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18 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. GOTOBBB 17 um nMlcs. C. A., wnatfa the lurry? Monday, Oct, ID, nntll further notice. P< i the route and closing date. mancnt addreu, care Nnw Yohk i lifts the geck with the whiskers. Call 47 West Twenty-eighth Street. New York. samcty Send us Pipe him over. Carnival teoplb. Per. i.iri-KU, VAUDEVILLE ROUTES TUB MMtaMd NWtV Specialty oaocbb. ACLEYS ->Wbcn lu New York Twenty-eighth Street, your headquarters. < ; iatlon and Board of Trade. It was framed- »,„ A\i Trrtte DIRECTION OF M. S. BBNTHAM. . by our general agent, H. Sanger, for the i oteM si.t.'.V Keith's, LowcJI. week of Oct. 12-17. Mr* Sanger secured the irwin ft lienor, Empress. Sacramento, Irmenas, The, Proctor'., IT Phlla. Man. i.vramento, Oal. lit. Vernon, N. T„ 16- When "In Chicago do the" tame thing" at B05 °'- W**"* 7 Ashland Block. Warren A. Patrick will be . there to welcome you. Drop In and see the best location ever given a carnival com wonderful preparations that are botng made pany here. It Is on Third and Monte Ave for The New York Clippie's big special 0UC9 j U gt one block from Che main street, Italian Mnskatoers (5, Otxnd, Phlla. Christmas Number. Get busy It Is your grand just across from the City Hall. The streets Italia A Co.. emir's, Portland, Me., 10-17, opportunity. . will be Inclosed, and It la the first Um* In Ivy Trl °^i^P£u2 ri nL 0 N Will Z. Smith.— 'Where are you? What the history of this city they ever allowed the streets to be inclosed. Sanger Is pulling a new one here, he (• giving away a large bale of cotton on Sat- urday night to the party receiving the lockr number. Each patron to the carnival grounds let's hear from both of you glass-ahow-athow- will receive a coupon ticket with each paid men, admission to the grounds, which gives them ■ a chance on the bale of cotton. The bale U now on exhibition la front of Brown's Peer- less Store, and is creating a, great deal of interest. A public wedding of colored people will be given Wednesday night, and the crown- ing of the Carnival Queen will be Friday night. Root. B. Kane la building an arch for the main entrance, to he fifty feet In length . and twenty-five feet in height, and It wilt Johnson & Wells. iu>ysl, N. Y. O. Julletti*. Ooiimtrla, Grind Rapids, Mich. about that glass show? While ire are talking about glass shows It might be well for some one to frame up a big one for next season. Give you some Ideas for elaboration If you want them. Will Z. Smith and O. H. Johns, mi. What do you want to alibi through life for? Why don't you do something? Bo original. Lead. Don't follow, Ripliinu to iNguiias.— Thb Niw Yobi Ci.irpEii does uot give any free advertising apaco In Its columns. Remember this. You pay for advertising In Tut: New Yobjc Clip- ikb and that advertising In Tun New Yobk i. Mrpicu pays. You know without being k minded that what Is worth having is worth puylng for. When some one offers you James, Dragon, Jamas, Ds Vere Stack Cto., laaocV nlte. Jsckson, n»rry, Hipp., N. Y. 0.. ladefinlte. Jackson Family. Empress, Kansas Olty, Ho. JarvU A Sbrrtsca. 0. O. «.. Pittsbonsh. Jseksos, Jos, Keith's. WashiaftsD. Jaeqact A foler, Howard, Boston. Jean. Utile Miss, Fantly, Lafayette. Ind., IB 17. Jeter A Rodgers, Empress. Sslt Lake Oitr, C. Jessica, Orpbnm, Milwaukee. Jordan A DotMrty. Majestic. Houston. Urn.} Ha- les tic, fias Antonio. 