The New York Clipper (July 1914)

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10 THE NEW. YOEK CLIPPER. July 25 THE NEW YORK OLIPPEB Founded ia 1853. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHINO CO. (UmKtd raorsisrrois. ALBERT J BOBLB EDrTCBIAt, AJID BOBIHIBI MANIOCS. NEW TOBK, JTJLY 25, 1914. Entered June 34. 1870, it tbe Poit Office at New York. N..Y., ■■ secoud cl>» matter, under •lie act of Mirth 8. 1879. Advertisement!—12.80 per inch, alofle column. Advertisement* let wllb border, 10 per et. extra. BfJDSCItll'TION. One year, la adTauce, 81; all roonlba, 12; lure* mouths, $1. Canada aud foreign iKistnge extra. tingle copies will I* seut, postpaid, ou receipt of 10 cecta. Oar Terms are Cush. THE OLIPPBa li luued every WEDNESDAY. The Forma Closiutr I'roinptlr on luridur, att 10 A. U. Please remit by eatress money order, check, V. O. order or registered letter. All caab enclosed vtilb letter li at rlak of tender. Addren All Couiuionlcntlona to TUB NEW YOUIC CLIPPER, 47 IVeit 2tHu Street, New York. Tel. 2274-Midlson. Ucgtttcrti Coble Atlircit. "AutUOBiTt." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Thb Currio la locatetl at Room 605, Ashland lilock, Chicago, Warren A. I itrlck, manager and correspondent. TH1 CUPPD CUt BB ODTUKSD WBOLCUU AMD Lrriit., at our agents. Daw's stcnniiililp Agency, 17 Green Street. Charing Road, Loudon. \V. 0., England; Brenliiio's nous depot, 37 Avenue tie l'Opera Parla, France; Msutla book and Sta- tionery Co.. 128 Escolta, Manila, P. I.i Oordon ft Ootcb, 12U Pitt Street, Sydney, N. 8. W. A ustralia. ANSWERS T O CORRE SPONDENTS, CARDS. T. T. Klxin. —n. baa do ran ea bla (ou apot brcake the sequence. MISCELLANEOUS. B. E. 8., Bedford.—Please atate whether TOO refer to polltlci or other mattera. WEEKLY EXPOSITION JEWS, Gbodnd was broken for the Turklak ouvlllon on the grounda of the Panima-Faclflc luterna- tlcnal ExnosltiloQ on July 1, and the Crescent coon will ahlne from the attractive architecture that will represent the Ottoman Empire. The red fei and characteristic costumes of the Turke wore conspicuous In the crowd that attcuiled the ccrcmoules. Turkish Consul Maurice Hall spoke for Turkey and turned the Drat spadeful of earth: 21a Mufti Key, a young Turkish nobleman, railed the flag of bla country above the Bite. Tun Director of Ootmreses anil Conventions of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition baa) received a cablegram ficin the secretary of the Union of International Aasoclatlon that the asso- ciation at Its meeting in Brussels baa decided that It will hold ita third* annual World's Con- gress In San Frauds*) In 1010 Delegates from more than four hundred International associa- tions, representing every clvlllted nation, will be present. The number of congresses and conven- tions that are to meet in San Francisco during; the exposition baa reached the total of two hun- dred and tblrty-flve. Nat Goodwin took «part In the ceremony. on "The Zone" of the Panama-Pacific International Kxposillon on July 1. Mr.s Goodwin, bad the dia- llnctlon of lighting the Aladdin's Lamp In Fred- erick Thompson's creation, known as "Toyland drown Up," which la to coat 81,000,000. This la tbe many Interesting ceremonies that have tieen held In connection with this amusement en- terprise. John ErriNars, Hawaiian commissioner to the ranama-I'aelOc International Kxpoaltlon, baa ar- rived la San Vranolsco, to have charge of the ground-breaking exorcises of the Hawaiian Build- lug, which will be held on'July 7. The alte will lie sprinkled with pineapple Juice, Hawaiian music only will be provided, Hawaiian maids will distribute lllma and lela to the guests, and tbe Hawaiian flag Will be radied aa features of the interesting program. Illinois broke ground for tbe Illinois State