The New York Clipper (August 1914)

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18 TUBS-NEW YOEK CLIPPER. August 29 Wostcott, M. B., Shows—Laport*. Ind., 90-20, Toledo, 0.. Sept 7-12. CIRCUSES. Banram ft Bailer—Portland, Ore., 25, 21, Sales 27, Eugene 28, Medford 29, Obtco, 81, Morys- Tllle, Sept. 1, Sacramento, 2, Naps 8, Oas> land 4, San Franclaco 6-7. Barnes, Al. 0.—New OanUe, Ind., 24, Andersen 25, hhelbyvllle 20, Columbua 27. Oreensborg 21, Jelterw.nville 20, Louisville, Kjr., 3lBept. I, New Albany, Ind., 2, No. Vernon 8, Seymour 4, Mitchell 5. Eschnian's. J. H.—Alberton, P. E. I., 24, Wel- lington 26, Mt. Steven* June. 26, Dowrls 27, 28, St. Petere 20, Georgetown 30, 31. Mon- tague Sept. 1, Cardigan 2, Murray River 3, Cardigan 4, liuuter River 6. Howe's Great London Sliows—Gencaeo, 111,, 24, Ottawa 28, Princeton 20, parmlngton 27, Lew- Islon 28, Kuahvllle 20. Oollinar Bros.—Darlington, Wis., 24, Plsttevllle 38, Dodgevllle 2G. Hlllsboro 27, Evaneville 28, Lake Genera 20, Harvard, III.. 31, Watertown Kept. 1, Blchland Center 2, Monona 3, Monti- cello 4, Tama 8. IlTOnheck-Wallace—Indianapolis, Ind., 24, Terre Haute 28, Danville, 111., 28, Bloomlngton 27, Alton 28, Boodhouae 20. Jones Bros. A Wilson's—Clay Centre, Neb., 24, Junction City, Kan., 26, Council Grove 27, Burlington 28. Ottawa 20. 101 Ranch Wild West—Evanston. 111., 34, Elgin 28, Dlion 20, Aurora 27, Btreator 28, Dwlgnt 29, So. Chicago 30, Danville 31, Snlllvan, Ind., Sept. 1, Evaoavllle 2, Vlncennes 3, Wortiilag- ton 4, Indlanapolla 8. Singling Bros.—Albert Lea, Minn., 24. Charles) Oily, la., 25, Waterloo 20, Marahalltown 27, Cedar Rapula 28, Clinton 20, Davenport 31, Freeport. Sept. 1, Dc KoU> 2, Jaueavllle 8, Rockford 1, Sterling 8. Robinson's—Geneva N. Y, Sept, 8. Silver Family Shows (Bert Silver, mgr.)—Alma, Mich., 24, Shepherd 28, Mt. Pleasant 20, Rose- bosh 27, Beal City 28, Weldman 20, Barryton 81, Ramus Sept. 1, Blauclinrd 2, Edmore 3, Rlverdale 4. Sella-Floto-BulTalo Bill—Milwaukee, Wla., 24, Oabkosh 28, Ilaclne 20, Waukegan, 111., 27, Gary, Ind., 28. Sparks' World Famous Shows—Itocbelle, 111.. 24, Mendota 26, Minonk 20, Okataworth 27, Wat- sec n 28, Goodland, Ind,, 29, Ilarttord City 31. Tompkins' Wild West—Bel mar, N. J., 24, Man- SBquan 26, Point Pleasant 20, Lakewood 27, Toms River 28, Lakehurst 20, New Egypt 81, Brown's Mills. Sept. 1, Pemberton 2, Vlncon- town 8, Meilford 4, Berlin 6. Wheeler Bros.—Lsnsdale. Pa., 20, Dovleatown 2T, Hatboro 28, Newtown 20, Pbcenlxvlllc 81, Nor- rletown Sept. 1. MISCELLANEOUS. ROUTE LIST DENA CAYRLL CALIFORNIA SWEET HINOEft. IN VAUDEVILLE. VAUDEVILLE ^ V * lv*""glven, the week of An*. 24-20 to represented. Abliott ft Brooks, 7th Ave., N. Y. a, 24-38; Greeley So,;, M. Y. 0., 27-29. Acme Four, Pantagea', Great Falls, Mont Adair A Adair, Orpheam, Des Moines, Is. Adams ft Gobi, Grecler go., N. Z. 0., 24-2St De- laneey St., N. Y. 0.. 27-29. Adelaide ft Hnghes. Palace, N. Y. a Anoints, Lea, shea's Toronto, Pan. ALOHA TWINS ■iSffiunj Featuring their Wondorfnl Barefoot Hiila-Hnla Dances With Jean Bedlnl'a "Mischief MakorB-'ThigBesson Alexander, Bob, OlympU Circuit. Alpine Troupe, Buffalo Bill-Sclla-Kloto Shows. Aliln. Yankee Bube, Bcvere Beach, Mass,, In- definite. Alexander Kids, Orphcnni, Harrlsborg, Pa. Alroont & Dumont, Empress, Kansas City, Mo. Allskr's Hawalians, l'ai.trges', Edmonton, Can. Alco Trio, Orphenm, Slum City, la. Alexander A Scott, Orpbcnm, Vancouver, Can. Alias Irish Tessle, Orpbeum, Boston, 27-29. Carlisle, Gertie A Co., Empress, Sacramento, Oil. Snarlua & Cleo, McVlcker's, Chicago. rtnwU