The New York Clipper (August 1914)

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8 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August is WHEN FATHER PUT THE PAPER* ON.THE WALL i by JACK HAHONFY. A Clean, Corale hM. Fnnnv LjttIb. Swinging Melody. Groat Opening or Closing Bnmber. LIW IK)! KSTADEK i»yi It la the aaxgtsrast Hit km h»» ewer and. Brent Harmony Chora*. Word* nad Mnsle l I'M LOOTING F'OH THAT OLD VIRGINNY TOWNIA THOUSAND TIMES A DAY By JACK MM1QHEY. A Oh.1 Southern gong. A Raggy Melody, wltn a Clean Lyrto. I By JACK MAHOBKY. Sem i-High Ctoii Ballad. Great IB* Ch.n u. I lO GIVE THEE WORLD TO KMOl^ By JACK MAHObTBY. A Groat Heart InterertBaMjtAlB^reryboJjjia y^tja^e Beet Melody in Yean. Th o 8ong yen wlU eygntaally_lliig^___ __ I LEFT MY HEART IN TENNESSEE! WHEN THE SUN SETS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE A Pretty Rustic Ballad 1HA HONEY'S Swinging Romantic Maxell Ballad JACK MAxrONEY* K «raE'Housl P '5rcS^ T °soHw" 164 West 45th. St., NEW YORE TIMELY PICTURE TOPICS. "A nACE KOIl LIKE" (UNIVERSAL- that lay behind them. Into a wonderful hip- STKIU.IMi), SINUI.E 111.1:1,. plricss. CtMfi ll " ; production in in four reels, with never Himself Hilly Jncobs a pause of Interest from the leader to the Villain tJncdon drlllltlia terrific climax of the story. Lover Clmndler House PENV. STATE CUXSOR LAW DE- 'I ki< Ku.-tli-.irt .Carmen de Hue CLARISD VALID DY COIIIT OP COM. Illily's m>itl<i!r. IIiiIkLioiI making pies, luys MUN l'LKAS. Ih'is" !!! .M« W to d HlPnl' SS L This donT'he Thp Coat <- of Co"""™ P '«« *"* •**. ,tt iS&a "ri Sndk* f'Men? ■Irt'ofT pie! ™)XW„' n ^ B .f X'^R n J h |£e \V..Ikii.y BtuOH, the pair observe Carmen, £"? " ,?„'"'?".J?" 1 ?. 1 . 9 .J^hJ a ,i£'(.J"u^i who bus Just Inlshed n ride with Gordon: 5& Cm S& t & Bg£A**&J&Z Cbajidltir offers Cannon part of his pic. Gor- !"'"?■ [5= S?/in n2, iCfol. rrim don, Jealous, knocks it (from Her hands, Icor ISgESjM&Sl* tL & ™u STCaSS this Carmen S angry. While Hordon and BPSTnnirSn. *h-JP5r *!*. 5S!nJi SfiL Chandler light Hilly push.* Ms suit with the £,^2 " S ^£^ girl. Later? Illlly's mother discovers one of £»rWH-fltfon h o Interotate Fllnw^tnpaay, her nlos niiNHinv fiiicin tin- eulltv illII t takes ana ™. e I Hteburgh Photoplay Co. Their JKJm li L 1 bed contention was that the act was an unlawful ^.HlSbt 61'1,'He dreams of £**',«« lenV^Wn* ^,•^♦3.. Gordon trylni: to force bin attentions upon •*»«*; £/-Jf D ^ h /., d R5 "l 0 ."' "" t «L. t i h ' l , t „ ,*! Carmen. 0? Chandler rebuking him, and of %f a A" "°, J" " lc 5» ."} " fc ™ ™ " l " b r , , » t ^ Gordon's threat to secure the girl at all k'ate c ommerc e, but that JI s c.pearly an costs. In his dremn he sees Gordon abduct J"^™. °. f n ^£° \[ ° e „P? ™ € ™ ° r ^* «, a ™>2 the girl, carry her awny on a handcar, and H^Kf*^* "*ra> s "d ,™?„ n I n ?", ot if« P^ then tic her if. Ihe truck when she refuses to L' 0 ' r &?r?thJ'si„il R,?n£m^™5 marrv the villain. Hilly, cnllstlug the help b0 •"*■ t0 the 8tate SapKme Court, of a friend uud ills racing car, starts to the W. E. SMITH AXD C. H. PIERCE PACK rescue. There is a wild ride—a race between PHII.A. HOUSE WITH "BAnLEY- onglne und motor car. Billy, la the car, COIIX"—PICTUnE SHOWN WITHOUT dashes before the ourushlng train and saves HEVISIONS. Cu-meu and reetores her to Chandler. Despite the fact that the Court of Coin- Then Billy uwakenB. mno I'leas in 1'hlladelphla handed down a commbnt. decision Inst week declaring the Pennsyl- That's the story, and a fine onis—not— vanla