Building on the grounds of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, on Tune 80. A message was received from Governor Edward F. Dunne, by special wire extended to tbe Illinois site.. Mrs. 1,/E. Rockwell, of Qulncy, 111., ebrbty-four years old, and for sixty jvars a resident of Illinois, raised the governor's flag on tbe site. A cahlkiiak. Just received by President Charles 0. Moore, of the Pabama-l'aclfic International Ex- losltion, announces that tbe Portuguese Senate and House, at Lisbon. Portugal, has passed su impropriation of 1100,000 for participation In tbe exposition. Ground wai broken on June 20 for the Penn- sylovaula State Building ou the grounds of tbe 1'onama-iPacinc International Exposition. Gov- ernor John K. Tener sxnt bis congratulations by wire to tbe sneaker's eland on the alte. J. E. D. Traak, chief of fine arts of tbe exposition, and formerly director of the Pennsylvania. Acad- emy of Fine Arts, acted aa chairman, The Penn- sylvania dag waa raided by Mrs. Noble P. Blddle. a descendant of one of the oldest Penn- sylvania families. Aikaksab representatives, beaded by Governor Ocorgo W. Hays, dedicated the site for the Ar- kansas State Building on the grounds of tho I'auams-Psclflc International Exposition on June 26. Tbe Arkansaa delegation was the largest that has made tbe trl'j to San Francisco for State ceremonies, and Included thirty persons. Julus GumttH. director of color of toe Pauoraa- Paclflc International Exposition, returned on July 1 from London, where he went to Inspect the mural paintings of Frank Brangwyn. "Simply wonderful" Is Gnerln'B description of tbe Brang- wyn paintings that are to be brought to the expo- sition. The paintings ore four In number and have as their aubjectn the four seasons, They will be placed In tho Court of Abundance. With one or two exceptions all the other mural polno- Inss have been completed. Tub Btcel work for the "Tower of Jewels" of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition has been cempletcd. The placing of the highest steel column makes the top 436 feet above the ground. More than 1.600 tons of steel have been used In the frame, and 1,000,000 hoard feet of lumber will he used In completing the structure. The expansion on hot days will nuke the tower four Incbce higher than on cool days. Fivs great electric aigna that are read by mil- lions of (persons every week have been given to the nse of exploiting the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. The first two were the Chicago and Northwestern sign on the Rush Street Bridge. In Chicago, and the Marcus Loew sign on the Hudson River. The three later ones are; Tbe Oohan A Harris algn In front of that conrpany'a Aator The- atre, Times Square; the William Morris sign on tbe New York Roof Garden, and the Coca Cola Company 20x20 foot sign on the Chandler Build- ing, on West Forty-second Street. J. J. MoOoTraw, secretary of the athletic de- partment of the Panama-Pacific International Ex- position, baa returned from Portland, where be attended tbe meeting of the Weatern Athletic As- sociations. Tbe Program for the Western cham- pionships of tbe exposition were made, and be- sides tbe swimming, boxing; and wrestling cham- pionships, the field and track meet will Include a modified marathon race of twelve and three- eights miles. la » Two elaborate new product I ens are seen at the Palace Theatre this week. Joan Sawyer and Nlcel Barrle appear In "The Arttat'a Dream," v ith scene dances In tbe Persian Garden of Omar Klinyyam. Adelaide and Ilngbes appear in "I* i'tint et le Oanarl," a jroraeoM' vmatcal dancing fantasy In which Adelaide will appear aa a asnary In a golden cage, snd. nurbes as a eat. Frank Kkkbi.i Conrsra, brother of H. Cooper JUffe, baa becu enrsired by John O Fisher for an Importsnt part In "What Hi 11 ill 11 at M." the new play by Pa»I Wllitsvch, whir* will have Its Initial production on, Avijr,; 17, la Atlantic City. 1 1 £ 4 1 ROUTE LIST DRAMATIC & MUSICAL' Route* Intended for This Celamfa Moat Reoch This Offlce Not Latter Thou Satnrdny Before Day of Publication to Insure Insertion. AgngllA, Mine.