The New York Clipper (September 1914)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Septembeb 5 VtSS££B3£M&M8fa$& SELLli" AGENTS ALA11MA A Bullion j.|..WIe.e Hirmlmlmm K. B. Norton, Drugs Jtrobi" Jti*r»if> Lttatt'S rt.tra.ac7 Uuon't I'bartVBcj adstas Dru| Co |-al loo-Pope Co. Hobilr Vin Antwerp s, Drugs Hif 1. Bauer Tearaleoaa B in fbi n z>raf Co. AKIZOHA Pktiali Owl pTUB CO. do Martin Druf Co. I'aJsce Drugglare Caldwell'■ Drug Hlore Hat l|rli|i alorrla Drag Co. Joirtboro Royal Fnarmscy Little- Bo el* Borduux'i Pharmacy ArsliUid-n rlttoD Co. bBodirati * Bracr r. W. McClcrkln Pin* Blot If uinTankcrtltj Co. Triirkma Imitb Drug Co. Bur Bros , Drug• Freaaa la 11b BfOC Bowtbbd Drug Co. Loig B»mf'ii Qreen Crown Drag Co. Loi AB|tl«i Chaabtra Drag Co. Dean Drug Co. Bon Drug Co. The Owl Drug Co. Amerkto Drug Co. Vance .'bannscy Temple Costume Co Hodcoto E. B. Mtit Oftlrl«B« The Owl Drug Co. ConHoffman A Co. Bowman Drug Co, Oagooda Drug Slorei Remmer's Fltomacr ft.v*es.e.e Neblett Drag Store Sucnntalo Neve Drug Co, ]he Ow) Drug Co. Bam Brrn>rdlno Tbt Owl Drug Staro Towns, Secomte A UMion . Bon Dlogf* Ksllam Drug Co. I'll it ] t irmecr Tat Owl Drug Co. *mi Vrametooo) Tbt Owl Drug Co. rorent'oBtoflantry Oolditeln'o I)air Store No Perceutags Drug B. 4 8 Drug Co. BoCfltk* ft HUDjrOO Co. Crown Drug Co. Wikelc-cs rnarmac) la n Jose Thonait Drug Co, »lnrkton Holden Drug Co. Wood load J. V. Ltllbold run in, <ini, A. J. fleet l-ramlfm, Men. D. E. Clement BranffareV Oat, Mrs. J. Iiu-b, JUIr (id*. HE 1 Perrott . Cellar*, Alio. Wendell Maclean Jit. Klodlay Drag Co. = Alio. am, Oitl. ' nt.mor.ton, J. F. UrCallum Furl Wlllloi W H Browq Gaetph. Oat. ! 1. B. Pol He Halites. H. 1. 0. A. Durbtdge Hamilton, Oat. VoKoo'a. I.lmiiod. X, Burnjri Mealier larks ft Parte Kalntraa, 8, C. P. B. Will Ma A Co. KlawMo*, Out. V ah owl's Drug Store I nhhriJ.,. aha. Frank Hodley Drug Co London, Oaf. ft. L. Oufl.tmon t Meat-reel, Qa«. DlWir Dowltr Banltarj Pbarmtfy Hyor Freeman ■ Albert E H. Nault Lyon's Drug Btore Jaaiby'a Drug 8twe Ottawa, Oat. Allen A Cochrane Peterbore, Out. Warns Drug Cu. Port Artbar, Ont. W T. UtEacntm Ketjlao, Boaftr, A. Duoeas, Irmgs HI. Cateerla.*, Oat. A. J. Orotowood A Co. Bt. Joba, H. B. *l V. Paddock Bt. Ts-tvaaas, Oat. K .C. Ilaner St.ska.ooa, SAOlt, A. Campbell Basil BCo Marie, Oat. C.T. Ada en* A Co. Toroslo, Oat GTaaoMrn, Drugs ™U»lftd J. P, limit** liggli . The Hooper Co, Vaeeeever. ■■ C. -McDuffet Lroo. A Co. Owl Drag Co. Victoria. B. C. BBS. A. I-rater A Co. WlaalaoaT, Mae. • i..rdnn. Mitchell Co. CuttDOll A Co. OOLtfR«U>0 Colorarla IvelMga J:jblnton Drug Co. Deever Set oils Drfig Co. Oeorgt w. Card (fwl Drug Store DrJokwater'a ITianiJivy I'atblo Metre-poll It n Drug Co Pueblo Drug Co. Trlalaaa People's Drugstore HanlltonsPaarsaae* llirtlgtn '■ Drug Btore Womae'a Drug Btora Bristol W J. Uadaea Daabwrr Klaner A Benjamin tfariford Ooodwki'aJ'bafmicr Alderman Drug Co. MIJdl-towM BuellABIitebln Now BrtUla B. P. Storre NOtv Haven Kikcr A Urge man Co. Norwlck Uroadwa/ Pbarna'e* SlamTord W. T. Manors, Drjga J. Cbamptgne Borg llrni , WalorBary Mroftn D rug tilt • Klkcr A llegeaaa Co. 1 M. EtkiM Mirlatljni Drug Co. Affleck'f Drug Store Tempi p Drug Store Pcople'e Drug Hiore '■'on Drug po. Biker A.llrgemtn Co AfkionTUle Iletlri i'btrraicr Hnrder Drug Co. J Daniel Burnt k Co. Miami The Palm Pharmacy BLteaynr Drug Store Poaaaeola Crritat ihtrmtry Si. AagfaNlla* Jeffenon Thea. Pbar. Tampa Taylor - * Drug Store Jlulthlntnn'e Pbtnuaey QSOKOIA Albanr Owl Drug A Seed Co, America* Hooka 1 barmacy Atlanta Jaeobt rbarmacy Co. ElklnDrjgCo. Aaoraafa T. Q, Howard. Drugt ro I am baa Reld'a Pharmacy Maoua TaylorBayne Drug