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OCTOBER 3 THE STEW YORK CLIPPER. U YOU WILL HEAR A GREAT SONG YO U W ILL HEAR LEGS Published by WATERSON-BERLIN SNYDER CO., Strand Theatre Building, 47th St. at Broadway, N. Y. NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES '•LiichtiilnK Stroke" (Dram. Sketch). 1!! MIN. (HI-LCIAI, isiHmon.) Harlem Opera Honse.—Within a special set with a tranaparent back drop representing a reflector, and Willi an apparatus rigged up before Ibis the set represents the Seen Over the Telephone Company s plant A young Ital- ian Is working on an Invention that will allow the speaker on a 'phone to "sec" who they are speaking to. Without money, and with radium at $10,000 a grain, be thinks him- self a failure, because his "backer" re- lates to dish out more funds for experiment- ing Two different scenes are shown through the hack drop when tbe phone Is used hy the Inventor and his assistant. The former's wife pleads with the "hacker" to advance further money to her lmshind. He tells her to call for same at hla apartment She does. In the meantime the Inventor "bangs up" the radium manufacturers for 'half a grain," (no experiment again proves successful, and when be calls up the backer tbe "reflector" shown the latter nnd the Inventor'o wife In a seres struggle. A thunder storm La In progress Tae Inventor pulla a switch that Is connected with the 'phone. The backer Is electrocuted, but the wife saved. She return* to her husband, tells why she waa> In the prospector's rooms, and the kasband has bis "faithful assistant" take an esth that a "stroke of lightning" caused the man's death. It hi dramatic all the wav. Home of the fines strike home, but In Its present shape the act Is not ready for the beat time, although the foundation to there for much Improvement. Hour men and one woman act It real well. Tot. i s "The Fasjaensrer Wreck" (Dram. Sarprtae Sketch). 20 min., rou, STioa. (BrmjiAi, sot.) Harlem Opera House.—John B. Hymer's comedy drtma with the "moving picture" finish, "The Passenger Wreck" act, was seen at this bouse to better results Sept. 22, with all new people excepting Frank Mitchell, who produced the act, ana artall plays the Deuver Dick "crook" part cleverly. Opposite him now, aa his "crook" accomplice, Is Basel Brownell, who does exceed- tsgly good work as "Dot" Lee. Ernest Lynda Is playing Burrows, the detective role; J. L. Butler, the engineer, and Frank Lennoa, formerly with the Perry Slaters, l» cavorting capably a* the lineman. The story runa the same though more forcefully worked up to the butting In from tin- rear of orchestra of a "camera" man, claiming "the aceno was rotten." Tot. » q I*. Wolfe Gilbert (Sons; Writer). 14 MIN., IN ONE. Ilnmmeratelu'..— L. Wolfe (lllbcTt. the writer nf "llobert 13. Lee," "Illtehy Koo." "XJainp Meeting Band," and several other song -hits. old. a single at the corner, and was a real hit. He opened with "We Have Been Married Just a Year." which to a good, faat, comedy num- ber. Hla second one was "I Had a Hal." and his third offering wsa "Alsaee Lorraine," o neutral I war sons', lie closed with "Buy Mo a Bale of Oot- ton." Ho Just had to beg his way off. He will do for u single any tin.'. He had no plants or piano player, and .lust did a regular act. Ai an encoro he Introduced his collaborator, Louis Muir. . finm. "Bachelor Girl." (Sonars). 