The New York Clipper (September 1914)

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September 5 THE NE¥YOBK CLIPPEia. «*w»r<u «td Cohen to* Chicago. ^formers la Chicago are cantloned to Us «.PS"lookout for Leo Bdwardfl and Lew 55*15 who expect to mako a trip to the SShin who expect to mako a trip to the SSndi' CHy next week. The boys will take Sft them one of the ^greatest Harris collec- ffiSa of wngs since the Harris house opened W"?.. 0 ! v^3, non ha* Aim contributed r. JiiS.w York. Ben has also contributed a £. starting with his latest, "Cherle," which i. predicts will far exceed any number lie hw eve' composed. Diiiy Thompson Leaves Remlelc trlllv Thompson, for the past eight years Jna/er of the Chicago office for J. H. ltem- iTbas taken tho entire West for Tell Tay- lor' Billy la one of the best known men In {he Windy City, and should make a valti- JSe man for the Taylor concern. To Horace. Horace Haws, a yonng gentleman from (•Balm Neb. who aspires to become famous Ma song writer, asks me to keep my eyes on htm for a year. Well, Horace, I will watch. Sour letterhead Is very original, but I nave got had the pleasure of hearing your songs. Maurice Richmond Wants— Pianists, singers and demonstrators to get £ touch with his general manager. James odls, as quickly as possible. He has sev- eral good openings for boys of this character. Morbus and Vlnceat Cornering; the Sfarket. Ed. Morbus and Nat Vincent, wlio handle the burlesque and small time end for the Broadway Music Co., have a wonderful rep- resentation the coming year. Hardly a show drill visit the Columbia Theatre without one of their numbers. Schuster's Best. One of Ira Schuster's stars, Gertie Cogert, (■ featuring "The High Cost of Lovln'," a recent Feist success, with wonderful returns. Joe Hollander on the Job, A notice appeared in another paper that Joe Hollander was very sick and In the hospital, and Joe wWhes me to correct the error by saying that he never felt better. He has been employed in the Harry Von IMlzer office for the past twelve years, and hopes to continue for twelve more. New Gilbert and Malr Ballad. Regardless of all the talk about I». Wolfe Gilbert and Lewis V. Mulr continually wrangling among themselves, they got to- gether some weeks ago and turned over to their publisher, F. A. Mills, one of the "swelled" ballads they have ever composed, called "When You Were a Child." Ballad singers will tuke a tip and get this lure-fire bit without delay, as it is sure agoing to be some number, Gilbert has cer- tainly outdone himself in writing a story that reaches the heart and toucbeB every hnman being, wbile Mulr has composed a melody that is bound to meet with universal favor. BI JACK EDWARDS. "Parfum D'Amoor." in^!!?* 1 " 8 , 0 ! 086 . 1 * on th « hcela of tho two international hesitation waits lilts—"Nights stern & Lo. has acquired the rights to an- J&SLSSf*! hlt .' ¥**«* D'AmoJ;." The «SP^«i lon C0DBl8t8 ot but three themes, ?f™ „? e a . Eft Poising the rare combina- tion of catrJilness and class. Before Inaugu- SSSLf r?!J ,loaal ,. PuW'elty campaign on Parfum D'Amour," Stern A Co. tried the number with a hundred of the best known dance, concert and hotel orchestras. It will be specially featured on the opening of the Broadway nose Garden by Anne and Marie Herndon, assisted by Alnsley Lambert. THE CLIPPER AS A RESULT GETTER. Read the following and then yon will see why advertising in Tut Ouppbr is tho "only way." Dear Sir—The enclosed copy was ordered Inserted la your issue ol Sept. 0. Positively cancel thU or- der and hold for farther Infrac- tions. This action Is occasioned became ofthe IMAIKKSK NUMHKK OP AN- SWERS received from our former ads, (to be exact, to datei l»,3*S