The New York Clipper (September 1914)

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8 THE NttW YORK OLIPPER. Septembeb 5 THE NEW TORE CLIPPER . ..-■■ I Founded in 1853. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limited) norunoM.' ALBERT J BOEIE Edtobial and Business Mamaou. NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 6, 1914. Entered June 34, 1870, it the Poit Office at New York, N. Y.. as second clMt matter, under •lie let of March 3. 1678. CHATTER; BT SAM MTTHIOBL Advertisements—$2.80 |ier Inch, single column. Advertisements tet wlUi bottler. 10 peret. eztti. subscription. One year, li idTance. %*; elx montbt. 12; tbree monlbt. $1. Oiliida and foreign poatige extra. Single coplee will be lent, poatpild, en receipt of 10 cecti. Oar Term* are Caab. THE CLIPPER It Issued every WEDNESDAY. The Kormt Cloalaiic Fromptly ou Toeidar, at 10 A. M. Please remit be express money order, check, P. O. order or resltlered letter. All ca«U eucloted t, Ith letter la at rlak of cender. Addrria All ' Coinmnnlcalloua to THE NCW YOIIK CLIPPBB, 4T Writ 28th Street, Hew York. Tel. 2274-Midlton. Rtgliterti Cable Addreit, "itrrnoaiTi." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of The Ci-ippih la located it Room 505, Ashland Block, Chicago, Warren A. Patrick, manager and corremwndeut. The Clippeb can us obtaiiced wholesale and ittail. at our agents. Daw't steamship Agency, 17 Green Street, Charing C.-ws Road, Loudon. W. 0., England; Brentauo'a MM depot, 37 Avenue de 1'Opera Paris, I'taoro; Manila Book and Sta- tionery Co.. 128 Eacolta, Manila, V. I.; Gorton & Golch, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney, N. 8. W. Australia. ANSWERS T OCORRE SPOWDENTSe . DRAMATIC. - P. B;, New York.—He was never a member of the act of tbe Four Korda, tat, as B. tajs, he waa a member of tbe same family; •• ■ F.' B. W., New York.—Addreaa Arthur W. Tama. 1800 Broadway, New York, who can probably eupply jour waste. J. al. M.. Atlantic Olty.-^From Al Von Tlbser, 145 Weat Forty-nfth Street, New York 01(7. 0. 0., Lake Elmo:—They wear the same kind Of a protector that all acrobats and gymnasts wear. Never beard of them wearing pada. H. W. L., Henderson:—We have no record of anyone else having- played tbe sketch you mention. However, that la not a surety that someone else baa not played It. • _ CARDS. O. H. n., Milwaukee.—There ire no reco.'da which gl>e any such percentage and we can not undertake to figure It out. M. R. O., Cleveland.—Aa yoor band waa not called you only bad to show the openera. J, P., Bartlett Springs.—The dealer Is the only one who la privileged to take a trump from tbe discard to 1111 hla band, and then only when there la not sufficient carda left In tbe deck. At 0 waa not tbe dealer be could not take the card discarded by D. — 3. B„ Cleveland.—See answer to M. R. O., Cleveland. A Oohbtart Rbaiibb, New York.—Every deal, except the one In which It waa discovered tbe deck was abort, counts and A'a win of the nrat game atanda. NEW BTIONX THEATRE. The Crer-eent. Boston Road and One Hundred and Sixty-eighth Street, New York, will niieu 6ept 5, with "The Round-Un." The Crescent, an up-to-date, beautiful theatre, li etrlctly fireproof, and acuta two thousand. It waa Lullt for the Merrick Theatre Company, the lessee*. At. C. Anderson, president and gen- eral manager. Stair A Havlln arc dolnc the tiooklng. Popular prices will prevail, with matl- neea Tuesday. Tliuraday and Saturdays. W. Fred Mason has been ciipnuod la lmslne»* ruanager. « i »—i GLOOM OVER P01.I BILL. There woa a