23 min., run. STion (srsciAL). Proctor's I2Sth St A "girl" act that sos a good to look at and hard working chorus of six to asslBt the two principals, Willie Bsr- rowa and Dolly Dupree, In their songs. The chorus makes four good changes, but Mtsa Dupree atlcka to a blue ilress after discarding a flDrlum one and bonnet, following her opening song with Harrows, "Old Fashioned Girlie. Barrows makes a change from a hunter's outfit to dress suit after a camera number lend by Miss Dupree. He Is a good light comeilan In his class, and stags well enough to keep the "bjoheloresses" gotog steadily on the email circuits. Tbe act's title Is warranted when the girls appear In generoualv rented black satin skirts, different colored man- nish jackets, hats and with canes. All their wardrobe looks fresh and each makes nattr ap- iwarance. A trio dance by Barrows and two of tbe girls Is worth keeping In. Toil. s Crawford and Droslcrlck (Sons, and Talk). kldWSN KIN., IN ONI. Loew's Seventh Avenne.—With a bench Crawford and Broderlck started well here with a good line of exchange talk, the girl showing much personality and delivering her "cutting" lines at him during "flirt" bualness, while be acts semi "nut." She asks, "have you never heard of George M. Cohan?" He saya. "Hain't been In a Yiddish theatre for years." Man sings "Long, Long Walk," alone, and follows with abort comic recltatloni while girl changes from a pretty grey chamouse dress to a "poorly chosen cut" of pink and white gown. She's long anil tbe dress makes her look stretched. While "oo dress," might say the man could stop for a stage ault Instead of coming on In street rig. People "out there" p-.y to see nestneea aa well as to be entertained. Besides he's working with a clever, clean looking partner. Their closInK num- ber la weak In comparison to what la offered before. Tot. s Norwood and Hall (Comedy Dao). 12 urn., IN ONE. Harlem Opera rionse. — Young coirple. eian doing "stare hand" (In uniform) and later changing to dress ault. Be starts act by tirlnirlng on bench end getting comedy from "not knowing where to place it." Pretty little woman follows. staTta song, to Interrupted by him from wings, and the exebango of patter Is fast and funny. She finishes song. Man's dress suit lacks nattl- noss. It looks worn. Girl changes to pretty biue dress and more good conversntlonlng Is of- fered before the close with a double song. The bov Is a clever comedian snd his psrtner Is good looking and carries her clothes well. They 11 milk" good on the big small time—and even gel by nicely In an early »pot on the two a dayers. Toot. •cam.cive you THIS WEEK'S CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE THAT HEW IDHA, ITJRH WllK ACT you have so long desired, that's my specialty. 1 hnvo convinced hundreds of others, and 1 can satisfy ymi. Writs or call. ALLEN ePBNCBU TBHRBT 1404 i*roadway, New York City (Special vrlr<i to Til. (Juris., Sept. Is J MAJESTIC. nohert Edc.on and Company (Sketch). ABOUT 20 MIN. KILL BTAOB. Palace.—Presenting "Apartment 309," Botjert Edeson and his company gave vaudeville one ot the surprises of the season here. Monday matinee. The sketch la by Ivr Ashton Root, who deaerres much credit for handling a rather old Idea In a capable mrnner. Tho story tells of a country girl who has oome to tbe city to better herself. »e falls In the grip ot a wealthy man who betrsrys her confl- uence. Her brother learns of the man's faith- lessness during one of his visits, and after a heated argument, kills him. Mr. Edeeon, aa tbe brother, gave bis usual excellent i>erformance, portraying hla character with much force. Jane Haven, as his sister, plsyed a rather difficult role to the satisfaction of her audience, Tho others were well cast, Sock. a Gobert Dclllng (Animal Act). 18 Ml*.. rOM. ■TAOS, Palace.—Making his orjt appearance Id New York, Gobert Belling, assisted by hJs four-lsggcd cmnedlsiui (donkeys and dogs) captured a fair amount of success. The act "insists mostly of comedy none by Telling, In the makeup of s clown. He offers verr little new outside of a burlesque fall tight, which he does cleverly, getting much comedy oat of It. As a finale he offers a comedy trick that should l« discarded at once, as It has been sees so many times In this country that It has lost Its novelty and fell flat. Jack. s llnismnn and Churchill (Daneers). 