A Harris, Orpbeum, Omaha, Neb,! Ma- jestic, Ft. Worth, Tex., 81-Sept, 8. Carlos Bros., Orpheum. Vancouver, Can. Oanpolkan, Chief, Orpbeum, Winnipeg, Can. Carey A Reno. State St.. Trerstoo, N. J., 27-29. Carmen, Fra nk, Francois, Montreal, Pan. JOHNNY RETA CANTWELL and WALKER In Under the Gay White bights. Direction HARRY WEBER. Oarrell, Keating A Fay, English's, Indianapolis. Cerro, Broadway, Philadelphia. Celtic Trio, Scenic, Pawtucket, B, I. Cliiinns (4), Touring Europe. Ohriatensen. Empress, Tocoma, Wash. Chaae A La Tour, Pantagea' Victoria, Can. Charm Ion Trio, Varieties Terre Hants, Ind. Choat, Mattle ft Co.. Howard, Boston. Clemo, Greet, ft Johnson, Barkoot's Shaw. Clinton A Beatrice, Brennan A Fuller, Australls, Indefinite. Cllntou't Novelty, Orphenm. Montreal, Can. PHILADELPHIA yuNew Jersey Central EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR From Liberty St., T AV. M. t« 10 P. ansa •tad sit Midnight with Sleepers 10 MIN VJTKH OF TBB BOVB From W. »3d St. VOUH WATCH IB VOltt TIMJG TABL.B Coniult P. W. HEROY, E. P. Agt. 1440 BROADWAY. BBW YORK. SCENERY FRODTOTMS STOCK A»D TAUDEVILLE LEE LASH STUDIOS 308 to 316 EAST 48th ST. BWY OFFICE, LONG ACRE BLOG. j. "BUSINESS" DYLLYH l«h vfeak st the New Amsterdam The*tre, N. T. 0. Zlegteld'a Follies Go. Glsd the Irish are not the only ones that fight. Harris ft Randall, Spring Ijike, Mich., Indefinite. Havlland ft Thornton, Palace, N. y o. Hanson, Alice, ft Co., Empress, Butte Mont Harcourt, Daisy, McVlcker's Chicago. Haydn, Bnrton ft Haydn, McVlcker's, Chicago Payee, Ed., ft Co., Orpheum, Los Angeles, CaL TUB GIRLS BBHIVD THB OTJBfg BRENNAN ft FULLER, Anatralla, Indefinite. ■ an as ssnsasa f\ Tilt ■ fATsfTM Cnnyton A r*nnle, EmpresB. Chlcngo, 27-29. ALLEN & FRANCIS Bsi^aFaS-i*- Clauile Toby, ft Co., Keith's. Jersey City Oorelll, Jack, ft Co., Hagenbteck-Wallaoe Olrcns. BDDIB FRAITK CONRAD and MARINO Brass ft Brags Show (fleo. M. Brags, rncr,)— Interlochen Mich., 24-20, Ornwn sonvllle STSept. 2. MB 27-20, Thonip. Original Orotesqne Chnrsictsr Dancers Alrayra, Olympic. Buffalo. Althea Twins, Savoy, Atlantic City. Almond, Tom ft Edith, Lyric, Newark, N. J., 27-28. Ambler Bros., Empress, Denver. Amedlo, Pantagea', Los Angeles, Oal. American Newsboy's (Juartette. Pantagea', Baa Diego, Cal. American Comedy Four, St James, Boston, 27-29. Anderson A domes, Empress, St, Paul, Minn. Antrim ft Vale, Pantagea', Taooma, Wash. Anderson ft Evana, Lincoln 6q., N. Y. 0., 24-30; Boulevard, N. Y. O a 27-29. Aroaut Bros., New Brighton, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Ardath, Fred J., ft Co.. Temple, Detroit. Arcos iBros., Keith's, Phlla. Armstrong A Manley, Emi>re»s, Los Angeles, Oal. Arno ft Stlckney, American, N. V. 0., 24-20; National. N. Y. O., 27-20. Arthur ft Boy, Varieties, Terre Haute, Ind., 27- 20. Colombia, Bkln., 27-29. Dnnnedln Duo, Palisade Psrk, N. J «.....-«,-. n - »«r^—»s^M Dunham, CeClle, State St., Trenton, N, J., 27-28. CLINTON and BEATRICE ?zr^^c^^x^ P x ^ WsWII I VI nv lavsassrls IWsss ™ W J M J» London7Eng.. indellnlte. Edna, Buthe, PatcJiogue, L. I.. N. Y., Indefinite. Egan, Joe M., ft Doga, Oomlqnc, New Bedrota, Mass., 27-28. Ehyles, Margaret, ft Co.. Waterhnry, Q>nn., 27-29. Els A French, Palace, Chicago. Ei Rey Slstera, Temple, Uochester, N. X. ■ Elwyn, Mr. ft Mrs. Dave, ft Co.. Empress, Spo- kane, Wash. , _ Elliott ft Mullen, Poll's Palace, Springfield, Mass. Elio, Carnival Court, Buffalo. ______——^—__^ — sz^e^ 8 ^; rjsr'&wi BapM.. MARIE AND BILLY HART mHALLENaidBURT>« Direction JQ8BPH B. SMITH Hart, Marie A Billy, Ornbemn, San Fran., Pal. Barward, StalTord. ft Co., Orpbeum, San Iran Oal.; Orpbeum, Oakland, 30-3ept, 5, Hartley ft Pecan, Delaneey St, N. I. a, 34-28: Bonlevard, N. Y. C, 27-29. ' Hammeer ft Prltcbard, Boulevard, N. Y. 0. 