The New York Clipper (September 1914)

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gEPTEMBEB 5 THE NEW'YOEK CLIPPEE. COMF Y L ° VE °* e * teM C ° medy 8o "« ■» T «" *". Y 2v ">NC WAY FROM HOME iv..*.™ s, orr B .iu* you Jor*, ».« ^ ELC0ME AT O0R H0U «* i—ity *.««. Bn ..d..m. ».w ......... ™r/S!/?T" FOR YOU ""•»'• »—... HTLl^^ISJ 1 ?!" BACK TO THE *HO«E «"-*• liH*^,*, IF I HAD SOME ONE LIKE YOU AT HOME b..» s .. g ..... -v.- m.*. «. l.t. y„«» CHICAGO, 123 H. Clart Street BQSTQH, 218 Trnno.t Street PHIU,, 903 Waliut Street Will VOM TILZER, Pres. B'way Maslc Corp. African Kant. "Oablrls," nnd alt the various na- tures at the local inorlns picture nouses, is enougb to please all, and .drange to say, all are dolus well. Y>u bear no tomplalnts about business, and with this new picture bouses are being erected. Tbb patting of the show means much. It means the passing of favorite players from the local stock company, the I'oll Flayers, which has bad THE NEW YORK CITY THEATRES "THE HIGH COST OF LOVING. t> lie ■■ u 1.11c (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— The many One actors ami actresses who bare become adapted from th,j German by h rank Mandel. OUT OF TOWN HEWS WASHINGTON. Weather agreeable and good attractions at ail the bouses, a satisfactory business all around. Biuaco (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)—Paul J. Ralney's African Rant jlctures bare been the means of affording much instructive pleasure to lbs lirce audiences week of Aug. 24. Owing to a leanest the Ralney pictures continue week of 31. The photoplay of "Damaged Goods" next.. . Columbia (Fred G. Berger. mgr.)—Lyman H. Hero's TraTel Festival lias been enjoyed by largo andlf--es. These pictures are wonderful and most instruct!.-e The building of tbo "Panama Canal" glfes the test object lesson that could be obtained. Good business week Aug. 21. Lyman H. Howe's Festlial next Too regular Winter season of the house will open Sept. 2S. with "The Rule of Three." Some surprises hire been hooked for this bouse (or the comluz regular season, and said to be the best bookings ever made for this house. National (Win. II. Bapley, mgr.)—The opening of tbls bouse was announced for Sept. II, but the date lias been changed to week of 7, with "The Dragoa'a Olaw." Pou'a (James Thatcher, mgr.)—"Olrls" wa» stick » Wf mat rather than miss greeting his tourln"the Jersey Summer "resorts","where "ft House" Now York"cityT was delightfully given by tha Popular Players, friends. Mdte d«».Up off during tbeiiay lime had rc0ClTed iiea J rty endorsement. As It is Act II.^At tbe Hnrrt favorites and left for other climes, and now It Is announced that another prime faronte Is to take a long and much needed vacation. Itetta Jewel, the popular and farorlte leading lady of the Players. At the Dual curtain of Saturday night. Sent. 12. Miss Jewel will aay farewell. Let's hope It Is temporary, for her place will be hard to till. Her successor has not aa yet been an- nounced. The Poll management, to show tbelr full appreciation of Miss Jewel, have selected two plays that will fully attest her abilities, for the two closing weeks of her service, "The Heart of Maryland" and "A Fool There Was." Manaoeb Besosb has been on a bant for a house In the country with trees all around It, but as yet be has not succetded. The only man In Washington that has not yet taken a rest for years Is Treasurer Eddie Fowler' who Is eo ropular that be prefers to and fully enjoyed by large audiences week of Aag. 24. Much credit is due to Harry Andrews, the director, for