—San Fmb., Csl., 20-26. ^Sputment 12-K"—Maxioe Elliott's, New Tort, 20, Indefinite, _- .. Chatterton,' nutb—Fowen', Oblcago, lndefudte. Cobnra Players—Harrisonburg, Vs., 22, 23, Obar- lottesvllle 24, 28, New York aty 27-Ang. 1. Clarke, Hsrry Corson, & Margaret Dale Owen— Dublin. Ire., 20-26, Belfsit 27-Aru. 1. Dillon A King Mus. Com.—Columbia, Oakland, Cal„ Indefinite. '_ "Dummy, The''—Hadjon. New York City, Indefi- nite. "Elopers, Toe"—La Salle, Chlcag-j, Indefinite. "Follies of 1014"—Zlcgfeld's—New Amsterdam, New York. Indefinite. . "Girl and tbe Tramp, The" (Geo. L. Barton, mgr.)—Black Duck. Minn., 22, Tenstrike 23, Brslnerd 2s, Orookston 25. Staples 28, Wa- dena 27, Detroit 28, liowl»y.29, Verna 80, Fraxec Aug. 1. "Kitty Mocllay"—Apollo, Atlantic City, N. J.. 20-26. "Kitty MacKay"—Comedy, «ew York, indefinite. Majestic Players—Boston indefinite. Olympic Park Opera Co.—Newark, N. J., tadeS- nlte. Poat. Ouy Bates—San Diego, Oal., 27. 28. "Pair of SUes, A"—Loagacre, New York, Indefi- nite. "Potash A Ferlunstter"—-Oohan, New York, in- definite. "Passta* Show of 1014"—Winter Garden, New York, indefinite. "Peg o' My Heart" (Peggy O'NelU)—Gsrrlck, Ohlcago, indefinite. "Too Many Cooks"—Thirty-ninth Street, New York, indefinite. , .„ "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Win. Kibble, mgr.)—ejlt. Clemens. Mlcb., 27, Poutlac 28, Lansing 28, Battle Creek 80. So. Chicago, 111., 81-AnC 1. "Whirl of the World"—O. O. H., Chicago, In- definite. STOCK AND MUSICAL COMEDIES. Permanent and Trnrellnu. Alcaxar Stock—San Fran., Oal., Indefinite. Academy of Music Stock—Wm. Fox—Academy, New York, Indefinite. Albee Stock—Providence, R. I., indefinite. Auditorium Stock—Kanais City, Mo., Indefinite- Academy Players—Charlotte, N. C Indefinite. Alley's, Y. C., Associated Players (Y. O. Alley, mgr.)—Auditorium, Winston-Salem, N. 0., in- definite. Angell Stock (Joe Angell, mgr.)—Brier Hill, N. Y., 23-23, Pope Malls 27-Aug. 1. All Star Players—Columbia, San Fran., Indefinite. Ausklugs, 0., Players—PTleet River, Ida., 21-30. Bu'ld ti Henry Stock—McAlester. Okla., 20-26. Blood, Adele, Stock—Toronto, Can., indefinite. licssey. Jack, Stock (Jock Bessey, mgr.)—Deauha, III., indefinite. Bishop Players (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland, Cat., indefinite. Baker Stock—Portland. Ore., Indefinite. Britannia Stock—Ottawa, Can., indefinite. Brown, Clark, Stock—Orpbeum, Montreal, Can., indefinite. Brown, Clark, Stock—Xemple, Hamilton, Can., in- definite. Burns Stock—Colo. Springs, Col., indefinite. Brown, Olatk, Stock—Dominion, Ottawa, Can.) indefinite. Boustclle Players—(Bonnto, Can., indefinite. 'Broadway Stock—Springfield, Mass., Indefinite. Bljon Players—iFall RUer, Mass., indefinite. Barrows-Howard Flayers—Oliver, Lincoln, Neb., indefinite. .Buyer. Nancy, Stock—Jamestown, N. Y., lndefl- ' ntte. Bryant, Billy, Stock—Buena Vista, 0„ 20-25. Brown, Kirk, 'Stock (J. T. Macauley, mgr,)—AI- toons. Pa., indefinite. Oomstock-Terry Stock—Schenectady, N. Y., lndefl- . nltc. Cornell-Price Players—Hocbester, lnd., 20-25. 'Chatterton. Arthur, Co.—Akron, O., Indefinite. Oonness Players—Wilmington, Del., indefinite. Columbia. Players—Washington, Indefinite. Court So. Associate Players—Springfield, Mass., Indefinite. Chicago Block—Honeadale, Pa., indefinite. Comstock Players—Albany, N. Y., indefinite. Colonial Stock—Cleveland, O., Indefinite. Castle Square Mualcal Stock—St. Louis, Indefinite. Crescent Stock—Columbia, 8. C, indefinite. Colburn Stock—Trenton, N. J., indefinite. Chauncey-Kelffer Co.