The New York Clipper (September 1914)

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September 5 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. 9 ATLANTIC CITY'S TERRIFIC HIT NOVEL IDEA WITH A PUNCH - catch line8, sure Laugh, double version [on request GOOD NIGHT, LITTLE GIRL, GOOD NIGHT MELOl/v BY HEN VIE CORMACK. LYRIC Bv'aL. DVDIN MELOl/v BY KEN VIE CORMACK. LYRIC Bv'aL, DVBIN EMMETT J. WELCH. Musio Publisher 403 WILSON BnUDtWQ, 15th AWP CHESrmTT ST8^ PHlXADEItPHIA. PA. DANCE ORCHESTRATIONS AND _ BAND ARRANGEMENTS Of This Song, Introducing That Beautiful Ballad ON THE TRAIL OP THE HONEYMOON Will B» Sent on Rtcilpl ol 10 Ctntt THE WINHERS. Prospect, Now York, An(. 23. THEBEAUTY PARADL BIRIIC AND SEAMAN'S, NEW YORK, The James J. Ldwry Amusement Co., Inc., rlcd open another burlesque season la Harlem, JoadiUrT Aug. 24, to presenting The beauty Parade programmed as a two act farce with ntslcai setting, entitled 'Fire Thousand Dollars Reward.' " "Fire Thousand Dollars Howard" 70a get as being toe price offered for the capture of a gink w«in had been spreading counterfeit cash down at ll rose ' scarfs'* and the rest In different one] knlcker stilts. The unwinding business of too ncarfs from the girls by the^'boys" daring the song discloses the former In purple union suits. It has been neatly arranged and Is well long. Miriam, In white onion salt, was pat on as an added feature la poses within a series of pretty slides thrown from the machine in the orchestra pit Miriam Is a shapely good looking blonde young woman, and la graceful In nuking changes of position for each slide. Many of the slides were o« focus this show and missed getting Miss Miriam* within, the cutout. , hstelle Cameron Is allotted the final lead, with Ana Dabs," and the winged one-piece white satin knlcker salt she wears for It again shovts Book 90 Principals 10O RATING Scenery Costumes Chorus 100 100 100 Olio IOO Numbers IOO Comedy 05 Coney Island, and had been traced to Waterrllle, ofl ^.j « .clever" mt "sir! she 'is^whlle"the EX with W. A. Wolfe, as Plnkerton Barns, hot chorus assign*. 'in P ?nk iesbing. sad Too"? or£ on his trail, p'ece Mousey effect vrhlte eatlu rigs. It made ■ Ambark All, as Andy Cole, a handy nan at pretty closing number for a real musical show. lira.. Warren's Academy for Oris, where the The song numbers were all staged by Victor aetlon of the entire farce takes place, happens to Hyde and be deserres rounds of credit for to the "gink" the detective U In search of, bat good work. It was done nobly. The costuming the poor handy feller swears himself Innocent to of the chorus from, the opening medler to the <m<1 d 01 "* excellent work, «. al«, M fflAnvva fVavral vhn fa "villain. F,,,*l„ I. k.,.„*,#..i j *_-. 1_ 3. / _ *I . /!t Alv* Xf^flHl „-■«. nn * The Oersten Amnsement Oo„ Inc., started off right with their new Progreislre show, which opened the season at their own house in the Bronx, last week. Suits Moore and Geo. B. Scanlou hare staged a show in which critics hare trouble to pick Saws. Good laughable comedy, up-to-date material, a fine chorus of gingery pretty girls, and a splendid production Is the result. "The Fortune Hunters" is written along the lines of two rlrsls for the hand and fortune of a wldowfajand "A Day at Newport" combines fun at the shore and a touch of horse racing, with good laughing results. Suits Moore, with his own copyrighted laugh plays Schmidt, In his loose-fitting clothes, and uses his loose walk, and his Intentions to bare a good time are finally carried oat. George B. Scsnlon made up well as the nest elderly Irish gentleman, ready with the repartee, THE PROGRESSIVE WHEEL (Revised). The present make-op of the wheel Includes the following shows and houses: Sanir. and Manager.. _, J" 0 " 1 '*' j*"***; st ; B '(*- t Andy Lewis and Ills international Girls (Sam Rjams) Masonic Temple, Louisville, h.y. The Winners (Ssrn Howard) ...Lynn, Lynu. Ma««. Merry Burleaquers (Rlchy W. Craig) •• • • • ;Troy ami Schenectady High Life Girls (Frank Cslder) **8lft5 Philadelphia. Pa, Tango Girl. (Chas. K. l.jlorl •• •• .jWllkes-Barro ami Elmlra Moorish (Sim Williams) Club abiairc. Rochcater, N. \. May Ward's Dresden Dolls (Sam Lewi.) Garden Thea re, Buffalo, N. V. Star Theatre, Toronto, Can. Savoy Theatre. Hamilton, Oot. Cadillac Theatre. Detroit. Mich. . ...Bnglowood Theatre, Chicago, ill. Star Theatre, St, Paul .Majestic Theatre, Indianapolis, Ind. Open. Club Theatre, Milwaukee, Wis. ,.',,. .Olympic Tlieare, Cincinnati, O. Music Hail, Chicago. 