The New York Clipper (August 1914)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 29 Deaths. OUT OF TOWN NEWS OaTallo and bis band are offering operatic con- IN MKMOKIAM-BYIiKM. In everlasting memory of my devoted brother .TACK HVDBLL Who died Aug. 27,1013 "What happy days we once enjoyed, How nwcet their memory Mill; But lhey have left an ai hlni; void Thin world can never fill." Brother lilll A Sister Hose Sydell Campbell Edmonton, Can. —Empire. Announce- ment Is nmde that O. P. Walker, general manager class inuBleal arrangement of the Western Canada the Players In n series formanees In Edmonton Troy, !«. Y.—Proctor's (H. B. Emd*. mgr.) 81* K A It, Hf IIV T ftl'll e „ t . bill for An*. 24-20: Two Ktmuros. Jeanette ~■» M3iJ%.SS/ 1W. M. J.1 M. WliU Grand —For week of 39 another display of Chllda, Vine and Temple, Rene Meyers and com- Sell fiTe pacts for a dime mt fairs, eta We sell It Biiely balanced intermittent acta will appear, pany, Delmore and Light, Wilson and Lawson, to yoa at one cent per pack, among which Scenes from Grand Opera, a high and Walter J. Hayes. For 27-20: Jack and ■ by twelve singers. Forls. Chas. T«d«gar, Weber and Wilson, Ohaun- HEI.MKT CO.. Broadway. Cincinnati, n. Thontre". Ltd.. will present will have first ploce; Mme. Tescbow's cats, Ash cey Monroe and rompany, Le Mont and Mllhara. of high-class dramatic iht- and Shaw, In "A Night in Chinatown," and and Stevenson and Nugent. . unF Calgary, beginning otora. _ Cnivej«l ..nlmated weekly motion pic Kayo a (N. C. Mlrlck ,^-Th.s bouse Aug. 31, under the direction of Theodore Johnsctj, formerly stage director of the Permanent Players at Winnipeg. Tbe company will play three days a week In each city. This schedule will be ar- ranged so aa not to Interfere wltti the booking of New York and London attractions. "The Last Days of Pcmpell," a motion picture of Lord Bul- wer Lytlon's romantic work, was shown 20-22. Pantaoes'. —Webber's Jnvonlle Orchestra waa featured week of 17. Tbe orchestra consisted of fifteen boys and girls, under the direction of H. A. Webber, a prominent musician of Portland, Ore. Others: "Slivers" Oakley, the pantomlmist; William Schilling and company, In f, »h, Help;" Sillier and North, "The Bashful Han and the Maid," and the Belle Trio. Lyobum. —The Lyceum, under the direction tares hold a prominent plice also. Princess. —For week of 30 Cl.arlea Robinson's Carnation Beauties Biirlesiuers. An elaborate electric display will be used In the several act- scenes. Standard. —Tony Kennedy snd his Blue Rib- bon Belles 30 and week. "A l>ay at Palm Beach" and "In Panama," both with elaborate scenic details, are the two hurlettas. Mannion's Park. —For week of 30 "The Norm.—The Men's Club, a religious organ lis- »_I^i"«i.- ,™'it~' ifih the" Wit Ward hnr- tlon ' endeavored to stop the showing of the AI. ZgXytt^y^tol^ *£»£& J«»lnga Pictnre. at the MMest.c ^Theatre It, ■•mI k. «,« Zi. ii,.. ),»» f„r the first three davs l0 , Dn ' ">* City Commissioners dec lined to hi- ofe.cb we*^ T^V LlMi? £%. NeU <«*«• Over 5,0fr0 attended tbe theatre In ,w, O'Brien's Minstrels 29. oa '*- Rsnsselaeb Pass:.— Vaudeville and open air Atlanta, Co. attractions. Pboctob's Lycbcm, Plaza. Keith's, >oveltt. Trojan, Majestio and Empire, photoplaye only. Seranton, Pa^—Lyceum (Uly O. Hill, mgr.l SW-Sfc"Ce* E!eil Ct , ^"ST&IZ the- .e«on got under way here Aug. 22. .with Frederick R. Beaton. Frederick R. Beaton, an actor, thirty-five years oldI waarobot and Wiled a little after noon, Thursday, Aug. 13. on the back por* of hi. two- Morycoltsge7 at 88 Elm Avenue, Bogota N. J. f^L^Bh^^anrood^aoTjoaa Kel1ey?TfB* of Harold Holland presented "Tbe Private Sec . Columbia.