12 KIN., ITU. BTAOB. Proctor's 12Sth Street.—Two young women, one doing "hoy." After slnsjrsr "I've Got Kverythincg I Want But Yon" offer mo* modem dancing that doesn't class higher than ordinary cabaret couples. .Straight girl needs clothes. White topped pstent leather shot, do ant fit In, either. ''Boy" should Invest In a wis; Instead of pinning back her own half. Decidedly small timers. Tad. I.llllun Boardman (8onn;s). 10 MIN. IK ONE. Proctor'. 125th Street.—This well dressed blonde girl was formerly lead In Gus Edwards' Bong Itevue. Miss Boardman Is growing plumper snd her voles seems to be gaining In richness and volume. She's a little plump girl with a feat big soprano volco that should carry her ahead rapidly. Both the white fur trimmed white cloak and hat and the blue satin dress with white fur band at knees, and shoulder straps of emu 1 she wore here looked splc and span and classy. "Michigan" should be placed No. 2 In- stead of closing, as this flaxen hatred girl's volco Is best suited to numbers that allow her to dis- play top notes. Tot. s Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb (Sketch). IS MIN., rtJLL BTAOB. Hammersteln'a.—Three midgets In on illu- sion act, full stage. Count Magrl (Mrs. Torn Thumb's husband) plays four different characters. Countess Magrl (Mrs. Tom Thumb) plays Madam, The Count's brother, Baron Magrl. plays Henri. who wants a Job. Count gets on sort of pedstal which haa a curtain like those used lu Illusions, and makes different changes. This act Is good ■ for women and children. The crowd on the Corner treated It mildly.' Bam, s Barton and I.overa (Dancing). 14 MINUTES. FULL BTAOB, Hammersteln'a.—A good dancing sot, in which then Is much comedy furnished by the Ban, who burlesques (In grotesque costume and •aake-np) . the womin's dancing. She offers a Spanish dance, Scotch dance, and one called "Love and Temptation." Man la also a clever and dsr- xag cycle, rider. They were one of the' hits at HammersteJn'i last week Aelcey. ■ '■ a ii Pop Ward (Monolourne). nrrratr minutes, in one. Blirhty-nrst Street Theatre. — Sept. 20: Pop w*ard formerly of Ward and Oorran, •id s single called "Tbe County Sheriff." and put It over. He has a good routine of talk, and bis mock songs get lots of laughs. He will do for toe big tune, as acts In one are essential, and rap knows how to handle the public Ham. s Volll Valli (Sons.). rODBTIBH MINOTH IN ONE. nammer.teln's.—This musical comedy fi- Jfrlte made her debut In vaudeville last ./oek. *pe carries her own loader. Selection of songs (ballads) poor. 6he Is dainty in method, but Jaeks speed necessary in vaudeville. Wears two Beautiful gowns. Wins more on her name than with bw work. Selcey. • • s Knr-MI (Mnsclc and Illusions). 12 min., run. BTAOB. Hammersteln'a Ksr Ml Is made tip si a Hindoo, and offers a good flashy act. lie Is a fast worker, has good illusions, snd Is asalst.Hl by a man and a woman. He should cut his talk est. -Held the audience In at 0.20 r. M, closing • strong bill. Baa. Camllle Per.onl. Jns. Rcany Co, (Sketch). 10 MIN., rrjLL STAGE (SPECIAL). Loew's Tth Avenue.—"Japanese Love" Is what Oanilllo Person I and James Kenny call their "sketch with songs." Miss Personl Is supposed to be an M. P. actress, posing In the Oriental land for a picture. In the Japanese make-up she Is mistaken for the real thing by a United States naval officer, who falls In love with her, and la apprised st tbe tlnteh to see a camera man crank- ing off a "kiss" sccno, and her laying aside tho Jap •mail-up. It Is minus conwdy enough for tho camera man (who happens to bo the nattiest at- tired camera fellow we ever saw). Mlas Personl s ducts with Mr. Beany sre good, although tho latter was suffering with a bad cold during this engagement. Tod. s Snow and Wood. Sister. (Comedy Skit). 10 MIN.. OtTB-DALr. Harlem Opera House.