State CenBor Law to be valid and con- for children to play parts In. Not a rIiicJo slltutloual. W. E. Smith, of the Famous childish episode Is shown throughout the 1'layers Exchange of Philadelphia, nod C. II. entire action, and the old "dream" gag, 1'lcrcc, connected with Bosworth, Inc., •which, by the way, was used in the preccd- showed "John Barleycorn" through the me ing picture at the Strand last week, was dluiu of the Glrard Avenue Theatre, to a utilized In order to get the tiresome story record breaking crowd. Louis Breitlnger, over. chairman of tbe Pennsylvania Board of Con- If there is anything more painful than a eors, hud ordered certain cuts and revisions "kid" trying to act Ilka a grown-up it Is two made in the Jack London Sim production. "kld<i" or three or four, as the cane may oe. The photoplay was made by Bosworth, Inc. In this Instance it is four children, all of Ilrclfiuger's requests were Ignored, however, them distinctly amateurish and entirely and it was thought that the censor might lacking in the first principles of pantomime, exercise his prerogative and place the Dim If the censors want to censor something txhlbltorg and the management of the Glrard Midi/ in Deed of their attention, why not under arrest. Nothing came off and the plc- tnke a good, long look af the "kid" tied to the turc was exhibited without Interference, tin- rullroad track and saved by the hero. Flc- .doubtedly public sentiment In Philadelphia tiires of this sort, with scenes of this char* Is ugalnat tbe spirit of the Censor Law. acler, are absolutely dangerous to show be- ahthiti iruir wivn a i.»w«mtT fore Impressionable children, who may take AKT "{'» the-'stamp photo" it into their nendB to emulate the -thrilling" "* * 1 i T i«ATiir»M MOIU action and "tense" moments In a real iff a ... , uiiuanws. version of this crude attempt at mock drama. i «. Ar BS Leslie has won the first round in A Juvenile " comedy" it is called. Why call «« Hgg»t!on started against the doughty It at all? Let It sleep. The photography Is """> Napoleon of the Idea Men's Army by f a [ r illon the Pikas Co., who declared in the Supremo FAMOUS PLAYERS POSTPOWB ' C ,°"? *•* «W ^^^.^ «fflSS "SILVER KING" PRODUCTION. [,i|^ re i%^ B , m 1 ps " p r 0 a g {S, 8 pL 0tc 0I,lay ftrtl8tS While speculation is rlfo as to the prob- Judge ford, after listening to several wit able effect on the motion picture Industry ncssea. decided that the Injunction asked for of the gigantic war now raging through all by the Pakas people would not be granted. of Europe, the Famous Players 111m Co. The Pakas Co. further asked for 110,000, has already experienced one uniunnl result which the cold hearted Jurist also denied to of the tremendous conflict, which has com- award them, to the complete satisfaction of pelled this concern to postpone its prodnc- Mr. Leslie tlon of "The Silver King," preparations for laskY'S "CALL OP TnE NORTH ■ which have, for some time, commanded the with ROBERT EDESON. OPENS '"ouy'slanding^wbose selection for the ^ CCC "S lI, ; LY t AT ™E STRAND. leading role of the world famed drama waB o™ 0 . P, r ! nc, P |1, 1 , Plctare feature at tha recently announced, is the captain of a S tni ° 4 „ iul S, t we ^ k , '" L «5 I, » s <£ u , of tnB noted fcngliBh regiment, and when the an- Nt>rt V, with Robert Edeson, the famous nouncoment that England hnd Joined the dramatic Btar, in the leading role. In splto wholesale war wbb onlclally confirmed, g f adverse weather conditions the picture Standing's military seal immediately do- has proved to be a record breaking drawing Htroycd the poise that Is necessary for so ciTi l . Several beautiful scenic and photo- arduous a role as that of the Silver King. Hraplilc effects are shown, and tbe Interest Obsessed with the desire to return to his JJ £? audience Is held from the start to the regiment and Join the colors. Standing called ' ml ,?h. Edeson siirnrlsrd his most sanguine upon Adolph Zukor. president of the IPamous « e 'l TJ. 8 . 