Co. Mag Mcrrle Drug Co. Chapman'! I'barmiry SHmanah Mrlngiton'l PbarBftO) -M rimy re A llltt HAUA1I tloaolala llrnion, Hmltb ACo. ILLIKOl* V. i.1. Harla Drug Co, II. P. Or lata l„ V Benton. Droit Bloomlnglou Pri t'i Drug Store J. r Cobltota Drug Co. Cairo P 0. SchuhABon* lli-rman C. Scbub Canton H H. Wyman Chicago O. F. Ulaibicb Co. Chicago Coatune Worka Bavtro Pbarmac/ Coniram Drug Co, R.M Uoffett Walter n.Krouikop A. E F*cbter * PrltiBchoolUBCo. Public Drug Co. Buck A Btynar Cotuib mer* Drag Co. Oaca r B Bet On g C. W. Moyef Home Drug Co. AebJend Drot Co. Auditorium Pbarmi John 4, BaccuH* Crown Pfairaury Tbaier'a Drug Store M. B fliuart Cameron A Co , Celt 0. ll. Ilayr leer 1- Qualea N. Y. CottumeCo. Meyer Drug A Truie Co. K. K. Brhlkc I* Salle Sta. Drug Store argf Beyeraan Drug i W. Bwobodi. Drugr New Central Pbor. A. Arend Drug Co. WltenWrga l^nraary blaraball Field A Co. Olio H. Meata H, TrUnaa A Co. Calraso UOIajhl■ Stoltea Drag Store Daavllle I^twery'a Lrrlc Pharmacy Woodbury Drue; Co. Deraiar P. Bwbig Buppl/ Bout* Bell Druj Co. E. It. LaaU Eckert Drug Co. Alula Kcooomlm! Drug Co. .Goleabar, lloover-Lott Co. Jaekooavlllo Coover ft Sbreee abjHaf Central Drug rit-wo Lm Sail* LTancy'a Dk, Store H^ilaa Jtrlebo'a Drug Store Meaateaib Bed Croia Itarmaey Peoria R. D. UcDougal. Drnga Bed Croia Pharmacy De Kroytt'a Ptermacy Albert Zimmermann (talacr Reed* Drug Store. HoeltraraY Red Croia Pbarnaer ■ rrinaflcld Bell A Coe, Drugglit* Hltcbell'a Drug Store Clarkaoo'a Drug Store lit real or Welaa A TLKdobr IHDIAWA Aaderoua Central l*bann*cy Colombo* llauter A UprrOraff fflkkart Houiewortb Broa. , Svanavllla) J. P. Baom Drug Co. BcbUepfer. Drugo Kon Wayne Meyer Brca. Co., Drugo Praakfort E. B. Merrltt Gary Strlngfellow Drag Co. Hammond BuDinirr'i Pharmacy lfidl*napol|« Charle* W. Elebrodt Kerger a Pharmacy . Weber Drug Co. E. W-Stucky. Druge' Htitry J. Hudcr Hook Drug Ca Haog'a Plat* Hotel Cigar Ktaod Krnilallvllla Jemei D Snyder Kokomo Frank II. Hubbard . Latayetto A. V. Klenly, Drugt Loannaporl W. II. Porter A Co. Marlaa Merrltt'i rhtrmacy Stloklataa Cltr Oamlng Drug Co. Sraaela Owl Drug Btora tttebntnitd Conkey Drug Co. South Read Economical Drug Store Public Drug Btora Torre Hanlo A. Hera Oik Hall' Pharmacy Valemloe'i Drug Store IOWA Barllaartoa Suttir-Ludman Drug Cedar Rapid* Hoyion Drug Co. Eaeraoa't Pnarmaey Cltnlon Jimta Do Lange CoonctT Oluffe Frlcke Drug Co. Davanpart O. Brbltget A Son 111 DltE Drug CO. Ileo Mol.r. Creaiey A Wlngato M. J Olato Phar. Emproia Pbannaey Daaaqae T. W. Roete Drug Co. (J. A. OrlBUS, Drugwt Part Dad«a Oleton Drug Ca lied Croon Drug Btora Koatiak Wl|klD*on A Co • aaarokallfawal Be Inert Drug Co. C. J. Lander ataaaa City Brady Drug Co. Ottawa era t'eatr»l Drug Ca Slvaa City Wm 3. Elba. Droga <;m bf. Boper Todd Becker Co. Watarlaa Wangltr Broa, Co. Taggart Drag Co. C. X Miller Btrlekler A Wokei llaaaen A I'letcber ui nii Ateklaaa Nolle' Drug Store CofTeyrlll* Colurnhla Drug Co. Eroporla W. B. Irwin Hatefclaoaa Brlgfa Broa. ladoaeadoaea llt-brank Drug Co. Kanaae Cltr 0. Q Uke Lawrence C. C. Slialcr Leavaaeeortk Ed. C PHtacbe Plttakwrs Roll Ltndburg. Drugo Tapaka H. P. Rowley. Drug* . . Ileaaer llroa. . . „" *■ Wiehua .: Di-ckum DrugCc , Catnoriae T*pfefi'-.