LBTTEH8, 42J POST CARDS. AND 3 TELBORAH9 HAVING BKBN RECEIVED), and also became we are moving Into new quarters. Very truly roars. BUCKEYE MU- SIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, by CHA8. ROY COX, Pres. "Mother Machree." From all Indications It looks as though Ern- est R. Itall'H beautiful Irinh balled, "Mother Mnchree," Is fast becoming one of those standard classics of the same order as "Lost Chord," "The Palms," etc., etc. Already It is In the repertoire of the most fnmous con- cert singers, and vaudeville billndlsts, both male and female, have not been long in fol- lowing suit. Originally Introduced by Chauncey Olcott, In "Barry of Itallymore,' he has sung It steadily in all bis productions since then It being called for pretty nearly at every per- formance. Several reasons ago the famous Irish tenor, John 'MoCormack, added it to hli repertoire. "Mother Machree" Is now published In four keys, Harmonlons Denny Edwards. lien Edwards, of tho famous Bdwards family, Is one of the busiest lioys in tho Foist offices these days. Quartettes are be- solglng him hourly, as they know that Benny is the only and original harmony kid. TEDDY HORSE'S iUDSIRfrS. v Pr %. w # M «' tttIe No. 1—" ;ugme-Ut»." 1 ou "knit" tie melody end "crochet" the words. This late crop of ditties rhouldn't be called WSJ songs. "Bore" songs woold be better, and like the rose, would smell as sweet. • ^ c . ste headlines , inounce "Berlin aboot lo fall. It Isn't our Irving. It's only a town nnmed after him. Tho New York City Commissioner of Li- censes, the Hon. Geo. it, Bell used to pound the piano for a music publisher. The Hon- orable George pulls down 17,000 n year now, undhas successfully lived down his bad start In life. That S10.3S Id the treasury of the Knights of Harmony will be spent with the Brat eigh- teen members that llie appllcatbr.s wrth the (reasurer. The odd 35 cents should be used to purchase a loving cup for Bob Russak, Where oh, where is the Joyous song boost- er? Not the flutter of one tkrewaway or the chorus of a song has been heard by tho tulletln board crowds, "Peggy from Panama" is a new song, wift lyrics by Roger Graham, and music by May ('. Hill. Roger falls down In one or two places In his rhyming, but Miss Hill's music is so catchy, and the rhythm to odd, that tho whole number "listens well." All that's needed to put this song "over" Is some Clip- i Kit publicity, so Roger, me hoy, get In touch with "Melody Lane" Jack Bdwards, and ho'U show you the way. "Bom to blush unseen"—Some song shops, .New play Illustrated, "On Trial"— fmo 'Music Firblfehcra Hoard of Trade. Things to be admired: Al. Cook's langb. Mai Wlnslow's heir. D. T. Paull's whiskers. Woohrorth's orders. A Jobber's check. Branen At It Attain Maklns; Good with This Number. Robert J. Mills, tho American Troubadour, Is featuring with great success 'In the Town Where I Was Born," wtih animated pictures. iMr. Mills played tho llaisey Ihentre, In Brooklyn, and tho One Hundred and Tenth Street, Theatre, New York, last weok, with thl? excellent number. The number Is published by tho F, B. HavUnnd Co. Kleeraaa Mr-turns. Smiling Mo* Klreman, the professional manager for Maurice Richmond 1 , returned from Atlantic City some days ago, and rec- ords show that lie baa a very successful (rip. Bobby Heath and his singers lent Moo wonderful aid iu popularising tuo now songs. Lew Brown's New Soaaje. Lew Rrown, alnc* be left the hospital, hasn't let much grass grow under his feet He is now connected with the Waterson Interests, and mates his headquarters with the KaJnur A I'uek concern. Last week Lew turned Into the home a new number that be says Is tho best and most original of his career, tnd you know