11 ™ ln , llls ln ' t . lnl screen appearance. Players, and for the first time in his life, . A detailed review wilt appear in our next really pleaded for the postponement of tho i? s V£" . „„_,«,„ ^„ „^. „,.„ engagement. Mr. Bnkor. Impressed by tbe PATHE EMPLOYEES GO TO WAR— patriotic loyalty of the Btar, connentcd. and BIG JERSEY CITY PLANT LOSES Standing happily began preparations for a OFFICERS —DAILY NEWS DISCON- hasty departure. He sailed last week on TIMED. Ihn l.uirttiuuu, to take his place in a more At least one large American corporation vital drama and enact n more heroic role lias felt the burden of war in the loss of em- even than that of the Silver King. ployecs, and that Is tho American branch of "CADIRIA" THE GREATEST SHOW the great French houso of Pathe Freres. ON EARTH. Though the majority of the employees la m ,. n , h .„ —«n(.i..ihi« fiu. th. i.»» i» t thls country are Americans, tliere are, as HnV^iiS'J (.main stmn -'Th. »««!«» "l 1 "™'. « number of Frenchmen iu different K ^n lirth" mS*P?h» mJur r»™iinti deparrmciits, chief of whom are the ranking. ^ ir^'^trtct^K SrTor gg» 2^ p CO n«laln M The i tw A o r ^cS 2Z2353& *&*'?&&'& .corss^f pneHts"'When Si"«U %& Z° ftom 2«'""A 1 ?- .,""""IJ* ct ,^ J£L *™S1 Si the French consul in New York for re> lm n («i^ t nS,. «&> ul»..ita «" ot tllCBe Frenclraicn recDlved the call LnniJ? tJ 1 hSm.Ti. e »*}ff JiJL ~mA ^m7i> ^ K '- BonvllUl», who Is a lieutenant In v 1'S knl'T'-c'lLS™ U Jl,iinr -. ?" dne. l,| e l''™ncn Army, sails on Saturday M re- 1% t ^r^i^, 1 n r i a n' rt n£ eal d!. r m ". B n "tS 3»«r - h ! 8 «*S* A touch. of patho. is ijr. Rardet, the cnthler, has sent his two sons, who sailed on the Lorraine. With them were Mr. Monca. lieutenant In the French army, and son of Chief Director Monca, of the Vlnccnnes studio, various offlre clerks. ef the foremost of dramatic stars. Is an am- bitious author and devotes every spare mo- ment of bis time to writing. As Mr. Soberts is to be a permanent Lasky star, be secured permission from the com- pany to erect ■ small portable house on the grounds near the Lasky studio at Holly- wood. Between scenes Mr. Roberts works at his literary creations, and during the action of the picture is sb industrious as any member of the force. Id "The Eing Master" Mr. Roberts will ■portray the part of the proprietor of tbe circus. Tbe part will give Mm a remarkable opportunity to portray bis unusual talent. la addition to 'The Ring Master" Mr. Rob- erts will play a few of tbe principal roles in the various Belasco productions, namely: 'The Girl of the Golden West," "Tbe War- rens of Virginia" and "The Rose of the Bancha" "Tho Ring Master" will be released Nov. 16. <H. B. Coles Is no longer connected with the rBlmplex Co. Tbe board of directors has appointed Joseph E. Greef, acting general manager, In charge of all departments. The Apex Feature Service moved from old quarters to larger quarters In tbe same building, and now occupy the entire wing on fourth floor of Rhodes Building, Atlanta, Ga. 0. P. Hall is in