-™, theatre wilt open us doors ,h V V SL«w™on thrrnllroad right of way about retary." with William Yule la the chief role, for the season 31. New and Interesting novelties man, Who hereon tne raiiroaunguiui..i week of 17. are to be offered at his theit.-c during the year. i~ Mn, EattTonThe bick £rch. and heart him NorKS.-Mrs. Julia W. Henahaw, of Vancouver. Krw Gbano C E NTRAL.-rictnre, onfy. tnUlnV in loud tones wlih his wife, who was described by the literary crltice of The fondfn Terre Haute, Ind Grand (Cbas. Smith, drome. Colonial, Court Souare, Victobia, Ob- Itin.iin* in the doorway. DaU » Telegraph as "an artist In worts," will mfr , •■Brewster's Millions" and "Hearta of ihbum and Wondbblano, motion pictures only, atandlug In the doorway. __ _ - _ Mw an Vattnteii lecture here Sept. 4, under &k'. pictures were the futures week of Aug. 17. NoTEs.-JThe Academy of Music, which hss f Iia A I iuwiI Inn rwf + H* TPnmon'a /"loin art I a si ("lls-iri .. .*\ _.. ~ , r-. »- v tt a...- — -t . -i. #..— uBfiHl MiuilKa hast Koan t»L-«n X^nent later <*? *« ^ca^Dr^' CTieciU'Trh? w^-s^bX' Club" " J! JS .""T 1 ^^^, ,1 n 0 "Ma a r';hal 0 Oh' , .r.«' w! °borle« L. «JI. «J«P -S»4l»3L ™« Theatre. L. Edwards, and Borou S n Marsl al Ohartesi .. hM ^.^h,,,^ , wlreleOT telegrapb station at Winters, and with them went .aromJ o the front , f fc ^ | MtrumentB ,^ $ .ufflclent ca- door of Scuton'a ho.iae. Going threap b the Ibouse , fl h lne)!MKM to ^ Pt< . iBc q,,,, t tbey found Beaton lying In the Ziehen just 1 to- ;,„„»„, of 7B0 a]] ^ Ht ha , „„, tn , tal ' Ied side the back door, with ono bullet In bla breast bulletin boards, giving as muck news of the En- and another in his brain. He was dead when »r will visit Edmonton In the Fall. Rdwarda reached him. Not far away Mrs. Beaton was lying face down on the floor, apparently In a atupor. A few feet from her waa a revolver, with two chambers dis- charged. She was unsble to speak. Sheriff Root. N Heath waa called, and with Under Sheriff Kniiish and Deputy Nestcl, took Mrs. Beaton io St. John, Can.—Opera House (Walter the county lalilullackeiisack. Later she was Wooda. mgr.) Mack's Musical Revue had big held on the charge of murder on a commitment business Aug. 17, 18. "Polly of the Circus' 7 ■sued by Justice of the Peace Thomas H. Oum- hail four daya good business at advanced prices ntlmrs She was put under a physician's care. nud nleased. Mack'a Musical Bevue resumed It Mrs' Beaton Is thirty-two years old and a former enisgement 24. sctress linving appeared In vaudeville as a cow- Impuual. —A very clever musical act com Plavera Indefinite. Niw Colonial (M. Less mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Lois (E. B. Sheets, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pic- tures, VABtrriEB (Otto Meyer, mgr.)—Bill 23-28: The rnpean war aa Is passed by tie censors Adasna, Fiddler and Shelton. Chns. A. Bowser -Bijou (H. L. Dc Give, mgr.) Jewel Kelly Co., In "Boanoke," Aug. 24-2S. Giand (H. L. De Give, mgr.)—Motion picture*. Atlanta (Homer George, mgr.)— This how opened its Winter season 24, with "Cahirli" pictures. The bookings are numerous, and con- tain many popular successes. Fobbtth (H. L. CardOEa, mgr.)—This boinc opened with Keith vaudeville 24. Bonita (Geo. Campbell, mgr.)