—It. 8. Snow, black face comedian, and the Woods Sisters, working almost ton, most lay ont a systematic routine bifore they csn expect to land 'regular work. The larger slater possesses the best voice snd does a siwclal song and dance numler In fllmy nuuigled write dress. The other uses "Little Ford llnmbled Bight Along" to fair results. Snow's "solo" Is an Imitation of a "cullurl preechor." Less Jumping about the stage and his "parrlng" of tho table would set him more. In comic military uniform he "drills" wills gun and sings a -war song to close, the sisters assist- ing him lu "chorus girl" style. Small timers. rod. Sharne and Keen (Piano and Sonar.). 11 MIX.. IN ONE. Loew's Tth Ave—Two men, In piano and song turn, with the singer Bhowlng cleverness singing character numbers. After opening straight tho latter offers a "mho" and "old maid, ami both fling "Handball Hag," adding flashy "fresh- man" cups. The boy st the piano has s good eiKHilalty,. using "Mother alachrce." Their en- core, with the singer ss sn old "war veteran, 1« entirely too stretched and "crimps" former going. They're worth s spin over the two a days. Both look well In dress suits, but (he piano boy should Invest In soino silk socks. v Tod, Bert Leslie and Company (Sketch). 17 MIN., HJLL BTAOB. Hanimer.teln'..—Bert Leslie pat on a new fee, "Ilogin In London." Hen's line of Amer- ican slang Is original and got laugh after laugh. Is assisted by two men snd woman, and gets lots *srt of the English butler, whom he "kid.." Mails Is a fixture In American vaudeville. Ban. Hoyd and. St. Clair (Comedy Bull). 11 MIN., IN TWO. (BFBCXAL Dior). Proctor's 125th Street—Before a special canyon drop, picturing Alfalfa Junction station and a saloon, thla couplo (mau and woman) ope" with tome flirtation buslncsB. follow with the. woman's s:c«lng a, "lead" number. "If I HjM Someone at Homo Llko xou." tho wan returning to ling uud dnnco It out with her. Man opens his "orummer" grip and plays a selection on bottles and then they give a burlesque oil of "melodrama," finished with his saving her from the overdone miniature train of cars. Their straight dress to neat, but Boyd and St Clair need new materal for tbe travesty. Tot. s I Allinuu and Stone (Sours). IS MIN., in on a Harlem Opera House.—Jack Allium and George Stone aro one of tbe recently combined piano and song duos. Allman has a good tenor voice, but strains it for finishes, Rlooe 1s si clever a pianist as the majority, tat why he works in velvet panto and white silk shirt, to Allman's drcs* suit Is a mystery. "Garden of Hy Heart." "The Light to Vour Girlie's Eyes," snd ' Mother Machreo" were sinong Allman's re- pertoire. Stone's piano solo makes the turn r 'flfty-ufty" for merit. Tod. s Walter Ward (Trick Cyclist). T min., rati. BTAOB. Praetor's 128th St.—Win! to a clever boy on a wheel. He carries his own assistant for light comedy work and also uses a slsge hud for wheel Jumping. Features a Jump up si night of steps ot one wheel, also a ipeedy ride off stare to roar of orchestra and back. The latter pleases and brings tbe audience to Iti feet for "aorceihtag." Ward is s Monde and makes a natty appearance In black fleshings snd white silk shirt. T »* ■ q Dnvnn Slater. (Bones), 14 MIN., IN ONB. Hammer.leln'a.—Two girls, who do • clsssy set. They offered s good routUio of songs, and their voices bartnoauxd wclL 0am. (Lyman B. Glover, manager.) One of the best programs over presented at the Majestic Is shown Hits week Packed liouso Monday afternoon. Tho t-sltl Duo, acrobatic dancers, opened, pleas. Ing. Evans and Krwwal were on little too early. Act well icropled. Cuss. lule, Fred Munler sad eomprny presented rcil Western .kit. "The Ktrnnper," cresting mild Impression. J arrow had •n 'villi tattle, but received big applause toward finish. The Bell Family scored lilt of afternoon program with their various musical Instruments. followed hy Anna Chandler, who scored next bit, forcing Iter to mike speech. Third SCd most pronounced hit fell to Frank Keeiiiu, who of- fered his rensstlonsl drnmn. "Vindication." Laddie Cliff, singing and dinning comedian, was well re- ceived. Jackson and McLaren. Australian Wood- rhnpttcrs. closed. Next week's bill: K.