* DockutuTllford Co. Frankfort W. U. AeerUPo Bom Z^ata Alua Cooper A Dunn Laealoellla Buacbemeyer Broa. Taylor Iiiicb Drug Ca. A. Ko prion, CoaL New asm Drug Co T. P Taylar-A eo. Owfsiboro SmlthABatea Padocab Oi.biTt'a Pbarmacy R. W Walker Co. 1-OUIBIAKA Alexandria Rapides Drug. Co. Batoa Rotte Van A. Wooda. Drvgi J'ranklla The Vrere Drug Co. Lake Caarlea Van Thul ft (inrdoo Monroe Monroe Drug Co. New Orleaaa American Drug Store P. L. Cunehe. Druga Katt A Bdtioff EL 11. Paate bnrevetiorC Sienger Eroi. Drugt Anajaaia W. R. Partridge Baagar C. A. Fowler. Drugo Hooltoa 0. F. French ft Boa Portlaad A. Carlea H. B. Hat Bona Watervllle Bed CroiB Pharmacy M 4MSft5» B. 8 Bartoinil. Xottu * Ifliitrt. Draft SonnfBbQrr-Bibllitm Bp.ultr-Kni(Ca. Ufi.It'l Aiiwl.l.d Bforoi Oo. U. WMIinion 4 Ca. J. A. Win* Canbt.llil I* L. KlottaBro. Jimft K. Ford ll.B«r.lo«rM Bakl. . Youn. Crntr.l Druj Co. MASSACHUSETTS Kklr.'l !trii| Hlcrrl Or.,n", [' Kcifhfi rbarmicy W, B. Hunt Co.. Oruft Woodward Drag Co. B. A. D. Bbtppard • Co. Kpitaln Druf Co. Jajaaa Druf Co. Ca. Crnn. Ine Hruiirlit Srocklo. Ball • I.Toa Co. Cnkrldt* CDaolnfbam'a DrDf Store Knll BITE. Toubra'a 1'tiinr.acr Haverhill n«n a i.jon Co. Ualvalia Ota. P. O'Connor L.rr.11 - Carter A BAvrbtrat Ca y. 1. Canpaall. Oran I.T.a J. M. Nrltoa, Drurt Parld A Yooof ' law B.jf.ra Tilt Brown. Patraar* NartAaaaplaM Wliv.ll. Druitlit Coburn A Oravt. 1-m.i.u Uolon Druf Ca. • J. D. Bnlth Of«D. tbt Drtfaiai wma.M Edvard 0. Crotlr Waravalvt Orttn. Tat Droff lit ScotlABan Hall A Lroo Ca. ■TICKIOAK jTaarXraar I3b*rt,l rh PhAmaCJ Batll. Cr... 0*1 Druf Co. fear citr Uihd A Beacb D.trQlt lira. Clin U. Bud Btandtrd Drot Start E. C. Kintal, Dragt lltll'iPbirBurr Ponlrbtrtrata Phir r. u. Illbbitr II. 8. Ctratatrr Uri R W Allrn Ufftlt'a PIIBI C. B. Cranpton Un.l HanlJ. Prck Brot.'Drof Co. Sebroudrr't rvrut storrr » Wttft Drof Btortt Edw. A. Broaa Vl.k.b.ra Klaf ACo^ Drtat C.l.akla ColtaiMaDrtaOa lUaaltal Jot O'Btra A-aslta Jarkaen Draw Ca. HcCartj t Drag Start Kaaaaa Cllr MM Ca FttVnaana't Drof Start OoMblntt Broa. Dkktr Bralktra Kirk..III. Ow] Dreg Stort •t. Jaaeak St. Prancka Phartoacj II. Loala B. Bekaldt CattatHr •Sndtrla Drof Co. Jadft A DolpA, Dro/a Cltr Hall Drni Start H. KautrDrurCo. Ctntral On;t Co. Grtnd-Laelrd* Drof WolIHlliun Co. WelptrtDrtf Ca. Ktavnf Phtrnicj II. A. Hunt Amerlran Aodm rbtrratr; M. J. Cltrat. l.'oitui.ira Svtall. Scottta Dni Co. ■rrlafdlaltr C. B. Dalrjjnnle. Wrbatraiat Broa Caaacaa UtraStld'a Pbamarr Oarrr T»»tEdwtr4t Bllamaath Grraam A UcCloaktr Co. Marker Broa. ■aawkaa wavStBlak r. w. Tntftr Jaraar Clip Calttd CbtBlrll' Co, Rlktr A Htrrata Co. V. -O.'SrhaiTrr Maalvlalr laotr Drof Ca Tawark PIrtara'a Plaraucj Ca, Cbtc Holaoamr. Draft Rntv A Hefnaaa Co. Gl.aa Fall. Bart B. BtaUcr. Drafa Olavvravlllt Wlodaor lbaraiatr II...o. Kroa-mr Draf Co. lUbaea Artbar B. Breoka A Son Ja.ralowa Stabtoa Druf Co, Janratowo I'bansarr Kl.iiloa Wa.8. Ellin ft Llltl. Fall. 0 Beorta A BtrHr Lovkptrl Bi;lltt A Sweat Grata Parka Uta Draf Blort lltnt'l Paaraarj L. Bambarrar A Co. Haw Vaa Durrarn rbarmarr afonlaan'a narmarj Mlllar'i Drag Rtora Oraaia JiibC. Ililn CtrroU Drug Co. Palaraaa I.IU'II'I Jaraaa I. Smart Pvrtk Aatkor Laaer Drat Co. ff.mand Schrclner Broa. Treataa Chaa. Sluekert Klkrr A ll.'iraan C<> I «!.>» Hill Ltuer Drue Co. Iludana I'nanaaer Wlldwaod ■ jB(k.o» Draf Ca loala Vaa Allen A McOowan Jaeluoa Atbeoaum Pbarmacy Wbltt'a Drug Btore Kalaaaltaao F. A. ItoillDB, Druga Laaalng Roblnton Drug Co. Rooaera Drug Store Otli Jo nee, Drugi. Maalatee Cltj Drug Store gfaakeaoB Fred Brundajrr. Drugi Paattaa B. L. Kejaer I'ort Baroa 3. Lobrtlorfer C. B. Brleher Bavlnaer Alarklnabe A Loebrlrb laalt Bte. Marlo- Fred n. Price, Drugs Tra^ip City S B.yillerABon MOifToaklfA ■llllaga Lee Warren, Drugt Bnlte Colbert Drug Co. . OwenooSdoDtgonery Co. Great Fall a Model Itarmacj Helena ParclenDragCo. Crnokitoa Teo'e Drug Btore Onliitb Lyceum Pbavrmocr Wlrtb'a Drug Store Mankalo Jofan J. Lamm Mlnneapolle A. D. Tbompion Drug Co. Cbarle* II. Cirkler VotgeU Broa. Drog Co. Louie Kopfmao * Public Drug Co. ,>" Bt. Paal IfartlB