Lew has written sooio soium. Drop In and see him and get a lino on his new material for the season. Beany Borastela In Chicago. Ben Bornateln, the general manager for Hnrry Von Tllxcr. thought Chicago needed bis attention for i week or so, and last week put on his Truly Warner and hiked ovor to the Windy City. lien's Intention is, ot course, of the best, and In tbo Interests ot Harry Von Tllzcr's new songs, which ho thinks are the best In Harry's career, and won't be satisfied until ho bat safely put over two or more hits out of ibe excolent collec- tion. If around Chicago drop In and seo lien, nod If you don't llnd blm ono of tho best ovor tbo drinks aro on me. Attention, Root. R. Wilson. Song can bo obtained from the Maurice Richmond Music Co., Now York. OUT OF TO WW NEWS I300TOIV. ro^^rdofeTararn%ot^^ed J •wl7h , - !MMrL--P*J«*- A*J* writing a song on the popular book, called "In the Valley of the Moon," which Is al- ready on the way to beoxne tho best seller Morris has ever had, he Just takes his pencil In band snd coups anoth.v one. called "Tho Kycs of the World," and writes n lyric that will make the music world sit up and take notice. Arthur Lange contributed the mel- ody, and he takes no back seat for anyone. Calamity Note. Tommy Gray met me on Broadway hut Thursday morning at D.3U and asked me If tho banks wsre open. What, again, Tom? Pelst Puttlnn; H Over Again. Last w,-ek. at the Maryland Theatre, Balti- more, Belle Baker made the hit of her career Kinging two of the Kelst nits. "The High Cott of Lorln'" and "Aba Daw,"' the last song being destined to uccome one of the largest hits ever known In tbo torrg world. the pleasure of partners Oils week. Balnea) was very good last wees. I'lTiiouT.i (Fred Wright, mgr.)—Henry W. Savage's prodootlon of Hotnvin Iwv's comedy of New England life, "Along Osmo Rath," ant Urns in Boston this week. Sbuiimt (Wlllwr-flhubert Co.. mrri.)—This house re-opened 31. wits "lllgh Jlsks" for a run of live weeks, The east, beaded or Stella May- hew, it about tho tuns' as toea In hew York. Boston (Wo. II. Leahy, mgr. >—The Stumer •rason of the Majestic Players Proved so success- ful that Manager Win. U. Leahy hat trattd this house as a permanent homo for this popular or- fdilution. "For rait, the openlagweck, tin- tttr a Dustln Fitmnni, soil the play "The Virginian." Next week, Mr. Farnaot will be seta la "Iho BqtMW Man." (Ubtls Bonus (John Oralg. mgr.)—The dra- •millc season m tw» house opens 31, wltb » ro- iral of Philip II. Biriholoma*'* comedy, "Over NM4t." Oui.oniai. ((Mini. Frouman A Wru. Ilurrls. mgn)—"Hurl," now ji Ita second vieek, is evl- w»k of Aug. at! Six Water Llllles. Wm. F). Ileiieo nnrt-compsny, Valentine Vox, Anthony Mint Mack, Weston omi Kent. Oottes, Keen ami .lolni- son, lien. Alarten, and l'olljrapri. Oimiouh (K»M. J. McDonald, mgr.)—Roieliud nirls, 3J-Sfl, pl«*nl. follonrtl hy Mint anil dar- ter 27••••1). Rose/ i'lwey litrM .ll-Scpt. 2. tTenoll iMfhlels :t-J. lltinsoN, Komokii, MiaaoR, nwon Rnxr, rsiNOBSM, BaoAiiwAi, tlaterr, I'laiu, fox, Hub- war. Star. I'auc.b, ULons, Lraio ami Nov- tLti, motion pictures. Cleweland, O.—Oilonlsl (P. Ray Oomrtock, mgr. I after week of Aug. :u, Uio stuck teasoii will Iki conllnueil for two aildtttonal weeks owing to the ilcmamla of the iwtrons. The production ot "Klmiling" tbtt week, which was announced to lie the lust of the Hummer season, will ho followed by "Notody's Widow" Sept. T-I8, and "The Oreat DitIiVs" U-10. TIw regular Winter season will open 31. I'aosesoT.—For week of Aug. 31 A. O. Dels- mater oilers bla production of "r'reeklmi." to be followed by "A I'ool, Ills Money and a tllrl." Kuril's Uu-roDsous (II. A. Daniel*, mgr.)