13-24. Johnstons. Wtuleal Hew Onss Big.; vicioru Palsc*. London. Msek, Chss.. A Co., Keith's Boston. Marxella's Bliila. ICeiUTi, Clnclnantl. MareantoDl Trio. Tenmle, Detroit. Marcon, Greeley So... N. Y. 0., 12-14; 7th Ave. Minn, 8am. Players, Boulevard, N. Y. 0., 12-14; Bijou. Bkln.. 15-17. Msrls A Trevette, WJbo, Bkln., 15-17. MARCELLE S017BRHTTB, f 1,000,000 DOLLS Address NBW YORK OU*?PCH or Bn BonU DO YOU COMPOSE Bongs or Instrumental Mnal cf l fso.be SURE to have same arranged byan EXPERT I An artistic arrangement means SUCCESS I I hare done Hon- DREUSof BIO HITS I .Write or.ft'l nfternoonsie Oars ■hatplro. *8» XV. «th nt-. IV. v. C. "Neptune's Nymphs," Empress, Los Angeles. Oil Neal A Earl, Orpheom, Osuen. U. ' ***• Keher A KappeJ. Lyric, Birmingham, Ala. Newsoff A Phelps. Wm. Pens. PbUa. Nichols, Ntlaon Troupe, Empress, Butte. Mint 10-24. ' Nip A Tack. McTicker's. Chicago. Nlcbols Sitters. Crystal, Milwaukee, "ingot Hawks," Pantages', 1am Angeles, Cal. Nick'. Skating Girls, Shea's, Bonalo. Nichols, Nellie, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Nosrlan A St. CTslr, American, N. Y. O.. lB-u Ncssss. Mnakal <5). Orpaenm. Oreea Bar. Wis * 1B-17; Orphemn, Madnwa, 19«. ' Nertk, Bobby, Proctor's, Elisabetb, N. J., 1517 Oakley, Mivers, Pastsges' Portland, Ore. be hie largest advertising arch of the season, hjoietbing for nothing, look out. They are Kane is the arch-getting kid. weakening. _,.,_, The railroads are making special excursion l.odOnlon know about it. lie wtll get rlaht one for j. George Loos. The Searcy Fairs turned out good for the Macks. DenclBg, Olobe, Boston, 1B-17. Mailne Bros. A Eobbr. Oolonlsl, N. Y. a Msrle. Diintr AlkaaArs, N. Y. O. Ma Belle A Ballet, Kettti'*, PHI.. Marshall, Edward, Kflth'a, Providence. K"? ^ 9£?!s sl **'JLJ5!!^ t ' > ' n S5!!iw-t«. n T Oakley, Wlvers, Paatages'. Portland. Or* ^fK^ H 1 ^ "S,£ ynuXa: "- Pro*^ 1 ' Porteoester. H. X., oul £il slltot J victoria. &.rl«»too7a "a, 1S-1T .. "A '?* 4i «5Si" lt-i7 ' — O'Brien, Jonany, Broadway. Pblls. * ■ "' ford Bmolre, Utidoa, 20-11; Ho?tra, Oardltr, Lottie Mayer AND HBB onACEFiir, prviNQ ntmphs Joyce A West, Empress, Grand BaptJs, nfeb. 15-17. Jolly A Wild. Rmpreai, San Fran., CaL ou tbe job at once. This Is your column, use II. It's the Urst and original one. Get with the leader, not some one that comes after the lender. No "straw bosses go where big things are done." Keep this In your mlna k iso. Anything you don t like In this column, mi.v so. WE will then see what can be dono IlllD'lt 11. IaviNa J. Pollock and Jiukt Simpson. — What'e new? Where for the Winter? You ore not forgotten. A Hne, both of you. Do You recollect when Jim Shea, Harry Hamilton, Harry Potter, Jtm Barry, George (.'. Johnson, Ocorgc II. Hamilton, Windy Hughes and a lot of others, were talkers at Coney Island. N. Y. George Jatoour had some shows there about that time. Let's hear from the living ones. iuiib Hatch. —Where did you go when you cloned with the World at Home In Sioux rolls, S. Dak.? How la the circus business in Chicago? Don't say "that Is a good show, I am going to have one like thet myself next sea- son," Why not think out a new show Idea yourself. You will havo plenty of time to do It tbls Winter. Try It. Don't buy that hat, Ocorge, you may need tho $2 on your rail- road fare at the close of the season. J, C. W0DBT6KY (now owner and lecturer and manager of tho ranama Canal Show, ■with the Great Cllfton-Kollcy Carnival) has Iwid Rome experience in tho amusement husl- iihk. He has been general agent, special agvnt, press agent, treasurer, linker and superin- tendent of some recognized carnivals. Has done repnrtorlsi work on several lending tlnllh's, hem local and press contracting n/jint and twenty-four hour man with clr- rnsei:, advanced and managed burlesquo fIiowk nnd other hall attractions. Oh, yes, 1 e nlso got mnrrled. fairs', air. and Mrs. Nlgro are visitors KLW ALeWtoL LoeV-a .New" » ».I, Msr rthl's Oock.toos, Keith's, IodlanapolU. expect to remain a while. Mr. Nlgro, i B .j T . - m _. .