his careful producing Carl Brlckert, Stanly James, Russell FUtoore, William H. Ertrts and William D. Oorbett were all good, but the jlrls, Itetta Jewel, Louise Kent and Marie Carroll were delightful to all. and made a big hit Ada Sherman, a new meinbe." of trie Play- era, scored an lndlTtdial hit with the patrons, and with the balance of cast, everybody enjoyed a real, fine week. Regular season opened 31, with "The Heart of Maryland." "A Fool There Was" next. Arrangements were made for all the stage mounttugs of tbls week's play, as orig- inally used. The first production of this play was made In this boose. Oisrxo (A. Julian Brylnwsii. mgr.)—Tho regn- lar season opened 31, n'ltu the following pro- gram: The Marvelous Frescotts, Jack Straus, Margaret Isles and company, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson. Oortlno and Lawrence, and new pic- tures. For opening week the special attractions aw: Floral souvenir, Monday night; Oountrv Store, Tuesday: Surprise night, Wednesday; Country Store. Thursday; Amateur night, Friday, and Country Store, Saturday. Cosmos (A. Julian UrylawskI, mgr.)—Bill 31- Bept. 2: Six Berlin Madcaps, Dolly and Mack, Milton De Long sad company, Lewis and Ohapln, and Stella Cope Creo. Music by "That Orches- tra" draws the usually capacity business at Sunday concerts. Oatsxt (George Peck, mgr.)—The dirk) of the Moulin Rouge gave a dran and lively burlesque, up-to-date as one could with for week of Aug. 24. The company u> a gool cne, and the specialties are all above tho usual, The whole performance was enjoyed by largo audiences. Follies of the Day week of 31, Ben Welch Show next. Country Store continues a big Friday night feature. Ruth's (Roland 3. Boblns, mgr.)—The regu- lar season opened 31, with all the popular at- taches at tbelr posh), and the bill included: Cecil now and then t» go ilsblug—bis hobby—oolslde of bis duty as treasurer cf the Columbia Theatre- St. Louis. Mo.—American, for week of Auj. 30, "Tho Winning of Barbara Worth." Gkanu. — For week of 30 another rich and varied list of vaudeville attractions, led by tho Big Surprise as feature. Pabk and Shenandoah. —Under the new ex- change rule to be observed by these two theatres, tho South side bouse gets the musical play, "The Chocolate Soldier." The Park. In turn, goes In for Its dramatic showing. "A Woman's Way." to be given by a company headed by Mitchell Harris, who will be assisted by the best obtain- able and roost competent coterie of hlstrloua. Marlon Ruckert will be the leading vreuian. Fobxst Pabk; Hioulaxds. —Bee'nnlng tbls week and continuing until the close of season (Labor Day), reverts to local vaudeville. For the list week the management has decided to charge no admission to the vaudeville theatorlirm. Tho matinees are also to be free, but at night there will be the usual gate fee. HrrrobBOHm—Vaudeville. Pbincbss. —For week of 30. tbo Million Dollar Dolls, with Florence Belmont as prima donna. Standakd.— The Gay Widows 30 and week. GAianr.—Oarktowa Fo'ltes, under the manage- ment of the well-known colored comedian. J, Leubrle Hill, week of 30. CbLUstpiA.—Monday. 31, the refurnished Colum- bia began with vaudeville. The feature act Is "Neptune's Garden of Living; Statues." Elgin, III Oraml (W. B. Newman, mgr.V —Vaudeville week of Aug. 23 Included Bldora and cuanpany. The Sharrocks, The Samarian*, Harry Gilbert, The Langdoas, Crelghton Bros, and Belmont Schrcck and Perclvat, Jerome and Lewla, Mattle Choate and company and Chuck Haas, , Stab Tbutlb and Osritsuit, pictures only. Nora.