Zip on the hand Just !e see It be was olive. Sotno show town this. Biggest crowd lu two weeks. At last the bill team won a game. Score, 11 to 0. Pete, the Bible says "Thou shalt not ramble." Wby not follow the golden rule. Hint IS, Logaosnort, Ind.—Another warm 'lay ami a race track for our big top layout. Some luck. Plenty of time to rest. Parade over at 11.30; no dinner bell till 12.30. A sirsy mongrel hit a little girl In the face while she was watch- ing Hie horses feed. Harvey Johnson is the popular b>y to-iliy It's a case of "Is Harvey around?" "DIJ von see Johnson?" sod "Where's Mr. Johnson?" Ills friends are surelv In town to-day. Juttn 10, South Bend, Ind—Rain, for our special benefit, before we arise. Cleared off for breakfast, and a short Jaunt to the grounds. Some town to-day tor the boose fighters, three m loons to each block. Some crowd out to give us the once over. The population of this town looks like a dish oaf chop sney, a little bit of every- thing. StudetMker, of automobile fame, has some beautiful house In town. Boys, If you want to get married, this la the town; three women lo every man. Juki 20, La Porte, Ind.—Something surely Is going; to happen, the tents are up early again. Hut what's the use of hurrying in a town liko this. It putt me la mind of Oarnarsle. Aa I live, it's time to cash In at the big white wagon. Sure enough there's Doc Springer and Duncan on the Job again, ready to take the apsre change and old pennies. What's all the hustle and hurry to-day. Oh I everybody's going to Sunday in Chi- cago. "Harrella," here's me, baa a new clown gag. takes a poolroom sleep every night, free of charfe. SPAMC y SHOW NOTES. BT rLRCBSa SMITH. The ball team is proving a winner both financial- ly and otherwise. This early In the season Manager Waller Otnce has declared a dividend. and all of the stockholders have been paid back their original Investment. Friday the team played a full nine Inning game against the Wln- throp, Minn., team, winning, with Clifton Spurks pitching, 10 to 8. Saturday the boys were up against a strong club at Madison, end an Sparks wis being saved for the Sunday game, Connors pitched. He was poorly supi»rted by the "subs," nnd the tame team won in to 0. Sunday, at Canny, a crowd of elx hnndred fans saw th'; local team go <lcwa In n rood game. In to 2. Sparks pitched gilt-edge brill, and struck out fourteen men. He allowed onlr four hits. The regular team was la the field. Green catching and Bart- lelt at short. The boys batted hard, ami Bart- lett and Keller each got three hits. Thu receipts were about 180. No games are scheduled for uext week. mm vol* vn. BMsU>7 ran so Tin: HIGH DIVBHS With the Itlce & Doro Shows. Some at the ball tossers have a good eye when It comet lo batting but low out when It comes time to make a train. The train pulled out r.f Madison last Saturlty night on a 110 mile Jaunt, leaving tnro of the best players watching "The Adventures of Kathlyn" In a local picture bouse, The midnight ride of Paul Revere was nothing compared to the wild daub they made across country by automobile and they beat the show tisln In at that They slept late Sunday anil were out it the ball park in good time. Walter Driver, of the U. S. Tent and Awn- ing Co., was a visitor to the show at St. James, Minn., and spent -ivo days with the governor. He curried beck with hbn a contract for a new big top, to be delivered, It possible, by the Fourth of July. It will ue the same site aa the present top. 100, with three forties. The Bbow plays the same town on the Fourth it did four years ago out here, Stsseton. S. D„ and It aught to be a big day for everybody as, aside tram the lown to draw from, there are about 3,000 Indians, on a nearby reservation, that will be around to attend the show. If they are deprived the pleasure of Are water they can Die cruekera. and see the biggest show that has cunte their way for many moons. Flora Bedlnl .ind Olgn Reed are two enthusi- astic Other folks sud