-inma (Virus and burl Itsndall, Corradlnl's setirss, Kddle I«m- ard and Mabel Russell, Homer Llml ami com- pany, Yvttte, I)e Leon anil Davla. Harry llrecn. Brown ami Itocholle, Daptlste and Frinconl. PALACE MUSIC HALL (ILirry Singer, manager). Well rilled house witnessed pleasing show Monday afuemoori. Mer- cedes headlined with Prlneeii ItnJ.ili. failed to receive the applause given him last week. ITln- cess llajah was disappointing In her first part, hut made up In last lutf. with her "chair" dance going very big. Dorothy and Madeline Cameron evened with series or fancy dinclng, (hit pleased. Josephine Dsvls and Billy Qeller. in songs tnd patter, entertained. Arnaut Brothers on too early, bit scored big hit with their arrefaalle violin novelty. IUy Bsrmond and Florence llaln, pre- senting new act by Harry L. Newtoa, took well with audience. Plenty of comedy was delivered by both. Miss Bsln should cultlvste charm. Mercedes followed, doing fairly well. Herman Tlmbnrg la really applause hit, with a reception upon his entrance, and hid to deliver speech st his exit. With violin ho Is a wonder, Princess Rajah appeared neat In her original dances. Ilcrt Fltxgllibon kept them roaring from start to finish with his original nonsense. Ills Imitation of Princess lln.ish took Hie house slonu. Odlvs, prewntng sn exhibition GREAT NORTHERN HjTPODROMEs (Fred O. Kbcrta, manager). The "Ilto" played to lively audience Monday nxai. Mnffatt ('lorn Trio, singing and soft-shoe I'snclng opened fairly well. Taber and Claire, (wo girls, pmmlar songs, well leeched. Ilemnmi Trio, new l.lcyele utter- ing, hit of sliow. iillvotll Troubaikiura, stringed Instruments, did nicely. Joseph Mhevhan enter- tained. Colo llussell ami linvls. the comedy hit of program. Riding Ooslullos Lad an excellent closing ncielty. COLONIAL. (George Harrison, manager). Good show pre- sented by Krnest A. Rnekett. In songs and talks, well liked. Five Melody Maids nnd s Man, In a iiluiio novelty, are entertaining Carmen's Minstrels scored. Flligoruld and Ashton ore en- tertaining. \a Ross ami O'Brien, musical skit, did nicely. "Just s Trio" are harmonists, mid their comedy la well delivered, scored decidedly. "Hide Lights" Tub Fall season opened at the Broadway The- atre 20. with the Follies of Broadway, to good attendance. The company went big, snd all eos- tames were in first class shape. Together with loter-Stsito vaudeville, feature pictures srn also getting their share of pstrooire. IlAaBNBBCK'WALLAOB OfEOhl will gtv. two shows here, Oct, 1. Tub State Fair will he held here Oct. 0-10. sad R Is expected to be tbe best and biggest of any previous ones. ntrsytlngham, Ate^^effersea (R. S. Doug- lass, mgr.) opened Its season to a fair sosjss, with "Ade!e," 23. "Okl Oat DelDhtos" SO, AI. Field's Minstrels Oct. I. S. 3 OUT OF TOWH HEWS Readlnsr. Pa.-Academy (Phil Levy, mgr.) "The Round-Up" Sept 2S-H0. ICva Tangtiay. la 'miss Tabasco," Oct. 1; "Kverywoman" 2, Fol- lies of 1020 (burlenoe) 8. Oiipiiedm (N. Harper, mgr.)