21. 20; Fullon, Bkln., 27-29. ' Harlan, Chas., Co., Fulton, Bkln., 27-29. "TBB ITALIAN PIAHO HOVBBB" Direction Aaron Keaaler. Bunny, John, Vaudeville Co.—Harrlsburg, Pa., Sept. 0 Christy's Hipp. Shows—Odessa, Wash., 24, 25. Lueey, Thoa. Elmore—Pleasant Plain, la., 24, Center Point 25, Lime Springs 20, Valley, Neb., 2S. Surprise 29. Polk 80. 81. M unlock ilroa.—Hancock, Md„ 24-20, Opels, The— Chapmansvlllo. W. Va., 24. Big Creek 20. Millwood 20, Cottsgevllle 37, Evana- 28. ltavcnawnoil 20. Rlclon's Big Show—Lancaster, 0., 24-29, Som- eriet 31-Sept. 7. fJmlth, Mysterious—Ewlng. Mo., 24, 25. Knox Olty 20, Green Oily 27, Browning 28, 29, Jameson .'ni-Heiit. 1, "Sunny South" (J. O. Rockwell, mgr.)—North- field, Vt„ 24, Barre 80, Mont|>eller 20, Water- bury 27, Richmond 28, RnoBburg folia 29, St. Albans 31, Chatesugay, N. Y., Sept. 1, Win- throp 2, Norfolk 3, Wadillugton 4, Norwood 5. Thompson, Frank H., Big Teut Show—Florence, III.. 24-20, Bolton 27-80. Wright's Bhow-JTInmouili, Vt„ 24-20, Middle- . WooiTwarifs "m. P. A Vnvule. Oo,—No. Mnnlton III ADA RA| I FRINI Island, M,lch., 24-30, Leland 31-Sept. 6. UsUMIIM UHLLLIIII Arnsld, Alnsworth, ft Co., Keith's, Jersey Olty, 27-29. Anlell. Franklyn, & Co., Sbea'e. Bmrfalo. Asb, Sam. Empress, Salt Lake Olty, U. ASHTONandMUNSON TB8, A SISTER ACT, BUT DIFFERENT. Asorla, Mile., A Co., Orpheum, Los Angeles. Cal. Ashley ft Cnnfield, Orpheum, Winnipeg. Can. Australian Wowichoppers, Orpheum, Sioux Olty, la. Austin. Dare, ft Co.. St. James. Boston, 27-29. Auto Bandit, Liberty, Bkln.. 27-29. Avollos, Musical, Empress. Ut. Paul, Minn. Avellng & Lloyd, Empresv, Seattle, Wash. Asard Broa., Orpheum, Altoona, Pa., 27-29. Barryrnore, Ethel, Palace, N. Y. 0. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Reading;, Pst.—Ooettler A Addison, lessees of the Orand Theatre, announced Aug. 31 as the o|>enlng date of their playhouse. Tlio Orand Players, a company of twenty-six, will present "Stronghoart" (or their Initial performance. Wm. Wolls and Helen Robinson will play leads. Mlas ltohlnson played vaudeville stock, and made a big lilt at Glory Quayle, In 'The Christian," when she toured the country seme yeara ago. She has liecn leading woman at Maiden, Mass.. and Hall- fax. N. S. Oaiibonu Pans Tiixutna.—Moving pictures. Tyroll's Military Band, 28, gave two fine con- cons. IIirroDaows (O. O. Kenney, utgr.)—Moving plelures. This house will change to vaudeville and pictures 31, for the Winter season. In con- Junction with the big vaudevlllo bookings the fa- mous Shunert productions will be shown In photo- plays, commencing with "The Lure." Palish Da Dans* (Ed, Levan, :ngr.)—This amusement place Is still drawing crowila. Myrtle llennethurn and Arthur Helm were tho winners of the prise contest dance last week, end are giving exhlbltlona of fancy dancing week of 24. Nots.— Lorlilman'a Musical Cu. will again pre- sent a mlnsrral on the road this season. l'rnrla, III.—Rlvcrvlew Park (Barney J. Wood, max.) ICthel West, cabaret nnd dancing. Al. Fikboo 1'auk (Saavrr Amuse. Oo., nigra.)— I.unuette Sisters, Vassar Ulrla' Band, Manhattan Four and eairioor amuseinents. Ai-ollu, Columbia, Oout, Cststal, 1)d Ltrxr, Durussa, Klthiuh, Durnias, Oabiixn, Illinois, lMI'HUUl,. LlBSBTV, LYOIUU, 1'AI.ACE, l'Hl.NUBAS, Ha no a mo anil Star, pictures only, Ccntual City, Olyucic, Villaus anil Whits City, airdoiues, plciures- Nors*.