—Tableau and motion pictures continue to draw large crowds. Ahkbican (T. B. Johnston, mgr.)—Tableau anil motion pictures, to good houses. Mill (A. K. Jones, mgr.)—Bnrlesuue oHerluss continue to please largo crowds. Mpntoouebt, Vaddettx and Elite, pir'ures only. Fort Worth, Tex.—Majestic (O. V. Gould. , mgr.) bill week of Aug. 17 lnelnded: Jsbks Youno'b Gabobn (Sam Young, mgr.)—Harper been dark for several months, has been taken Leonard and company. In "When Oeasar C'.i trend and never before given in this part of the country. Qaystt. —Foi week of 110 Progressive Glrlj. "Gen. Fink" Is tbe name of tbe openlmt and "The Underworld," the deBtgnatlon of the closing satire. Columbia. —This theatre will open Its doors The Red Widow," matinee and evening. "After the Ball," a alz-reel photodrama, la shown 24- 28. Poli's (H. A. Vannle, mgr.)—For week of 24, tbe Poll Stock Oo., In "The Conspiracy." supporting Walter Richardson and Gertrude Fow- ler. "Fine Feathers." past week, to good bouses. Aebial Gabden PC A. Oomerford, mgr.)— Feature photoplays, changed dally. Buocr Dreams, Manhattan, Wondebs, Hrpro- ovct by Mr. Poll, and will re-open under but Her ... Nat NaEarro cbmiisny, Mae West. North- manageroent_ln the near future, _wlth a perma- Iane tBi Ward> ^ Brnm ,„„, q^,, Dler0 _ q,,,, Mnrgaret Auglln, who Is passing the Summer at an( j oom p, nT , Gen. Plsnno and company, and Svl- been on an extended vacation will return this IJurbrldge. Que.. s«ys In a letter to Marjorle T< ., t „ amJ Vance. Bill 27-28; Arthur and Roy. - B . row . n ' £ Mroooton. that ahe is planning a torn- Walsh, Lynch and compioy. and Four Society in i w?V ln . ? ^.J 1 l " l, f, nD «« ■ **»• » no Girls, Knapp and Comelln, and Oharmlon Trio. Satot. Fountain, Majebtio, Colonial, Pbin- glrl aharpshooter. She hss a three year old son, named for George M. Oohan, In who«e support Mr. Sealon bad formerly appeared. Hf "'»° "BM. a minor part in "Get-nich-QivIck Valllngford. The couple had lived ln Bogota about two Tears, but had few lntlmatea. Mr. Sealon was a Knight Templar and a Bhrlncr In New York. lioae-l of Mabelle Trask, contralto: Lucy Folsorn, soprano: Oarolyne Weeks, vlollnlste; Mildred Richer, 'cellist, and Mary Ooujhllii. pianlste, and Hie moving pictures are attractions here. Gr«, Unique, Stab and Extbesb, moving pictures only. I.vmc—Vsudevllle and moving pictures. Notes. —The Halifax, X. 8., exhibition, nn an- cebs, Obbbobnt, American, Orpiiecm. Rotal, Palace, Gabobn, Moore, Elk, Imp, Pabk and Theatoricm, pictures only. Notes. —Ross Garver, manager of Varieties Theatre, left here 18, to take charge of Garrlck Theatre, at Arlington, la Otto Meyer, former treasurer of Now Grand, at Evansrllle, takes charge of Varieties beginning 23 Sun Bros.' Circus pleased two capacity audiences at Clinton, Ind.. 14 Vigo County Fair and Races, Sept. 14-19 Some lively btllpostlng and window display here at present. On 17 tbe Hagenbeck-Wallaee advance car No. 1 billed the city. "Last Circus of the Season" and on Aug. 10 the H.-W. car No. 2 and Sells^Floto No. 1, arrived. Consequently space is at a premium, the Eagenbeck-Wallace_ appears here 25, and nent Poll Stock organisation. The theatre Is being renovated throughout, an entire new stage being Installed, and tbe lobby enlarged. The open- ing date, local manager, etc., has not been an- nounced as yet .John H. Docking, who has been on an extended vacation will return this week as manager of the Poll Theatre. Mr. Dock- ing is one of the most popular and successful managers that baa ever had charge of a local theatre. Harrlabarar, Pa.