double sad coincidence on tbe Poll bill In WIlkes-Barre, Pa., for tbe first half of the week c( Aug. '24, when on Wednesday morning, 20, Mme. limine, owner of a *w act, received a wire announcing the sudden death of her mother In Erie, Pa. About an hour later Mra. Harlan Knlgbt, wife of a well-known rural comedian, who waa ap- pearing In the comedy sketch, "Tho Chalk Line." received liifonnatlon that ber slater's husband had died In Baltimore. ♦«♦ LOEWEn IN BROOKLYN. J. J. Loewer, until recently In charge of Win. Fox's Theatre In Springfield, Maes., has been placed In charge of tho Bedford Theatre In BrooS. tyn. N. Y. Mr. Strauss la bis SprinnnVM successor. A largo 315,000 organ Is to be Installed In the Springfield bouse. • ■ » — CURRAN .HOXOBED. William M. Curran, of Nell O'Brien's Minstrels, while the company was playing Ibilyoke, Mass., Aug. 28 (IiIb bomo town) waa presented by his friends with a beautiful watch and chain, beside a number of baskets of flowers. ♦ ■ » BETWEEN SPRINGFIELD AND NEW HAVEN. Commencing Sept. 7 the Palace Theatre, Spring- field, Maw., will Inaugurate a new Idea of two nrat class vaudeville bills a week, changing with ono of Poll's New Haven bouses on Thursdays. ♦ « > TREMBLAY STILL IN CHARGE. Hector Tremhlny will continue aa manager of tbe Colonial Theatre In Plttsfleld, Mass.. waa ths decision of the stockholders at a meeting there last week. 4. a» OLYMPIC 00, CLOSES. The Olympic Park Opera On. closed the season la Newark, N. J., with "Tbe Bohemian Girl," to teed results, Aug. SO. Attention 1 Acts should Bend me ttrdr news Items and keep me Informed what-you are doing when you are on the toad. Adleb and Akline. that nifty act In one, open (heir Reason Sept. 7, at Temple, De- troit, booked solid on the united. Hen Ryan and Habbiette I,eh played the Bushwlck, Brooklyn, three times In eighteen weeks, next to closing position. McWatkhh and TYson pat on their new act. "Reviews of 1014," al the Bushwlck, Brooklyn, N. Y, last week. Bbioiiton i'oiib hare Injected comedy Into their act, and It Is going better. John New will do a new. single this Bea- ton. Sutton, McIntire and Sdtton open their season at Keith's, Philadelphia, this week. booked solid, through Harry J. Fitzgerald, ever tbe United. Nat Wills begins his season, this week, at the Bushwlck, Brooklyn, N. Y., with sixty weeks to follow, on the United. I.SABELLE MlLLEB AND COMPANY, "The Other Boarder," are now on the Fox time. Will play Bast about twenty weeks. Franklin Ardell and company opened their season at tbe Orpheum, Brooklyn, N. Y„ with thirty weeks on tbe United; di- rection of Harry J. Fitzgerald. Henry Lewis returned to New York after praying twenty-five weeks ever Orpheum cir- cuit. Will have all new material for this season. C. Dbew Is still playlnjy Mr. Flynn from Lynn in vaudeville. The coming season looks good for Charley. Jabvis and Harrison, tbe Girl, the Man and the Bench, open their season, Sept. 7, at Indianapolis, booked solid over United, direction of Harry J. Fltzcerald. Job Morris and Chas. Allen are having a new act written for them by Chas. Mc- Carron and Ray Walker. They have a route over tbe United. Alice Bis and Best French are present, tng their new act. "The Dance of the Tem- pest," are booked solid over the United, di- rection of Harry J. Fitzgerald. Bebtib Hereon and Bonnie Gaylobd have split Miss Herron Is doing a new act assisted by MIR Armsman. Cunningham and Marion, who were to go over to Enrope for twenty weeki will stay In America around tbe East. Georoie Mack will not-play