The New York Clipper (September 1914)

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September -UST THE N&W YORK CLIPPER/ v >- u w^'w«SS22SSi^^r^teme SS33 ^S3S^ftSaS^& c a ro, aJ w* *u o»ed bTflplw * LoTtna, Carson A Wlltord, son, Mande li' SKMfiFS&L™^ ™- TO«S»ifey»in<iai»oth«rtopnolctoiB. My acta «Bo1»S?m!SS Blanche Almee: p^- 9 •Jn Hanna; H\>iJx' fa^ Harr^l/oS*?: jstd. a.**. «* »t» »-T«port. gSB^Svwv^ie HAaneBaaraw's, Ban. 7. tnws Montgomery and Moore. ValertJ Be?. The names. De Angell. wd IXveoport, »r» in i*g. a Jfi >«?"JW !!li »B /'Circumstantial Bvi- uJSwlfM enough for a laugh, and with their ?«° p ? = UNjR Morle. Jack Haiarl Pealaon aaUrtrnto vaodevlUe they har< wilted a elever an £ «"ldle, Cameron Qlrlg, Nick S r » and SSrof talk about therneelves principally, and «"»P»»r. Velvan and tamore 1ST tta two burlesque skits, oao with the hi mill seer* Dennis Brother*. ™" i * na »• "" . _ utii.,.-. Tiiana '• • tiff fhM Hossir+i tMna frvw> rnmail. /¥__ B ■ a —. Do you ting Parodies? If so, we wiu send you 4 Sore Fire, Klp-Koaring Hits. BARNETT & PYLE'S BEST PARODIES _ "Sot (A* Cteapeft, 6*4 (ha M," Send u $1 and we will send yon Um 4. ADORKS8 Bjrnttt & Pyk, 540 W. l58tk$t,F«wT«fL CHICAGO'S LATEST. m&ws srf«3 firfiir-8 &4SiSw3h^?^ c ^' S^funnj .t time., but tho "Camllle" skit WW «rh«TModern Girt » ' Tbl >«« m JI , -32j! «<tr»iu-... ,.-..,..,„ S3 u a for a flaiah, with Be Angel to trjlnf to J a i lu8 st Sf™ tSm^t^%3SL^SSS} H * » lu ™<«™ We»t rtortlj Md Mlse DaveB*HrLwtoo falle oa Urn.ft* a BaWta NI^»£%5iV2* ESf^,*"!*?* At F\ Gorman is 160"^ Clarenoa X Wortham stows, were Ourrsa jre. Fted H. Sargent report* neat progma Untax uo LOTTS HOTELS FOR PROFESSIONAL FOLKS WHILE ID CHICAGO R1TES{ BISGLB §4 to •» per week DOVBU tdtollOperwMk rear. The act too Ion*. Cut both are well known 5?aS"-a£«fi m^ assagai!i5a"^s5a N^lW^M«rf!fiB. nown and popular, ^g, ^•w # wa ... -.___ *?"** P*? 1 ? «*»t at teth patfonnat OUT OF TQWH HEWS Golde* Troup*. HiuiuMTM'i, Sarr. T, For a closlaf act, on Honday, Trmipc of Boaalan alniwra, danceca and Inatru- - ooralna *J"- •^VA.OHIKGrTOKf. Bxusoo (U 8toddaru Tajlor, mgr.)—Paul J. Rauiar Attkan Hunt iilctuws, mentallita. were a oorslnc good clostag act (or the big ahow. There are foortooo In the act, £"*"*«r ■mnjaD nunc tuciurra, new series 1911. Including their own lesder, and the act has coat Hare been decided!; Interesting snd lnstructl?e * prettr penny for the handsome eoatamea they and hare pleased large auilknces. Oood bnaluesa sbow sa well as the special scenery. It opens )"** Aug. 31. The photo-drama of "Dsmsaed with a song, then a selection Is played on man- G< » J » *§«■ Sept. 7. ^ dollna and guitars, but the real act la the dan- _OttjP »Pa (Fred O. Berger, mgr.)—Lyman H. dug, and It can be safely said we hare nerer ,n«we s Traiel Festival havo been a treat to all awn better dancing of this kind la this city. It the croud father of a tru " lug 8n«. . loop iheitre — psajfonnancea. ^„ air of optrmlam preralla and a big season li an- ticipated, If. N. 8ellg, millionaire moTlng plcrare magnate, I* 0 w »» "aarooned In Europe, Is expected to ar- rive In Chicago next week. John J. Martloek was a recent rlaltor. Frances Kennedy, who retired from "The Kkm- en." may go Into vaudeville. -""i: ?