—Chautauqua held at Lord's Park AuB. Greet Players. Kryl and his band, and the Den- Lean, Cleo Mayneld ted company, Jack Wilson Gwct pi„, cr3 Kuyl and hla band, and the Deo- and company, Winona Winter, Ed. Gallagher and ton R t!in d Opera Company, Westminster choir. Bob Oarlln, In "Before the Mast;" Hosa Crouch chrlstenscn Baker company, Dunbar bell rlnners and George Welch. NewhotT and Phelps, Splssell , nd . Ia!e Quartette and tho Kellutw-llaliies, Slnj Brothers and Mack, <twenlo Dunedin, Hearst- ? 8el!g pictorial, aid pipe organ recitals. produced Tuesday evening, Aug. 25, by A. II. Woods, with tbls cast: Ludwlg Kllnke Lew Fields Emma AUco Fischer Cora, Vivian Martin Edward llauser George Hassell Cose Charlotte Ives Albert Bean James Lackaye Lawrence Tucker George Anderson Anthony Tiedetneyer Wilfred Clarke Noel Burnham Ernest Lambart God frev Burnham Nicholas Burnham Mathilda Burnham Helen Tracy Lena Amy Sumers This play with three acts In one sot In the home of Kllnke, had its metropolitan premier on the above date after a short preliminary . hearty adapted from the German, wo may be par uon"d for referring to It in German as being eicmlicn dtrb, meaning prttty raw. The opening, act showed Mrs. Kllnke as the president of tbe purity league, with her relatives active members. Kllnke on learn- ing that members are not Investigated joins the league. A young lawyer who la opposed to Kllnke In politics and business deals happens to love Kllnke's daughter. Kllnke had an affair with a dancer twen- ty-five years bafnro and by Inference Is led to contribute a monthly allowance (or the support of a child. Mrs. Kllnke has learned In a vague way of the affair and sets the machinery of tho league at work to find out tbe father. Kllnke is one of the committee and while trying to avoid discovery, undo out eventually, that the other two members of the commlttco and even his uncle were also exceptions, anil hud similar affairs with the same dancer, and were all contributing. In the first act, Kllnke referred to his early escapade, in original and unmistakable terms, which caused roars of laughter and tbe pace is kept up throughout tho three acts. The lawyer works his point, through * twenty-five year old collego professor, who Is in love with Kill ' him father, under would be his fathei _ The lawyer wins his brldo and at the fin- ish Informs the four victims that his client who had been the beneficiary of the four contributors had died and left her fortune to an orphan asylum, because she had never been blessed with any child of her own. She had for the past twenty-five years been receiving an allowance from fourteen dif- ferent sources. .Mr. Fields portrayed the excitable. yet UNDER COVER. Cort (William T. Mollter. bus. m«r.)— Under Cover, a play in four acts by Itiil Cooper Megrue. Produced by Selwyn & Ota. on Wednesday evening Aug. 2U, with this cast: James Duncan Harry '.'msby Harry Olbbs Jay Wilson Peter George Stevens Dnnlel Taylor Do Witt C. Jennings AUDUBON. (HAMJ TUOS1H, MOB.) Thursday. Aug, 27, was a cool night, and this large theatre (seating capacity, U.200) was filled, and a corking good show was was filled, given. The Famous Players foaturo lllm, Scales of Justice,'' was Interesting, closed the show. Willis Trio (threo men) In one, business The and Sarah I'cabodv llao Selwyn » u lts, powerful voices, opened tllo show and Bthcl Cartwrlght Idly Cahlll » t .t tho poco. Ttrla Is a corking good slug- Amy t'artwrlght Phoebo Foster j njr act ^ or pw kills, Michael Harrington Wilfred Drnyrntt >g U i „ n J lOdllh Warren presented a com- Larouart ..John Mar lM i r sketch, In parlor set. Talk at beginning Nora Uutledge 1-olu Klsher „,{, j 0 t„ „f laughs, but dragged at nn!