—BlngHng Bros,' OlrciiH la billed here for Labor Day Oreat Spcldul Medicine Show ui»Mied 17, for a two weeks' cngaienu nt Orphoiiiu s;<ena HO Hlpixnlrnme opena 31, under personal dlrvclloii of IC. P. Oliurchlll. 'Hires ahowa a day will bo siren, with Marcus Losw IXKlklUgS, Ilnrtfonl, Conn.—Parsons' (II. 0. Pntaons, mgr.) will ojieu Its sixteenth sessou Sept. 14, when George ai. Oolian will unfold bla newest piny. "The Miracle Man," presenting the piece throughout tho week. iPoli's (W, D. Ascough, mgr.)—The Poll Players. In "The Woman In the Case." featuring Edna Hlbbtrd, Herbert He-yes aud Viola Leach, Aug. 24-2*. 1'ai.aoh (W. J. Oulleii, mgr.)—Bill 24-20: "Tho Movie Models," Joe Plio, Beth Ohallla, Marlon lllnes and Oouiar, Borden aud Shannon, and the Onsonoe. "The Fun Shop" will be featured the In Iter half of the week. Stah, l'ntNOBSs, liAUTmss, Cbown and Bu- rins, coutlnne with pictures. Colorado S|irlnsxs, Col.—Inns' (J. T. Unwklngs. mgr.) fur week of Aug. 24, "The Slrnuger." "What Happened to Ellis" next. 'His closing week will begin Sept. 7, when "Laven- der nnd Old Lace" will be put on. (Ibano (F. J, Footman, mgr.)—Annette Eel- K-rinaun, In pictures of "Neptune's DsugMer," C4-29. "Mlleatonea" Sept. 14. Note. —Thurston Hall Is leading man at the EuriiH' Theatre, Mnoon, Gn.—Majestic, Sam and Edna Park 6t«ck Oonipnny wick of Aug. 24. 1'ai.ack (J. II, Melton, mgr.)—Imjirovementa being made. Will open about Sept. In. I'hincess < Angel Sotcrupoloui, mgr.)—Lynch Trio week of Aug. 24. Feature plelures lire' "The Million Dollar Myatciv" 24, "Our Mutual Girl" 20, Large crowds utlcud. Oiiaslbs FnonxiAN has engaged Thomas A. Wise for one of the principal parts ht Edward Shsl- ilon's iilay, "The Song of Songs," which will ks •me of Mr. Frehinia's early Kail productions la New York, THE I DON'T OARK OF TUB AIR UN1TK1) T1MK. Barton, Sara, Buatvwlck, Bkln. Baker, nolle, Mnryland, Baltimore. llAiisberg, Theo, Empress, Butte, Mcnt. Bachman, Chas.. ft Co.. Empress, Denver. Bsrth, Lee, Orpheum. Dulutli. MJnn. Banens, Paul, Eugllab's, Indlanapolla. CHACKKHJACKB THIS BBABOW Baxter. Sid, ft Co., English's, Indlanapollel. Berg Bros., Barnard's, •Jhnthain, Hug.; !11pp., Norwich. 31-SchiI. 5; Hipp., Ipswich, 7-13| IIlpp., Wlgsn, 14-20. Benway, Happy, Guy Bros.' Minstrels, lndefi- "Beanx Axis," New Brighton, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Berks. Steffy, Keith's, Boslon. Setetrord, Harry, ft Co., Temple, Rochester, N. X. OoHmrn, Jennie, Billy "Swede" Hall ft Co. Obrlo ft Dlnos, Temple, Detroit. Connolly, Jsne. ft Oo., Temple, Hamilton, Can, Oorelll ft Gillette, Temple, Rochester, N. T. Oopelanas, Les, Empress, San Fran., Oal. Cook, Joe, Empress. Salt Lake Olty, U. Onstellos, Riding, White Olty Hipp., Ohlcsi Cornell, Corley ft Co,, Pantagea', Oreat Mont. Coognn ft Cox, PanUses', Seattle, Wast. Cooper ft Rlesrdo, Pantagea', San Diego, Cal. Corbet!, Sheppard ft Doaovoi, Orphean), Stonx Ctty, la. WILL CONLEY The Hilly Sunday of Vaudeville. Dnlted Time. DlrecUon JOB HARRIS Cooper A Smith. Delaneey St., N. T. 0., 24-20; Lincoln Sq„ N. T. 0.. 27-29. Collins A Hart, Palace, N. V. 0. Cooper, Tltch B, Gordon's Olr-npla. Boston. Cooper, Barry, Keith's, PhUa. "Count ft the Muld, The," Allegheny, Phils. "Corner In Wireless, A," Broadway, Phlla. Coufels, Les, Palace, Chicago. Cross ft Josephine. Empire, Limdon, Eog., Indefi- nite. "Criminal. The." Empress-, San Fran., Cal. Crowcll, liynl Frost, Oroheutn, Oakland, Oal. Oronln, Morris, ft Co., Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Craig ft Wllllama, Allegheny, Phlla. Cross, Billy, Chester Park, DlnelnnsM. Crassmsn ft Stewart, Maryland, Baltimore. Cuttys, Musical, Hammerateln's, N. Y, 47. EVELYN CUffllNGMSI IW VAUDEVILLE Curtis, Julia, Grand, Syrncuae, N. Y, Cut mm (0), Broadway, Philadelphia. Oyclnnlons (3), Prlnowa, AIdhou Olty, la-, 37-29; Chippewa Falls, Wis., .11-Sojit. 