—The Orphean Players, to ''Clothes,'' week of Sept. 28. with Bobert II) man and Virginia Mann In the leiaV. HirrornoMB (O. O. Keeaey. mgr-)—Bill 28-ui): Rolando Bioa.. H. B, Stern and company. Black- clone and Talmadge, Masto Rowland, and HI- momls and Weston. Hew ihow, featuring "DlT- lag Nymphs," Oct. l-:i. DANCERS OPEN SCHOOL. Billy Kent and his wife (Jeanstte Warner), who nude in lmpresilon with their modern dances at tho Palais De Danss, will remain here, and •pen a dancing school In the Dmcl Building. THIS UHAJfD COMPANY CI.OSluD. According to a statement made by U. M. Addi- son, manager of the Orand Theatre, the slock company, which opened the season there, disband- ed after the performance Sent. 20, and moat of the players left for New York. Their return ex- penses, with one exception, was made up by the management. It was stated that William Wells, leading man, refused to go "on" previous to the opening of tho matinee, 20, and his place was filled by Paul Jones. M. H. Oery. the young Rearilnr actor, doubled In tbe play, enietfug lit. Jones' role and carrying hla own part. Ho wu gives an enthusiastic reception, PALAIS Dll DANSB DONR. The Palais Ds Dinse closed Its doors Sept. 20, on ao»unt of poor patronage. The Palais De Danso will assume Its former name, the Audi- torium, and be rented for plays, dances, lectures, etc., under tbe rnanageanent of Mr. Schnadcr, ana the cafe, which wss populir during the ratals will be retained as a permanent feature, muter tbe dlrcctloi of Mr. Koebel. Los Antgele., Cal. — Hamburger's Majestic (Oliver Morosco, mgr.) D. Wolf Hopper and the Glllicrt & Bnlllvan Opera Oo. Sept 27 and week. Moiosoo (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—"Let's Get Married" week ending 20. MonoBco's BtmsAKK (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—< "The Illlndness of Virtue" week ending 20. Oopiieum (Olaxence Drown, mgr.)—Vau.l.illto. HirroDiioMB (Lester Fountalii, mgr.)—BUI 21 and week Included: J. O. Cox, Ruth Gibson, Dabs Lewis Ford and Laird, ami Abnun and Johns. Uiiiw'm Kmi-sssh (Oss. V. Fish, mgr.)—OH £8 snd week includes: Jeter and Sogers, only lnman snd company, Chrlstensen, Wm. Morrow snd company, Nine Kruy Kils, and crssjahea'a dogs. Pantaoib' (Oirl Walker, mgr.)—J31U 28 and week Includes: Stanley Bemhuny Olrio, WlUard HiiMilnson and coxopany. Jams, tarrsaaxnaa, An- trim and Vafle, and Fosjr Boll. Bros. llEFDOLto.—>mil at and week included: Job Knowles and six other ants. TALLY'S 1IUOAOWAT, Al.IUMSaA, LlTTL. TllSl- tbe, Clunb's Anonoanrx, Cminb'b BaoAowaT, Miller's, Mozabt, Quimn's Oaebiox. Qiimn's SuiuaiiA and WooDlsn'B. staving plctorn oory. Atlanlle City, H. J»—AooTIn (rYed Moore, mgr.) Sunday night only, Sept. 27, "Bought sod Paid For" won seen si popular prices. A new show by Geo. V. Oobart, entitled "Kxpertenoe," 28-30. "The Heart of a Thief" Oct. 1-3. New Nixon (Harry Brown, tagr.)—"Tbe Only Girl." another show with Victor Herbert music, Oct. 1-3. Mr. Herbert will conduct the orchestra at tbe opening perforsaiDee. (lAniiBN Pisa Taurus (Obaa, a. Anastsssa, mgr.)—Keith vaudeville. Savor (Russel Austin, mgr.)—Molls, plcttms. •The House of Boodsge" Is featurad 18 and week. VmoiNiA. Oarrmiow, Ohu»rui. Orrg Sobajb. and Oskiiul, motion pictures only. Hnskogee, Oklav—Wigwam (U r. Ueber, sasrr.) Rlchirdson Stock Co., week of 27. BaoAuwAr (D. Myers, mgr.)—sT saj s asii plctmss. week of Sept. 27. a Tali (O. L. Brttton, sngr.)—Motko plcinres. fancy (Uvlng, assisted by sehosl of sells, closed Slroug. Next week's bill: Henrietta Cms- man and company, George Dunersl and company, Werner Amoroa Troupe, Fisher snd Oreen, Daring Prince, AI, Whtle and comTiany, Van lloirn, Kennedy, Nobody and Plait; naralian, and Orolis. HcVICKER'S. (J. 0. Ilurcli. raaiiasrer.) Llda MoMlllan iire- sentol "The Salealaily" ss.ileiidldly. Ilrady and Mahotiey aro a lairgblng neusatlou. Tlirvo Iss>t- tu, ouisksl comedy artists, did nicely, Dei- llrle and Vernon, two girls, sing well. Mile. Ilesss'a cockatoos are well mined. Kdwanls liroiliers, tho burleaiiue strong men. are the ltnsrklng hit. Ust half Bowmin limthers, Chas. Feirls and company, Itrn hi, Jerome Trio, Five rrawarta, OldlleW and Drew, Whitney's operatic WINDSOR. (The Inter-Slato I'roduclag Company.) Tabloid, "Koisody Home," opened Huuilny, lo big lni«lness and mailo an gnod It wis Immrsllntely muled for W. V. M. A. lime. Arthur Angel. Jack Christie aid Frank De Viw have llio principal male rules. Phyllis Kills. Ivy Kvolyn and Dollls Sterling score lu frmlulmi roles. ACADEMY. (IV. J. Rhvrtery, manager.) Cnlhinveits opened, doing well. Neil Norton and Girls amrnl. Thenwls plonsml wltli magic. I^illta, vlitlliitoto, reglslereil Itiei hit .if the bill, and Is very i lossy. Flying ruliers had a daring closing number. Ltbic (M. L. Scnioii. mgr.)