*h. Alice Harrington I.ucllo Watson Closed with Miss Warren at piano, singing Monty Vaughn Ualph Morgan b teven Denby William Courteuay SVNOl'Hla OS- BCRMCS. Act I.—Tho ofllco of a deputy surveyor of the port of New York In the Customs ■ City. Harringtons', Long Inland. 'My Horn." Clara Illlg, In one, singing and dancing, opened with make-up a la Vesta Tlllcy for her number, "Shot at Sunrise," a good opener. Her second number, "1'erlls of Paulino" went over, and her dance at finish want graceful. This ulrl ran dance. Her (InlshliiB number "Skinny." with an eccen- tric ilmiip nt finish wcut over with a whoop. Huh the makings of a good single. "HldtiwAlk Cabaret" (eleven girls and onn man) full stage, street scene; girls ilromwxl as kiddles, In romporn and hare limbs. Tho (During; Act II. the curtain will bo lowered foe thirty seconds lo Indicate the lapse of two hours.) Act III.—-Deuby's room, at the Harring- tons', Act IV.—The same as Act II, The play lakes placo during tho afternoon «,,.t lacks rehearsals. Thoro ore gimd dancers •nd evening of a day in August. among tho troupe. Tho matorlnl Is there Ploy staged by i ellr Edwardes. om ] rehearsals will moke it ga over. Burns and Kennedy (man and Tor thirty weeks "Under Cover" was In one, street scene. hav» a good line of the reigning dramatic success of Boston, talk. Woman Is good foil to Hums and which would, by tbo way, ho n wonderful knows how to nut a lino over. They wero lecord for New York, even taking Into con- the laughing hit of the bill elderation tho fact that tho Metropolis is visited by more than 200,000 visitors dally. "Under Cover" Is a clever detective plav, very well written and excellently con- structed. Its first act Is cheap melodrama, but from tbo beginning of tho second act It becomes Intensely Interesting. There aro m.iny thrills and surprises. "Under Cover'' should enjoy n long and prosperous career at the Cort. Iho story Is based on the smuggling evil. The first act shows the custom houso In New York. Daniel Taylor, an Inspector, learns that Steven Denby is attempting to cmugglo a $200,000 pearl necklace. Denby leaves the boat with a prominent «oclcty Clinke-r niece, and'calls Woman, Mrs. Hatrin^ton, and tho ln»!>ector Times a l»ny, r the impression that he dtoldea to "get him" at the Harrington's duoT wIth i B , r-ln-law. Long Island home, whero Denby In Invited ]| B ]it P d. to spend a fow davs. In order to do this, he enlists tho services of ICthol Cartwrlght, by threatening to arrest her sister, who lias defrauded a burglar insurance; company. Denby and Etlio' inivo met before !n Paris. They are fond of each other and she Is nat- utafly most unwilling to do tho Inspector's work, but be forces nor to do so. During his absence she enters his room, and when discovered by she tells him all. Tay- lor, In the meanwhile, had been waiting In Ing Party. ....Miller Bros, and Arlington's 101 phUosophlcal German (who could see a joke, t , • dcn d enters'the room, rovolvor In Ranch West West was here 23. even If it was on himself) in bis usual arils- ha ^ "" " . ii.: ...._..,,_ II,i n„bna tain llmVArn In arirna " ■ ...... . ■ ... &•. NOTES. Tns opening of "Ths ByJO" was a success— the offering being "Kva of the Follies," by the Gordon Players. A satisfactory and enjoyable performance was given, and good business was done week of Aug. 2a. Same company. In "Two Qny Old Sriorts," weskt of 31. Tns Pou Popular Players have added two new players that are sure to become prime favorites, Vurorn, ni.