— Tho rail season was Inaugurated 31 with a bill Including nickel anil Watson, Harry llcreaforil and company, loo Turners, Uevlne and Williams, rianacan and Kilwurds, "the I«wn Party," Min- nie Alien, Lane and <>'l>omxMl, ami pletures. Mlt.aa (Uias. DemiHWy, mgr.)—lull week of .11: Uhas. I^onsnl t'letcber, "Waadt," Nlchola ^Inters. MatH-1 cauienni and Allen Do Vltt and riHuptny, Warner and Corbctt, and Dixon and Dlxoo. I'ltsrou <!•- I'.. Seas, mgr.)—Hill week of 31: "Tho Candy Mtoro (llrls," Oelian. Canipliell and Kowler. WnlUnnn anil eotnpnnr. Hevler and Jaiuoe, forbea and Tbcelau, Fred Ullnton, Almyro, ami pictures. (Iosiun Sqiuts.—For week of .11: Kelly's Beteii Merry Youngsters and Ilurtim'a Ix>splng lloiiiuta lire the frsluee acts, with seven others. Bras (Drew A Campbell, nigra.) —Week of Si, tho Honeymoon (litis. Kmi-is* (Oeo. Uhcnei, mgr.)—Week of 31, ycptenkln-r Morning (Uorlea. KHiuaaauoCKta (H. N. Downa, mgr.)—Week of 31, "Loet Paradise" (pictures), featuring II. li Warner, and Jack l-omlon's "udrssey of Ibe North." 'Iluslness has been unusually gooil. Htanoahu (/oa. Urmnsn, mgr.)—*\ir week of 81, "Tile Lambt' Oantbol," a multi-reel Hint, fea- turing many nelorn of nstlonal prmiilnrnce In their annual frolic, other Dims: "The Million Ilolltr Mystery, No. II," "John Uarleycom" and "The Oail of tho North." Luna Park.— The uausl features are In evi- dence this week, and with good weather tho big crowds will continue. NoTsn.—The Opera House will open lis Wlnler wwi In the usual way, (l«o. "Honey lloy" Kvana' Mlnatrelt liming a now nhow baseil on tha Panama Ktpoaltlon and Mexlrnii affairs. The corking year will be the thirty acrontl teaaon under A, v. li seta's management Manager Johnson, of llie Metrofwlltsn, announces a Winter uraiuia of Drat class slock productions, txwIiinloK about Oct. 17, May lluckley ami Jack KoUlilsy l*ln« to. principals, with William (Xrl»lt, lUlph Nawnian, Jtaslo i'rlnde, Ignore l'belpe ana others In tb» east. I'teesdlng thts rngageinrnt. and starting Labor Day. the Ifortoa Musloal fsimody (to. will give ■ asort mim snaoii, pre- •eatlnr "Tha Tenderfoot," 'The Man Who Owns llmsilway," "Little Johnnlo Jonas" and others. 1 oHowliig this tltero will be twu weeks of grand • iprra umler (be direction of Helen On Kay Town- m-nd ucttlnnlng (let. B. 'Pile ruiwrlelm will In- 4-ltule: "Mailntno Uiitterfly," "La Tasco," "I.a tllnconda," "I.a UoheilH 1 ," 'Thais'' and ntiio fiivorlii-a. Tlie coniptny la made up uf prlncliiala well known on the Pacific Coast, to which i»lnt Ibvy nrv prvgrvsslng tlirvugh tho country. 3 Mnsle Pnbllshere, Attention. Tbo Civic Music League, of Dayton, 0., arc taking steps to rcBtorc the music depart- ment of their library, wheh was recently de- stroyed by the fire. All publishers are In- vited lo send a complete set of their num- bers and due credit will be given. The fol- lowing tells the story: In the flood disaster of 1913 which en- gulfed the homes of 85,000 people, the Day- Jon Public Library lost :be greater part of lis valuable munlc collection, comprising both literature and scores. Books, mtitle and mu- sical Instruments that can never be replaced were swept out of existence In a few hours, The only hope of hundreds of students and music lovers is a general lending collection of music at the Public Library. But tho Library Is limited In funds, and must meet largely Increased demands in many other di- rections. Hence, beyond a moderate expendi- ture for books of general Interest In the literature of music, nothing of direct help to students and musicians can be afforded. Tiie musical Interests of the t-lty are evi- denced by the fact that twenty-1 wo muslcnl orgnnlzntlons, comprising a membership of oyer 1,000 musicians, have combined In a t.ivic Music League, whose purpose is to Ert concerts at cost and also free concerts local talent in churches, schools and pub- j auditoriums. Aside from :iie aesthetic and recreational value of this movement, it has greatly stimulated the study -of rauBlc ai the city, and the dearth of musical ma- jcrini due to our flood losses Is more than ever apparent. To. meet this situation the Civic .Music. iicitT ii u? ut " n " 8 naked our ?o-oporatlon In so- il^'nig. gifts for a genornl collection of mu- 5,,i5? be .