tramp dally through the tall grass to Ihe good spols along Willi the olbor members of the fishing club. The former actually booked the big fish at the last Bundsy outing. H. QUINTUS BROOKS' CANADIAN THEATRICAL GUIDE AND MOVING PICTUEE DIBECTOaT Over 804) Corrections, 40 New Towns a.mi a List of BOO Moving; Picture Hoaaes will be gonad In this edition. Never published before In any theatrical Hiilde, TO PAGES OP CORRECT INFORMATION. Price, 80 Cents. PUBLICATION OFf ICE, 447-451 GUY STREET. MONTREAL. CANADA. H. C. EVANS & CO.. "Incorporated" 75 West Van Buren St., Chicago, III. Largest Stock tn V. %. 10,000 ft. of Show Hoora. All orders filled mm* day •• recslwed. Oar 101* Catalogue lent prepaid by express to nil who ask for It. THE TEDDY BEAR "HOOP LA 1 ' HATS A GAME Or SKILL A gerae that will got a play every- where. Tho South wont wont' wild OTsr It the past Winter. The greatsst nov.lty produced In years. Sold In "Doaen Lota Only." 19 Kings go With every dossil lints. PltlCB $24.00 PER DOZEN SAILOR and SOLDIER BOYS Marathon Babies. Teddy Bears, King Snooky, Swatt Mulligan, Rah Rah Beys, Pillow Tops, Table Covers. Eto. All Dolls guaranteed and our tianio Btatnpctl on every lientl, Slilntnctits Immediate, lis per cent, required with all orders. Balance C. O. L>. upon rctiuoat. Mend for NK W I'rlco List. FAIR AMUSEMENT CO. (TDK KI NILS UK'KM A I.I.) 14* FIFTH AVE., New York City Longuml Local riinno Call, Uliclsen2131-2133 MAirUFACTURK COVTRACT MoHUOH OR GRAND 8TAND PARK HALL 30.000 Chairs—50,000 Grand 8tandt-6O,O00 Circus Stats on Hind (or Ranting Purpoiai LARGEST SEATING CONTRACTORS CLKVBLASI), OHIO! FACl'OllVi CHIOAUO, 11,1,,r 18V» W. 3d St. Tel., Msln Ml. Conneautvllls. Pn. HOP N. Hocnwell Hi. Tol„ West VU FOLDING OPERA CIRCUS CHAIRS TENTS HTBANNERS i 8I0E SHOW ] \ CIRCUS ( CARNIVAL The best that can bs produced. Bjr tho best of Artists. Get yonr orders plnesd early while prices nrs lowsr. Arold the rash. UNITED STATES TENT Ac AWNINtt CO. EUWARD P. NEUMANN Br., Prea, WALTRR P. DRIVER, Vice-Pros, a Tresa. EDWARD H. L1TZIN0KK, Bear. 224-231 NORTH DESPLAJNKS ST,. CHICAGO. ILL. CARNIVAL CONCESSIONS FOR SALE JiOO.OOO PEIIl'LK TO UK AIV l'HO JI IIOU.OoO BROCKTON LODGE OF ELKS, BROCKTON, MASS., AUGUST 12, 13, 14, 18 Following t'oncesslnns Already Sold: Cutidy, Soft Drinks, Dull Itni'k, K111r<■ It Curd, (.'urn'Ituck,'IVililr Hear Wheel ami Dance Ilourd. run nsn n K<"><l r'luslijr Meiry-lliiiind, iiIhii Ferris' Wheel or niiytliltiir that will gvlthe miincy In the llnu of iiovt'lilCH. tti'iimilluiutl Out-Door Atltiu'tlnns Winded. Ktslii Inv est In Aral hitler. Address JOHN UI HU.K VN THKATltKAl, AOHNOY. Inc.. Now Vork IteiireHctittitlvre: HIM, (,'AMKV, (luli'ly Tlir.ilre lllilg. »K IIii.HmI.iii HI., Ihislim, Mhhn. GUNTER HOTEL, S.n, T.«, EUUOPKAN. Absolutely fireproof, Wo want show people. Is tho reason we advertise In The (Hipper PERCY TVIIIIKI.I, The show Is tretlliiic some splendid Western stock out here, auere noir.1 hIWi i>- t'red. I.nsi HSffcl two teams of hotidsoiue slisiky hlaeks were ntuicdj over to Jim Jacobs' care. Tie sick folks ore now convalescent, and Win, O'Neill, of O'Neill and Jm.ellc, Is wurkliik' oni111, as cleverly as ever. Walter YounK*B knee still liothers lilm, and lie Is iinihiilily out of his nero- liulli: stunt Willi "Duster" Marsh tor sonic time at least. lienor!* front Winter <]unrt<rs nt Salisbury, N. C. imvo It thai that wolton ol thu .South Ii lit- erally binning tin. li'i lain having fulleii .Incn lute In the Sprhiif. This sneaks isxirly for even half n cotton crop lids Fall, and na euny sssssjf for the "lucky boys." Tlio liomo folks down In Hiillslnir.r nrp all Morkeil no over the llrst fair they have nulled off hi sevoiiil years. The miles arc Mciit. ts-Oti, 4 ninl tho fair will In- held on the irmunds ik-'cii- [dcsl hy the show during the Winter moiitliK. I,. O. /a'Hotio, the new editor of The Oprrn ifuirse IttfOrtcr, at Ksthcrville, la., |>ut hi n great day with friends of former days under