—Grand, "Nearly Married," with John Webster. Aug. ST, opened ««.««>- Fox (J. J. Reubens, mgr.)—Bill Aug. 23-8 was CrciEbton Bros, ami Behnont. "The Mud- town Minstrels," Schrcck and Pcrclval Jerome rnd Ix-wls, Mattle Choote and company in Out- classed," and Chuck Haas. Excellent bill and flU Norir1 n ^The 101 Ranch .Wild W»t appeared [■"/*•» uiat ace sure to Dceome prime inuei", nvra».—.u*> »"•.—-""-."„„ nri,in» f,rk what llttle they bare a. «dy done, they have yp». jtT. ..towtty^J»Jf"SLP*g ,** Jbown that tbey aro cues of modi abllty In Ads Bberman tnd William 11. Evarts. Obxeial Manaobb Kemtok, of the Poll's en- terprises, was In this city during the week of 21, looting over tho si tuition, ami teemed to und evMythln? satlafactory. _ Tub Annette Kelievnunn pictures of "Nop- rane s Daufhter" are booked for an early date at the Columbia Theatre, me nest «■>■!"«-.. ,^.^j. ward Hnuanr Business was very good....... wa ™ ,.„£.. tic manner. He pokes his fingers in some one's eyes and evidently bad hard work to refrain from choking some of bis tormentors. Alice Fischer gave an excellent charac- terization as Klhako's energetic wife. Vivian Martin was a lovable Ingenue as Corn, and Charlotte Ives did equally well as Rose. George Hassell with tho bounding walk and ths extension neck was original as KJ- band a feature. The fandwlcb. Fair win to nell Sep™ S-ll. The exhibition promises to to up to its usual high standard. The DuuvjtW Troupe, aerlallsb. t^s glaSMSls. *B $mjm- formanoes in front of the grand stand each day. Rockford, PL-Otf-tV**** MU On and Off the Stage JACK'S SH0RT VAMP SHOES »ro famous for their originality and quality. see Jack's about your custom work. JACK'S SHOE SHOP .__ Our Only Store. 495 6th Ave, ^b and Bts. LYDIA ARNOLD WANTED PARTNER p?,°i ,T ECCRHTHIO COMEDIAN OR SUITABLE COnBDIKNNB for coming seas oiii who can Sing and Dance. Address care of CLIPPER, N. Y. TABLOID PLAYS .i.e and 7 Peotrte. Cheapest and best service. _ SATlOlffj. PLAY Si STORY SERVICE a » Bast 14th St., New Torlt City Warhinotok Is well supplied now. and will be . „I. k Au ir 24 Incluiled Four Vanis, Danny wth motion pictures to satisfy the tasto and Simons Pbllllps and White. Oharle» Delanil, Ptosere o f alL Howe'a Travel Festival, Ra lney's S™ 011 ^;- a X company, Musical Fredericks B; HeVrst-Sellg pictures. Pleasing bill, good business. _ _. a^., a NoTSW.Ringllng Bros. Circus Sept. ♦••.-••• Manager Harry Gramp, of the Qrsnd, will re- turn from his vacation this week. house WWi musical tabloid. Beginning St. K «S? ( T " d i: U wihrIe, mgr.)-Th!s hoc* plays U l!T a r!o m (°s" e R. Woolwlne. mgr.)-Tbl. kSM ll wplaving Wnrner Features anil^rayte rtKe AMrzn t\V. R. Price, mgr.)—.Moving piciuni. SM <J. B. "»»«■ mgr-)-l , '<:"«« and vaude- TU SoTa:-Advertising Car No * of ItaM World's Fnnious Shows, arrlveil In the city Aug. S«a X'' of" .Shoglaph 0 .': %s gan. billposters: J. Jayley, porter, Blttenaoufe, chef. and Charles Jas. Lackaye was excellent as the stout brother-in-law. iLawrcnce Tucker, the law- yer, had a nice role to sustain, and Wilfred Clarke did justice to the old uncle who shoulders tbe blame for the "accident." 