■ Bn " P«»es through Chlesgo on bla way Rast, A. B. Meyers retums from New York, and with hie associate), opens offlcea In the Beclor Build- ing. The Vnorterlllo Manager*' Association Is booking n «r(riip(l,in« f..» sl.~ /t_.^A »i .< hi. raa twenty-two mlnnlrs. full stage. Big. Jovers of One pictures. Especially his marine th* "ttrnctlona for tho Great Northern Hlppo- plclures, which hare not been eicelled. Oood " r ? m e. Earl Ooi formerly booked them, business week of Aug. 31. Tho third snd list °5! G,rl ta ■ Million," a moslcal 7«*k of riowo'R Trav'el FestlrsT began Sent t Jjjjj Jj; 041 , "a premlero performaDce at tho I.a Urine T Havkibstitn's, Saw. 7. Relne ? Is billed like an advertisement for a Parisian fashionable dressmaking establishment. It reads on the program: "Relne T will wear fiftv different gowns daring the week." If tbe ?aei.tlon mark b to ask the audience If the per- grmer Is a man or a woman It la needless, for oa bis sppearanca averyone was wise. Relne? rendered four song* on Monday, snd with each a different creation, and they are sure some clothes, altltough some are a trifle daring, nut they went anurowe, to wbo»o much credit Is'due ■ HP "own Jubilee of tbe Knights of Pvthli ■ 2°. P^iS 0 ™"- ?. e ?'£ * f "» \ 0,<: \ Si ,or * , Brlck * rt . 'WW- D. Oorbelt, Va. IT. Evarts, Stnn- 2T*l!5*»»•=J«s«t to-nlajtit, helped to swoll ami.SfnM-Dt dnlBli did an eicellent dance. Relne ? win make ley James, Rosjell Fillmore and Cecil Bowse* « ,w ^ t « l In Chicago. The conclave was of Twelve were all good. Isetta Jewell gtue on eiceUent rKonl "w*" 1 * proportion. Annette Kellermann. In "Meptuue's Danahter." S?!i* Th'a're, last night, with tbe following caat: Sunday mallnoe snd evening. * S 1 ' 01 *! Gregory. Patsey Shelley. Henrietta Tctre NipoMii, (V7m. H. lU'dey, rmrr.)— First ores- J? 1 !? Seonwl1 . "'U Allen, Kdwln N. Favor, Kva enlatlon of "The Dragon-) Clsw," under direction Eli I"' JC,' ,l0re N">'aslo, Felii Adler. Joe Kane. of Henry MUler, will he given Wednesday, 9. ?Jf hl f KlD *.. Tne «» Play la In material and John Bunny, In "Bunny In Funnyland," la an- ^"""Pe's <l"lte tho eoual of any of Its pre>le- nounoed for week of 14. * ceaoora at the La Salle. Manager Branakj bat l'or'B (James Thatcher, mgr.)—The Popular fi Ten tho Production attractive backsrounda, and dramss, and a good feature for tbe big small time, nlnutos, In one. Big. Nelnaco and Hnrley. Olvm the third spot on the bill on Monday. Ne- l&JSSSLZ* gf ,"l*a t » tfj aaceess of luseo «d Hurley, who.. h.,e_ been an 'here- TS^SS^^!^^^Vt& performnnce. Marie Carroll, Louise Kent and .t^P"? 