111. ...Haymarket Theatre, Chicago, III. Toledo and Akron|>lre Theatre, Cleveland, U, ..People's Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa, Lewlaton, Me. Prospect Theatre, New Vork Oayety Theatre, St. Lonln. Mo. ....Lowell ami Kolyoke Bra Slocum (George Hayes), who Is "village postmaster and constable of Waterrllle, by gum." and Ez. decided he teas because El. himself had teen the one to band Andy the outlaw cash. A minute after Joe All and his orchestra opened fire with Wltmark's "Pepper Pot" march, the opening medley brought tbo chorus of eighteen girls on. Ore couples In white skirts, and different .with sn eighteen karat gold voice and colored "upon" coats and Panama bats, and eight nlng appearance every minute ahe la on. Quale Is beautiful and represents three-quarters of the tills of the farce easily. George Hayes and bis comic rural way la most of the show, although Ambark AH equally comes abreast of him in the fun making during the opportunities allowed him. Margaret Lea makes a charming prima donna Stan- She pmles In lavender Buster Brown suits. A showy has a repertoire at wardrobe that oust need opening, trim a guarantee that the Lowry Amuse- more than, a few Taylor made trunks. sent Co. picked a good looking background for the principals. After . this, which is all In a blue and wblte set, representing the reception holt of Mrs. Warren's Academy, Estelle Cameron; as "Instructress in Deportment," In a pretty blue town, leads "Sailing on the Nancy Lee." and wits the entrance of Patsy (Arthur Searles) as a red headed meseenger boy, with' a telgram an- wmrtnir the coming of Plnkerton Burns, "$3,000 lev/aid" got started, and romped along till 10.81 P. H. with but a few regular laughs. In programmed order Arthur Searles sang "Ob, My Love," assisted by the chorus, and Is followed by Estelle Cameron, In a two piece, ■nazly-nttlng bine "gym" suit and fleshings to Batch, that gives a marvelous idea of bow gen- erous "the powers that be" were In endowing her wltb 13.000 worth of some figure. I "Gym- asslum Girls" is the number she has for it, assisted again by about a dosen girls. In '.'the prettiest of Ideas" In" female "gym" suits, de- signed alike, but of black and white, pink and white, and purple and wblte hues. "In the Candle Light" brought pretty and pop- ular Lllla Breunsn Into the spot. In a lacey, X-ray dressing gown and boudoir cap, assisted by the chorus, in transparent dressing gowns. Miss Breuaan was in line voice and the number should have gone even better than toe lazy, slim crowd of to night awarded it. - George Hayes brought them, up In their seats with his special words to "AH He Does Is Fol- low Them Around." and sang about hslf & dozen or more verses before calling quits. Jack and Jeanette Gold were a huge success In a graceful whirlwind dance specialty, and the final "neck swing" was good for a thrill. They looked neat; Jack In gray evening clothes and Jeanette In an appropriate dance gown of same color. . , W. A. Wolfe and Margaret Lee were next to told in the variety part of the show. In songs. With Miss Lee In black and white satin, striped bodice and becoming bat to match, and Mr. Wolfe In a striped flannel suit and straw, their first cumber wss "I Wsnt to Meet the Man Who Wrote That Melody." In good harmony; Miss Lee followed with, a solo, after a quick change to a Spanish, rose colored fringed gown ana sailor to match, for displaying a most sweet soprano voice that has range and smoothness la every sole, and "Beautiful Roses" could not be im- proved npon to show off the full quality of her vocal fortune. She Is good to look upon, baa a ane figure, and makes a stunning appearance In all she wears. A bass solo by Mr. Wolfe, changed to evening dress, was a following strong number, and they finished together, using "Celebration Day In Ten- nessee," with another change by Miss Lee to a Jet beaded black gown and a chic becoming clack hat, and they were given a grand ovation. Lllla Brencan and George Hayes were next, with Mlas Brennan retaining the filmy dressing gown to stag "1 Want a Little Loving Sometimes," under •pot, seated on a sofa and directing her "wants" at Hayes, while George brought out the giggles with bis "taken by surprise" business. Their repeat together and kiss business, with comic All looking the Job over and mugging, was good for another encore. Margaret Lee lead. 'Xlngering." the final nom In beanty to any ingenue's In ? 