vaudeville this season, but bas aligned with "The Dummy" Co. wheh opens in Chicago. Percy Wenbick and Dolly Connolly open their United time at 'the Bushwlck, Brooklyn, Sept, 7, with new songs by Wen- rich. Louis Cfuallos and Mona Desmond, as- sisted by four girlies and a piano player, open their United time week of Sept. 7 at Dock<itader'9, Wilmington, Del. Tony and Norman, talking act, in one, open their United time,-Montreal, Can., week of Sept. 14. Direction, Harry J. Fitzgernld. Montgomery and .Moore are playing a return engagement this week, at the Palace, New York. Drop In to Lyric and see a good show. The Vaudeville Comedy Club on deck. Elizabeth Murray Is ill at Sea Girt, N. J. Will be back in vaudeville In two weeks. Leo Corbblli Is expected back from Europe this week. . - Corse Payton doing twenty minutes in vaudeville at "the Comer." Arthur Klein dad put one over by get- ting Schaffer for TJ. B. O. Dainty Marie, ber fourth week at the Palace, New York. Pretty soft when yon ran make good. Ruth Roye, tbe little girl who caused a sensation by playing six weeks at the Pal- ace. New York, is resting, and will be ready to work week of Sept, 21. Tr.m.Y Siiattiick opened in Columbus, 0., Mondny, Aug. 81, in a new act. The season looks bright. Don't get dis- couraged. Lots of work. Get good material, good songs, and have your net up to date. opened 80, and will continue, to and-include Labor Day, when the season closes. At tbe free circus on Chester Island these acta are offered: Bristol's educated ponies and mrrldehle mnle, John Corrlcan and his Angora goats. In "Tho Shepherd's Dream;" tbe Five La Telia, tbe Lo- am's, the McLynn Trio and Al, Krelacher. In a balloon ascension and parachute Jump. There are several aide shows, Including: Tbe international girl show, Spencer's athletic show, the Old Plan- tation, the Cuban Twins. Freddie, tbe armlcee wonder, taid the Seven In-One show. Prite award*, souvenirs, confetti skewers and the election of a queen of tbe carnival are Incidental features of the hat dais of '14. Ludlow laooon (John J. Weaver, mgr.)—The races at tbe motordrome continue to be the fea- ture that draws best. Fleckeneteln la tbe latest atnr of tbe track, find hla races with Graves aio drawing record-breaking crowds. While the regu- lar season closea Labor Day, tbe retort will re- main open on Sundaya until October. Coney Island (Arthur Rdsenberger, mgr.)— Tbe Harvest Home annual Is In progress, and con- WANTED QUICK Juvenile, Character and Gen. Bus. People Those with Specialties preferred. State lowest sal- ary and bo ready to Join on wlro, LA BOY STOCK CO., r'ostoHa, Ohio. LEST YOU FORGET ■"■"■» at^SEVaB WE SAY li' VET OJK.(JSS LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MONEY, 18c. Book of Herald Cuts 84c, CROSS igggygB CHICAGO COSTUMES WANTED—Minstrel First lit rt Costumes, Wcnob Dresses, and l'unide Outfit. Will buy only 0. O. D, with osiuulualliiii. (live bank reference. WM. 11. PATTIB. Cheboygan, Mlob. At Ulborty ~~ VAN B. ADAMS Chitractor. Gen. But. Permanent Stock pre- terred. Address cure Hotel Hutmr. Munkogce.oEa. 3 Parodies for !fil "When tho AngchiH Is Ringing," «I Love the Ladles," "liy the Sea." «o others to seleot from! 0. /. C0STJ5LL0, HjSS ft, B y. oily. OPT OF TOWN HEWS otxcrrv^kTA'ri. Thus far the three burlesque bouses have held tbe Thespian line alone against the fag end of tbe season's strong magnets of .the outdoor resorts and the picture bouses. Tbe earliest September daya ilnds reinforcements In indoor dramatic at- tractions at the Walnut Street, and vaudeville at tbe new Marcus Loew bouse, the Empress. Tbe Lagoon breaks a long established rule, and will not close on Labor Day, but proposes to run Into October. Tbe season at the other tbree out- ing spots, however, will end on labor's fixed holiday. Walnut Street (Ben Probst, mgr.)