charge of Atlanta office find Is looking forward to record business for the coming Beason. Apex Features arc papu- lar In this section, and the demand exceeds the supply. Messrs. Gcy W. Grees and H. A. East. Sresident and treasurer, respectively, of ebraska Feature Co., Lincoln, Neb., are ar- ranging to visit New York in searcb of fea- tures for use in their territory during the coming season. Nebraska Feature Co. is a new concern, but they already own about a dozen features, and it Is the intention of Messrs, Green and East to purchase another bunch during their coming visit to the metropolis. Nbb Fislit, the Vltagraph director, who disappeared from Hendersonville,, N. _C, .,. — e —« - -- —• ~—1" *ui. —iJSA ...j news 01 lue war uas oeeu kbul krum uiiu iwr able Icgltlmato theatre In the world, ana .... . „„. r . v .ttniF an nireadv ocrioua con. thus clearly ranks ub "the greatest show on 5t?i nn a KK r » vatlD 8 an alreaay serious con earth," ss It will he seen by more people " than hove ever witnessed any entertainment since tbe crcatlou of tho world. FAMOUS PLAYERS RELEASE "AFTERMATH." The next release of tho Famous Player. *S?V5SL!Jft $fr£3L2*JBPJ£ Kilo Company Is to be the powerful domestic gfi i e , I ^ rtmC n t ,?{ zSJBX^JZtJS. drama by Prof. William Addison Hervoy, of »£« """A* "i" 't c ,, wa * f '°^ ii'Jin. «J2" Columbia University, "Aftermath." Tho film d , r ; e,1 _ do A larB f we ?£ d ? wo .'*_°. ???L2SS vei " I Ing aUOIiMu fjja.ifiii- niui. vhcn iiiviiiV) nup|iuitvu «.« . " np i, •"■"AffTrm^^'f. C a aP mod , ;.r; a, dra«a of error 'Wi £V ta ^'t.i tb f it? S and atonement, the story of two wuls that J ho l«g SSfc ,7 h. , J i^^luiVi?,^ "hi emerge from the depths. Ruth Morgan and ft' 5SSL2» « *. feiw!"J*,1 U °%? J? Allan Buchannan, two unfortunate victims &*.„S 0Vcrnaicnt a8 tt barracks for the sol- of evil and despair, are both drawn to tbe river's brink, seeking merciful oblivion. The two waifs of misfortune, thus strange- ly thrown together, turn awny from death nnd begin their struggle bnrk to hope and fnllb together. Allan becomes of service to r wealthy man, wh that enables him to after the wedding Ruth learns that her hus hand's benefactor Is the man of her past. Overwhelmed by the crushing revolution, Allan thrusts her from him, nnd the after- THIS WEEK'S CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE I Special wire to Tarn Olu-pei, Any. 10.) ■jf ATrCTI/* trick dogs. Nlcht show: Ohuck Han*, rone mac- ITLriJCO 11L» ipulotor; Ceoirette Lewis, singing aud whistling (l.vmin B Otov»r, manager). El Key Slaters, comedienne: Wilson and Aubrey, comedy and bor- oirerlnE Ibe Tango »nd Toxkey Trot, ou skates, lesque wptsllere j Qulnn Brolttrs and Drake, Santlv on.1 Norton, gingers. Tucodorc Bendli and novelty singing and dancing; Flie Hnjashl Japs, his syniphwiy players, Including Leo Sachs and Oriental wonders: Pour Society Girls, harmony Arthur Lichi'teln! Henry Ltwis, in "A Vaudeville Cbektall." Carlos Sebastian and Dorothy Bentley, In a varlely of dances. Juliet. In a new series of orudnal humorous character studies from life. Augustus Pitou Jr., prcs«nllug Crtfitrude OnrhUn, In "Food;" lncluiled in the cast are J. H. Oil- more and Arthur Stanford. Kalph Hera, oue of musical canedy's favorite stars. Vivian Fori nnd and character tinging. COLONIAL, (George A. -Harrison, manager). Porter J, White aud company, in "The Beggar;" DoSlle d'Alnert, French prima donna; Burton Holmes' Traveiette, "Buenos Aires;" White Cloud and McVICKER'S, Harry Hewitt, In