'J,* °™i." 1 , wear them with more grace. ^'"PP* 1 *J ■as a fairly good part, which JSSHf•, *? .?L d ilrably as well as she slogs. W0 ?,L!.'? e o! n ! Lllla Brennan, in an Ingenue role, la easy going and sails along through her lines In a most captl- ratlng way while ahe renders all her songs In ss satisfying good voice. Miss Brennan'a dresses are probably equal in beanty to any ingenue's in burlesque, and none tjr™ Kstrlle Cameron has aha handles as admirably as well as she slogs, Though not possessing the volume of voice of others surrounding her, she puts over each of her three numbers In a most acceptable way. Arthur Searles hasn't much to do In the mes- reurer hoy role, snd W. A. Wolfe gives a good account of himself In the Sherlock part of Pinker- ton Bursa. H. A. Saunders is lost, except when he finds time as a wslter to Juggle the high hst, cane, cigar and dishes of his guests Ears and Andy, In Ibe second act, and his specialty of manipulating one stick with one other two. He was roundly rewarded for bis efforts. Jack Gold has a minor role, and doubles as s crook wltb Saunders in the first act. He i-blnes, with Jeonnetts Gold, In their footwork special- ties. The chorus, s good looking gathering of girls, Including many blondes, work and sing well to- gether, thopgh there is a lack of one or bwo peppery ones among them. They Include: Doro- thy Rsrle, Ruth Garner, Agnes Porter. Dorothy Wright. Nora Wakefield, Anna Pray, Mena Gra- ham, Beatrice Burton, "Babe" Barns, Edna Hare, Teannette Gold. Catherine Olosser. Gertrude Klngsley, Joy Rogers, Ethel Armstrong, Pets Morgan, Lillian Brooks, Helen Davis, Irene Easop and Inns Downs. The executive staff: K. A. Shaffer, manager; F. E. Jacobs, agent; Fred Glosser, stage car- penter; Tom Dillon, master of properties; Will- lam Swift, electrician, and Madam P. A. Flenr, wardrobe mistress. Tod, I THE GYPSY MAIDS. "Smoke Among the Gypsies." The cast: Romany Rye, Jim 0. Dixon; Kabo. Morris Moscow; Alexis, Murray Harris; Ezra Weatherspoon, SI Jenks; Squire Snltxel. John O. Hanson; Smoke. Tom McRae; Oxa, Belle Mai- lette; Mary Snltxel, Fannie St, Clair; Betsy Weatherspoon, Jennie Ross; Mrs. Snltxel, Lottie Blackford; Msud, Anna Llndlar; Minnie, Jeanne Oosslgnol; Mabel. Betty Moscow. The chorus: Dolly Pass, Clara Home, Mabelle Parker, Jeanne Oosslguol, Maye Stsnley, Laura Worth. Susie Wilson. Irene Howard, Anna Llnd- lar, Madge Taull, Ella F,wlng, Irene Nolan, Florence Fredericks, Edna Cooper, Edith Shafer, Agnes Desrlng, Augusta Georgia, Betty Moscow, Nellie Buellng. _^_ _ Executive Staff for Jae. Blotch Cooper: Man- ager, William V. Jennings; business manager, Harry G. Collier; stage manager. Tom McBae; musical director, A. L. Keefe; stage carpenter, Abe Cohen; property master, O. E. Marks; elec- trician, Wm. Sedhort; wardrobe mistress, Battle Keith. Cast: THE CITY SPORTS, "A LADIES' MAN." Jacob Giggles Harry Koler Learltt; Steve Nerre, Jack Gig- Arthnr Young; bsT"to the flrS ocTta black filings 3 .Td velvet fe/sam^OIaude WeJt ■ Besry Higgln," wT. &!^±! sill t^^w.* fe.o.fJI' && ^..^/^ *» Rhinestones. Margaret looks well"in the tights. and Is assisted In 'he number by the chorus attired In blue waists, with collars studded with stars, silver white knee-length skirts and red flesb.lmrs aad large felt hats. The encore Is taken, "in one," before a red velvet drop, with the entire company straddling the footlights. Pretty effect. During the Becond set, which takes place In the Japanese Gardens in tho grounds surrounding the Warren Academy, the first hearty laughs crop out in the Apache dance of AH and Hayes, after Margaret Lee sings "Dome Bsck to Me" In a "lie green show gown that spells class from the corresponding satin slippers to the top of the hat she wears. The setting Is top notch, and the electrical effects make the scene most realistic; and beautiful, with the show girls in different colored etenlng gowns and picture hats, seated at falf a dozen tables or so, and tho ponies in knee length spangled green dresses and fleshings. Tho Apache dance of Jack and Jeannette Gold la worked up to after the entrance of Mr. Wolfe and silss Cameron, the flirting with the former by aiiss Gold, as a dower girl from the underworld, and Wolfe's attempted leaving the gardens with) ner, and the appearance of the Apache's sweet- neart (Jack Gold). A near scrap between the n»n Interrupted by the gal and then a dance by J'ck and Jeannette that they would do well to inject more stepping Into and less rough handling or _per by him to make It n thorough good bit. Following this Estelle