—"Mrs. Wlgge of the Cabbage Patch" week of Aug. 30, starting the new season. The play Is staged by tbe United l'lay Co., and Grace Leith will be axen In tue title role. "The Confession" Sept. 0. Emtbcb* (Oeorgo A, Dovycr, mgr.)—Tbe sea- eon under tbe new Marcus Loew regime began 30. The opening bill la: Ilcury B. Toomer, In "Side- lights;" l'red Pisano anil Kitty Bingham, tbe Cnilwrct Trio, Arthur Stone, Snooter, the trained bulldog; Alvln and Kenny, Mile. Amoros and Ren Mulvcy, In "A Night in l'urls." Motion pictures. i.vhio (Hubert Heuck, mgr.)—Lyman H. Howe's Travel Festival oixncd 30, for a run of several weeka, before tbe tegular season begins late la September. Orano CI'Kba House (John H. Havlln, mgr.)— With the coming, Sept, C, of tbe Italian film masterpiece, "Oablrla." tho season's curtain-raiser ia promised. A large orchestra, selected from tho Cincinnati Symphony musicians, will be a feature. II. F. Keith's (John F. Royal, uigr.)—.Aunelte Kellermonn's beauty and grace Is the talk of the town, and the master picture, "Neptune's Daughter," which drew great crowds Inst week, remains Aug. SO, for another week. Tbe regular vaudeville stsa.scm begins Sent. 6. Oatbty (Willis F. Jackson, mgr.)—Harry nestings' Big Show Aug. SO and week, in "On and Off the Earth." Prlncesa Luba Merolf was tbe brilliant feature In tho new Taxi Girls, In- troduced to "Clncy" by Joe Hurtlg. Her re- ception was cheerful, and ahe proved herself a toii-notch favorite. "The Gay Parlslennc" and "Americans in Prison In Mexico" were the bur- Ictus offered. Leo Stevens. Frank Harcourt and Marty Ward were chief comedians, and the latter creation gave them a chance to ahlae. Nellie I,ockwood and Helen Jessie Moore were effective vocalists. Tbe 1'rUo Winners Sept (1-12. Olympic (Thomas Macready, mgr.)—Jean Bc- dlnl'a Frolics of 1914 la the attraction Aug. SO and week, lvmllo Agouat and Slmone dc Beryl, in Parisian uancea of tbe alums, are a feature. Andy Lewis and bis International Girls scored heavily last week. Vera George waa the feminine alar, ideating r.llh ber personality and good bumor. Helen Kattnlp, Helen Day and Anita, a little vlolltitate, w«-re oilier good cards. Two burlettas bare been built around tbe personality of Lewis, oud the title, "The Tangle," bas considerably more plot than Is usually injected into burlesque. Jean lle.llr.ra Mischief Makers Sept, 0-12. STANDino (O. B. Arnold, mgr.)—"Tbe Tcmpt- ctb" are due week of Aug 80, with Sidney Rog- ers. Uertha Gibson and Annlnta and Burke among the leaders. "Married for s Day" and "Circus Life" are the bairleltaa. The local start of tbe accoud wlucl of tbe OolumMi Amusement Oo. was marked by the aptwirano of Hie Cherry Blossoms, who bloomed In typical, old-fashioned burlesque. Tbe bnrlettaa offered were "The Other Fellow" and "Olrllc. Girlie." Frankte L« Marche did an Oriental dance; "The Dream of the Red Lounge." Margaret Summon. Rlla Reynolds and Vera Kose were among tbe fcuilnlno aupjiort. Girls of the Follies Sept. 0-12. Tn« Zoo (W. P. Whlllock. mgr.)—John a Weber's Prite Ban] of America began a nine daya' ruengviueui Aug. SO. Max Srhuli and tbe Cin- cinnati Summer Orchestra were heard in a fare- well concert 28. The muilcnl season ends Labor Day. but tbe garden will remain open alt year. CugsTsnt 1'AJut (I. N. Martin, mgr.)