-rJnactlon Park, New Brlgb- ton. Pa., indefinite. Carter. Susrum, Mas. Oam. Co.—McAleiter, Okla., 27-Ang. 1. _ aorendon Stock (T. I. Fahl, ugr.)—Botklns, O., 20-25. Columbia Mus. Com. Co.—Oakland, Oal., indefi- nite. Denham Stock—Denver, Colo., Indefinite. Davidson Stock—Milwaukee, indefinite. De Voaa, Flora. Co.—La Salle, 111., Indefinite. Dominion Stock—Ottawa, Can., Indefinite. Doming, Lawrence, Stork—Bedford, la., 20-25. Davis, Harry, Stock—Pittsburgh, indefinite. Dougherty Stock (Jhn Dougherty, mgr.)—Law- rence. Kan., 20-26, Atchison 27-Ang. 1. Demorest Comedy Co.—Charleston, S. O.. lndefl. nlte. Empire Stock—Providence, B. I., Indefinite. Empire Stock—Syracuse, N. Y., Indefinite. Enterprise Stock (Norman HUyard, mgr.)—Chi- cago, indefinite. Empress Stock—San Diego, Oal., indefinite. Exposition Stock—Son Diego, Cal.. Indefinite. Elltch Stock—Denver, Colo., indefinite. Kddlngs, Georgians, Co.—Trenton, Mo., 20-25, Springfield 27-Ang. 1. Ewald, Edward. Co.—Cleveland, Indefinite. Ferguson Bros. Stock—Muskogee, Okla., 20-25. Fields. Marguerite, Stock—Jamestown, N. Y., Ix- deflnile. Glnnlvnn Stock—Bt. Joe, lnd., 20-25. Gordlnlcr Bros.' Co., No. S (E. O. Gordlnler, mgr.)—Toulon, III., 20-25. - • Gngnon-Pollock Stock—Houston, Tex., Indefinite. Glaser, Vaughsn, Stock—Lyceum, Detroit, Indefi- nite. Goodwin Players—E. H. Perry's—Hudson, Wis., Indefinite. Glhney, Sarah, Stock {Walter Wilson, mgr.)— Woodstock, Can., Indefinite. Gloeson Players—Lakeside. Denver, indefinite. Gorman's Una. Com. Co—Med ford Boulevard, Bol- ton, Indefinite. Gorman Mas. Com. Co.—lytwell. Mass., indefinite. Gorman Mm. Com. Co.—Haverhill, Mass., lndefl- Gorman Mas. Com. Co.—Portland, Me., Indefinite. Gorman Mo*. Com. Co.—Lawrence, Mass., indefi- nite. • Gorman's Mas. Com. Co,—Norunsbega Park. Boa- tun, ibdefinlte. Haswell Players—Toronto. Can., indefinite. lIlllman'B Ideal Stock (F. P. Hlllman, mgr.)— Omaha. Neb., indefinite. Hnnllnrtoa Players—Sbubert, St. Paul, Minn., In. definite. nnrrlson Theatre Co.—Co. A—Lawlon, Oklv, in- definite. ■ Harrison Theatre Co.—Co. B—Decatur, Tex., 16- 20. Home Btocli—Akron, 0., indefinite. Ilnlden Plnyers—Olevelanil indefinite. Hnywsrd, Grace, Co.—Oak Park, Chicago, lndefl. nlte. Hayes, Lucy. A Associate PIsyers (Albert G. Bruce, mgr.)—Lytic*, la., 20-22, Bayard 23* 25. Ilnlden Slock—Detroit Indefinite. Hudson Stock—Union Hill. N. J.. Indefinite. lllmmeleln Associate Flayers—New Dreamland Park, Joplln, Mo., Indefinite. - Harvey Stock—Dubuque. Is.. indefinite fllorne 8tock—Meyers Lake. Canton, Ot, Indefinite, Hall's Associate Players—Minsfleld, O., Indefi- nite. HarrtnreoB, Beatrice. Stock—-Dennlson, Tex., in-' deflnTte. Hsawell, - Percy, Stock—Toronto, Can., Indefinite. HEW YORK CITY THEATRES. Itl AMSTERDAM H'WKtS ZIEGFELD FOLLIES In the AertAl Garde ob Atop Theatre. Evea.0.30 ZIEQFE LD DAN8E DE F0LUE 8 GEO* BL COHAN'S pScm aWtHrrant. KLAW k KRLASQER li»na«eTi Er»a., RaUneet, Wed. and Sat. 2J». "•oV^ 9 Potash & Ferimnttor Mere Unghi In one act than in all the combined comedies In N. Y. UH. FRAZEK'S r THEATRE I FhOufi 28 NGACRbbb WestofsWay | ETea.a7*J0 Mats, at 2.80 Wed. A Sat The Langhing Hit ei tbe Century A PAIR OF SIXES Edward Peple'a Uproariously Funny Farce. WINTER 8ARDEN S«> 8t Brgs. at 8. Rata. Toes., Than, and Sat, 2.00. TMB PASSING SHOW OF 1914 fifinH'nV 41tt St. Eait of B'way. Phone VWJaaJBfJI 61H Bryant. Evenlngi tM. kUUneea Tneaday and Saturday 2M. 7th Hontb of tbe Mirthful Ho ma nee KITTY MACKAY Oflik GTDPa'T THEATRE, near B'way OalQ OlJtiEiJEil Phone 413 Bryant. Evenings 8.20. Matinees Wed. it Sat 2.20 Tbe Year's One Big Screain TOO MANY COOKS By FRANK GRAVEN 6 NEW PARODIES FOR $1.00- 6 OK THE FOIXO WINO SO KG HITS •G1ET OUT AHD OUT