—Majestic (Wllmer, Vin- cent ft Appel!. lessees: 0. Floyd Hopkins, mgr.) Annette Kellcrman, ln "Neptune's Daughter" Prelle's Circus, and motion pictures. Notes —The Majestic Is one of the coolest places In the city, due to its complete new washed air cooling system Picture shows sre sll flourishing... .Under canvas here, Sept. 2-8, will be Barnum & Bailey's Olrcus The locsl out- look for show business tin coming season Is great. Bon ham, Tex. — Alrdosne, Cnshmsn-Loader Musical Comedy Co. opened Aug. 17 and veek. This is a blgb claas musical comedy company, pleasing flue lmslnef.s. Mystic. — Featuring pictures. The manage- ment has added a good orchestra to this theatre, (pictures) Aug. 27-29; "The Girl He Could Not which adds materially to Its popularity, ' nual affair at Halifax, has been called off by the Charles Fisher, Lightning struck a group management because of the war. The St. John s of motion nlcture actors of the Vltagraph Oo. exhibition will be held on the dates set. Sept. 6- »«»-Flo» Sept. 22. ,R«§«dlesii of advertising, on abSel pleas' la Yonkers. N. Y. Tuesday 12. although at one time It was eerloual/cou- f. ap i!?'*f. SfS n€ rS^'~SS tSTrsJ^SVir^iJ^r ~U afternoon Aug 11. killing Cuarlee Fisher and sldered hy the directors to call It off..... .Man- *1 e S?2 wlW ' "■ °* TCT f " ,ta t0 paCk hCTn ' " " burning two others so badly thst they were ager W. H. Goldlng, of the Imperial Theatre, or " mne - taken to a hospital. Mr. Fisher, thirty-live has generoualy tendered the use of the theatre Lognnsport, Ind Nelson (Edw. F. Oslll- to both the ladles' committee, who are engaged gan, mgr.) The Follies (burlesque) Aug. 29. In making comfort bags, etc., for the local con- "Bought and Paid For" 8ent. S, Armor Clomage tlngent of volunteers who have volunteered for Musical Co. 7-9. "Prince of To-night" 10. war duty overseas, and lbe cltlseni' committee. Bboaowat (Jeffries A Mangui, mgrs.)—Vande- who are arranging to furnish funds to pay the vllle and photonlaye. volunteers a sum of money In addition to their Colonial (Harold Byerly, mgr.)—Vaudeville, dally pay, also to Insure each roan, and provide. Anx and Grand, pictures onlv. where necessity arises for Is family. Locsl Noras.—Wm. Trueheart. In advance of the Fol- mr.nager W. C. McKay, of the Opera House, repre- lies, burlesque company, waa In the city 19, snd Bentlng Thomson A Woods, the leasees, called on says he Is ahead of "some fine show."....TheKll Mrs. Frlnk, the mayor's wife, and tendered the entire receipts of the Mucks' Musical Revoe Co., at a special niollnee, to be given on 25. the pro- ceeds to be used for whatever purpose the indies' committee decided. Mr. Fisher, tblrty-flv . old, "lived"in New York. The Injured member* of the company are Lillian Herbert, whose shoulders were burned, and Captain Lsm- bert. whoae arm and back are burned. Ttiey will recover. Tbe company had been enacting scenes before the camera and when the storm bioke about five o'clock all hurried to the hotel. lionise Royce (Mrs. William Yerrauce) died at her home on Lexington Avenue, near One Hundred and Eleventh 8treet, Tuesday morning, Aug. IT. A few years ngo kho wni a well-kimnn light opera prima donna, having played leading roles with Frank Daniels rod other comedians, aa well as in David Henderson's productions. For some time, l-.ciw*ver, ahe hsd been In retirement. She waa annul Bfty years of rgc. Mrs. Yerrance