'Ernest Lambart had a role to bis liking on the "private secretary" stylo as Noel, who falls in love with Rose. Nicholas Burnham and Mathilda Burn- ham had short readings, and Amy Burners was a good German servant. Mill. I LOEW'S SEVENTH AVENUL (1URBX BBDKMAN, Man.) Joe Englo having gone to Phlladelhla to manage the Grand Theatre, Harry Beekman was found In charge of doings hero Wednes- day night, Aug. 26. Two "single acts grabbed off the best places on the bill appearing 24-20—Bello Dixon and David Kaleikoa. Belle Dixon knows she Isn't tho beat little single songster "In the business," but she's rn a level with any that are working alone for Marcus Loow Just at present, and In a fresh, beauty of a pink gown she put "Thoy Start the Vlctrola," 'tan't Stop Loving You," "Down on the I'arm" and "Creoney Melody" over In big enough style to get her five real bows and leave another while the picture Bheet was rung down for Knlcm'a two-part feature "Tho Primitive Instinct," a very entertaining photoplay production. H. B. Cllve and company was how Wa A. Brady's "One Good Turn" was billed. It was carded rlgbt, as Mr Ctlvc's Impersona- tion of a "drunk" is clever enough to keep act an ORIGINAL, Ui'-TO- which a woman and two men accomplices ==^ Bi——i— —■-—— — __.-,.,— — lion of a "drunk" is clever enougn to keep R-MlkJiiTr air nE"anVf9 l lrTV9£9>*aa8-M|NUTB IllID * elf s - oi a»«l s t ln i? company of three ?..'Tv,r ,UTe *=*-*^- J,=- ^ .^r^TrSe'dlMatidSoubrcne, Blackface and worklui; threo a day bouses for some time S?„ r *» l « or Blackfaco Team. Dutch Team, Sister Team, Comedian f » n u a u ^ MINDT £ M oNOI^CE8 to com \ One of those crook playlets In gonbrette,Straight (m.orf.)an<iTramp and Straight and^He'^M I'very act an ORIGINAL, UP-T" &KI1IT MAN, (Oood JTmiS rwl^ALMPlUKOjWIJ;C0Mft^.^ncer); 8 CLABSl -iuihV N wrtS ; ^d"~ ■"-■—' °39&*-W!&~*%F& aTU aKjomon wire. Show working and booked Show lad. Denby aucceeds In bribing him with $30,' 000 and as soon as ho puts the money in his pocket Denby places him under arrest for Denby is nono othor than tho cblef se- cret service drtcctlvo who planned the whole affair In order to catch Taylor as a bribe laker. William Courtcnay, as usual, gave an ex- cellent performance. Tbo role of Donby fits him admirably. Lily Cahlll, as Kthcl Cartwrlght. gave only a fair performance, which may have been due to tbo fact that sho was nervous, for It was her first Important role. Lucille Watson, as Iho chatty Mrs. Har- rington, delighted the audience oy tbe clev- erness of her work and the role of her doting old husband was capitally played by Wilfred Draycott. DeVVltt C. Jennings, as tho grafting cus- toms ofllclal, gave a splendid account of him- self. We know of no actor who could have improved upon his work. flolf Morgan was very amusing as Monty, and Lola Fisher, Rao Selwyn, rheobo Fos- ter nnd Jay Wilson lent good aid. The settings were handsome. Jfefcey. EIGHTY-FIRST STREET. (C. P. HTOCKIIOUSI), MOB.) Friday night. Aug. 28, this theatre was •pocked to tho doors. By 8.15 boxes wore filling up. Ono of them contained George aottlelb. of the Orphcum, Circuit. Flavin Arvaro, who was last with Lew Fields' production, offered a slt.glng act In one. For her opening number she worn a beautiful gold gown, and for her second, as a "boy," showed her shapely limbs. Miss Arcaro's third number, In bathing regalia, Is too burlcsqulsh for vaudeville. Her In- dian nuuabcr rounded her act out nicely to generous applause. Leigh De Lacey and company (two men and a woman), in a dramatic sketch. Interior. Action occurs in a tenement, Is melodramatac, and will do on any "nop" bill. Hiss Du Lacey works hard all tnrc results. Luciano Lucca, a double voiced singer, is tho same Lucca who played at Hammer arteln's. He went over well. Bertie nerron, assisted by Milt Arnsmsn. working straight, were tho laughing hit of the bill, (See