____--.. aaaisiBsaiss> nrrlvlnj at Searcy, Ark., last Snndsy, Kelly. Walter C, O. 0. n., Pltt»tartb. PI 10111111 S tR VII I tLibABLIH MAlNt TjOos Showj.' Our feature free act, Hable Whlttoker, the diving Venus, created a sen- sation and proved r. great drawing card, for the fairs, and was surprised'. When he saw the show train be exclaimed: "flee, this looks like one of the big ones I" He says the circus wagons arc the real thing, and was surprised to see the wonderful Improvements ana the size of the show since last Fall. Everybody Is looking for big business In Texas, for we have a number of Pall cele- brations and street fairs contracted to fol- low Tcxarkana. In Marshall, Tex., .there will be a big Fall celebration on tbe streets. One nice thing about the Texarkana Cot- ton Carnival is that they have ipay days on the Cotton Belt Itoad and the Iron' .Mountnln, Kaufman. Btba A Into, Toarlnf So. America, U- definite. Kalelkos. Dswld. I/Otnr'B. Newbarsji. N. T. Kelly ft Mac*. VirgtaU, OWcngo, iadenolte. Kelsey. Joe, Miles, Cleveland. Keraas 12), Pantafss*. 8poksne, Wash. Kellr. John T., A Co., American, N. Y. 0., 15- 17. Kelt A De Hoot, Lincoln Sq.. N. T. C, 16-17. Man uf Mystery. Proctor's, Troy. N. Y., 15-17, Ma-rhall A Field. Proctor's, Bckeoeetsdj, N. x^ 15-17 Marcey,' Joles, A Co., Gordon's Olympla, Boston. Msyne, Frank, * Co., Globe, Phlla. • "Making the Morles," Colonial. Phils., 18-17. Martini A lUxtmllllan, BIJon, Jackson, Mich., 15-17. Kennedy, Harold. Proctor's OSth St.. N. 7. C 12-14; Proctor's, Mt. Vernon. 15-17. Keefe, Zcna A Co., Proctor's 135ta St., N. Y. 0., 12-14. Kelly % Williams, Proctor's, Estlabtth, N. J., KELLY#GALVSR Direction HAHBY SPINGOXD Msrron, Bines A La Mart, New Portland, Pott land, Me., 18-17. ■ Marataill, Jack Olympic, Buffalo. Marvelle, Academy, Builaln. MeDevItt, Kelly A Lucy, Keith's, PblU. ,«. «..«.. i/o.r-u McOormlct A Wallace, Wilson Ave., Chicago, in- p»trlcols A Myers, firpbeam, Spokane, Wash O'Connor A Orbln, Grand, Phlla. Oddooe, Eojpress, Portland, Ore, O'Donnell, Geo., Hipp., N. Y. 0., Indefinite: O'Doanell Bros., Orphenm, Altoiraa, Pa., 15-17 Odlva, Temple, Bocnester, N. X, O'Farxells. The, Blngllng Bros.' CUrcos. Ogdea Quartette, Loew's, Toronto, Oaa. Olympic Champion Trio, Brpp., N. Y. 0., tedeQ- nlte. Olivers (0), Empress, Grand Bar/ids, Mich., 16- 17. Olympic Trio, Dominion, Ottawa, Can, Olive A Co., Academy. Buffalo. Omera Dno, Nixon, Phils. Onalp, Oephenm, Peorls. 111., 15-17. O'Neill A Dixon, McVlcker's, Chicago. O'Neill, Fay, Proctor's 126th St., H. Y. 0., 16- 17. Ordwsy, Laurie, Postages', Winnipeg, Can. Orr, Jsrdln A Cox, Wm. Peon, Phlla. Oswald, A dele, Oo„ Proctor's, Schenectady, M. Y„ 15-17. Otto A Oortel Co., Empire, Plttabargh. Otto, BUnlbeth, Procto?s 23d St., N. Y. 0., 15- 17. Osford Trio, Psntires', Edmonton, Oao. Pantur Duo, Family, Lafayette, Ind., 16-17. I'arlse. Miles, Detroit Kenton, Dorothy, Lyric. Newark, N. J.. 15;17. Kennedy, Harold, Proctor's, Mt. Vernon, H. Y., 17 McMillan, Llila, A Co., Crystal, MUwaukes. McNotts. Cycling, Empress, Seattle. Wash. MoNamara, Teddy. A Co., Pantages', Victoria. Can. MoOanley, Inex, A Co., Globe, Boston 18-17. SoiiUiem Hallway, and It Is bound to be a big one. Tin; Old Keliablb Clipped la rooro than a welcome visitor every Saturday. Yours truly, Ronr. B. Kani. P. 8.—Lester Chamibers, write to Root. B. Kane, care of Loos ShowB. Important. thai lu Is some real, genuine press agent. 