™t apart in a special room at the ruunc Library as a lending library, where everyone may nvall himself of the works of *oc great composers, ancient and modern. A Feist Record. «m 'word was made last week by the Pelat office In Chicago that has seldom. If ever, won equaled: In every house in tbe Windy S3. was one or more Feist songs, and f™ tbe wonderful work being i,erformcd »y that marvel, Rocco Vocco, under tho J 010 '"snagement of Chief FhU Komhclser. ir, ™ f '""•'esiue houses each uhow had on fa «, two t0 , nTe ot the Feist nutnbtrs, while t!'." 0 vaudeville bouses these numbers got gjensat plug thnt any Bongs have ever held. {J'fflfP dlctrict, which has four houses. Jov»« at . nnmber « w ere on each bill, n thing rnno . b<>, . ore belD o" dreamed of. It only Co p 0 , J n ,°w' what a capable staff of men Wo ielst has got together. Carroll's Fox Trot. inSlii CBrro '« , » new number, written in con- Vol t° . wltu ' Iarr v Carroll, "Thnt Funny is li. ?i*. seem " to °C gs'nlog In favor from' n." ,' 8 a vef y original idea, conceived Ynr?oi C i lnt ? t "O"™ "«t has token New broth,.? "• * t0Tm - No - Korl Js not Harry's md. Lewis Basy. it rt^ 1 J' cw ' 8 of tne Shapiro, Bernstein forces ksqiim 80mC 800 ' 1 WOr,t nn,on K tllc b,lr " Notes from CralB-EIUs Co. Dolly and Peggy, those two classy singers nro putting it over with "Peggy from Pan- ama,' a new song. Johnny Buckley, the boy with tho clever feet, at the North American this week, fea- turing "Peggy from Panama." The Big Three Trio, tho boys with the forty horse-power voices, have opened the canal, wKh "Peggy from Panama,' and It takes a strong song to do this. She Is here. Who is she? "Peggy from Panama." of course, (And they say a woman don't know any- thing. People wouldn't think so if •they could hear Mayo and Addis put on thut new one, "Peggy from Panama. ' T F.nmm Pcrlev Lincoln, the girl with the rolilen voice, Is touring the Const, singing "The Tale the Teardrop Told." Mnv Hill nnd BogoT (jrnbnm have written a new song that looks like a clean-up this season, entitled "Peggy from Panama. Per- formers should preparo themselves for Eome- tltlng good nnd get In line for this one. Crnlg Kills nnd company have a novelty tanro number which Is being featured in tho •East, and which has the enrmurks of a suc- cessful dance number, entitled "Sortie, by May Hill. WHiiuirL'* Warbling*. The Cbncy Twins wrote In from Los An- geles that "independent Day' !b a big hit with them. Klttv Hart, Chlcnjo's favorite ragtime sing- er, is making a big hit wlUi "Independent Day In Dublin Town," at lbs La Salle ltoof Tb* Jack King Quartette have added "In- dependent DoVnn Dublin Town" to their Kitner, Hayncs and Montgomo-y are using T-vWM? Calmer play n lhc raffleTheatre. Indianapolis, week of Sept. 1, featuring "Itlvcrs of Love." Marie Dreams Is a big hit with "Har- mony Bay," at the Cobulal Theatre first half of this week. Fisk and Fallon have addel "Roll On Beautiful World, lloll On" to tholr act. Max Blng Chicago's favorite baritone, is featuring "Tloll On Beautiful World." The Bell Canto Quartette, as well na tho quartette with Conway's Band, are featuring "Can't You Hear Me Oallln', Caroline,' "Gar- den of My