—.Bill week of 2": Blckol and Watson, Marihill Moiilgvmery, Key i.irgay and Sue Sim, gchoolir and Dickinson. Three Orelgbton Ntotera. Will Iloelim'a Athletlo (llrli. and Derktn's animals. Bijou (M. L. Semon, mgr.)—flllnes a iMhw'. Gsy Morning Glories plsyed to fllr business 21- 30. Geanu (Boone Kelly, mgr.)—The old favorites. Chas. Oramlkh's Orlootoi Besntles have relumed to this house for an Indefinite cnisimaeut. AmiHB-n (II. M. Nevnomr, mgr.)—Musical comedy to good business. Best ("■ L. Lenbart, mgr.)—.Wakofleld Stock Musical Cumoily Co., Indefinite. MA/asTio and OariisoM, dark. Peoria, III.—Madestle (Hengr Bandmeyer Jr.. mgr.) "Tho Oonfesslou" Sept. 17, IB, utorgs Arllss 20. Ruth Ht. Denis 30. OarnauM (Nathan A Greenberg, mgra.)— nill for '.'7-30: Ilnah and Kngel. Wsnt sad Mhitliert, David Walters nnd company, flerrosi anil Arns- man, Kooillea Fmso and Right Forcot Me-Noii. For Oct. 1-3: I>K>ley and Kielrn, Amino, Dob Matthews and AI, Sliayuo, Victoria Foor, Jung- ma n Family. Illi'liiliU'MB (PI. P. Clinre'.illl, mKr. I— Viuile- vllle. AlOIJX), OuMfMBU. OUUT, ClIYSTAt, DB I.UXB, DUUUBSS, Kl.VSllIU, llMI'IIUV.I, (lAllllKN, II.MMHH, iHl'KRUL, LmKRTV, I.VIJUIIM. 1'AI.AiJS. I'UINCBSS, Banuauu and Htau, pictures tnly. Hot Sprlrnxs, Ark.—l'rlncosi (Doc Onena, mgr.) o|M'ned ihe season Sept. 21. It bsd bees thoroughly renovated nnd ilenornlel, ami new csr. rets, curtains ami hangings gives the Interior a new and lx>aullful npiieirince. Die new orches- tra Is under Iho leadersulo of Prof. Curtis, of Denver, Col, The opening uutli.ee waa will si* tended and Hie two ulglit shows cro-vJed ths house. Itoviu Centual, Lrutu and HrAii, moving pie- tares only. NOIL'S. Ocnrai's Dog and t'ouy rlhow was hire (Sept. 25. Neil O'IIhien'b Mliiitrela will allow at Ike Auditorium Oct, I. The Aiut.iiiiB anil Wlilttlnglon Park bava closed for ihe rs'uson. Norfolk, Va.—Wells (.'Mm Wells, mgr.) "Peg »' Mr Heart" Hept. 2S-II0. "Ths Yellow Ticket" Oct. 1-3. AcAtisur (Otto Wells, mgr.)—CUy Sports week of Kept. 28. Colonial (It. B. Knight, mgr-)—Vsuihrvllls axd motion pictures. AMKllIUAN, WONIIBBLANII, Ab.'AIiB, Cmi.i.'UBIA, Fotohmo and Klits, motion plotures only, St. Joseph, Mo.—Lyceum (0. II. I'hllley, mgr.) City Belles Sept. 28, 20. Majestic (Fred Cosmin, rogr.)—Vaudevllls and pictures. Obtital (Fred dasmsn, mgr)—High, diss vsuduillle and tolrlold musical comedy. OarnBUM, RorAt, I'.uruis ind Ooivonial, pictures and lingers. Knoxvllle, Tenn.—Htaril/n (Writs Mash, mgr.) "Potash A Perhnutter" Oct. II, IS, "Ths Yellow Ticket" IS, 17. Qvben, no, Oat, Majxstiu, Obk and Dixie, mtkn plctorcs. NOTB. Dbspitb heavy rain RTngllng tiros.' ill rem, with ihe ponds elliolnated, played to two ca- paelty houses here Sept. 20. Jlsutlnus, Neh.- -Kerr (Wm. f^owntas, mgr.) opeseal with ''Wliero the Trail Drslilea" Sept. 20. ■■Mi and WowuBaiAwn. pleiores only. rORDEf-nonKHTflON AHHIVHU • IrSFL SO. Sir Johnston Porne. Uebertaon hag arrived In New York aboard the Mauritania (or lila last lo'ir of America, After several weeks in the Middle West lie will gr> to Ihe Illnck- ■tone Thcotre, Chicago. Uiflly I'nrbes-llob- trtson (Ocrtruiln Rlllott) Will lint nccom- pnny lilm. In her place Hlr JulinKlnn'i lcad- liig womsn will be Laura Cowlc. The reper- toire Includes: "Hamlet." *Tlie Pawlnaf of Ihe Third Floor Hack,'' "The Light That Failed" and O. B. Bhaw** "Cstsar ami Cleo- patra." Percy Ilurton, manisor for I'orliea- IteberUon, reached New ToTK A week igo, and hai gone West. <s» GLBlfMOnn DAVIS "FIXED." Olenmnre Darts fata acquired an Interest In CliamhcrlalO llrown's Dnminllc and Mu- sical Agency. Ho will look after the ptrb- llcltj end. COLUMBIA CONCERT. Toe bill 8*p|, 37 Included: The Pepplnoi. who opened In s banjo dual, one nf hbam changes to a Hebrew, singing "The Yiddish Wedding." then s banjo and mandolin stilus, and ■ double banjo finish. 