is survived by her husband, an nctor. The funeral wss held from an undertaking establishment at 21U2 8evi»th Avenue, 13. Rev. John Hnyilcr. Unitarian minister, author and playwright, died Aug. 12, at his home in Nantucket, Mass. Aa a writer he was best known for his only play, "Ab Ye 8ow." He wos born ln 1842, in Philadelphia, and was gradu. aled from Mcadvlllo Theological School In 1SU5. and the sumo year was ordained to tbe ministry. Since 1808 Mr. Snyder hsd served In two churches in Massnchutttts, nt Wrllesley and Nantucket. From 1889 to 1873 lie served ln Hingham, and then In St. Louis from 1873 to 1SD9. Montreal, Can.—His Majesty's (H. Q. Brooks, mgr.) opens the season with Ruth St. Denis. Aug. 24-20. PntNcass (Abble Wright, mgr.)—Opens the sesaon with "Oeblrla" week of 24. OnriiBuu (Geo. Drlseoll , mgr.)—Vaudeville. business good. Bill for week of 24: Smith. Cook and Marie Brandon, Freemont, Benton and com- pany. Lench-Watlen Trio. Lew and Mollle Hunt- ing. Ilojie Vernon, Novelty Clintons. Fbanoaib. —Vsudevllle and moving pictures, business good. Bill for week of 24: Frank Car- men, the Melloa, Al. Wild, De Bourg, Brown and Brown, John La Vler. Oavett (Fred Crow, mgr.)—flood houses greeted the Star and Garter Girls 17-22. Amerl- ties Band, directed by Will J. Newlnnd, and with "Wee" Jamie Clark, bagpipe player, and J. Conies Lockhart, soloist, was a big hit at Spencer Park, 10 Instead of the regular vaudeville hill at the Colonial. Manager Byerly offered Frledenwald's "A Night ln Old Heidelberg." tab- loid musical comedy, last week. The company gave their Initial performance here, and the pro- duction was nicely staged and costumed. Fifteen people are carried, featuring the Metropote Quar- tette, the Gheslelgh Slaters, and George Moran snd Frank Rogers. The offering 8 wos well re- ceived by Colonial patror.F "Samson" was a feature Sim at the Broadway. 18, 19. Evansrrille. Ind.—Majestic (Cbas. Swee- ton. mgr.) Aug 23, Dsrktown Follies of 1014. OnpiiEOM and Nortiisidb (Chaa. Sweeton, mgr.)—Amateur vaudeville and motion pictures. Pbinoebb, Savov. Criterion, Novelty, Riveb- sma, Alhampra, Goveknob, Viboinia, Comiimt. Fulton, Valapa, Stadicm, Franklin and Col- Pol Plancon, the opera singer, died In can Beauties 24-29, Billy Watson's" BurlesaiieVa onial. motion pictures only. Paris, France, Aug. 12. He had been 111 since 31-Sept. B. Nora.—101 Ranch Wild West will show here Jnne. Pol Plancon was a bass singer and made Soiimer Pabk (D. Larose, mgr.)—BUI week Sept. 2. his Paris delmt ln the part of Mephlstonbelea, of 21: Florena Troupe. Harry Bontcn and com- in 1883. With tint part his name had been pany. Belle Onra, Paul La Croix and Dorothy closely aasoclated Ihroughont his csreer. He came Dixon, the Dorans, Parks' Military Band. to the MetropollUii Onera House, here. Ini 1893. Ottawa, Can—Hussell (Peter Gorman. mgr.) "Creation" pictures vera exhibited week of Aug. 17. where be sang with Melba, Eamea, Nordlca and Jean and Edouard de Restka. For many years he sans at Oovcnt Garden, In London. He was about fifty-flve years of sge. Benjamin Rmeraon, aged forty years, died last week. Funeral serlvces were held from the Funeral Chnrch. 241 West Twenty-third Street (Campbell Building), under auspices of Actors' Fund. John J. Parrnts. owner of the Kaiser Garden, st Coney Island, was killed In an automlblle ac- cident late Tuesday night, Aug. 11, and Henry Maumsn, proprietor of the New York Rathskeller, at Fourteenth Street and Fourth Avenue, was so llrnsll, Ind.