Heart." "Rivers of Love, Candle Light" and "Roll On Beautiful World, Roll Oni " They will be at the Indlnnapolls State Fair, week of Sept. 7, and are already en- gaged nt the Boston Oyster House, for tho Winter season. Bloom Now Gt'tllnfT Act*. Ben Blonm, who hands out professionals at 3. H. Rcmlck's, besides being an able assistant of Muse Oumblc's. Is becoming quite nn act getter. Last week was a record for him, several of the biggest visiting tho Bemlclf offices being ou his slip. Jnles Tannins;. Popular JuleB Von Tilzer, who holds down a berth with the Knlmar & Puck concern, hns a beautiful cnat of tan. I wonder where Jules upends his vacation. "The Blopers." Tture appears to be no diminution In tho attendance at the Ls. -Snlle Theatre, Chicago. w*iero Harry fort's musical runaway, "Tho Mloncrs," it In lis twelfth week of capacity business. Even the Intense stretch of tcrrlllc heat was unable to lessen the public's inter- est In this musical success by Arthur Gil- lespie and George Stoddard, with lyrics-by Frederick Herendeen, and music by Hugo Frey. .Tos. W. Stern At Co., the publishers of all tbe music of the production, report a wklespreed demand for tha big bits—"I've Got a System of My Own," "The Right Itond," 'Tango Hand," "Whistle it" and "You, Just You. 1 ' A Western tour to the Coast la now being arrnnged, to follow the cucluslon of tho Chicago engagement somo time in October. A Wonderful Folto. Music dealers throughout tho country re- port that they have never hand any "dance ulbuin," the demand for which In any ap- proaches Stern & Co.'s "Cnatle Danco Folio." Tills ls a truly remarkable book, containing a splendid assortment of the various modern dances popularized by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle. The attractive title page has a splendid likeness of these celebrated dancers in a characteristic pose, and the whole get trp of tbe book is worthy of a dollar proposi- tion, Stem A Co.. however, have put thlt unique, publication on tho market so that dealers can sell them at a fine profit. Almost a million and a half of these books have al- ready bees sold, and wo strongly recommend all dealers who have not as yet adorned their show windows and music counters with this article, to get In touch with the "Houso of Hits," and do so at once. Harry Bosjer'a Dig; Onrlespjne Scope. Harry Rogers, of the Remlck staff, has little to complain at the way the burlesquo eltows hare responded to his efforts In put- ting on the Remlck songs. Hardly a bur- lesque show on either wheel will visit New 1'ork without a Bemlck song. Harry has put In a hard two months' work, and deserves much credit for his excellent showing. Making; Hood, The Minnlck Mimic Co., who only recently opened up offices In tbo music tone, have put over a ten strike In having their latest num- ber, "Sally's First National Bank," featured by Anna Chandler. The song Is original and away from anything that has been pub- lished In years, and bids fair to become quite popular. Solly a Good Overseer, Holly Cohen, the floor manager for Leo I-vint, also some song demonstrator, baa the hoys In the Feist office tonstanlly on tbo Jump. There Isn't a minute that Holly Isn't on tho Job taking care of the many acts that visit the beautiful professional rooms of Leo Foist Flnno with Feist. flsrry Piano has connected himself with the Fclst concern, and extends a welcome to all bin friends. Harry also ban several now melodies that, when released, should give a fairly good account of themselves. dtntly to enjoy s prosperous engagenccnt ai this haute, splendid bualucvt. UajssTio (Wllbur-Hliul>ert Co., man.).