Oleaea City Drug Store It A Decker A Bon Cban T. Heller Xluiur Drug Co. St. ra'.Jl Drug Co. Preaaaat Pohl'B Ptermacj Oraad Island Clifton Phirmacv Llacola ileltr Drag Co. Oaaaka Bberaaan A UcConnell Co. Beaton Drug Co, Tbeo. Lliben A Bon Unltt-DocekaICa Owl Drug Co. Maine* Drug Co. Paiton Hotel I'bar J. L. BroodelB A boot NEVADA Reno Week Drug Co. WEW HaAJIPSHIRX Oerlla Coomoyer Pharmacy Cob ear A A. Parity Fitch Maaokeater O. L, Olgurre, Drag* Naakaa Frank II. Wlngate Aavkarw Park Mattiion Ave. Pbar. Lauer Drug Co. Attaatlo -Cltr. Apollo Pbarmacy Bayeaae Bijou Vbarmaeg * Opera Home Drug Btora raw MEXICO Alfeuquerriwe 8. Ruppe NSW YORK Albanr Wtmer Drug Co. Wat. Sautter Co. Iferrla Drug Co. Loala Sautter Aaaaleraana Wm. Wlltoo, Jr. Jobn Kiruiai Aabara A. B. Adamt, Drags Ctaa. H. Sarar Co Blaarbaaatea Waldron Drag Co. Urooklya Block Drug Co. F. J. Morris-; DrUga Geo. C. Weber Sommer'a I'harmary Hiker A liegemen Co. I. Bcblotaberg Cbaa. P. Goer rig Alei, Oardntr II. C. Kolpe A Son BoaTplo Central Pnaciiptlon Olbb'a Drug Stort LlggeU'n Rudlo'a Drug Btora Hcegaard-Sloan Co. O Brien 1 - Pbar. Potter-Bueteher Co. Canton Kirkland Pbarmacy Coary loiaad Edward A. Ancelln Cora lag; reretl-Calkloa Drug Co. . Blanlra Gerlty Broa.' Drug Co. Central Pbar. Far nockawry F. D. Doollttle D. P. AfiftO a Co. Meekaa tear file > T. Vaa RenteeUer HMdlMOWB MrMonagle A Rogera *t. Teaaaa Ankeraon'a Pblrmaey HiW.irit .Uerritt a Bono Kew Hochelle N J. Paitertoo Bee* York Knickerbocker Pbar. Hiker A Hra-ernea Co. Circle Pbarmacy Jaaaee* Drag Stereo Jobn W. Penier • Geo. Snlodbelm, Wigl Polk't rbtrmtcy A. H. McRae A Co United Drag Store* KrauteACo. 3. Hollar, Pa. O. Cody A Bergtr Orifflth'i Poarauo r. J. Fcael.n Collin's'. Pbarmacy ' Sajer Drug Co. C. A. Henrlctien Harry Deim Dorb Drug Co. Srhaaf Brc*. Caiwell-MaBaey Co. caan Drug Co, J. W. ReedCe. I* AO.Ooldlcat A. Baltaly Alex. Hudnut'a Paamary Paul Borcbard Uggett'a Drug Store Drieaen'* i'fcinzi-j Tbblaa Pbarmacy Kinaman Ftermaty Bcrward P. Miller R. H. Luthla. Inc. J. A. Retiartogtca Sanders A Co. Warobaw Brut. B. T. Gi.pit, lae. atmbtt Broo. Grey Drug- Co, ftUareum Tall* Croy'a Drug Btore Ogfaeaebargk wnilatoe Drag Ca. Olean P. R, Brothers A Ca. Oceania City Drug Co. Geo S. Blade Oiwcga Batlir PbtrBoey M. B Bart Poo■h k e e p 11 e WeCullocVe Pharmacy Recbeetar H M. Hyde Drug Co. Paine Drear Co. Rlker A Hegeaaa Co. jaaWaj nrougbton Drug Co. ^cheneetady W. ll.Quinn. Druga Ltoo Drug Store! \V.-J. Friday Byracaae Rtols Broa.. Drags Liggetts. 4 Storei F. J. S'jre. Druga Tarrylorea RuihII a Uwrle Tray JobnF. KlUllea Vtlea Bulllran A Slanacn Kngland A McCaffrey Biker-H^grmaa Ca Walertowa 11. J. Bakome Yon k era Rlker A Hegeeun Co. H. OaAJWLIF, A Aakevllle Bmltb'a Drug Store Cbarlotle Woodall A Sbepcarfl Darhaaa Mala Bt. Pbartucy Co. Oreenaboro rarisa-Kluls Drag Co ( Drug Co. nigh Poiat J. A Hart Drug Co. R-lelgh Wake Drug Btore W/Uattegctoa Clvlngtoa'a Pbaiamcy Wllaan TurllngtoB A Moore IVInatoa-Sateaa P. A. Thompaon W. D AKOTA FurtO Broadwae Fbarmecy CMtral Drug Store Abraa The Harper Drag Co, Alliaaea Vale, the Drag Maa Cambridge Brearaa A Wilaea Caataa Both AHiigCo. V. . W. Antony Claelaaatl Weatberbead Pkamary VoeaftLakimp U. C. Dew. Drug* Tata" BoeecthaT Miller* Pharmacy CSevelaaa. W. O. Marshall W, KraaaeA Boa Btaadard Drug Co. The P re oa ert Pbarmacy GlelB A Belstr Ca. - Opera House Pharmicy Calaaebaa F.F.MykTtnU KaSBEann Coat dm MiyDrugCo, Uggetta Dartaa Barkltt's Drag Btore W. P. Jeoklaa Eaot Liverpool J. D. Kollowty Klyrla CW.Pbllllpa flndlar Central Drugstore Haaalltea RadcllFe Drug Co. Llsaa Batltr b DrugSton* Enterprise Drag Store H F. Vortkamp Hunter's Drug Store Larala C J. Tiffeoy Marian Itenaey A Cooper Beware. T. J. Brace W. A. Eraaa A Sod Pfejaa Hedge* A Higglm Pertaaaaalh PlaherABtrelchPbar. MndosLy Central Drugstore sldnap A. 8. White's Pbarmacy gprlaaBalaV R. J. Cburcbman Wealle'a Cut Rste Drage idem Sebmldt. Druga Steubenville 0. B Pierce A Co. Central D.