CNDsbH." "IHTBRlIATlOrJAL RAO," "QARDErt OP —«r. amjl UD HOSES," ".'WOTilEn'S BIO DUE E VKrl." "WR HAVETjaroCH^o HHUIJa. jjg^jf^^lfo!, poit," "SOMKBODK'S COH1ISO TO MY HOTJSBT" ° To get the above material send P. O. or Express Order for 11 to JITinZ MeCREE Oplnannla Theatre Blds^ SmU 70O-1O, N, Y. C. Or TTiree"rotIieB and hong^mfor ll.oo. -Peg tTMy iieartT^'Lonesome Pine." "Wben^ Lo«t and long poem, entitled "THE PASSINQ SOKOS OF 1012-18," dovetailing 76 gong hit titles rbythmio gtory. U yoa desire the 0 Paro dleg and Song Poem, Bend 12 to the above ad dreaa. ■ Hi J. IKT CLARK, of the CLARK Si SNOW ENTERPRISES, Lea Angalea and San Dlesro, California, trill be at Ragle, Wis., for the balance eg July. Hall will reach me through the Chicago office of S. T. CLIPPER. Those who have ensairementi for the coming Fall and Winter season have the privilege of ex- tending flame to cower the entire Kxpoaltlon period. Too," Into a T£ >r Klark-Ur ban Compai Musical Director, Piano. Also Vaudeville Acts Address HARI IN KLARfrC, Buoknport.Maln. Thea. ssth, near Maxine Elliott's s&ssss Mats., Wed. and Sat^ilS. __ e In 8 Act*. By LAWRENCE RISING. A New Farce APARTMENT I2K s TEIN' MAKE-UP $ ALPINB COIJ) CREAM - ►• Ptoaod Can. 76c.: Halves. 40c.; Jar. leV ' . .1 C BP14J EVEHYWHERE. »«*» ' l x .V t * - Harris Mas. Com Co.—Waco, Tex., indefinite. Harper Plajers—Terre Haute, lnd., indefinite. Henderson Stock—Aberdeen. So. Dak., Indefinite. Jefferson Theatre Stock (Julius Cahn, mgr.)— Portland. Me., ladeflnlte. Jefferson Stock—Auburn. N. T, indefinite. Keyes 8latcrs Stocli—J>nllas, Tex, indefinite. Knickerbocker Stock (E. J. M'jrj.hy, mgr.)—Ber- lin, Ont, Can., (ndenulte. KUmt A Oaxxolo Stock—Baltimore, Md., indefi- nite. Keith Playere—Toledo, O., indefinite. Keenan Stock—Eecannba, Mich., indefinite. Kelly, Jewell, Co.-^Atunta, Oa., indefinite. Keith Stock—Portland, Me., indefinite Lanbam Players—Elwood, lnd., 20-25. Lawrence, Del., Stock—Empress, Vancouver, Can,, indefinite. Liberty Stock—Oakland. Oal.. Indefinite. Lyceum Stock—New Britain, Conn., indefinite. La Verne, Lacllle, Co.—Atlanta, Oa., indefinite. Leonard Players (Wm. R. Leonard, mgr.)—Sedan, Kan., indefinite. ' Lyceum Stock—Duluth, Minn., Indefinite. Lyric Players—Hartford, Conn., indefinite. Lynn, Jack, Stock—Plymouth, Mass., 20-Ang. 8. Lyceum Players—Edmonton, Can., Indefinite. McOlll & Bond Stock—Hipp.. Elizabeth, N. J., Indefinite. MacCurdy Players—Gotham, Bkln., Indefinite. Malley-Denlson Stock—Newport, B. I., indefinite. Morosco Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cat, lndeinlte. Majestic Stock—Dra Moines, la., Indefinite. Metropolitan Stock—Cleveland, Indefinite. Morley; Ernestine, Stock — Jacques, Waterbnry, Conn., indefinite. Morlson Stock—Laeonia, N. H., 20-25. Moon's, F. E., Indian Flayers—Indlanapolli, in- definite. Unrphy'a Comedians, No. 1—Wichita Falls, Tex., indefinite. Mannlon's Psrk Stock—St. Louis, indefinite. Moseley Bros.' Stock—Sherman. Tex., 20-25, Mc- Alester, Okla.. 27-Aug. 1. Mnrphy's Comedians No. 3—Shelbina, Mo., 20-25. Brookfleld 27-Aui 1. Newton Stock—Tableqnah, Okla, 20-25, Paris, Tex.. 27-Ang. 1. Nlcol-Troy Stock—Lawton, Okla., 18-25, El Beae 26-Aug 2. Orpbeum PIsyers—Montreal, Csn., indefinite. Oliver Players—Davenport, Is., Indefinite. Prlneie, Dells, Stock (C. K. Van Auken, mgr.)— Empire, Butte, Mont., Indefinite. Poll Players (Janes Thatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton, D. C, Indefinite. Poll Playere—Baltimore, indefinite. I'oynter, Bculah, Stock—Birmingham, Ala., Indefi- nite. Poll Players (Kendal Weston, mgr.)—New Haven, Conn., Indefinite. Poll Players—Hartford, Conn.. Indefinite. Toll Stock—Scranton, Pa., indefinite. Poll PlByers—Grand, Worcester. Mass., indefinite. Pearl Stock (A. A. Webster, mgr.)