—Tbe an- nual carnival, circus uA industrial exposition WW. - tlnues for a week. Last week was "Circus Week," and the Kramo Brothers, Zip, the kicking mule, Jlnunlo Bean, clown; tbe Flying Va lent inns, Fisher Slaters, In an acrobatic atunt, and the pretty bareback riders, the Seabert Sitters, with Beaumont's animal circus gave the crowds a good sawdust tun for their money. autuun luvxs. John Donaldson has arrived to tell of tbe 101 Wild Weat Show, which comes to Oumniuiavtlle 14. for one day. Wlllard Ouxey follows as Irene representative. s. O. Sladdin, ouee of the "Fourth fvinte," Is in town, spreading uews of the success of "Oa- barla." In New Yuri. Tux Vino Street Merchants' Association have arranged tor a big time at the Zoo, Sept. 3. Hu- bert Heuck Is arranging a big vaudeville treat, Mamaoeii liaouKB, of tbe Queen City lteach, la the. nrat to Issue' a 1015 promissory amuse- ment note. He says there will bo a boardwalk a la Atlantic City at tbe beach next Summer. Jean P. Jokes Is arranging a series of swim- ming events durinr Carnival Week, at Chester Park. . . F.UUBETH lUiuivn, pianist, was the soloist at two of the Zoo concerts last week. EDS A MA»NUllatU, luck IPOB WEt>tMIj Euxopo, tells of so toe* Americans wbb srj«sa*fally stowed patent medicine ads. for paatporta. i . Tub Advertisers' Clu?, or OXnchmatt eoWed their annual election" and dinner at the Zoo, when Albert de Montlogle,'.known to many amusement and circus folks, was re-elected president. Manaoeb John H. IUvlin haa gone back to New York. "Adblb" will be one of tbe earliest sttractlont at tbe Grand Opera Howe. Lillian Cook, formerly of the Cincinnati School of Expression, Is with "Pottsh A Perlmutter." ■May Herrrbt will be seen In "To-day." Hiasr Kllis Rkbd, who received hla Thespian training In Cincinnati, la featured In a sketch, "The Yellow Peril." ' Edward SUBSDoar and Andrew H. Strerg are rehearsing for new roles In "The Typhoon." Hamilton, O.—Jefferson (Alme Todd, mgr.) The Tearl Stock company will open the season of this house for an Indefinite engagement Sept. 7, presenting "Tbe Lion and the Mouse." Grind (John E. McCarthy, marr.)—^Moving pictures only until Labor Day (Sept T) when the regular vaudeville season begins. Jewel, Stab, Eagle, Royal, Princess and Ltric, motion pictures only. Notes.— Charles Get bia been placed to charge of the Jefferson Theatre orchestra, by manager Todd. The Jefferson Theatre will be dark Sept. 2-5 on account of redecorating the Interior. Alme Todd, of Cincinnati. 0., formerly of Grand Rap- Ida, Mich., was made manager of thla theatre by Broomhall & Swalm, proprietors Alfred A Webster, manager of the Pearl Stock Oo. will Introduce a new star in Pearl Evans Lewis, Sept 7. • WUkes-Bavrre, Pn—Poll's (John J. Oal- vln. mgr.) bill Aug. 81-Scpt, 2: Klntlng's ani- mals. Mack and Sangster, the Parsbleys, Evelyn Cunningham, and the plctnrei, "Life of Shaki- apeare," in six reels. ' Grawd (D>. M. Oauffman. mgr.)—"Forty-fire Minutes from Broadway" showed bere Aug. 20. NESBITT, 8AV0Y, BUOD DREAlf, SUN, ALHAlf- bra. Stab, Dbbamland and G. A. R. Ball, mov- ing pictures. Noths. —At the benefit performnnce given in Poll's Theatre Sunday night, Aug. 23, to aid pf the cyclone sufferers, tbe handsome sum of 1500.90. was turned over to me Chamber of Commerce Relief Committee. Manager Galvln arranged a abow of fourteen local acta, and everything con- nected with the performance was donated in aid of tbe worthy cause. Tbe city officials gave per- mission for all tbe local playhouses to open and hold benefits on thst night for tbe cyclone suf- ferers and their families Poll's Theatre it playing to capacity houses Moving picture bouses are doing splendid business. Hnrrlsbnrar. Pau — Orpheum (0. Floyd Hopkins, mgr.) hill week of Aug. 31: "The Bride Shop," Doc O'Nell. Max andMable Ford, Two Oaxltons, Allen Dinehart and company, Dave Well- ington and pictures. Colonial (a Floyd Hopkins, mgr.)