their Imrleeuue of the society company, Indian trick and bareback riding; Major dancing crate. Next week's bill 1 Harm Krooold. Wright and bis dancing lings, in the newest attss; "The Bedhiads." Charles Howard and company. Stone and King, slnxluE and talking comedians; Carlo and Dlnos. Chung Una Four. Five la- Clyde and Marlon, Smlletta Brothers and Mora, dlans, Birrnhnm and Irwin. Miller and Lyle, and "Fun in a Park. Lkhby and Burton. GREAT HORTHERN HIPPODROHE. (F. 0. Bberis, manager.) Bay show: Norman Bros., novelty sensational ntbletes; Hattle Tlm- berg, ceceatric vloliitlst; Harry Haw and Dong Fung Gue, two kids from Canton, China; Uni- versity Quartette, harmony singers; William H. Armstrong and company, in "The Baggage Man ;" Gorman Prolhera and Irfoiiari. character come- dians; Hi.ward's animals, performing bears and (J. 0. Bureh. manager). The Imperial Court, Boyarrln dancers. Joe Baunlater and company, in "The Waif." Werden and Gearn, epectacubr singing novelty. Ma-leta Boueanl, violin vlrtauw. Metropole Four, promoters of harmony. Morocco Six, whirlwind tumblers and pyramid builders. Al- len Sonunrrs, in new songs and sayings. Aerial La Vails, "looping the loop" on the trapeze. Ani- mated songs. tilers. THEODORE ROBERTS TO BE A LASKY PICTURE STAR. Theodore Roberts, without a doubt ons of the gieatcst character actors on the Ameri- can becomes of service to ran stage, has been secured by the Jesse I. vho secures him a position T,n?hv Frnture Piny Company for appearance to^mnrry Ituth. nnd shortly in George Rarr MeCutcheon's fammiB novel. "The Rose In the Ring." which will be pro- duced bv the f«skv Company, under tbe title of '-The Illng Master.'' "The Rose In the King." as n novel, was ninth of Ihe terrible past seems about to one of MeCuteheon's inoet brilliant works, engulf both when, through a thrilling com. and the part of the Ringmaster la apt'y b'.rmtlon of circumstance*. Allan learns to suited to Mr. Roberts' virile tvpe. torsive, and the two emerge from tha shadow Theodore Roberts, In addition to Ming oM Oltmpio (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"A Phantom Thief" fealurlug aim week of 9. Atlantic *ty, N. J.—Anollo (Fred Moore, mgr.) for week of Aug. 10, "The Beauty Shop." with Raymond Hitchcock andgorigloal New York cast "High Jinks" Is announced as the attrac- tion here for week of 24, with the cast headed by Stella Mnvliew. In tbe cast are: Philip By ley. Ada Meade, Emma Francis, William Sel- ler}-, Bllzaleth Wood, Blllle Taylor, Dorothy Ver- non, Paul Porcasl, Adeie Ardsley, and a lariro chorus. Gaboon Pieb Thbatbi (Keith Vaudeville) iChas. G. Anderson, res. mgr.)—Bill week of 10: Mercedes, assisted by Mile. Stan tone, Vm. Mont- gomery and Florence Mi»re, Jack Wilson and Frank Batle, Fred J. Anlath and compan.?!»jEthel McAIester. Okla.—Star Alrdome (A. Bert Esies. mgr.) was dark Aug. 3-8. Uoseley Bros.' Stock Co. 10 and week. Yaxb-Majestic (D. A. MacDonald. mgr.)— Ifotloi. lilctures conrlnne to One business. LrntK-rr (J. A. nteinson, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures has good business. EVANS IS GOING OUT. George Evans' Minstrels atarted rehearsals, Monday, Aug 10. The show was to have started two weeks, but Evans, who was HI, had to go away to the mountains again. He is rrcov- ei'ng and will he la shape when the show opens. Dan She* will be In front of ihe house tgalu, sltb Cbas. Stnrgls ahead. ♦ ■ » NEWS IN DRIEF. Tun Metropolitan premiere of "Sylvia Runs Away," announced for Aug. 11, at tbe Playhouse, about three weeks ago, has returned to New MciDonough, Gordon and Itlci, ttcx Comedy Circus York City. He was found suffering from and Frits and Lucy Brueh. aphasia by Wo. Hannon, manager of the Nsw Nixoh (Harry Brown, msr.)