Cameron again comes now with the groom-to-be Patsy (Arthur Burn Bubesteln; Queeirle Kiss, June Mills; Flor- ette. Ruby Bailey; Blanche, Fanole Vedder; Daxte, Hose Ford. _ . __,. The olio: Claude West; "The Great While Wav" skit, and Jolly June Mills. The chorus: Anna. Williams Babe Hamilton. Lillian Berth, Lillian Young. Nan Carlton, Maria Conlon, Llxxle Rogers, Bertha Hortmann, Alice McCann, Carrie Young, Mar*! Kelly, Martha Il.illlngsworth. Anna Scott, Hope Sawyer, Bessie Wllmont, Belle Sml*, Jane Ostraad, Sadie Fair- child. Rose White. ^^ Staff: Dick Patton. manager: Fred B. Strauss, tiniiness manager; Archie McOann. director or music; Abo Leavitt, director of stage; A. T. Young, carpenter; Ourley McGowan, master at properties; J oe Baker, electrician. pat TrarrE at patersoh. r»« Call had a good account of Pat WMte and '*-Tne r 'veuicIe Is called The Country Club and Casey nt the Carnival.' Pat White, as Casey. Is a si-room from curtain to curtain. Among the advantageous additions to the cast are Red Feather and Lanier De Wolf. Both are admir- able vocalists, and the latter is a .dancer of un- usual merit. Anns Grant Is with the show again and, ss In former year., contributes much tS tho entertainment wltb her vocal renditions. Alva McGIll was on the dot with looks, votes and acting ability, and installs herself a fsrorite at first sight. For oil of her songs ahe was en- cored repeatedly. Her dresses were one prettier than the other, and in tights she alio loomed up to great adrantage. Martha Edmond bad a line of vivacity that was contagious, and she sang and danced aa a sou- brette of the first water. Another valuable mem- ber to lead numbers and all those allotted to her were good, and railed for repeals. Uutcl Parker, Helolae Hnrton and Beatrice Ls Due did their work In approved fashion, and are strong on looks also. Harvey Greene, a good actor, did the straight in the first act and made good. Although he was ita an effeminate part In the bur- not make It objectionable and . rating on Its account. Albert Shaw and Sam Lee, who hare lately come Into burlesque from rauderllle, make good by their excellent dancing and are valuable mem- bers for parts. The choru. oe- twenty girl, filled the stags nicely with the grand staircase set, and ample lighting and lbs six men In full dress formed the contrast. • The cumbers Included a lively opening chorus, "Father Came Home with the Milkman In the Morning," by Mr. Greene; "What a Wonderful Lovo That Would Be," by Miss Edmond and Mr. Greene; "All He Does Is Follow Them Around." by Shaw and Lee; "At the Ball. That's All," by Martha Edmond snd tbe company. In a great lineup end clever business, of which the audi- ence couldn't get enough; "Aha Daba Honey- moon," with Mlsa Edmond and Sbaw and Lee making monkey business to many recalls; "la the Valley of the Moon," well sung by Mlas Mc- GIll to encores; "Bonnie, My Highland Lassie," by Miss Edmond, st the head of the barelegged Highland lassies, and "When I Come Back," by Mlas Edmond, so It can be seen that Miss Edmond was kept fairly busy. The dresses for all these cumbers were exceptionally fetching. Albert Sbaw anil Sammy Lee opened the olio with their selection of dancing steps, and made a hit with their surprising movements. Suits Moore, Harvey Greene. Beatrice La Dne and Helolse Horton presented Mr. Moore's sketch, "Tbe Self-Made Man." Alva McGIll sang "You May Be the World" and "Sleep, Baby, Sleep." to several encores. The Manhattan Comedy Four, Including a Jew comedian, had harmony on tap, mixed with good comex'.y. They sang "Chattanooga, Tcnn.," 'The Melody Man."' "I Had a Pal," "Game of Love" and "Irish Tango." In the burlesque, Moore had fun-making oppor- tunities as a letter carrier, and Scaiilsn did • life-saver, wearing a fierce black mustache. A' hero was required, and both tried to qualify. At Ibe finish they appear as ridiculously attired Jockeys. Harrey. Greene was Jobnuy Softhead, a "sissy." The numbers showed up Snltx Moore with "How Is Everything by You, All Right " a big hit; "Don't Go Away." by Miss Edmond; "Nobody Tangos Like You Do," by Miss Mc- GIll. and with it, assisted by rsrlous tango couples, also by Miss Edmond and Mr. Shaw, in pretty steps, it looked as If the show would bare to end. There were ten encores at least. "By the Beautiful Sea" was another for Mis* 1M- mond, and Miss Gill finished op with "Dixie," and led tbe final drill with the girls in full tights, whtcb topped off tho show very nicely. The chorus: Margie