5. D'Arvllle. Jeannctte, Montreal, Can., Indefinite. Dale ft Boyle, Sobmer Park, Montreal, Can. Dalton, Tom, Empress, Kansas Olty, Mo. Dalnert. Dolle, Evnpreas, Chicago, 27-29. Davla, Ethel ft Oo., Pantagea', Spokane, Wash. Daly, Vlnle, Orphean), Lof Angeles, Osl. Daly, Arnold ft Go., Ornheum, Omaha, Neb. Dakota, Jack ft Oca, at. Northern Hipp., Chi- cago: Orphenm, Elkhart. Ind.. 31-Sept. 0. Dairy Maids, Loew's, New Rochelle, N. Y. Dalsmer. Cadets, Garden Pier, Atlantic City. De Lorls, Dick, Empress, Vancouver, Can. DeGrnote ft Langtry, Oaalno, Charlotte, H. 0., Indehnlte. Deaves. Harry ft Co., Bergen Beach, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dclmar ft Dclmnr, Majestic, Houston, Tex.; Ma- jestic, San Antolnlo, 31, Sept. 6. Bmmett, Hugh, ft Co., Colonial, Phlla, Empire Comedy Four, Majestic, Chicago. Empire Four, Savoy, Atlantic City. Emmett, Oracle, ft Co., Savoy, Atlantic Olty. EnUI, Ora, Gay Widows Co., Empire, Chicago. English Pooy Ballet, American, N. Z. 0., 24- Mi Orpbeum, N. Y. 0.. 27-29. _ _. Ergottl ft LllUputlana. 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., 24- 20 ; Bouterard, N. Y. 0„ 27-29. A L in 'rraD ciRCTTs ainL." Dlrectlen JAA1BS K. PLUNKETT. ED GAB JIKIIUKB Rose De YoiMig PHENOMENAL HAKD BAL&KOBR ._ CI PBBNOMBNAIi HAND BAL.&NOBB Booked by "Western Vaudeville Assn "Between Trains." Empress, Sacramento, Osl. Bell Trio. Pontages', Calgary, Can. Belle ft Jones, Pautagos', •Jn^lmnl Cal. "Belle Isle," Pantagcs', San Diego, CaL Gemllx Players, Orpheum. Mlnnea|>o!ls. "lu'iiuty Is Only Skin Deep," Orpheum, Sioux Olty, la. "Denudes, The," Orpheum, Vancouver, Can. Bennett, Murray, BUou, Bkln., 2720. "Between Eight ft Nine," 7th Ave., N. Y. a, 27- S7. Berlin Madcaps (0), Nixon, Phlla. licrtcnw, Academy, Buffalo. licuuril i Itoberts, Vlctorln, Baltimore. lU'iiinnls. New l'ortlnnil. Portlaud, Me., 27-20. Beriilvlccl Bros., Watcrburj, Conn.. 27-20. l'enn A Hamilton, Empivaa, Grnnd Ranlda, Mich, minis & liert, Orpheum. Vancouver, Can. itlsi-tt ft Bestry, American, N. Y. (J., 27-29. Black & White, McVlcker's, Chicago. Bowers, Wallers ft Crooker, Her .Majeaty's, Syd- ney, Australia. Bon ton, Harry, ft Co., Sobmer Park, Montreal, Can. Bogart ft Nelson, Unique. Minneapolis. Bobbe, Dale ft Oo.. McVlcker'a, Chicago. Bohemian String Quintette, Pantagea', Victoria, Can. Bouconl, Mnleta, Orpheum, Sioux Olty, la. Belaud ft Holts,. Orpheum, Vancouver, Oan. "Bower of Melody." Slmbert, Bkln., 27-20. "Boarding School Girls," Lyric, Newark, N. J., 27*29 Bromou' ft Baldwin, Forsylhe. Atlanta, Q*. FRED &M1NITA BRAD fllgt. C. A. POUCHOT, Palate Uldg.,N.V. Brooks ft Bowen, Shea's, Buffslo. Brucb, Krltt ft Lucie, Temple, Detroit. Brown, Geo. N., ft Oo., Keith's, Toledo, O. Drawer, Walter, Empress, Sacramento, Oal. Briscoe, Olive, Pantagea', Oakland, Oal. Brockuian, James. Pnutngcs', Tacoina. Wash. Ureen. Harry, Orpheiun. Minneapolis. ltrooka ft Harris. Ainerlcan, N. Y, 0., 24-20. Drawn, Tom, Trio. Boulevard, N. Y. 0., 24-20. Brooklyn Comedy Four, 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., 27- 21). Louise and Crete Bruneile and Harry Stephens FROM YESTBBDAV TO TO TBB MIlAlilON DOLIiAB l)OLi„ IN VAUDBV1LLE. De Vllbla, Oreat 