1 ^ at B f r 5 uln .. * B,I1 «J *how will Ad a Sherman all did good work. Cn-t is large, '?TS ft Jo "f* lx ! ro ' *'•■> "»»• I«: Rlngllng Bros, and It Is Iroposslblo to speak of eacn one of the finP'il' 0, a& N ^!l 1 A. tD ' 1 «»""Floto Shows. In cast, but take thorn as a whole they sll gsve HIU » bor0 ' T «-» Oct. 24 WaaaaK A. Paraioc. .boot, on the big.snull lime.offered their novelty Rincho" next At the'rin.i cnVuln SstSdi, stY,'." 0 ."* «»«•■ »• P"*> «?' .c,. ur ,..tlng of m^c, shadowgraph. M d rag W*. Jewell wfflVMSt K5& 1^^^"^^^' ~ \&m* ft '»«" OasiNO (A, Julian Brylawskl. mgr.)-BIH week IftltS I^ Jo, " , , atlmih »- Troy aJd^Stoie". and Nelnsoo open. w. h of 7: Moffat. URene\nd coipTyV nSSr.'SS m XM™fr The act conalsta of man and woman, the latter making a pretty appearance. Neluaco opens with mmc alelght of band tricks wltb cards, snd tlion goes In for a"-- vf Ifae act a; a mall rag )—For 7-12: company, Mar- Sreocer snd Williams, ill snd . i" 1 *., Tu ^ T " . <aw>1 ScnnWer, mgr.)—Tor 7 m nsnu incxs witn carus, snd msfl Brmvn, Bello Meyers, BIdoi and CI if on fh. to? Z,, 82 7 ■ l . u<K> - ««hnlder, mgr.)—Por 7- shadowgrsphs. which Is the best part Plying Werti, and new nlvSres ITi £"'■ . Vtr t «""«" ««'! com ; .iny, Lands. md went very well. The lady mabes Oosnoa (A. Julian Brylawskl' marl-Bill 7 !^2 &***> Kelly and Williams, Rurban, Yant h.T'JfflS !?T Br*.-**' S2< "o' 11 I? "*• Nlglt In Ihe■ P.rk,"TlaMelTaad l^lrli toLSFWl Ju »« Iln * Labelles, and Lawrence In Oriental coatume, Neluaco does another tr ck. Pollard. Rob E O'Connor «nd iSUS.S. AmJV™ Oo " 1on and companT. The act will make good on the big small time and Hi rk» %f!&> Tvi^nif . c . om " ,0 f' O'lfton Notb.— It Is Continental llourteen minutes. In full stage. * "at*" U.aal Sunday conceM." 1 " 6 ' ""' *"" pWi,,fc ,he cl " '» «>«">«"ully drap WHEN IN PHILADELPHIA ARTISTS, AGENT8 and MANAGERS JIAKB VOUR HRADHVARTBaS AT TUB CONTINENTAL HOTEL. - Oth and Chestnut Streets Special Batea to Fatrtftrxnera IIOOBIB 11.00 UP FOR PERMANENT STOCK KIHRT OL.A88 OKHKHAl, BUS1NBB8 ACTOIl, SKCOND OTJSIHBSI WOMAHs SCKNIO All iiht THAT CAN I'LAY SOUB PAHTS. All mast be (ompitaal psopls. k.ud photos. « E. J. HALL, Cairo, 111. COMPANY &*«ck bu SWAFFORD'S \^^ 1AU Tcraatllo I-oiMlIng Man, Gonernl BnslnoHii Pcoplo, Plnnn rinyer; Tooplo who do Specialties pre- ferred. Feature Vaiulnvlllo Aft: one that cliangea 8 ihtys and week stAnrtsj pay own. Amsv- lawrs, Chaasers, inunkarda, save stamps. Tell nit find letter. Htnlo correct aire, liolulit. Encloso programs. Address J. II. HWAFFOIlli, Whlto River Juncllon, vt. WANTED QUICK. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE in all Lines CEORCIANA EDDINCS CO. State hclgUt, age 1 B. B. MOOBB, Marlon, Ilia., wouk 7| Carthage, Uli., Sept. it Two Ooneral Business Men, Heavy and Character Women, pooplo with apcclnltlca. abUlty, aalarj. saasaaBBSsaal S(aw week here, 7-1J. and drapped In American Dags. O^SS*t,iS^SS^SSL ! n »r ) - T ? 0 ![ o11 ^ •* Pawtocket, It. I.-flcenlc (tt 0. McNally, !rt« r .. h ■*-*»»»»-'■* week snd pleased mgr.) vaudeville and plclurw. "rasaiy, week of 7. The Boweir Burlesquera aeit. Coun- flrugrr, pictures, big hit. Noras.