Leslie, Mae Raymond. Lil- lian Qulnn, Florence Fletcher, Ada Lewis, Hel?n West, Grace Werner. Mae Meyers. Lillian Miller, Mae Clark, Basel Klrke, ..Mottle Stanley, Greta Le Roy. Beatrice La Dne. Helolse Horton, Lillian Clark, Hazel Parker, Peggy Malln, Flossie Rad- cllffo and May Nelson. The staff: Samuel Howard, manager and gen- eral press represe n tative; Charles H. Crofts, business manager In advance; Harry Werner, mu- sical director; Alfred II. Bobbins, master me- chanic; Shirley Speight, property man; James Larochelle, electrician; Madame Greer, wardrobe mistreat. Jfili. Follies of Pleasure (Rube Bernateln). Moulin Rouge Girls (Suiter A Nussbaum) Dainty Maids (Arthur Lining) ,< Hello Perls (Wm. II. Roctim) Passing Review of 1014 (Joe I.eritt) Charming Widows (Hal M. Solly) Progresslre Girls (O. T, Crawford) Monto Carlo Olrls (Tom D. Sullivan).......... Froltqucs of mil (Roy Applrgate) Pajama Glrla (Joe Howard) Mischief Makers (Jean Berilnll Fay Foster Co. (Joe Oppenhclmer) September Morning Glories (I. M. Welngarden), Maids of the Orient (Joe Wood) Girls from Joyland (Dan Mack) Fields sad Field. In Parle (W. A. Ellis) Dark Town FolUc* (Fred Rider) Jeanette Dupre Show (Oeorge Dupre) .- There Is an open week, aa there are twenty-flr* ebowe wltb only twenty-tour weeks, Including four split weeks. For Columbia VrAeel Sri Burlr.ous Iloutot. BILLY WATSON'S SHOW. "Kronsmeyer'a Christening." Tbe cast: Krousey, King of Japan, Billy Wat- son; Krou.meyer, Philip, the welner wurat man, Billy Watson; Mike Grogan, Johnnlo Jess; B"s- trlce, Spanish maid, Lillian Franklyn; Annie Queen of Japan. Ida Walling; Jappy Two, Adolede vine; Jappy One, Maggie Newall; Lcanora, Ruby Marlon; Mills Manklpoo, Lulu Leslie; To Blllle, Ed. Lalor; Po Billle, P. McGlnls; Jankite, William J. Bowers; Tom Tat, Chief of Brigands, John B. West; Hurlloo, Harold Morti- mer. Obome: Lnln Leslie. Grace Sachs, Anna Walt- man, Loretto Claxton, Amy Thomas, Carman Les- lie. Adeleds Walsh. Blanch Hose. Rhea mil, Anna Fenlon. Maggie Nowall, Lulu Shanley. Inez Camp- bell, Nora Henry, Etta Rodger., Rena Powell, Mabelle Rled, Carrie Bernard. Florence Cook, Matllo Klpp, Edna Kershaw, May Wagner. Staff: Billy Watson, owner; Lew Watson, man- ager; J. Buchblnder, advance agent; Billy Wat- sou, stage msuiger; T. Abratm, musical director; U. P. Rowan, carpenter; W. II. Bclden, prop- erty man; Madam Fenlon. wardrobe mistress. THE GAYETY STAFF. At tbe Oayety, Milwaukee, J. W. Whitehead Searles) aa her escort Again her man is eop- tured by a "fair one," in tbe person of Am- bark All. ridiculously rigged out In pink, green wig ami prop" bare feet. "She" flirted with Patsy, niucn to the second chagrin of Estelle, who blew. and from then on the manoeuvres of All, closely following the doings of Jeannette Gold, the ar- rival of George Hayes, after Searles slipped ine gal" an armful of greenbacks, and the rough- uonse dance a la wrestltng that Hayes and All onered was foil worth the "one hundred" laughs and applause Lou Hurtlg's guests of Aug. 27 "howtred on it, Lffla Brennan and Arthur Searles held the RB." wee bit Inter for their rendering of "If 1 Had Someone At Home Like You." Lllla wore a blue dress and hat for this that made Iter look even sweeter than In anything sbe gracefully carried earlier lu the evening. Their vocalising was In order and they had to repeat four time* wore the "Reward" was continued. Miss 1-ee. Jf.a pretty yellow gown lead "Fill the Old "Jaten Bucket wtlh Lore," assisted by tbe chorus « yelkrw knee-length dresses, designed with) green spangled butterflies, and black stocking*. A trio number by Hayes, All and Searles found '"« 'or its comedy, but was a bit alretched. ?S£ ?,"*■ not equal tbe fun derived from another ._,. rnwnnn Ulo" In which Hayes acts In the capacity of PLAYING "H-" 0 , 1 ";' __ taarrylng Patsy (Searles) to "Dal»y, who wsnts Urdu tho completion of the Hartfcrt Theatre, 9 get married," the latter being taken by Dot ln Hartford. Coon., tho shows .hooted th ere er a pone, a slim, but good looking blonde when she pijjiag »t tbe Gllmoro the first half of the work. « cavorting In the chorus, but made-up rural s ' manager; Oha.. J. Fox. asslatant manager intl treasurer; Joe Krause. asslatant treasurer; ArLrE.lJnnn, Advertising agent; J. J. White- head, superintendent auditorium; Geo. logsn. door keeper; Walter OUudCT. mnsleal Jg*** Jack Warner, stage manager; Archie Mlddlemaas, electrician. m s " BOOHING PATERSOlf. Louts Roble, manager of Watson's Orpheum, pstSson. N. J., says