--Sis-nnil week of "Tbe Model Maid," a new roiuftly, with music and uaoelnir. Tbe enTignneut h IndoOnlte. Wai.iiuon'm Os.sihj (Clmrles II, Wuliliui, mar.) —The Happy Widows litis week. Iu J. K. Wat- koii's musical coiucily, "Iu Day Drtaois." Head- ing the cast are Mr. Walton tnd Murray J. HI- t , h < caste Publishers' O-Ffiols.1 Organ, Oiirrr (Qeorgo R. Butcbellcr. mgr.)—A new edition of tbe Star unil Hurler Hbow week of Si, The Liberty (llrls licit. Howard (Qeorgo H. Lolhrnp Jr., mgr. 1—For fit and week, lite Harden of Olrls liurlcsuue, and fallowing <aude-rlll.> m-lt: Frank lluali. Three Juggling Mlllem. Morse slid Frye, Calbuno snd Sweeney, Kkhmer nml Woods, nud II. lull. (Isanii OrBSA Ilium] (lli-orgc- K. I.ollirop, mgr.)— Hilly Mclntytv nnd the IPilutnlan llur- lesnuers current wet-j. (innlon of Olrls to follow. Kkitii's (II. !•;. 'Instill, mgr.)—Itjt «wl! of 81: flrary K. Dlxey nnd coiupany, Oeello Weston end Louisa Lion, ilarrv Onoper and fllius. Hen- derson, lllce, Sully nnd Scull, Ward U.iKi*r, lloji- klna-Aatell company, Hue Hmltlt, nnd Wilis mil nasian. Oiiriiriiu (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—First half: Itoljiid West I'luyers, Rrgottl and bis 1,1111- tiutlnns, Joo ICelsey, Ilugu l.lovtl und comii-juy, l^ssi-r Tronts-, and Kenney mid Ilcllls. Last half; Big Jim. Will Diivla, Katicnerer lihI (lowland, Virginia Hnllind, ami Kir.ney and llnllls. Ht. Jauks (Marcus I new intnugeiiient)—First half: Dig Jim. Will Da via. Kamuierer anil How- Innd, und Virginia Hullgud. List half: Itoltud West I'lnrers, F.rgoltl and Lllllpulkani, Joe Kelsey, Hugh Lloyd and uimitanv. I.rawer Troiliie* OounoN'H OLTMru (John B. Ooinerford, mgr.) —Week of 31: Olymuli Htock Co.. '"Hio Mlums of I'arls," the Krutona, Itotlnt und Corudla, Onyx Trio. Palmer and Frauds, Three Rowlands, and the pbotopluy, "The Aflvrnisili." Sioijji 80. ((lorilon & Lord, i.rjra.l— Ilcwlu- nlng :il: Dully (luard nnd cotupnuy. Heed Ht. John Trio, (Jnnlner, Vincent and eumpaiiy, FrM Ht. Outre Trio, and the Aeroplane I.niiles. Downnis Huttats (deorge K. Lolhrop, mgr.)— Lttt week of Violet Mstcotte's Merrle Mnldeus. Uthers nrr: Fred and Albert, Simmons sin! Detu, Hilly O'Mailer, and others, Dijou (II. K (Justin, uigr.)—special wtr pic- ture, "The Kniscr'i Challenge," and otlier fea- tures, dnawktirr. Old Surrrn, Wisiiinhtow, Hovtu I'.ND, IIUNTIKOKK AvtmUS. 8TAR, IlAV HlJtlAkH, lliKAL, OnMIQI.'R, IlKIQUS, Ol.TMI'IR, Aecn.l/i, IlllX- rear. Iliariau, Dosciinami, Wiicrmior Hall, 0»m, Nuuara, vaudeville and plctutct. lowell, Maasa, -- Mer'k Hi). (F. J. Onrroll, rcgr.) the Merrimack Tbealre flayer present "Wlitt HjiisiihI io Mary" for Aug. 31 and week. Neat w«*. "0»Bi~»r (MW." ACADBity (ft. 1.1vIn.-, ion, msr.l—Jenuette Ilu- nreo'a Own Co. ;il Sept. 2. Kill Ml Carl and llartlette, Ysger and While, Ueo, Murphy, tnd Mutual plrtnm. OniOHiAL (M. Knopf, ntgr.) — Aasoclnllon plc- tur« und Margaret MeHm-miuli. In songs. Jawsu, (Karpuut A Tonljsu, tnrra. >—Unlrcrsil tnd feature plclurea. N«ln Itsseell, In songs. Owl (H, Arlteh, mgr.)—Mutual and Feature pictures, nnd Jottn DaHon, In songs. IUiIAL Ifleo. Hiisvi-i, mgr.)—Association and Feature pictures. Klhel Knowlton. In »r,ngs. Voton's |T. F. Ileunesta-y, mgr.)—Assoc) a I Ion plclures, and Hub Kourn'er. in songs, f.AXBTlltw.—-OdoYllir |lilille< C'anosis I.aki- l'Aii.£.--lloiiuin's Musical Itcrnc. . Sprlnirfleld, Mass. — Court rViutre (D, O. Ollnvae, tugr,) Nell O'ltrlen's Mlntlri-la. Aug. 27, amusnl two gnxl Imiiscs. "It l'tya to Ad/er- tlso" followasl if). Thurston Kept. 7-0. "My Btst airi" rt. ■■ r. i'oLt's I'itACt (Oordoti Wrlghter, uigr.)—Illll I.kiiUvIH... K y, — The new teama has started. 