—Man.ia Catalano and Denny. OoLoitut, Bzra. 7. JVagpE Ir&^StWgMg-ni-i-. SS& «3L'«» «ntl.«. a big hit.- " aucceisfully In a mwlcal acT^ Kami's (Bolsnd S. Robhlns, mgr.)—Bill Jack Denny presided at tbe piano, also assist- *- *'- ■g T aL l t .gg! •'?'' fT"* 11 '; "Jergeaut Aug 3L and presented Vlwical Oonr!!TaWi r Biny ln» Henry Catalano In creating harmony In the fi*.^'. .■.■S-'Wg» -J^ -*j».*" g> c " ra °- W. Fori, singing comedian. Obnrnd played sev- vocal nnralwrn. " ,' dlenne; tbe Great Leon and company, Ben Ryan era! Inatrwnrnts and showed ability snd eon- The songs Were new, snd were, In the main f nd . H i rrl ^'*.. I, * 0 '-. ,, y" T»° .9" lt ?P?. .*>'J» «"« elderablo humor, well reiidcrejl by Mr. Catalano, who dominated ■Marugw A. H. Sunderland, of tbe week John Street Theitre, put on s "nro" try-out ii"- act In tbat respect The audience gave tbe boys quite a good send- off la their llrsF bid for vaudeville honors. Oli Timer. -♦ Frederick and Venlta. IIAMMXOBTXIN'H, NSI-T. 7, Lucte Bruch, the Flying Mart Ins. Edwin George, Hearst-aellg News 1'lctorlal. Sunday coucerts as usiisl. By-jo.— Tbe Gordon Players give "The Suffrag- ettea" week of 7. M0TBS. Jani Moboan has been announced as the new leading lady of the Poll's Popular Players, suc- ceeding izetta Jewel. Mli. Morgan comes hliftily Billy of patter and original parodies W. llltv offei and oon Ford offered a line -.-dlea that "caught" the s. R. o. crowd, and was forced to repest all nombers, msVlnir a big hit with hh parody oa Moving Pictures from Life," and cslcb line, of his other songs. The rendition of "Loos. Lena Way from Homo" was the hit of his act. ^^ Given the opening position en Mond.y. Fred- ^pSaaWsT s'rTher TSSmSplHSUStS. fgLSi i3^Sj^J«^^& and Venlta ttlJ very well with their novelty ward S with much pleas. in by tbe patrons. saat?S«liSp , a?Wa.^w^ 'e he » L *7' ii?' 2 ^ IS? J ,re ,lld ■i*"' of »"«'a-'h. The act con- HaMOH Fato O. Bamaa has at laat secured SS .nS^Iis' ^ h ° "*"" " B<ll,d Btn "' Im. . i m .J n E& "on™ 0 , 'he former In 8ummer a new hoi,*, and Is happily Bllealed. Hla new ' HrJS? 'ho latter oiwnlng In snklo length dress bouse la In the "swell" section, just atrois tho and golna to becotnlng; llgbls. Tbe msjor part of trldge, the man holding the annaratns with Tiia slnfr of B. IT. Kellh'a Is composed of Ro- lind 8. Robblns, msniger; Bob Long, asslatant manager; I. O. Ohcralle, trcrinrer; llsrry Gor- don, assistant treasurer; John GrIRMh, superlntrnl- ent) George Thompson, staite nrnnager, and last, but by no means least, la Press Agent Osgood. Epnm of the Columbia Theatre, has returned from tils vacation, and now Is on <uly again. iiiw Kcno runt will close Its succeiaful sea. son Saturday, Sept. 12. Coluhba LoDtiB, 12«, I. O. 0. M„ Big Jubilee and Carnlvnl hare secured the Blue Ribbon Snows for week of Sept. 7. CiiiRi-rs Squibcs, scenic artist, lately with the Columbia Pliyers, Is In the city. II". along with Dlrect.