New Acts.) Prince Thwang and company (three men •nd a woman) In Chinese Illusion and magi?. Thwang has beautiful scenery, and the set makes a good dash. Will do as a closing •ct on "pop" bills. This bouse plays a matinee and two shows The Mysterious Mr. Russell" (four men). This net had tho auiIHiro guessing till finish, as tho action takes placo hi nn Inisns asylum. Bam. 86th STREET. Bill for Aug. 2T-20 showed the Do Velde Trio, two ladles and one man; one of tha indies does all tho work nnd tho man, ths comedy; several dogs do acrobatic tricks. A showy act In a wood sot. Golden lions, a robust couple with good voices opened with • »mo conversation. "Killarncy nnd You" was well sunir by the lady and the man sang "Ono Thousand y," both finishing In a awing song lady seated In swing oloctrlcally lighted. Brown and Jackson opened In evening dress. Tho lady In a swell gown Is a suf- fragette and thoy exchange repartee on the subject. "Love Mo" Is their duet. Miss Jackson sang "When You l'lay the (lame of Iaiyc." Mr. Brown appeared a comical fig- ure In the closeflttlnx bellboy uniform. The team was fired by the manager and Miss Jncksoa disconsolately warbled "I Left My Old Kentucky Home for You" to exit. The -Chinaman's "Dream" showed a likely Ciiluk, a Jealous cowboy with a gun, a tricky boy. some laundry stunts and the final awakening. Tito act held Interest. Mario Olivette, soprano character singer and I'OTncdli'Miij opened with "Come Hack To Mo," and then illustrate the "Perils of Toor Pauline," "I Can't Stop Loving You" and "You Aro Always Wolcotne at Our Houso" with success. Leo and Dofay, a couple, sang "Wonder- »ul Tlmo," "Oh, Sly Lovo,' by tho lady, "The High Cost of Loving," by Mr. Leo and a "Moving Plcturo Theatro Bpliode" wore also well done. Lenlor end Lessor had an Interesting talking; and singing act. Tho little fellow was pcrong In comedy steps and their gen- eral effect was good. Mary Plekford In "Tho Painted Lady," and "The Night Riders of Petersham" were In- teresting pictures^ A/III. arough the act, with frame up a blackmail stunt on a, wealthy Englishman by accusing him of burglary and murder when he Is lured or strays Into the apartment of tbe female outlaw. The tenth episode of "The Million Dol- lar Mystery" was the feature picture In No. 5 position. Krgottl and Lilliputians closed the bill In good stylo. Reviews of Abbott and BrwkaT David KalMkoa and Tower and Par- nightly, booked by the United Hooking.Office, reii appear under New Acta, To4. aam > LEARN TO ACT Stag* Danolng, Bto. »«Up to Data la tvery stall" Bock, fig. Skirt, Chorus Werfc, Opus. Elocution, Sloajac.Vsua.vlua Art*, Skrttbci, ActIni Dramatic Alt, Et» Elocution, _Slniin» L VaudavllU Arts, ENGAGEMENTS SECUtED Sehool Always Open. 4\J.UIlMIK.nmlTON OTIIRRB. aiNo.Luviiillo'U.CHICAaO.ILL. WAR-DE-VILLE!!! do to the front I I'lro a "Teimoy" act, sketch or liinnnlogiiiint (loners! Manager and Major Audi- cm el n l lie lintt lo of Vaudeville They will surrender to you from tho start, and put you In conimsnd for tho uiareh on "Headline." I'm ramping St HW Broadway, N. Y. t)., so lieit/ir wrllu me now. ALLEN SPENCER TElfNEV. AT LIBERTY G.W. MURDOCK A No. I CHARACTER ACTOR First Class HccnJo Artist. No daub. Stock only. Kilts Club, COLORADO BI'ltlNOH, O0I/). TABLOID SCRIPTS Sketches, Acts and Comedies, in stock and written to order. Over 100 successes. JACK O. RUTHKR- FOItl), Author and Producer, South Rend, Ind. WANTED-PIAN0 PLAYER For Byroa ftjiaun'. Tent show One doing svino kind of Specialty If possible. . , OKNTRAL IHUlXia, >fi Y.'