'The Mhulwrt's Hninmlr, which will he Ilia iMimn of llio I'l-otfreiMlvii hurlrsiiuo shows, opened Aug. -jn. Tii<- Hiicklugiinin 'lo. i'ltt Uurnly will "[kiii Kept II, und MeUaiiley't T i'lin Mary Audi-rann, foritH'rly tbo liuiuo uf "Keith's," sill iiliuw Tiwlliiu plclllt'es tills aeaasui IiihIoiiiI of muilovllli- Tho Niiikitisl bis been taken over by Keith's, und ivlll leniuie vaudeville. Tim National la tho largest theatre on the circuit, bar. Ing a seating ■■npnclly of over S.OtiO. Alllinugii imiu Inat seiison It la now l-elng redecoruted, nnd will 0|H>n Iho seastn 27 The Walnut will rVaturu nmllou plelun-a sunlit The park mi'iihoii will clone 11, HaSttNH (Kd, F. (Inlllgan. togr.l—Tills the- atre o|M'U)il Aug. lin, wlllt the Charming Widows, wlilcli nn i a big bit f-utii start lo finish, nnd en- joyed u I'liiiucliy week. Andy Ixivln anil bit in- teruiithiuiit (llrls week of .'II. IHii.-KiM.iiAU (llurncn MeC'rocklhi, mgr,)—Tho I'olly llitrlinniuert njwurd Hits theatre lid. Oavrtv ((). T, Taylor, mgr.)— CM, Charles T. TSylory misuwi 1 of llie tlayaty, Lu letiirued from New York, wbero lie was busy for witue time se- curing IsnkltigH fur tills tnsy llttlo playhouse. Ilm IhrmtM Is la-lug m-dccnrntcil, nud will open ■ lie M-nsiin Keiit. 0, Willi "Tlie llnder Dug." Uivhrvibw I'ask (L. Hlnsiti, uigr.)—Hennrl and Lhtinlwra, and ftnok't lliiiul feature reek of IIP. Fontains rsM« I'ahk (II. Illlger, mgr.)— Niiitlelo'M llnuil fen lures imlt .'III, Fontains Fsasr Park TiiaAras (II: Illlger, mgr.)-.Vaudeville. Mart Aniiumsun (L, Ooldlierg, mgr.) — "Nep- tune's Daughter" featuring lllm week of .10. Majnrtio (L. Dlttiitur, uigr.)— "riio Huiki of Jusllee" tatsrhtg Hint week of ;io. Novsi/rr (H. Lereusuii, mgr.)—"Jim Webb, rieiiutor," ft-ulurlng dim week uf 110. UrrronoNri (Mas I„ Hluion, mgr.)—"At II O'Clix-k," (eaturlug flint week of 80. OtaiNO (A. Kenney, mgr.)—"Memories In Men's Hniila," faaturlng film week of 30. Oomihiiia (A. Kenney, mgr.)—"Facing the Oatlllng limn." featuring Dial week of 110. .., 0 ".'!! lr l" , '$■ Kenney. nigr.)—"lilt Urotlior't Jl|nod." foaturltig week of 110. ..*}?*!! J1- .K""^ mgr.)—"The Downwafd rath," featuring film wwk of .IU OitvsT.t. (M. Hwltow, mgr.)— "Stronger Than Des'.l.," fvaliirlng film w»k of 80. OLYMitc (Max L. Hlmon. mgr.i—"Tbe Htoro at Sen," featuring Him week of SO, Novas.— lloiiklu's Tliealre, which was original- ly known st "Music Hall," burned to the grouml but Monday morning, Aug. 21. Thlt theatre waa tha oldest Iu the cHy nnd Hlale, having hoeti bulH In Hie (Kit. in this theatre the biggest Jirlse lights and conventions were held. Tho Isle obit ir.i|ii ins bought the building tnd otwneil a big vtuilftlllo show. It was fraud suecets, tail at hit death -wis sold to the I'rlucess Amusement Co. of tills city. Thor In turn leamrd the tbealre for motion tilctures, In which Harry llllier wst aianager. Nothing definite lias been said about ie-laillillng II. II. Iisrues' Illg Three Ring Circus Aug. 31, 1. Mnalcotree, Ohio.—Hrotdway (D. Myers. rogr.) feotiir" pletun-s. Yai.r (O. L. Ilrlttuit, nigr.l—Afotliai pictures. Ni/TK«.—I'rlor lo the opening of the seiaon the. Broadway Theatre «how feuluri- pletures. Aug. HO. 31. "TImi Lure;" "Tho Million Dollar Mrs- terv." No, 10, Ko|it. 1: "Uncle Tuin's fJsldn" 2. "Valley of Ibe Moon" 3. 4. "Hiiltflre' li. All of tin's'- tile teres, with llie exception of "Tho Million Iv.llnr Mystery." will Iw iu from six to seven linrls. lluslnrss Is very gissl. The Fall seamni will open H»pt, W nn Ibe ItiterHtstc elreiilt. with musical tabloid -lours Urn*. A Wilson's ClrciM will Rive two performances here 0 Ou I, at the (lately Tbeslre, tlie idetures <if Al. Jeiiiiiiiys were slinwn. nl which time Mr. Jennings lectured. The Yak- continues lo play lu good attend snee, fufs-elslly nn the night of the big Universal feature, "Tho Tiey u' ilcurls."