>r Edwin II. Cnrlla and others, was to be located In Detroit, but there was a hitch somewhere In the arrangements. OH.vrjiAt, Manaobb llHNro.i, of Poll's Interests, was In tbe city making uiiuiiuemeuts In reunnta . to coming rlinnges made In the Popnlur Players . evidence ot "loafing" about any of the sevea by Miss Jew.-ra leaving, and the Introduction of Jjg"K™ »""J',.*"' I » P r 0 ISf. 1 . 1 " l H w< * k ' 80 ' lurns. the now lea ling Indy, Mia. Morgan. There are ", , "' l „ ot » Million Dollnr Do Is. The town wss Sidney .Tarrts, Plantadosa and Fields, the rumors of oilier changes. L'i 4 ™. &*&***!. th_advertla Ing.. An lururatlon —nlng Ugh vie uct Is the man holding the apparatus with Wi teeth while tbe lady works on It. Tbe act wu go good sa an opener ou any bill. Eight minutes, In full slsgc. 81* (Ocntnued on page 10.) HEW YORK CITY. (Continued f rom pago S.) HARLER OPERA HOUSE. (HARBT swii-r, Man.) "Chub" Swift looked rather uneasy as we passed out of hla theatre laat Thursday night, Sept. 3. rho bill was well varied with class and other sort of acts, though there wasn't an CVhitmen a/ *'lii.,Aii n »» «fc~... ««.. ... *i,„ ^..» n mgr.) 20 and week Gbakd (A. Jadah, mgc)—For week of 3D, Hugo B, Koch was seen In tho premiere produc- tion of 'The Call of Ihe Cumherlnnils." "The Winning of Barbara Worth" Sept. ll-IS. F.Mraaas (Cyrus Jacobs, mgr.)—Bill week of fl: Fire Violin Beauties, Chas. Bachmaa and com- pany, Geoe, and Kntnryn King, Amber Bros.. New- port and Htlrk. Giant Gardner, Clarke and Lcverc. Gavrt (Matt Smith mgr.)—Chas. Bohloson and bis Carnation Beauties bml a good week end- Ing9. For week of «, tho Million Dollar Dolls, Ox-Nruar (Tuos. L. Tsnffe, mgr.)—Blue Ribbon Belles wore here last week. The fjsy Widows RirroDBoua tF. L. Talbot, mgr.)—Opened Aug. 30, with a good bill. ~W T *M~aa. "E5 Brag . EDMUND FLAIC-ELEANOR LECROIX FLAIG CHARACTERS CHARACTERS STUCK, ONB PIBCB Oil VAUIIKVILMij 10 years eiperlenr* with Ite.t Companies. Addreaa 1014 Pl.teta.r Ave., Iadlanapolls, lad. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX Advartlieniesta not axorrdlng oa* lUas tn Isturth will be pobllsoed, propsily elsastaed la Ibis laden at the rate of 110 for on* year (M Issnaas). A copy of Tub Naw Xobk Curraa will be asat free to sack advertiser wills the adrertlasaBasrt la raa Clone (Dllly Newklrk. mgr.)—Two good West- k ut So. mgr.) — "Resdy "LltUo Miss Brown'' ern time tills appeared hero week of 80. AontTonii'M (Mela Miller. Money" wick of Sept, 0, week of 13. Kr.n-TBit! Pabe closed 5 Onritruu omul 13, Notes. —Sliincy I. Rsnkln formerly of Tna Pour Hnntn UroJ u glfu honnrcreaDlnc Tli 0 life and drum dnlsli la a hiB^otio .,.. Kll ?Jl e !* u °y an<1 Gertrude Harvey'a eom- eiiy Western sketch went with a acrenm. ■,'..,, maltcB a C° 0<1 cowpunclicr, and the wrestling with a "prop" steak by Miss Har- vey, who is mistaken for an expected cook at the "bunk bouao" when she takes shelter Cuiivr Chass Laks.