-jg Co. Toledo West Drag Store Boody House Pharaaey Ynaearetaera SUU'g Drag Store StroaaeHlrahberg Ca. C. B. Krsuter laaeerslla Balrd'a Pharmacy OFaJ^AHOatA Ardnaora City Drug Btore Cllatea Rag Croat Drag- Btora Enid Peer]est Drug Co. Lawtoa JoncB Broa.'Drag Co. MoAteater E A DaaleU Ucikog't Uorbart Drag Co. Oklahoma City WeaLf all Drag Co. Weerer'a Drug Stort Shawaee Creaceot Drug Co. Tali* The Rezall Store QMMQOn La Grande C. D. Potmaa Med lord . rag _.. Porllan* Powers ft Ertea Tnc Owl Drug Co. PKlfKBYXVAKtA Alleatawa Palace Pbaraiacy H. h. Kelper Henry E, Peters A Co. Altaoaa Boecklng A Meredith Braddoek W. A. Rulp. Drugt Batler Tbt Cryrtal Ffci nra-ry Da Bole Hty'a Drug Btore tvaatoa A. 3. Odenwelder Brie AoatBt A Streuber Frank L. Fe'aler, Drsga- Anflrtw'a Pharmacy Greeasbarg 8tepben*on Chem. Co. Harrl-barg Gorgat, tbt i*raggiat H fnesicad lieEte Drue Co. Jobaitsna Csrei Yc-rg Laaeaster Brabaker Brotbera Lekaaao S. II. MeGoeaa MeKee.pert Hlawttba Drag Start BTeaaVllla A R Keew Mew Castle Low A Mega ws Rerrlatewa Csdy Drue Co. Oil cltr W. X. fleorge. Dragt fbiiad.ipaTia R. A Nolle, Dra gs Geo. B. Eraxa-Orugi Waaa A Son. Co*tamer* Jicabe Bra*. PMIIp L. BarJemeat Ramaey-Borell Drug Co. E. J. Kelly ft Co. Peacock's Foarrotcj Ceotral Drjjj Co. Klker A Heremso Ca George M. Saul BByoer A Scott B. J. HMteartOD Ceo. 11. Williams Pliiibargb Tbt Hay Drag Co, IwTser Broa, MeKecr.aa Dr.g Co McCulloch Drac Ca. Uoloo Depot pbar. Kaufmao'a Pljraaoatk a J. Dorb'». Dregt PetlBTlUo Chaa. W. Ooiwoea kestlsg ■teta'a Paarawey American KadiclstCo. Bell's Drag Store •eraataa Pahrenholt. Coatcaer Hatthewa Bros. Kennedys bfedidut Store Jencyn Dug Btore l.aaobla BeKenback* Baker •avaraa C A. Sijro lanfanrr Buawll E- Kelly Waaklasjtaa TempletoVa Drug Store Wtlkea-BasTa Frank A Barber Wltktnibarg Smith Drog Co. York Helget A Hlldeknnd Lafeas Drug Co. BHODK ISlaAKD Baoraart Hall A Lyon Ca Pawtaeket FIsk Drug Co. Providence Colonial Drug Co. J. Fred Gibaon Co. Hall A Lyon Co. The Reiner Ca Westerly Tool. J. Bsnnon I. CAB O LIK A Ch*rIe*tos Geo. A. DerUeeii Colambts McGregor's Drug Blort Mlot'a Pbarmacy Greenvlll* Brace A Doeter Co. B. DAKOTA ■leax Falla R F. Brown. Drags Floated'* Drag Store TaanaaM Chattanooga Lire A Let Lire Dreg Jo Anderson Kaosellls Kublman'a Drag Stares Sbsrp'a Pharmacy D. A. Rosenthal Mi Serbia Wm. Kattea A. BtnkertACo. afos«IC7>Roblnsoa Co. Walloon Drug Co. wnsh.lllr C. R. Badoux Hair Goods Sands A Sumpter. Drugs DeMorJUeDrugCo. Jennings' Pbarmacy MrlZ BlooDitelu Austin Fan Bsalta. Drug Co. H. C Jackton Bonaruoat Post 0 IE re Drag B to. re Boakasa J. W. Peeler Faartsacy Coralraaa llarper-lnabolt Co Dallaa Tie Owl Drag Co. Sklllem A Bona Marvin's I'barmicy W. 8. Klrby Ca Drltttorj'a Drug Store Rogera Southland Ft. Trlnitr Drug Co. Adoln'.u* Paarnary El Paee A. E, Ryan A Co Ft. Wertk Lowe't Drug Store Besfro't Fbarmaey Bt.rDrog c ^ , ; r ;' , - C. B. I.I11 P.