3. C, well does the writer remember you and yuui visit t-> the Wortham A Allen Cnr- ii'vnl laat senson while you. were general iij,i nt for M. }1. Westcott. IIkli- TWicrc, — Tho Great rilfton-Kclley organization Is to bo added to tbe carnivals tn Invade the Lcne iStar Stat* this Winter. Hew many more TUB MIDDLE WRIT AMTJSSiMBNT ASSOCIATION. "Realizing that what was needed In tbls Western couavry, nnd that Is, n reliable, well organized, up-to-date amusement oooklng house, several nun have organized the Middle West Anmxeinoul Association, with former LIcutcunnt-Uovernor of Colorado, 10. It. Harper, at their head, nnd are earnestly lied Onion will vouch at work developing t\e extensive amusement Held of Colorado nnd seven or eight adjoin- ing States. Going ovor the matter with them in their flncly equipped and well located offices' In the Tabor Opera House Block ahows that ihey had gone over tbe situation very thoroughly and formed the conclusion tnnt this field Justified en organization that could not only take care of the small booking for the scattered territory, but also con- *.real, Csn. McCay, Wlnsor, Granl, Syracuse. McDermott, Billy, Keith's, Toledo. 0. McOormlck & Irving, Keith's. Toledo, O. .McOlnnla, Bros.. Gordon's Olympla, Boston. McKay & Ardlne, Orplieura, Umsha, Neb. Melnott e, Claude, Lyric, El Paso, Tex., Indefinite. TWO BOYS AND SIX TABLES MENNETTI & SIDELLI l'hone Lndiorons Aerobnts Booked solid Merle's Ccckotoos, Orpheum, Blrmuujbam, Ala.; Orphean. iMemphls, 10-24. Metropolitan Minstrels, Wilson Ave., Chicago, 15- 17. Kntatn-Moore. Majsstle, Oedar Rapids, la., 15-17. Melnotte Twins, Empress, Grand Baplda, Mich., Mciiee.nort. 10-24. Kenny A Mollis, Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 16- 17. Kenny, NcooJr A Piatt. Oolumbla, Grand Baplda, King, Thornton Co., Pantages', San Pran,, Cal. Klnxstoo, Cheater. Pantsres', San Fran., Oal. Kltner, IIkvtoj A Ment(omery, Pantages', San Dletro, Cal. Krnlt Bros.. Bowdoln Sq., Boston. Klrke, Hssel, A Co., Lyric, Newark, N. J., 15- 17. Klmberly A Mohr, Orpbeani. Memphis. Klein Bros., National, N. I. 0., 12-14; Oplani- bis, Bkln., 16-17. , ^^^ , .... Knapp A CornalU, Mojewtle, Dnbuqne. la., 1C-1T; Columhln, Davenport, 10-21; Majestic, Spring- Held, III., 22-24. .."ntgfci-Moore. Majt-- Krovy Kids (9). Hmpress, «slt Lske Olty, V. Kratons (3). PsnUges'. Oolgary. Con. Kramers, The, Msrylsod, Daltlmore. Kremka Bros., Ternjile, Boobeiter. Kumertel.1, Dora, Hipp., N. Y. O., IndeinlU. La Stella Trio, Coliseum, Phoenix, Aria. i.:i Font, Obas, Atlanta, Ga, Indeflnlto. La Fleur, Joe. Rlrgllnx Hro«.' Shows. Lb Ilnub A Scottle, Oaburn's Mluitrels. La Vler, MeVlcker's, OhlcaRO, Or.onon E. Cooks.— Congratulations when struct, arrange and produce county and State Landry Broa.. American, Chlcairo,_JS-1T. it lmppens. Be careful, George B., ag S. C. fairs, spectaculars of all kinds and his- Laurie A Aieen K««pre«a Los Anjcies CaL WodcUky overs that tho anticipation Is torlcsl pageants on n really big scale, and }'«J1« A ^l > ^ n L.i^^i>«v Sfn l.uinv times grenter thnn Iho rsalliatlon. Hn. H. Hautwick. —iWhcre did the canni- bal vlllago como from7 Ed. II., why didn't you make it Mexican village! Ask Jules Kasper and Chas. M. Nigra. I, L. Noani.H hod his Parker carry-us-all at the Interstate Fair, Sioux City, la., and at the Corn Palace Week. Mitchell, 8. Dak. lie have not guessed Lahlgan, Joe," PsnUfes', Oal(«ry. Can. La Tonrralne Foor, Pantages', Spoksne, Wash. l/angJona, The, Bushwlck, Bkln. La France A Bruce, orphenm, Birmingham, Ala. "Lawn I'.r-.v, Tbe," Oixibeoni. Blrmlnsnsm, Ala. I^wrcns A Edwards, Orpbeum, Blrmtnghau, Ala. we belfeve that they wrongly in tho matter Their work will be under the general di- rection of Kurl B. Gandy, who Is known in Hie nuiHHi'intnt world in having been kmoccss- ful and recognised as an authority upon all lines of the work. It Is a big undertaking, bnt as they have K. H. Shorti ((leek Snow Bborty) made tncu with ample means behind them there is Ills appearance on the streets of Sioux City, no reason why it should not result In one of la., during the fair, with his "Geek Shorn." the best Institutions of Its kind In tbe couu- Bhorty wishes 'cm all success. try. Their affiliation with the big booking Have you ever seen an ice cream cone houses of the country Is an advantage that fiend ? Ds has. Saw him In Sioux City. will result in a benefit to not only tholr <»r- Gmt some now kind of show fronts. Hava «nnlaatlon nnd those nfflliatod with them, but IP jsspj B* m ww "jj-^ -jr- •:... them ready by tho opening of next season, more especially to the amusement world KJEfffi!