— Delightful muilc by Ihe ^Wt over cnuse.1 an amount of favorable eom- In each program handed out at tbe Gny- " Inch cut-outs of dolls, (N. Harper, mgr.) their second succest- . .irencatltig "Tlie only Includes: Rolit. Tnosa two popular of late members of tlie Columhla Players, George W. Barbler and Carrie Thatcher, have been en- gaged aa members of tbe stock company of the American, Philadelphia, and their many friend. In Washington wish them success. Tbe company rl Jackson, second mnu; "ifniarii Son." lending nun; Co Vincent, Juronlle; Harry Ueyden comedian; Wm. Relffel, light comedian; Phillip Lord, characters; Arthur Bdwards, stage manager; Addison Pitt, di- rector; Virginia Mann, leading lady; Minnie Remsly, second woman; Rdna MicNeih, charac- ter; Florence Vincent, Ingenue; Vincent Do Vila, scenic artist. These players were all ruemhen . excepting tbe and Mr. Kdwards. J to all on opening night. For sreek 14, "Officer flOO." Monday to play leads replacl Mb appearance 14. Bbe la known here by ber ap Atlantic City, X. J.—Apollo (Fred Moore, mgr.) "The Lure" (pictures) wan shown Sept. 0. fh-.^-. """*■» srasssB »«. i»»c wo^. For week of 7, "Oh I Oil I Ddphlne." Ohss. Dill. „,,„.„..,. -flsa-JST• ad IhSS '"f* "'O'tn, made ths laughs eomo lnghom will present Montgomery snd Stone here, S,J" t v f" r " SSn&LSTSt thick nnd faet. A real comedienne In her week of 28, and Klale Jaul» Is scheduled to ap- ¥'^" , v ' n , < ^' 1 ' " nd rSSSSUt line of endeavor. ww"*""""" "» «<=r "* nn oarly following attraction. ■*• ■»■ nclconie wss nlOTdfd tt "OilrlenTNliht Out" Closed the bill A New Nix™ (Harry Brown, mgr.)-For 012, J>gh ; J»^.w |aJL J*tjW ^ Jew and .n »° 1 C K rrlns J. n ' Ctt .'!; ret ifSai" clilJ* John Kinerso" Will am Saianwn. Itohert Player, won many friends here during their (Irst g^. Hg. ".M a* Wgsxaill. frmmr *l» SSwadi■ Katbcrlnc ii Salle, Amelia Gardner, »fek to Ihe play, "gtronshattt.' For week of 7, nroh-M !*BS* PfoPrletor and five glrla, was KKSSL-nl„"«' Thomas and Nsn Campbell. "The Oilier Girl." Manager Addlsoo wadded to Probably the causo of "Cllub'B" rather uc- J0 o AJ ,,,,T'l'ni (Chas° 0. An.Ieraon, mgr.)—Bill Tna Currra conrsjondent that Hetir ie. f H,». •S MPreaalOD. sjJKe o- Belle Baker, "Tbe Green Beetle," ton baa tern engaged to pis "nilcrNew Acta and Reappearance* may i,. Belle Tltcomb, Blion Cily Four. Dolsn and Miss Robinson, and will probsbl 5?,..i " n ™ r e»'ewa on Sidney Jarvla, Mmc. l^nbart, Holmes and Boclianon, Those French WoLvh s P a "o«a, Plantadosa and Fields, and Girls, snd Obauoccy Monroe and company, tvesthus and Boyd. Tot Savor (Ruisell Anslln, mgr.)—Tbe photoplay, ■ "Tho Littlest Rebel," 7-12. rf ' Miluon iPiBB nirrooaoiiB (Oaptaln »J?F54j?»»lsl Honae (Richard Dorney. John L. Touag, mgr.)—Hill and Bga t.a> Sv'-^S fl%S. \% £Srre a ncT:n"d fei M »VW& KrjtoffJMj mln, show la year, with Tchn SSaS" ^«/Mor, W, V™nUn US r**" "* " '"*"' ^SJSW^mmm. «a,.)