—Sounrlne, vaudeville and pic- lures. Princess, Colonial and Abo, pictures only. Notes. —James Hoshlns. a scenic nrtlst and pro- ducer of atuatcnr productions, died here Aug. HI. Fred Egner, of this cltv, producing clown Dominion (J. F. Clancy, mgr.)—During week with the Hsgonbock-Wallnee Clrcrra, is promised n of 17: Keiser's Terriers. Edylhe and Eddie Adair Jane Connelly and company. Jans Curtis, Ar nant Bros., Stella Trocoy and Victor Stone, with Spluk at the piano; Lew Perklnoff and Ethel Hose and motion pictures nude up the bill. Family (Ken. B. Flnlay, mgr.)—"The Million Dollar Myftery" continues to draw 8. It. 0. every Monday anil Tuesday night. Miss Leslie Rose ren- dered vocnl selections for the week of 17. Splen- did applause. Fbanoais (Ken. K. Flnlay, mgr.)—The Famous severely Injured that It Is not thought he would Players feature. "The Brute," was the attraction recover. The two started from Coney Island thst afternoon to visit some friends In Passaic. N. J., and on their way back they struck a down grade and lost control of the steering gear of the auto- mobile. In his efforts to regain control of the machine, Mr. Petrle ran Into n pole and waa pinned to the seat, while Mr. Baumau was thrown about twenty feet from the spot, Tbey were taAen to Si. Mary's Hospital, ln Passaic, where Mr. Petrle died. John ArtBABN, father of Charlie Aheam. died at Wallln,'ford, Conn., Au-r. 8, about firty-flve years of age Anna Kubtewan, wife of Henry Knrtsmsn, manager of the Garetr Tlieitre. Pittsburgh, Pa., died Ang. B, at her home ln that city. Besides tier husband, a son, s brother and a sister survlvo her. Mrs, Kurtataan was a non-professional. the early part of the week of 17. Flower (A. H. Cooper, mgr.)—Feature |lc- (ures. Note. —Ken E. Flnlay Is mnnngsr of Ottawa's New Bank Street house, the Imperial. St. Louis' Ho.—American, on Sunday. Aug. 30. tble theatre will begin Its season with "The Trlnce of To-night." Hiri'ODnuME—This theatre will open for tbe season 81, with a long list of vaudeville acts. Pabk. —The week of 80 will find "The Choco- late Soldier" here. Fobest Pabk IIiohuands. —Tbe Reed Brothers, ln nn eccentric waiters' act; James Reynolds In modern patter; Miss Leltsel. assisted by Mile. Jeanette. ln a ring traneae net; Lorna Doone, the sweet voiced Scotch lassie, In contralto solos, sod Vivian Ford and Harry Hewett, ln dances. reception at the evening performance at Terre Haute, 23. Albany, >'. Y.—Rarmanus Bleecker Hall (Edward M. Hart, mgr.) Comstock Players Stock Co. concluded their Summer season week ending Aug. 22. "The Girl from Recto " business. The company enjoyed a very success fill sesson. The spectacular production "Cablrla" shown week of 24. wllh exception of 28. when Nell O'Brien's Mlostrels will appear for one night. Empibb (Frank Abbott, mgr.)—Burlesque aea- son opened up well here, the Gay New Yorkers concluding a fine week's business 17-22. For 24- 20. Star and Garter Show, and Roselsnd Girls 27-29. Proctob's OiuNn (Jos P. Coyne, mgr.)—High class vaudeville with moving pictures to ex- cellent business. Pboctob's T.elanp (Out Graves, gen. mgr.)— Continuous vaudeville and moving pictures to crowded houses. Majestic (Fmll Delclies, mgr.)—Vsudevllle and moving pictures are doing welt. Clinton SorABB, Broabwat, Palace, 8tae, Whits: Wat, Hpdson, Central. Pboctob's An- nex and ORmatju, moving pictures only. Electric Pabk (M. I. Chandler, mgr.)