—Beginning Screen Club, who promptly notified Mr. Fin- 8 and continuing through week of 10. Selwjrn & ley's connections/and arranged temporary Go ^oa*^TakM*ny martatte- nSSS ■ D ^Xw1n t b?hlms r elf h aga?nXrt^ h0 • " " «< »^«?S%5^tt «MjM3T&! S-fg e WANTS CINEMATOGRAPH OUTFIT. So. 13,171. Cinematograph Outfit. — An American consul reports that a resident of now on, will offer the same class of attractions as Nlxoa'a Apollo Theatre. Savoy. (Ben Harris, ngr.l—Bill week of 10: Eva Tanguay, James J. Corbett. Llda McMillan end company, Haydn, Burton and Haydn, Nichols Sisters, Six Weber Troupe, Cullen Bros., and Jug- bis district wishes to be put in communlca- cling De Lisle. tlon with American manufacturers of cine- ftf Uiluon Dolus Pira Hipropaous (Copt. John matograpb outfits, as he wishes to eturt a moving picture Bhow. Correspondence should be In English. Cssb on delivery of goods Is customary for first orders. The address may be obtained from tbe Bureau of Foreign ana Domestic Commerce, Washington, D. C„ or either of Its branch offices, viz; New York, Boom 315. United States Custom House; CMcago, 629 Federal Building; New Orleans, Association of Commerce Building; Ban Francisco, 310 United States Custom House. Use file number at head of paragraph. Ap- pllcatlon must be by letter. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Cleveland, O.—Colonial (F. Ray Comstock, mar.) for week of Aug. 10. the Colonial Block Co. present Mary Hall as leading lady, in the produc- tion of "The Love Route." "Bieriock Holmes" week of rr „ . Milsb (Frank Ravman. mgr.)—The bill weec of 10: Six Imperial Perklnese Troupe, Beman and Anderson. Rice, Jack Ellis and company, Ines Lytnan, Stanton and Stanton, and pictures Pbibctll* (P. B. Seas, mgr.)—Bill week of 10: Richards, the Wliard, assisted by Crystal WllUams and company, a Henlo Moore musical comedy, tha One Man Quartette. Stuart Siste.-s, Voas and Christy, and Evelyn Ramonde. Kmtu'b Hippooroius (II. A, Daniels, ragr.)— For week of 10, the picture nroduc'.los of "Ca- birla" la continued. Business baa been excellent. 8ta» (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.)—The Fall season opened 10, with Joe Hurtlg's Social Maids. Next week, Girls from Happyland. Bunas (Geo. Obctiet. mgr.)—This bouse also ried for me season 10, with Darktown Follies IvlS, to be followed by Follies of Pleasure ric of IT. KMiCKmnocxaa (B. N. Downs, mgr.)—Max Flgmnn and Lolita Robertson. In "The Man on tie Box" and "Shadows of the Past." with Anita Stewart, are principal attraction! week of 10. ST4NDA1E.—For week of 10. the Dims Include: 'The Million Dollar Mystery." part eight; "Too Scales of Justice," "The Han on the Boi." and Ifary Plckford, in "Love's Refrain." Luna Paxk.— With picnics end outings of so- cial societies, week of 10 is tare to be a busy one. The weather haa strongly favored outdoor atnusemeute, and big crowds are the rule. The botcher's panic on Wednesday, 12, Is usually one of the season's features. Notbs. —Three theatre* open this week. Pet- •ml other bosses are now closed for cleaning and n-dcroretlng The Cranwood Driving Park RaoN take place here 1111. Lowlsvllle, Ky.