-ajflfj, ncm-t u * m «** lAwyn'a |k-aa gt,-- Rlee FBiT 1 M Pharn,™ Abbott Esrsstl ?OtbCentcr, , i" ir au a H'aeo OldCcrr..rl' r j I ., M court Km I^,;! M, Retail pZ| iter, "* Ptlact Druf Store I JAM Mlriblll UruaC, Collrr Drne ft u . , Prtva Hedonlat rirug Ct. Salt Lake Cllr DrrtonDrarCt. S'Wl Draf Co. ebrtrani-JcbDaoa Ttt B oatta t>m Ct. VDUKBrt - Bart. Caaualcra A Leala aai.if.U; 1 •alIr«pL r ri.e,•■ ■ t, r> ",■"•*• F. K D. 1 .me; A Ca, vntaoat Central F:araaer «_^, —"kwk afi Ctttt't Pfcartarj IXrlckaon Pkuattr Traltt't Riamacr nick, Traflt DratOo. Oraot Drug Ct. MtaaRST 1 VinUtrBrw. ». _ Itatatta Tboa. Horaiaad WASBXROTOI v-^.. P SfwaWAaj i faAsTt Pttroatr Owl Pbtratcr Huaalaw Prank Olllette ~ -.."S'" T,w "» ClarkaPaamtrr Pioneer Drof Ca. •eaatlla Klaiel Bra. Btrtrll DrutCt. Tie Ltai Drag C: Tke Owl Drag Ca Spoktat Clob Pbansaej tVeeternDrjgCa. McNlb Dr;j Co. Jorner'e Drag Stem Mutlttrojdt Tbt Owl Dm, Ca Tacowa Tk, Owl Drag Ce. Puritan Drug Co Walla Walla TallmanDraf Ce, Walla Walla Itaraarr w. vautaai BlavSeld Wblte Fbannicr Ckarlralta Osera Paarearr hrleg A Price Clarkabarg Waldo Drug Ca Welle-HaTDeaer Ct Elklaa Corner Drag Store Falrwtar Ucuotiln Cllr Drag Ca Orattaa Comerford'a Pbar. Ha.tingle. Wild A Rortte J. it. in, Drag Ct. Parkeratare 0. J. Stoat A Ca WheellK Baer't rbtnaacr J. Front WMConoc Apalvita Dowoer'aPbarater Fond da Ul W.B. Plank DiofCa. Kvaoaka CrtdwillOrtiCa La rroaav HcetcJ.erBroa JlfldlBOB Dettlora Pl.irmacr Tie Mantra Pbtratcke ftllwaake. Tkt A. nplegt! Co. SekndXr Drag Co. Ratlat Pokornr Drug Co. KradrrrllDragCa Shekaraaa rred-0. llopoe, Drtfi Saperlor Price:', Phtrate; FLATUISII TO OPEN SEPT. 3. TiM Elatliiub, llrooklju'i newest pliyliotue, •UuAted lu (he heart of KUtbusb, at Otiutch »uU Flatbutli Areuuet, will oven rhuradir, Sept. 3. The building I* of Iho latest modern eonatruc- tloo, ha. a aeatlng capaclur of two thouejud, and It absolute); tire and panic proof. The stage la of the latest type, wltb eterj knerwu mechanical and electrical appliance for the cSectlTe rapid alilfllng of the acenery. The policy of the bouse will be high class vaudeville. two shows daily. The lobby extends the entire length of tbe building ami la decorated wltb rare marbles and sculpture, wltb French mirror panels reaching from the floor to the celling. A. full orchestra will be under the direction of Jacob Brunner. Tbe decorations are In Louis XVI style and are carried out In old rose, leery and gold. Tbe proacenluiu boxes and sounding boards bate mu- ral paintings depleting scenes of historical In- terest of the early colonial daya In Flatbuab. George A. alcDermll, the manager, has been connected wltb tbe largest vaudeville Interests In Grester New York for the past ilfteon years. a) I » "TO-DAY" OPENS DIIOJVX OPERA HOUSE. On Saturday night, Sept. 5, "To-Day" and Ooban 4 Harris' Bronx: Opera House open their seasons. "To-Day," the George Broiduurit and Abraham Scbomer play of New York life which had tbe distinction of running all last season at the <Bth Street Theatre, will be presented prac- tically with a new cast, tke only members of tbe 48th Street Theatre company remaining be- ing Marie Walnwrlght, Etbel valentine and Jean Newcombe. Bdmund Creese, Madame Mathllde Ootrelly, and Bernard ItelnoU are conspicuous among the newcomers. Kir. Breeae will be aecn aa Fred- erick Wagner, a role that offers blm bla ant opportunity In years to play a sympathetic char- acter. Madame Ootrelly will appear as Kiuma Wagner, snd Mr. Itvlnold, who for several years past has been delighting vaudeville audiences In 1, Dlnkelsplel's Christinas," will be seen ss Ues- rick Wagner. 