-»-Tbe res- tore picture, "Spartacus." 31-6ept. 2. For last half: Welter Ward end partner, Kelley and Drake, Harold Yatea and pictures. Paxtano Park (Felix Davis, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Photo Plat (I, Sllborman, mgr.)—Pictures only. Notes. —Robert F. Gorman will again direct a number of minstrel entertainments and local bens- fits, opening the teason early In November John Bunny and company, who will appear at the Majestic Theatre Sept. 5, will no doubt play to a bog house, as be it very well liked here. Newark, If. J.—Newark (Geo. W. Robblm, mgr.) which bat been redecorated and painted, will open Scot. 5, with "Oh! Ob I Delphlne." Proctor's (R. 0. Stewart, mgr.)—This house, which was one of the big time circuit last sea- fcon, opened Aug, St, as a moving picture theatre, with "Cablrla." Obphedii (M. S. Schlealnger, mgr.)—The first appearance of tbe Forsberg Players, In "Bought and Paid For." 24-20, created a very favorable impression with large audiences. The leading people, Francis McHenry and Charles Dingle, are seen to advantage week of 31. in "Floe Feathers." "Broadway Jones" wOl bring addi- tions to the cast, Sept. 7-12. Miner's Empire (Tom Miner, mgr.)—Season opened with good attendance and much enthu- siasm. Pat White's Jubilee entertainers week of 81. Tbe Dreamland Burlesqoers Sept. 7-12. Kfenet's (John McNally, m-"r.)—Crowded here nightly. Aug. 81-Sept, 2, Pearl Abbott and com- pany, in "Silver Threads;" Dave Ferguson, and Monarch Comedy Four. Note. —The Shuliert Theatre will plsy a few weeks of pictures before opening the regular sea- son. Jcraer City. N. J. — Orpheum (Tiios. H. Sbeely, mgr.) feature photoplays. Loo Ouun and Jersey Aibdoue (J. E. Mc- Carthy, mgr.) — Feature photoplays and vaude- ville. MoNTtCELLO (Robinson & Burns, mgrs.)—Fea- ture photoplays. Keith's (W. B. Garyn, mgr.)—Bill 31-Sept 2: Ernie and Ernie. Al. Planaikisa ami Arthur Fields, G M. Blancbard. to "The First Case;" William Slslo, and One Edwards' "Kid Kaberet." For 3-C: Charley Grapewto and company, and others. Majestic (Frank E. Henderson, mgr.)—This house will open Sept 7 with Bartley Campbell's "Siberia." Note. —Tbos. H. Sbeely, formerly manager of tbe Gayety Theatre, Hoboken, N. J., will man- age the On>b?um Theatre. The theatre has been re-decoraled, and is all ready for the Fall oiienlng, which takes place Sept 7. Mr. Sbeely bas al- ready booked some of the best vaudeville acts that can be had. Hoboken. S. J.—TJ. S. Theatre, feature pho- toplays. Kkpibe Theatre (Wm. F. Fitzgerald, mgr.)— Watson Sisters. -•-»•/ Hudson, Union Hill.— The Hudson Players, "Baby Mice." Memphis. Tens.—Lyxtc (Benj. M. Stain- bock mgr.) opened for tbe season Aug. 30, with Trans-Atlantic Burlesquers. Bast End Park (A. B. Morrison, mgr.)— Business is very good. Orfhst/u (Arthur Lane, mgr.)