—Fontaine Ferry Park (Harry Ullger, mgr.) NatlHio and hi* band, and La Salle Grand Opera Quartet are feature* week of Aug. 0. Foktainu Fxanr Park Tiiiutrs (Barry Bilger, cn«r-)—Bill week of 9: Woodman and Llvlng- stoa, Van Hoven, the Gougets, La Croix anil Dixon, and O'Brien, Havel and company. Kivnvixw Park: iL. Simon, mgr.)—Cook'* hand and Herbert ami Wlllln are features week of n. Maokoua Gasnagv (S. K. Hoffman, mgr.)—-"A Country Carnival" feature* week of 9. Mask AxuaiBON (U Goldherg, mgr.)—This the- atre ha* resinned Us former name and la called B. F. Keith'* Mary Anitenoa. Its policy will be high dtM motion pictures, and Its season S. "Shadows of Uo Past" is the featur- ra> Urn week of 0. Majestic (L. Ditbmsr. mgr.)—"Tbe Eagle's Mete" featuring Dun week of 0. Nornvrv (8. Levenson, mgr.)—"Firelight" fea- turing Dim week of 9. Star (A. Krnncy. mgr.)—'Trlvste Bunny" fea- turing Sim week of A, IIirTODBOHBj (Max L. Simon, mgr)—"The Gate- way of Regret" fearurlug a)lm week of 8. Casino (A. Kearney, mgr.)—"The Fate of the Squaw" featuring Sim week of S, Crvbtai. (H. Swltow, mgr.)—'Terll* Of Paul- ine" featuring film week of 9. Osritsvu (A. Kenney, ratr.)—'The Indian Agent" featuring film week of §. CoMmMA (A. Kenney. ingr.)—"The Daughter *f la* Ttllsr" fwtuaiat film week of ». Young, mgr.)—Joe Hortlx Minstrels, Raymo'a bull dogs, Fern, Blgelow and Rnydn, the Curxon Slaters, Musical Parsleys, and the Hurleys are current attractions. Edinonton, Altn At PantageV. Ethel Davis and company, Including Itessle Hill, Billy North, Charles Barns. Lou Davis and eight sprightly young women, In "September Morn" rose, were featured in "The Fountain of Youth," tbe week of Aug. 3, playing to good business. Others: Charles King, Virginia Thornton and Er- man Seavey, in "The Village Priest:" Earl Tay- lor and Ethel Arnold, musical sketch; Miller. Packer and Seis, slngicg and dancing act, and Chester Kingston, contortionist. Lyceum. —The Lyceum Players scored heavllv In "Peg 0' My Heart," which Harold Holland, director, says was presented here the first time la stock, the week of 3. Edward Heara was an Ideal Jerry. Big business. Th» Western Canada Theatres, Ltd.. will open the season of 1014-15 on 13, with "Kitty Mac- Kay." The house boa been renovated. Guy Bates Tost and company will be seen in "Omar, tbe Tentmaker" 27-29. W. A. MoAx-rntra conducted a band of selected musicians at a concert in the Lyceum Theatre, evening of 2. nayilcn Morris was the soloist, tbe accompanist being II. M. Roberts. Mrs. Jkak Blewitt was greeted by a large audience at her concert In McDougatl Audi- torium ,4. John T. Lane, minagln.: director of Canada's Tonrlnf? Company, Ltd., who has Just returned from California, reports that more than 10.000 residents of Alberta will attend the expositions at San Francisco and San Diego next year. Muskogee. Okla. the theatre closed until such time as the United Managers' Protective Association and the Inter national Alliance of Theatrical Stare Employes come to an agreement regarding the use of addi- tional stags crews during the New York run of a piece. "Twin Bans," a farce, by Salisbury Field and Margaret Mayo, was given Its first production Monday night, Aug. 10. at the Savoy. Asbnry Park, N. J. Madge Kennedy, John Westley. Ray Cox, Mabel Acker, Georgie Lawrence. Charles Jutlela aud John Cumberland were in the cast. The play opens Aug. 14, at the Fulton Theatre, New York. Tub Manhattan Opera House. New York, will open 15, with "Peg 0' My Heart." Klaw A Ehlancbs will present Elsie Ferguson, in "The Dragon's Clnw," by Austin Strong. Re- hearsals began last week, at the Now Amsterdam Theatre. Ikens