Ihe whllu ton*. He cntertulnnl Funilay evening at his utlke Jerk Phillip* and tiro. Tipton. The first real dancing* party of the season oe- curreil at llwilicrvllle, after the nlidit iicrforinanee. and about a dozen collides danced to the music of llic big irrKuii In the Oriiuil Theatre. Cutiley. Allnn., will ever be remembered for Its inoHijiillo*, and Hie only ones hi the Mnllnhiiry sleeper who were not up at daylight were Ihe eeiillciiicii from the sunny Hinith. They were Immune. Hut we should worry about Ibis, with a hreskfasl of slcak. imrk chiips, ertt* nnd cukes awaiting us up nt Tipton's flnfc. and chicken strawlsirry shortcake and Ice crenm fur dinner. It sure is some feeding show. Om, Chd. Towers, suffered n severe allnck of Iim1Ikch1U.ii early in the week, and was under Hie doctor's care for two days. He is now well on the road lo recovery. N. If., him a In the ISTlliO! RANCHNOTES. lit IIIM.V UAHRSN. frfw Herman frtViui write lo Joe Lewis, per [route, IiisioMiiiiI. 3. <i. Miller relumed fnitii the niii'-ii si New I'.rmmwlek, N. J., and re|sirt* un enormous wlieut crop nt liioue. 'Ilils ili-iiarlinenl lias midline; lo say idwut Dr. (■risieh tills wivic. New KidmerllxT* fur TlIK (t.'.ieei'ii Ihls week arc Stumor Iliignn, Jlimuh' Mart In, II. I',. Hears, l'ri-1 lilnlciruiid llllllo Ithiiler. Kd. l/luilscy left Tui'Hiliiy fur llondle, on account of !«*»• health. All wl*li s|MHsty ri*ivrviti-y, ninl hope to «si him arena iignui wniii. The nIKiilloii of HI Oluverlop, of the Tiaupklus Wild West Show, I* imped fully culle.1 to Ihe folluwlng: In your mile* lust ncek von slated tint Milton lll.'ikle iviih aren.i director for Arllnglon At (.'liiiiul- lee's Wild West lihow In Houlh America last Wlnlcr. Wi- wish to any Unit yon have Istui inlsluforiis 1 :!. us Is, V. Tnnillu.tei*, present nreiiu director of Hie nil show, was Arlington A "handler's arena iVnsilur III South America. Ilnlsr Dnlroy Joined us in Newark, N. ,?,, and U iiutlliig tmrr the laughs in the same old style, He will Is 1 reuieuilsirial us tin; mini with the Iiiiiiiiiii trig, for several seasons with the young ItulTiilo HlinW. We Ind so ninny prmuliieiit visitors In Newark Unit spare will not penult ns In list lln-in here. Von shr.uld stsi Heotly's law lisipard skin vest now. Foils' bullous, Isdlcve tm*. I will mention, tisi, that Jim. M. I'rnns, the Fun Aiilniiio iiov |si-son, wns a vlsllirr III Newark, X. J. If iitnios|iherle cum! 11 Ions should lieionic such Hint eoiiverHiillim would really fruie, itocky Mumiiiihi Hank wisdd then 1st rllglhle lo nmlaco miy "no of Hie seven wonder* of Ihe world. "lilcshir" Is principal dancer wills lleo. V. Hoiiiiers' 'rrhiiln! Annex. Henry While F.ngle, formerly of Ihe New York tll|iiHslrome, Is with us, and Is doing Hie arena liiivliug. Tommy Klriinu's "iin" was lo sis* us again In New llrnn.Hivlck. N. J. Frank Mileliell mid Hun .Mcliluskey, friends of Itube iMlfny, and olrl tlnii' jierfonnerx. were vNH- urs nt New Ilriiiixwlek, N. J. Frank Is now en- lihdttng n pigeon farm with greut suenvs. I'om'H loltSKII. Wlio eiinti all (mr pnllis and Ills, .'.ml nil* us up with do;** mid nllls? (kiM» In hiiiid, he full* it* "iioIiUt," Fhyslcliiii uml Hargism, Or, Webls'r. In the rosreti they iluueii nnd sing. Alwnys ilier' In 1.1111 or ruin, Veiling "Ve Ho!" annuel Ihe Iniek. "(><w«iil*" llllllo ami lltister Mack. <'OA»" WIU DOT LirllN STUFF. II* lll.l.VK, Now Unit we ore more Hum foriy live iiiliiule* from linsiilwuy Hie touring si-ellou tins In en 1111- erntpled. and moiuitillm's me noi Hie only tlilnga Hull till'* in Jersey. Howdy. Itourtsui. One lli-uml llout 11 veiled 11I Jersey t.'lly. mvl elijoiiil iniieli li.i.i.llnllli from Ihe lilee Club. t-'rmik l'i ilittirn. 1.1.-.i -h ■ vvrlle. I.nule frliil jollieil the II. I'. II. K. nt Newark, N. J., iiiul u'hni 11 orotul hoy lie was. Ont. Fred lliiiiidug visited wt Newark, ami Tommy had the audacity to ask how his daughter* Mvelyu and Mary were. XntJ ha|s,ien to he bis slslcrs,