'ihe Williams Brothers proved to be good dan- cers, but need practice In train work. Una. and dales bad a sketch as partners in a dlolbJng merchant'! aketob, full of wnnry war snd arguments, finishing with the "Wedding Jubilee." Ura Shirley made a hit In her lopritio solos and dines. "SnrlngtlBte," "Ting a-Llng." "Ymi're Hers and Pan Here," were erpially easy for her, ind ber attractive personality also bel|icil to caske ber an easy winner. Dorsto, MaNsughton and company showed a ilomesilo sketch of Scotch Hie, In which His hard hearted father who wants hla daughter to marry aa awkward uadertaker, Is foiled by ths iietnrinlned stsnd taken by the girl, who has a temper, and prefer, a soldier, and as her favorite alio has a "bit or mousy laid aside," the father flnitly consents. Lewis snd Norton, a bench act, open w'lh Mr. tresis In a nut medley. He Is then Joined by his wife, and repartee ainut married life files fast, with both giving and taking. A comparison 1st- twecu then and now and a pretty dines finishes their exercises. Mlildlcton and Spellmyer were on a gnod spot wllh their shipboard sketch and the song e.irued an encoro, Webb and Bums showed their lively wop act, with music by guitar and mniutollo, to applause. Mykuff and Vanity closed tho hill In their vstlsllon of up-to-dato dances. Mill. <■» H0TICI PHOH C1IAMUHIII.AIN nilOWN. lilts Jollrot Imt boon enengod to play Iho lead In "The Woman of To-Day," under H. II. Ii'nizen's niiiiingi'iniuit. m HfihTj Mortimer oticns a atnek at Mnn- ehwitcr N. II., Oct. 12. Mr. Mortimer will be leudlng man, nnd Laura Wnlkur, Icmllng wtMtian. Patsy HoCoy, illreclor, "Ollleer 8611" will bo tho opener. rflnronco Webber will bo with Klolelier Norton and Aubrey Maple, In "Tho Lust Tsngo." Ilcth Kranklyn has made a great lilt with Helen Ware, In "Tho llovolt." Klcanor Ilrent will be seen In Ljrilla Lo- iwiiihown's miw pleco, under Harrison Qrev Kliks's manngemnnt, The No. 2 "Midnight Olrl" Includes 1 Louise Mink, Viola Gillette, Mark Hmllti, Wayne Nunn. Myrtlo Ollhort, Nod Monroe arff Charles Dana. Kvolyn Carter L'arrlnglon will retire from "Mils Dais/* Oct. 3. Lydla Dickson has left Now York for bor home In California. Kdward Ton Rlnan hnx rctnrned to ths Newark Stock Company, and opened in "At Bur," Horace Porter la on tour In "My licit Olrl." 4 .» NBW HIPPODHOMB IN VOVNOSTOWN. Tbe new Hippodrome now being built In Yoiiugstnwn, (>., will be completed for 0 -n- pirvy Jail. 12. 1010. Tho stnge Is SI) .eet wide by 83 rest deep, and tho house will seat 2,200 people. Tito now structure Is being built by (loo. A. Fuller Co., contmrtors, of Now York. Tho new enterprise Is owned .md will be opera ted by tbe Youngitown Hippodrome ''0., with Fred A, I-cp, president, and C. W. Miller, secretary and trenmrer, each well known theatre promoters, who are now suc- cessfully operating theatres of this class In Cleveland. Toledo, Detroit and oilier cities. The capital stock la $600,000, and will b. distributed among several hundred stock- holders of Youngstown. A beautiful amide will form the entrance to tbe rear of II'JR to 214 West Federal Street, which la on Ideal location. Messrs. I<ee * Miller arc favorably Impressed with Youngstown, and expect the new Hippodrome to be a big success, showing tie Mg attractions. ♦ ■» WILL Ann'* FAHF.WIOLL TOUR. B. P, Wlllard will make his ro-appoarnnc la America this ecaoon In a repertoire of plays, lie will visit the leading cities In the United States and Canada, making whnt lg ■unoonced u Ubj farewell lour.