—The summer season to dute finds all tbe concessions reporting good business. Bay," Sept. 1; Colombia Burlesqners 4: John Bunny and Vaudeville Company 5; "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 7-9. Obpreitm (W. V. ft A., lessees; 0. Floyd Hopkins, mgr.)—Bill week of Aug. 24: Joe Welch, Roobm's Athletic Girls, Alexander Kids. Lelght- ner and Jordan, Buns and Lynn, Tuscano Bros., Lyra Rodney and company and pictures. Colonial (O Floyd Hopkins, mgr.)—Pettlcost Minstrels. Burkhardt and Gllfoll and feature pic- tures, 24-29. Paxtano Pabk tFelix Davis, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Photo Plat (Isaac Silverman, mgr.)—Pictures only. Memphis. Tenn.—Rast End Park (A. B. Morrison, mgr.l business Is very good. Lvato (Ben). M. Stalnbeck, mgr.)—Season opens 30, with hurlesnue. Popular. Madison, Mobart, Bei.levce Rivxb- siob, Aibdomx, Oolleoe, Youno, Chklsa, Hioijlanp. Jackson, Toy, Grand, Dixie, De Soto, alrdomes. are doing a very good business Majbstics (2), Empires (2), Princess, Ala- mo. Colonial, Qxtben, Plaza, Palace; Cabrol- ton, Amebican, Bono, Bubdbdan, Lamar, Rdfn, Rbx, Obtetal, Lasca, Oxroso, Wellington. Imperial. Metropolitan, Daisys (2), Gem. Pas- times (2), Royal, Savoy, Pekin, Famous, Columbia, Liblkti, motion pictures. Arthur Lane hss arrived to take over the management of the Orphcum. which opens the season Aug. 31. Nashville, Tenn.—Princess (Harry Sude- kum, mgr.) week of Aug. 17, vaudeville and pic- turea. Week of 24: Altha Sextette. Fox and Fox, Jack Folk, Lew China and one other. Victoria. Crystal. Elite, Firth Avente, Al- itambra and Rxx, moving pictures. The Bljon, a Wells' bouse, will be re-opened 31, after having been dark for a year. Will be under the management of Geo. H. Hickman aa ln the past. They will nlsy musical comedies and hurlcsoue attractions from the Columbia circuit. The house Is being painted and decorated and will be In Orst class shape for the opening. Dee Moines, la.—Empress (Elbert ft Get- ehell. mgrs.) Loew vaudeville, to s big business. OxrHKUM (H. B Burton, mgr.)—This house opened Aug. 24.- It has been remodeled and Is In first claas shape Bprcdell (Elbert A rletcbell, mgrs.)—For week of Ang 27. "A Bunch of Seven Keys." Prinotss (Elbert ft rjetchell. mgrs.)—This house opened with a stock company, Aug. 24. Majestio (Elbert ft Getchell. mgrs.)—Opened 24 with seven acts of vaudeville. C/.siko, Unique, Family, Palace and Garden, pictures onlv. Notes. —Iowa State Fair opened 24 Queen. —Feature pictures. Best. —Feature pictures. Nora.—Texas Bud, a Wild West attraction, opened ac the Park 19. This aggregation was here once befo.-e. and gave a clean up-to-date show. Fort Scott, Kan.—Airdome (Harry C. Frnich, mgr.) Sylvia Summers Co. week of Aug. 17, to good business. Hastlng's Stock Co. week of "4. Pictucbland (Harry O. Ernlch, mgr.)—H;?i grade motion pictures. Vatjdbtts, (C R. Blnbaugh, mgr.)—Mutual pictures, featuring "Our Mutual Girl" and 'Tor- us of Pauline." Rex (Oscar Herold, mgr.)—Moving pictures, featuring "The Million Dollar Mystery." THRATrnerrE (D. Fllbwla, mgr.)—Universal moving picture. 'Wichita, Kan.—Crawford (E. L. Marling, mgr.) was dark week ending Aug. 22. The Kryes SIstera Stock Co. will open here 31, for the sea- son. Pbinoebb (L. M. Miller, mgr.)—Big business during tbe Summer season with high class mor- Ing pictures. Regular vaudeville season oi>c:ii Sent. 7. Won ran land Pabk (J. T. Nnttle, mgr.)