--? Dotton 15-17 ■ throughout thai section/; Lane iA' O'Donnell. Keith's. Louisville. *** LamberH. Keith's. PWU. NBW MONKSSEN THBATBB. K n ^T6,.. K Pro'c»r'rAih.«r. N. Y., 1517 Manager Ileum I! reports good business at Laverock A Marecnal, nijou, Boston. his house this acason so far. The war hnt L'AJglon, Howard. Boston. not conflicted In any way with the patronage THE LANCDONS A NIGHT ON THB BODIBVABD DIRECTION HATUtY WBBBtt La Bergere. Elsie, Delancey St., N. Y. 0., 11-14.' La Valla, Aerial, EUon, Bkln., 1617., MsJie them practicable ondT really and truly portable. R. R. Darnms brother of Fred M.. the un- til feated champion long distance free act booker of the world (meaning Chicago) has been hnndlln-; the acts for the Barnes agency nt some of the "umklns" booked by them. B. R. was n visitor at tbe Minnesota State lair, nnd he trusts he will forgive Red Onion for not getting him over sooner, as hn Is tune hustler, like his brother. B. It. Is due In WichPa, Knn., now. Aiitiivh V. Mybbs, formerly with the Pnnnmn Canal Show with the World at Home, closed v?llh them, nnd Is now In New York, back nt his old business—the music business. lie makes a place near Union Square his headquarters. Look for htm on any clear day T.u.KLiiH and ticket sellers with their coals off while on the "Job" are now very much out of date, wo are pleased to note Tlint's some Improvement. lMiRi'KNur.Nr snowMK.N.—Season 1016 Is going to be your year. You will soe. Thlnga point that way. Some changes are surely tu king place lu (he carnival business. The evolutionary period Is now at hand bestowed upon the traveling companies. J. W. Vogcl, who ti'iikes on annual tour, doubled Ills buslnes4 this season, appearing for three performances, Friday and Saturday matinee and night, Sept. 11 and 12. The show was stronger, oizger nnd better than ever, and Mr. Vogel Is to be complimented for the array of latent He has selected this s?nson. "The Prince Chap"' played to banner busi- ness, also Jos. Acgell's Stock Co., which plaved a wec't's engagement to cnp.iclty. Maiinger Bennett bus some excellent bookings for tbls seiiBim through his hard work last season of ilolug £ It. O. to the high clnss attractions, and "Freckles" Is booked for Oct. 24, wP.b. "Mutt and Jeff In Mexico" to foltow ■»»» "TUB THINGS THAT COUNT." The miiTKotl success of this clean, whole- LEWIS and ANNATTE The Somewhat Different Pair Add. 742 Oceacvlew Ave., Woodhaven, N. Y. Lane, Piatt A Tlnimons, Bowdoln Sq.. Boston. Ladeil, Uric*. Wm. I'enn. Phlla. Lancton, iAicler A On.. Orpheum, Memphis. La Crnndall. Shea's, Buffalo. ..... Lewis A Ilarr Co.. Sim Fran.. Cal., Indefinite. Lo Fcvrc & St. John, Proctor's, Portclioster, N. Y., 15-17. I*o, Lewi*, Ilninraerateln's, N. Y. O. Lester, Aerial, Family, Lafayette, lml., 15-17. Lcrner A Ward, Empress. Kansas City. Mo. Palfrey, Barton A Brown, Pantages', Los Angeles, Oal. Patrlcola, Angelo, 0. O. H.. Pittsburgh. Page A Wilton, Proctor's, Plslnneld, N. J., IS- Pspper, H. L., Trtvls, Houston, Tex., todeflnlte. "Pekln Mysteries." Temple. Detroit. PersonL Camllle, A Co., National, N. Y. 0., 12- 14. Pekinese Troopo. Knickerbocker, PbUa., 15-17. Pesd A Tern I, Proctor's 23d St, NYC, 12-14. Petticoat Minstrels, Proctor's, Mt. Vernon, N. Y„ 15-17. Ph 1111 pi Quartette, American, N. Y. 0., 12 14; Lincoln Sq.. N. Y. O;, 15-17. Plnard, AL, Princess, Ft. Dodge, la.; Gnglert, Iowa City. 111-24. Pls.no A Bingham, Empress, Ht. Paul. Peltro. nojal, N. Y. O. Polaln