4 i » LEW FIELDS TO PRODUCE. "Bust" la s Hungarian operetta wbteh Lew fields will produce tbla ncaaon. A call hat been Issued for the aasenebly of the chcrus forces, and arrungemeiita ore underway with the principals fur the production to be nude about Oct. 1. ♦ tt> COHEN MADE TREASURER. Mtcbsel Cohen, who hsl been ssslatant treas- urer of the George M. Ooban and the Aalor theatres, hat been promoted by Ooban and Har- ris to tbe post of treasurer of the Candler Theatre. NOTICE HALF TONE PICTl'RE* lm the read- iBua pastes of TUB CUPPER will be 1 named fit prion■ Front Paste Cat MS»9 Doable Colnnaia #10.00 •Ingfle Coloaan FOX AND DOLLY WEDDED. Greenwich, Ooun., waa the town, pnt on tbe map still stronger than It previously stood, on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. SJ), when Jennie Dolly, twenty-one years old, known on tbe stage as Ysnscl Dolly, one of the Dolly Sisters, wss married In tbe Greenwich Town Hall to Harry Messiuann, who was born twenty-eight years ago, and who li popularly known behind tbe footlights as Harry Vox. Justice Albert S. Mead officiating. The bridal party, including tbe couple. Miss Dolly's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Julius Dolly, snd ber lister, Mrs. Jeun Sclnvsrts (formerly llosilku Dolly) made the trip from New York to Green- wich by automobile. Mr. Fox resided In Greenwich long enough to give that place as his residence. He Is s native of Pomona, Col. The bride wss horn In Budapest, Hungary. She and ber slater at- tained great success on the New York stage In the lsst few jears as agile and graceful dancers. UAKER-DODGE SUCCEED CHAMBER. LIN-KINDT. Tbe leases to eight theatres controlled by the Cbomberlln-Klndt Go. have been purchased by a new syndicate known as the Baker-Dodge Amuse- ment Company. By the terms of tbe transac- tion, tbe Baker-Dodge Co. takes the leases to the Burtls Opera House in Davenport, Is., the Illinois Theatre In Bock Island, 111., tbe Moltnc Theatre In Mollne, 111., and theatres In Musca- tine, Keokuk and Fort Madison, It., and Gales- burg, 111. Fred B. Powelson was in Davenport recently on a tour of Inspection. Mr. Powelson rays that the policy of the play- houses In tbe future wonld be to present only the tattler class of theatrical attractions and quality motion pictures. Messrs. Bsker snd Dodge, the new lessees, make their headquarters at Keokuk, la. Tbe former Is a banker and the latter has been In charge of tbe Grand Opera House In that city. The seven theatres In the cbsln will be Independent and will book both Klaw A Erlanger and Shnbert attractions. Mr. Powelson bos been associated wltb tbe Chamberlain-Kindt Company for the past eighteen years, and tor Bve years has been manager of tbe Auditorium at Gelesvurg, He plans to make bts liermanent headquarters In Davenport, and will move his family there. Charles T. Kindt, who has been In tbe theat- rical game for thirty years, retires from that branch of endeavor to devote his entire time to the blllpostlog business. He will still make bis headquarters in the Burtls Opera House Building, la Davenport. It Is understood that William J. Kllsck will be retained as manager of tbe Illinois Theatre In Rock Island. EDWARD AUSTIN. The "Chink" Ihillyhoo Rending lite Clipper. While .si-Hied (iii the Sidewalk In Frunt of the Luus, I'urk Kntmi...', coney Island, New York. "Tin Stort ov tit. Robust" will have Its first perforraeuce Petit. I. at the Manhattan Opera House. Members of tbe caat and the scenery of tbe production arc expected to arrive in tbla city Aug, 26. on board the IflnneKituAs. Tan three sons of Eugene Yaaye, the yoong- est of whom la sixteen yean old, are at the front with the Belgian army. ♦ a » ARTHUR H. MILLER, 333 W. 44th St., N. Y. Bet. sin & on. a,-... Manufacturer of CHIMES, BELLS, MUSICAL NOVELTIES, XYLOPHONE, DRUMS, TRIPS, etc. ELECTRICAL CHIMES and BELLS To the Profession: Gowns and Furs 350 Slightly used Imported Evening Gowns and Wrapt, Street Baits, Drni" tor Stage and Street Wear, at exceptionally low prices. Gowns to Hire. MME. NAFTAL, 09 West 45 St., New York (The Largest snd Oldest Establishment In New