-B... 7-ot On roles -were lntroatcd to capable nlayer 9 , uii •■■»* ltt0,loa P 1 """" ' !,™L a .Performance that tulTered Sttle by Baltimore, Md^-Fonl'e (Ohai. E. Ford, EHSslewH with that given by the orlgllial mitr.) "Cahlrla 1 ' (plclorea) began a two week. ,°.??P an ,J wag the reault. Julian Koso and .tay Sept. 7. »_»„»,« n-nnr la Julius Tanncn, as Abe I'oUai and MawrusB AoAuawr (Timls.pean. mgr.)—Joan Danny, la I Crlmuttor r,. U r..„.4l.,„l- *. .11 -* *1. n #«, "Will pearance with the Ornheum Players last seasna when ibs plsyed to "Thais." assuming the lead- ing role In which she scored s sensational bit. AoADBur (Phil Levy, mgr.)—"Bringing Up Father" 7-9, "To-day* 10, "Potash A Perf- mutter" II, Cherry Blossom. 12. This bouse and Dopreo, Kdlth Drowning and oorapsny, "Ltttlo Jerry, and theOnelda Trio. For 10-12: Kletcber. Llbbey sod MoCnlie. Booth snd Hsywood, Great Maurice, and Howard snd Under. tbe nn R .iM rtter ' w'»Pectlvcly got all of the fun thcfi■ -.2?'—** $« ^T es - ^ h,cn me,n " "Funny Land," 7-12. AnDiTosioM. — Poll Players, In Norfolk, Ta—Tbe Wells (Otto Wells, mgr ) the rearolar theatrical season for I0I4-1B ojienod The Squaw at this bouse Sept. S, when "HankyPanky," as the opening attraction, gave two performsnera, Stop ''''••; NstfirtGw C T'ftaH ; Abe ^toih: , 2 M ^n"^l. ( IlTmt,"ciMVTtoche.^r;>Devt.t. Jgaf ,b; b. fctabr. mrO_V.u,levlll. •raneJJ ^Sf a; MAWruss re?lmutt°r. Julius kabPS? £u?*Bmm* ^SaJtS^lS «^™^ a P 16 ' 1 "^ « re dr * wl, ''« e 00 * "»''*• '<| ^lS§A?SJS**3SSi ^MeTr^!u i robrTwe'ber! <> " d,r " b,to - '& Wown-.Awn, A^na, C^n-au 1 ABDKiTOI ClIRTAIM AND FIOTUBM BOOTH!. O. w. XMlas* Mfg. Co., 71 Ptatl at.. aVartam. BBBBBBJ OABIIIVAI. FBOBTI AMD HOW BANNBBJI. D. 0. Bastparya Co.. •!• Areh tt, ralUnalpaHa, Fa. OOHBBtTTlOMI. Roaekbstoi Bros. * ■ckststa, M( le. I'awrla It Chicago. MUBIOAL ABD »nVH3i,Tl»»:. ■dwla B. Street. U Brook St., Uaj-trcri, Ooaa. MUSICAL. •rPlfJIALTIKB. J. 0. Dsagon, 1800 H. Clark St.. Obleaan, 111, MUIIOAL GLABSBB. A Braonetos, 1011 Baptsf Ave., Bidamcaa Bill, POPCOBir HABDFACrTDRBRB. Raeekhelm Bros. A KcksUto, 218 Ho. I'aorls It. Chicago. FIlINTINa OF A1X KINDS, ^ 8. Stephenson, 202 King St., W. Chotuum, 0*1. SCtuNERY AND BOBNIC PAINTBBS. 0. L. Story Bosnlc Co., Bomsrrlll. Station, Boa Howard Tattle. 1203 Ornt.r It, MUwaakae, Wis THKATnicAi, noons. BoatOB Regalia Co., 887 Wash. BL, Bostoa, Mass THBATRIOAIi PROPBRTIBB. B. Walker. 808 W. SBth St.. New Tork. VBNTBILOQOIBT FIOUK1CS. Ben Hobaon, 1B80 Amaterdaai Ave,, N. X. City. MBD. PERFOUMBR* 'WANTED AT ONCB. That can change often and work In ach. State salary and all you do, Only reliable Peoplo write. prank EWKKhon, Mgr., Nature's Remedy Co., Bultvlllu, (Smyth Co.), Vu. LADIBS' BVBN'NQ OOWII Stage and Street Drcsaca. Bllebtly used. latest designs, I cater especially to ilio theatrical trade. Mall orders receive prompt attention. Mrs, A ISNKIt, 71o Hovcnth Avenue, New York. TABLOID PLAYS Manuscripts and Parts. New Catalogue Read/' ROYAL. MANVICRIPT CO.. 210 Lyrlo Tbeatro Bldg., Cincinnati, O. TABLOID SCRIPTS Sketches, Acta and Oomodlca, In atock and written to order. Over 100aiiccessee. JACK C. ItUTllKA- FORD, Author and Producer, South Bend, Ind BNOAORMENT WITH HOTEL. SHOW aOINO HOI'TH AS LEAUKIl OP II. A O. PROP. A. II. MOONSHINE, Box 107, Sunspee, N. U. Cornet Sulolat. WASTED HJM Wanted—Piano Player Double Htago and Acting; Co. KHP1KK DRAMATIC CO., Uolbtook, Nob. Fornsno snd Kt.itb report good business, with notion pictures. 