Bros., Orphenm, Spokane, Wash. PowderandCapmann Still Entertaining Them In ilnrlesqne HONBYMOOW OIKLS, Season 1014 Powell, Both, 7th Ave., N. Y. O., 12-14; Flat- bnsh, Bkln., 15-17. Potter & Ilartwell, Orpheum, Alteona, Pa, 15-17. Pollack, Milton. A Co., Sbubcrt, N, Y. 0. Poplno, Bcward, Doeton. Polk, Jack, Victoria, Charleston, S. 0., 16-17. WEBER AND EVANS PRESENT MILTON POLLOCK AND GO. In "Speaking of Father," by GEO. ADB Protects, Temple, natnllton, Csn. Princeton A Yale, McVlckers', Ohlcato. Froit, Eva, Bnipreaa. Sacramento, Oal. Prince A Deerle, Pantaces', Seattle, Wash. Prnttt, Bill, Temple, Rarallbon, Can. Prim. Polly, Bhahert, Bkln.. 16-17. Prlmroso Four, Orphenm, Montreal, Can. Prlano-Slarr A aider. Proctor's, Bebeaectady, N. X., 16-17. Puxcella Bros.. Miles, Cleveland. "Punch. The.' 1 Warwick, Bkln., 15-17. tlulnn A Mitchell, Pantages', Calgary. Can. Qulalan A Blcbards, Panta ges', Los Angeles, Oal. D irection MAY 8PLLY ulrk, Billy, St. Janin, Doston, 15-17. tslgg A Nlckerson, Bowdoln Sq„ Boston. ulnn Bios. & Drake, Bijou, Jackson, Mich., 15- 17. Baltoa A Latoor, Stnpreas, Kansas Olty, Mo. Baymond, Edith, A Co., Orphenm, N. Y. 0.,. li- ft. Backett, Hoover A Mnrkey, Loew's, Newburgb, K. Y.. 15J7. Iluymo, Anthony, A Co., Orpheum, Altoona, Pa„ Baymond, Joe. Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. O, 12- 14; Proctor's B8th St., N. Y. 0., 15-17. BESSIE EE [II Lelshton A Robinson, Knrnress, Seattle, Wash. l^nlle, Bli.uclie, Orpheum, Spokane, Wssh. (Leon A Adeline Sister., Pontages', Vancouver, Lester Trio, Orpheum. N. Y. 0.. 16-17. 'fh^thlnga that really count In life after I* »&«% P all are tlie children, and In tbls novel it Is a child who transforms the character of a formerly with the Maaenpa E»L2 horse show. They Jumped from Sioux City WsS" to Omaha to get with It. Who knows linw John D. Wlckllffe Is get- ting alnug? Heard he was 111 In a town In Illinois. Whoever knows, say something. Let's don't ucglcct John D. If he Is In need. Chas. S. Hatch thinks motordromes could be made out of steel. They could, but would they be practical? What do you think? Caknivai.h are not all alike. That's one thing in tholr favor. Some other things. Oet cm soon. Will 11. a.kbn. one full and complete sen- son. Will K„ congratulations. What did r;r»'ntormw~in«rtwYTn~T7M»ntai have been |*JPOS£Bm urpuwnn. *"«.-» wu, vonr own rldinc ilevlwu hiive to do with it? ".'*. P' ctur0 . l»eair«s in loronxo """'_''«™ unk, Robinson, Co., Paatages', Taooma, Wish, jour own i mg_oev to op »'">"' obliged to cose on account of tho war scare. i, mton x^^ a oo Loew'a. Watarbary, ~ Hellish woman. It 4s a story to touch the heart. Published by Little, Brown A Co., Boston. ■ ♦ ■«■ SHEA'S CUTS TO SIX ACTS. The bill at Shea's, Toronto, Can., baa been ,!.,.....■• •* .- . , ..tnlsl An. alw and Tj\fltD*SS Bllil Le Malre A Dawson, Olobe. Boston, 16-17. Leonard & Alvln, Loew's, Toronto, Can. Leander, Harry, rrocter's nSd St., K. Y. O., 12- 14; Proctor's 12Bth HL, N. Y, C 1517. Letanffwell Nat, * Co., Proctor's 126th St., N. Y. Lew in. Ben,' A Co., Proctot'o, Schenectady, N. Y.. 15-17. Leveene, S, v., * Co., Proctor's, Scheneetady, N. Y., lb-17. Nat liiHS.1.—We figure you will be much In demand season Itflo, You nro surely some general ngen-.. nml then some. Nat, coming out for yourself soon? I. s* Put Hint.