York city) Anson Pond has granted Wm. A. Brady per. mission to use the title "Life," already tbe name of one of Mr. Pond's plsys, for his new melo- drama. Taokua A. Wisa haa been engaged by Chat. Frohman for one of the principal roles In Ed- ward Sheldon's plsy, "The Song of Songs," which will be produced In the early Autumn Abthub HAMatsBSTBTN has engaged Janet Beecher for "The Trap." Sivqut. engagements of London players were made by Wm. A. Brady for the now Thompson Buchanan mclodrimu, "Life." The manager learned by cable that all these players had em- barked on the American liner, .You) Pork, which left Southampton, Anf. 15. OrncuLs and directors nf the Metropolitan Opera Honse have been re-asaured by Gsttl-Ca- saasa, general manager, that the war will not affect the opera season. David Bclabco hot placed Malcolm Williams under contract for *he new nlay In which Leo Dltrlcasteln will sppesr this Pall. OtuxcNoa Olives was engaged by Wm. A. Brsdy for the leading rote In "Too Many Cook." st tbe 39th Street Theatre, New York, snd opened there Aug. 24, succeeding Frank Craven, the author of the piece. 'Tun MtssiAoa or Columbine." a comedy In four lets, has been selected as the opening play for the Punch and Judy Theatre, Nov. 10. "Tub Uduu!" will open the reason on the road Sept. 21. at Springfield, .Mass. The com- pany will Include: Georgle Mack (In tbe title role). Ft ark Oamptan, Clare Wcldon, Joseph Con- yen, William Holden, Mary Stockwell, Ben Hlg- glns, James R. Gsrry, Arthur Vinton. Kurt Carpe, and little Etbel Downle, and will be under the stage direction of Percy ). Moore. The English production of this play, for which all arrange- manti hsd bees completed before the wsr broke out, has been iiostponed for the present because of unsettled conditions In Europe, but "The Dummy" will be produced In London as soon as possible. Fsuti KinsLSjR, the Anstrlan violinist, Is with the Austrian army and Jaojoes Thlbanlt, the Preach violinist. Is with the colon of his country. FLORE5CE BEIfNETT One of the Best Known Leading Ladles In Bnrlcsque. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX Advertasements not exceeding one Use in iecrU will be pnbllahed, properly claaalhed In tbla laASJ at the rate of |lu for one year (63 Isiots). * copy of Ths New Yoax Currsa will be teat Bts to each advertiser walls the advertisement is m- A8BEST0S CURTAINS AND PICTCBB 0. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 7B Pesil it, tVirs* Mass. CARJIIVAL FRONTS AICD SBOW BAJIHBR9. — , . , . ta D. 0. Hnmpbrys Ot>„ .18 Arcs) St. PBllsdelpsll. Ps. CONFECTIONS. , „ Boeckhelm Bros. A Kckatela, 24B So. Peoria ■<•' Chicago. MUSICAL BELLS AMD ■eSSSs TSgi Main R. Street, IS Brook St, Bsrtf«4 BsaT* MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. 0. Deagon, 8800 N. Clark St. Chleago, B» MUSICAL OI«ASSBS. „,. A BranncUa, 1011 Napier Are.. Ricatnonl m* fl Y. POPCORN MANCTPACTURBRe. „ Boeckhelm Bros. A Beksteln. 148 So. Peorls at, Chicago. _ SCENERY AND SCENIC PSSSeaa» O. L. Story Scenic Co.. BoratrrvUla Station, Bsr too, U tn. - Netr Yotk Stodlo. 10O1 Times BMf.. N. J^mm Howard Tattle. 1202 Center Bt. MUsrsakee. w» STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. „ Paal Tsostg A Ben, 104 R 14th St. "■ * ° THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Regalia Co., 887 Wash. St. Boston, iassa THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. ■. Wslker, 306 W. S»ta St. New York. VENTniI.OQ.UIST PIQITRRS. Ben Hobaon, 1520 Amsterdam Atsl. M. »■ """^ HATIflE It's lrnDosglbletocopymTStKii|- RUIIbt war ofmansglng a medicine eh The Greatest Medicine Showman on Earth. RICTON, The King, Crooksrille, 0.