—WilUems- 1'ort. Pa., Indefinite. Popular Players—Washington. D. C, Indefinite. Park Flayers (H. A. Todd, mgr.)—Cascade Park, New Castle, Pa., Indefinite. Roebm's, Will, Sto:x—Chicago indefinite. Iteade. liorna, Stock—Ottawa, Can., indefinite. Roc. John O.. Stock—IUpnbllc, Kan., indefinite. Richardson Stock (G. Barbour, mcr.)—-Carthage Mo., 20-25, Webb Clt7 26-Aug. 1. Royal Theatre Stock—Bronx, New York, indefi- nite. • Rcyster-Dudley Opera Co.—Cape Cottage Park. Portland. Me., Indefinite Itappold Players—Denver, Ool.. todeflnlte. Iteade. Roma, Co.—dlotitieal. Can., Indefinite. Eellly, Ohas., Sloe's:—Jersey aty, N. J„ Indefi- nite. " ' Spooner Dramatic Co.—Hot Springs, Ark., 27- Aug. 15. Eervoss, Mary, Stock—Cleveland indefinite. Sayles, Francis, Co.—Superior, Wla., Indefinite. Simmons, Jack, Stock—Fairbury, Neb. 20-25. Clyde, Kan., 27-Ann. 1. ' ' Seattle Stock—Seattle, Wish., indefinite. Snedeker Comedy 0b. (H. R. finedeker, mr.-.)— Mattoon. III., 'ndedalte. Shannon Stock (Barry Shannon, mgr.)—Waoako- nete, O.. indefinite. v.i»w 6hortell. AL, Stock—Denver. Ool., tin Aug. 2». Bohn. Harry (Players)—Paria, Tex., 20-287 Stanley Stock—Montrwl. Oan.. Indefinite Stanley Stock—St. 'xiuls indefinite. Sherman Stock—Milwaukee indefinite. £treeter-Bryan Players—Bay Olty, Mich., lndefl. nlte. Bmtley, Emily, Players—Wild wood, N. J„ indefi- nite. Suburban Park Stock—St Loull Indefinite. Turner, Clara (W. F. Barry, mgr.)—Yonkera. H. Y.. Indellnlle. Tlvoll Stock—San Fran., Oal., Indefinite. Tempest Dramatic Co.—Poocanoke City, MA, 40- Temple Stock—Runtltm, Ou, indefinite. Trmiile Stock—i't. Wayne, Ind„ Indefinite. Tborne Stock—nutchlnaon, Kan., Indefinite. .. Tunny. Frank, Co.—Atlanta, Oa., indefinite. Van Dyke ft Eaton Co. (F. Mack, mgr.)—St. Jo- seph, Mo., Indefinite. Van Dyke ft Eaton Co. (O. Mack, mgr.)—Dea Molnee. Ia., Indefinite. Vance Repertoire Co.—Ban Claire, Wis.. Indefi- nite. Valley Theatre Stock—Syracuse, N. T.. Indefinite. Wells Stock—Nashville, Tenia.. Indefinite. Washington Stock—Detroit. Indefinite. Warner Dramatic (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Lost Creek. W. Va.. 15-20. Woods' Mas. Com Oo.—Brentford, Cats., Lndefl. * nlte. Worth. Josephine, Playere—Drtajqtic,' la,, lndefl. nlte. , WANTED FOR 2 COS OLE THE SWEDE, DETECTIVE 2 Jovenlle Women, 2 Ingenues, 2 Juvenile Men, Heavy Man and a SWEDE COMEDIAN with Strong Bpeclalty, must be Capable Actor. State Age, Height Weight Experience and lowest salary In Bret letter. Enclose photo which will lie returned, prefer people doing Specialties and Douhllng Piano. Can use two GOOD WORKING AGENTS. Long season, sure money. Actors must help with scenery etc. NO BOOZE goes here. Address A). E. Marktiam, Rochester, Minn. Rose Cameron liwltos Off-ra Season 1914-15 LEADING BUSLsESS. ' Permanent Addreaa Grant Hotel, Chicago. 111. MONEY SURE HEBE We stay out Winter end Summer. Salaries are dead sure, No hold backs. But yon must make It LOW. Want young Character Woman, that can play anything cast for. Prefer one with specialties. Yonng Man for General Business, with specialties. Prefer man and wife. Piano Player, male, who can also double stage If necessary. Tell all In first letter. Prepay your own wires. Will advance tickets to anyone we know. This is an established show. DORRITT ASHTON, Newton Stock Co., Week July HO, Tahleqnah, Okla.; week July 37, Paria, Tex. LIBERTY "ACCOUNT FAMILY SHOW" Harry Kieffer Goldie Cole JTJV. ILK AVIES and CHARACTERS SOUBRETTE8 and INGENUES (only). 