—Some words from you, plense. Do vot) remember when Fred II. (Hippy) Holmes hnd the exclusive booking of midway nllinctloiis nt tho Texas State Fair? Of course you do, C. M. IlAititlNii announces Hint tic Will close as Inside talker on tho Onrdcn of Allnh sotno .tiuio soon and tnke out his pic- ture show under tnuvas. He plans to opcu lils Winter tour in South Carolina. C. M. tins his owi private car and some other things necessary to put out Ills shnw In proper shape. Si'hcim. Notice. —All mall for William Judklns Hewitt (Red Onion) address Gen- eral Delivery, Wichita, JCnn., until Saturday, Pel, 17. General Delivery, Dallas, Tex., fram PRICES ALWAYS TITO SAMF TEIN' ■>»» THF.ATRIOAL COLLBCTION TO BB SOLD. The collection of the lata George P. Elder, of Brooklyn, Including autographs, portraits, vlowo, playbills and booki,_wlll be sold_pct. 16 at the Andcrsi ® MAKE-UP s reduced fro." "eight 'to sii acts; Loew's and fewlo A faapU. KCTstone Phils, the Hippodrome have made serious Inroads £*>*"£?«£ SKS3E' iuuvnoket: WMki 15-17. Ulxmltl. Oolonlsl Norfolk, Vs.. 16-17. Llpneskv's Dogs, Keith's. Phils. . Llvlngstou Trio, Lyric, Newsrfc N. J., 15-17. Llnd, Homer, A Co., Columbia, Orsnd Baplds, Mich. - Lloyd, Hurh, A CO., Poll's, Bcranton, Pa. Anderson Art Galleries, Madison Lorraine, Marie, Travis, Uouston, Tei. Indeflnlte. Avenue hud Foillrth Street. Logan A Orris, Oolonial txunnsport, lna.. 16-17. a i « "Love la s Sanitarium," Miles, Olcvelaud. LorettJS (8), Crystal, Milwaukee. S1NOS FOB. LIBERTY. Love A Wllnur, Psnbsges', Oakland, Oal. rnsqualc Amato, baritone of the Metro- £°*i"^ lv * **£% "CkTi'ck "£&*• 0u> ' W iV^ a fn.! ,rlT f ,l oi?^. W -n n fSt/of ^lne? l oic;r t O^, B Bo5t^ C , k, 16"l7!* ill Inn lluor Ducn dl Qenova, and tolls of •>i xm< . 90me La 8 ,icg, Tbe," Boynl, N. t. 0. * Long, Oliaprnan A Orern, Princess, Asnes, la., 15- 17; Princess, Ft. Dodge, J8-21, Loftus A t»rtus, Orpheum, Milwaukee. I/utgens, Hugo. Pantages', Vancouver, Cos. Luce A Luce, QlcAc, Phlla. Lyres (3), Keith's, Cleveland. Lyons A Yosoo, Colonial, N. Y. 0. FRANK MACKEY DOING "DUTCH" WITH CHAS. ROBINSON'S CARNATION BEAUTIES NO WAR PRICES •old BvaanraBRB. politau Italian his nnrrow escape from being kept In an Austrian prlsiu as a spy. He sang tbe pro- logue to "PAgHacir to prove his ldonttty. ♦ »» "LAKY LUXURY" STRANDBD. Pred C. AVhltuoy's' "Lady Luxury" com- pany Is rcnortcd stranded lu Montreal, Can. The company left Toronto Oct. 4 on advances of $H00 from the management of Ills Ma- jesty's, In that city. •»»♦» PAUL bWAN FOR VAUDEVILLE. Paul 8wnu, tbe poetic and Interpretative danrer. and the only American pupil of ■Mordkin, will make his first American ap- pearance In vaudeville Oct. 20 at Hammer- •tela'* Victoria. 15-17 Meredith A Snooser, Empress, St. Paul. Melville A Biggins. Orpheum, Bkln Melrose, Bert, Delancey St., N. Y. 0., 13-14; Shubcrt, Bkln., 15-17. Me A Dave. Delancey St., <N. Y. 0., 12-14; 7th Ave., N. Y. O., 15-17. Mcllen A De Paula, 7th Ave., N. X. a, 12-141 Boulevard, N. Y. ()., 15-17. Merry Youngsters (3), Pulton, Bkln., 15-17. Medlin, O.srke A ToH-ncs, St. James, Boston, IB- 17. Meynkos, The, Shea's, Toronto. Oan. Meivtus |»), Hudson, Unon Hill, N. J. MelUum Burt "Oone," Proctor's 12th St,, N. Y. 0., 12-14. MerooJea, Orjilieinn, Memphis. Miller & Vincent, Orpheuin, Vancouver, Can.; Or* rheum. Seattle, Wash., 1B-24. Miller. Moore A aanlner, Kmpress, Los Angeles, Cal. Miller, Allen, A Co., Empress, San Fran., Oal. Miller. Pecker A Sell, Pantarea'. San Fran., Oal. Minstrel Maids (11), Pantages', Vancouver, Oan. Milton A I>e Lonj Slaters, Maryland, Baltimore. Miller, De Voy A Prince, Orpheum, Jacksonville, ru. Milton Olrls (3), Liberty, Bkln., 15-17. Mlda-lev A Eltoa, Proctor'. SBth St., N. Y. 0.; Lyric. Newark, N. J„ 15-17. Miles, llwuer, A Co., Proctor's, Troy, N. Y„ 15- 17. Mint A Worts. Majestic. Cedar Baplds, Is., 15- 17. Miller. Isabelle, A Co., Poll's, New Hsven, Conn^ 15-17. Minting, Alfred, Carrollton, On. Mozarts. Fred A Kva, Orpheum, Kansas Olty, Mo.: Orpheum, Blonx City, la.. 19-21. MORMRTY SISTERS IN VAUDBVILLB Morris A l J arks, McVlcker's, Chicago. -Montrose A Sydell, Empress, Portland, On. Morris A Peaaley, Empress, Portland, Ore. Morrow, \V.u., A Co., Hinpreaa. Salt Lake Olty, U. Mori Bros., (3), Enipress, San Fran., Oal. Moi'tfcrds, Les, Crpheum, Detroit. Moore, Pony, A Co., Pintages', Oakland, Oal. Mowaits, Juggling (5), Pantages', Spokane, Wash. Morton, Sam A Kitty, Basbwlck, Bkln. Morton A 3!ass, Busbnick. Bkln. Moore & Yates, Keith's, Boston. Moore & Elliott,- American, N. Y. 0., 12-14; Greeley Sq.. N. Y. «.. 