Pawlosxa has signed with Henry W. Ssvage, for appearance in the prima donna lole of "Sari." Hiron Cutlvers has been engaged by tho Llcb- Ier compsny to sing the purt of Hern, in "Joseph mid His Brethren," which will begin Its season Aug. 29. In Chicago. Law Pimm opened 10, In "The High Cost of Loving," at Long Branm, N. J. He comes to the Republic. New York, 25. Fiskr O'Haxa will produce "Jack's Romance," at Eau Claire. Wis., 18. A chores of sixty girls have begun rehearsals at the Globe Theatre for tbt> forthcoming Mont- pmery and Stone production, which Chaj. Dll- llngliam will make in tbe Fall. Francis Fields, daughter of Lew Fields, will be married Aug. 24. Saii Bebnard will open Sept. 21, in "Tbe Belle of Bone 8treet." Oroior. E. Brown goes In advance of 'Tbe Things That Count." A ?EoroHM.A.TCB of "As Yoo Like It" was given, Aug. 8, at Lake Mabopac, by the Howard Kyle Players. Batmond Hitchcock opens bis season In 'The Broadway (D. Myers, 5 e »» , / m ^"y" A J 1 » D J U<: °lg, this week. Karl Eer.ham has been added to tbe cast. Jeanne Eaoel Is the new leading lady with Julian Eltlnge, in "The Crinoline Girl." Ourro-t Cbawtoed will remain !n England this season. Ths opening date of "The Rule of Three" has been announced for Sept 5. at the Montauk. Brooklm "Tb» Danctmo Duchess" was given Its Initial ngr.) motion pictures and vaudeville, xaud (0. L. Brltton, mgr.)—Motion pictures. WlQWAAI (F. P. Lieber, mgr.)—Aug. 9, John A. Cornelly Stock Co. Nora—Vlck "Fagg" Harvey, of tho team, the Bsrvcys, left here Aug. u, to spend the remainder of tbe Bunvmer with Bob Duvey and Lucille Ever- son, on Irelr mnch at Asjh.-ii, Col, Mm. llarvev, wno ha* bad charge of one ofstbe leading hotels _ Su this city for the Summer, will continue to K", 11 " 1 " A W- *, « the Broadway, Loag Branch, operate same until OctoUr. Mr. narvev expect* N : , J / Tbe N * w Y °rk City premier of this sliow to ploy a few dates In CeJorudo on the S. 4 C. Jhleh was announced for Aug. 10. at the Oajlno. time, out of the Denver nfllce The attend •nee record for the last half of week July 30- Aug. 1, was broken, when the Al. Jennlng'* pic- tures played to 10,000 nald admissions at tho Broadway Theatre. Beginning Sept. 20. tho Broadway win open the Fall season on the Inter- state circuit, playing four acts or musical tab- loads and three reels of first-run Mutual service, with a change In pictures dally Hie first in- stallment of 'The Trey o* Hearts" showed at the Yale Theatre Aug. 5, to capacity business, opening at ono o'clock and running until eleven Tlw Keren Blstere' Stock Co. opened at Wigwam No. 4, 2, to capacity boslnem, playing Al bills and having an exceptionallv strong company. Tho company plays Parsons, Kan., n; Independence 10, and open at the Crawford Theatre, Wichita. 23. for an Indefinite stay. has been iwrponed till Aug 24, and the "Ditch- es*)" will play the Shubert Theatre. Boston. Mass., In tbe meantime. Alan Data well known dramatic critic, has arrived In New Tork from abroad. Mrs. TTtoxus Whitten, who Is restored by Charles Frohman In "The Beautiful Adventure." Is on the Crdrte, and Is expected here to tske part In the first rehearsal Aug, 13, which wta postponed to await her arrival. ALICE ESDEN Re-engaged by Wan. A. Brady for "THE WHIP." LOTT'S HOTELS FOB, PROFESSIONAL FOLKS WHILE IN CHICAGO RITES| N BINGLi£ to fV per weak DOUBLE to 9IO par week NETHERLAND HOTEL 2UH-1S Michigan BouleVRTU Ten Minutes to Theatres HOTEL RALEI6H 048-50 Dearborn Avenue Five Minutes to Theatres 11 I / All