6 ft 0 In.; weight 160 lbs. « ft. weight 90 lbs. Both yonng, experienced and capable. S. and D. Specialties. Can Join on wire. Salary yonr limit. Address H. KIEFFER, 406 East 9th St., Kanaaa City. Ho. 8-MINUTE«»99JBtn.JBrXrC7XX£SoJS*>»8HWINUTE For White or Blackface Team, Dutch Team, Bister Team, comedian and Sonbrette, Blackface and Bonbrette, Straight (m. or f.) end Tramp and Straight and Hebrew. Also EIGHT-MBCTE MONOLOOCES for Rube, Blackface, Tramp, Irish, Silly Kid. Hebrew and Old Maid. Every act an ORIGINAL, UP-TO- DATE WREAK 600. each or any four for fl.60. Cash or M.O. No atom pal Other material. Sendfcr cat* togua and enthrjalaitio testimonials. MRS. MART E. P. THAYER, a»0 Broad St, Providence, R. I. Whitney Stock-Oaes City, Mlcb.. 20-25. Wallace, Chester, Players—Bradford, Ta., indefi- nite. COMPANIES TS TABLOID PLATS. Cnwford-numphreys Mua. Com. Co.—Birming- ham. All., Indefinite. Friendly, Dan, Mas. Com. Co.—Cleveland, O, in* - definite. Jacobs', Louis B.. Co.—Denver indefinite. Knickerbocker Glrlo—Atlanta, Oa., indefinite. Lyric Tabloid Stock—lamestown, N. Y.. Indefi- nite. Lawaon, May, Mus. Corn. Co.—Charlotte, N. O., 20-2!f. Mack's Musical Revue—St. John, Can.. Indefinite. Pepper Mas. Com Co.—Texas City, Tex., indefl- Russell. Dan, Mas. Com. Co.—Hutchinson, Kan , Indefinite Silver A Bteln Mas. Com. Co.—Wilmington, DeL, Indefinite. Sampeell's, Dick. Mas. Stock—San Diego, Cal, Indefinite. Ward, Hie, Mob. Com. Co.^Muskogee, Okla., indefinite. MINSTRELS. Coburn'a Greater Minstrels (J. A Cobnra msr.) —Dayton. Fla., indefinite. 0o ^ a 'A <0 - T - *"« ,CT . mgr)—Watervlile. N. Y., 22, CUnton 23. Oanajoherie 24, St. Johneville 26, Schaghtlooke 27. Greenwlrh 28, Corinth _ 20, Warrensbu--g 30, FL Edward 31. Guy Bros.—Springfield, Mass., indefinite. BURLESQUE SHOWS. Columbia Wheel. Ginger Girls—Columbia. Chicago, 10-2S Stand- ard, St Louis, 20-Ang. 1. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Alexsnder'B Band—Woodalde Park, Polls., todefi. Ilallraan'e Band—Chicago, Indefinite. Berliner's Band—Cincinnati, indefinite: ' °°Si?.*7' Patrick. Band — Willow Grove Part Pblla., 20-Aug. A »~-s Chicago Symphony Orchestra—Obicago, Indefinite. Chandler, Nellie B. ft Harmony Maids (Chas W. Goea, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., indefinite Cook's Band—Louisville 20-25. Babprger Band—Coney island, Cincinnati, indefi- nite. Ferullo's Band—Hutchinson, Ksn., indefinite. International Ladles' Band (Chas. W. Goets. S$ill£X£ i^* 0Bt - °"- *»>• KUg £ ■TOffltaa^5i*■ 22 ' *** »• kw - MeSparron's Band—Ella-Sha-Co.. indefinite. Natlello's Band (Ernest Natlello, dlr.)—Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, Ky„ indefinite National Symphony Orchestra—Chicago, Indefinite Rnsio's Band—Cleveland. Indefinite «—•»• Royal Black Hussar Band (L. D. Wort mxr )— Lagrange, lnd.. 26. 8lorgls, Mich.. 26V Con- !J*S Un J - 17 ' All ^«n 2«. Grand Rapldi 20. Holland 80, Cadillac 31, Boyne Olty Aug/ 1. Stellnde Orchestra—Chicago, indefinite. SchuntU'a Band—Chester Park, Cincinnati, u- definite. »<*roeder'B Bsnl—Woodalde Park, Phlla., lndefl. fltorm'a Band—Lexington, Ky., Indefinite. Thavln's Band—Idora Park, Oakland, Cal.. indefi- nite. Vtctor'a Band—Jonestown, N. Y.. Indefinite. ^*?"Sii". i B **»«—Steel Pier. Atlantic aty, N. J.. Indefinite. * Vassjr Girls' Band—Al Fresno Park, Peoria. Hi., ladeflnlle. ■ ^' Wallace Orchestra—Altoona. Pa., indefinite. Weber, John C, Bawl—Chicago, todeflnlte. CAH5TVALS. Adams, Otis L., Shows—Indiana, Pa. 20-23. JBj^jtBsiisBSI ft PoUle Showaw-totmgW<nvs7O.. Bine Ribbon Shows—New Bedford. Mass 20-25 Carroll ft Lsvndes Shows—St. Pan!, Minn., Ang. Clifton Kelly Shows—Now London. Wis. 20-25. De Kreko Bros.' Shows—Dawson, N. Mex.. 20-25. Florence, Col., 27-Aug. 1.- »«.,«%». Ferarl, Jos. G.. Greater Expo. 8hosv»—HanxUton. Can,. 20-24, Stratford Ang. 1-8. Ferarl, Francis—Buffalo, N. Y.. 20-25. Great International Shows—Bed Lake Falls, Minn., 20-26, Grand Forks. N. Dak.. 27-Aug 1 Great Patterson Shows—Lewlstown, Mont, 10-26! Boaeman 20-Aux. 1. Hampton's flreat Rmplre S h o w C r/ria, a 20- 26, AshUbuU 27-Auj. -1. Harrli Amuse. Co -<fca»taroy, W. Vs., 20-29. Jones. Johravy J„ H^pd.aghews—Lawrence, Mass.. 20-25, WatertBgyv^n&aTArjJ i. ' Jackel'e, John C, Shows—Rahway, N. J., 20- Aug. 1. Keystone Arnnse. Co.