18-17. Morris & Allen, 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., 12-14; Flat- bnsh, Bkln.. 15-17. Morton. Jim, Loew's, Toronto, Can. Monro & Wiser, Boynl, N, Y. 0. Monty & Dot, Dominion, Ottawa, Oan. Moncta Five, Temple, Rochester Morton, ltd.. Temple, Rochester. Monroe, Obaunccy, A Co., Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Morse. Hilly, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 15-17. Morrlsey & Hackett. Proctor's 68th St, N. Y. <:., 16-17. Moss A Potter, Proctor's, Portcbester, N. Y.. 15- 17. Morse, Harry, A Co., Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 16-17. Hott A Ma if reed. 'Howard, Boston. Mosco g nys, The, Nixon, Phlla. Moore, Tom A ataxia, Orpheum, Jersey Olty, N.- J. Morris. Nina, A Co., Orpheum, Peoria, 111., 16-17. Mnrphy, Senator Francis, Empress, Sacramento, Oal, Musical Juveniles, Pantages', Portland, Ore. Moetber, Dorothy, Maryland, Baltimore. Mnrphy, Geo. P., A Co., Orpheum, Boston, 16-17. Murray, Marion, ft Co., Prospect. Bkln. Murphy A Lachmnn, Proctor's, Plalnflald, N. J., Blblerre, Jesnnc Hipp., N. Y. C, lodeflnlto. 16-17. -_■_._ „ Richmond A Mann. Miles. Detroit. 'Mnrphy, Mark, A Co., Broadway, Phlla. Mystic Bird. The, Orpheum, Harrlsbnrg, Pa. Nadslll ft Kant, Pantages', Edmonton, Can. Naldy A Naldy, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. O, IS- 14: Proctor's SBth Bt., N. Y. 0.. 16-17. Nardlnl. Proctor's 125th 8t., N. Y. 0., 12-14; Proctor's, Mt. Veruon, 16-17. Najcel, Qeorge, ft Co., Proctor's, Portcheater, N. Y., 16-17. Nevada, Viola. Travli, Houston. Tex., indefinite. Kelson, Juggling, Empress, Tacoma, Waah. GEO. RANDALL & GO. In tlie Screamingly Funny Force; "ALL ON ACCOUNT OP A TITLE" ltayflcld, Florence, Proctor's, Portcbester, N. Y., Randall, Geo., A Co., Varieties, Terre Baule. Ind.; Oolonlsl, Chicago, 10-24. Ray ft Billiard, Grand, Phlla. Raymond ft Cavcrly, Majestic, Milwaukee. Rays, John ft Emma, Keith's, Indianapolis. BOB RAYMOND ONLY E-EXAT YODLBB With Chas. Robinson's Carnation Beautleo Itellly. Johnnie, Stowe'n R. R. Shows. Reed's Terriers, Pantages', Ednwoton, Can. Rene, Geo. B., ft Co., Greeley Sq., N. Y. 0., 12- 14; 7th Ave.. N. Y. O, 16-17. Reckletss Trio, Columbia, Bkln., 16-17. Bedford ft Winchester, Dominion, Ottawa. Oan. Reddlngton ft Grant, Keeney's, Newark, N. L, 16-lT. Reed Trio. Keith's. Jersey City, 15-17. GABRIE REYNOLDS IJNlTBD TIWB ' . Richards, Great, Orphe nm, Detroit. EDNFRICHARDSON THE SWEBTHHART CIIIL TTnltod Time Bicbaidson, Bruce, ft Co., Pantages*, Seattle, Waah. Bice, Sully ft Scott, Temple, Detroit. 1NTI An Blegantly Organlved circuit or the Better Kind of Mareellne, Hipp.. N. Y O, Indefinite. Mtyer, Lottie, A Nympiis, Pantages", Winnipeg, Von, Mario ft Duly, forsythe. Atlanta. On. Madison A Jaeaes, Koraytbe. Atlanta. Oa. Marconi Broa. (3), Orphenm. Ulimlnghim. Ala. Join Oct IB. Address HOU8B MANAOEilSi If you wanLgpod Tabloid Booklnirs which are under strict censorship and are kept up to tho standard wrlto «ii1cV>iioad MANAGBBSi If you want good consoomlvo Booking and wish n tranohlse write titul »Se will give your application dno consideration. Thejo Tab- loids nro Musical Comedy, Farco Comedies, Dramas, Minstrel, Comlo Operas, cto. Wrlto partlcnlars M BPWIW BINBB. General Manager, Bnit e 136, 140JI Broad way, New Yorfc City. iNTEOHENEBiirBUS^ Capable of somo Leads; VOUND OBABACTBB NAIi Spoolalty peopleinrofcrred. Balary sar*, HANAGBH rfillUON STOliK CO., BtXft vt.