be is quickly getting la harness again. Business Is very good and^_he fas- tends to see that It keep. up. Allbe asks Is that tbo various shows give Peterson a fair ensnee. by not cutting out their leading players anil some chorus girls when they play the Or- pheum. ' DRAWING THE LADIES. Ssrn Howard, manager of <<>•, w ,', nM "' P 5»: eresslre), t» particularly enthueiaetlc over the 5rge number of ladles that rtMtedttjs P««peet, New York. ls»t week, and expressed their ap. proval of hi* sttractlon. GIRLS OP THE GREAT WHITES WAY. The cast: Lent* Pinocle. Frsnk Burt; Schaum- blaser,' Bennle Small; Mile, Pompom. Maude Rockwell; Touchem. Jlmmle Gallagher; 8. Backs, Johnnie Walker; Chancier*. Ed win Jerome: La Belle Helene, Flo Davis; Ma Ida Kale, Emma Cook; Helene, Flo Davis; Maids Kale, Emma Cook; Almee, Gertie Barr; Margot, Evelyn Barr: The Vlcrrola Girl. Helen Rley; Hiram. Sam Beam. Chorus: Margie Hallownee. Ruby Merriman, Garnot Merntman. Marie Allen. Emma Allen, Ruth Appleton, Helen Brlce, Margaret Clark, Teddy Stanley, Una Kerrltt. Leda Him*, Myrtle Sheppard. Violet Want, Marie Bcbinler, VU Hoajben, Florence Martin, Eleanor Gray. Executive Staff for Dare Gordon: Dave Gor- don, manager; Bernard Kelley, business man- ager; Phil. Miller, musical director; Chas. Schlndler, carpenter; Ernest Smith, electrician; Clyde Werta. master of properties; Madams Brennan, wardrobe mistress. DREAMLANDS. Miner's Bronx, Ana;. 20, A foil house wta in attendance to tee "Divorce- land" and "War at Juarez." Dave Marlon ha* eqntpped tbla show handsomely and provided a good company, headed by "Hlukey Dee" Will H. Ward. The show la pitched In a high key, every- body shouting snd rushing about except Mr. Ward, who stands out by his qalet little remarks In hi* piping roles with great effect. He use. a funny facial make-op with his bald head, and 1* gen- uinely funny. Joe Burton 1* cast *| Irish, and a* such be acted In amusing manner. Fred Ireland, aa the natty atralght, did the correct thing right In his line, and be also **ng particularly well In "When the Devil Deal* In the (tame, ' a descriptive spotlight number. Patrick Mile* played aa elderly gucat at the hotel, who participated In the general melee. Ralph Rlckua, aa the hotel proprietor, shouted and ranted, and hired tbe two principal come- dian* aa detectlre*. I.ew Eller, Gas Rober, Al, Dwlnell, Al. Weston ?laved minor male role*. "Swat" Mulligan did s unnv sissy hit as the waller, and also appeared aa a policeman. The ladles' contingent I* heeded by Inez Do Venller, a dashing leading woman, whose voice la good, particularly lu the lower register, and who ahowca to excellent advantage In all ahe did. Nemo Catto la a dsliuy little soubrette, with lively feet, and equally at home In dresses and trouser.v. Ethel Kickus played a small part, and Vivian Blugham aud Beatrice Winning were dis- tinguished on tbe program as "two natty speci- men* of the bellboy." Twenty girl* wore the protty choristers' suits and did good work from tbo opening. In a brlithtly illuminated first part set, down through all the numbers to the lively finishing march, The company of principal* came on at once and Joined In the medley. "The Tip Top Type of a Typical Yankee Girl." with patriotic air*, was well dono by Mis* De Verdler; "Scotch Bonny Marie," by Mis* Catto, and "Who'll Go Along wltb Me?" and "Slumlior- land" also earned encores. At the finish of Ibe first act six of the girl* brought their cots with them, and camped out In the hotel lobby, prior to the general assembly. The mliup in rooms caused tho fun. For the third scene, funny pantomime hit* with characteristic Jerky music, ami some funny wiggles by everybody, also Included a hit of Apache, with s Jealous lover ahootlng bis girl snd her admirer, finishing with the .sine old wiggle, to a good laugh. The Alpine Four, good harmonists, bad a scene to themselves, and tang a number of popular selections, finishing with "At the Ball." The burlesnue Is on the Mexican War. with Mr. Ward aa Dutch, and Mr. Ireland a* a "bum," looking altogether different from bl* first act character. They qualify a* soldier* in tbe Mexi- can array and experience a battle, wltb cannon ball* flying and other realistic effects. Joe Burton waa an Irish Capt. Mulligan, who was funny in hi* lore making to the Mexican President'* wife. Ralph) Bicker* had quieted down womewhst a* Reeor*. Mis* De Venller appeared first In a ueat riding bablt. then in velvet knlck- erhockeri, a* a toreador, and later a* the