0. Il„ No. East Harbor, Mc, 27-29. Devlnc ft Weston. Lyric, Newark, N. J., 81-SepL 2; Proctor's OSth St., N. Y. 0., 3-G. Derkln's Animals, Keith's, Ptillailelpbla. De Gascogne Cadets, Morrisons, Rockaway Beach, De Vine ft Williams, Orand, Syracuse. N. Y. Drane's. Dora, Fantoms, Lmpresa, Spokane, Wash. De I.oris. Dick, Orphenm, Vancouver, Can. Do Voy, Fnber ft Co., Empress. Seattle, Wash. Del Vlccl ft Champ. Empress,. Chicago, 27-29. De Long, Maldle, Pantu(tCH', Los Angelea, Cal. Dcorfoot, Bombay, Pontages', Oakland, Oal. ESPE * PAUL JDGOLKR OF ARTILLERY AND COMEDIAN LOEW'S WESTERN CIRCUIT Kape A Paul, Empress, San Fran., CaL Eugene Trio, Keith's, Indianapolis. Evans, Billy ft Clara, It. S. Music Hall, Chicago. Evana, Chas. B., ft Co., New Brighton, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Farrell-Taylor Oo., Hammerttetn's, N. T. 0. "Fair Oo-Kde," Pantagea'. Victoria, Oan. Farrell. Alfred, Boulevard, N. Y. 0„ 24-26; Shubert, Bkln., 27-29. Farrell, F. 0„ Bijou, Bolton. Farrell, Dunbar ft Edwards, Gordon's OlympU, Boston. "Fairyland Frolics," Olympic, Buffalo, Farrell, Edw., ft Co., Shea's, Aoronto, Oan. Fenton, Msrle, Orpbeum, Omsha, Neb. Ferguson, Duve, Savoy, Atlantic City. "Fixing the Furnace," Temple, Hamilton. Can. Fttsglbbon, Bert, (Morrison's, Rockaway Beach, N. Y. Flnlay, Bob, ft Oo.. Colonial Chicago, 27-29. Fields ft Warren, Keystone, Philadelphia. Fields ft Hanson, Nickel. Mlildletown, Conn., 27-20; Orescent, Revere, Maaa., 31-Sept. 2; Pier, Old Orchard, Me., 3-6. Fiorina Troupe, Sobmer Park, Montreal, Can. Flynn, Kitty, Empress, Los Angeles, Oal. Flood. Alice, BIJou, Boalon. Flynn, Joaie, ft Co.. Colonial, Philadelphia. Flynn's Dogs, Temple, Hamilton, Can. FlnnnSgan ft Edwards, Palace, Chicago. Fletcher. Lllihy ft McCalie, New, Baltimore. Fox ft IDrans, BIJou, Battle Creek, Mich.. 27-20. Ford ft Hewitt, For.-cst Park Highlands, St. Louia. Tord ft Co., Poll's Palace. SprlngoelJ, Mass. B. KELLY FORREST PRESIDENT OF TBB HOBO'R UNIONS DIRKCTION • BILLY AT WELL , » Foster ft Dixon, Victoria, Baltimore. Frceraont, Benton & Co., Orpbeum, Montreal, Can. France-La France Trio, Cheater Psrk, OudonatL Frea cotts, The, Vlctoris, DalUmors. MAE FRANCIS TBB FASHION PLATB GIRL. Ita Vaudeville. , ^—^—.^-^—^^ Frankol, Scenic, Pawtueknt, R, I. •Fun In the Baths," Orphenm. Vancouver, Coo. Gardner, Grant, Empress, Denver, Garden, Ous A Lily. Unique, Minneapolis. Gardner, Jock E., Palace, N, Y. C. Galloway, Louise, ft Co., Maryland, Baltimore. Gallagher A Oarlln. Garden Pier, Atlantic City. Gangler'a Dogs, Lyric, Indlanapolla, 27-29. arorge, Edwin, Hammerateln's, N. V, 0. SAM GILDER The Original Lone Star Minstrel. U. U.O.TIMB. Direction HAUItV RAPP airowl, Gilbert, Pnntagjs', Seattle, Wash.; Pan- tages' Vnnoouiver, Can., 24-29. Gibson, Jack ft Jessie, Pantages', Los Angeles, Oal. In. "FIIOM UNITED TIME TODAY MEYERS (liiitruntCQd IIcbI Miulc NOSE PUTTY Always soft. Refuso llHIIKcrilUH RlltlSlltUtCS. Ilnvo von tried MEYER'S NEW STYLE till EASE I'AlNTt (iiiar. imvKit 103 W. 18th New York Brown A Brown, Francois, Montreal, Oan. Mrlee A King. Majestic, Chicago. Drown, Nnt, Majestic, Elmlra, N. Y. Iliiiikerr, Oreat, World at Home On., Indefinite. Unci) Bros.. Empress. Portland, Ore. Ilurke ft Harris. Empress. St. Paul, Minn. Burton A Lcrner, Empress, Han Fran., Oal. Burton, Ilulm A Oaulncll, Orpheum, Vancouver, Can. Hums ft Lynn, Orphcuin, Harrlsburg, Pa. Uurkhardt, Harry, ft Co., Gordon'a Olympla, Bos- ton. Byal ft Early, Shea's, Toronto, Oan. Byron ft l.augdon. Eninrcwt. Salt lake