—Danora, Pa, 20-25. Kennedy, Con T.—Maslllon, O.. 20-25. * 'Keen ft Sutppy Moid Shows—No. Acssns, Mass., 20-25. Adims 27-Ang. 1. Layman, Frank E., No. 2, Show—Rhlnclinder, Wla, 20-25. Liberty Shows—Huntingdon, Pa, 20-25, Cumber- land. Md^, 27-Aug. 1. Miller. A B., Shows—Rhlnelander, Wis.. 20-2S. Narder Greater Shows—Ogden, D„ 20-25. Parker, B. R., Shows—Swift Current, Alia., Can., .vr.25 -'—--' Bice ft' Dor* Water Carnival—Brandon, Can., 20-25. Regina 27-31. Bntherford - Greater Sbovn—Pittsburgh; Pa., 20- 25. UnJontown 27-Aug. 1. Smith Greater- Shows—Muskegon, Mich., 19-25, Big Ravlds 27-Aug. 1. Worthsra. C A., Shows—Iowa Fella, la., 20-25, Boone 27-Aug. 1. Universal Amuse. Co Portage, Wis., 20-26. Washburn's Mighty Midway Shows—North Bey. Ont, Csn.. 20-28, Niagara Falls 27-Aug. 1. "World at Home. The"—Fanpo, No. Dak.. 20-25. Youngs Bros.' Shows—Festus lift, 20-25. CIRCUSES. Barntrm & Bailey—Bloomlngton. HL, 23, La Salle 23, Bock Island 21. Ceutervllle, la., 25. Barnes, Al. G.—Bay Olty. Mich., 22, Saginaw 23. Alma 21, Greenville 25, Ionia 27, Selding 28, Grand Rapids 20, Holland 80, Muskegon 11, Big Ronlds Ang. L Esclnnan's. J. H—BscotvlHe, Que.. Can.. 22, Lorivero 23, Herbertvllle 25, Roferval 20, 27, Cbambord 28, St Raymond 30, St. Boniface Aug. 1. Oollmar Bros.—Grand Banlds. Minn., 22, Clo- quotte 23, Hlbblng 24, Virginia 25, Pine City 27. HagOTbeck-Wallec* Sbows^—Galosbnrg. 111.. 22, Peoria 28. Lincoln 24, Pontlac 25V Jollet 27, Hommond. lnd.. 28, Benton Harbor, Mlcb.. 28, Dowaglac SO. Battle Creek 31. Ypsllanti Aug. 1. Kit Carson Shows—OcnssckJe. N. Y.. Aug. 5. La Tena's—Plymouth, Mass., 22, Wareham. 23, Falmouth 24 Harwich 25. 101 Ranch Wfid West—Fulton. N. Y« 22, Her- kimer 23, Amsterdam 24, GloversviUe 25, Sehe- . nectady 27, Saratoga 8prtngs 28, Olens Falli 20. Plattsborg 30, Xlakme 81, Water town Aug 1. Robblns. Frank A.—Fonda, N. Y.. 22. Doigevllle 23, Uttle Falls 24 ftemsen 25. Bros.'—«t. Paul, Minn., 22, Doluth 23, Staples 24,' Grand Forks. No. Dak., 25. Sliver .Family Show iBert Silver, mgr-)—Meta- mora. Mich., 22. Drydrn 23. Leonard 24. Al- most 25. Romeo 27. Armada 28, Blchmond 29. Memphis SO. . 8, S , *"».... 8l " t .. Circus—Ttconderoga, N. - Y„ 22, Granville 23, Cambridge 24, Whitehall 25. Port Edward 27. BalUMu Spa 28, Meekanicsvllle 29, OobieskUl 30, Coopentown 31. Bainbrldso Aug. 1. Tompkins' Wold West—WaWen, N. Y,. 22. Mont- gomery 23. Goshen 24. Chester 25. libnroe 27. Warwick 28. HimVi/,; 3B, Scsscx, N. J., 30, BrtnchviUe 81. Newton Ang. 1. Trgnrpsoo's. Frank H. Big Tent Show—Leaf River, 111, 20-22. Adeline 24-26, Seward Aug. 1-5. . . "IB^S. ■BrS' Greater Shows—OharMflton. N. H.. 22. Olsretnoot 23. Newport 24, Hllleboro S 5 ',, K !S n » 27 . A *o'. Ma**-. 28. Shelburne Falls 29. Yonng nuffalo Shows—Terre Haute, lnd., 22, .Paris. Ill,, 23, Charlotte 24. Pana 26 MISCELLANEOUS. Lo 2? r ' oT^°*- Ehnore—Cilea, rreb.. StV-Mllfo'rd S 5 ', 28 '~. 0r Jf nTO0a 87. Cortland'38. Bine Spring 20. Decatur. Ia.. 81. Nodaway Aur. Wurdbck Bros.* Tent Show—Expedlt, Fa. 1 , 20-25. Opels, The—Parkeraborg. -W. Va« 22. Oalro 23, Ellervboro 24, Bmltbton 25. ^^ Blcton'a Big-Show—Franklin, O., 20-25, German- ■ town 27- Ang; 1. • Ripley's Big Tent Show—anctnaatne. Hi Y.. 20- fanaird, Joe. Tent Show—Ctyde, N; a. 20-25. ■ Waldetss, The—Pontlac, HI., 22, Princeton 25. ADDITIONAL HOTJTES IN SCPI'LE- MENTARY LIST. FrnBr<rr Zireraxn Js. has arranged to establish dunce pavilions for a week in alf of.tbe.Jmpor- tint JtWe^vbilted by tbe ''Fo«leB,'jriba!5oisJne fe»^oK*^ft>£tbe "road" Danse de#- fSOtmP^S balrrT«m D W^ne prtocipU hotels h, e4eVaLr B s|lU he need.