wnorlt*. Alls* Catto also doubled a* a Spanish girl and a* an American soldier. "Good Old Uncle Sam." it may be giiCHed wa* a number on the patriotic order, well done by the quartette; "Hannah from Louisiana" gave op- portunity for clever dancing by Mlsa Catto, in white tight*, and the girl, in Plantation suits. "Land of Golden Dream*" wa* the duet, welt presented by Mia* De Verdler and Mr. Ireland. Mr. Ward sans his "Wine Old Owl" song to many encores, wltb hoot* by the girls, Is purple clown suits. Tbe flirtation of tbe captain led to a trial scene, with Ward on the bench and Ireland a* tbe attorney, and tbo "On the Bench" hit wa* well done. Mr. Ward also eat* tbe banana and grapee which grew on Ml** De Verdler'* hat. The report of an adjutant, delivered In Hebrew, made a big fait, al*o Mr. Ward's delivery of the "Mr. Pom Pom" and the remlnlnescence of tbe "Strawberry Pie." Tbe program doe* not same tbe chorus girls, nor the staff. Bob Travel* Is manager. Jf lit. a WHY NOT IDENTIFY TUB 0111141 f Soma reason* ago Al. Reeve* bid a card ex- hibited, giving tbe name of each choru* girl ** sbe appeared on the atage. with his show. In order that each girl may be properly Identi- fied by the audience, who hare a right to know which 1* which. Tub Ci.irrsn suggests that, like Jockey., the girl* wear nest little armband*, giv- ing her number, la correspond with an index printed In the program. Lino them np at tbe opening for Identification for a numla-r. Remember Glrla I Tit* OLirrrs la tbe paper that has always recognized the fact that If thcra ware no chorut cr/rl* then iruuld t* no ourttnijur vhteli, and for that reason has always published tbe chorus girl* names In It* review., s REEVES CHANGES SHOW. Last week wa* ■ bnsy one for Al. Reeve* be- tween regular show, and night rehearzala, for the now Srat part to bo pat on this week at the Ca-lno. Brooklyn. Edgar Blxley aid Edith Swan will leave, lo go Into vaudeville. Ed. Johnston and Jeanctlo Buckley, Ham Goldman, Charles and Ida Yeagrr, Fred Collins and Louie Rice will be added. Sammy Wright stays, and a regular soubrette In Margie Catlln Is shown. Collin* will play straight, and Mlsa Rio* will have an Ingenue role and also do her Oriental dance at the flnlsh of first pari. BARTON. A BENEDICT. Charles Barton, manager of the advertising de- partment of the Columbia circuit, was msrrled, Thursday, Aug. 37, to Mary Agne* Collin*, who w«* employed la Ous Hill's oiAce, and also In charge of Columbia Typewriting Exchange. They started a trip to different Eastern cities, on their honeymoon. i * LEONARD AND ALV1N CALLED TO WAIl. - After tbe doling performance of tbe (linger Girl* it the Oayety, in Omaha, Neb., a little spread was served ih* loemlen of the company in honor of Leonard ar.d Alvln, a well-known act which left the show, sud whose given names are Nathan and Irving Marvklnaky. They bare been summoned with mother brother by Ihelr native country to help defend II* honor, and will leave from New York this week for St. Petersburg. These boy* were tecrulted from Ibe lloyal bal- let at St. Petersburg, subject to their country's call, by Mag Rahlunff, wluse iiromlneuce In tbla country waa partlculurlv associated with Uuaslan dancer*, notably Parlnwa. It wa* their first ap- pearance In burlesque, a* Jo* Hurtlg .lgn«d them after wltutzslng a |«r(ormance of the Anna Par- lows show, tbelr wjieclalty being one of the dan- cing hlta of the attraction Tbelr departure la considered by memlter* of the company nn most regrettable, aa they loth were becoming very popular with tbelr arsuclatr* back of tbe foot- tight*. * GALLIGAN MOVES TO LOUISVILLE. Edward F, flalllgan, who managed the Nelson Theatre, In Logaii.port, Ind., 1018-14, left there Aug. 23, for Loularllle, Ky., where be laaunie. the management of tbe Masonic Theatre, which will offer Progressive burlesque this *e*.on. During Mr. Gilllgan'* stay fat Luganaport bo made a boat of friends among amusement lovers by bis comtant aim to give hi* patron* the Iwwt attractions to be had. lie I* an untiring worker, anil the big business received by attractions play- ing tbe Nelson last season demonstrated the merit* of bll effort*. Mr. Gilllgan 1* succeeded at tbe Loganimort house by (Ilia*. L. Fallon, builneai manager, last season, of "The Girl In Ibe Tazl" Co. Mr, Fal- lon spent the Hummer In logansport, and as- sisted Mr. Galllgiu In glrlng Loganaimrt people some ezcellent outdoor amusements, (luring till* time he proved himself to be an excellent liual- nesa man, energetic