Olty, U. Carrera, l.lnne, Co., Orpkeuia, Salt Lake Olty, THE BfAN YOU AIX KNOW JAMES B. DONOVAN KING OF I11KI.A.NU, ... MISS MARIE LEE THB LITTI.i: HKAUTY. DOING "WELL, THANK YOU . Manage ment ot PHIL. NASH, Keith's, Boston, this wees Delmorc ft Lee, Pantagea', Oskland, Osl. De Foggl, Louise, Pantnges', San Francisco, Oal. De La Rose. Marga, Orpbeum, Duluth. Minn. De Ooe, Harry, Orpheun. Winnipeg, Oan. Demacos, Pollaade Park, N. J. Demlug. Joe, ft Co., Notional, N. Y. 0., 37-29. I.e Leaao Trou|ie, Ebboc'o Field, Brooklyn, 27-29. De Witt ft Stuart, Howard, Boston. De Catie, Minn, BUou, Boslon. Demarest ft Ohsbot, Wm. Peon, Phlla, De llourg, Francala, Montreal, Can. Dean, Grace, ft Co., Victoria, Baltimore. ANITA DIAZ MONKEYS IN VAUDEVIIlt Diamond ft Brennan, Maryland, Baltimore. Diamond, Beatrice, A Co., Empress, Ohloago, 27- 20. Dickinson, Rube. St. Paul, Minn. Dliey, Henry K„ ft Co., Keith's, Phlla. Dixon ft Falls, Academy, Buffalo, Dickson, Helen, Majestic, Elmlra, N. Y. Doyle, Patsy, Now Brighten, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Doyle, John T., ft Co., Bapress, Kansas Olty, Mo. "Dolly's Dolls," Pantagea", Portland, Ore. Doonc, Lorna, Forrest Park Highlands, 8c. lavtsa, Donovan & Lee, Keith's, Boston. Dooley ft ltugol, Wm. Peon. Phlla. Diirnna. The, Sohmer Park, Montreal, Oan. Dolan ft Leuharr. Maryland, Baltimore. Draw, Ohaa., ft Co., American, N. Y. C, 24-20. "Dream ot the Orient," Scenic, Pawtuoket, R. I. CHARLIE GI1LEN MUSICAL DIRECTOR, AT LIBERTY. b'ormorly Fulton Theatre, Brooklyn. Gilbert ft Raymond, New Portland, Portland. Me., 27-29. Golden, Claude, Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn.; Or- pbeum, Dnkuth, 31-Sept, 5. Gordons, Hounding, White City Hipp., Chicago. Godfrey ft Henderson, Pantagea', Les Angeles, Oal. GORDON and MURPHY WITH BOW TOWS TBI8 BBASOH Golden ft West, Loew's, Toronto, Oan, Golden, Morris, Orphenm, Boston, 27-29. Oosaans. Bobby, So. Sixth St., Oolumtius, O, Gordon ft Hlca, Qlobe, Phlla Goodwin, T. W,, ft Co., New Baltimore. GORDON and GORDON NOVELTY, ACROBATIC, CONTORTIONISTS Permanent Aildrosa, N. Y. CLIPPKR. Gray ft Peters, Pantajes' Oreat Falls. Mont. Graters. The, Orpheum, Wlnnlpeg( Con. Grumbley ft Davis. Orphenm, N. Y. C„ 27-29. Green ft Paiker, Shubert, Bkln,, 27-20. Green, Hurry, Scenic Pawtucket, R, I. Gwynne It Oossette, Orphenm, N. Y. 0., 27-39. Hnya ft Days, Electric Pork, San Antonio, Tex.; Hammond, Chas. Hoops, Chnunccv-Kellfer Co. Hayes ft Wynn, State St.. Trenton, N. J„ 27*28. Harris Twins, Gordon's Olympln, lloston. Hall ft Francis, Nixon, Phlla. Halllnger ft Sykess. Broadway, Phlla. Ilauntun ft Co., Broadway, Phlla. Hawley ft Weber. Wm. l'cnn. Phlla. HARVEY TRIO COOK, BOJ/T and QALXO Originators ot Basketball on Bicycles Poll Time Hart, Max, ft Co., Ramonn Park. Grand Raplda, Mich. Hall, Nelson, A Bro.. Savoy, Atlantic Olty. Hawkins, Hie, Lyric, Newark, N, J„ 27-29. Hersbey, Sells-Fioto Sbows. Hedge, John, National, Sydney, Australia. Hcatb A Mlllershlp, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, K. Y. ADELAIDE HERMANS IB VATJDBVlLiLB Henry ft Harrison, Pantagea', Edmonton, Can. Herns ft Preston, Pontages'. Victoria, Can. Heme, Ctirystal, ft Co., Orpheum, Les Angeles, Cal. Hess Sisters, Orphenm, Ssn Fran., Oal. Hearn ft Butter. St. James', Boston, 27-29. Ucvnrly. Great, & Co., Hen Toy Musical Comedy Co., lndoflulte. " p&esM Francis X. Hennessy IrlHti Piper,Scotoh Piper, Irish Dan* oer, Scotch Dancer, Violinist, Hull* elan. SMMAve.. N.Y.,orc»reN.T- CLI l'1'..R. AgeiiUH keop this address- H1H A Ackerman, Moss Tour, England. Hippodrome