—Season opened 81. Bill includes: Cheerbert's Manchurians, Yk>- llnaky. Princess Rajah, Chas. Howard and com- pany, Pool Kevins and Ruby Erwood, and motion pictures. Two MAjbstk'J, Ehpuuss <2), Princess, Ala- mo. Colonial, Quxsbn, Plaza, Palace, Oar- rolton, American, Echo, SttesORAN, Lamar, Eden, Rex, Crystal, Lasca, Oxford, Welling- ton, Imperial, Metropolitan, Daists (2), Gem, Pastimes (2), Royal, Savoy. Pbein, Famous, Columbia and Lidxbtt, motion pictures only. Troy, N. Y\—Proctor's (H. R Erode, mgr.) bill for Aug. 31-3ept 2: Tbe Two Franks. Mc- Wllllains, Sterjdel and Baldwin, Nellie Brewster and company, Alllnel's African apes, Wright and Clayton, and Ttoeber and Tnnlson For 3-5: Do- rnnlo. Held and Cameron, Sinllctta Slaters, Jes- sie Haywood and company, Alice Justin, Mills and Moulton. and Tom Johnson's dogs Rand'b (N. O Mlrlck, mgr.)—The'High Life Girls occupied the boards bere Aug. 24-20 and did good business. Neil O'Brien's Minstrels fol- lowed 2*. Proctor's Lyceum, Plaza, Koteltt, Tiojan, KoTH'e, Majestio and Emtire, photoplays only. JamettowE, If. Y. —Samoela' (Edward T. Connelly, mgr.) opened for the season Aug. 29, with "The Red Widow," matinee and nlgbt; Martln't "TJ. T. C," matinee and night, Sept. 2: Hose's pictures 4, 5; Follies Bergere 14, •"When Dreams Come True" 16, "Tbe Winning of Barbara Worth" 22, "The Christian" (pic- tures) 24-26, "A Prince of To-night" 2S. Celoion (Edward T. Connelly, mgr.)—Con- tinues to do well with popular priced vaudeville. Note. —Speedy, high diver, and Treat's seals were Che free attractions at the park for serera' weeka. Glen* Falls, It. Y.—Empire (Joe Miller, mgr.) the eight reel photoplay, "The Ohriatlan," Aug. 30-Sent. 1; Nell O'Brien's Minstrels 2. Bill 3-5: The Seven Rusaella, Dancing La Vara, and John F. Clark. "Seven Keys to Baldpate" 16. World IN Motion (P. J. Doran, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Note. —The B. H. Patrick Greater Shows and Carnival la here week of Aug. 30. Wnter-vliet, W. Y.—Sans Soucl and Btoprre, photoplays only. Crowded bouses nightly. Note. —A carnival and fair is held bere week of Aug. 3l, under the auspices of the local hose company. Meridian, Mia a.—Majestic <W. P. Oothrin, lessee) Gollensteln's Minstrels was the attraction week of Aug. 24, to good patronage. raiNcsas, Eute and Gem, pictures only. • i > * ' " .NOTICE To MARY JAJlltjlTTE BBOUV „,„ - formerlybfthe City ofSewYork *?'« 0 . w °* TAKE NOTICE that an «!Uob £ beVen-. meneea agalnut you In The Supreme T„,,h """. Alberta. Judicial District of l^monton touJ* Loch, clalmlDg payment of the sum of' taw .„1 interest thereon, from the 24th day of am' ^ under a mortgage dated the 24th day of ami ' (SJ made bvltephcn Eskow, in favor of t htmiii J Henry Loch, covering trie south-west onSv51S. ul l S^uon U, Awnsbip^, Range V%3 ! $1£& AND TAKE NOTIOE that yon are required ta enter an appearance In the office of the airtS the Supremo C5nrt at the Court house, VAmoml on or.liefore the 8rd day oT October, imiT? Si file and deliver a statement of defence wi'thSi ,i? days thereafter, and Hrdcfault of your so dotai the plalnurr may proceed with sucfi action u t! the Court may seem meet w DATED Aff Edmonton, Alberta, this 2tth dav a August 1016, EWING 4 IlARYIE, 70t Solicitors for the Plaintiff THE ceuLI«BrjBX THaWKC, StorieboTo Pat. New house. Gronnd floor. Largt suu? Modern equipment Electric lighted. Ooen mSS for good attractions. E. AL. RAYMOND, Manager WAJfTED-Flrst Class Sketch Team thai Double Organ and Plato for Medicine Co Una change for one week. State what you do and S ary. Tickets If known to me. Open at once Affdress DR. R. J. ATKXNS, Morav ia. lovsa, WASTED FOR STOCK, one Oill a week. European Comedy and HIgh-clasa Modem Dnaaa7 Character Man and Woman, Leading Man and Lady, Ingenue and Soubrette. Non-star Svstem. Send photo with salary requested. National THEATRE, 1328 Lawrence St.. Denver, Colo. 3 PARODIES FOR |1 "You're Hereand I'm Here," "I'm a Foql Who Be- lieved in You»'. "Mother's Big Blue Eyes." shrfcuv Hebrew numbers. ' . 