and thoroughly conversant with all that pertains to thorough amusement business. A uuiuN-r of excellent attraction* liars been booked, assuring a prosperous zeiion, i i MARION BOMBARDING BUFFALO. (Special to Till CLH'i'fiii.; Dave .Marlon opened a week'* engagement at DniTiilo, N, Y., Aug. 31, and turned iheiu away for twelve performances, following "Beef Trust'' Watson, and bl« gross takltiga wa* Just exactly II.20O raor* than Watson', grass. The show was an Instantaneous hit, and "Snuffy" was soosi made the Idol of the nlar. All the press unanimously concede Marlon'* ''this year's model" to be the belt ho ever attempted. NEW PROGRESSIVE HOUSES. The Progressive circuit will play the American Music Hall, Omaha, aiu! Hie old Orpheum, Kan- si* City, tienlng Oct. 4. Walt Lbsui ha. Issued a war sheet,to adver- tise the Bon Ton*. It gives tho features of lbs •how wltb Illustrations of -the itnrs, also the fighting strength of the different European coun- tries on land and tea, and the picture* of tbe various ruler*. Tiiii'vi got Jack Faust doing vaitdevllls (In another paper). Didn't know It w-a* iu "the Silver King." Wint derard'. Follies of Ibo Day, one of the characters represented 1* "Al. Reeve*." J. TiiwiPOHS Muai-iir I* with tbo Maids of th* Orient Clio. Ci.aik Join* Hello, Pari, at Detroit. Sam Wwiiiit, German couiedlin, Jumped In without a rehearsal Monday, Aug. 24, with AL Boeras' Show, at tho Columbia, Now York, and did fairly well. Ho continue* Willi tho revised show, Till Million Doixau Dom.h hail sell out, Sun- day and Monday, Aug, 2,1 anil 24, it tbe Colum- bia, Chicago. Mis. Dank*, widow of Charles L. Hanks, and daughter, ami a parly of friends from Baltimore and Washington, have spent a pleasant tlmo at Atlantic City, and returned home Monday. Hah Hows got splendid pre** notice* at Mln- nea|»ll» last week. The Counte.* itoasl w*« also honorably mentioned. WANT PARTNER, AGENT OR MAN- AfiKH for Htouk tmUor tent. South forWIntor. Small capital noodvil. f Inivo olOKunt outfit.noat- Ing 1,900, new. Will consider actor that could bo featured. N'o Angel wanted, Jttutt bo oxpu- rloneed. llux 42, Marietta, Ohio, _ —......jg I,, tor thla number, „__"£»njp* Bay" Is probably the prettiest dressed comber lu the show, ind is leid by Lllla Bren- S*";, In a rose colored ftlcgy scarf dress and seeblsgs, assisted by tbe chorus, half Is alike STILL AT IT. Jack Levy, who Was tonasrly manager «Jtb Hastings' Bfar Show, Is now to tie mm capacity with Taxi Olfss. PROM CHORUS TO PART. Era Ohadwick, who Jomped out of tbe chores Last learon with th* Ginger- Glrla and played Luells Temple's pirt, t* (ovjbrette with Hurtlg at Beamon'* Taxi Glrla thl* season. s HE WILL GUARD THE CASH. Jack Oawford. who ws* tbe assistant treas- urer at tbe Empire Theatre, Brooklyn, N. I., bos been promoted to treasurer. * EMMA IN VAUDEVILLE. Emma O'Nell, last season principal woman with the Ren Welch show, will play vaudeville this 0IGNS~A~£t>N Drew k Campbell bare closed • dell for s lease oo tbe Grand. Cleveland, o., for a number of years, to play Columbia added wheel (how*. Colombia shows are playing at tbe Star, and the Progressive have the Empire In that city. a HAROIB WITH AL. _ Margie Catlln ha* • Igrwd with Al. Reeres' Big Show aa soobrette. Joining at tbe Casino. Brook- lyn, tbla week, and b allowing an elaborate ward- robe. * ■ A NEW STAND. The Girl* from Joylm] are thl* week playing •t Lswiston, Me., a new stand on the Progressive wheel. « i Has Roib, Ben Holmes and Leans Fox are fea- tured with Hi* Winning widow*. I GUARANTEE that MADINON'g BUDGET will mnko goodovory llmi), or your nionoy Lack with- out (tins or argument. MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15 PRICE ONE DOLLAR Contents Include 12 great monologue*, 8 wonderful nets for two mitles and 7 acts for male mid female, (Mm real goods) Id latest parodies, a tiptop Minstrel llrst parts, s Hldo- spllltlng tabloid farce, beside* hundred* of original Brigs. Hldewulk bits, etc. MADI- HOH'tt IIUIKIKT, No, lf> costs ONF, DOLLAR per copy. Hack Ihkucs oat 'of print, except No. 14; price, $1, or Budget* Hand 16 to- gether, $ I.W). Noto my new address, . JAMBS MADISON, 108SI THIRD A VENUE,NEW YORK WANTED—First Glass Pair Tympanies, complete In trunk. Also IS or 20 note set of Cathedral Tube Chimes, with knock down rack, complete In trunk. Lccdy-mako preferred. Also ll-flst Soprano rJaxoplione, low pilch. Describe fully wltli lowest price. S*0tit CENTURY MUSIC CO. lt.ilJ Broadway, New Vork city ) »* l' I; '.