Four, Unique, Minneapolis. Hlckey Bros. (3), Orpbeum, San Fran., Oal. Hickman Bros, ft Co.. Grsnd, Phlla. Hogan, Ous. Ernie Marks Oo, Hou ston, Henry, Touring Anatralla. Mae Holden TBB BliBCTRIO 8PABK GAIETY GIRLS CO. . Holman. Harry. A Co., Majestic. Waterloo, la., 30-Sept. 2; Columbia. Davernsjrt, 3-5. Hoey ft Lee, Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Holden, Oreat, Palisades Park. N. J. Homes ft Blley, Loew's, Toronto, Can. Ilolllnger, Anne., ' ft Co.. Orpheum, 27-39. Howe. Eunice, Howard, Boston. ADD HQYTS MINSTRELS^ Playing Marcus. Loow-Solllvau-Con Bldlne Clrcnlt- Howard ft Flelils, Emnrees. Grand Rapids, Mich. Hugbca, Florence. Mcureevy'a Cafe, Buffalo, N. t. Hunting ft Francis, Temple, Hamilton, Oan. Hunting. Lew & Mollle, Orpbeum, Montreal, Cor), Hutchlnaon, Wlllard, & Co., Pantagea', Tacoma, Wash. _ Hyatt ft Le Nore, Clarksburg, W. Va. Hyiland, Grant ft Hylund, Cheater Park, Cincin- nati. Ideal. Orpheum, Montreal, Can. „_ Imhof, Conn ft Coreene, Majeatlc, Chicago, »>• 31: Temple, Detroit, Sept. 1-7. . Imperial Oiiera Co., 1'antBgea'. I»s Angeles, csj. Imperial Pekinese Troupe, Empress, Grand imp- Ids, Mleh. „ .. -. Innes ft Ilyan, Enst End Park. Memphis; For- est Park Highlands, St. Louis, 31-Sept. 0. PRINCESS INDITA Presenting by permission of V. 8. Got- ernmsnt her Sensational, n»"i"K NNAKK DAN OB. n «lane» sacred wltb tier people, the "Moguls" of Artxona. Inmnn, Billy, A Co., Empress, Tacoma, Wash. Indlta, Princess, ft Co., Keith's, Jersey Olty, 27- 29. Irwin ft Hereon, Empress, Spokane, Wast. lamed, Orphenm, Vancouver, Can. Ivy ft Ivy, Now. Baltimore. . _. James, Wolter, Fontaine Ferry Park, LeaJMB* Jnckaon, Bert, Spring Bank Park, Loudon, Out, 24-Sept 1. ^ _ u, James, Dcagon, Jomea, De Vers Stock Oa., »• doanlte. Jarrow, Hammerateln's, N. Y. 0. Jnckaon, Joe, Hainmcrsteln's, N. Y. 0. Jackson Family, Empress, San Fran., CaL Jacks ft Forrh, Proctor's, Troy, N. Y„ 27-39. Jeter ft Rogers, Empress, Tacoma, Wash. Jewell's Manikins, PanUges*. San Dlejto, Oal. Jefferson, Joseph, ft Oo., Orpbewn. Duluth. Mian. Jennings A Dorman, American, N. Y. O., 27-iro. Jolly ft Wild, Empress, Butte. Mont. Jones ft Johnson, Empress, Portland, Ore. Johnson, Allele Keith's, Jersey Oily, 27-29. Jordan Gtrla, Shea's, Bnffilo. Juliet, Ternple, Rochester. N. Y. Kaufman Reba ft Inez, Touring So. America. Kays. Flying, Pnntajee'. San Fran., Oal. Ksjlyavna, Orphenm, Duluth, M4nn. Kalmer ft Brown, Orphenm, Des Molnea, la. Kaufman Bros., Oroheutn, Des Moines, la. Kallch, Bertha, ft Co, Orphenm. Oskland, Gal. Kaleakoa, David. 7tli Ave., N. Y. 0.. aaVsWI Lincoln Sn., N. Y. O, 27-29. „_ Katnerer ft Howland, St. James. Boston. 27-26. Karl ft Keliey, Majestic, Honiell, N. Y.; Grand, Olcan, Sl-Sept. B. Kelly ft Mack, Virginia, Chicago. Indellnlte. CECILS DUNHAM annie hart KELLY#GALVIN U.: Orpheum, Denver, 3I-3ept. B Catslane A Dpmhy, lleuilerson's. N. Y. Coney Island, Cavana Duo, Rinpresa, Salt Lake City, II. •WWII GAIE TY G IRLS Dimn ft Bronte, New Brlghtoa, Brighton Beach, N. T. Dimfee, Josephine, Orphenm, Oakland, Oal. Duffy A U>renae. Orpheuni, Oakland, Cal. Dunne, Thoa. Potter, Boulevard, N. Y. C, 21-20; A FBATtTRB WITH "TBB PAY MOBW1WO GLORIBg" _ Ollllngwater, Ciande, ft Co., Orpheun, Winnipeg, Can. "Olrl In the Moon, The," Allegheny, Phlla. Crescent, Austin, 31-Sept. 2. Di rection HARRY BPlWOOlaP Keno ft Mayme, Keith's, Boston, „ «. Kcene, Lorraine A Co., Colonial, Chicago. 27-29. Kelly ft Oatlln, Pant ages', Great Falls. Mont. Keteey, Joe, American, N. Y. C. 27-29. Kenny A Mollis, Lake Nlpmuc, Mllford, Mass.