0. J. COSTELLO, 26 Rose Et. N. Y C. WANTED, for Lowery Bros.' MiDstreN End Men, Comedians, Singers, Dancers and Musicians. those doubling brass given preference. No fancr salaries. Show opens early in Oct State all In first letter: Add. GEO. B. LOWERY, Shenandoah Ft, FOR SALS OS CASH OR ROYILTV Fall It Oat, Doe. ' I Can't Rlak Traveling In an Aeroplane. in Had a tattle Girl f ike Yon. ' My Sweetheart's oat the Battlefield. Back to Broadway for Me, Joe, Yarica, My Indian Maid, Hold the Flag High. The Empty Sleeve. All Alone in Colorado. The Land of My Dreamt Ideal hove. When They Play the Tango In Monkey- land. The Girl In the Moon. Boy of Mine. Life la ao Lonely When You Are Away. Come Rambling with Me. My Banjo Man. Twilight Walts. I'm Got.. g Home to Daddy and the Farm, The Other Day. Where the Sigh Is In the Pine, Adallne. I Ain't Gwlna Worry Myself to Death. The Rock ljy the Riverside. OneWord. Play That Tango Tnne. That Citrl I Can't Forget. Billy Boy. I Know Yon Love Me. MANUSCRIPT SALES CO . 1433 Broadway, Now York City. V. C. MINNELLI WANTS For His Dramatic Company Young, good looking Juvenile Man; Young, pretty. Juvenile Woman; Clever Soubrette, with strong Specialties; Singing and Dancing Comedian. Other Useful People write. Preference given to thosa doing goon Specialties. People must be experi- enced, with good wardrobe. Salaries must be reasonable. State all In first letter. Photos most accompany letter. Management pays transporta- tion only. Season opens October 6th. AddressV.O. Mlnnelll, 460 West William St Del aware, Ohio. AT LIBERTY Trap Drummer Fully experienced. M. WARD BROWN, No. 140 Heck Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J. WANTED WOMAN FOR SOUBRETTES AND INGENUES Must do strong Specialties. State (correct) age, height aud weight Send photo. State lowest in first letter. Week stand. Repertoire. i. B. RICHARDSON, Mgr. Jessie Cotton Co, Week Aug. 31, Manilas, 111. AT LIBERTY Sept. 12 DAVID STANWOOD Age, 28; height, 6 ft 810,; weight, UOlbe. i Heavies or Anything Cast for. Address WAYERLY, N. T WANTED, FOR The United Players PEOPLE IN Ahh hlNEB. Mostly city .time. Wardrobe, appearance, sobriety absolutely essential. Photos (will be returned). State lowest salary (no time to dicker), expe rteu0e .' ace, height weight Rehearsals about Sept 7. Jour on wire. Tickets if known. Address ■ MR. ALLWYS KING Director, , 1208 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo._ ' BEVERLEYS' AT LIBERTY FRANK LOUISE Character aud Dialect Soubrette, Ingenue , Comedian Some Characters 1 Reliable, Versatile, Wardrobe. Single and Double Specialties. Address Howell, Mich, until Sept 7; then Revere, Chi. _' TENT THEATRE TO LEASE I will Lease my complete Tent Theatre balance of season to responsible manager on reasonspis terms. Not for sale. Stored in Texas. Thirty cents would-be managers keep off. Address no telegrams. H. U. FRANKLIN . Trlnldnrt. t.nlo AT LIBERTY FOR IMMEDIATE ENGAGEMENT BLANCHE BOWERS j ANYTHING CAST FOR EXCEPT I LEADS AND SOUBUETTES. . ' Dialect parts a spcctslty. Reliable msnatrcrs oi , real attractions only. Stato your salary limit tan Join on wire. Permanent stock preferred. Adare-s , 931 M. RAWSON AVE.. FREMONT, OlI10-_ « Lady Pianist at Liberty After 7. Have had good experience In orches- tra work. JESSIE M. JENNINGS, 249 8. Libert/ St, Alliance, Ohio.