—Bill week ending Aug. 22 Included: Kalainhls' H«- walians. Clark and La Vere. Tyler-St. Clair Trio, and Larry Conner. Good bill, splendid business. Trenton, N. J.—State Street Theatre (Her- man Wosb. mgr.) bill Aug. 24-28: Frohman's picture of Jano Grey, in "The Little Gray Lndy; Itcgtne Four, Edwards nnd Drake, Atlas Trio, and W. C. Deseanx. For 27-29: Jack London's "Joan Barleycorn" (pictures), nthel Whiteside and lier Pickaninnies. Hayes and Wynn, Cary ami Itcno, nnd Ceclle Dnnhnm. Grand (Dr.nlel D. Scntlen, mgr.)—For 2i-2«: Zollah's Own Comcany, prescntlnc "The Dancing Princess." The High Rollers 27-29. Hobokcn, N. J. — U. S. Theatre, feature photoplay!. Empire (Wm. F. Fitzgerald, mgr.) opened I :e season with Max Spiegel's Winning Widows for 24-29. Hudson. Union Hill. —The Hudson Players, in 'Broadway Jones," 24-20. Ltbio. —Loew vaudeville. Bill 24-28: "Mr- Quick." Lillian Mnrthn, "Making Good," McOln- nla Bros., and Roger's Diving Oirla. For 27- 29: O'Neill and Dixon, four to OIL Ernest Glbxdennino, who is under contrsc. to Oohan ft Harris to create the principal mile role lu "Wanted—$22,000," Is among the to«I Americana marooned In the European war »>»*• ?^Vf^^ro.rtorake^h.rgf%fX nl h y ou^ >" f ? ,h -? r ' '■<**■ jP ■[■- ■ * ■ "MS !*J»5 He has also been at the Columbia Theatre In The Girl from Rector's," to capacity Chicago Ringllng Bios.' circus showed at the old vhow grounds at F.ast Twentieth and Wal- nut Streets 19 Sells-Floto-Buffslo Bill Show arrived early 19 and showed at Sixth and Bird- land. Both shows had big business. Weather was One. Keokuk, la.—Hlp)iodrome (Mark Angell. mgr.) after a "general cleaning up" tblt bouse opened Ita Fall and Winter season Aug. 20, to lsrge patronage. Grand, Colonial and OKrusuM, pictures only. Notes, —The Carroll A Landls Carnival Com- pany had very good patrenage while here Collmar Pros." Circus will play Keokuk Sept. 14. Enid, Okla. rogr.) Is closed. -American (W. S. Billings, toured the English provinces In "The Story of the Rosary," snd aa the younger roan Is a Drii'-n subject it is feared that he moy bo drafted r-ir service In the English nrmy. Messrs. Con-i" * Harris, as well as A. E-. Thomas and CTa'tfi Hamlllton, the authors of "Wanted—»22,00n. are much concerned about this possibility, an* are bending ettrr endeavor to secure him a in< - sage to this country In time for rehearsals, wb.-a are to begin in September. Jobyna Howland, who Is nTarlng one of It* principsl_parts ln "The Third Party,'.' at iw Shubert Theatre, has appealed to the State I"; partment to have them investigate the safety ■•! her brotheT, Olln Howland who, when laat hcnr-J of, waa in St. Petersburg with Hnnna Leech, "f Colorado Springs. Miss Leech had been danr 1 ;e with Mr. Howland ln Parts, and they went to m Rotal and Obphbum. —Pictures only, (o good Petersburg to begin an engagement at the M - business. Rode. Wonderland (L. J. Hsckworth. mgr.l—Pic- Announcement has been made of the engs-" tures and vaudeville. For week ending Aug. 15 ment of Chrystal Heme to Harold 8. Pollard were: Ratbrock nnd McGradc, and Stanley and the edltorlsl staff of The Ktv York Evening TTc■' Les. Cossb Payton will appear at Hammerstelr ■ Majestic (R. W. Wirt, mgr.)—pictures and Victoria Theatre during the week of Aug. 31. :1 vaudeville. an act. entitled "The Wife Tamer." LEATKEROID PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS STRONG made are LIGHT and only DURABLE by LEATHEROID MFG. CO. 48, 46, 47 W. 16th ST., NEW YORK CHARLES a. LYNCH, Factorleel T.^fjrftltl Oep*rtme»t KSrltlBBPrTK, HAIKI