101 Rinuii comes 20. Rinoliho Bans.' Oiacus to billed for 24. UiL.a MparHT la agent for tbe Flake O'Hsra On. THE HIGH COST of gllt-odgo vaiiilovllle material bus boon imdHlitiil by linn world famous encyclopedia oCorlginul fun MADISON'S BUDGET No. IS PRICE ONE DO hi. A It Contents Include 12 great monologues, 8 wonderful auto for Iwn mules and 7 acts for male and funinlo, (lliti real Rtioda) 10 latest parodies,8 tl ii-iii|> inliistrul Ural iiitrto. a sldu- apUUIiiK tolilolil fini-o, l.cMliles liiuidri'ilH ol orlgliml gags, sldnwulk litis, oh). MA 1)1- SOS'H BUOYlKT, No, It coats ONK I HI I,I. A It Ptr copy. Hack Issues out "of print, oxr.ept No. 14; price, |1, or lludgcl* 14 and It to- tetbor, II.Mi. Nolo my new address, JAMES MADISON. 10BS Til IHD AVBNUB, HBW VOHK AT MURUTV, on acconnt ot company closing, BASIL. BL.AKC CHAllACTKIIH, JIlVKNIIiES. IIKAVIKB. Ago, 20; tfUBKUtl 160 lbs. f»-« a.i>joe:«3 short MlUIIUK'lTK, INGKNUK, HIIMK LKAI1S. ABB, 24; f. n. 4,1; In.; II', Urn. Wimlrolio, «x|«>rl«iico, ability. Ilnvu aovernl good Ncriius. Join on wire. AdilniHH IIAH II, MI.A KIv, llixuiv lllo, N. Y, AT LIBERTY, AlTKIl HKIT. 12, FOR STOOK, FRANK BOYCM IluavlOiandflencral lliis.. uIhu Hciinln Artist. Ago, 28j height, Ml. HiJi In.; weight, lfiftllw. HELEN «. If EA LI, INGKNIIKH. Ago,28; height, Aft..'Hit,; weight, 11011m. Address KKANK UOYCK, Kugeiio llull Playura, euro of Colonial I Intel, Cairo, III. WANTED FOR The Third Degree Large Heavy Bet Man with Big Voice for Polleo Captain and Manage. Stage. No buozu. Tell If all and souil nliolo. !,. A. KDWAKIM. Jackson, Ohio, 10; Athena, 12; I'omoroy, It; Nelson- vllle. 18: Logan, 18 ; Uloustor, 17. AT LIBERTY Rep. or One NighUir. Can deliver the goods. HARHY B. BUSSING, Norwall, Coin. Vaudovlllo Poopln Snappy, New, HlgTlmo Acta with a kick In every lino and a wallop at tho finish. ONK DOLLAR oach. Light Com. and Ingonuo; Straight and Ec- centric, and a "War" act for Straight anil llone- hcad iflack. Guaranteed good enough for tho 11KHT TIMti, or money refunded. Author of four hundred successct, Hiiinninrlng In the Ozarks, OUAS. LANHON CAHTKR, Oalioul, Missouri. WANTED QUICK Han and Woman (or General Business Specialties. Tell all first letter and be prepared to join on wire. Address WILLIAM K. MAYLON, Wavorly,». Y. "No Mat to- How I Strive. It Seems Z Juflt Can't Got Ahmet" Great Dramatic Recitation (descriptive), Price 260; MODERN SUPPLY CO., Canton, Ohio. LEATHEROID PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS STRONG are LIGHT and DURABLE »»<> LEATHEROID MFG. CO. Only 43, 45, 47 W. 16th ST.. NEW TORK l»|W •Hafll.K* ft, LVISCII, FaotorlfSi **jf Vhaatrleal Dapartmeslt KEKIKOIDK, B1AIVK